#lov redemption
wolfgiselle · 1 year
Summary: Kaminari walks up to Todoroki in the hallway after class and says, “Dude, I need your help.”
Todoroki checks over his shoulder, twice, to verify that Kaminari is indeed talking to him. “Why?”
“Yesterday you asked Shinsou-kun if he was Aizawa-sensei’s son,” Kaminari says, as though that explains anything at all.
“Make a hero conspiracy YouTube channel with me.”
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This is now my new headcanon! Todoroki and Kaminari start a Hero Conspiracy channel after Kami hears one of his: ‘secret love child theories.’ Things spiral from there.
These two have amazing chemistry, despite having such opposite energies. And it's certainly believable that such a web-show would blow-up in popularity. Especially with all the rest of class 1A wandering in and out of the shots and making their own guest appearances.
My favorite part is Dabi getting outed as Touya in an episode that Todoroki didn't even want to do and didn’t take seriously. His meltdown was probably because he wasn't able to make the reveal himself (What a Drama Queen, right?), and because Shouto was one of the people involved in outing him.
The resulting sequel to this story — which happens, in part, because Toga likes attention and she got a LOT of it from posting Dabi's reaction to his reveal episode — is just as hilarious, if not more. The LOV start up their own channel and become so focused on it, they pretty much forget to even BE villains. Then they outright become vigilantes! All because a couple of them got outed, and because they grew to like their internet fame.
I love stories where the League shift their focus or purpose and through that become loved. It's always interesting to see the motivation behind the change. Sometimes, it's Midoriya that's the catalyst. Sometimes, it's Hawks. But other times, it's something strange and truly 'out there' like becoming internet famous, I guess.
Who woulda thunk it?
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iamfrankie99 · 1 year
Adaptive Quirk
by SkylerSkyhigh & Tereox_X
313k 34ch
Summary: Eraserhead rescues Izuku from villains when he is five. The kid is traumatised from months of torture, mental manipulation and human experimentation. The pro hero knows he can’t let this kid go. That’s how Izuku comes into UA’s protection…because with a quirk like his, a quirk custom made to be the most powerful quirk that ever existed, villains are certain to try and take him back. But Izuku wants to be a hero, not a villain, never a villain. And despite the whole of society being against him, he will always have his dads, his boyfriends and his friends on his side.
Frankie’s comment: This fic was amazing. It made me go through a rollercoaster of emotions that is still shaking me to the very core but for every tear it ripped it sewed it back up with a satisfying conclusion or a fluffy scene. Izuku is overpowered but not invincible, his trauma is deep and seeing how he and the people around him deal with it makes it all look more realistic and keeps Izuku human in the eyes of the reader. The thing I liked most about this is that it ties up all loose ends. It’s not just a happy ending, it’s a satisfying ending in every sense of the word. Also, the love story barely makes it into the background, which in my opinion is good cuz the story is action. The cute couple stuff is mainly used as a means of comfort, fluff and shits and giggles. I don’t wanna spoiler it too much for you but honestly it’s written so well I’d spend pages on every little thing I loved about it.
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polarolds · 1 year
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late to the party but barbie meme ft. arthur and sadie
plus bonus sadie doodles 🤲 :
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bibibbon · 2 months
something that i can’t stand when it comes to this fandom is that basically no one can wrap their head around the fact that a victim can also be an abuser.
yes, rei was physically and emotionally abused by endeavor. yes, she was literally sold to him.
but she also just completely checked out and left fuyumi to pick up the slack.
yes, it’s not her fault that the abuse caused her to shut down, but as a result of that she neglected her children.
after she left fuyumi had to raise her brothers and become the woman of the house.
again, at the end of the day the root cause of the abuse is endeavor, but rei had checked out even before dabi's death.
it’s not victim blaming to point out the fact that rei neglected her kids. victim blaming would be saying that the abuse she suffered was her fault.
sometimes this fandom can be so fucking braindead. it’s always black and white, good or bad, hero or villain.
there is not a soul on this earth who is 100% a pure and good person.
all might, knowing full well what one for all contained and the massive responsibility that came with it. including an old wrinkly guy who will stop at nothing to take it, to a child and then proceed to not tell the aforementioned child what he was getting himself into. he with held crucial information because he knew that if he told izuku everything there was a chance he wouldn’t take it.
on the flip side, no one is 100% evil.
dabi cares deeply for the league, even though he doesn’t show it. shigaraki is literally the only person he will take orders from. some people may think he showed everyone hawks killing twice just for more ammo against the hero's. but thats not true at all. he cared about twice, and he wanted the world to know who he was. he wanted the hero’s to know that twice was human.
again i’m fucking rambling but i just hate how this fandom can be allergic to nuance and critical thinking.
I do think that many people do want a simple answer because at the end of the day it's easy to root for the good guys and boo the bad guys. There's also the fact that the narrative itself does sometimes struggle in creating a proper grey space morally.
Take for example the abuse victims in MHA. A lot of them are straight up innocent perfect heroes victims like izuku (who can never feel resentment in the narrative) and shoto while the others are straight up villains like Dabi and shigaraki. There's no in between with these characters and it's annoying. I remember talking with @mikeellee she has her saying of Shigaraki being the dark deku which honestly after that chapter where izuku comes into contact with a evil version of himself makes more sense.
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I do agree with you in the sense that no one is 100% good or evil and in a way almost everyone is a victim to hero society. All might did willingly give a quirk that has a big responsibility to a naive quirkless child and all might is a bad mentor. However, at the same time all might is also a victim to a society he contributed to creating which is honestly so ironic and I wish horikoshi would explore these aspects of all mights character yet he doesn't and just gave us iron might (I dont like iron might tbh).
Also I love the fact that you brought up Rei himura and honestly Iam a big advocate for giving rei a redemption arc since it would of been more interesting and it would actually make sense to give her one than giving enji todoroki one. Rei was a victim and yes motherhood is difficult especially with the fact that she was abused and stripped of autonomy or agency but she also wasn't the best mother and that's something she does recognise in the narrative. My main problem however, is that the narrative doesn't allow her to fully engage with the family and she doesn't do much about it. Yes she apologises to both shoto and touya but what about her other children?!?! What about fuyumi who had to take on the role of a mother and shoulder a huge family burden? What about natsou who was also neglected?!?!. I say by giving rei himura a redemption arc the series can do so much that being actually involving the entire todoroki family into this, having more introduction to the hospital arc that may connect both touya and Rei and you can also have Rei make a connection with genten as @nyc3 suggested.
However, this also applies to the flip side. Characters like twice, shigaraki and Dabi aren't completely evil. Yes they have done bad things, yes they are bad people but they are also victims of the hero system and hero society. I do think that the leauge is a bit underdeveloped and I did definitely want more development between Dabi and shigaraki's while frenemies fiasco going on.
In the end I do think that almost every fandom may be allergic to nuance in one way or another. I do actually mean this because I remember seeing people try and say that Eren Yeager is completely good while some tried saying that he is completely evil but in reality he is complex and layered. You really can't put a definitive label on the aot characters because they all did their fair share of good and bad things and that's what makes them well written and enjoyable.
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pinkysberg · 2 years
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quick lil modern!charthur doodle. i think charles would appreciate a nice after work cuddle.
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todomitoukei · 25 days
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Obsessed with the idea of this guy checking animal crossing turnip prices mid fight. he creates the top pro heroes into sims, makes them use the pool and takes away the ladder.
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
When you see a take on your favorite character so bad that it actually makes you sick to your stomach-
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seagreenstardust · 4 months
Yuga as a foil for Izuku is so fascinating because they were both born quirkless but that’s where the similarities end. In every way Yuga was privileged while Izuku was disadvantaged. But Yuga’s privilege resulted in him basically being shoehorned into doing villainous things while Izuku was given the biggest possible helping hand despite his disadvantage.
And that’s why I’m so so SO feral over Izuku reaching out to Yuga and telling him he can still be a hero, no matter what he’s done in the past. Izuku was given the chance so he’s got to make sure others get it too.
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mettywiththenotes · 15 days
Crazy how the only villains who actually got saved and/or had a redemption were Gentle, Brava and Nagant
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best thing about shigaraki being back in control is that deku (or nana and the vestiges) is probably gonna pull some talk no jutsu ‘youre free from AFO’s influence, you can be better person now!’ shit and hes gonna look him dead in the eye as he says ‘actually, i’m going to be worse’ and tries to decay the entire planet or smthn
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mejomonster · 1 year
Jin Mi from Ashes of Love, Xuanji from Love and Redemption, and Tantai Jin could all start a club about how it’s going having no emotion growing up
Jin Mi: was going great, excellent, until her friend went missing. Was still doing great, gender didn’t matter to Jin Mi and neither did ridiculous romance, but the people around her SURE thought it SHOULD matter so. ;-; it’s not going great for our babe.
Xuanji: doing AMAZING. she WAS bullied for the no feelings thing, and also nearly frozen to death, but her dad does love both his daughters AND xuanji’s sister babies her AND she’s got a shixiong looking out for her, AND a very sweet demon boy becomes her friend and is very willing to help her too. So a lot of her bad times (at least before the plot’s rolling) are more to do with her willing to suffer Endlessly for friends. she is bullied but like... when her sister ling long is intent to kill the bullies there’s only so much damage they can do, with ling long there to attack them and try and comfort xuanji after in her abrasive way. Xuanji also has quite a knack for accumulating friends anyway, which also helps. perhaps the worst part of the whole ordeal is mr. Abusive Controlling Gaslighting ex-from-another-life Bai Lin creeping around and STILL trying to control her, and the lack of emotions make it just that Bit extra hard to notice the red flags he’s throwing off and recognize the way she’s getting trapped.
Tantai Jin: honestly would’ve maybe done alright (i’m only in ep 4 though lol) if only bitches hadn’t CONSTANTLY wanted to harm him. Dad blamed him for his mom’s death and that’s not fair, so starvation and bullying here they come. The Jin palace likewise were just DICKS because to be mean to Tantai Jin was to do what the king would be happy with, then he got traded as a hostage where YET AGAIN the king would appeased if he’s suffering since he’s a hostage. So everywhere the poor kid went people wanted to beat him for status perks. Then to top it all off, poor kid can’t cry just like xuanji, and that made one of his maid caretakers think of him as a monster instead of just different (which sure didn’t help), that made the people beating him feel they could keep beating him hoping for more of a reaction, and just ;-; He seems like if he’d been given ANY friend or nice sibling, like xuanji, he would’ve probably did fine. But he didn’t have anyone on his side from like the one maid leaving onward to until he got his crow friend so. :c To top things off? Of COURSE he attached to Xiao Lin, the first ORDINARY person treating him NORMAL. And Xiao Lin had the status to make punching Tantai Jin not worth the social benefit of doing so. I would like the acquaintance friendship/admiration/parallels but differences explored more (both princes but one can feel and one cant, one has a mom who’s favored and one is an orphan whos hated, one seems to do only good in society’s eyes while the other can’t do ‘good’ even if he behaves the same). I really like the idea to parallel these two. I love this kind of writing. I’m also thinking... Xuanji could’ve been quite similar to him given the same childhood situation (and vice versa he probably would’ve turned out quite heroic and sweet if he’d had steadfast close emotional connections growing up like xuanji).
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
BNHA ch. 378
All I can say seeing Nagant and Gentle back on the good side is ‘to little to late’.
I like villain redemptions--I wanted and expected the LoV to get redeemed when I first started reading and watching this story. The only reason I’ve soured on it is because it’s so poorly written. It feels forced and unearned on both sides.
Ch. 378 only makes that even clearer. Nagant and Gentle are helping the Heroes now--coming right out of left field to do so. Besides their more sympathetic framing and LaBrava being a prefect counter to Skeptic there wasn’t really much foreshadowing for this reveal. They’re just here so we can get the obligatory ‘saved’ villains that show us that the bad guys can be turned good, even if very little effort was put in to show how these guys had a change of heart. 
Izuku did talk a little to Gentle and he did feel bad during their fight, but that was hundreds of chapters ago. Later Lady Nagant told him her backstory and he just told her ‘hey, maybe look on the bright side of life’ and she changed her tune instantly.
Plus, none of the villains actually did anything that bad. Gentle was a youtuber who essentially pranked people--it’s laughable that he was a villain in the first place. Nagant did kill a lot of people but no one we knew, and it was all before the start of the main story. She joined All for One, but she barely gave Izuku any trouble. She also felt immeasurable guilt for all the terrible things she did.
These two pale in comparison to the LoV who have helped level Japan and killed with glee for the entire run of the story. They never feel guilty or bad for hurting other people. They have targeted the kids and wished to kill them from their very first introduction and have never changed their minds on that. Besides being pals and having sad backstories they don’t really have any redeeming qualities. The only reason they will being redeemed is because Hori said so.
And it’s not like it makes any more sense form the Hero side either. Izuku didn’t care about Overhaul even though he was clearly in major distress and mentally not all there. He tried reasoning with Muscular for 2 seconds before deeming him unsavable. And now Tsukauchi is praising and believing in the changed villains even though the last time we saw him he was being really harsh to Aoyama--a kid forced to work for All for One.
So, yeah, I guess it’s nice that the villains are going to be ‘saved’ but it won’t really mean anything or have any impact. It’ll be as underwhelming as this Nagant and Gentle reveal was. Something I read and go ‘if you say so’. 
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oathofkaslana · 2 years
also I love the fact that collei’s a child I think her being young and still baring so much bad that it completely changes her for the worse even when she wants to escape it and then getting to see her change and grow is sooooooo
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gradelstuff · 1 year
Deadass kinda painful to read fics where the LoV is reduced to being "only coworkers" and they don't actually care that much about each other
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
I don't know if you still answer asks about mha but could you please elaborate on '#i used to like the role endeavor served in bnha then i grew to hate him'? I though end*vor was meant to be hated from the beginning... I'm curious about that tag!
Endeavor is very clearly meant to be detestable at the start but I liked that he was the first sign in the story that hero society was deeply flawed.
I grew up with superhero cartoons and I always enjoyed when they took a more critical look into the genre (the justice league cartoon does a fantastic job of this). Nowadays cynical/subversive takes on the genre are extremely common but when I first started reading bnha I was really excited to see where Horikoshi would go with it.
So in short, while I disliked Endeavor the character I liked what he represented on a narrative level.
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pinkysberg · 1 year
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my weed smoking gf
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