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healthtarget · 3 years ago
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"C H O I C E S We are faced with many of them every single day. In fact, life is FULL of choices. You can either worry about loose skin, or realize just how much better you will feel. You can either keep planning on “starting tomorrow”, or you can just start today. Ultimately, losing weight is a CHOICE. Becoming the best version of yourself possible is a CHOICE. But remember, inaction and procrastination is ALSO a CHOICE. Drop an ❤️ in the comments if you like this motivation 👇 ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . credit DM . #weightwatchersbreakfast #losingweightforgood #weightlosssurgerydiet #lossbellyfat #losingbabyweight #fatlossblitz #transformationphoto #weightlossplans #swukinstagram #cirurgiabariatrica #weightwatchers360 #instaweightloss #vsgjourney #blackwomenlosingweight #fitnessworld #ww #usaus #unitedstates #usa #weightlossusa #healthtarget (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeL_H20ou0v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theartofmydreams-blog1 · 3 years ago
13 reasons why losing weight is worth it #losingweight
13 reasons why losing weight is worth it #losingweight
13 reasons why losing weight is worth it #losingweight #losingthebabyweight #losingbabyweight #losingtheweight #weightlosing #losingweightishard Have you been wanting to do something for a slimmer line for a long time, but can’t get started? Then let Claudia Müller, qualified nutritionist from BLICK eBalance, push you. Here are their compelling arguments in favor of losing weight. When stepping…
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franklong12 · 3 years ago
Expert Q&A: Losing the Baby Weight Gaining weight is crucial throughout bei... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/expert-qa-losing-the-baby-weight/?feed_id=149895&_unique_id=61fe921d977cc #ElizabethWard #losingbabyweight #pregnancyandweight #pregnancyweight
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mexicanketojourney · 7 years ago
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YOU’RE NOT GOING TO MASTER THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IN ONE DAY. MASTER THE DAY. THEN JUST KEEP DOING THAT EVERY DAY. . . . #transformationtuesday #tuesdaytransformation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #ketoweightloss #ketotransformation #keto #ketolife #ketowoe #myketojourney #myweightlossjourney #losingbabyweight #babyweightloss #babyweightlossjourney
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gotygotyhotwear · 7 years ago
Happy 😊Thursday morning ladies & gentlewomen ..Please this hot workout tank top is now available in 10 sizes ( XS to 6 XL). Stop 🛑 missing out Get yours now. Get ready to sweat 💦 up to 5 times faster. A video by @rosie_1_day_at_a_time .................#gotygotyhotwear #gotygoty5000 #waisttrainer #waistshaper #waistrainning #waistcincher #blackwomendoworkout #blackwomendoyoga #blackwomenworkout #blackwomenworkouttoo #blackfitness #blackwomenloosingweight #blackgirlfit #blackgirlsblog #msgreeks #blackgirlsrun #onefittyfresh #blackwomenwriters #blackwomenwrite #spanishwomen #spanishwomenbelike #losingweight #losingfat #losinginches #losingweightfeelinggreat #losingpounds #losingbabyweight #losingthebabyweight #weightlossmotivation #myweightlossjourney
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Keto pumpkin spice protein shake. 6g carbs. Best lunch substitute ever. . . . . . #keto #ketofood #pumpkinspice #protein #proteinshake #losingweight #gettingfit #losingbabyweight #lunchtime #coffee #thishomeschoolingadventure https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mS5bvgtUG/?igshid=1lo56vi5185y5
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yeschallengeaccepted · 5 years ago
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'Oh, now we need to run around and burn off the chocolate' - my daughter after scoffing some Easter eggs this morning! I was so scared I had inflicted my disordered eating on her, I looked shocked and tentatively asked 'Who told you that?!' She replied 'Miss (no name, not pointing fingers,) she told us if we eat chocolate and don't burn it off then it will turn to fat.' I have told her that was so wrong and made sure they all know they can enjoy any food they want without fear or guilt. I understand that we have been taught some fucked up shit around food. I understand that not everyone will be reading the books I'm reading and trying to unlearn the crap we have taken for truth. But for fuck sake, if you are in a position of influence with young children who take what you say as gospel and very literally then be careful of your words! You don't have all the answers, you are teaching them wrong if that is what you are preaching. You are encouraging disordered eating which can lead to eating disorders and some really serious shit could go down. Please, please, for the sakes of our kids, whether you're a parent or a teacher, anyone in position of influence over young minds, DO YOUR RESEARCH and stop encouraging fucked up eating and exercise rules! The things we tell them stay with them forever! My daughter thinks she has to run for 24 minutes to burn off a bastarding chocolate bar! I didn't teach her that bull! I'm doing my very best to undo the bollocks she probably took in while I was obsessed with it all, I don't need anyone else reinforce that toot! #nutribollocks #dietculture #foodfreedom #disorderedeating #dietsdontwork #bodyposi #positivebodyimage #eastereggs #chocolate #guiltfree #mumof4 #mumlife #antidiet #weightstigma #nourishnotpunish #caloriecounting #riotanotdiets #teachthembetter #educators #educateyourself #children #foodisfun https://ift.tt/2rrk0nb
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gotygotyhotwear · 7 years ago
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“BACK IN STOCK BACK IN STOCK” Happy 😊Tuesday everyone .... This amazing power tank belt vest is now available in size up to 6XL. click link in our bio to order yours we will ship free by usps. Get ready to sweat 💦 up to 5 times faster.................#gotygotyhotwear #gotygoty5000 #waisttrainer #waistshaper #waistrainning #waistcincher #blackwomendoworkout #blackwomendoyoga #blackwomenworkout #blackwomenworkouttoo #blackfitness #blackwomenloosingweight #blackgirlfit #blackgirlsblog #msgreeks #blackgirlsrun #onefittyfresh #blackwomenwriters #blackwomenwrite #spanishwomen #spanishwomenbelike #losingweight #losingfat #losinginches #losingweightfeelinggreat #losingpounds #losingbabyweight #losingthebabyweight #weightlossmotivation #myweightlossjourney
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I've been hesitant to talk about my weightloss journey since I started on it. There were several reasons I decided to lose weight. My health not being great and my kids being bullied for having the "fat mom" were my two biggest reasons. People calling me fat on our YouTube videos didn't bother me. But when I found out my kids were being bullied because I was fat, it hurt. It hurt knowing I was the cause of emotional pain in my children's lives. Mat and I both decided to make weightloss a journey we would take together. Since May, I have lost 35 lbs. It's not as much as I wanted to lose by this point. However, I haven't just lost weight. I have lost clothing sizes. I am no longer in any tops with X in the size. I'm actually struggling to put pieces together for leaving the house. I no longer feel as burdened by all the negative emotions in myself and from others. I feel pretty. I feel the love that was there the whole time. I feel like I'm finally in the place physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally where I needed to be. I am so thankful for my husband to be on this journey with me. I'm also thankful for friends who give us positive encouragement. I still have a ways to go before I hit my goal of my pre pregnancy weight, but 35 lbs is a wonderful start. I want to encourage all of you today. Take that first step. If it's organizing your house, losing weight, or reaching for that dream job. Just take the first step, and don't look back. Count the cost, see if it's worth it, and let go of the baggage that's holding you back. . . . . . #losingweight #losingbabyweight #weightloss #weightlossjourney #keto #ketotransformation #ketolife #lettinggo #thishomeschoolingadventure https://www.instagram.com/p/B2alWVHACa_/?igshid=fk51tb2vfpvg
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gotygotyhotwear · 8 years ago
Happy 😊 Thursday evening everyone .... Still don't have this hot vest yet? ..stop missing out This amazing power tank belt vest will boost your sweat 💦 level during workouts. click link in our bio to order yours we will ship free by usps. Get ready to sweat 💦 up to 5 times faster.................#gotygotyhotwear #gotygoty5000 #waisttrainer #waistshaper #waistrainning #waistcincher #blackwomendoworkout #blackwomendoyoga #blackwomenworkout #blackwomenworkouttoo #blackfitness #blackwomenloosingweight #blackgirlfit #blackgirlsblog #msgreeks #blackgirlsrun #onefittyfresh #blackwomenwriters #blackwomenwrite #spanishwomen #spanishwomenbelike #losingweight #losingfat #losinginches #losingweightfeelinggreat #losingpounds #losingbabyweight #losingthebabyweight #weightlossmotivation #myweightlossjourney
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Today's #keto lunch is egg salad over romaine, spinach leaf, and diced cucumber. What's for your lunch today? . . . . . #ketotransformation #ketolunch #ketolunchideas #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #losingbabyweight #losingweight #gettingfit #thishomeschoolingadventure https://www.instagram.com/p/BxsKgAHDDTG/?igshid=h5xrqbb3uyew
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gotygotyhotwear · 8 years ago
Want to Sweat 💦 & burn calories in the confort of your home ? Follow @fantastic_mrsfoxx footsteps get in a GotyGoty pants. Working out 🏋 is now a family affair ・・・( click link in our bio to order) Working out with the kids with my @gotygotyhotwear pants on! #love #gotygotyhotwear #fitness #fitmommy #mymotivation #mommyandme #mommyandmeworkout............#waistcincher #blackwomendoworkout #blackwomendoyoga #blackwomenworkout #blackwomenworkouttoo #blackfitness #blackwomenloosingweight #blackgirlfit #blackgirlsblog #msgreeks #blackgirlsrun #onefittyfresh #blackwomenwriters #blackwomenwrite #spanishwomen #spanishwomenbelike #losingweight #losingfat #losinginches #losingweightfeelinggreat #losingpounds #losingbabyweight
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gotygotyhotwear · 8 years ago
Gotygoty pants are 🔥🔥🔥 testimonial by @unshakeable_star: "The @gotygotyhotwear pants are 🔥🔥🔥. Guaranteed to make you sweat buckets! #gotygotyhotwear # gotygotyusa #gotygoty5000 #gymflow #lovemycurves #sweat @determined2satisfied and @katielouiebeauty you inspire me everyday to work harder!" ..................#waistcincher #blackwomendoworkout #blackwomendoyoga #blackwomenworkout #blackwomenworkouttoo #blackfitness #blackwomenloosingweight #blackgirlfit #blackgirlsblog #msgreeks #blackgirlsrun #onefittyfresh #blackwomenwriters #blackwomenwrite #spanishwomen #spanishwomenbelike #losingweight #losingfat #losinginches #losingweightfeelinggreat #losingpounds #losingbabyweight
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yeschallengeaccepted · 6 years ago
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'Oh, now we need to run around and burn off the chocolate' - my daughter after scoffing some Easter eggs this morning! I was so scared I had inflicted my disordered eating on her, I looked shocked and tentatively asked 'Who told you that?!' She replied 'Miss (no name, not pointing fingers,) she told us if we eat chocolate and don't burn it off then it will turn to fat.' I have told her that was so wrong and made sure they all know they can enjoy any food they want without fear or guilt. I understand that we have been taught some fucked up shit around food. I understand that not everyone will be reading the books I'm reading and trying to unlearn the crap we have taken for truth. But for fuck sake, if you are in a position of influence with young children who take what you say as gospel and very literally then be careful of your words! You don't have all the answers, you are teaching them wrong if that is what you are preaching. You are encouraging disordered eating which can lead to eating disorders and some really serious shit could go down. Please, please, for the sakes of our kids, whether you're a parent or a teacher, anyone in position of influence over young minds, DO YOUR RESEARCH and stop encouraging fucked up eating and exercise rules! The things we tell them stay with them forever! My daughter thinks she has to run for 24 minutes to burn off a bastarding chocolate bar! I didn't teach her that bull! I'm doing my very best to undo the bollocks she probably took in while I was obsessed with it all, I don't need anyone else reinforce that toot! #nutribollocks #dietculture #foodfreedom #disorderedeating #dietsdontwork #bodyposi #positivebodyimage #eastereggs #chocolate #guiltfree #mumof4 #mumlife #antidiet #weightstigma #nourishnotpunish #caloriecounting #riotanotdiets #teachthembetter #educators #educateyourself #children #foodisfun http://bit.ly/2VY87Pu
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yeschallengeaccepted · 6 years ago
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#truth #quoteoftheday http://bit.ly/2WDVKJ1
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gotygotyhotwear · 8 years ago
GotyGoty Pants 👖 & tank top in Action ( click link in our bio to order yours)..........@_shrinkingsnakelady_ ・・・ Wasn't in a good mood.... Snow generally does that to me. And yes, I'm in Utah for crying out loud. It shows that you can take the girl out of NM, but you can't take NM out of the girl. And on top of that, hitting every red light to the gym. I didn't turn back and give up. I went to the gym. Got my workout in. You're only one workout from a good mood. Also, I'm working on not being scared of the bar squats. Been working on my ankle mobility that I've been getting help from my Physical Therapist & @squat_university. My trainer will be helping me better with the form in the future. I only signed up for 30 min a week of coaching. I'll get better and stronger. Never give up. (I don't have the copyright to the music) ..............#gotygotyhotwear #gotygoty5000 #waisttrainer #waistshaper #waistrainning #waistcincher #blackwomendoworkout #blackwomendoyoga #blackwomenworkout #blackwomenworkouttoo #blackfitness #blackwomenloosingweight #blackgirlfit #blackgirlsblog #msgreeks #blackgirlsrun #onefittyfresh #blackwomenwriters #blackwomenwrite #spanishwomen #spanishwomenbelike #losingweight #losingfat #losinginches #losingweightfeelinggreat #losingpounds #losingbabyweight #losingthebabyweight #weightlossmotivation #myweightlossjourney
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