#oc: ezramelda w.
Apparently I have a fan works blog I completely forgot existed.
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Ezra(melda) W. - My oc from my RE: Village fanfic Social Engineering
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Great minds indeed my dear. I just got caught up with your story and it's absolutely wonderful. Your Karl is just... He's so lovely. His heartbreaking past and what he's been through mixed with his stammer... He's a take on Karl that I haven't had the pleasure to be introduced to until now and I'm so glad I was.
Ezra is hilarious and so relatable. Her memories slowly coming back to her and her quick wit is so good. the greenhouse scene is something out of Beauty and the Beast! Just lovely job my dear!
Okay. I finally have enough brain juice to respond to this.
*deep breath*
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH. *craves validation pathetically*
I wanted a soft Karl. I feel like that man is always on edge and he's just tired man. He needs the soft even if he doesn't realize it. So Ezra is an opportunity for soft!Karl to just chill out for once. I mean he is in his home and who wants to be on edge in their home all the time?
The stammer, aka stutter, is something that he doesn't do much in game but we also don't spend a lot of time with him either. I just latched on to it immediately. I try not to over do it. Because I believe it's something Miranda (Mirander) took a lot of time to try and train out of him but when he's stressed or excited etc. I just feel like it would slip out. Ezra thinks it's kinda cute so she'd never make fun of him for it.
Ezra is... she's just tired. And wants to chill too. Her body has been though a lot and her brain is still healing. Her brain to mouth filter is definitely affected but because Karl doesn't have much of one at all he doesn't mind it.
Oh the greenhouse is pretty important to the plot... or at least the first half of it. :3
I've feeling a bit off lately, but I can feel my excitement for this fic coming back. Thanks for your kind words. They really help motivate me.
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Yeah I'm reblogging this again cause I love this hoe. X3
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😈 and/or 🛒
Ask Meme
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Oh sure. I do playfully mean things to my readers all the time. Because that's just who I am as a person. :3
The most recent time I did something playfully mean was in that last chapter of .scar.crossed.lovers. there is a particular scene in that chapter that is noticeably longer than the others and it's focused on basically the opposite of what all the other scenes are focused on. It definitely makes things look like they are going in one direction only to abruptly not go in that direction. I considered putting it closer to the end of the fic but I figured it would have a bigger impact where it ended up instead. :3
Its all out of love though I promise.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I have to admit that I am definitely working through some of my own stuff through Leon and Luis. Right now it you might have noticed there is a lot of having to deal with grief and loss (though not necessarily well).
There are a lot of quiet moments between them which I find can be a lot more intimate than the smutty bits (not that I don't love the smutty bits). And you might have also noticed themes of devotion or co-dependency depending on how you look at it. There can be a very fine line I think.
I also like writing about morally gray characters and themes. Because sometimes "good" people make bad choices and do bad things but those same people can do good. They can even think they're doing good things because they only see it from one perspective but later look at it from another perspective and realize they've done something terrible. *cough*Luis*cough*
Does this make them a bad person? Are they a bad person because of what they did? Why they did it? Because they didn't consider all perspectives before they did it?
I like the idea of redemption and the idea that it doesn't always have to mean death. I am enjoying exploring my ideas of who can be redeemed and how. Spoiler alert, I think anyone can be.
And I think both Luis and Leon fit the description. Especially the Leon in most of my AUs. Leon is definitely making some questionable choices and taking some interesting risks all for Luis. And well we all know about Luis. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Honestly, I'm also exploring these ideas in Social Engineering as well. Karl Heisenberg and Luis Serra have quite a few things in common in my opinion. And I think that Ezra has quite a lot of things in common with Leon. I don't want to spoil anything there though. Which is probably why I immediately fell for both of those idiots.
And apparently I also like deals with devils it seems. Two out of my three WIPs have that going on in them. So there ya go.
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thestayathomedragon · 2 years
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It's ya gurl, Ezra(melda)!
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Chapters: 9/30 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), Resident Evil: Village Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Karl Heisenberg/Original Female Character(s), Ethan Winters/Mia Winters, Karl Heisenberg/Ethan Winters, Alcina Dimitrescu & Karl Heisenberg, Karl Heisenberg & Mother Miranda, Karl Heisenberg/Mother Miranda (implied)
“You’re the worst of her monsters, Karl. You know, I actually used to pity you. Just a boy. You weren’t like the others. You didn’t ask for it. You were just someone’s boy she took and turned into this. You were innocent then. But now…” The bastard spat at his feet. “You still think you’re better than them all, don’t you? That you’re special. But who did she send, huh? Not that beast of a woman, Dimitrescu. Not her most wretched, Moreau. Not even Beneviento. No. She sent you, Karl Heisenberg. Wonder why that is? Your whole family… nothing but liars and murderers. Monsters that stripped this valley dry and left us with nothing. That’s why she picked you. Your blood is tainted, Karl Heisenberg.”
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thestayathomedragon · 2 years
I have read many, many, many interpretations of Karl Heisenberg, because I adore him and he intrigues me. He’s one of my favorite characters in a long, long time. I can appreciate all interpretations to a certain extent but I kinda wanted to do something different with this interaction of Karl here. He’s more versatile than I think he gets credit for.
I totally get him being guarded and possibly even cold with the OC/Reader/Ethan in the beginning. He’s been through a lot and he’s lost a lot. It’s not a bad idea to not get attached. Denying his feelings vehemently because he knows from experience that feelings like these only lead to him being made a fool of and heartbroken.
But… Ezra is an opportunity he’s never had.
She's brand new! Okay maybe she’s got a few dings he had to buff out but she’s as good as new, new to him anyway. She’s untouched by the village, by his siblings, by Miranda. She only knows as much as he’s told her about them… and himself. She doesn’t know Lord Heisenberg. She doesn’t even know Heisenberg. She knows Karl. Karl is who has been hidden beneath and behind all those layers of armor. He’s who Karl wants to be but can’t be outside of the walls of his factory.
And there are definitely hints of that man underneath in canon I believe. His pouting and arguing with Alcina at the meeting, “You’re the one arguing with Mirander’s decision!”  And Mirander? Is that not the cutes fucking speech impediment? He might as well stomped his little foot there honestly.
His playfulness with Ethan even in such a dangerous game like the gauntlet… His tests. There is something still very childlike about him. Alcina was definitely right about that. I mean, it’s like he never got the chance to truly grow up and be his own man or something. How could something like that have happened I wonder?
He’s such a fucking nerd. A goofball with his dramatic introductions and monologues. The way he talks. Such a theater kid in another life. He’s a guy who’s been locked away in a fucking factory all alone for decades. He’s desperate for attention. He’s touch starved and emotionally stunted. He had no idea what he’s in for. He knows his social skills need work but now he has someone to practice on.
And Ezra is so calm and patient, observant and cautious (most of the time). Plus, it’s not like she can leave.
A captive audience.
And we all know how much this man loves to put on a show.
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❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it and 💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
WIP Meme
I'm gonna talk about .scar.crossed.lovers. as a whole for a little bit.
I am having a lot of fun with this one because I'm rediscovering my ability to write one-shots. I feel like I always put more pressure on myself to writing these multi-chapter epics (that I never finish partly due to that pressure) . And this project is not like that at all.
I can write a one shot. I can write a string of chapters chronological or not that tie in together. I don't have to spend time on introductions or even proper endings. I just get to explore whatever random idea I have for Leon and/or Luis and it's so much fun. The most I've had writing in a while. Which is probably why it's been getting most of my attention lately.
Oh man. There are a lot. There is a rather huge event that happens in the second act of Social Engineering that I'm kinda of excited for. I am not excited for the research I'm probably gonna have to do for it. But it's around this point that Ezra has to interact with people that are not Karl so it's fun to think about at least.
There is this scene that I'm eventually going to get to in one of the chapters of .scar.crossed.lovers. that involves my take on plaga!Luis that i have been planning that i think is kinda cool too. The idea of a dominant plaga infected Luis is just a cool idea. So many ways that can go. I'm excite. :3
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thestayathomedragon · 2 years
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Ezramelda W.
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thestayathomedragon · 2 years
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thestayathomedragon · 2 years
I scrapped the whole chapter. I started writing it months ago and it just never settled right with me. I feel like a completely different person than I was mentally when I started that chapter. I've had so many different ideas for who Ezra is. So many more for Karl's backstory. I've changed, they've changed. It was just better to start fresh.
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I'm gonna give Luis a scene I had originally intended for Ezramelda but only because I know that I am never going to get there with her in a fic. Its too far in the future for her character development wise and I can't even get past chapter 9 in Social Engineering as is. It will be the year 2043 by the time I get that far in her story so to Luis it goes. 😝
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🌹 ♥
“I should be doing this for you.” Ezra muttered.
“What’s that? Mutual grooming? Don’t you think it’s a bit soon, Ezramelda?” Karl chuckled.
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thestayathomedragon · 2 years
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thestayathomedragon · 3 years
Once Ethan and Ezra get Karl into modern civilization I really hope they understand that he is going to be the worst trash picker the world done ever seen. The man will not be able to help himself. Everything can be used for something goddamnit. LOL
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