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I love the lore of the Fellowship, I can't get enough of it. And it's really turned into a kind of myth, hasn't it? The stories have been established, from being told again and again. Regardless if it's not the whole truth, or even not true at all. The lore has a life of its own. And it changes, depedning on who's talking, and over time.
The lore of the (inappropriately named) Cuntybago is a favourite; that famed make-up trailer bus where Orlando spent so much time with Viggo (hours and hours for years and years if you listen to Orlando) absorbing everything Viggo did.
So here's the Ultimate (very long) Cuntybago Post.
The Cuntybago is apparently where all the after-work parties happened. Most of what actually happened on it is still secret, private events not to be shared; after hours, after some wine/whisky drinking. What kind of special stuff was in the drawers? What did they really smoke? And, most intriguingly, who exactly was left onboard when everyone were ordered to get out... (Erm, V&O, perhaps?)I'm sure there are many more photos from the bus. Like a photo of Viggo & Orlando - which has yet to be seen. Oh, to have been a fly on that wall!
(A clip from the last day of the reshoots, in 2003. Because it's the time the bus has been talked about the most. Even if I'm unsure if this is the actual Cuntybago or not. Since it doesn't look green...)
Mortensen and Orlando Bloom spent much of their off-time on a green bus they named the "Cunty-Bago." Instead of the standard luxury lodging demanded by most stars on set, Viggo and co-star Orlando Bloom shared a converted bus while filming Rings. Viggo stocked the bus with a wine cellar and wallpapered the inside with candid behind-the-scenes photos. A source on the set said the bus was the site of frequent cast parties, with the motto, "Everyone is welcome, but when it's time to go, get out!" Indeed, they formed a club — The Cunty-Bago Club. [Viggo, Sean and Orlando] shared a make-up Winnebago, and through hours of beard and pointy-ear application formulated the rules of their society — most of which boil down to getting gossip and posting it on. [on what? I think the text is cut?]
There are very few quotes from Viggo. If you read his old interviews about life on set it sounds like he mostly worked 6 days a week, 14 hours a day. And in his free time, he went camping and fishing by himself and just drove around to get some me-time. That's it. It all sounds like mostly work and no play for Viggo. Cementing this image of him being ever serene, wise and a hard working method actor who never stopped being Aragorn. But then, we have the stories of this bus, which shows his wilder side...
(Viggo in ponytails, with a glass of wine and banana, in front of that mirror covered in photographs. They both took a lot of photos on set, so I guess a bunch of those photos are Orlando's.)
All Viggo's said is this:
"It was a crazy small bus." "Everything had cunt. It was 'cunt this' and 'cunt that'. We had a cuntmas tree, and we had cuntmas angels."

(Orlando on the makeup bus. )
Orlando has mostly mentioned the bus in passing, as he loves on Viggo, his great hero. And in his words, it always sounds like it was just the two of them... (when in fact it was from time to time also shared with Sean B, Bernard and Liv - but only Viggo & Orlando were there the whole time).
[Me and Viggo would] sit next to each other for a couple or hours each morning in a make-up truck. You get to know someone that way, more than by being in scenes with them. I used to sit next to him on the make-up bus, and find myself just staring at him while he was having his make-up done and drawing in his book or writing his notes. I would find myself fascinated. When I went back for re-shoots, I was on my own and he wasn't sitting there, and I suddenly was sitting in the makeup bus that we'd been driving around in for 18 months in New Zealand and got really emotional and felt that it was kind of weird to be there without him there and sort of reflected on all of the happy conversations and chats and glasses of wine and talks that we would have at the end of the day or whatever. He really had a huge impact on my life as an actor.
But he did say a few specific things too:
"Ahhh yes, the bus. It was mine, all mine. It was my precious." Bloom christened the bus the "C-word" when the makeup artist was fuming about someone and asked Bloom's advice. "You should kick him in the cunt and tell him to fuck off!" Viggo just lost it for half an hour. He kept saying, 'What did you say?' [The bus] became all about "the word. We took that word and took all of its power away. We made it the most loving word in the world. If you were a true cunt, you were the most amazing person in the world. It was a very free-spirited bus. It came about because me and Viggo kept being moved around, and we ended up on this bus one day. And the actors were fed up and we said, "This is it. This is our home and we are not moving. If they come, tell them to go away."
And finally from Orlando's IG in 2019 (obviously, to this day, a very important part of his life):
Our fondly named makeup bus, christened by Noreen my makeup artist and Viggo Mortensen, was, and remains in my heart and memory the most female and male empowered, joyful, disreputable and yet totally respectful place of work and creativity ever. Hours spent in the the makeup chair to apply ear’s and wigs and contacts." (They can't even agree who named it, Noreen never got any credit back then...)

(From the reshoots in 2003, Viggo gives Orlando some love and points out the photo message from Orlando on the mirror. But I want to know, who put up the pic of O with Brad Pitt? From this clip.)
The comments from everyone else in the cast about life on the Cuntybago are actually more enlightening. The rowdy gang reveal another side of life on set and of Viggo: as a drinking, partying prankster who loves crude language. It's definitely part of the fascination with Viggo. He's never one to talk about these things himself.

(I think they're wearing the special cuntebago t-shirts here. No idea from whence.)
Bernard Hill:
You are not supposed to know about it!" "There were five or six of us - Viggo, Orlando and Sean [Bean]. Liv came in and out [of the group]. Viggo has this special kind of crudeness that he is capable of. We were in the same make up bus [along with Bloom]. When I came back [from a break] it was called the Cuntybago. It was our private club. We had wine tasting sessions and had lots of parties. We also kept lots of food in there. Anything that was out [on the table], you could have. You could drink it, eat it, borrow it, smoke it… but don´t go looking in any drawers. That´s where we kept our 'special stuff'! [The Cuntybago bar would on occasion open very early] like 6:30am. There were days that we needed it. [I've made life-long friends with] everybody who was in the Cuntybago. Leaving the first time was such a huge wrench. Especially because of the Cuntybago, it was like our club. Fortunately we managed to get it back for Return of the king reshoots, so ROTK was the Return of the Cuntybago. We actually drove it out onto the streets for Viggo’s farewell. Viggo didn’t know we were going to do it, and when it started moving, you should have seen his face. I kept shouting, “Cunty libre! Cunty libre!” And the bus start leaving—we were breaking free. For propriety’s sake it was called the C-Bago Club, because you couldn’t put Cunty on the call sheet. Sean Bean came in, Liv was also a part of it. As soon as I get back to England I’m going to start the C-Bago web site: Orlando will do fashion and Viggo will do current affairs. I’ll probably do gossip — you know, the social calendar. Liv will do Hollywood and Sean Bean will do the art of war. It’ll be our little corner of the world.
(Bernard & Orlando Bloom getting make-up done. Here's the green bus again.)
Cuntybago is an amalgamation of 'Winnebago' and Viggo Mortensen´s cuss word of choice. I've gained an appreciation of the word cunt. Negative words - the best thing is to diffuse them by using and taking the meaning away. Cunt! Cunt! It's a great, great word. Very forceful. [Viggo] became utterly fascinated with it and it became the word of the film. Their Winnebago for makeup was called the Cuntybago. I was not a part of the Cuntybago unfortunately - it was the makeup room of Orlando, Viggo and Sean Bean - but it was a lovely place to visit. Cuntybago T-shirts were made up. There was a Cunty Christmas and we had a Cunty Christmas tree, all this stuff. Cate Blanchett [who plays the elf queen Galadriel] was deemed Her Cuntliness. I think we were all secretly jealous of the Cuntybago. I was anyway. I loved the atmosphere. Any place that had Viggo in the centre was always an interesting place to be… And that was where all the alcohol was. It was just spending all of that time with brits and Aussies. The word ‘Cunt’ came up quite a lot. I was fascinated by that and how it could become not so dirty. It’s one of the few swear words that still shock people." Is that why you called Cate Blanchett “Her Cuntliness? “Not my creation. She was called that by Viggo Mortensen. I put the blame on him. It was used during the making of the movie and seems a bit silly now. Wood says that his Cuntybago T-shirt is home in a drawer. "It's too big for me. I'm a small guy."

(A few photos up on the mirror in front of Viggo. I'm guessing it's Henry on the toilet (aww!), and Viggo and Orlando doing something something... Sharing a cigarette? Extinguishing a cigarette on Viggo's tongue? It looks kind of erotic. And who's the other dude?)
"On Lord of the rings we'd go to Viggo and Orlando's trailer which was called The Cuntybago. Viggo was good for getting Irish whiskey, which was great but I keep trying to educate him on malt whisky. (To Billy it was just V&O's trailer. Like it's where they lived together...) Hobbits, an elf, a King of Men, maybe a dwarf. And quite a few times a wizard, sometimes a princess. Ha ha! That's enough to make anyone feel pissed. We had some good times on that one, some great times."
Peter Jackson:
"The actors had a spiritual connection to it. I liked the way they had photographs [Mortensen and Bloom] taken behind-the-scenes, plastered all over the walls."

(From the reshoots, I think. Beautifully blurry.)
Liv Tyler:
I can't believe he [Mortensen] talked about that. That was our private world. There was a lot of liquor on that bus. But the funniest thing about this bus is that this thing was a beast. It was so tiny; nothing worked. If they ever washed our hair it would go from scalding hot to freezing cold. There was no heat. Our makeup trailer became the center of things. It was given a really bad name that I cannot repeat. There were pranks, most of them also too dirty to tell. I love them all, all my costars. We would hang out mostly in the hair-and-makeup trailer, and after work at dinner. We would eat all the time and drink wine and laugh. I think that a lot of that was the friendships that we made with each other and the fact that we all needed each other. It was vital that we all had each other to survive and to be able to laugh. Everybody had a really good sense of humor, thank God. We'd be constantly making jokes and decorating the trailer with ridiculous things and being rude and that was our sort of little bubble of escape in our makeup trailer.

(Photo by Liv, in the bus. You can see all the polaroids and stuff behind the unicorn elf.)
Cate Blanchett:
Viggo is the funkiest person I've ever met. I am far too polite to . . . he had this thing he called "the cunty-bago" . . . no, I guess I shouldn't go into that. So, yeah, he's incredible, very funny.
So, I can't quite figure out which bus The Cuntybago actually is: the green one Orlando is seen exiting? Or the yellow-ish one seen in the vids from the reshoots? Because they aren't the same. And in the vid from the final day, Bernard says the bus he drove on that last day was the same they'd had "for years" and which never moved before. While Orlando said they drove The Cuntybago around "for 18 months". So which bus was it? And did they drive the bus around or not? Or was it stationary? It's a mystery.
(This is the green bus - but is it the make-up trailer? Same as in the vid with Bernard.)
(Here in the reshoots, the bus is yellow-ish? And completely different. Looks more like a Winnebago than the green one really... So which one is The Cuntybago?)
ETA: it's the green striped one! Here it is on the Cuntybago t-shirt:

ETA 2:
All my memories from that time is filtered through our bus, the famous C-bago. That was our haven, our social club and our home: it was our special place. We christened it the Cuntebago, but it had to be shortened to C-bago because Cuntebago couldn't go on the call sheets. It was a big make-up bus, and in one of its previous existences it obviously took people to and from places on a commercial basis, so it had the little place in the front that said where it was going, and we wanted Cuntebago on there: "Cuntebago - everywhere!" That was me, Viggo and Orlando. We were the cunts in the Cuntebago.
-Bernard Hill in Empire Magazine 2011.
That's all I have found about this infamous, mythical place, where all the magic happened, as they say. If anyone has info to add, please do! I want this post to be comprehensive!
#viggo mortensen#orlando bloom#lord of the rings#viggorli#the lore of the rings#elijah wood#bernard hill#billy boyd#liv tyler#The Cuntybago#lotr cast#lotrips
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innocently opened google photos only to be slapped in the face with a notice that this happened 20 years ago

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How long have you been a writer for?
Umm I wrote a lot for about three-five years maybe ten years ago, and then I just, sort of stopped. There were various things but I don’t know, I missed it the whole time but I didn’t start really writing again until I felt compelled to be the change we needed in this world (write fucked up NUFC).
There is some old fic floating around. When I compare the beginning of that writing spree to the end wow. Also I used to write first person. I used to write a lot of birthday short fics. As always, feel free to ask.
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Viggorli Secret Santa is Moving to the AO3
The older fanworks from Viggorli Secret Santa, a Lord Of The Rings RPS fanfiction gift exchange focusing on the Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom relationship, are being imported to AO3. Read more at https://otw.news/b7d66a
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To get started!
@persephalex-fail-safe I'm trying!
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so I was just thinking about the era of Lord of the Rings RPF because of reasons, and like, that was a time in my life when I was very depressed and in denial about it, so my memories from that time are kind of like, memory not found? and I was trying to remember like "I'm fairly sure I shipped Dom/Billy, but I can't really remember any specific fics or headcanons or events--" and immediately my brain was like "what about those goddamn photos from Berlin" and like

can you fucking imagine

if we'd had tumblr

when this shit came out? Dom in eyeliner? Billy in a suit? Looking like they're about to start making out on the red carpet?? 12 dead 47 injured
#dominic monaghan#billy boyd#lotrips#i'm not saying i'm just saying#lotr#ye olde fandom#i also just generally shipped anyone in that cast because they were all gorgeous and i liked reading the fic about it#kind of like the mcu in that way#my posts#i'm sure i had non-watermarked versions of these on the computer i had at the time#you know... two decades ago
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Same. I half-jokingly shipped Viggo/Billy and then:
good times.
ok sure fine
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hi, i'm kind of asking around people who were in the lotrips fandom bc this is kind of driving me crazy, maybe you know more.
so in the livejournals from back then, i've seen the phrase 'eat the world' several times. there is a rec list called 'recs that ate the world', a famous fic called 'elijah and dom eat the world' and a rec where someone called a fic 'billy angst fic that ate the world'. i can't seem to figure out if that was a fandom insider or just a phrase used often back then? especially since i know that billy and dom literally called their new travel show BILLY AND DOM EAT THE WORLD??? did they name that thing (unknowingly?) after a fic title??
i would to hear your thoughts as a monaboyd enjoyer. have a great day!
This has been haunting my thoughts for days and I honestly don’t know anon?? I think the phrase was probably already around bc it’s not uncommon but also that’s just such a hilarious coincidence
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Dom: "They broke into his hotel room in the middle of the night. They carried him downstairs. Billy and I sat on Orlando's knees and Sean Bean pulled his arms back. Viggo pulled up Orlando's shirt and slapped the hell out of his belly. He was nearly crying, the poor baby." Orlando: "It's all very affectionate. We were all in it together. "If we got bored, tired or grumpy somebody would slap you around the head and say "get a grip'."
Elijah: "We did try to go out and relieve tension, go to bars and that sort of thing. And crazy things would happen. We had a scale double, Kiran, and Viggo would chase him down and attack him. And one night, when Sean Bean and Viggo were drinking, they decided to break into Orlando’s hotel room and kidnap him, dragging him screaming down the stairs. It was absolutely delightful."
This story from the set of Lord of the rings always intrigues me. It's seems so extreme! What led them to think Orlando needed this treatment?
Orlando is implying that the reason for being manhandled by his friends was because he was being annoying/sad/prissy. Must have been a pretty damn bad mood to earn such an epic gesture... He obviously weren't attending the party that night, so maybe he was feeling particularly low, and was hiding in his room. And I guess since they were in a hotel, they were on some location shoot somewhere. And I imagine Orlando was moping in his room looking like this. While Viggo maybe came straight to the party from the set, thus looking, perhaps like this. A little wild, a lot drunk.

In early interviews with Orlando, he mentioned that he had a girlfriend when he went to NZ, who either stayed behind and they broke up because of the distance or she stayed with him for seven months before it ended, it differs. Was this breakup perhaps why Orlando was in such a funk that his friends wanted to cheer him up? Or slap him up, as the case may be.
The more I think about it, the whole thing becomes rather erotic. I can imagine the scene: the guys holding down Orlando extremities, Viggo sitting astride Orlando, slapping his bare belly. I imagine a drunk, over-excited Viggo holding Orlando's body down with his weight. Maybe Viggo was wriggling on Orlando's crotch while Orlando was trying to buck him off. Maybe the situation got more intimate than anticipated but it just made Viggo wriggle a little more. Maybe the whole thing was really just an excuse to touch Orlando. After all, why talk about what is ailing you, when you can kidnap them and slap them and make them cry? But then, Viggo is clearly a little crazy.

The story is also testament to how this rowdy group of boys acted like they were soldiers on leave, a band of brothers who accept no weaknesses. It's also interesting how they always seemed to be working in a team, how Viggo was their informal leader (was it his idea? As some kind of tough love?).
Viggo really is such an intriguing fella. Intense but calm, quiet but unhinged. And rather unpredictable, I guess. Grinning that wild, broad grin of his, after his random attacks.
#viggo mortensen#orlando bloom#viggorli#lord of the rings#elijah wood#dominic monaghan#lotr cast#lotrips
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Author: chaosmaor (no tumblr) Date: 04 Jan 2019 Chapters: 1/1 (2190 words) Fandom: The Lord of the Rings RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen Characters: Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom Additional Tags: Reconciliation, Nostalgia Summary:
“It all sounds very English,” Viggo said. “I feel like I’ve passed a rite of passage by committing an offence in a Royal Park in the freezing rain that was only witnessed by a fox and an overweening surveillance state.”
Bookmarker's Notes:
Beautifully written, the best of oldskool Lotrips mixed with the reality of years passing.
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I'm still the only writer in four of my pairings, and one of eight in two more. Lotrips was amazing back in the day, and I was a total multishpper.
What’s the rarest rarepair you’ve written for, based on ao3 stats?
Never written anything that could count as a rarepair
Less than 1000 works
Less than 500 works
Less than 100 works
Less than 50 works
Less than 10 works
Was the actual first to write it and had to make the ship tag yourself
Not a writer
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Opinion on the comments in some of the the @ao3topshipsbracket polls: a wildly popular ship is not the same as one that had an actual impact on fandom history. Most popular ships have little to no impact outside their own fandom. Which isn’t to say that ships can’t have impact on their own fandom history, just that they don’t have much impact on general fandom history as a whole.
I understand that the polls aren’t actually measuring fandom history but this got me thinking about what has actually and I think these are the ones:
Spirk - origin of slash fandom shipping and laid the groundwork for fandom/shipping in general
MSR - responsible for the term ‘shipping’ and was the driving force behind the beginning of fandom/shipping on the internet and the creation of fanfiction.net
BTVS - (unfortunately) gave rise to the idea of being ‘anti’ something and ship wars
Harry Potter - most affected fandom on livejournal by the censorship which led to the creation of ao3
Thoughts? I couldn’t think of another fandom/ship that has huge impacts outside of their own fandom.
Strikethrough made people more eager for AO3, but the original inspiration was a for-profit fic archive made by venture capitalists.
The X-Files' big archive was Gossamer. Was MSR really influential in the creation of FFN? I don't remember that.
What ships have a big impact really depends on era and how you're looking at things. K/S and MSR are the obvious ones from long after the fact, yes.
Starsky/Hutch was what really split Media Fandom from literary SF fandom. Star Trek started the split, but it was people getting into a buddy cop show that made it clear that fanfic zine types weren't just about science fiction anymore, not even "mass media" SF in place of book SF.
Bodie/Doyle was the moment people stopped being media fans and started being Slash Fandom specifically. The US fandom had barely even seen the show: they were there for the slash zines.
Jim/Blair fandom gave us sentinel/guide AUs. The Sentinel as a canon sure as fuck didn't.
Ranma fandom set the pattern for every dumb "which girl will he end up with?" fight in anime fandom forever after.
IDK if we can blame 1x2 as opposed to Gundam Wing fandom for inspiring people to many other incomprehensible math equation ships in every anime fandom with dumb number names.
Popslash popped a bunch of prudes' RPF cherries, then LOTRiPS did, then J2 did, then hockey did, then BTS did.
Free! and then Yuri on Ice started the long slide from anime fandoms mostly refusing to leave FFN to newer anime fandoms being on AO3. YOI also lured a lot of people into anime for the first time.
Wangxian got a bunch of "Ewww, no anime ever! Western fandoms 5eva!" people into Asian fandoms at long last. (Whether this was a good thing is a matter of opinion. Hahaha.)
I really think it depends on frame of reference.
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lotrips is cool but have u tried ewahbbobftafkaarips (Elijah wood and his big bara orc boyfriend from the afk arena ads rps)
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Saka! I have a confession. (Not about Saka)
Is the Saka as a top fangirl one of you?! If so I’m delighted, well played lol. If not, my god.
My confession there was a Lotrips fanfic back in the day I LOVED. It had twisty feelings and a slow burn and delightful delicious slightly kinky sex. Hotel rooms. Travel. It was funny. It was catnip.
The ONLY thing I didn’t like was it was Viggo / god a hobbit I don’t even remember which one, the actor who played Merry I think. And he was just not hot* to me. So I downloaded it and changed the name to Orlando.
I never told them and I left long and effusive praise. I quoted lines and I meant every word but I had to use mental reservation and change to Orlando in my mind.
I wonder if it matters? It probably would? I loved the fic and it is fandom. Anyway I mostly share that because… just download any fic of mine and change the names? I’m cool with it. (I have written an entire story about this! Sort of. )
Fandom is about love to me, and you should read about who you love.
*and the expanse of what I consider So Hot could stretch from here to Mars.
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What I meant to say was: the entire LotR Cast Fandom, and Lotrips (LotR RPS) Fandom was built almost completely from the Appendices: Fellowship of the Cast.
You know the biggest loss of the decline of physical media and the rise of streaming? DVD special features.
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Orlando can't help being affectionate with his Fellowship boys, can he?
He's so ridiculously flirty here, with Sean. I feel like he'd start purring and end up on Sean's knee if they were alone. Look at his hand on Sean's waist (and the way Sean jumps when O squeezes it), his chin on the shoulder, that adoring, terribly flirty look. Jeez. Irresistable.
How could any of them resist him, really? If any one of these guys (including Viggo, of course, who I do think might have succumbed) had even a smallest inkling towards attraction to other men, Orlando must have been quite tempting, he was such a beautiful boy.
(I don't really ship Sean & Orlando, though. Can't see that inkling in Sean. He looks a little scared of O's closeness. And O only had eyes for Viggo, right? He just wasn't there. Also, Dom & Billy are cute too, laughing like little boys when saying words unfit for the interview...)
(@the-noir-symphony - here's kitten!Orlando again!)
#orlando bloom#sean bean#dominic monaghan#billy boyd#but really you can ship young Orlando with anyone#so pretty#such a flirt#lotrips#lotr cast
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