#lost's tail looks like spilled milk
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nekohime19 · 2 days
Heart behind the lie # 17 : bad day
Wukong doens't have the greatest day but Mac is here
Sun Wukong looked at his bedroom ceiling, lost in thoughts, unwilling to move, still in his sheets. Sock was sleeping on his chest, curled up in a ball of fluff, purring as he softly stroked her back. It was comforting to awaken at her sides, to feel a heart beating besides his own. She moved in quite recently, and yet she acted as if she owned his shack, pushing things he dared to put on the edge of a table, and claiming him as her personal bed. He had a mind to scold her at first, but he was quickly won over, unable to stay mad at such an adorable creature. 
He usually rose with the sun, awakened by the first touches of light gifted by the all-encompassing star, but now, even if he awakened at dawn, he didn't get out of his sheets until, at least, mid-morning. Trapped by the bossy cat he welcomed in his humble house. But he didn't mind that much, her presence was soothing, a warmth he latched on greedily every time he heard echoes of the witch. The least he could do was reward her with pets and coos until she was hungry enough to demand food. 
“mmrp”, Sock looked up, at last awakened, and yawned loudly, rubbing her face with her front paws. Sun Wukong watched her fondly, petting her almost unconsciously, his claws lost in her fuzzy fur. She rose from his chest and jumped out of the bed, meowing impatiently at him
"I'm coming, I'm coming." Huffed the sage, he left his sheets and slowly removed the red scarf resting on his neck, breathing in one last whiff of the warrior. He carefully folded it and put it on his bed table. The sage dragged himself to the kitchen, raising an amused eyebrow when the feline decided to weave herself in-between his legs at each of his steps. "You know doing this is just slowing me down." Sock meowed louder, probably offended, and trotted towards the fine chinaware bowl put at the foot of his dinner table (one of the richest bowls he possessed). "You're a real glutton." Scoffed the sage, he took the cat food he bought at Sandy's recommandation and fed the walking-belly that was his cat. Sock dived happily in her bowl, wolfing on the food joyously. Sun Wukong smiled at her hunger. He took peach milk for himself and sat on his couch, turning on his TV in hope of finding a good show. Sock sat beside him the second she finished her meal. 
"As expected, my shows are the best." Mumbled the King as he put on the first episode of Monkey King : the animated series. Sock pawed at his hand, and he absent mindedly petted her while drinking his milk. She meowed in delight and rolled on herself, showing her fluffy belly. Sun Wukong cooed at the sight but stopped himself before he could snuggle her. "I wanna touch the floof, but is this a trap?" Sock tilted her head, the very picture of innocence. "Last time you bit me." She stared at him with bead-like eyes, and he couldn't resist, he petted her belly. She immediately bit his hands and played with it, tail flickering in delight. "Why each time…" Sighed the sage, but he let her do as she pleased. He spilled some milk on himself as he tried to grab the remote without disturbing his cat. 
"Aw man, I need to change now." Sighed the sage, he rose and walked in his bedroom, Sock followed him curiously, jumping on his bed as he dived in his wardrobe. "Hm… I don't have much clothes, do I…" Mumbled the King as he pulled out some of his outfits. "You think he noticed?" Asked Sun Wukong, he turned towards Sock with a worried pout, she meowed, licking her paw and rubbing her fuzzy head. "I mean, I'm a monkey, I'm not even supposed to wear clothes." Sock stopped her licking and looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Stop judging me, you traffic cone shaped cat. I'm right, aren't I. Besides, I can make more clothes with my hair." Reasoned the King, but the orange furred cat didn't look very convinced. "Do you think he thinks I'm a slob?" Sighed Sun Wukong as he sat beside the little lady and fell back in the bed, Sock meowed and trotted towards him, climbing him and kneading his chest. "Yeah, you're right, hair clothes can be poofed, I shouldn't get out with them." Sock walked over him and sat on his face. "So-" . Sun Wukong sat up and removed the cat peacefully sitting on his face, he looked at her with a frown. "Did you just try to kill me?" She rolled in his lap and looked up with doe-like eyes "….yeah, okay, you're too adorable for that aren’t you?" Cooed the sage as he softly petted her." Maybe I should go shopping…"
The sage rose after a few more pets, he put on his hoodie and invoked two clones with a bunch of his hair. 
"You want our help boss?" Asked one clone as he leaned over the King. 
"Should we ask Macaque if he wants something?" Asked the other as he drowned Sock in coos and pets. "Oh yes, you're adorable, you fluffy triangle. Who's the best girl, you are!" 
"Ask Macaque?" Repeated the sage. 
"With the phone, he doesn't go outside much either, he might need something." Replied the clone.
"Oh that's not a bad idea!" Exclaimed the other clone as he rushed to fetch the phone. 
"Wait… Are you sure? We might bother him?" Mumbled the sage. 
"Come on, boss. You never even send him a message." Whined the clone petting his cat, the sage sighed at his childishness. 
"I don't want to be too pushy."
"Maybe he wants you to be pushy." Snickered the clone, Sun Wukong grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it at the clone. Said clone squeaked, surprised, and hid behind Sock. "You wouldn't hurt our precious lady, would you."
"… you're lucky I'm a gentleman." Huffed the sage as he eyed the fluffy cat pawing at his clone snout, she was too adorable for her own good. 
The other clone barged in the bedroom with the phone and their peach printed credit card, he gave the phone to the sage and leaned over him. The sage sat on the bed, the two clones hovering around with curiosity. 
"Let me breathe." Groaned the King, trying to push his clones away, in vain. 
"What can we say to him ?" Asked the one on his left. 
"Let's begin with a “good morning”, oh, and a heart !" 
"Are you crazy!? No heart." Stammered the King, tail flickering in embarrassment. Sock pawed at it with glee, chasing it like an excited cub. 
"Bummer." Whined the clone on his right. 
The King thought a second, fingers hovering above his screen, before sending a shy “good mowning”. He immediately dropped his phone, almost as if it burned him, and played nervously with the strings of his hoodie. 
"Don't worry, boss. You didn't send anything wrong." Assured the clone in his right. 
"Yeah, he gave you his number, that means he wants to communicate." Comforted the clone on his left. Sun Wukong opened his mouth, ready to reply but he was cut by the sharp “ding”of his phone. He took his device, tail widely wagging, eyes glued to the screen. 
Macaque : Good morning. It's Wukong, right? 
"He replied so fastly! That means he wants to talk." Reasoned one of his clones.
"Yeah…" muttered the sage with a soft smile blooming on the edge of his lips. 
Me : yea, its Wukong. 
Macaque : what's up ? 
"Go on, ask him if he wants something from the city." Edged the clone on his left. 
"Yeah! Send little hearts and all, I like the hearts emoji!" 
"You both stay away from the phone!" Grumbled the King. 
Me : I'm gona go inn the citi. You want somthig? 
Macaque : don't you hate crowds? 
Me : a bit. But I nid to buy somthig. 
Macaque : you're gonna be okay? 
Me : I'm gona be with som clones. 
Macaque : the city is gonna be in chaos with numerous Wukongs. 
Me : hey! I'm charmig! 
Macaque : sure, in your head.
Me : rude. 
Macaque : That's my middle name. 
Me : uatheverr, you nid somthig or what? 
Macaque : well, if you see some pillows and blankets why not. I like trees, but you know, some comfort sounds nice. 
Me : you dont hav a bed ? 
Macaque : of course I don't, I sleep in trees like a true monkey. 
Me : want me to maide you one? 
Macaque : what? A bed ? 
Me : yea, or a house, uatheverr. To help, you kno. 
Macaque : That's sweet if you. But it's fine, if you just get me some pillows it's fine. 
Me : you sure? 
Macaque : yeah, don't worry. 
Me : ok, tell me if you chang your minnd. 
Macaque : okay. Thanks for thinking of me by the way. 
Me : your welcom. 
Macaque : keep me updated on your little trip, okay? 
Me : ok, wish me luk. 
Macaque : Good luck, great sage. Call someone if you have a problem downtown. 
Me : my clones will be their. 
Macaque : still, we never know. 
Me : ok, thanks for worryring, I apreciatt it. 
Macaque : yeah, yeah, don't sweat it. 
Me : ♥️
Wukong screeched and pushed away the clone that dared send the emoji, he jumped on his feet and paced anxiously, tail lashing at each of his steps. 
"Are you serious!? Why did you do that!??" Asked the sage. 
"I mean, it's not like it’s wrong. You really do l-" Wukong jumped on the clone and smothered him with a pillow. Sock jumped out of the bed, frightened by the sudden movement. 
"Aw boss, you scared our lil lady." Snickered the other clone. 
"Shut up! I can't believe you did that."
Wukong took his phone and typed at light speed, heart hammering inside of his chest. 
Me : slip of finngerr, srry
Macaque : yeah, okay. Figured you'd struggled with your phone, old man. 
Me : I'm in my prime! 
Macaque : That's what all the old man says. 
Me : how dar you. 
Macaque : I dare 😈
Me : your evil. 
Macaque : proud to be 
Me : your the same age 
Macaque : But I look better. 
Me : in your head, I'm the hadsom one
Macaque : but I'm the gorgeous one
Me : uatheverr, I'm going. 
Macaque : yep, you're basically admitting my gorgeousness by fleeing. 
Me : your delusionnal 
"Aw, but you do think he looks gorgeous boss–"
"I'm this close to poof you if you don't shut your big mouth." Hissed the sage, the clones snickered like a little gremlin and hid behind his peer. 
Sun Wukong sighed, annoyed, but he didn't poof them. The clones covered themself with hats and he, himself, put on a pair of sunglasses. They left the shack together after intensely petting Sock, drowning her in coos and pets, and apologizing for frightening her earlier. 
"You think she'll be okay alone?" Asked one clone as they soared through the sky. 
"She's a smart one, it'll be okay." Replied the sage, even if he had to admit that leaving her alone was quite nerve wracking. 
"She's the smartest, that's true!" Laughed the clone on his left. 
"Yep, our little genius." Cooed the one on his right. 
They reached Megapolis quite quickly, they landed in one of the less crowded streets and began to walk among mortals. The two clones were walking at each of his sides, firmly grasping one of his arms, knowing fully his discomfort with crowds. Attention was something he had once seeked in his youth, but it was when cities were scrace, and when words traveled slowly. This era was a noisy one, he learned quite quickly that appearances were almost everything for people with standings. Here, people ran toward celebrities like moths to a flame, and he wasn't keen on experiencing that. 
The clones dragged him in a nearby clothes store, pushing toward rows and rows of different articles. 
"What type of clothes are you seeking, boss?" Asked one of the clones as he rummaged through the rows. 
"Hm, I don't know, something nice?" 
"Yeah, but are we searching for hanfus or more modern clothing?" 
"We can visit the hanfu shop later, I know a good one nearby. For now I just want to… diversify my wardrobe." 
"Yeah, so something nice for Macaque!" Concluded one clone. 
"Wha–I-it's not for Macaque, it's…for my image and all, you know."
"Yeah, sure." Snickered the other clone. "What about this?" The clone pointed at a black leather jacket with violet trims.
"I don't know, it's not really my style." Mumbled the sage. 
"We don't have a style, boss. You just throw on whatever each morning."
"Shut it, we do have a style. We're… effortlessly classy."
"Yeah, nah. We look good, sure. But that's not a style."
"Guys, what about this!?" The other clone pointed at a pearl-white dress that looked suspiciously like what mortals would wear at a wedding. 
"I'm not getting married." Sighed the sage. 
"Yet. We never know." Teased the clone, the King glared at him and turned away. 
"You both are useless if you keep teasing me!" Groaned Sun Wukong with red coated cheeks. 
"Aw, don't sulk boss. But you know, it's just so rare for you to do something like this, it's teasing material." Giggled one of the clones, he leaned over the sage and ruffled his hair. 
"Yeah, whatever, just help me choose something." Sighed the King as he pushed the clingy clone away. 
Even if his two clones were menaces, they did choose some nice clothing for him, shirts that looked good, others more casual, they were quite helpful when they weren't being insufferable. 
" I'm telling you, it's better if we go with a more cute and innocent style." Argued the clone on his left with a light pinkish dress in his hands. 
"Innocence is boring. It's better if we're more aggressive. Besides, we'll look good in this!" Replied the clone on his right with a high slit dark dress in his hands. 
"If we wear something like this, Macaque is just gonna know our intentions right away!" Groaned the clone on his left. 
"That's the plan. It'd be better if we're pushy. No misunderstanding, he'll know straight away we're flirting."
"Macaque is not the type to like clingy people."
"We're not people, we're the handsome Monkey King, it's not the same."
"Still, innocence suits us better."
"You're kidding? We have a good body, we gotta show it."
"That's your opinio-"
"Guys!" Cut the sage. "It's therapy, not a candlelight dinner. I'm not wearing any of this at therapy."
"But boss-"
"Not buts, put the dresses away."
"You're sure? Because we never know, if you have a date later on-"
"I'm not gonna repeat myself, boys." Warned the King, the clones whined but heeded his words anyway. 
They left the store after a bit, heading toward the hanfu shop. Sun Wukong was more at ease there, hanfu was something he knew quite well, it was easier for him to look around. He did buy one purple hanfu, but it was only because his clones pestered him about it, not because it reminded him of someone, not at all. They bought some food and drinks right after, taking a breather outside. 
"We got a lot of good clothes!" Joyously exclaimed one clone, happily finishing his peach-tasted drink. 
"Yep, now we need pillows and blankets." Replied the other, licking his fingers for any lingering frost.
"Yeah…" Mumbled the King as he eyed the growing crowd invading the street. 
"You're okay, boss?" 
"It's nothing. Let's go, I'm tired."
"Leggo!" Yelled one of the clones with great enthusiasm. 
Turns out, choosing bedding took more time than looking for clothes. Sun Wukong normally didn't consider himself very picky when it came to bedding, but he wanted this to be perfect. Macaque deserved something great, something that would comfort him at night. 
"Boss, are we picking bedding for Macaque or for the damn Jade Emperor." Sighed one of his clones. 
"Yeah… Why are you so picky?" Whined the other. 
"Shut it, I just want something good for Macaque."
"The bedding we just saw was good, no?"
"No." Cut the sage. "The pillow was too big, Macaque needs something he can move around."
"Gods, it's been hours."
"Deal with it." Replied the sage. 
"You lovesick tyrant." Sun Wukong pinched the clone out of spite, the clone yelped and hid behind his peer, again. 
Wukong allowed his clones to take a breather outside, annoyed by their constant whines. The clones left the shop with glee, cackling like little menaces. The sage roamed inside the shop a little more, stopping when he caught sight of the perfect pillow, and a soft purple blanket. 
"Yeah, this is good." Muttered the King as he carefully looked at his finding. His tail was wagging widely behind him, happy to at last find something nice for Macaque. 
He flinched when he heard a yelp at his side, he turned toward the sound and found a woman with an open coffee cup glaring at him. Oh, he might have hitted her with his tail. 
"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you." Apologized the King. 
"You better pay for this." Groaned the woman as she pointed at the sullied bedding, she might have spilled her coffee on this after being hit by his tail. Sun Wukong was feeling guilty, but he wasn't the one wandering inside a bedding shop with an open coffee cup, he didn't want to cause trouble though. He already felt the curious gazes of the bystanders nipping at his skin. 
"And for my shirt too!" She gestured at her top angrily. 
"Hm, it's not stained?"
"Are you kidding, look at this!" Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes and spotted a small, almost unseeable stain on her collar. "I have to buy another one!" Sun Wukong was suddenly reminded why he chose to live like a hermit. 
"Can't you just wash it?"
"No, it's ruined. It was quite expensive too! So you better compensate me." Now Sun Wukong was almost certain this woman was trying to scam him, and even if he did have the money, he wasn't a pushover. 
"I'm not gonna pay for this. A wash at most, but that's all."
"How rude! It wouldn't happen if not for you. Who even let you enter this shop!?"
"Hm, myself?"
"This shop is really desperate if they let demons enter." Oh great, she was a specist, just his luck. 
"Can I just go and pay for my bedding?" 
"How dare you try to get out of this!" She turned towards a nearby clerk and yelled : "bring me the manager! I'm not letting this thief escape."
"Thief? I didn't steal anything."
"You're trying to scam me!" In what world did this woman lived? Sun Wukong was tempted to give her money just to escape her. The manager came shortly after and asked about the situation. "You see, this demon here was trying to scam me! He purposely pushed me and sullied the bedding and my shirt!" 
"I didn't do it on purpose…and I can pay for the bedding, I just don't wanna buy you a whole nother shirt, the stain isn't even visible." Groaned the sage, fangs showing a little in irritation. 
"You see !? He's even threatening me! And why does he wear sunglasses inside, this is suspicious. Are we even sure he can pay?" 
"Hm… if you are willing to pay for the bedding, I don't see the problem?" Asked the manager as she turned towards the sage. 
"The problem is that you let demons enter and that is the result. I'm calling the police, he's probably a criminal or something."
"Yeah, I will probably become a criminal really soon." Mumbled the King with a murderous glint in his eyes. 
"See! He wants to hurt me! They are all the same!" She then proceeded to throw the rest of her coffee at him. It wasn't hot anymore, but he was now drenched with sugary coffee, him and the bedding he chose for Macaque. 
"What the–Ma'am, I'm going to ask you to leave."
"How dare you!? I'm a loyal customer! This shop has really fell low! What a disgrace." She stomped outside, angry as if she was the one drenched by coffee. 
"I'm terribly sorry, sir. Are you okay?"
"I'm…" Sun Wukong gulped, trying to reign his feelings. This was fine, he lived through worse. "Do you have another one?" He asked as he pointed to the coffee drenched bedding. 
"I'm sorry sir, but this was one of our last in this model."
"Oh…" Sun Wukong settled for the second best bedding he found for Macaque, and ended up paying for three beddings. Not because the manager asked him to, but because he felt obliged to do so. 
His clones rushed to his sides the second he left the shop. 
"Boss, why are you drenched?" 
"And why do you have three beddings?" 
"I'm… it’s nothing, let’s just go home." The clones looked at him worriedly but didn't push the subject. They left the city in silence, quietly returning to the sun drenched paradise they called home. 
Sun Wukong took a shower the second he landed in his shack, his clones groomed him a little after, making sure he looked good, for some reason. 
"Take care boss!" Chuckled one of the clones as he ruffled the sage. 
"Yeah, and enjoy~"
"Enjoy? Enjoy what?" But the clones were already poofed, the King turned towards Sock (who was comfortably lying on the edge of the couch) but the cat didn't seem to know. Sun Wukong rose when he heard someone knocking at his door, he opened it and froze when he saw Macaque in all his glory. 
"Hey, got your message. How was your little trip?"
"Message? What-..." Sun Wukong cut himself and groaned, those little gremlins were in this. He invited the other, and nervously handed the bedding he bought for him. 
"Oh, thanks!" Mumbled the warrior, he took the bedding with a shy smile. 
"Yeah, you're welcome. The trip was fine."
"You're sure? You look… tired."
"It's fine. I'm fine" . Sighed the sage. "It's just… I w-wanted to give you better bedding."
"This one is good. I like-.. Are you crying?" Sun Wukong felt his cheeks with the tip of his fingers, and indeed he was crying. 
"What… sorry, I don't know…"The sage flushed, embarrassed, and tried to wipe away his tears. Why was he this sensitive? He lived through worse, this was pathetic. One mean woman wasn't meant to make the great sage equal to heaven cry. 
"I'm… Are you okay? Why… I like the bedding I swear. It was very nice of you. I-"
"It's not that." Cut the sage, frustrated with himself. "It's just a bad day."
"Oh… hm, y-you wanna hang out then?" Sun Wukong looked up with a running nose. 
"You wanna watch Monkey King : the animated series?" Quietly asked the sage, his voice wavering a little. 
"Yeah, sure." Replied Macaque with the shadow of a smile. 
They sat on the couch, and Sock immediately jumped on his lap, taking her throne with elegance. They watched the series in silence, sometimes bickering about silly plot points. Macaque's tail shyly brushed against his own after a few episodes, a familiar way to ask for permission, Sun Wukong brushed back, and soon the two tails found each other and intertwined tightly. They said nothing of it, but both wore silly little smiles for the rest of the day. 
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savage-rhi · 8 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 32
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Tuti had never been so frightened in her life. With her back to the wall, she attempted to gather her bearings. The task was proving to be a futile effort, for her lungs clamored for oxygen. Her throat felt shattered with every inhale of breath. She was quite surprised to have a voice given her consistent screaming. A part of her subconscious that wasn’t falling apart at the seams joked she could’ve passed as an operatic singer in another life, for her air capacity seemed unyielding. 
Unyielding…Gods, she wished to have such strength. Her fingertips quivered against the cobblestone upon her back, wondering if she should look around the corner. A terrible crunch had Tuti reconsider tactics as her body flinched. Low growls intertwined with a quelching noise that fanned the flames of dread inside of her. She could feel it slither down her back, causing her legs to tremble. 
Tuti knew what awaited her around the edge, and the ghastly sight that would surely burn into her conscious for all time. Yet her curiosity was tempted to take a gander at what Y/N was doing to the bodies. 
Only for a second…She told herself. Just one second…
Tuti sealed her lips tight--took in a deep breath--and inched little by little.
As her head turned she resisted the urge to gasp. Six to seven corpses were scattered around. She and Y/N were a long way from the building that MedZin originally trapped them at. Tuti reminded herself there were plenty of lost souls to be found, and her eyes followed a trail of fresh blood. She settled her gaze on Y/N's back. 
Tuti squinted her eyes to get a better look. Y/N was crouched above the body of a woman. Although she couldn’t make heads or tails of what was happening, she knew Y/N was eating her. The squishy noise of flesh being ripped had Tuti’s stomach fighting the urge to throw up as goosebumps trailed the fine hairs along her arms. 
Gods be damned upon me…Regret took the form of tears in the corner of her eyes.
Tuti knew she should’ve bolted when the men unhanded her to deal with Y/N’s daemonic state. She should’ve ran like hell until her legs could no longer carry the weight of her guilt, but devotion was a fickle thing. She couldn’t in good conscience leave Y/N behind. Not even if they had become a monster and massacred all who tried to stand in their way. Y/N was important, and so was witnessing every horrible act they committed. 
Tuti’s thoughts were interrupted as Y/N's growls began to stagnate. Their breathing quaked, and they suddenly flung the corpse away from them. 
Tuti jumped as the body tumbled off to the side. The strength behind the shove had her grimace. She could only imagine what her poor body would've felt had she been on the receiving end. Her pondering ceased as her eyes once again followed Y/N. 
Y/N started to crawl on all fours as if bipedalism was an uncommon state of being. Their head violently shook from side to side while anguished shrills crept past their lips. Eyes tightly closed as bits of light from the sun trickled into the room. Suddenly, Y/N began to choke on warm blood that flooded their entire throat. Their body heaved as contents from their stomach began to spill. Black bile and bits of meat collapsed onto the floor, creating a noise that sounded like expired milk meeting concrete. The sensation was beyond words and disgust. Painful wheezes were the only noise Y/N made for a time. 
The purge of flesh had momentarily snapped Y/N’s conscious out of its catatonic state. They collapsed on their side, only to scramble to their knees once they caught a whiff of the vomit that lay not far. Weakly, Y/N forced the upper half of their body to rise. With heavy breaths, Y/N opened their black and yellow eyes as their head leaned back. They stared at the ceiling as the world twisted in disarray. They had no idea who they were, or what was going on, but everything felt terribly wrong. 
Y/N slowly brought their hands up to their eyes. A blotched purple hue plagued their skin as did black spider webbing. Then there was the blood. A murky red that nearly camouflaged well against their clawed fingertips. The copper smell inflamed their nostrils, and their heart skipped a beat. For a split second, Y/N became aware of what was going on. Tears instantly streamed from their eyes, mingling with the same black bile that touched their chin and mouth. The scourge--catching wind that it's hold was failing--attempted to steer it's vessel in another direction. Y/N felt their skull split in half as their brain was doused in sickness. 
Throwing back their head, Y/N let out an inhuman screech. The sounds devolved into melancholic growls. More sun came through and they covered their eyes. In a frenzy, Y/N dug their nails into their scalp to relieve themself of pain. Their cries weakened further, and their normal voice started to peak through the cracks of daemonification.  
All Tuti could do was cover her mouth as she watched. Her own tears had become heavy as she witnessed Y/N attempting to shine through the monstrous mask. She could scarce believe it. That there was someone that still remained underneath all that. 
A loose lightbulb overhead suddenly dropped near Tuti’s location. She gasped into her hand, observing the shattered glass then looked up. Y/N was staring right at her, unblinking. 
“By the six, Y/N…” Tuti stuttered. “Don’t come here. Please. Please. Don’t come here.” 
Y/N’s head canted to the side in a swift motion. The movement reminded Tuti of a bird cocking its head out of curiosity. Y/N sniffled and leaned forward. Once again on their hands and knees, they slowly crawled toward Tuti. Y/N's features went neutral while never taking their eyes off of her. 
Tuti wanted to scream.
Most would’ve followed animal instinct and run, but Tuti froze. She tried to rationalize her choice to remain, given what she witnessed when the MedZin soldiers attempted to flee. They were cut limb from limb in a matter of seconds. Perhaps if she stood her ground, this creature at the helm of Y/N’s body wouldn’t see her as a threat. By all accounts this was stupid, but she had no other choice but to lock in as Y/N was no more than ten feet away now. 
Y/N’s head twitched as they sniffed the air. Blinking a few times, the neutrality they wore began to shift. Fright plagued the dark eyes that stared right at Tuti. Uncertain what to make of her, all the while remaining attentive to what she’d do next. 
Tuti felt like she was going to have a heart attack.
“It’s alright,” Tuti whispered, more to herself than to Y/N. “It’s alright.” 
Y/N seemed to be hypnotized by her words, and Tuti let out a breath she had been holding back. The purr like snort Y/N let out would’ve been almost endearing had they not been consuming a person moments ago.
“Y/N, it’s okay.” Tuti nodded as her lips quivered into a smile. “Everything’s going to be fine!”
Everything’s going to be fine, but not for the dead...Tuti recalled the body count and bit her lip. Now wasn't the time for survivors guilt. Not when she had Y/N more or less settled down. 
“Y/N,” Tuti murmured. “I’m going to get help. Do you know what that means? I’m going to fetch the Chancellor. He’ll be here, and you’ll be okay. You hear that? You’re going to be just fine. He’ll fix this!” 
She took one step backward and all hell broke loose. 
Y/N lunged forward, snapping their mouth in rapid succession at Tuti while they attempted to grab her. Tuti let out a high pitch scream and bolted. Panting heavily, she sprinted down a hall and made a right. Her body slammed into a door, and she let out a pained yelp. She ignored whatever bruises were gained and continued to run as the sound of Y/N's brisk claws rapidly trailed. Suddenly, Tuti felt a huge weight upon her back as Y/N launched themself at her. 
Tuti shrieked and she tumbled to the floor with Y/N. Save for the stinging lacerations Y/N inflicted, Tuti couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on. She yelled and used her weight against Y/N, and forced them both to roll over several times before coming to a stop. Tuti felt the wind knock out of her as Y/N slammed her to the ground. Frantically, Tuti's right arm reached out for whatever was near, and pulled a rifle off a MedZin corpse and used it to block Y/N's mashing teeth from reaching her face at the last second. 
“Y/N! Stop it!” Tuti bellowed. Her plead fell on deaf ears as Y/N kept snapping. The material of the gun was being peeled away quick, and Tuti knew she didn’t have long. Her eyes rapidly glanced between both their bodies, and using all her strength, Tuti pushed up and kicked Y/N not once but several times in the abdomen.
One pained cry after another escaped Y/N, and while stunned, Tuti adjusted the rifle and used it to hit them across the face. The power behind Tuti’s hit forced Y/N off as they plummeted to the side and away from her. 
Tuti scrambled to her feet and ran before Y/N had the chance to recover and finish the job. She ran so fast that the muscles in her calves began to spasm. 
“You there, miss!” An Accordo trooper beckoned Tuti to come forth. “Miss, do you need help? We’re looking for survivors of an explosion! Miss! Miss!”
Tuti didn’t register the soldiers who had come to search for survivors. She didn’t hear Y/N let out a haunting scream, nor did she hear the conversation the men had amongst themselves as to what caused it. She didn’t hear them make haste toward Y/N’s location. She didn’t hear the yells, the gunfire, or the sound of an unknown weapon going off, causing Y/N pain beyond measure that the daemonic voice all but disappeared as the human within called out her name. 
Her ears fell numb to the world, and she didn’t stop running.
After what felt like an eternity, exhaustion had Tuti come to a halt. Out of breath and wheezing, Tuti forced her dry eyes to look around and figure out where she ended up. Buildings that hadn't been touched by the earlier attack greeted her as did a clear sky. The smoke was long gone, and there were seldom few down this road, save for Accordo troopers securing the area. It didn't take long for Tuti to realize she was in one of the districts closest to the port. 
“Thank heavens,” she said in between harsh breaths. She grimaced at feeling her clothes stick to her skin from all her perspiration, and felt guilty. This was nothing compared to what Y/N was enduring--that is if they were still alive. Tuti didn't have time to entertain the thought any further as a strong hand gripped her shoulder. She felt the world spin and she screamed. 
Ardyn flinched from the screech, making a face as he shook his head. “Tuti?”
“Chancellor Izunia?” Tuti’s bottom lip quivered, happy to see a familiar face. She threw her arms out and embraced him. "Oh thank the six!" 
Ardyn was dumbfounded as his arms flew up to avoid being fully ensnared. He acknowledged Tuti had a forcible strength despite her small frame, and wasn't sure if that shocked him or the fact someone genuinely sounded relieved to be basking in his presence. He looked down and his gaze met hers. Tuti's heartsore eyes reminded Ardyn of a devout praying before the heavens to be freed of strife. 
“Y/N is back there! I couldn’t do anything but watch. There was so much blood! Y/N’s not themself, and I don’t know what to do! What are we going to do? I didn’t want to run, but what choice did I have?! Y/N tried to kill me and I…Chancellor, what are we going to do?!”
“My dear, you’re going to let me go for starters.” Ardyn grimaced as he calmly coaxed Tuti’s arms and hands away from him. He composed himself the best he could, and softened his hardened gaze. “Second, I need you to breathe. Can you do that?”
“I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I can do that!” 
“You can and you will if you care for what happens to Y/N!” Ardyn stated firmly. He somewhat prided himself in the fact he scared her, for Tuti's disposition immediately changed like a switch going off. She shook like a cat who had nearly drowned as Ardyn gestured for her to follow his motions, taking in a big inhale followed by an exhale. Little by little, she started to regain her old self from what he gathered. 
“Good, good,” Ardyn replied eagerly. He only had so much patience to aid someone with a basic mindfulness technique. 
“Tuti,” Ardyn rested both hands upon her shoulders, minding not to put his weight on her. He made a great effort to not sound hostile, nor give away the desperation that was tugging his pulse. “It’s imperative I know where Y/N is at. I need you to tell me everything.” 
“I…alright,” Tuti swallowed. She studied Ardyn's features, noting how tired he was, and she felt a pinch of intimidation run down her body. She also couldn't help but notice how golden his eyes were. Not like the earthy brown tones she had seen in many common people, but an almost ethereal hue that felt dangerous. For a second, Tuti thought she was looking at Y/N's daemonic eyes. Her breath hitched and she averted her gaze. No longer having the strength to be reminded of what almost killed her. 
“Y/N and I were heading for the port to evacuate. The Imperial caravan at the hotel was long gone by the time Loqui and I found them. We took to the smaller roads to avoid the crowds. Then out of nowhere, there was this…explosion. It was like a star fell from the heavens and blinded us. The impact sent Y/N and I flying in opposite directions. When I came to, I frantically looked for Y/N before I was manhandled by these people in black uniforms with a red patch--MedZin I think. They talked so fast, but they planned to take Y/N with them and kill me.” She had to pause for a moment, shuddering from the implications of her fate had Y/N not taken to rage. 
“And then?” Ardyn besought. 
Tuti let out a breath. “Y/N suddenly turned into…something else. A daemon. One by one, our adversaries were slain, but MedZin tossed another one of those bombs at us. Y/N retreated deeper into the building to avoid it. I stupidly chased, and Y/N just kept getting more and more violent. MedZin retreated at that point because Y/N overwhelmed them--"
“Do you know where the men ran off to?” Ardyn interrupted. 
“No,” Tuti shook her head. “I wasn’t paying attention. I was too scared Y/N was going to find me. There was a moment I thought Y/N came to their senses, but they tried to attack me. I ended up hurting them, and I think Accordo troopers went seeking them out.” she pointed past him. “The building, it was several blocks down that way…you can’t miss the impact site of the bomb.”
Ardyn let go of Tuti’s shoulders and made a fist. His fingers were loosing blood from the pressure he applied.
“Chancellor, I beseech you I didn’t mean to leave Y/N behind,” Tuti sniffled. She could sense the brief hostility that traveled through him, despite his hands no longer being upon her body. “I’m so sorry--I thought…”
“Don’t speak any further,” Ardyn breathed. He resisted the urge to strike, knowing most would’ve done what she did in order to survive. Using his right index finger, Ardyn poked underneath Tuti’s chin and coaxed her to look up before letting go. “You have my sincere appreciation for what you’ve confessed. What come may, I’ll handle everything.”
“T-thank you, Chancellor.” Tuti weakly gave a bow with her head. As she rose, she followed Ardyn’s hand while he gestured toward a group of Higher Imperials from afar, being escorted by two magitek soldiers. Her heart skipped a beat, knowing there were familiar faces. 
“Go to them,” Ardyn encouraged. “Now.” 
Tuti glanced over him one last time before she found the courage to pick up her feet again. 
After taking in the destruction nearby, Ardyn shadow stepped and headed for the spot Tuti had pointed out. While he transcended through space like nothing, he suddenly felt his body wanting to give out, and it did just that. His breathing raced as the scourge traveled through him, and Ardyn suddenly came to a grinding halt. 
“Oh Gods…” He hoarsely whispered, feeling his heart cease like it had been grasped by someone with a tight grip. The last time Ardyn felt his heart stop beating was when Somnus struck him down during their duel for the throne. He remembered it well. Pain and confusion danced in harmony as air left his lungs, and the muscle of his heart desperately pumped without realizing the action would be its undoing. Ardyn felt that same suffering both physically and metaphorically in the present. 
Multiple points on his body started to become inflamed, as if the very fibers of Ardyn's muscles wanted to break through his skin. He then heard horrid screams pulse in his ears, and behind his eyes he saw a familiar daemonic entity wearing Y/N's face. The scourge felt beyond excited. The rush of despair Ardyn felt at the last second on Y/N's behalf at Outpost 98 came back to haunt him with a vengeance. Y/N--his Y/N--was close to the finish line just as before. 
“Pull yourself together!” Ardyn snarled. He once again shadow stepped as if the gods themselves were trailing him in a hunt. 
Minutes passed, and Ardyn neared the site of the explosion. He didn’t want to waste time, but couldn’t resist taking a gander at the impact point. A hint of a sulfur like odor hung in the air which caused him to grimace. He then picked up on a bouquet of scents that had the scourge in his body attempting to shirk away. The hivemind didn’t like this. Not one bit. 
“A suffoco was deployed,” Ardyn said quietly to himself, and looked ahead to the large hole that led inside the building. A shroud of screams came tumbling out, and Ardyn braced himself for the worst as he ventured forth into the fray. 
The interior of the building was an abysmal mess. What was once a lavish series of offices and intricate halls was now a pigsty of debris, brick, and blood. Ardyn didn’t envy whoever worked here. He imagined how tedious the task would be picking up after the carnage he had observed left and right. The foul sweet smell of the scourge within Y/N’s blood waft in the air, and like an addict, Ardyn eagerly followed the trail. 
A noise with a rhythmic tap rang in his ears before the explosion went off. Ardyn lost his balance, and slouched against the wall nearest to his right. It felt as if the rays of the sun kissed through all layers of his flesh. A pained moan fell past his lips. His right hand reached for his chest, and trembled up his neck as a strain took hold. 
Confusion rampaged across Ardyn’s eyes while he rapidly glanced around. With each pass of air through his lungs, Ardyn felt his organs clamoring for relief. The commotion was far away. He hadn’t been hit by a suffoco, but by the gods, did it feel like it. 
As his ears rang, the rapid tempo of a pulse soon took over as the dominant noise. It wasn’t his heartbeat, but that of another. It hit him all at once as his mind seemingly began to download information at a speed unfathomable to a mortal. 
Y/N couldn't breathe. They were alone, terrified, and suffering. The scourge had given up its lust for dominance over the host, and was attacking the body from the inside out in a crude attempt to relieve itself of affliction. Ardyn felt his body flux in temperature. One moment boiling, the next cold as ice. The daemonic entities that resided within screeched so loud, that Ardyn shouted while covering his ears. Falling forward, the shrieking evolved into desperate murmurs of incoherent thought. 
“Y/N,” Ardyn gasped. His brain felt like it was melting, but he tried to keep himself afloat. The sclera of his eyes became a pitch black void, and Ardyn instinctively began to follow the voices and Y/N's pulse. 
With every step, Ardyn felt agony like no other wash over his soul. He nearly tripped over himself a few times, not used to taking on the burdens of a mortal. Despite discomfort, he persisted on his path. Gods be damned anyone or anything that got in the way of the impulse he felt enslaved to. The very atoms of his being desperately yearned to be with who his scourge had imprinted upon. 
Soon enough, Ardyn arrived in the room where he assumed Y/N would be. He stopped to catch his breath and looked downward. Bodies of Accordo troopers littered the area. He couldn’t sense any other life present, until heavy breaths captured his attention.
Ardyn watched in dismay as Y/N suddenly emerged. Like a fish out of water, Y/N crashed and tumbled into everything. In between hysterics, Ardyn noticed Y/N's skin sizzling with an artificial smell that was likened to a rich spice. Y/N had been directly hit by a suffoco, and the light magic within the orb had triggered asphyxiation. He could feel the light that had penetrated attempting to purge the scourge by any means necessary. 
Ardyn briefly recalled witnessing demonstrations of the weapons use from Accordo officials. It was one thing to watch in trials, but another to helplessly observe a daemonified creature go through such suffering. He was pulled out of his head as Y/N choked while trying in vain to scream, and made direct eye contact with them. 
Despite a pair of abyssal eyes staring him down, Ardyn could see the human showing through. A desperate plead haunted Y/N’s features, and he felt his blood run cold knowing subconsciously what Y/N was telling him despite not having full control of their actions:
They were making their peace with the end. 
“No, no, no!” Ardyn shook his head. His voice teetered on the edge between human and monster, enough to startle Y/N. “You don’t have the right to do that! You don’t have the damned right! We don't take the easy way out, Y/N!" 
For a moment, Ardyn thought he had them under his control until he witnessed Y/N’s scourge veins rapidly pulsate. It was like witnessing a caterpillar attempting to burst out of its cocoon in a bloody mess. During his turmoil, Ardyn didn't pay attention to the fact Y/N suddenly attacked him. The punches made him snarl, and he felt Y/N cut open his left arm with a swipe of their clawed fingertips. Ardyn let out a pained hiss as Y/N flung themself off and retreated. 
“Y/N, come back!” Ardyn beseeched with a yell. “Y/N!” 
He chased after them and Y/N collapsed against the legs of a table nearby. Their airway now almost completely blocked, they began to let out a sickening wheeze. Ardyn came to their side and fell upon his knees. He gathered Y/N's body into his arms. His tear brimmed eyes desperately searched them over while he tried to shake them back into consciousness. 
“Oh no, no, no! Y/N!” Ardyn's voice strained while his mind flickered between the past and present. Y/N's painful rasps intermingled with the somber breaths Aera had taken before she had perished. History was repeating itself in a way that crushed him more than the blade of Somnus piercing his back, and Ardyn desperately cried out as Y/N violently escaped from his grasp. 
Amidst the sudden jolt, Ardyn froze as an idea leeched into his head. If the panic could be settled, if the scourge could be reassured--like he had done for Y/N's flares in the past--perhaps there was a chance of survival. Instinct beckoned him to give more of his scourge to Y/N, and to lure Y/N's pain to a singular point. 
Ardyn's mouth fell open as he saw the irony of their roles being reversed. It was now Y/N's turn to feed off him in order to heal. While the thought seemed counterintuitive, he had to try. He couldn't--no, he wouldn't go through a painful loss again. He rapidly began to think of ways to get the scourge into Y/N. There was nothing sterile like a syringe near, and he scarce doubted such an item existed in an office setting. Ardyn nearly settled for hovering his injured arm above their mouth and letting the scourge drip, but he realized Y/N could choke further.
"There's gotta be some damned way to-!"
Ardyn looked down at his sliced arm, watching blood and dark bile seep from the wound. His heart skipped a beat as revelation cleared his mind, then carefully brought the injured limb to his mouth and started to suckle. Ardyn could feel the underside of his tongue fill with scourge, and he tried to contain it without it falling to the back of his throat. After consuming much, he lifted his head. Blood and scourge oozed from the corners of his mouth as a determined fixation lingered in his gaze. 
While Y/N began to rise from the ground, Ardyn’s right hand grabbed a hold of their head from the chin in a tight vice. He forcibly turned them around. Y/N gagged out a hoarse yell in protest. The whites of their eyes were pushing and pulling against the darkness. Ardyn could sense through their agony that they didn’t want to fight him, but had no control over themselves. Not in this sorry state. 
Before Y/N had the chance to attack, Ardyn brashly pinned Y/N to the ground with his body. Either side of his arms caged their head. He leaned forward and Y/N cried out as his left hand cupped the side of their face. Ardyn let go of his hesitance, tilted his head, and softly pressed his lips to Y/N's. Closing his eyes, he forced his tongue inside their mouth and remained still, letting the scourge he had gathered slowly descend into Y/N's body. 
Little by little, Ardyn felt Y/N's trembling cease. He calmly breathed through his nose, and flinched when his throat captured one of Y/N's gasps. The scourge was definitely distracted. He could feel it begin to sync up with his own, losing its fear to the light that he was snuffing out. Gods be damned to all hells known if this wasn't going to work. This had to work. He would make it so.  
As the seconds ticked on, Ardyn moved his mouth ever so slightly. His tongue lifted and tugged against Y/N's, controlling the flow of the scourge. The sound of Y/N's heartbeat in his ears began to dissipate as his own increased. He felt a moan from Y/N reverberate through his mouth, and impulsively returned a groan of pleasure. Euphoria began to flood him, which confused Ardyn greatly. He shouldn't have been deriving any sort of satisfaction from this act yet his nerves melted. His knees grew weak as he felt Y/N's bottom lip feebly tug. If he didn't know better, they were trying to kiss him back. 
Ardyn tried to not allow such sentiment to interfere with his aid. This was nothing but a transaction to ensure both parties would survive, yet he could feel himself succumbing to the similar affections he craved at the springs. There was a part of Ardyn, a part he denied, that hoped the kiss would linger. He prayed even harder that Y/N wouldn't pick up on these feelings through their bond. 
Ardyn's face flushed with warmth while he slightly opened his eyes. He admired the little imperfections in Y/N's skin before the hand that was cradling their face gripped further. His thumb brushed upon their flesh delicately and he closed his eyes yet again and deepened the dark kiss. His movements were deliberately slow, giving Y/N plenty of time for their body to settle and even push him away should they be fairing well. Ardyn could feel Y/N's scourge merge with the hivemind that flickered in the back of his subconscious. It wouldn't be long before it would become dormant at his behest.
A muffled groan from Y/N’s end had Ardyn freeze. The noise wasn’t feeble and broken but strong, indicating to him that Y/N could breathe freely. He relinquished whatever desires that held him, and lifted his lips from Y/N’s. His eyes carded over their face, relief grasping him at seeing natural color return to Y/N’s flesh. Save for the small patches of scourge markings, they were by all accounts normal. He hoped in mind, that similar results would show. That Y/N was still there, in their head and in control. 
Ardyn removed himself from Y/N. He adjusted his legs, now sitting upon his knees as he bundled up Y/N close to his chest. While supporting Y/N with his left arm, Ardyn used his right hand to softly nudge their face. Fear tip toed around him as he pondered the what ifs. Y/N wasn’t dying no longer. The scourge all but confirmed that, but such assurance from spirits of darkness did little to calm the erratic ache of not knowing in full. 
“Y/N,” Ardyn whispered in plea. “Y/N, talk to me. Talk to me."
He stilled when Y/N opened their eyes. There was no trace of a familiar set of amber orbs looking upon him as if he had held up a mirror to himself. 
“Hi,” Y/N croaked. The word was faint and scratchy, but it was enough. Shortly after, Y/N closed their eyes and passed out. Their body and mind too worn to comprehend the world.  
Despite them passing out, words couldn't convey nor touch how relieved Ardyn felt in this moment. To be free of loss's burden was a blessing sweeter than all the sins he had committed upon others. Ardyn closed his eyes while settling down his nerves, and embraced Y/N tightly to him. Had he been a pious man, perhaps the gods would've deserve some praise for the occasion, but alas not. He saved Y/N himself. An immortal--Adagium--saved someone with his own curse. 
“What are you doing?” 
Like a mirror being crashed into, Ardyn’s body stiffened at the intrusion of Loqui's voice. He was rattled out of his peace, and the deep yellows behind his black eyes constricted while he growled under breath. 
“Chancellor, what are you doing with Y/N?” Loqui’s voice grew louder. He stepped forward, and his mouth fell open. Shock fell upon his face as he caught glimpse of the scourge markings that covered Y/N's legs. "Y/N's...no, Y/N's a daemon?" 
Ardyn kept his back to Loqui, shielding the majority of Y/N from him. His shoulders quaked as the relief he had felt seconds ago, began to burn off into a resentful anger. 
“This can’t be!” Loqui stepped back. He shook his head. “Did the attackers infect Y/N?!”
“No,” Ardyn lowly replied. 
“So then…” Loqui’s voice trailed off as he started to put it together. He could feel his face turning a pale. “Has Y/N been sick this whole time?” 
“You were supposed to be watching them!” Ardyn bellowed. He turned his face to the side; daemonic features long gone yet his animosity remained. "You stupid, reckless, boy!" 
The sudden scream had Loqui jump and lose his train of thought. He watched Ardyn rise to his feet with Y/N in tow. Despite being scared, Loqui felt weeks of pent up frustration toward the Chancellor come tumbling out. He stood his ground, and glared while firmly talking back to Ardyn. 
“Chancellor or not, you will not address me as such!” 
“I can damn well call you by the name of every filth on Eos if it would give me pleasure!” Ardyn spat. “Y/N and I argued for a day and night over you being their guardian while I attended the empires affairs in Altissa, and your negligence almost cost them everything!” 
“You can’t pin this all on me!” Loqui retaliated. “My commands from the battalion take precedence in the event of--!”
“Precedence? Don’t make me laugh!” Ardyn interrupted with a bitter scoff. “I know you all too well, boy. You walk in the shadow of your father and wished to be seen in the same light as he. That’s why aiding the House of the Courts benefited you versus keeping Y/N--and Tuti for that matter--safe from our enemies! It wouldn’t bode well on your resume, no, but saving Madam Secretary and all those Higher Imperials would’ve done numbers for your reputation! Admit it you little leech!”
“You don't know a damn thing about me, and you should talk! Like you've done any better regarding Y/N's welfare!" Loqui countered. “All this time Y/N has been sick with the starscourge, and you didn’t do or say anything about it? Does the emperor know?! Is Chief Besithia aware of that?!” 
“I am not privy to disclose or break Y/N’s confidence to the likes of you, regardless of how highly they’ve spoken of your character!” Ardyn yelled. “Y/N’s burdens are mine and Chief Besithia’s responsibility, not yours nor anyone else!” 
“So Y/N is a pet project then? Something for you and the Research Ministry to poke and prod at?!” Loqui felt his blood boil at the mere thought. “The laws are clear, Chancellor that we ease the suffering of those afflicted! The starscouge is a fate worse than death, the whole world knows that even our enemies! You're an inhuman monster for this! If you cared anything for Y/N, you'd-!" 
“Don’t you DARE tell me I don’t care about them!” 
The air stilled as both men froze, staring one another down. 
There was a time that Loqui believed while he could never beat the Chancellor in a game of wits, he could physically usurp him. The feelings of betrayal and anger tempted Loqui to prove his point. His mind was already made up, yet his body didn’t move to the commands of his conscious. Loqui was surprised. The fury behind Ardyn’s words were long gone, but the presence of an unfathomable rage lingered like a sickness that refused to part ways. 
Ardyn never once flinched. His firm posture--the way he held Y/N protectively to him--indicated to Loqui he had struck a nerve so deep, that the false bravado Ardyn displayed among the public could devolve into something dangerous. He had just earned himself a little taste of it. The very nerves under his flesh tinged at the realization. 
Loqui let out a snort, and lowered his head. Literally bowing out of a potential brawl. He made as fist as Ardyn began to walk with Y/N in tow and stopped. Loqui could feel the Chancellor’s eyes raining daggers upon him, and refused to look him in the eye. 
“There’s a thousand ways we can go about this, but I’ll keep it simple.” Ardyn coldly spoke. “Speak of Y/N’s condition to anyone, and I’ll ensure unfathomable suffering befalls you and your kin.”
Loqui flinched. “You’d really resort to that?”
“To protect Y/N, and the interests of empire itself, yes.” Ardyn firmly replied. He leaned in closer so he was nearly whispering in Loqui’s ear menacingly. “If I had half a mind, I'd encourage the Imperial army to demote you to such a low rank that worms would take precedence over your value. Alas, I will not be moving forward with such commands. I do this kindness for Y/N by sparing you, but make note: this will be the first and last time you ever question my sensibilities. Is that quite understood?" 
“Yes what?” 
Loqui grit his teeth. “Yes Chancellor.” 
“That’s what I love to hear.” 
Loqui’s emotions were teetering on the edge at the way Ardyn mockingly said love. He didn’t know if Ardyn was mocking his feelings to Y/N, or if the Chancellor himself was admitting his own emotions in a subtle ploy. Mind games were not Loqui’s forte, nor did he ever want to become a person who enjoyed said things. It was best to let it go, despite having the urge to chuck his sword right through the man's chest while his guard was down. 
Enraged and at a loss, Loqui didn't hear Ardyn make his departure. Nor did he hear him state he would be seeking medical attention for Y/N. Loqui peered up and watched as Ardyn disappeared down the hall, leaving him with eviscerated corpses. The likes of which Loqui couldn't fathom. He grimaced as nausea curled its finger around his chin and tempted him onward. 
As he left the massacre behind him, Loqui couldn’t help but wonder if it was Y/N or the Chancellor who had committed these violent acts. Knowing Y/N was tainted by the scourge, it had to be them. But there was something about the Chancellor’s manner that him questioning everything down to his loyalties. He couldn't help but wonder how far the rabbit hole went, and wished more than anything, that he could lean on the wisdom of his father. 
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curlsinthewind · 9 months
a little something because i miss them and because i miss writing
It’s quiet.
And then. 
I jerk from the bed, my back going rigid in an instant, disorientedly looking around to spot the cause. But the room is empty. And then it’s quiet again.
“Fuck.” I hear from a distance, my body and my senses too exhausted to detect where it’s coming from, sleep clings to my eyes and I try my best to stay awake.
It’s dark. It’s still the middle of the night and I’m cold. That’s when I turn in the bed to look at the other side, finding it empty. Simon’s gone. I look around but it’s so dark and I’m too tired to use my vampire senses. I’m too tired to even stay upright.
And then it’s not. (Dark, I mean). The light in the living room turns on and I have to squint my eyes against its force.
“Simon?” I call out, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, trying to stay awake for him, trying to find out what’s wrong.
His head pops in the bedroom door, his curls ruffled across his forehead, skin all flushed and warm. I shudder at the reminder that I’m alone in the bed, and that I’m freezing.
And then I scowl because he seems perfectly fine and he left me in the bed. (Our bed.) Alone. He let me here freezing and now he woke me up.
He grins at me, all apologetic and strategic (he knows I’m weak for his seemingly innocent face, he knows I can’t be mad at him for long when he looks at me like that). “Sorry, babe,” he says and tugs at his messy curls. “I was hungry and went to get some milk and it spilled all over the kitchen,” he whispers and smiles sheepishly.
“Snow. You numpty,” I growl and fight the urge to crawl back under the covers in order to lecture him about drinking milk in the middle of the night.
“I’ll clean it up and come right back, yeah? Go back to sleep,” he promises and blows me a kiss, thinking it will fix anything (it will, it already did, he didn’t need to fix anything in the first place).
“Hurry up,” I say and hide back under the covers. “I’m cold,” I mumble but hope he didn’t hear it. He doesn’t need to know how needy I feel right now (that’s what happens when you wake me up from my beauty sleep).
For a while, I hear shuffling and a little bit more cursing before the light goes off and then Simon comes back to the bedroom. His tail slides up along my leg and curls around my hip before all of the rest of Simon joins me in the bed.
I pretend I’m sleeping, hoping this stupid urge of turning around and squeezing the shit out of him will pass as soon as possible. And then his wing covers me and his hand wriggles its way under my arm until it settles under my armpit, grasping and pulling. Simon groans loudly as if my closeness was something he missed terribly. (I did. I missed him terribly. I always do when he’s not with me.)
His second arm squeezes its way between my torso and the mattress, settling tightly over my heart, pulling me closer, grasping the fabric of my sleeping shirt.
And it’s cold.
And then.
It’s not.
Simon’s hot breath lands on the back of my neck. His legs tangle with mine and it’s hard distinguishing which limb is who’s. Finally, his tail circles around my thigh and pushes me flush to Simon’s scorching body.
I breathe out. Probably for the first time since he entered the room. My heart is hammering and the long lost sleep completely disappears from my mind. He’s holding me with all he has. He’s groaning in my ear as if my absence physically hurt him. Slowly, as to not destroy the hold he has on me, I turn around.
Facing his naked chest, I press my face under his chin and circle my hands around his waist, squeezing, pulling, grasping.
“I was worried something happened,” I let out, sticking my cold feet to his warm calves. “I was worried you were hurt.”
His fingers find their way to the nape of my neck and start toying with my hair. I close my eyes and try not to make any embarrassing noises.
“I’m fine, Baz. Everything’s okay,” he whispers and presses a kiss to the top of my head.
I almost melt. And then: “Our kitchen’s covered in milk.” (Our kitchen.)
He chuckles and I hear it through my body. It vibrates through my chest and makes me even closer to him. (I thought it wasn’t possible. Simon always could go beyond the impossible.) “I cleaned it up. It’s fine. Go back to sleep.”
I don’t like the commanding voice he gives me and pinch his hip. He yelps, and his wing closes tighter around me. “You woke me up,” I state as if it weren’t obvious. I don’t even know why I’m telling him this. I think I just want to talk to him. I just want to feel close to him. Breathing in the same air and having entangled limbs is apparently not enough for me. (I’ll never have enough of him.)
“I already apologised for that,” he whispers into my skull and moves his palm along my spine, holding me as if I’m a treasure, as if I’m something that could break.
I squeeze his tail where it’s connected to his spine, harsh, tough, just the way he likes it. “You left me here alone,” I complain into his chest and nuzzle under his chin even more now.
There’s hot breath on my cheek now, and then it’s wet with the kiss he gives me, rubbing my soft spots, pulling me, squeezing me, loving me. “I’m sorry, Baz,” he mumbles again and puts all his strength into pulling me on him, my head on his shoulder, both of his wings covering the both of us. “Next time I get hungry in the middle of the night, I’ll take you with me to the kitchen,” he says, brushing my hair from my face tenderly. His fingers are warm and smell a little faintly of milk and cookies. All of him smells like milk and cookies. I love him.
“Okay,” I whisper, squeezing his sides, trying to get him closer, closer, closer.
“Good night, Baz.”
Finally, my brain starts fading into the bliss of dreams. Finally content. Finally full. Finally where I’m supposed to be. I press a kiss to his chest.
“Good night, Simon.”
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iammythmaker · 1 year
@setavvo I am surprised and confused, but I am very pleased. Thank you! This is a small WIP to my long fic.
"Rost tried to be a caring father, but sometimes it seemed to me …" She looked around, plunging into memories. "That he did not understand that the child needed not only a bowl of hot food and clothes with a bed. I never doubted his love. He loved me. As only he could. Protection. Shelter. Survival. Training without interruption. Sometimes I saw him take out a carved figure of a watcher, furtively rubbing it and examining it. You know, it was worn and chipped in many places, and the wood was slightly cracked where the tail and back joined. He hid it as soon as he saw me looking. I think the toy belonged to his daughter. It is possible that, despite the fact that part of him never lost love for his daughter and wife, he regretted that he was not with them, but were... well, where do they get to after death. Into the Void or into the Abyss. It doesn't matter. But the duty of the Mother of All is above all, as he told me. Apparently this and his love for me made him live and continue to breathe. But he just didn't find a place for… extra warmth between us. For frankness. For… I do not know how to explain it."
"He was hurt and he was lost. I'm glad he was able to take care of you. Need to have the courage to do this without relying on the past, no matter how much it hurts."
"Yes… but I… sometimes it was hard for me to accept his stubbornness. He believed in the Goddess. He did not accept the facts that indicated that the goddess did not exist. He talked about the stars, about the sun and about fire. About the path that the ancestors passed - Nora and why it is important. About the magic Mother's milk that spilled in the sky, so that children would always remember her maternal love. It was so important to him… I listened to these stories, taught them and repeated them word for word. I sang songs Nora. One day he led me to the wall, so that we would not be noticed. He left me alone in the grass and told me to listen. I listened to… poems and songs. It was sung by matriarchs and older women… it wasn't… important to me. They were about one thing: about motherhood, about military glory in protecting the tribe and in faith to the Mother Goddess. About how the earth and machines were born. There was nothing real about it, Kotallo. Rost said that I should know them, because I am a future woman from the Nora tribe." She smiled mirthlessly, pushing back the hair that hid her face from her forehead. She looked sideways and rubbed her neck, stirring the boiling water with herbs with her other hand. "I once told him that all his legends are mouse nonsense. Everything in them is not true, but this…" She touched her focus with her finger, "is the truth. He… became more silent than usual. Didn't talk to me, and then… left. Didn't come back until morning. Even more gloomy, and… He didn't talk to me for a long time. Only after a while did he say that I HAD to believe if I wanted to become part of the tribe. I was ten or so."
"I once heard the phrase, from Fashav: "Don't take away a person's faith, sometimes that's all they need to exist and live.""
She twisted her face, snorting indignantly.
"My rational mind doesn't quite understand that. You can live for other things: for a higher purpose. For the sake of saving the world." She appreciated the chuckle from his chest by nudging him. "Don't laugh, Marshal Who-Flying-on-the-wings-of-Ten. For… Revenge. Everyone is looking for what they like. But to believe in a creature or creatures that no one has seen… it's stupid. Irrational.
"You're right, you can't believe in GAIA either. According to this logic, it does not exist. Because no one, except our family, has seen it and cannot feel it. Well, or except for those with whom she spoke through focus. Do you get it, my wing?" Kotallo agreed and intercepted her hand, which was rushing to his shoulder. He kissed her knuckles and touched the inside of her warm palm with a smile. "How did we move from talking about your past to talking about higher powers?"
"You started provoking me." She grumbled.
"Sometimes songs… are songs. What the soul requires. Tenakth chose the word, but we sing if it's big celebrate, or we need to tune in to the battle or sing in honor of the Beginning of a new cycle. Each tribe has its own stories. And sometimes… you just have to listen and try to understand what is important to others. Here."
He touched the place where her heart was pounding.
"You're too wise for a man whose whole life is a battle."
"I can hear and have learned patience. In patience I learned to reason…"
She grunted, pulling him in for a kiss.
"I know… And I love you for that and for a thousand other reasons…"
@poulticepurse @poppypopp @hannahmationstudios @han-ban-bam @mancatrex @fogsblue but no pressure <3
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omgsquee2001 · 1 year
Chapter 2: Dol Guldur and Mirkwood
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Azog walked out onto a raised walkway in Dol Guldur. A darkness flew through the air and spoke to Azog in Black Speech. 
"We grow in number. We grow in strength. I entered the Half Breed's mind and showed her what she is to become. You will lead my armies." The Darkness said. Azog growled. 
"What of Oakenshield?" Azog asked. He was still hell-bent on killing Oakenshield and ending the line of Durin once and for all. He still had plans to betray the Darkness and take the Half Breed's powers for himself, though he had to be careful, for the Darkness could enter his mind and his plans would be in vain.
"War is coming." The Darkness said, ignoring Azog's question. 
"You promised me his head!" Azog shouted in anger. The Darkness flew right through Azog and he spun around to face it.
"Once I have the Half Breed's powers, death will come to all." The Darkness promised. The Darkness disappeared, leaving Azog angry with his question unanswered. He snarled in anger. An Orc came to him. 
"Do we call off the hunt?" The Orc asked. Azog contemplated for a few seconds, then made up his mind.
The Orcs turned as Bolg, much taller than any of the other Orcs, matching Azog in height, strode up to Azog, pushing the other Orcs aside. Azog and Bolg stood toe to toe. 
"I have a task for you. Do you still thirst for Dwarf blood?" Azog asked. Bolg smiled in hatred and excitement, eager to spill more blood. 
Back at Beorn's house, Beorn's ponies were prancing through the fields. A very large bumblebee landed on Bilbo's nose, waking him with a start. Putting on his jacket, he walked toward the kitchen, where all the dwarves and Gandalf were already seated. Mizim's tail thumped in happiness as Bilbo gently stroked her fur, looking around in awe at the huge interior of the house. Beorn poured milk from a pitcher into Fili's cup. Beorn was much taller than any human, even taller than Gandalf. Beorn looked at Thorin and Alrún, who was resting her head against Thorin's shoulder, still very much uneasy about her dream the other night.
"So you are the one they call Oakenshield, and she, she is the daughter of Aredhel." Beorn said. "Tell me, why is Azog the Defiler hunting you?" Beorn asked. Thorin looked at Beorn slightly shocked. 
"You know of Azog? How?"
Beorn looked at the Dwarf King with sad eyes. 
"My people were the first to live in the mountains, before the Orcs came down from the north. The Defiler killed most of my family, but some he enslaved." Beorn explained. Alrún looked at the remnants of manacles on Beorn's wrist. She felt bad for the Skin-Changer. To be enslaved for sport sounded like a fate worse than death. Beorn looked at Alrún. "Not for work, you understand, but for sport. Caging skin-changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him." Beorn said. Alrún looked at the Skin-Changer. 
"That's horrible." She said. Beorn nodded solemnly.
"There are others like you?" Bilbo asked. Beorn looked at Bilbo. 
"Once, there were many."
"And now?"
“Now, there is only one."
The dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf looked on in silence. Beorn looked at Gandalf and spoke, breaking the silence, 
"You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn?" Beorn asked. Gandalf nodded. 
"Before Durin's Day falls, yes." 
Beorn looked at the wizard. 
"You are running out of time."
"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood." Gandalf said. Alrún had read about Mirkwood. She read that the King had lost his Queen and became hardened and refused to offer help to lands outside of his own. She thought back to that day, so many years ago, when the King turned his back on Alrún, Thorin and his people. She was sure that he had his reasons, but it still hurt, nonetheless. 
"A darkness lies upon that forest. Fell things creep beneath those trees. There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. I would not venture there except in great need." Beorn argued. Alrún's eyes widened. Gandalf had spoken of a Necromancer in Rivendell in the meeting with the White Council. What he had claimed was true then. 
"We will take the Elven Road. That path is still safe." Gandalf insisted. Beorn scoffed lightly.  
"Safe? The Wood-Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They're less wise and more dangerous. But it matters not." Beorn said. Thorin looked at the Skin-Changer. 
"What do you mean?" He asked. 
"These lands are crawling with Orcs. Their numbers are growing, and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive." Beorn said. Alrún sighed. She wanted to ask Beorn more about the Necromancer and if he had heard anything about the Necromancer going after her for her powers, but it seemed now wasn't the time. Thorin looked shocked. Beorn stood up from the table and faced Thorin. "I don't like dwarves. They're greedy and blind, blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own." Beorn said. He picked up a mouse that had been scampering on the table and held it gently, all the while approaching Thorin, who was standing with his arms crossed. Alrún tensed, unconsciously moving her arm out to the side, calling the earth to her will, ready to attack if the Skin-changer tried anything. Little clumps of earth gathered at her fingertips, ready to do their master’s will. "But Orcs I hate more." Beorn said. He looked up at the couple and saw Alrún's arm relax, realizing that he wasn't going to cause harm to her lover. "What do you need?"
The Company saddled and rode Beorn's ponies. Alrún stayed behind with Gandalf for a little bit, sitting in Mizim's saddle. Beorn looked at the young woman and the Wizard. 
“Go now, while you have the light. The hunters are not far behind," Beorn said. He looked at Alrún. "Stay sharp, Daughter of Aredhel. The Necromancer seeks to take your powers. And do not fear. You are stronger than you think." He said. Alrún smiled gently at the Skin-Changer. 
"Thank you Beorn, for everything," she looked at Mizim. "Let's go, Mizim." She said. Mizim ran off, running after the Company to rejoin them. The company rode rapidly across the land, slowing to a stop as they approached a looming, gloomy-looking forest. Gandalf dismounted and walked into the edge of the forest through an ancient archway. 
"The Elven Gate." Gandalf said to himself. Alrún dismounted Mizim as Gandalf turned to the rest. "Here lies our path through Mirkwood." He said. 
"No sign of the Orcs. We have luck on our side." Dwalin said as he dismounted. Alrún looked at her friend, gently patting Mizim's side. 
"Not for long. Azog and his Orcs are faster than they seem we can't afford to rest for very long." She said. Gandalf squinted as he saw something in the distance. It was Beorn, in his bear-form, watching them from a distant ridge.
"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." Gandalf said. The dwarves and Bilbo dismounted and began taking their supplies off the ponies. Bilbo approached the forest on foot.
"This forest feels...sick, as if a disease lies upon it." He observed. He turned to look at the company. "Is there no way around?" He asked. Alrún looked at him as she was helping Kili take his supplies off of his pony. She shook her head. 
"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south." She said. Again, her reading had come to great use while she was in Erebor before Smaug attacked. Gandalf followed a path a few feet further into the shadows and approached a plant-covered statue. At the same time, Bilbo, who was standing by himself, reached into his pocket and, after some internal conflict, slowly pulled out the Ring and fingered it. Alrún gasped and closed her eyes in slight pain. Just like at Beorn's house, she heard the same chant that she had in her nightmare. 
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum ishi krimpatul.
As Gandalf approached the statue, he heard Galadriel's voice in his head. 
Something moves in the shadows unseen, hidden from our sight. Every day it grows in strength. Beware the Necromancer. He is not what he seems. Galadriel’s words rang in his heads as Gandalf approached the statue apprehensively, then quickly yanked off the vines, revealing a painted-on Eye of Sauron. A flaming eye appeared in Alrún's vision, causing her to gasp in fear and look around, terrified.
If our enemy has returned and after Alrún, we must know. Go to the tombs in the mountains.
She gasped and looked at Fili. 
"Are you alright?" He asked, placing a comforting hand on her back. She forced a smile at her Nephew. 
"Yes, Fili, I'm fine. Just, nervous." She said. Fili smiled. 
"No need to be nervous, Auntie. You have Uncle, Kili and I to protect you." He said. Alrún smiled at her Nephew's bravery. 
"Thank you, Fili." She said. 
Gandalf stared at the Eye of Sauron and nodded. 
“The High Fells. So be it." He said to himself. The unladen ponies trotted away. Nori was just about to finish unsaddling Gandalf's horse when Gandalf emerged from the forest.
"Not my horse! I need it." he shouted. As Gandalf strode forward, the Company looked up and murmured in surprise. Alrún looked at Gandalf and furrowed her brows. 
"You're not leaving us?" She said. Gandalf looked at her. 
"I would not do this unless I had to, my dear." He said. Gandalf looked at Mizim, having a silent conversation with the wolf. Mizim huffed and nodded, moving her head to bump into Alrún's side. The woman chuckled and gently stroked Mizim's head. Gandalf looked at Thorin, then turned and looked at a dejected Bilbo.
"You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same Hobbit as the one who left the Shire." Gandalf said, pride shining in his voice. Bilbo seemed to have a internal conflict before speaking, 
"I was going to tell you; I...found something in the Goblin tunnels." Bilbo said. Gandalf looked at Bilbo. 
"Found what?"
Gandalf leaned forward curiously and suspiciously; Bilbo didn't answer immediately, but fumbled with the ring in his pocket.
"What did you find?"
Bilbo stayed silent for several more seconds, then finally responded. 
"My courage." Bilbo said. He removed his hand from his pocket. Gandalf nodded for a moment, feeling as if there was something more than what Bilbo had said. 
"Good. Well, that's good. You'll need it." He said. Gandalf turned and began walking toward his horse; he spoke as he passed Thorin and Alrún. "I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me." Gandalf stopped and looked hard at Thorin as he said this, then continued toward his horse.
"This is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray." Gandalf warned. Alrún sighed. She felt as if things were going to go very wrong very quickly without Gandalf there. 
"Lead us astray? What does that mean?" Bilbo asked Dwalin. Alrún looked at Bilbo. 
"What do you think it means?" She asked. Gandalf got on his horse. It began raining lightly, even though the sun was out.
"You must stay on the path; do not leave it. If you do, you will never find it again." Gandalf warned. Gandalf turned his horse and rode away. "No matter what may come, stay on the path!" Gandalf shouted as he rode away. The air felt ten times more tense now that Gandalf was gone. The company was on their own. Alrún knew how stubborn Thorin could be and she didn't know if she could lead him and the company if the forest lead them astray. Thorin and Company turned toward the forest.
“Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day." Thorin said as he started walking into the forest. 
"Durin's Day. Let's go!" 
"This is our one chance to find the hidden door." Thorin reminded. The Company entered Mirkwood. They were following the paved path that started at the Elven Gate. Alrún lead the way. She knelt and pressed her fingers to the ground, closing her eyes and concentrating. She saw that the path turned a corner. 
"The path goes this way." She said. As the dwarves and Bilbo kept following the path through the forest, it twisted and turned over all sorts of terrain such as bare ground, high ledges, fallen tree trunks, and more. Dwalin thumped the handle of his hammer on the ground to find the paving stones of the trail.
"This way." he said, leading on. They continued walking. The company had started feeling the  affects of the Forest. 
"Air. I need air."
"My head, it's spinning."
At one point, they all stopped abruptly, Nori in the front. Confusion broke out. Alrún frowned.
"What's happening?" She asked. Thorin made his way to the top. 
"Keep moving. Nori, why have we stopped?" He asked. Nori pointed out in front of him. 
“The path...it's disappeared!" He said. Alrún's heart stopped. 
"What's going on?"
"We've lost the path!"
Thorin looked at Alrún. 
"Alrún, can you feel the path? Can you see it?" He asked. Alrún knelt down to the ground and placed her hand there, concentrating again. She couldn't see or feel anything. She looked at Thorin and sighed, shaking her head. Thorin looked at the others. 
"Find it. All of you look. Look for the path!" He shouted in urgency.
Unbeknownst to them, the path is not far away from them, but on the other side of the cliff. They had unknowingly left it some time ago.
The Company wandered through the forest. The forest was beginning to affect them mentally, and they staggered about.
"I don't remember this place before. None of it's familiar."
"It's got to be here."
"What hour is it?"
"I do not know. I don't even know what day it is."
"Is there no end to this accursed place?!" Thorin shouted angrily, the echo of his shout seeming to mock his misery and the misery of his Company.
The dwarves were all muttering and rambling as they wandered about. Bilbo absentmindedly plucked a spiderweb; it vibrated, and the vibrations continued through the various linked spiderwebs and far off into the forest. Bilbo plucked the web again. He heard a strange whispering noise. Alrún stared as the web stopped vibrating. Bilbo went to pluck it a third time, but Alrún quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him. Bilbo looked at Alrún in confusion. 
"I wouldn't do that again if I were you." She warned. They continued walking. Bilbo looked down and saw himself walking backward, although it's actually just an illusion. He looked back at Dori, behind him, and saw himself. His entire vision began shifting and tilting. Ori leaned down and picked up a tobacco pouch. 
"Look." Ori said in wonder. Dori took it from his brother. 
"A tobacco pouch. There's dwarves in these woods." Dori said. Bofur took the pouch from Dori.
"Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less. This is exactly the same as mine." Bofur said. Alrún sighed in exasperation. While she was also effected by the forest, she tried to fight back against the illusions. 
"Because it is yours." Alrún argued, trying to get the company to see reason. Bilbo nodded. 
"You understand? We're going round in circles. We are lost." Bilbo said. Dwalin looked at Bilbo and Alrún. 
"We're not lost. We keep heading east." Dwalin said, determination in his voice. 
"But which way is east? We've lost the sun." Oin said. As the dwarves began bickering indistinctly, Alrún looked around. She found Bilbo's eyes. Clearly, they were thinking the same thing. 
"The sun." She said. Bilbo nodded.
"We have to find the sun." He agreed. Alrún  pointed to the canopy above. 
"Bilbo, you're the only one who can get up there. I'll stay down here and try to snap them out of it. Go and find the sun." Alrún said. Bilbo nodded. Bilbo stared to climb up the nearby tree trunk. The dwarves had started fighting and pushing each other around. Alrún tilted her head, hearing the same whispering she had heard when Bilbo plucked the spider web. "What? What's that?" She asked herself. She listened more intently. The whispering continued. Realization dawned on her. They weren't alone. 
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//Okay, so, real quick, I'm debating on weather Alrún should go to the tomb in the mountains with Gandalf. I might not since she needs the Arkenstone to awaken her powers fully, but I was also thinking, that, like Galadriel, she could have another awesome power explosion moment and fight against the evil there and protect Gandalf. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below.//
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nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 101
Chapter 101: Pay Back
Chichi said I have to go to the doctors today. “Why do I have to go?” She kept trying to push me out the door, but I wasn’t moving. These are the few times I actually used my full strength around her. At this moment she was trying to push an unmovable object.
“I swear Goku, you’re being worse than Goten, when it’s time for his checkups. At that, I have to have Gohan help. Now stop being so difficult, and let’s go!” I told her no. She stopped pushing, and hugged me from the front, and was giving me a kissy face. “If you be a good boy you get a reward.” Oh no, I’m not falling for that one again. She used that too many times on me. I just looked away. I then felt her sneaky hand go under my clothes, and rub my tail stub. Must. Not. React. She’s not going to win this time. I mean it when I said I’m not going. What made it worst was that she knew my body reacts to that, and was now kissing me through my pants. Damn my wife! I’m not going to lose!
To my great relief, and disappointment, she finally stop. And I finally looked at her. She looked so angry, that if this was anything else, I would have given in. She then walked away, and I thought I was free. I was wrong. When she came back, and in her hand was a slice of her famous apple pie. She can’t be serious, but she was. She started to take small bites from it. I could feel drool coming from the corner on my mouth. She really was going to do anything to make me go. What made it worst was that her top was open, and crumbs were falling on top of her boobs. Then an apple slice landed and then slide off her breast. She unclip her bra, grabbed her breast, and made it that she licked the trail that the apple slice left behind. She’s actually doing this. It was becoming hard to breathe, and my clothes were becoming tighter. I watch her finish the apple pie, and in her other hand was a glass of milk. As she drank that, she let some spill onto her breasts.
The whole time she was looking right at me. When she finished, she went to the kitchen. I followed her, watched her wet a cloth and clean herself. I was between just giving in and attacking my wife, and say I would do anything. But then I remembered that she wants me to go get a checkup. So, I angrily left the kitchen, and sat on the couch. I crossed my arms, and closed my eyes. She can’t do anything, if my eyes are closed. I was wrong again. She sat on my lap, and stroking my face. Temping me to lean into her touch; temping me to look. But I’m not going to do it. Then I felt my face being pressed into my favorite pillows. “But I don’t wanna.” The smell of apple pie and milk was still there.
“Please. For me.” Damn it! I lost. As we went to the doctors, I was so mad. I can’t believe this. My wife actually did all that to make me go to the stupid doctors. When we got there, I was seen right away. The moment I saw those damn evil objects, I tried to make a run for it. But Chichi was at the door, holding one of them in her hand. I was trapped. When I finally sat down, Chichi held my hand, as they took blood samples, and gave me whatever shots I had to take. After that whole heart virus warning, these became a twice a year routine. I was even mad at the fact Chichi was laughing at me, when it came time to give me my shorts. As we left, I told her I was going to get her back for this.
She was smiling when I said that. I didn’t like this. She’s actually looking forward to me getting her back. I really love that fact, that she loved it when I’m angrily doing her. She loves it when she gets ‘my pay back.’ Oh, not this time missy. I really mean it when I said I’m getting my pay back. For that alone, I’m going to make sure she knows that I mean it. As we rode nimbus ‘home’ I took the long way. I wanted to make sure that one of the boys got home before us.
I was so happy, and to her disappointment, Goten just got home. She giggled as she cooked, and when Gohan came home, he started laughing. I felt my face burning. My own wife and elder son was making fun of me. I told them to just laugh it up, and Chichi was poking my cheek, saying to toughing up. I was so mad I licked that damn finger. She looked surprised by that. Then Goten asked why everyone was laughing. I told them not to answer, and Gohan took his plate away from the table and said how I was afraid of needles. That’s it! You have to come straight home, from school, for a week, and you can’t go out this weekend! Sorry, but he asked. I couldn’t argue there. I still stand for what I said. “Oh. It’s ok daddy. Not everyone is as fearless as mom.” I was just shock, and the other two just laughed harder. “What’s so funny? It’s true. Mom isn’t afraid of anything or anybody.”
Oh, that’s what he thinks. I looked over at Chichi. Our little Goten truly thinks that. After dinner, I told the boys to go to their rooms, for the rest of the night. Goten asked if there wasn’t going to be family time tonight. I sadly told him that no family time. He looked so sad, and gave me a hug. He even said how it’s ok, and that even if I’m scared of needles, he still sees me as the braves dad ever. It made me slightly happy, and I gave him big hug, before ruffling his hair. Gohan gave me a look, and I told he too has to go. He asked if I still meant he had to come straight home. “If you don’t start heading to your room, I’ll make it two weeks.” He looked scared, and ran to his room. Now that’s taken care of, I watched my wife just stand there, speechless. “Aren’t you going to clean, like you always do.”
She look like she was having trouble finding words, but quickly shook her head, and started the dishes. I sat at the table and watched her; thinking how would I get her back. As she washed dishes, I could smell she was getting worked up. That’s it! She didn’t speak to me the whole time, and neither did I. When she started scrubbing the floors, did I decide to do something. Making sure I didn’t step on her clean floors, a grabbed one of her butt cheeks, which made her paused her actions. She looked over her shoulder at me, and I just told her to finish cleaning. She gave a little pout, before getting back to cleaning. I then rubbed my fingers against her wet core, through her clothes. I could tell it took her everything to not react. Good.
I then, in a single motion, took her pants off. It caught her by complete surprised, just how it did when I shoved my fingers into her. I add a small bit a ki to them, and watched how she bit her hand. I then removed my fingers, and enjoyed watching her pant before looking at me. I walked away, and told her to hurry up. When she came to the room, I made quick work of closing and locking the door. At that moment she became my hopeless, and fragile little wife. She loves it when tell how much I love that. She even asked if that meant I forgave her. “Nope.” She looked disappointed at that. She tried asking for me to forgive her. “Too late for that.”
I dropped her on the bed, and started removing my obi. She was looking at that spot, and licking her lips. Aw, does my wife really think she’s going to get rewarded for her behavior. I made sure my pants didn’t fall, as I dropped my obi on the floor. She looked slightly disappointed; good. I told her to turn around, and it took her a moment to do so. I finished getting undress, and she kept trying to look back. No, you don’t. Once naked, I hugged her. Pressing my face to hers, I roughly grabbed hold of her breasts, and heating them up with my ki. The moment she started to bite her lip, I moved away. She made a disappointed sound, and even almost fell backwards. After I made sure she was ok, I went to the bathroom.
She actually rush behind me. My wife really thinks she’s going to get rewarded. Not this time. I meant it when I said I would get pay back. She was shock when all I did was clean her, and no playing around. Even in the tub, I didn’t even try anything. To make it funny, was how she kept looking more and more disappointed. And whenever I moved, she looked hopeful. When I dried her, and carried her to bed, she looked so excited. But was quickly disappointed that all I wanted to do was sleep. She was even pouting, crossing her arms, and having her back to me. She even said I was being a meanie butt. That’s your fault. During the next morning she was very upset. So upset, that she stomped all through the house. She only gave me a little bit of food, and said I couldn’t hunt. She’s not the only one who didn’t play nice.
The boys did look worried, and I tried to reassure them that everything was fine. I even told Gohan he was allowed to hang out. Once I finished eating, I just laid on the couch. The boys said bye to us, and headed out. I’ll take a little nap, as Chichi did all her usually chores. Two free days wasn’t bad. She can’t give me an ear full for not farming today, because it’s all her fault. I could literally feel that she kept checking up on me, and that her anger was raising. This is, after all, her fault. Then when I felt she was stomping into the den; I couldn’t help inwardly giggle. Thankfully she didn’t notice I was peeking at her. Then I felt she was about to turn around, and I quickly made sure I wasn’t facing her. I could feel her eyes on me. I kept track of what she was doing, by sensing her ki, and she quickly found out I was really awake.
She dragged me to the floor, and was bagging on my chest. She was calling me mean, and a jerk for last night. “You’re acting like a spoil brat.” I couldn’t stop laughing at how angry she got at that comment.
“I AM A SPOIL BRAT! That’s all your fault!” She shaking me by the collar. “WHY DID YOU DO THAT? Was it really because I laughed at you over you being scared of needles?” She started to tear up. “I’m sorry. Now give me!” She grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts, begging me to give her what she wants. “I want my husband to give me, give me. Stop laughing, you big jerk!” I just couldn’t stop laughing at her expression. She’s begging me to give in to her wants. Even when I sat up, she was trying to kiss me. When I didn’t let her, she started crying harder. I really did spoil her, and at that I couldn’t stop laughing.
I carried her, as I got up from the floor, and walked to our room. The whole time she was crying and banging my chest. When I set her down, is when she finally took note of where we were, and stopped crying. “Does wife still want husband to ‘give me, give me’?” She smiled and nodded excitedly. I always found that cute; how she went from one emotion to another in the blink of an eye. It actually made things exciting. “So, remove my obi, and I’ll give you everything you want.” She rushed to get my obi untied, and when my pants fell, the excitement in her eyes was breathtaking. I couldn’t help lick my lips at that. She then asked to go super. “You don’t have to ask. I rather you demand me.”
At that she get even more excited. “Go super, and give me, give me.” Well, someone forgot she’s a grown up, and behaving like a kid. And they say I do this. I couldn’t help giggle, as I went super, and then started taking off my shirt. She then jumped me. “Rip my clothes off!” Oh damn. Years I been wanting to hear her say that, and this is all it had to take. Damn! Now I know. But I couldn’t rip her clothes, she’ll get mad later. So, I flipped her, and quickly, and gently, took off her clothes. She was being very demanding today. Yanking me down into an aggressive kiss. Where did all of this come from? I was always the aggressive one. She had tried, but never like this.
It was making me fall in love with her all over again. I definitely got lucky marrying her. She won’t even let me pull away, to let her breathe. Mm. As our lips and teeth battle each other, as I shoved myself into her still ever so tight core. “AH!” I could feel her raking my back, as I thrust into her. When her nails came across my tail stub, I was on the verge of losing it. I ram harder; I wanted her to join me. The moment I felt she was close too, I pulled out, and flipped us, to where we could enjoy each other with our mouths. I practically attacked her pear of nerves, as I felt her mouth suck me in, and her teeth raking me. I was the very edge, but I wanted her to come first. When she did, I finally let myself lose control, and came in her wonderful mouth. I then flipped her, so we could kiss, as we tasted ourselves. That alone made us come again.
Our mouth attacked each other, before I rammed up into her. She was driving me mad. I attacked her neck and shoulders. I wanted to taste every inch I could. She was even raking every inch her nails could reach. It’s driving me insane. The best part, I could tell it was driving her mad as well. She was screaming both my names as I rammed harder and harder into her. And when she came, she surprised me, by biting down on my shoulder. At that, I roar my own climax, and she bit even harder as she came again.
As we tried to catch our breath, I couldn’t stop kissing her shoulder, and she was licking her bitemark. I really hope that one stays, too. Then without warning, she pushed me back. The look she gave me, made me hard again. And I was so thankful I was still in her. She rode me, till I flipped her, and slammed into her over and over. She kept screaming my names again, and I leveled up to super sayian 2. I rarely go this far, for fear of hurting her badly. But right now, all that went out the window, as I rammed into her with more force. She then begged that I do the other one; the one she only seen, maybe, twice.
I went super sayian 3, and she screamed. She felt even more tighter in this form, and I was practically losing it. I attacked her mouth, and that ended up becoming another battle. I grabbed her neglected breasts, and gave the attention they deserve. Before long, I had her screaming as she came, again and again. I then flipped to her knees, and took her from the back. She even begged that also play with her ass. With that said, I pulled out and shoved myself into her other hole. As I thrusted into her, one hand worked her pearl of nerves, and the other played with her breast. Her screaming both my names was just madding. I didn’t know which name I like better; especially how they sounded coming from my wife. She screamed as she came all over my fingers, and I roared as I climax in her ass. We were about to go again, till I felt that Goten was halfway home. “Fuck.” She looked at me surprised.
I told her that Goten was coming. “Fuck.” I quickly powered down, and we rushed to the bathroom. Even though the goal was to take a quick shower, it still ended with us going another round.
The moment I entered the house something felt off. It was just too quiet. I knew mom and dad were home, because I could sense them. Just when I was going to reach out to mom, they came downstairs. Weird. Mom and dad are wearing different clothing from this morning. They’re even super covered up. It’s probably nothing bad. They greeted me with a hug, before dad carried me, and mom went to go make dinner. I told them about my day, and they seemed very excited.
When Gohan came home, he gave our parents a weird look before shaking his head. As we ate, he told us about his day. After dinner, since I didn’t have homework, I played with dad. But as we played, I did notice that him and mom seem a little bruised around the lip. I wonder why. Probably they were doing kissy face. But why does kissing leave bruises? Could be an adult type of kissy face. Or just only mom and dad thing. Whatever it was I hope it didn’t hurt. I would be sad if either one of them were hurt.
When it came to bedtime, dad tucked me in. Before he left, I couldn’t help say something. “I hope it didn’t hurt.” He asked what I meant. “Your and mommy’s face is all marked up. Did you and mommy do some type of kissy face?” Dad face went really red, and he seem to stutter a lot. He said that they were fine, and not to worry. But when I asked about the kissy face again, his face became redder, and he said that he thinks mom was calling him. He then ran out my room, shouting mom’s name. Huff. I couldn’t help feel a little mad that he didn’t answer my question. Maybe Gohan knew.
Just before I got out of bed, so I could go ask him, mom came into my room. Maybe mom would answer me. Or she’ll be like dad, and run away. That thought actually upset me. Mom was now sitting on my bed, and I hugged her. Nothing wrong in asking. I asked her the same question, and even her face got red. I got ready to have her not answer the question. “Well, it’s something like that. Who told you about kissy face?” Oh, mom answered me. I told her that Trunks told me. Even though it’s just kissing. But Trunks says that there’s other types. “Does he know the other types?” I shook my head. Mom then let out a sign, and hugged me. Since my question was answered, I felt better, and being hugged by mom was a plus. Mom re-tucked me to bed, and I fell asleep thinking about how cool it would be to have cake for breakfast every day.
“Your and mommy’s face is all marked up. Did you and mommy do some type of kissy face?” I didn’t know what to say to this. My face even felt it was on fire. What am I supposed to say to this? I need help. I quickly said how Chichi was calling me, just an excuse to actually get her. The moment I got to her, she asked what was wrong.
“Goten has a question, and I don’t know how to answer it.” She asked what type of question. “Kissy face.” My face was on fire, and from the looks of it, her face was turning red. But she quickly made her way to Goten’s room. She spoke with him, and tucked him back to bed. We reached our door, when we saw that Gohan had yet entered his room. “Is it that bad?” He nodded, and said how he would like to be able to sleep tonight. Now my face was on fire all over again.
Once we closed the door behind us, I finally got out of my long-sleeve turtle neck. And as we laid in bed, I rested my head on her shoulder. She was lightly scratching my head, and asking if I was alright now. I nod my head. She kept scratching my head. “Looks like we can’t do that for a good while.” It’s your fault. “How is it my fault?” She stopped scratching my head, and moved her hand away. I pulled her hand back, and she scratched again.
“Because you’re too irresistible, and I love you.” She smiled at me, and kissed my forehead. “I mean it. I can’t keep my hands off you.” I started tickling her, and kept saying stop. I stopped, and placed my face between her boobs. I could hear her giggle, and I looked up at her. “What’s so funny?”
“You. You’re being silly.” I couldn’t help pout at that. How was I being silly. “For how you acted when Goten asked you that question. You were looking like a little kid, not knowing what to do. It was so cute.” She then poke my nose. “You’re so cute when you act like that. It’s actually one of the many charms that had me falling for you.” I smiled at that. “Now, are you really going to sleep like that? Or do I get to?” I just stick out my tongue at her, and started to fall asleep on her boobs. I could hear her humming, and she scratched my head. Ah, best feeling in the world.
“Again, Videl. Dad was just mad that I answered one of Goten’s questions. He just wanted to know why me and mom were laughing. Hey! Stopping laughing.”
“Sorry, can’t help it. Good boy Gohan got in trouble by his daddy.” She just continued laughing, as she banged her fist on the bed.
“You know what’s the worst part?” She asked what. “When I got home dad and mom lips were all bruised up, like bite marks, and dad was also very covered up. Dad rarely covers up.” We both laughed at that. “So, how’s your assignment coming along? Since I can’t physically be there to help.” She said fine, and I tried my best to explain some parts for her. Once that was done, we just talked a bit more, before falling asleep. I was looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow was Videl’s birthday. Who know that our birthday was in the same month?
I’m so glad I got this the moment I found out about her birthday. It wasn’t anything big, but I hope she likes it. I’m so glad Bulma needed help testing out her new security system. Even Vegeta was impressed. As I got to school, I was feeling both excited and nervous. From what Erasa, Mark, and Sharpner have said, I wonder if she would even like it. They said how every year almost everyone, and even the police force, celebrated her birthday. She would get so many expensive gifts. Would mine even matter?
As I entered homeroom, she was nowhere in sight. I quickly sense where she was, and she was on the roof. And she’s alone. I wonder she got up there? I didn’t see her when I get to school. I quickly made my way up there, and she was hiding in a corner. Was she… “Hey, Videl? Are you ok?” She looked up at me, and said she was ok. But I can tell she wasn’t. Those tears didn’t look like the happy kind. I sat next to her, and pulled her into a hug. Then she really started sobbing. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
She took something out her bookbag, and handed it to me. It was a letter. I asked if she was sure I could read it. She nodded her head, and she continued crying in my chest. It was a letter from her mom. From what I know, she hasn’t spoken to her mom since the divorce. In the letter it was wishing her a happy birthday, and that she would like to have dinner together. I wasn’t understanding what was the matter. I tried thinking about what could possibly wrong with having a dinner, with her mom. Videl always said how her mom left her dad, because of the frame after the cell games. How her mom didn’t even try to stay in her life. How her mom didn’t even try to fight for joined custody. Then it hit me. Her mom pretty much up and abandon her. I knew that feeling too well. We might have a different situation, and got different situations.
I held her closer, and kissed her forehead. “I don’t get why she wants to do this now. She never did before. I don’t even want to class right now.” That’s when we heard the first warning bell. Crap! If I miss class mom would get angry, but I don’t want to leave Videl like this. “Gohan.” I looked down at her. “You can go to class. I’ll just go home.” Oh no!
“But Videl. I can’t leave you looking like this on your birthday.”
“I know, but don’t want you get anymore in trouble with your parents.” I really don’t know what to do. “Don’t pout. Fine, I’ll go to class. But can ask your parents if I could come over today. I don’t want to go home.” I nod my head. As we head to class, I tried mentally reaching mom, and telling her what’s going on. I was completely thrown off when she said that Videl could go now if she like. I told that to Videl, and she had a small smile. “Does she mean it?” I double checked with mom, and I nodded. “I better go get my bookbag. I’ll see you later.” She kissed my cheek, before she ran downstairs. That’s when the second warning bell rang. CRAP! I rushed to class, and made it in time.
Class went by pretty ok, if you don’t count how many times someone came in, to tell Videl happy birthday. But they always get disappointed that she wasn’t in class. Even her dad was shocked she wasn’t in school, when he came during lunch time. When he spotted me, he pulled me to the side. He scream, asked, where was Videl. When I told him I didn’t know, I was continued being yelled at. I don’t know if I was even allowed to tell her dad where she was. But I did ask him about the whole mom thing, and he said sorry. Why was he apologizing? He said that her mom left because of him, and he blames himself for them not staying connected. I asked what he meant.
“She hated me so much that she wanted nothing to do with me. Even things that remainder her of me. True, Videl was always a daddy’s girl, but she loved her mother too. But she was never really home. The Cell Games was the last straw. Heck, that’s when I found out she was cheating on me.” I actually started to feel really bad for him now. He then gave me his number, and asked me to rely a message for him. Something about he has a special gift for her, when she gets home. Also, that he wanted me to be there when he gives Videl her gift. That part confused me.
0 notes
demon-guardian · 3 years
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So before you read I might have gone crazy and written a 3.4K fanfic. Do I regret it? No. I had a lot of fun writing this so hope you enjoy under the Cut.
Wild Cat
So you and Opera know each other before you guys knew Balam and Kalego. You were a year older than Opera so when Opera came to Babyls Demon School they followed you around the school like you were their prey. You were the reason why Opera met Sullivan. Before meeting Sullivan, Opera would go around and attack other students, even some teachers. When Opera found out that you were Sullivan's right hand they started to stalk you. After following you for a bit after school they follow you to the back of the school.
“So you're Sullivan right hand, huh? You don’t look that strong. Maybe if I beat you up I will get a go at the big man himself.” Opera started to pounce at you.
You put your hands up to cover yourself and close your eyes waiting for the attack to come but it never did. You open your eyes to see Sullivan in front of you, stopping the attack with one finger.
“Tsk, tsk Opera, did you know it is very rude to attack fellow classmates,” Sullivan started to say, “why don’t you and I go and have a talk. What do you say, Opera?”
As Opera responded they lifted their leg up and went to kick Sullivan in the face but once again Sullivan was able to block it by grabbing his leg. Then Sullivan put Opera under his arm and started to walk off with Opera.
“Great let's go have our chat this way,” Sullivan says walking off, “Oh and (y/n) please cancel my meeting for today and tomorrow and have them reschedule, more important things came up. Once you tell them you can head home for the day.”
After whatever talk they had, Opera had a dazed and confused look for weeks, they looked like they were lost in thought. At the end of the week, you saw them sitting on one of the benches in school as all the other students started to leave school. You went to one of the vending machines and bought two sodas and walked up to Opera and handed it to them. Opera gave you a confused look before grabbing it. You two sat in silence drinking your soda, neither of you speaking, just watching the students walk by. It was a good 20 minutes before Opera finally broke the silence.
“Why are you sitting next to me? Just a week ago I tried to attack you.” Opera asked, looking down at the ground.
“You look a little lost. So I thought you could have someone to talk to. So what if you tried to attack me. You need someone to lend you an ear and I will lend you an ear.” You say.
Opera looked over to you with a surprising look on their face before looking back down at the ground. Silence fell onto you two again to the point that only the teachers were left in the school. Then once again Opera broke the silence.
“Sullivan said the same thing you said. He said I look lost and all this fighting is you trying to find you an answer. So talk to me, I will listen,” Opera said before pausing then they started to speak again, “I didn’t talk at all, I was quiet. He asks me all these questions and I never answer them. He sat with me for 6 hours before he said I will give you time to think so why don’t I take you home. Then I kicked him in the face and ran off. I still don’t know why I kicked him or why he wanted to help me even though I caused chaos for his school?”
You watch as his face looks so torn and their ears and tail are droopy. Silence fell onto you once again but for a much shorter time. But this time you were the one to speak.
“Sullivan did the same thing for me. I am a weak demon in strength and magic. I try to get into fights but most demons either push me away or just beat me up. So after one of the times I got beat up Sullivan found me and healed me up and asked me what happened. I told him and he asked me why I needed to fight to prove that I was strong? There are other ways to be strong. I was confused about what he meant, so I asked him to show me. Then he took me under his wing and taught me ways to be strong not in ways of strength or in magic but in wits, intelligence, and many other skills. Then the next thing I know I am his right hand.” You say.
“Will he do the same for me?” Opera asked.
“Yes he will, all you got to do is ask,” You answer, “But you can ask him another time let's get going home, he most likely is at his home as well.”
You got up off the bench and lent a hand towards them to help them up. They take your hand and stand up. As you walk out of school Opera speaks up again.
“I never got your name.” They say.
You let out a chuckle before answering, “You knew I was Sullivan's right hand but not my name.”
Opera looked down sheepishly, “I didn’t bother, all I cared for was beating you up, which I would like to say sorry for trying to beat you up.”
“Don’t worry about I’m not mad about it but the names (y/n).”
“Pleasure to meet you Opera.”
After you two walk home the next day Opera asks Sullivan to find the answer to his question. Which Sullivan happily accepted. Then you and Opera became Sullivan's right hands and whenever Sullivan you two would hang out with each other becoming good friends.
Then your third year started and Opera second year started. Opera thought of a way to repay Sullivan's kindness and that was by cleaning up the school. Which means beating a bunch of demons up again. But this time you clean up the mess. This is also how you met Kalego and Balam who became Opera ‘underlings’. This was also the first time you got badly injured after you met Opera.
It was another day at school Opera beating up another group of students that they say they now have a reason for beating up, unlike last year. Kalego yelled at him to stop and Balam followed closely behind.
“Will you stop starting all these fights! You are making more of a mess than cleaning up the mess you think you are fixing!” Kalego yelled.
Opera was once again on top of another hill of bodies that you will have to send to the nurse's office. Opera was looking down at Kalego as if he was a little child crying over spilled milk.
“I will not stop. If you want me to stop you will have to beat me like this so call the guard dog of the school.” Opera said in a somewhat mocking tone. That only made Kalego even angrier.
“Why don’t you come down here then so I can put you down a peg or two!” Kalego yelled once more.
Opera gave a cocky smirk as he jumped off the hill of bodies. Those two were staring down at each other almost like there was lighting sparking off each other. You look over at Balam who was shifting around nervously looking at ways to stop this fight from happening. At this point, you knew you had to step in.
Stepping in between the two you spoke, “Alright you two knock it off. Kalego is right in this Opera you don’t need to fight to solve all of this. Kalego please stop getting angry at Opera, it only encourages them.”
Opera calms down and looks at you with almost a sad look to it and Kalego just lets out a huff. Having calmed down the fight you were finally able to get the hill of bodies to the nurse's office. After that, all of you went your separate ways to your class and that's when it happened. On your way to your class, another student walks up to you. You could tell from the injuries he had that it was most likely a student that Opera had beaten up. You could tell by the look on his face that he was pissed off.
“You're the one that's always by Opera side?” The student asked.
“Yes, that is correct.” You answer with some concern.
“Good now let's teach Opera a lesson by beating you up then maybe they will learn their lesson.” He said with venom dripping from his voice.
He cracked his knuckles as he started to walk up to you. You tried to back away but he was able to back you into a wall. Then after that, you don’t know what happened, he was able to knock you out. When you woke up when you were in the nurse’s office you saw that Balam and Kalego were next to you. Those two seeing you were up put relief on their faces. Balam pulls you into a hug seeing where up and Kalego pulls out his phone and looks to be texting someone.
“I’m so glad you are okay (y/n)” Balam said in his hug.
“What happened? How did I end up here?” You ask.
“Balam and I found you in the hallway unconscious with your head bleeding and a huge dent in the wall. We brought you here after we found you.” Kalego answered.
You look down at the ground hearing that and as you were about to speak up the door suddenly slammed open. You see Sullivan at the door, seeing you awake he runs over to you pushing Balam off of you.
In his crying mess, he said, “Oh (y/n) thank goodness you are okay. When I heard the news I was so worried. Even Opera was so worrying I think even more than me.”
“Where is Opera?” You asked.
Everyone went silent when you mentioned Opera. Their faces all gave an uncomfortable look to them. None of them wanted to answer the question and it was complete silence. Almost assuming the worst, the door opens once again to see Opera this time at the door. Their face had the same look of loss on it as when you saw them on the bench but this time it had other emotions on their face. The face showed a look of sadness and regret. Seeing that you were awake finally Opera rushed over sitting at the side of your bed next to Sullivan. Everyone faces look at Opera waiting for them to say something.
Opera, seeing everyone's look, answers their looks by asking, “Can you leave the two of us alone for a minute?”
“Of course Opera. Now come along Balam and Kalego, let's leave these two alone for a bit.” Sullivan said, getting up. Balam and Kalego got up and followed after Sullivan, closing the door behind them as they left, leaving the two of you alone.
Once Opera heard the door close behind them they spoke up, “It is my fault that you are here.”
“No, it is you weren’t the one who-” You started to say
“Yes, I was! If I didn’t get into those fights you would have never happened.” Opera yelled.
“You meant well with all the fights even though it might have been the best way of doing it. But you didn’t think this would happen. I am fine now Opera and please don’t blame yourself for this.” You say.
Then Opera goes silent almost as if they are thinking things through. Opera places a hand on top of yours and gives you a smile. You two sat in silence for the rest of the day. After that day Opera stood by your side and made sure you were out of harm's way. Opera got into fewer and fewer fights as the school years went by, sticking to mostly teasing Kalego instead. Each year as well you and Opera got even more closely with each other. You were able to stay out of harm's way until the next time you got injured at the Walter park incident.
Many years went by since then and both you and Opera became devil security for Sullivan and as well as a protector for Sullivan's newest member of the family, his grandson Iruma. While Opera helps with training Iruma in strength, you help out Iruma with his studying. Both you and Opera were confused on why Sullivan would pick Iruma who is a human over any demon but as both of you saw him grow you why he chose Iruma.
Now that vacation is here, all the kids from the misfit class all decide to go to Walter Park. Sullivan, being as nervous and worried for Iruma's safety, Opera, Balam, and Kalego were tasked with watching the students. All the kids look excited to see and explore Walter Park that they all almost ran off in different directions. The four adults grab the students, stopping them in their tracks.
“Can't we just go and do whatever we like?” Lied asked.
“No, if you want to split up, you’ll do it with a chaperone.” Kalego answers annoy with even the thought of them being all over the place.
“Why don’t we split everyone up into 3 groups?” Balam suggested.
“Wait, why not 4 groups? There are 4 adults here.” Jazz asks, pointing at each of the adults. Balam and Kalego both look unconfirmable at the thought of 4 groups almost not wanting to respond.
Opera responded to Jazz’s question, “(y/n) and I will be one group because we can’t be separated. Sullivan orders.”
You gave a confused look at Opera because you don’t remember Sullivan ever giving those orders but it seems to get the students to not question why only 3 groups. With setting up the competition you got all in your groups. Yours and Opera group happen to be all the girls and off to the clothing stores. Right after the hearing, Iruma was found again after a loud crash as the building gets destroyed by a panther rat. You and Opera got separated with you only having Elizabetta and Crocell while Opera has Clara and Ameri.
The panther rat kept destroying buildings with its tail sending debris flying your way. You were able to move the students out of the way but your movement must have caught the monster's eyes.
Because as you set down the students you hear Elizabetta yell, “Watch out (y/n)!”
You turn around to see one of the monster’s tails coming towards you and crash into your side sending you flying into one of the buildings. As you move and try to get up with your dizzy vision and your hearing ringing. You saw the monster staring down at you through the hole it made when it threw you. It stared down at you sending its tails ready to finish you off. As they come down you hear an ear-piercing scream of your name you couldn’t tell who it was from but the tails quickly disappear after the scream.
As you were able to get out of the hole you saw all the girls looking shocked and terrified but not at the monster but at Opera. Opera was in a blind rage and was destroying the monster each time one of the tails tried to attack them it was immediately cut down. You haven’t seen Opera fight like this before they almost look like they were in their wicked phase or worse return to origin. As the monster falls to the ground defeated single-handedly by Opera. You tried to walk up to Opera and call out their name but your vision got blurry and you fell unconscious.
When you woke up you found yourself in a bed in the hotel. You saw that there was food and get well soon cards on the nightstand next to you from the students. Right next to it was Opera sitting in a chair with their head resting on the bed asleep. You place your hand on top of their head and pet their ears. Their ears and tails started to twitch as Opera started to wake up. Opera eyes kept opening and closing, deciding whether or not to wake up. Deciding to wake up Opera to see you up gives you a smile. As Opera sat up in their chair you removed your hand from their head.
“The students are very kind to give me food and get a well-soon card, aren’t they?” You state.
“Yes, they are. The food was mostly Iruma, but the cards were from all of them. Elizabeth and Crocell wanted to say thank you for saving them.” Opera responded.
You two sat in silence only hearing the party going on in the hotel as background noise. You don’t know how long you sat in silence before Opera spoke again.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t-” Opera started to say before you cut him off.
“Don’t finish that sentence,” You started to say, catching Opera off guard, “you didn’t fail to protect me. We were both doing a job to protect the students.”
“But I’m also there to protect you,” Opera said.
“Which you did when I got hit. I saw the fight and what you did. Thank you for saving me.”
“I don’t deserve your thanks. I wasn’t able to keep my promise to myself.”
“What promise?”
“After you got injured back when we were in our third and second year after that I promised to protect you.”
“But you can’t control that with the job we both have that is difficult.”
“Yes, I can! I can protect the person I care about and love the most!”
This sudden confession stun both you and Opera. Maybe Opera a little more than you. The room fills with silence once again but not the silence you are used to. Unlike the other silence that was comfortable this silence was heavy. Neither of you was able to speak at a loss for words trying to find what to say. Both of you as well not wanting to be the first one to speak. The silence went on for what felt like hours. Neither of you could hear the outside noise anymore. You two were staring at each other waiting for the other one to finally speak.
“Can you repeat?” You say breaking the silence almost in the worst way.
Opera took a deep breath before responding, “I have loved you since I think you talk to me on the bench. But it took me until you were injured to realize. Seeing you in the nurse's office injured by someone mad at me made me feel so guilty. So I promise to protect you with all my life as in the same way I protect Sullivan.”
“Why didn’t you tell me till now?” You asked.
“I didn’t know if you would return my feelings so I stayed silent. But I guess I can get your response now. If you don’t return them that's fine just let me stay by your side. All that matters is that I stay by your side because I truly love and care for you.” They respond.
You were stunned to hear that. For that long and to hold it in that long. Why didn’t they tell you? You would have returned it. After meeting them and seeing them grow. All the years spending time with each other. Helping each other during the worst. Opera protects you from any danger that comes your way. Then to see that rage for you being injured. How could you not fall for them?
Opera ears drip after not hearing you respond to their question. Taking the hint they start to get up and leave. You quickly grab their arm before they could leave. Opera turns to look at you in a confused manner. You quickly pull them down and give them a peck on the cheek. A shocked look came on Opera's face as a blush started to form on their face.
“Sorry, it took me so long to respond. So let us spend the rest of our time protecting each other.”
Hope you enjoy here it is on AO3 if you want to read it there:
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hispipsqueak · 3 years
Good Little Pet
Satan x F!Reader - NSFW
WC: 2.5K
TW: pet play, anal play, choking, master/pet dynamics, maid outfits, light degradation, unprotected sex
A/N: I’ve been on a huge Satan kick lately. I roast the hell out of him, but would I still die to be his kitten? You bet! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit. I have so many fics I’m working on, and not enough time in the day. Thank you for all the support friends. <3 I see your tags and they honestly make my entire life! Also I did proofread this, but I’ve also been staring at it for a week so plz don’t hate me if there’s typos! :D 
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All characters are 18+
The House of Lamentation had been unusually relaxed today. Most of the brothers were out, leaving only three home. Surprisingly the room was mostly silent as Levi had his headphones on as he played his game and even Mammon had been quiet, as he fiddled with his D.D.D. 
Satan thumbed through a mystery novel as he sipped his tea. Though he usually preferred to read in his room, the ambience here was relaxed enough for once, that he could focus.
Until the door opened and Asmodeus walked in, dragging you behind him laughing. The two of you had been out shopping and the stack of boxes you held towered above you.
"Ah, Satan could you help me with this?" You asked, giggling about something Asmo had said. Sighing as he placed his bookmark, Satan reached over to help you with the boxes, revealing your smiling face and the cat-ear headband you had on top of your head.
"Satan, isn't MC adorable as a cute cat?! Nya for us MC!" Asmo asked. You rolled your eyes, but put your hand up in a paw shape, letting out a sweet "nya". Satan's eyes widened and he could feel heat rising into his cheeks. He quickly turned around.
"Uh, yes of course. I'll be going back to my room." He placed the boxes on the floor and hurried away as you and Asmo looked at each other confused.
Satan closed his door behind him and pressed his back to the wooden frame. 
Satan often considered himself to be more level headed than most of his brothers, but he couldn't deny his attraction to you. Still, he showed less emotion outwardly than the rest of the brothers and he prided himself in that. However, seeing you in those cat ears, giving cute little meows as your eyes gazed up at him? Satan could feel his growing erection tenting his pants. 
He had seen one of Levi's games a while back that featured a cat girl in a scantily clad maid outfit on the front cover. Now, he pictured you in the same outfit, cat ears atop your head, your skimpy dress leaving little to the imagination as you knelt in front of him, your lips parted waiting for your master's orders.
Fuck. He let out a shaky breath as the image of you bent over his desk, collared and begging for him to fuck you now entered his mind. His hand slid down to his throbbing cock, desperately wanting release. 
A knock at the door interrupted him.
"Satan? You left your book and your tea. I brought it for you." Your voice called out, tentatively.
Shit. Satan looked around wildly. before sitting at his desk to hide his obvious arousal. 
"Come in." He called out hoarsely, hoping you didn't notice the quiver in his voice.
You opened the door, still wearing those damned ears and looked concerningly at him.
"Are you feeling alright? You rushed out of there and your face is really red." You placed his things on the desk as you walked towards him, avoiding the precarious stacks of books around the room. He quickly grabbed a book from the top of a pile and placed it on his lap as you approached him. 
"I'm fine, just got lost in thought." He lied. You raised an eyebrow but didn't press it. The pile of books next to him chose that moment to clatter to the ground and before he could react, you knelt down in front of him to pick up the fallen books. 
He looked down at you and bit his lip so hard he tasted blood. You looked up at him innocently, identical to the naughty visions of you in his mind. 
You placed a hand on his knee and he let out a low groan. Your eyes widened.
"Satan? I-"
"Come down for dinner!" Asmo's voice chirped out from outside the door. You stood up and turned.
"Do you want me to let them know you're not feeling well? I can bring you something back."
Satan nodded. He had to really take care of the very pressing issue at hand and knew he wouldn't be able to sit through an entire agonizing meal.
"Pass the salt, Asmo."
"I didn't hear a 'nya', MC." Asmo giggled, poking his tongue out at you. Your hand flew to your hair. 
"I forgot I had these on!" You laughed.
"Let's hope Satan doesn't see those." Levi muttered.
You cocked your head. "What do you mean."
Levi's face flushed. "Uh...no reason, er, nothing!!!"
You narrowed your eyes at the reddening demon.
"Satan's obsession with cats doesn't stop at real cats. Didn't he get obsessed with that stupid cat girl game?" Belphie yawned, sliding his half-finished plate to Beel who dug in happily.
"You mean Neko Magic Maid♡. It wasn't even that good of a game!" Levi said, "It definitely wasn't as good as SuperStar Magic Maid…"
"Yeah. I don't think he was interested in the storyline." Mammon interjected, laughing.
Lucifer scolded the brothers for being crass but your mind wandered. Was that why Satan was acting so weird? After dinner, you headed to Levi's room.
"Hey Levi! I was wondering more about that game you were talking about? The catgirl one?"
Levi didn't even turn from his computer screen. "Yeah it's on that shelf. But if you really like the Magic Maid series you should start with Springtime Magic…AHHH HE'S RESPAWNED!" He yelled, ignoring you again for the game he was currently playing.
You grabbed the game and slipped out of his room quietly. Glancing at the cover you saw a cat girl dressed in a ridiculously short maid costume. Her ears and tail were perked up and she donned a black collar around her neck with a little bell and tag that read 'Master'.
You grinned as you headed to your room. This would be fun.
"Come in."
Satan turned the page in his book.  Thankfully after that disastrous night, you hadn't worn that headband again, though he'd be lying if he said the image from you that day hadn't been filling his mind as he jerked his cock each night.
He heard you step into the room, but you didn't say anything. Looking up, his jaw dropped.
You were dressed in a maid outfit somehow more revealing than the one from the game. Your breasts were practically popping out of the dress, and the short skirt barely covered your ass. He could see the slight bulge of your thighs over top of your sheer thigh-high socks and he had the urge to bite that spot over and over.
You had the cat ears on again and as you walked towards him, he could hear a jingling noise. Glancing at your neck he saw a simple black collar with his name on the tag and a silver bell. 
"MC what are you doing?" He breathed out shakily. You placed your hand on his chest, gently pushing him into his desk chair.
"Taking care of you…Master." You knelt down on the floor and looked at him expectantly. 
Satan blinked rapidly. He had to be dreaming. 
"Can I please you, Master?" You asked. He nodded, at a loss for words, and you began to unbutton his pants, freeing his rapidly hardening cock. Your hands wrapped around it squeezing, and you slowly moved up and down. Satan let out a groan.
You moved closer, pressing your lips to the tip of his cockhead before lapping at the beads of precum from the slit. You slid his length into your warm, wet mouth and looked into his eyes, swirling your tongue around his cock. This elicited another grunt from the blonde demon.
As you bobbed up and down on his length, he rested his hand on your hair, gently pushing you deeper on his cock. You moaned around him and the vibrations made his heart race. He looked down at you, and noticed the tail that led to under your skirt. 
The realization set a switch off in his brain. He bucked his hips, forcing more of his cock into your mouth.
"Ohhhh fuck. That's it kitten. You like choking on Master's cock?" He asked, his fingers gripping tightly to your hair. You could only gag around him as a response, and the noises you let out were absolutely sinful.
"Such a good little pet. Your throat is squeezing me so well, kitten. But you can go deeper, can't you? Don't you want to please your master?" He asked. 
Frantically you nodded and forced even more of him down your throat, trying your best to breathe out of your nose. As you tried to pull back, his grip tightened, holding you firmly in place. Your eyes watered as you felt his cock throb in your throat and your vision blurred, from tears or lack of oxygen, you weren’t sure. He pulled back and you gasped for air, tear streaked face looking up at him. Satan panicked, apologies already forming in his head before you grinned and pulled him back into your mouth.
“Fuuuuck, such a good kitten. Addicted to master’s cock.” Satan groaned out, his eyes closing as you found your pace on his length. He could feel his release creeping up on him, a fiery feeling in the core of him as your mouth enveloped his cock. The room filled with soft pants and the jingling of the bell around your neck. He met your eyes as you continued to take him deeper. He wouldn’t last much longer if you kept like this. 
“That’s it kitten, that’s it. You want master’s milk? Want your cute belly full of your master’s cum? Tell me, kitten.”
You whined around him, releasing his cock from your lips. 
“Please master. Need to please you. Want your cum.” Your eyes were glassy with tears and drool dripped down the corners of your plump lips. Satan wished he could snap a picture of you looking so lewd.
“Good girl. Milk my cock kitten. Milk my fucking cock.” He gasped as you sped up around him, sloppier and more vigorously than before. Spit coated your chin and spilled onto his thighs as you wrapped your tongue around his cock.
“FUCK! Fuck, just like that!! Oh fuck, cumming!! Take it all, kitten. Fucking take it.” Satan wailed, his muscles tensing as he shot load after load down your throat. You struggled to swallow everything, with some dripping off your lips. Breathing hard, he scooped it with his finger, pushing it back into your mouth.
“Don’t waste a drop kitten.”
You sucked on his finger, a content smile on your face. He reached down, tugging your wrists and pulling you to your feet.
“You didn’t think we were done, did you kitten? Oh no...I want to explore every little bit of you.” He whispered, bending you over his desk. Flipping up your skirt he admired as the tail slid into your ass and gently tugged it, pulling a low moan from you.
“Such a naughty kitten. I can’t wait to fill all your holes with my seed.” He said, his hand palming your ass, before smacking you hard. You jolted forward with a soft whimper. He tugged at your tail again, chuckling as you squeezed your thighs together.
“I’ve barely touched you and you’re already squirming.” His fingers pressed against your drooling cunt. “Already this wet, just from a few tugs on your tail? What a slutty little pet you are.”
You moaned as he pressed his fingers into your cunt, the slick arousal easily letting him into you. He slowly pumped in and out of you as you attempted to grind against his palm, whining when he gripped your hips, stilling you.
“Look at you, kitten. Debasing yourself just to get off. How filthy.” His voice was sadistic and yet your body trembled with desire under his touch. Your brain was hazy with his fingers rhythmically plunging into you and all you wanted was for him to use you for his pleasure. 
“Please Master. Please touch me.” You pleaded, squeezing your thighs together as he pulled his fingers out of you. He pushed you down on the desk, as he pressed his cockhead against your entrance.
“Please fuck me master. Please let me cum around your cock. I need you so bad, sir – FUCK!”
Satan slammed his cock into you, causing you to cry out. His hand gripped your hip as he fucked himself deeper into you. 
“Scream as loud as you want kitten, no one is going to hear you through the spells in this room. You’re clenching around me so deliciously, pet.” His fingertips bruised your skin and papers and books were knocked off the desk as he slammed into you over and over.
Your body shook and you felt so full with his cock in your pussy and the plug in your ass. You felt stretched to your limit and still he pressed on, fucking you until you saw stars.
“I can feel the pressure of your tail plug through your delicious cunt, kitten. Doesn’t it feel good to be so full? You’re such a lewd little kitten, aren’t you?” As he taunted you with his words, his fingers danced around your clit, causing your legs to feel like they were giving out. Relentless, he continued pounding into you as tears fell from your eyes.
“So, so full. So good, master! Your cock is so perfect, Master.” you babbled, your brain delirious with lust. The fire burning in your core was so overwhelming, your body ached for more and you needed him, needed your master to push you over that peak.
Satan growled, feeling his demon form activate. His tail wrapped itself around your neck, holding you in place as he wrecked you.
“Your lewd little pussy is fluttering around my cock, kitten. Are you going to cum for me? Are you going to cum for your master’s cock?” He panted out. He was close, apparent as his thrusts became harder and faster.
“Yes please Master. Let me cum on your cock!” You choked out, his tail tightening around your throat. Your eyes fluttered as you felt back arch.
“Cum for me, pet.”
That was all it took. You wailed as your cunt clenched around him, creaming around his cock. Your body convulsed and you felt dazed as you gushed around him. 
“Fuck, kitten!” He groaned out. His hand slammed you down as he unloaded into you. He was so deep, you could practically feel his cum in your belly as he shot ropes of his hot seed into your body over and over. After what felt like a lifetime, he slowly slid out of you.
Picking you up he delicately placed you on his bed, wiping aways the traces of cum that dripped onto your thighs. He gently worked your tail plug out and placed it on the desk before covering you with his sheets. 
“You did so good for me, kitten.” He whispered into your skin. Your eyes were too heavy to open, so you just smiled sleepily and curled into his chest. Running his hand through your hair, he undid the cat ear clips and placed them on his nightstand before succumbing to exhaustion, his whispered words barely audible.
“Good little pet.”
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catharrington · 3 years
Part 8!!! Cat boy house husband Steve and his gorgeous milk man billy au!!!! Just one more part left ahhhhhh how the turns have tabled 😼😼 previous parts link: cat boy and milk man au
Tag list @withoneheadlight @spreckle @harringrovetrashh @magellan-88 thanks🖤🖤
You’re nobody ‘till somebody loves you
Steve thought about that lost look in Billy’s eyes as he walked away and kept thinking about it as he stumbled inside his living room. Their living room.
Looking around at the pastel colored walls, decorated across the hallway with their wedding photos in mirror finished silver frames, it never felt like home. It always felt like he was pretending and settling. Like a house cat with a polished silver bell on his collar.
He was tired of his husband knowing his every move. The little bell around his neck glinting in the low sunlight every afternoon as Mr. Smith came home.
Steve would sit at attention. Wag his tail like a dog. Let his husband touch him anywhere, do anything he ever wanted.
Acidic bile rose up in his throat just thinking about it. Thinking how he’s spent a whole year wasting his life away sitting at attention wishing, just fucking wishing, that Mr. Smith would throw him a bone.
That he would revert back to the gentleman facade he used to buy Steve in the first place.
But now Steve knew. With Billy’s blood still under his claws. He knew it was a crumbling shell of a life.
Steve lumbered over to his writing desk, his robe shifting and spilling all around him dramatically. The feline part of him really enjoyed the way it draped across the floor as he spilled into his bamboo-back chair. His bare legs kicked out, as well as his long tail, and it almost made him giggle.
Steve reached into the pockets of his robe and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. Withdrew another one, lit it, and held it to his lips like a starving cat.
“What the hell are you doing?” His husband asked from the emptiest area of their living room. Empty along with his hollow heart.
“Killing myself,” Steve said. The cigarette bobbing in his lips. And laughed slightly.
Mr. Smith was wearing his sleeping pants hung low on his hips. His white t-shirt was wrinkled. It made Steve think about all the times Billy and his silly looking milk man uniform was so well pressed.
Just like the white shaft between Steve’s lips as he lifts it to press there. In his most softest parts, in the wet places of him. His lips still feel raw from the intrusion of Billy’s mouth there. He lingers dragging the filter against the sore inside of his lips, the taste of any spit not his own.
He savors it. Licking across the filter of his smoke the same way he licks across the edge of his morning coffee to savor the milk there.
“Is this some sort of joke?” Mr. Smith asks, bewildered.
Steve had halfway forgotten about him. “Does this look like a joke?” Steve asks back. The cigarette jumping in his pouting lips. He reaches into his pocket and finds the pack of matches, the single remaining match. It strikes as good as any. Leaves his fingertips burning as he lifts it to the tobacco. “Am I laughing?” He giggles again slightly, before holding his breath so the ash may better coat his lungs.
Mr. Smith watches with a perplexed look on his face as Steve exhales the smoke.
His name is Richard, Steve thinks vaguely about how he used to call him by his name. Not just a shadow of what his name used to be. What a man he used to be.
“I had no idea you’ve been smoking?” Mr. Smith grits out.
“I’ve been doing a lot of things you don’t know about.” Steve feels like the end of a line on his typewriter. Loud and unstoppable. Even if he’s never touched Billy beyond his fully capable fingertips before tonight, his husband doesn’t need to know that.
And in his dreams, in the ink he writes while safely asleep, he’s been with Billy many times.
“That’s for damn sure, Honey.” Mr. Smith crosses his arms over his chest. Puffs himself up nicely.
It makes Steve’s whole insides flip in fear, in such a familiar way. I’m a way he’s be taught to fear that pose and everything that follows it. He sucks down a harsh breath to try and control the way every part of him is afraid at such a stupid, little motion.
Steve’s arm is shaking as he holds the cigarette with his entire open hand. His fingers opened up like flower petals and protected his shivering face. His trembling lips, bitten raw with kisses. Bitten raw with being treated well for the first time in what felt like forever.
Looking down at the match book sitting on his writing desk, now empty; he remembers when he promised Richard forever.
Is this going to be what he has to settle for, forever?
“I should be the one who’s getting angry, getting irrational,” Mr. Smith says as he walks closer. Arms still crossed. “I should be the one raising my voice. But I’m not. I’m going to stay calm. And do you know why, darling?”
Steve bobbed his head, then noticed vaguely as his cigarette ashes across the table top. It felt foreign to him. Just as that question felt answerless.
Without waiting for a reply, Mr. Smith cupped his hand around Steve’s jaw. Lifting his head so that they can meet eye to eye. He’s nothing particular to look at. Not bright and blue and warm. No ocean water to dive into. To feel safely wrapping around his body.
Steve’s ears flatten down across the top of his head as he waits.
“Because I know that you know what you did was wrong.” Mr. Smith clarifies. “And I know how to train a spoiled house cat when it urinates on the carpet. With patience. So I will allow you to apologize. Tell me: it will never happen again.”
Steve’s tears pricked at the side with tears. The cigarette left burning without a place to go was creating a cloud of smoke around his face. The twirling circles felt like his own life, gone in a gust not of his own control. He couldn’t turn his head. The grip on his jaw was far too hard. He tried, growling slowly and flashing his fangs, but the hand did not let up.
“Tell me,” his husband ordered, “say it.”
Steve opened his mouth… and then closed it.
He thought of a bundle of paper all wrapped up in twine. Brought back carefully folded in the same way it was lent out. Still warm with body heat. He thought of the way those pages felt pressed against his lips. How they were nothing compared to actually kissing the man of his dreams.
Steve opened his mouth and said: “No.”
Mr. Smith’s hand dropped in a stuttering question. His eyes blinked a couple times. And Steve wanted to take another drag. But the hand around his throat was still so heavy. Weighing him down like an iron collar.
He sucked in a deep breath that tasted like smoke and salt water and Billy, and closed his eyes.
“I want a divorce!” Steve blurted out.
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Oh oh oh can may i join your event~?
Winter, she/her, 21. ISTP, 9w2, i don't give a fuck (personality in a few words). Really don't have any preference , but they gotta be male. Love me some lemonade 🥰 And some kinks hmm, size&breeding, predator&prey, mask kink and praising. JJK fandom preferably~
Congrats once again on 1k, Claire!! You deserve each one of us <33
Bonsoir mademoiselle Winter, many girls, boys and people in the spectrum work here in the Savant Claire Brothel, your shift starts tonight and your customer is waiting for you:
Warnings: Smut, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Food Play, Praise Kink, Slight Breeding Kink, 18+, Minors DNI
Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo
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"Snowy-head!" you say when you see the tall me crossing the corridor to come for you and bearing you in a hug, he says "Winter, my pretty little girl! I missed you!" and holding you in his arms, he goes to an open corner and without wasting times, he manspread saying "Something to drink, hurry up pretty! I missed you too much!" "Ay ay sir, just wait a moment!" you say smiling and as soon as you run to the bar to bring your lemonade and his parfait. Looking you from the distance, his smile grows wide seeing the sweet drink and food you bring to pleasure him, quick pace follows cause you can't wait to meet your favourite man of your work. Suddenly you hear a baby and turnin you see a boy commenting your sailor suit and tails, "Watch your mouth baby, bet your still sucking the milk if you could do it!" you say while Gojo comes by and laughs loudly seeing your bratty attitude, "Cmon pretty, don't wanna be punished later?" he says smiling and completely ignoring the fuss the boy is making, "No daddy please, I've been good only for you!" "Seems that we will have fun" he says while spreading his legs again and seeing you childishly teasing him, he takes out his girth and says "Mind to blow that pretty dessert on my cock? You can do it, right baby?" his fingers shoving in the creamy dessert, taking some whipped cream on his tip, he hisses. "Cmon now suck" he says meanspreading almost like to show his huge cock to the crowd, especially the guy who teased before. The mentioned is looking at you and Gojo smirks as soon as you give kitten licks to his cock, his hands caress your cheek, silently encouraging you to take it all in your mouth, sky eyes staring at you, you can't help but give all your effort to pleasure and let the beautiful man tremble under your work. It takes you a while to put all his lenght in your mouth, tears and smeared make up adorne your cheeks, moans and gag leave your mouth as the tip, easily reaches your throat, "Doing so good pretty girl, might take you then and there" and taking your tails, he stands up putting your panties to the side. Gojo stands tall and proud, just like his cock, and as soon as he lifts you mid air he notices your blushes, "What? Cat lost his tongue?" he says as you look to the guy who annoyed you before, "S-satoru everyone is looking us" you say while trying to escape from his grip. This doesn't stop the man, who easily catches you, and taking your legs again he shoves his cock inside you. "Shhh, you're doing so good, just another inch and it will be all inside the way you want it" he says while giving caress to your clit, "Ahh- ahh Sat- ngh- please" the sorcerer waste no time, and taking your legs he starts to pound into you giving you the first orgasm of the night. Thrusts after thrusts, Gojo felt the coil on his stomach tighten, and when he saw heard your loud moans fill the local, and the guy leaving annoyed, he knew he got his ego fed up and he says "Wanna reward my pretty girl, where do you want my cum?" he says while rubbing your clit again for the night, and feeling your walls clenching down on him, you say "Inside! Inside!", "Greedy girl, wanna fill you up and get you knocked up!", images roams your minds, swollen belly and innocent eyes all for him to enjoy. The fantasy flows on and grunting your name he spills his load inside chuckling, "Might take you in word next time Satoru, it was fun!" you say adjusting your panties and going away with cum leaking on your thigs, this man couldn't fall harder on you,
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zmayadw · 3 years
'Goodbye', but not 'the end'
- a Duskwood based (Jake x Mc) story - PART THREE (final part)
„Maybe not all goodbyes are the end – and that's what makes them good.“ - Gwendolyn Heasley
In the time that followed after she learned of his fate, Mc tried, and god how she tried hard, to survive day after day without falling apart. The process of trying to heal her shattered heart was no fun at all.
She would move around her apartment in daze, eyes swollen, wondering if the tears will ever stop. And in the rare moments when they did, she would break down and cry again over silly things, like spilled milk or a broken nail. She would force herself to eat, swallowing every bite with disgust and try to keep it from coming back. Night after night, she would toss and turn in her bed, just to be awakened by the same nightmare, with those cursed words echoing in her head long after it.
Those days quickly turned to weeks, weeks became months, and in the blink of an eye the seasons changed, too.
Then one morning, dragging herself tiredly through the apartment, she stopped at her window and stared through it in awe. She just stood there motionlessly not daring to blink, afraid that if she do, this breathtaking scene she was seeing would disappear on her. She situated herself dreamily on the window bench, and for the first time in months her shattered heart jolted in excitement, as her eyes once again got lost in the beauty of her cherry tree.
Its soft pinky-white blossoms were long gone, foliage in mesmerizing shades of red, orange and gold taking their place. They moved playfully with the wind, the sun illuminating them giving the illusion of a thousand tiny flames dancing before her eyes. She was hypnotized.
Her tree looked so vibrant, its grief over lost blossoms erased by this new emerged beauty. With that thought, she cried one last time, that thought stirring up a trace of hope in her, that maybe, just like her tree she, too, could feel alive again. And once again, the sight of her beautiful tree helped calm the restless spirits inside her, to make her pain begin to lessen, and allow for her shattered hear to slowly, but surely begin with the process of healing.
Week after week, she began to feel better. The pain of his loss was still much present within her, but it was no longer unbearable or threatening to break her again. Each new day brought more peace to her restless mind, and she slowly returned to her usual routine. But there was an unexplainable and constant feeling deep inside that something was still holding her back, that there was something she still needed to do to really be able to move on with her life. But she couldn't quite figure it out.
Walking back to her apartment from the store, Mc shivered. The fall was coming to its end, the branches of just recently colorful trees almost completly bare by now, and the hint of winter slowly creeping in was felt in the increasingly colder air. Impatiently waiting for the green light to cross the street, her gaze fell on the headline in the sports sections of the newspapers the man in front of her was holding. "Goodbye to another first division team" For some unknown reason, she lingered thoughtfuly on that first word, not realizing that the man started crossing the street.
„That's it!“ she suddenly exclaimed out loud, noticing the green light and hurrying across. That's what she needed, a goodbye. She never said a proper goodbye to him, and that's what was missing. She needed a definitive closure, the end, before she could truly move on. But how to do it? How was she suppose to say goodbye, when the person who she needed to say it wasn't here? How to do it meaningfully, so it won't just seem like empty words spoken into the wind? As if hearing her thoughts, the wind whistled in her ear, making her tuck her hands deep inside her pockets and quicken her steps.
When she reached her apartment, she was still contemplating on how to do it. And when the evening came, she was still completely clueless. And frustrated. How hard can this be? she thought, sitting down on a sofa with a heavy sigh. She got up again, pacing frustratedly around the room. She suddenly stopped, turning around and hastily moving to her desk. She sat down opening the drawer, and with a shaky hand took out her light green letter writing set.
Emotions stirred up in her, thinking of all those letters she wrote before. All the feelings she poured out in them resurfaced back, but exactly because of that the idea of writing one more letter, one last letter to say her goodbye with it, appealed to her more and more.
And so she decided to do it. At least she tried. She started with the letter so manny times, but each time after writting just a few lines she would crumple the paper in frustration throwing it on the floor. And after a while, she ended up just staring numbly at the blank paper in front of her.
Suddenly it dawned to her why she was struggling with this so much. She was doing it wrong all this time, constantly trying to write down something that was completely unneccessery. Shaking her head she chuckled to herself and reached for her pen. At the end, she wrote down just three words, before neatly folding the paper and placing it inside the envelope.
She began to feel lighter looking at the envelope in front of her, as if some invisible weight was finaly lifted from her shoulders. The pain was still there deep inside her, and some tiny piece of it will probably stay there forever. But she was happy, managing to find a way for the end she needed to move on. And she found her perfect ending right there at the beginning of it all.
„Oh come on, Nym, don't look at me like that! I'm not doing anything wrong here!“ A little black pup tilted his head sideways as a young man spoke to him. „And besides“ he started again raising his eyebrow at the pup „Didn't we agree at keeping an eye on her? Just out of precaution?“ The pup barked in response, happily wagging his tail. „Mhm, I thought so.“ he said smiling and scratched Nym behind the ear. He turned his head back to his laptop, to a live feed from a CCTV camera on it. The smile slowly left his face, looking at the girl sitting at the window table of a coffee shop.
The reality of not being able to be close to her and hear her voice, to move a loose strand of hair behind her ear, or not being able to feel her warm touch on his skin, or savour in the sweet taste of her lips – the reality of it all hit Jake hard as he watched her, he hasn't noticed when the tears started falling down his face. The little pup suddenly jumped at him, calling for his attention. He looked at the pup with teary eyes, lifting him onto his lap. „Don't worry, Nym, I'll be all right.“ He hugged the pup, his little muzzle finding its way to his face licking at the tears. He closed his eyes with a chuckle „All right, all right, I get the hint, Nym. No more crying, I promise.“ The pup licked at his face few more times, then jumped from his lap running off, happily wagging his tail. Shaking his head after him, her turned back to his laptop.
Mc was now in a company of a friend. And after so long, her face was finally smiling, the trace of agony of the past events nowhere to be seen. After what he put her through, seeing her like this made him a little bit relieved. But that devastating pain he felt when he decided to fake his death, and knowing the effect it will have on her with the cognition of it, was still much present at him. But it was crucial for her to belive in it, to truly belive in what happened to him. He couldn't risk the tiniest possibility for her to know anything about it, then all of this would be in vain. Like this, with time, they will leave her completely at peace and she will be safe again, her life returning to normal.
His gaze then turned to the light green envelope lying on the desk next to his laptop. It was the last letter she sent, the one that contained only three words, but those words were the saddest and most painful ones he ever read. Nym suddenly barked next to him, Jake turning to look at him. The little pup had his leash in his muzzle, impatiently pacing in the spot. „All right, Nym, lets go.“ He said with a chuckle, taking the leash from the pup. „I did promise you we'll go explore our new place of stay.“ Nym barked excitedly before rushing out through the doors leading to the yard of their new place. Jake got up, glancing once more at the envelope on the desk. 'Goodbye, my love.' That was written on the paper inside it. Just three words, but they were more than enough to break ones heart.
Stepping outside, Jake welcomed the warmth of a winter's sun hitting at his face. Nym was eagerly waiting for him, wagging his tail so fast from the excitement upon seeing him, scattering snow all around him. He started walking towards him, and even though the pain in him was going strong, he couldn't stop a mischievous smile coming to his face. Ofcourse, the consequences of what he have done are no joke, nothing to laugh about there, and saying goodbye is never an easy thing to do. But then again, if you really think about it, some 'goodbyes' don't mean 'the end', you know?
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retrogalwrites · 4 years
Shigaraki x cow girl!reader
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Title: “Dark side of the MilkyWay” / see on ao3
summary: You are a hero with a cow quirk, and Shigaraki captures you for himself.
Warnings: noncon, dubcon, kidnapping, dehumanization, humiliation, Incel behavior, Shigaraki being a crusty bastard
Other contents: Lactation, breastfeeding, milking, tiddies, mating press, breeding
words: 1518
The shackles around your wrists that kept your arms above your head were the first thing you noticed after waking up, then the pounding ache all through your body. Your body...the realization that you were naked shook you off that drowsy state into full alert, breasts and pussy completely exposed the the cold air. Panic arose to your heart, fear and despair, all of those ugly emotions which you tried to control at the best of your ability, like you had done so many times before in the face of danger and the unknown. You had to get yourself together if you hoped to escape such a dire situation.
As a sense of calm started to set in, you noticed other things, like the soft bed you were bound to, the darkness of the room that seemed to be practically empty. It took hours before you heard the door click open, and while you were expecting a villain to greet you, you certainly did not expect to see the head of the infamous Leage of Villains.
Shigaraki Tomura himself was grinning down at you as he hurriedly walked into the room, closing the door behind him.
"Seems like everyone's favorite cow is finally up." He sneered, delighted eyes leering at your bare, heaving breasts and pussy so shamelessly that you were pulling your arms as hard as you could in a useless attempt to break off your shackles. Shigaraki only laughed, one of his hands reaching for your head, roughly grabbing one of your horns and forcing your head down, you made a little mooing sound out of pain.
"Holy shit, you really are basically powerless." Shigaraki cackled, his voice ragged and hoarse. Letting go of your horn, he circled the bed taking in the sight of your naked body, a bulge straining his pants already. "That's right, you are nothing but a cow with massive, lewd tits. Who the hell gave you the genius idea of becoming a hero, huh?"
The pained, fearful expression on your face did not match the bravery in your voice. "That's not true, I help people, that's what matters!" You pulled your arms again, the shackles still held you down without sign of giving out. Shigaraki laughed again, a horrible sound that sent shivers down your spine, tears pricked the corners of your eyes, but you did your best not to let those tears fall.
"That's real funny, honestly. You should be aware that you're only popular because people love cute animal girls with big tits like you. Admit that you're just a joke, you dumb bitch."
His words stung, pierced your heart until it bled, yet you refused to believe him, refused to let him break you down.
"That's not true, I—"
"I'm the same as them though, as soon as I saw you on the news running around in a tight outfit like some fanservice bait, I knew what I wanted to do with you." He completely ignored you, continuing his cruel speech, his face twisted in a expression of pure sadistic lust.
"Make you mine."
Shigaraki was quickly then getting on the bed. You squirmed and raised your leg to try kicking him off, but he caught you by the ankle. Squeezing down the frail joint, he held you with four fingers, fifth digit almost gracing your skin mockingly. You froze, terrified that he was going to turn you into dust, realizing how powerless you indeed were in that moment.
"If I were you, I'd behave like a good girl, and maybe you'll get out of this alive." Dangling hope above your head like that was so cruel. "I know your fat tits are probably way bigger than your brain, but I'm sure even you can understand what I'm saying."
True to that statement, in that instant you almost understood that there was no salvation, and it felt like enlightenment. Your little ears flopped down, broken hearted, a small moo resonated from your throat.
Shigaraki let go of your ankle and, sensing no more resistance from you, the villain was crawling on top of you and crushing you under his weight. The first thing he did then, was to bury his face in between your ample cleavage. You heard him groan against your chest, the tip of his clothed cock rutting against your naked pussy. Shigaraki's hands gropped the soft flesh to squeeze your breasts against the sides of his face, making them jiggle and bounce. You whimpered at the painful stimulation on your sensitive breasts, squirming as your tail swayed around to signal your distress.
Looking up, he growled against your skin. "These slutty tits are so lewd, you should've tried your luck in adult videos instead of playing hero, dumb cow." His breath tickled your skin, it was scorching hot.
"I've always wondered if you got any milk in these jugs." He squeezed your breasts again, a lot harder, that you bit your lip trying not to cry out loud. Your attempt only seemed to amuse the villain.
"Guess I have to find out."
And before you could process the implications, his mouth was already latched to one of your nipples. His lips engulfed the hard nub as he sucked hard, cheeks hollowing like a vacuum around your nipple. You screamed, the stimulation too strong to hold it in anymore, but he wasn't satisfied at all yet. Shigaraki kept sucking, hand massing and squeezing your breasts until you were a whimpering mess and the sweet taste of milk was finally on his tongue.
The moans echoed in the room as milk from your tits squirted into Shigaraki's greedy mouth, and he suckled hungrily, drinking up the liquid. You had milked yourself before out of need, when your breasts became too swollen as a side effect of your quirk, but this was the first time someone else had squeezed the milk out of you. It was like your entire body was on fire. A feverish pitch that was making your head spin, the heat soon pooling at your stomach, thighs rubbing together, the wetness that had started leaking out of your hole before you even realized.
When Shigaraki pulled away from your abused nipple, his spit and your milk mixed together as they dribbled down your skin. You felt filthy, but the lewd sight made Shigaraki more excited than ever.
"Fuck, I can't wait anymore." He hissed through his teeth, pulling back to free his aching erection from the tightness of his pants. You couldn't help gawking at the sight of him, thick cock swollen and impossibly hard, supple head almost purple with a bead of white precum smeared on the tip.
"Wait, please..." You shook your head, begging with your eyes and words for a shred of compassion. Of course, you found none. "Please..."
"That's right, keep begging."
Grabbing the back of your knees, Shigaraki pushed your legs against your chest, breasts spilling between them. He positioned the tip of his cock at your entrance before burying his length all the way to the hilt into your pussy.
You screamed, and mooed, the feeling of being so full was something beyond simply good or bad, it was absolutely maddening, like your pussy had been always meant for that purpose.
Your velvety walls sucked him in, squeezed around him as you adjusted to the size and Shigaraki was cussing, barely remembering to hold your legs with only four fingers as he started thrusting in and out you. "Fuck, so tight...shit..." That small crack in his power, and it almost felt like the smallest of victories in a war you had already lost.
Because the better he felt inside you, the harder he thrusted, until the tip of his cock was hitting the entrance of your cervix, making your toes curl and a certain pressure to knot on your stomach, a build up that was threatening to break your mind.
"I'm gonna give you a nice creampie," He laughed, looking down at you with those red, evil eyes. "I'll breed you like the cow you are, so don't waste a single drop!"
You mooed, feeling yourself overwhelmed by your own orgasm that his words barely registered in your brain. More milk squirted from your tits as your pussy clenched down on Shigaraki's cock, choking his dick in a grip so tight like it wanted his seed just as bad.
He was cumming hard into your pussy, cock throbbing as sticky semen poured into your womb in copious amounts, filling you up with his seed until you were completely stuffed with cum.
A sudden beam of light hit you in the face, the door of the room had been open and the smell of smoke and fire filled your nostrils. You were barely conscious to see properly who it was, only caught the glimpse of black hair.
"Don't you know how to knock?"
"Oops, my bad." You heard his voice, dark and hoarse. "I just felt a weird, sudden craving for milk."
"Right, of course you did."
You could almost hear the smirks on their faces.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Vanilla and strawberries| Mazikeen x cottagecore!Reader
Fandom: Lucifer
Summary: Maze and cottagecore!reader have breakfast together
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Sure, Maze had never been to your house before and sure, you were a big softie in your floral mini dressed and puff sleeved blouses but a cottage in the middle of nowhere? You chose to live here? Of all places? It seemed inconvenient to say the least, the closest town being a 30 minute car ride away .
The house in itself was an old, rustic cottage. The brick walls were ornate with white trims for the windows and wallflowers that Maze didn’t know the name of but could already hear you in her head, picking up every individual one between your little fingers and telling her all about them. She smiled at the thought. A little pathway led her to your front door, which looked like something out of a fantasy novel: circular at the top, with a flower crown for decoration. Somewhat unsure, she knocked on your door and soon enough, you answered. Dressed in a light pink summer dress, flowy, but tight in the waist, you were as beautiful as ever, if not more beautiful in the morning light.
“Maze! You came!” you said, wrapping your arms around her waist and pulling her into a hug
“Of course. What else could I have possibly been doing if not breakfast with my favorite girl?” you giggled. It wasn’t often that your girlfriend allowed herself to be soft and cutesy, so cheesy things like that meant more to you than they would have any other time, coming from anyone else.
“Come on in! I have almost everything set up.”
Your excitement was intoxicating and even though Maze felt out of place a minute ago, in her tight leather pants and black top, she forgot all about it when she saw your smile and heard the joy in your voice. It just reminded her again of why she loved you so much: you were the kindest, most positive person she knew and you helped her change for the better too.
“Take your shoes off please, I’ll bring you a different pair” you said, already searching frantically around the house. By the time Maza finished unzipping both her boots, you came back with a pair of bunny slippers, white and fluffy, looking brand new. A cheeky smile on your face suggested you knew that Maze would never normally wear anything like that but you still tried. To your surprise, she took them from your hands carefully and slipped them on
“How are they?” Maze made a few steps, looking down at them, examining everything from the pearly eyes of the bunnies to the puff ball at the back, imitating a tail
“Cozy?” she said unsure, making you laugh
“Come!” you grabbed her hand and led her down the hall and through the kitchen.
The kitchen was a mess, the counter was full of egg shells and spilled milk.  An opened bag of sugar was sitting way too close to the edge and a gold spoon with pink details was peeking from the top. 
You let go of Maze’s hand, going to grab two mugs from the cabinet, except when you turned around, you catch her playing with the dead rose petals that had fallen from the bouquet you had on the table
“Oh, yes.” you say “Should have cleaned those up a while ago” Maze laugh
“Is this the one I gave you?” she said, pointing at the few roses still alive in your vase
“Yeah. From our last date”
“In that case I can’t believe they survived this long”
“I take good care of them” Maze gave you a sweet smile . She was looking at you with love and compassion and you felt yourself melt under her gaze
“I know you do” Maze wrapped her arm around your waist and brought you closer to her, wrapping you in a  tight hug. Your arms linked around her waist and your head rested on her shoulder. You inhaled her strong perfume, which reminded you of Lux. Of the dark and the people and the booze. It had never been your scene, until you found Maze. Now you felt a certain thrill when you thought about that place
“You know” you said “If we don’t go now the bees might get to our breakfast first” Maze giggled and nodded, allowing you to take her hand and lead the way. You wrapped your fingers around hers and pulled her up the stairs and through your bedroom. 
Your bedroom looked just as Maze imagined it. The peach colored walls were covered in drawings and prints of flowers and artwork. Vines were spread out across the ceiling, little paper butterflies peeking from in between. Almost every corner, desk and chair in the room held a little potted plant. Right in front of her was your little balcony. You had two chairs and a little table there. As she approached, she couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the endless field that was (partly) your back yard.
“It’s so pretty” she said, without even thinking much about it
“I know” you replied “You should see the sunset”
“I want to”
“You could stay tonight?” you replied nervously, praying to God she will say yes because you could not think of a better way to spend your night
“I will'' Maze replied enthusiastically. You couldn’t help the smile on your face, but you needed to focus back on setting up the table.
For the first time, Maze looked at the table you had prepared for them. It was filled to the brim with all sorts of food. Maze saw eggs and bacon and pancakes and a whole platter of cheeses. You prepared tea and fruits and all kinds of jams. Maze was amazed at how many things you were able to fit on there, but she was excited. She couldn’t remember the last time she ate anything other than take out and knowing you put so much work and effort into this breakfast, just because she was coming over, made Maze want to cry on the spot. She’s never felt this welcome anywhere before!
You two dug into everything. Maze loved hearing the excitement in your voice talking about the process of cooking everything on the table. She loved hearing about your painting and the interesting new book you were reading, by some philosopher with a funny name that you were really interested in. She didn’t exactly care for philosophy, she knew everything she needed to know, about life and death, but hearing you talk and watching all your exaggerated hand gestures was a kind of heaven she was never used to. She loved you. She’d told you that before but everytime felt like the first for her. The same nervous gitter and the anxious pit in her stomach, making her wonder if you were going to say it back. You always did. She watched the wind play with your hair and the bows on your sleeves, and felt the need to jump into your arms and kiss you softly. Feel the heat of your body and taste your coconut chapstick but instead, she scooted her chair closer to yours, just enough to reach out to hold your hand. It was warm and soft and Maze thought that if she wasn’t careful enough she might cut you with one of her rings. 
You asked her about Lux and Lucifer and she told you everything there was to know. About Lucifer and Decker’s new relationship drama and about Linda and her baby and how much Maze wanted to hang out with the little baby more but she was afraid
“Afraid of what?” “That I will hurt him. Or that he might hate me and cry. I’ll scare him and we’ll never grow up to be friends”
“Maze, what are you even talking about?” your giggle was soft and full of good intentions “You are not as horrible with kids as you think you are, ok? Take Trixie for example”
“Trix is much older”
“Still a kid though. And she loves you” Maze couldn’t argue with you on that
“Look” you said, seeing that your girlfriend was still lost in thoughts, “ How about I give you some tips?”
How many of those tips actually stuck to Maze was up to debate but the sound of your voice was engraved in her head and in her heart and if she could listen to it everyday for the rest of her life, she would. She couldn’t help herself from reaching out every once in a while to kiss your lips. You tasted like vanilla and strawberries and your palm was cold against the back of Maze’s neck. When it got windy out, you brought a big knitted blanket from inside, and wrapped it around the both of you. Maze rested her head on your shoulder and tried to take in every little detail about that moment. She’ll need it when she replays this whole scene in her head, once she gets home.
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we-have-bangtan · 4 years
I summoned you
Random one-shot #3
Pairing: demons!OT7 x witch!reader
Genre: fluff, fluff and more fluff, poly au
warning: swearing, its hella longggggg. <33
Part 2
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Synopsis: The seven most powerful demons in the world were summoned for the first time in over a hundred years only to find out that their summoner is a little witch who was being hunted by witch hunters. She seeks protection from them but at what cost?
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“Who the fuck summoned us?” Hoseok groaned feeling the familiar pain of transformation go through his body, “I don’t know but it better be worth it, I’m getting too old for this shit” Seokjin groaned as pain shot through his veins, black, bat-like wings erupting from his back as he fell to the ground in pain, the scars on his body burning up.
          Namjoon wasn’t much better either, biting into a pillow as burning pain took over his head, his horns and fangs coming out for the occasion, it had been over a hundred years since they had last been summoned and they were bearing the pain of not transforming in all there years, Jungkook hissed as he felt his tailbone extend out of his body, piercing through his skin to form a tail.
Jimin and Tae held each other as each of their left eyes glowed bright, screaming as they changed from black to red, “I hope it isn’t an accident again or I’ll eat them alive” Jungkook groaned as he pulled himself off the ground grimacing at the pain that shot through his body.
Yoongi was the only one not in pain because he had been living in his demon form for a few years now, he didn’t have to transform.
“The spell was lost, I don’t know how someone is summoning us” he informed as Seokjin opened the portal to the mortal world, the portal would take them to where ever they were being summoned.
 Y/n anxiously stared at the pentagram she had drawn on her cottage floor, she’d be over if this spell didn’t work. She could hear the villagers approaching, could see the glow of their torches from her window. They were climbing up the hill, coming for her life, this spell was her only way of living.
She didn't know why the villagers had turned on her so easily when she had never done anything to them. She had kept her witchcraft confined to her cottage and its surroundings, but they seemed to have found out, she would blame the church people for that, because they were at the beginning of the uprising egging the villagers on.
They had almost caught her an hour ago when she had gone down for supplies, her arms were bruised from their assault but she had managed to escape from them, but she could run anywhere except her cottage.
She couldn't run anymore, there was no where to run now, she either had to stand and fight, which she was too weak for, or she had to perish, which she was too stubborn for so she had taken to the last resort, the demon spell.
Her magic wouldn't be enough to Wipeout all the people who were marching up the hill to her cottage, they'd burn her on the stake if they caught a hold of her, it would be a death with no pride or honor.
She felt the air shift around her, the salt grains blowing here and there and the candles flickering, the wind picked up speed outside as a portal opened directly above the pentagram and a demon fell out, falling to the ground with a thud and a groan. She moved to help him up but quickly stopped as a scream came from inside the portal before six other demons fell on the first one. Chaos ensured as each of them yelled at the other to get off their wings or tails or any other body part, she loudly cleared her throat to grab their attention making seven pairs of eyes snap to her.
"Did you summon us little girl?" Namjoon asked as he took in her condition, she was awfully malnourished, her arms bruised and frail, she was a timid little thing who he assumed wasn't much younger than Jungkook before he had been changed into a demon. The girl nodded, holding a wand in her hand, a witch, Seokjin realized before he focused on her arms, “How did you summon us little witch” he asked, he was pretty sure the spell to summon them was a 21+ spell and she barely looked 18+ to him.
           “with the spell of course although I didn’t know it would summon seven of them, I would have drawn a lager circle had i known” she mumbled making Yoongi gawk at her statement, “HOW THE FUCK DO YOU CAST A SUMMONING SPELL WITHOUT KNOWING HOW MANY DEMONS IT WOULD SUMMON?? WE COULD HAVE RIPPED YOUR THROAT OUT THE MOMENT WE SHOWED UP HERE” Hoseok barked, snapping his fangs at her.
 “I know, no need to be an arse about it” she retorted as Hoseok stared at her in disbelief, “well then why did you summon us little witch?” Taehyung intervened, “I need help,” she stated plainly. This piqued Jimin’s interest, they all were clearly thinking the same thigh judging from the look in their eyes, they were mates, he knew how they thought, “Are you sure you can pay the price for our services darling” Seokjin remarked sweeping his eyes over the mostly bare cottage. 
            This girl was clearly living alone, a cauldron with coals under it sat in one corner of the house and a winding staircase lead up to attic which he assumed was her bedroom. Clothes hung to dry near the fire place in another corner of the house, her cupboards were mostly empty other than a loaf of bread and a tin of something he couldn’t recognize. She clearly didn’t have much to give.
“What is your price?” She asked, Yoongi admired her guts, she was clearly working hard on trying to seem unafraid, although she failed miserably, at least she tried. The seven of them thought for a while when they head a loud bang on the door. The girls eyes widened in fear, “they’re here” she cursed as she cast a colloportus spell on the door, “hurry up please” she pleaded, “what’s going on? what help do you need?” Jungkook asked as Seokjin place a shield over the door blocking the people from coming in for a short while.
                “They’re hunting me and i want them gone” she revealed, the boys looked up at her, “how sure are you that we won’t rip your throat once you set us free from this circle” Yoongi asked, “I don’t have anything to lose if you kill me the moment i let you free, I don’t have much to live for anyway” she answered, “we’ll discuss the price once we’re done” Namjoon warned as she cast the aqua eructo spell, a stream of water sprouting from the tip of her wand, wiping the circle of salt away just as a window shattered, glass spilling everywhere.
               “Jimin, get her somewhere safe” Namjoon commanded his mate, the younger demon nodded dutifully before stepping forward and wrapping an arm around her waist, positioning his wings, “hold on tight” he warned as he too to the air, going out through the back door of the cottage, taking her to the roof of the cottage, “stay here while we sort that stuff out” he told her, taking off to join the others.
        They possessed the humans, making them kill each other or they’d simply burn them to a crisp, she had expected them to be strong and powerful, but not this powerful, powerful to wipe out all the people who had come to attack her. She didn’t pay much heed to the humans who ran into the forests, she didn’t care where they went as long as they didn’t come near her or her cow, Morphus, who was currently in the shed, a little away from the clearing she lived at. 
  She noticed one of the church men trying to climb the roof to get to her but she quickly jinxed him, making him fall off the roof. Half way through the battle, Yoongi called in quits because the boys could deal with it without him, he joined Y/n on the roof top, folding his wings carefully to not hurt her, “Why don’t you just move from here, go fin some other forest to live in” he asked, leaning back on his hands, looking up at the sky, “there’s no where else to go, I’ve been running for too long” she answered and with that all conversation subsided as they both watched the others fight, Yoongi noticed a few people running for the forests and jerked up to go after them only to be stopped by Y/n, “let them be,” she said and he obey’d.
It didn’t take the demons long to finish everyone, they all gathered in her kitchen, Jin and Taehyung were hurt, but nothing big, just minor wounds according to the two demons but she insisted on tending to their injuries with a warm cloth and some potions, “this will scar” she told Jin, feeling guilty all of a sudden, “one of a million, don’t worry” he smiled as she wrapped his almost fully healed hand up.
“what is this?” Jungkook asked as he peered down the mug on Y/n’s table, “banana milk” she answered as she turned to Taehyung to wrap his wound up too, Jungkook took a sip of the milk before downing the whole mug, “do you have more?” he asked, looking like a child who wants an extra treat, she nodded, getting up to pull out a jar full of it from her cupboard, handing it to the boy, she didn’t seem the least bothered that a demon boy was drinking up all her banana milk. 
“so what is the price I have to pay? if you’ll hurry up, I have cleaning to do” she said looking at the dead bodies scattered all around her house, some even on tree branches. The boys looked at each other, “We’ll need some time to discuss” Namjoon said on behalf of them all, “you do that and I’ll clean that up” she said, grabbing her wand and leaving the house.
“So, what now?” Namjoon asked once he made sure she was far away from them, “I don’t think she can really give much, she barely has anything herself” Hoseok said, scanning the room again, “This place is nice tho, although she could use some more things in it” Seokjin admitted, looking around the peaceful cottage, it was clean, and would look beautiful if it wasn’t so bare, “it is” Namjoon admitted when Jimin’s piped up, “I don’t like the fact that she lives like this, she could die any moment and no one would notice, maybe we can come here more often” he suggested, already planning all the things he’d bring here from the underworld, Namjoon nodded, “it has been way too long since I’ve actually seen the sky, donno why mortals have to have all the good things when they die so easily” he huffed as he looked out of the window, looking down at the valley in which the village nestled.
        “I have an idea hyung, why don’t we use her place as a sort of abode, she can offer her house to us when ever we want in exchange for our services” Taehyung offered and Namjoon and Seokjin agreed, it would be nice to come to the mortal world often, “is everyone fine with that?” he asked the others, none of them rejected the idea and soon enough, Y/n was called back in.
   They explained what they wanted and she just stared at them, dumbfound, “why would you want to come here when you can live luxuriously in the demon world?” she asked, “the demon world is not all its cooked up to be” Jimin answered.
It took a little convincing (threatening) to get her to agree but she did.
The boys were common visitors to her little cottage, each of them would show up on their own accord and timing with their own reasons, often in their human form, she had been surprised to see how much more handsome the seven of them were in their human forms and she had told them so.
             They would show up with little things that she would need around the house, sometimes unnoticeable and sometimes ridiculous, they’d bring her small fancy plates and saucers, fabrics and potion ingredients and even a new wand once before they progressed to bringing bigger things like vases and pillows and rugs despite her protesting.
Namjoon was the first to show up at her door with a book in hand to see books about the seven of them scattered on her table. They had stopped popping up directly inside the house after Y/n had yelled at them for freaking her out, “reading up on us I see” he commented as he dragged a chair to sit, “I’ll have to because i literally don’t know anything about the seven of you” she mumbled as she read on. They both read their books in silence before Y/n offered him tea which he accepted gratefully.
  Seokjin and Jungkook were the next one’s to show up because they were hungry, she served them with honey bread and maple syrup. Seokjin showed a keen interest in cooking, offering to help her out while she cooked for the three of them, since then, he’d show up during meal times to eat with her and cook with her, it became something the two of them got used to and one of the greatest things Seokjin would miss once she had passed.
   Jungkook and her bonded over banana milk, the boy couldn’t get enough of it, even taking some back to the demon realm only to come back for more the next day. They both would wander the forest in search of bananas and maple trees and make the banana milk together, he was the most frequent visitor that even Morphus had started to recognize Jungkook who would sit next to Y/n when she milked the cow every morning.
Tae and Jimin would often come together just to mess with her and to make a fool out of the villagers down in the valley. They went herb searching together in the forests. They’d pick flowers for the house and they even dug up a well for the little cottage to use.
Hoseok would also come by often just to gossip with her, telling her about all the events in the demon world, they both would talk over tea and little cakes about Namjoon’s snoring and Seokjin’s new obsession with bad jokes. On days which were not too hot or too cold they’d set up a table outside and just bask in each others company.
Yoongi was the last to visit her, and even when he did visit, he decided to take a nap only to get back up complaining about how bumpy the mattress was before vanishing off and coming back with a new mattress. They’d nap together on days Y/n didn’t have anything to do, and had been found wrapped up with each other by the other quiet often. 
They’d all come together once every few days to have lunch and dinner and to talk and play, enjoying the sun and grass and flowers before they had to go back to the demon world.   
It was funny to see the seven strongest demons be so gentle and ind to a little human girl, weaving flower crowns for her and laying their head in her lap, taking cat naps together.
They seven boys got quiet attached to the little witch, trying to meet her as often as possible and be as gentle as possible to her. Imagine their surprise when Namjoon walked in on a sorcerer sitting on one of the chairs as Y/n made him a cup of tea. 
“A demon!” the sorcerer shrieked as Namjoon came inside the house, Y/n slowly turned around to see Namjoon standing st the door, greeting him with a smile and a kiss to his cheek, “Namjoon-ah meet my mentor, the great Sorcerer Potter” she introduced as Namjoon felt a green knot form in his chest, he was sure the rest of his mates felt it too because a portal opened not soon after, tossing the 6 other boys into the mortal world, all of them looking eerily calm, “why is he here y/n? he questioned, “he just came to visit” she explained, “then why is his smell all over you?” Jungkook demanded, grabbing her wrist to get a scent of her.
“get lost” Yoongi hissed at the sorcerer, the powerful man shrieked as he apparated to who knows where. “Y/n,” Hoseok said, taking her hands in his, “did he touch you” he asked, his voice low, she shook her head, no, no one had touched her, thank the demons, Jimin thought as he enveloped her in his arms, overpowering the sorcerer’s smell with his own. “good, don’t let anyone touch you except for us little witch” Seokjin mumbled as he placed a kiss on her forehead, she hummed in agreement as they all bundled up in her cozy cottage, now a lot more comfortable and colorful than before.
They loved her but they couldn’t have her because demons didn’t deserve happiness, it was a curse on them, they weren’t meant to love, only hate and kill because even if they loved y/n they’d inevitably end up with a part of their heart hollow because demons couldn’t love little witches because demons were immortal while witches would meet their end soon enough.
None of them laid with their little witch because it was forbidden but they did caress her, they held her close and made her feel warm and loved by each of them, they were tender and careful with her, trying to spend every moment with her and while that might seem like too much for a mortal, it was a mere few moments for immortals and they tried to carve her memory into their hearts and minds so they would never forget her despite how much time passed by.
The eight of them spent 86 years together, Y/n passed due to illness at the ripe age of a hundred and twelve years with a smile and her seven demons surrounding her when she too her last breath.
The demons wished she’d reincarnate bu they didn’t keep much hope in that because demons wishes were never fulfilled. But they lived on with the memory of the little witch who had summoned them and had carved herself into their cold, dark hearts.
Y/n's cottage
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First try, how was it? let me know!!!!
184 notes · View notes
alilbihh · 4 years
woods&witches — knj
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pairing: namjoon x reader
summary: You think it ends with you saving a fox. That is, until you start getting love letters sent to your doorstep and little knick knacks left on your window sill.
genre: fox shifter!namjoon, witch!reader, fluff
words: 4.5k
a/n: this was meant for the bingo challenge but completely escaped its original prompt. anyway. heres shy!lovestruck!namjoon bc i love him. also no this is nOt a witch au blog idk whats wrong w me
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A finch flutters onto your windowsill, and you shuffle over once you hear a tap, tap, tap on the glass. You push it open and the bird hops inside, beak leaning forward tentatively.
You take the letter. "Ah, so they sent you this time?" Or maybe the finch volunteered, you wouldn't be surprised. They are quite the gossips.
It's a soft blue envelope, and when you turn it over there's a scrawled #12 on the left side corner. You think that even if he hadn't written that, you'd know. It's easy to keep track, after all.
A maple leaf slips out when you open the envelope. You set it aside and tentatively take the letter, brush a hand over the ink. It was written by hand in messy but deliberate hand writing and it smells like chamomile and honey, like it was written under a half-moon.
You read it once then twice then three times until it feels like you've been dipped halfway underwater, until the buzzing of the midday cicadas has faded into white noise and everything is suddenly tinged blue.
The man, you deduced a while ago, tells tales of palm trees and blue ponds and red and pink frogs, of catching crabs on a stranded shore. He's writing poetry but he's not, writing reality but he's not, and you don't know how he does it, how he can make five paintings with just one phrase.
You clutch the letter to your chest, feel yourself have an out of body experience because of a not-poem. Your head whips towards the finch when it chirps suddenly, and you huff.
"Why're you still here?" You shield the letter from the bird's eyes. Its head tilts. "And don't give me that look, I know exactly what you're thinking."
The bird only gives another chirp before flying away.
You scoff out a laugh, and when you walk towards your bedside table, the drawer opens before you can even think too much about it. You glare at your walls before tucking the letter with the others, as if to stop the house from teasing you too much.
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It all begins and ends on a sunny afternoon.
The tree roots whisper as you pass, as if to purposely lead you astray, but you follow them anyway. The forest is never wrong, after all.
So when you stumble against a snowy white fox lying on a field of wisteria, you're only a tad bit surprised.
"Ah, you don't want to do that," you say some time after it woke up in your home and stopped panicking. It's now looking down at your polka dot socks, then looks up sharply to stare at you. You don't think there's a way for foxes to show emotions, but you think that if there were, he'd be staring at you with a little bit of awe.
You clear your throat. "Your foot, I mean. You don't want to strain it."
It just keeps staring at you, one ear twitching a bit.
"Um." You say when it doesn't stop, "You'll be better in a few weeks time. It wasn't that serious."
The fox blink blink blinks before shaking itself off, fur spilling every which way. You take it as acknowledgement enough.
In a few minutes he's managed to sniff and inspect every piece of furniture in your home, ranging from your small couch to your droopy house plant. He trudges and limps and sometimes skips from place to place, and then becomes highly confused when you don't let him climb the kitchen table.
Yoongi appears on your window somewhere between the fox kneading at your rug and the fox trying to catch a moth with its mouth.
"Hey grump," you say to the black cat, scratching behind his ears. Yoongi's tail twitches in dismissal, but he whines when you stop petting him, anyway.
You can almost see when Yoongi's gaze settles on the fox, because when you turn to look he's frozen solid on your couch, as if hoping he can't be seen if he stays still enough. The cat gives you a look.
You raise a brow. "What? Don't look at me like that."
He keeps looking at you like that.
"I helped him over by the wisteria. His foot's a little bad, but it's nothing too bad." The fox stays curled up on your couch, digging his nails into the cushions much like a cat would. An ear twitches in your direction, as if he's sheepish but won't admit to it.
Yoongi mewls a single, drawn out mewl of acceptance. You nod nod nod, and the cat jumps down your window and disappears into the woods right when the wind starts blowing north and the sun starts climbing higher before dropping lower.
The world stills for a while as you work through your home, organizing your chipped cups and bent spoons and funny forks. The mushroom wraith on your door wiggles when you pass it by, and when the frog figurine on your counter croaks in greeting the fox nearly jumps out of its skin.
(The fox is gone by morning, right when the sun settles over the honeysuckle tumbling down your thatched roof. You try to feel for his presence, but it's overwhelmed by the snails and woodpeckers and oversized mushrooms.
You think that's when the letters started coming, perched nicely over your windowsill whenever you're not looking).
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There's a man in your pond.
The carp in the water yells indignantly as the man tries to stand but tumbles, pondweed curled over his ankles as if begging him to stay. You just stare because the man tries to get up once then twice then three times, hair loose and windblown and positively drenched, twigs and pondweed in the knots.
You stare and stare until the man notices you and startles, looks away quickly before cringing and hesitatingly meeting your eyes. He lifts a hand, lowers it, lifts it again and waves. You wave back.
"Hello." You say. The man looks a little stunned, more stunned than when the carp had nipped at his feet. You point at the pond, "You're standing in my pond."
"Ah!" He startles, head whipping down like he'd forgotten all about it. "I am! In your pond, I mean. Sorry, sorry." The pondweed untangles itself mercifully, and he shuffles out of the water, toes curling into the dirt around it.
"It's okay!" You shoot him a thumbs up. He stares. "Do you want to, uh, come inside?"
So the man walks through the slim wooden trellis and diligently wipes his feet on the rug, shuffling through the door with hesitant steps. He looks a little like a painting left out too long in the rain, all ruffled hair and stiff shoulders, but pretty nonetheless.
"Would you like some tea?" You say, already grabbing the kettle from the cupboards, "It will have to have milk, though, since the cups don't like serving without."
"Okay! Tea is nice. Thank you." Then he smiles with knee-deep dimples and pinchable cheeks and something inside you kinda melts a little.
The man's name is Namjoon and his skin is tan despite it already being winter, the color of salted caramel. He's so bright you find it easier to look away, to look instead at the space around him, the shadow against the pane of his neck, the length of his-- very long legs. You'll pretend you never noticed that.
You don't talk about why he was in your pond, not really. He's already apologized to the carp, he says. You talk instead about mushroom glades and why avocados are acceptable dinner foods and his intense love for moths and his hopes for snow this year.
When Namjoon leaves it all feels a bit unprecedented. Lost souls show up on your doorstep often, always leaving after a cup of tea and a few helpful directions, but Namjoon doesn't look lost at all. Looks a little like he belongs, really.
He rubs awkwardly at the back of his neck, then sticks a hand out in offering. You shake his hand. He nods, lingers on the doorway, plays with a loose stitching of his soft green overalls.
"I'll-- be seeing you, then," he clears his throat, and you just laugh a little loosely because no, you won't. With lost souls, you never do.
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Except Namjoon does return. He returns, in fact, in green baseball shorts and an open-collared shirt with sugar packets sticking out of the front pockets. He looks a bit like a dad showing up for his son's football game. Looks a little dangerous but in a harmless way, like a huge gangly bug. A six-foot stick insect hovering outside your door.
You're a little stunned. Very stunned. So stunned that Namjoon cringes, shuffles a bit on your welcome mat. It's a frog with a thought bubble that says welcome! that Namjoon has expressed his love for on multiple occasions.
"Hello," he purses his lips. "I... wanted to thank you. Again. For everything." He sucks in a breath. "Bad time? Bad time. I don't actually remember knocking-- did I knock? God, I didn't, did I? I'm so rude, I'm so sorry."
"No, no," you say once you've recovered. "You, you definitely knocked."
"Oh!" His lips form a surprised little 'o'. You're so fond. "That's good. Okay. I'll... be leaving, then."
"Um!" You interject, "You can come inside, if you want?"
So he comes inside and drinks tea and names the cactus by your windowsill Gerald and discusses his complaints on climate change and you're a little content and a lot confused, because--
Only creatures of the forest can find your house more than once.
(That night, you knock on your own walls and glare indignantly. Say, "You led him here, didn't you?"
The walls do nothing. You think you hear a floorboard creak, though.
You stomp your feet like an overgrown child. "I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, but I'm not falling for it!"
No response. Except the wind chimes outside sing brightly, but when you look out the window there's no wind at all).
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Namjoon visits once then twice then three times, always showing up unplanned and out of nowhere. He brings a pinecone first then a dandelion next, blushes and says I didn't pluck them against their will! I told them they looked pretty and they volunteered to help me.
He's so pretty it's become a little harder to hold in. He was always pretty, always smiles a bit too brightly, like he's swallowed a star and can't quite keep all the brightness to himself, but something's shifted a bit.
(You contemplate this in a mid afternoon. As in: whisper-screaming to the ceiling for a while. And then whisper-screaming some more when Yoongi walks directly across your face.
"You're a monster," you inform him.
He digs his tiny monster-claws into your stomach.)
One day, you learn the man is weirdly good at knitting. You learn he has a pretty solid grasp on quantum physics. You learn that when he laughs it's a little hah! under his breath, and when he really laughs it turns sideways and belly-up, pitching into something that could almost be defined as a giggle. You learn that you need to stop staring.
Another day, Namjoon sits in the corner of your couch, curled up reading a book he'd picked up from the next village over. It's small but very thick with what could only be very small letters, because he's squinting a bit as he reads. It's vastly endearing.
Another day, he makes cheesy bread in your toaster and felt bad about it for the next three weeks. Which is also the amount of time it took for you to get all the cheese out.
Everything's great.
Today, though, you're walking through the forest alone. The forest doesn't guide you, not really, maybe because it knows you're walking on your own terms.
The forest is noisy with the sounds of birds calling and trees growing and little things skipping here and there through the undergrowth. Your shoes are so muddy you don't really care for how much worse they get, and they squelch when your heels sink into puddles and spongy moss.
You walk and walk until you come across a clearing, a bird feeder propped neatly over a tree branch. A sparrow squawks when it sees you.
"Hello," you say in greeting, and the tree with the bird feeder sighs, the wind blowing and carrying the sound.
A tree root on the ground grabs a fistful of dirt and promptly flings it onto your knees. You shriek indignantly.
You have a lot to figure out, the tree echoes because of course it does. It has a history of saying things vaguely and hoping you'll understand.
"I don't understand," you say out loud.
It flings more dirt onto your knees. You step back protectively, "Okay, okay! I get it!"
One, two. Four clouds in the sky, for now, it says at last, and you're a bit afraid of prying, so you just accept what it says as fact and move on, say one last goodbye to the bluetit that flutters onto the bird feeder.
It starts raining not long after that, when more than four clouds settle over the evening sun, makes it a bit harder to maneuver through the woods. You walk based on feeling, a hand brushing over the tree trunks, silently cursing the tree.
Namjoon is already waiting when you arrive home, hurries forward when he spots you through the trees, holding an umbrella up high.
And it's-- sweet. Just a really sweet thing to do, really considerate. He could have waited inside, in the warmth and shelter, but instead he's walking through puddles to meet you halfway with an umbrella.
He looks a little funny when he stops in front of you, hair disheveled and sticking up in random places, eyes all worried and sullen. He looks like a goose.
"You look like a goose," you say out loud with a little laugh, "I'm already wet though, so there's not much point in this, you know?"
Namjoon's smile is a bit dopey, a bit sloppy at the edges. "But there's not many trees to shield you, from this point on." He says, "Let's-- go inside?"
So you go inside, the house already setting the fireplace with its never-ending firewood, the frog figurine croaking and the wind chimes singing and everything feels a little right. A little more homey.
"Did you find your way back easily?" Namjoon says later, hands cupping his tea mug as he sheepishly adds, "I know this is your-- home, obviously, I don't wanna just assume anything, but-- For me, it's a bit harder to navigate when it rains like this. Fogs my senses and all," he clears his throat.
You purse your lips to keep from smiling, "Do you know how a wood witch works, Namjoon?" You continue when he shakes his head, "A wood witch is the one who planted the first seed that sprouted the first tree that grew the first forest," you say, half-chanting it, cite it like a rhyme long forgotten.
He looks a bit awe-struck. A lot awe-struck. Says, "Oh." And that's that.
You add, sheepish, "It's really not much. I'm not as powerful as other wood witches, but I am grateful to the woods." You hum, "They gave me this cottage. They gave me who I am, really."
"Oh." Namjoon says. "Oh." He stares and stares, open mouthed and in awe and sort of dazed but pretty, pretty. His gaze trails over the room once before settling back on you, says, "You're all the beauty in the world."
And the world-- stills, maybe-- balanced atop a drop of nectar.
You whisper a small, delighted "Oh." And that's that.
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Namjoon somehow manages to drag you outside the woods.
You're being dragged through busy streets, cars and crowds and carriages that boggle your senses. The difference between the village and the woods is astounding. (Not that you've never been to nearby cities or villages-- sometimes you crave poptarts and there's nothing you can do about it-- but it's been a while since you've walked into the very heart of it).
You might be a wood witch, but Namjoon is the one who looks a little — lost, outside the woods.
"This is my favorite corner cafe," he admits proudly, "Um, if Seokjin-hyung says anything, please be aware I'm not associated with him."
"Got it." You like this Seokjin guy already.
Taylor Swift is blasting through the speakers when you walk inside, a broad shouldered man swaying from side to side behind the counter as he pours milk into a cup. Once his eyes land on Namjoon he positively grins.
"Namjoon, my man!" He belts out a particularly impressive high note as Namjoon approaches him, but no one around seems at all fazed. "It's been so long!"
"I've been here last week, hyung." Namjoon says but he seems a bit happy to be missed, sheepishly ducking his head.
"That's too long. You should visit more often, it's great! I get free coffee here and don't have to walk through muddy paths and ominous sounds to visit you."
"It's not free though?" Namjoon frowns, "You may own the shop but you're the one who buys all the coffee in the first place."
The man behind the counter makes a noise that's too distorted to understand. "If I wanted someone to tear apart my ideas with logic I'd talk to Yoongi, you're both insufferable."
You want to interject but at the same time don't. You get so absorbed in your own thoughts you almost don't notice when they mention a Yoongi. Huh.
"Oh, you know Yoongi? The cat?" You blink when two sets of eyes settle on you.
"Ah, yes. Yoongi." The man you've now established has to be Seokjin sighs, resting a chin over his palm, "The devious fiend. The pest of the nest. The gremlin goblin."
"Do you ever think before you speak."
"I do! I thought of those words and then I said them."
Namjoon sighs and none of them elaborate any further, but you decide not to pry. You can always just ask Yoongi, anyway.
You both sit in a booth in the far corner where light reflects onto it perfectly but not in an overwhelming way, just enough to be warm and comforting. Seokjin pads over with your drink and Namjoon's latte and shoots excessive finger guns as he leaves, and Namjoon looks a bit like he's refraining from apologizing on his behalf.
Namjoon doodles on napkins and talks like he's reciting a far off poem, except he's talking about what should be the correct pronunciation of pickles and you're kinda maybe really hopelessly endeared.
"Do you think I should paint my nails?" He's saying, closely inspecting his nibbled nails, "Maybe it will make me stop biting my nails."
"Have you thought of green?"
He hums delightedly, "Green! I love green. I'm thinking pink though, since gender norms are a social construct and pink is just pretty in general."
"You'll look like a pretty little winter fairy!" You grin. He flushes pink, too.
Then when you get up to order another drink he stands quick, as if intending to order it for you, but you're already grinning and skipping to the counter and when you turn to look at him he's slowly sitting back down, defeated.
You're maybe smiling too hard when Seokjin walks to take your order. "Ah, Y/n-ssi! How may I help you, my gentle woodland elf?"
"Can I just have the same thing, please?" You say and he hums, walking mechanically towards his cabinets.
Then after staring dazedly at the separate christmas mugs and cinnamon buns and droopy plants, you're looking around when you spot a box by the back counter that looks like an awful lot like a letter slot, a stack of envelopes sitting neatly on top. Oh.
"What's that for?" You gesture towards the box, and Seokjin turns away from the coffee grinder to smile something a little gentle. A little secretive.
"We're a letter shop too, you know?" He looks like he's suppressing a sort of devious smile he doesn't want you to see, "We deliver letters on the writer’s behalf, so the sender stays anonymous."
Your organs twist and melt together all at once. You mumble a small "Oh" and that's that.
Then when you leave Seokjin winks before sending you both off, the man waving boisterously and maybe obnoxiously but you're immensely endeared, wave back until the shop is out of sight and Namjoon is sufficiently embarrassed.
You predictably invite Namjoon inside after you arrive home, deciding that soup after coffee doesn't sound too bad. So you watch as the fireflies do somersaults and the moths hover over lamps as you both go for seconds and then for thirds and you don't say much, maybe say nothing at all, but that's okay, too.
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The soup signals a change, you think. Either
1) You are in love with Namjoon and need to tell him.
2) You are in love with soup and need to seek help.
So you walk through the forest.
Namjoon is at home, you know, but you feel that talking to Namjoon about your possible love for Namjoon is a bit counterproductive, so you walk through the forest instead.
Everyone is still adjusting to last night's downpour, the floors muddy and the leaves droopy and everything smelling like wet earth. You walk but you're hovering a few inches off the ground, silently thank the forest for its kindness.
You walk through the forest again the next day, think back to the tree with the bird feeder and think that maybe he wasn't so vague after all. Just wish that he could tell you what to do next.
It's easier to listen to a tree's vague advice than it is to follow through with it, you think, until a few weeks later, when the universe decides you need a little push. A big push. The biggest push.
Namjoon has been visiting consistently for the past month or so, sometimes staying over and sometimes staying just before nightfall, but for maybe a week you haven't heard of him at all. He's disappeared without a trace.
The forest guides you this time, patches of sunlight shining through trees as you follow. You think you hear the shrill argument between a finch and a jay on the treetops as you navigate through mushroom patches and mossy rocks.
It's the field of wisteria. You're in the field of wisteria when you find a small burrow, a little home for a woodland creature.
When you turn, you see-- Namjoon. Namjoon, eyes widened in horror, a strangled sound breaking free from his throat. Two white fox ears standing ramrod straight on his head.
You clear your throat. Say, "Hi, Namjoon."
He shrieks.
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A finch flutters onto the bird feeder, eyes twinkling, "Guys, you will not believe what I just found out--"
"We know," the jay says.
"We know," the bluetit says.
"We know," the sparrow says.
Even Yoongi mewls from a higher tree branch.
The finch squawks, gossip stolen from right under its wing, "How on Earth did you all know?"
"The forest made the house bigger," Yoongi drawls, tail swishing here and there, "And we all helped deliver the letters."
"Different from someone, we can actually keep secrets!" Says the jay, chest puffed proudly, ignoring the offended squeals from the finch.
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"You know, it was actually kind of obvious."
You hum from beside Namjoon, his arm draped over the back of the couch inches away from dropping onto your shoulder. He wants to tug you closer, comb a hand through your hair, but the mere thought has his face burning and ears threatening to pop out at the stress. He's kissed you before, dozens of times, for many reasons and for no reason at all, but it all still feels a little nerve wrecking, like one push will have you burst at the seams.
(Which, frankly, is ridiculous-- you're the strongest person he knows, but-- but.)
"What is?" He says to distract himself.
"The letters stopped coming after you started showing up, and you literally took me to a letter shop." You falter and add, "And just.. the way you say things, it sounds like how you sound when you write. I don't know if I'm making sense, but it's-- nice." You explain, a hint of affection on your voice.
That has nothing to do with being a fox shifter and everything to do with you sitting so prettily next to him, smelling like Ilsan sunshine and kept promises and damp earth, like the forest itself.
"Hmm," he hums, a hand settling on your thigh, finally gathering the courage to drop his arm onto your shoulder--
"Namjoon, you really don't have to hesitate for this kind of stuff." You say, turning to look at him with a grin. His face burns as he clears his throat pointedly, crossing one leg over the other as he finally drops an arm over your shoulder.
"M'sorry," he mumbles.
"Don't be," You press a kiss to his chin, "And you better kiss me properly this instant, because it seems you still think that crocs are acceptable footwear. I'm gonna come to my senses any second now."
"Please don't," he says, a little wild. Then he's moving, nose brushing over your cheek, and then— and then—
A hand curling softly over your cheek, a little giggle, and his lips pressing gently over your own. Something a bit real. Un-takeback-able. You taste a lot like the poetry he writes, still writes, like you're pressing the wonders of the world to his lips, like he's skimming the universe with his hands.
(Once upon a time, you saved a fox lying in a field of wisteria.
The rest of the story is told in open envelopes, messages left for the moon to see.)
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