#love her idle animation tho its cute
diah-the-demon · 2 years
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verspia · 2 months
I request where kenan and yn is dating and have for 2-3 months but keeping it secretly, cuz of his career, and kenan and his friend cubanito doing a livestream, and kenan gets spammed if he’s seeing someone, but he tries to keep it private and try to dodge the questions, cuz its rumored he’s dating someone that is not YN that the people suspect, but he is seeing YN, and his friend try to confirm he’s not seeing that girl, but kinda seeing someone else? which is YN
( pairing ) kenan yıldız x reader
i love this so much i rlly hope i’ve written it to your liking
ps i used karlotta as the rumoured girl
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liked by karlottafan and others
footballwags - kenan yildiz in the likes of this model 👀 is she his new beau?
user86 - who uses the word beau 💀
karlottafann - they’d look so cute together 🥹
user86 - those posts are from ages ago tho?
user09 - another one bites the dust
user97 - footballers and models what’s new 🥱
user98 - someone confirm this asap
user02 - he def slid into her dms
user037 - dating for sure
The apartment feels quiet without him, the kind of quiet that settles deep, filling every corner with the absence of his laughter, his low voice, the warmth of his presence. You’re curled up on the couch, phone in hand, scrolling through the endless stream of notifications that come with dating someone like Kenan. It’s been three months now—long enough that you know the feel of his hand on the small of your back, the way his thumb traces idle patterns against your skin when you’re watching movies, the little half-smile he gives when he thinks you’re not looking. But still early enough that everything feels new, each touch a rush, each shared glance a secret you’re both savouring.
It’s also long enough that the rumours have started, circling like vultures around your little bubble of privacy. You both agreed from the start to keep things quiet, at least for now. His career is always in the spotlight, scrutinised by fans, tabloids, and everyone with an opinion. And then there’s you—part of his world but never quite fitting into the neat little narratives they want to create. So you’ve kept it hidden, the two of you slipping through back doors, stolen moments in between his rehearsals and public appearances, and late-night drives through empty streets where the rest of the world doesn’t matter.
Tonight, he’s across town, sitting in Cubanito’s sleek, minimalist living room, the kind of place that’s made for being on camera. You know this because you’ve been there—laughing, sprawled out on the couch with Kenan’s arm around your shoulders, out of view of the lens. It’s where they do their live-streams, just the two of them bantering about everything and nothing, their easy chemistry drawing thousands of viewers every time they go live. You usually like to watch, listening to the sound of Kenan’s voice through your phone, letting it fill the space when he’s not with you.
You open the app and the live stream is already buzzing with activity, the chat scrolling faster than you can read. Kenan is sitting on the left, relaxed in his usual way, hoodie pulled up just enough to shadow his eyes but not hide that familiar, lopsided grin. Cubanito is beside him, gesturing wildly as he talks, always the louder, more animated of the two, but Kenan’s calm presence keeps everything grounded.
You watch them for a while, smiling at the banter, the way Kenan leans back, completely at ease, laughing at something Cubanito says. But then the comments start shifting, and you notice the questions piling up, flashing bright and insistent:
*Who’s Kenan dating? Is it true about him and that model?*
*Kenan, are you seeing someone? Don’t dodge the question!*
*Kenan, blink twice if you’re with her!*
You feel your heart clench, fingers tightening around your phone. The rumours have been everywhere—screenshots of kenan in her likes, whispers and speculation that he’s dating her, even though you know better. But Kenan’s been careful, dodging the questions whenever they come up, brushing them off with a laugh or a change of subject. Tonight, though, it seems like they won’t let it go.
Cubanito squints at the screen, reading the chat aloud in his usual dramatic fashion, but this time there’s an edge to his voice, a hint of mischief that tells you he’s about to stir the pot. “Yo, Kenan, they’re really going off tonight. Everyone wants to know who you’re seeing, man. Spill the tea!”
Kenan chuckles, but you can tell from the way he shifts in his seat that he’s uncomfortable, his smile tightening just a little. “Nah, it’s nothing like that,” he says, trying to keep his tone light. “People just love to talk, you know how it is.”
Cubanito isn’t having it, though. He leans closer, elbows on his knees, eyes bright with the thrill of teasing his friend. “Come on, Kenan. Everyone thinks it’s that girl—what’s her name? The model? But I don’t know, man. Doesn’t seem like your type.”
Kenan’s smile falters just a fraction, a tiny crack in his usual composure. You know he’s trying to figure out how to handle this, how to keep your secret safe without feeding the rumours. He glances at the chat, then back at Cubanito, his expression caught between exasperation and amusement. “Nah, it’s not like that,” he says again, firmer this time. “I’m not seeing her.”
Cubanito leans back, throwing his hands up in mock defeat. “Okay, okay, you’re not seeing her. But you’re definitely seeing *someone*, huh? Come on, man. We’re all friends here.” There’s a playful edge to his voice, but also a knowing look—a hint that maybe he’s aware of more than he’s letting on.
Kenan shoots him a warning glance, but it’s softened by the faint smile tugging at his lips, the kind that always makes your heart skip a beat. He runs a hand through his hair, and for a moment, he looks right at the camera, right at you, like he’s letting you in on the joke. “Let’s just say… I’m happy,” he finally says, his voice low, almost lost beneath the noise of the livestream. “And that’s all that matters, right?”
The chat explodes, filled with questions and speculation, but Kenan doesn’t pay it any mind. He turns back to Cubanito, deflecting with a joke, steering the conversation back to safer ground, but there’s something in the way his gaze lingers on the screen—a quick, barely-there look that makes your chest tighten. It’s a look meant for you, and you alone, a silent reassurance that no matter what the world thinks, he’s yours.
You feel a rush of warmth, a quiet, private kind of joy that’s just for the two of you. It’s not easy, keeping things quiet, pretending in public that you’re not together when every time you’re alone, he’s the one who makes you feel seen in a way no one else ever has. But moments like this, where he slips you into his world without anyone else noticing, make it all worth it. The stolen kisses, the late-night texts, the whispered promises when no one else is around—it’s messy, and it’s complicated, but it’s yours, and it’s enough.
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liked by ynusername, cubanito_official and others
kenanyildiz_official - mein einziger 🤍
cubanito_official - nice 🔥
tarik.muharemovic - little lady is cool 😎
↪️ kenanfan - his friends have met her 🥹
user13 - bro really soft launched blondie to say that model ain’t his girl
user97 - he unfollowed the model 💀💀
user02 - ok but i need to know who she is and ask ab her hair care routine
user09 - couple of the year
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waterfalls-bunny · 28 days
can you tell me some bunny hc of yours i’m curious :3
Sorry for the late reply I was thinking about it really ;o; bunny hcs you say huh i love bunny but im a sane person ofc i dont have hcs of them! Why would I-
- They have 3 pets, 2 bunnies and a rat. The bunnies are rescued, they're against buying animals.
- They also have rat and bunny matching pijamas (am i insane about these? Probably)
- Kenny spoils Butters a LOT with pretty little things. Butters will do 1% effort and have Kenny over his heels
- Kenny uses 1000000 nicknames for Butters while Leo uses Ken, but he's aware that he has a power whenever he says a nickname to Kenny (and will use it ofc c:<)
- They roleplay dated more than once
- Their favorite spot for playtimes is Stark's Pond bc is quiet, a lot of their dates happen there
- Kenny is indeed a bad influence for Butters, look at them secretly reuniting almost every day at midnight to have time to chat, sacrificing their sleep schedule 💔
- When they moved together, their first fight was about how messy Kenny is when it comes to both taking care of himself and the house, and Butters being too perfectionist with cleaning
- I can picture them being the sort of couple that prefers doing things offline and not make a fuzz of it in social media, if they go on a trip they wont take many photos and instead just enjoy whatever they were gonna do. Sorta childish?
- Although Butters is a sucker for romance, a genre people wouldn't picture him enjoying as much too is the fight/action genre, he's a very intense fan of these and Kenny its as well so they watch wrestling fights and similar activities together (they're both passionate lmao)
- Kenny surprisingly enough is also a fan of cute idle games (Butters and Karen introduced him to it but he's just a huge fan in any case). Example animal crossing or cat bar snack so he has a file exclusively for him in Butters phone/switch and if it wasnt bc is not his device he'd probably be more advanced than Butters file. Tho Butter's favorite will forever be Hello Kitty Island
- Kenny's taught Butters to do the grocery shopping to no avail, the other will somehow pick the expired products and things will always run out when he buys (bad luck boy)
- Butters at some point will be aware of Kenny's immortality (when his grandma died he asked him if she was in heaven, Kenny didnt want to tell him last time he went to hell she wanted to beat the crap out of him bc she found out they were dating on eart and he beat her in defense)
- Theyre the silly lil couple that does innocent things and would make a big fuzz about it (yes Kenny is a bitch but its 100% different when it comes to Butters its funny)
Oh my I didn't expect to list so many LMAO the worst part is that I can make hcs out if anything so lmk if yall want part 2!
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mikareo · 10 months
hello again dove <3 hehe thank you so much for the matchup spots. it makes me sooo happy really <3 so, for the needed info!
a bllk match up please!
i will send it in an ask after this one :>
a male around teenage years thank you <3
an sfw result pls would be nice hehe
as for my personality, i’m a she/ her infp and a capricorn, to start off :D i think i’m a pretty curious and open minded person. i’m an introverted person who likes to be an ‘audience’ more by nature, but i’m also pretty talkative and affectionate i think. though, when my social battery run out i do tend to become a quiet person who just hang around and listen almost immediately haha ;;;; i’m a pretty idealist person, while also trying my best to be open and understand another point of view. and as i like to think a lot, while it came with its benefits like considerations, sometimes it ended up in some bad habits like 2 am 4 am silent overthinking and putting unnecessary pressure on myself to the point i got cold feet hohoho. however i do recently realize with little reassurance and praises that is convincing to me, i got cheered up almost immediately ahahaha my biggest love language are words of affirmation & acts of service, even though i’m pretty receptive to all! (words of affirmations and acts of service are definitely up there tho <3)
my hobbies include watching movies and videos! animations, indie stuffs, and ‘making you think and reflect’ stuffs especially lately haha. i also enjoy reading, writing, and drawing! (i think, it’s the aspect of ‘learning’ and ‘a story of something’ that interests me the most from these kind of activities) i also likes looking at aesthetically pleasing and pretty pictures and such. i do also enjoy going to new places. my faves are mostly related to art or history! i go alone sometimes, with my friends sometimes too. on my downtime, usually my go to is a long hour of rpg or idle gaming in my room. or scrolling down my phone for random trivia and advices while listening to something ehe
my ideal date would be to hang out, and maybe eat, in a place that is not too fancy, somewhere indoor if i have to choose tho haha. a calm & quiet place my date likes or have fond memory would be nice honestly, like a hole in the wall restaurant or a cafe they often hang out in, for example? a simple, pleasant time is more than enough for me. though, i think as long as i can listen and talk to them, i would be fine anywhere
i think that’s all! i hope it is enough and also not too much! thank you so much again :””” sending you many virtual kisses! i hope you can have fun and take your time doing this, i’m looking forward to it :3 wish you a nice day and night dove! take care <3
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...popponn!
hi popon!!! srry this took a little longer than it usually does,, i rlly wanted it to be perfect n finals week got a little in the way! also i think we have the same glasses LOL,, ur so pretty tho like i love ur haircut,, the bangs are so cute so suit u sm !!!! i rlly hope u like this n i had a lot of fun doing this matchup!!
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your complete matchup results!
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ APPEARANCE PAIRING ! congratulations . . .‧₊˚🪐✩ZANTETSU TSURUGI₊˚✨⊹♡
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with his height, zantetsu towers over you and holds your hand, making sure that you don't get lost in the crowd. he may not have the biggest brain, but he does have the biggest heart. he'd do anything to see that bright smile on your face whilst your hair blows in the wind. if there's one thing he's devoted to more than soccer, it's undoubtedly you; and he wouldn't change that for the anything.
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⋆⋆⋆⠀ ⠀ PERSONALITY PAIRING ! congratulations . . .‧₊˚👾✩YO HIORI₊˚🌑⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
while reading through your personality traits, i realized that i wanted to pair you with someone similar to you rather than someone who's your opposite. i also wanted someone good at communicating, which crossed off nagi (lol); and then i landed on hiori after debating a few other options. i think that you and hiori would definitely be the most compatible compared to any other blue lock boy— and you two would be really cute together!
one thing that you and hiori have in common, is your preference for a quiet life. you're both extremely introverted people and like to avoid noisy and obnoxious crowds, which makes it easier to find comfort in each other when you need a little break from socialization. rather than standing on the sidelines in silence, the two of you talk to one another and quietly comment on the conversation whenever you're in a social setting— genuinely enjoying each other's presence over a large group of people. when you're in need of a social break, hiori's the person you know you can go to.
being observant is one of hiori's major traits. he's extremely good at reading people and understanding how they're thinking without even having to ask, which would be extremely beneficial whenever you have those nights where your mind is running wild and you can't seem to sleep. hiori is right beside you, asking you what's wrong, and talking you through your feelings in the gentlest way he can. your happiness is of utmost importance to him, and he can't rest until he knows you're feeling better. he's also a great communicator. he knows how to explain his emotions and understand other people when they struggle to do so. with that observance and communication, he's the perfect boyfriend for you.
your hobbies also really align with hiori, considering that gaming is also his usual go-to when he doesn't know how to spend his free time. the two of you could be on a discord call together, in the middle of the most difficult rpg campaign that either of you have ever played; yet somehow still manage to complete the hardest task possible since you have such great teamwork. if either of you wasn't feeling up to play for some reason, you could simply watch the other livestream and lowkey backseat game if that's what your into— though hiori wouldn't mind. he just likes to hear your voice, no matter if you're telling him what to do or simply giving him some helpful advice.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ memories on the wall . . .
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ a treasured moment . . .
"happy anniversary." hiori smiles at you softly as the glow from the dim over-head lighting casts dancing shadows across his face.
the atmosphere of the familiar restaurant is so comforting. it's almost like a warm blanket enveloping the both of you and squeezing tight until you're fast asleep. it's been a year since you first came here, having walked through the doors on your first date and choosing to come again and again to make more memories as the time goes by.
"happy anniversary to you too." you grin back, shining your bright teeth at him and mouthing a quick 'i love you' as you begin to look at the menu.
there's a smooth piano track playing on the speakers, so lovely that you'd think it was a live band if you hadn't asked a few months ago. you and hiori love this place for the intimacy the ambience brings. you don't have to shout to hear what he's saying and he doesn't need to be overly outgoing to get your attention. it's almost as if this place was made just for you two, and you were so lucky to find it so soon after finding one another.
"you gonna get the same thing as usual?" he asks. he knows you so well.
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
(just my 2.3 pull / general hsr rambles/rant but i get negative abt fireflys characterization again so thought id hide it for all the fans sake. good for yall & good luck pulling her i just cant get into her)
welp got my e1 gallagher (+ e2 mika) in 30 pulls on firefly so thats it from me, ill get e2 from the character selector so at least thats sth!!! i have been playing him a bit even at e0 and i do overall like how he feels so getting him to that e2 breakpoint where he rly starts to thrive as a sustain pick is v nice
anyway no early firefly which is whatever i consider her in game writing an absolute failure anyway and havent cared enough to watch Any of the trailer stuff either bc like . they lost me in 2.0 im sorry girl no matter how hypothetically good those trailers could be the writing team lost me forever at the ayaka-teppei forced date arc and thats it lmao . she couldve been an actual character but oh well what matters is shoving how cute and perfect and sad and in love with TB she is down ur throat at every fucking moment . her idle animation is so fucking bad too it made me laugh irl at how awful and cheap the fanservice is w her like yeah alright navia idle (which is already the worst idle in genshin i hate it) 💀💀💀 how do you do a characters potential this fucking dirty holy shit . we havent shilled firefly self insert ship to players enough so lets upskirt her too uwu!!!!!
But uhhh yeah thats a me being a hater thing ultimately i just physically cannot stand characters like this and first impressions do matter . Dont let me ruin her for u. nothing but props to her VA too like as much as her general characterizations appeal has been unsuccessful on me still shes been giving it the Absolute most to try to make her feel real and sympathetic and i respect that a lot
Still tho only thing that rly sucks w not just getting firefly at 4 pity or whatever and being done w it is just the. Welp Guess ill proceed to be unable to full clear any of the next 7 AS or MoC updates bc i pulled the wrong characters instead of Good Meta Dev Faves acheron and firefly like havent rly been a fan of the way the shilling has been going recently . like i just have rly shit matchups into the weaknesses of most stages these days and idk i havent even felt like Bothering to do PF 4 bc i just. DoT PF is always the fucking worst and i genuinely dont know what the hell to try to slap at it for a clear. guess my bad for not pulling swan either like truly my mistake . whatever its just a game .
Actually am i getting like burnt out ? well tracks for a honkai game i suppose. ig it also has to do w just the absolutely abysmal luck ive had now like. ive lost LC 75-25 of the 3 times i went for it TWICE . ive lost 50-50 like 5 times in a row now lmao and fully expect to lose on jade too at this point 🙃 might not even manage to get her at all . Sigh guess thats gacha at its worst for u
Sorry this got way more negative than i thought HSJSKSKSKSKSKD i hope the 2.3 story ends up being good at least so theres Sth good about it . and its not like i will die not clearing endgame content w full stars or sth it just sucks bc the way its happening just feels bad
edit: yeah im @ coffee break at work and it took me this fucking long to realize i just casually typed mika instead of misha JSJSTUHTS8J5Z9 💀💀💀💀 im so sorry misha youre way better than that nerd 😭😭😭😭😭 esp at c2 w the def shred i might even build him who knows . So sorry for this
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zhongrin · 2 years
behind the screen
◇ characters ◇ zhongli
◇ tags ◇ yandere, sagau
◇ a/n ◇ ok ok ok story time liSTEN-
i was showing a friend genshin for the first time few weekends ago, and ofc i had zhongli out (she wasn't interested in him tho, sad) to walk around and basically show her around the world. and then we stopped a bit while i explained the whole thing about the usual party composition & the concept of gacha, and ofc zhongli starts talking about osmanthus wine-
so i rolled my eyes (cause i was in the middle of an explanation) and said "zhongli shush" and you know what happened? he. fucking. stopped. talking. the idle animation canceled. i almost pissed myself until i remembered the controller was in my friend's hand and she had moved the joystick. THAT ALMOST SCARED ME TO DEATH SLFJSLJFLS LMAO
so yeah have a drabble 'inspired' by that. toodles~
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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he knows you love his voice.
it's something you always tell him, both directly and indirectly. you would drop in his voiceover menu every now and then, purposefully put him on idle so you can listen to his musings, and whenever he appears on scenes you would visibly deflate if the dialogues involving him are muted from your side. at such times, he takes one step closer to the idea of breaking this world's laws entirely, because if you wish to hear him then you should be able to - you should always get whatever you want, the deity that you are in his eyes.
like now, when you're gushing about him to what seems to be your friend. he's never heard of her before, but you seem close, and he feels the familiar twitch of his fingers, itching to reach out to you, to pull you close and smother you with his presence instead.
from the way you had to explain the basics of his world, he assumes your friend is a complete beginner entirely. but surprisingly she doesn't seem to be too impressed with him, despite the excitement that's filling your voice, and he can sense how agitated it made you. true enough, when he stealthily sneaks a glance, you're pouting a little before you launch into an explanation of how necessary of an addition he is to the team, and the workings behind the gacha system.
... but your attention is slipping away from him. now that- he can't have that. he sighs and triggers the idle function with your favorite audio file that he frequently abuses, feeling his body and lips move as per the scripted codes.
"osmanthus wine-"
"zhongli, shush!"
...... what?
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it was a reflex. a force of habit, you could say. no one likes to be talked over by someone else when they're talking, right?
"sorry, he's a little-"
you stop talking because suddenly, it's silent. the hair on the back of your neck rises.
"did you move the joystick?" you ask your friend, eyeing the now-still 3d model of your favorite character on the big tv screen.
"huh? no?" she answered, waving the gadget by its handle with one hand, "uh- didn't you say it has drifting problems? maybe it's that?"
".... yeah........ yeah, that's got to be it. anyway, as i was saying-"
zhongli is needlessly quiet for the rest of your little showcase. you continue to talk with your friend happily, the little event pushed to the back of your mind as you enjoy spending time with one of your favorite people, throwing jokes, laughs, and eventually turning off genshin to move on to celebrity crushes and a cute looking singer that's going to have his little concert in the city soon.
zhongli lets you.
for it would be the last time you could enjoy the such activity before he forcefully pulls you into their side.
to his side, where you rightfully belong to.
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-lovee | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths
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prisontoybox · 3 years
17, 19, 25 (shadow lord), 27, 29, 36, 37, 38, 39
//Oops that took a while phew, thank you <3
Munday Asks
17 "What was your first muse?"
I guess other than warrior cats and one other oc that werent necessarily mused, it'd be Dipper Pines (regular and most of his aus). I ended up really deep in the Gravity Falls Amino and I ended up in many of the rps defaulting to him for other friends and rpers til I became known for it to an extent gjfjdk. I did a couple other GF charcaters but mainly him in my friend groups.
19 "Do you have ship bias?"
I'll be honest I have no clue what this means. :v If its about writing a ship with someone and their muse, it mostly depends on chemestty and if I know the mun at least a little and if its fun to write. (Ex, I haven't written any real Monix even tho its cute despite having Fox talk to a few Monos here and discord, but have written thinlady with @/gecsha and already otp'd it. I also liked Sevix but wanted SK to want nothing to do with Six in even a friendly regard, but me and @/raincoatnightmare became friends when we were writing and it was funny and cute plus added further character into SK that I like (also now lordlady supremacy ty ty). Or in another fandom, the only character I've written with a canon relationship (or semi-canon? ig its vague?) was Hero from Omori and even then it seems weird to jump into a ship with someone I havent spoken to so it would probably be more prominent with an rper I've talked to before even if its still there with strangers)
25 "Do you play smut? Do you play it only with characters you’re shipping with, or are you open for “one night stands”?"
27 "Are you interested into poly relationships for your muse?"
Tbh Ive (embarrassedly and probably poorly) written it with one other person before in a certain circumstance I don't wanna get into here that ended not-so-well but I'm too nervous to write that kinda thing with others unless we were really comfortable writing that in private. It would always have to be shipping and he's only really shipped with one muse and you already admitted to asking this so I hope youre happy embarrassing me now hfksfkjfkd (also off like you said only adults like SL)
It never starts that way and yet so often ends up like that fhsksl. For SL he's already in a cute poly ship in a verse so I'll say yes to that. Lady Fox hasn't really been written into anything at all yet and I haven't even considered any ship even my beloved thinlady for her so we'll see gjjdls. For puppy ships with the kids again idk
29 "What are your thoughts on your muses' canon?"
Sweats in divergent characters Well Six is really cool and honestly a fun character to watch go through things, I really like her and her clever survival skills even if she's not the most kind in some situations cough cough. I could write a whole essay on why I love her little differences between the other characters in idle animations, cutscene reactions, and her ai actions in LN2. And seeing her in both comic series + those LN2 cutscenes/ai, I like how despite it all its obvious just still just a kid who also enjoys time with others.
RK is honestly my favorite of the protags, little dude is hard (to the) core. I still hate the canon ending 💔 /hj. His specific idle animations we get to see are also interesting in the fact thet theyre a little different from Six's (the only 2 kids at the time). Seeing his interactions with the Nomes (Hideaway), Six (cancelled comic), and reaction to the Flashlight Girl (Depths), it's also neat to see his little personality shine through. I got the feeling he was almost hesitant to escape but went through anyway, and saw it to the end (even if it was his own end) and with all the stepping on coal and glass, hitting every obstacle in the way and still standing up straight, and being resourceful of those around him, and I can respect him. Also he's the only one who's had a chapter I would be too scared to go through if I had the LN mindset so good on him 💔.
36. "Do you feel similar to your muse in any way?"
With Fox I really feel that casual but anxious at any time feeling, and already projected a lot of my anxieties about memory loss onto her. I also just like foxes. (Ive only spent money on game cosmetics 3 times and one was the LN1 fox mask, another was yesterday $10 on an almost useless fox plush on Sky: CotL fhdjsk but hey whats important is invisible to the eyes).
With SK I can feel the "listens to an echo chamber for emotions" sometimes, and holding onto things stubbornly. It's quite easy to write him as I don't like admitting certain things either and deny deny deny, but that makes SL a little harder to make him romance fbdksk.
With SL I do really feel that overprotectiveness and envy in some things, he might be waaay exaggerated ofc but it's there. Im also a big self blamer.
37 "Do you feel different from your muse in any way?"
With Fox I'm much more social, I do like hugs and physical touchs and talking even oversharing cough just look at this whole post whereas she'd very reserved and quiet about her feelings 99% of the time.
With SK I can't really find it in me to hold a grudge that well. I can think back and get annoyed that some teacher or other kid or family member did some bad thing to me in the past, or say "so-and-so hurt me yesterday", but I can't hold it as just hate for long and see it differently. There's very few people I'm having trouble forgiving and forgetting, and they'll never be allowed near my family if I can help it.
With SL I can't say I'm in a good position if I'm in charge. I can be a good right hand or lower ranking moniter/manager, but being the head is too much pressure and depressing. He seems to be doing just fine both on his own and with his wife and/or husband.
38 "What's the best inspiration for your muse?"
Mostly jokes and random ideas with my friends! Some of the best plots I've had personally were turning a romance/ship joke into angst for pain, or angst into romance as hurt/comfort. Ofc music also helps but this is the best!
39 "What's a song that reminds you of your muse?"
I have a whole playlist so let me think of some that only or mostly involve that character and their feelings.
Fox/Six- Again
SK- Cradles
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voidendron · 4 years
okay my turn to ramble about my thoughts on 6.2 now that I can think/type coherently lol
below the cut. 6.2 spoilers ahead (also probably swearing)
first note: I ran Echoes of Oblivion on a saboteur Bounty Hunter (Senya, Arcann, and Theron alive; romanced Torian) and loyalist Trooper (only Theron alive, killed Arcann and Senya) so far, and the flashpoint on the BH only. with that out of the way:
Echoes of Oblivion 
When he broke cover to face the Servants I legit facepalmed and hissed his name lol
Teeseven! good little droid causing problems on purpose <3
lowkey happy the Scions are dead. they annoyed me and hopefully we won’t be dealing with them anymore
Revan??? look, I have yet to play KOTOR so the only Revan I’m familiar with is the SWTOR one, but I had to double-take when I heard the voice and had a kind of ��wtf him again??” reaction
Servant Four pretty ;~;
the reveal for Vitiate and Tenebrae walking from behind Valkorian??? that was really fucking cool and the Drama kid in me swooned
speaking of Tenebrae... look, I’m a straight dude, but even I can admit he’s fuckin’ hot. whoever designed him, I love you - but now I’m also very salty that hairstyle is gender-locked >:(  (also Terrin totally shamed him for not wearing a shirt. he also called her an ignorant child in the final fight lol)
the level design of Satele’s mind was sooooo cool??? it gave me this incessant sense of unease I just couldn’t shake and I love it
seeing Revan >Your Companion< was incredibly weird jklas;djkds
For Terrin: Vaylin electrocuting Valkorian and then all of the Tiralls advancing on Tenebrae? bahahaha his shift from high-and-mighty to “oh shit” as he backed away was hilarious
for Varrich: Vaylin’s “I like your markings” *zaps Tenebrae* “Do you like mine?” - idk I really liked that. and then Valkorian backing away from the Tiralls was funny. but god I AGAIN felt bad for killing Senya and Arcann in his playthrough, she sounded like she wanted to and would have killed Varrich right then and there if it wasn’t for Valkoriateibrae being the bigger threat
THE ANIMATIONS. lookit that glowup. no one stood awkwardly idle, and I loved it - the first one I really noticed was in the reveal when Valkie and Tenebrae trades places so Tenebrae was in the middle instead, the animations were just so good in this okay
Satele is just a fuckin badass, okay?
Vaylin looking at that student = foreshadowing??? pls don’t bring Vaylin back there’s been enough cheating death and it’s lost its wow factor since ages ago
that final boss fight was so much fun oh my god. like, it was a challenge and Terrin almost died many many times since I don’t know the mechanics for it, but it was such a cool fight??? had a bit of an easier time with Varrich’s run of it since I’d kinda started figuring it out by then
it seemed like a good sendoff for Valkoriateibrae, tho I got Avengers vibes from it
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come on, try to tell me that’s not a cool shot
the chat with Satele at the end was nice. look forward to running Echoes with Xaerez and getting Theron romance content <3
also 👀 at Aryn showing up. we gonna get more Malgus stuff with the next bit of story added? I’ve been curious about what’s going on with him
Spirit of Vengeance
note: only ran this with Terrin so far (saboteur Bounty Hunter)
I was fortunate not to get any of the bugs others have mentioned, so can’t say anything in regards to those
Terrin’s stats are as follows:
Pyrotech Powertech, full set bonus (Meteor Brawler), 306 item rating, +41 crit augments in most of her gear, memorized rotations. when it comes to general content, she’s the toon I’m most effective with
with that out of the way:
the bit where Torian cheekily asked if she was worried about him was cute, but a little bummed there wasn’t more romance content with him. even just a hug or another bit of dialogue would’ve been nice
I love Rass okay. I hope we get to see more of him. the way he reacts to the not-so-careful landing by the Commander ripping both wings of their shuttle is really funny and made me love him immediately
this one seemed a lot better than Mandalore’s Revenge was with noting your BH as a fellow Mandalorian
seeing healing stations near regular mob groups had me worried. it’s definitely not an easy flashpoint, and I did have to use healing stations often just to stay alive at points, even in regards to just normal enemy groups because there’s A LOT of them in each group (Pyrotech is squishiest of the Powertech disciplines iirc, but still)
the first boss was. WAY overpowered. take note of Terrin’s stats again, and let me tell you she almost died MULTIPLE times to him even after using the healing stations (note: ALL of the healing stations were used in this fight) AND Heroic Moment/Unity. I have no idea how my less-geared toons are gonna have any chance at it. he has way too much health and deals way too much damage for a solo mode flashpoint and Rass only being influence 1 doesn’t help. to me, he felt like a vet mode boss
it actually felt more like a vet flashpoint in general, with the exception of the other bosses
I love Rass’ comeback to one of the bosses calling him the “tiny one.” have I said I love him yet? because I do
I actually really loved that trap that drops you into the garbage area. it startled me and I thought something bugged at first, but I really liked that bit (tho I can imagine it bugging for people. I’ve seen a few people say it kills them)
after that first boss the others seemed almost ridiculously easy
that was not the voice I expected Kol to have but like. it works for her??? also she cute-
I love love love Kol’s helmet so much
is she gonna be a long-term enemy? kinda hoping she is I really like her and want to see more of her
Someone else noted this already but: Kol = Lok backwards??? is she formerly from Clan Lok/have something to do with the BH’s adoptive clan??
that last cutscene was cool and DAMMIT I have a crush on the antagonist now
all-in-all, I liked the update, good way to finally tie up the Valkoriateibrae stuff and introduce a new villain (tho I feel like the flashpoint definitely needs some changes), and I look forward to what’s next!
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thedappleddragon · 4 years
Things about valka in no particular order as I think of them
- despite growing up on a Viking ship she doesn’t curse like a sailor
- She can have the manners of one tho lol
- Her father wants her to take over the fleet but she’s conflicted about leaving behind land and the people she loves (like her mom)
- Both parents are alive and well and love her a lot even if her dad doesn’t show it as much
- Big of heart. Dumb of ass, but only a little bit.
- Generally tries to be kind but can be a bit of a brute just because she doesn’t pick up on social cues too well since she grew up with Vikings
- Very agile n sturdy. Got a good pair of sea legs.
- On the ship she would climb up the mast and sit in the crow’s nest for hours
- She used to be really clumsy, but her dad trained that out of her because you can’t just keep sending lifeboats out to retrieve your dumbass child who fell off the side of the boat aGAIN GODDAMMIT
- Confident in herself
- Higher energy than Osi
- Has probably tried to coax Osi into singing for her because she loves her and doesn’t want her to be ashamed of that part of herself
- If she succeeds in doing that she would immediately be enchanted/drawn in by the siren song lmao
- That would probably scare Osi away from singing even more tho 😔 but for different reasons. Instead of ✨racism✨ now it’s ✨manipulation✨ too
- Doesn’t think things through
- Says whatever she’s thinking, not much of a filter, and that can sometimes lead to hurt feelings
- She’s a very tactile person. If she went to ikea it would be a disaster, you could never stop her from touching all the rugs
- On that note, she likes physical touch a lot too. If she and Osi or any close friend are just hanging out chances are she’ll absentmindedly wrap her tail around your ankle.
- The first time she did this to Osi it probably caused her to trip and fall
- She also wraps her tail around stuff when she’s nervous or there’s a possible danger
- To Osi: I WILL carry you and there’s NOTHING you can do to stop me
- Btw with any interaction with Osi its with her older design (even tho in the campaign I’m using her younger one) because otherwise that’s ✨gross✨
- She’s bing on hand holding. Not like walking together holding hands but like if she and Osi are sitting together she’ll just grab her hand and play with her fingers while paying attention to whatever they’re watching
- Likes when she does the thumb thing on the back of her hand
- Idle hand holding is boring, you gotta do SOMETHING
- Big spoon
- She gets to have hand-eye coordination because I dont and she deserves it
- Can’t spell
- Not easily frightened as an adult
- I’m also blessing her with the ability to watch scary movies and eat spicy food because I have to do SOMETHING to keep her from just being very specific parts of me but tall and buff and a goat
- Have fun reading through these and guessing whats me and what’s some extra flavor >:)
- Would cry over nature documentaries
- Animal planet narrator: but unbeknownst to the mother duck, these are crocodile infested waters, and these ducklings make for an easy meal. Valka, trying very hard not to straight up bawl: NOOO NOT THE BABIESSSS Osi, secretly rooting for the croc: ._.
- Doesn’t hurt bugs but will straight up hunt down a whale. Still feels bad about it tho.
- Knows a lot about constellations and stellar navigation n stuff
- Celebrates a Viking winter holiday where the skies are the clearest and the waters are the calmest and the winds are the most merciful and they thank some moon/ocean/wind god with a big feast and stories about the stars
- When she first gets back on land, she’s disappointed about how much dimmer the stars are
- Sentimental about random objects
- CAN flirt but is kinda cheesy about it
- Likes making Osi flustered, since she’s so tough around everyone else, but she often gets flustered right back lmao
- Valka probably initiates their first kiss
- Osi was being a pussy about it
- Very likely to hear a word, roughly guess what it means through context, start using it, and then find out through someone else that it’s a bad/inappropriate word. She proceeds to slam her head into a wall out of embarrassment
- When she (or her horns) hit her growth spurt, she probably hit her head on EVERYTHING for a solid month and a half
- Big cuddler
- Doesn’t like complete silence, it drives her mad
- Not used to having a ton of attention, since she grew up as a scrappy little kid on a crowded boat. Sometimes struggles with the thought that she’s in the way or an inconvenience.
- Her hands are big and strong and with smoothed-over callouses
- Between her and Osi they have never struggled to open a pickle jar
- Although one or two had to be opened with... unconventional methods (cough cough smash it open on the ground cough)
- Low food standards. Oh the milk expired two days ago? Probably fine. Would definitely be halfway though a can of spaghettios and realize it’s 3 years out of date but eat it anyway (she has a high-ass constitution it’s fine)
- picked up some wierd-ass habits that she thinks are totally mundane and no one knows how to approach her about it.
- Would eat the wax around a baby bell cheese because no one told her otherwise
- She emotes a lot with her ears
- Gullible
- Can speak basic conversational fish speak, picked up from trading with various sea folk
- When she shows this off to Osi she makes a face of disgust at how bad her accent is, but it’s cute that she tries
- when Osi yawns and shows off all her sharp teeth Valka’s big dumb lesbian brain just explodes and stops working
- Snorts when she laughs
- Wakes up first in the morning
- Doesn’t understand pranks
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byeol-ssi · 3 years
omg yess i will make sure to update you!! i was tempted to read the manhwa last night but held back because i know i would binge it this weekend 😩😩 i will definitely let u know tho! i’ve been looking for new stuff to read, so im very excited!! also— INSOS LAW IS VERY GOOD!! i recommend omg, its such a comfort manhwa for me, i hope you enjoy it as much as i do!!
i haven’t heard of that but i will definitely put that one my list!! say no more if it involves family because that’s honestly my weak spot 😩 BUT IM VERY HAPPY YOU KNOW WHAT MANHWAS IM TALKING ABOUT 😭😭 IVE BEEN WAITING TO TALK ABOUT THEM WITH SOMEONE IM SO HAPPY RN!!!! i think the only one im not caught up with is IBTHR, only because i wanna binge once it has a lot of chapters LOLLL BUTTTT FELIX OMG IVE NEVER BEEN SO DOWN BAD FOR A ML ITS UNREALL???? his visuals are 🥵 like he was cute with glasses but without it,,,, im speechless, my standards for men are getting so high because of him 😭😭😭 HOW CAN SOMEONE LOOK SO GOOD?!?$’&
ahem,,, moving on (i need to calm down because he has me so worked up 😩😩) but thats so cool you’re a xiao and childe main!! i recently got xiao and he’s so fun to play!! although i have to get used to him (because i lowkey dont like playing polearm characters 😅) and im still figuring out how to build him (+ everyone else haha)!! and hmm for characters, probably raiden (my friends all have her and lowkey she seems very cool to play!! also have u seen her boss fight?? i lowkey want to try it but i havent unlocked it yet since i just reached inazuma!!) and the kamisato siblings!! ayaka looks so much fun to play and i just want ayato because his idle animations (pulling out the boba out of his sleeves like?!?! sir what else do u keep in there?? 🤨) and okay — i have a big list (especially kazuha IM WAITING FOR HIM!!! and childe) but my luck is so bad so it’ll take me lots of grinding just for primos 😭
i managed to get zhongli (after losing the 50/50 and then hitting hard pity both times 🥲) so im a little nervous (and might have to whale lolol) but im determined to drag them home 🤬 enough about me ehe but is there any characters you’re planning to wish for in the future? if it’s okay to ask, what is your team comp at the moment? (ive been messing around with different comps but i always mess up the timing 😩).
i know you said don’t apologize but i feel like my asks are so long, im sorry 😭😭 anyways, i hope your day went well and im sorry i replied so late!!
— 💭 anon
hello, 💭 my love!! I JUST GOT HOME, so i'm sorry for getting back to you late! i did receive the notif for your ask when i was outside, and i spent the entire day looking forward to reading your message <33
i've stopped myself from reading manhwas in general for a while too! i kinda want to let the chapters pile up since i devour them in one sitting 😅 and then i'm left staring at the wall whenever it happens.
i've been seeing a lot of new releases on tiktok mostly, though i've yet to pick them up and see whether they're any good! I'LL DEFINITELY BUMP INSO'S LAW UP ON MY TBR — maybe next weekend if i'm not loaded with schoolwork!
I ALSO FEEL THE SAME WAY!! i was so lonely for a while and i had no one else to torment into reading 😫 SO PLEASE EXCUSE ALL MY PENT-UP ENERGY!! i'm so excited to have someone to share and talk to!!
I SWEAR, FROM NOW ON I'LL BE BRINGING A BOX OF TISSUES WITH ME EVERYTIME I READ IBTHR BECAUSE THE ML INDUCES NOSEBLEED 🤧 and don't worry, we don't shame anyone for being down bad here. because yes, i'm also on my knees for him. 👀
xiao has been the og loml ever since i started playing, whereas childe definitely grew on me! i can definitely relate, since i didn't enjoy using bow-wielders at first too! I'M AFRAID I CAN'T BE OF ANY HELP WITH BUILDS, because even though i'm at AR 50+, my chars are poorly built 🥲 though we could always learn about it together! i've decided to study more about it when i'm a little less busy!
i've heard that raiden is an amazing support, so i'm wishing you luck with your pulls on her upcoming banner!! <33 AAA, i haven't had the time to play the newest quest with her boss battle, but i'm excited to! which nation or archon quest is your favorite so far?
i do have ayaka, and she's really fun to play with!! i love teaming her up with childe because of the freeze comp. BUT YES, AYATO'S IDLE? I LOWKEY COULDN'T BELIEVE IT AT FIRST AND THOUGHT THE LEAKS WERE EDITS 💀 i'm also excited for his voice lines — mostly because they say he has a mischievous personality! KAZUHAAA!!! i can personally vouch for him, his playstyle is very enjoyable!!
how is zhongli like? i've skipped all of his banners so far, though i've always found myself REALLY tempted to go and pull for him! AND DON'T WORRY, I'LL MANIFEST WITH YOU AND IF THAT DOESN'T WORK, WE'LL DRAG THEM BY THE EAR!!
hmm, i'm a bit undecided at the moment, especially with ayato, but i'm part of the hopeful population that wishes scaramouche becomes playable! 🤞🏻 i'm currently running xiao, diluc, venti, and bennett! i'm not sure if that's the wisest comp? but the double pyro buff helps a lot! what comps have you tried? i don't have keqing nor zhongli, so i'm very curious!
AAAA and no, darling!! i actually couldn't wait to sit down and answer this, so thank you for taking the time to chat with me!! i appreciate it very much and this made my entire day! <33
how did your day go? i hope that life has been kind and that you've been taking care of yourself! sending you lots of hugs! 🤗
0 notes
shsl-himechan · 7 years
late but lmao
so here are some of my (super) late thoughts on otome/hime and just me answering questions no one asked!! also some bonus post game info on her mom bcus why not?
Did Otome feel things for people?
Yes! She really did feel a familial sense of love for both Katashi and Gorou. With Katashi it was the idea that there was someone so very similar to her in the respect that their persona/character was loved but they were not. She didn’t appreciate that he didn’t seem to appreciate Komet the same way she did to Hime but you live and you learn. Throughout the game I did my best to have her reference Katashi at least once during each chapter because 1) it felt right 2) it really was bizarre to her that someone understood her. She also did romanticize a lot of that though after his death. For Gorou he was the first person she was more herself around. Like, legit they could just talk and be cool and she felt pretty safe with him. Part of me thinks it’s because Gorou was, at least in her/my opinion, so unapologetically himself without having to be so reactive and whatnot?? Like, it was just chill and casual and Otome responds well to that. With Tim she didn’t care for him, but for the attention he gave her and everything so whoops!! 
Why kill Suzume?
That was a last minute decision on my part but it worked well for her character because Otome wasn’t a monster. For the most part she was a normal girl in an emotionally abusive and restrictive household. I added the character of Suzume to her backstory because if not then she wouldn’t be able to be exposed to idols and she would have A Lot more issues! Killing Suzume was basically Otome telling herself its all or nothing because she for sure wasn’t going to return to her normal life after Akedo, even if she did succeed.
Her end goal?
This is weird because it changed midway through as I figured out more of who Otome/Hime was as a character. Initially, it was a sorta promotional thing? Like, if she could have the world drowning in despair and only have Hime as this bright beacon, then all the Gross Stuff wouldn’t happen since people would have no choice but to keep that light pure and bright - at least that’s what she thought. I think when she realized she was losing, she just wanted to cause as much pain as possible and drag people down to her level. How could they be proud of their talents or of themselves when they couldn’t save their “friends”? Plus she could just prove how alive and real she is which was important to her since she lived without anyone really knowing her. IDK, Otome’s weird.
I was tired. I had written the last part of her confession and couldn’t get the energy to hurt her anymore because I love her too much. There was symbolism there and whatnot but oh boy I couldn’t write to save my life.
3 Apparent Personalities
OKAY SO LIKE!!! Hime/Otome/Courtroom&Mastermind-chan are basically 1 girl playing 2 other characters. How I liked to think of it:
the idol: Hime - a mix of anime idols that i like, lmao, but essentially a character that Otome plays who’s supposed to be cute, ditsy, and fun! The type of girl who always has a sparkling smile!
the idle: Otome - the girl herself! She’s no one special and knows it!! The indifference thing wasn’t so much an act as it was her protecting herself. Any time she majorly broke character (crying publicly or that one time she yelled and did a swear at Jack) was her! Her default is being 
the ideal: Courtroom&Mastermind-chan - a Very Bad extreme caused by the Gross Stuff. She’s the ideal because this is more or less what her mother wanted, someone smart and proud! Still a character Otome plays because it’s easier to say the things she wants to when she doesn’t have to use herself.
I broke it down into three characters/parts because this is also how Otome sees herself! If she can organize her thoughts/feelings/actions like this then it’s easier for her to move forward and whatnot. 
Was her mom that bad?
Lmao yes! She isolated Otome and only really interacted with her when she deemed it necessary. She chose her friends for her based on grades and used them to motivate Otome to be better. In Azumi’s defense though, she actually really did love Otome was was just being overbearing and overprotective because backstory reasons.
So that post game/during game info tho about Azumi:
I can really only talk about her mom which is fine because it’s still halfway important to me! At the beginning of the game, Azumi wasn’t fully convinced that her daughter was even part of it. Otome said she got in as the SHSL Software Engineer or something like that idk it was computer related and no one looked like her daughter. Plus, Azumi can’t imagine Otome lying to her. She didn’t pay too much attention to the livestream but occasionally checked. But Georgie!! Isn’t it too suspicious? Is Azumi that dumb? Nah, y’all she’s just really good at being in denial. Eventually (chapter 3 trial) Azumi realizes that yes her worst fear is coming true Otome is Hime! That mannerism, that voice, that’s the Otome she raised (the ideal). She goes down to the city, like any good parent would, but doesn’t speak to anyone there or interact much. She doesn’t let anyone know who her child is because that’s embarrassing. Her daughter? Her genius of a daughter? Being an idol? A ditsy girl too concerned about keeping up appearances and not with escaping? How awful... She worries about her but more so about her keeping this Hime girl separate from Otome Ito. Game goes on and she’s upset with how expressive and different Otome/Hime is from the daughter she raised. She cries so much, she smiles so much, she laughs and acts to carefree... It leaves a really bad taste in her mouth. She’s also super concerned about the friends Otome’s making (2 murderers and a psychic). Watching Otome set up the trap for Shozo and Timothy, she was scared. Scared it would blow up in Otome’s face and scared she would get caught. She could hear the whispers from other parents about their own mastermind suspect. Of course it could be her daughter, but like hell she wants to believe it. Anyways, everything happens and mastermind trial. Where tf did Otome get a gun?! How could Otome even hide something like that?! Watching her daughter just pour out her feelings for everyone to see made Azumi want to vomit. It made her sick. Not just because she was being called out and blamed. Not just because she sees the abuse her daughter went through. But this is far from the daughter she raised. Who is- or was Otome Ito? Azumi Ito needs to know. She reaches out to the survivors to set up meetings to try and understand this. She can’t go on without understanding just what happened. She stays as cold as she possibly can because showing too much emotion is admitting defeat and ye!!
but ye!! this is all i got for now but i know i’ll think of other stuff to add lmao
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davidmont · 8 years
Replies from past week!
Thank you all for your replies! Last week was busy! Ups :D
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(I’m truly going to do this more often guys! I suggest you to look for your icon LOL)
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “I think she hated her makeover! (ಥ⌣ಥ)”
Or the eyebrows.
I don’t know she had those already LOL
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Dan: “What am I doing with my life?” # The struggle is real”
I can relate ;-;
#me like every morning also
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “Because your own chair can be boring We can use the public one! ( ͡°...”
Sweet dreams <3
A while ago he wanted a chair, but I think to sleep in this is more exciting
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “Huh so Layla got a new job, she replaced that Freaky dude (▰˘v˘▰)”
She's lovely! :)
She’s got the job! But I hope she gets one better tho :D
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@hyperkaos ha respondido a tu foto “I think she hated her makeover! (ಥ⌣ಥ)”
or that she looks so good and you stuck her behind a register lol
Oooohhhh maybe! I should give her a new job lmao
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “I think she hated her makeover! (ಥ⌣ಥ)”
Maybe its the smell of those pots behind her, the ones with the weird colors...
Ummm maybe that’s the reason, tho the dude before her never said anything haha
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “I love this Elixir Shop (*^▽^*) By the way the seller got a makeover!”
She is cute :) Did you make the shop yourself?
Oh no my friend, I did not no either the sim or the shop haha! She was made by the game and the story by FagerSims :D It’s the horse place of Enekjaer
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “Because your own chair can be boring We can use the public one! ( ͡°...”
It's a rocking chair, it is far from boring! :]
That’s true! I’ve almost fallen of those tho!
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “Huh so Layla got a new job, she replaced that Freaky dude (▰˘v˘▰)”
Good! No freaky dudes should be serving coffee! She will attract customers :D
That’s sure! I hope the wage of her multiplies also! It’s a +
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu publicación “Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself,...”
lol You're too cute. xD
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You’re the cute my friend <3
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Don’t you dare ( ̄ェ ̄)”
Shoot him!!
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “LOL He was more excited thinking about himself than seeing Dan (・∀・)”
Cuz he's dressed up. XD
And maybe he feel cuter!
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “Yeee Macie, you’re very well dressed (●__●)”
hahaha XD
Just imagine you dressed like this in the gym!
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “Oh God! (” ◕ ◯ ◕ ”) Isabela appeared again (。・ω・。)ノ♡”
She's lovely!
She’s the SimSelf of a very old friend, she has deactivated twice
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “You need a makeover my lady (。・ω・。) You’ve been wearing the same...”
Damn lol :p
You already see, and indeed it’s been that lot of years
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu publicación “Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself,...”
Draw my house! Well, my next house XD -hugs-
Hugs! Just say me lol
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@elleinvogue ha respondido a tu publicación “Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself,...”
my belly is def. not on my list so good for you! :)
I like it bc it has some little of hair lol
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu foto “Yeee Macie, you’re very well dressed (●__●)”
She is going to the Opera later ;P
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu set de fotos “LOL He was more excited thinking about himself than seeing Dan (・∀・)”
I think this is typical Tommy haha!
He’s excitable lol
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Don’t you dare ( ̄ェ ̄)”
Message to pea shooter - Fire NOW!
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “You need a makeover my lady (。・ω・。) You’ve been wearing the same...”
Send her for a makeover yes!! 3 years, she is due one
She’s so outdated with the trends lol
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “Yeee Macie, you’re very well dressed (●__●)”
What? You dont use that kind of gloves for the gym? xD
I think she was in a hurry and left her house with the wrong gloves lol
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu set de fotos “LOL He was more excited thinking about himself than seeing Dan (・∀・)”
Maybe he wanted to tell Dan something super exciting about himself? XD
That’s true! after all he’s Excitable lol
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Don’t you dare ( ̄ェ ̄)”
... it's a zombie with glasses!! I never saw one before :o
He is miope, he needs to see clearly whose brain he’s going to eat lol
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@declarations-of-drama ha respondido a tu foto “You need a makeover my lady (。・ω・。) You’ve been wearing the same...”
Hahaha! Smell those Armpits :D :D
hahaha! she odor has to be very strong!
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@declarations-of-drama ha respondido a tu foto “Lovely puppy  (。・ω・。)ノ♡ @declarations-of-drama”
Gorgeous! Is it a St Bernard?
I think!
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@susen70 ha respondido a tu foto “Lovely puppy  (。・ω・。)ノ♡ @declarations-of-drama”
very cute :-)
Thank you lovely! The game give it to they couple lol
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Dan: “You’re crazy Elizabeth!” Indeed she is (•‾⌣‾•)”
lol That annoying idle animation xD
LOL but I think is funny! haha it’s so Random
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “Lovely puppy  (。・ω・。)ノ♡ @declarations-of-drama”
Super cute!
A lot of sims have pets now!
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “I think Aphpo feels Excluded ( •́  •̀)”
Awww what would be his sign?
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “There come the couple (。♥‿♥。) And they bring a puppy!”
lol Still laughing at this couple. :p
Too weirdos and cuties, I ship myself with an alien lol
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu foto “Throwback Tuesday: When Bonehilda had free time (and a cold butt) I’ve...”
Yay, there's is never enough Boney! ;)
LMAO She’s a fave! The best I’ve see tho, I still miss the other
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “Throwback Tuesday: When Bonehilda had free time (and a cold butt) I’ve...”
I love Bonehilda, she used to make me laugh so bad! She liked to kick up my flamingo, put it back up and kick it again xD
LMAO Your Boney is mean! Mine likes to teach Luka new things and she plays with him and all, but she does not let him eat lol
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Dan: “You’re crazy Elizabeth!” Indeed she is (•‾⌣‾•)”
Crazy for having an Alien boyfriend maybe haha!
Awww that’s young and reckless love lol
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu set de fotos “I think Aphpo feels Excluded ( •́  •̀)”
Just a little haha!
Just a lot lmao
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu foto “There come the couple (。♥‿♥。) And they bring a puppy!”
A long time coupld, they even share the name, but Elizabeth’s last name is first, they’re called Elizabeth Montenegro-Yoth and he’s called Aphpo  Montenegro-Yoth
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@dominosims ha respondido a tu foto “There come the couple (。♥‿♥。) And they bring a puppy!”
I want that shirt. :x
Ooohh then you can get it here (the link still works lol)
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Dan: “You’re crazy Elizabeth!” Indeed she is (•‾⌣‾•)”
-drops tips in the guitar case- (be glad its not Kilhian you would end up with less money in it :p)
LMAO She’d steal it haha so good she’s not here
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@prudence25 ha respondido a tu foto “Lovely puppy  (。・ω・。)ノ♡ @declarations-of-drama”
hoooooo it's so cute!!!
Yeee the game assigned it to them <3 They’re in love with the puppy!
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@greenplumbboblover ha respondido a tu foto “Lovely puppy  (。・ω・。)ノ♡ @declarations-of-drama”
I’m also Impressed! And it’s too tiny!
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@greenplumbboblover ha respondido a tu foto “There come the couple (。♥‿♥。) And they bring a puppy!”
Lol his shirt! It's so alien-y :P weeeell almost! But perfect! \o/
LMAO He cares more for the nature! And his girl <3 You can get it here (the link still works lol)
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu set de fotos “I think Aphpo feels Excluded ( •́  •̀)”
He is glaring at Dan, he might be listing way to exterminate him...
I don’t think so, his wife is Dan’s best friend, hmmm or maybe he does!!!!
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@sleek-simmerr ha respondido a tu foto “He decided to text the good news! Up in the blog: “Litia came back,...”
She loves her also, she’s the daughter lol
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “There come the couple (。♥‿♥。) And they bring a puppy!”
Kill the humans and save the forest? Interesting shirt XD What does she think about it? :p And the puppy is cute!
She knows he’s in love with her, she loves him also and she lets her abduct her lol, but the puppy does not know
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu foto “He decided to text the good news! Up in the blog: “Litia came back,...”
+1 Dan's post xD
He does not have that lot of followers lmao
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “YEEESSSS! LITIA CAME BACK! Now in redish and blue :3”
Yay she's back !
Now with new colors™
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “The last foggy night of Spring”
Lovely shot!
I’m in love, I think I will change my header lol
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu foto “All the Things”
Very nice!
I’m in love with this house my friend!
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Haha he seems so disappointed!”
Still cute. :)
I love him when he does those faces awwww
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Well, he does not seem happy with this Impostor who says her name is...”
What happened to her?
The game always changes her body when I move her, it’s weird and it’s happened quite a lot of times now (just another itf bug lol)
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@willky12 ha respondido a tu publicación “For your Information”
It's what we do ;)
What we eventually have to do, I’ve moved him a lot of times lol
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Life & Death: Always near”
Thank you <3
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Well, the freaky man works up to late! Dan got a donut!”
Midnight sweets. Just like you. :P
You know one needs them lol
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Dan: “I’m Lucky Tommy! I will win!” Tommy: “HUH! BUT SEEMS LIKE YOU...”
Go Dan!
NAWWW I wanted him to loose lol
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Well, the freaky man works up to late! Dan got a donut!”
If you dont change some settings there are guys working 24/7 xD
Yeee like from 8am to 2am lmao
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@reenadelenyel ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Life & Death: Always near”
I love this sky T_T *wanna grab*
@my-simension owns it my friend <3 It’s the HD one haha (You should ask her)
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@susen70 ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Life & Death: Always near”
beautiful sky
Thank you, but I have to thank @my-simension she’s the owner of the mod <3
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Dan: “Oh you thought!” Dan: “You thought that I didn’t see your...”
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Wow!  Wow! Wow! It would be more romantic if Tommy knew that Dan...”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I love that face omg (and in italic it looks funnier)
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “Seems like someone is going to get sick! :o”
I love when they sneeze or cough. So cute. hehe
Haha! I think the dog is also sick
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@my-simension ha respondido a tu set de fotos “HEEEYYYY” I just did not know he worked in Hexa! How good!”
Egidio looks happy to see Dan. :)
Indeed! They’re good friends after all LOL
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superdupertraceur · 8 years
35 facts ft. parkour bean
no skipping we die like men
she loves all flavors of ice cream. all of them. every single one.....
(if you made her pick a fave though she’d... probably say strawberry)
she can’t cook worth beans..... she’s really really bad.
doesn’t really have anyone around at home to cook for her either? so most of what she eats is like... smth u can jsut throw in th microwave or eat from a bag or smth
as a result of those things she Really appreciates being given food by other folks. 
she’s not a picky eater either so that helps
she’s a leo !! i swear its Not jsut bc.. leo... lion.... nyas. i Swear,
the Only animal she’s not rly a fan of are dogs, and Only the Big Ones, and it’s a lot more of a fear than a dislike.. she’s fine w/ smaller dogs. she loves animals..
of course, her absolute favorites are cats.... love them nyas
she’s never killed a bug in her life she always does the paper + cup thing and lets it out outside.. be free.....
she’s neutral about physical contact for the most part...
...but she really doesn’t like people touching her shoulders, she gets uneasy Real Fast.
her fave color is, as you can probably guess, orange. she generally likes warm colors more than cool colors..
isn’t a huge fan of winter... snow is fun but everything is Icy and thats no good for running around and things
panromantic asexual
she’s... gonna be pretty uncomfortable if you drink around her. she supposes she can’t rly stop you if that’s what u do but... pls.... not around her.
hates violence.... pleas. no fightin. shakira shakira
rly likes ddr-esque rhythm games !! she’s p good at them? she has fun
she can’t rly.. actually dance tho. well. she’s not terrible but she’s not great either?
for all her viral fame on the internet she rly doesnt.... use the internet all that much. she’s seen a video or two of her parkour stuff floating around before, but that’s about it
likes climbing up things. trees. counters. refrigerators probably. you name it. she’ll climb a l l
she’s pretty quick getting ready in the mornings..... speedy. 
i mean. not that shes like.. super meticulous or anything?? yknwo, just enough... shes Clean
tends to sway her arms a lot or rock back and forth on her heels when standing idle, or even sometimes when talking to others. she’ll be careful not to hit u....
as is probably easy to guess by her talent, she’s v athletic.. when not doin her parkour thing she prefers jsut running, or even swimming, but she’s open to other sport-y things.
her family consists of.. basically just her and her mom, with whom her relationship is..... we’ll just say it’s a Really Really Rocky Relationship and leave it at that
prone to getting little bumps and scrapes and bruises on her at times? usually she’s as Careful as she can be doin her parkour thing but sometimes shit just. happens. it’s usually nothing big though, at least..
she probably just really likes dairy in general?? she likes milk a lot. esp chocolate. and strawberry.
as a kid she was.. one of those kids who wanted to be Everything. she almost always said something different than the last time when you asked her - though “vet” and other animal related jobs popped up pretty often
she’s probably.. okay?? at drawing?? nothing rly great, it’s p simple, but.. kinda cute?? kinda 
she doesnt rly draw v much. when she does, most of what she draws are cats. like. rly simple looking cats. think like the ones from neko atsume. nya
idk abt tarot stuff, but her hogwarts house would be hufflepuff !!
her handwriting is honestly Atrocious... its real bad. she tries..
prefers movies and tv shows centering around animals more than... ones centering on. not animals. yknwo
she’s... really not expressive. like. at all. her face is just.... constant :<
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