#love ctubbo forever
piersthesniper · 1 month
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Uhhhhh gay
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beeduoo · 6 months
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inspired by an ancient post of mine....
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mioakem · 1 month
literally the only thing that ctommy wanted during the finale was for ctubbo to continue living and for him to move on from everything but he couldn’t even have that
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temporarytemporal · 7 months
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cling to me
I know I said I was going to distance myself from this piece of media because of all of its terrible connections, but these two characters seem to have taken root in a permanent place in my heart, and I can't let them go.
Anyway, here's some character design notes below the cut for the one person out there who's obsessed with these characters as much as me.
Early DSMP: the era of childhood innocence
Bandanas: They sport each other’s bandana’s (they’re hidden in the design for every era). I love character designs with complementary colors (and I love how red and green are also cranboo’s colors)
Disks: Early on, cat and mellohi represent the peaceful moments ctommy shared with his favorite people, but they went on to be a symbol of victory and independence from the people who have hurt him.
Flowers: Ctubbo collects flowers and tries to memorize the meanings and symbolism tied to each type of flower. He also collects them for his bees.
L’manberg: the era where children became soldiers
Horns: Ctubbo’s horns start to grow in here.
Pogtopia: the era of an exile and a secretary of state / spy
You can tell I joined the fandom at the end of this era because I don’t have many notes here or for the l’manberg era.
Exile: the era of an exile once again and and a president too young
Hair: Ctommy’s hair starts to grow longer as he neglects taking care of himself.
Clothes: Ctommy’s clothes are tattered; one shoe is destroyed and he took to wearing cw-lbur’s (f-ck ccw-lbur btw!!) trench coat.
Bandages: Ctubbo’s wrapped in bandages from his recently earned firework burns. He’s gone blind in his right eye, and he’s missing the ring and pinkie finger on his right hand.
Compasses: They share their matching ‘your tommy’ and ‘your tubbo’ compasses
Hog Hunt: the era where one sought to kill the blood god while the other sought refuge there
Stolen goods: Ctommy’s has his antarctic empire outfit plus all the goods he stole from ctechno like the turtle helmet, golden apples, and the axe of peace.
Bedrock: Ctommy wears his counterpart piece matching techno’s from his ear.
Prosthetic: Ctommy’s right foot had to be amputated after he loses it to frostbite in the trek to cemeraldduo’s cabin. Ctechno gives him a simple prosthetic.
Disc Finale: the era of mended relationships and a final stand
Headband: Ctommy begins to wear a devil headband to fit in more, as he’s one of the few humans on the server. The devil horns were chosen to resemble ceryn’s real ones.
Patchwork: Ctommy learns to sew, and he fixes his tattered clothes from exile.
Post Revival:
Devil horns: Ctommy’s devil horns (plus a tail) become real after revival, and he gets a white streak in his hair.
Prime cross: The bad things that have happened to them both that they survived strengthen ctommy’s faith in prime, whereas they weaken ctubbo’s faith.
Sweater: Ctommy makes himself a sweater from friend’s wool.
Mechanical inventions: Ctubbo pursues his passion for engineering more as he makes mechanical bee drones and studies nuclear physics. He also makes himself prosthetic fingers, and he upgrades ctommy’s prosthetic foot.
Marriage ring: Ctubbo marries cranboo platonically and wears the ring on his horn. He also founds snowchester so he can have a place to protect his loved ones and raise his son. He grows out his hair to avoid eye contact for cranboo and to cover his scars.
Body type: Ctubbo gets chubbier and gains some muscle as he gets a bit happier in life.
Post DSMP:
The prison break and everything after it never happened. These are my OCs, and I make the rules because every actor/writer who played a part in their creation either abandoned them or turned out to be a terrible person. Cbenchtrio live happily ever after and begin their journey of healing while cdream rots in prison forever.
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doodleduck · 9 months
Hmmm thinkin about if ctubbo was a deer hybrid instead of a ram. He doesn’t really know why he does it but he keeps his antlers after they drop each year. When he is older he can look back in them and see his physical change and perseverance. They grow more points and become thicker as his body can finally rest and regain nourishment. Way later down the line when he just has too many piled up over the years he will make gifts out of them for loved ones. Yeah it’s a bit weird to others but to him it’s like “I care about you enough to give you a piece of me to have forever”. He makes fancy knives and jewelry and whatnot
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stellocchia · 10 months
I've talked about this already in a reblog [LINK] but I do find it fascinating how every time, without a fail, when cTommy would start getting close to someone they would immediately register as a threat to cDream.
cWilbur is the most obvious one. He was cTommy's big brother, his protector, the person he arguably loved and relied on the most. And cDream was very very obviously jealous of said fact. And he'd been jealous from the beginning. And he tried to weasel his way into the big brother role from all the way back in og L'Manburg.
I will never get over the fact that he only ever tried to change cTommy's mind on even being in L'Manburg [LINK because this is fucking funny]. And then later in Pogtopia that he left a special gift basket which included his treasured crossbow as well as the book Tyrant and a bunch of other stuff to cTommy when he only gave Techno (Pogtopia's most skilled fighter) one single either gold or god apple. The fact that, despite saying he would help from the shadows only, he still very much fought the pet wars by cTommy's side. Or that, after confession he was actually on cSchlatt's side and being against cTommy going to retrieve his stuff from his old house in public, he still allowed him in private. And then spent the whole pre-war hanging with cTommy.
He was always trying to get in cTommy's good graces. To sorta take him from under cWilbur's nose. And it didn't work because cTommy has always been about as loyal as you can get, so he went with the best possible alternative and encouraged cWilbur's self-destructive behaviors until he did the job for him. And then he just never brought him back until he was certain that he was no longer a threat to his big brother role [LINK to Tommy literally saying that cWilbur was worse than cDream].
But cWilbur was so SO far from being the only threat to cDream's fragile attachment. And, in fact, I would argue he wasn't even the biggest threat in cDream's mind.
After all, cDream never put that much effort into getting rid of cWilbur. Partially because cWilbur was already spiraling and distancing himself from cTommy, but I also think that he just didn't respect him all that much as a rival. Though that's mostly speculation.
No, the biggest threat was always cTubbo. The best buddy, best friends forever. There is a reason why during exile, while the role he was trying to cover was more akin to cWilbur's role in cTommy's life, his wording wasn't. He never used the term "brothers" always "best friends".
There is a reason why he went through the trouble of utterly destroying cClingy relationship far more than he ever did for cCrime, by framing cTommy, by demanding harsher punishments at the trial, by taunting cTommy and escalating the situation over and over again. And then still by discouraging cTubbo from visiting and by lying to cTommy about cTubbo just discarding his 'my Tommy' compass. And then, when none of that worked, he went for the ultimate betrayal, because he knew it would hurt cTommy immensely if cTubbo gave up the disc he'd been given as an ultimate act of trust, and he knew that he could break cTubbo's trust in cTommy even more. And when EVEN THAT didn't work he straight-up went for murdering cTubbo because my man was fed up (at least if we assume that the staged finale didn't completely go according to plan, but if I go on a rant about how UTTERLY MORONIC the staged finale was here I'll never stop).
cTubbo was always cDream's biggest enemy, and it really goes to show how single-minded he was as a villain that cTubbo being his nemesis wasn't even about cTubbo.
Next level obsession there.
Of course, the two of them weren't the only threats, just the biggest. Bud cDream didn't stop at them. He tried to kill Ghostbur during exile just because his constant presence was too much of a comfort to cTommy and later on actually killed him to revive the version of cWilbur cTommy seemingly hated. He took two of MD's lives because he not only was willing to move in with cTommy, but also wasn't afraid to call cDream out on his bullshit which, if you rewatch that stream, seemed to really bother cDream. Also the fact that cTommy, as soon as he was offered an alternative to follow MD's orders and rules instead of cDream's took it with pretty much no hesitation probably didn't help cDream's dislike of MD. He also never revived cRanboo, and it is very possible that it's because he knew that he and cTommy were friends.
Murders aside, he also sabotaged cTommy's and cRanboo's communication more than once when he realized they were getting close. Which shows that he ether considered cRanboo only a minor threat or simply still useful, because had anyone else visited that much they would be dead.
He also immediately threatened to hurt cPhil when cTommy started relying on him post-prison break. And let's not forget that time cLazar was literally only going to visit with a present and cDream considered it such a big threat that he made cLazar take part in abusing cTommy so thoroughly that cTommy was sure not to want anything to do with him in the future. (also, kind of an interesting coincidence that cLazar was one of the unlucky two selected to be slaughtered for the sake of science...).
Every time cTommy has gotten especially close to anyone, cDream was always there, ready to intervene, ready to deal with the threat as swiftly as possible. Because ANYONE would have been a better choice for cTommy and he knew it. And he acted accordingly.
Curiously, the only one he never took action against was cTechno, though I do wonder if that was just because of how obviously doomed cBedrock bros were from the very start. cDream does know the extent of cTommy's loyalty very VERY well after all...
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senvurii · 2 months
Ctommy / Almost ended - a song about a girl stuck in a loop- stuck chasing her own ending forever
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ctommy part2 - Midnight Phobia
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ctommy honourable mention (im a freak) / peachy key
ctubbo / over - about a young girl determined to find her dead friend in the stars
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ctechno / adipocere - a girl wandering through the metaphorical cold for dead relationships
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(note: i always imagined techno to living millennium, and this song to crimeboys. this is for accuracy.)
cphil / imawanokiwa - about a mother attempting to ignore the grief of losing her child
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cniki / Till your tear goes - a remembrance to let go and love the day
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cslime / living millenium - a painting-like girl observing humans for thousands of years
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cdream / mercy killing - a girl whos punishing another for lying
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cquackity / goodbye jackpot - a nihilistic outview on life told through casino metaphors
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cpuffy / Dandelion - someone desperately trying and failing to protect what she holds dear
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csam / angel care - a girl apologizing and grieving for a loved ones death
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clembian · 1 year
love comes and goes but ctubbo.? ctubbo is forever❤️
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t4tpumpkinduo · 3 months
if those text post about the sa stuff is about cq i am baffled with how blind someone has to be to be that bad at media literacy and racist hello
no like. lmao it's super abt cq and yeah. it's horrible.✌️ i like don't even know where to begin w what an awful take it is. can we be people.
it's just uhh. well. imo not good to take v v lighthearted joke/outta context bits that aren't given narrative weight and then spin them into something they Never Were for some like. idk. leeway? is that what it is? leveling the playing field? i see this talk abt cquackity frm a lot of ppl (v consistently in cdr*blr, just to paint a picture lmao.) but the one that makes me the saddest is frm ppl who rlly like cschlatt and wnna fight back at his unjust bigoted fanon treatment by being unjust and bigoted to. another character?  like. ok? 😭
the worst thing is, for the second group, (first group don't matter i'm not wasting my time arguing w ppl like that), is that it's coming from ppl who are like. all things considered completely right abt cschlatt! it's absolutely correct to get upset abt an addict being demonized, having all his actions taken in the worst faith imaginable. having joke bits that don't have narrative weight treated as hard canon when that's not the case at all, just to paint some stupid picture that woobifies and dilutes other characters at his textually supposed to be sympathetic expense. it's ridiculous! that's all true!! cschlatt sweep forever that's my special princess like i agree!!!
so if you can understand that taking bits where he's like slapping cqs ass, or making boy prostitute jokes at cfundy, or batting people around jokingly/w no narrative weight are clearly meant to be at most shitty jests w no added pressure to them, and painting it as smthing else is disingenuous and transparent. why the hell are you taking like this abt cquackity then 😭 why the hell are HIS actions suddenly being scrutinized w the same rightfully critiqued incorrect lense! it's just sowugrrugrbrfnjfk
and on top of that, you cannot divorce the way ppl look at things and the way they filter them. like uhh for example. there's a stream where ckarl just like drugs cquackity. he puts heroin in his shit and it causes him a psychotic break and q chases the guy like an animal abt it for quite a while until he sobers up. ckarl also called him like ugly and stupid and unlikable and at one point hunted him down with an axe across the map bcs he left him at a joke altar. and i have never once in my life seen ppl freak out at ckarl abt it and go ohhh he must be a secret abuser oooh. BECAUSE THAT'S NOT TRUE AND SHOULD NEVER BE A TALKING POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE 😭 OBVIOUSLY!!! it's not supposed to be taken that way in the narrative at all. ckarl is explicitly a good guy, who means well and likes playing pranks on his friends who he loves dearly enough to sacrifice himself for them over and over. there's no awful weight to these actions he's playing his damn touys. when shit is meant to be held to a standard it literally just is held to it the dsmp isn't subtle there's no way around it. and if smone tried to tell you anything different abt it the ridicule they'd deserve would be astronomical.
ctubbo tried to drown ctommy and spent the whole time giggling abt it. that doesn't mean ctubs is some kinda freak abt it because it's treated in the narrative as a bit. ctommy hits and lashes out at cjack a lot. it's never treated or supposed to be taken as ctommy fucking abusing him. 😭 cschlatt and cq make jokes at eachother and it just point blank is never coded in any other way than them doing bits and speaking in freak tongues and having gay ghost sex infront of cq's fucking dad and being light hearted assholes to eachother until we get to the scenes where weight IS being applied. and even then it's not abusive it's human conflict between equals. like fuck's sake.
and idk. like i said, it rlly is interesting that it's applied to those character specifically. and the hypocritical gross ass double standard of it all is suddenly like. so ignorable huh how weird. so you see specifically the addict character who's at most an asshole as some uniquely scary demon evil abuser despite him not being that at all. you see this mentally ill deeply psychotic dude who's at most an asshole and think he's a violent freak who beats his brother even though he clearly isn't. you see this brown character, one of the ONLY ones, and suddenly yr stumbling over yrself abt how he's a violent assaulter and also fantasy racist to white characters despite all the. wow yr rlly cool and normal and not transparent at all hahaha. wow. hah. what a world.
anyways yeah like. i'm not gnna engage w this fuckass topic no more gensrs. it's bad for my blood sugars it's bad for my liver i've said my piece i'm done i'm sick of it. 👍 i'm just gnna start blocking even more ppl and focusing on the good of the fanbase instead. sucks that it's so common and unchecked but whatttt can you do except keep sending ghouls and devils to their addresses. if you have this wack ass "interpretation" do us both a favor and fucking block me. sword slash through the chest and you're on fire.
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metfell · 1 month
aroflux ctubbo and arospec ranboo is forever beloved to me <33 cbeeduo #1 unlabeled relationship there’s love there and it doesn’t particularly matter what kind + the forms it changes into
awesome headcanon i definitely think theyre both on the aro spectrum in one way or another
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linktoo-doodles · 1 year
I don’t know if this is the right place, but I haven’t stopped thinking about your Disco Elysium drawings with c!Wilbur since you posted them, and then I saw this post and just.
Pogtopia as La Revacholiere
The agony of a city that’s a grave that loves you
yep. YEPPPP. Revachol, shivers, L'manburg, and Pogtopia have the craziest fucking parallels you can make i can never get past it.
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ctubbo and L'manburg ^
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L'manburg forever ^
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ctommy in exile ^
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piersthesniper · 1 month
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awesomehoggirl · 3 months
hi! you dont have to post this if u dont wanna :P i js hope u read it tubbo3091 means a lot to me, which i know you probably are aware means a lot to many many people. as someone who's been there since october of 2020 like you, ctubbo and ctommy are some of the dearest characters to me i think in the entire universe. theyre such complex characters thatll forever mean the world to me, even if ppl seem 2 think the dsmp is cringe or unserious. i js wanted to thank u for making ctubbo so real, you wrote him in a way that made it feel like the guy from the smp was actually posting on the internet. it's made me cry multiple times, and you're such an amazing talented artist and writer. in my eyes, ull always be the #1 ctubbo shooter, as u understand and perceive him in the perfect way. to me, the dsmp is one of those medias you never really move on from, because its just so impactful and brings so many good memories. i hope its the same for you, too :) i hope you continue to write and draw cbenchtrio, especially ctubbo. half because i love seeing ur content and half because i never want the person who understands ctubbo the best to lose the spark, bc when i think of ctubbo ill always think of ur blog. thank u soso much and i hope this wasnt too corny. obviously i wouldnt expect you to but if you ever feel like posting on tubbo3091 again PLS DO! and if you have any new art or poetry on cbenchtrio, sharee!! no pressure, but i hope one day ill see tubbo3091 come back :3 thank you <3
i wont lie to you i saw this message this morning and squealed and saved it for now and now i have read it and ❤️❤️❤️ you are so lovely anon. thank you so much for taking the time to write to me ive just come back to writing after like half a year of doing fuck all bc i was dealing with shit and im having some confidence issues so i cannot even express how much this means. whenever someone tells me that blog meant something to them in any way i feel so elated bc it was SO fun to run and sorta proves to my imposter syndromey self that i have produced good things before and can again. while the fandom is in my past rn ctub will definitely always have a special place in my gay ass heart. id love to a few new sketches of him actually thank you for the idea!!! hope ur having a gorg day urself :) and thank you again 🍎
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n0phis · 4 months
what are your current interests? also your art is so pretty i love the way you draw eyes sm
thanks man im trying to will myself into drawing for real again :) life yk
the next time i draw a nice eye ill think of u anon bless
ive been rly into dungeon meshi and ocs ! i think i kinda float around though. just a whole bunch of old media i still think about r sittin in there too. also thinking about the dsmp still they live on forever ig. backburner tho. maybe someday ill draw ctubbo or smth 💯
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iiusia · 14 days
4, 5, and 12 for DSMP? :3
4. assign this story a hyper-specific genre name, e.g. "inspirational religious semi-horror sci-fi western" (yes, that's Trigun)
the PROBLEM about dsmp is that it's every genre at once. it's a war drama it's fantasy horror it's a POLITICAL drama it's slice of life (??) it's grimdark (what with the ending) but full of hope . well in the end it's all about the love i think . <- she did not answer the question but whatever
5. do you have a favorite character? who?
ctubbo forever and ever and ever. like i dont think that i will ever come across a character that will dethrone him from his #1 spot in my mind i just have to live with the fact that my favourite character ever is called tubbo and thats that ! its like he was tailor made to appeal to me... its all about the grief... its about the Needing to be useful, needing to fix everything. its about the pretending you're fine for so long that you've forgotten how to not be fine!!!! like im insane
12. assuming your loved ones would be there, would you want to live in the world of the story?
oh LORD no. no way. i prefer my life with approx 0 explosions
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intertexts · 2 months
is it cheating to say youre the nhw guy. just like. overall. i feel like thats cheating bc we literally made the au. but every time i make a nhw post im going like "teehee i hope ros likes this i hope they approve of my stupid tragic gay little thoughts on the action figures we're smashing with hammers together" HEHE . if nhw doesnt count.. im going to go for a deep cut and say beeduo. sorry. o nazerene was one of those lifechanging fics for me u will always be the ultimate beeduo expert in my head . more currently though i would say dakota cole specifically due to the amount of times youve made a lb post and then grizzly has said the exact same thing like a SECOND later. also your dakota pov is the best ive ever read everyone else makes him a little too.. idk. childish or naive or hyper. u have such a nice balance of those things + the serious moments.
AUUUGHGHGGHHGHGH EXPLODING U WITH MY MIND.... WGAT THE HELL. AWESOME. this is so awesome fuck yes. fuck yes dude. also literally thats exactly how *I* feel whenever i make a nhw post!!!!!!!! i prommy i always love ur tragic gay blender thoughts..... ur so fucking big brain always. literally cannot stop thinking abt them i NEED 2 be annoying in yr inbox abt wibby some more!!
& THE BEEDUO...... auauaua. ctubbo was literally who i was thinking of when i rbed that post.... my guy of all time.... so happy that that's still my reputation gisjdhdjddf :] also i checked in on a tubbolive stream for the first time in literally yearsss today & bossman was playing a disgustingly fun edm set.... since when is he a fucking dj!! delightful character development ngl. anyway. yeag <333
i fucking swear to GOD me & grizzly grizzlyplays r on some shared fucking wavelength. (hey i know that guy) literally don't even fucking know what it is but it's so funny. it KEEPS HAPPENING!!!! big fan of ur thought processes king they're literally mine!! & man i fucking love dakota so much..... he's such a good character. he's so fun to write. i haven't ventured in the ao3 tags yet but i KNOW ill have a whole characterization essaypost 2 make... anyway this is so fucking awesome forever hehehehehe :]]]]]]
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