#lotta books by men
shaydh · 4 months
Ooo can you point me to better grimdark? I don't know if I enjoy the "genre" (I know it's too broad to be a genre) but I keep getting interested in 40k and VtM so I'd like to find out!!!
Also, aww, you don't like eragon? I know it's not perfect but, darn I really liked those books back in the day, I'm afraid they won't live up to my memories now
i liked eragon when i read it as like, an eleven year old but it is objectively bad. dude wrote it when he was like fifteen so i don’t want to shit on it too bad but. anyway.
good “grimdark” (or just dark gritty fantasy type of thing): asoiaf series by GRRM, the First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie which i finished and went into a nihilistic fugue state for a bit (positive), Berserk by Kentaro Miura, Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman, Ego Homini Lupus by Gretchen Felker-Martin, the Malus Darkblade books by Dan Abnett.
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beauzos · 1 year
idk why I’m so invested in Connie and Rose of Sharon’s relationship but they just seemed so sweet and idealistic n like ya... obviously their expecations were going to be dashed when they got to California but it’s so sad that Connie just abandons her entirely. i love wife guys so much and he fumbled so fucking hard. immediately ran away when the going got tough. can’t stand a wife guy who turns out to be a fake little bitch like that
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weebsinstash · 5 months
I'm not typically a fan of pregnancy au stuff for hazbin because it introduces a hell lotta new questions, but anyways, I DO find it absolutely entertaining thinking about a Reader who did the nasty with Alastor and had kind of a friends-with-benefits situation with him and he does his whole 7 year disappearing act without warning you or telling you anything at all (assumedly because he did not have a choice or opportunity) and he comes back, knocking on your front door, "say, doll! What's say we mosey on over to our old favorite jazz club to catch up on old times?"
and suddenly peeking out from behind your back is just the cutest little fawn with a head full of curls who is very clearly Alastor's son, clutching at your apron, "Mama, isn't he the man you listen to those old recordings of? He sounds the same"
Alastor feeling this, this WARMTH in his chest as you invite him inside your home and it's completely different from the last time he was there, filled with everything your son could need, his drawings and report cards from that nice school you break your back to afford stuck lovingly on the fridge and a hot home-cooked meal currently cooling on the stove as Alastor's invited for some food... if he feels comfortable. You and him discuss privately where your son can't hear as you get all weepy, "I'm sorry, but when you disappeared, I couldn't... ASK you what you would have wanted... I didn't want to have some kind of, of PROCEDURE and you hate me for it... and even from the very first scan, I loved him so much... he's my entire world... I couldn't even CONSIDER... getting rid of him. He's my beautiful smart baby boy and i would die for him"
Genuinely I think it would be real funny if Alastor is initially quite jealous actually for having to share you with a CHILD, but the more time he spends around the young boy, the more he realizes, oh, this is quite the upstanding young fellow! His mama raised him right and he likes to help around the house, likes to read lots of books, loves all kinds of music, helps his mother on all the crosswords and word searches and puzzle books, and he's smart enough to suss out pretty quickly, "sir are you my father"
and the second your son receives an answer, just, KICKING THE RADIO DEMON IN THE SHIN, "You're a horrible man!! You call yourself a gentleman but you left my mama to raise a baby all by herself!! You're terrible! Incorrigible! Disrespectful! Untoward!--" Your young son is breaking out the goddamn dictionary and synonyms on this man, "you lying, deceitful, devious, DEPLORABLE--"
And Alastor is watching this little kid threaten to beat his ass and not even caring that he's up against The Infamous Radio Demon, just shouting at Alastor until the young boy is absolutely changing colors in the face, getting SO SO upset for his mama that he's ready to FIGHT OVER IT, and Alastor is just, essentially, breaking out into laughter, "oh, so you ARE my son!! Aren't you a gutsy one!! Put JUST a little force behind that next one and it might actually sting a bit!" and pats the boy on the head. That settles it; he's accepted as Alastor's son like THAT
Of course, Alastor now caring for this boy does not come without its... complications. There might be some 'incidents' if you, for example, have other positive role models for your son, other men who are regularly coming around, making Alastor's new position as the boy's father and your not-quite-husband (yet) feel threatened and unstable and encouraging the Radio Demon to 'act out'. You're so happy to have Alastor back in your life that you don't even notice things are a little off until your son starts mentioning things like "Mama where did Mr Thomas go? He used to come by every Thursday to play chess but I don't remember seeing him for a while?" "Mama I know Benson has bullied me and pushed me down and stolen my things but I saw his mom crying outside the bookstore earlier saying he's gone missing and I think we should help look for him" "Mama I know Mr Alastor said we don't need her and he can teach me but I also like my old piano teacher. Could I have some lessons with her and some with Mr Alastor instead of just all of them with him? I miss Ms. Mason"
But like... you don't want to deny Alastor a relationship with his child after they both have already lost so much time and you don't want to deprive your son of his father without a good reason, so you stifle some of your suspicions. It's all for your son's sake, isn't it? And you can't help but, get a little selfish when Alastor insists on taking you and your boy out, going to see live bands, going to local events, taking your son to the county fair and you feeling tears in your eyes as, your boy finally gets to spend time with his father. It's like... it's like you're a real family... you've always wanted something like this, for him, for them, for yourself--
But... Alastor doesn't... see you THAT way, does he? He displays his emotions much differently than you, and there were even times in the past where Alastor himself drew the line in the sand that, oh yes you two were quite close friends, he has such a deep affection for you, but... romantically? Sorry, sweetheart, but no
... or so he thought. Now that he's back, he sees how deeply you love his son and sacrifice so much for him amd how much your son absolutely adores you and how, completely by yourself, without any of Alastor's help, you raised him into a fine young man that... the Radio Demon could see himself helping raise, a boy he can't help but feel a little pride in helping make and, can't help but feel a little sad he missed all sorts of important milestones for. And of course, of course of course of course, he missed YOU ever so much, and when Alastor looks up from his paper to see you at the stove, hair all out of place and your hands messy as you cook a meal for your son and his father, your little boy dutifully helping clean as you go, he can't help wish that THIS was how he spent his last 7 years.
Lucifer have mercy on anyone who tries to disrupt his new utopia of peace and tranquility. Could you even imagine, could you even fucking imagine you and Alastor are walking with your son and nearby TVs snap on and it's fucking Vox, showing your family on TV, talking shit to Alastor, using HORRIBLE language in front of your son--
And Alastor feels his love for you grow all the more as you use your own magic to surge through the television and begin strangling the newscaster right on the air, "DONT YOU DARE SHOW MY SON'S FACE ON TV YOU FUCKING--" and Alastor starts lovingly conversing with his son about how important it is to stand up for your family and your values as the pair of them watch you throw Vox around his recording studio in a frenzied rage, "You and your disgusting Vees always trying to peddle your worthless garbage to kids, you CREEPS!! BABIES DON'T NEED IPADS, RETINOL CREAMS, SKEEYEE DANCE ROUTINES, AND ATHLEISUREWEAR LEGGINGS THAT GO UP THEIR ASS, YOU CONSUMERIST IMMORAL SHELL OF A HUMAN BEING--"
Snapcut to you rejoining your family on the sidewalk with your hair a mess and visible blood on you while Vox is facedown on the floor in his broadcast unable to move before it cuts to a "technical difficulties, please stand by" screen. Alastor is oh so genuinely joyfully smiling, "Now who wants to go and get some waffles? I say we should celebrate any victory over our enemies with some tasty grub!!" and he takes you and your son's hands and is all but skipping down the sidewalk while his hated rival is bleeding out in his tower somewhere. Oh, Alastor will give the Television Demon his own revenge for daring to try and shame the lovely beautiful mother of his child and his beloved boy on that disgusting show. What kind of degenerate uses children for content, let alone threatens their safety? Alastor will be back for him later and do much, MUCH worse than you did.
For now, though? Alastor just wants to enjoy the sight of you and his son sitting in a booth with him while you all scarf down some hotcakes. A family of his very own, huh? How wonderful. If only his own mom were here to see it...
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scarlet-star-witch · 2 months
yay... can you write one where you've heard all the nasty rumours about the Targaryens, especially how cruel they can be sometimes, but Aemond proves you wrong. He is sweet, kind, and compassionate towards you. You know he's not like that around other people, so you ask him why he acts different towards you.
Hope you like the request.
This took way too long for me write, but I hope this is what you were looking for!
Warnings: implied smut and a whole lotta fluff
WC: 3.2 K
They say the Gods flip a coin when a Targaryen is born. Greatness or madness were the destinies that followed the otherworldly family. 
Closer to Gods than men, they would say. Quick to anger, that burned hotly, destroying those in its ruthless path.
That was all she knew of the Targaryen family. 
It was the only warning she had before she was shipped off to King’s Landing to marry the one-eyed prince. 
She knew nothing of her betrothed except for his reputation that gleamed nothing but anger and a fiercely cold nature. She didn’t want to listen to rumors, but she couldn’t help but feel apprehensive to meet the man of mystery that was Prince Aemond.
The night they first met, she had approached the table of royals, curtseying politely, her heart racing as she met the gaze of her betrothed for the first time. 
She smiled, hoping to start off on the right foot, but his expression never changed, beholding her as if bored, as if unmoved by the knowledge that she would soon be his wife. His disinterest seemed to confirm every fear she had. It left her shaken, the picture of a terrified woman at the altar who could barely meet the gaze of her new husband. 
The night of their wedding, she was terrified, practically trembling as he took her to bed. 
She had shut her eyes and prayed for the seconds to pass quickly. 
It had been awkward, stifling and uncomfortable, but it wasn’t awful. The pain was momentary and he didn’t take her like a mindless beast who only sought his own pleasure as she had been warned some men were known to act by her kind maids. 
Aemond only ever had gentle touches to give her. 
It was by no means the passionate love she had read about in books she hid from her mother, but she was at least grateful she bore no marks from a husband who only had anger to bestow upon her. 
Over the months together, they didn’t spare many words for each other. 
The Prince was polite and cordial, but their conversations never went any deeper than small talk that amounted to nothing important. 
She often found herself wondering if he even tolerated her, let alone liked her, but as the weeks passed and he stayed by her side, lingering in their chambers together, joining her for walks in the garden, did she begin to soften her opinion of him, no longer fearing his presence as she had in the beginning. 
Almost daily, she would spot him, his face impassive, almost hardened, but the moment he saw her his expression would lighten, a small smile growing as he approached her. 
He would always greet her politely and offer her his arm.
“Tell me about your home.” He asked her out of the blue one afternoon as they lounged under the shade of the Weirwood tree. 
She looked to her husband nervously, feeling exposed under his gaze that portrayed an undeniable curiosity. 
“What would you like to know?” 
“Anything you would like to tell me.” He answered with a smile that brought one to her own lips. “I will gladly take anything you are willing to give me.”
Her breath caught in her throat, surprised by his words, so brazen, so unlike the man she had thought him to be. 
Before she could speak again, Ser Criston approached the pair and she watched as Aemond’s easy expression shifted so suddenly, his face now drawn tightly into a scowl. 
“My Prince, your mother is expecting your presence in her solar.” Ser Criston reminded him.
Aemond barely spared a moment of attention to the Knight, his hand squeezing hers as if in apology for the interruption of their time together.
“She will have to wait, Ser Crsiton. I am with my wife.” 
She knew that was a moment she would not soon forget, for it was the first time she felt as though her husband cared for her, the first time she realized he didn’t loathe their arrangement. 
There were moments, too many to count now, when she couldn’t help but wonder if he longed to be closer as she would feel his gaze on her, seeking her out no matter where they were. 
At every festivity, in the midst of crowds and countless lords pushing their way to bestow well wishes onto the royal family, it never failed that she always found Aemond’s eye, his attention focused solely on her. 
Her favorite would be the moments of quiet connection in the solace of their chambers. Her eyes would wander from the book she read to land on him, barely catching a glimpse of his face before he would quickly look away from her, as if not wanting to get caught admiring his own wife. 
It always left her breathless in ways she couldn’t explain, in ways she couldn’t make sense of. 
Despite the slowly growing bond, she felt lonely in her new home without her family, without a great love to lean on. 
Music was her only escape from the isolation. She often found herself in the grand hall, hours before the festivities were to start, dodging the servants that readied the tables, just to hear the musicians practice. 
They always spotted her and, as the months dragged on, no longer looked at her in annoyance, but would smile politely and play, as if just for her, enjoying their one woman audience who seemed to hold onto every note as if it meant the world to her. 
They indulged her in the many questions she asked about their music and their instruments, letting her have her moment of reprieve. 
At every feast, as she sat by her husband’s side, her gaze would remain on the band, admiring their work others in the room steadfastly ignored
One night, as she took in the music with tranquility, a gentle hand lay over her own, startling her out of her daze. She looked over at her husband with wide eyes, confused yet surprised by the gesture. 
“Would you like to dance?” 
She froze for a moment, taken aback by his question, but finally nodded, too surprised to answer with words. 
He took her hand in his, his touch soft, as if she were made of glass, as he guided her to the floor with the other dancing couples. 
They faced each other and Aemond wasted no time in laying his hand on her waist, bringing her in closer to him. 
She felt nerves creep through her as they danced. She could feel his eye on her as they twirled, as he brought her back into his arms, as he held her close. 
Finally gaining the courage to meet his gaze, she found his eye held nothing but light, a look of contentment watching her carefully. 
A flutter unfurled in her chest, a feeling she had never felt before. The way he looked at her made her cheeks heat and she could’ve sworn she saw him smile, as if he knew what he was doing to her. 
She couldn’t help but wonder if his touch was supposed to make her feel so cared for, if he knew it was making her melt. 
A part of her desperately hoped he did. 
Aemond had been ready to write her off completely, to resign himself to the fact that he was to marry a spoiled girl who would cower at the sight of him. 
He’d had enough of meeting Ladies who flinched or outright winced at the sight of him and his scar, that whispered they could never lay with, let alone marry, a man with such a deformity. 
But the moment he met her, as she met his gaze with little hesitation, as she smiled his way, a gleam of hope in her eyes, did he feel as though his entire world tilted on its axis. 
It wasn’t until her smile faltered, her eyes averting from his shyly that he realized he hadn’t returned her smile, had only stared back at her as if disinterested. 
He had cursed to himself, close to letting Aegon smack him for being so hopeless. 
He could plainly see her fear on the day of the wedding, had whispered apologies he didn’t think she heard as he took her to bed for the first time, had tried his best to assuage her nerves, yet he knew it was because of him, because of that first damned look that he ruined everything before it even began.
 He longed to reach out to her, to apologize for his abysmal first impression, but he found he couldn’t muster the words, or the courage. 
So he settled for admiring her from afar, entirely discontented by the distance but unsure of how to bridge it. 
He spent his days with her, his mind torturously blank, no words coming to him to at least try to begin a bond with her, his sweet wife that never looked at him as though he was a deformed monster as the other ladies in the Keep had. 
He had no idea how, or that he was even capable of such a connection, but he couldn’t help but feel lighter in her presence. Knowing such a sweet woman who never had a harsh word to say about anyone, especially him, left him longing to bestow every praise and sweet nothing upon her. 
He never considered himself to be swayed by such romantic ideals, but whenever he was face to face with his wife, he found himself wishing he had spent more time perusing through the books of poetry in the library rather than the history tomes. 
He wished he had the words to tell her how absolutely magical he found her, how her smile lit any room she was in, how he wished he could bathe in her warmth, how much he appreciated that she looked at him so differently than any other lady in the court had. 
He found himself seeking her out any time he was not with her. 
“Have you seen my wife?” He asked a member of the White Cloaks, becoming desperate after having no luck finding her in the gardens or with Helaena or his mother. 
“There is a feast tonight. Your Lady wife is known to spend time watching the musicians practice. My best guess would be to look for her there.”
Aemond’s brows furrowed at the answer. 
“The musicians?”
“Yes, my Prince. She seems quite fond of them.” 
His stomach twisted at the realization there was something his wife was so obviously delighted by that he had no idea of and he quickly made his way towards the great hall, spotting, not his wife, but a group of musicians assembling their instruments. 
“My Prince.” The lead conductor bowed to him politely when he noticed his presence. “I am glad to see you, we were just discussing your Lady wife and we would appreciate if you would speak to her about her presence here as we prac-”
“You will allow her to watch.” Aemond interrupted the man, looking at him sternly, as if daring the man to defy him. “You will indulge her with your practice. You will answer any question she poses and if she deems it a want, you will let her play your damn instruments.”
After his warning, he began to watch his wife, smiling to himself as he noticed the look of delight in her gaze as she watched the musicians perform. 
It took weeks to build the courage, but one night as the band played and she watched with eagerness, he asked her to dance for the first time since their wedding. 
That night, he had never felt so nervous as he danced with her, but he felt closer to her than ever before. 
That night, she seemed to feel it too as she looked at him with a desire he had never seen from her before as they retreated to their chambers for the night. 
That night, he made love to her. He touched her so softly, reveling in her beautiful moans and cries of his name. He felt as though he was a God as she felt her touch on him, as he felt the sting of her nails in his back as he thrusted into her with a desperation so unknown to him. 
It was the first time they felt so connected to each other. 
As they lay with each other, their hearts slowing their rhythm from their peaks, he held her in his arms, not yet ready to lose the feel of her touch just yet. 
“Tell me about the music.” He asked softly. 
She laughed softly, the sound like heavenly bells to his ears. The knowledge that he had even noticed her infatuation with music was enough to have butterflies unleashed within her. 
“My mother used to play the harp. Apparently, when I was a babe, the sound of her harp was the only thing that could calm me down, the only thing that would stop my crying. She would always make up songs to sing me to sleep.” She explained wistfully and he listened to every word. 
“Sometimes I feel as though my mind gets too loud. There are too many thoughts that are entirely unhelpful and… I don’t know, it sounds silly, but I think music is the only thing that quiets it, that brings me back down to myself when those thoughts take over.”
“It’s not silly.” He told her earnestly. “I think it’s beautiful to admire something so passionately.” 
“I wish I could learn to play myself, but I don’t think I have the patience for it.”
Aemond scoffed, the sound holding nothing but disbelief. 
“My sweet wife, you are the most patient person I have ever met in my life. If you can conquer me, you can conquer anything.”
“Have I conquered you?” She asked, looking up at him with a playful challenge, to which he smiled. 
“You certainly have.”
She smiled and leaned in closer to his touch, finally feeling as though they were on the same wavelength. 
By the next morning, Aemond was gone before she woke. 
Her maids helped her get dressed for the morning and they couldn’t help but notice the lovesick smile that adorned her lips. 
“You seem quite happy this morning, my Lady.”
She blushed and bowed her head bashfully. 
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with the Prince, would it?” Her maid teased, the group of them laughing as their Lady swatted their hands playfully. 
“I have never seen Prince Aemond so smitten before.” One of the younger maids commented. “You seem to have him under a spell, my Lady. I don’t think I had ever seen him smile until you came around.”
“Oh yes, he was always so surly. I was terrified to even pass him in the halls.” They continued as if she were no longer there, not noticing the surprise on her face as they spoke of her husband. “He seems like a different person. He is nothing but a lovesick fool now.” 
She felt as though her heart would burst as she listened to their words. 
Only a few minutes later, as she was dressed, did her husband return. His smile faltered at the sight of her maids and he seemed to retreat into himself, his cool demeanor shifting into one of discomfort, his body rigid, his nod of acknowledgement stiff. 
Her maids giggled to themselves and bid her goodbye before leaving. 
Only then did Aemond relax once again, his expression now nothing but one of love as he approached her. 
“I have something for you.”
She raised a brow in question as he took a seat next to her. 
He then handed her a stack of papers. She didn’t recognize what they were at first, her eyes flitting over the markings over the page, before it suddenly dawned on her. 
It was sheet music. 
“You said you wished to learn.” 
Her lips parted, but no words came. She was stunned to silence, his gesture, so thoughtful, had her floored. 
“This is… I don’t know what to say.” She spoke quietly. She looked to her husband and felt so unprepared for the love she would feel for him, in disbelief that the man she had been terrified to marry could make her feel this way.
“What is it?” Aemond asked worriedly, watching as her expression became one of thoughtful contemplation, suddenly fearing he had overstepped in some way. 
“Why me?” 
The question caught him off guard and his frown deepened, his heart beginning to race as doubt crept through him.
“What do you mean?”
“You do not act this way with anyone else. The maids were practically terrified of you before. You never smile with anyone but me. I don’t understand what is so special about me to have a place in your heart.” 
The insecurities came spilling out before she could stop them, leaving her feeling more exposed than she intended and suddenly wishing the ground would swallow her whole. 
Aemond’s face shifted, his eye looking at her with a mix of disbelief and sadness. He leaned in close to her, his hand reaching out to cradle her jaw. 
“You cannot truly mean that.” He whispered, as if his words had physically hurt him. “Do you really not see how easily you have carved yourself into my heart?”
She didn’t have an answer and merely looked stunned by his words. 
He let out a long breath and hesitated, his teeth worrying his bottom lip for a moment before his hand reached out and slowly took his eyepatch off. 
She felt as though her breath was stolen from her as she saw the sparkling sapphire in place of his eye. 
He watched her carefully and as he saw only awe in her gaze, did he feel as though he could melt into nothing. 
He smiled and took her hand, guiding her to the scarred side of his face, laying her palm against his skin. 
“I was ridiculed my entire life, looked at as if I were a monster because of what was taken from me the night I claimed Vhagar.” He told her, almost shuddering under her touch as her thumb grazed the edge of his scar. 
“You have never once looked at me as though I was less, or that my scar made me someone unlovable.” 
Her gaze met his and she was floored by the genuine reverence with which he looked at her. 
“That night, I was kicking myself for not returning your smile, but I…” He paused, letting out a small, bashful laugh. “I was too in awe of you to do anything but stare like a fool.” 
“You don’t understand what is so special about yourself?” He repeated, a tone of derision in his voice as if it disgusted him to even speak the words aloud. “Darling, you had me bewitched from the very first moment I saw you.”
She let out a laugh, her eyes beginning to brim with tears, his words wrapping around her like the warm embrace of a lover. 
He leaned in, his nose brushing against hers.
“I am truly sorry I made you feel as though there was any doubt. I’ll have to try harder to make you realize you are the most special being in this entire castle.”
Her laugh was cut off as he crashed his lips to hers, kissing her with the ferocity of a dragon in love. 
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if was your boyfriend, never let you go keep you on my arm girl, you'd never be alone
druig recomendations
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perfectly busy - @tokkiotears
lemme just say, HUSBAND DRUID OML. and I'm just a sucker for a confident and king Druid behavior. absolutley adoring this to no ends, smn send help, I forgot how to function. the not really complete without you got me. oh god. just o h g o d. i just feel like i should comment on the narrative, it was so well done and just hit the spot i didn't even know I had.
not proofread, annoying men, druig in a button-up with the sleeves rolled up
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"this isn't over" - @peterparkersnose
bro this slapped in so many different levels, like excuse me. And druig who shares books and annotates? and smug druig? godamn. the sexual tension- smn keep him away from me before i fall in love.
angst, privacy invasion, accidental nudity, sexual tension, falling in love with something you could never have-?
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sunshine - @itsapeterthing
firstly, i fell in love with the writing, its so stunning. it has such a fun and flowery vibe surrounding it which makes me just gush oml. it was just so sweet. AND how he gets flustered- literally hit all my marks and exceeded them. i hope you never stop writing these, they make my soul lighter.
warnings: eternals insulting druig as always, fluff
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how could they not know? - @saintlike78
to start of, i love a vocal man who can tell you that he missed you. the scene itself was so soft. just love sick druig running back to your arms and you're wearing his shirt mwahh. i find it hilarious how no else has even noticed this happening before, my oblivious fools. its so adorablee.
nothing but fluff really, dialog heavy.
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hold - @redheadspark
bro, my love, angel, the gif itself got me a blushing mess, you have no idea what the fic did to me sheesh. i love a man who was so acceptable about her fear and so re-assuring, that's so perfectly written. i also love how the author has written these thoughts in her head as well as the internal debate. it just left me in awe i swear.
Just a hint of angst but mostly fluff
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warmth - @stranger-nightmare
these are one of my favorite's that I've encountered. the end was just lovley. Just the plot of this drabble has me on my knees. it was wonderfully thought and wonderfully written. the author has left no crumbs.
one case of swearing, a lil bit of fluff, a whole lotta angst, nakedness but it’s not in a sexual way
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boyfriend headcannons - @luventi
just a bunch of head cannons which i thought were amazing. overall its just so cute and has me screaming, crying and throwing up. honestly very underated.
druig x gn eternal!reader, au where everyone is alive and happy and together, there will be dashes of suggestive content admits all the fluff so be warned!
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shy lover - @writing-wh0re
[ it didn't have a title so I gave it this, I hope the author doesn't mind]
felt that this was just a must included, i don't wanna really have to summarize this cause there wasn't a single line that did not fail to have me hypnotized. just lovley work
Smut18+, Unprotected Vaginal Sex, Male Performing Oral, Praise Kink (both), Begging Kink (?), Slight Cocky Druig, Cum kink (?)
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magicxc · 6 months
Pairings: Survey Corps - their dick sizes
Word Count: 857
Warnings: none
A/N: this is so self indulgent, it aint even funny lol. Please enjoy what I think the bois are packing.
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren - 9.5 inches
Phew I mean, this doesn’t take too much explaining…at least for me. Eren legit had the gall to wipe out 80% of the population so I can only imagine that he has the balls to match. It’s safe to say our boy is all bark and bite cause he’s absolutely backing up whatever the fuck he says. Needless to say, you need to be PREPPED before penetration.
Levi - 6.5
As my personal favorite of the bunch, daddy Levi is absolutely still working with sumn, okay!!! Let's not count our short king out the race. Matter of fact, I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar that Levi is giving you THEE best seggs. As fun as size kinks are, let's be real, it hurts before it pleases. And 6.5 is like the perfect length to comfortably kiss your cervix. That stamina? His insomnia? The low, sultriness of his voice? Yeahh, you can kiss a good night's rest goodbye and your pussy will absolutely thank you for it. It’s been said that Levi is one of the best in terms of ODM use because of how quick he is while maneuvering the gear and the way it’s used is by the wearers shifting a lot of their weight to their pelvis for movement. Once again YOUR PUSSY WILL THANK YOU! 
Erwin - 7.5
Though the Commander stands tall above his peers, he has some muscle mass to him and therefore I consider him a girthy fellow. Keep in mind this is the same man who stared down Reiner in his armor titan form, all the while being short one arm. It's been said that the horses that the scouts ride are bred specifically to outrun titans but what they leave out is that Erwins horse is bred specifically to carry balls as heavy as his. Lmfaoo this man is BRAVE, just daring a mf to try some shit. And he absolutely carries that trait into the bedroom as well. 
Connie - 7.5
Connie has always given me goofball vibes. That “huh” ass mf was sorta the comedic relief to the show and it’s like omg you brought dick too?? Funny men be getting me ngl jksjsks. It’s been said that Connie views the Scouts training almost like a summer camp and while he made the top ten his competitive edge doesn’t really set in until he sees someone doing better than him lol. I genuinely don’t think dick size matters to him all that much so when he becomes sexually active and gets so much praise, it’s like ohh wow - new kink unlocked.
Jean - 10 inches
I'm willing to physically debate this lmao. This is probably the only thing he’ll beat Eren in, but I whole heartedly believe that Jean is packing a SCHLONG. He’s always stood above his peers throughout the show and as he ages, it’s more prominent. Tall and skinny men are literally always packing and those pencils wanna write in every book. Mans would absolutely put Mikasa through a mattress if given the chance.
Onyankopon - 8.5 inches
Even though Ony doesn’t get a whole lotta screen time, I can safely assume his length here. This is the same man who fucking DARED Floch to kill him AFTER witnessing him kill a few others for refusing to fall in line. You wanna talk about standing on business? Ohhh Ony’s your man through and through. Mans is always fighting for the greater good and even willing to sacrifice his life for the cause; it’s safe to say you’d bark if he asked you to. 
Reiner - 7.0
Ok hear me out, mans is GIRTHY. And 7 inches isn’t a bad place to be at all. Very rarely do those beefcake ass men have length, but that doesn’t mean they're lacking. In fact, I’ll take it a step further and guess that Reiners smeat curves left. CHANGE MY MIND. Any man strong enough to wield that heavy ass armor titan is absolutely knocking the cobwebs off that pwussy. Needless to say, prep is still a must.
Armin - 7.0
Its certainly the quiet ones that shock you the most. Have you ever interacted with a chill and laid back man? It's definitely a reason for that and Armin is no exception. Although I consider him the least experienced, keep in mind that he is a QUICK learner. Every contort of your face and shift of your body is all the notes he needs to take to properly learn how to work your body over. And soon, you’ll be able to mold him to your perfect sex partner. That, coupled with his sweet attitude and sincere personality; sigh that bitch Annie really struck gold with this one. 
Floch - 8.0
If you look up unhinged in the dictionary, you’d literally find a picture of Floch. Many can make the argument that he may be overcompensating for something, but I di-fucking-gress. Even though he can be a bit off the walls, it truly was for good reason and all in the name of his country and THAT, my friends, is big dick behavior.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 11 months
the devil you don't know (or however it goes)
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hunter/raider!Joel Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Summary: When Joel's men bring back the (adult) daughter of a rival group of hunters, he sees an opportunity.
Warnings: DARK, dub-con, Joel Miller is not a nice man, suspension bondage, abduction, captivity, themes of torture, mentions of past sexual abuse (not Joel), starvation, dehydration, a smidge of knifeplay, a pinch of bloodplay, seriously dead dove do not eat, ambiguous ending, reader has suicidal ideations because of anxiety and threat of imminent death, I mean it guys, this is somehow less depraved than the last raider!Joel but way darker, author makes up stuff about how garage doors work because google failed her but she's probably on a watchlist now so, canon-typical violence, gags, overnight bondage in an unsafe environment, reader's age isn't specified but she was an adult when the outbreak started
Prompts from this list by @absurdthirst.
also on ao3.
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Back in the before, in all the movies and books, when the damsel in distress or dashing hero was captured, they woke up clueless. Thinking they were home before it all settled in. They’d write off the pain as a hangover or a friend’s shitty couch.
That’s not how it happened for you.
When your consciousness first blinked back into the world, you were already having a panic attack. Your brain had registered the clues long before you were involved in the process.
Your cheeks are already streaked with tears before you can open your eyes. Your throat is dry and aching, and you can’t breathe.
Of course, you don’t realize it’s a panic attack at first. You just assume you’re dying. Here in this damp, cold… garage?
Recognition snaps you out of it. You’re still gasping, ragged, like you’re full of broken glass, but you’re alert enough to look around.
You’re alone. Small mercies. Or maybe not, given the way you’re tied up. Coarse rope forces your arms behind your back, wrapped from wrist to elbow. Your shoulders ache from being yanked backward, but the length has some slack, at least, between you and the bracket on the thick steel wall.
No. Not a wall. A door. You’re tethered to a huge door, inflexible accordion-style metal punctuated with heavy-duty brackets. No windows, no rotting wood. Impenetrable.
The door isn’t closed all the way, but it’s locked into place. Even if you got your hands free, it would take time and strength to remove the locks and open it enough to slip out.
The air coming through the bottom is chilly but fresh.
It helps. Focusing on the cold shushes the other alarms in your body. Enough to realize it's not just your arms that are tied.
There are loops of rope around your thighs, tethered to the same point as your hands, and loops around your ankles, which are attached to the side walls nearby. Both grant you enough slack to move a little but hold your legs wide enough to prevent standing.
Not that it matters, you think, as a door on the other side of the room swings open.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” croons a man as he steps through the frame, the soft twang plucking at your heartstrings.
No. No. “Miller.”
“I was surprised to see you, too. M’boys said they found one of your daddy’s people in our territory. Imagine my face when they dragged you in.”
“So let me go. You know he’ll come looking.”
“Will he? Lotta blood out there.”
“Not mine.”
“Oh, I know. I saw the way you carved up one of my guys. You got him good.” He almost sounds pleased. “But daddy doesn’t know that, does he?”
“He’ll still look for me.”
“You think he’s going to break our pact for you? He’s gonna risk facing me over a runaway?” He pauses. “Were you runnin’ to me?”
“No,” you snarl.
“But you are runnin', ain’tcha?”
“No,” you lie. “I just got lost. He’s waiting for me for dinner.” Part of that, at least, is true. You would have never intentionally crossed into Joel Miller’s land.
“Alright, I get it. Better the devil ya know, right?” he grins.
You glared over his shoulder, refusing to look at his stupid, smug face. That was why you had stayed these last few years. When supplies ran lower and lower and your father found other ways to keep his men loyal.
At the end of the day, you had food, water, and shelter.
As you look anywhere but Joel, you see what fills the industrial metal shelving along the walls. There are stacks of boxes of bullets. Pallets worth of bottled water and canned goods. Cases of dried pasta. A couple dirty mattresses are leaning against the back wall. Your stomach sinks.
He sees you taking in the stock. “Sorry, would have kept ya in the other one, where we usually have our… guests, but see, it’s a little messy right now.” He pulls a Dasani out of a case and brings it over, pressing it to your lips after pocketing the lid.
You rear your head back.
“What, you think it’s drugged or somethin’?” Joel takes a big swig out of the bottle, a drop rolling down his chin. He swipes it away with the folded cuff of his denim button-up. “Why would we waste any of the good stuff on you?”
He offers it back up to you, and you let him pour it in your mouth. When he takes it away, you spit it at him.
He sighs. “Wish you hadn’t done that,” he says and tips the bottle over your head. “But if that’s the way you’re gonna be, I’ll go.”
But he doesn’t leave. Not yet. First, he presses and holds the button on the wall and watches as the pulley cranks to life.
The machinery grates, gears crying for oil, and you flinch from the noise. You don’t realize what’s about to happen until it does. The ropes holding you aren’t that long, and as the garage door slides up, it lifts you with it.
You scream. “Stop, please, put me down.”
Joel shakes his head, disappointment exaggerated in his scowl. “Shoulda been good. Now ya know.”
He releases the button when the door is open. You’re hanging, now, with your arms pulled to their limit behind you. Your shoulders already burn. The loops around your thighs and ankles keep you balanced at the expense of spreading you wide. You jerk, trying to… what? Trying to get out? You know that wasn’t happening, not like this. All you were going to do was dislocate your shoulders.
The late summer breeze blows in, and you shiver. Your hair and shirt are soaked.
“Don’t worry,” Joel jerks his head to the dark house across the street. “Ain’t got neighbors.”
He goes to leave, and you can’t help it. “Don’t, please!”
He stops and turns around, head to the side like you’re a puzzle he wants to figure out. “You gonna shut up, or do I gotta take care of that?”
Blood drains from your face.
He comes over to you and pulls a filthy bandana from his pocket. He rolls it up and ducks behind you. You try to lock your jaw, but he digs his fingers into the hinges until you open a little. He presses the bandana into your mouth, yanking back on it, and tying it tight behind your head.
“Night,” he tips his head, flourishing a hand like a fucking cowboy in a Stetson, and leaves, closing the door behind him.
You don’t sleep, waiting for hungry dogs or Joel’s men to find you trussed up.
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When he comes back in the morning, you’re a wreck. You survived the fucking apocalypse, but none of it could have prepared you for this. You’re blinking in and out of consciousness.
There’s nothing but the pain. You’re sure you would have cried or thrown up, but you’re so dehydrated now that you can’t even spare a tear. It’s not lost on you that you got into this situation by wasting water.
“Chilly in here,” he says by way of greeting, tugging the bandana off you.
You keep your eyes closed. Imagining his smug smirk is bad enough; you don’t need to see him see you like this.
“You shoulda worn a jacket, sweetheart.”
“Did,” you croak, and wish you hadn’t fallen for his bait.
“Ah, someone took it from ya? Must have been a nice one.”
It was. It was patched up and ugly, but so was everything in this world. And it was warm. Heavy denim with quilted down lining. The last thing you’d ever take from your father, you thought.
He walks around you. You’d stiffen if you could, but you’ve long been stuck, muscles given out.
“Alright, let’s get ya down.”
At least the dehydration saves you from the whimper you almost let out. But it’s silent, and if Joel notices anything, he doesn’t react.
He walks back over to the door and presses the button. “S’gonna hurt like a bitch,” he warns before the door jerks backward, click click clicking as it lowers. It’s slow, but when your legs touch the ground, you may as well have plummeted.
You scream, wrenching it from your haggard throat, hands balled into fists behind your back. When you’re fully on the ground, you collapse against the door, only sparing a wince when your head bounces against the jutting metal seam between panels.
“Deep breaths. You’ll be fine.” He crouches down in front of you, same ratty denim shirt and jeans, same scuffed up boots. “You ready to behave?”
You nod, barely moving, but he gets the message.
“Y’look thirsty.”
You crack your eyes open to peek at him but can’t. They roll back into your head, lids fluttering.
You’re vaguely aware that he leaves and comes back but have no idea how much time passes. He crouches back down in front of you, and you hear the crinkle of a decade-old plastic bottle.
“If I give you this, are you going to spit it at me again?”
“No,” you whisper.
“You gonna ask nicely?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, but your brain is mostly static, so you give up without much of a fuss. “Please.”
He hums his approval and brings the bottle to your lips. He only lets you take tiny sips, infinitesimal in the arid expanse of your mouth. He pulls it away far too soon, and a soft sob leaks from you in its absence.
“You can have more later. Don’t need you gettin’ sick all over my garage.”
He leaves.
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When he comes back late into the evening, you’re asleep, but you startle awake when he turns the light on.
Your wide eyes follow him as he moves about the garage. When he finally approaches you, it’s to offer more water. You accept it immediately, opening your mouth for the bottle before it even reaches you.
“Learned your lesson, huh? Good girl.”
It’s accompanied by a sneer, but that doesn’t stop the way your pussy clenches for a minute. Given that you’re still fully clothed, he remains blessedly unaware.
“Can you just, like, shoot me now or whatever,” you mumble. You know you’re not leaving that garage. You’ve seen where he keeps the top supplies. You know which house this is—or at least, the numbers on the house across the street.
“Nah,” Joel says as if you’re discussing what to eat for dinner. He sits down in front of you, knees bent up, leaning on them with the arm holding the water bottle. “You’re gonna help me first.”
“Why would I help you if you’re going to kill me?”
“Because I’ll make it quick for ya.”
You think you might throw up the water.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he gestures at you with his loose hand, now grasping a closed switchblade. “You know how this goes. Seen your pops do it plenty, right?”
You nod.
“I don’t think you’re gonna make me, though,” Joel muses, and scratches his chin with the outside of the blade.
“I was running,” you blurt. “If I tell you everything, I swear, he’ll never know, I just want to—”
“‘Fraid not,” he says, shaking his head. “Nothin’ personal, sweetheart, just can’t trust ya.”
The way you’re staring at him with your pretty eyes, glistening with fear, makes him scowl harder. He flicks the blade open and watches as a tear escapes before you close your eyes.
“Promise?” you whisper.
“Promise what?”
“Promise you’ll make it quick, if I tell you everything.” You’re shaking, and realize you’re probably about to have another panic attack as your breathing grows shallow.
“Yeah, I promise,” he says. He stands up and watches you, the way you’re clenching your hands into fists and trying to breathe out of your mouth.
“Jesus. It’s not gonna happen right now, calm down.”
Before he leaves, he gives you more water.
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You’re awake when he comes back the next morning. He sits in front of you, legs crossed, and sets a cloth full of dried meat between you, and another bottle of water.
He picks up a thick strip. It doesn’t look like the shit they used to sell at grocery stores. It looks like they’ve salted and dried their own fucking jerky.
You stare as he rips off a piece and eats it.
“What? Y’ain’t got pigs?”
You shake your head.
“Jesus,” he sighs. “Is there even anything to take, or am I wasting my fucking time?”
“Lots of guns,” you shrug. “Some food. Not like you’ve got.”
Guns were more than enough of a reason, and you both knew it. He ripped another piece off and held it to your lips.
You didn’t hesitate.
“Here’s how this is going to go,” he says while you chew. “I’m going to ask you a question. If I believe your answer, you can have somethin' to eat or drink. If I don’t believe you, that’s when things get tricky.” He opens the switchblade and sets it next to the water.
It takes hours, but true to your word, you tell him everything. The layout of the old campground your father took command over. Patrol schedules. Planned raids. Locations of guns, food, medicine, everything.
By the end of it, you’d had two sticks of the jerky and the whole bottle of water. You look more alive than you have in days, given that you’d been thoroughly lost for two before stumbling across his men on patrol.
“Why’d you feed me?” you ask when he stands to leave. “Aren’t you about to kill me?”
“No,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Gotta see if your information is good. Probably won’t even make a move for a week or so.”
You tense. “You promised. You promised you’d make it quick.”
“I promised I’d make it quick when I kill ya. If you told me everything. Can’t prove you did until it’s done.”
He doesn’t know what he expected you to do, but screaming was not it. It’s a wounded, rageful thing. He hates it. He stomps back over and covers your mouth, blade in hand. It presses against your cheek, and you hiss.
He pulls his hand away and watches the blood drip down your cheek. You don’t scream again, but there’s something in your eyes when you stare him down.
“Coward,” you whisper.
His hand wraps around your throat, pushing you against the garage door. He doesn’t remember kneeling down close to you, but that’s where he finds himself as he squeezes, bringing the knife up above his hand.
You aren’t struggling, yet, His grip isn’t that tight. Some air still leaks, and you laugh. “C’mon,” you taunt.
He lets go. You slump down a little, chest heaving. There’s blood dripping down from the small nick in your neck to your cleavage.
You watch him watch it. “Can you at least clean that up if you’re going to leave me here?”
He doesn’t know what possesses him. It has to be the unhinged look in your eyes, spreading to him like poison. He grabs your jaw in the hand with the blade and pushes your head to the side so he can lean down and lick the blood off your breast. You moan.
He spits it to the side, and turns your head back to look at him. Your lips are parted, pupils blown. “Fuckin’ hell,” he growls, leaning back, putting distance between him and your tits.
“C’mon,” you repeat, but this time, it’s heady.
“The fuck is wrong with you?” But he doesn’t wait for you to answer. He grabs your jaw again and kisses you. It’s not kind or soft. It’s all teeth and snarls and the knife against your cheek. But you kiss him back, because it pleases the ravaging wildfire of rage that lives in your chest. Fuels it.
He pulls back. “Shit," he mutters.
“You gonna fuck me or what?”
He lets go. Stands up. You think maybe he’s going to get his cock out, but he stalks over to the door. “Or what.”
He slams the door so he doesn’t have to hear you howl in fury after him, spitting insults.
He doesn’t come back the next day.
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By the second morning, you’re starting to panic. You’re so thirsty. The last bottle had a few dregs in it, just a sip, but it's just out of reach. The only light you have is when it creeps in from the little gap between the garage door and the uneven concrete.
When he comes that evening, he’s ditched the denim. He’s got tight dark pants and a gray t-shirt on. You don’t look at him directly as he gives you water and more of the salty jerky.
He crouches down in front of you again. You’re getting tired of it. Of his stupid pretty face and this stupid garage. Your arms are numb, and the pounding in your head hasn’t gone away since the first day. You don’t even know how long you’ve been here anymore.
“Why’d you ask me to fuck you?" It’s less of a question than a statement, but you know he expects an answer.
“Dunno. Thought maybe you would.”
“I’m going to kill you. Your pussy ain’t going to change that.”
“Didn’t expect it to.”
“What, you a virgin or something? You trying to get fucked before you die?”
“Or something, yeah,” you mutter.
“Shit.” He can’t believe he’s considering this. It feels like crossing one of the few lines he hasn’t crossed.
It’s not lost on you. “Are you having a fuckin' moral dilemma about this? You’re gonna gut me, and you’re trying to figure out if it’d be fucked up to have sex with me?”
“Not gonna gut ya,” he says. “Said I’d make it quick, didn’t I?”
“Oh my god. That was so not the point.”
“Shut up. Look at me.”
You do. He’s holding the blade again. “I verified your information yesterday. We’re going to make our move tomorrow. I’ll be back by sundown. You still want this?”
It feels like he dumped the water on you again. You shiver. So that’s it. By this time tomorrow, you’ll be gone.
“Fine. But we’re doin’ this my way.” He walks away, and you think he’s going back inside until he stops and presses the button.
You’re shocked enough that all you do is gasp when the door lifts, pulling you into the air. He stalks back over to you and holds the blade up. “Hold still.”
You’re hanging in the fucking air. What does he think you’re going to do? Fly away? But you hold your breath anyway while he slides the knife between your skin and clothes. When you’re bare to him, he drops the knife and grabs your waist.
“You done anything? Anyone ever make you come?”
You shake your head and murmur, “No, no one.”
When you look up at him, you’re surprised to see something almost soft behind his eyes. You glare. “What, is it going to make you feel less guilty if I have an orgasm?”
“What do I got to feel guilty for? You fuckin’ begged for it.”
“Then fuckin’ fuck me already,” you snap. Your arms hurt again. You want to fuck him, you want to land your fists against his stupid face, you want to not fucking die tomorrow.
But you can only have one of those things, so. “Please,” you say, and sigh.
He cups your breasts, stroking thumbs over your nipples. He leans over and licks, and you moan again, soft this time.
“Don’t,” you whisper. “Don’t gotta do that. Just fuck me.”
“Ain’t doin’ it for you,” he lies.
You don’t protest again, not after he takes a nipple in his mouth and sucks. He brings a hand to your cunt and thumbs your clit, sliding two fingers down to start working you open for him. He eases the first one in through your slick, and you whine.
“I’m not gonna be nice,” he says, panting a little. “It’s going to hurt.”
“Yeah,” you agree, watching as he stretches you open. Your legs are held so wide they ache, but it doesn’t stop your eyes from rolling back when he picks up speed.
He holds you tight when you come so your arms don’t jerk too hard. It’d be a shitty end to a shitty life, you think, to wait all day with dislocated shoulders for him to come home and slit your throat.
Finally, he pulls his cock out. A man of his word, he doesn’t go nice or slow. It does hurt. His cock is thick and long, and he makes it fit even as your body tries to reject him. He hooks his hands under your thighs, forcing you to put some of your body weight on him as he fucks up into you.
It takes the pressure off your arms, and you suspect maybe he's strong enough to fuck like this without the help from the ropes.
The burn is exactly what you wanted. It stings, and you cry, silent but for a few whimpers. He pulls another orgasm out of you with his clever fingers on your clit.
When he comes, he pulls you to him and sinks his teeth into the meat of your shoulder. You wail, but you also come again as he fills you.
You expect him to leave you there, dangling and dripping his spend. But when he lets go, it’s just to lower you back to the ground.
He tucks his soft cock away and zips up, staring down at you. You lay against the door, trying to catch your breath.
“What’d you mean by ‘or something’?” he says, surprising himself.
“S’nothin,” you sigh.
He sits down, offers you water. You drink and watch him, tense and untrusting.
“Was that the first time you’ve been fucked?”
“First time I ever wanted it,” you say.
His jaw ticks. “Answer one more question for me, ‘bout your father’s camp.” He waits until you meet his eyes. “If you’re strugglin’ for food, how’s he keeping all them happy?”
You flinch and look away.
He doesn’t need another answer.
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You don’t expect to see him in the morning, so you’re startled when the door opens. He throws something on the floor, but you don’t have time to look before he’s crouched over you, knife in hand.
You had promised yourself you’d be brave and quiet when he came for you. But you thought you’d have time to prepare yourself, so when he brings it toward you, you flinch back and cry out. “Hold still,” he snaps. He doesn’t have time to wait for you to cooperate, so he holds your shoulder with one hand and slices through the rope with the other.
When he’s done, he jabs the knife in the direction of the pile of fabric by your foot. “Get up. Get dressed.”
You can’t stand. He huffs and pockets the knife, pulling you up. Your limbs barely move from the way they’ve been stuck, splotchy and limp from poor circulation. He helps you tug the flannel on and step into what must be a pair of his boxers.
He looks you over. “S’all I got.”
“Okay,” you say. You’re so confused. Between the pain, the hunger, the dehydration, and the fear, it’s a wonder you can string together a single thought.
“Let’s go,” he snaps as he heads for the door, like you were supposed to know already. When you get into the house, he grabs one arm and pushes you ahead of him, through a kitchen and living room and out another door.
Most of his men are in two vans, but Joel shoves you into a pickup truck. He buckles you in and waves a finger in your face. “You try anything, and it’ll take you days to bleed out.”
You just nod. You’re thinking now that he probably doesn’t want to kill you in his house. Blood all over the stockroom would be a pain in the ass.
At least you got to see sunshine again.
It’s not a long drive, but you keep your eyes closed. The autumn sun is weak, but you think you might cry as it brushes your skin.
Joel doesn’t say a word.
You don’t open your eyes until he parks. He hops out and comes to pull you out the other side, but when you see where you are, you panic and try to push him away.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he snaps. “Get out of the fucking truck.”
God. Everything you’d heard about him is true. Was he really this cruel? Monstrous enough to drag you back, to die here when you’d finally escaped?
Or—has he struck a deal? Is he going to give you back to your father?
You can’t breathe.
Joel crowds you against the truck, hands on your shoulders, and shakes you a little. “Snap out of it, I ain’t got time for this. Stick with me and keep your mouth shut.”
For a moment, neither of you move. You get control of your breathing and realize he hasn’t restrained you. He didn’t give you shoes, but you still know this land far better than he does. You told him all your father’s secrets, but not yours.
“Don’t,” he says. It’s the softest he’s spoken to you yet.
And, god help you, you nod.
Two of Joel’s men are struggling to hold your father when Joel drags you into the living room of the main cabin. He’s holding your wrists behind your back, his gun pressed into your side.
“Oh, thank god, honey, you’re okay,” your father says, but his face falls when he sees the gun. “C’mon, Miller, let her go. She’s not a part of this.”
“She is now,” Joel says. “Found her on my land. Ain’t that right?”
You want to close your eyes, want to ignore your part in this, want him to just fucking shoot already, but you can’t look away from your father’s face.
“I swear to god, Miller, if you laid a hand on her—”
“Like your men did?” He waits and doesn’t receive a response. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“You know how it is,” your father says. He can’t read Joel, never could. “Everyone’s gotta contribute somehow. Keep morale up,” he plows forward, oblivious to the dangerous way Joel’s eyes have darkened. “Look, I can look past it. Whatever you did, she probably had it coming, for trespassing. We can call it even.”
Joel’s slow smirk is feral. He nods. For a moment, your father breathes with relief. But Joel isn’t looking at him.
His men move quick, and your father is on his knees in just seconds. They struggle to hold him down with hands on his shoulders, but he stops fighting when Joel lifts the gun away from you.
He doesn’t aim it at your father, who has to watch as Joel flips the gun in his hand and offers you the grip. He didn’t even notice that Joel had let you go.
You don’t say anything. You look at Joel for a moment, and your father watches you slowly move to take the handgun. He has the nerve to look relieved again, until you stop, holding it in both hands in front of you, looking at it.
“What are you doing? Shoot him!” your father says.
You look up at your father, grimacing against the bile rising in your throat.
You look at Joel again, gun heavy. You wonder what would happen if you let it drag down, out of your fingers, to the knotty pine panels that cover every surface. You wonder what would happen if you clasped your fingers around the weight of it and raised your arm to the left.
Joel’s men watch him, unsure. He holds up a hand and waits, watching the glow from the hearth dance across your face.
“Shoot them, you stupid girl, and get me out of here.”
Joel steps closer, puts his hands on your waist, and leans in. “Up to you, darlin’,” his hot breath against your ear.
You pull the trigger.
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My opinions on the J/S/L polycule
Hi guys back with another X-Men related post, no art just thoughts. I wanted to share my opinions on the JeanScottLogan pairing.
Disclaimer: my only information i have right now is the movies and a tiny bit of the first X-Men show but mainly the movie-verse (please do not come after me with hate ☹️)
I'll keep this one short, me personally in my own opinion i like the thought of all three of them being in a polycule i feel like there could've been so much potential and not to mention some representstion thats actually gonna put proper polyamory into a good light
Yes logan did make me mad especially in the second movie when he started making out with Phoenix/jean after scott literally just died and when he started immediately flirting with jean as soon as he met her in the mansion and scott has every right to be a lil defensive.
But i felt like this could've been fix if Logan BACKED OFF or jean invited him into the relationship to be a polycule (i feel like at first there would definitely be some mild competition and a whole lotta jealousy coming from scott but they eventually grow to loveesch others yk!!)
Also i really just DESPISE the love triangle trop and while yes it does work in certain cases like in "The book of life" movie between the characters manolo/maria/joaquin it feels like between logan/scott/jean it just feels useless and unnecessary it gives me a total ick
Comment if you guys agree i would love to hear others thoughts and opinions
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
hello, would it be possible for you to do a Sanji with a virgin woman if you have the time? Thanks a lot !:D
A/N: I love doing virgin content! (Does that sound weird??? Lol but we need more of it!:)) tysm for requesting! Hope u enjoy!
Also I made this one super long as a thank for for 500 Followers in less than 2 weeks omg AMAZINGGG thank u all sm :)🤍🤍🤍
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“Prettiest Thing I’ve Ever Seen” Experienced!Sanji x Virgin! Fem Reader (FLUFF/NSFW)
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Black Fem Reader in Mind
Bad Summary: Feeling embarrassed about beinging the only one who’s haven’t even kissed a guy before. Sanji finds out and reassures you that it’s nothing wrong with waiting for the right one.
CW: A bit of a slow burn, Virgin! (She can also be implied as a bit Chubby ) Reader, Experienced!Sanji, A Bit of angst, Oral, Alotta of kissing and reassuring, Reader hesitates a lot, Vaginal sex, Blood, Love Confessing, Lotta fluff and a bit of Aftercare,
(Also, there is very vague shaming of being a virgin. Let me just say that there is nothing wrong with being an adultlt virgin. That whole “late bloomer” stuff is bull and you shouldn’t feel pressured to lose it to anybody, once you get a certain age, or especially if you’re not ready. It doesn’t make you any less of a woman or man if you’re in your 20s, 30s or 40s and still haven’t had sex it’s okay. My mum always said be the one everybody wants and can’t have, than the one everybody has already have.)
“The asshole didn’t even let me finish! Ugh. “ Vivi groaned taking another sip of her drink.
“You should have charged him for your time at least.” Nami suggested making you all chuckle at her typical response.
You all were finishing up a 3 days celebration with Vivi and to end the party you all decided have a moment to unwind and get to know each other more. Chopper went to bed early so Vivi insisted you all play a little drinking game to REALLY expose some facts about yourselves.
Everybody went around talking about their worst hook up during the 2 year hiatus and it actually shocked you how much experience your crew mates had gotten as they grew older.
“Even YOU Luffy?!” Vivi laughed as you all were dumbfounded that your 19 year old clumsy captain managed to lose his virginity.
“Well yeah I don’t really remember much of it though. She didn’t feel that great.” Luffy shrugged leaning his body on you fiddling with his fingers recalling the forgettable night. “It kinda just happened just before I left training with Rayleigh…”
You chuckled taking another sip looking away at the sea as the Sunny was still docked and ready for tomorrow’s departure. You didn’t get to meet anybody while training. If you were being really honest though, you couldn’t.
You probably had one of the best transformations out of the entire crew managing to lose over 40 pounds. You still had some fluff on you considering you were naturally a relatively big girl, but you still looked amazing & Everybody even seen you in a new light. Your hidden curves popped, your breast didn’t grow much but they were beautiful and supple, the only thing was you still didn’t lose much of your face fat so your chubby cheeks still remained.
It was a process trying to gain the confidence after losing weight. You’ve heard every insult in the book from men so trying to get into a relationship felt impossible.
“What about you y/n? Got any wild nights with any guys? You probably have with that smoking new body of yours.” Nami teased making you all giggle except yourself. You were a little self conscious to reveal that you couldn’t get anybody to come back to spend a night of passion or even just a quick fuck so you awkwardly scratched your head.
All eyes were on you ready to spill, especially a certain blonde taking a puff out of his cigarettes across from you gazing at you calmly waiting for your response
“N-no…none of my stories are interesting…I didn’t really have time t—-“
“What do you mean you didn’t have time! You look amazing! I know so many guys were all up on you—“
“Or was it girls, Y/N-San?” Robin crossed her legs across from you. Everybody except Sanji who was having a nose bleed at the thought “oooh”d and “aaah”d wanting to hear the spicy details of that night
“Oh No, haha I’m straight, but…I mean..one girl was interested but—NO! I didn’t sleep with any girls! Change the subject! Zoro—!?”
“What about me?” He turned his head back at you mid sip. “It was only a couple girls I met, but it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Those poor women…” Sanji sighed with disgust on his face before taking another hit to his cigarette.
You giggled at Sanji’s response while playing in Luffy’s hair after he fell asleep on your lap. When you heard that Sanji has slept with a few women (granted 2 of them were from brothels) you were a bit shocked. I mean you all are pirates and pirates do—-that kinda stuff. It had you wonder as well if he was a good lover? Did he bleed on them? Was he good with his tongue perhaps?
You know what no that’s nasty to see your crew mate in that way.
The rest of the conversation went on, but you decided to turn it in and head to your room for the remainder of the night since you wanted to wake up early to shop before leaving tomorrow.
You started journaling the past 2 years, at first it was to keep track of your weight, but now it has become something you enjoyed when you wanted to express yourself.
So, You were showered and ready for bed, but you wanted to include a bit more in your notes before heading to sleep;
“….and I felt so embarrassed not telling my friends that I couldn’t even get a guy to like me. Hell I never even kissed a guy before. I guess me losing this weight didn’t help much….I mean it’s whatever but man EVERYBODY got a little sum sum except me? I mean what’s wrong with me? I guess I’ll just stay a virgin…how pathetic…”
You heard a knock at your door, “Come in.” Your desk was right next to the door so you didn’t have to call out. It was Sanji peaking his head in with a cup. “Oh, hey Sanji.”
“Hello, my love you look stunning as usual!” He chirped walking in closing the door behind him to lean on. “I just wanted to know if I can add some stuff to the grocery list you had if that’s okay. I can give you some berries too.”
“Oh sure you can. Let me get it for you.” You took off your glasses (ignore this if your don’t wear em)to get up from your seat without thinking and walked over to your nightstand. “Just give me a second…”
He hummed admiring your body for a moment, how snug your sleep shorts were cupping your butt, and how you still don’t wear anything except that, some socks, and a bra before bed. It was so cute to him how your small rolls poked out from the side. He took a sip of his tea and noticed your journal from his peripheral.
“Hm?” Sanji tilted his head to read your last journey entry and his eyes widened. YOU really never kissed a guy?! No way! Is that why you were so awkward tonight? He thought maybe it was an old paragraph but seeing the date at the top confirmed you had just wrote it. He mindlessly kept reading further down reading your journal, but had to stop himself after realizing he was completely invading your privacy.
“Here you go!” Your eyes quickly shifted to your opened book of secrets and for a moment you nearly panicked but you seen Sanji just smiling leaning on the door. “This is the um…the list…you can give it to me in the morning.”
Sanji had a tiny of pink on his face as you approached him trying to play off him snooping through your business. You looked down to close it and place the journal inside your desk drawer.
“Thank you, Y/n.” He said calmly patting your head before heading out. “Sweet dreams.”
“Yeah…” you hoped Sanji didn’t read anything. The book was right beside him. You sighed heavily going to lay on your bed.
How were you supposed to sleep now if he knew your embarrassing secret?
The next day as you went shopping with the others Sanji couldn’t get you out of his mind. You really felt that way? You still don’t feel beautiful? Why was it so bad that you were still a virgin? You’re in your 20s there’s nothing wrong with that. But he understood your feeling. He sometimes regrets losing his virginity to some random woman. The night wasn’t passionate, there was no love into it, and it was really just the heat of the moment because he wanted to rid of himself of being a virgin.
He sometimes wish he would have lost it to someone like you.
Someone beautiful, caring, sweet, charming, so so soft, and just his type.
You and Sanji were of course friends, but you never actually had one on one time with him. It was were few moments it was only the both of you traveling in a pair but you both usually ended up fighting some enemies you encountered so there wasn’t much casual talk. He thought about maybe using this new go round to get to know you more. Maybe show you that none of those other assholes that denied you of love were worth it.
“NAMMIIIII ROBINNNNNN! HERE ARE YOUR DRINKS!” Sanji swirled to the women lounging on the deck as the ship set sail.
You finally came back out of your room wearing a pretty white short dress. You usually never wore them but you felt a bit warm and wanted to relax a bit.
“Y/N you look stunning in that dress.” Robin complimented taking the drink away from Sanji who in turn gave you big heart eyes. You sparkled in perspective, your legs looks so beautiful, your curves were more than enough, you looked like a Queen.
“Oh. Thank you.” You giggles holding the bottom of the dress. “I got this for my 23rd birthday but never got a chance to wear it.”
“Oooooh did a guy get you that?” Nami said smiling sipping her beverage. You did an awkward laugh of course not wanting to say the entire truth that you got it for yourself for a date but got stood up.
“N-no I did.”
“Y/NNNNN!” Sanji spun to you down on one knee holding the empty tray in one hand. “Please do me the honor of coming to the kitchen with me my love!”
You nodded shyly and took his arm to the kitchen, he pulled out the chair for you, “Thank you.”
He smiled before walking to the fridge and handing you a generous slice of cake.
“Oh! This cake is so pretty! What’s the occasion?” You looked up at him as he scooped out some off the cold spoon.
“Well…Your Birthday was a week before we all reunited and so I wanted to still celebrate it with you. Open.”
It was your favorite flavor! Did he really remember when you told him that 2 YEARS ago? It was just a brief little fact you told him without thought. You opened your mouth for him to feed you and the cake practically melted on your tongue, he executed it so perfectly.
“This was so good, Sanji.” You giggled licking your finger before reaching out to hug him. “Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
Sanji hummed and blushed smelling how sweet you were your fluffy arms around his neck felt so comfortable almost like a pillow.
He wondered if your whole body felt like that
“Oh anything for you, my love! I’ll do anything to make you smile!” His typical love eyes popped out smiling at you.
“I guess I had a good reason to wear this dress”.
“And you looking stunning in it, y/n! It fits you perfectly! If we weren’t in the sea I would have taken you out on the town to show off how gorgeous you look!”
You breathed out your nose looking down at the half eaten cake closely chewing. Sanji meant no harm by what he said of course but it just reminded you that on your birthday a guy you did really like was supposed to take you out with that dress but stood you up.
Sanji noticed your face change immediately and calmed down from his proclaims to sit beside you, “You okay? What’s wrong?”
You held your lips shaking your head, your stomach suddenly felt weighed, as delicious as the cake was you couldn’t finish it. You really felt kinda pathetic thinking back to all the times you were made a fool by men you liked.
“Hey…” Sanji quickly grazed his thumb on your cheek. You didn’t even noticed a tear escaped and it made you upset. Why the hell were you crying? “I-I’m sorry if I said anything wrong I—“
“No I—-I’m sorry. I’ll finish the rest of the cake later I just…have to go really quick, Sanji.”
Your voice choked out at the last few words making you grunt in annoyance. Sanji didn’t even have time to finish what he had to say before you stormed out the kitchen holding your face.
You were in your room crying softly so nobody could hear from the other side. It sucked feeling so insecure even after weight loss. Even after getting stronger. It just didn’t seem enough.
“Y/N…you in there, love?”
“I um…” you hand stopped it self from opening the door. Should you let him in? What if Sanji laughs about your issues. They were silly. Even though that would be completely unlike him. Sanji cared about all his friends feelings and yours was never an exception. you guess he wasn’t too bad considering he didn’t even wait 5 minutes before coming after you.
You sighed and prayed that if you let him in he doesn’t make you feel more worse than you already are because you were tired of holding these feelings. You slowly opened the door sniffling giving him a fake grin, “Sorry I le—“
Sanji wasted no time coming in to hug you. When you stormed out he recalled your actions when Nami talked about your dress, when you were asked questions last night, and from what he read in your journal it clicked. Something must have had happened on your birthday.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” He kissed your ear to then get a clear look at your tear stained face. “You can talk to me.”
Your chubby cheeks were being slightly smushed by Sanji’s cold soft hands and looking into his eyes. He looked more genuine than you’ve seen in a while which is probably why you started crying more in his hands.
“Come here let’s talk.” He shut and locked your door and guided you to your bed. You just wanted another hug for right now and once you sat on the edge with him you couldn’t help but to rest your face in his neck, staining his collar. “It’s okay, Love.”
It was a comfortable silence until you sighed, “During training I met some guys…but they all didn’t like me. So for a while I just focused on getting better fighting and then after the weight loss…I met a guy…and he was really sweet so I thought maybe he was someone I could be with. But me being an idiot I believed what he said when he told me he wanted to take me out. He wanted to do it for my birthday so I…bought this dress, and waited for him for 2 hours, but I found out I was just a bet to see how easy I was to falls for his lies.” You pulled back from Sanji’s embrace to wiped your eyes, “He said he’d rather sleep on a train track than he caught seen with me.” You lightly chuckled trying to ignore the pain raising up inside you. You laughed alone though. Sanji was furious at such an asshole talking to you that way and taking advantage of your kindness . It was absurd?! Why do that to a woman? Or anybody for that matter?!
“I’m still a virgin…” You confessed before looking at his furrowed face. “I never kissed a guy. Never went on a date with one. I don’t even think I held hands with one, haha…sad, right?….I know romance shouldn’t be our focus right now but…I don’t know….I at least want to be desired… I see how men look at Nami and Robin and it sucks because they turn to me and think ‘Why the hell would they have that kinda girl on their c—-“
“Stop it.”
His voice was stern which made you look back at him as your fake smiled faded. He almost looked like he was about to cry too, but he shook his head in disappointment instead.
“Stop repeating those things about yourself like those assholes were right. They were not, true. None of it was or is. You’re not..you’re not —-“
Sanji wish he could find the correct words, but somehow they failed to come out, so he grabbed your hands. His thumbs rubbed against your skin, you looked back up and next thing your know Sanji’s nose was touching yours.
You don’t tend to feel hot in the cheeks but your face felt hot all over.
“You’re not that. Even before you loss the weight you were so….breath taking.” It was almost like something clicked in Sanji. Remembering his time with you, how funny you were, how careless you were willing to put your life on the line for all of them, how selfless you were as well, and he even remembered the nights he would hear you cry behind your bedroom door. He didn’t know why but he always suspected maybe it was from the men he had to beat up because they made fun of your weight.
Sanji always found you beautiful. He just wished he would have told you then. His eyes were almost reflective of the sun setting through your window, he cigarette long gone and on the floor looking into your pretty doe eyes.
He leaned in slowly nearly attaching his lips to yours until you whispered, “You don’t have to feel sympathy for me…”
He stopped, lips just barely over yours and he sat back slightly embarrassed clearing his throat.
“N-no! It’s not sympathy I really….I really feel this way…Y/N I…I should have told you before but..I love you.”
You blinked, his voice wasn’t flirtatious, his eyes weren’t filled with his typical hearts, he genuinely meant what he said. It nearly scared you see how serious Sanji was.
“I love you and…I want to..I wanta….I want to show you it….”
He intertwined his hands with yours, and you let out an airy giggle, “You’re my first hand hold with a guy.”
He matched the same laugh, “Im glad…can I…be your first kiss too?”
Your heart started to nearly beat through your chest for the first time in a long time you felt butterflies AND AROUND SANJI TOO. You always was flattered by him. He was so sweet and charming but you never felt flustered. It was a new kinda feeling and you liked it a lot.
He scooted closer and you closed your eyes. Your lips were parted for a short while feeling Sanji’s warm breath feel closer, you were shaking in anticipation until you felt a weight on your mouth. It was a still kiss.
Sanji didnt Move. He knew you never done this so he wanted you to get the rhythm right. The kiss made you grab ahold of his hand tighter until he opened his eyes.
“Like it?” His voice was hopeful, comforting really, your kids slowly opened to his Pinked out cheeks. It was so cute. Seeing him like this.
“Mmhm.” You nodded sucking your bottom lip to still try and taste him on you, “yeah I really liked it….can you teach me more?”
“Y-yeah! We can absolutely!” Sanji was relieved seeing you be so vulnerable with him. He leaned forward into you holding your chin now and moved his lips. You struggled to follow his motions for a second but he slowed down and allowed you to get a steady pace with him.
It didn’t take much time until you laid back not detaching from him. He got a little more firm with his lips, placing his hand just shy on your wide thigh. His fingers rubbed your fluffy skin so gentle and with care you barely noticed his hand up your dress which overwhelmed you for a moment so you pushed him back softly.
“I um…”
“You okay? Did I hurt you?” The panic and concern in his voice thinking he made you uncomfortable was ironically comforting.
“N-no I just…—“
“I’m sorry, love we don’t have to further this…I dont—“
“No…I want it….I want you to…be my…—-“
“I want you to take my virginity, Sanji.”
You mentally cringed at your words but what the hell do you say? You could see his adams Apple bob from the harsh gulp. He never taken a woman’s virginity and it’s YOURS so he wanted it to be perfect.
“Okay..” He breathed with that special smile, it was a rare one he barely did but it was so cute because it showed the faint dimples he had. “But listen to me…Y/N…if at any point your want me to stop just tell me okay? I want us to be safe..okay?”
“Okay, Sanji…can you um…well can you kiss me a little more ?”
You were so fucking cute to him right now.
He laid you back down to continue and this new go your kisses weren’t as shy. Sanji was able to move his lips how he wanted, “You’re a faster learner, sweetheart.”
You blushed, he kept kissing you and squeezed your thigh to get a reaction out of you and you felt embarrassed doing so arching your back, but Sanji didn’t care he just glided his tongue in your mouth to hear you moan more.
“Mm..” you hummed in his mouth. His touches became more confident moving up your dress again and rubbing his thumb on what feels like a thong and in turn made Sanji’s cock twitch at the thought.
“You’re so sensitive.” He whispered.
“Is that bad?”
“No! No! That’s perfect…just means you’ll feel even more.”
You wanted to question what he meant but he kissed your neck making you breathe out sharply.
“‘M ganna take these Off okay?” He tugged at your panties.
“I…wait…can you tak—“
“You want me to take mine off first?” He was already unbuttoning his shirt off the bed asking so you just said yes.
He stripped down and you mindlessly began to rub your thighs together waiting in anticipation. You never seen a guy naked before (except Luffy that one time) but this was different.
“Okay..” He pulled down his boxers to show his semi-hard cock. It looked huge, granted though you never had anything to reference it from , you chewed your lip nervously looking up and down his lean yet chiseled body, he had a very nice built for a slim looking guy, “You okay?”
“Mmhm…. You’re very …pretty.”
Sanji chuckled at your shyness, it’s a different view on you, but he moved closer to kiss you again and cupped your cheeks.
“You wanna go now?” He asked on your lips. You nodded again and stood up, he helped you out of your dress and your underwear, but you rushed to cover your body, you had many scars from past battles including some stretch marks. You were prepared to see Sanji look disgusted but when you looked up from having your bra thrown to the grown his eyes were enamored it was almost as if he found the All Blue.
“You’re gorgeous.” Was all he whispered at you before he laid you down. He continued to kiss you again, a little bit more sloppily than the first few times, internally he became impatient but he knew he wanted to savor this moment with you.
“Sanji…” you moaned feeling him nip and kiss at your neck, one of his hands were slowly pulling your arms off your breast to fondle them. “Sanji!”
“You are really sensitive…it’s cute.” He kissed your ear. “Tell me when to stop okay? You can do that for me right, my love?”
Something about his soft gaze and reassertion to your pleasure made you clench, it was attractive.
“Good Girl.” He winked at you lowering his head down to your breast. “All of you is so beautiful…”
He sucked and licked his tongue all around your erect nipples. You hissed at the new wet contact on your body and suddenly felt his hand intertwine with yours.
He lowered his head down your tummy and seen a big scar you always had since Thriller Bark. It made you stop wearing crop tops and he noticed this, his let’s go of your hand to brush against the large mark and kissed all over it. The sentiment made a tiny tear fall the corner of your eye, but you brushed it off.
“Your whole body is beautiful…it always has been.”
He didn’t leave a part of your body kissed and appericiated. He kissed down your legs mentally smirking at them clenched together.
“Can you open your legs for me please?”
He pulled apart your legs and your hummed at the cool air hitting your glistening folds, you didn’t realize how wet you got just from kissing,
“What are you sorry for, my love?….you look perfect.”
Sanji sat on his knees and admired your pretty pussy just for a moment, “can I..taste you..?”
“Yes please….” You nearly sounded like you were whining at this point. You didn’t care your body was shaking waiting for him to just—
“Oh!” You moaned out. His tongue worked wonders inside you, you were still so sensitive to a man’s touch you didn’t realize you were begging for more with his body.
“H-hey…” He smacked his lips off your clit, you stopped and covered your face feeling that you were bucking your hips without thought. “It’s okay…don’t be embarrassed I want you to feel good..”
He reached over and grabbed your pillow, he lightly tapped your side to raise them and lay on it.
“See. Better.” He kissed you inner thigh and went back down.
“…Sanji ah—!” He kept humming and groaning inside you with both of his hands on your thighs.
His tongue felt amazing, so amazing in fact you felt the bottom of your tummy twist.
“I’m—! W-wait I feel like…I feel like I have to pee.”
“That’s okay just let go..”
You jerked your face at his words, he wants you to pee on him? You thought.
However you didn’t have to pee and he knew that so he sucked and licked on your clit with more pressure until….
(Actually fun fact when women squirt it is indeed piss mixed with other bodily fluid but let’s pretend it’s not💀)
“S-Sanji yes!” You screamed out your throat, Sanji noticed your hands reaching out and immediately grabbed onto them both looking you in the eyes as you released on him. “Sa—ah!”
He gave little peppered kisses on your pussy and crawled back on top of you, his cock was glistened with pre cum and it was so pink. You actually were afraid it may not fit.
“You okay?” He brushed some of your curls back admiring your panting fucked out face, “You tasted so good, baby.”
“C-can we do that more…like another day?”
Sanji looked at you shocked and red from ear to ear, “Y-you…you’d like to do this again?”
“Well yeah I..I really like you Sanji and I….I thought that because we were doing this you felt the same and wanted to be with me…”
“Baby..” He grabbed your chin carefully and kissed you making you moan into his mouth and tasting yourself in his tongue, “We can do this as much as you want….I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too.” You smiled.
“‘M ganna Stretch you out with my fingers okay?..wanna make sure you’re okay.”
“Okay Sanji i Trust you.”
You kept making this man so damn flustered he nearly forgot what he was about to do, but he shook his head and looked down seeing the mess you made.
“There you go…” You hissed a little at just his index finger, “You are super tight—fuck.”
“Is that bad?…I never um…touched myself before.”
He snapped his eyes at you. REALLY?
“It’s okay!” He kissed your cheek, “Don’t be ashamed of that…”
Half of his body was on your side as he held himself up with his elbow while his other hand was pumping in and out of you. It felt kinda weird at first but Sanji managed to squeeze a second finger.
“Feel good?” He looks back up at you. You barely at a moment to respond seeing at your eyes were shut and furrowed slowly nodding. He bit his lip and used his thumb to rub your clit “There you go…”
You got used to the stretch of his fingers, moaning near his ear as he sucked and kissed your neck and came once again. It wasn’t as powerful as his tongue but it still made you a panting disaster.
Sanji lifted himself up and rubbed your inner thighs, “Oh—should I um—“
He seen you reach out for his cock but he grabbed your wrist, “don’t worry about me, sweetheart. It’s all about you. Lay back okay?”
He gently pushed you back on your back and he grabbed his shaft and swirled his tip inside you.
“You like that?” He looks up at you holding your knee.
“Okay baby imma go slow—-grab my hand.”
You let out a shaky breath and Sanji noticed, so he lowered himself closer and looked you in the eyes.
“It’s ganna be okay. Im Right here. You squeeze, scratch, or even bite my hand if it’s too much okay? Anything you need I’m here.”
“Okay.” His words were something to put you at ease, mostly because you knew he meant it. Sanji had a goal and that was to make this time special for you. And he plans to do just that so he slowly put his tip inside making your whine.
“Come here, I gotchu ..” He pushed his lips onto yours to help you get your mind of the sting and pressure, “It’s ganna hurt a little okay?”
“It’s okay…I Like it.”
He finally slid himself in very slowly, you gasped when you felt a little bit of liquid trickle down between you both. Sanji noticed it and looked down to see you bleeding.
“Okay..I’m inside you..do you…feel—ah.” Sanji moaned feeling the tightness wrapped around him and squeezed your hand. “Let me know when I can move okay?”
“Y-you can move.”
Sanji went unbareably slow, he seen the contort in your face and steadied his pace a little bit more faster but shallower.
The room began to fill with slapping of the skin and you both moaning into each other mouths. He felt amazing and you felt incredible.
“Sa—san…Ji! You feel…so good! Ah!”
Sanji started to feel his head get fuzzy, he began moving faster to the point the headboard was knocking on the wall in rhythm
It was painful just for a second until you felt his cock brush and find your g-spot.
“Y-yes! Sanji there! Yes!”
“Yeah? Ah-you feel amazing sweetie comhere—“ his last words were muffled from your lips he couldn’t stop at this point. He didn’t want to. His hand reached down to your clit rubbing messy circles to get you close.
You muffled that you were cuming, you felt tears running it felt so good, the same twist you felt before was coming back but this time it was more intense.
“San—Ji! Please…c-cum…cum inside me!”
He rolled his eyes back hearing your naughty request. He usually wore condoms but he wanted you to feel all of him.
“O-okay! Whatever you want baby whate—ah! Fuck cum with me please!”
You held onto his entire body tightly moaning and biting his shoulder. This was the best orgasm Sanji has ever had with you. You were so soft against his muscled body the whole time he didn’t want to left go. He moved his arms under your butt and squeezed you tightly against him making your lower half be lifted off the bed. Your fingers dug into his back repeating his name like a song. And it was to a Sanji. Your moans were beautiful and your scent was so addictive. You were definitely the woman he can do this every night with.
You both finally calmed down and he gave you one last sweet kiss before pulling out and seeing the damage. His cum was leaking out of you with a tinge of red liquid pooling through as well.
“Sanji..” Your Voice brought him out of his trance, “hold me?”
“Of course Baby of course!” He laid beside you and pulled you in close and you rested your head in his chest. “Good?”
“…did it…did it feel okay?”
“Yeah…felt amazing.” You played with his chest giving it small kisses of appreciation. “Thank you, Sanji.”
You looked back up at him and pecked his nose making him giggle lightly. “Thank you, for being my first.”
“Anything for you, my love.” Kissing you back once more, “And I hope to be your only.”
And that he was.
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getwhore · 9 months
Come & See Me
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❀Summary : Nothing major, just loverboy connie & his girlfriend.
❀cw : None really, whooole lotta fluff (barely any smut, very subjective at the end.)
❀Notes : YALLLL...I'm back (prolly not for long.) had a long hiatus, college is no joke. decided to put something together while im on break. not proofread so ntm. like always if u enjoy plssss like & reblog. asks are always open my loves <3
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“Amour, when are you finally gonna come ‘n see me? Been missing you.”
Hearing his soft, but deep voice emitting through your phone’s speaker made your stomach flutter.
Connie had been in France for a few weeks now for ‘business’. Most men can handle being away from their partners for months or years at a time. Connie does not fall into that category. He’s definitely on the clingier side, not being able to handle being away from you for longer than a couple of hours. He’d been begging you since the day he left to come with him, but every time you turn him down.
“I told you Con, I gotta wait for my paycheck.” You sighed as you curled the ginger colored hair around your curling iron. “Tickets to France are not cheap. And I’ve been missin’ you too, a lot.”
“Then lemme pay for your ticket. You be actin’ like imma make you pay me back or somethin’.”
You set the iron down and face your phone. Seeing Connie’s face in that lighting truly did make you wonder how you bagged that. Connie looked at you still, waiting for your response. You knew Connie had more than enough money to pay for your ticket, maybe even your whole family’s ticket if you wanted him to. You just hated having him spend so much money on you and you can barely afford to spoil him back. Even though he refuses to allow you to, you still want to give him as much love back as he’s given to you.
“Connie no. You already do too much with that spoiling shit. I wanna get it on my own, you know that.”
He sighed, rubbing his eyes in frustration. “Damn mami, stop being so damn stubborn. Just lemme help you.”
You picked up your curling wand again, twisting the ginger loc of hair around it. The more you thought about it, who were you to deny Connie? You knew if you said no, he’d just keep asking. That’s how you got the new Birkin hanging from your wall, and the bouquet of flowers sitting on your dining table, and the ginger lace you’re curling as you look at his puppy dog eyes. Finally, you give in. 
“Yes. You can buy the ticket.”
“Merci, mon amour.”
“Just don’t buy me no first class shit Connie. I’m serious.”
He just chuckled as he booked your tickets on his computer. A few minutes later, you got an email. Looking at the message, you saw Connie had booked a ticket for early the next morning, and it was first class. You rolled your eyes and removed the wrap from your head. You fluffed your hair and fixed your edges before walking to your closet for an outfit.
“Matter of fact, iré a buscarte yo mismo.” Connie mumbled under his breath.
“What’d you say Con?”
“Lemme call you back mami.”
You said goodbye and heard the dial tone a little after. You continued searching for an outfit, finally finding one. When you finished getting dressed, you grabbed your phone from your vanity and headed out of your room.
As you made your way to the kitchen, your phone rang. Picking it up was like holding up a mirror. You saw Connie’s contact at the top of your phone, but took the time to adjust your hair a little. After a few seconds you accepted the call, waiting for the reception to pick up before seeing Connie’s face in the camera. You sucked your teeth.
“Damn, Connie. You close enough to the phone or what?”
He chuckled, pulling his phone farther away from his face. He set it up on his desk before rummaging through his room. He was out of view, but every few seconds he’d throw a pile of clothes in the opposite direction. You squint your eyes, waiting a few seconds to confirm that what you were seeing was what you were really seeing. After a moment, you saw another pile of clothes fly in and back out of view again.
“Connie, what the fuck do you have goin’ on over there?”
You damn near choked on your water as he walked back into frame. He was shirtless, sporting a pair of sweatpants that were slightly too big for him as they sagged at his waistline. He bent over to look at you through the phone, flashing a smile. Damn near blinded you.
“Regarde-toi, tu es belle, bébé.” Connie muttered, licking his lips sensually.
You didn't completely understand what he was saying, but you knew enough to know what he was saying. It made your face heat up a little. You cleared your throat, maintaining your composure.
“Merci, Connie, but what are you doing over there?”
“I said it earlier, miel, I’m gonna come and get you.”
“Come and get me from where, Connie?”
“From the airport, duh. Cmon mami, I know you aren't that slow.”
You rolled your eyes, flipping Connie off before grabbing your keys from your kitchen counter. You locked the house up and started up your car, setting your phone in the phone stand beside the steering wheel.
You and Connie went back and forth during your drive. He complained about you not letting him buy your clothes, you complained about him begging to buy your clothes, and then complained about yourself being ‘too nice’ by giving in. 
“Sabes que no quiero que pagues por nada, cariño.”
“Ingles, Connie. You know my Spanish ain’t good.”
“You know I don’t need you payin’ for nothing mama, it’s all on me.”
You rolled your eyes, turning the engine off and stepping out of the car. You locked the doors, heading to the entrance.
“What store you at, mama?”
You giggled, walking into the front door and greeting a few employees. “Well, since it's on you, I need some more Fenty. I’m at Ulta, baby.”
Connie quietly winced, packing a few buds into his grinder.
“Pace yourself, you know how you get in Ulta, and Sephora, and all these other places.”
You rolled your eyes, walking to the foundation aisle. You picked up and tested multiple bottles of foundation, finding the right shade. Dropping it into your basket, you continued to wander around. You got to the hair product aisle, looking at the hair curlers and blow dryers. You picked one up, looking at the box before hearing Connie’s nagging on the phone again.
“No lo compre. You have enough curling irons.”
“But I don't have enough blow dryers. You know what Connie, how are you gonna tell me to buy what I want, but when I do issa problem.”
Connie coughed after taking a rip from his bong. He set the glass on his table, looking at you with small eyes.
“Not a problem, baby. Just tryna teach you better spending habits, that's all. But, if you want the iron then buy it, amour.”
You finished up your shopping, moving from Ulta to other clothing stores in the mall. Once you finished, it was almost 4PM. You took a quick trip to grab some food before finally making it home. You tossed your bags onto your bed, shuffling to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of wine. As you plop onto the sofa, glass of wine in hand, you finally let yourself relax. Connie was still on the other line (and had been for hours) but he was silent aside from the occasional background noises. You stared at him on the screen, watching as he paid close attention to whatever game he’d been playing.
You sigh loudly, making Connie’s head turn in your direction. He pauses his game and turns his attention to you. “Qué pasa, baby?”
“Nothin, Con.” You yawned, sighing again as you set your wine glass on the table before you. “Just sleepy.”
“You gotta stop stayin’ up so late, baby. That shit fucks with your head eventually.” He scolds you (but not rlly). 
You snuggle up under the blanket on your sofa, moaning from the comfort. You don’t respond to his semi lecture, just allowing yourself to relax. It doesn’t last that long though and you’re interrupted by a knock at the door.
Grumbling curses and complaints, you shuffle to the door and open it. You look around but nobody’s outside. Instead, a box sits on your welcome mat. You grab the box and close your door. Flipping the lights on and making your way back to the sofa, you see Connie’s back on the game. You call him, putting the box in the camera.
“Connie, did you send this?”
He squinted his eyes at the box, his eyes widening immediately. He smiles and leans back into his chair, one hand combing through his hair while the other nurses a neatly rolled blunt.
“I bought that like two months ago. Was supposed to be for our anniversary, but it'll definitely come in handy for tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” You try to piece together his hints. You’d honestly forgotten all about your flight the next morning.
He chuckled, taking another inhale from his blunt. “Don’t stress out about it, mama. You’ll find out tomorrow.”
“Yeah alright, Connie. Don’t make no promises that you can’t keep.”
He scoffed, ashing his blunt in the tray. “What exactly does that mean, baby?”
“The last time you were talking about some ‘tomorrow’ you passed out as soon as we got to the hotel. Talked allllat shit and spat all that game, just for me to not get no dick.”
“Ah, that’s what you’re worried about? Ne t'inquiète pas, bébé. Je te baiserai bien demain. You won’t even know what to do with yourself when I’m done with you.”
It was your turn to scoff this time, rolling your eyes. “Aight, if you say so. But when I have you begging for me tomorrow, I don’t wanna hear nothing.”
He laughed, mocking your words while you looked at him irritatingly through the camera. You took the gift box, wine, and your phone to your room to begin packing. Connie ended the call shortly after for a meeting. You took this time to listen to some music and pack your suitcase. The multiple glasses of wine had you feeling extremely relaxed. You’d find yourself distracted, singing along to whatever song was playing or dancing to the beat (or both). It took you two hours to thoroughly pack your suitcase, having to take many dance breaks and trying on multiple different outfits. 
Once you knew what you’d packed tightly into your suitcase was what you were taking, you grabbed the box cutter from your desk. Carefully, you slice through the thin tape over the box, setting it aside afterwards. You open the box slowly, your eyes widening as you look into it. Before your eyes was a somewhat elegant white lingerie set. It included the one piece lingerie and a silk robe to match. You picked it up out of the box, admiring the frilly pieces attached. Under the robe was a pair of heels to go along with the ensemble. Finally, you picked up a small pouch. You opened it, finding a note inside.
‘Feliz aniversario, mi corazón. Can’t wait to see u in this later. -Con’
You packed everything into a small bag, which matched with your suitcase. You’d finally finished packing. It was almost 11pm, so you decided to put your bags in front of the door for tomorrow. You placed a pair of sweats and a hoodie out for your airport outfit tomorrow. Finally, you turned off all the lights in your apartment, scheduled your alarm, and curled up under your blankets as you fell asleep to the soft murmuring of the tv.
Early the next morning you’re up an hour before your 4am alarm. You use this time to do some last minute arrangements to your luggage, fix your hair if necessary, and do a little makeup.
Your flight was at 6:45, so you needed to be out of the house by at least 5:30. You didn't leave until 6, meaning you’d have to speed to the airport and try your best to get through and on your plane. Luckily, you made your flight on time (only because of a delay) and took off safely. You sent a text to Connie before turning your phone on airplane mode before drifting to sleep.
You woke up to the flight attendant softly nudging you, letting you know you’d be landing shortly. You thank her and get yourself together. When the plane lands, you make your way to the baggage area. You text Connie, confirming your arrival before you grab your bags and head to the front to wait. As you made your way to sit in a nearby chair, you heard someone call your name. You looked to your left, then to your right, but you didn’t see anyone. You heard it again, but this time it was closer. You turn behind you to see Connie jogging towards you. Immediately, your bags are abandoned and you meet Connie, finally getting to feel his touch and inhale his scent after weeks of going without it.
Connie pulled away, kissing your temple before stepping back. “Damn ma, you look so good. Tu m'as manqué, bébé.”
“I missed you too, Con.”
“Your French is getting better I see.” He teased. You smacked his chest, walking to grab your bags. Connie tsk’s as he takes your bags and carries them himself. The gesture was just bare minimum behavior, but it still didn't keep the butterflies in your stomach from forming quickly.
When you stepped outside of the airport, you didn’t expect to see the night sky mixing with the near setting sun. When you asked Connie for the time, you didn’t expect to hear him say it was 4pm. You were still adjusting to the time adjustment so your brain was somewhat foggy. When you made it to his car, he opened the door for you first and allowed you to get comfortable before putting your bags in the trunk. When he gets in the car, he can't help but to lock the doors and kiss you. He missed you way more than you knew, but you knew that he’d do anything possible to make it up to you.
“Cooon, not here..” You whispered breathly in his ear. He just groans and pulls away from you.
He kissed you one more time, then turned on the car. The drive to his hotel was somewhat silent. You’d think he’d be more talkative because of how badly he missed you. Instead, he kept a firm grip on the steering wheel, only speaking a few times the whole ride. 
When you arrived at his hotel, he opened your door again. You fought with him to carry your duffel bag up to the room while he carried your suitcase and the room key. The hotel was beautiful to say the least. When you walked into the room, your heart fluttered and thumped in excitement. The room was dark except for the candles flickering. When you flipped the light switch, you inaudibly gasped. He had petals on the ground leading from the walkway to his bed, where a few boxes laid on top.
“Connie..you didn’t.” You felt tears brimming your eyes, looking up at him. He held your duffle bag, urging you to go inside. When you get inside, he closes the door behind you (and makes sure to hang the ‘Ne Pas Déranger!’ sign on the door handle).
You waited until he stood in front of you to open the biggest box (as he instructed). Inside was an assortment of toys and a set of handcuffs and a blindfold. You looked up at him with a ‘really?’ look. He simply shrugged.
“Don’t act like you don’t love when I use toys on you. Open the last one now, baby.”
You rolled your eyes, but picked up the box. You unwrapped it and looked at the small, black box. Hesitantly, you open it. Inside was the most beautiful ring you’d seen. When you went to look up at Connie, he’d already been kneeling in front of you. Your face scrunched up, trying your hardest not to cry as he holds one of your hands in both of his. He inhales, swallowing tears of his own. 
“Do you remember the day we met, baby? You were working at that coffee shop on campus.”
You giggled, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
“Yeah, and you asked me some stupid ass question about-”
“How many grams of protein was in the bagel and the cream cheese you’d just given me.” He interrupted, laughing with you. “You gotta give me credit, baby, it was the only way I could think to talk to you. You were way outta my league.”
You scoffed. “Nah, you were out of my league. But you still got my number though..after waiting like two months.”
“Yeah, you’re a stubborn one.” He looked away from you for a second to collect himself. “But that’s what I love about you.”
“You know what you want, and you make it known that you’ll do whatever to get it. When you said we could be friends, you have no idea how excited I was. I made sure to text you every morning, between classes, and before bed. I knew you were busy, but I wanted you to know I was gonna be there for you always. When I broke up with my last girl, you were there for me. When your ex cheated on you I was there for you. Even though you stayed longer than I’d like, I still showed my support for you.”
“Through all that, I saw how much trust you put in me and how much you let me into your heart. Two years after we met I asked you to be my girlfriend. Of course you said no, because you’re so damn stubborn.”
“Connie you asked me to be your girlfriend in the Wendy’s drive thru, of course I was gonna say no.”
He held his heart as if he were hurt by your comment. “It wasn't even about allat. I loved you and I knew if I didn't at least try I wouldn't be able to live with myself.”
“But I eventually said yes, didn’t I?”
He nodded, kissing the back of your hand. “Si, you did. And now I’m asking you to be my wife.”
“In a hotel.”
He rolled his eyes. “Oui, but a hotel in France.”
“I’m joking, Con. I’ll marry you. Doesn’t matter where, when, or how. I love you.”
“And I love you, cariño.”
You handed him the box and watched as he slipped the ring on your finger. He stood to his feet, embracing you tightly. When he pulled away, he wiped the tears from your cheeks, sighing at your complaints of him ‘ruining your makeup’. 
“You think it’s ruined now? Just wait until I get you naked on this bed, mami.”
You roll your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You can’t not make a sex joke, can you? It hasn’t been 2 minutes since you proposed and you’ve already got sex on your mind.”
“It’s what I’m good at. Besides making you scream..”
“Connie..” You walked away from him, walking into the bathroom to touch up your makeup. He followed, letting his hands grab at your waist.
“Baby, can you grab that box out of my suitcase?”
“What b-oooh that box.”
He smirked at you through the mirror, leaving a kiss on your neck before walking away to rummage through your luggage. Through your peripheral vision, you could see Connie tossing article after article of clothing out of your suitcase and behind him onto the floor. You rolled your eyes, poking your head out of the door to scold him, but it was almost as if he felt you staring daggers into the back of his head as he muttered a quick ‘désolée’ before finding the box. He stood to his feet, walking back to you with a smile on his face. You give him a sarcastic smile back, pushing him out of the bathroom before shutting the door and locking it.
No longer than 10 seconds and he was already complaining on the other side of the door. 
“Mamiiiiii, do you really have to have the door closed and locked? Tu es si dramatique”
“I’m not dramatic, Con, you just can't control yourself.”
You rolled your eyes as he sighed dramatically on the other side of the door. You slipped into the lingerie set, not quite being able to reach behind to tie the string. Grabbing two towels, you wrap one around the top half of your body and one around the bottom, leaving only your back exposed. Unlocking the door, you open it to find Connie leaning against the doorframe. Sighing, you turn back around, facing away from him.
“I need you to tie the string.”
He tilted his head in confusion. “Why all the towels?”
“You can’t control yourself.”
He scoffed, taking both pieces of string in his hand to pull them and tie them tightly and properly. Turning you back around, he looked in your eyes, then down to your stomach, then back up to your eyes. You watched as he basically eye fucked you before closing the door again. Sitting on the lid of the toilet, you slip your feet into the clear heels he’d also gifted you, tightening the strap on both. Slowly, you stood up, walking over to the mirror to fluff your hair a little and adjust your breasts. Finally, you slipped on the robe, tying it around your waist. 
Flipping the switch, the bathroom quickly lost light. You took a deep breath, feeling your anxiety bubble up in your chest. 
“‘Kay, I’m coming out. Close your eyes, Connie.”
He giggles, covering his eyes with both palms. “They’re closed, baby. Amène ton cul sexy ici, bébé.”
You twisted the knob on the door, slowly opening it. You walk over to Connie, your heels announcing your every step as they knock on the floor. Connie knows when you’ve stopped walking. Not just because your heels stopped hitting against the floor, but he could smell you. Keeping his eyes closed, he removed both hands from his eyes, pulling you closer between his open legs. He smooths his cold hands over your body, groaning softly as he tugs at the silk fabric. You shudder at that, trying your hardest not to moan.
“You can open 'em now, Con.”
Quickly, his eyes shot open, taking in everything he saw before him. The sight of your hair pinned back, just to keep the strands from in your face, the way your tits sat up beautifully through the see-through silk robe you had on, your painted toes peeking through your heels. Everything made Connie insanely hard. He knew he should take his time, but it was hard seeing you so…nude, but not even nude. He brought his hands up to your waist, toying with the ribbon. Your silent whines let him know all he needed to. Slowly and calculated, he unties the ribbon, letting it fall. The robe opened up just enough for him to see your belly piercing in front of his face. Placing a soft kiss on your belly, he pulled the robe open, exposing the rest of your front. He could finally see those thighs on full display, wanting nothing more than to mark them up and make you cry. 
“Take it off, mami. Go ahead, don’t be shy. You was talkin’ all that shit yesterday, what happened?”
“Shut up, Connie.” You slipped your arms out of the robe, letting it drop to the floor behind you. Connie looked you up and down again, licking his lips seductively before turning you around. Roughly, he placed both palms on your hips, squeezing them enough to have you groaning. The sounds that left your mouth made him twitch in his pants. As much as he wanted to tease you, he was tired of waiting to have you. It was so much easier when you weren’t standing in front of him.
Quickly, Connie stood up from the bed, cupping your face in his hands. The way he towered over you made you feel so small…so submissive. Softly, he moved his hands from your face to your shoulders, softly pushing down on them. You quickly received the hint and got onto your knees, placing your hands on top of them. You watched intently and quietly as he slowly unbuckled his belt, removing it completely and tossing it on the bed behind you. When you reached up to unbutton his pants, he softly slapped your hands away.
“Almost forgot. Go ahead and grab those cuffs in that bag next to you.”
You reached into the bag, grabbing the matte black handcuffs and handing them over. Once you set them in his hand, Connie moved behind you, cuffing both of your wrists behind your back. Once he had you confirm the cuffs were tight, he moved back in front of you. He held a slight smirk, placing his hand on your head while he looked down on you. He lightly tapped the side of your face with his other hand, sighing heavily.
“You know what your safeword is, right?”
You nod. “It’s __.”
“And what’s my name for tonight? What are you gonna call me when I’m digging in it?”
You bite your lip in concentration, fingers fidgeting behind your back while he looked at you impatiently. His intense look made your eyes twinkle with realization.
“Papi…or sir, but you don’t really like sir like that Con, do you?” You ramble. He chuckles lightly, shaking his head.
“And in the event that you’ve got my dick or sum in your mouth, what do you do when you wanna stop?”
“Three taps, pinches, or slaps on whatever I can reach."
He didn’t respond, just nodded. Finally, he kisses your forehead, unbuttoning his pants. He keeps them at his waist, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“I’m gonna beat that pussy up, baby. Gonna make you cum until you cry.”
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
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moodboard by @chennqingg <3
Rules To Break
Jotun!Prince!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Æsir!Princess!Reader
Summary: Prince Loki of Jotunheim - son of King Laufey and heir to the throne is assigned to train a bunch of Asgardian men, in order to turn them into warriors. What happens when Odin's daughter, Princess Y/N crosses his paths in ways he would've never expected? While the Prince is completely unaware, the Princess struggles to keep up her several masquerades...
Warnings for this Chapter: uhhh... royal things?
Word Count: 2,2k
a/n: I promised you guys and well... It's finally here! 😁 The first chapter of the prequel to 'By the Fireplace'! 🥳 This is basically about the back story of Loki and Y/N. How they met and so on, you know. I hope you are going to like it! ☺️
I split the story up into five parts, so... There's a whole lotta more to come!
Divider by the lovely @fictive-sl0th &lt;3
Tagging: @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @muddyorbs @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @theaudacitytowrite @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @linaax @coldnique @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002 @aagn360 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @kikster606 @somewiseguy @huntress-artemiss @lunarnights95 @fire-treasure-iii
Ice Flower AU Masterlist ❄ Masterlist
Chapter Two
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Chapter One
The High Council of Asgard – decades before Loki's reign
"It is decided then?" Asked the Allfather his ally and good friend - King Laufey of Jotunheim, who sat across the golden table in the council room. The Frost Giant nodded, lifting his goblet of mead as a sign for his approval. "It is decided. As soon as I am back home, I am going to set everything into motion and send you my son as soon as possible." Odin lifted his goblet as well and gave the Jotun king a nod. "Here's to our alliance." "Here's to our alliance."
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"Skane, go get my son. I need to talk to him." Laufey told his advisor as soon as he walked through the big, heavy doors of the palace. "Yes, your majesty." Skane bowed to him and left his side immediately, in order to execute his king's order.
The prince wasn't very difficult to find these days. He'd be either in his chambers, the library or the training grounds. Today, Skane found the prince in the library, nose buried in a book. "My prince? Apologies for the disturbance, but your father is back and he wishes to see you immediately." With a slightly annoyed huff, the young prince closed his book. When his father called for him, it was wise to not let him wait. It was a lesson he had learned quite fast and early in his life. So, the heir to the throne followed his father's advisor without complaining. "Do you know what he wishes to talk about with me?" Skane shook his head. "Unfortunately not, my prince, no." The two men made the rest of the way to the throne room in silence. The heavy stone doors swung open with a thud, revealing King Laufey, who was seated upon his throne. "Father! You're back! I hope you had a pleasant return trip. How did the council meetings go?" The prince asked in a rather cheerful voice, knowing that the king likes to be welcomed back duly. "Just fine, son. We need to talk." Laufey said, standing up. "Let's go for a walk, shall we?" Loki took a small bow. "As you wish father."
King and prince went on a walk through the barren and bleak royal gardens then. Not a single flower was blooming in the beds. Well, Jotunheim had just gone through a very rough and cold winter. But spring was definitely approaching. The small buds on the trees were the proof. Soon, the cold realm would shine in all its magical glory. "What were you up to when I was away, son?" The prince shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, you know father... The usual. Reading, training, a bit of hunting..." Loki didn't dare to mention, that he plagued the one or other royal staff member with his pranks. He was a grown man, but sometimes he liked to act like a younger version of himself. Praying to the Norns his father wouldn't get whiff of it. "Sounds auspicious." Loki gave his father a nod, before asking again: "What is it you want to talk about?" Laufey took a breath. "The Allfather asked me for a favour..." His father's words caused Loki's expression to darken. He suddenly had a very bad feeling – and a guess. "Father, is this once again about me getting married? If so, I told you that I do not wish to get married now. I don't want to-" "It is not." Laufey interrupted his son's rant. "Even if I'd be more than just pleased, when you'd finally find a woman. It is long overdue. When I was your age, your mother was already pregnant with you. Our people are expecting this. They wish to see their future king finding his queen and provide an heir to the throne." The young prince rolled secretly his eyes, hearing this for the thousandth time. Oh how often he had this conversation with his father already. How often did they end up in a fight because of this… So, Loki tried to swallow his anger and pride. "I know, father, I know. I will get to it, I promise. I'm going to give the people what they want. Just not now." Laufey sighed, knowing that he had lost - like so often. What more could he do than telling his son over and over again?
"What is the favour the Allfather asked you to do then?" "Well… Strictly speaking, he is asking you." The raven-haired Jotun stopped in his tracks, quite surprised. "Me??" The king stopped in his movements as well, facing his son. "Yes. He needs a good warrior to train meticulously chosen Æsir. Someone who can turn them into soldiers within a month." Loki frowned. "What of prince Thor? He is a great warrior." "The crown prince is detained; currently stuck on Muspelheim for royal duties. If prince Thor's conversations with Surtur are not fruitful..." Loki quickly connected the dots. "Odin wants to be prepared." Laufey nodded. "Exactly." "But... Why me? There are great warriors on Asgard." The king placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Because he wants the best."
That was how Loki, son of Laufey, crown prince of Jotunheim landed on Asgard a mere week later - ready and prepared to train a handful of amateurs. Men, who didn't even yield a weapon before. But the Allfather didn't ask Loki for nothing. If someone could handle this, it was him. Odin and Laufey were sure of it.
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"A royal… warrior academy?" You asked your father, who sat across from you on the dining table. "Yes, my dear. In case your brother's attempts of negotiation fail, we have to be prepared - and given the fact that we don't have enough warriors, we need to train more men." "Why only men, father? What if there are women who'd like to become a warriors as well?" You spoke in a demanding voice, crossing your arms. "Because only men become warriors. You, of all, should know that, daughter." "What of Sif? Isn't she a warrior, too?" "Sif is an exception. The only exception." You felt how the anger started to rise within you. "What if I wanted to become a warrior, instead of a princess?" Your father scoffed, already hating where this conversation was going. "I am not discussing this with you again, Y/N. We've talked about this. Several times. I won't allow my only daughter to spend her days on the training grounds. You have other duties to tend to! Find a husband for example!" You looked away, gritting your teeth. You hated it. Just because you were a woman and highly interested in learning how to fight properly, didn't mean you'd neglect your duties as a princess. And yes. Sometimes you rather wished to be warrior and not a princess. But who were you to choose? You had no other choice than to accept the place you were in - like your father so often told you. But what if... An idea suddenly crossed your mind. Hiding the smile on your face, you told your father what he wanted to hear. "I beg you pardon, father. You are right, of course."
"You are planning to do what?!" Estrid - your personal maid turned best friend asked with wide, frightened eyes. The young woman shook her head. "Y-Your highness, that is... foolish and risky a-and-" You grabbed the girl's shaking shoulders, causing her eyes to fixate on you. "I know, Estrid, I know. But I have to do it. It's probably the only chance I will ever get in my whole life. Father is never going to let me on the training grounds and I can't always sneak into the old armoury to train. It's my dream, Estrid." Your friend sighed, again shaking her head. "I know, Y/N, but it's dangerous." You nodded. "It is. That's why I need you to maintain my cover. Can you do that for me? Please?" She swallowed, thoughts running at lightning speed through her brain. "I know I ask a lot from you, but please. You are my best friend. I trust you." A moment of silence passed, before Estrid started to nod, giving in. "Alright. Alright... I'll do it." A relieved breath left your lips. "Oh thank the Norns!" You lunged forward then, hugging the blonde-haired woman. "Thank you so much." Estrid offered you a nervous smile, nodding. "Don't worry. We are going to make this." Again a nod. "Do you even know who is going to lead the training?" You swallowed hard. "Yes. Prince Loki of Jotunheim." Once again the maid's eyes widened. "Prince Loki of Jotunheim? I heard he is a very cold, harsh man... And his father is a very good friend of the king. Y/N, this is really risky. You can only hope that he won't look through your charade... If he does, you are in big trouble..." "He won't, Estrid. He won't." "I hope so..." The woman stated, taking a short break before continuing. "Have you ever met prince Loki?" "Personally? No. I have seen him once, but that was ages ago. Thor sees him way more often, given the fact that he's the future king. Plus, they are kind of friends, so..." A cheeky smile darted over Estrid's face at your words. "He may be a cold and brutal Frost Giant, but I also heard that he is a very handsome man and an even greater lover. Hopefully you won't get distracted on your mission." You scoffed, shaking your head appalled. "Certainly not, Estrid. No man or prince will be able to distract me. Don't you worry."
Little did you know, that you were going to eat your words just a few days later...
"How do I look?" You asked Estrid as you stood in front of the full-length mirror in your chambers, eying your good work. The young maid stood beside you, mouth formed to a perfect 'o'. "You look... amazing, your highness..." She was visibly and audibly stunned. You were surprised, too. You didn't know that you were able to turn your appearance into a man that easily. You wore a traditional Asgardian tunic - male tunic. One that hid the curves which indicated you were a woman. You had cut your own hair quite a bit, turning it into a man bun. All your female features were mostly gone. It was breath-taking. "Yes, I do. It's almost terrifying." "Now you need to just work on a deeper voice and a more manly walk." You turned to meet Estrid. "By the Norns, you're right! I-I mean..." You cleared your throat and tried to lower your voice as deep as possible. "By the Norns, you're right!" Estrid broke out in giggles. "Not good?" "No, no, no, I mean... It's good, Y/N! It's perfect. All you have to do is work on your walk, but the rest... If you can keep that up, no one's going to notice it." "Let's hope then I can keep it up." Estrid nodded. "And now let's go. Unless you'll be late." You grabbed your things and sneaked with your friend through the secret passageway only you, Thor, Estrid and the Warriors Three knew of, out of the palace. "You know what to do?" "I know what to do. Don't worry, my princess." With a last goodbye and a hug, you swung yourself onto your horse (which Estrid had kindly prepared for you earlier) and rode off. Your parents thought you went on a 'learning journey' through Asgard, getting to know different plants and animals... Advanced training, so to speak. Estrid had the task to maintain the cover for you.
The training camp was on the outskirts of the city. It was about an hour ride away from the palace. You had managed to sneak into your father's office and write a fake name on the list, so you'd be surely awaited. And indeed... Two guards were standing in front of the big wooden doors. The piece of land was fenced by high, thick walls. You took a deep breath, as you neared the doors. This was your dream, wasn't it? All you ever wished for. Why were you so nervous now? Your horse came to an halt in front of the guards and you dismounted the horse, before you took a small bow to the guards. "I'm here for the royal training, in order to serve the king and Asgard." You spoke in your deepest voice possibly, hoping that the guards would buy it. They did. "Name?" One of them asked, eyes fixated on a list. "Váli Ákison." The guard's eyes roamed over the list, before he nodded. "Open the door." The door got opened for you, causing you to swing back onto your horse and ride inside the camp. Your eyes widened at the sight before you. There we a lot of beautifully crafted tents, alongside a big fireplace. Men were bustling around everywhere. Some of them in tunics like you. Some of them already dressed in traditional Asgardian armour and a few of them, which you recognised as palace guards. Excitement spread through your whole body.
After you were handed your armour and assigned a tent, you retreated into said tent to change. You were ready. More than ready for this.
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queenofshadowsss · 2 months
I have started Fourth Wing
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Only a couple pages in but so far not badddddd
Loving Mira at the moment - seems like a total badass
Vibing with violet too (hehe). Girl just wanted to bring her books and Mira was like girl please.
Mira could totally step on me
Waiting for the hot men, dragons, and a whole lotta action . Very excited!
Mira Fanart by @bookishfaequeen
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yelling-space · 9 months
sex hcs
// Might be a lil heavy 4 a first post idk??? thought it be a good indicator of what u can expect from me in relation 2 each charter encase that's sming u want 2 avoid tho,
so enjoy this short summary the Main 4s feelings on/relationship with sex and daans here 2 for some reason
none the left over colours fitted Enki so i made him pink 2 spite him
Cw :(Impyed) child prostitution + s/a
-whore by birth,slut by choise
-has a hate-love relationship with sex(regardless position) and kinda treats it like a "get out of jail free" card, rellised from a young age the amount of horrble suitions he can get out of if he opens his mouth a lil wider and swings his hips a little
-can be pear pressured/guilted into agreeing 2 sex + for as mutch as hes into and enjoys sex he feels so gross and unclean and not comfy in his own skin after regadles who its with (he will internaly throw up and try 2 rip his skin of if you call him "exotic")
-will cry if he has totally normal fully consensual sane safe sex w a partner/ his wife
-doesnt understand the religious belifes of immodesty or sodomy esply when those higher up dont tend 2 practice what they preach , OPPOSITE of a prude , open whore.
-closeted butch top that didnt realize her desire to fuck pretty men was actually her lesbian soul shining through
-lotta her,,,less practical ,vewis on sex stem from deep rooted homophba + was 2 goal oriented and determined 2 became a knight 2 even think about or consider it before espacping the dugon
-full heartedly believed all women harbour a disgust 4 the male sex organ and that coupes just did not have sex endless it was 2 convive a child , as you can imagine she was in for a surprise when discovering that was not the case.
-horrifically inexperienced and guided by her desire to dominate, and thus becomes known for owning The Scary Strap" that medieval men are afraid of
-Dead body fucker. That Necromancy spell is NOT going to just go too waist ,
-not all that interested in sex in general and never really saw any reason to engage with it when spell books are literally RIGHT there . saying that he most definitely gets of on having something completely under his control regardless what end the "fucked-fucking" scale he's on
- not really into sex with living people + how he's probably kind of inexperienced due to an isolated upbringing hence the want for control over puppeteering a sexual partner (dead body), or the high he gets off inflicting acts of sadism given how his ideas of intimacy have been twisted from childhood
-100%%%%%%% a fucking freek btw just cuz hes not 2 instered in sex dosnt mean hes not a fucking freek man fucks dead people and probs vry mutch into s/m
-wife kink. you don't understand how much he loves his wife.
-probs thinks sex is something shared between two lovers and is something meant 2 be full of affection and enjoyed by both party's
-probs see's s/a being viewed as something incredibly disrespectful, cowardly and the abuser deserve of death getting his shit kicked in (this is funny because i like 2 imagen rag starts projecting his dead wife onto cahara when he starts 2 lose it in the dungeon)
-did not know sex work existed or brothels were a thing, got jump scared by it when taking cahra back 2 see his wife with the others , he was vry confused and not rly sure where he was MENT 2 look so spent most the time with his eyes glued to the floor, celling or his friends faces (he respects women even if he's not rly sure what's going on)
-lil sex adictic freek , dosnt even realy enjoy sex that much,just so used 2 it being apart his life hes not entirely sure what 2 do without it,+allows himself to ast least feel incontrol the situion (for once in his life) cus he knows what the goal is and faster he gets it over with faster he'll be left to his own devices again.
-sex is all he rly knowns and grown up around, as well as one the only things hes ever seen actually be meaningful to anybody,regardless there relationships with there partner. but it feels like its something he owes people/doesnt really enjoy it regardless if he acrly wants it or not.
-dosnt proply understand how relationships work or that there's more 2 them then just sex (or that people could even *want* him for more then sex for that matter)
-sex was allways seen as something transactional or something for control - cant have any of that with fagcat, but can at least indulge in it in a way that makes him feel like he's way 2 finally has some small aspect control his life again.
-Honesty like ¾ his sex life is just him being abused by Pocketcat
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ghoulysaphomet · 6 months
Holo there
Name's Saphomet (He/it)
Most refer to me as Ghost, or something else. I am known by many names, truly.
I'm in my mid-20s and not suitable for minors.
This is my AO3/Writing/Fanart focused account. Here, I ramble about my WIPs, ideas, inspirations, ect. I also try to post fanart whenever I actually get around to draw.
My works tend to either be Angst, Crack or Smut. If you've come here from reading something by me, then this is probably not a surprise.
I love incorporating themes of death into my works, like ghosts, tragedy, grief, rebirth, cannibalism, ect. I also love monsters::)
I also like to share AU ideas (when I remember to do it) - if any of my ideas inspire you to create, go for it! If anyone does create from any of my ideas, then I'd love to see it!
Main account where i reblog whatever i want: @timstolejasonscorpseagain
Feel free to send me asks here or there!! I love getting asks (beware, I tend to ramble...)
I've written fanfic since 2012-3, can't remember for sure, and posted them to deviantart and ffnet. I moved to ao3 in 2014.
I have a lotta wips. Sorry 'bout that.
Terfs and bigots of any kind aren't welcome::) fuck off::)
If you've read any of my works and have any questions feel free to ask!
Wishing everyone a good day.
A list of my all-time favourite fanfictions
In alphabetical order. I will attempt to update this as I find more stuff to read! ::,)
(apparently there's a link limit to add in a post...)
Ao No Exorcist 
The sound of an omen from the center of a hurricane by bluewindfall
Batman (all types)
A word, a look, will be enough by feyburner (18+)
Artificial Gravel by thenafics
Bang, bang by Ididloveyou_once
Batman is a Very Serious Scary Vigilante by akcugrai
Black, Blue, and Red All Over by writewhatyouwanttoread
chew until it bleeds by dukeaubergine (18+)
dead men tell no tales 'verse by Mikkal
don't come back for me by Soltoc
i know the end by WhatTheHeckIsGoingOn
I’m Pretty Sure Tim Steals Clothes: An Elaboration In The Form Of A Long Fic by PrinceJakeFireCake
in the doghouse now by Fenris13 [18+, series]
IRIS Log #1548 by deadchannelradio
Jason Todd's Guides for The Respectable Zombie Series by A_Fandom_Related_Name
Lone Wolf by SalParadiseLost
my hero. series by Anonymous [18+]
Not so Alone by Blueseabird2
of crime lords and literature by adelfie
Playing with Matches by CrouchingTiger28
The Vertex of My Redemption Arc by cryptic_losers
This Dark Ceiling Without a Star by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday
(How to) Forgive and forget by Legal_kidnapping
And thus, we live  by  Kail_lizuc
Everything I want to do is illegal- a self help book- by AdyingFlower
Grandmaster of miscalculation by silver jackdaw (cizzi)
Lovers of lost dimensions by Miss_nighteye (terryh) (18+)
Lusus Naturae by WildTama
Neutrality order (Series) by AngeliaDark  (suggestive themes)
Proximal by artistfingers, Perfectly_Inconspicuou
Something's gotta give by Worldstubbiestcat (confirmed Discontinued)
Speak no evil by bibivi 
Speak of the devil by Gentrychild
Take only what you need by Intent_To_Stay (Confirmed discontinued)
Yesterday upon the stair by PitViperOfDoom
Danny Phantom 
by your grave (the monster we made) by UnderForeversGrace
Death Day Evolution by gamma_radio
definition of insanity (is doing the same thing) by UnderForeversGrace
lie like a tombstone (yet secrets will bloom) by murphy_kitt
Tourist Repellent by TorScrawls
Vice series by dweeblet, paenling (dweeblet), Patchykins
What Big Eyes You Have by Gingersnapped
What it means to be by UnderForeversGrace
worth the war underneath my skin by UnderForeversGrace
DP x DC 
a part of me that'll never be mine by halfagone (milkywxy)
Bus to Nowhere by foldingfacets 
Funeral Rites by BumblingBeesAndWillowTrees
Have You Heard of Danny Wayne? by FortunateCookie
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire
I'm King Boo by TourettesDog
Life, Death, and In Between by SaturdayNightFrights
Our Empty Graves by suomifae
Phantom Children: Redux by apotheosis_avaritia
Phoenix Down by Imp_y
regular boy: daniel wayne by diamondrozie
TWINcognito mode by nerdpoe
Gravity Falls
Blood bath by RoboticSpaceCase (18+)  
Faking it by BurnerAccount (18+)
Hunter x Hunter
Once bitten x Twice shy by korns
Song for the Yellowed Woods by Grandoverlord
Legend of Zelda
A Hero’s spirit by SilvermistAnimeLover 
Language of Monsters by Laufskadus
sewn back together wrong by ballroomnotoriety
Linked Universe 
Alone we fight by SilvermistAnimeLover
Bush Ghost by Tricksterburd
Degrees of Resurrection by Gintrinsic
Creation (Both Haunted and Holy) by GhostPlasma
In a mockery of recollection series by Depths
Let's not and say we did by sincerelyMystic
Scales, Wings, and Mythical Things by FantomoDrako
Year of the Rabbit by BlindBrilliance
Flip the coin/Face the change by Inrainbowz
Time travel? What the fuck? by Dragonpyre
One Piece
(Ir)Responsible by oumriel
(Two) small mercies by fingersfallingupwards
Burning rubber series by Kitsune foxfire (crossover)
Feral by Kitsune foxfire
Near death experiences by Monch_Monch
Switching it up by kitsune-foxfire
Take the world by storm by Geokat
Turning myself into my brother by artistic_arsonist
Young but built to fall by Fingers-falling-upwards
A spanner in the clockworks by All_five_pieces_of_exodia
ache in the rain (and remember the wounds) by Scribblurri
Auribus Teneo Lupum by Unknown
Ben has two dads by regala_electra (18+)
Brothers blood series by diana_lucifera, stormageddon
Delicate broken bird by Sparrowshellcat
Consequentiality by Kerfluffling (18+)
Fortress by glasslogic (18+)
Memory is a fickle siren song by sleepypercy (18+)
The Time Dean was Sam's Girlfriend and Jess Entered the Winchester Family Business, and Something unpredictable (but in the end it’s right) by fleshflutter and  phoenixflight for fleshflutter  (in the same section since 1 is a sequel done by a separate author and isn’t a series. 18+) 
I want to make it clear that regardless of whether a work is finished or not, there is no shade or shame at all from my side. It's been an absolute pleasure to read any of these works, and the authors owe me nothing.
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grandparomeaskblog · 1 month
Imperium Romanum Bros
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Rome / Romulus
full name: Tullus Lupercius Romulus
profession: retired empire
highest military position: Optio Centuriae to Hastatus Prior
(2nd in command to the 5th Centurio, thus in charge of 150 men aged 20-25 of the elite troops of the first cohort)
highest military decoration: Civic Crown
marriage status: unmarried
alignment: lawful neutral
nationality: former Roman, now stateless
residence: no fixed abode
height: 1.64 m / 5'4
appearant age: 28
Religion: Roman Catholic officially, more traditional pagan actually
Transportation: he walks mostly
Favourite clothes: loose fitted styles mostly, shorts, armani jeans, sweatpants, sandals, loafers
favourite colours: white, lavender, reds
sports: F1, chariot racing (team white!!!)
fav food: Take out, cheap beers or expense wines, lotta fish sauce or ketchup, snickers
dreamjob: plasterer
Hobbies: watching sports, walking, hitting the gym, drawing (botanical stuff mainly)
Constantinople / Dinos (Ντίνος) / Rûm (Ῥώμη)
fullname: Kōnstantînos Hatzikaratheodoris
(Κωνσταντίνος Χατζηkαραθεοδωρή)
profession: representative of the Rûm
highest official position: senator
marriage status: widower (to Iullia)
alignment: lawful evil
nationality: Turkish (That's what his passport says. Ha Ha loser!)
residence: Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
height: 1.67 m / 5'5
appearant age: 45
Religion: Greek Orthodox
Transportation: Public transport. He sold his car to be more climate neutral, he does own an electric bike.
Food/drinks/drugs: He has a bit of a sweet tooth. He tries to stick to vegan foods. His favourite treat is a magnum almond, they do sell a vegan version, but he buys the regular as a guilty pleasure! He was an alcoholic but quit drinking after Greece died. He has experimented a lot with drugs. He smokes sigarets and tries to quit three times a year.
Favourite clothes: tailor made suits
taste in jewellery: gold and gems, chains, earrings, watches, rings
favourite colours: purple and blues
description of home: three story apartment with a view to the Bosporus. It's stuffed with books and numbered boxes because he is a hoarder. Only the ground level is tidy enough to have guests over. His furniture is old fashioned but decent, built to last and stylish.
Funfacts: hobbies include beatboxing, making counterfeit money&documents, restoration of old books/art, writing poetry. He is a conspiracy theorist.
Pet: thaleia, the straycat
Music: He plays a Cello he named 'me julie'
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For the qsmp valetines event, for my giftee @routeriver
howdy!! sorry for the hold up on this one, i went through 4 drafts of this story idea many times until i settled for this one ultimately dhjex hope it's at leasy up to ur taste!!
Some warnings:
-mentions of cannibalism
-unhealthy relationships
-just girls being girls
-some relgious imagery
-a whole lotta demonic imagery/mentions of it at least
But please enjoy some demon!tina x human!bagi :)))
Word count: 1500
The other wordly consumed Bagi's mind, far longer than she was capable of remembering anything.
As where there were meant to be memories were feelings, thoughts–ones she drew down with crayons and a tiny fist. Ranging from spooky men in clothes, the shadowy figures in her room, and more often than not, demons. Demons whose horns curled into knife-like edges, gangly bodies, and claws who knew just how vulnerable human flesh is.
Her obsession sent her into a spiral.
From scrawling demonic pentagrams out of crayons, to drawing pentagrams out of her own blood in high school. It all amounted to nothing in the end.
No breakthroughs or simple summoning gone right.
So she had to become an adult when she was out of excuses. She became the proud graduate her parents wanted, and went to solve the mysteries of the real world.
But the itch to settle old affairs never left her.
So her brother presents her with a book, rustic and its bindings rotting–but ancient with a story: A witch that lived isolated in the woods. One day, the children of the nearest village began to go missing, one-by-one. A mob was sent knocking at the old hag's hut the next day, and what they found was not a rugged woman cooking their children for stew, but a creature ripped from the underworld. The mob forced to watch in horror as it gnawed their children to the bone.
The witch disappeared and was never found, and the story's ending equally lost to time.
The book had been the only trace left behind. Awaiting for its next champion.
So Bagi accepted it and followed it like a commandment and she was a prophet. She wasn't quite in her right mind. Like the witch, perhaps she too was going insane from her isolation, from the mundanity of real life.
And the book offers to fulfill her what she desired most in the world.
So she gets Tina.
There'd been many scenarios Bagi played of what ifs, the first was of what if she had gotten her hands on a demon. The first was taking its head to the street and proving everyone wrong.
But she couldn't do that. Because Tina was much prettier with her head attached to her body.
If Bagi had summoned her with the holy bible, she'd have gotten down on her knees and believed she was a goddess herself. And gladly Bagi would've spent the rest of her years groveling just at Tina's feet to be saved.
But no, Tina is a demon, a woman from hell who makes Bagi feel small, with claws that know the exact pressure to make her bleed, and skin that's a delicious shade of violet.
And Bagi loves her.
It's a realization that shouldn't have taken so long to deduce–Bagi would argue that she fell in love the moment she laid eyes on Tina; her chest had burned with a fire so hot when she took in the demon for the first time, Tina who was still doused in the glow of the summoning circle for which she came from.
The fire in her chest never ceased–even when Tina pestered her, when she once pushed a plate to the ground in an act of defiance when Bagi rejected her deals, offers of riches and fame, time-and-time again. Even when Tina had watched Bagi's chest heave up and down in her sleep every night, it only ever added fuel to the fire.
Because Tina cared. Sure, Bagi had been the reason Tina was bound to her, a chain handcuffed the demon through an oath before Lucifer himself, an unspoken tie between an evoker and the very thing invoked into the existing in the same plane. But she stayed, and she stayed even when she wasn't exactly trapped in Bagi specifically. There had been a world beyond Bagi's shabby walls, Tina could readily explore at the tips of her claws, a world she surely missed. She stayed.
The night they changed, Bagi asked only a question.
“Were you a human before?” She asks through her fatigue. The flashing colors of the tv bathed them both in its artificial light.
Tina had stood behind the couch where Bagi lounged, while her stature dwarfed it, she somehow leaned up against it, craning her spine.
Tina looked cute being so memorized by things so simple–so human. The tv has only a rerun of a show which had been background noise for Bagi, but somehow the center of Tina's world that night.
Such a simple question had ripped Tina out of that world. Bagi had to learn to forgive herself for it.
She looked perplexed, almost solemn as she had lamented over decades of her life.
Still she hadn't speaked, so Bagi almost forgets about it in the fog of her mind.
But like the sun, Tina parts it like clouds. With a, “yes.”
And it hadn't been a shock or a revelation for Bagi. There'd been the small things, like how she'd somehow recognize and listen to niche singers, how she seemed obsessed with an American cartoon show about a bird and cat, that she knew the aroma of tea by heart–all of these things hell wouldn't have.
After that, Tina became shy, a shell of that cocky demon when she thought she had Bagi wrapped around her finger on behalf of all of hell–which she did. When Bagi so much as spotted her, whether a shadow or of the mortal plane, she'd rush off in a flurry of mist.
Bagi hadn't blamed her; she felt like a teenage girl all over again. Obsessing, overthinking every little move a girl of the week made–for a second, she believed Tina hated her, was tired of the mundanity Bagi trapped herself in.
But that wasn't the case. When the thought manifested, a delusion always shoo-ed it away because as she said, Bagi was obsessed. And when she's obsessed, Bagi vision tunnels where she sees only her feelings–and it's unfair, it's unfair to Tina who's been back on earth for however long, who's still not used to the changes that manifested in her absence, and snuck into the world as visitor than a human, a mortal.
So the only thing Bagi was left to do was wait. She was willing to wait forever. As whatever haunts Tina, she'll talk about it–she'll talk to Bagi.
And talk she did. When Tina was finally tired of hiding in her shadows, and places far from Bagi's grasp–she leaned down into Bagi's embrace one day.
The smell of flora choking Bagi in its intensity, but it's addicting, like the cigarettes she had in her pocket that'd surely kill her one day, but no, Tina is a different type of addiction. Because she saved Bagi, and never will Bagi promise to stop the day after.
“I'm fucked up, Bagi.” Tina pleaded against Bagi's neck. But her warnings fell to deaf ears, as all Bagi could remember was the warmth of Tina's breath on her neck, and the vicious grip Tina had on her hips.
Tina ripped herself away, to balance both hands on either side of Bagi's head – she desperately missed her touch.
So Bagi took her cheeks in both hands to wipe away the stray drops of blood pouring out her eyes with a thumb–she could only remember Tina crying.
“You'll fucking hate me.” Tina warned the second time.
Bagi couldn't help but smile to her. Because it was ridiculous, a nightmare never to come true.
“I would never.”
“You will.”
Bagi's hands explored the ever foreign anatomy of her love's face–they eventually found its home, nestled behind and in Tina's white hair.
“It's impossible, Tina.”
“Why not?” Tina hissed, a claw sinking into Bagi's pillow–fluff leaking out. But Bagi had never been deterred once.
“Because I love you.” It made Tina's face soften, her bloody tears slowing, her shock had been palpable–but there'd been a doubt, she studied Bagi's face, looking for any crease in her expression that'd contradict her otherwise. Hoping she had been lying.
To silence it, Bagi leaned up to do something she'd been wanting, praying to do for eons. But it was Tina who kissed Bagi first, maybe, because it's Tina who pulled Bagi up further and connected them at last.
It's not what Bagi had dreamt of. It wasn't as passionate as she wanted, but better, so much better because it's Tina, and her world seemed more bright with Tina.
Amidst it, Tina whispered against her lips between breaths: “I will hurt you.” Spoke like a prophecy rather than a doubt. Bagi would allow it, she'd let Tina feast on her flesh before she went a day starving, she'd let Tina's claws draw wounds on her back if it meant she wouldn't be bored. God, Bagi would accept every slap or scratch, or really anything if it meant Tina would stay.
It hadn't occurred to Bagi then, but perhaps Tina meant hurting her in a different way.
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