#lost judgment gaiden part 3
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saikouyumeno · 7 months ago
How the fuck is that, Takayuki-kun?
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peemanne · 1 year ago
my favorite quotes that have totally been said in the yakuza series:
"Again? Can't tell if you're a charity worker or a sadist." "Just have a Force Addiction, kyodai." > Yakuza 0 "The man you once knew... While you were in the joint, he changed his Ideal For Violence." >Yakuza Kiwami "It's just you an' me here, Kiryu. We've only this Scattered Moment to lose." >Yakuza 2 (the original one specifically) "Uncle Kaz, which letters are part of the first 4 in the English alphabet?" "Oh, even I know that. It's D2A." > Yakuza 3 "Why do I even fight? Heh, it's quite simple, actually. I fight For Faith (Instruments)" > Yakuza 4 "A tough opponent like you? I'm gonna need The maximum ill luck to even stand a chance." > Yakuza 5 "Jeez, aniki... Can ya at least go easy on us a little bit? Yer like a damn Town Bully!" > Yakuza 6 "Well, Ichi? Are we gonna run?" "In this party? It's only Yakuza: Like a Dragon OST - Yokohama Battle Theme (Yokohama Crackhouse)!" > Yakuza: Like a Dragon "Kaito-san, look, a trail of blood. The Threads of Sin... This should lead us straight to him." > Judgment "Then what is it all for, Akutsu?! I'm sure you know it, you're nothing but a Lost Judgment OST - K.O.G (Daimu Akutsu Theme) in the machine!" > Lost Judgment "I have not played Gaiden yet nor have I listened to the soundtrack so pretend I just had Joryu say the funniest thing imaginable here" > Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
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1358456 · 1 year ago
The Return? ... Again?
Hi, everyone. So. It’s been a while. Again. Today is January 1, 2024, and the last post, Last Post 2.0, was from October 6, 2022, so… over a year. Again. Déjà vu~ I’ve just been in this place before~ Gone in October and returning in January~
… In hindsight, I should have posted the Last Post 2.0 on October 22. That way, both times, I would have retired on October 22 (Last Post and Last Post 2.0). And if I had done that, I would’ve waited until January 6 to return, thus returning both times on January 6 over a year after going away. Oh well.
… Also apparently, this Tumblr has become 10 years old. Hm. I guess I did make this thing in December 2013, so… yeah. That happened. 10 years of this Tumblr, and I’ve been gone for 2 of them.
So, what happened this time?
Well, nothing. I just enjoyed a long rest. Retirement, if you will. Unlike last time, where I spent the time either dying, comatose, rehab, or playing Yakuza games, this time, I just… lived normally, I guess. Spending lots of time with friends and family, going on vacations, working away in the store, playing Yakuza Ishin, playing Yakuza 7 Gaiden, crying like a bitch because of Gaiden (…), crying because of Yakuza 8 trailers (…), and so on and so forth. I rather enjoyed my long time off.
So, why return this time?
… It’s… complicated. Let’s just say that I’m returning now to undo the reason why I went away not-so-forever twice now.
Let’s see if I can point out the key parts here.
There’s a reason why I abruptly retired and disconnected from everything back in 2020. The impending death certainly played a part, but I didn’t have to “disconnect” from everything. But instead, I used that as an excuse to disconnect from everything and vanish.
It’s the same reason as to why I didn’t immediately return when I could have and instead, hesitated until 2022. Yeah, the pile of Yakuza games (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Judgment, Lost Judgment) certainly kept me busy, but it’s not like I was busy literally all day every day. I certainly could have squeezed in some time to return to Tumblr. And is the same reason as to why I wanted to disappear as soon as possible upon returning. Though… that took some time. It took… what, 9 months, instead of the planned 2? Hehe…
And finally, it’s the reason why I came back now in 2024. The fact that I even wrote this out… I wouldn’t say that I stopped caring exactly, but… hmm… I guess you could call it a proof of resolve. I made a difficult choice, so to speak.
… Hopefully all this is irrelevant and will not be brought up again. But if it does…
This is kind of rambling, and no one would have any idea what the hell I’m talking about, so I’ll stop there. Normally, I would never write this out, out of consideration. But… well, subtle hints probably won’t work. They didn’t work last time. No reason why it should this time. But I have this out here… just in case.
… Now back to things that people would actually understand, because hell if I fully understand what I wrote. Hehe…
So, will I return to writing this time?
Banter? Yes. Short Story? Most likely though rarely. Full stories on FF/Ao3? No. I didn’t touch those last time, I have no intention of doing so this time. I’m still retired, after all. It’s like when pro gamers retire from a game. They still play it, just not in any tournaments or that regularly.
Meaning, I probably won’t be active that much… once the “stockpile” of post ideas runs out. I’ll post stuff whenever I feel like it, and… I just won’t when I don’t. Unlike last time, I have no obligation of any sort this time around. No post count, no objectives, no nothing. Once the “stockpile” runs out, the activity is going to be very sporadic. But at least this Tumblr will be open so that if I wind up with more post ideas that won’t go away, I have an outlet.
So, what’s different from 2022 this time?
You probably noticed the different layout. I messed with a bunch of stuff over time. Including disabling of messages. At least I think it’s disabled.
I disabled messaging (not “Ask”, mind you) because of a specific reas… I mean, whenever someone messages me, I have to ponder for a while how I’m going to respond when I don’t have any meaningful responses, so my responses always feel too detached or too forced. … And I really don’t like doing that since it feels rude. So… best to disable that entirely, but keep the ask inbox open for one-off responses. So… sorry, to those who have messaged me repeatedly in the past. No more. Spare me the effort of staring at the messages for a while, thinking of a response out of courtesy, and sometimes putting it off until later, only to forget that entirely thus not responding for an excessive amount of time, at which point, responding is incredibly awkward.
All in all, it won’t be much different this time than in 2022. I’ll post random stuff from… random rambles to banters and short stories, and you’ll read ‘em for minor enjoyment.
So, will there be another Last Post this time?
Last Post 3.0? Third time’s the charm? Heh. No. Not this time. At least, I’m not planning on it. If the reason behind this return goes off as hoped, then I’ll stick around. If it goes disastrously, then… welp. Back to the void.
So… I’m here again. It wasn’t “for real, this time though”. I doubt many noticed that my profile image has been changed from the old Mew to a Dragoon’s portrait for a while now. In the Last Post 2.0 post, I said that Mew would stay in the grave and not return in a Dragoon or Immortal or a Purifier platform. … Well, it’s been stuffed in a Dragoon shell now.
I actually tried to draw/edit a Mew image to make it look like it’s in a Dragoon pod, but… that didn’t go so well (some things never change), so I’m just using the SC Remastered Dragoon portrait for now.
I guess this post has gone on long enough. All I can say now is…
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… For real, this time though… right?
Oh, also, Happy New Year. 2024, 甲辰年, Year of the Blue Dragon.
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... So, how've you been, everyone?
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dymond-dynamo · 1 year ago
update, because why not!!! I've now officially beaten ShB (well, strictly speaking I still have to complete the quest, but that's just because the servers went down for maintenance before I was done with the cutscenes lol). all in all, I think ShB is probably the greatest experience I've had with a game to date. it's hard to put into words exactly what made it hit that strongly, and I think a lot of it honestly has to do with my hundreds of hours of investment into this world and its characters. but there's more to it than that. I had hundreds of hours invested going into Stormblood (altho obviously fewer than ShB, because that's how time works lol), and I came away from it honestly feeling very meh, despite enjoying its highs. so what's the difference?? gonna put the rest of my thoughts after the break because I have friends I wanna bully into playing this game so I should worry about spoilers lol. short version is, game very good, and super well done in basically every way.
I can't fucking wait to experience Endwalker, but also I'm gonna make myself wait, because after I clear the 5.x patch content (or maybe before? haven't decided yet), I'm gonna take a break to play a couple other games, specifically Baldur's Gate 3 (because it'll almost definitely be my goty) and the final couple chapters of Lost Judgment (because RGG Gaiden comes out in like a week and a half???). there's no way I can let it sit for much longer than that (and I may even get the itch before I'm done with BG3, we'll see), but I've gotta knock out some of my shelved backlog, and XIV is my forever game, so that'll never clear a slot
the performances were also incredible. I mean, the performances are always incredible since the HW recast, but I do think they're extra noteworthy this time. I mentioned Feo Ul, and maybe I was being slightly hyperbolic, but I do genuinely really love them, and they're one of my favorite characters in the game now. I hope we get to see them again post-ShB. I know the odds of that are pretty low, but lore-wise it'd already be justified at any time, and it'd make me so happy. other than the usual cast of Scions, who are always great, I obviously have to say that Emet-Selch was just phenomenal. they really said "what if we had a funny little guy follow you around, and 90% of the time he's the sassiest bitch you've ever seen, but the rest of the time he's super fucked up and sad. wouldn't that be rad?" and they were 1000%, it was rad, and a lot of that is on just how good the performance is
anyway, lightly spoilery stuff: I think the biggest difference for me between SB and ShB is the focus and intentionality of the story. I felt pretty much all along that SB feels like two separate expansion ideas mashed together. I think the end product is still very good (there's no part of XIV from 2.0 on that I'd call bad, they're all just varying degrees of good lol), but I can't help but wonder whether an expansion just about Ala Mhigo or just about the far east would've been a better experience. what they ended up with was: go to Ala Mhigo and fight a bit -> go to the east and do the whole story there -> go back to Ala Mhigo and wrap up. meanwhile, despite having more differing areas than SB, ShB keeps everything building towards a single goal the entire time. honestly those disparate areas actually work to its favor, since you exploring a whole new world and seeing how different yet similar it is to Eorzea. tbh I almost want to say that ShB feels like it'd be the perfect new player experience for an MMO, but that's not really true. so much about what makes it compelling requires you to already know the world and the characters. the big reveals (which I won't talk about in specific, even tho this is a several years old expansion, just to be safe) genuinely blew me away, and I'm so so excited to see how EW builds on them
and of course I can't sing the praises of ShB without talking about the music. I mean, Soken is already on my short list of greatest composers of our time (that full list btw, in no particular order, is Lena Raine, Soken, Yoko Shimamura, Darren Korb, and Keiichi Okabe), but he really outdid himself on ShB. obviously the vocal tracks are fantastic, surpassed only by Footfalls (which I'm not even supposed to know about yet), but also a ton of the instrumental tracks are real standouts. (shout-out Sands of Amber)
tbh I could keep gushing about this for a while, but it's already been the better part of an hour since Square Enix so rudely kicked me off, so I should really really get some sleep. I think my plan moving forward is to knock out the patch content, write a review for backloggd (because apparently I'm more capable of putting my thoughts into words than I thought lol), and play the games I mentioned earlier. so look forward to me being extremely Karlach brained in the near future instead of Y'shtola brained lmao
ok, I'm still not quite all the way done with Shadowbringers (up to lvl 79 quests tho!!), but I just wanna say that Feo Ul is the greatest character ever created. everything about them and their energy is so incredible. they could so easily be annoying, but instead they're incredibly endearing and funny
ShB in general is just a masterclass in character writing, to say nothing of the actual plot. and I've still got EW ahead of me after I beat it!! what a fucking incredible game
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oldschoolretrogaming-blog · 8 years ago
List Of SNES Games
3 Ninjas Kick Back 7th Saga, The 90 Minutes European Prime Goal A.S.P.: Air Strike Patrol AAAHH!!! Real Monsters ABC Monday Night Football ACME Animation Factory ActRaiser ActRaiser 2 Addams Family, The Addams Family, The: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt Addams Family Values Adventures of Batman & Robin, The Adventures of Dr. Franken, The Adventures of Kid Kleets, The Soccer Kid EU Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle and Friends, The Adventures of Tintin, The: Prisoners of the Sun Adventures of Yogi Bear Aero Fighters Aero the Acro-Bat Aero the Acro-Bat 2 Aerobiz Aerobiz Supersonic Air Cavalry Al Unser Jr.'s Road to the Top Alfred Chicken Alien³ Alien vs Predator All-American Championship Football American Gladiators American Tail, An: Fievel Goes West Andre Agassi Tennis Animaniacs Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1 Arcana Ardy Lightfoot Arkanoid: Doh it Again Art of Fighting Asterix Asterix & Obelix Axelay B.O.B. Ballz 3D Barbie Super Model Barbie: Vacation Adventure Barkley Shut Up and Jam! Bart's Nightmare Bass Masters Classic Bass Masters Classic Pro Edition Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker Batman Forever Batman Returns Battle Blaze Battle Cars Battle Clash Battle Grand Prix Battletoads & Double Dragon Battletoads in Battlemaniacs Bazooka Blitzkrieg Beavis and Butt-head Bebe's Kids January 1994 Beethoven's 2nd Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper Best of the Best: Championship Karate Big Sky Trooper Biker Mice From Mars Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball Bill Walsh College Football Biometal Blackthorne BlaZeon: The Bio-Cyborg Challenge Blues Brothers, The Bonkers Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure Boxing Legends of the Ring Brain Lord Brainies, The Bram Stoker's Dracula Brandish Brawl Brothers BreakThru Breath of Fire Breath of Fire II Brett Hull Hockey Brett Hull Hockey '95 Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus Brunswick World: Tournament of Champions Brutal: Paws Of Fury Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind Bubsy II Bugs Bunny in Rabbit Rampage Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs Bust a Move C2: Judgment Clay Cacoma Knight in Bizyland Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball California Games II Cannon Fodder Capcom's MVP Football Capcom's Soccer Shootout Captain America and the Avengers Captain Commando Captain Novolin Carrier Aces Casper Castlevania: Dracula X Champions World Class Soccer Championship Pool Championship Soccer '94 Sensible Software Chessmaster, The Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest Choplifter III Chrono Trigger Chuck Rock Civilization Clay Fighter Clay Fighter: Tournament Edition Claymates Cliffhanger Clue College Football USA '97: The Road to New Orleans College Slam Combatribes, The Congo's Caper Contra III: The Alien Wars Cool Spot Cool World Cutthroat Island Cyber Spin Cybernator Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions Darius Twin David Crane's Amazing Tennis Daze Before Christmas Death and Return of Superman, The Demolition Man Demon's Crest Dennis the Menace Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf D-Force Dig & Spike Vollyball DinoCity Dino Dini's Soccer Dirt Racer Dirt Trax FX Disney's Aladdin Disney's Beauty and the Beast Disney's Goof Troop Disney's The Lion King Donkey Kong Country Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! Doom Doom Troopers Doomsday Warrior Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden Dragon Ball Z 2: La Legende Saien Dragon Ball Z 3: Ultime Menace Dragon View November 1994 Infogrames KEMCO NA Dragon's Lair Drakkhen Dream TV Duel, The: Test Drive II Dungeon Master E.V.O.: Search for Eden EarthBound Earthworm Jim Earthworm Jim 2 Eek! The Cat Elite Soccer World Cup Striker EU July 1994 Emmitt Smith Football Equinox ESPN Baseball Tonight ESPN National Hockey Night ESPN Speed World ESPN Sunday Night NFL Extra Innings Eye of the Beholder F-Zero F1 Pole Position F1 Pole Position 2 F1 ROC: Race Of Champions Exhaust Heat EU F1 ROC II: Race Of Champions F1 World Championship Edition Faceball 2000 Family Dog Family Feud Fatal Fury: King of Fighters Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury Special FIFA International Soccer FIFA Soccer '96 FIFA 97: Gold Edition FIFA 98: Road to World Cup Fighter's History Final Fantasy II Final Fantasy III Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Final Fight Final Fight 2 Final Fight 3 Final Fight Guy Firemen, The Firepower 2000 Firestriker First Samurai Flashback: The Quest for Identity Flintstones: The Movie Flintstones, The: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock Football Fury Foreman For Real Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball Frantic Flea Frogger Full Throttle: All-American Racing Gemfire Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Grey Wolf George Foreman's KO Boxing Ghoul Patrol Goal! Gods GP-1 GP-1: Part II Gradius III Great Circus Mystery, The: Starring Mickey and Minnie Great Waldo Search, The GunForce Hagane: The Final Conflict HammerLock Wrestling Hardball 3 Harley's Humongous Adventure Harvest Moon Head-On Soccer Fever Pitch Soccer EU Hebereke's Popoitto Hebereke's Popoon Hit the Ice Hole in One Golf Home Alone Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Home Improvement Hook Humans, The Hungry Dinosaurs Hunt for Red October, The Hurricanes Hyper V-Ball HyperZone Ignition Factor, The Illusion of Gaia Imperium Incantation Incredible Crash Dummies, The Incredible Hulk, The Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures Inindo: Way of the Ninja Inspector Gadget International Superstar Soccer International Superstar Soccer Deluxe International Tennis Tour Irem Skins Game, The Itchy & Scratchy Game, The Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings Jack Nicklaus Golf James Bond Jr. James Pond 3: Operation Starfish Jammit Jelly Boy Jeopardy! Deluxe Edition Jeopardy! Featuring Alex Trebek Jeopardy! Sports Edition Jetsons: The Invasion of the Planet Pirates Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3-D Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament USA Joe & Mac Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja EU Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics John Madden Football John Madden Football '93 Judge Dredd Jungle Book, The Jungle Strike Jurassic Park Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues Justice League Task Force Ka-Blooey Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge Kawasaki Superbike Challenge Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run Kendo Rage Kevin Keegan's Player Manager Kick Off Kick Off 3: European Challenge Kid Klown in Crazy Chase Killer Instinct King Arthur & the Knights of Justice King Arthur's World King of Dragons, The King of the Monsters King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing Kirby Super Star Kirby's Avalanche Kirby's Dream Course Kirby's Dream Land 3 Knights of the Round Krusty's Super Fun House Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing Lagoon Lamborghini American Challenge Last Action Hero Lawnmower Man, The Legend Legend of the Mystical Ninja, The Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the Past Lemmings Lemmings 2: The Tribes Lester the Unlikely Lethal Enforcers Lethal Weapon Liberty or Death Lock On Looney Tunes B-Ball Lord of the Rings, (J.R.R. Tolkien's) The, Vol. I Lost Vikings, The Lost Vikings 2, The Lucky Luke Lufia & the Fortress of Doom Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals M.A.C.S. Basic Rifle Marksmanship Madden NFL '94 Madden NFL '95 Madden NFL '96 Madden NFL 97 Madden NFL 98 Magic Boy Magic Sword Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, The Manchester United Championship Soccer Mario Is Missing! Mario Paint Mario's Early Years! Fun with Letters Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun Mario's Time Machine Mark Davis: The Fishing Master Marko's Magic Football Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Mask, The Math Blaster: Episode 1 Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow Donald in Maui Mallard EU Mecarobot Golf MechWarrior MechWarrior 3050 Mega-Lo-Mania Mega Man 7 Mega Man Soccer Mega Man X Mega Man X2 Mega Man X3 Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge Metal Marines Metal Morph Metal Warriors Michael Andretti's Indy Car Challenge Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse Mickey's Ultimate Challenge Micro Machines Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra Mighty Max Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Fighting Edition Miracle Piano MLBPA Baseball Mohawk & Headphone Jack Monopoly Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat II Mortal Kombat 3 Mountain Bike Rally Mr. Do! Mr. Nutz Ms. Pac-Man Musya: The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror Natsume Championship Wrestling NBA All-Star Challenge NBA Give 'N Go NBA Hangtime NBA Jam NBA Jam Tournament Edition NBA Live '95 NBA Live '96 NBA Live '97 NBA Live '98 NBA Showdown 94 NCAA Basketball NCAA Final Four Basketball NCAA Football Newman Hass Indy Car Racing NFL Football NFL Quarterback Club NFL Quarterback Club '96 NHL '94 NHL '95 NHL '96 NHL '97 NHL '98 NHL Stanley Cup NHLPA Hockey '93 Nickelodeon Guts Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing Ninja Gaiden Trilogy Ninja Warriors, The No Escape Nobunaga's Ambition Nobunaga's Ambition: Lords of Darkness Nolan Ryan's Baseball Nosferatu Obitus Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen Olympic Summer Games On the Ball Operation Europe: Path to Victory Operation Logic Bomb Operation Thunderbolt Oscar Out of This World Out to Lunch Outlander P.T.O.: Pacific Theater of Operations P.T.O.: Pacific Theater of Operations II Pac-Attack Pac-In-Time Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures Packy and Marlon Pagemaster, The Paladin's Quest Paperboy 2 Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy Peace Keepers, The PGA European Tour PGA Tour 96 PGA Tour Golf Phalanx Phantom 2040 Pieces Pilotwings Pinball Dreams Pinball Fantasies Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood Pinocchio Pirates of Dark Water Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Pit-Fighter Plok Pocky & Rocky Pocky & Rocky 2 Pop'n TwinBee Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures Populous Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday Power Drive Power Instinct Power Moves Power Piggs of the Dark Age Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racers Powermonger Prehistorik Man Primal Rage Prince of Persia Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame Pro Quarterback Pro Sport Hockey Pushover Putty Squad Q*bert 3 Race Drivin' Radical Rex Raiden Trad Rampart Ranma ½: Hard Battle Rap Jam: Volume One Realm Redline F-1 Racer Relief Pitcher Ren & Stimpy Show, The: Buckaroo$ Ren & Stimpy Show, The: Time Warp Ren & Stimpy Show, The: Veediots! Ren & Stimpy Show Part II: Fire Dogs Revolution X Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon Riddick Bowe Boxing Chavez MX Rise of the Phoenix Rise of the Robots Rival Turf! Road Riot 4WD Road Runner's Death Valley Rally RoboCop 3 Robocop versus The Terminator Robotrek Rock N' Roll Racing Rocketeer, The Rocko's Modern Life: Spunky's Dangerous Day Rocky Rodent Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball Romance of the Three Kingdoms II Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire RPM Racing R-Type III: The Third Lightning Run Saber Sailor Moon Samurai Shodown Saturday Night Slam Masters Scooby-Doo Mystery SeaQuest DSV Secret of Evermore Secret of Mana Secret of the Stars Sensible Soccer Shadowrun Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye Shaq Fu Shien's Revenge Side Pocket SimAnt SimCity SimCity 2000 SimEarth: The Living Planet Sink or Swim SkulJagger: Revolt of the Westicans Skyblazer Smart Ball Smash Tennis Smurfs, The Smurfs, The: Travel The World Snow White: Happily Ever After Soldiers of Fortune Sonic Blast Man Sonic Blast Man II SOS Soul Blazer Space Ace Space Football: One on One Space Invaders Space Megaforce Spanky's Quest Sparkster Spawn Spectre Speed Racer: In My Most Dangerous Adventures Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos Spider-Man: The Animated Series Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety Spider-Man & the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge Spindizzy Worlds Spirou Sporting News, The: Power Baseball Sports Illustrated: Championship Football & Baseball Star Fox Star Fox: Official Competition Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Crossroads of Time Star Trek: Star Fleet Academy Star Trek: The Next Generation: Future's Past Stargate Steel Talons Sterling Sharpe: End 2 End Stone Protectors Street Combat Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Street Hockey '95 Street Racer Strike Gunner S.T.G. Stunt Race FX Sunset Riders Super 3D Noah's Ark (Unl) Super Adventure Island Super Adventure Island II Super Aquatic Games Starring the Aquabats, The Super Baseball 2020 Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 Super Bases Loaded Super Bases Loaded 2 Super Bases Loaded 3: License to Steal Super Batter Up Super Battleship Super Battletank: War in the Gulf Super Battletank 2 Super Black Bass Super Bomberman Super Bomberman 2 Super Bomberman 3 Super Bonk Super Bowling Super Buster Bros. Super Caesars Palace Super Castlevania IV Super Chase H.Q. Super Conflict: The Mideast Super Double Dragon Super Dany Super Dropzone Super E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts Super Goal! 2 Super Godzilla Super High Impact Super Ice Hockey Super International Cricket Super James Pond Super Mario All-Stars Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World Super Mario Kart Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Super Mario World Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Super Metroid Super Morph Super Ninja Boy Super Nova Super Off Road Super Off Road: The Baja Super Pinball: Behind the Mask Super Play Action Football Super Punch Out!! Super Putty Super RBI Baseball Super R-Type Super Scope 6 Super Slam Dunk Super Slap Shot Super Smash TV Super Soccer Super Soccer Champ Super Solitaire Super Star Wars Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Super Strike Eagle Super Tennis Super Troll Islands Super Turrican Super Turrican 2 Super Valis IV Super Widget Suzuka 8 Hours SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron Syndicate Syvalion T2: The Arcade Game Taz-Mania Tecmo Super Baseball Tecmo Super Bowl Tecmo Super Bowl II: Special Edition Tecmo Super Bowl III: The Final Edition Tecmo Super NBA Basketball Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Terminator, The Terminator 2: Judgment Day Terranigma Tetris & Dr. Mario Tetris 2 Tetris Attack Theme Park Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Thunder Spirits Tick, The Time Slip Time Trax Timecop Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games Tin Star Tintin in Tibet Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge TKO Super Championship Boxing TNN Bass Tournament of Champions Tom and Jerry Tommy Moe's Winter Extreme: Skiing & Snowboarding Tony Meola's Sidekick Soccer Top Gear Top Gear 2 Top Gear 3000 Total Carnage Toys: Let the Toy Wars Begin! Troddlers Troy Aikman NFL Football True Golf: Wicked 18 True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Golf Links True Golf Classics: Waialae Country Club True Lies Tuff E Nuff Turbo Toons Turn and Burn: No-Fly Zone Twisted Tales of Spike McFang, The U.N. Squadron Ultima: Runes of Virtue II Ultima VI: The False Prophet Ultima VII: The Black Gate Ultimate Fighter Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Ultraman: Towards the Future Uncharted Waters Uncharted Waters: New Horizons Uniracers Untouchables Urban Strike Utopia: The Creation of a Nation Vegas Stakes Virtual Bart Virtual Soccer Vortex War 2410 War 3010: The Revolution Wario's Woods Warlock Warp Speed Waterworld Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars Wayne's World WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling Weaponlord We're Back!: A Dinosaur Story Wheel of Fortune: Featuring Vanna White Wheel of Fortune Deluxe! Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? Whirlo Whizz Wild Guns Wild Snake Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits Wing Commander Wing Commander: The Secret Missions Wings 2: Aces High Winter Gold Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94 Wizard of Oz, The Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom Wolfchild Wolfenstein 3D Wolverine: Adamantium Rage Wordtris World Class Rugby World Cup USA '94 World Heroes World Heroes 2 World League Soccer World Masters Golf World Soccer '94: Road to Glory Worms WWF RAW WWF Royal Rumble WWF Super WrestleMania WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game Xardion X-Kaliber 2097 X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse X-Zone Yoshi's Cookie Yoshi's Safari Young Merlin Ys III: Wanderers From Ys Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel Zombies Ate My Neighbors Zool: Ninja of the "Nth" Dimension Zoop
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saikouyumeno · 8 months ago
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