#lost light fest 2020
haztobegood · 9 months
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⭐️ Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2023 ⭐️
I love doing this every year. (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) I can't believe I've been writing for six years now! I looked through my past annual posts and got a bit emotional, it's amazing to see how much I've grown and changed.
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 7
2. Word count posted for the year: 11,572
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction, Music RPF (The Snuts)
4. Pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson/Jack Cochrane, Louis Tomlinson/Bodyguard
5. Story with the most: Kudos: No (Birth) Control Bookmarks: No (Birth) Control Comments: Good Dogs Don’t Bark
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): Chaos is a 100 word drabble that I'm very proud of. I tried for months to write a Louis/Bodyguard fic for the Louis Rare Pair fest and it just wasn't coming together. Putting a hard limit on the word count was a fun little challenge that helped me get the idea down on paper. At first I didn't know if I could build a steamy plot in so few words, but it worked out in the end and I couldn't be happier with it!
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): Of the stuff posted this year, I'm not unhappy with anything, but if I had to rank everything, chapter 2 of Good Dogs Don’t Bark is at the bottom of the pack. I was in a weird mood writing-wise when I wrote that chapter and it reminds me of that time whenever I think of it.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: @allwaswell16 read Chaos on her podcast! I dedicated the drabble to her for inspiring and encouraging me all year when writing has been a struggle, and for being such a supportive mod for @louisrarepairfest!
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: All year! This is the least I've ever written since I started. Life has been full of big changes and it threw off my writing habits. I've also been very stuck in my head about certain aspects of writing that I never used to think twice about. I'm hoping now that life has settled and I've got somewhat of a new routine figured out, I can set some intentions and build up my habit again, because I really miss writing.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: This scene from Baking Memories made me burst out laughing when it came to me:
Looking down at his six little pies, Louis is starting to feel like a proper baker. Jack finishes up his last and says, “Alright, let’s top ‘em.” “I bet that’s your favourite part,” Louis jokes raising his eyebrows teasingly. “At least these don’t talk back when I’m topping.” “Oi!”
More under the cut.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: From No (Birth) Control
He picked up another potato. Twisting the paring knife expertly around the spud, the thin brown peel sliced away from the white flesh in smooth, practiced movements. It was easy for Harry to get lost in the meditative efforts of slicing, dicing, and peeling. Just two potatoes remained when Harry caught Louis’ piquant scent through the open window. Harry paused his singing and peeling as he breathed in deeply. His sense of smell was always attuned to his alpha, but this close to heat the pull was even stronger. The back door opened. The scent enveloped him, stronger than the savoury aroma of the roast, as Louis wrapped his arms around Harry’s middle, hugging him from behind. Harry melted back into his touch, forgetting about the half-peeled potato in his hand. “Hi baby.” Louis said, leaning in to drag his nose along the curve of Harry’s neck in tender greeting. “Alpha,” Harry sighed, tension he didn’t know he’d been holding meting away. He could stay like this, content in his alpha’s arms, forever. Louis licked up the side of his neck. The blatant scent marking sent shivers up Harry’s spine, and a light nip of sharp teeth over his bondmark started to make him wet. He would be half-tempted to bend over the counter, if it weren’t for the roast cooking in the oven and the twins playing in the yard. Harry bit back a whimper. “Lou, no,” he groaned. “I need to finish dinner.” With all his resolve, Harry gripped the paring knife tighter and focused his attention on peeling the remaining potatoes.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: I've learned to be patient with myself. I have a lot of wips that I've started in 2019 or 2020 that aren't even close to being finished. I used to be so frustrated that I couldn't finish them, but now I've learned that sometimes the wip needs to sit in the dark cavern of the drafts folder to age like fine wine.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: I want to be more intentional about setting time to write. I miss having a regular writing time and want to be able to work on some of the exciting ideas I have.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): @allwaswell16 and @himynameiszayn are the most supportive friends, they were always around to offer advice, help me think of words, and cheer me on when writing was hard. I don't think I would have written half the amount of words I posted if it wasn't for them.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: I listened to The Snuts so much this year after seeing them play during FITFWT, so it was only natural for me to write a fic featuring Jack. I love the silly Christmas video the band shared a few years ago and knew it was perfect idea for the fic that became Baking Memories!
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: I touched on it a bit above, but sometimes taking a pause on a wip you're struggling with is a good thing. Give yourself grace to move on when an idea isn't coming together the way you want. It doesn't mean you need to give up on the story completely, it might just be the wrong time.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I am looking forward to writing something for @wankersday again, and I am getting closer to finishing my alien!Harry fic that's been 5 years in the making!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
I tag @banaanipoika9 @louandhazaf @hazzabeeforlou @beelou anyone else that wants to do this!
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mishasminion360 · 1 year
Home Again, Home Again
Marcus Moreno x fem!reader
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Warnings: None! This is just pure fluffiness.
Summary: It’s always hard being away from the one you love, but when the one you love is a superhero the distance feels far greater. But that just means the return home is all the sweeter.
A/N: This little fluff fest was a request by my lovely friend, @your-slutty-gf. Business trips can feel endless when you know there’s someone wonderful waiting for you back home. I Hope you and your fella are reunited soon, luv 🥰
It seems as though the world has only grown crazier and crazier since 2020. You mean besides the pandemic and political turmoil and senseless violence and all the other garbage.
Every week there’s a new supervillain attack or three. A new alien invasion or national state of emergency. And every week that means your man is off to do what he does best: Save the world.
You knew damn well what you were getting into when you fell head over heels for Marcus Moreno. Dating a superhero meant constant danger, constant leaping into action to perform some derring-do, and constant worry. It wouldn’t have been worth the trouble if he weren’t so absolutely wonderful.
The two of you had met on the job; him defending the city from certain doom with all his cohorts while you, a dedicated journalist, covered the action from a somewhat safe location, snapping photo after photo of all the harrowing action and jotting down notes for the article that would recount the events to the masses.
You’d seen him coming through the lens of your camera as he dove to pull you out of the path of the falling rubble you hadn’t seen coming at all. You didn’t believe in love at first sight, but you’d definitely felt something when you’d looked into his eyes.
From then on, whenever he’d jump into action so did you. You became a regular Superman and Lois Lane. And something more. It started with playful banter and gradually evolved into straight up flirting. Flirting became dates, which became a relationship, which led to you moving in with he and his daughter. And in the middle of all that came the cheesiest love confession you’d ever heard.
“I can’t believe this entire time I’ve been dating a criminal.”
“You’ve lost me, Moreno.”
“You’re a no-good crook. Because you’ve stolen my heart.“
The only thing stronger than his powers is his love. The intensity of that force makes it all the more noticeable when you’re without it.
He’d only just returned from London last Friday after he and the team had defeated a hoard of alien body snatchers attempting to impersonate the British monarchy. Come Monday he was jetting off to Japan to deal with a Kaiju situation. It’s now Thursday and you’ve heard barely a word since he’d left again.
Missy waves goodbye from the back of Mrs. Miracle Guy’s (you really should learn her name) minivan and you brace yourself for another lonely night in. A little leftover Chinese, a cozy set of pajamas, and some light Netflix binging are in order. After a very long, very warm shower.
You stand beneath the pounding spray, letting it wash every last worry out of your tense muscles and weary bones. There they go spiraling down the drain; every “I hope he’s okay” and each “Is he getting enough rest?”
The water has just started to grow cold when the shower curtain parts and you feel a hand wrapping around your own.
“I’m home, hon—“
You deliver a swift roundhouse kick to the thin barrier between you and your unwelcome guest and feel your foot connect with something on the other side—Stomach? Chest? Testicles?—followed by a groaning exhalation of air.
The force of your maneuver, coupled with the slipperiness of the inside of the tub has you teetering through the curtain—yanking it from its rings on the way down—and spiraling out of the shower and landing atop your attacker in a wet heap of torn fabric and damp nudity.
“Listen here, criminal scum! My boyfriend’s a superhero. He could kick your ass into a coma if I give the word,” you threaten, hoping he won’t realize how empty that threat is at the moment.
“Oh, I’m aware,” the assailant wheezes.
That voice, even breathless, is familiar. You fumble with the downed curtain and liner to find the man buried beneath.
“You’re home?”
“I’m home.”
Your fear turns to joy in the fraction of a second. “Oh, my God, I missed you! How are you? Where did I kick you?”
“Missed you, too, exhausted, and I think you know exactly where you kicked me.”
You offer him an apology before leaning down eagerly for a kiss before realizing that he’s smeared head to toe in some kind of purple goop.
“And what is this?”
“That,” he sighs, “would be kaiju guts.”
“You just….decided to fly home like that, huh?”
You help him sit up and listen to the symphony of cracks, pops, and grunts his exhausted body makes.
“I pretty much just walked right off the battlefield. I just couldn’t take it anymore, sweetheart. I teleported home and left the others to deal with the mess. Which I realize, now that I’m saying it out loud, was a total dick move.”
“Three days just to kill one rampaging giant lizard?”
“Four. It had babies.”
“No wonder you’re exhausted.”
He looks so tired; body, mind, and soul. The world is running him too ragged. Still—and this is one of the truly amazing things you love about Marcus Moreno—his still musters enough residual energy to give you a smile.
“I missed you, sweetheart.”
You give him that kiss you’d been holding onto. Monster goo be damned. “I missed you, too, you goof.”
“Where’s Missy?”
Once again ignoring the purple gore slicking his skin, you lean into him and wrap your arms around his neck. Good thing you’re naked because that will really help to drive your next words home.
“She happens to be at a sleepover. So, maybe, you and I could have one of our own.” You throw in a seductive eyebrow waggle as a bonus.
“Oh, yeah? You’d want me like this? Covered in essence of Godzilla?”
“Watch how casually you toss around the “G” name. You don’t wanna add copyright infringement to your list of stressors, do you?”
“Right,” he snorts.
“And Marcus Moreno, I will take you any way I can possibly have you. That includes covered in monster muck or worse.”
He returns your kiss with one he’s been waiting to give you since he walked out the door on Monday.
“You have me, sweetheart. But before that ‘sleepover’ gets underway, I really would like a shower.”
“Well, you’ve come to the right place.”
One hour later you’re both in your coziest jammies and sagging onto the sofa, curling your bodies together like two puzzle pieces finally uniting to form the perfect picture.
“Hey, wait a second. Why is Apple saying we’re on episode eight of ‘Ted Lasso’? We’d only just watched episode four before I left.”
“That is….most peculiar,” you shrug.
“Baby. You didn’t.”
“Um…it was Missy.”
“You watched ‘Ted Lasso’ without me?”
You beg forgiveness with your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“We can rewatch together!”
“That doesn’t make it hurt less!”
You missed this. The playful squabbling, the cuddling and closeness. The you, the him, the we and the us. Nothing feels right when you aren’t together. But no matter the distance or the days between you he’ll always come home, so long as you’re there waiting.
Ted and his soccer team believe in “Believe”. You believe in Marcus.
@grimeylady @rav3n-pascal22 @mamacitapascal @insomniamama1 @pedrosbisch @emmaispunk @lv7867 @reonlouw @hawaiianmelodies @heythere-mel @healingstardust @delorena @pedropasxal @caesaryoulater @fangirling-alert @fromthedeskoftheraven @axshadows @dragon-scales88 @spacepastel-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @hauntedmama @mswarriorbabe80 @horton-hears-a-honk @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage @a-trial-run-on-paper @oonajaeadira @dhadiirah @felicisimor @practicalghost @luz-introvertida @amneris21 @hb8301 @tanzthompson @littlemisspascal @dobbyjen @supernaturalgirl20 @alexxavicry @harriedandharassed @trickstersp8 @neganwifey25-blog @twistedboxy @emiemiemiii @energeticspookyshark @thevoiceinyourheadx @pedr0swh0r3 @anamiad00msday @secretwriterpp @wannab-urs @pedrostories
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mirai-desu · 6 months
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And soon I'll be happy with drowning in the rain: An Ode to the Amazing Songs We Lost in the Eurovision National Final Season 2024
YouTube Playlist Here
Disclaimer: I do not believe that a certain country should be allowed to participate in ESC due to the genocide that they are engaging in. Here are resources to help the people of Palestine 🇵🇸
National final season always means that we lose some fantastic songs that won’t ever get to grace to the big ESC stage, but I can memorialize all the other tracks I love here. This list contains the songs that got away, as well as some of the guilty pleasures, and songs I simply enjoy listening to, from the NF season of 2024.
Note that this is my personal taste, so I might be missing something you jive with. Songs are arranged by flow, not in a ranking. Some videos I likely will have to replace with another upload at some point. I went with studio recordings to be consistent (barring the bonus track).
This playlist is in no way meant to put down the actual winners.
Playlists for past years: 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
Tracklist below:
Krick – “Drowning In The Rain“ (Luxembourg Song Contest 🇱🇺 )
Dotter – “It’s Not Easy to Write You a Love Song” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Annalisa – “Sinceramente” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
Bodine Monet – “Tears Like Rain” (Das Deutsche Finale 2024 – Germany 🇩🇪 )
KEiiNO – “Damdiggida” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Elly – “The Angel's Share” (ESCz  - Czechia 🇨🇿 )
Cecilia – “FOMO” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Angy Fernández – “Sé quién soy” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
MIIA – “Green Lights” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
No Maka ft. Ana Maria – “Aceitar” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Leona – “Undream You” (Das Deutsche Finale 2024 – Germany 🇩🇪 )
Hristina – “Bedem” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Olimpia Smajlaj – “Asaj” (Festivali i Këngës 62 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Ryan Hili – “Karma” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Damir Kedžo – “Voljena Ženo“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
CeaseTone – “FLOW” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Margaret Berger – “Oblivion” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Erica-Cody – “Love Me Like I Do” (Eurosong 2024 - Ireland 🇮🇪 )
Annika Wickihalder – “Light” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Lynsay Pace – “Fireproof” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Sigga Ózk – “Into The Atmosphere” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Anet Vaikmaa – “Serotoniin” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
MYDY – “Red Flag Parade” (ESCz  - Czechia 🇨🇿 )
AVÉI – “Mine (Supernova - Latvia 🇱🇻 )
MARCELA – “Gasoline“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Maria Sur – “When I’m Gone” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
ANKA – «Палала» “Palala” (Vidbir - Ukraine 🇺🇦 )
Dominic Cini – “Bewsa” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Dellacruz – “BESO EN LA MAÑANA” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Besa Krasniqi – “Esenciale” (Festivali i Këngës 62 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
AISTAY – “YOU” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Emma – “Apnea” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
YONNA – “I Don't Know About You” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Lenny – “Good Enough” (ESCz  - Czechia 🇨🇿 )
Eliana Gomez Blanco – “There’s Only Flowers” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Melodajn Mancaku – “Nuk jemi ne” (Festivali i Këngës 62 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
LEFT. – “Volto a Ti” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
eugen – “tišine“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Tiri Gjoci – “Në ëndërr” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Ryk – “Oh Boy” (Das Deutsche Finale 2024 – Germany 🇩🇪 )
Stivi Ushe – “Askush si ty” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Nathan – “Ghost” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Diodato – “Ti muovi” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
Eldis Arrnjeti – “Një kujtim” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Miguel Bonello – “Better Off Alone” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Traffic – “Wunderbar” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Sofia Coll – “HERE TO STAY” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Clara – “Diamanti grezzi” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Filip Baloš – “Duga je noć” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
SHÉPA – “SUPERNOVA” (Vidbir - Ukraine 🇺🇦 )
Baltos Varnos – “In The Night” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Ingrid Jasmin – “Eya” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Valleria – “RULE (Rai Di Ri Di)” (Etapa Naţională  - Moldova 🇲🇩 )
Antsud – “Vetevaim” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
YAGODY – “Tsunamia” (Vidbir - Ukraine 🇺🇦 )
ERBA' – “Sirena” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
AILSHA – “GO TOBANN” (Eurosong 2024 - Ireland 🇮🇪 )
KRYLATA – “Queen” (Vidbir - Ukraine 🇺🇦 )
Farida – “Heartache” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
INGA – “No Dog On A Leash” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Antoine Wend – “Say No More” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Ingmar – “Dreaming” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
CHAiLD – “Hold On“ (Luxembourg Song Contest 🇱🇺 )
Fredrik Halland – “Stranded” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Daniel Levi – “Over The Moon” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Janus Wiberg – “I Need Your Love” (Dansk Melodi Grand Prix - Demark 🇩🇰 )
st. Pedro - Dos Extraños (Cuarteto de Cuerda) (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Vidar Villa – “MER“ (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Elisa Lindström – “Forever Yours” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Maria Christina – “Moving On” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Laura Põldvere – “Here's Where I Draw the Line” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Mantra – “Me vas a ver” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Silver Jusilo – “Lately” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
SANTI FRANCESI – “l’amore in bocca” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
Roger Padrós – “El temps” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Nemanja Radošević – “Jutra bez tebe” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Kleansa Susaj – “Pikturë” (Festivali i Këngës 62 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Nena – “Teorias da Conspiração” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
ANITA – “Downfall” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Danny Saucedo – “Happy That You Found Me” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Jorge González – “Caliente” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Zejna – “Najbolja” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
MÉLOVIN – “DREAMER” (Vidbir - Ukraine 🇺🇦 )
Alekss Silvers – “For the Show” (Supernova - Latvia 🇱🇻 )
Mahmood – “Tuta gold” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Bashar Murad – “Wild West” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Lérica – “Astronauta” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Annprincess – “Save Me” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Marlena – “Amor de verano” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Eden Baja – “Ajër” (Festivali i Këngës 62 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Bojana x David – “No No No” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Quique Niza – “Prisionero” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Ewert and The Two Dragons – “Hold Me Now” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Yoly Saa – “No se me olvida” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Irma Lepuri – “Me prit” (Festivali i Këngës 62 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Patrīcija Spale – “Heaven's Raining Down on Me” (Supernova - Latvia 🇱🇻 )
Monika Marija – “Unlove you starting tommorow” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Oxygyn – “Cloudmaker” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Agnė Buškevičiūtė – “Puppeteer” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Haley Azzopardi – “Tell Me That It’s Over” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Lisa Ajax – “Awful Liar” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Mr.Rain – “Due altalene” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
Saša Lozar – “Ne Plačem Zbog Nje“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Christian Arding – “Bellus” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Il Volo – “Capolavoro” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
Kyle George – “Arrows” (MESC 2024 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Denis Midone – “Back to Me” (Etapa Naţională  - Moldova 🇲🇩 )
Petras – “Run” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Adam Woods – “Supernatural” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Festina Mejzini – “Melos” (Festivali i Këngës 62 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Sara Siipola – “Paskana” (UMK: Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun - Finland 🇫🇮 )
BigMama – “La rabbia non ti basta” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Jasmina Hako – “Ti” (Festivali i Këngës 62 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
The Kolors – “Un ragazzo una ragazza” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
One Last Time – “Devil in the Detail” (Luxembourg Song Contest 🇱🇺 )
Smash Into Pieces – “Heroes Are Calling” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Cyan Kicks – “Dancing With Demons” (UMK: Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun - Finland 🇫🇮 )
Erina & The Elementals – “Jetën n’Skaj” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Žalvarinis – “Gaudė Vėjai” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Vēstulēs – “kur?” (Supernova - Latvia 🇱🇻 )
Nele-Liis Vaiksoo – “Käte ümber jää” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Maninni – “Spettacolare” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
Clara Klingenström – “Aldrig mer” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
MAIAA – “Break away” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Uudo Sepp & Sarah Murray – “Still Love” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Rita Rocha – “Pontos Finais” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Ricchi e Poveri – “Ma non tutta la vita” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Reghina Alexandrina – “Contrasens” (Etapa Naţională  - Moldova 🇲🇩 )
Cazzi Opeia – “Give My Heart a Break” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
AISTÈ – “We Will Rule the World” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Cătălina Solomac – “Fever” (Etapa Naţională  - Moldova 🇲🇩 )
Marie Reim – “Naiv” (Das Deutsche Finale 2024 – Germany 🇩🇪 )
Natalie Balmix – “Dijamanti“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Jacqline – “Effortless” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Queens of Roses – “Walk Through Fire” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
BOOOM! – “Dance Like This” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
The Roop – “Simple Joy” (Eurovizija.lt – Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Max Mutzke – “Forever Strong” (Das Deutsche Finale 2024 – Germany 🇩🇪 )
Boris Štok – “Can We Talk“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
La Rua – “Governo del cuore” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
Kim Cesarion – “Take My Breath Away” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Alen Đuras – “A Tamburitza Lullaby“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
MELA – “Água” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Valeria Pasha – “Anti-Princess” (Etapa Naţională  - Moldova 🇲🇩 )
Noelle – “Baby Baby“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Blankiflúr – “Love you” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Lana Mandarić – “More“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Peter Põder – “Korra veel” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
LIAMOO – “Dragon” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Nadia – “Sudari” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
James Night – “Nebo Plače“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Heiðrún Anna - Þjakaður af ást” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Agnese Rakovska – “AI” (Supernova - Latvia 🇱🇻 )
Kida – “Invincibile” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
Lu Dedić – “Plavi Leptir“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Mila Dores – “Afia a Língua” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Zorja – “Lik u ogledalu” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Jalisse – “Il paradiso è qui” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
Martina Vrbos – “Da me voliš” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
FILIPA – “You Can’t Hide” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Džordži – “Luna Park” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Albin Tingwall – “Done Getting Over You” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Rita Onofre – “Criatura” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Vatra – “Slatke suze gorka ljubav“ (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
João Borsch – “… Pelas Costuras” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Dušan Kurtić – “Zbog tebe živim” (Pesma za Evroviziju 24 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Medina – “Que Sera” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Bonus Track: Björnzone – “Still The One” (Live @ Melodifestivalen Final 🇸🇪  ) (skip to 2:30 for the song only)
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dariiy · 4 years
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A late pretty boy  for LL
Please consider following me for more art and checking the options for supporting me, thank you!          
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dad-fox · 4 years
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Day 4: Saundwave
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candychameleon · 4 years
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Decided that for today’s Lost Light Fest (Lightbright & Lodestar) I’d color these lines by Anna Malkova! (@ Anna__Malkova on twitter)
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mocho-pallium · 4 years
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Day 21, Cyclonus
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wrathematics · 4 years
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This was for day 21 of LostLightFest, but I forgot to post it day of
The reversal of traditional symbolism in MTMTE/LL delights me, so here have the stabbing swords that represent rescue and love, and the flowers that represent guilt and accusation
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zeropercenter · 4 years
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Lost Light Fest 2020 now 
but I have no time to draw somethin’ so I repost this piece, LLF 2019.
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imdashingaway · 4 years
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Day 2: Orion Pax
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interstellar-child · 4 years
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“Cyclonus!” the voice says, “We’ve been waiting for you.”
Lost Light Fest Day 21: Cyclonus.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this piece took so long my laptop cracked and died in the middle of it but she’s on life support now so this is my last work for a while. Cyc is catholic now and primus is there too. 
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silverxenomorph · 4 years
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Day 6 is another sub day. This time dropping Geomotus in favour of MTMTE Ratchet. We all love some Ratty!
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gray2tho · 4 years
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Day 8 - Windblade
a little late to the game, but i’m here! finally!! check out this jet!
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cyber54prime · 4 years
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Lost light fest 2020 day 10
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dariiy · 4 years
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LL Day 4 - Soundwave! I mixed designs again..
Please consider following me for more art and checking the options for supporting me, thank you!          
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dad-fox · 4 years
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Dey 2: Orion Pax
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