#lord thomas featherington
sweetbuckybarnes · 3 months
Birthdays: Thomas Bridgerton
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Pairings: Colin + Penelope Bridgerton
Summary: It’s the first birthday of Thomas Bridgerton (Lord Featherington).
In honour of my 24th birthday, here's the Bridgerton family celebrating Thomas's first birthday.
Main Masterlist | Polin Masterlist | Birthdays Masterlist
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Penelope was very surprised when she found herself expecting their first child. She was terrified. Ever since Colin had found out about Lady Whistledown, he had spent a lot of time either giving her the cold shoulder or bitter remarks.
She had grown up in a household where her parents hated each other. She refused to let her child grow up the same way.
At Francesca's wedding, she pulled her husband into a side room (quite possibly Anthony's study, she doesn't know) and told him her plan to speak to the Queen.
"Pen..." Colin started.
"No, this is the actions of the consequences I chose," she tells him, making sure to keep a good hold on her husband's hands. "I just hope the Queen accepts me," at Colin's furrowed brow, she finishes her sentence. "I do not know what her conduct is on beheading expectant mothers..."
Colin blinks a few times. "What?
"We..." She cuts herself off. "I am to have a baby."
Colin looks from her face to her stomach and then back to her face. "We are having a baby?"
This time, it was Penelope's face that frowned. "Do you honestly expect me to believe you would suddenly be at my side when I have felt more like a Featherington in my life, despite what it says on our marriage license?"
Colin looks at his wife with heartbreak in his eyes. Christ, he really has done wrong by her. "Pen. I am so unbelievably sorry for how I have treated you this past week," he steps forward and cups her face with one of his now free hands. "I promise you, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you."
Penelope didn't want to look at him doubtfully, but how could she? She knew she should have told him at some point leading up to the wedding, but such a revelation (ideally) that they needed to be alone.
Colin didn't recognise the doubt shining in her eyes - it was something she had never shown him before. He tilted his head and looked at her confused. He had only seen the look in Eloise, whenever she was doubtful of... his... "Pen, do you doubt me?" Her lips quirked as she shrugged a little. "Oh, Pen," he leaned down to rest his forehead against hers. "I swear to you, I will spend the rest of my life making up for the lost time we should have spent together. That I vow to you."
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Penelope never expected to have a baby boy. All she wanted was a happy and healthy baby. If she was honest with herself, she was hoping for a little girl.
For years, she has wanted to escape the confines of Featherington House, with the family that once put her down continuously put her down. And now, with the arrival of her baby boy Thomas, she was back in Featherington House.
Penelope held Thomas as she and Colin looked at the walls that had once haunted her. "First things first, the yellow is going," Penelope tells Colin, hiking Thomas higher up her hip.
Colin looked at the walls that reminded him far too much of when he previously courted Pen's cousin. "Of course, my love. What colour would you suggest?"
Penelope looked down at her son, who had a tight grip on one of her locks. "What about green? You mix the Featherington Yellow with the Bridgerton Blue. Ow! Thomas, please do not pull Mama's hair."
Colin moved around the back of his wife and gently eased his son's hand from her hair to one of his fingers. "That would be perfect. I have always thought green looks rather enchanting on you."
"Flirt," Penelope says as she walks to the drawing room - the same drawing room she had always sat at the windowsill watching Bridgerton House. Watching for Colin and Eloise.
"If I can not flirt with my wife, there is something very wrong with society."
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Before either of them knew it, they had fully settled into Featherington House, and Thomas's first birthday had arrived.
Penelope had fought, slightly heavily, with her mother about a wet nurse and a governess. But, Penelope was addiment on raising her son herself.
"You had a governess, and you turned out fine," Portia had told her daughter.
"You call the most prolific gossip writer in all of London, fine?" Penelope batted back, and that practically shut the conversation down. Colin had watched from the other side of his wife, in the dark blue Bridgerton drawing room of their former home, with a proud smile on his face. There were still moments where Whistledown shone through.
After Thomas was born, Colin and Penelope settled into her old bedchamber. It was the room Penelope knew (more the fact she didn't like the idea of sleeping in one of her parent's chambers. Thomas slept across the hall in what was Prudence's chamber.
Colin made sure to wake up in the middle of the night to tend to their son - unless he needed feeling, that he had no choice but Penelope up. He couldn't help but find her adorable when she first woke up to feed their son.
Penelope woke up the same way she had since she and Colin officially christened their marriage (and since then, her childhood bed). But with her husband between her legs, watching her as her brought her to completion.
As Penelope caught her breath, they could hear Thomas start to make his upstairs known in his cot. "Do not worry, dearest. I shall see to him."
Penelope watched as Colin got out of their bed, naked as the day he was born, and quickly threw on a robe (so as not to startle poor Rae, again...) so he could go see their son.
Not ten minutes later, Colin walked back in, their son cradled in his arms as Thomas chewed on his toy. Penelope was now sitting up in bed, bringing the bedspread with her, to make sure her breasts were covered.
Thomas let out a squeal of delight once he caught sight of his mama. He moved around in Colin's arms, trying to jostle himself into the arms of Penelope.
"Thomas! Good morning, my darling," Penelope smiled, reaching out to take her son in her arms. Because of this, the bedspread dropped. And in turn, Colin nearly dropped their son. Penelope giggled a little and sat Thomas standing in her lap. "Hello, you," she pressed multiple kisses to his face. "Hello! Hello!"
Colin smiled at his wife, and she smothered their son in kisses. He was grateful he was able to put his grudge with Whistledown to bed and spend the rest of his life with his wife - who had always been Whistledown (he reread her letters, and it was so obvious!). He reached over and started to run the palm of his hand along the back of Thomas's skull.
"Do you know what today is, Thomas?" Penelope asked him. "Do you?"
Thomas didn't know how to talk just yet, but he could understand words brilliantly. Just like his brilliant mother, Colin had once told her (read: flirted).
"It's your first birthday," she tells him. "That means you are this many," Penelope holds out her pointer finger. "You are 1!"
Thomas lets out another coo and holds out his hand, much like Penelope's, with his pointer finger out.
Colin and Penelope gasped. "Yes, you are that many," Colin told his son, leaning forward to press a kiss to the crown of his head. He looked up at his wife and pulled away a couple of inches as Penelope rested her cheek on Thomas's head.
"When can we have another?" She asks.
"Do not tempt me, you minx."
"Violet always loves it when her grandchildren stay the night. Why not let him stay the night after the party at Number Five? We would not be far."
Colin let out a noise, which could be classed as somewhat inhumane as he pressed a long kiss to his wife's lips. "You, my gorgeous wife, are a genius."
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Violet was bouncing her third grandson, fourth grandchildren, and the current Lord Featherington on her lap as he stared up at her with his big blue eyes - they were so much like Colin's. But that hair... that was all Penelope.
"Violet?" Penelope encroached on her mother-in-law's space, softly sitting on the settee next to her. She looked over at Colin, who (even though he was having a conversation with his brother Anthony) could not take his eyes off his wife.
"Penelope? What is it, my dear?" Violet's eyes bounced back and forth between her son and daughter-in-law.
Penelope took Thomas's hand in hers. "Would you like for Thomas to spend the night tonight?"
Violet gasped, holding her grandson to her chest. "Oh, do you mean it? Truly, Penelope?" The redhead nodded in confirmation. Violet let out a loud, unladylike squeal of joy. "Oh, Penelope! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Colin's eyes bounced between his wife and his mother - and judging by the way his mother was acting, she was more than happy to look after Thomas for the night.
Tonight was the night he would get his wife pregnant for the second time.
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leulahart · 1 month
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been doodling some polin babies
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winnie-the-monster · 3 months
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lol they’re really holding onto his first for dear life.
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polin-erospsyche · 3 months
I know it’s not the point but also this shot has me dying in laughter
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Baby Thomas Elliot Bridgerton, Lord Featherington, just looks so unimpressed by his mama’s writing. This baby has just been born and already he’s a literary critic and thinks he can do so much better. He’s going to cause so much mayhem of his own one day to which Pen will just sigh inwardly, wondering what they’ve put out there in the world and Colin will just stand there all proud thinking “that’s my son” 😂
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I was struck by an insane headcanon that I want for S4.
I have not read the book but I do know there’s a masquerade ball. I have seen some of the blurry leaks but I have terrible eyesight so I can’t really make out any of the designs. And if a scene like this doesn’t make it on the show itself, I need someone significantly more talented than I to draw it.
I need a toddler black-haired Edmund and toddler red-headed Thomas-Elliot wearing little masks while Colin and Anthony are chasing them around the Bridgerton hall while the Bridgey women are busy preparing the place for the masquerade ball with the theme of Greek gods and goddesses (just to follow that Eros and Psyche theme).
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capriddle · 4 months
Theories about Bridgerton part 3 and:
Colin gets angry at Penelope when he finds out that she is Lady Whistledown, he asks her why she did this to Marina and then finds out that Penelope has loved him for years and that she did it for him. Penelope then also explains that she wrote about Eloise because the queen had threatened her. Colin feels guilty and his anger quickly fades;
It is the queen herself who devises the plan to give a prize to whoever will unmask Lady Whistledown;
Penelope was ready, as she had already done last season, to give up being Lady Whistledown to be with Colin, so she wouldn't have told him anything if Cressida hadn't reported herself to the queen;
Eventually the Queen and Penelope make an agreement to keep Lady Whistledown's identity a secret. In exchange Penelope will collaborate with the crown;
Only Colin, Eloise, the queen and perhaps Violet, Anthony and Kate will know about Penelope's identity. The others will remain in the dark;
Colin begins, thanks to Penelope, to publish his diaries as he does in the book;
Penelope is the first of the sisters to get pregnant;
Given the absence of the friendship between Penelope and Lady Danbury in the series, Penelope and Colin's first child will be Thomas (future Lord Faethrington).
What theories do you have?
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Season Two}
Season one
Chapter Seventeen - End of the season
The duke and duchess were holding the last ball of the season. It was going to be a grand event to be certain. The whole ton would be there.
You were wearing your last gown made for the season. It was beautiful. A shade of green. It had little jewels sewn into it, so it would sparkle while you danced.
You looked forward to seeing Thomas.
Though you had not secured an engagement within the time of the season, you hoped that you may continue to correspond with Thomas while he was in the country, and perhaps go see him at his family estate, that he may ask.
Your mother would be so proud.
Your maid did your hair and helped the jewellery. It was going to be a spectacular season finale. You could feel it in your bones.
Hastings House was beautiful.
You walked with your mother around the fountain to the main entrance. The ball was to be held in a small courtyard in the middle of the house. Daphne had done a splendid job.
There was a painting of the duke and duchess on display. Painted bt Henry Granville. It was beautifully done.
You stand off to the side while your mother chats with guests. You watch people waltz.
Violet arrives with Eloise. Daphne goes to talk to her sister.
You keep your eyes peeled for any sign of Thomas.
The next to come through the door are the Featheringtons. You cannot deny your relief at seeing Penelope again. Granted, she is wearing yellow, but she is here.
One dance ends, and the next dance begins.
You take a stroll about the ball. Thomas has yet to arrive, it seems. You smile at Penelope as you pass her. She smiles back, too, seemingly surprised you had paid her any attention. People usually don't.
You see Colin parting ways with Benedict across the room. Your eyes follow the second eldest Bridgerton as he walks.
He hasn't noticed you.
Maybe that's for the best...
No. He is your friend and you want to talk to him. You are about to make your way across the room when a servant comes up to you with a note on his tray. You look at him confused.
"For you, ma'am."
You look at the note and pick it up. The servant leaves, and you unfold the paper. The handwriting belongs to Thomas.
I must apologise. I am to leave for York immediately. I shall not be at the Hastings ball. Do have fun on my behalf.
- T. Hardy
You stare at the note in silence. He's not coming at all. He must have left earlier in the day. Perhaps in a rush. You had been at the Bridgertons that afternoon, so if he called the house, you wouldn't have seen him.
If he had called to the house, the butler would have told you, or even your mother. He did not call... So he must have been in a rush.
You sigh. You fold the note back up and leave it on a tray of a passing waiter. They can dispose of it for you.
Glancing up, you find two blue eyes gazing at you. Benedict has seen you. Now you're definitely going to go talk to him. You make your way across the courtyard and come to stand beside Benedict.
"Hello," he replies softly.
Silence fills the space between you, and you turn to the dancers to occupy yourself, and to keep from looking at him again.
"Is Lord Hardy not with you?" Benedict couldn't help asking. He was surprised to see you standing alone tonight.
"No. He left London already. Back to York."
Benedict is even further surprised by the information. He thought Hardy would stay until the very end. He believed the man to be falling for you.
"I see."
You look down and try to keep yourself in check. "I thought maybe I had finally found someone. Someone who perhaps desried me, but it seems I was wrong."
Benedict keeps quiet.
"I wasn't enough for anyone this season. I tried, and I failed. Doesn't matter, I suppose. Next year might be different."
"You didn't fail."
You look up at Benedict. "I didn't secure a proposal or even managed to keep a man interested enough to at least say goodbye before he left."
"You might see him again," he says.
"Somehow, I feel not."
Benedict feels for you. You have been nothing but glorious and wonderful and yourself all year round. You wiggled yourself into the lives of his family and became a pleasant consistent in their lives. You encouraged his passions and made him feel a little more like himself.
"You didn't fail," he says again.
You look up at him and crack a smile. "Next year then."
He nods.
The music changes and the floor is cleared. You notice the duke and duchess approach each other. You knew something had happened between them, but didn't know what. Yet, here they were about to dance for the ton.
You smile at Daphne as dances with her husband. They look like such a handsome couple. You envy them. You envy what they have.
The way they look at each other. How close he holds her to him.
It is so rare. It's so rare that very few people ever get to feel it for real. You want it. You want to know what it feels like to have, well, a soulmate. The one person made just for you. To love and to hold. To cherish. To share every moment with.
Benedict shifts hisngaze from his sister to look at you. He can see the way you watch Daphne and Simon dance.
Benedict's had fun. He played around. Tested the waters. But looking at you right here and right now makes him rethink everything.
Genevieve has certainly been fun. Yet, if you were going to try again for your own sake next year, perhaps he should, too. You, who inspired his art. Inspired him to try harder and practise more.
Perhaps next season, you will both benefit and grow more as people.
As the waltz continues, the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance brings you to look up at the sky. The heavens open and rain pours. You gasp softly as the cool droplets hit your skin.
Benedict instinctively reaches out for you and guides you under the canopy toward the house. You look up at him and then turn back to the ball. Everyone else does the same, seeking shelter from the rain.
Everyone but Daphne.
Simon is holding her hand as if he was guiding her to shelter, but Daphne stops him from doing so. She closes her eyes and lifts her face to the sky, letting the rain fall.
She looks beautiful.
Lady Danbury stops anyone else from going out into the rain. "Everyone... I believe this evening is complete. We shall thank our gracious hosts for such a splendid soiree in the morning. Now, go. Out."
Everyone begins to leave.
Benedict slips his hand into yours and guides you out. You look up at him quietly.
Daphne and Simon have some talking to do.
Benedict guides you through the house and outside to the carriage. It's still raining. His hair sticks to his head and you giggle.
"Nothing..." You smile.
He gives you a boyish grin. He helps you into the carriage and stands around in the doorway.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" He asks.
"You leave for the country tomorrow."
"Are you not also?"
"Me and Mama are to stay in London. We don't have a country house to go to in the summer."
Benedict didn't know that. "Did your father not own an estate?"
"We had to sell it when he died. He left us with a great deal of dept."
He realises in that moment how much he doesn't know about you. You're so much more complicated than he originally thought.
Your mother clears her throat and Benedict moves to let her into the carriage.
"See you soon, I hope?" He looks at you.
"I'll write."
He nods and watches the footman close the door. He steps back as the carriage leaves, and Benedict finds himself a little lonely.
When you rise the next morning, you have no idea of anything that happened within the Featherington house. Lord Featherington died. He was killed.
Penelope spent much of the morning in tears. Elosie had gone to visit her.
Marina went with Sir Philip Crane. The brother of her deceased love who never made it back home. She was to marry him. At least she could have her child and be looked after.
You had decided to go to the Bridgerton house before they all left. It was the least you could do for Benedict and his family. They had all seemed pleased to see you when you arrived, and that made you feel warm inside.
Colin was leaving for Greece. Another reason for Penelope to be upset. Colin was going to be so far away travelling the world.
You waved him off as he rode away on his horse. Benedict had his arm locked with yours.
As the rest of the family headed inside, you struck up conversation with Daphne, Simon, and Anthony. While the duke and duchess are staying in London a little longer, it would seem Anthony intends to find a Viscountess.
That leaves all of you stunned.
Though he follows it up by saying he will keep love out of it to keep things simple. Daphne frowns at that. As do you.
"Perhaps he will learn," she says.
"Perhaps not," you reply.
Eloise hurries over to her brother, who is about to climb onto a horse. You had already said farewell to him.
"Give my regards to Madame Delacroix." She says to Benedict.
"Your regards will have to wait, El," he responds. "She is making a short trip to France."
"Oh? Not going to say goodbye to her?" Eloise asks.
"I did. Last night, if you must know."
Benedict had gone to see her after he bid you goodnight. He went to say goodbye. After seeing you at the ball last night, he decided to change his mind on a few things.
Granted, the goodbye was a long one. He spent a couple of hours at the shop, but nothing untoward happened.
"You said goodbye to her?"
"After Daphne's ball, yes." Benedict then mentioned he spent most of the ball with you.
Eloise worked out that if Madame Delacroix had been at the shop all night. That couldn't have been her in the carriage when Eloise went to protect Whistledown.
Eloise headed back inside.
"Are you coming?" Benedict calls.
You turn and see him on his horse. "Me?"
"Yes, you." He chuckles.
"One last ride around the square before me and my family leave for the summer." He offers.
You smile and look up at him. "I'm not dressed for riding.
"No matter. He offers you his hand."
"Benedict... we cannot create a scandal at the very end of the season."
"Why not?" He grins
"Because I said so."
He laughs.
"Very well. I'm glad you came to see us." He says.
"Me too. Have a lovely summer, Benedict."
"You too." He speaks your name softly, smiling. You both stay like that for a moment, looking at each other. The moment is broken we spurs his horse onward.
You watch him go with a smile.
You look around the square and sigh softly.
Next season was going to be different. It had to be.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd -
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy - @acupnoodle
@ms-fandomgirl - @fablesrose - @anyaisinyourcloset - @meowzerzstuff - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @crazymar15
@cosmixstar - @bree3parchen - @berrnuu - @charmainemaclendon - @pinkpantheris - @krismdavis
@biancamde - @ifgslsofbsodbf - @kniselle - @berarenado - @grassclippers - @bwormie - @avengersgirllorianna
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pinktacotragedy · 4 months
listen i already love little lord elliot thomas bridgerton featherington but did you see the way uncle colin was hovering around philomena???
that man is a girl dad through and through
give him agatha rae genevieve bridgerton NOW
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lgbridgertonqa · 3 months
The Great Queer Bridgerton Ship Poll: THE RESULTS!!!
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First off, we’d just like to thank everyone for taking part in this silliness. We clocked in at 204,232 votes when we closed the poll with votes still coming in. Deeply unserious, we’re very touched.
That being said this is also VERY serious. Lives are at stake.
Onto the numbers for places (under the cut - cos it's LONG!)
Or read the results thread here on our twitter.
31. Daphne Bridgerton/Alice Mondrich - 0 votes (0.00%)
Sorry girls!
29 =. Colin Bridgerton/Harry Dankworth - 1 vote (0.0005%)
The Danklin nation were not assembled for this fight. One noble voter stood proud!
29 =. Harry Dankworth/Lord Fife - 1 vote (0.0005%)
The vote is entirely anonymous so we will never know who this one brave soul was that swung for the only Fife ship in the poll. It will ever remain a mystery…
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23 = . Siena Rosso/Mme Delacroix - 2 votes (0.0010%)
Maybe next time, ladies.
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23 = . Violet Bridgerton/Portia Featherington - 2 votes (0.0010%)
The Mama’s did not do it for the voters.
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23 = . Mary Sharma/Queen Charlotte - 2 votes (0.0010%)
Not enough follow through on this tension to capture more votes.
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23 = . Mme Delacroix/Lucy Granville - 2 votes (0.0010%)
The girls are taking a hit in the polls.
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23 = . Gregory Bridgerton/Richard Abernathy - 2 votes (0.0010%)
Our first book character on the list! He fought valiantly.
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23 = . Lord Haselby/Neville Berbrooke - 2 votes (0.0010%)
This niche book only fanon couple did this against all odds. Respect!
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20 =. Kate Sharma/Sophie Beckett - 4 votes (0.0020%)
A previous fan favourite has slipped down the rankings in this poll!
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20 = . Eloise Bridgerton/Edwina Sharma - 4 votes (0.0020%)
A similarly previously popular ship has fallen on hard times this year!
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20 =. Will Mondrich/Simon Basset - 4 votes (0.0020%)
MIA since season 1, but sorely missed.
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19. Hyacinth Bridgerton/Felicity Featherington - 5 votes (0.0024%)
The show may have forgotten you Felicity, but voters haven’t
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18 =. Queen Charlotte/Lady Danbury - 6 votes (0.0029%)
Too many people afraid of the power of these two women kissing.
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18 =. Anthony Bridgerton/Thomas Dorset - 6 votes (0.0029%)
Apparently two men holding each other and falling into a lake isn’t homoerotic enough for some.
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16. Lucy Abernathy/Hermione Watson - 9 votes (0.0044%)
Another book ship taking on show giants.
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15. Eloise Bridgerton/Marina Thompson - 11 votes (0.0054%)
Some people hate to see lesbians winning!
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14. Brimsley/Reynolds - 38 votes (0.0186%)
Our first canon queer ship taking a hit! Only scraping top 15!
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13. Francesca Bridgerton/Edwina Sharma - 96 votes (0.047%)
The votes are starting to pick up now with this outside contender!
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12. Daphne Bridgerton/Cressida Cowper - 211 votes (0.1033%)
A very respectable 12th place for Daphida!
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11. Eloise Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington - 236 votes (0.1156%)
A perhaps shock result to not crack the top ten!
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10. Gregory Bridgerton/Gareth St. Clair - 403 votes (0.1973%)
Huge result for a book character not yet in the show! Top ten!
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9. Colin Bridgerton/Michael Stirling - 636 votes (0.3114%)
A now book based pair on the shortlist from last year, coming into the top ten as an underdog!
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8. Francesca Bridgerton/Michaela Stirling - 677 votes (0.3315%)
Michaela Stirling didn’t throw the first brick at Stonewall for 8th place.
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7. Simon Basset/Anthony Bridgerton - 737 votes (0.3609%)
Homoerotic tension legendary enough that it brought this show into infamy. You’ve served proudly, kings
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6. Francesca Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington - 970 votes (0.475%)
Another outsider in the top 10! The Fran/Pen shooters were not messing around!
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5. Colin Bridgerton/Phillip Crane - 1,052 votes (0.5151%)
One olive oil joke and discussions about Ancient Greece, next thing you know -
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4. Benedict Bridgerton/Paul Suarez - 1,713 votes (0.8388%)
Congrats on all the sex you had boys! It translated into votes!
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3. Kate Sharma/Daphne Bridgerton - 15,911 votes (7.7906%)
Kaphne were leading the way for 5 days this week, only to be pipped to the post in the last few days. Well done on bronze!
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2. Benedict Bridgerton/Henry Granville - 84,285 votes (41.2692%)
Voters gave it their all in the last 24 hours, but ultimately couldn’t take the win. A very worthy silver!
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1. Eloise Bridgerton/Cressida Cowper - 97,204 votes (47.5949%)
Unreal rush at the end, nearly breaking the poll. The sapphics take the crown of Best Queer Bridgerton Ship!
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turningvioletviolet · 2 months
No option for other, you gotta pick one of these
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lulu-cat-princess · 7 months
If YouTube exists in the early 1800s, I will pay big money to see:
Jane Austen
Lord Byron
Dr James Barry
John Keats
William Wordsworth
Percy Bysshe Shelly
The Brothers Grimm
Anne Lister aka Gentleman Jack
Eliza Hamilton
React to Thomas’ poems. Also I like to see these fictional people who would be alive at the same time as Thomas react to his poems:
Dr Henry Morgan from abc forever
Horatio Hornblower
Richard Sharpe
The bridgerton and featherington families
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sweetbuckybarnes · 3 months
Penelope Bridgerton’s 21st birthday
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Pairings: Colin + Penelope Bridgerton
Summary: It is time for Penelope’s 21st birthday.
Main Masterlist | Polin Masterlist | Birthdays Masterlist
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When Penelope was a young girl, she never properly celebrated her birthday. It was always pushed to the side as yet another day in the calendar. A constant reminder that she should have been born a boy and the heir to the Featherington estate.
Her older sisters (Prudence and Philippa) had always tore her down, giggling how Penelope preferred books, sitting by the window looking out onto Grovesner Square. Penelope didn't have the confidence to counter her sisters' words until she was forced into society a year younger than she had wanted.
She didn't realise what day it was, and the fact her 21st birthday had rolled around.
She woke up to find her husband between her legs (which wasn't an unusual occurrence), he brought her to her peak and shuffled his way up the bed.
"Good morning, my love," Penelope smiled, greeting him with a kiss - not caring, he still had some of her, left on his mouth.
"Good morning, Mrs. Bridgerton," Colin replied, pressing a second kiss to her nose. "Happy birthday."
Penelope knew she could easily blame the blissed-out state he caused for her moment of confusion. "Hmm? What did you say?"
"It's your birthday, Pen," he tells her, looking down at her with his own look of confusion.
"But, my birthday is the-"
"8th day of April. Which is today."
Penelope sits herself up and looks at Colin. "It's my birthday?"
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The morning of her birthday (being one-and-twenty) was spent a lot different to how she had spent her previous one. Last year, she was acknowledged (somewhat) by her family, she and Eloise were not on speaking terms and she was ignoring Colin’s letters.
However, this year. She was married, happily. Ever so happily. And she had recently become a mama! To her darling Thomas. Deep down, she did not care what gender her baby was, she did hope for a little girl. A little girl all to herself.
Colin played with one of the loose ends of Penelope's updo, not really giving a damn what his mother-in-law was thinking about him. He was absolutely smitten with his wife. Nothing would ever change that.
He took his eyes off Penelope for just a moment, to glance out of the Featherington drawing room (the sounds of Prudence and Philippa complaining about anything falling on his deaf ears), he could see Anthony making his way across the square from Bridgerton House.
He felt a silent sigh of relief leave him. It wasn't that he didn't like his in-laws, but the way they treated Penelope grated him the wrong way.
"A visitor, Lady Featherington," Mrs. Varley told Portia as Anthony made his way into the yellow/green drawing room.
"Oh, my! Lord Bridgerton!" Portia gasps, sitting herself higher in her seat. Anthony was closely followed by Violet, who smiled (for just a second) at her daughter-in-law, cradling Thomas to her side, and then frowning just a little.
Anthony didn't say anything for a few moments. "I am sorry to interrupt this... lovely moment, but it is time Colin and Penelope came to Bridgerton House to continue the... festivities."
"What festivities?" Prudence asked.
Penelope looked down into her lap, reaching her hand over to lace her fingers with Colin's - acting as an anchor so he doesn't completely explode. "Whatever you are thinking, please, do not say it."
The hand, which wasn't laced with Penelope's, was now clutching the side of the patterned chair. "I believe it is time we were leaving, Pen," Colin tells his wife, as he hears Prudence repeat her words. "The festivities, Prudence? It is your little sister's birthday."
"It is your birthday?" Philippa asked.
“Oh, Phillipa,” Portia sighed, even before Philippa gave birth - she wasn’t the… smartest… of the bunch. Portia stood up and cupped her daughter’s face in her hands. “Do enjoy your birthday with the Bridgerton’s. We will be here when you come back for supper.”
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Kate stood in front of the birthday girl, gently tying a party hat made by Violet beneath her chin. Penelope watched Colin chase the now toddling heir to the Bridgerton title - little Edmund II.
"Are you alright, Penelope?" The current Viscountess asked her sister-in-law.
Penelope was silent for a few beats. "How did you know you were expecting Edmund?" This was something they couldn’t discuss as Kate was on a trip to India with Anthony when Penelope realised she was expecting.
Kate looked at Penelope with wide eyes. "I was horrifically ill. You could not keep me away from a porcelain bowl if you tried," Kate chuckled for a moment. "Missing my courses was another sign."
"Were you ever tired?" Penelope asked. "I once had a three-hour nap on some sheets. Colin had to scrub the dried ink marks off my face,” they both giggled. “Before I was expecting Thomas, I loved salmon. But ever since, I haven’t been able to find myself in the same room. Even after the birth, I cannot stand it.”
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Colin watched from the swings as Penelope and Violet were talking under the gazebo. He smiled as Violet reached over to play with the Featherington heir’s feet (although at 4 weeks old he is technically the new Lord Featherington).
"Uncle Colin!" Augie gave his uncle a child-like shove to his thighs. "Uncle Colin, you promised to play!"
Colin was somehow able to pull his attention back to his nephew. "Indeed, I did. I did promise you."
Colin crouched in front of his nephew, whilst keeping an eye on his mother, wife and son. There seemed to be a bit of a kerfuffle as something happened. He mentioned for Benedict to take over from what he was doing.
Augie made a noise of protest. "Auntie Pen needs to speak to me. Is it alright if Uncle Benedict plays with you?"
Augie's face twitched and looked at the other Bridgerton son. "I like you more," Augie told Benedict. The second-born son stuck his tongue out childishly as Colin got up from the ground.
"Can you help me, darling?” She motioned to Thomas, who had sadly been sick all down the front of her new green dress.
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Colin turned back around after sending Rae to get Penelope a new and (more importantly) clean dress from across the street, as well as something for Thomas.
“Come on, let’s get you both cleaned up,” he leaned down to kiss her but felt her step back. “Pen?” She has never stepped back from a kiss before.
“Do you honestly want to kiss me whilst I have your son’s breakfast down the front of my dress?”
“And I have never thought you could look more beautiful.”
“With Thomas’s breakfast on my dress?”
“As a mother to our baby boy, and being my beautiful wife.”
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winnie-the-monster · 3 months
I'm trying to figure this out is Polins son last name Bridgerton or Featherington?
His last name is Bridgerton but his title is Lord Featherington. I can understand how you got confused tho. Lol bc if you’re someone like me who’s seen/read a lot of stuff set in this time period. You’d know that the title of Lord/Baron doesn’t have anything else added onto like the title of a Duke or Earl. But they wanted to be a little more modern with it, and probably also wanted to keep the Featherington name around. So they made the title be Lord/Baron Featherington.
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polin-erospsyche · 3 months
My biggest annoyance post season 3; waiting 2 years to find out what Penelope and Colin named their son! I hope he’s Thomas or Elliot
Hahaha LOL
I love how that’s your biggest annoyance, healthy dose of annoyance 😂
Honestly, until we get an official announcement, I’ll just keep calling him Thomas Elliot Bridgerton Lord Featherington
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
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