#love my little old lady for forever <33
martyrbat · 8 months
made mabel a little heating pad thats safe for her and babygirl is SNORING
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its under her blanket, shes laying directly on it and is finally getting some sleep after being up sick yesterday :3
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billysgun · 9 months
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billy the kid x cowgirl!reader |on a cloudy morning, you and billy sneak behind the barn to steal kisses from each other|
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It's been something you two have been doing for a while now, sneaking out of the cabin at the break of dawn and running behind the barn like kids
you sway softly, looking up at the cloudy sky as the gray swirls above you and you think back to last night.
the gang went for a drink and you and Billy were "too tired" to go, it was true, but you two ended up having a wonderful hot bath, holding each other while he kissed you softly
"mornin' beautiful"
you turned and saw the gunslinger, messy hair, and rushed button-up as he cupped your face and kissed you softly.
this has been your routine for months, a make-out session before breakfast to keep you both sane from the lack of touching in front of the group.
"I almost snuck into your room last night 'cuz I wanted to see you so badly" he admitted on your lips and you giggled softly, the gang arrived much earlier than expected and your time together was cut short
the reason you both sneak is for your safety mostly, if the old outlaws knew you were with one of the men here, you'd be as worthy to them as one of the lady of the nights. and that would be putting your life in danger.
"why didn't you?" you giggled and he kissed your nose
"Jesse barged in right when I was gettin' up...we have a big job today apparently" he shrugged, arms wrapping around your waist as he stared into your eyes. you hummed a response as your lips turned down slightly
"wish the mornin' lasted longer" you whispered and he chuckled softly
"we ain't gonna be ridin' forever, love...I'll get my name cleared and we will get married...get a little cabin and everything" his eyes were starey as he talked about your future plans, you giggled and nodded along
"that sounds perfect, Billy!" you grinned, about to open your mouth until you saw smoke escaping the chimney and you knew at least someone was awake
his eyes followed you and sighed, taking your hand to kiss it and you both began to walk
"I'll see you later, love" he mumbled before you went to the back door and he went to the front, you blew a kiss and walked in where you were just a single cowgirl, and him, a single cowboy.
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an: i love you all so much thank you for all the support!! <33
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lilacbunnygirl · 16 days
Black Cat Luck
Chapter 1 - Worst Date Ever !!
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➵ word count: 5,142
➵ warnings: this story includes +18 contents. so minors dni !!! if you wanna look at tropes and warnings here is the teaser chapter for black cat luck.
➵ author’s note: hello guys! this is the first chapter of black cat luck. i hope everyone would enjoy. This chapter is short little bit i know that but i'll write the other chapters longer than this one. if you comment your thoughts about this chapter, i would be honored. sending lots of love <33 lilacbunnygirl
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❝To everyone who has been hurt by love and believes they will be alone forever; perhaps what you need is just a sexy tattoo artist with a motorcycle...❞
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Reader’s Pov
This wasn’t going to work. How much longer could you stay hidden in the bathroom? You had been avoiding the man you came to meet for about 10 minutes. But this wasn’t a normal date. No. It was the worst date of your life.
Damn. When was your aunt going to find you a decent person? This was the fifth person she had set you up with, and it was getting worse. It actually started out well. When you first arrived at the date, he welcomed you nicely. When you said you wanted a cocktail, he suggested his favorites from the menu and helped you. When he asked you about your life, he listened with full attention. You were thinking that maybe being in a date is not bad at all. He was handsome and chivalrous. A man who seemed to be settled in his life. For now.
Everything had gone to hell the moment he started talking about himself. You didn’t know how the conversation had turned to his ex. For a full 30 minutes (you knew this precisely because you kept checking your phone to see when this asshole gonna shout his mouth), he had been talking about how he had cheated on her, how it was quite normal for men, but that she hadn’t understood this and had left him.
“So you know, cheating is a necessity for men. Who wants to keep sleeping with the same woman? You need to look for new adventures.”
After hearing that, you had considered smashing your cocktail glass over his head. There was nothing more annoying than a man who wouldn’t admit his fault. Narcissistic jerk. You were hoping that girl was happy now.
You needed to get away from this guy quickly to avoid losing your sanity. You said you needed to call someone and walked towards the bathroom.
And you had been there for 10 minutes. You didn’t know how much longer you could stall. You found your aunt in the messages and started venting your hatred about the man you were meeting:
You: Did you really work so hard to find this guy?
Aunt Mikasa: What’s the problem this time?
You: He talked for 30 minutes about how he cheated on his ex. I think that’s a good enough reason.
Aunt Mikasa: You can’t be serious? God, he seemed perfect from the outside.
You: Unfortunately, I am serious. Look, I love you very much, but you need to stop setting me up with these blind dates urgently.
Aunt Mikasa: Sweetie, I’m just trying to help. Also, aren’t you bringing anyone to my wedding? I don’t want you to die alone 😔
You: God, Aunt! I’m happy with my life. I might not have a boyfriend, but there are men who bring me pleasure even for one night 😏
Aunt Mikasa: Young lady, don’t even think about telling your aunt about your sex life!
Aunt Mikasa: You’re grown up now. You need to get yourself together and find someone.
After the last message from your aunt, you turned off your phone and put it back in your bag. You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh. You were content with your life. You had decided this after your last relationship. You didn’t want to relive those dark days. One-night stands were risk- free. There was no attachment, just pleasure.
You knew your aunt was worried about you, but there was no problem. You were still a 20 fucking year old young woman. Of course, you’d have fun and get yourself into trouble. It annoyed you that your aunt acted like she hadn’t done the same at her age.
You decided to take one last look at yourself in the mirror before going back inside.
The jerk was still sitting there. No matter how much you didn’t want to approach him, you sighed and let your feet take you to the table.
“Oh welcome back, I was starting to worry about you. Since your cocktail was finished, I ordered another one for you. God, where was I? Yes, that slut is talking to someone else right now…”
That was the last straw. You couldn’t take it anymore and poured your delicious cocktail over the man.
Sorry, my dear cocktail….
“Look jerkhead, one of the things I hate most in this life is arrogant pricks like you. I hope your ex is very happy with the person she found. Also, talking about your ex to someone you’re on a date with is rude. God, what is the problem with these man’s attitude ?” You threw your bag over your shoulder and walked away from the table as that jerk cursed at you from behind in shock.
When you went outside, you started walking angrily. The heels were hurting, but you needed to walk to the main street to find a taxi. As you walked, you began to feel the cold air all over your body.
“Damn, I wish I had brought something to put on,” you muttered to yourself.
You decided to light a cigarette to warm yourself up. Taking out the pack and lighter from your bag, you lit the cigarette to calm your nerves and warm your body. Being an addict was shitty. But in situations like this, nicotine helped you relax.
As you walked to the main street, your phone rang. As if she knew how bad your situation was, Iris’s name appeared on the screen.
“Wow, was it that bad of a date?” Iris was shouting a bit due to the loud music in the background.
Sighing, you said, “I think it was one of the worst. I might have ended the date by throwing my cocktail in his face. And damn, that cocktail was really good.”
Your best friend laughed, “So you’re saying you put someone in their place again?”
“That jerk totally deserved it. Whole night he talked about how he cheated his ex girlfriend and cheating is actually so normal. I hope his ex is really happy now. God, how could she have put up with him for so many years?”
“Well love is strong enough to blind people, sweetie.”
“I guess you’re right. That’s why love and getting attached are for cowards. By the way, what’s the chance of you being at Legacy tonight?” You asked, hoping your best friend would be at your usual bar.
“Yeah i am here with Sato. Since you have nothing better to do, come over right away.”
“You said exactly what I was thinking. God, that’s why you’re my best friend and I love you. I’ll find a taxi and come over. See you in there.”
“I love you too, baby. Bye.”
When the call ended, you realized you had arrived at the main street. You put out your nearly finished cigarette and waved to a passing empty taxi. When you got into the taxi, you told the driver where to go and began watching the road through the window.
What you needed most right now was your best friend and some alcohol.
When you arrived at Legacy, the music inside wasn’t too loud, but you could still hear it from outside. You were surprised to hear “Till The World Ends” playing. Usually, they played jazz here. While you and Iris were looking for a place to drink and have fun, Iris’s uncle had recommended this place to you.. He was usually the one who found great spots.
Satoru Gojo. Arrogant, annoyingly handsome, and perhaps the most talented chef in the world…
There was no denying that when you first saw him, you couldn’t quite comprehend how someone like him could be real. He was magnificent. The frustrating part was that he knew it too. Like most chefs, his ego was larger than the universe. Even though you’d roll your eyes every time he bragged about how good he was, deep down, you knew he was right.
Iris had lost her family when she was five years old. The person who took her in when she was all alone was Satoru. Their bond was something else. She was the only thing he had left of his dearly loved sister. Although they had faced tough times, they had overcome them together.
When you pushed open the door to the place, the music got a little louder. You always liked Britney. Passing the bar, you saw your usual table and two white haired heads.
They looked almost identical. Whitish hair, fair skin, and a beautiful face. Maybe the only difference was their eyes. While Satoru had perhaps the lightest and most beautiful shade of blue, Iris’s were like a lush green forest.
As soon as Iris saw you, she stood up and ran to you, hugging you so tightly you thought your organs would be crushed.
“My God, you’re frozen. Don’t tell me you didn’t wear your coat !” She scolded you like a mother.
Hugging your best friend back, you replied, “I’m sorry, Mom. I’ve been forgetting everything lately.”
Iris pulled her arms away from you and crossed them under her chest. “You need to take your B12 supplements.”
“I know, but I keep forgetting those too.”
“What am I going to do with you! You’re like a disobedient child.”
“Oh, but you love me just like this, so it’s no big deal. I didn’t know they played Britney Spears here?”
Iris dropped her serious tone. “Right? There’s a bachelorette party on the left. I think they requested pop music for tonight.”
Looking over to the left, you saw a group of girls taking shots and laughing. “They know how to have fun.”
“Looks like it, but they can’t have more fun than us. We really need to have a girls’ night out soon. I can’t even remember the last time we did that.”
“Maybe because of that damned ‘Introduction to Econometrics’ class? As hot as Professor Nanami is, I still hate that class.”
Iris laughed. “At least we have some motivation to go to class. God, I wish he wasn’t married.”
Walking towards the table, you agreed with your best friend, “I wish… Then maybe we’d have a shot at a threesome. Who knows, with those fingers and what must be an impossibly large cock, we’d orgasm at least five times that day.”
“I think I know what I’ll be daydreaming about before bed tonight.”
Laughing at Iris’s words, you arrived at the table, where Satoru was looking at you both with furrowed brows.
“Do I need to ask what’s so funny? And for God’s sake, didn’t you wear a coat?”
Great. He’s in dad mode again, you thought to yourself. “Yes, I forgot, and I doubt you want to hear what we were laughing about, Satoru. Everything was about me, Iris, and Professor Nanami. And don’t even think about anything innocent,” you added with a mischievous smile.
Satoru grimaced. “Oh God, no, the thought of my girls having sex with that bastard makes me sick.”
“And that doesn’t concern us, Sato. No matter how much you deny it, you do have a hot friend.”
“Nanami? Absolutely not. The bastard’s face looks like a wrinkled, grumpy, retired soldier.”
You and Iris exchanged glances as if to say, What is this idiot talking about?
“He’s jealous.”
Your best friend nodded in agreement. “Oh he definitely is.”
“Me? Jealous of him? He should be the one jealous of my baby smooth face. And I hate to break it to you girls, but that bastard can’t even flirt. He’s been like that since high school.”
“The fact that even someone who can’t flirt has a wife, and you’re still alone, is pretty funny, though.” You loved teasing Satoru.
“For the record, that’s by choice. If I wanted to get married, I would’ve done it by now. Every woman wants me. But I prefer fleeting pleasures over seriousness.”
“Oh, here we go again.” Iris rolled her eyes and took a sip of her beer.
“Actually, I agree with Sato. Serious relationships are only for losers.”
“Finally, someone who understands me. I love you, troublemaker. Please explain this to my dear niece.”
Iris quickly responded, “Baby, please tell my uncle I’m not interested in his ridiculous ideas.”
“Hey, how many times have I told you not to call me uncle! You’re making me feel old.” He said the last sentence in a mock crying tone.
“Let me think… Hmm, I think you’re old enough for me to call you uncle, Satoru.”
While the two of them continued to bicker, you noticed that the seat next to Satoru was taken. A leather jacket was draped over the back of the chair, a nearly empty beer bottle and Marlboro gold box sat on the table.
Turning to your best friend, you asked, “Hey Iris, you said it was just you and Sato. Did someone else join?”
Iris, who had been facing Satoru, suddenly turned her head towards you as if you wouldn’t like the answer she was about to give. “Oh, yeah, Suguru came right after we talked on the phone.”
Shit. How much worse could this day get?
Suguru Geto. If you made a list of the people you hate most in this world, his name would easily be in the top three. Just as some people fall in love at first sight, your experience with him was hate at first sight.
With his long, dark black hair, broad, muscular, veiny arms, and tattoos covering much of his body, making him look even sexier, he was perhaps one of the best looking things you had ever seen. Just like Satoru, he was annoyingly handsome. But they were nothing alike.
While Satoru was outgoing, Suguru was quiet. Satoru would make fun about anything, while Suguru always maintained his seriousness. They were opposites. But these differences made them an inseparable duo.
Just like you and Iris. You were a ticking time bomb, while your best friend always stayed calm. You were always comfortable around people. It was a bit harder for Iris, but thanks to you, she had started to overcome that.
Even though you and Suguru were often in the same place, you could count the number of times you’d spoken to each other on one hand. It was a matter of preference. No one talks to someone they don’t like. It was the same for you two. You put up with each other for Iris and Satoru.
Just a few hours. I just need to put up with him for a few hours. Then we’ll both be gone, you thought to yourself.
“Are you okay, troublemaker?” Satoru’s words brought your attention back from the empty chair to him.
“Yes, yes. I’m fine.”
“You two might not have warmed up to each other yet, but I have a feeling that’s going to change soon.”
“I think that feeling of yours has gone crazy.”
“You don’t know how strong my instincts are, troublemaker.” He winked at you after finishing his sentence.
While the three of you were chatting, you noticed someone sit across from you. When you unwillingly looked at him, you saw that he was already glaring at you as if you were the worst person in this world. His very light brown, almost amber colored eyes roamed your face. When his gaze started to move down, it lingered a bit on the cleavage of your black, long sleeved dress.
“Hey Suguru, where were you? I thought you fell into the toilet? Or were you flirting with someone?” Satoru tried to annoy Suguru with his flirty tone.
Suguru averted his gaze from you and took a cigarette from the pack on the table. He lit it with his Zippo and took a deep drag.
Turning his head towards Satoru, Suguru said, “No. There was just a line.”
“Ohh, I can’t take this seriousness anymore. Even jokes don’t work on you.” Satoru pretended to be disappointed, but then suddenly his chest was struck by a hand. “You son of a bitch. What was that for?”
Suguru took another drag from his cigarette and said, “I told you not to talk about this kind of stuffs in front of the girls.”
“Aww, don’t worry, they’re even more dangerous than us, Suguru.”
As he took another drag from his cigarette, his eyes drifted to Iris. He seemed to be looking at her as if he didn’t want her to think about such things. Come on, how much longer could he protect a girl who was already 20? She were a fucking adult. Of course, she would want to have sex.
No matter how much you tried to keep quiet, Suguru’s behavior was starting to annoy you. There were some things he needed to understand.
“Forget it, Sato. I don’t think anyone wants to hear about Geto’s boring sex life.”
Suguru’s gaze turned to you. His eyes were blazing to you. You definitely needed a cigarette right now. It was the only way to escape this tense atmosphere. You reached into your bag, grabbed your last cigarette from the box, and lit it.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right, troublemaker. This big guy hasn’t had sex in a long ti—” Satoru’s words were cut short by the “I’m going to kill you soon” look from his best friend. “Okay. I’m done. I’ll shut up.”You secretly enjoyed it. You wanted to drag him down even further.
After one last drag from his cigarette, Suguru stubbed it out in the ashtray. Iris, trying to ease the tension, started a new topic, “So, will you finally tell us about your date?”
The conversation suddenly turned to you. After a long drag from your cigarette, you replied, “It was terrible in every way. Probably the worst date I’ve ever had.”
“Your aunt really needs to give up on this, baby.”
Agreeing with Iris, you said, “I wish, but now she’s saying it’s time to take a step toward a serious relationship. Who would want to settle down with someone at this age instead of just having fun?”
“Now that, I agree with.” Satoru took a sip of his beer and made a thumbs up gesture to show his approval.
“Maybe you’re just not mature enough for a serious relationship, brat.”
Okay, this was getting really tense.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m saying maybe you’re not at the maturity level to understand the importance of a serious relationship. It seems like all you want is attention, monkey brain.”
You looked at him in disbelief. It wasn’t just you everyone at the table, except Suguru, had the same expression. The jerk was perfectly happy to criticize as if he knew everything.
You, not mature? No, you’d had a serious relationship before. You knew what it had done to you. Being dependent on someone would drain a person. When the other person gets bored, you’d be tossed aside. You had made a promise to yourself. You would never go through that again.
But what would Suguru know about any of this? He wouldn't probably understand to love someone.
Just as you were about to respond to him, Satoru intervened, “I think we need more beer. Sugu, can you help me carry it? Please?” The way he said “please” sounded more like a command.
As Suguru and Sato headed toward the bar, Iris turned to you with concern, “Hey, baby, are you okay? You seemed a bit frozen for a moment.”
Iris didn’t know what you’d been through. No one did. You hadn’t wanted to share. Your past relationship was one of the dark pages you’d buried in history.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that jerk talking like he knows everything that’s getting on my nerves, that’s all.”
“Suguru is like that. If someone provokes him, he retaliates. Sometimes I forget how similar you two are.” Iris wanted you to calm down, but it wasn’t working.
“Please don’t tell me I resemble that jerk. When we first met, I tried to be nice to him, but he pushed me away. We didn’t talk much until tonight either. I thought maybe he preferred to keep his distance from new people. But no, he hates me. He should know that the feeling are mutual!”
Iris stroked your hair, “I think Satoru might be right about; you two will get along soon, sweetie. Trust me, the real Suguru is the best person you could ever meet.”
You knew how much Iris loved Suguru. She always talked about how devoted he was to the people he cared about, how he’d do anything for them. And she was right. Suguru loved those two more than anything. But Iris was different for him. He protected her as if she were his own sister. Even hearing her talk about anything made him happy. His eyes would fill with affection. Although you sometimes envied the bond between the three of them, you had your aunt. She was the one who had saved you from your shitty parents. She was someone who would make any sacrifice. Still, you had raised yourself. You didn’t want to weigh on anyone.
Satoru’s cheerful voice snapped you out of your thoughts, “Hey, we’re back. And we got plenty of beer.”
You took a cold sip of the beer you’d received and tried to forget the earlier incident.
The night went on without any more mishaps, and you had fun until the early hours. By the time you decided to leave, it was around 1 a.m. Since Satoru and Iris lived together, they were going home together. Their place was nearby.
Iris had gone to the restroom before leaving. The three of you were walking toward the exit. As you opened the door, the cold air hit you again. You cursed yourself for going out without your coat. Then you felt something being placed on your shoulders.
Suguru had taken off his leather jacket and put it on your shoulders.
“Put it on. You’ll get sick.”
You were so surprised by his gesture that you couldn’t even move.
“You’re really a monkey brain aren't you? Who goes out in this weather without wearing their coat? Hurry up and put on the jacket.” There was zero humor in his voice. He wasn’t asking; it was as if he was threatening to punish you if you didn’t wear it.
Once your arms were inside the jacket, you felt a bit warmer.
“Thanks.” That was all you could manage to say. He didn’t reply and continued fiddling with his phone. At that moment, you noticed the large tattoo on his hand.
It was a phoenix pierced by three arrows, its head bowed down. You wondered what those arrows symbolized. The burdens the bird carried?
He had probably designed that tattoo himself. Suguru Geto was one of Japan’s most talented tattoo artists. He never worked with other people’s designs; that was his principle. He’d ask his clients what they wanted and then create something amazing with his imagination. He thought of every tiny detail. Maybe that’s why he was one of the best.
What did it feel like to be as talented as him, you wondered. Your mind drifted to the drawings you did as a hobby. You thought drawing your feelings provided some relief. Maybe one day you could share them with others. But a voice inside you told you that no one would care.
Just as you were about to ask Suguru about his tattoo, the door opened again. Suguru shifted his eyes from his phone to Iris.
Satoru was on the phone in the corner. When he saw Iris, he told the person on the other end that he had to go and came over to join you.
“Troublemaker, do you want us to give you a ride?”
“No need. I’ll find a taxi.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you won’t find one at this hou—”
“I’ll take her. You guys go.”
What the hell was happening? This made twice now. Was Suguru Geto actually doing you a favor? You figured the cold must have frozen your brain, and it wasn’t working anymore.
“Alright then. Hey, troublemaker, be careful, and text me as soon as you get home. Suguru, don’t leave until she gets inside, and let me know when she’s safe.” Satoru hugged you tightly.
“You don’t need to give me advice, Satoru.” Suguru said it seriously.
“Take care, Sugu,” Iris spoke in a loving tone and embraced him with the same warmth.
“Don’t worry, angel.”
Your best friend then turned to you and hugged you tightly. “See you at school, baby, love you.”
“Love you too.”
After saying your goodbyes, you walked towards where Suguru had parked his car. He took out his keys and unlocked the car, and you were relieved to finally be somewhere warm.
As you buckled your seatbelt, you asked, “Do you want me to type in my address—”
“I already know it.” He answered in a monotonous voice. You wondered how he knew. Maybe Satoru had told him, or Iris.
There was an awkward silence during the drive. What could you even talk about? When you open your mouth, you two immediately start arguing. Still, you wanted to take the risk and speak.
“I thought you’d come on your motorcycle.” He usually went everywhere on his motorcycle. Damn, he looked so good on it, like it was made for him.
He glanced at you briefly before returning his eyes to the road. “It’s currently under repair.”
“Oh, okay. Got it.”
And that was it. At least you’d managed to have a few words. After a 20 minute drive, you arrived at your place. You were about to take off his jacket and return it, but when he said, “Give it back later,” you didn’t know what to do. You thought about insisting, but he’d probably just tell you to shut up. Jerk. “Alright. Thanks. For the jacket and the ride.”
You couldn’t believe you were thanking Suguru. Even after all the things he’d said to you. Just as you were about to open the door and step out, he spoke again.
“Listen up, brat. Iris really cares about you. I don't know why or how, but.. l'm putting up with you because I value her. Do you understand? Think carefully before you respond to me again. Otherwise, I know how to make that little mouth of yours shut.”
“Do you think I really care about you? I'm trying to get along with you only for Satoru and Iris. Otherwise, I'd know exactly how to make you shut that big mouth of yours.”
He laughed as if he didn't care about what you said. Every move he made irritated you more.
“l'm glad to hear that our feelings are mutual, monkey brain.”
“You're a piece of shit, Geto.” You rolled your eyes and opened the door. As you started walking away, you heard him call out to you again. When you looked back, you saw him through the window of the front seat. “One more thing, kid. You can fool others into thinking you're a good girl with the dress you're wearing right now. But we both know the truth: you could never be that kind of girl. Sweet dreams, monkey brain.”
His mocking tone was enough to make your anger boil over. You approached the front seat door. To see Suguru's face, you leaned in to see better, and for a few seconds, his eyes settled on the cleavage of your dress. “I don't dress for anyone. I don't care about impressing others or creating a different image. If I want attention, I get it effortlessly. And if you liked my dress so much which I think you did since your eyes were wandering over my body and cleavage of my dress while you were talking to me, you could have nicely told me that it looked good on you.” As you were about to leave, you added, “Oh, one last thing. You can be sure l've never been a good girl, Suguru. Sweet dreams.” You gave him a confident smile, turned your back on the car, and walked towards the apartment. When you took out your keys and started to open the door, you looked back and saw the car still there. A small smile reappeared on your face.
As soon as you stepped into your home, you took off your heels. You felt immensely relieved. After placing your keys and bag on the counter in the entryway, you walked to the living room. You thought about tidying up, but you didn't have the energy for anything more today. You slumped onto the L-shaped couch, leaned back, and closed your eyes, trying to process the events of the day. When you opened your eyes again, you saw the sketches you had drawn in the morning. You crumpled the papers in frustration and threw them across the room. You thought they were useless.
Before heading to your room, you took off the jacket and hung it on the coat rack next to the front door. The masculine, spicy scent that came from it made your head spin. Damn, you couldn't let his scent affect you. When you got to your room, you undressed, leaving only your underwear on. You grabbed a long, loose t-shirt from your closet and put it on. You needed a shower, but you had no more energy left. Realizing you had forgotten to let Satoru know you were home, you grabbed your phone from the bag you left on the counter by the entryway and sent a short message.
You: I'm home:)
A reply came within 2 seconds.
Handsome Egoist Chef: Yes, I know. Sugu told me. Good night, troublemaker 💙
He acted like it was so important to know what you were doing. You thought he was doing it for Satoru, not for you. When you returned to your bed, you finally felt relieved. But Suguru and his words came back to your mind.
“Maybe you’re just not mature enough for a serious relationship?”
Damn. Why couldn't you get that jerk out of your head? You closed your eyes, trying to push him out of your thoughts. But the scent lingering from his jacket in your hair wouldn't let you. You brought a few strands of hair to your nose.
You felt strange tingles lower in your body. For just a moment, you imagined him coming in and out of you with all his strength while burying his head in your neck. Would you still get that scent?
Shit. Why were you thinking about this? You let go of the hair strands and cursed yourself. You couldn't imagine having sex with the person you hated most. It was disgusting.
“God, I guess I really haven't had sex in a long time.” After saying it out loud, youeagerly awaited falling asleep.
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➵ taglist: @miakxn @sukunadckrider @mooncalvin @kailivi
@lilacbunnygirl don’t copy and translate my story
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cuverale · 1 year
Hii! If it's not too much trouble, could you do a smau with Timothée where y/n is like two or three years older than him and they went to the same high school together and he's had a crush on her for like forever but she's a little oblivious and thinks he only sees her as a friend and omg I'm rambling but she does eventually develops feelings for him. And she could be famous or whatever you want but with Suki Waterhouse as the face claim, please and thank you <33
a/n: you’re welcome, i hope you like it! <3
Face Claim: Suki Waterhouse
longing for you - t.c
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Liked by tchalamet, austinbutler, zendaya and 9,395,284 others
yourusername thank you all for your kind messages I really appreciate it! Still can’t believe I turned 29 tho 🥲
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florencepugh we can’t believe that either!!
zendaya stunning “young” lady :) 🖤
yourusername not funny!
tchalamet but still, you’re the hottest of them all
yourusername making me blush 🤭
yourfan385 Y/n for god’s sake-
finnwolfhardofficial hot mama ❤️‍🔥
noahschnapp the hottest ❤️‍🔥
yourusername STOP IT OMG
ynmybaby she looks 25 tho 🙌🏻
ynsbabygirl I ADORE YOU!!!!
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tchalametdaily I’m sure if she reads this she’ll be like “aww that’s my bestie🥰”
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kissmeyn istg everytime she friendzoned Timmy i wanted to yell at her to look at his sad puppy eyes
ynmybaby we love our oblivious girl 😔🙌🏻
randomuser just say “i’m in love with you” my boy, she won’t get it otherwise
username59385 don’t get me wrong but isn’t she older than him? Why you guys want them to be together? Also I heard that she has a boyfriend 😵‍💫
tchalafann she’s just 2 years older than him. I don’t think he cares about that, once he hooked up with Eiza Gonzàlez, who is 6 years older than him. We want them to be together bc he is in love with her for years (he even admitted that he had a crush on her when they were in high school) And no, she and her boyfriend broke up 4 months ago, so she is single.
timmytimmy don’t remind me of Eiza ughh 💀
ynsbabygirl I remember the interview which she talked about her ex (they were still together) he looked at her with desperate eyes :((
chalamalabingbong i love how he blushes everytime he talks about her
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Liked by yourusername, harrystyles, hero_ft and 9,795,329 others
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yourusername you promised!
tchalamet nope I didn’t
yourusername want a proof?
tchalamet yep
yourusername open the door then
tchalamet coming 🏃🏻💨
timmytimmy I wonder what happened after that
ynmybaby Wait what just happened??????
randomuser oh god
chalamalabingbong cutest dump ever
tchalafann cuties 🥹
kissmeyn yesss and god they were so flirty!!!
sweetteaa loved the moment when he nuzzled her shoulder while she was talking about their relationship
timmyfan0 he calls her chica??
yourfan385 yeah since they were teens, he said he actually uses it to annoy her but she likes it now.
ynfan2 I’m still waiting for the good news 🤞🏻
sweettimmy check @yndaily’s post then
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timmytimmy OMG FINALLY!!!!
timotea0 🥺💖
sweetteaa 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
chalamalabingbong THANK GOD 😭
ynfan2 omgomgomgomgomgomg
username49375 🥹🥹🥹
randomuser she’s old tho
sweettimmy stfu
ynsbabygirl leave
kissmeyn finally someone who will treat her right!!
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yourusername’s story
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onyxsboxes · 1 month
After a bit of delay, here are the songs titles from the LCAPT Clegan playlist
1. Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters 2. Clearest Blue by CHVRCHES 3. I'm Not In Love by 10cc 4. Death and All His Friends by Coldplay 5. Til Kingdom Come by Coldplay 6. The Queen Of All Everything by Ott 7. Love song from a dog by Shovels & Rope ft. gregory alan isakov 8. If we were vampires by Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit 9. Passenger seat by Death Cab for Cutie
10. In our bedroom after the war by Stars 11. Early mornin’ rain by Peter, Paul and Mary 12. I was made for loving you by Yungblud cover 13. Visions of Gideon by Sufjan Stevens 14. Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens 15. Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley 16. The Roads by Jonah Kagen 17. Next to You by John Vincent III 18. Seen My Man (Wisconsin Demo) by Trixie Mattel 19. Beneath Oak Trees by Dylan Gossett
20. Heaven is a Bedroom by TV Girl 21. Wicked Games by The Weeknd 22. Itchy Teeth by Marika Hackman 23. Breakup by Ashton Irwin 24. Work Song by Hozier 25. I’m Low on Gas and you Need a Jacket by Pierce The Veil 26. Betting On Us by Myles Smith 27. I'm the Sinner by Jared Benjamin 28. Running to You by Jamie Drake & Jamie Jackson 29. Look After You by Aron Wright
30. Smokestacks by Layla 31. Run To You by CJ Starnes 32. Gale song by The Lumineers 33. White Ferrari by Frank Ocean 34. Can You Hear the Rain Love by Richard Hawley 35. Say Yes To Heaven by Lana Del Rey 36. Talk Show Host by Radiohead 37. Untold by RY X 38. Lovers Rock by TV Girl 39. Waiting Room by Phoebe Bridgers
40. I Will by The Beatles 41. Glimpse of Us by Joji 42. Somethin' Stupid by Frank Sinatra & Nancy Sinatra 43. When the party is over by Billie Eilish 44. I love you by Billie Eilish 45. Blue jeans by Lana Del Rey 46. The secret marriage by Sting 47. Wicked game by Ursine Vulpine 48. Love Me Like You Used To by Lord Huron 49. Need you Now by Lady A
50. Strange Birds by Birdy 51. Old Money by Lana Del Rey 52. The Night We Met by Lord Huron 53. Piano Man by Billy Joel 54. Alley Rose by Conan Fray 55. Good Luck, babe by Chappel Roan 56. Be Nice To Me by The Front Bottoms 57. Saturn by Sleeping At Last 58. So Long, London by Taylor Swift 59. From Eden by Hozier
60. I Should Live in Salt by The National 61. Demons by The National 62. Graceless by The National 63. Your Mind Is Not Your Friend by The National, Phoebe Bridgers 64. Don’t Swallow the Cap by The National 65. Dreaming by The National 66. This Isn’t Helping by The National, Phoebe Bridgers 67. Issues by Julia Michaels 68. Gorecki by Lamb 69. Ends Of The Earth by Lord Huron
70. Dark Red by Steve Lacy 71. Fireproof by Coleman Hell 72. Heavydirtysoul by Twenty One Pilots 73. All I Want Is You by Barry Louis Polisar 74. I Found by Amber Run 75. Beautiful by Josh Zandman 76. Budapest by George Ezra 77. Be Together by Major Lazer 78. On The Nature Of Daylight by Max Richter 79. Guiding Light by Mumford & Sons
80. My Blood by Twenty One Pilots 81. My Madonna by Dexter Freebish 82. Chemicals Between Us by Bush 83. Protect Me From What I Want by Placebo 84. I Feel Loved by Depeche Mode 85. Gimme Some Lovin’ by The Spencer Davis Group 86. Little Light Of Love by Eric Serra 87. Fire and Flood by Vance Joy 88. Pride (In The Name Of Love) by Clivillés & Cole 89. Holdin’ Out by The Lumineers
90. If I Go, I’m Goin by Gregory Alan Isakov 91. Letting The Cables Sleep by Bush 92. This Feeling by Chainsmokers 93. Me And You by Barry Louis Polisar 94. Silver sable by Cigarettes after sex 95. How I Learned to Love the Bomb by Glass Animals 96. Hellofazoo by Until the Ribbon Breaks 97. Mr. Forgettable by David Kushner 98. John My Beloved by Sufjan Stevens 99. Alan by Perfume genius
100. One line by PJ harvey 101. Putting The Dog To Sleep by the antlers 102. In My Arms by Alex g 103. Certainty by Big thief 104. Angel In The Snow by Elliott smith 105. Nothing Matters by The Last Dinner Party 106. The Loneliest by Måneskin 107. Till forever falls apart by Ashe, Finneas 108. Whish that you were here by Florence + The Machine 109. I Forget Where We Were by Ben Howard
110. Bite by Troye Sivan 111. Lowlife by Poppy 112. Real Love Song by Nothing But Thieves 113. Like You Do by Joji 114. Be My baby by The Ronettes 115. Burn by Tom Walker 116. Lucky by Bif Naked 117. Fair by The Amazing Devil 118. Bitch by Meredith Brooks 119. I wish you were a girl by 12 RODS
120. All i think about now by Pixies 121. I know by Fiona Apple 122. Sweet tooth by Cavetown 123. Flawless by The Neighborhood 124. Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley 125. Simply the best by Billianne 126. I remember everything by Zach Bryan, Kacey Musgraves 127. Coal by Dylan Gossett 128. i am not who i was by Chance Peña 129. I Bet On Losing Dogs by Mitski
130. Two slow dancers by Mitski 131. Lucky to get him by Aly and AJ 132. Crack baby by Mitski 133. I don't smoke by Mitski 134. Smoke gets in your eyes by Helen Forest 135. Love by Daughter 136. Can’t Help Falling in Love - DARK by Tommee Profitt, brooke 137. Chills - Dark Version by Mickey Valen, Joey Myron 137,5. Skyline by Sibewest 138. Beautiful Crime by Tamer 139. Act natural by Margaret Glaspy
140. Betray my heart by D'Angelo 141. I will be your friend by Sade 142. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli 143. I Didn’t Know by Sofia Carson 144. You by A Great Big World 145. This Woman’s Work by Kate Bush 146. Can't you see - acoustic by Matthew and the Atlas 147. Cowboy by Jack Van Cleaf 148. Feels like Home by Caamp 149. Carry You Home by Alex Warren
150. Belong Together by Mark Ambor 151. The First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes 152. Kaleidoscope by A Great Big World 153. Monsters of the North by The National Parks 154. The great war by Taylor Swift 155. Free by Florence + The Machine 156. I know the end by Phoebe Bridgers 157. Another Man’s Jeans by Ashe 158. I’ve Told You Now by Sam Smith 159. Love Me by Elvis Presley
160. Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue) by Hozier 161. Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish 162. Take me home, country roads by John Denver 163. Army Dreamers by Kate Bush 164. I'm No Angel by Dido 165. We’ll Meet Again by Johnny Cash 166. Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other by Orville Peck 167. If We Were Vampires by Noah Kahan, Wesley Schultz 168. You Belong To Me by Jo Stafford 169. Goodnight Irene by Frank Sinatra
170. All I Want by Kodaline 171. Me and my Husband by Mitski 172. The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades is out to get us by Sufjan Stevens 173. As the World cave in by Sarah Cothran 174. Dead of Night by Orville Peck 175. invisible string by Taylor Swift 176. The Ghost of You by My chemical Romance 177. We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn 178. Love in the Time Of Socialism by Yellow house 179. Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco
180. Better in the Morning by Birdtalker 181. doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine 182. Guilty by Al Bowlly 183. Heat Lightning by Mitski 184. everything i wanted by Billie Eilish 185. Blood Moon by Josiah and the Bonnevilles 186. Night Terror by Laura Marling 187. Vengeance Is Sleeping by Neko Case 188. Finally Stop Dreaming by Dylan Gossett 189. The Yawning Grave by Lord Huron
190. Learning To Fly by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 191. Hounds of Love by The Futureheads 192. Now I'm in it by HAIM 193. Stand Back by Stevie Nicks 194. Moonlight of Your Room by Joe Pug 195. Blue by Mai Yamane 196. Call Your Girlfriend by Robyn 197. Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers 198. Summer Of '69 by Bryan Adams 199. Fix you by Coldplay
200. Sun Bleached Flies by Ethel Cain 201. I walk the Line by Halsey 202. The Greatest by Billie Eilish 203. I'll be seeing you by Billie Holiday 204. We will not be Lovers by The Waterboys 205. Triptych by Samia 206. In a Jar by Dinosaur Jr. 207. Dionne by The Japanese House, Justin Vernon 208. Nothing Like by Mannequin pussy 209. True Love Waits by Radiohead
210. Weird Fish/Arpeggi by Radiohead 211. I’m a Fool to Want You by Billie Holiday 212. A Life of Arctic Sounds by Modest Mouse 213. Soldier Boy by The Shirelles 214. Casual by Chappel Roan 215. Ruined by Adrianne Lenker 216. Without You by Tobias Jesso Jr. 217. That's Where I Am by Maggie Rogers 218. Die Young by Sylvab Esso 219. Violet hill by Coldplay
220. You made me love you by Patsy Cline 221. Smoke gets in your eyes by Eartha Kitt 222. Piece of my heart by Erma Franklin 223. Love and anger by Kate Bush 224. Guilty by Johnny Desmond 225. I Can’t Begin to Tell You by Bing Crosby 226. People Will Say We’re in Love by Frank Sinatra 227. You’ll Never Know by Dick Haymes 228. You’d Be So Nice To Come Home To by Dinah Shore 229. Speeding Cars by Walking On Cars
230. Girl Crush by Harry Style 231. Fine Line by Harry Style 232. Bittersuite by Billie Eilish 233. Et même après je t'aimerai by Hoshi 234. Tourner dans le vide by Indila 235. What was I made For? by Billie Eilish 236. Maybe by James Arthur 237. Happy Together by Gerard Way, Ray Toro 238. Dandelions by Ruth B. 239. When the Darkness Comes by Shelby Merry
240. Silver tongues by Louis Tomlinson 241. Telepathic by Starset 242. Always by Isak Danielson 243. Like real people Do by Hozier 244. Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls 245. Can you hold me by NF, Britt Nicole 246. Moondust by Jaymes Young 247. Maps - triple j Like A version by Camp Cope 248. We made it by Louis Tomlinson 249. Adore you by Harry Style
250. Love song by Lana Del Rey 251. Satellite by Harry Style 252. Late night Talking by Harry Style 253. Home by Edith Whiskers 254. Guilty as Sin? by Taylor Swift 255. The Light by CHPTRS 256. Started With You by CHPTRS 257. City Lights (Symphonic Version) by HAEVN 258. This Is Why I Need You by Jesse Ruben 259. Never Stop (Wedding Version) by Safetysuit
260. Sacrifice by Elton John 261. Who we are by Hozier 262. Politik by Coldplay 263. All I need by Radiohead 264. Can't pretend by Tom Odell 265. Would Anyone Care by Citizen Soldier 266. Hold My Hand by Lady Gaga 267. Warriors by Willyecho 268. Brother by Kodaline 269. Protector by City wolf
270. Texas reznikoff by Mitski 271. Pin by Grimes 272. I'm your man by Mitski 273. Haunting by Halsey 274. Twin flame by Weyes blood 275. Why Can’t The Dark Leave Me Alone? by Toni Fisher 276. No Other Love by Jo Stafford 277. Your Best American Girl by Mitski 278. Careless Whispers by George Michael 279. Sailor Song by Gigi Perez
280. Sidelines by Phoebe Bridges 281. not a lot, just forever by Adrianne Lenker 282. forwards beckon rebound by Adrianne Lenker 283. Norman fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Rey 284. Long Long Time by Linda Ronstadt 285. Break by alex_g_offline 286. Some Velvet morning by Nancy Sinatra, Lee Hazlewood 287. Overtime by Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Kacey Musgraves 288. The John Wayne by Little Green Cars 289. Pale blue Eyes by The Velvet Underground
290. You'll Never Know (78rpm version) by Frank Sinatra, Bobby Tucker Singers 291. Come on Mess me up by Cub sport 292. While I can by Keaton henson 293. Flying :)) by Tom Odell 294. Cornflower blue by Flower Face 295. Remember by Seinabo Sey, Jacob Banks 296. Once more to see you by Mitski 297. Back to the old house by The Smiths 298. Symphonia IX by Current Joys 299. So real by Jeff Buckley
300. Half return by Adrianne Lenker 301. Fade into you by Mazzy Star 302. All We Ever Do is Talk by Del Water Gap 303. Dirty Little Secret by Artemas 304. Too Sweet by Hozier 305. Anyways I Love You by Wild Rivers 306. like you’re god by Mehro 307. Size too small by Sufjan Stevens 308. Cheers Darlin' by Damien Rice 309. Lotus Flower by Radiohead
310. Twilight Time by The Platters 311. Because of You by Tony Bennett 312. if i needed someone by The Beatles 313. Standing next to You by Jungkook 314. Falling away with You by Muse 315. Exist for Love by AURORA 316. Sata vuotto by BEHM 317. Blood Sport by Sleep Token 318. Oblivion by SYML 319. Timezone by Måneskin
320. Own my mind by Måneskin 321. Pushing Up Daisies (Love Alive) by Brothers Osborne 322. Unbroken by Tim McGraw 323. I Was Born To Love You by Queen 324. You’re My Best Friend by Queen 325. Think I’m In Love With You by Chris Stapleton, Dua Lipa 326. Something To Talk About by Bonnie Raitt 327. Parachute by Chris Stapleton 328. Love The Lonely Out Of You by Brothers Osborne 329. Here Tonight (The Acoustic Sessions) by Brett Young, Charles Kelley
330. Stay A Little Longer by Brothers Osborne 331. The End by Halsey 332. Birds of a feather by Billie Eilish 333. Found Heaven by Conan Gray 334. Down bad by Taylor Swift 335. I do by Renee Rapp 336. The good I'll do by Zach Bryan 337. Half Light by BANNERS 338. Resistance by Muse 339. Far from home (the raven) by Sam Tinnesz
340. Francis forever by Mitski 341. I love you by RIOPY 342. This must be the place (naive melody) 2005 by Talking Heads 343. Maps by Yeah yeah yeahs 344. Cinnamon Girl by Lana del rey 345. I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen 346. Fire on Fire by Sam Smith 347. I'm Making Believe by The Inkspots and Ella Fitzgerald 348. Watch Over You by Alter Bridge 349. Summer song by Remy bond
350. Off to the races by Lana Del Rey 351. Almost (sweet music) by Hozier 352. giveuwhatuwant by The Driver Era 352,5. Birds of a feather by Billie Eilish 353. Big Mike’s by Dijon 354. Simulation Swarm by Big Thief 355. I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys 356. Little Bit More by Mk.gee 357. Be Well by Ama Lou
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grimreaperofroleplay · 2 months
I just binged the whole entirety of Ninjago DR Season 2 B and my god. MY GOD. I swear I can't get a damn break from these shows, Maws broke me and guess what? So did Ninjago! Like oh my sakes this damn season broke me
Spoilers under the cut
Okay. So I just binged the whole part two to season 2 because it's Saturday and I have nothing better to do anyways and I'm regretting bringing it because it broke my heart
The first episode was all nice and stuff and I thought maybe just maybe it was gonna be okay for a while boy was I wrong
So when the invites went out I had to stop for a moment because I was confused because I was pretty damn sure Beatrix wasn't an elemental master and I was right it was her sister that I kinda forgot about until that point
They introduced the annoying uncle I didn't like that man from the get go, so bitchy and for no reason also the Ninja's breaking and entering was kinda hilarious
Also the snail guy?? Hello?? I was so surprised to see him, also the fact he just thought he was just that good with gardening was bewildering but a good change of pace
And then the bot attacks were definitely interesting, at first I thought maybe it was robie I did not trust him at first he was sketchy to me at first but I learned to like him
The whole damn season was just so awesome and I honestly loved the whole thing, Ras getting to arin was kinda expected it was bound to happen also Lloyd making false promises even though he doesn't mean them to be false :(
That boy is still insecure and I wanna just give him a big hug, not just to him but also to Arin, I noticed that while he was doing spinjutzu there were remnant effects of shatter spin which concerns me very much, also the desperation he has to find his parents :( I feel so bad for him tbh
I love that we get to see old characters from past seasons though I am slightly upset we didn't get to see skylor, it would've been great to hear from my girl after the whole merge shit
Also the screen time Jay has is increasing though it is still little, also I hate the way Ras is manipulating him :/
The whole time he gets screen time it hurts me to see, because I swear Jay calling Nya "Lady" WAS IT, I WANTED TO CRY I LITERALLY SCREAMED AT IT BECAUSE IT HURTS BECAUSE THEY LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH </33
And the episode started with a flash back with Jay saying something along the lines of "I'll love you forever Any" was cruel.
Also Wu started the damn merge??? Wtf man, I thought you for one was supposed to be the good one out of you and Garmadon like geez man what did you do??
But yea, the season was something
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sparxaf · 14 days
The Sun in My Eyes: Chapter Titles
Obviously, when I began writing The Sun in My Eyes, I had no idea was going to take the rest of my goddamn life to complete 🤣 So I titled the first eight chapters whatever came to mind. My absolute favorite is "The Midnight Bombshell What Bombs at Midnight" which is a very obscure reference to an episode The Tick. Runner up is, "The Night was Sultry" which is from a movie called Throw Mama from the Train. I digress... When I realized that TSIME was gonna take awhile, I started using song lyrics for chapters. I have a file that has hundreds of lyrics that follow the themes of the story like weather, light, sky, moon, stars, etc. And they're all broken down into categories of: Love & Hope, Sexy, Angsty, and Hesitance & Longing. So for each chapter I'd decide the predominate emotion and then pick a lyric from the list. Or rather I'd pick eight of them and then make @throughthejunobush pick which one 🤣
Every once in a while someone on Wattpad messages me to ask about them. So, now that the story is done, I thought I'd just share what the songs were. Enjoy!
9. This Daydream is Dangerous – Treacherous by Taylor Swift
10. Follow the Sparks, I’ll Drive –  I Think He Knows by Taylor Swift
11. A Light Shining Through – Collide by Howie Day
12. Just Outside the Circle of Light –  Circle of Light by Ani Difranco
13. Need the Sun to Break – Need the Sun to Break by James Bay
14. I Want to Give You a Brand New Sky – Sunlight by Mason Jennings
15. Captivated By You Baby Like a Fireworks Show – Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift
16. Hand in the Flame of a Flickering Lighter – She Sets the City on Fire by Gavin Degraw
17. Here Comes the Sun in the Form of a Girl – Heaven Tonight by Hole
18. Everytime You Shine, I’ll Shine for You – Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift
19. Kiss Me Once 'Cause You Know I Had a Long Night – Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
20. Shadows Bleeding Through the Light –  Almost Here by Delta Goodrem
21. No Comfort in the Shade of Shadows Thrown – Lover of the Light by Mumford and Sons
22. Got Scared When the Lights Went Low – Soldier by Gavin Degraw
23. Just a Touch of the Fire Burning So Bright – Just a Kiss by Lady A
24. Wrap Me in Everything that Glows – Hold On by Delta Goodrem
25. Just Keep Me Where the Light Is – Gravity by John Mayer (I know he's disgusting, but I titled the chapter before I knew how awful he was)
26. Toda Mi Vida, Se Abriga Con Tu Calor – Enamorada de Ti by Selena
27. The Fear Before the Flames – Glitter in the Air by Pink
28. One Minute There was Road Beneath Us, the Next Just Sky – Falling is Like This by Ani Difranco
29. You Should See the Way She Holds Me When the Lights Go Low – Hearts Don't Break Round Here by Ed Sheeran
30. You’re All I Want, So Bring Me the Dawn – Need the Sun to Break by James Bay (again)
31. And The Sky Turned Black Like a Perfect Storm – Clean by Taylor Swift
32. It’s Hard Letting Go of the Afterglow – Headfirst by This Wild Life
33. Praying for The Light I See in Your Eyes – Believe Again by Delta Goodrem
34. Flicker and Sway, Still Dancing on the Aftertaste – Old Flame by Kimbra
35. Baby, Look Up, The Sky is Falling – The Happening by Tanerélle
36. Keep Glowing, I’ll Follow Your Explosions – Kill the Lights by Matt Nathanson
37. Like the Colors in Autumn So Bright Just Before They Lose It All – Red by Taylor Swift
38. Deserted Like the Moon is at Dawn – Sanctuary by Delta Goodrem
39. We Will Lie Under Different Stars – Different Stars by Trespassers William
40. Feels Like Summer But It’s Earthquake Weather – Earthquake Weather by Matt Nathanson
41. Day Bleeds Into Nightfall – Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi
42. Morning Light, It Stings a Little – Forever by Lewis Capaldi
43. Been Burning for You Baby Since the Moment I Left – Paul by Cavetown (some sites say it’s "minute I left," but I’d already committed to moment)
44. My Eclipsed Sun, This Has Broken Me Down – Hoax by Taylor Swift
45. Weepin’ In a Sunlit Room – My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift
46. Remnants of Fire Blow Like Sand in the Night – Map of the World by Mariachi El Bronx
47. Skinny Dip in Water Under the Bridge – Skinny Dipping by Sabrina Carpenter
48. Every Shadow Disappearing Into Dawn – Gold in the Summertime by Matt Nathanson
49. Making a Shelter for a Flame – Lighting Matches by Tom Grennan
50. Pocketful of Sunshine - Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield
51. Starting Like a Fire, Tonight You Lit the Flame – Everything Will Change by Gavin Degraw
52. Old Flame, I Fell for Your Inferno – Old Flame by Kimbra (again)
53. Under the Exit Lights as Beautiful as Ever – Forever by Lewis Capaldi (again)
54. 'Cause You're the Storm That I Believe In – You're the Storm by The Cardigans
55. Like Stars in Hidin', You and I Burn On – Undercover by Zara Larsson
56. At Last I See the Light – I See the Light by Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi (Tangled soundtrack)
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whenthegoldrays · 8 months
hiii elly <3
kinda bored lately and wanted to watch something so came here for recs :) could be of any kind btw like movies, tv shows (any language)
also maybe not something from your top ten kdramas post lol i've already watched most of the shows on there
also how're you doing?
hope you're doing well <33
Hey girl hey! Thank you for asking, I'm doing well! Terribly busy, but on the whole things are good. How about you?
Oooh okay this is quite a thing to ask me, I'm going to get decision paralysis dhdvdvdg but let me think of some less-common things I can recommend!
Available on Prime Video.
The Surprise (2015). Also available on Tubi. After inking their own death warrants, an eccentric millionaire and distraught woman fall in love and find voiding their contracts isn't an option. Romance! Dark humor! The k-drama truck of doom, except it's a Dutch movie! (Disclaimer: I do not recommend watching this film if one is suicidal)
From Prada to Nada (2011). A modern Mexican-American adaptation of Sense and Sensibility that surprisingly really works?? The title is woeful but the movie is pretty darn good.
The Lady Vanishes (2013). Iris Carr is traveling across Europe by train when she befriends Miss Froy, an elderly English woman. But when she wakes up from a few hours' sleep, Miss Froy has vanished. As fellow passengers claim the lady never existed, Iris fights to discover the fate of Miss Froy - and prove that she's not going mad.
Love and Friendship (2016). Adaptation of Jane Austen's Lady Susan, starring Kate Beckinsdale. The main character is the definition of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, and the supporting characters are all just. so funny.
To Tell The Truth (1961). If you just want something to distract you that doesn't take a lot of thinking, old game shows are ideal. In this one, a celebrity panel tries to guess which of three strangers is the person they claim to be.
Masterpiece/PBS Passport Shows.
All Creatures Great and Small (since 2020). Season 4 currently airing. A feel-good (but unafraid to get real and sad) show about the misadventures of a country vet practice in Yorkshire.
Miss Scarlet and the Duke (since 2020). Season 4 currently airing. In 1880s London, the daughter of a private investigator decides to take over his detective business after his untimely death. Mystery series that also has just about the BEST opening titles ever.
Available on Tubi (which is free!)
Forever Young (1992). The movie where I realized that Mel Gibson was cute, actually. In 1939, a heartbroken Army pilot volunteers for a cryogenics experiment and wakes up in 1992, where he gets a second shot at love.
The Space Between Us (2017). On his first visit to Earth, a man born and raised on Mars bonds with a street-smart young woman while unraveling the mysteries of how he came to be. To quote my mutual Chris: "wanna cry? 🥰"
The Dick Van Dyke Show (1960s). Some of the stuff hasn't aged well, but this is still one my top favorite old sitcoms. All the characters are so fun and endearing. You probably won't want to sift through all five seasons, so my top episode recommendations are "The Curious Thing About Women" (s1 e16), "The Two Faces of Rob" (s2 e2), "That's My Boy??" (s3 e1), "Big Max Calvada" (s3 e9), "October Eve" (s3 e28), "My Mother Can Beat Up My Father" (s4 e1), "4 1/2" (s4 e7), "The Impractical Joke" (s4 e16), and "Coast to Coast Big Mouth" (s5 e1).
(I got a little too excited with those episode recs, oopsie 🤭)
The Surprise, like I mentioned.
I just found out that they have some episodes of The Flintstones and Tom and Jerry on Tubi, if you want some good nostalgic laughs.
Available on Netflix.
Love At First Sight (2023). Cute romance about taking a chance on a good feeling.
The Adam Project (2022). You've probably seen it, but I will mention it anyway! Time travel. Annoying and precocious 12-year-old child. Ryan Reynolds and Zoe Saldaña. Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo! FIVE STARS.
Trevor Noah: I Wish You Would (2022). The best Trevor Noah special, in my opinion. The curry story??? Iconic forever and ever.
The Full-Time Wife Escapist (2018). A woman takes a job as a housekeeper, but in order to stay in it, she and her boss agree to a contract marriage. If you've ever seen the k-drama Because This Is My First Life... This is the better version of that show, imo. The ML is suchhh a sweetheart.
Indian Matchmaking (since 2020). I never watch reality TV, so I don't know how I started seeing this show, but it's SO good and super bingeable.
Omg the Jurassic Park movies are on Netflix right now
Available on Hulu.
Wild Mountain Thyme (2020). It's a love story, and it's so silly and enjoyable. The resolution is just shdhfhshshsg
The Giver (2014). Jonas learns the secrets of the past, and the utopia he's grown up in begins to look more and more dystopian. Also, Taylor Swift is there for some reason.
Flamin' Hot (2023). It wasn't until I watched this that I realized how much I need movies about Mexican success stories in my life. File this under ✨inspirational✨
If you haven't yet watched The Artful Dodger (2023), you absolutely should. Come for the romance, stay for the absolutely bonkers, insane hijinks.
I barely started watching Timeless (2016), but it looks really fun and good. It's about time travel, unsurprisingly for me 🤭
Available on Disney+
Baby's Day Out (1994). A childhood CLASSIC of mine. The cuteness is just. so much. The humor is standard slapstick, but really fun, and the mom has some of the most gorgeous 90s outfits omggg
Hidden Figures (2016). I love this movie endlesslyyy. Awesome intelligent Black women overcoming the odds, space race setting, and even a side of cute romance.
The Art of Racing in the Rain (2019). Dare I say, best dog movie I've seen?
The Call of the Wild (2020). Another dog movie, with Harrison Ford. I don't remember much of it but I remember really enjoying it.
Milo Murphy's Law (2017–2018). Have you seen this follow-up to Phineas and Ferb? If you haven't, you need to. The comedy is so gold tier and the music slaps.
Delicacies Destiny (2022). I kind of stopped watching this c-drama about 1/3 of the way through, but I totally should pick it up again, and it's worth watching even if just for all the gorgeous food scenes.
And of course, anything from my top ten k-dramas that you haven't seen yet is an automatic recommendation 😌
This got. so long. I hope you find something here that you like and thank you for asking @milkteawithrusk!! This was so fun to put together! 🫶🏼
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heartpascal · 1 year
you totally don't have to respond to this but when i saw your post about your dog i cried for you. i lost my cat last year, i had her for 9 years so i 100% understand just how much it hurts. sending all my love and support, take all the time you need hun <33
hi lovely. i’m so so sorry for that loss :( losing any pet is just one of the worst experiences. they’re a member of the family, really. it’s a long time to spend with them!!! and being without them just feels even longer :(
i had my doggo, thor, for the past ten years. i was seven years old when was got him, and it was such an amazing experience from beginning to end!! i hope you don’t mind if i take this opportunity to talk about him!! i’ll put it under a cut!
and know, if any of you, but also you madi, ever want to talk about your pets (here or not!), my dms will always be open to you. well. about anything, really, but my pets have always been my pride and joy
so. thor was a little dog (despite how the name makes him sound!!) and we rescued him when he was around a year old!! his old home was awful, and he’d never been outside before :( (the lady who had him was VERY ill, and should’ve never had pets to begin with… but alas.)
my mum was his favourite person. i like to think i was a close second!
he was the fun police, always barking if we were louder than he liked lol, or telling us off if we were just being little shits. we have cats (3!!!) and he absolutely thought he was one of them. he used to clean his eyes like a cat :’)
he was poorly for quite a while a year or so ago, but never has there been a stronger doggo than him! he improved so much, and i’m just happy that the last year of his life was happy, and he didn’t deteriorate too much before the end :(
anyway. he never used to be a very playful dog!! i remember once getting angry at him (when i was about 8) because he took my favourite teddy outside and was nearly shredding it!!! but he was quickly forgiven, and the teddy was saved. but i got a little wind up bunny rabbit as a joke gift last august and i have NEVRR seen that dog as excited by something (toy-wise) as he was by that. he loved it. i used to sit on the floor for ages (dodgy knees, hips and back be damned) just to wind it up for him every 20 odd seconds!!!
it’s really weird not to hear him following my mum around, or not to see him curled up in the bed in the front room when i come downstairs, or to come into the house and not have him barking to let everyone know somebody was coming in.
but i know he was very very loved. and i will continue to love him forever :(
anyways. apologies for that!!! but it’s hard to talk to the family about it because when we try, it’s just a mess of tears. this is .. easier!! and nice to tell people (if anyone made it this far) about the amazing little dog he was <3
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beaniebabs · 1 year
Heyy here to tell yous abt my sunflora gijinka:3
To start off with. Sanii as a young kid was incredibly weak and because of that he learned at an early age, that if you weren't strong enough to fend off for yourself you would be killed. But all he could rly do in those moments was run away or hide, getting to a point where he couldn't FIND the will or reason to keep going. He was just tired and knowing day after day he'd just have to exhaust himself trying to avoid danger, he didn't want to keep living like that so death sounded like a much easier option.
It got worse when he stumbled upon the activities of team plasma, and not wanting their secrets to get out, they started tracking the kid down. If it weren't for someone stepping in and saving him he would have just given up and let himself be killed in hopes maybe the next life things would turn out better for him.
After he was saved there was a period in his life where he was able to relax a bit, he hadn't healed quite yet but he was finally able to live a life that wasn't just running until you got exhausted. Unfortunately it wouldn't last forever because realizing this person who saved him was actually becoming important to him, his fears once again returned- that something would come for him and this time he would be putting someone else in danger. So without a word he left that night in hopes this would at least keep that person safe.
From them on he had a new goal, not motivated by any real desire to live, but out of pure spite towards the world and how it betrayed him, seemingly going out of it's way to make him miserable at every turn. Throughout his life he'd dedicate his being to enacting his revenge on this cruel world, hurting others as if it could ever take away even a fraction of the pain he felt. He never got stronger bc he wanted to, but bc he grew up in a world that seemed to despise him and forced him to adapt to it's cruelties, becoming just as cold and uncaring </33
When he traveled with his team at first he still held a strong distrust,, he'd only ever used other ppl for his own needs and goals and never putting any real faith in them, then leaving after he'd got what he wanted. Initially he thought this time would be no different, but eventually he does grow to trust and care for the rest of the team- learning that maybe there is more to life than hatred and chasing after revenge.
It seems he learned this too late though, as his years of betrayal finally caught up to him and an old enemy comes back to haunt him. Knowing once again that this time, he'll be putting those he cares about in danger- he runs away so the others won't suffer the consequences of his mistakes. Luckily it doesn't work this time when the people he's running away from in order to protect drags him back. One lady in particular being VERY very insistent that he should stay and that it would be worth fighting off anyone if it meant they could be together and that he'd be happy. Really normal bestie things (Theyr in love) anyways that's all for now I'll explain more some other time.....so be prepared 😈
YIPPEE SANII LORE JOIN THE SANII GANG OR ELSE ‼️‼️‼️‼️ He Is Not A Villain He Is Just So Scared And Hurt And Angry And Confused . Little Meow Meow Prrr Mrrp . the 🥺💖
0 notes
misspearly1 · 3 years
hi, um no idea if you can just ask about stories here, but I just had a flash of inspiration and had to think of you. I'm usually a quiet reader and never write comments but I just love all your stories. You really have such a good writing style it's amazing. So my idea of ​​a story was: Joel and female reader with age gap (bc daddy issues r kicking in when i think abt joel) and then just joel comforting the reader because she has her period and it hurts? So just fluff ig? Idk I just had to think of a story like that with Joel. As I already said, I think your stuff is so good, I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask <3
Couple things I’d like to say <3
1st - You can leave any comment, message or request or even an emoji with no context in my ask box/in my dms or any where that you feel comfortable with my darling, I don’t mind :))
2nd - Thank you so much for coming to me with this request. It means the world to me and I would be delighted to write this inspiration of yours out for you. I massively appreciate your kind words, they brought a huge smile to my face.
3rd - As for being a quiet reader and not leaving comments, do not worry about that at all my friend. I see many of my quiet readers all the time and they make me smile all the same. If I have brought happiness to you through my writing, then I am happy too <33
With prompts like these I always like to do a brief idea of said prompt through The Last of Us timelines & a fictional story too. Hopefully, if this is ok with you, I’d like to cover this concept in all aspects and do just that. Shall we call it, a two in one?? Lol. Hope you enjoy what I’ve wrote, my love :D
For this part, the age gap for reader obviously ages with time. The second part (in the fictional story) I will implement it better with it being a singular event opposed to living through 20 years of the monthlies.
Warnings up ahead: Lots of menstrual cycle talk :)
Pre-Outbreak -
You’ve gotten your period again? No problem! Joel Miller is on the case. Of course he would be. Anything for his lady.
Off to the car and straight to the nearby store, no matter what time of day, Joel will be out buying the essentials.
Essentials ranging from the sanitary products you need, any painkilling meds to help with your discomfort, to candied sweets, savory foods and beverages. Any type of food or drink that he has picked up on - during the time being with you - that he knows you like. Because let's face it, chocolates are considered essentials during the monthlies, Joel knows that by now.
As for pain, Joel will comfort you regardless if the meds are kicking in. He will comfort you during this regular process, just like last month and the month before that, and hopefully forever in time. You’re his lady for life and he will tell you this any chance he gets.
Comforting such as massaging, hot baths and hot water bottles. Long, tight and close contact cuddles with extra kisses, all while he whispers how much he loves you.
“There, darlin.” // “Just relax for me, I’ll take the pain away.” // “I love you, sweetheart.” // “I’ll rub your back. Anywhere you need massaging, name it, baby. I got you.”
During the Outbreak:
Nothing has changed. Joel Miller will always be there for you, front row and center at the ready.
But oof, this time period is certainly a little more difficult to tackle a monthly cycle. Without the factory production of sanitary products, pretty soon after the outbreak, those will run out and you will be reduced to old fashioned methods for protection.
Not a problem for Joel. He will still be helping in any and every way he can. Like scouting items to craft these makeshift, old fashioned, sanitary products. He’s your man, and Joel is a man that is devoted to his lady.
As well as that, painkillers are no more. For you, this is not ideal or pain-free during this time of the month, for Joel? He has the opportunity to massage, kiss, hug and comfort you even more than he already does. To give you all that extra attention that you need, that he loves to provide even without reason to.
His whispered loving remarks and caring reassurances aren’t far behind either…
“C’mere darlin’” // “let me look at yer” // “Tell me where it hurts, I’ll make it better.” // “I love you sweetheart, I know it’s painful” // “It’ll go away soon, baby. I promise.”
Post-Outbreak (Jackson Era)
20 years down the line and guess what? Joel Miller is still right there with you, easing you through this cycle. Some have been easy and light, others have been painful and heavy, but it makes absolutely no difference in how Joel has comforted you over the last two decades.
Within the walls of Jackson, the hot baths and hot water bottles are back. Even better, they have real food. Not like the junk from a QZ or living out of a tin of beans out in the open world. You’re at home now. In your own home with your man.
Joel will - if he can - join you in these baths or hot showers, holding you near and dear while peppering kisses all over your face. Rubbing soothing hands up and down your back, kneading the areas where you’re most in pain.
With the fresh produce that Jackson provides, he will be able to cook you actual flavorsome food. Breakfast in bed and extra naps, hell, Joel is joining you in those naps. Anything to be with you.
Did Joel mention this was for life? Because that’s what soulmates do. Sticking with each other like glue, you and Joel are mended together as one, and the natural - yet painfully annoying at times - monthly cycle won’t ever get in the way of him comforting and loving you.
His love and adoration never faltered, it grew more than he ever possibly could have imagined it to and living out the rest of his days in Jackson with you is exactly where he wants to be.
I enjoyed writing out this part, hope you did @chxpsi and anyone else who have read :))
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Part 2 - Fictional Story.
Pairing: Joel Miller x You
WC: 1.8k
Summary: Awoken during the night with that all too familiar sensation, your period has arrived and not long after that, it comes with the deepest, possibly even the worst yet, pain in your lower abdomen and back. Can Joel even comfort you during this heavy and excruciating cycle?
Warnings: Lots of period talk. Mentions of blood. Near accidents, (Leaking). Embarrassed reader and reassuring, loving and fluffy Joel in response to that. Kissing. Age gap between characters.
AN: Oh I really enjoyed this fic - Left a big paragraph of AN notes at the end, much love folks, enjoy the read and thank you so much for this request @chxpsi <33
Stirring with discomfort in your sleep, you awoke with the familiar sensation of leaking and the dread of it seeping through your underwear.
Shit, I’m early!
Pulling back the covers hastily and heading into the bathroom in a panic, this action had awoken Joel too and he immediately sat up to ask, “baby, what’s wrong?”
“What do you think?” you snapped unintentionally.
Pulling down your pyjama shorts and underwear, thankfully you haven't leaked too bad but your underwear would need a few rounds with the washing machine that's for sure. The door creaked with Joel gently pushing it open and you balled up your dirtied clothing to hide your accident.
Normal yes, these things happen at times but it still feels embarrassing nonetheless.
“Baby,” he soothed, stepping further into the bathroom and kneeling down to the floor in front of you, Joel held his hands to your thighs and lifted your chin with his thumb, “C’mon doll, don’t get shy on me now. You know this is ok and that it’s natural. I’m willing to bet it’s happened to everyone that goes through this at least once in their life.”
“I know,” you shrugged sadly, and Joel reassured, telling you exactly what you needed to hear, “but it still feels embarrassing for you, I know that too darlin. I will tell you every damn time if I have to, it’s ok and you have nothing to feel embarrassed about.”
That brought a smile to your face. Joel doesn’t know exactly how you feel but over the course of the last four years being his girlfriend inside the walls of Jackson, he has come to empathize with your explanations and understand every aspect of how to ease you through it.
Even at the beginning of your relationship, he understood the problems that people have to go through with this regularity each month. The very least he can do is be there for you. Leaning in towards you, he closes the gap and kisses you, mumbling into your lips, “how bout a hot bath?”
“Joel,” you pulled back and worried, “It’s three in the morning,” to which he ran his calloused hands along your thighs softly with a smile, “So?”
Leaning over the tub, he placed the plug in the hole and ran the hot water before turning back to face you, “time of day doesn't matter when it comes to running a bath when you need it, darlin.”
You smirked, “Trying to say I'm stinky, Miller?” Teasing him playfully to lighten the mood, for yourself and for him, it worked because you both began laughing. Joel leaned in again, “nope” and nuzzled his nose against yours, “you smell wonderful, girl. Always.”
Brushing his bearded lips lightly across yours and tickling you just how you like it before kissing you once more. Running heavy, reassuring hands up and down your thighs, you break off to gasp, furrowing your brows and squeezing your legs together.
“Is it the cramps or the stabs?” he asked, trying to understand which type of pain that you are feeling right now. “Both,” sucking in a sharp breath of air, you cringed to Joel and asked him to run the hot and cold water a little faster in hopes to rid the pain quickly in the tub.
Doing as you requested, he leaned back over the tub and turned the nozzles up. After a few moments, he turned the cold back off and helped you climb inside, leaving the rest to fill up with hot water.
Bringing your knees up to your chest and resting your head against them, you leaned forward while Joel dunked an arm inside, rubbing the heel of his hands into your back, “Tell me when to stop, ok baby?”
“Hm,” laughing lightly and smiling, you closed your eyes and hummed contently with his touch, “Hm, never stop, Joel.”
His reply was simple, yet heavy with love, “as you wish, sweetheart.”
Joel isn’t just your partner. He is the other half of your life, what makes you complete as one. The man is devoted to you, and you are with him. Always by your side since the moment he laid his eyes on you on your first patrol together, it took a while for either of you to admit your feelings but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Being just over twenty years younger than Joel, the social stigma of an age gap relationship is the only reason he didn’t say something right away. While he can be closed off, quiet and broody, Joel is straight up with what he wants. There’s no sugar coating it, he will say exactly how it is and the day he met you, he knew you were for him.
After months of dancing around each other, flirting and teasing like any other couple would, it was the kind remarks that multiple townsfolk spoke that made Joel realize people weren’t fazed by your close friendship. In fact, they thought that you were in a relationship already.
After many encounters with people all around town asking him questions about you such as ‘where is your girlfriend?’ or ‘when is she moving in’, Joel realized that he has wasted too much fucking time worrying about what others think and headed straight to you, to tell you exactly how he feels.
The reason why you wouldn't change it for the world is because of how it happened. Maybe if it happened differently, you’d still hold it as a special moment but it’s hard to think of it any other way.
There was a summer dance in the town's bar and Joel strode in, taking everyone by surprise, even yourself, by pulling you with him towards the crowds of couples on the floor and slowly danced with you. It was bold, even for him but deeply memorable for you.
Ever since that night, since seeing your emotional reaction to him slow dancing with you and admitting his feelings that he had held back for so long, it became yours and Joel's thing to dance in the living room after dinner, just before bed while whispering how much he loves you.
Every night, you and Joel would relive that memory. Chuckling and giggling to one another with his improving moves, yours too. It's a simple gesture, maybe even a regular thing for other couples too, but for you it meant the world and more. To spend each night twirling by his hands or swaying on the spot with him.
Joel saw your reaction that day and was devoted to reminding you every chance he got at how much he loved you. To remind you every night of that feeling you got in that exact moment in that bar so long ago and hopefully for the rest of your lives together.
Unfortunately right now, he is being reminded how painful your period can be considering the hot bath isn’t easing your pain as effectively as he hoped it would. He left you momentarily to get your fresh clothes, some makeshift sanitary products and a glass of water with some painkillers.
Helping you out of the bath, you could barely stand up straight with the crippling cramps and although you didn’t need him to, he helped you get dried and dressed too before carrying you. Legs and arms wrapped around him, you buried your head into his neck while he walked to bed.
There’s something about him that makes you feel better. His proximity maybe. His body heat or just his love, but when he lay down on his back and kept laying across his chest, sleep was racing towards you quickly. It was tugging at your eyelids, stinging for you to close them and rest.
Joel knows you like the back of his hand. Pulling the thick duvet covers up over your bodies, he rubbed deep and slow circles into your lower back while kissing your cheek, “rest up darlin, I ain’t going anywhere, and you let me know if it gets worse, ok?”
Nodding to him, you closed your eyes and let sleep take over. He hated seeing you this way. Watching your face wince here and there with a stab of pain, your body shifting to find ease. After a while, he could see and feel how hot you were getting, so he carefully rolled over to switch up his laying positions.
Spooning you from behind instead, you hummed sleepily with relief when he slipped his warm hand around your front and across your lower stomach. Nestling his chin into the crook of your neck and feeling your hand find his, interlocking your fingers between his own, Joel kissed your cheek again and fell asleep with you.
Never say never when it comes to your period.
The pain had eased off a little and gave you a break the next day, however the flow was heavy. A part of you feels terrible for taking up so much of Joel's time while he stayed with you, but another part of you was forever grateful that he wasn’t scared off by the sight of blood.
Bleeding through your sanitary products and nearly onto the bed once again, he had to remind you for the second time that it was ok. You know it is, but you're now doubling up the protection in fear of leaking onto the bed later tonight.
Stepping out of the bathroom after a quick shower, you headed downstairs and into the kitchen. “Hey baby,” greeting him by the kitchen counter, you turned on the spot and asked, “Could you check me?”
He slapped your ass, “All good darlin, I promise,” eliciting a teasing shake of your head with narrowed eyes to which he threw his hands up in the air, “Hey, I had to make sure.”
Humor was another tactic Joel liked to use to help you. He’s quite funny on a mellow level anyways, but you’ve noticed that he amps it up a little during your period. Laughter is always good in raising one's spirit, right?
Pulling you in for another morning kiss to the cheek when you walked over to the sink, Joel wrapped his arms around your front and rubbed your stomach, “How are you feeling?”
“Much better than earlier, thanks to you,” lolling your head back to his shoulder with a smile, he swayed on the spot with you and replied, “my pleasure, baby. Can’t allow you to be hurting like this.”
Humming together, you brought your hands down on top of his, closing your eyes while he peppered light kisses to your neck. Periods can come short and quick, painless and make life easy but other times, they can be very heavy, extremely painful to not only your body, but painfully annoying in mind too with the drastic spikes in hormones.
You suck it up and plod on through them but Joel Miller makes even the hard ones much easier to go through, and swaying right here on the spot with him in the kitchen on your home together, you're thankful that your period sparks such intimate and loving moments with him.
His devotion to you matches no other.
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AN: Growing up with lots of sisters, it was quite an open and honest atmosphere in my household, so going through the monthlies for myself personally, I was never alone. I only hope that this fic can provide something like that for anyone who reads and finds themselves alone during this time.
I know people may say ‘it’s just a period’ but for some (like myself) it can be a harrowing experience in many ways to go through each month. They're natural, normal, fucking awful at times too, and I hope this fic of Joel comforting reader through this provides everything that you needed to hear. Even if you don't suffer with terrible monthly cycles, I still hope you find some comfort when reading this. Much love my friends, have a wonderful day <33
Permanent Taglist (All story Updates): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20
All Joel Content: @extraneous-trip @luvmeijii @readsalot73 @pale-gingerale @joelsflannel @something-tofightfor @readsalot73 @dinsangelx @ponyosmilfmom @hb8301 @squidwell @spideysimpossiblegirl @mooraakath @michele131 @chxpsi
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ladyorlandodream · 4 years
Lady Dimitrescu-tag FanFiction List PART 1
Since it has become a case among gamers and non-gamers, I decided to create this post containing the FF dedicated to Alcina Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu / Tall Vampire Lady) that I can find on the Internet This post will be updated as soon I find something new, therefore, feel free to send me links to add to the list and come back anytime, because from the reposts you will lose the updates!!
part 2   part 3   part 4   part 5  part 6   part 7
1) In Vino Sacrificium (Series)
2) Feast Your Eyes (short story)
3) The Woman in the White Dress (Chapters in progress)
4) Lost (short story)
5) Resident Evil Village but Awesome (short story)
6) We Are Marionettes By Strings Animated, Yet Like Lovers Of Strings Liberated (short story)
7) Village (Chapters in progress)
8) The Lady of the House (Series)
9) Intruder (short story)
10) Resident Evil: Lewd Village (short story)
11) The Surprise (short story)
12) Nothing Fucks With My Baby (Except Me) (Chapters in progress)
13) Hers, forever (short story)
14) Lady Dimitrescu and her Good Girl (Stories completed)
15) Be a good pet (short story)
16) The Lapis Inferno (Chapters completed)
17) Our secret love (short story)
18) Bad day (short story)
19) Its a superiority thing (Chapters in progress) 
20) The Lady’s Kitten! (Chapters in progress)
21) her new toy (Chapters in progress)
22) Why Are Humans Like This (short story)
23) The Cold is in Her Bones (Chapters in progress) 
24) Lady of Legend (short story)
25) Sweet Pet (short story)
26) Beloved bound (short story)
27) Fuck You're So Gorgeous, (And I Wanna Touch You). (short story)
28) Dessert (Chapters in progress)
29) Taken from the village (short story)
30) Resident Evil Drabbles (short stories in progress)
31) I'm Here, I'm Safe (short story)
32) For Old Times' Sake (short story)
33) Virgin Dog (short story)
34) Akaibara (Chapters in progress)
35) So This Is Love (short story)
36) Who's The Master Of Tall Now, Huh? (Chapters in progress)
37) The Mistresses New Daughter! (Chapters in progress)
38) A Willing Maiden? (short story)
39) Beloved [SCRIPT OFFER] [F4TF VARIATION] (short story to fill)
40) I trust you (short story)
41) Little Fly (short story)
42) Never Mind That Moaning In The Halls, There's No Such Thing As Ghosts (short story)
43) I know what you’re after (short story)
44) neither pink nor pale (short story)
45) what of the body isn't an unbecoming (Chapters in progress)
46) Blood and Byrrh (Chapters in progress)
47) Beginnings (Chapters in progress)
48) To Live Forever (short story)
49) Skelly Meets His Match (short story)
50) Just a toy (Chapters completed)
51) Stormy Illusions (short story)
52) I'm Falling (Don't Catch Me) (Chapters in progress)
53) Desperate Escape (short story)
54) Ignis (short story)
55) finders keepers (short story)
56) Roses Before Dawn (2 chapters story)
57) Aftertaste (short story)
58) Liar (Chapters in progress)
59) Alcina's Ultimate Form! (short story)
60) Love makes monsters of us all (Chapters in progress)
61) Cursed (Chapters completed)
62) Where It's Warm (Chapters in progress)
63) The Witch, The Werewolf And The Vampire (short story)
64) Death Trap Clad (short story)
65) Plaything (short story)
66) To become something more! (Chapters in progress)
67) Lost, but not forgotten. (Chapters in progress)
68) I Love Human Stupidity (short story)
69) Lady Dimitrescu A-Z NSFW (short list)
70) Danse Macabre (Chapters in progress)
71) Game Over! (short story)
72) A Pet That's Not You (short story)
73) The patterns of your heartbeat (Chapters in progress)
74) Survival (short story)
75) It Was A Wicked Thought (Chapters in progress)
76) Blackbird (Chapters completed)
77) How vampires are born (short story)
78) I Like My Coffee Like I Like My Women: Hot and Venti. (Chapters in progress)
79) Kiss of Blood (Chapters in progress)
80) You're Not What I Asked For (short story)
81) I walk My Days On a Wire (short story)
82) Team Dimitrescu (short story)
83) Daughter's Plaything! (short story)
84) It Starts With a Spilled Cup of Tea (Chapters completed)
85) There You Are (short story)
86) Fanfic of: "I Like My Coffee Like I Like My Women: Hot and Venti" (short story)
87) Lady Dimitrescu's new slave (short story)
88) How The Mighty Have Shrunk? (short story)
89) Lady dimitrescu x oc (Chapters in progress)
90) Novitiate (Chapters in progress)
91) No More Tears Left (short story)
92) Taming One Of the Beasts! (short story)
93) In the Shadows of the Enemy (short story)
94) Rebirth series (short stories)
95) Comfort's Embrace (short story)
96) A Maids Tale! (short story)
97) To Have Tea and Crackers (short story)
98) Me of all People!? (Chapters in progress)
99) The Tall Mistress (short story)
100) A Dance Of Death! (short story)
101) Retourne-toi! (Chapters in progress)
102) Roses, Hearts and Wine (short story)
103) Care to Dance? (Chapters in progress by me!)
104) Happy Valentine's Day (short story)
105) Share The Love? (short story)
106) Vampire (short story)
107) Between monsters (Chapters in progress)
108) Giant Woman (song/rewriting)
109) Steeplechase (short story)
110) In The Shadows (Chapters in progress)
111) What is it Worth? (Chapters in progress)
112) The positives of being a maiden (short story)
113) Young And Beautiful (short story)
114) Queenslayer (Chapters in progress)
115) Life in Castle Dimitrescu (Chapters in progress)
116) A Soak (short story)
117) Child’s Play! (Chapters in progress)
118) Forbidden (Chapters in progress)
119) The Vampire's Groom (short story)
120) Vampires Can Wear Sweaters Too (Chapters in progress)
121) Don't Cry Mercy.... (short story)
122) Hear Me Out (short story)
123) Sanguinis et Mortis (short story)
124) A Warm Bed (short story) 
125) The Bite That Binds The Gift That Gives (Chapters in progress)
126) Two Hearts Beat As One! (Chapters in progress)
127) Cat Got Your Tongue? (Chapters in progress)
128) The Truth Can Make a Rose Dead (short story)
129) The Mistress's Artist (short story)
130) The Art of Submission (short story)
131) Her Name Upon My Soul (short story)
132) Mine only (short story)
133) Don’t leave me (short story)
134) The Morning Sun (short story)
135) What About What I Want? (Chapters in progress)
136) Facing the Leviathan (short story)
137) No Title (from Deviantart) (short story)
138) MILKERS: The big Smoke | Libro 1: Dimitrescu (Chapters in progress in Spanish)
139) Rolling Stone! (short story)
140) Moonlight Reflections (Chapter in progress)
141) In Sanguis Virginis Veritas (Chapters in progress)
142) Video Games? (short story)
143) Fragility (short story)
144) Pet Lessons (short story)
145) Symphony of Destruction (short story)
146) The Protectors (Chapters in progress)
147) Such A Messy Affair (short story)
148) nourishment (short story)
149) Ma Belle Evangeline (short story)
150) Big Tall Vampire Lady (Chapters in progress)
151) Plaything (Alcina Dimitrescu x Male Reader) (short story)
152) Unexpected (short story)
153) All Hallows’ Eve (Chapters in progress...by me!)
154) Affliction (Chapters in progress)
155) Adapt and Overcome (Chapters in progress)
156) So We Meet Again (short story)
157) Stole (Chapters in progress)
158) Unexpected expectancy (short story)
159) Blood Moon! (short story)
160) Under Your Spell (Chapters in progress)
161) Kitten Likes To Play! (short story)
162) A Good Servant (short story)
163) My Huntress, My Wife (short story)
164) Mother Is God In The Eyes Of A Child! (short story)
165) Memento Mori (Chapters in progress)
166) Hunter Becomes The Hunted! (Chapters in progress)
167) The One She Spared (Chapters in progress)
168) From Eden (Chapters in progress)
169) it takes a village (Chapters in progress)
170) This one time in Romania... (Chapters in progress)
171) One witch dead. One more to go. (short story)
172) Surprise Visit! (short story)
173) Falling into Darkness (Chapters in progress)
174) Finding What's Lost! (Chapters in progress)
175) Call Me Mistress (short story)
176) Burn Witch Burn (Chapters in progress)
177) Scare Tactics (Chapters in progress)
178) a one shot from tumblr (short story)
179) Recon (Chapters in progress)
180) Tea and Ice Lattes (Chapters in progress)
181) Yes, Dear (short story)
182) Use Somebody (Chapters in progress)
183) The Party (short story)
184) Dimitrescu Winter Ball (short story)
185) Learning The Hard Way (short story)
186) The Vamp & The Wolf (Chapters in progress)
187) Trust Is Worth A Thousand Words (Chapters in progress)
188) Family Portrait (short story)
189) The Long Journey Home (Chapters in progress)
190) ~Iubire nemuritoare~ (Chapters in progress)
191) A New Breed (Chapters in progress)
192) Part of the Job (short story)
193) Lingering (short story)
194) Dani’s Mom (shorto story)
195) What Do We Do With A Drunken Vampire? (short story)
196) You're Such A Royal Pain In The Fang! (short story)
197) Woman in White (short story)
198) One shot from tumblr
199) Night Light (short story)
200) The Goddess And The Vampire! (short story)
1) Between Thirst and Affection (short story about Daniela)
2) Series about new character Rosemary Dimitrescu: Part 1 When A Rose Blooms In Winter (Completed); Part 2 Every Rose Has It's Thorns (Completed); Part 3 A Bed of Roses (In progress)
3) Potential Bad Idea (short story about Daniela)
4) Supermarket Flowers (short story about Daniela)
5) Good Girl! (short story about Daniela)
6) Taming one of the beasts! (short story)
7) Into the Unknown (Chapters in progress, multifandom)
8) One Of the Girls (short story)
9) Can't Sleep! Won't Sleep (without you)! (short story)
10) A Mix of the Species! (short story)
757 notes · View notes
donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
The Great Mouse Detective (1986) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 80+ sentences from the 1986 version of The Great Mouse Detective to use for your enjoyment!    
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1.      “This is my very best birthday.”
2.      “I haven’t given you your present yet.”
3.      “You’re the most wonderful father in the whole world.”
4.      “Little did I know, but my life was about to change forever.”
5.      “Come, come. Dry your eyes.”
6.      “Oh my, you poor dear! You must be chilled to the bone.”
7.      “I know just the thing. Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets.”
8.      “The villains slipped this time! I shall have him!”
9.      “You don’t understand! I’m in terrible trouble!”
10.   “How did you know I was a doctor?”
11.   “I believe I smell some of those delightful cheese crumpets of yours. Why don’t you fetch our guests some?”
12.   “Drat, another dead end. He was within my grasp!”
13.   “Young lady, this is a most inappropriate time.”
14.   “He’s a genius, a genius twisted for evil. The Napoleon of crime.”
15.   “As bad as all that, eh?”
16.   “For years I’ve tried to capture him, and I’ve come close. So very close. But each time he’s narrowly evaded my grasp.”
17.   “There’s no evil scheme he wouldn’t concoct, no depravity he wouldn’t commit.”
18.   “Who knows what dastardly scheme that villain may be plotting even as we speak.”
19.   “Quite an ingenious scheme, eh? And aren’t you proud to be a part of it?”
20.   “You can do what you want with me. I won’t be a part of this evil any longer.”
21.   “By the way, I’m having the liberty of having your daughter brought here.”
22.   “I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate was to befall her.”
23.   “Oh, I love it when I’m nasty.”
24.   “You know what to do. And no mistakes.”
25.   “My friends we are about to embark on the most odius, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career. A crime to top all crimes, a crime that will live in infamy.”
26.   “It promises to be a night she will never forget.”
27.   “It hasn’t all been champagne and caviar. I’ve had my share of adversity.”
28.   “For years that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans.”
29.   “I haven’t had a moments peace of mind.”
30.   “All that’s in the past! This time nothing can stand in my way! All will bow before me!”
31.   “What was that? What did you call me?”
32.   “I’m afraid that you’ve gone and upset me. You know what happens when someone upsets me.”
33.   “I trust there will be no further interruptions.”
34.   “This case is most intriguing with its multiplicity of elements, its many twists and turns.”
35.   “You’re certain you’ve told me everything? The slightest detail may be important.”
36.   “A crime of the most sinister nature, no doubt.”
37.   “No sign of the blackguard anywhere.”
38.   “This is not business for children.”
39.   “You are most definitely not accompanying us and that is final.”
40.   “Not a word out of you. Is that clear?”
41.   “The thrill of the hunt, eh?”
42.   “Upon my word, I’ve never seen so many toys.”
43.   “Don’t let this girl out of your sight!”
44.   “Confound it! I told you to watch over the girl!”
45.   “Poor girl. I should have watched her more closely.”
46.   “Don’t worry, old fellow. It’s not entirely hopeless.”
47.   “There’s always a chance as long as one can thing.”
48.   “How sweet. I just love tearful reunions.”
49.   “Remember it must be ready tonight!”
50.   “You mean you’re not mad? I’m glad you’re taking it so well.”
51.   “Oh I can just see that insufferable grin on his smug face.”
52.   “You delightful little maniac! You’ve presented me with a singular opportunity.”
53.   “Don’t be absurd. You look perfect.”
54.   “Stay close and do as I do.”
55.   “Two pints for me and my shipmate.”
56.   “There you are boys. It’s on the house.”
57.   “Has a rather nice bite to it.”
58.   “Bravo! Bravo! A marvelous performance. Though, frankly, I expected you fifteen minutes earlier.”
59.   “No one can have a higher opinion of you than I had. And I think you’re a slimy, contemptable sewer rat.”
60.   “I just love your disguise. Really, one would hardly recognize you.”
61.   “So help me, I’ll see you behind bars yet!”
62.   “You fool! Isn’t it clear to you?”
63.   “The superior mind has triumphed! I’ve won!”
64.   “You don’t know what a delightful dilemma it was trying to decide on the most appropriate method for your demise. Oh, I had so many ingenious ideas I didn’t know which to choose. So I decided to choose them all.”
65.   “Oh, this is wicked. So delightfully wicked.”
66.   “See what you can do with the proper motivation?”
67.   “It was my fond hope to stay and witness your final scene, but you were fifteen minutes late and I do have an important engagement.”
68.   “You should have chosen your friends more carefully.”
69.   “Haven’t you figured it out? The Queen’s in danger and the empires doomed.”
70.   “Have you been with us long?”
71.   “How could I have been so blind?”
72.   “We all make mistakes, but we can’t let that stop us.”
73.   “He would never have walked into such an obvious trap.”
74.   “Pull yourself together! You can stop that villain!”
75.   “It’s finally happened! I’ve been outwitted!”
76.   “Our queen is in mortal danger!”
77.   “As your new royal consort, I have a few slight suggestions.”
78.   “I have the power! I am supreme!”
79.   “This is MY kingdom! That is, of course, with your highness permission?”
80.   “You’re not my royal consort. You’re a cheap fiend and imposter?”
81.   “Stay where you are or the girl dies!”
82.   “Would you kindly sit down and shut up!?”
83.   “There’s no escape this time!”
84.   “The games not over yet!”
85.   “To be thanked by the queen herself! Oh how very thrilling, eh?”
86.   “The case is over. Perhaps it’s best I found my own living quarters.”
87.   “You look as if you’re in some trouble.”
88.   “Over the years, we’ve had many cases together.”
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dogwhizzer · 2 years
HELLO for the character ask thing: Trina Falsettos and Gordon Schwinn
trina weisenbachfeld <33
first impression: ah ok! insane woman with really nice hands. someone help her i think. is she homophobic
current impression: my best friend my wife earth a bestest pathetic woman coolest hag in the world lose your mind queen <3
favorite moment: ohoho. it's gotta be a tie between her lil take-over moment in everything will be alright (from the falsettoland workshop) like yes girl dont take no for an answer aren't you tired of being nice don't you want to go apeshit. and her during the entirety of jason's bar mitzvah but especially her moment with the lesbians. it's just so. oughhhhhh. her dragging mendel along in the background of a day in falsettoland and also everytime she grabs his tits. obviously.
idea for a story: wym legend. like a fic idea? u mean a fic idea? ive got one from a bit ago where mendel takes her to one of his little hangouts from college and all his old friends love her and kinda tease him and they get high and sing karaoke n stuff it's cute
unpopular opinion: as much as i like the idea of bi4bi trindel i rlly think that girl might just be straight. maybe had a little homoerotic fling back in the day but that's it
favorite relationship: ough don't make me choose. trindel of COURSE of course but i love love love that lady and her son and i LOVE LOVE LOVE that hag and her fag. (her and marvin. besties forever and ever and always.) <33333
favorite headcanon: shit man. there's a lot but there's none that stick OUT yknow. like i cant say i have a favorite. i think she's a huge jim henson stan how about that
gordon. gordo gordy gordon michael schwinn. man
first impression: whats this guys fuckin problem
impression now: ok so hes literally me
favorite moment: ummmmmm idk i like sitting becalmed and i LOVE sailing reprise. ough
idea for a story: hmm. i'll be honest ive never thought about writing fic for this guy. i once tried writing crossover with falsettos once like when i FIRST heard abt a new brain but i knew nothing abt it so it came out shit and i don't even have it anymore
unpopular opinion: uhhhh. i dont really have one. i mean how many opinions can you get about a guy who's not even conscious for half his story and is Technically a real life man. idk
favorite relationship: cmon man. him and roger hands down no question
favorite headcanon: ummm that hes trans obvs. also that he plays minecraft. and is a weezer fan
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nyanaminsbread · 3 years
Imagine single dad! Nanami who's a banker and kindergarten teacher Gojo ( in this au Toji is a good dad and takes good care of Megumi and Tsumiki )
Like imagine Nanami dropping Yuuji off and Gojo always takes the chance to annoy and subtly look at Nanami ESPECIALLY when he doesn't have his blazer on and Nanami finds it amusing because it's not like Gojo is super subtle in his ogling.
And imagine, like the moment Nanami comes and picks Yuuji up from kindergarten, he's babbling about how Gojo found a cat today and let them all pet it and how he held Megumi's hand on their morning walk with Gojo sensei and how cool Gojo sensei is ... and slowly the months pass and Nanami realises he's more and more in love with Gojo because he's just so good with kids and he's really good looking too ( imagine Yuuji asking Nanami if he could marry Gojo so he could have 2 dads and Nanami just chokes on his coffee HAHA )
One day, Nanami's running extremely late because he got held up by work and he when he gets there, Gojo's still there, taking care of Yuuji and Yuuji's already sleeping soundly by the time Nanami gets there, and Nanami thanks Gojo and hands him a bento he got and some tea and goes like " This is for you, Gojo-san, thank you for taking care of my son, he talks a lot about you at home, " And Gojo is very flattered but goes, " He does ? " and Nanami laughs a little and goes, " Yeah, you could say like father like son . " and he gives Gojo a leave home too ...
And it doesn't hit Gojo until he's eating the bento at home and reading and rereading the handwritten note that Nanami wrote for him that wait, that means Nanami talks about him too ??
AND imagine if one day, Nanami has to go back to office on short notice and Gojo knows and volunteers to take care of Yuuji, and as he's tucking Yuuji into bed, Yuuji mumbles, " Gojo sensei, can you be my second dad ? Papa told me you had to say yes ... " and Gojo's just like " Well, I'd like to be your second dad, Yuuji. That way I could have you and Nanami beside me forever ! " and Yuuji just falls asleep after a while and Gojo starts to Consider their Dynamics because he does love Yuuji and Nanami and Nanami's his exact type and sometimes Nanami does invite him over to their house for dinner and for meals so that counts for something too ... and eventually Gojo ends up falling asleep while sitting next to the bed and Nanami gets home and tucks Gojo into bed and sleeps on the couch ...
Eventually Nanami confesses to Gojo after kindergarten ends, like he rolls up to kindergarten with a big bouquet of flowers and Gojo's very touched and also confesses his feelings to Nanami and they smooch and Yuuji is overjoyed and tells everyone who will listen ( including the old ladies at the grocery store ) that he now has two dads AND IMAGINE Nanami, Gojo, and Yuuji having matching family shirts and going on a zoo outing aaaaaaaaaaaa
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@fingersnapples first thank you for liking this concept <33 I worked really hard on this so I'm happy you like this AND
for more serotonin, CONSIDER now every morning Nanami wakes Gojo and Yuuji up, and he drives all of them to kindergarten and Yuuji's super happy because his Gojo sensei is now his second dad which means the magic and fun of kindergarten extends past kindergarten ... so while Nanami is busy at work, Gojo takes care of Yuuji and brings him for grocery runs and on walks to the familymart where he without fail buys Yuuji and himself a matcha soft serve and to the bakery where they get free bread ( thanks to cute little Yuuji ) and they walk home together and stop to pet every single cat they see ... AND when Nanami gets home he sees his husband and his son curled up on the bed and sleeping soundly ( he takes a picture and uses it as his lockscreen )
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unfortunatelydead · 3 years
SO I am a really big Adventure Time fan and I made a decision for all the people in my life who wanted to watch the show but didn’t want to watch unnecessary episodes: to create a watch guide.
Surprisingly whenever I talked about it, a lot of people were interested. 
So, below the cut, my Adventure Time watch guide:
*Not a lot of episodes could, in my opinion, be cut. My reasons for not cutting an episode could be because it has a character that comes back later in the series, a certain character needed more screen time, or as simple a reason as I personally feel like it shouldn’t be cut. However, some episodes that I think just enhance the series or are particularly memorable, but aren’t necessary, are labelled as “not necessary but fun/cute”
Adventure time watch guide: The necessary episodes Season 1: 1.) slumber party panic, episode 1  2.) trouble in lumpy space 3.) prisoners of love 4.) tree trunks 5.) enchiridion 6.) the jiggler 7.) Ricardio 8.) business time (not necessary) 9.) my two favorite people 10.) boom boom mountain 11.) wizard school (not necessary but fun) 12.) Evicted 13.) city of thieves 14.) the witch’s garden 15.) what is life 16.) fear of the ocean 17.) when wedding bells thaw, ice wedding (not necessary) 18.) dungeon 19.) duke of nuts 20.) magic man, freak city 21.) Donny 22.) henchman aka marceline pt 2 23.) bmo cuteness, rainy day dream (not necessary) 24.)what have you done (not necessary) 25.) BILLY THE HERO 26.) gut grinder Season 2: 1.) it came from the nightosphere 2.)horse eyes 3.)nice king (not necessary) 4.) blood under the skin 5.)storytelling (not necessary) 6.)snail love (not necessary) 7.) power animal 8.)crystals have power 9.)royal tart toter (not necessary but fun) 10.) beautiful hair 11.) chamber of frozen blades 12.) her parents 13.) the pods 14.) a silent king 15.) the real you 16.) guardians of sunshine (not necessary) (different animation style episode) 17.) death in bloom 18.) Susan strong 19.) mystery train (not necessary) 20.) go with me 21.) belly of the beast, party bears 22.) ancient psychic tandem war elephant 23.) video makers (not necessary) 24.) mortal folly, the lich king 25.) mortal recoil 26.) heat signature (not necessary) Season 3: 1.) conquest of cuteness 2.) ghost gladiators (not necessary but fun) 3.) memory of a memory 4.) hitman 5.) baby pb, lemongrab 6.) the monster aka lumpy space princess (not necessary) 7.) still (not necessary) 8.) wizard battle 9.) fionna and cake pt 1 (not necessary but fun) 10.) what was missing 11.) Apple thief, the pig 12.) murder mystery dinner party 13.) zombies, again (not necessary) 14.) beautopia, return of Susan strong 15.) no one can hear you, THE DEER EPISODE 16.) jake vs memow 17.) snow golem and fire puppy 18.) cosmic owl croak dream 19.) holly jolly secrets 20.) holly jolly secrets pt 2 21.)marceline’s closet (not necessary) 22.) paper Pete (not necessary) 23.) another way, clown nurses (not necessary) 24.) ghost princess’ story 25.) dad’s dungeon 26.) incendium, intro of flame princess Season 4: 1.) hot to the touch, more flame princess 2.) five short graybles 3.) stuck in spiders web (not necessary) 4.) dream of love 5.) return to the nightosphere 6.) return to the nightosphere pt 2 7.) in your footsteps 8.) hug wolf (not necessary) 9.) princess monster wife (not necessary) 10.) goliad 11.) beyond this earthly realm, (not necessary) 12.) gotcha 13.) card wars 14.) princess cookies 15.) son of Mars 16.) burning low 17.) bmo noire 18.) king worm 19.) lady and peebles 20.) you made me 21.) who would win (not necessary) 22.) ignition point 23.) the hard easy, mega frog, (not necessary) 24.)reign of gunthers 25.) I REMEMBER YOU 26.) The Lich Season 5: 1.) Finn the human 2.) jake the dog 3.) five more short graybles 4.) up a tree (not necessary but fun) 5.) All the little people (not necessary) 6.) jake the dad 7.) davey (not necessary) 8.) mystery dungeon (not necessary) 9.) all your fault 10.) little dude (not necessary) 11.) bad little boy (Fionna and cake pt 2) (not necessary but fun) 12.) vault of bones 13.) the great bird man 14.) Simon and Marcy 15.) a glitch is a glitch (not necessary but fun) (different animation style episode) 16.) Puhoy <3 17.) BMO Lost 18.) princess potluck 19.) James Baxter 20.) shhh! (Not necessary) 21.) the suitor 22.) party’s over (not necessary) 23.) one last job (jake jr’s episode?) 24.) another more five short graybles 25.) candy streets 26.) wizards only, fools 27.) jake suit 28.) be more 29.) sky witch 30.) frost and fire 31.) too old 32.) earth and water 33.) time sandwich (not necessary but fun) 34.) THE VAULT 35.) love games 36.) dungeon train 37.) box prince 38.) red starved 39.) we fixed a truck (not necessary) 40.) play date 41.) the pit 42.) James 43.) root beer guy 44.) Apple wedding 45.) blade of grass 46.) rattleballs 47.) the red throne 48.) Betty 49.) bad timing (not necessary) 50.) lemon hope part 1 51.) lemonhope part 2 52.) Billy’s bucket list Season 6: 1.) wake up 2.) escape from the citadel 3.) James 2 4.) the tower 5.) sad face (not necessary) 6.) breezy 7.) food chain (not necessary but fun) (different animation style episode) 8.) furniture and meat 9.) the prince who wanted everything (fionna and cake pt 3) (not necessary but fun) 10.) something big 11.) little brother (not necessary) 12.) ocarina (Kim Kil Whan’s episode) 13.) crabapples (not necessary but fun) 14.) princess day 15.) nemesis 16.) Joshua and Margaret 17.) ghost fly (not necessary) 18.) everything’s jake (not necessary) 19.) is that you 20.) jake the brick (not necessary but fun) 21.) dentist 22.) the cooler 23.) the pajama war 24.) evergreen 25.) astral plane 26.) gold stars 27.) the visitor 28.) the mountain 29.) dark purple 30.) diary (tv’s episode) 31.) walnuts and rain (not necessary but fun) 32.) friends forever (not necessary) 33.) jermaine 34.) chips and ice cream (not necessary) 35.) graybles 1000+ 36.) hoots 37.) water park prank (not necessary) (different animation style episode) 38.) you forgot your floaties 39.) be sweet 40.) orgalorg 41.) on the lam 42.) hot digging dam 43.) the comet Season 7: 1.) Bonnie and Neddy 2.) varmints 3.) cherry cream soda 4.) mama said 5.) football 6.) STAKES, part 1 7.) STAKES, part 2 8.) STAKES, part 3 9.) STAKES, part 4 10.) STAKES, part 5 11.) STAKES, part 6 12.) STAKES, part 7 13.) STAKES, part 8 14.) The more you moe 15.) summer showers (viola’s episode) 16.) angel face 17.) president porpoise is missing (not necessary) 18.) blank eyed girl (not necessary but fun) 19.) bad jubies (not necessary) (different animation style episode) 20.) kings ransom 21.) scamps (not necessary) 22.) crossover 23.) the hall of egress 24.) flute spell 25.)the thin yellow line (not necessary but fun) Season 8: 1.) broke his crown 2.) don’t look (not necessary but fun) 3.) beyond the grotto (not necessary but fun) (different animation style episode) 4.) lady rainicorn of the crystal dimension 5.) I am a sword 6.) bun bun 7.) normal man 8.) elemental 9.) five short tables (fionna and cake pt 4) (not necessary but fun) 10.) the music hole 11.) daddy-daughter card wars (Charlie’s episode) 12.) pre boot 13.) reboot 14.) two swords 15.) do no harm 16.) wheels (bronwyn’s episode) 17.) high strangeness 18.) horse and ball 19.) jelly beans have power 20.) Islands pt 1 21.) Islands pt 2 22.) Islands pt 3 23.) Islands pt 4 24.) Islands pt 5 25.) Islands pt 6 26.) Islands pt 7 27.) Islands pt 8 Season 9: 1.) orb 2.) elements pt 1 3.) elements pt 2 4.) elements pt 3 5.) elements pt 4 6.) elements pt 5 7.) elements pt 6 8.) elements pt 7 9.) elements pt 8 10.) abstract 11.) ketchup (different animation style episode) 12.) fionna and cake and fionna (not necessary but fun) (fionna and cake pt 5) 13.) whispers 14.) three buckets Season 10: 1.) the Wild hunt 2.) always bmo closing 3.) son of rap bear 4.) bonnibel bubblegum 5.) seventeen 6.) ring of fire 7.) Marcy and hunson 8.) the first investigation 9.) blenanas (for some reason this episode is separate on Hulu?) (not necessary) 10.) jake the starchild (out of order on Hulu, this one comes before temple of Mars) 11.) temple of Mars (out of order on Hulu, watch this one after jake the starchild) 12.) gumbaldia 13.) Come along with me Adventure Time: Distant Lands- 1.) BMO 2.) Obsidian 3.) Together Again (not yet released) 4.) Wizard City (not yet released)
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