#lord Heisenberg x oc
stellahaze135 · 2 years
I’ve been having this brain worm eat at my thoughts all day today so y’all get to hear it!
So what about an au of sorts where the BSAA are able to bring back the Lords via using the crystals they left behind. So what if instead of imprisonment and experimentation Chris offers them (specifically Karl here) the chance to instead work for them in taking care of other catastrophes like the Village.
As a matter of fact they’ve already started to set up a department of bio weapons designated to take out other bio weapon threats. Well they’ve got one natural born mutant, my OC Shade (Codename NightShade) who has Umbrakinesis or control over shadows, and a couple of agents, including Chris.
All the Lords except Moreau, at first, said fuck off they’d rather be in prison then do that bullshit. But when Karl started to succumb to stir craziness he was like ‘fuck this shit let’s go huntin.’, and so reluctantly becomes a lapdog to BSAA but at least he’s not a caged animal anymore, and eventually when the pure culture shock subsides he’s allowed to go out and enjoy the modern world during down time.
The fact that he’s the only one of the Lords that’s allowed to leave the BSAA facility is not lost on him or the others at all, and you best believe he hangs it over Alcina’s and his ‘nieces’ heads whenever he can!
So basically he becomes the Hellboy for BSAA! Instead of a big ass stone right hand you get a big ass hammer n magneto powers!
Oh and in my head him n Shade may or may not get together after a while. At first they drive each other nuts, but then ya know the slow burn hits, and the next thing they all know, the two of them are throwing flirts at each other left n right on and off the battle field!
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Heisenberg dgaf
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gurlbesimpin · 5 months
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I have finished the sketch :>c
playing it safe with a crop, you will unfortunately have to go to Twitter if you want to see the whole thing... but I'm sure you get the Jist v-v
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lovelywingsart · 26 days
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'I'm wondering why do all the monsters come out at night? Why do we sleep where we want to hide? Why do I run back to you Like I don't mind if you fuck up my life?
Why am I a sucker for all your lies? Strung out like laundry on every line Why do I come back to you Like I don't mind if you fuck up my life?'
'Monsters' - All Time Low ft. Demi Lovato
Small angst to this song finally uwu
Because it's really hard to be happy when you're partnered with someone that everyone would describe as a 'monster' and you simply long for humanity.
Even she doesn't know why she goes back…
Maybe it's his way of making everything seem sweeter when their world is crumbling around them.
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ashinreverse · 4 months
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azne09 · 9 months
Satul Umbrelor
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Author’s note : This text is an alternative version of the village of shadow’s fairytale from the prologue and epilogue of the game. This version is centered on the original characters of a fan fiction I’m working on. Please feel free to remark any spelling mistakes and typos ! English isn’t my first language.
   Once upon a time, there was a brother and a sister who lived in a very small house with their sick mother. The little brother was brave and dauntless, with innocent eyes blue as clear as the summer sky. But he never listened to his sister’s commands and always did as he pleased.
      The older sister was kind and patient, with beautiful red hair as bright as the oven fire. But she always scolded her brother and was sure that she was always right about everything.
      One day, the little brother decided to go into the woods with his friends to search for berries. Before he left the house, his sister warned him :
     “Listen to me and be careful ! Do not wander too close to the dark forest ! Or else, you will get lost, and the Enchantress of the Village of Shadows will eat you !”
     The brother didn’t care to listen, and went into the woods happily chanting. After searching and searching through the bushes, his friends rejoiced with their baskets full. But the little boy’s basket, however, was empty.
     After his friends went back home to show their mothers the fruits of their picking, the little boy was left all alone in the woods, upset. Sitting on a tree trunk, he threw rocks on the ground while cursing the bushes for not giving him any berries.
     Suddenly, a black raven flew over his head and landed on a branch.
     “Croaak croaak !” says the raven. “Come to the Village of Shadows, little boy ! You will find loads of berries in every bush ! The most delicious ones you will ever find !”
     Ignoring his sister’s warning, the little boy jumped back on his feet and followed the raven down to the dark forest’s entrance.
     Meanwhile, at home, the older sister waited for her brother to come back. The clock was ticking fast, and soon the night would fall outside. So, the sister decided to search for him herself, and went into the woods.
     After calling his name in vain, a snake hissed at her to come closer.
     “Psssss psssss !” says the snake. “Be quick, be quick dear girl ! Your brother hassssssss gone to the dark foressssssst ! You must hurry to ssssssave him, else the Enchantressssssss will eat him ! Be quick, be quick !”
     Horrified, the sister thanked the snake and hurried into the dark forest. As she walked through a path of crooked trees and twisted thorns, the girl continued to call for her brother. She called his name again and again, until her throat went dry.
     She stopped by an arch of trees, and opened her water bottle. But at that moment, three little bats crawled from the branches of the trees and pleaded :
     “Oh please, generous girl, let us drink with you ! We are so thirsty, we do not even have the strength to fly anymore !”
     So, the young girl poured the water in her hands, and allowed the three bats to drink until the last drop. Their little stomachs full again, the bats flew around in joy.
     Suddenly, a voice called out to the girl, and the King of Bats appeared.
     “Forgive me for intruding on your forest sir,” the girl said with a bow. “I am searching for my brother. Please, have you seen him ?”
     “Alas, dear girl, I have not seen him.” the King said “But I shall reward your generosity with a gift. Come, dear girl, quench your thirst.”
     The three bats gave her a silver cup, and the King of Bats bit his right wing to pour some of his blood. The girl smiled, drank the sweet blood from the cup, and thanked the King and his subjects.
     After leaving the forest, she ended up roaming around an abandoned cemetery, covered by a freezing fog. As she walked across the tombs, shaking in her poorly stitched dress, she heard the sound of snobs. Frightened at first, the girl continued to walk until she found a garden of weeping flowers.
     “Oh please, compassionate girl, pick us up and put us on those poor soul’s tombs ! We wish to keep them company until our last petals drop, so they do not feel lonely anymore !”
     So, the young girl picked up the flowers one by one, mixing them together to create colorful bouquets, and carefully laid them down on top of every grave. 
     Suddenly, the wind began to blow, and a Dark Weaver appeared.
     “Forgive me for intruding your graveyard sir” the girl said with a bow. “I am searching for my brother. Please, have you seen him ?”
     “Alas, dear girl, I have not seen him.” the Weaver said “But I shall reward your compassion with a gift. Come, dear girl, warm yourself up.”
     In a blink of an eye, the Dark Weaver turned the fog into a beautiful gown, embellished with colorful flowers. The girl smiled, twirled around joyfully, and thanked the Dark Weaver and the flowers.
     Still looking for her brother, the girl embarked on a little boat to cross a perilous lake. Her stomach growled as she watched the fishes jumping across the waves, before a shark appeared on the surface. The girl screamed at first, before noticing that the shark's fin was bleeding.
     “Oh please, merciful girl, heal my wound ! It is so painful, I barely even have the strength to swim anymore !”
     The girl waved at the shark to come closer, and tore a piece of her precious dress apart to wrap it around the wound as a bandage. Feeling much better, the shark swam around, joyfully splashing some water on the girl who laughed along.
     Suddenly, the waves began to rise higher and higher, and the Fish King appeared.
     “Forgive me for intruding on your lake sir.” the girl said with a bow. “I am searching for my brother. Please, have you seen him ?”
     “Alas, dear girl, I have not seen him” says the King. “But I shall reward your mercy with a gift. Come, dear girl, fill up your stomach.”
     The King gave her two of his scales, one warm and salty, one fresh and sweet. The girl smiled, satisfied her hunger, and thanked the Fish King and the shark.
     Once she reached the shore, the girl ended up in a kingdom made of steel. Two wolves soldiers were guarding the entrance in their armors, but they both were asleep. 
     And as the girl advanced, she found out that the entire kingdom was asleep and that every gear was still, covered in dust and webs, rusting and rotting.
     A little wolf cub howled at her, and took her to the kingdom’s castle. Inside, the wolf cub guided the girl until they stopped in front of a rusty statue in the shape of a horse.
     “Oh please, gracious girl, lift the curse of our kingdom ! Since its heart has stopped, time has stopped as well !”
     “But how does one lift such a curse ? How can I make its heart beat ?” The girl asked herself out loud.
     With only one idea in mind, she placed a gentle kiss on top of the statue’s head, and all the rust and dust vanished away. 
     The mechanical heart started beating again, the gears began to turn, and the wolves howled in joy as they awakened from their slumber. The kingdom regained its shining golden colors, and the people celebrated their freedom.
     Suddenly, the statue turned into an Iron Steed, adorned with gold, and spoke to the girl :
     “Thank you, dear girl. Only a kiss can make one’s heart beat. The curse is broken, and I shall reward your graciousness with a gift.”
     The Iron Steed bowed its head before her, allowing her to take the golden crown on its head. The girl smiled, put the crown on her head, and thanked the Steed and the wolves. Then yet again, she asked her question : 
     “I am searching for my brother. Please, have you seen him ?”
     “I know where you can find him” The Steed told her. “I will take you to the waterfall behind which the Enchantress lives, but I will not go any further.”
     Overjoyed, the young girl hugged the Steed, climbed on its back, and galloped away to the Enchantress’s domain. Soon they reached a waterfall of night sky, with stars falling down from the sky. 
     The young girl got off the Iron Steed’s back, thanked it once again, and passed through the black waterfall under the mocking sneers of ravens. She walked and walked into the unknown, crying out her brother’s name.
     Suddenly, a light appeared, and the darkness swirled around it like a storm. In a magical cloud of stars, The Enchantress appeared before the young girl’s eyes, maleficent, yet magnificent.
     “Oh please, lady of shadows,” pleaded the young girl “set my brother free ! He is just a boy and he is so little, he doesn’t know any better !”
    The Enchantress spoke with a cruel voice.
     “The more you get, the more you crave. If you have nothing to offer me then I have nothing to give you back !”
     The girl offered her the golden crown that the Iron Steed had given her. But the Enchantress only laughed.
     “Foolish girl ! I am queen of this village ! All the crowns and the jewels, let it be made of gold, silver, or bronze, are already mine !”
     So instead, the girl offered her a piece of the fresh and sweet scale that the Fish King had given her. But the Enchantress simply laughed again.
     “Foolish girl ! I am queen of this village ! All the fishes of the lake, whether big or small, from their bones to their scales, are already mine !”
     With a gulp, the girl offered her the flowers of the dress that the Dark Weaver had given her. But yet again, the Enchantress mocked her.
    “Foolish girl ! I am queen of this village ! Every flower of the land, blooming or not, from their stem to their petals, are already mine !”
    Desesprate, the girl offered her the few drops of blood left from the cup the King of Bats had given her. And all she received was, once again, the Enchantress’s vicious laugh.
     “Foolish girl ! I am queen of this village ! My subjects, from their hair to their blood, and their souls, are already mine !”
     Appalled by her wickedness, the young girl begged the Enchantress in the name of everything good in the world. But her heart was as black as the starless night, and made of nothing but coldness but evilness.
     So, with tears in her eyes, the young girl offered her all she had left. With a sharp raven’s feather, she cut off her beautiful red hair, and gave it to the Enchantress. 
     Surprised by her determination, the Enchantress did not laugh. She observed the gorgeous red hair carefully, before breaking the silence with her words :
     “Very well, foolish girl. I shall reward your perseverance with a gift : I will set your brother free, and you shall take him back home with you. However, if you dare take one single glance behind before reaching the exit, then his soul will remain in my village forever !”
     The girl nodded her head, and the darkness twirled around the star once more like a storm. The Enchantress vanished, and the little brother appeared frightening the ravens away with a wooden sword. He ran into his sister’s arms, crying tears of joy, as she held him tight against her heart.
     “Oh dear sister, please forgive me !” he cried out “I promise that I will always listen to you, and that I will always be very careful ! I love you more than anything in the world !”
     “I love you too, sweet brother. Let us go back home to mother ! But whatever you do, do not look behind you !”
    Hand in hand, the brother and the sister passed through the dark waterfall, and began their journey back to their home. As they walked through the Kingdom made of steel, the Iron Steed and the wolves howled :
     “Be quick, be quick, gracious girl ! But do not look behind you !”
     Then, they embarked on the boat to cross the perilous lake. And as they navigated, the Fish King and the sharks rose the surface to say :
     “Be quick, be quick, merciful girl ! But do not look behind you !”
     Once they reached the shore, the sister took her brother’s hand and led him across the cold graveyard. And as they walked through the fog, the Dark Weaver and the flowers whispered :
     “Be quick, be quick compassionate girl ! But do not look behind you !”
     Finally, they reached the dark forest and began running towards the sunrise’s light ahead of them. As they ran through the crooked trees, the King of Bats and his subjects chanted :
     “Be quick, be quick generous girl ! But do not look behind you !”
     But suddenly, the young girl tripped and fell over a thorn. And her little brother, who loved her more than anything in the world, looked behind to help his sister back up.
     Disaster ! Suddenly an immense flock of ravens flew across the trees, and the voice of the Enchantress filled the entire forest like a piercing thunder :
     “Reckless boy who nevers listens ! Now, your soul belongs to me ! You will never leave this village, never !”
     Taking one last chance to save him, the young girl pushed her brother into the light, sacrificing her soul, as a wave of black feather swallowed her whole. 
     The boy cried out his sister’s name, but it was already too late. The crooked trees of the forest fell down, blocking the entrance to the village, forever.
     Realizing only now what he had done, the poor boy fell to his knees and cried. The snake appeared once again, and rested its head against him as it hissed :
    “Unfortunate boy. It isssss because you loved your sister sssso much, and because she too loved you more than anything in the world, that you have lossssst her forever.”
     So, the little boy went back home alone, with an empty basket and an empty heart. And as he grew up into a tall strong man, he taught his children and his grandchildren to be generous, compassionate, merciful and gracious. 
     But also to always listen to their parents and their elder brothers and sisters. And to never ever wander close to the dark forest. Or else the evil Enchantress will eat them.
     And in the Village of Shadows their soul will forever remain.
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Apparently I have a fan works blog I completely forgot existed.
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rurivu · 2 years
Lil bit lore i guess?....
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that-scottish-bitch · 7 months
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Finally got around to finishing this, it's been sat unfinished since the start of last year! It's such a sweet piece of the two of them so I couldn't resist!
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Heisenberg is an absolute menace
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
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she's trying to get work done karl smh
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lovelywingsart · 7 months
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Have some Metalworks from the Pirate AU on Discord with Sealmelia and PanzerShark (full Selkie form Emelia and Karls mutation for the AU) 💙
Wanted to work with PanzerShark more because he is my big baby and I love him and ended up finding out how long 9ft was compared to 20ft, and it amazingly isn't AS large of a size difference than I initially thought... This was simple but fun and was absolutely originally meant to be a sketch but we all know how that works.
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stellahaze135 · 1 year
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Once again Pinterest commin in clutch!
It fits them so well!!!!
Especially L1!!
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greenteaandjasmin · 1 year
Does anyone have any good Heisenberg ffs? I ain't picky give me OCs, give me readers, give me something, anything - please! And Thank you very much. <3
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