#love Ryan though
stalebagels · 1 year
Currently devastated
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mischievous-thunder · 1 month
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Wade's not-so-polite fourth wall tap to prove that he's not the only one drooling
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ryansjane · 2 months
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#guess we'll never know jane's age
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irene-dimension · 7 months
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i think we as a society moved on too fast from this
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tastytofusoup · 6 months
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The Longest Journey (1999) ↠ Border House
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nebulatrifid · 1 year
Sometimes Shane and Ryan's investigation skills are the equivalent of if your laptop got stolen and in order to figure out who took it, you put out a second laptop in the same place and waited to see if the person who stole the first laptop steals the second one too.
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nyikondlovu · 2 months
Baela Targaryen and Jacaerys Velaryon please kiss and have a secret wedding it could save House of The Dragon season two
(For hot people ONLY!!!)
(Credit for the edit and gifs to their owners)
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repressedqueen · 7 months
It's been precisely 2 years since i first watched 4x14 and the infamous Because, Evan scene. Seeing it again, during my current rewatch, still gives me CHILLS.
Not even talking about the romantic side of things (which imo is there).
It's the vulnerability of both men. The pure love that oozes out of them. The gentleness with which they treat each other. How scared Buck is that Eddie is so fragile he might break at any moment, because he still can't believe he is alive after all this. The fact that Eddie has just been through a near-death experience and his first concern is to reassure Buck that he is so not expendable. The way Buck looks at Eddie like a puppy the moment he hears his name.
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The fact that this the first time a traumatized kid, who has felt like he's worth nothing his whole life, like he is invisible, is finally told that he is in fact so valuable to someone, so seen.
In conclusion, I'm never getting over this scene and I could write essays about it. (Also, HOW INCREDIBLY ACTED IS IT?! Both actors are killing it!! Just a look from Oliver and I want to sob. And Ryan, is it just me, or does he feel different in this scene? I'm not sure how to describe it, I just feel him so grounded and present. I just love them both.)
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hoperays-song · 1 month
Tiny Details I Noticed During My Brand Search of Sing 2
There are several posters throughout both cities with the words "Love, Respect, Protect" next to what looks like a jaguar or an ocelot on them.
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Johnny's nails appear to be painted the entire time (shiny and reflective when they are matte in the first movie).
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In the background of the scene right before the piglets come in, you can see Johnny and Meena talking. Johnny says something towards Rosita, she turns and throws a pillow at him, and they all burst out laughing and smiling. Which is just down right adorable.
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The advertisements outside Moon Theatre are frames from the first movie.
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In the scene where the giraffes coming out of the elevator slip due to the troupe mopping as a disguise, Ryan appears to start smiling/laughing in the corner.
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There is an award shaped like Nana herself on her bedroom fireplace mantle.
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Every time something big is proposed or annouced and we get to see the troupe's immediate reaction, Johnny and Meena do the "are you hearing this?" best friend glance and its so cute. I'm not kidding, every time.
The plan to go to Redshore.
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2. The disguise plan.
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3. Rosita being fine with being replaced.
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What appears to be a yoga studio chain advertises in both Calatonia and Redshore and has the tag line "Be Pawsitive".
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godsworstson · 12 days
boys will be boys
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ghostradiodylan · 9 months
I subscribed to a Russian dataminer for cut content from The Quarry. You’re not supposed to share and I understand why and support paying people for their work! Buuuut I also understand why people might be hesitant to pay someone in Russia on a poorly translated website to access this stuff, so I’m gonna take my chances with potentially being banned because a couple of these things the Quarry fandom at large needs to see! Screenshots and discussion under the cut.
[you can subscribe or send tips here if you’re interested, they do have more SMG stuff including cut DPA content]
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Thank you @insertlovelyperson for this!
These are somewhat Ryan and/or Dylan centric because I find them the most interesting, but they also had the most story-impacting cut content IMO.
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I know I’ve talked to a bunch of people about this. I know @andromaqves was one and I can’t remember who else but omfg, justice for Ryan!! I think they cut this because they made the werewolf more obvious than Justice's performance indicated but THAT MAKES IT WORSE. DO YOU NOT SEE HOW THAT MAKES IT WORSE YOU GUYS?!
Ryan also could have had the chance to actually get a shot off against Silas in the version of the radio hut scene where Dylan isn't bitten, and he'd think he had killed the werewolf.
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Then as he's heading back to the radio hut, Dylan warns him that it's coming back and we get the rest of the scene as it plays out in the game.
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I get why they cut this, because if they established for certain that regular bullets can't actually harm the werewolves, there's no stakes to Abi potentially shooting Nick, but it's a cool sequence, it's always good to see the boys work together, and it would have been AWESOME if Ryan could have been infected here instead of Dylan!
This exchange just made me laugh:
Kaitlyn to Ryan: you really look up to Mr. Hackett.
Ryan: Yeah, he’s always been nice to me.
Kaitlyn: Well, so have I!
Ryan: A few days ago I slipped on wet grass and ate shit and you laughed and shouted ‘Nice Walkin Christopher Walken' and everyone called me that for the rest of the day.
Kaitlyn: See, you get my best bits! 😂😂😂
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Dylan reads Ryan the synopsis of a romance novel they find in Mr. H’s office that appears to be a thinly veiled reference to the bonfire love triangle. 😂
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Ryan and Kaitlyn: actually showing care and concern for Dylan post-amputation instead of pretending it didn't happen.
Dylan, in shock but still an asshole: I'm fine, I’m doing better than Kaylee Hackett. 💀
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Again, this is just funny and a great question from Emma.
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Abi can not be into the kiss with Nick, presumably due to the no-longer-in-place relationship system. I'm betting if you didn't get their relationship stats up you would get this result.
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Laura claims to Ryan that Chris Hackett drunkenly admitted that his family was KILLING PEOPLE who were investigating them, but there's nothing else to back that up in the datamine that I've found so far (not that I think she made it up lol, just that it would have been interesting if the Chris scene was cut to remove that too).
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And the one my heart can't fucking take, Kaitlyn and Dylan on the way to the scrapyard variant where Ryan has kissed Kaitlyn at the bonfire and they actually talk about it because she asks Dylan if he's jealous of Laura getting to go off with Ryan. He says he's jealous but not of Laura...
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"You're pretty awesome and I'm... just Dylan" 😭 😭 😭
And, "you guys seem like you've got a connection"?? Kaitlyn as Rylan shipper, confirmed. 💖
More details and discussion on the Discord @itscomingupaces made us: https://discord.com/invite/RHgdqBBXh7
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supemaeve · 7 months
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 3 months
happy to have an offgun sunday show back on the docket but i can already tell this series is going to put a bee in my bonnet every week about late stage capitalism foisting its cancer upon all workplace cultures and turning things like internships from learning and exploratory opportunities to build skills and discover interests in a field, to an expectation of free/low paid but inexplicably pre-skilled labour. do you think ye olde blacksmith's apprentice showed up to the first day of the apprenticeship and the blacksmith is like "what do you mean you don't know how to shoe a horse?? that's so basic" no. the expectation of apprenticeship is that a newborn emptyheaded youngin with a vague notion that metal is cool shows up, and is taught how to blacksmith. the expectation is not that the young savant of metalwork turns up with a list of horses already shoed, including One Very Special One in the Royal Stable, and god would you please please please allow me to debase myself for you, o blacksmith? my resumé is just like the journeyman's!! this workplace culture is a modern invention!! they used to teach you things at work!!
[breathing audibly] i just think entry level should mean entry level, and that as much effort goes into gathering experience that makes people competitively hire-able, ability, opportunity, and luck also play a role. it is lucky to know your passion early enough to be able to groom yourself to competitiveness in a sharky field of work, but a person should be able to turn up for entry level positions/interning with an unabashed "i know nothing" as long as it's followed with an "and i'm ready to learn" and it is in neoliberalism's favour to allow work environments to cut their costs by eschewing the responsibility to teach. to train the trainee.
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yaytheboop · 2 years
the professor: and the winner is... ryan bergara!
ryan, who had to kill the professor to win an episode the last four seasons and go through the whole internet hating him for a year because of it: 👁👄👁
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