#lord satanis
diabolicphallus666 · 2 months
Satanism Tumblr Community has been approved
Hail Almighty Lord Satan!
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samaelsslave616 · 8 months
Praise be to only one name and that is the name of SATAN!!!!
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Suicide Squad Members both Past and Present (Minus both Captain Boomerangs)
Amanda Waller
Rick Flag Jr
Rick Flag Sr
Bronze Tiger
Karin Grace 
Black Orchid
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mr. 104
Captain Cold
Shade the Changing Man
Count Vertigo
Dr. Light
Lady Liberty
Silent Majority
Major Victory
Poison Ivy
Black Adam
Silver Swan
The Writer
King Shark
Sam Makoa
Cameron Chase
Manchester Black
Sgt. Frank Rock
Big Sir
Clock King
Major Disaster
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl
Star-Spangled Kid
Double Down
Atom Smasher
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Tattooed Man
The General
King Faraday
Thinker II
White Dragon
Yasemin Soze
Black Spider
El Diablo
Harley Quinn 
The Unknown Soldier
James Gordon Jr.
Power Girl
Black Manta
Joker's Daughter
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
The Hunky Punk
Killer Croc
Mad Dog
Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow)
General Zod
Juan Soria
Lord Satanis
Master Jailer
Rag Doll
Scream Queen
Tao Jones
Baby Boom
The Shark (totally different guy from King Shark)
The Aerie
Chaos Kitten
Deadly Six
Black Mask
Film Freak
Shrike (Boone)
Ambush Bug
Black Siren
Nightmare Nurse
Heat Wave
Major Force
Victor Zsasz
Madame Crow
Black Hand
Etrigan the Brainiac 666
Gentleman Ghost
Klarion the Witch Boy
Snargoyle (deceased)
Alchemaster (deceased)
Doctor Thaumaturge 
Black Bison
Johnny Sorrow
Doctor Polaris
Emerald Empress
Doctor Destiny
Doctor Psycho
Hector Hammond
Manchester Black
Maxwell Lord
El Dorado
El Gaucho
Zachary Zatara
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Polkadot Man
Gotham/Bane (idk some dude named Henry Clover Jr.?)
Arkham Knight
Mr. Bloom
Mr. Freeze
Luke Fox
The Verdict
Ratcatcher II
Killer Frost (Crystal Frost)
Ten Eyed Man
@ednygmaaskme I'm sorry it's long as hell. I also want to apologize in advance if this list has duplicates. It's hard to keep track.
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superboykevboy · 2 years
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It's done. Superman is beaten and defeated. With his boot on the muscular bubble butt as Victory Pose Lord Satanis shows his supremacy over the fallen and humiliated Man of Steel. And all that in front of Supermans girlfriend Lois Lane.
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projectsephira · 2 years
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Confederacy of Independent Sovereigns
Abbreviated to CIS, and otherwise known as the Separatist Alliance, the Separatist Order, the Separatist Confederacy, or simply referred to as the Separatists  is a international confederation  formed by various nations and major governments which had withdrawn from the United Nations or have otherwise opposed the Globalization Movement, following a period of political turmoil.
Established by the Russian magus known as Eric The Red as the Head of State, the Confederacy was founded from a belief of excessive sanctification and corruption within the United Nations as well as a general feeling of dissatisfaction towards and neglect by the more influential western nations such as The United States of America and Great Brittan. Furthermore, the confederacy was secretly supported by several international corporations such as Romefeller Industries,  Asgard Pharmaceutics, Heisenberg Electronics and the Herrschild Banking Clan.. In truth, these corporations served HYDRA and had supported the CIS for the purpose of paving the way to the rise of the International Empire of HYDRA.
Representatives from these corporations would be used to form the confederacy’s legislative council, who would be nothing more than pawns for both sides.
In 2017 AD, a political crisis had begun which led to escalating tensions between the reigning United Nations and the rising Confederacy, established in a International-wide secessionist movement orchestrated by Eric the Red. Many within the Confederacy, including its parliament of senators, had no desire in fighting their adversaries, as they sought to be free of what they saw as the corruption and tyranny of the UN. However, in 2023 AD,  both parties and their respective military forces became enmeshed in the International Civil War, also called by some as World War III.
In the years before the war, the Confederacy would make multiple attempts to cease the influence of the nations of the International Alliance such as spreading Propaganda to poorer nations to rally them against the leading nations like the US,  and even acts of espionage. However, unknown to the global public or either party, the conflict and later war was a ploy designed by Aleister Romefeller, founder of Romefeller Industries, Director of the Global Order Coalition, and secretly known as Lord Satanis. The conflict would be his means of manipulating individuals and world events to his favor in order to establish himself as the leader of the New World Order.
Confirmed Nations Part of the CIS
Saudi Arabia
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
North Korea
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marvel-dc-art · 5 years
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Suicide Squad v5 #46 - “Sink Atlantis! III” (2018) pencil by Jose Luis ink by Jordi Tarragona & Vicente Cifuentes color by Adriano Lucas
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Superman takes Lois to her apartment and tells her how he was split by Lord Satanis and Syrene into two halves, one of which is stuck in the past. Right now he lacks his invulnerability and heat vision.
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Meanwhile, a dock worker steals a machine component.
After heading out of Lois' place Superman attempts to streak into the time-barrier, but he is unable to without his invulnerability and with his speed halved. Superman heads towards his Fortress of Solitude and tries to start a Time Bubble, but it shatters. Then a vision of Satanis appears and warns he's shut down to the past every door to the past Superman knows about. Superman wonders how he can fight back.
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Meanwhile, his other self remains trapped in the past. Syrene has dragged him to her infinite castle and gets ready to filter the Runestone of Merlin's magical energy through Superman's invulnerable body and into her. Such an action would kill Superman but Syrene isn't concerned about it. Superman tries to stall for time but she guesses his intent and begins the process.
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The morning after his failed attempts on time-travel, present-day Clark Kent heads towards the Daily Planet and finds out the Mole has gotten the word out regarding his invulnerability's loss. Clark gets worried about his enemies mass-attacking him.
Somewhere else, Jackson Hammersmith has read the news and is putting the finishing touches on his gear. Previously he intended to leave the town and start out his criminal career elsewhere, but now he thinks he'll make a name for himself by killing Superman.
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Meanwhile, Clark is working in his office. Lois wants to have a private conversation with him, but Clark heads off when when he hears Perry White shouting. Clark finds out some crook who calls himself Jackhammer wanted the Daily Planet to print his challenge to Superman. Perry has no intention of publishing an ad bought with stolen money, but he wants Clark to write the story so Superman finds out.
That night, Jackhammer draws Superman's attention by wrecking a train track. Superman engages him, but Jackhammer throws the first punch. Superman gets nearly knocked out, but he has no time to recover due to an incoming train. Superman prevents it from derailing thanks to a precise use of his super-breath, but he collapses on the train roof afterwards, feeling injured and exhausted.
Bruised and half-conscious, Superman makes it to Jimmy Olsen and asks his friend to use his disguise skills to help him hide his bruises.
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The next day, no one of his co-workers seems to notice Clark's injuries, although Lois Lane takes a hold of him to discuss the news of Superman's defeat at Jackhammer's hands and give him self-help books. When Clark brushes off her concerns and insists he likes himself just fine, Lois storms out.
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For the next nights, Superman keeps a low profile and uses his other skills to bust robberies from a distance as his wounds heal. At the same time, Jackhammer exploits his newfound fame to become the chief enforcer of every crime boss in Metropolis and goes on a crime spree.
After one week goes by without a Superman sighting, the Daily Planet staff starts wondering what has happened to Superman. At night, Clark Kent privately admits to himself he is afraid. Thinking of his parents, Clark remembers Pa Kent saying facing up your fears and beats them is the measure of a man. Clark suits up and heads out.
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Later, Jackhammer and his crooks attempt to rob a theater. Suddenly, Superman freezes their weapons and baits Jackhammer out of the place. Superman fights hard, but Jackhammer's hydraulic punches and armor give him an edge. Nonetheless, when a crowd sees Superman being beaten they attack Jackhammer to save Superman. Jackhammer turns around to shout he'll come after them as soon as he kills Superman. His distraction gives Superman an opening and he knocks Jackhammer out by punching his unprotected lower face.
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Superman receives the multitude's congratulations, but he insists he's the one who is grateful. Because they fought their fears and faced a danger, they gave him one chance to win.
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Superman tries to go back to the past via the Atom's Time Pool, but he discovers Satanis has also blocked that access. He also tries the Flash's Cosmic Treadmill to not avail.
In the past, the other Superman is still Syrene's prisoner. Syrene starts to filter the Runestone of Merlin's energies through his body and in hers when she notices her husband Satanis storming her castle. Satanis and Syrene begin their magic duel as the latter absorbs the gem's magic. Satanis manages to blow up a hole in her castle's walls and strides in.
In the present, Superman makes it to the Daily Planet, changes clothes and walks in, but he has barely greeted his friends when he passes out. Lois Lane calls the doctor in the staff and doctor Judy Prusha examines Clark Kent before declaring him dead.
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In the past, Syrene has just absorbed the sum of the Runestone's powers, killing Superman in the process. She sets to kill Satanis in revenge for her father's death. Feeling the need to show off her powers before killing him painfully, Syrene shatters a faraway planet and tosses the fragments at her husband. Satanis swiftly leaps inside Superman's inert body, which shields him from the avalanche of meteorites. Now possessing Superman's powers as well as his own magic, Satanis is ready to fight his wife.
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In the present, Clark Kent's body has been taken to a hospital for an autopsy while the Daily Planet staff mourns him.
In the 14th Century, Syrene and Satanis, who has taken over Superman's body, start their magic duel to death.
In the 20th Century Metropolis, Clark Kent comes back to life on the autopsy table as a result of his past-half being reanimated by Satanis. Neither the coroners nor his co-workers can understand his return, but Clark talks his friends into getting him out of the hospital. Jimmy, Lana and Lois take Clark to the latter's apartment. The trio stays with Clark for a while, but eventually they leave so he can rest.
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In the 14th Century, Satanis and Syrene continue their battle. Satanis expects Syrene's lack of experience wielding the powers of the Runestone of Merlin give him an edge, but even so she's too powerful. Growing larger than any planet, Syrene turns the world they're standing on into a snake that swallows Satanis, and then molds it into a ball. Seeing Syrene is about to swallowing him whole, Satanis begs Superman's spirit for help.
In the present, Clark Kent wakes up after having dreamed the whole event. Superman just knows his dream was real and his self trapped in the past is about to be destroyed. He needs to get to the past, but Satanis has blocked every time-travelling method he knows of. Clark Kent goes to the Daily Planet with the aim of requesting a vacation when he overhears Perry White and Lois arguing about her piece on Forgotten Heroes. Lois brings Rip Hunter, the Time Master up, piquing Clark's interest. Clark discreetly x-rays Lois' notes. He had never heard or Rip Hunter until Lois mentioned him, so maybe Satanis hasn't shut down that opening to the past. Superman streaks towards Rip Hunter's Time Lab, meets Rip and explains his predicament.
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In the past, Syrene is about to kill Satanis, but the mud ball where he has been emprisoned explodes. Superman has agreed to work with Satanis to defeat Syrene. However, Satanis doesn't want to stop her but kill her. After apparently destroying Syrene Satanis intends to claim her power and become the ruler of all eternity. He thinks Superman can't get his body's control back and stop him, but suddenly a Time Sphere appears and the Superman previously trapped in the 20h Century steps out of it.
Superman engages Satanis, determined to recover his duplicate whose body Satanis is possessing. He fights fiercely, but he only possesses half of his powers whereas Satanis possesses the remainder half as well as his magic skills.
In present day Daily Planet, Lois Lane gets into an argument with Lana Lang about her relationship with Clark. When Lana storms out, Jimmy Olsen asks Lois why she went off on Lana. Lois replies Lana's attitude rubs her the wrong way, but Jimmy believes Lois is hiding her true motives. Meanwhile, a certain Mr. Moore is having a job interview and looking forward to work in the Planet.
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In the past, Satanis is going to rip Superman apart magically until the Superman whose body he is possessing starts to resist Satanis' control and turn his own magic on him. Satanis can't use his full power cause of Superman, so he frees a Superman and expels the one he is possessing out.
Both Supermen combine their powers to take Satanis out, but they're weakened and he can use his full power to throw all kind of spells at them. At one point, one Superman takes his fallen twin's hand and helps him up while they are being bathed with magical power. Satanis' residual energies merge into a malevolent energy Superman who attacks Satanis. Satanis blasts his own accidental creation to atoms, but in a last ditch rebellious act, the energy Superman merges both Superman back together.
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Superman decides it's time to end their battle. He's vulnerable to Satanis' magic, but his foe is tired. As struggling to dodge or phase through Satanis' blasts, Superman manages to send him into the time-stream and back in his time, where Satanis will no doubt find Syrene waiting for him, and goes back to present-day Metropolis.
Superman changes into his civilian clothes and heads towards the Daily Planet. Upon seeing him, Lana hugs and kisses him as Lois glares.
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Mera tells Aquaman that she is Lt. Miriam Bridgeman, and Adm. Murphy explains that Lt. Bridgeman joined them several weeks ago. Aquaman kisses her to find out if she is really his wife, and is satisfied by the response that she is, though she has no memory of being Mera... and the hard-water around the sea station convinces him further that she is really Mera.
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When she is hooked up to the brain-print machine, her readings come out garbled. As a final test, Aquaman has Lt. Bridgeman change into a bikini and leap into the sea with him. She finds out that she can breathe water and has telepathic powers, though she still does not remember her Mera identity. But when she tries summoning other fish, she and Aquaman are beset by attacking dolphins, and she mistakenly encases most of Aquaman's body in hard water.
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Aquaman and Mera are beset by the attacking dolphins, and Mera's continued attempts to communicate telepathically with them electrify the porpoises like electric eels. Aquaman manages to get three of the dolphins to smash into his hard-water block, freeing him. But a dolphin's electric charge stuns Mera, and, going to her rescue, Aquaman receives Mera's image and her call for help in his mind.
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The Mera-image declares that she is trapped, “imprisoned somewhere else!” When Mera (as Bridgeman) awakens in his arms, she says that the real Mera is her prisoner, and that she shares Mera's body, but dominates it. Then she starts to strangle Aquaman.
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Even though Aquaman cannot bring himself to hit Mera, he has swordfish swim about them at such a speed it creates a whirlpool, dizzying Mera and enabling him to break her grip. She passes out, and Mera is thus able to override her captor's dominance and send Aquaman telepathic messages.
He learns that the woman in possession of Mera's body now is Vlana, the woman who ruled her dimensional world of Xebel after she left to marry Aquaman. When Mera returned, she found Vlana unwilling to leave the throne, but removed her by force and incurred her wrath. Later, she lured Mera into a trap, and used her enhanced mental powers to take over Mera's body telepathically. After that, she warped into Earth, assumed the Miriam Bridgeman identity, and infiltrated the S.T.A.R. project to learn how to communicate with fish, so that she could use them as “troops” to help her retake Xebel.
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Aquaman takes himself and Mera through the warp that admits them to Xebel. When she awakens, Aquaman fears that he will be facing Vlana again, but the crossing has returned Mera's control of her own body to her. Mera leads Aquaman to Vlana, who now has fish-summoning powers and draws an army of octopi, sharks, swordfish, and electric eels through the warp to menace them. Aquaman is stunned by her telepathic strike, and Vlana tells Mera to choose which fish shall kill her.
Mera and Vlana engage in a vicious hand-to-hand fight, though Vlana cheats by using members of her fish “army” to attack her rival. To prevent the interference, Mera creates a sphere of hard water around herself and Vlana, keeping out the fish. Then she and Vlana continue their battle, until the bikini-clad Mera finally defeats her.
Aquaman breaks through the hard-water sphere a few seconds later, and an electric eel follows and kills Vlana with its charge. Mera tells Aquaman that Vlana must have committed suicide by ordering the eel to shock her when she realized she would be defeated.
Later, back in her regular outfit, Mera once again gives up the throne of Xebel to return to Earth with Aquaman, the man she loves.
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With the end of Aquaman’s story, Action Comics goes back to being just one story per issue (for Superman).
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By 1983, “Crisis on Infinite Earths” was still being called “History of the DC Universe”. It doesn’t seem like, at this point, a reboot was in sight.
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There are also references to the botched projects for Titans/X-Men and JLA/Avengers.
Fight scenes are boring, or perhaps it’s just me. I think they are a bit more boring when they involve Lord Satanis. Or any of the villains involved in this long story.
I find the character interactions to be the best. Lois is getting closer to Superman, but clearly further and further away from Clark. She doesn’t accept him for who he is, so she wants him to change (of course, the Clark she sees is not even the real Clark Kent).
In that regard, Lana has an advantage, she wants Clark, not Superman, and she knew him all her life, so there would be no need for her to see him change. Lana is clearly winning the fight.
One of the great things John Byrne did, was removing the love triangle. It wasn’t completely erased, but it changed considerably (Lana knows Clark’s secret post-crisis).
Jimmy Olsen has a make-up desk. Just so you know.
The Aquaman back-story is not bad, but it suffers of the same problems his back-ups had in Adventure Comics. Not having a title makes writers do forgettable stories. It is nice to see the couple happy again after all that happened. But Mera renouncing the throne for her husband doesn’t feel very progressive. Especially since Arthur is no longer king of Atlantis.
The art has a lot of fluctuations. From a very clean Irv Novick, to a psychedelic Gil Kane, there is no tone to this story.
I give the whole thing a score of 5
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DC, use him in a Spooky Halloween Themed Superman Story pls
For those who do not know this weirdo, he’s AN EVIL SORCERER FROM THE FUTURE who got sent to hell by his equally evil wife, made a deal with the devil to come back and once split Superman into two duplicates of himself using Weird Future Magic
He basically talks like Doctor Doom all the time and he is RIDICULOUS and I love him
Also for those wondering, he picked that name BEFORE he made a deal with the devil, he’s just really REALLY extra
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gotham-at-nightfall · 6 years
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Aquaman #40
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the-outer-topic · 5 years
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Templars summoning Baphomet - Darren Tan
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superboykevboy · 2 years
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Another painful encounter with the sadistic Lord Satanis. Supes is captured by the gasses and flames of Hades, burning him and his lungs alive ! Totally overstrained Supes can only choke and asking: "what are you doing to me?" He feels so helpless!
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cardest · 4 years
Italy & Rome playlist
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Pizza. Fiat. Centurions. Fulci. Argento. Morricone. It’s all here in this Roma - Italia playlist. If you love ancient Roman history and horror film soundtracks, this is the playlist for you! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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Nero would enjoy this playlist! But, if there is a song or band I forgot or even a horror film soundtrack, or Italian prog record I mighta missed, let me know! This is one of my favorite playlists. Grazie!
001 Goblin - La caccia 002 High On Fire -  Romulus And Remus 003 Braens Machine - Flying 004 Piero Umiliani - Produzione 005 Fantomas - Page 1 [6 Frames] 006 Lucio Fulci's Zombie Theme(1979) 007 Tullio De Piscopo drum pattern - Samba Carnival 008 Quella Vecchia Locanda - Il Tempo Della Gioia 009 Sandro Brugnolini - Amofen 010 Ufomammut - Mars 011 Gerardo Iacoucci - Tradimento 012 Procol Harum - Conquistador   013 LA TERZA MADRE  - Main Theme by Claudio Simonetti 014 Fantomas -  The Godfather 015 Toto Cutugno - L'Italiano 016 CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY - Fear the mohawk reaper 017 Ennio Morricone -  Non Rimane Piu Nessuno 018 Mina - Non credere 019 Bölzer - Roman Acupuncture 020 Jerry Goldsmith The Omen OST - Ave Satani 021 Lou Monte - roman guitar 022 Tony Di Marti - L'Uccellino Della Comare   023 Paul Chain Violet Theatre - 17 day 024 Satyricon -  The Ghost of Rome 025 Ghost - Con Clavi Con Dio 026 Charles Aznavour - Com'a Triste Venezia 027 Jula de Palma - Tua (1959) versione originale 028 Dean Martin - That's Amore   029 FORGOTTEN TOMB - We Owe You Nothing 030 Mike Patton - Ti Offro Da Bere 031 Death SS - Heavy Demons 032 The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Sword of Machiavelli 033 Afterhours - Milano Circonvallazione Esterna 034 Fantomas -  Page 17 [14 Frames] 035 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Pompey 036 Sherpa - Kim (((o))) Tigris & Euphrates 037 Umberto Tozzi Gloria - Italian Version 038 Franco Bracardi & Giorgio Bracardi -  Lo Strangolatore Di Boston 039 Black Hole - Bells of Death 040 Tarantella Pugliese - La Rondinella 041 Pino Villa- A Mucca Pazza 042 Opera IX - Bela Lugosi's Dead 043 MARIO MOLINO - TRAFFICO CAOTICO 044 Lucio Battisti - La Collina Dei Ciliegi 045 Tenebre (Main Title) by Goblin 046 SYK - FONG 047 FUOCO FATUO - Sulphureous Hazes 048 Primordial -  As Rome Burns 049 Abysmal Grief - Crypt of Horror 050 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - re D'Amore 051 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. Soundtrack - Jimmy Renda Se 052 Stelvio Cipriani - Papaya 053 Fantomas - Page 28 [20 Frames] 054 Carlo Maria Cordio - Rosso Sangue (Absurd) 055 Emma De Angelis - Trip 056 BRUNO NICOLAI-Red Cats (1975) 057 Duncan Dhu - La barra de este hotel 058 FROZEN CROWN - Neverending 059 Pavor na Cidade dos Zumbis (City of the Living Dead, 1980) Theme 060 Jarboe & Father Murphy - The Ferryman 061 Mudhoney - When In Rome 062 Fantomas - Page 21 [11 Frames] 063  Ancient Roman Music - Synaulia I 064 Behemoth - Rome 64 C.E. / Slaying the Prophets ov Isa 065 Clutch - Nero's Fiddle 066 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Sulla 067 Goblin - L'alba dei morti viventi 068 Elvis Presley - Heart Of Rome 069 Bulldozer - Insurrection Of The Living Damned 070 Peggy Lee - When In Rome (I Do as the Romans Do) 071 Osanna - Variazione I (To Plinius) 072 GIULIANO SORGINI - Ultima Caccia 073 Ennio Morricone - Metti una sera a cena 074 Sepultura -  The Vatican 075 Rome Soundtrack 02 The Forum 076 Fantomas -  Page 4 [11 Frames] 077 Gladiator - Theme Song 078 Avantasia - The Glory of Rome 079 Caligula (1979)-Opening Credits 080 Umberto -  Temple Room 081 SODOM - Caligula 082 Lacuna Coil -  Survive 083 Gigliola Cinquetti - Non ho leta 084 Lucio Battisti - Emozioni 085 Goblin -  Markos 086 MIke Patton -  Urlo Negro 087 Sandro Brugnolini -  Megattera 088 Fantomas -  Page 25 [34 Frames] 089 The Italian Job Soundtrack- Opening Titles 090 Fabio Frizzi - Un Gatto Nel Cervello 091 Heidevolk - Het verbond met Rome 092 Messiah - Nero 093 Julio Iglesias - Todo el amor que te hace falta 094 Calabria - Luna Calabrisi 095 Various Artists -  Iena Sequence 096 Fantomas -  Page 5 [7 Frames] 097 Perry Como Mandolins In The Moonlight 098 The Beyond Soundtrack - main theme 099 Mercyful Fate - Gypsy 100 Goblin -  Suspiria 101 Ufomammut - Empireum 102 Diaframma - Neogrigio 103 Umberto -  The Psychic 104 NecroDeath - Master Of Morphine 105 The Dirtiest - Cento shot 106 Fantomas -  Page 29 [39 Frames] 107 La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio - Ashes 108 Achille Togliani Fontana Di Trevi 109 MV & EE - Much obliged 110 Isis Synaulia - Musica dell'antica Roma 111 Sandro Brugnolini - Marsuino 112 Giobia - far behind 113 Darvaza - silver chalice   114 Fantomas -  Investigation Of A Citizen Above suspicion 115 Rome Soundtrack - Main Title Theme 116 Nebulae - Carbon 117 Beat Fuga - Shake 118 Gruppo folk naxos - Tarantella siciliana 119 Russian Circles - Milano 120 Kalidia - Circe's spell 121 Harlan Williams, Beneath the Iron Heel of Pagan Rome 122 Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican 123 Vatican - the 5th of metal 124 Extrema - Deep Infection 125 Rod Stewart - Italian Girls 126 Louis Prima - Buona Sera 127 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Che Notte! 128 Sinoath -  Saturnalia 129 Piero Piccioni - L'Italia Vista dal Cielo (Lombardia) 130 PIERO UMILIANI - Topless Party 131 Dean Martin - Arrivederci Roma 132 Fantomas -  Page 30 [2 Frames] 133 Sadist - Nadir 134 Hour of Penance - Rise and Oppress 135  Virgin Steele - The Burning of Rome (Cry for Pompeii) 136 FROZEN CROWN - Battles In The Night 137 The Monolith Deathcult - Demigod 138 PIG DESTROYER -  Machiavellian 139 Raw Power  - State oppresion 140 La luna ammenzu o mari - Folk Sicilia 141 Angels and Demons Soundtrack - Main Theme (Hans Zimmer) 142 Lou Monte - Bella notte 143 Fantomas - Page 7 [6 Frames] 144 Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi - Theme of ''Rome'' 145 INFERNO OST Dario Argento - MAIN THEME 146 Hombres G - Venezia 147 Rome Soundtracks - The Battle has began (Caesar's Theme) 148 NORA ORLANDI- Ossessione 149 Stelvio Cipriani - Orgasmo Nero 150 Goblin -  Profondo Rosso - Mad Puppet 151 Duatha - Maximinus Thrax 152 Sodom - City of God 153 Caronte - Invocation to Paimon 154 Demoni (Demons) Soundtrack by Claudio Simonetti  - Killing 155 PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT - Rising On The Edge 156 James Reyne - Fall Of Rome 157 Fantomas -  Vendetta 158  Rome Soundtrack - 16Th Death of Pompey 159 Alessandro Alessandroni & Sorgini Giuliano - Overcraft 160 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. OST - Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera (Profumo Di Donna) 161 Clutch - Circus Maximus 162 Candlemass - Demons Gate 163 ROME - Uropia O Morte 164 Siouxsie And The Banshees - Cities In Dust (Extended 12 Version) 165 Tony Mottola - You And Only You 166 Musica dell'Antica Roma - Pavor 167 Fantomas - Page 6 [26 Frames] 168 Aborym -  II 169 Scorpions - The Sails Of Charon 170 Blind Guardian -  Lionheart 171 Septicflesh -  Dante's Inferno 172 MESSA - Leah 173 Mike Patton -  Senza Fine 174 Gary Numan - My Centurion 175 Frank Black and the Catholics - Back to Rome 176 Tonino Cavallo - Tarantella Siciliana 177 THE MELVINS - The Bloated Pope 178 Gluttony -  Lucullus In The East 179 Toto - Spanish Steps Of Rome 180 Fantomas -  Page 8 [9 Frames] 181 Mark Lanegan Band - Playing Nero 182 METRALLETA STEIN OST - Telemark 183 Luciano Pavarotti - Sole Mio 184 Jorja Chalmers - red light 185 Blood Ceremony -  Faunus 186 EKPYROSIS - Profound Death 187 Corleone  - Tutto diventerà rosso (feat. Mike Patton) 188 Primus -  The Storm 189 Museo Rosenbach - Superuomo 190 IVANO FOSSATI - MILANO 191 Lucio Dalla - Milano 192 Fantomas -  Page 9 [11 Frames] 193 Alessandro Allesendroni - Remember 194 Le Orme - Felona & Sorona - Return To Naught 195 Rome - The Spanish Drummer 196 Epitaph  -  Beyond the Mirror 197 Ephel Duath - The Passage 198 Three of You - New Life 199 Walter Rizzati I remember (Quella villa accanto al cimitero) 200 Lacuna Coil -  Heaven's A Lie 201 Judas Priest - Nostradamus 202 Triumvirat - Vesuvius 79 A.D. 203 Amedeo Tommasi - Exploration 204 Nero Kane † Lord Won't Come 205 FULCI - Eye Full Of Maggots 206 ULVER - Nemoralia 207 Voltumna  - Roma Delenda Est 208 Adorable - Sistine Chapel Ceiling 209 I Gres - Restless 210 Rita Pavone - Il Geghegè 211 Jahbulong - Under the influence of the fool 212 Theatres des Vampires -  Sangue 213 Antonio - High Voltage! 214 Fantomas -  Page 23 [17 Frames] 215 Sadist - Enslaver of Lies 216 Bunker 66 - (She's Got) Demon Eyes 217 GIULIANO SORGINI - Mad town 218 Zu -  Ostia 219 Moonraker - Miss Goodhead Meets Bond in Venice 220 Franco Micalizzi - I Due Volti Della Paura 221 John Zorn Naked City - The Sicilian Clan 222 Piero Umiliani - Nel Villaggio 223 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Cielo In Una Stanza 224 UFOMAMMUT - Warsheep 225 Fleshgod Apocalypse -  Elegy 226 SLASHER DAVE - Fulzzi 227 Panna Fredda - La Paura 228 Meads Of Asphodel - God Is Rome 229 Nora Orlandi - I Robot Original Version (Il dolce corpo di Deborah) 230 Caronte - Exctasy of Hecate 231 White Skull - Will of the Strong 232 Wotan - Thermopiles 233 Chromatics - Faded Now 234 Fantomas -  Page 2 [7 Frames] 235 Schizo - the main frame collapse 236 Ghost B.C. -  Per Aspera Ad Inferi 237 Dream Theater - The Count Of Tuscany 238 Satyricon -  Commando 239 Psico Galera - La Prima Volta 240 Scolopendra - Priest's blood soup 241 Theatres Des Vampires - 'Til the Last Drop of Blood 242 Victrola - Game of Despair 243 Blue Phantom - Diodo 244 Mortuary Drape - My Soul/primordial 245 Fantomas -  Page 11 [10 Frames] 246 Gianni Ferrio - Un dollaro bucato 247 Ataraxia - Canzona 248 Hexvessel - Phaedra 249 Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra - Some Velvet Morning 250 Mike Patton -  L'Uomo Che Non Sapeva Amare 251 Idiota Civilizzato - Uno E Nessuno 252 Ennio Morricone - Main Theme for Dario Argento's THE CAT O'NINE TAILS 253 Rhapsody - Ascending to Infinity 254 Monumentum - Battesimo: Nero Opaco 255 Opera IX - 1313 (Eradicate the False Idols) 256 Piedone lo sbirro OST - The Baron's death 257 Goblin - Deep red OST main theme 258 EKPYROSIS - Immolate the Denied 259 L'Impero delle Ombre - II Sabba 260 Monte Kristo - The Girl of Lucifer 261 Ghost - Lady Nite 262 Hallowed - Wake Up In The Night 263 Fantomas -  Page 27 [15 Frames] 264 Giuliano Sorgini - Lavoro cerebrale 265 Death SS - Vampire 266 VOLTURIAN - Broken 267 Cradle Of Filth - The 13th Caesar 268 Fulci - tropical sun 269 Alessandro Cortini - Perdere 270 Francesco Guccini - Bologna 271 Abysmal Grief  - Celebrate what they fear 272 Goblin - book of skulls 273 Tom Waits - In The Colosseum 274 Peggy Lee - Autumn In Rome 275 Ruins - Petit Portrait 276 Urna - Omnis Inifinita Mens Est Gremium Et Sepolcrum Universi 277 Nicolas Gaunin - Noa Noa Noa 278 Lacuna Coil - No Need to Explain 279 Theatres Des Vampires - Morgana Effect 280 Sepultura - City of Dis 281 Opera IX - The Oak 282 Rhapsody - Il cigno nero 283 Cripple Bastards  - Variante Alla Morte 284 Goblin - Witch (Susperia OST) 285 Death SS - revived 286 Henning Christiansen - L'essere Umano Errabando La Voca Errabando 287 Rolling Blackouts - The Second Of The First 288 Giuda - Overdrive 289 Hierophant  - Son of the new faith 290 Giorgio Faletti - Nati a Milano 291 Fabio Frizzi - A Cat in the Brain, Sequence 2 292 Dean Martin - On An Evening In Roma (Sott'er Celo De Roma) 293 FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - Monnalisa 294 Valgrind - The Endless Circle 295 Oceana - Atlantidea Suite Part 1 296 Soda Stereo - Paseando Por Roma 297 Blasphemer - The Sixth Hour 298 Raw Power - Dreamer 299 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Deep down 300 Lacuna Coil - Swamped 301 Slalom OST by Ennio Morricone - Main theme 302 Stefano Marcucci - INFERNO 303 Lou Monte - Shaddap Ya Face 304 The Case of the Bloody Iris OST by Bruno Nicolai - Main theme 305 Mortuary Drape - Dreadful discovery 306 Antonio Riccardo Luciani - Cinque sottozero 307 Plateau Sigma -  Ouija and the Qvantvm 308 Piero Piccioni - Colpo rovente OST - main titles 309 Riz Ortolani - sette orchidee macchiate di rosso 310 Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse 311 Oliver Onions - Italian Girl 312 Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead 313 Metamorfosi - Spacciatore di Droga - Terremoto - Limbo 314 Body Count OST by Claudio Simonetti  - main theme 315 Symphony X - Underworld 316 Carlo Savina - Titoli di testa 317 Orchestra King Zerand - Night Song 318 Piero Umiliani - La schiava 319 CLAUDIO SIMONETTI'S GOBLIN - The Devil is back 320 Roman Holiday OST - Main title 666 Fabio Frizzi - Voci Dal Nulla
Perhaps not enough Morricone and needs more Goblin. The next update will have more, I am sure. Play it here:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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angel-e-v-a · 4 years
Name 7 Comfort Films and Tag 7 People
I was tagged by @brieflymaximumprincess and @mrsimoshen Thank you lots, loves! *hugs* ❤️❤️❤️
Any of the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Movies - I watched them so many times I almost know all the lines by heart, and they make me happy for most of the time, even though I always bawl at the ending.
Original Omen movies - I actually watched the first one when I was a little child (yeah, I never had movies I was forbidden to watch, and it was actually good for 90 percent of things), and I was totally in love with Ave Satani song. I had no clue what it means, but I loved to climb on the bed and spin around to it. Those movies bring nice memories, even though since I picked up Latin and noticed the song is completely grammatically incorrect, it kinda killed the buzz.
Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack rules. It’s enough for me to see him to start laughing.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - I love westerns, yeah. Best movie genre ever.
Van Helsing - It’s one of the movies of I grew up with technically, like it was always on TV around here, it was impossible not to see it. And I'm a bit too crazy about vampires. 
Norbit - That movie can make me laugh to death. Murphy’s faces are priceless. First time I watched it I almost choked at least five times. 
Jurassic Park - I wish dinosaurs were still alive. They are adorbs, despite being naughty people eaters at times. Yes, I’m that lunatic™ who’d coo at T-Rex and be all awww look at the wittle baby while he’d try to eat me.
Tagging: @blakechaos08 @stormborndean @fierydeans @smolrowena @anaakin @cherrypierowena @jarpadandjensens @marril96 and anybody who wants to do it.
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thecomicsnexus · 6 years
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After Atlantis rises from the depths, a general commands Amanda Waller to make the Suicide Squad to sink Atlantis (well, he blackmails her). When the Suicide Squad (Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Killer Croc, Lord Satanis and Master Jailer) discover that they were sent to destroy Atlantis, there are mixed reactions from the team. Harley and Deadshot join forces with Aquaman to stop them.
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Mera, in the meantime, is being crowned, and it doesn’t take long for her to figure out what’s going on. When they finally get to the place where the bob is supposed to explode, Master Jailer sacrifices himself in order to contain the explosion with his powers.
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In the end, Harley Quinn had a side mission, proof that they were blackmailed into doing that by the general. This assures peace with the surface world.
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This story was entertaining. Perhaps having the Suicide Squad around changed the story dynamics a bit. When I saw these two obscure characters (both pre-crisis Superman villains) I thought they were dead for sure by the end of the story. Also, do not confuse Lord Satanis with Lord Satanus, they look similar and have very similar names (and both are Superman villains), but I assure you, they are different characters.
The art was also very good in these issues (not as good as Riccardo Federici, but the style fits the story).
I give the arc a score of 8
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witch-of-tupelo · 5 years
Your fun Satanic fact of the day: Cats (and generally all felines) are very sacred to Satan. Use items like cat toys, catnip, or cat hair as offerings to him if you wish to please him. Do not kill living cats in his name - this angers and displeases him and you will not see a spec of good results from it.
Also, take this time to look into adopting a cat at your local shelter in the name of our Lord Satan. Let his furry felines bless your home and your life.
Ave Satanis! 🐈🖤
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faithxlost · 5 years
What *is* the UNSPEAKABLE?
“The UNSPEAKBLE is the eternal dragon. We devote ourselves to him, offer him our sacrifices, and perform our rituals for him, and in return, he grants us unfathomable power and wisdom. He sends his demons unto us so that we may be blessed to know that he here with us, watching over us and guiding us. He is the one who answers our calls. He is the one true god of this world. He is the father of our face and we are his children, granted to blessing of a Second Death and a chance to inherit his kingdom as we serve him well. The UNSPEAKBLE is our lord.
Praise the UNSPEAKBLE! For he and all he does is good! Pandemonium regnat satani vitae!” — Gary
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