#lost and wayward
herman-draws · 10 months
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a place from my setting
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wolvzephyr · 1 month
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experimenting with a new brush, so i painted for the first time in a while
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inkclover · 8 months
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They are battling for child custody I think - 🙄
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leefyberrybread · 1 year
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The funny guy! Also rendering practice
AND THE AMOUNT OF PAIN TRYING TO POST THIS (tumblr and Insta are messing with me)
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waywardstation · 2 years
I gotta say I love your art so much, mostly whenever you drew Uncle Ingo and Akari it straight up makes my heart soar (aka I’m sucker for these things mostly found family stuff :”333 )
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Thank you so much Anon!!! I’m so happy you like my Uncle Ingo and Niece Akari content!! ^^ Have an old sketch; Akari loves getting Ingo to smile, even if she’s a menace about it sometimes haha
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Other people have probably made this post, but I wanted to shout out the author's note from Seanan McGuire's latest Wayward Children book.
There has been some discourse about including "trigger warnings" in books but I think this one is perfectly done. It doesn't spoil anything, it just gives those who need it a heads up on what's coming. If anything it actually makes the introduction of the book better in a horrible kind of way, because it builds the tension knowing something bad is coming. Especially as it quickly becomes clear what that something bad is going to be.
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vaggieslefteye · 4 months
MORE THAN ANYTHING - REPRISE ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x08 - "The Show Must Go On"
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Baz's raised eyebrow:
(yet another "Simon identifies as 'Baz-sexual' for very good reasons' post)
few things have annoyed me more with these books than when people do not take Simon's "I don't know anything about anything but maybe I'm just a Baz-sexual" comments seriously (dismissing it with a combination of not paying attention to what he's putting down and good old confirmation bias). He even says it in less "goofy" ways with lines such as "he's the only person I have ever wanted" (in the context of thinking about having sex) (note the emphasis on ever) (yes, it's one of the clues saying he didn't want to have it with Agatha, in case it's not clear)
"Like Baz has only ever wanted Simon, Simon has only ever wanted Baz," is necessary to bring up before I get to my point here. I have seen Simon being read as in love or attracted to Agatha ("he must have been or else how they had sex?"... I mean, Simon tells you why it happened without attraction, but even if he didn't, we could make an alphabetized list of reasons it can happen without it, the desire to fit in is no joke) or the idea of Simon liking all sorts of girls, including the girl he pointedly doesn't notice despite her being obvious to others, for the sake of drama and conflict. I have wondered if they don't believe the characters, or if they find the highlighted sentence here boring. "It's boring if the characters only want each other," "in real life people want multiple people" – indeed, but not everyone is wired the same (and why are we stuck on "real life" so much anyway in stories about half-dragon and vampire boys falling in love). But it's not like this sentence is without conflict. Note Baz's eyebrow...
In CO, when Simon says Trixie is cute, Baz's reaction is a boyish "I'm going to puke" comment, which is likely part of how he dealt with jealousy and thinking Simon was straight for years: masking his feelings with "harsh" or sort of "edgy" jokes (probably not the right words to use, but getting too hung up on precise wording is the reason I never finish these posts). In awtwb, Simon calls Pippa cute, and Baz raises an eyebrow...
By those reactions, we could say the idea of Simon calling someone cute because he finds them attractive crosses Baz's mind – or is something he feels in some way, even if the thought doesn't explicitly cross his mind. It's something the reader might assume as well... however, I don't think the way Simon uses cute – which can be used in many different situations – says anything about attraction for him. I mean, a gay man can see a girl being cute or gorgeous as well – Baz certainly does! (attraction is portrayed in these books as thoughts derailed, repetition, sentences being cut off, fixating in a detail no one else notices like they do – you see it with Baz and Simon, Agatha and Niamh, Shepard and Penny. Shep doesn't just call Penny cute – he loses his entire goddamn mind for a whole page about her cuteness and her knees. It's not just a passing comment).
I don't think those scenes when Simon says "cute" is highlighting something about him, other than the fact that he's able to note cuteness. I think it's saying more about Baz's insecurities (I know I once posted something long about it somewhere...) Baz brings attention to it in a way with his reactions... because he's bothered by it. It's something that's sort of hidden and sort of contained, but it's there.
Baz doesn't find himself desirable, partly because of his vampiric nature. But part of it is also about the complicated and messy fear that perhaps... Simon has a problem with being with a man (I know I have unpacked this in other posts, finding them though...). Perhaps "a girl would be better" (It's messier with boys than with girls, it's a thought that comes out before he catches himself with "I don't actually know anything about being with boys or girls".... "I don't know anything about being in a relationship," he says, while still being able to catch there was something wrong with Agatha and Simon's relationship when Simon talks about – because Simon will process things he would rather avoid when it's about opening up to Baz, he wants Baz to know things that would help Baz understand him better, even if he himself would rather not understand... still Baz can't let go of the programming of all those years believing in the golden couple – he has spent a longer time believing that than dating Simon, after all) (Agatha is alive and beautiful, the sort of beauty that's used to "embody" "desirability".... and Baz is "not alive"...) (as a side note, have you noticed the idea – or the actual action – of sex with Agatha is used both with Simon and Baz to indicate a lack of desire toward women?)...
While Simon thinks of Baz as the only person he has ever wanted – Baz is as desirable as it gets for him – Baz struggles with feeling desirable at all. Baz doubts and wonders and has to catch himself – even if he doesn't notice he's doing that. Even if he doesn't consciously think "a beautiful girl who is alive is more preferable than me, a gay male vampire." That is a far more interesting conflict than Baz having legit reasons to be jealous, I think. The fact that he has truly nothing to feel jealous about, and yet... he just can’t help it. It's hard to go against years of programming, of going against the idea that everything about yourself is undesirable and it's better to hide it – another way he matches with Simon. They also match in their insecurities, with small differences: Baz is so amazing and attractive while Simon doesn't feel like he's good enough for him, he can do better than him, etc... while Baz clearly only has eyes for Simon, Simon feels like Baz is merely stuck with him. And the conflict here is that you think "they need to TALK and voice their thoughts for the love of god, what do you mean Baz doesn't know Simon sees him as the love of all his lives??"... talking is not enough. That Simon and Baz only have eyes for each other is not without conflict. Sometimes we need to keep hearing some things, and even then... the fears and insecurities don't go away. Especially when we have spent a really long time believing ourselves to be unwanted, undesirable, something to be hidden. When we have been exposed to things that confirmed those beliefs for longer than we have been exposed to things that challenge them
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newenglandfaerie · 1 year
skyrim has been my go-to game for about a year now, but i've recently started playing morrowwind, and, well... it's not as simple as "morrowwind good; skyrim bad", there's a reason i've played so much skyrim and loved it! but there's a lot of places where morrowind excels while skyrim utterly flounders. they almost don't feel like games from the same series. they are both amazing, but the venn-diagram of what they're good at has surprisingly little overlap. and then there's oblivion, which in some ways is a bridge between the two and in other ways a total outlier
idk man, i just want a game with the stupendous vibes of skyrim, the story writing of oblivion, the quest design and world building of morrowind, and the batshit insane freedom and depth of daggerfall. is that too much to ask?
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randombookquotes · 1 year
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lost in the moment and found- seanan mcguire
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deiumjeito · 2 years
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aesthetic | Lost in the Moment and Found - Seanan McGuire (Wayward Children #8)
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herman-draws · 1 month
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the fool
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Truly, men and women are both wonderful to have as Partners. In all honesty, I surely have a Preference for one over the other, but I cannot help but to admit that Both sexes have fine aspects.
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the-lavender-creator · 7 months
Is there a Wayward Children fans discord server btw or do I need to make one proper
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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PK: "...Kid..."
PV: "What? I'm just pointing out the obvious."
PK: "You're being a little shit is what you are."
WL: "Well, they're not wrong–"
PK: "Don't enable this."
(ID start: A picture of The Pale King, The White Lady and the Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. They're all wearing matching golden roses, a pin for Pure Vessel, a hair clip for the Pale King and a corsage for the White Lady. The Pure Vessel has their hand at the head height of their father, laughing about his height with their mother, much to the displeasure of the king. End ID.)
They're making fun of the monochronic manlet
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waywardstation · 2 months
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When your weird uncle loves you even if you're a weird lil' gremlin teen
hiII I KNOW IT'S JUST A SILLY DOODLE BUT- i did want to draw something for you (idk if you got my previous ask, maybe it didn't send) to show my love for your works and art, sooo have my beloved uncle-niece relationship dynamic!! youre the best ok byyyyyeee ❤❤❤❤ (ps. this is the first time i draw hisuian ingo and akari i hope it looks ok for a doodle lol)
OHHH MY GOODNESS LOOK AT THEM!!! ;0; <3 Akari’s doing her best and even if it’s sometimes weird or unconventional Ingo still recognizes the effort haha
thank you so much for drawing and sending this to me OP!! It’s such an adorable artstyle; I’m so glad you like my works, it means a lot to hear that!! ;v; thank you for the kind words!!
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