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After Attempting a COMPLETELY NEW WAY of Sketching Hair on that Wonder Woman Sketch Cover that I think I'll pull off but I still have a lot to do on it... so Now I just did 2 Batman Sketches Quickly on a single Page just to get My Muscle Memory back to the type of Sketching Style I'm used to, lol! Well, whaddya think for under 15min, maybe 10min Sketch for this so far? #QuickSketch #workinprogress #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #SupportART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #truecollectorshelptruecollectors #HelpYourFellowCollector #HelpYourFellowHumanBeing #sketch #sketches #drawingoftheday #sketchoftheday #sketchdaily #sketching #sketchbook #pencilsketch #drawing #igart #igartists #art #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #igartist #comicbookart #igcomicart #igcomicfamily #drawing #batman #dccomics (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFjl4RmBMH3/?igshid=uf6ytv11p3wg
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My Black Widow Work In Progress Movie Poster Sketch. What do you think of it? You wouldn't believe how long all the details on her suit take to draw! Lol... #workinprogress #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #SupportART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #truecollectorshelptruecollectors #HelpYourFellowHumanBeing #sketch #sketches #drawingoftheday #sketchoftheday #sketchdaily #sketching #sketchbook #artworks #drawing #igart #art #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #igartist #comicbookart #igcomicart #igcomicfamily #drawings #blackwidow #scarlettjohansson #marvel #marvelart #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7z6x6hSEb/?igshid=h77v9fkxhin6
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#lou_tom_tram_art of the Week! #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #truecollectorshelptruecollectors #HelpYourFellowCollector #HelpYourFellowHumanBeing #SupportART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #sketch #sketches #sketching #sketchbook #pencilsketch #drawing #igart #igartists #art #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #igartist #comicbookart #igcomicart #igcomicfamily #drawings #spidergwen #marvelart #marvel #spiderman #dc #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CErdD7YBnAq/?igshid=ye9dqydnickg
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#Unboxing Video of an AWESOME & Very Kind Gift that My Good Friend and #truecollector @thatcomicbookhomie sent Me! THIS IS SOOOO COOL! THANK YOU SOOOO VERY MUCH, My Friend Ry! I absolutely LOVE THIS! Coolest Iron Man POP EVERRRR! I'm super excited that I have this now! I let him know I thought this was such a Cool POP & @thatcomicbookhomie went out & got it for Me just because! I love the Friends I have! I TRULY WISH YOU ALL LIVED IN MY TOWN! I would give up My BEST COMICS to be able to hangout with You and All My Friends I have made here on Instagram since I joined just over 2 years ago! You're such a GREAT Friend and Person, Ry and I look Forward to doing those sketches! I Thank and Love Ya brother! #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #ThankYou #MakeFriendsMakeLoveMakeART #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #truecollectorshelptruecollectors #HelpYourFellowCollector #HelpYourFellowHumanBeing #StayInsideCREATE #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #SupportART #awesomeness #StayInsideReadaComic #KeepCalmAndCollectOn #BeKind #HelpOthers #KeepCalmAndCompassionOn #DoGoodFeelGood #DoGoodLikeSuperman #Funko #IronMan #toycollector #Pops #pop #FunkoPop #FriendsMeanEVERYTHING #MuchLove #muchappreciated (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCq6CC4BxXe/?igshid=1dzlbmjyd0lhv
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A BEAUTIFUL Vegan Breakfast! Whole Wheat Bread with Vegan Cheddar Cheese and English Mufgins with Vegan Butter & AMAZING Orange Marmalade! I know it's Cheesy (pun intended) tonpost pics of food, but whatever I'm feeling cheesy! Lol! Bane would cal this "Breakfast of the Bat!" Like "Breaking the Bat!" Lol! #govegetarian #vegan #breakfast #LouiesLifeUpdate #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #truecollectorshelptruecollectors #HelpYourFellowCollector #HelpYourFellowHumanBeing #StayInsideCREATE #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #SupportART #BeKind #HelpOthers #KeepCalmAndCollectOn #KeepCalmAndCompassionOn #DoGoodFeelGood #HelpBringAboutPositiveChangeTheRightWay #GodBlessALL #MakeChoicesThatWontHurtAnyone #MakeFriendsMakeLoveMakeART #BeKindDonate (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCnlaaGl5do/?igshid=1fb4ov1b04f16
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#Supergirl #Sketch #WorkInProgress by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt What do you think of this Piece?? #SupergirlSketch #DCCOMICS #DCart #art #ComicArtwork #OriginalArtwork #comicbookart #ComicArt #pencildrawings #drawing #sketching #pencils #pencilsketch #pencilsketches #pencildrawing #graphitedrawing #drawings #igsketch #sketchbook #sketchingart #Sketches #igart #igartists #Artwork #drawingsketch by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8oHqEphJGB/?igshid=u15va98tivze
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#Unboxing video of a Package My GREAT Friend @mooremotivated David sent Me! AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING ISSUES INCLUDING 1st Cover & Cameo Appearances of Punchline! David, you're 1 of My FAVORITE People! Thank You so INCREDIBLY MUCH! Love ya buddy! God Bless You and Happy 4th of July to You and Your Family! Say Hello from The Tramontano's! #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #lou_tom_tram_collectibles #LOUnacyComics #truecollector #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #truecollectorshelptruecollectors #HelpYourFellowCollector #HelpYourFellowHumanBeing #StayInsideCREATE #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #SupportART #awesomeness #BeSafeButStillLive #StayInsideReadaComic #StayInsideWriteaComic #DoGoodLikeSuperman (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOqslphS4n/?igshid=1upj4olppiddp
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Original Venom Art by the Talented Colorist/Artist, Chris Sotomayor @sotocolor that he kindly included as a surprise extra when I bought a Few Original Comic Book Page/Color Guides from him that he donated the money to @Masks4America ! Chris has always been super kind to Me & has been a FAVORITE Talent in Panel Artwork Storytelling of Mine for a couple years now. Check out his work in The Question Black Label book to the Image title THE CRUSH, which I finally picked up not long ago to the AWESOME work on the Current BATMAN BEYOND run! His first DC Title he worked on was Legion of Super-Heroes in 2000. He has worked in Marvel as well. I love the Art I have by him & have even bought Art by him to give as Gifts to My Friends because his work will be Loved & Appreciated by ANY Comic Book/Art Fan. #ChrisSotomayor #ChrisSotomayorART #Venom #OriginalArtwork #comicbookart #ComicArtwork #ComicArt #Colorist #Artist #OriginalArt #lou_tom_tram_collectibles #LOUnacyComics #truecollector #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #truecollectorshelptruecollectors #HelpYourFellowCollector #HelpYourFellowHumanBeing #StayInsideCREATE #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #SupportART #awesomeness #BeSafeButStillLive #StayInsideReadaComic (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEjQiRhQxa/?igshid=1neovjinjqo8h
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A Just Having Fun #Sketch #WorkInProgress by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt for a Friend. What do you think of this Piece so far??? This is WAY BEFORE Any Detailing/Shading/Depth #Batman #Catwoman #ComicArt #pencildrawing #pencilsketches #pencildrawings #drawing #sketching #pencils #pencilsketch #igsketch #sketchbook #sketch_daily #draweveryday #sketch_daily #sketchartist #sketchart #OriginalArtwork #dc #dccomics #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #adamwest #michellepfeiffer #sketchoftheday #sketchdaily #funsketch #sketchup #WorkInProgress #Sketch by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-GfxmchBl_/?igshid=1lsbnrqa4j34i
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#BatmanWhoLaughsVenomized #WorkInProgress 1st Attempt #Sketch by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #pencildrawings #pencilsketch #sketching #sketchbook #pencilsketches #pencildrawing #igsketch #sketch_daily #sketchartist #sketchart #MarvelART #Marvel #MarvelComics #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild @industrymakers #Venom #BatmanWhoLaughs #OriginalArtwork #ComicArt #pencil_drawing #sketches #drawingoftheday #sketchoftheday #sketchdaily #drawing #SketchingIsFun #WorkInProgress #Sketch by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-BJpUolPxS/?igshid=l3r9rjjaq5um
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My Next Jam Piece I am finishing! A #TheRocketeer and #KittyPryde Armed up & a #Venom large Face in top Left Corner! Also, Chris Corridore @chris_corridore will finish it after I lay down a lot more and then I cant wait to see what he adds! He's incredibly Talended, Designer, Colorist & works Great with Pencils as well! What do you think!? By #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #pencildrawings #pencilsketch #sketching #sketchbook #pencilsketches #pencildrawing #graphitedrawing #drawing #SketchingIsFun #igsketch #igartwork #sketchbook #Sketch #art #Artist #Artwork #pencils #OriginalArtwork #comicbookart #ComicArtwork #ComicBookArtwork #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #SupportART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #wip #WorkInProgress by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt and Chris Corridore will work on this after I finish it in the way of My style, then he will ad his Style to it! We will both do the SCENE/BACKGROUND! (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-_th_BUvX/?igshid=16bnu88y39fk9
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#WorkInProgress - My ARM is soooo bad and in so much pain that this Daredevil piece is coming out just okay (it will look great after I detail it) but look at the Batman I attempted while wearing My shoulder Immobilizer! It's terrible! I feel like a fool! But I finished My LionO Piece and IT IS STUNNING! Lol! Anyway, for a guy that has had 3 Shoulder Surgeries in the past 4.2 Weeks, how do ya think this Daredevil Piece is coming along so far? By #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #pencildrawings #pencilsketch #sketching #sketchbook #pencilsketches #pencildrawing #graphitedrawing #drawing #sketches #igart #igartists #art #Artist #Artwork #pencils #OriginalArtwork #comicbookart #ComicArtwork #ComicBookArtwork #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #wip #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART #handicappedartist #LOUnacyArt #SupportART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #wip #WorkInProgress by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #daredevil #MarvelART #MarvelComics #WorkInProgress (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8--BPKB9ea/?igshid=1318jbxw49ska
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Hey PETEY PETE! @capedclowncomics ! Here is your Harley Quinn Sketch! After Braga and I Included the Card Designs you asked for! You're a GREAT Friend and I really REALLLLY hope ya like the sketch I did for ya! Also, will be sending books too as a thank you for sending Strange Adventures 1 and others and the boards and bags! I have the other Sketches too buddy, Call Me today! Much Love and God Bless! #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt after Carlos Braga. I also sketched Joker and Harley Card Art too. #pencildrawings #pencilsketch #sketching #sketchbook #sketch #HarleyQuinn #sketch_daily #sketchbook #sketches #drawingoftheday #sketchoftheday #sketchdaily #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #SupportART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #igart #igartists #art #Artist #Artwork #OriginalArtwork #comicbookart #ComicArt #pencildrawing #pencilsketches #sketching #sketchdaily #dc #DCCOMICS #batman #joker #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics #SupportART (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Z1ssMB_8E/?igshid=1x2thqw5hho3x
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#Supergirl #WorkInProgress #Sketch by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #pencildrawings #pencilsketch #sketching #sketchbook #pencilsketches #pencildrawingsketch #DC #DCCOMICS #DCart #Art #ComicArtwork #OriginalArtwork #comicbookart #sketches #igart #igartists #art #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #SupportART #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7X-bGbB0o4/?igshid=1cuu9mtlxx8kx
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Hey Everyone! #LouiesLifeUpdate ! #Sketching on the Train on way to hangout with @shadowrabbit_clay_guy and couple others and probably seeing g Birds of Prey! Like My #Batman #Sketch that is super hard to do on a Bumpy Train!? Lol! Just doing a Fun Sketch! Just gave it to a friendly guy on the Train that helped Me with My Shoulder and I heard him talking to his friend on his cell about buying a Bat Signal for his son so I did this quickly for him an he loves it! THAT MADE ME HAPPY! #LOUnacyArt #lou_tom_tram_ART #BatmanArt #Deadpool #LionOThundercats #LionO #sketchbook #pencilsketches #pencildrawings #drawing #SketchingIsFun #igartwork #art #ComicArtwork #OriginalArtwork #comicbookart #ComicArtwork #ComicBookArtwork #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #SupportART #FamilyFriendsArtAndComics https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rmyIDBHTF/?igshid=hpsnxsrky4
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#PoisonIvy #WorkInProgress #Sketch by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt #dc #dccomics #sketchartist #sketchart #pencilsketches #pencildrawing #igsketch #sketch_daily #sketchbook #sketches #drawingoftheday #sketchoftheday #sketchdaily #TheComicCollectorsGuild @thecomiccollectorsguild #sketchup #sketchingart #drawing #art #Artist #Artwork #OriginalArtwork #comicbookart #ComicArt #pencilsketch #sketching #WorkInProgress #Sketch by #lou_tom_tram_ART #LOUnacyArt (at Long Island, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zC050hLsQ/?igshid=1hcoxxtuz9sj7
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