#share our faves
onyxsboxes · 4 days
🎶✨ The playlist we created together ✨🎶
A few weeks ago, I was tagged in a game of "share your favorite music". After taking several days to respond (oops), I wondered what your musical tastes were and what a playlist of our favorite songs would looked like.
So, I asked most of my mutuals/followers who had their inboxes open at the time, (hopefully I sent it to everyone, but if I missed you, I'm really sorry, you can totally come and yell at me 😭) the same question that i got:
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
The idea was to collect all your answers in a playlist and share it with you.
The answers I received were so nice, I loved all the little comments you added, they made me smile like crazy 😊.
And damn, guys, I love your taste in music and recommendations. I've discovered so many new songs, some of which will be on repeat for me in the next few days, others which I would never have listened to on my own but which I'm happy to have discovered, but I've also found songs in your recommendations that were already dear to me.
At first I wanted to wait for a few more answers, but I was too excited to share it with you to wait. So instead, i'll keep updating it as new answers come in.
So it's with great joy that I present to you the playlist of our favorite songs 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
I may do another one of these later (still music but different questions).
Let me know if you want to be part of it, if you want to be tagged for the results or if you don't want to be asked (my dm's and asked are open, use ⏹ if you don't want them published).
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mewkwota · 2 months
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De-stressor doodles of the him (the boy). I find that I especially love drawing the accents on Hub's bodysuit, they also help a lot with guiding a pose and giving it more flow to me.
And do you know how many times it took for me to get a sitting pose I really liked? (About 3 times. Each one likely messed up thanks to his little(?) boots.)
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okay so last night i had a dream that i was hanging out at this summer garden party with miles, and we were chatting about creativity and fashion and just generally having a great time - but then i went to get us more drinks and his mum pulled me aside and whispered “you’re upsetting alex” and i looked over and alex was just sitting there alone on a bench, gazing at miles with the saddest baby deer eyes ever. like. pining. full blown, heart wrenching pining right in the middle of a garden party. and i was appalled and immediately all “no no no it’s not like that with me and miles, i’m totally rooting for him and alex” to miles’s mum, and ended up talking to her for the rest of the party about what total fucking idiots they are. it was great, i wish my subconscious would treat me to little scenarios like this more often lol
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the fandom Mood has been p down lately, but we absolutely do not have to live like this. join me in a good vibes social experiment and make an appreciation post that DOES NOT mention the disc/course- talk about someone you watch or dont watch, or even a whole team. doesnt matter how long or short your post is the only point is that its Made. (“i fucking love [x character]” totally counts).
if you want to help build a little archive of Good Posts for us all to frolic in then tag #qsmp pos
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il-predestinato · 2 years
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I'd like to ask you about your relationship with Max Verstappen. So many people picked up on the quote in the press conference in Italy when you said you used to “hate” each other when you raced in go-karts. Do you treat him any differently to other rivals now you are both fighting for a title in F1?
Charles Leclerc: I treat every rival that I have differently. The more you know them, the more you know what their weaknesses are and what their strengths are and you try to adapt to every driver, so yes I do. But it is very different to the fight we had in karting.
In karting, we were there for the win, but we were also very young and we took things in a different way with a lot of anger, I remember. I hated him as much as he hated me at that time, but now we are grown up we are a lot more mature, we respect each other and we have both achieved our dream to be driving in Formula 1.
There is a lot of mutual respect, which is great to see. I'm pretty sure that when there are only five races left to the end [of the year], if we are still in the position we are in now fighting for the championship, things will get more tense, but that's the way it is and that's how racing is. That's why I love this sport so much, so we will see.
🎥: ESPN UK (May 5, 2022)
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cloudwisp · 2 months
picked up a box of yummy cakes from a cute bakery n I’m meeting my beloveds who I haven’t seen in a while for shabu tonight. hope everyone’s having a wonderful wednesday (btw hammie says hi 💕)
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fhroggg · 2 years
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when my sister and I were little kids, we used to watch the "A Very Minty Christmas" over and over during the holiday season. Minty was my sister's favorite so this is a special gift for her. A shame Minty wasn't in gen4 lmao, I liked her too
i draw ponies a lot on deviantart lol theyre just fun to redesign. username there is fhroggy, same as here
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jessfromouterspace · 6 months
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my pastel paladin durge is all of us when lorroakan speaks
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toastywindow · 8 months
theres something about one character that had gone through so much and only for him to die.... cuz.... apparently its good for the story????? what in the actual fuck
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willowser · 1 year
what do u think about with reader that always covers her face with like masks??
i always think thar he would be very intrigued and when he sees u its like a 😲😦 moment bc u look like a goddess wooo
maybe if u end up dating hes always glued to u kissing al over ur face 💕💝☹️ i just want him to make me feel pretty
love your writings!!
i'm not sure who you mean by 'he', but !! i'll assume bakugou, bc this ask actually reminded me of something i have in my drafts LOL
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a small scene from an unfinished drabble in which bakugou has only ever seen you with a mask on !! and he's curious to know what you look like under there 👀
but !! i think he would definitely be very intrigued !! i love stories in which we fall in love with someone and we're unable to know exactly what they look like, and there's a hint of that in this idea !! and when he does get to see your face, he's probably blushing like a fool !! doesn't want to make a big deal of it bc you're right there in front of him, but 🥺 he's nervous and excited all at once 🥺 and i do think he would like — if you were in public and had a mask on, he would get a teeny bit antsy, wanting to pull it down for a quick kiss !! 🥺 how sweet !!!
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tetsuskei · 2 months
hello risu how are u i'm here to report i have a massively embarrassing crush on pedro.. like the jaguar
hi noos, thank u sm for the report ! i’m here to fully support your crush on him and also ask you what drew you into him ,,, i’m very curious 👁️🕴️
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i have a crush on him, zoan form and all and i’ll stand by that 🤾‍♀️‼️
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harley-gaymes · 9 months
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Made little matching beans for me and my pal Bandy so we can hold our faves hand or Halsin tiddies. Both work.
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hellhoundlair · 1 year
theoretically if i made a discord server for mutuals wuld said mutuals b interested
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freddieandersen · 3 months
is it weird to get married the day before your parents’ anniversary
ok now what if your parents’ birthdays are a few days either side of that date
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
used this picrew to make my new skyrim crew :3
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Hiraeth (they/she/he) || Sibylla (she/her) || Dervera Sathro (she/they)
the dragonborn, the ex-dragon priest now vampire and pain in the ass, the dunmer fed up with everyone's bullshit
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arklayraven · 8 months
I swear the fact some of us had to make new special tags just because some people hate that we talk negative about their special characters...Really is damn ridiculous.
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