#lost potential
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sinligh · 3 months ago
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something stands between me and all the feelings I’m trying to dissect
maybe it’s melancholy made into flesh holding me down as a base to my wavering relationship with all that i am and all that i want.
an Imposter syndrome ?
maybe it’s all the goodbyes December held on a leash..
Impermanence scares us humans but so does stability
all the insecurities and self doubts wrapped around my neck with a gentleness that competes with a lover’s embrace.
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As the weather gets colder I burn through thoughts and distant dreams abandoned prospect
incandescent potential burnt to ash underneath my skin
And as i do so, i can’t help but wonder:
If I left you my letters as an offering will you put them together for me ?
Form endless strings of words and attach them to anything you deem familiar In me?
Wrap me up in poetry?
Or will you burn it the way i did my dreams; to warm yourself up ?
Will you prosper?
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“Love” is nothing but a fabricated fairytale Sung by desperate heartbeats who have been poisoned by forfeited hope
Is the cup half full or half empty? I'm not sure anymore..
But the content of that cup is all that's left of my share of happiness in this world
and I'm willing to share it with you...
Even if it left me groundless.
Lost in the terminology of love, And the ideology of death and self sabotage
While disillusionment feed on my lifeline.
would it be so wrong to let myself dissolve in a little love knowing it won’t last?
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• Quote: Sylvia plath/Mary Oliver/ Fyodor Dostoevsky/ Simone de Beauvoir/ Maya Angelou/ Marina Tsvetaeva/Anne Michaels
• Original context: Sinligh
• Art reference: 1. Art by Zhao Kailin. 2. Wounds of the Earth by xis.lanyx. 3. George Hitchcock, Calypso. 4.Art by Ivan Pokidyshev. 5. Monseigneur Love by Thomas Cooper Gotch
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pruneunfair · 6 months ago
There was such wasted opportunity here.
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like..imagine if the potential here was acknowledged because this is a perfect way to show that Navier and Rashta don't have to be enemies.
Navier doesn't want to get back with Sovieshu just to raise his mistresses child, Rashta doesn't want her baby being raised by another woman passing as the mother. Think about it, this could've been the turning point where Navier and Rashta put aside their differences and realize they have a common goal. Sort of like Eris and Helena in a way.
I want to see those two stand up to Sovieshu and make it clear that neither of them will be taking his bullshit anymore. The characters development from that would be immaculate I tell you
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is-today-tomorrow-in-nz · 5 months ago
Uprooted vs Grishaverse
I finally finished uprooted and I wanted to share my two cents on where Naomi Novik delivers while LB fails.
Warning: spoilers
1) Both the stories were written in first POV of the protagonist.
2) Both are dealing with an immortal, youthful looking male wizard(/grisha) and a reluctant, low self-esteemed, female protagonist.
3) Both are set up in a war torn country with an expanding evil element threatening to swallow the country whole.
However the similarities end there.
1) First POV:
Although Noami uses First POV for Agnieszka, it is not restrictive like Alina's. We can see the universe clearly through her eyes and how she views the magic system. We could also read the other characters and see their strengths and flaws through her eyes. This is completely lost in the Grishaverse. We only see Alina's low self-esteem rambles, her unhealthy attachment to Mal and her judgemental censure of others characters We don't understand the universe, or the true nature of the characters. This makes the Grishaverse restricted universe, although we know how vast it is.
2) Strong female lead:
Agnieszka is a village born, free thinker and an independent girl. She is passionate and compassionate. She cares for her family, her best friend, her village and its people. Although she did not expected to be picked she does not stagnate as the story unfolds. At first she is reluctant and useless in learning magic but once she understands why she needs the magic, she pulls the magic by its horns and masters it. Unlike Alina, she practices and fails and yet she does not give up. Nieshka is by no means a girlboss but she knows what she wants and is unafraid to seek it. She knows when to standup and seize her power and when to let go. Naomi handles her beautifully that we want to know more about what's going on in her mind. Nieshka's life is lived by her rules. When Sarkan flees from his tower she does not run after him. She lets him go. She understands his nature and she also understands hers. She chooses to stay behind and heal the forests around her. This, right here, is proper feminism. Not Alina's ballerina farm.
3) Strong characters:
Sarkan, Solya, Kasia, Alosha, Marek, Vladimir and many others. We see them all through Nieshka but Naomi has portrayed each one of them beautifully. They are not one dimensional. We see how Sarkan is withdrawn from the world with the weight of immortality, choosing to surround himself with books and magic instead. We can see Kasia's pain, her love for Nieshka, her jealousy and the hurt of her mother's betrayal. We can see Marek's boarish nature, his hot headedness and love for his mother which ultimately led to his downfall. Every character has a story arc and a journey to fullfil on their own and Naomi does it wonderfully. We see them through Nieshka's eyes but we see the whole person not just her characterization. LB fails in this aspect. After book 2&3, we see many characters simply as an extension of Alina. They all profess their fealty and choose to stay with her even when she does not show them the same respect. Alina is labelled as virtuous although we see no evidence of it. In other words, the characters in Grishaverse are mere mindless, plot devices that are supposed to love Alina because she is the protagonist. They seize to exist outside of Alina which cripples the story telling in Grishaverse.
4) Vastness of the universe
One of the key nature of a fantasy story is the vastness of the universe. The reader when journeying through the story must feel the endlessness of the universe. Eg. The Lord of the Rings. This offers the readers a real submersive experience. We see it lacking in the Grishaverse. Although there are different countries and people, we can feel the boxed nature of the universe. This when combined with Alina's restricred POV, one dimentional side characters(spanning across different countries) and blatant favouritism shown to some characters we feel suffocated inside the Grishaverse. Naomi's universe feels vast, unexplored and unending making it a true fantasy experience.
5) Sarkan
We can see plenty of similarities between the Darkling and the Dargon. A lonely wizard, fighting alone against evil(/corrupt government). The people and the Royal family don't like him but keep him around as a neccessay evil. However, we can see the stark contrast in how Naomi handles Sarkan. For one, she does not think a seventeen year girl knows better than an age old wizard. Sarkan and Nieshka's magic are different but Naomi finds a way to blend them and makes them work with each other. She lets Nieshka form her own judgement of Sarkan instead of force feeding it like LB did to Alina. She gives a chance to the Dragon to tell him his story which gives us an additional understanding. Naomi shows and tells while LB just tells.
There are so many other intricate details which made Uprooted more enchanting to read. Naomi as a writer made me want more. Her universe has potential and Naomi handles it very effectively. The same, however, could not be said about the Grishaverse. The Grishaverse had immense potential compared to Uprooted but due to LB's restrictive story telling, it leaves the readers with a huge disappointment and fails to live upto it's potential.
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soulsunpoets · 9 months ago
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rikan-oo · 1 month ago
I'm rereading some svsss parts and recalling my first impressions. Like
As much as this miscommunication was frustrating, it was so hot, too.
That scene with cat-mouse chase and blood parasites was aaaaah. I guess I just liked LBH being a little mean and jealous of SQQ. I don't know what it says about me as a person.
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brain--rott · 1 year ago
my bedroom walls are a graveyard of all of the things I could've been. ive spent so many years becoming nothing.
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tanatola · 2 years ago
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fav moment from his backstory
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sushis-brainrot · 1 year ago
I loved Mirage, but part of me can't stop thinking about what we might have gotten if it had remained a DLC for Valhalla. OR if a DLC for Valhalla followed it.
I imagine when Hytham was called back to Alamut to report on Basim, he asked the one person who knows exactly what happened to his mentor to join him. Eivor - his friend.
Eivor, of course, accepts. She'll do anything Hytham asks.
They go, together, to Alamut.
While the two get tangled up in the politics of the Hidden Ones and solve whatever intrigue or mystery awaits them in the Arab world, they could have a chance to work together, side by side. While Hytham might be limited by his injuries, he's still a capable assassin, scholar, and warrior. I believe Eivor wholeheartedly respects his capabilities. She might even have to lean on him, let him take charge. It's a strange feeling, but not unwelcome. It might be nice for her to have someone to truly rely on, for once.
Imagine them getting a chance to walk in Basim's footsteps. Visiting the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, that Basim was so fond of. Seeing the great Mosque of Samarra, wondering what man his father was. Hytham would get a chance to handle his grief. Eivor might mourn the loss of a friend with him.
Imagine if Eivor could learn who Basim was. If she finally learnt of Loki. Would she forgive Basim his momentary lapse of madness? Would she understand it, knowing what Odin had done to Loki and Fenrir? This knowledge, would she share it with Hytham? Would he think her mad?
The friendship - or relationship - between Eivor and Hytham that could evolve, their connection deepen. What if this, these events, could be what made Eivor accept Hytham's offer to join the Hidden Ones? What if she, in part, inspired the changes Hytham would implement in the organisation?
It just frustrates me how much potential was lost here...
It frustrates me that they cut Eivor's journey short - and poorly, at that.
I just want to see more Hytham qwq
And I want Eivor and Hytham going to Alamut together. qwq
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kimjimagery · 4 months ago
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Found out more about Goomer's lost 2d cartoon and the movie From another interview that I read and it’s pretty tragic. 
So at first this Goomer was handed to an animation studio to make it into an animated series but then that studio went bankrupt and it went over to another Studio which that one went bankrupt then it went to Filmmax and they got a new writer to turn the series into a movie instead so they chopped up all the pieces from the series and put them together into the movie which was released in 1999,  unfortunately because of how the movie was put together it didn't look very good Even the creators didn't like how this project turned out. 
Personally, I think it's a shame what happened to this. I did find the animated movie interesting animation wise but in all honesty something like this would have been better as an animated series, I can't help but wonder if those episodes have been destroyed entirely or were saved somewhere.
And I wouldn't mind getting a chance to see it especially after seeing that bumper for the series.
Man, poor Goomer has been done dirty :(
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zkoh001 · 2 years ago
Okay so. I really like the Hands of Time as a concept, twin wielders of time, their music motif is one of the coolest in nijago, and also the reason for one of the biggest mysteries at that point (what happened to Kai and Nya's parents) And villains caring for each other and twin dynamics are always cute as hell.
But like... They don't have... A motive? At all?
Well they do. One of them. Krux has a pretty cool motive, he's probably grieving his brother, wants to be ready for his return, and right the wrongs of the alliance. Cool. Acronix doesn't have that, but hey, I can definitely get doing dumb shit cause "big bro knows what he is doing. Probably." (Yes they are twins, but Krux is definitely the older brother between the two)
No, I'm talking about their original one eighty. Think about it, these two were members of the alliance, literal war heroes, and then they win, and they were like, yeah, theres no problem so. Let's be the problem. Why?? Wanting power? Thats... Really weak. And disappointing. Krux kidnapped his old friends, for years, because he wanted power? (I would buy it if they were run of the mill villains, but they are not, they are fallen heroes) Yeah, at that point he might have had a better reason, the whole brother missing, power missing (because Ray and Maya), and they "betrayed" him in a sense. But what got them there is reeeeally shaky.
I heard the idea that Chen manipulated them with his savvy, and Clouses dark magic, and yeah. That makes a whole lot more sense (tho that would make the twins incredibly tragic) Also, that would explain how the hell Chen knew about where Kai's parents were, maybe he gave Krux the idea in the first place
Ehh. I feel like we lost out on a lot with the Hands of Time. If you have some good rewrites or fanfic, link me.
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theliliesofwatersedge · 10 months ago
Did anyone else have a lot of potential when they were younger but by the time they were in their teens/20s they had lost it all?
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astraystayyh · 2 years ago
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laurelonde · 1 month ago
For the ask game: Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unpopular character I like... I would say it's definitely Waldreg from the Rings of Powers series. The old man is a Sauron simp just like me. What's there not to like? ;) I wish they had kept him around. Just because he is old doesn't mean he has no hopes and dreams anymore. And then he had to die only serving a wannabe Dark Lord and never the real deal? The tragedy!
I've seen a video with a cool concept where Halbrand-Sauron schemes with Waldreg to fuck Adar over. Boy, would I have loved to see that!
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italianpawg · 5 months ago
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markalwants-cheese · 3 months ago
So I somehow played about 53 hours of Hogwarts Legacy over the week (mind you, while with the extended fam, on my weak ass laptop) and now I MUST write Hogwarts-verse fanfiction cause god knows JK didn't do it justice
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miniaturepeanuttriumph · 7 months ago
In another Universe I stand tall with all my potential and Sanity intact.
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