#lord abrasax
howdoyouwhiskit · 5 months
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Once again adding to lists of my posts technically from tiktok but I’m cross posting here.
Can you tell I have a lot of fictional character anger? /s
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lucy-moderatz · 1 year
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
Secret mission
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(Photos not mine, credit to the owners)
◇ Pairing: Tom Riddle X follower!Reader
◇ Warnings: slightly smut, hook ups, missions, slightly fluff
◇ Summary: Y/n receives a secret mission by her dark lord.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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The Malfoy summer residence was massive and somber when viewed from the outside, a dwelling many dreamed of and several purebloods could afford, inside it was no different, elegant, wealthy and very pureblood.
It was used mainly during the family's summer vacations but since Abrasax had finished school it had become the abode where his lord, the dark lord, took refuge and ran meetings with his most trusted followers namely the purebloods he met years earlier at Hogwarts and who were still loyal to him.
One of these besides Abrasax and those who were part of the Slug Club during his school years there was a witch also from a pureblood family, belonging to the Slytherin house who, however, did not follow the ideals of those of her own blood. She was a slightly more open-minded girl which did not go unnoticed by Tom, especially during her school years, not many people considered her because of her quiet, almost shy and reserved nature.
She was the kind of person who doesn't want to annoy or be noticed that much and therefore a more introverted person who was only noticed after several minutes of walking into a room.
There was nothing special about her other than that, she was a quiet and devout witch, which is why the dark lord made such a decision.
During one of the meetings hosted at the Malfoy summer residence Tom seated his followers at the usual table made of mahogany, he was seated at the head of the table and the attention was completely on him as always, he spoke of his intentions and the news and then directed his attention to Y/n who as always was seated in the corner of the table, her low gaze fixed on the table as she listened attentively to what he was saying. She was wearing baggy clothes that covered and did not enhance, her face was without makeup, completely natural and her hair neat and arranged, her hair was the only thing she had in common with the other witches of her own kind.
No one had really noticed her but everything changed when her name echoed in the room they were in and the voice that spoke it was Tom's very voice.
All the eyes of the Death Eaters turned in the direction their lord was looking and then whispered surprised things to each other wondering when she had entered or why their lord had called her which they did not find out precisely since Tom simply got up slowly from his chair ordering the others to leave to talk alone with the young witch who was staring at him surprised and confused with her eyes wide and worried.
Everyone knew the significance and honor it was to be alone with Tom Riddle, especially if he was the very person who had requested or ordered it.
The followers followed the orders without question leaving the two alone in the huge dining room, Y/n did not move an inch as she waited to know why she was left there alone with her lord. 
It was soon revealed the mystery as Tom slowly approached her and sat down next to her making her turn to him with a malicious smile "I have a very...personal mission for you to do, my dear" he paused for a moment before continuing by pouring her with a spell some tea that a house elf had just brought inside the room "a mission that is close to my heart and must remain a secret between the two of us, I know it will be so but I simply wanted to make sure that you don't make words with anyone of the things you will discover during this assignment, do we understand each other?" Y/n simply nodded muttering an "of course, my lord" while continuing to anxiously wait for more details from the dark wizard who continued to speak after a sip of black tea "I need you to go to the Muggle world for a period so that I can be able to find out more about my origins and my family. I want you to look for information about both my father and mother starting simply from the fact that I know I am the Heir of Slytherin and my surname, do you think you can do that?".
The young witch nodded in surprise that she was receiving such a task, assuring him that she would do her best and that it would remain between the two of them, no one would find out anything.
These were the last things they said to each other before she left and disappeared for a whole month, sending occasional letters to Tom to hint him how things were going leaving the Slytherin heir in a state of wanting to know more and slight impatience but trusting the abilities of his trusted follower.
There were no letters for a week before her return, Y/n wrote her last letter exactly a week before she showed up as Tom had requested her to the meeting that would be held on the deadline the wizard had given her.
The meeting was again in the summer residence but this time something had changed, a different air was circulating and the focus was no longer just on Tom but on Y/n or what was left of her.
She was a completely different person, the shyness and reservedness was as if vanished showing a more confident and feminine side, her clothes were more revealing, a neckline was visible and her forms were well shown, she had even cut her hair in that month finding even makeup that brought out the highlights of her face. 
She was definitely different, something had happened and the male Death Eaters did not mind at all, the same could not be said of the women in the room especially when Tom requested a moment alone with Y/n after their meeting.
The young witch had to present herself in his study in order to be away from prying eyes and ears that might overhear the things she had discovered, when she entered the room she noticed how it had all been changed in style that mirrored Tom's own, he was sitting in his armchair by the fireplace, his red gaze fixed on the flames as he waited.
His head turned slowly casting a glance at Y/n before he smiled and nodded to her indicating her to sit in the armchair there next to him speaking only when he saw her sitting down.
"How did the mission go?" he asked her his eyes traveled lingering on the uncovered parts of her body and then her lips emphasized with lip gloss "good, definitely good, I found out what you wanted" she replied as she crossed her legs telling him how she found out more about the Gaunt family, Tom's mother's family, and the Riddle family, Tom's father's family. 
She stopped only when she finished her story of how things really happened before the Dark Lord's conception, biting her lower lip slightly as he continued to keep his red eyes on her, studying the changes and the things that were still left of the Y/n from before...if there were things left. 
There was a moment of silence between the two filled just by the crackling noise of the fire before he spoke again "what happened in the Muggle world that you didn't tell me?" he declared as he looked up again at her face noticing a blush appearing on her face and her y/e/c eyes setting away from his as she squeezed her thighs lightly together in a sinful way. 
Tom could see some embarrassment but also a spark of excitement in the girl's eyes as she let out a deep sigh before looking him in the eye "I did something very wrong but I would do it again" she nodded slightly before slowly getting up, moving closer to him.
Tom's body stiffened and his slightly hungry gaze followed every movement Y/n made as she slowly approached him, stopping behind the armchair "it was amazing, something I had never experienced before, the way his hands moved all over my body in such an.... expert and passionate way" Tom swore he heard her meow softly as she placed her hands on his shoulders tracing them before going to his chest slowly opening his shirt while her lips grazed the skin of his neck "the way his lips touched my bare... skin" she whispered the last word in his ear noticing the growing arousal in her dark lord that had slowly relaxed to her touch and a tent in his black pants was beginning to grow " he made me feel things no one has ever made me feel" she bit her own lip before shifting and stopping the physical contact with Tom but only briefly as with one movement she fell straddling his lap grabbing his tie "and the way his hips moved" she purred closing her eyes as she imagined probably the things that happened under the sheets in a yet unidentified bedroom.
Tom couldn't read her mind though, too distracted as she began to grind against him making snaps that made him hold his breath and desire for more "I'm aware of how wrong it is being me a pureblood but that muggle was just something" she murmured letting a sigh escape as she felt Tom's big, pale hands moving over her exposed thighs "a muggle? " he murmured in disbelief but could say nothing more because she kissed the corner of his mouth before whispering against his skin "a Muggle and it would never have happened without you, my lord" she murmured brushing her lips against his jaw and moving to his neck causing Tom's head to rest against the armchair as he waited impatiently for ecstasy "your father has a beautiful home, a manor and he lives there with his mother and father, he has an old money style and he looks a lot like you" there was another small pause "only older and more mature" she murmured the last word in his ear, rolling her hips against his before standing up noticing how Tom's body reacted to the separation, moving toward her with the intent of grabbing her and bringing her back to where she was.
Y/n moved around the room looking around before turning and biting her bottom lip with a hungry look turned toward Tom's "and he's really good at it" she winked and an embarrassed giggle came out of her as she sighed dreamily not noticing the change of expression on her lord's face.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @lostmyremembrall
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atl4ntxc · 2 years
“lord abrasax of the heavenly principles,” — sumeru
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⌕ note — fun fact i actually don’t know wtf im doing lol
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being the great archon and keeping it away from everyone is hard. especially when you’re the archon of beauty and life— who is known to be kind-hearted to undeserving souls.
you are widely worshipped among the mortals of teyvat, answering their prayers in the softest way a person could imagine.
“oh lord abrasax, grant me the finest silks to gift to my wife— who has been ill for all of her life. i wish to make her the happiest woman before the cloth of death covers her,”
kunikuzushi, a puppet created by beelzebul. kunikuzushi has been blessed by the lord abrasax, having indescribable beauty. although blessed with beauty, he was not blessed with a kind life— and he will always curse the lord abrasax for that.
“lord abrasax is nothing but a selfish deity.”
pieces of your heart breaks for this poor boy, cursing you for giving him a bad life. oh when will he learn?
“forgive me for giving you such a bad destiny, my dear.” you would often repeat, crystal tears dropping onto teyvat. once those tears hit the world of teyvat, it grows into a beautiful flower, bright green with shining petals of yellow.
some would associate you with the god of flowers, as each step you took makes the ground seem more lively.
“who are you?”
you turned to look back to see a man with medium-length grey hair and tanned skin. in his eyes, you were the most beautiful creature he had ever met— radiant skin, long and curled eyelashes, as well as a perfect face with strands of hair complimenting your features (bro if ure bald ignore this 💀). “answer me! who are you?” he walked closer towards you and gripped his polearm tightly, cautious.
you only kept quiet and stared at him. “i come with no harm,” you softly said, standing up from the ground you previously sat on. “what is your purpose of being here?” he asked. “to visit lesser lord kusanali,” the man infront of you furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, not knowing of your relation with kusanali.
“what is your name?” you asked, a gentle smile displayed. “cyno— my name is cyno,” he quietly spoke, his grip on the polearm lessening. “[name]. i’m [name].”
“first of all, i shall bring you to sumeru city. second, if you happen to have no bad intentions towards lord kusanali, i will let you meet her.” you could only nod and agree to cyno’s terms, not denying at all. “then i shall follow.”
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charliedawn · 1 year
Could you do one with Balem Abrasax where reader is Jupiter best friend and her and Balem Abrasax fall for eacthother and maybe that changes his mind about earth and stuff since he falls for reader
Fandom( Jupiter acsending)
(I never wrote for this character. So, I apologize for any mistake I may have done concerning the original story. I hope you'll like it.)
Balem had commanded you be brought before him as soon as he had heard of your presence withing his ship and as many of the children's whims—nobody dared refuse.
You were brought forth and Balem's eyes swept over your shivering form with idle interest.
"So...You are the one who managed to befriend mother."
You blinked twice before daring raising your voice to correct.
"Not mother, my lord. Jupiter. She is not your mother. She is my best friend."
The crowd gathered around the both of you seemed to gasp and whisper. Your skin crawled at the uncomfortable sensation of thousands of eyes on you.
You thought Balem would be upset at your contradicting, but he seemed almost amused by it.
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"You love her so much, don't you ?"
You gulped at his sickly sweet tone and the way his eyes seemed to bore into yours. He didn't even blink once.
"I do. She is like a sister to me.", you finally confirmed and didn't expect Balem's reaction.
In the flash of a second, he was standing right in front of you and held your chin in a tight grip—his cold dead eyes staring into yours intently.
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"Sickening...Sickening affection.", he spat—as if it was an insult. "So much love in your gaze. So much naivety. Tell me, young dove...Do you fancy striking a deal with the devil ?"
"...What ?", you breathed out—scared and confused. His fingers digged painfully into your flesh as he reiterated his demand.
"I'll spare your precious Earth. I'll even spare the one you call Jupiter. All you have to do...is agree to stay with me. And take mother's place."
Your eyes watered at the notion of what he was asking of you and you wondered if it was better to throw yourself at his feet and beg for his mercy, or try to reason with him.
You settled for the latter.
"My lord...I am but a mere human. I am not worthy of such an offer. W...Why would you...?"
He clicked his tongue in disapproval and you were scared he might actually dislocate your jaw by the sheer force of his grip.
"Now now...Don't sell yourself short, my dear. I collect things. Rare things. Pretty things. And you...you are the most interesting and precious thing mother has acquired within her time on Earth."
Your breath hitched as his smile widened—almost unnaturally so—as he added.
"And everything mother owns...I want and must acquire."
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He finally let go of your jaw to let his finger travel up and down the side of your face. He then leaned forward to whisper in your ear.
"Without you, Jupiter would be crushed. A mess. One I cannot wait to see and enjoy thoroughly."
You closed your eyes and your whole body trembled as you realized...you were never going home.
"I wonder how much time it will take for you to hate me...?"
You looked up at him and even though he deserved your hatred and your wrath—you couldn't help but pity the prince.
You had heard of what happened to his mother, the way he had had to kill her because she was tired of life.
No child should suffer such responsibility.
"...I agree."
Your own answer surprised you, but you had no choice either way. He wasn't going to stop tracking Jupiter—and you would be caught dead before making her suffer another day of torture if you could help it.
"My life. And you'll set Jupiter and Earth free from your torment."
Balem seemed to think about it before smiling and bringing your hand to his cold lips.
"~You have my word."
And hence, it was done.
You became Balem's belonging and had to leave Jupiter and your life behind. And Balem was not easy to please.
You raised your eyes to meet the ones of the person you had learned to recognize as your master. He had a pensive look on his face and hummed to himself before dragging you up so he may have a closer look at you.
You were wearing Jupiterian' clothes now and had learned not to speak unless spoken to—which had earned yourself a little recognition from the man before you.
It was terrible how your thoughts and feelings were now linked to the man. He controlled your very existence, pulled your strings like a skillful puppet master.
"Tell me, Y/N. When will you start hating me ?"
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You pondered on the question you had asked yourself so many times before and sighed. Truth was ? You had no idea.
He was moody. Childish. Arrogant. Selfish. Possessive...
And yet, you still couldn't bring yourself to hate him.
"Probably never, your highness."
Balem seemed taken aback by your answer, but a mocking smirk soon took its place on his face as he scoffed.
"You are such a compassionate being. Sickening really...Sick and contagious. Like a virus. A plague."
His eyes seemed to darken as he talked before his lips tightened into a thin line in obvious discontent.
"Get up."
You obeyed. You deduced your time must have come to an end and even though you knew better than to try to beg for your life—you still tried.
"...Balem. Please."
But, it wasn't the right answer it seemed as he fisted a hand in your hair and yanked you back to seethe.
"No. No more pleading. I am done waiting for things. I shall take. Take from now on until I am satisfied."
And...taking your life would bring him satisfaction ?
"And when will you be ?", you asked and the room fell into a deep silence.
"Ssh...Pretty things do not talk.", Balem finally shushed you before kissing your lips.
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You were then too stunned to speak and Balem chuckled darkly.
"...Here we go. See ? You can shut up."
It was said in such a calm and collected way, it felt like a soft caress when in fact it was poison.
Your eyes burned with uncanny fire as you suddenly took him by the collar and shook him back and forth.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT ?! WHY ?! I THOUGHT WE COULD HAVE BEEN...!", you started—but Balem interrupted you.
"What ? Friends ? Don't make me laugh. We will never be friends, pet. As I have left my name on all this destruction and those planets, you shall soon recognize my name branded into your very body and soul—if you have one. So, better get used to it."
You took a couple of staggering steps back and felt tears in your eyes again.
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"...You're a monster.", you recognized finally and covered your mouth with both hands in horror.
He seemed to feel guilty at first, lowering his face and the shadows covering his eyes. You felt the urge to comfort him rise again in your chest—swept away by a deep dark chuckle that turned into a mad cackle as he threw his head back in dramatic satire.
He closed his eyes and when his laughter had died down, his eyes slowly raised to meet yours. No compassion. No mercy.
"Took you long enough."
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"S...Stop looking at me with those eyes.", you told him—even though you doubted he would listen. And sure enough, he didn't.
"My mother told me I had the most beautiful eyes in the galaxy."
He took a step forward.
"My father told me I was crafted from the finest gold and had a wonderful careful nature."
Another step.
"But, truth is ? I always found myself to be dark charcoal. Silent. Dark. And deadly."
He was trapping you in a corner—you realized. But, when you tried to escape, his arms wrapped around your waist and as much as you tried to pull away, you were no match for his alien strength.
He was sculpted in stone and you were clay into his hands.
"Balem...", you called out his name—but he didn't answer at first. He only let out a soft breath while nuzzling your neck affectionately.
"Yes, little dove ?"
You took him by surprise by softly scratching his scalp and embracing him fully.
"I forgive you."
He blinked several times before his lips quivered and he tightened his hold on you, fisting his hands in the soft fabric of your dress as he started crying softly in the crook of your neck.
You soothed him and even though the incredibly uncomfortable spiky suit he was wearing was digging into your skin, you didn't stop.
There was little to no hope for Balem, but it wouldn't stop you from loving him.
And it hurt. More than any knife or poison thrown your way.
You let out a heavy sigh while petting his head and the slight shift in your proximity was mistaken for discomfort.
He slowly pulled away from you to look at you intently with those beautiful eyes of his. His mother was right about one thing...
He then saw the red marks his outfit had left on you and frowned a little before trying to soothe them with his gloved thumb.
"Even now...You prefer to stay silent rather than tell me when I'm hurting you.", he mused before his eyes returned to your face. But, it was no empathy in his gaze...no.
He smiled.
"It only makes me want to hurt you more.", he confessed huskily and your breath hitched as he suddenly digged the tip of his thumb into your already sensitive skin for a second or two.
But, he quickly retreated when you let out a small cry and instead, pressed his lips to the abused flesh.
"...You taste like mandarins.", he commented.
You didn't know how to answer the comment of the prince...lord ?...his highness ?
You then realized you had never really understood Jupiterian's chain of command.
Most people called Balem 'Lord', but they also said he was part of the 'Royal family'. It made you realize just how important he was. He was royalty. Untouchable. He had always been praised and spoiled rotten. No wonder he had turned out the way he had.
"...I sometimes wonder if I should do like mother and ask someone to end my life. But, I have no one I could ask it to, no one that would hold my hand and tell me that everything will be alright...", he said before looking up at you with something soft in his eyes—some hidden weakness. "...Would you be that person one day—I wonder ?"
It wasn't a question adressed to you. You didn't reply and he hummed before intertwining your fingers.
"One day...One day, I will set you free, little dove. I promise. But until then..."
He tightened his grip on you and his eyes returned to their cold and calculating state and you shivered again.
"...Until then, you are mine. Your heart. Your body. Your soul."
You closed your eyes and let the prince embrace you once more, his slender hands trapping you in his arms.
"...Until then, you are stuck with me, little dove."
You let out a heavy sigh of defeat. Deep down, you already knew—but it felt different to hear him say it. He was without shame. Without remorse.
And it made you want to fight against whatever affection for him was blooming in your chest even more.
You tried to escape his cursed embrace, but he wouldn't budge and shook his head.
"Ssh...Settle down, little dove. We wouldn't want to have to pin down your wings so soon."
And as if to prove his commitment, he pulled out a dagger from his belt and ran it across your leg warningly.
You stopped struggling instantly and he seemed satisfied.
"Good, little dove. Good. You learn quickly."
His eyes gleamed with insanity and vicious sadistic pleasure.
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He was insane. You knew as much. And it hurt you to know that you might never be able to change his twisted mind.
"Do I scare you, little dove ?", he asked.
You were tempted to lie, but finally nodded.
His smile didn't falter.
"Good. You should be."
He then finally released you and walked away.
"I'll see you around, little dove."
Even if he was the cruelest of all captors, he still remained the most majestic being you had ever seen. He seemed to float above the polished floor like a ghost.
His smile haunted you and it was only when he was out of the room that you regained your breath and your heart made its presence known in hour chest.
Yes. Balem was evil. There was no doubt about it, but...
Oooh...Did you want him. It was pure desire. And it made your skin crawl to be perfectly aware of your attraction to this bringer of chaos.
You smiled through your tears and threw your head back before letting out a pained laugh, covering your face as you did.
Maybe were you going insane too...?
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allchemymuses · 19 days
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para YAN ABRASAX, um LORDE DO TEMPO, o universo inteiro é uma página aberta. com um salto de fé, sua habilidade de MUDAR A REALIDADE fica um pouco mais forte. por UM MILÊNIO, ele sobreviveu a um mundo de ciência e aristrocracia com sua BENEVOLÊNCIA e NECESSIDADE DE CONTROLE. trabalha GERENCIANDO O NEGÓCIO DA FAMÍLIA, mas esperamos que logo mais, ele possa mudar seu destino ! se uma música pudesse o definir , certamente seria GOD'S GAME , de dove cameron. vamos esperar por suas conquistas ! o que pode te salvar ? amor ou glória ?
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just a boy with a man's face, playin' god's game.
yan abrasax é o mais velho e poderoso dos filhos abrasax - também o menos inescrupuloso. ele reina o cosmos com pulso firme, mas suas verdadeiras intenções sempre foram um mistério . dono da terra e muitos outros planetas, ele segue sem ceifar nenhum, trazendo confusão e mal querer da parte dos irmãos, que não tem coragem de enfrentá-lo por causa de seu bem treinado poder de mexer com a realidade, podendo até mesmo os varrer de tal.
ler mais sobre a dinastia abrasax aqui.
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verse principal : yan abrasax, lorde do tempo.
verse secundário : yan abrasax, mutante que controla o livro sagrado darkhold.
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Be welcome to Redmayniac-Roleplayer
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alienfromsirius · 4 years
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Lord Balem Abrasax with Little Ghost
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ladybalem · 5 years
She-slave's soul - a Confession about Balem Abrasax - part 2 of 3
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* SMUT ALERT: 50 SHADES OF JUPITER'S SMUT AS FAR AS THE EYES CAN SEE * PLUS: ALERT OF PAIN. There's a little around here. If you don't like it, don't read it. You've been warned. * Pairing: Balem x OC (Malena) * <18+ it's still not enough for this. Keep it to read only when you're at the university, lol> * * * (continuing...)          Excited, Malena obeyed him, getting kneeled before Balem and with no delay she spread her lips and received his length between them with a vulgar moaning of  satisfaction as she worked to make it to stiff between her anxious lips, what didn't take no long to happen, while over Malena's head Balem was  finishing to tear off one of the long sleeves of her silver dress, remaining just with it in his right hand as he threw the rest of it away at the floor at the bed. And as Balem found himself ready, his sex growing between her lips in an  extraordinary way due to the  phenomenal attention his she-slave was dedicating it, taking the tore sleeve of her dress he just blindfolded Malena with it, tying it over her eyes. And she moaned in pleasure as, making her then to stop what she was doing, Balem held her by her hair, keeping Malena halted, and that way he began to move his hips with impetus against her face, who held herself to his thin thighs, just letting him to take her entire mouth, while she moaned. Never Balem would be able to put it entirely into Malena's mouth as he seemed to intend to do, and she was truly almost gagging at each thrust of him into  her throat; but to listen at his low tone and guttural moans while he was doing that to her was arousing Malena in a way that she abandoned herself to moan out loud as well, superficially breathing, cause the feeling of being possessed and used by him that way it was delicious for her to the point of that there was no words to express as she felt then. And seeming to guess her thoughts, Balem moaned to her in middle of the noises that were escaping from his throat wrapped by  the high metal collar:          - What is the feeling of being taken this way, slave? Do you enjoy this?          It was obvious that she wasn't able to respond him, but it was exactly this what excited Balem the most while doing her this question, and leaving her hair and exiting from her mouth, that for an instant just stayed opened as if her just like didn't comprehend why did he done that, Balem commanded:          - To the bed. On your knees and hands, slave.          Closing her mouth and swallowing Malena stretched one of her arms into the bed's way behind her, grabbling to it, and she lifted herself up slowly, turning into its direction, still stretching her arms forward, and as they reached the bluish camp Malena felt both of her hands to ascend up weightless, but Balem, pressing the button behind his right ear, turned off the system, and then she got to get over the bed, still blindfolded, the bunch of grapes falling at her side. And crawling Malena went to the center of the large bed, panting by now, and soon she felt he was getting over behind her, taking position on his knees at her back, palming his large hands on the palpitating and trembling shapes of her butts, fawning it in a circular caress until Balem to turn his hands and slide descending both of them palmed through her thighs until they reach Malena's bent knees' back, scratching her skin with his nails as he restarted to come up, repeating the caress as he reached the top again.          And then with the fingers of his left hand he pulled apart her fold lips, sliding in sequence the medium finger of his right through the middle of them, and clapping his tongue as he heard her to moan so deliciously and as he saw his she-slave to softly arch her spine, Balem whispered, with a voice that caused her a shiver at the basis of her spine:          - So wet - and he slid his finger inside, making it to bend inside her, that once again arched her back and moaned, and pulling it out and sliding it along her femininity again he turned to say - So warm. Your body is imploring for mine. Perfection.          - Oh, yes, my Lord, I  implore - Malena moaned - Take me to yourself, I  implore.          A black smile showed on his face, but he stood still a little back on his knees, placing both his large hands on her butts and that time placing apart her fold lips with his thumbs; and inclining down his head he pointed out his tongue and glided it along of her sex for whole from down to up, and being overrun by a trembling Malena moaned out loud:          - Oh! My Lord!          Balem smiled mysteriously over her sex, proud and satisfied of the power he exerted over her, turning to repeat what he have done once more as his she-slave moaned out loud:          - Each part of my body implores for yours, my Master. Each part of my body belongs to you, Lord Balem, use what's yours. I  implore!          And having that terrible wicked smirk still on his face, Balem with no warning penetrated her at once, pulling Malena to himself with his both hands with strength, his growing nails digging into her flesh at each thrusting. And she  abandoned herself moaning out loud, Balem deriving pleasure of the deliciously vulgar way she was expressing herself, and after some good number of deep thrusts given into her with strength, he stretched one of his arms, pulling Malena back by her hair, making her to lift her torso up, and panting the she-slave stood on her knees, falling her head aside as he was asking, roaring on Malena's ear:          - To whom do you belong, she-slave?          - To you, my Lord, solely to you, my Lord.          Balem then slid his free hand along her sweaty and trembling body, keeping on to thrust inside her even at that position, and holding one of her breasts, he tightened it - And will you belong to someone else some other day?          - No! I rather die than do such, my beloved Lord!          And in a single gesture Balem tore away the blindfold from Malena's eyes, pushing her forward and making her to fall on her hands again, restarting to thrust against her with strength.          - My Lord... - she spoke out loud, in ecstasy - Possess me, Lord Balem, possess me... I belong to you, my Lord!          Inebriated with the way Malena was submissive to him and with the fact she felt an incredible pleasure with that, panting between his locked teeth Lord Balem felt uncommon desires and desired to satisfy them right there and right then: Bringing his right thumb to his lips, licking it to lubricate it, without stopping thrusting into her, he softly forced his thumb to inside of her back entrance, introducing there just its tip, as Malena moaned slightly in pain by this time, and noticing this, he left to fall from his lips over her a long string of spit, under which warm touch she moaned in pleasure, but he soon forced his finger inside again, then introducing it for whole, and as Balem had never made this to her before the expectation aroused her, although Malena was still feeling pain.          And just don't managing for long the hot and extremely tight feeling his thumb was experiencing, Balem desired another thing, and getting out from her while removing his finger as well, he made to fall over her back entrance another long string of saliva, that was only what he had at hand at that moment to make use, quickly placing the tip of his length there. But when he forced it to the inside, Malena moaned and contorted herself in pain.          - Relax! - he commanded, both hands stroking along of her buttocks, before to lead them to the curve of her groins and pull his slave to himself. Tears drained from Malena's eyes as his length getting to bend he felt the difficulty to get in, Balem moaning in pleasure now as he was pulling her with a hand of his while with the other he was arranging and holding to himself, forcing his entrance millimeter by millimeter, and with a wicked voice he grunted - You said that every part of your body were mine, and you implored me to use what is mine - moaning out loud she sobbed then, tightening her eyes, feeling him to get in more and more - And THIS is what I want by now.          - My Lord, please, make use of  mercy! It hurts, my Lord!          - Implore me for doing this - he commanded, ignoring her request.          - Lord Balem!          Getting to keep his length straight and grinding his teeth, making strength against her he entered then to the end, closing his eyes tight shut and retorting his neck back as he let a grunting to scape out, and in a single movement he cringed his belly and just pulled a half out, what made her to moan out loud in agony, and he spoked loud:          - Oh, Malena! Perfection!          - My beloved Lord, please!          - Quiet! Relax! - and he spitted  once more, at that time disdainfully, on the half of his own sex that was out before to once again introduce it inside her, starting to thrust on as he was grunting loud, barely supporting the pressure made by her virgin ass around his so potent length, and little by little a strange mixing of pain and pleasure installed itself on Malena, who was still weeping, but that by now restarting to incline her  hips up into his direction as before, at each thrust. And the pain was step by step disappearing, and a pleasure she didn't judge before that would exist began to show itself to her very slowly. And inclining himself over her back, getting too on his hands above her, Balem with one of his large hands made Malena to turn her face as he licked up one of her cheeks:          - It pleases me the taste of your tears, my she-slave. (to be continued...)
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reanumber99 · 6 years
Balem Abrasax
Weaving my way through the diverse roles so articulately and beautifully played by Eddie Redmayne a classical thespian in modern flesh I stumbled upon his Oscar worthy performance Balem Abrasax. I had heard of such a performance before but at the time found myself too consumed in the roles in his career that showcased emotion above profit. My understanding being that the oscars are often given frivolously at the flash of a check bearing more than Seven numbers. Jupiter Ascending’s plot intrigued me and I continued past the featurettes and trailers. What drew me in most was the youthful face of Eddie redmayne’s character being betrayed by a soft sometimes raspy voice. A voice whose age far succeeded the owner’s appearance. I was correct in my pondering as I watched the film. His body seemingly in the early stages of aging washed of lines and silver hairs in a single bath. Reminiscent of the youthful powers of the red witch’s broach. This led me to the realization of hundreds of lifetimes playing god hundreds of lifetimes surrounded by those playing into the ego of an already inflated monarch. Hundreds of lifetimes to replay relive and regret the decisions made in the past. The cost of his youthful look almost too high for the average mortal but for him an equal trade. A ruler’s health is everything in the eye of his subject’s. A sick king is a sick kingdom. A mortal is still a mortal and his mind however plagued by remorse and regressed memories held on by a thread as evident from his outbursts. A child never maturing with the responsibilities of a God, my heart fluttered at the story of his cruel upbringing and his misled ideaology that profit raised mere men to the level of immortals. No one deserves the unfortunately misguided hand of wrath outstretched by him. He did not deserve the self loathing the solitude and serpant like snickers from his own siblings. Your heart turns cruel with no one to warm it. And although he brought an end to many undeserving I feel his possible fiery end was unjust. Repeating a cycle so engrained in his mind and soul he felt his world would collapse if it broke...This leads me and many others to lend their hearts and writing skills to Lord Balem, in an attempt to rewrite the script and soften his stone heart. Join me and let me show you how I may soften the soul of a cruel king.
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julia-b00 · 6 years
Stories I am currently working on that have covers (Yes there are others that don’t have covers yet)
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Aro Volturi Fanfic
"I am able to see your victims, I am able to see and feel their pain"
Eve is the youngest addition to the Cullen family, she has the gift to be able to see those who died. Still human she goes with her sister and Bella to save Edward from revealing himself. In which led her to meet someone she had no idea would be linked to her.
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Zero Kiryu x OC
What if Shizuka Hio had a child with Rido Kuran? what would the child be like...? Her hair, dark as raven wings and her eyes that are able to look deep into his soul.
This is a rewrite of the story somethings have changed however I hope you enjoy!
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Marcus Volturi X OC
"Marcus, be patient your fated one will be with you" "Aro, it has been centuries, do you think she will just pop right out of the sky?" And on queue, a blue-haired bride had landed in his arms.
Belladonna a runaway bride from a man who she knew was not right for her and was not the kindest had managed to gain a new husband on the same night. Who knew all you had to do was run up 6 flights of stairs and jump into the arms of a vampire.
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Snowman x Oc
Calypso, half human, half vampire. Blade took her in when he found her protecting a human woman from being attacked by a man. Interested by the fact she only feeds off of disgusting humans. He brought her under her wing and trained her how to fight and how to control her "gift".
However when a group of vampires asks Blade to help them hunt down some reapers. Calypsos heart starts to flutter when she is near a certain silent vampire
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Thranduil X OC
The children of the night, powerful beings created by the dark lord Sauron. There was once six, but now there's only one.
(A Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit fanfic story)
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Balem x Fem OC
Persephone has the gift of healing and is wanted by not only her fellow Earthlings but by others that are not from Earth. She has been chased, kidnapped and then traded and now belongs to Balem Abrasax.
Handsome yes but too bad this very old man acts like a brat.
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Thranduil x Oc story
Andromeda Black a California witch who is wishing for more in her life along with a better love life. Seems like these non-magic boys aren't cutting it. Maybe taking a classic fairytale portal to another world will satisfy her need for adventure.
For a mature audience due to language, and other mature content
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Peter Pan x Oc
"You see Harley, Peter Pan never fails," he said with a grin. "And you see Pan, Harley Jinx always wins"
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jackdawsonsgrl · 6 years
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“Little bird…” Balem spoke, removing his hand from your back and bringing it up to your face. He hovered it over your cheek, fingers hesitant on touching you this time. But, as the other dancers bowed to each other in thanks for the dance, he simply cupped your cheek, pulling you forward and pressing his lips upon your forehead in a soft kiss.
Love Me Like You Do | @sinuhmyn-apple
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theblasianwitch · 2 years
Dragons Around the World (part 1)
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Ninka Nanka of the West African swamps
Aido-Hwedo of the Dahoney people of West Africa; creator and supporter of the world and can cause the end of the world
The Ethiopian Dream of Ethiopia
Isa Bere of Niger; bled the Niger River and body is said to be on the river floor
Australia and Oceania
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Yulunggu of Australia, The Rainbow Serpent
Peke-Hara of New Zealand
Hotu-Puku of New Zealand
Middle East
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Pakhangba or Metei Dragon of the Manipur people of India; great dragon lord, ruler and protector of Earth, destroyer of evil, creator of the universe
Akhekh of Egypt
Druk or Thunder Dragon of Bhutan
The Leviathon of Hebrew Mythology
Kur of Sumeria
Abrasax of Persia; considered a Supreme Being and origin of "abracadabra"
Apophis of Egypt; god of darkness and embodiment of chaos, the greatest enemy of Ra
Bahamut of Arabia; compared to Behemoth in Hebrew Mythology; holds the earth on its back, keeps the world together or plunges it into darkness
Illuyankas of Hitite Legend; weather god
Mertseger of Egypt
Yam-Nahar of Canaanite Legend; king of the sea, fights with the diety Baal
Zu of Babylonia
The Americas
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Boitata of Brazil
Oyaleroweck of Canada
Mo-O-Inanea of Hawaii; mother goddess of all dragons
Kane-Kua-Ana of Hawaii; bringer of pearls and oysters to Eurs Lagoon (Pearl Harbor)
The Chelan Lake Dragon of the Chelan Indians of Washington
Coatlcue of the Aztecs
Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl of Mesoamerica; god of creation; rain maker, wind blower and fire bringer
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nyxshadowhawk · 4 years
Names for Witches
An updated version of an earlier list! Good and evil witches alike:
Acrasia: A witch in The Faerie Queene who tempts and bewitches people, controlling their minds. Means "lacking command."
Agatha: Means "good." A disproportionately common name for witches in media, including the Enchantress from Beauty and the Beast, Aggie Prenderghast from ParaNorman, and Aggie Cromwell from Halloweentown.
Aglaonice: A Thessalian witch from the writings of Plutarch, who could draw the moon down from the sky (probably referring to an eclipse). She might just have been an astronomer!
Akantha: A Greek name meaning "thorn."
Akitophis: The name of an unkown goddess mentioned in the PGM. Possibly a name or epithet of Ereshkigal.
Alcina: An evil sorceress and seductress from Orlando furioso, and the title character of a series of operas. Meaning uncertain.
Alcmene: The mother of Heracles. Means “moon strength.”
Aradia: The title character of Charles Geoffrey Leland's book Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches. A moon goddess and basically the witch version of Jesus, at least in that book.
Arcana: Latin word meaning “secret” (literally “to shut in a chest”), also a word for the two groups of cards in a tarot deck.
Argante: The Queen of Avalon in one Arthurian text, a version of Morgan le Fay. Might be related to argenta (“silver”).
Arianrhod: A Welsh goddess, associated with the moon, stars, fertility, and the passage of time. Means “silver wheel.”
Armida: The name of the witch/seductress in Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered, meaning uncertain.
Asteria: A Titaness and the mother of Hecate, the goddess of falling stars, prophecy, astrology, and oneiromancy. Means “starry.”
Asterope: The mother of Circe in one telling. Means either “lightning” or “star-faced.” (Also the name of one of the Pleiades.)
Autumn: The season containing Halloween/Samhain.
Belladonna: Deadly nightshade, a poisonous herb. Means "beautiful woman."
Briar: Refers to thorny bushes. Could be associated with evil enchantments, beautiful roses, or both.
Brigid: Celtic fire goddess. Means either "strength, virtue" or "exalted one."
Cassandra: A Greek prophetess whom Apollo cursed so no one would believe her. Means "she who entangles men." Could be shortened to "Cassie."
Cerridwen: Welsh enchantress goddess associated with the sacred cauldron of divine inspiration. Means "white poet."
Circe: A sorceress in Greek mythology who turned men into animals and who was a priestess of Hecate. Means "hoop-round."
Despoina: A daughter of Demeter and Poseidon associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries. Means “the mistress.” Also an epithet of Hecate and Persephone.
Diana: Roman name of the goddess Artemis, the virgin goddess of the moon and the hunt. Associated with Dianic Wicca, a modern cult centered around this goddess.
Edana: Celtic, means “little fire.”
Elergia/Annowre: An evil sorceress in Arthurian legend who tries to seduce Arthur.
Endora: The Witch of Endor was a sorceress in the Bible.
Empusa: Female monsters that served Hecate. Means “one-legged.”
Erichtho: A horrifying, evil hag from Lucan’s Pharsalia. Meaning uncertain.
Esmeralda: The name of Granny Weatherwax (from Discworld), means "emerald."
Freya: Norse goddess of love, beauty, sex, and war, means "lady."
Ganeida: An Arthurian sorceress, a sister of Merlin.
Grimhilde: The name given to the Evil Queen in Disney's Snow White. Good for fairy-tale-esque witches, could also work for a kinda Gothy heroic character. Means “masked battle.��
Gwendolyn: A Welsh name meaning "white bow" or "white ring."
Habundia/Habonde: "Abundance," a name for the queen of witches or fairies, associated with Diana, Mab, Nicnevin, and Hecate.
Hazel: Witch-hazel is a shrub with yellow flowers, associated with witches because of its name and its medicinal properties. Actual hazel is an all-purpose wood for magic wands.
Hecate: The goddess of witchcraft, necromancy, the night, and the crossroads in Greek mythology. Means "worker from afar.”
Hecuba: The Queen of Troy, mother of Cassandra. Uncertain etymology, possibly related to "Hecate." She turned into a dog and became one of Hecate’s familiars.
Hellawes: An evil sorceress in Arthurian legend, who seeks to kill Lancelot so she can embalm his corpse and kiss it every day to spite Guinevere. Creepy.
Hellebore: A poisonous herb.
Ianira: A name of several nymphs in Greek mythology, possibly meaning "enchantress."
Ingrid: A Norse name combining the name of a fertility god and the word for "beautiful."
Ivy: A plant thought to drive out evil spirits.
Lamia: A vampire-like monster from Greek mythology that eats children. Name of the witch in the film version of Stardust.
Lilith: The Queen of Demons in Hebrew folklore, means "of the night,” referring to a screech owl.
Lilura: Basque name meaning "enchantment."
Louhi: An evil witch queen in Finnish mythology. Means "trance."
Luna: Roman goddess of the moon.
Maeve: Based on Irish Gaelic, means "intoxicating." Possibly related to Queen Mab.
Medea: Means "cunning," a sorceress in Greek mythology who helped Jason steal the Golden Fleece. Took violent revenge when he left her for another woman.
Melissa: An apprentice of Merlin, who rescues the victims of Alcina. Means “honeybee.”
Morana/Marzanna: The Slavic goddess of death and winter, means "death."
Morgana: Name of the famous sorceress Morgan le Fay from Arthurian legend. Means “sea circle.”
Morrigan: Irish goddess of death, war, and ravens, means “great queen” or “phantom queen.”
Morwenna: A Welsh name meaning “maiden,” the name of the witch in the book version of Stardust.
Nepenthe: A magical drug from the Odyssey that cures sorrow and causes forgetfulness.
Nicnevan: Queen of the Fairies in Scottish folklore, and the witch queen of Samhain. Means "daughter of the divine." Identified with Hecate.
Nimue: A name for the Lady of the Lake, and/or the sorceress who encased Merlin in a tree with his own magic. Might be related to a Greek word meaning "memory."
Nyx: The Greek primordial goddess of and personification of the night.
Orenda: Iriquois name meaning "magical power."
Persephone: Greek goddess of flowers and Queen of the Underworld. Means either "wheat-thresher" or alternatively "destroyer."
Ragana: Lithuanian Crone goddess of witchcraft.
Raven: The bird, associated with death, magic, and prophecy in multiple mythologies.
Sage: Unisex, a cleansing herb used in many magic spells. From Latin, “healing plant.”
Selene: The Greek goddess and personification of the moon.
Sibyl: Greek, “prophetess,” a word for an oracle.
Strega/Striga: "Strega" is the Italian word for witch (and a word for Italian neopaganism). "Striga" is the Latin word for witch and means "screech owl" (owls are in the order "strigiforms") and a genus of flower called "witchweed."
Sycorax: The name of the witch in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, who is probably based on Medea. Uncertain etymology.
Taika: Finnish, "magic spell."
Vervain: An herb with magical and medicinal properties.
Venefica: A Latin word that simply means “woman who poisons,” referring to a woman who works magic by means of potion-making.
Vivian: A name for the Lady of the Lake, means "lively."
Willow: A tree associated with witches and spirits
And, because I don’t want to neglect the men, here’s a few for male witches (I haven’t been able to find nearly as many!):
Abdecian: Means “to get by asking,” as in a magic spell. (Disclaimer: I have no idea where I got this name. I had it written in my notes, and I remember finding it somewhere, but when I searched it I got mainly my own content on various websites. So… idk.)
Abraxas: A magic word found throughout Greek magic spells as a name of power. The name of the “Great Archon” in Gnosticism, also the name of one of the horses of the Sun. Etymology uncertain. Also spelled Abrasax.
Alaric: Germanic, “all-powerful.”
Alistair: Scottish variant on Alexander, meaning “defender of mankind.” Similar to the chosen name of a certain famous occultist.
Altair: The brightest star in Aquila. Means “eagle.”
Amergin: A druid in Irish mythology, “born of song.”
Aspen: A white tree, associated with fairies. Its leaves turn golden in the fall, and they appear to “shimmer” in the breeze.
Arawn: The Welsh lord of the Otherworld and the dead, and leader of the Wild Hunt. Etymology uncertain; might be a variant of the Hebrew Aaron, “exaulted.”
Aurelius: Latin, “golden.”
Belenus: Pan-Celtic god of light and healing identified with Apollo, who gave his name to Beltane. Means “shining one.”
Briar: Refers to thorny bushes. Same fairy-tale associations.
Eliphas: Hebrew, “God is agile.” The pen name of the famous occultist Alphonse Constant.
Gwydion: Means “born of trees,” a magician and trickster god in Welsh mythology.
Hemlock: A poisonous herb used in spells.
Hunter: Self-explanatory. Modern witchcraft tends to involve the worship of forest gods associated with hunting.
Mabon: Welsh, “divine son,” a figure in Arthurian legend. His name was given to the autumn equinox in modern paganism.
Maddock: Welsh, “fortunate.”
Melchior: One of the Biblical magi, “king of light.”
Merle: A unisex name, from Latin, meaning “blackbird.”
Raven: The bird, associated with death, magic, and prophecy in multiple mythologies.
Rowan: Irish, “little red one,” the name of a tree with the ability to ward off evil.
Simon: Greek, from Hebrew, “hearkening.” The name of an ancient sorcerer, Simon Magus, who founded Gnosticism in early Christianity.
Soma: A name with various mystical meanings in different languages. In Greek, it means “body.” In Sanskrit it means “distill, extract” and refers to the drink of the gods, as well as being another name for the Hindu moon god, Chandra. In Finnish, it means “pretty.”
Tanwyn: Welsh, “white fire.”
Taliesin: A legendary bard in Welsh folklore, the son of Cerridwen. Means “shining brow.”
Valerian: A medicinal herb, used to induce sleep. “Health, vitality.”
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EVER AFTER (Balem Abrasax)
send me ‘EVER AFTER’ and a dynamic and my muse will tell you truthfully how they see the best possible ending for them, the worst possible ending for them, and the ending they think is the most plausible.
Omg, this is an old one, I need to confess I needed to search for this meme to watch what it was about. But let's go.
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Having the word, Balem Abrasax:
The best possible: "There's no "ending" when you make use of RegeneX". *scoffs slightly, seeming to be a bit bored*
The worst possible: "It's not going to happen. But it would be loosing the control of the House of Abrasax to Titus. Nothing could be worse than having to be below him in the family's hierarchy"
The most possible: "Keeping things as they are. I'll never loose my supremacy, actually"
(Well, let's say it's all before Jupiter Jones showing in, lol. Thanks for your ask!)
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alienfromsirius · 3 years
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Lord Balem’s tea party
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