#lost light fest 21
theharrowing · 2 years
The Ghost of You on My Skin
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Jungkook and Jimin travel to a remote island in hopes that the trip will allow them to unwind and reconnect. When their plans turn on them and they wind up lost in the woods, they seek refuge with a mysterious stranger who opens their eyes to a world of desire beyond anything they have experienced before.
🐍 Jungkook x Jimin x Yoongi 🐍 word count: 11k 🐍 established relationship, strangers to lovers, monster fucker au, a hint of angst, smut, pwp, fluff, poly, slash, nsfw, 21+ 🐍 warnings: 🕊 dead dove! fear kink! slight pain kink! vore simulation! shapeshifting, vampire biting & sucking, werewolf attacking & fucking, snake swallowing & double-dick fucking, tentacle fucking. top yoongi, bottom jungkook & jimin, being overwhelmed and overstimulated, oral & anal sex, spit-roasting, subspace, threesome, mild dubcon bc yoongi uses magic to calm them, jungkook & jimin bicker a bit to set up the incredibly flimsy plot. 🐍 notes: the monster fucking in this fic gets intense at times, but it is all an illusion, and everyone comes out of it safely. nobody's blood is drained, and the vore is completely simulated. still, if topics like blood and claustrophobia make you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this one. it's tagged as dead dove so the warnings are taken seriously, but this is pretty tame compared to other fics i have with that warning. 🐍 written for the YoonMinKook Fest! 🐍 thanks to @neoneunnajimin for beta reading!   🐍 posted jan. 2023; nov. 2022 on ao3 | read on ao3
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"Are you sure this is the right way?" Jimin asks sheepishly.
The crunch of dry leaves and twigs falls silent as Jeongguk stops in his tracks and glances around, then back at his map—nothing looks familiar or correct. Beside him, Jimin shivers with the neck of his sweater pulled up to his ears. A wave of frustration washes over Jeongguk, and he lets out a heavy sigh.
"No," Jeongguk says simply. "The map the guide gave us said to go down this path—the same path we walked earlier—but nothing looks right."
"It's already getting late," Jimin mutters beside him, and Jeongguk bites his tongue. He knows it is getting late—he can see with his own two eyes that the sun has set and it is getting dark. He hates himself for feeling adventurous enough to return to the secluded part of the sea that he and Jimin had found earlier in the morning. He is not a teenager anymore; he should know better than to go trampling off into the woods at night. Although the guide wouldn't stop talking about how the moon looks reflected on the sea, from where they are, there may as well not be a moon at all. 
Feeling resolved to call this excursion a wash and turn back to their hotel, Jeongguk sighs and lets his arms drop to his sides. "Let's just go back," he mutters, defeated.
So go back they do, down the winding forest path, the exact way they came. Only, as they reach what should be the end of the forest line, Jeongguk slowly passes the flashlight from left to right, realizing they are not where they should be. The trees are just as dense, and nothing looks familiar. Panic rises, but he breathes through it and attempts to get his bearings. 
"Something is wrong, isn't it?" Jimin asks meekly from beside him.
"I don't...quite know..." Jeongguk mutters, words fading to ash as he glances ahead and notices, in the near distance, a rectangular light shining between trees. A house. Jeongguk has spotted a house. 
Jeongguk knows that the clearing should be to the right, but the house is just off to the left. As if pulled by some invisible string, Jeongguk begins to walk in the direction of the light.
"Wait," Jimin says as Jeongguk feels one of Jimin's hands wrap around his wrist. "That house wasn't there before, was it? Or have we gone the wrong way?"
Jeongguk sighs, feeling his patience wearing thin. It is cold and dark and he just wants to lie down in a bed. "There is only one path, Jimin," he says between his teeth. "How could we have gone the wrong way?"
"I—" Jimin begins, and Jeongguk turns to him, pulling in a slow, deep breath, feeling a fire blaze in his eyes—he is ready to absolutely explode. But then Jimin shrugs and continues, "I don't know. You're right. I don't understand what's going on."
Another sigh, and Jeongguk continues down the path toward the house. If they truly are lost in the woods, then the house is their best bet. Jeongguk feels a strange sense of calm as they get closer—as if suddenly, they are safe, and all the worries they had moments ago have been lifted, inviting them to take shelter. 
Jeongguk steps on a particularly large stick, and the loud snap pulls him from his reverie, making Jimin squeak a high-pitched sound. 
"Fuck," Jimin mutters under his breath. "I hate this. This is how horror films start."
"This is how they start?" Jeongguk responds with a chuckle. "We came to vacation on a remote island where we are forced to speak in broken English. We were already traversing the realm of how horror movies start."
Jimin giggles beside Jeongguk—a sound that Jeongguk is surprised to hear. It is light and sweet and makes him smile. Despite his frustration, Jeongguk does not mean to have a short fuse with Jimin. Jimin is simply there, in the wake of the storm that is Jeongguk's ebbing and flowing moods. In fact, Jimin's presence is helping to keep Jeongguk grounded, if only a little. 
"Let's just see who lives in the house," Jeongguk suggests, turning to Jimin, who gazes at him with wide, loving eyes. 
"Sounds good."
"If they seem creepy or weird, we'll get the hell out of there and just...I don't know..." Jeongguk glances around at the seemingly never-ending forest, "...run."
Jimin nods, and Jeongguk leads the way. The hand on Jeongguk's wrist slides down to his hand, and they lock fingers, holding one another tightly as they traverse uneven ground, despite the path laid before them. Jeongguk wonders when the last time the occupant of the house has come out to clear the brush. 
A sound causes them to halt in their paths. A deep woman's voice, sad sounding and drawling out something long and loud, which Jeongguk can't quite make out—anguished cries. Then, the sound of a guitar joins the voice, and Jeongguk realizes it's music. Jeongguk does not understand the voice—surmises that it must be in Spanish—and worries, suddenly, that the person in the house may not understand them at all. 
Still, onward, they trudge, and Jeongguk feels hope bloom in his chest. Something about this just seems to be right, like this is precisely where they are meant to be. Which, Jeongguk realizes, is an absolutely ridiculous way to feel. He reasons that he is still jet-lagged and exhausted, and desperate for warmth. 
They approach the front of the small house—which, now that they are closer, seems more like a cabin. Jeongguk hesitates before walking up the short wooden steps to the front door. When he knocks, the door gives and creeks open, and Jeongguk is met with an enticing smell of baked pastries—possibly an apple pie—and the scent of burning logs. 
A deep, raspy voice calls, "Por favor, pasen adelante. Están en su casa."
Jeongguk pauses, fist still raised from knocking, but arm feeling weak as it hovers in the air. He does not understand what the occupant of the house is saying, and fear rises as he turns to Jimin. 
"I didn't understand."
Jimin shakes his head. "I didn't either."
"Please, come in," the voice calls again, this time in perfect Korean. Jeongguk gasps and turns back to the ajar door with wide eyes as the voice continues, "This is your home."
Jeongguk swallows a lump in his throat, feeling uncertain. "I—"
Just then, a cold gust of wind blows, chilling Jeongguk to the bone. Instinctively, he steps forward, past the threshold, seeking shelter. Jimin follows behind him, and as they shuffle into the entrance, the door closes. 
The light is dim, and although there is still music playing in the background, it is far quieter than it was when they approached from outside. There is a warmth coming from a crackling hearth to the right, and to the left, standing near a small wooden table just barely large enough to seat four, is a man. 
Jeongguk feels stunned, gazing upon the man, who simply stands and smiles back at them. His skin is pale as a sheet, and his long, tousled curly black hair rests in his eyes, falling to his ears and to his shoulders. Despite being obstructed by a tangle of hair, the man's eyes are dark and piercing, resembling those of a wild feline. His nose is small and round, and his lips—full and soft—are turned up into a grin. 
"Welcome, friends," the man says. "My name is Yoongi. I hope you haven't been lost for too long."
Yoongi wears all black, and the fabric is flowing and light, hanging loosely and not of any style that Jeongguk is familiar with. It is almost as if fabric is simply draped over his form with nary a rhyme or reason, in strips and swathes. 
"What language were you speaking earlier?" Jimin asks.
Jeongguk turns to find Jimin looking just as mesmerized by Yoongi as he is. There is something about the man. An aura of sorts, perhaps—Jeongguk can't put his finger on it. When he turns back to Yoongi, the man takes a seat at the small, square wooden table. In the center of the table is a large bottle of soju and warm hand pies that smell like apples and cinnamon. Jeongguk blinks heavily and looks around. 
"I don't remember those being there when we came in," Jeongguk mutters, mostly to himself.
"It's what you wanted, no?" Yoongi asks sweetly, with a cock of his head. 
Jeongguk licks his lips and swallows. It is what he wanted—soju to take the edge off and help him relax after whatever the fuck has just transpired, leading them to this home, and warm apple pie, a comfort food that has calmed Jeongguk since he was a child. The pies are more like pancakes with a rich, warm filling, reminiscent of the very ones he ate growing up, and Jeongguk resists the urge to reach for one. 
"Please," Yoongi says, motioning to the items on the table. "Help yourselves." 
Jimin wastes no time grabbing the soju and pouring a glass, and something inside Jeongguk lurches, causing him to reach out for Jimin's arm and stop him mid-pour. Jimin angles the bottle upward to stop the flow of liquid, splashing some on the table.
"Jimin, wait. What are you doing?"
"I'm thirsty," Jimin states, eyebrows raised and annoyed. "We've had a long fucking day, I've had you barking at me as if I'm a child, and now I want a drink."
Jimin yanks his arm from Jeongguk's grasp, which Jeongguk loosens to prevent more of a mess from being made, and he stares at Jimin's profile as he returns to pouring himself a glass. Then, Jimin pours a second glass, sets the bottle down, and shoves it toward Jeongguk.
"I didn't mean to talk to you like you're a child," Jeongguk mutters, feeling guilty and defeated. He has been copping an attitude with Jimin, lately, but he can't admit the fault so easily. 
"Just drink," Jimin says, holding his glass out to Jeongguk, who sighs and picks his up, tapping it gently on Jimin's in a silent toast—something they always do. 
"Sorry," Jimin says, turning to Yoongi, still holding his glass toward Jeongguk. "I'm so rude! I didn't offer you any!"
Yoongi shakes his head and waves his hands in the air. "I don't drink."
Jimin nods and gulps back his soju, but Jeongguk hesitates. Why does Yoongi have soju if he doesn't drink? And how does Yoongi speak perfect Korean and Spanish, and live in a cabin in the middle of fucking nowhere? Jeongguk turns to Yoongi with the intent to ask him one of a myriad of questions that flood him at once, but Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest and winks at Jeongguk, and suddenly, his mind is clear, and he doesn't feel like inquiring. 
Sure, the circumstances are strange—to say the least—but he is warm and safe, and he shouldn't worry so much. He can get to know Yoongi in due time; he has all the time in the world. Jeongguk knows this thought process, and the sudden sense of calm is strange, but he sits at the table and drinks back the soju. 
The flavor is slightly sweet, and the chill is just right. Jeongguk glances at the label on the bottle, which looks vaguely familiar but not like any brand he can place. He nearly reaches for it, when Yoongi sets plates of hand pies in front of the two of them.
"Eat. You'll need your strength."
Again, Jimin doesn't hesitate. 
Jeongguk feels a sense of trepidation, but as he gazes back at Yoongi, it all washes away. It feels as if he is put under some spell—still able to have free will, but with a loss of the fight or flight instincts necessary to make rational, wise decisions. Another glance at Jimin shows him sitting back in his chair with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. He hums happily, then opens his eyes to gaze lovingly at Yoongi.
"It tastes just like mother makes. You're incredible."
A pang of jealousy hits Jeongguk in the gut, and he reaches for his hand pie, feeling a bit sullen. There was a time when the stars in Jimin's eyes shone that brightly for him. When did they begin to dim? He supposes that is the way of relationships; you get comfortable, and you stop feeling all the heart stopping, raw emotions you once felt. 
That is, after all, what this vacation is for. To reconnect. To remember why they fell in love in the first place. This trip is meant to bring the two of them back together. Jeongguk wonders if the chance has already passed, entirely. 
Distantly, whatever song is on breaks Jeongguk out of his thoughts, and he realizes that the voice is singing in Korean. He wonders when it changed. 
Jeongguk barely registers that he has picked up the pie until he takes a bite, breaking the warm, soft dough to reveal a sweet, slightly bitter baked apple inside. He closes his eyes to revel in the moment, taking in a deep breath as he slowly chews, savoring the flavors. It does taste just like his mother used to make. 
"What brings the two of you here?" Yoongi asks, and Jeongguk looks up from the pie in his hands—which is, at present, shoved in his mouth. He huffs out air as if to speak, but stops himself when he realizes no words can make it past the pastry.
"A couples retreat," Jimin supplies, sounding much more cheery than he had when he was pouring soju. "We needed a break from the real world to reconnect, and one of Jeongguk's coworkers recommended the resort on this island."
Yoongi smiles and sits forward, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands. "And you found yourselves here."
Jeongguk swallows and takes a sip of soju, then nods. "The man working at the resort gave us a map and told us to venture through the forest to find a deserted beach. We had done so earlier in the day, but when we came back at night, everything seemed...different."
"Shifted," Yoongi says, and Jeongguk nods, feeling a hint of unease that quickly dissipates. "Yes, it does that."
Jeongguk's arms drop, wrists hitting the wooden table. "It...does that?"
Yoongi hums. "It was searching for me; recalibrating until it led you here."
Jeongguk's mouth forms the word what, but no sound comes out. After all, the woods did change around them. The path shifted and brought them straight to this house. It doesn't make any sense at all, but he knows that it is the truth, because there is no other way to explain them getting lost on such a short, easy-to-navigate route. 
"Why?" Jimin asks sweetly. 
A smirk tugs on Yoongi's lips as he cocks an eyebrow, glancing from Jimin to Jeongguk. "Perhaps the woods felt like you needed me."
Jeongguk's breath hitches. "N-need you?"
Yoongi hums. "I am an ancient being. A harbinger of desire. And tonight, if you let me, I can open your eyes to things you could never possibly experience in the human realm. Once I am finished with you, your bond with one another will be tighter than you could ever imagine."
Despite the urge to chuckle and dismiss what Yoongi is saying, there is an earnestness in his voice that Jeongguk trusts. Or, perhaps, he really is under a spell. 
"You've done something to us," Jeongguk manages to blurt, lilting at the end as if to beg a question.
"I have," Yoongi responds. "It's faint, and it doesn't fully take away your free will, but you are charmed to feel calm, and to not be afraid."
"I like it," Jimin says, and Jeongguk turns to find Jimin's cheeks rosy and his soju cup empty. 
Jeongguk faintly nods his head—a slow, shallow motion. He likes it, too. Despite wanting to feel upset about having his instincts dulled, he enjoys the lightness it brings him. 
"So," Jeongguk says, setting his half-eaten pie onto the plate before him. He picks up his soju and takes a sip, swallowing slowly enough to detect minute changes in the taste, as if it is adjusting itself to taste like every flavor Jeongguk likes most. "You're a god of desire. What does that mean, exactly?"
"It means I can shift objects and the environment inside this cabin into precise things which you desire," Yoongi says simply. He nibbles on his lower lip, adding, "Including myself."
"That's how you speak Korean," Jimin mutters, and Yoongi nods. 
"And that's why you look like...that," Jeongguk says. 
There is no doubt that Yoongi is the perfect blend of an ideal man for both Jimin and Jeongguk. His height and stature are similar to Jimin's, and he has an almost feminine beauty to him that draws Jeongguk. And he is muscular, with large hands and piercing eyes—traits Jeongguk has no doubt Jimin is fawning over. 
"Yes," Yoongi responds. "The desire from the two of you combined created—" Yoongi motions at himself with both hands moving from beside his head, to his hips, and back up. "—this."
"And you expect us to fuck you," Jeongguk responds as his eyes wander over Yoongi's form. 
Yoongi stands and places his palms down on the table, and although he is not that tall, Jeongguk feels small—towered over. "I don't expect anything. But you will fuck me. I can feel how badly you want it." Yoongi's eyes flit to Jimin as he adds, "Especially him."
"Can you shift into a werewolf?" Jimin blurts out, and Yoongi snickers as he says, "I can."
Jeongguk feels taken aback and turns to his boyfriend with his mouth agape. "A werewolf?"
Jimin simply shrugs, looking intoxicated and blissful. "I read a lot of fanfic, okay. I don't want to be scented and all that; not like a/b/o. I just want to hear him growl like a monster and feel the knot when he cums."
Stunned and speechless, and completely lost to any of what Jimin just said, Jeongguk stares at him in disbelief. Then, he snaps out of it and drinks back the rest of his soju, feeling resolute. "If you get a werewolf, then I want a vampire."
Jimin gasps and turns to Jeongguk with wide eyes. "Let him drink your blood!"
Perhaps Jeongguk should be embarrassed by the quickness at which arousal floods his senses and rushes to his cock from the thought of vampire Yoongi drinking his blood, but he feels at peace with his kink. Jeongguk looks up at Yoongi, whose upper cuspid teeth sharpen and elongate before his eyes, and he lets out a very horny sigh. Never has he wanted something so badly in his life. 
Yoongi turns his attention to Jimin and looks over him with his eyes, and—as if his gaze could physically touch someone—Jimin swoons and runs his hands through his dark brown hair. When Yoongi turns his attention back to Jeongguk, his eyes are shining bright red.
"You can't even begin to imagine how badly he wants to watch me fuck you," Yoongi says as he rounds the table, toward Jeongguk. 
Yoongi's clothing seems to have shifted into a ruffled satin shirt tucked into black trousers that are tight around the waist and ankles but loose around the legs. A stereotypical vampire costume, Jeongguk surmises, and he is thrilled with how the trousers hug Yoongi's hips and groin, accentuating a very impressive package. But, of course, it is, Jeongguk thinks, because Yoongi is built to the specifications that the two of them desire. 
Jeongguk turns to Jimin and is surprised by how blown out his pupils are—by how his mouth hangs open and he breathes heavily. Jeongguk knows this look; he can practically feel the lust coming from Jimin, himself. 
Slowly, Jimin saunters over, hips swishing teasingly. He wears a hoodie and sweatpants because that is what they decided would be appropriate attire for trudging to a beach at which they planned to skinny dip under the full moon, late at night. Still, beneath the bulky black cotton is a taut, muscular frame that brings Jeongguk to his knees, and as he watches Jimin sink down to the hardwood floor on his, Jeongguk breathes in a shaky inhale.
Jimin's small hands rub up Jeongguk's thighs, and his fingers tuck beneath the waistband of his matching black sweatpants, and Jimin slowly begins to tug the garment free. Jeongguk stares down into Jimin's eyes and feels affection burst and bloom in his chest, and all at once, he feels enveloped by love.
In a flash, Yoongi is in Jeongguk's immediate periphery, and suddenly, Yoongi's hands are on Jeongguk's shoulder and neck, drawing him close. Terror quakes through Jeongguk, and he flinches and attempts to step back, but Yoongi mutters, "Not so fast," and Jeongguk feels paralyzed. 
Before him, Jimin pulls Jeongguk's pants lower, past his cock, and lower, still, to his knees. Jeongguk attempts to open his hands—tries flexing his fingers—but aside from faint, minute movements, he is stuck in place.
"I have to allow you to feel a little fear if this vampire fantasy is to be believed," Yoongi rasps, lips dragging over Jeongguk's ear and sending a shiver down his spine. "I need your blood to pump quickly, so that when I feast, it will take no time at all to drain you bone-dry."
There is a part of Jeongguk that wants to scream and beg for mercy—demand a new fantasy. But the rest of him shivers with anticipation and need, dizzying him with adrenaline. Jimin's warm, wet tongue slides from the base of Jeongguk's cock, up to the tip, and a shiver quakes up Jeongguk's spine, forcing him to whimper. 
"Wh-why me?" Jeongguk asks desperately, playing the part of the distressed damsel. 
Plush lips engulf Jeongguk's cock at the same time Yoongi drags his nose across Jeongguk's neck, ghosting warm breath over his skin. Each word punctuates and becomes more insidious as Yoongi growls, "Because you smell...so...good."
Two sharp fangs pierce Jeongguk's neck, and he screams bloody murder. The pain is agonizing—beyond anything Jeongguk has ever felt before—hot and intense and persistent. Jeongguk's knees buckle, but he cannot fall while under Yoongi's spell, and instead hangs in the balance of paralysis while Yoongi continues to slowly sink his fangs deeper. 
In one swift movement, Jimin deepthroats Jeongguk's cock, and somehow the pleasure feels so elevated, Jeongguk wonders if his brain might snap and crumble to dust. Yoongi retracts his fangs and sucks at the wound while Jimin slurps Jeongguk's length loudly, and Jeongguk trembles—overwhelmed and dragged to hell from pleasure—as he cums down Jimin's throat with a desperate, broken groan.
"That fast?" Yoongi teases as his tongue flicks over the puncture wounds. Jeongguk shudders, and this time his knees do buckle, and he falls to the floor, caught haphazardly by Jimin, who smiles brightly with spit-slick lips. 
Jeongguk looks up at Yoongi, whose chin is covered in blood, then brings a hand quickly to his neck. Although the skin feels damp, the moisture doesn't feel thick like blood, and Jeongguk holds his hand in front of his face, shocked to find there is only saliva. When he looks back at Yoongi, the man is grinning and shifting—his limbs becoming longer, thicker, hairier. He is turning into a werewolf, just for Jimin. 
Jimin is on his feet quickly, backing away from where they sat. A feeling of horror surges through Jeongguk as Yoongi surges toward Jimin, and he scrambles to his feet, shedding his pants from around his ankles and pulling his sweater over his head in one swift movement as werewolf Yoongi traps Jimin. Jeongguk can barely make out the look on Jimin's face, but his eyes and posture say he is afraid.
"My, darling what big teeth I have," Yoongi growls—deep and ferocious, like a wild beast.
Jimin's voice cracks as he says, "All the b-better to eat me with," and Yoongi chuckles.
"That's right, little one."
All at once, Jimin is screaming at the top of his lungs while shreds of black fabric are flying in all directions. Jeongguk knows that this is all part of the game—that Jimin is in no real danger, but the sound of his voice sets off alarm bells, causing Jeongguk to hop up onto one of the chairs to get a better look. 
Jimin stands with what was once a sweatshirt and pants hanging in tatters from his neck and hips, and Yoongi spins Jimin around, shoving him into a corner that sticks out into the room, while crouching on his hands and knees behind him. Without a word, Yoongi takes Jimin's ass in his massive, hairy hands and spreads his cheeks wide, then licks a stripe over his hole. A loud, desperate moan falls from Jimin's lips, and he trembles as he leans into the edge of the wall. 
"Naughty boy isn't wearing any panties," Yoongi growls between lapping his tongue over Jimin's entrance. 
"Ahh—easy access," Jimin whimpers as Jeongguk watches Yoongi's long, beastly tongue plunge deep into Jimin's hole. 
Jeongguk crawls down from the chair slowly, wanting to be part of the action but still afraid of Yoongi in werewolf form, despite knowing the man is just trying to fulfill their fantasies. As he approaches, Yoongi morphs one hand from the monstrous, sharp-nailed hairy hands to one that looks just like his own. He removes his tongue and presses one long, knobby finger into Jimin's ass, and as Jimin's back bows and he lets out a delicious strangled sob, Jeongguk nearly melts to the floor.
"F-fuck," Jimin whimpers, "how did you—I didn't hear a lube bottle."
Yoongi sucks a dark hickey into Jimin's asscheek and lets the skin go with a pop. "I'm an ancient being, brought here to become anything you desire. You didn't think I wouldn't have self-lubricating fingers, did you?"
Jeongguk drops to his knees and crawls toward Jimin, who lets a hand slide from the wall, which he holds out to Jeongguk. "Here to suck my dick, Ggukie?" he asks in a deep, breathy tone.
"Of course I am, baby," Jeongguk mutters as he opens his mouth wide and lets Jimin shove two fingers down his throat, pressing on his tongue to make his muscles contract and his eyes water. 
Jimin pulls his spit-coated fingers from Jeongguks lips and adjusts against the wall just enough to stick his cock out and slap Jeongguk across the lips as he gets into position. Yoongi must be working magic on Jimin because he lets out another deep whine and his legs tremble.
"Open up, Ggukie," Jimin groans, and Jeongguk does as he's told, laying his tongue flat. 
Jimin's cock has a heady, salty taste from the precum that dribbles from its tip, and Jeongguk sucks it deep into his throat, swallowing around it with a moan. Jimin whimpers and gasps, rutting into Jeongguk's mouth, and Jeongguk adjusts to the desire to gag and breathes slowly through his nose. 
"Do you want to watch as I fuck your pretty boyfriend?" Yoongi asks with a deep growl. 
And Jeongguk does—he really does—but Jimin grips onto his hair tightly and shoves his cock so far into Jeongguk's throat that all he can do is focus on keeping a flow of oxygen in his lungs and blood. 
"Don't stop, Ggukie," Jimin whines, and Jeongguk does as he is told, relaxing his throat as best as he can—anything to be a good boy.
Fingers come into view on Jimin's hip—long, hair fingers with thick yellowed nails that dig into Jimin's soft skin—and Jimin throws his head back and moans loudly as his body begins to tremble against the wall. Jeongguk can't see what is happening with Jimin's cock lodged in his throat, but he can feel how Jimin quakes from being entered by the monster behind him. 
One thing Jeongguk knows is that Jimin will not last. Granted, Jimin likely won't cum in a heartbeat the way he did, but he tends to cum fast the first time, then take a while chasing his second high, which is usually quite euphoric. Jimin's hips have stilled completely, hand tight around Jeongguk's hair but more as a means to keep himself steady than to keep Jeongguk's mouth in place. 
"Your boyfriend is so tight, holy fuck," Yoongi growls.
Jeongguk curses Yoongi for being in tune with what he desires, because of course the humiliation of being told how good his boyfriend feels by the stranger whose cock is buried inside him is definitely making the blood rush to his erection. 
"Don't you wish it was you fucking him," Yoongi continues to tease. 
Jeongguk sucks in hard, pulling a deep, strangled moan from Jimin's throat, and then he pulls his head back, letting Jimin's cock slip from between his lips, covered in saliva that connects in streaks from the tip to Jeongguk's lips. 
"Nah," Jeongguk rasps, "I've fucked him plenty. He's all yours."
"Shut the fuck up," Jimin whines as he grips Jeongguk's hair harder and yanks him close, face colliding with his spit-slick length. This is another thing that gets them both going—playing indifference to make the other become mean. "Suck this fucking dick," Jimin groans, and Jeongguk allows him to grind his face against his cock.
"If you insist," Yoongi groans, and he must pull out, because Jimin's hips rock, following the movement. "I'll take him, then; I'll make him all...mine."
Jeongguk turns his face in time for Yoongi to rut into Jimin hard enough to slam his erection into Jeongguk's cheek. It stings a bit, but the scream that Jimin lets out more than makes up for the discomfort, and Jeongguk reaches for Jimin's thighs and attempts to hold them in place as Yoongi sets a rough pace fucking him. 
Jimin wails like a banshee, and Yoongi growls, low, deep sounds that make Jeongguk's heart pound. The lewd slap of skin against skin echoes through the room, along with loud squelches, making Jeongguk wish he could see how wet Yoongi has made them. 
"W-won't last long," Jimin sobs between moans, and Jeongguk sits high on his knees and takes Jimin's length in one hand, slowly stroking from base to tip and making Jimin moan even louder—soft whimpers punctuated with moans that edge on screams.
"Let me know when you want my knot, little one," Yoongi growls.
Jeongguk wishes he were the one getting knotted—whatever the fuck that even means—but he has something else in mind, and he cannot wait for Jimin to cum so they can chase their next high together. 
"Please," Jimin whimpers, tugging on Jeongguk's hair. "Please, Ggukie."
Although Jeongguk would like nothing more than to taste the precum that leaks from his boyfriend's pretty dick, he knows that the second his lips are around it, it's over, and he wants Jimin to savor the feeling of being fucked into the wall by a werewolf a little while longer. Yoongi's hips are brutal, but he has both hands holding Jimin in place, making it easier for Jeongguk to eventually suck his dick without risking a broken nose. 
"C-close," Jimin whimpers as his cock slaps against his tummy, creating a sticky patch below his belly button. 
"How close, baby?" Jeongguk asks as he leans forward and nudges Jimin's cock with his nose.
Jimin whimpers and lets his forehead fall into the edge of the wall, which tells Jeongguk everything he needs to know. Jimin is overcome with lust but not so much that he is ready to beg. Jeongguk continues to nuzzle his nose against Jimin's length, letting out deep breaths against his skin, listening as Jimin's whines become pitchier and more broken—more desperate. 
"Please," Jimin finally whimpers. "Please, please."
Jeongguk licks from base to tip and smiles as he feels pleasure quake through Jimin, who continues to whimper desperate pleas, gripping Jeongguk's hair tightly in his fist while his forehead rubs against the wall. 
Yoongi slows his thrusts, and Jeongguk takes the opportunity to sit higher on his knees and suck Jimin into his throat nice and slow, pulling deep moans from him. 
"Please, please," Jimin continues to sob, over and over like a prayer.
"Does little one wish to cum?" Yoongi growls.
Jimin continues to beg—a record stuck on repeat—and Jeongguk bobs his head and sucks his cheeks in tight. Jimin quakes, voice broken, with moans coming out in pitchy sobs. Jeongguk wonders if Yoongi is knotting—or whatever the fuck Jimin said—and if it’s overwhelming. 
“Fu—aaah!” Jimin sobs as he tugs Jeongguk’s hair and cum bursts down his throat. Jeongguk gags at first, not prepared for the onslaught of rope after rope of viscous liquid hitting his tongue and the roof of his mouth, cock poking him deep enough to tickle. 
Jimin's body seems to stiffen, then he screams, “Oh fuck!” as his limb flail frantically. “It’s too much! I can’t take it, oh god, it hurts!”
Jeongguk swallows Jimin's cum and releases his cock as he looks up in surprise, assessing the situation and finding everything to look normal. He wonders if whatever is happening could have to do with Yoongi's cock, but Yoongi's hands open, fingers letting up on Jimin's hips, and Jimin sighs with relief.
"I wasn't really ripping your skin open, baby," Yoongi groans into Jimin's neck. "It's okay, you're safe." Jimin's moans become much more steady, and his eyes roll back. “What do you need, little one? No knot, or a new form?”
Jimin may as well be speaking tongues; nothing comes out that is remotely coherent. Jeongguk wonders if Yoongi’s monster cock has, in fact, expanded inside Jimin, and he rasps, voice wrecked from his throat being fucked, “He gets too sensitive after he cums; might need to stop for a bit. What about a snake-human hybrid?”
With a pleased grown, Jimin nods, cheek smooshed against the wall as he mutters, “Wrap me in a tight hug, Yoonie.”
“Anything for you, little one," Yoongi groans as his form begins to shift, hair disappearing from his skin and becoming more human-like, despite the hint of scales that begin to cover him.
Yoongi's legs become a thick tail, which wraps around Jimin's legs, lifting him away from the wall and turning him so that his body is against Yoongi's in a protective hug. 
"You too, darling," Yoongi says as his tail wraps around Jeongguk and pulls him close. 
The scale of the cabin has shifted, and Yoongi and Jimin loom tall over Jeongguk as they move into the center of the space, which is clear of all furnishings but a large mattress, that is covered in pillows and blankets. 
The feeling of Yoongi's undulating body and smooth scales is so unlike anything Jeongguk has ever felt, and he struggles to fully comprehend it, watching with wide eyes as the tail ensnares him. They settle on the mattress with Yoongi's upper half leaning against the wall and Jimin cradled against his chest, and they stay a while, silent as the warmth radiating from Yoongi's gentle but firm hold soothes them.
For a split moment, Jeongguk wonders if Yoongi is actually just some weirdo in the woods who has drugged them, and this is nothing but a strange trip. But, then again, that would not explain how they came to find this shapeshifting cabin in the first place. Somehow, the only explanation that makes sense is that Yoongi truly is some deity with otherworldly powers.
"How are you feeling, little one?" Yoongi asks as he nuzzles his gorgeous, snake-like face into Jimin's neck.
"Good," Jimin groans, and Jeongguk can hear the smile on his voice.
"Why don't you lay down and catch your breath while I fuck your pretty boyfriend, hmm?"
Jimin turns and looks down at Jeongguk with a soft smile, then nods and says, "Okay."
Jeongguk's body is shifted into place as Yoongi moves to bend and lay Jimin down on the bed. He can feel himself get coiled down Yoongi's tail, toward the tip of it. Then, he is lifted and held in the air, with his arms pinned to his sides and his feet sticking out from the bottom of Yoongi's tight grasp. 
"You're s-so pretty, I could s-s-s-swallow you whole," Yoongi hisses as he pulls Jeongguk close. Jeongguk feels his breath hitch and, suddenly, he wants nothing more. 
"Don't tease me," Jeongguk whines, jutting out his lip into a pout. 
Yoongi grins, his slit pupils turning into large disks against bright green irises, which sends a chill down Jeongguk's back. A flick of Yoongi's long, forked tongue has Jeongguk's heart pounding and his mind wandering, and he wonders if Yoongi meant it. He wonders if he will have to beg. 
Slowly, Yoongi lifts Jeongguk into the air, up above his head, then angles Jeongguk's feet toward his mouth as he flicks his tongue out to tickle the bottoms of his feet. Jeongguk flexes his toes and attempts to kick away, but Yoongi's hold is so tight, all he can do is whimper and giggle. 
"Please," Jeongguk whines. 
"Pleas-s-se, what?"
Jeongguk closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and says, "Swallow me whole."
"Oh my god," Jimin groans from the bed, "you can't say shit about me wanting werewolf dick now that I know you're into vore!"
Jeongguk groans. Vore is not something he is into; he has literally never even considered the possibility until this very moment. But, of course, Jimin will never let him live it down. 
"I'm not—it's not something I'm into, I just—leave me alone."
Jimin giggles—the light but maniacal laugh that indicates that he is up to no good, and Jeongguk does his best to relax, eyes still squeezed close as he hovers over his captor. Yoongi's tail slithers over Jeongguk's body until more of his legs are sticking out, and Yoongi's tongue travels over Jeongguk's feet and ankles, leaving moist spots of spit behind. 
"Open your eyes-s-s," Yoongi hisses. "I want you to watch while I eat you."
Jeongguk swallows a lump of nervousness as he slowly opens his eyes and angles his head to peer down at Yoongi. Even as a monster who is threatening to literally swallow him whole, Yoongi is the prettiest being Jeongguk has ever seen, and he feels himself relax and accept his fate.
Despite watching nature documentaries and knowing how snake mouths work, Jeongguk is still shocked when Yoongi opens his mouth, stretching his jaw far and wide enough to fit Jeongguk's entire body. Two large fangs stick out from Yoongi's top gums, glistening and sharp, and Jeongguk decides that—here and now—this is by far the strangest erection he has ever gotten. 
Jeongguk's toes are the first to make it into Yoongi's mouth—warm, wet and soft—and Yoongi pauses and cocks an eyebrow to Jeongguk as if to ask if this is still something he wants to do. Jeongguk nods his head despite the inkling of fear he feels. He wonders if, once again, Yoongi has lowered his spell in order to make the experience feel real. 
With each inch of Jeongguk's body that enters Yoongi's mouth, his tail slithers away, coiling and rippling against Jeongguk's skin. Once he is up to his thighs, Yoongi stops swallowing to flick his tongue out at Jeongguk's cock, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through him.
"Oh, fuck," Jeongguk whimpers as the flicks become slow, precise laves, up and down from base to tip, teasing the slit to gather the precum that dribbles out. It feels amazing, but it's not enough, and Jeongguk groans and whines from the tease. 
Somewhere, in the recesses of Jeongguk's mind, a tiny voice tells him that he will soon be dying—that this is the last thing he is ever going to experience. The faint ringing of alarm bells tells Jeongguk he should be panicking—that he should be screaming and begging for Yoongi to stop. But he feels relaxed and serene as the teasing ends, and Yoongi begins to slowly ease him into his throat. 
"Is this s-s-still something you want, pretty?" Jeongguk hears Yoongi ask, possibly inside his head, or perhaps echoing around the entire cabin.
"Yes," Jeongguk whimpers softly. "Please."
Jeongguk is eased down, to his pecs, and down further, to his shoulders. With his head sticking out and his arms pinned to his sides, Yoongi's tail falls away, and Jeongguk gazes out of the monster's mouth to his boyfriend, who lays propped on his elbows, cock resting half-hard against his tummy, and eyes wide and round.
With one more swallow, all the world does dark, and Jeongguk holds his breath on instinct as he sinks down, down, down. 
The light that comes in from Yoongi's open mouth allows Jeongguk to see the tan lining of his trachea. Jeongguk tries to breathe through his nose, and upon finding out that he can, lets out a shaky exhale. A battle rages inside Jeongguk—every nerve attempting to convince him that he is both safe from harm and in imminent danger. 
Yoongi swallows once more, sending Jeongguk further into his body, and the slide of his esophageal lining rubs against Jeongguk's cock, punching a loud moan from him as pleasure bursts. He wants to touch himself so badly—wants to chase another high and this time enjoy it for more than a few minutes—but he is stuck in position in the narrow passageway.
And now that Jeongguk is here, he realizes he has not considered a savory way out. Does he travel all the way through and get shat out, or will Yoongi vomit him up—back the way he came?
"S-s-so delicious-s," Yoongi's voice calls to Jeongguk. "What would my pretty dinner like, now?"
"Snakes have two dicks, right?" Jeongguk mutters.
Yoongi hums a sound that sounds like an agreement.
"Fuck us both," Jeongguk suggests. "A-after getting me out of here, of course."
"Do you want to come out now?" Yoongi asks. "Or would you like to feel the crushing weight of death a little more?"
"Crush me," Jeongguk responds without giving it any thought.
"S-s-slap me when you want to come out," Yoongi hisses, voice echoing around the chamber, which begins undulating up and down, sinking Jeongguk further into the tight squeeze. 
The walls of the snake's tract are wet with a texture that Jeongguk can only compare to the inside of his boyfriend's ass when he's fingering him open. Blood rushes to Jeongguk's cock, which twitches as a reminder that he is, in fact, a little freak who gets hard from the thought of being swallowed whole. Perhaps, he thinks, he would feel embarrassed if it didn't turn him on so fucking much. Or, if Yoongi weren't so non-judgmental and accommodating.
As he slides further into the belly of the beast, everything becomes too dark to see, but Jeongguk keeps his eyes open, eager not to miss something if it does come into view. His shoulders begin to ache as the walls of the snake's insides squeeze him. Somehow, still, his hands have room to move, down by his hips. Yoongi really is the master of illusion and comfort. 
The air begins to feel difficult to breathe in adequately—or, perhaps the constant pressure on his shoulders is making him panic. Jeongguk's hands flex and begin to feel around, rubbing against the slick walls that close in on him. He whimpers against his will and squeezes his eyes shut, despite finding the same darkness behind his lids. 
A rumble comes from above, much like a groan or a growl, and Jeongguk panics, sucking in his breath quickly, feeling as if his lungs might burst at any moment. He spreads his hands open and squeezes them shut, considering whether to tap out. 
But rather than trying to break free, Jeongguk first rolls his hips forward, rubbing his cock against the warm, moist, flesh. Another groan echoes around him, and Jeongguk ruts a little harder in the confined space. He wonders if Yoongi likes how it feels or if he is just playing with his food. 
Jeongguk lets his head roll back as he continues to slowly thrust against the fleshy tissues surrounding him. It feels good—far better than he imagined it might, and despite the sinking feeling that he is only sliding deeper and deeper into the never-ending beast, he continues to lazily masturbate. 
“S-s-so naughty, using me for your pleas-s-sure,” Yoongi’s voice teases. 
“Feels good,” Jeongguk groans. 
The flesh around Jeongguk quakes, vibrating against him so perfectly, and it punches a moan from inside him. But it is still not enough, and he is beginning to worry that he is leaving Jimin alone for too long. Luckily, Yoongi decides to begin squeezing and swallowing him harder and further, and the arousal is quickly replaced with panic as the flesh begins to close in around his chest and neck.
At first, Jeongguk cannot adequately move his hand, and he panics, intaking a sharp breath that feels too weak to fill his lungs. Then, he does his best to flail his arms, missing several times until finally, the flesh pulsates out and away just far enough that Jeongguk can slap the back of his hand against Yoongi's insides.
"Please!" Jeongguk croaks as his chest begins to ache from a lack of sufficient air. "Yoongi, please!" 
In a flash, light floods through Jeongguk's eyelids, and he inhales deeply, gasping loudly as the sting of oxygen works its way into his blood. He opens his eyes to find Jimin laying on his side, propped up on one elbow with his head resting in his hand and a devious grin on his face.
"Did you cum inside the snake?" Jimin asks with a hint of tease.
"No," Jeongguk rasps, throat still sore from being fucked, and even sorer from near-suffocation. 
"Ah," Jimin says, glancing down at Jeongguk's crotch. "I guess not, since your dick is still rock hard."
Jeongguk glances down to find his erection pressed against his stomach. He also notices that the tail of the snake-hybrid Yoongi is still around him, tensing and relaxing in a loose coil that circles his form. He sits on his hip with his legs bent beneath him and his arms anchoring him against the large mattress. As soon as he seems aware of his surroundings, the tail begins to tighten around him, and he turns to find the beast looming over him. 
Yoongi bends at the torso, which is human-like and pale, covered in scales that are fainter on his belly, chest and throat but darker with hints of green on his sides and arms, and along his neck and cheeks. His tongue pokes out and flicks toward Jeongguk as he bends and gazes at him with wide, bright green eyes. 
"Did my pretty dinner like the crus-s-shing feeling of being s-s-swallowed whole?" Yoongi hisses brightly, lips curving into a smirk.
"I did," Jeongguk admits. 
"You were s-s-so delicious, but there is more I want to tas-s-ste."
"Oh?" Jeongguk asks, feeling his pulse quicken. 
Without further preamble, Yoongi's tail shifts Jeongguk around, lifting him and turning him. He stumbles forward on his hands and knees, and before he can correct himself, the long, forked tongue flicks against Jeongguk's asshole, sending a burst of pleasure through him.
Jeongguk whimpers as he falls forward more, arms trembling beneath him as Yoongi continues to tongue at his hole. The quickness of the movements is little more than a tease, but the feeling is unfamiliar enough that Jeongguk keeps himself presented for more. 
Small hands push Jeongguk's hair back and lift his head, and he gasps as Jimin's beautiful face comes into view. He wears a mischievous look, and opens his mouth to speak, but Jeongguk feels suddenly so overcome with emotion, that he raises a hand to gently take Jimin by the head and pull him close. 
"Baby," Jeongguk mutters, "kiss me."
Whatever words were coming from between Jimin's perfect lips die there as Jimin leans forward and grins, giving Jeongguk access to suck and lick and moan against him. Jimin tastes like heaven—faintly sweet and perfectly like him, and Jeongguk cannot remember the last time they kissed. Maybe while they were on the beach earlier—the first time, when they made it there and back without the woods shifting around them. But certainly not during their last trudge out. And certainly not with so much passion, for quite a while.
Instead, Jeongguk has been grumpy and impatient, letting himself easily become upset with Jimin. Sweet, kind, beautiful Jimin, who never does anything but patiently allow Jeongguk to cool down and gather his thoughts. Jeongguk feels like an asshole as he pulls Jimin closer and licks against his tongue with a little more hunger. 
Yoongi's snake tongue presses inside Jeongguk, long and eager and becoming something much thicker—something that gives Jeongguk's rim a bit of a stretch. Jeongguk breaks from the kiss and moans as Yoongi tongue-fucks him. 
"You like that, baby?" Jimin asks as he nips and sucks at Jeongguk's bottom lip. "Does Yoongi make you feel good?"
Jeongguk nods in short, languid movements as Yoongi's tongue seems to expand inside him, leaking saliva—or whatever Yoongi has secreting from it—down his balls to drip on the many layers of snake tail that coil around him. 
"F-fuck us, please," Jeongguk whimpers, knowing damn well he is not stretched far enough to take a cock. 
"S-s-so impatient," Yoongi teases, voice sounding far too clear for his tongue to be working Jeongguk open—Jeongguk has to remind himself that Yoongi is, in fact, not human.
"Please," Jeongguk begs as Jimin's lips travel down his chin, to his throat and neck. "Please fuck me."
The tongue slowly pulls out of Jeongguk, and he whines, clenching around nothing and suddenly feeling so empty. The tail beneath him shifts and trails away, leaving him on his hands and knees in front of Jimin, and Jimin's lips leave ghosts of barely wet kiss marks along Jeongguk's neck, down to his clavicle, and back up. 
"Lay down beneath me, baby," Jeongguk mutters to Jimin, still in a daze from everything he has experienced. "He's a snake hybrid, so he has two dicks. I want him to fuck us both while I kiss you until your lips are swollen like raspberries."
Jimin hums, soft and sweet with a curious lilt, then repositions himself until his legs are between Jeongguk's arms and he is sliding himself beneath him. Jimin is so beautiful—angelic, almost—that Jeongguk cannot look away. How Jeongguk could ever lose his temper with someone so kind and perfect, he will never know. 
Two warm, large hands grab Jeongguk's hips and tug him back until he is in just the right position. Then slowly, gently, he feels the soft press of a blunt, lubricated cock against his ass. One of Yoongi's hands rubs up Jeongguk's back and down again, while the other gropes his ass and spreads him open. Beneath him, Jimin reaches up to gently pinch at his nipples, making Jeongguk shiver with anticipation. He can't help but wonder how he got so lucky. 
Yoongi presses forward just enough to breach Jeongguk's rim with the tip of his cock. From what he can tell, it feels human, and Jeongguk's mind attempts to wonder what snake dicks might look like before deciding it is probably horrifying, and he does not need to know. Luckily, the pain from the stretch is just present enough that Jeongguk could not, for the life of him, hold onto a fully formed, coherent thought if he tried. 
Jeongguk's head falls forward, and he leans down to nuzzle into Jimin's neck as Yoongi slowly pulls out and presses back in. Choked, broken sobs escape from between his lips with each movement, sending shockwaves of pain and pleasure through his body.
Jimin's voice is playful as he says, "You sound so pretty when he hurts you, Ggukie."
Jeongguk cannot respond—can only cry out as Yoongi presses forward again, this time much deeper than the last. His breath is hot and damp against Jimin's skin as he pants and whimpers, burying his face and resisting the urge to bite. 
"S-s-so fucking tight," Yoongi hisses as he slowly rolls his hips, dragging his cock along Jeongguk's tight walls, past each ring of muscle. "Am I hurting you, pretty human?"
Yes, Jeongguk thinks, you are. But everything feels so good, he cannot bring himself to admit it, instead moving his lips from Jimin's skin just enough to grit, "Don't stop," between his teeth. 
"Here, little one," Yoongi says, and Jimin moves his head to look at Yoongi, then reaches for something. 
Jeongguk feels as Jimin angles his hips upward, then settles, and he assumes that he just wedged a pillow beneath his ass. At this angle, their cocks are touching, and as Jeongguk begins to adjust to the stretch, his mind starts to wander to them rutting against each other while Yoongi fucks them in tandem. 
"Can you lift your legs, little one?" Yoongi asks, and Jimin hums while he wraps his legs around Jeongguk's hips and smiles brightly with wide, eager eyes. 
Yoongi adjusts behind them with one cock still inside Jeongguk, and then, as he presses forward, burying himself deeper, Jeongguk watches with delight as Jimin's face twists and contorts into pained pleasure that matches how he felt just moments ago.
"Oh, god," Jimin whimpers as his eyes squeeze shut, and Jeongguk leans forward to suck a mark against his neck, pulling even sweeter sounds from him as Yoongi's hips slowly roll to a languid but steady pace.
"Feel good, baby?" Jeongguk barely manages to ask, each syllable strained as Yoongi's cock completely intoxicates him.
Jimin hums and whines a breathy, "Uh-huh," as he grips the comforter below him tightly. 
"Hold me," Jeongguk commands, and Jimin opens his eyes and wraps his arms around Jeongguk, still appearing absolutely fucking gone but attempting to ground himself and adjust to the feeling. 
Jeongguk begins to push his hips back against Yoongi's thrusts and pull forward when Yoongi ruts back, fucking himself on Yoongi while frotting against Jimin's cock. Jimin's hips tremble and jolt with each thrust, and he whimpers and writhes beneath Jeongguk so perfectly.
"Fuck, you're amazing," Jeongguk groans as he rubs a hand over Jimin's pec and shoulder, giving his soft skin gentle squeezes. "You feel so good."
Jimin nods and whimpers, and attempts to pick his head up, muttering, "Wanna kiss you," but he appears too lost to pleasure to expend any energy. Yoongi's tail slithers beneath Jimin, lifting his head and torso, and Jimin throws his arms over Jeongguk's neck and pulls him close to slot their lips together. 
Yoongi's pace begins to quicken, but his thrusts don't slam, making it easy for Jeongguk to stay connected to Jimin's plush lips, which he sucks and kisses, just as he promised to. The feeling of being fucked while their cocks slided beside one another and Jimin holds him close with all limbs wrapped around him, is surreal, and Jeongguk feels his pleasure building quickly, threatening to devour him. He wants to cum—wants to feel Jimin cum with him—but he worries that once he does, he might not have anything left in him. He doesn't want this experience to end.
As Jeongguk nibbles and sucks on Jimin's lips, Jimin falls pliant beneath him, muttering nonsense while his grasp on Jeongguk's neck begins to loosen and fall away. Jimin slips into subspace so easily, and ordinarily, Jeongguk has to watch for cues that he needs more or less to keep him floating without overwhelming him. He has the urge to make sure Yoongi knows this—that he can take care of Jimin just as well—but he remembers that Yoongi already knows what they desire, so he tries to let go, too. 
The pace of Yoongi's thrusts slow—languid and deep—and Jeongguk gently falls forward against Jimin, burying his face in his neck to suck and kiss while he, too, begins to float off into the clouds. Jeongguk is always too hesitant to let go and experience what Jimin does—always afraid of sub-drop, never wanting to be someone else's to take care of and worry about. He wants to feel it, and, as everything becomes foggy and far away while also being intense and so close he feels enveloped by the thick, damp air, he reminds himself that Yoongi did not harm him while swallowing him alive, and he will not harm him now.
Jeongguk has no idea how long it takes before he cums, but suddenly, Jimin is whimpering and shouting beneath him, and he is pulled back to reality—if he can call whatever is happening in this cabin real at all—just in time to feel the slick of Jimin's release against his cock, making the slide of their lengths together push Jeongguk over the edge. He kisses along Jimin's neck and shoulder, head too heavy to pick up and chase after his lips, muttering nonsense about love and forever and perfect while his cock pulsates with an insane amount of cum. 
"Want you to cum too," Jimin moans with his head fallen to the side and a hand lazily reaching for Yoongi, against Jeongguk's side.
"Please," Jeongguk adds, suddenly desperate to feel Yoongi fill him. "Please, I want you to cum in me, too."
An arm wraps around Jeongguk's shoulder and pulls him up, onto his knees, and Jeongguk trembles and moans as Yoongi's cock is buried deeper, and moans again when Yoongi's face nuzzles against his. 
"You want me to fill you up, pretty one?" Yoongi groans, and Jeongguk feels every inch of his skin prickle with goosebumps. 
Yoongi picks up his pace, fucking Jeongguk hard and fast while reaching past Jeongguk to grope at Jimin's chest and gently squeeze his neck. Jimin writhes and moans, eyes glazed over and far away with a smile tugging on his lips, and Jeongguk wants to taste those lips so badly, but Yoongi's grip on him is firm.
Fucking a deity that is built to know what you desire feels like a dangerous game, Jeongguk thinks, as Yoongi's hand palms at his nipple and he begins to moan loudly in his ear. Another hand tugs at his hair, and one gently squeezes his throat, and Jeongguk tries not to dwell on what this multi-armed beast must look like behind him, closing his eyes to fully embrace each sensation. 
When Yoongi finally does cum, Jeongguk's cock is already hard again. He has no idea how such a thing could be possible—has no clue if he could possibly reach another orgasm. As Yoongi thrusts slow and deep and trembles while his release fills Jeongguk, he cannot possibly fathom another form Yoongi could possibly take that would top what just happened. 
Jimin must be able to visualize another form, however, because slowly, the arms that wrap around them and the tail that holds Jimin up, begin to shift. Deep purple tentacles slowly take solid form and coil around both Jimin and Jeongguk's bodies and limbs and lift them until they are hovering above the bed, in upright positions, facing one another. 
"You imagined a tentacle monster?" Jeongguk teases, watching the dopey smile on Jimin's lips upturn.
"You like creatures with fangs too much," Jimin mutters in response, making Jeongguk chuckle and say, "I suppose you're right."
Yoongi comes into view beside the two of them, hovering nude, in his human form, with his cock hard and heavy against his tummy and his tentacles pale at the base and becoming a deep purple toward the ends. Tentacles continue to slowly fuck Jimin and Jeongguk, but the feeling of the appendages cradling and slithering like snake tails is so mesmerizing, Jeongguk cannot quite focus on his own pleasure. 
"My pretty, perfect boys," Yoongi rasps, voice nearly human once more, though there is a supernatural echo to it that fills the room. "So good for me. Everything I could ever need."
Tentacles cradle Jeongguk and fuck him, slow and steady and so perfectly. Before him, Jimin is in the same position—head lolled back, and mouth agape as a tentacle fucks him while another slowly strokes his cock. He looks absolutely gone, blinking heavily as if at any moment, he might wake up to a different reality. Jeongguk's lids suddenly feel heavy, and he fears that he, too, might suddenly appear well-rested elsewhere. Yoongi tucks some hair behind his ear and gives him a genuine, sad smile. 
"You're so good for me," Yoongi repeats, rubbing Jeongguk's cheek gently. "Absolutely perfect."
Jeongguk feels the urge to nod off—body exhausted and fucked out and ready to retire. He fights the feeling and attempts to reach out to Yoongi, frowning when his heavy arms don't go too far.
"Please don't let me forget you," Jeongguk pleads, feeling himself succumb to the ensnaring desire to rest. "Please. I can't forget this."
"You've been so perfect for me," Yoongi mutters with sad eyes, as if stuck on repeat. "Thank you, baby."
"No matter what," Jeongguk insists as his eyelids droop and the world spins into darkness, "you can't make me forget."
"So good for me," Yoongi groans. "So, so perfect."
Jeongguk reaches out, but his hand grasps onto nothing. It's as if he's falling down, down, down into darkness until suddenly—
Jeongguk jolts awake, gasping for air as he sits up in bed. He doesn't get too far, held back by Jimin's arm, which is slung over his chest. A cursory glance shows Jeongguk that he is in his hotel room, in bed, nude with his boyfriend. At the tip of his tongue are words left unspoken, but for the life of him, he cannot remember what they are, nor can he remember who they are for. 
Jimin holds Jeongguk tight and grumbles, pulling on him as if beckoning him to return to sleep, and Jeongguk allows himself to be pulled into Jimin and nuzzles against his head, breathing in his slightly floral scent as he returns to sleep. Whatever it is Jeongguk dreamt of, he hopes he might return to it.
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With a huff, Jeongguk allows Jimin to take him by the hand and lead him back through the woods. They have been traversing the area for a while now, going off-path rather than returning to the resort, despite how late in the evening it is becoming. Jimin drags him along, and Jeongguk feels amused by Jimin's excitement with nowhere else to be—patient and serene, as long as he is with the man he loves. 
Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Jeongguk feels a longing that nags at him. A nostalgia that the trees seem to encourage despite providing no answers. Jeongguk thinks perhaps this is the place they visited in his dreams. He considers telling Jimin, but wonders if some things are better left unsaid.
With the resort just past the clearing to the right, Jimin stops abruptly and turns to the left. He squeezes Jeongguk's hand tightly, and in that moment, Jeongguk remembers bits of the dream he had. He remembers warm apple pie and sharp fangs and everything beyond his wildest imagination.
"Do you miss him too?" Jimin asks, and Jeongguk's breath hitches.
Him. Dark, wild hair, pale, pretty skin, and a deep, raspy voice. Fangs and nails and scales and of course Jeongguk misses him. Suddenly, every moment spent with him is clear as day, as if Jeongguk had never left and his entire body aches for him. Suddenly, Jeongguk remembers the way he felt in the man's hold, alive for the first time in years, and in love again with the most beautiful man in the world.
"Yeah," is all Jeongguk can bring himself to say as he stares ahead at the clearing that should be a cabin. He misses him too—aching and deep, more than he has ever missed someone before. It is as if he can still feel the ghost of him on his skin, and although he is so grateful to have Jimin by his side, there is a nostalgia he fears will never leave him. "Yeah, I miss him, too."
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tag list: @codeinebelle @dasexydevitt13  @giriiboyy  @moonleeai  @m1sss1mp  @spookyminyunki
want to be tagged in everything i post? dm me!
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The Ghost of You On My Skin is copyright 2022-2023 theharrowing, all rights reserved.
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leqclerc · 1 year
Deep down I would still really love seeing charles winning in ferrari instead of changing teams, but it doesn't feel like there's any hope honestly.
like, before was "next year is our year" but now even next year already seems doomed
Oh no gang 🤐 I remember seeing a tweet or something saying June is likely going to be crunch time at Ferrari when it comes to preparation for 2024. I know Fred's been trying to poach staff where he can, especially engineers, and I know some of them have been released/are due to finish their gardening period soon, but there have also been setbacks, and ultimately I don't think he ended up getting the guys he was after, certainly not all of them. I'm really hoping next year's project is a step in the right direction, but there's no denying they're in a difficult place right now so it could really go either way. With how strong (and most importantly stable) Red Bull's situation looks, with Aston's facilities and upgrade packages, and with Mercedes seemingly starting to steer the ship in the right direction once again, Ferrari are definitely on the back foot.
Also, being in the middle of a little nostalgia fest right now and looking back at content from 2019, particularly the interviews and longer feature docus centered around Charles... a lot of the magic of the time stemmed from the fact that he was so young and on the rise. I mean, his second year in F1 overall and his debut season in Ferrari and he already showed so much promise and talent and determination. I think he was really this injection of new youthful energy into the team, into the Tifosi as a whole (even Seb called this "new beginning" with Charles joining the team one of the best moments of his Ferrari career, which is huge). Up to that point Ferrari had generally banked on established drivers, often champions. And here's a young hotshot who doesn't yet know the taste of winning and has this fervent desire to experience it in red. He had a clear goal in sight and he pursued it relentlessly, even if it meant getting caught up in questionable on-track situations. There was maybe a bit of naivety in that, but also a lot of boldness and tenacity that can only come from being young and wanting to prove yourself. Add to that a dash of his penchant for self-criticism, and you can totally see why the world was so swept up in the rookie Ferrari driver's story, why he became the main subject of character study fics at the time. It was fascinating. Like, sometimes, more than anything, I would just love to be able to go back and experience all of that again, just live in that brief moment in time when it really seemed like the only way is up and things can only get better.
But now we're halfway through 2023. 2019 was, somehow, unbelievably, already four years ago. And the story that was supposed to be filled with success and victories has been marred by misfortune and subpar machinery. Now he's no longer a 21-year old sensation winning in Monza, but just another title-less driver in their 20s trying to do the best with what they've got. His career has pretty much stalled and he's being increasingly criticized more than he's being praised (not that he escaped criticism in 2019-20, far from it, but there's a little bit of leniency to be found when someone's young and starting out, or when they can respond to this criticism with a win because the facilities are there). From being called the "Vettel Slayer" or whatever, to being ranked on par with or even below Carlos. What was once an engrossing clash of young generational talents (Silverstone 2019, anyone?) has become a completely unfair, skewed comparison that is ultimately used to portray Charles in a negative light. So the whole thing has lost its shine a bit, and what started out as a journey full of hope and potential is now increasingly turning into a drawn-out tragicomedy.
And obviously the disappointing, frustrating thing is that it's largely down to circumstance and whatever the hell is going on internally within that team that's preventing them from performing at their best. The stats are bleak, and it's so frustrating to know that the results table on Wikipedia or any other site aren't a genuine reflection of his talent and abilities, but they're ultimately what people remember and choose to base their perception of a driver on. Objectively he's still young and he can still go far, but equally, this sport can be ruthless and cruel and success is hard to reach if the stars don't align. Statistically speaking, he's got about ten years left in his career as a full-time driver, give or take. Fernando's more of an exception than the rule, and there's even less Lewises out there (having his most successful run in his 30s, so in the back half of his career.) Then again, even if the Mercedes stint had completely not worked out for him, he still wouldn't be going home empty-handed, because he was already crowned champion once before he joined. I think that frees you up, mentally and otherwise, to focus on other pursuits. Crossing that threshold and getting your first championship is always the hardest step. The thought of Charles never finding out what that feels like and being left to wonder what could have been is really hard to take. :/
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
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Lani, @lumosatnight, is such a joy to see around fandom! They do so much! Participating in fests, modding fests, reading and writing, podficcing, reccing, and more! She provides so much for fandom in so many different areas. Oh also: the HP Saffics Server!! Super friendly and encouraging! And very well read, I must say! We are so blessed to have them in fandom, and for all they do, and for being such a loving and kind presence!
Filthy Mutt
Severus/Sirius. Rated: E. Words: 200. Hate sex. Bondgage. HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT.
It's true. Sirius even fucks like a dog.
Good Morning
Lily/Narcissa. Rated: T. Words: 200. Secret relationship. Morning after. Fluff. Just lovely.
Just for a little while, Narcissa forgets about the rest of the world and remembers how to feel.
She Knows
Fleur/Hermione. Rated: T. Words: 200. Veela mates.
Fleur knows the instant she sees her. For Hermione, the realization takes a little longer.
Lavender for Morning
Hermione/Lavender. Rated: T. Words: 5,252. Fluff. Teenage drama. Getting together. 6th year. Language of flowers. HP Rare Pair Fest 2022. HP Flowers 2022.
Everyone thought Hermione was jealous in her sixth year because she was in love with Ron.
Everyone was wrong.
Wicked Hearts and Calculating Minds
Albus/Tom. Past Albus/Gellert. Rated: T. Words: 5,158. Genderbending. Female Albus. Female Tom. Serial Killer AU. Magical AU. Mystery. Angst. Humor.
There’s a serial killer on the loose in Magical Britain. Detective Dumbledore is brought in to apprehend them, but she didn’t expect for things to get quite so complicated or for the new DADA professor to be quite so… intriguing. Can she catch the killer in time? Or will she be caught in the process?
Your Cigarette Smell
Narcissa/Sirius. Background Narcissa/Lucius. Rated: E. Words: 9,680. Cousin incest. Secret relationship. Angst. Hurt/comfort. Unhealthy relationships. Angry sex. HP Rare Pair Fest 21/22.
It’s easy, she thinks.
Falling into each other while their family falls apart. Lips connecting while other connections fizzle away. Losing themselves to pleasure while the rest of the world grows lost to war.
Bodies sliding together as months slide by.
Shades of Dawn
Ginny/Lavender. Rated: E. Length: 16 minutes. Angst & smut. Werewolf Lavender. Closeted character. HP Podfic Mini Fest 2022. Written by corvuscrowned.
It happens once a month — the full moon fades in the black night sky, replaced with the pink light of dawn. Ginny’s Floo sparks — vibrant green, devoured by gold and amber light. And out spills Lavender Brown.
a taste so good (i'd die for it)
Harry/Tom. Harry/Horcrux. Rated: T. Length: 30 minutes. Emotional/psychological abuse. Unhealthy relationships. Dubious consent. Horror. Starvation. Angst. MCD. Written by RenderedReversed.
Even in death, Voldemort gets the last laugh. A last horcrux, perhaps, who comes back through the very power that destroyed him:
22 Fic Recs 2022
Kill Your Darlings 2022 Recs
Untagged Fest 2022 Favs
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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cyber54prime · 2 years
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Lost light fest 2022 day 21
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poethurricane · 5 months
Hiiii, I’m Baaaaaaack, it’s beeen a looooong time cooooomingggggg after 237 days I’m back here and I can say:
I survived #MexicoCityTheErasTour night two 🥰
Made 144 Friendship bracelets, the majority were for swifties who couldn’t make them or the team and a lot to change (just like 50) ❤️
I remember the first time I saw her, watching Hannah Montana movie, i was 8 or 9, i remember look at her and think she was like a delicate princess or a beautiful little doll and then saw her on mtv with love story confirmed it, also our song and YBWM watching MTV
What else I can say… the eras tour were all I ever wish since I was a little 11 year old kid, now eleven years ago one of my biggest dreams was: me going to The Red Tour see Taylor, sing all the songs with her, get the State Of Grace hat, a lot of heart ❤️ confeti and I couldn’t… sadly. Then the same thing happen on the 1989WT (my 13 year old girl was on the floor) even if I had the hope of her coming but it ain’t happend, And same with Reputation ST, but I was old enough to accepted (16 yog), to lover fest i was happy for her on tour we know what’s next.
Andddd now in The Eras Tour i was happy when the post came on, just USA and feel completely exited to see how this tour was going to be but the “international dates to be announced as soon as we can” made me keep a light of hope, something in me though that I can finally se her, but I had to stay calm, just in case…
And got crazy when the Latin American dates came out, there were sources saying that she was going to announced at 6:00 AM so I wake up just in case, then go back to sleep again, 9:00 (I think) Taylor Nation Tweeted something about the world, well I wake up again and wait with my heart in hands and then finally announced, I won’t lie I scream loudly as I could, I cryyy a lot, my hands were shaking and couldn’t belive it was real… until I realized Taylor was coming to Mexico, Taylor was coming to my country, I can not possibly be that happy… then think I would die if I don’t get a ticket to see her.
The process was hard and very anxious, I think I never been this anxious not even in the university exam, well I pray every night to get the code email sadly I don’t buuuut my sister get it and i couldn’t belive it, I was a step to the night of my dreams. Then the presale day I pray a lot to get in the line at good time so i can get the tickets and I did 🥹🥹 my hands were shaking so I could get tickets behind it all well not that far but close, I didn’t care happiness wasn’t enough to describe the meaning to see her.
My date August 25 same as my grandma’s birthday she say “You been in 20 of my birthdays and I got 21 years with you so don’t worry, you can have Taylor Swift one day for now, let’s hope she come more” and now i feel like i must tattoo the date :)
And I put my best outfit (that don’t fit very well and I panic), very similar at the pink bodysuit of 1989 didn’t have time to draw the 13 sadly or do my nails :( but i made my best hair and makeup as possible, this was going to be my best night. 🥰
Saw Sabrina burning the stage at that time I learn some songs (Sabrina please come back I know all of your songs now) and captivated me more definitely.
Then the clock 🕰️ I was on shock so I started to cry very hard, I mean I wait 10 years for that moment, so when she came out I started screaming really loud, screaming and singing the songs, I dance so hard and have a nice night, really nice night.
So the show started, I lost my mind, I really dance, how can I explain it, I couldn’t believe we were in the same room at the same time 💙 even if I can’t see her really well (I hope next time be closer), anyway.
A dream come true to me, was the best night ever!!! I really had a really cool time, made the cruel summer bridge, the 🫶🏻 on fearless, sorcery things at Willow, i sing 22 before turning 22 with Taylor (even if I couldn’t get the 22 hat), singing it’s supposed to be fun turning 21 at 21, then saw her coming with the green folklore dress and the sparkly evermore one, like those are my favorites, then Taylor and I twining clothes in the 1989 set, I’m really going to say I feel like home, like a safe space with swifties were you fell free to be yourself, and that’s it Taylor singing for us and us singing with her, everybody screaming Va a reputar haha, I was jumping all YBWM, in Marjorie I flash three times to tell her I love you (hope she saw it). Cry all the Long live song, I love her so much.
At one moment Taylor said she saw us dancing and saw her soo happy melt my heart and give me the best to keeep dancing even if my mouth was tired.
Sadly at some points I was so exited so I don’t remember All Too Well but I carry the feelings if that night with me all the time.
It’s been 237 days and I can’t find the right words to describe this, but the best feeling is watching these videos I took knowing I was there and getting emotional and cry again. I’ve never been good expressing my feelings that’s one of the reasons why I made a click with Taylor, She expresses how I feel sometimes and made the things clear to me.
Taylor has a lot of meanings in my life, she’s one of the most important people in my life, we had been together for 11 years and more now, she’s been one of my biggest support in life, she’s been singing for me when I cried until I fall sleep in middle school/high school and those nights, she’s been with me in my happiest moments to my depressive ones even when nobody can heard my voice.
All my life people get laugh of me for being a fangirl and do fangirl things, I never had a swiftie friend (I hope had one someday) but to me Taylor is my best friend and sometimes I think she understands me even if she don’t know I exist (hope some day meet her) and thank her for everything tell her how much I’m proud of her (I think she knows)
She’s been with me this 11 years and I have a special moment for every era at every circle of my life, an specific timeline that I will always remember listening her songs 💗
And well I let this post here, I know no one is going to read but just wanted to close midnights era with this with this feeling thankful for this opportunity and waiting for TTPD
@taylorswift I love you with all my life ❤️
Ps. Sorry for my monster voice.
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zenhixsei · 3 years
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Lost light fest 21 Day1-Optimus
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taekookficrecs · 3 years
recent faves!!
hello friends !! it's been a hot second so i thought i'd stop by and drop some of my faves that i've read in the past year. our ask box is overflowing and it's really hard to get to them when we're busy with college but i hope this will suffice!! some are old some are new but i hope you enjoy them all the same :)
cards on the table (we're both showing hearts) - afuzzyowl (( 21/21 | E | 143,829 ))
I want him, Taehyung almost confesses. Jimin makes his life hard like that because he’s sort of soft, gives off this vibe of being welcoming, or accepting, or something. Even if his back muscles are disconcertingly defined.
“Say. What do you think of Jungkook? Just, like. In general.”
Jimin sighs exaggeratedly. “He’s a brat.” Taehyung nods. “Our brat, though. Even though he 'forgets' to call me hyung sometimes. Hmph.”
“He’s so—adorable, Jiminie,” Taehyung mourns, and it takes everything in him not to turn this into a half-hour sob fest about the dreadful consequences of such adorableness, complete with poster presentation and one of those extendable pointer thingies.
On their journey to becoming the number one boy band in the world, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook fall in love. Based on true BTS events.
nostalgia corrosiva - drawingspaces (( 1/1 | M | 26,500 ))
taehyung and jeongguk are very good at getting other people to talk to each other. they’re not very good at the talking thing themselves.
or: the one in which they run an investigative podcast, don’t psychoanalyze anyone, and the scariest thing isn’t falling off the edge of a waterfall.
forever is a tangent - astringxnt (( 2/2 | M | 9,366 ))
in which Taehyung is a keeper of the past, and Jungkook only chases the future. "I don’t think I will ever find the words to describe the anger, the devastation; it swallowed me up from the inside out, killed me right where I stood as I listened to your breathing slow to naught, until there was only static.
what is lost/what is left behind - tetsurou (( 1/1 | T | 8,392 ))
Taehyung was in an accident. There are a lot of things in his apartment that don't make sense.
(make my heart) a Better Place - HereIGoAgain (( 1/1 | E | 40,809 ))
There’s one other thing that’s not changed. Besides the fact that Taehyung is just as bright, and brave, and beautiful as he was the day they met. That’s just fact. That’s just Taehyung. But it helps explain the other thing.
Being that Jungkook is hopelessly and desperately in love with him.
Always has been.
Jungkook has gotten pretty good at the whole tomb raiding gig.
Taehyung complicates things.
i just sorta feel sick without you, baby - glossssy (( 6/6 | N/R | 36,087 ))
“Did I make baby sad?" Taehyung calls as he backs away. "So sad." Jungkook fake pouts, then shoves up a middle finger. "Get lost."
(Jungkook and Taehyung are the lead singers of rival bands.)
Where You Resonate - sunsetskv (( 7/7 | E | 78,892 ))
Jeongguk wants nothing more than for his past to be forgotten—while Taehyung simply wishes to be remembered forever.
glass stars - flowerhours (( 6/6 | M | 6,302 ))
somewhere among the stars in the milky way, an artist falls in love.
Pluto - annangst (( 21/21 | E | 199,119 ))
Kim Taehyung has his life figured out. There's a simple plan to follow, a guaranteed path to a fulfilled life: Graduate high school. Volunteer. Get into the most prestigious university imaginable. Attend church. Never disappoint your parents, never veer off track. Maintain the perfect facade.
Taehyung is really good at following that plan.
Until, one cruel summer, his best friend drags him along to a sketchy underground club and introduces him to Jeon Jungkook – someone Taehyung vividly remembers riding a skateboard and folding paper airplanes with utmost precision back when they were kids.
And, well, Jungkook kind of fucks his whole plan up.
an echo of you - taecheeks (( 10/10 | E | 66,558 ))
"Where there are shadows, there is light."
Jungkook is the best in the Company. Every hit he's assigned, he does so without question and gets the job done quickly. But when he's assigned to take out the Shadow, a man who has stolen from his boss, he can't bring himself to do it.
Vitrail - Melarose (( 9/9 | M | 164,872 ))
For Jeon Jeongguk, a newly graduated witch hoping to become a powerful mage, the biggest mystery of his life has always been his missing familiar. He prays he’ll be assigned a mentor who will help him find it, eagerly awaiting the chance to prove himself.
Instead, he’s assigned to the infamous Kim Taehyung, the reclusive groundskeeper of the Arboretum who seems to cultivate more secrets than he does plants.
Stars, or Moons, or Something - redpangur (( 11/11 | E | 43,978 ))
When Jungkook was a lot younger, and didn’t know how to wall himself off, or that his body was this inexplicable thing liable to betray him, Hoseok used to joke that Jungkook had a huge crush on Taehyung. He teased Jungkook for his crestfallen looks when Taehyung chose another team, when he wouldn’t come watch Jungkook play video games, when he got the chance to leave practice early and actually did. “Give the poor kid a break,” Yoongi broke in at one point. “He won’t always get one.” Jungkook is older now, much more experienced at self-censorship. Sometimes he even just exists for long stretches of time, doesn’t consciously acknowledge how he’s always, always trying not to think too much about it. And then there are times like today in the recording booth, when he’s weak beneath it again.
Where the Light Shines - moonflower1306 (( 14/14 | E | 135,013 ))
Taehyung takes the role of a servant for a bratty but rich heir named Jungkook in order to seduce and cheat him out of his inheritance.
inure - volataeile (( 7/7 | E | 69,561 ))
Seven years after their breakup, Jeongguk and Taehyung begin to find their way back to each other.
Years ago, that would be the look Jeongguk would yearn for, searching for Taehyung’s eyes in every room he enters, wanting his attention, wanting Taehyung to look at him, to see him. He’d look back at Taehyung with just as much fire in his eyes, letting his gaze tell him everything Jeongguk couldn’t yet. How he's going to give him anything he wants in this world.
Jeongguk was ready to do that until the day it all ended.
Now, Taehyung’s eyes on him feel invasive, having Jeongguk afraid of what they’ll see if they look at him for too long.
sucker for you - anon (( 17/17 | E | 163,574 ))
“Jungkook here doesn’t believe the sun will burn him. Can you please tell him that it does so he doesn’t get hurt and become an even bigger pain in my ass?”
Jungkook pushes against his shoulder. “You were just begging for me to stay because you enjoy my company so much.”
Another questioning look on Jimin’s face makes Taehyung consider going somewhere else for the night so he doesn’t have to hear about it.
“Didn’t beg.” Taehyung fixes his shirt in case his position wrinkled it in any way. “Only said that to make you feel better.”
Jungkook scoffs under his breath. “You lie so much and wonder why I don’t believe you.”
admin nj - i don't think i've rec'ed any of these yet so i hope i've introduced something new to you :) enjoy <3
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softlystarstruck · 3 years
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✩ softly reading february 21 - 27 ✩
in which i list every single drarry fic i’ve read this week in hopes that you, dear reader, find a fic you like too!
✩ - a fave | 🔥 - hot | 🌼 - fluff | purple - reread
spotlight rec
✩ Settle in in my slow-burning heart by orphaned account [NR, 10k] 🌼
Five years after the war Draco is working a tech developer job in the Auror Office, and it's all great except this one thing: Harry Potter works there, too. Things only become stranger when Harry starts bringing Draco ugly souvenirs back from his work travels. When Harry then shows up injured in Draco's flat, Draco considers the possibility that he's going insane.
why i rec this: i started reading this on a whim and didn't expect to adore it as much as i did! draco's narrative voice is perfect, and i love a spontaneous, earnest harry. the integration of technology was delightful, and i love getting glimpses of harry and draco working together and being very capable as a team even before something else starts developing between them. it's the perfect length to fall into the story, and by the end i felt just as happy as the characters :')
longer reads
Loving What May Be Lost by oldenuf2nb [T, 21k]
“The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.” -Gilbert K. Chesterton.
Calleth You by DaaroMoltor [E, 17k] 🔥
The room floods with white light. Harry is on his feet so fast that the chair topples and clatters to the floor, his wand in his hand and a spell on his lips. “They’re outside,” a voice speaks from the luminescent mist, magic barely enough to carry the sound; it’s stripped to a featureless monotone, far away like an echo. “I can’t hold them off much longer. I need help, Potter."
✩ Matchmaker, Matchmaker by @firethesound [E, 11k]
Sometimes, Harry can't help but wonder why such strange shit always happens to him.
short & sweet
✩ we were something, don't you think? by @lettersbyelise [E, 6.5k] 🔥
The thing about school reunions is that nobody in the history of humanity has looked forward to one, ever. It's what Harry and Draco think, until they run into each other at the drinks' buffet of the Class of '98 Hogwarts Reunion.
plant me in your garden (and watch me grow) by honeybeet [T, 5.5k] 🏳️‍⚧
Malfoy walks across the grounds to the forbidden forest nearly every night, but falls asleep in class during the day. Harry can't get enough of him.
✩ all of me (loves all of you) by @phd-mama [G, 2.8k] 🌼
“What did you say?” Draco finally finds his voice and sees Potter shrug one shoulder. / “You heard me.” / “I heard you,” Draco concedes, “but I’m not sure I understood you, Potter, because I do believe you just suggested that we... get married.” / “I did,” Potter replies.
more short & sweet under the cut!
Bird's Eye View by khalulu [T, 2.5k] 🌼
Harry wants a quiet place to figure out his life. Draco wants to work up the nerve to send his father a letter breaking off an arranged marriage. They both think they want to be alone. The owls want to know how long these human courtship rituals are going to take. Hogwarts Owlery, it's the place to be.
Letterman Jackets and Cocky Smirks by Purplehotmess [T, 2.5k]
Featuring cotton candy lips (ugh, Malfoy), football rivalries, drunken confessions, abusive parents, locker room confrontations, and one Harry Potter irrevocably obsessed with Draco Malfoy. Also featuring the iconic canon scene of our favourite blond Slytherin checking out a scowling Gryffindor.
All of You by @april-thelightfury115 [E, 2.3k] 🔥🌼🏳️‍⚧
Draco loves all of Harry—even the parts Harry's sure nobody would—and he makes damn sure he knows it. [H/D Candy Hearts Fest 2022]
✩ One in the Hand by @p1013 [E, 2k] 🔥
It's been going on for twenty minutes now. An incessant rustling, intermixed with quiet cursing and heavy sighs, sometimes broken by deep groans. Since it's the middle of the night, and there's a very low likelihood that Potter is wrestling a dangerous, if somewhat quiet, animal in his bed, Draco has narrowed the cause of those sounds down to one thing. Potter is currently having a very, very, long wank. [Kinkuary 2022]
a light in the dark by @flintandfuss [T, 1.1k]
Cursing, Draco fumbles for his wand, clacking through memories like vials for a pensive. Expecto Patronum, yes, that’s the spell. The one he begged first his father, then his mother to teach him so long ago, when all he wanted was to best the boy quivering before him. An ambition still unfulfilled. Dark wizards can’t produce Patronuses.
past softly reading lists
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bri-does-art · 3 years
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Lost Light Fest Day 21: Lodestar/Lightbright
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Summary post for my Emhyr x Geralt one-shot-collection, mostly Tumblr or private prompts. Art by @deagle​ :)
Bonus Playlist
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#1   And the scars don’t write a song for me at all
Bath, whump, sword fight. (4300 words, M)
#2   Take hold of the flame
The Emperor of Nilfgaard can make pancakes. (2897 words, M-E)
#3   A seeker enthralled by a flame
Has Geralt lost his wedding ring in a game of Gwent? (5330 words, G-T)
#4   Oh my beautiful disaster
A special, poisoned gift. (6688 words, T)
#5   Into the abyss I will run
Very short Emhyr whump. (1510 words, G-T)
#6   I’ll never wear your broken crown
Murder mystery in a mysterious mischief place. (8377 words, G-T)
#7   Beautiful anger, breaking the pattern
Fan mail for Geralt?! (2317 words, T-M)
#8   Dreams of war, dreams of liars, dreams of dragon’s fire
An exhausted Emhyr needs some help to calm down.   (1728 words, G-T)
#9  'Cos you know that we've got the power of healin' love
What if love has actually healing powers – or at least Geralt believes it does? (2183 words, T-M)
#10  But the shimmer in your eyes
Emhyr’s little coffee shop AU (1552 words, G)
#11  I feed the wolf and shed my skin
Would Regis pour wine on an acid wound? Hell he would. But WHY? (10.172 words, T)
#12  Oh, did I say that I want you?
A special moment before the wedding. (1703 words, G-T)
#13  Die, die my darling
Assassination attempt, failing (8805 words, T-M)
#14  Come be our beacon shining bright
Falling, saving, hurting. (9389 words, T)
#15  You’re the misfit, I’m the sinner
Somebody mixed a wrong potion, now Geralt is jealous. (3386 words, E)
#16  I was dying but for you it was just another night
Modern AU for the prompt “whumpee at a formal event, injured, bleeding”. (1494 words, G-T)
#17  Have a little bit of trust in the way you feel, and see your heart melt
Geralt brings Emhyr... butter. (1388 words, G)
#18  Is it love that glows in fiery alignment?
Emhyr has a very special gift for Geralt at the Nilfgaardian Yule fest. (2359 words, G-T)
#19 Life's a bitch and I've been shaken This is the story of how Letho of Gulet once saved Geralt's ass – and was reprieved by the Emperor of Nilfgaard. (12953 words, T)
#20 Breathe into me
Sex on the beach. Well, almost. (4313 words, E)
#21 There's a light in you, that tears me down to nothing
We are, once again, going back in time, to an evening before the wedding, more precisely to an official banquet, just to listen to Geralt's... well, a bit incoherent thoughts. Shameless fluff ahead! (3024 words, T)
#22 Beast of Gévaudan (aka The Adventures of Duny, Narrated by Emhyr var Emreis ) What it says on the tin... (5482 words, T)
#23 All is not it seems to be on the outside
Emhyr and Geralt from the POV of the Corvo Bianco workers. (3085 words, T)
#24 If not for love, I would be drowning
Emhyr and Geralt are on a journey – and it’s leading a bit into the past. (2432 words, T)
#25 Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Sweet lovemaking, soft Geralt. (918 words, M) #26 Clueless and Dramatic
Love letters? Love songs! (1312 words, T)
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interstellar-child · 4 years
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“Cyclonus!” the voice says, “We’ve been waiting for you.”
Lost Light Fest Day 21: Cyclonus.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this piece took so long my laptop cracked and died in the middle of it but she’s on life support now so this is my last work for a while. Cyc is catholic now and primus is there too. 
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whatthefuckistevvs · 4 years
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Lost Light Fest day 21: Cyclonus, and a Star Saber Cameo
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lyndaxy · 4 years
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Day.20- Shockwave😠
Day.21- Cyclonus😒
Day.22- Heretech😡
Day.23- Accelerator😒
Day.24- Arcee,Greenlight& Gauge❤️💚💙
Day.25- The Insecticons(Kickback)😛
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kristina-goupil · 4 years
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Lost Light Fest
Day 21 - Cyclonus
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minijenn · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Keys to the Kingdom!
Yeah as of today my own special little slice of hell known as Keys to the Kingdom has existed for the world to see for two years now. And its still going strong even into its second half (which I’m VERY much looking forward to!) I didn’t really plan a big huge celebration for Keys’ 2nd birthday (though ya’ll are more than welcome to do something special for it if you’d like, I’d love you forever if you did) But I figured it would go fun to go back through every chapter of Keys written so far and list my top ten personal favorites. So this is that list. Enjoy!
10. Chapter 30: Recuérdame: This was a really fun chapter if I remember correctly; its a nice mix between plot progression and the Coco stuff (featuring some of my favorite scenes from that movie, so playing around with those was great) but I also loved writing the first in story reveal for Xion and the fight between Sora and Xigbar while set to Imelda singing La Lorrona? Fuckin Iconic if you ask me, this one is great 
9. Chapter 31: Destined Reunion: This is mostly a very dialogue heavy chapter where not a lot happens but honestly I just really like a lot of the interactions in it; there’s a lot of Sora being salty towards Riku in here which tbh is kinda fun to write? But there’s also some soft Sokai stuff and towards the end we get some fun/foreshadowy interactions with our resident Goth Club so overall its a pretty neat one :3
8. Chapter 24: Where the Dream Takes You: So I really love the second Atlantis chapter? It veers away from the movie and also follows it just enough to feel unique in its own right and it has a lot of plot progression for the main story, especially in regards to our good friend the Lingering Will; I like the action in this one a lot and I really love the Trinity Trio’s little emotional talk with each other at the end, it tugs at my heartstrings every time I read it :3
7. Chapter 38: So This Is Love: otherwise known as Prom! Honestly this one is just a sweet, cute fluff-fest and it was so much fun to write the kiddos just relaxing and having a good time for a change. The Destiny Trio in particular just filled my heart with so many warm fuzzies here, especially towards the end when they really start romancing it up! Plus everyone in their fancy outfits was a delight to draw and to write about, overall its a grand time for all ^_^
6. Chapter 21: Depths of Despair; golly this one is just a bit ol drama fest but I think its a pretty great one. Sora spends the whole thing captured and tortured and poisoned and it really is just the biggest shift in the tone of the story so far because of that; Maleficent gets to be the center stage baddie for a chapter, Pete gets a bit of development, and we also get some strong moments from Kairi and Axel and the Restoration Committee, and the scene where Kairi brings Sora back from rage form near the end is still one of my favorites; overall there are a lot of little moments in this one that I love in here, its a really good one. 
5. Chapter 33: Song as Old as Rhyme: A great example of a Disney chapter where the overarching plot kind of takes more of the center stage. This one is a wild ride for sure with a lot of action and intensity, and its Not a very good time for our boy between him having a panic attack over Maleficent confronting him again to getting shot in the damn shoulder to being grounded by his boyfriend for lying it really does tear Sora down quite a bit but I looooooved wriiting all that so its high on my list for sure because of it 
4. Chapter 36: Return to Depart; this chapter features two really great scenes right at the start of it, Sora bonding with Aqua and soft Soriku fluff/angst hour. But then I doubled down by giving the boy an identity crisis between all of the different hearts inside of his and wooooooow I love how I wrote it, its trippy and wild and intense and dramatic; even to the end this one is great because we get our first hints of the bond between Sora and Ven and its soft yet solemn all at once and wow despite carrying some scenes from the game I still think this one is pretty standout 
3. Chapter 35: Distorted Reflection: Whoooooo boy this chapter is hella dark and kind of a mind fuck but golly if it wasn’t such a delight to write. Having Sora essentially hear himself list every fear he has and everything he hates about himself is some quality Character Study stuff; there are so many lines in this chapter I keep coming back to in more recent chapters and I really will continue to do reference it as we move along; it’s also pretty standout that Sora doesn’t even win against his phantom in this chapter, my original plan was for him to win but then I was like “no that’s not thematically right, the entire story is basically about him fighting a battle against himself that he can’t win so why should he win the literal battle against himself?” so I made it sad and had him lost until the Mystery Light came around to help him (I also love that entire part, its such a nice bit of comfort after all the angst this chapter brings). Overall, I love the deep intensity and feels of this one its a classic.
2. Chapter 22: Rise and Fall and Rise Again. Basically a biiiiiig ol bundle of hurt/comfort with some soft angst and romance mingled it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this chapter really is just another big long character study for Sora and golly if it doesn’t have some of my favorite moments in the entire fic so far, despite those moments being quiet and understated and mostly emotional more than anything else; I also really love Kairi in this chapter and I love how it develops her relationship with Sora even more towards their eventual Relationship Upgrade. Its also the first chapter of Keys I got teary eyed while writing soooo ya know there’s that. 
1. And finally, my favorite chapter so far: Chapter 27: What Once Was Mine. Gooooosh this chapter has EVERYTHING. It starts out soft and fun and fluffy with some cute romancy moments, then it gradually starts getting more tense and it builds until basically everything’s gone horribly wrong and ends in a really sad kind of solemn place and we get such nice pairing between the Tangled stuff and the Keys overarching plot stuff. This chapter has so many exceptional moments but I really love the entire section where Sora finally comes clean to Donald and Goofy bc I’m destroyed by Trinity Trio feels every time I read it. Overall, I adore this one but I really do think that it’s very soon about to be outclassed by some stuff I have planned for Keys in the very near future :3
And some Honorable Mentions: Chapter 20: Immortals (mostly for its second half, its first half is pretty weak which is why its not on this list); Chapter 10: Sinister Whispers (aka the chapter where Keys finally starts fucking picking up the pace XD), and chapter 16: Unspoken, Unheard (a nice little Kairi character study)
And those are all the chapters of Keys I really love, feel free to drop me a line about what your favorites are (or even just your favorite moments, general discussion about Keys, things you’re looking forward to seeing, stuff like that). A HUGE thanks to everyone who’s stuck with Keys thus far, I can assure you that the best is certainly yet to come.... :3
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the-ufos-basement · 4 years
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Lost Light Fest 2020
Day 21 - Cyclonus 
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