wanderlustoregon · 9 months
My soul is tired #soul
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wanderlustoregon · 2 years
Being a nurse what’s expected is that you’re a machine you have to keep going you’re not allowed to rest. You can’t even have a decent break. 1 break on a 12 hour shift. No one to help you you’re constantly drowning. Once you think you are catching up there’s more to do. It’s mentally physically draining. Management does not have your back. You’re replaceable and disposable. After everything working during Covid. Risking our lives. I just feel let down. #nurse #ernurse #healthcare #hospital
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
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Hot tub at night while everyone is asleep. Alone by yourself. Quiet. Peaceful. I love sneaking out here in the middle of night listening to the ripple of the water from the jets. Frees my mind. No where else in the world I would rather be.
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
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Haruki Murakami
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
I can’t sleep I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a few months. We are in the process of buying a house. Now that we are getting ready to close I am freaking out. My lender has told me there might be a delay which fucks everything up. The movers plus we have to be out of this house by 8/3. I already sold my house! Plus there can be a chance that they might not approve the loan which is scary as fuck!!!! What am I going to do? I have been in a roller coaster of emotions and I just want off. The stress is too much! I’m venting on here because I have no one to talk to about this.
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
We are buying a house and at the same time selling our house. This has been a stressful process. I’m ready for this be over!! I hate chaos.
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
It's definitely hard to give myself praise for what I have accomplished on my own. I am blessed and at times I tend to forget how fortunate I am to have this life. I need to take more advantage of my free time and start doing things that I love. There is not much time left and so much more things to do and see.
Take a moment to appreciate all that you are, have been, and who you are to become. You have come so far, have learned so much, and have done so well. Yet, you have so much distance to travel forward, so much left to experience and marvel. You’ve done a magnificent job, but get ready because there’s still so much more for you.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
Hard to imagine that I touched those pillars and explored this ancient roman architecture. Felt like a dream. I wish we can time travel.
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
Yes when you think this is the darkest of days for you it actually is a blessing in disguise. #storms #life
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
I love this movie I can definitely relate with joana.
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Keira Knightley as Joanna & Guillaume Canet as Alex
Last Night (2010) dir. Massy Tadjedin
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wanderlustoregon · 3 years
So powerful! Life is full of challenges.
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Haruki Murakami
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wanderlustoregon · 4 years
~Most nights when I can’t sleep I still replay you ~
#lastnight #love #romance #badtiming
I love this line from the movie “Last Night” There is always that one person that didn’t work out in life. Bad timing and universe did not align. Yet they come across in your thoughts from time to time.. What if?
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wanderlustoregon · 4 years
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NOTE TO SELF: ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Everything about me is allowed space to change. What I want and desire. Who and how I love. The labels I claim. How I dress and speak. Even the very meaning I make of the words I use for these things can be altered at will. I am the only one with the power to (re)define myself. I own this fully. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ I am not beholden to the human I was or the human I am or even the one I will become. I owe my singular devotion to the me I am right now, in this breath, and I love her and grant her permission to change and evolve, endlessly and entirely. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3bFBXmf
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wanderlustoregon · 4 years
I use to read a lot. Not because I don’t have time I just fall out of it. I miss reading. I would read a book and finish it in a couple of days if I love it. I’m sad when a great book comes to an end. Do some people feel this way about books? I started to read again. Weather has been crazy here in the PNW lots of power outages. Perfect time to bundle up and read. I found some really good books and these books have got me thinking of my life and love.
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wanderlustoregon · 4 years
This is so very true love yourself first 😍
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wanderlustoregon · 5 years
“I’ve read hundreds of novels in my life, most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe. That it could heal any damage inside of us. That it was what we needed to survive. From Darcy to Heathcliff, I thought they were fools. That love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. That it was just made up to keep humans full of hope, that it was a lie. But all that changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennett. I never thought I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another until her. She took my hand and led me out of the darkness and showed me that, whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same. I’m sorry, please forgive me. You once asked me who I loved most in this world. It’s you.”
— Hardin
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wanderlustoregon · 6 years
Being in a relationship does not mean settling down, being tamed.
It’s the beginning of one of the most exciting adventures life has to offer, there will be thrills, breathtaking moments, life changing moments, heartbreaking moments, travelling and discovering new places together, experiencing new things together and facing all the challenges that life will throw at you together.
There will be laughing, smiling, crying, worrying, excitement and drama. Lust, desire, passion and above all, love.
There will be mistakes, there will be sorrys and there will be forgiveness.
There is no stronger feeling than true love between two people, what could be more exciting than that? Nothing will make your heart beat faster than looking into the eyes of the one you love, seeing them look back and knowing that person loves you too.
I will never hold you back or stop you from taking the chances you want to take in life, I will be at your side, encouraging you to take them. Ready to share in your joy when you succeed, and ready to catch you if you should fall.
Don’t settle down with me, run wild with me.
DE, 09/05/2016
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