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lopposting · 8 months ago
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the helmet is a lop-eared rabbit 😭 with the square face and the down ears
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I played a thing.....
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littleprince612 · 2 years ago
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manonamora-if · 2 years ago
June Check-In
Life has gotten a bit... errr... weird. Hopefully things calm down soon and I manage to write more than a sentence somewhere without wanting to throw the computer at the wall...
In the meantime...
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The game is now available in English here. This is temporary, just until the Text Adventure Literacy Jam's voting period ends. Then it will go back to the main one.
Anyway, try out some fun and easy (?) parsers. The whole jam is meant for beginners, and all includes at least a tutorial to play.
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MelS has made some decent progress on the next chapter, about at the half-way point? Almost done with the small exploration, still need to go over the investigation and puzzles.
And the map is drafted (can't finish it until the chapter is done :P )
We are hoping to be done with drafting by the end of the month. But that depends on MelS's schedule.
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Honestly not much. IRL's been in the way of things. Probably will be for a few more days.
What can you expect this month? I dunno... Me taking a break, maybe?
At least, I am being somewhat productive by reviewing games I've played (see @manonamora-if-reviews - you can submit a title if you want my take on a game btw)
The confession box has truly risen from its grave and had some spicy takes lately (@if-confessions)
In the jam/comp corner we have:
the Anti-Romance jam 🖤 is slowly approaching its half-way point. Start the summer by hating on romance or flip off Cupid or something...
@neo-twiny-jam has passed the 20 submissions mark! 🥳
If you want to make your summer spicy, there is the Orifice Jam starting soon. Make it a Summer of Holes... (and share the post)
Want some feedback on an unpublished demo and an extra incentive to finish the project (there is a cash prize...), check out the IntroComp!
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pkgamedev · 2 years ago
I havent worked this hard on a game since Legend of Percivus. Its kinda nuts
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gobvo · 3 months ago
A Little Brain-rotting Theory on The King of Puppet's design...
A couple of nights ago I had a realization, something about the KOP's second phase body always looked off to me and I couldn't identify what. It's not his entire body but his pelvic area in particular. For a while i didn't give it too much thought, kept on drawing him mostly as human anyways so I wasn't observing his model as well as i should have.
Then one evening as I was scouring the web for refs for a piece unrelated to Lop it finally clicked. Now bear with me! This is going to get weird but trust me it'll perhaps make sense to you too. To be clear I am not saying that my mad theory is canon subtext nor is intentional or has any legitimacy. This could very much be a case of the devs taking aesthetic inspiration and nothing more. What I'm trying to get at is that there's probably no meaning/symbolism behind it at all.
Okay so, why does the KOP's crotch area interests me so much? That part of his body always remind me of something I'd seen but couldn't remember what. Now I do...
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Romeo’s whole pelvis area bears quite the resemblance with Chastity belts.
I know, I know, I know! Absolute brain rot but hear me out! I already brought this up on Discord and had a wonderful back and forth with two lovely people who get the logic behind this theory. They both brought up some very interesting ideas and facts that had slipped my mind and made this headcannon even juicier. So let’s just entertain the idea that this design choice is intentional for a few seconds. Just a few seconds….
For starters we need to focus on who designed this, that bitter bastard Geppetto. We all know Geppetto planned most if not the entire chaos that happened in Krat. The confrontation between P and Romeo as well, note that out of all the bosses outside of the Nameless Puppet and arguably Murphy(but he’s there before we go into the boss battle so..). Geppepe only shows up personally to greet P after baby boi kills Romeo. It’s the only time he does so. Almost like he was both scared that something would go wrong and also in trepidation of what was to come. There’s a palpable glee in his voice post KoP fight.
In the dialogue Geppetto even acknowledges he shouldn’t be there, it’s risky.
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First of all, what was his lard ass going to do to help P win this fight?! Bind P with his shiny puppet strings and force him to finish what he'd started? A question for another day...
The point being that this fight could potentially make or break all the hard work Gep put into his scheme. So he HAD to be there, to keep an eye on everything. On his “precious” son lest he step out of line and join the KOP or worse…
I'm also bringing this dialogue up because Gep said a line one of the people i was discussing with reminded me of and that i always found absolutely bizarre.
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WTF is that supposed to mean?!! What do you mean Geppetto?! Why are we talking about Romeo's inability to reproduce?!!
The answer is simple. It's cause Geppepe is taking pleasure in all of this. In my mind this implies Gep probably hated Romeo. For a couple of reasons that are in the realm of hc but make sense if you think about it.
Romeo was up until Carlo's death, the closest male figure he constantly had around him. Living together in a boarding school would only help to strengthen their bond. Carlo would certainly seek him out first for comfort or advice before ever considering going talk to his old man.
Gep is a controlling father and possibly very possessive. With his neglect only widening the distance between him and Carlo. I could totally imagine a preteen/teenage Carlo ditching his dad to go hang out, write letters or talk on the phone for hours with his friend instead of spending "quality" time staring at the whites of Geppepe's eyes (or his back) during holidays. This defiant nonchalance could only anger Geppepe further.
Geppetto doesn't strike me as the type of person who's capable of introspection. He'd notice "terrifying" changes in his son's attitude and instead of questioning his life choices, he'd probably blame that street kid Carlo can't keep out of his mouth nor out of earshot.
We all know the reputation boarding schools had back in the 1800s, specially same sex boarding schools. So I'm going to point you to this banger of a post https://www.tumblr.com/ideas-on-paper/754559262628462592/on-carlo-and-romeos-relationship-homosexuality?source=share by @ideas-on-paper. They go a lot more in dept than i ever could. The summary is young boys and girls in same sex boarding schools got their freak on.
We see Gep's neglect truly peak in Carlo's early childhood, we don't know what went on in his late teens nor his early adulthood. This of course requires you to share a common hc that both Carlo and Romeo died around the ages of 16-19 at most. Perhaps during those later years Gep began to pay close attention to Carlo and his entourage. Worse yet. maybe he even began to intrude in his son's intimacy.
Putting those ideas together paints a very vivid picture of this trio's potential dynamics. Gep ignores Carlo, Carlo begins to resent Gep, Romeo and Carlo grow closer as they live and age together then Carlo ignores in turn his dad in favor of enjoying the company of the only male figure in his life that truly loved him and showcased it. Thus, hatred for Romeo takes root deep within that old bastard.
What does that have anything to do with Romeo's crotch being built to resemble a chastity belt you might ask. Well imma have to give you some historical context through screenshots of the most relevant bits of the articles on this obscure subject. I'll post their links at the end of the post(It's surprisingly hard to find more info on this subject and I'm not an essayist okay!!), in case anyone wants to read them.
For starters most articles corroborate the same story. The chastity belt legend meant to keep women from cheating on their husbands is a myth. An urban legend that gained fame during the 18th and 19th centuries. Before this period, they were mostly referred in satirical texts and works such as…
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Most historians agree that the chastity belt myth became widespread due to 18th/19th centuries forgeries and the general modern populace (This includes Victorians, Belle Epoque era folks and us) unwillingness to believe our ancestors had a sense of humor. Apparently Victorians were fascinated with this type of nonsense and believing them to be true, gave them a weird sense of “superiority”.
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So we now know that those belts were probably machinations from Victorian con men or tricksters. This brings us back to Krat and its Victorian/Belle Epoque ways.
Bet your ass, Krat had fuckery just like these irl examples. Crowds of rich folks ready to pay hefty prices to ogle at shocking spectacles and the likes. But we're going off the rails here...
Coming back to our main triangle here, I think the design of Romeo's pelvic region is no coincidence. Me thinks Geppetto is taking the piss out of Romeo. On top of turning his childhood best friend reincarnation/successor/physical clone or whatever you wanna call P, against Romeo. Gep had to add insult to injury, he felt a need to rub salt on an open wound.
Why? My first hypothesis is that Gep believed Romeo and Carlo were an item. And whether his disapproval for this relationship was motivated by homophobia or sick possessiveness is something i'm gonna let you mull over. Is there any evidence to support his suspicions? Once again I'll let you decide. Both versions of the story are equally as juicy to me. Gep growing jealous because he starts to notice healing hickeys on his son's throat despite a lack of girlfriend, is chef's kiss.
DISCLAIMER: THIS ISN'T A GEPPETTO/CARLO POST. My idea for his emotional turmoil resembles more that of a parent seeing their child not as a person and more as a possession. Think boymoms or girldaddies who hover over their child helicopter fashion but in a very toxic way. This isn't about incest but you can view it that way if that floats your boat.
In contrast, Geppepe's suspicions could be pure paranoia. Doubt he wouldn't have heard of the rumors about boarding schools, if he hasn't been to one himself as a young boy. Couple that with the strong bond Carlo and Romeo share and you get a lunatic psycho like Geppetto foaming at the mouth. There probably wasn't anything going on but just the thought that there might be, could push that man to do unspeakable things like trying to end a whole man’s ability to ejaculate/reproduce and emasculating him in the process.
Let’s assume for a minute that hypothesis number 1 is true. Carlo and Romeo are an item behind closed doors but being horny teens, they conceal it very badly. One could argue that Gep figured out or discovered through whatever means that Carlo and Romeo took each others’ virginity and boom! We have one possible motive for this suspicious design.
It’d be his way of saying “oh yeah?! You think you can sully my son like that you filthy gutter rat?!! Well think again! I’m ending your ability to nut and I’ll make it obvious to the whole world! No descendants for you asshole!” Hence the weird little line about no heir. Not that Carlo could get pregnant anyway but Yknow it’s said like a sadistic little reminder “oh I cut your dick off.”
Unless Carlo was trans…but that’s another story for another day.
Hypothesis number 2
Doesn’t change much from the first besides the fact that there is no romantic relationship. Romeo and Carlo are simply two lads who share a very close bond and love each other platonically. They’re there for each other when need be since both lack stable parental figures for differing reasons but manage to find common ground and comfort in this friendship.
Their closeness still bothers Gep, who blames Carlo’s “mischievous” attitude entirely on Romeo instead of reflecting on his own faults. This spurs Geppetto when presented with the opportunity to turn Meo into a puppet to “rectify”, take revenge or whatever awful sentiment might motivate him. In my opinion, even if they brushed the subject and Romeo denied it, Geppepe would refuse to believe him.
Either way Romeo’s gonna suffer.
Hypothesis number 3
Romeo was a compulsive masturbator and Geppetto thought it wise to put a stop to it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Frankly idk where I’m going with this…
I think I’ve said everything I wanted to say. Big thanks to the two folks on discord who helped me flesh this whole hc out.
That was long as hell and it’s almost 5am for me, so I’m gonna call it a night and thank u for reading this nonsense. I’ll probably edit this at a later date and add a few things i probably forgot.
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lopposting · 5 months ago
I have the feeling that originally, earlier in development, P was supposed to die at the end.
(Or, About more than a year after the official release,
the headcanon that changed everything for me.)
So the ending I'm talking about is this, the Rise of P ending.
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But what really made me think this is this event in 2022. (people back then correctly guessed might be one of the endings or the ending of the game. Taking from this post here)
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At G-Star Neowiz booth in 2022, there was a promotional statue of the Saintess statue in the game, except the figurine of the puppet is strangely suspended, as if it's literally ascending to heaven. The post writer also notes even then that the figurine looks like P. (The literal Rise of P)
There's also some footage of the figure here: (around 1:16)
The symbolism seems very very apparent, as though Neowiz were spoiling their own game two years before release. Not only is the figure literally ascending to a higher plane (imagery often associated with death), the statue itself is an inference to a famous statue of Mary mourning the death of her son. The writer of an article covering Neowiz's section at the event also notes that the ascending figure looks like P, and that it has a feeling of melancholy.
Beginning and End
Around the time of the release I think what was going around was that Rise was being considered as the "true" ending. It's interpretably the best possible outcome of the game, but I feel like it's also because it made the most sense thematically (the puppet -> Human ending, and the saintess statue being foreshadowed earlier). But P's collapse at the end was also widely (mis)interpreted as his death. And I think that's also because, in a way, it makes the most sense thematically. Puppet awakens in the train, goes on an adventure, and then sacrifices himself for who woke him up in the first place, it's just narratively a very classic and might I say standard thing to do in that very traditional, circular sort of storytelling sensibility.
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However, we know that the truth is that P has fallen asleep (a human act). It is still his death in some sorts - but he's leaving a past behind and it's his "rebirth" that is being emphasized now.
And then it hit me.
I don't know if P knows that he will survive reviving Sophia.
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Keeping in mind that if P was originally supposed to die - I think the entire end sequence of ROP and the overall tone of it makes SO MUCH sense to me now.
Sophia brings a lone puppet to life in the train, he is animated, listening, fighting. At the end of his journey, so much has changed - but to return her favour perhaps, truly human at heart, he returns her life to her, and then - returns to back to stillness. It’s just a narratively very tight and circular thing to do in a traditional storytelling sense, especially when you consider a kind of tragic korean media sensibility that might have influenced the country in which this studio is based out of. (Film critic Roger Ebert once suggested that he had not yet seen a happy korean film.)
I am not an expert on the Korean cinema, which is considered in critical circles as one of the most creative in the world (“Oldboy” won the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes 2004). I can say that of the Korean films I’ve seen, only one (“The YMCA Baseball Club”) did not contain extraordinary sadomasochism.  "Oldboy" review (2005)
Not to mention... Since release, I've always felt like there was this strange feeling of sadness, of melancholy, permeating throughout the entire game. Of course, we're walking through a destroyed city, but still. And I was glad that that didn't seem lost on other people:
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We know that Sophia is able to turn back the clock for our main character, but turning back time is Sophia's ability, and it's possible that she can't just revive anyone once that part of her that animated him was returned back to her. Okay, maybe it's a little contrived - but that hardly matters when audiences can often overlook these things for the sake of a story making a statement. Besides, remembering that P could not even wake up without Sophia's help in the first place, it's possible that for whatever reason, he cannot sustain life on his own. In his POV this might very well be his final act.
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Another thing to keep in mind is that P has just lost his father. He's witnessed Polendina's death, Antonia's death, etc., in a string of major losses throughout the game's final arc. We see him mourn over his dad but in the ROP ending it will then cut straightaway to the balcony scene. Regardless of how much time has actually passed, Geppetto's death is the scene right before this one. I don't mean to suggest that this act was one of pure self-destruction, but it is something that we as the audience can't help but feel affects him and the decision we are seeing now.
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There's a certain gravitas to the way he's walking towards her that in the released version isn't unjustified, but the tone of the entire sequence has so much conviction and sombreness that it came across as a little odd to me in retrospect. And I also think this is why others might have (mis)interpreted the ending as "he died", because of the tone of this scene. But in line with the game's themes - I remember that often, it's the intent that matters. And if he doesn't know that he's going to survive this, and this is what he chooses is his final act, for all intents and purposes, it IS him sacrificing himself to save Sophia.
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Re-contextualizing it this way, I think the balcony scene was maybe originally meant to be him choosing to look at Krat one last time. I definitely think that was the implication now.
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P's blue butterfly flying away (his spirit leaving him). I used to think this blue butterfly represented Sophia, but now I feel like it represents P ? as I don't think we ever see this specific blue butterfly anywhere else in the game. [maybe a reach I dunno]
To be honest - when LOP first came out, up until about a week, I really did think he was dead. I was honestly pretty sad about it, but in equal parts I was sort of really impressed that Neowiz would have the guts to kill off their breadwinner straight away [I WANT TO WRITE ABOUT THIS TOO AHH]
So if this ending was originally written to be P's demise, I wonder why the powers that be would have rolled that back. Presumably they need him alive for some sort of future franchise instalment? Maybe they genuinely thought it was just too sad? But there is one thing that doesn't change, and it's what P doesn't know.
The truth is what you make it, I suppose.
Who are you? Are you a puppet or a human being?
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lopstuff · 1 year ago
On this bottle... did you spot him??
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What a funny & interesting hidden easter egg. Thinking that might be a dev, someone from the LoP team, or a friend/fam.
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a-throne-of-lies · 4 months ago
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places hands aggressively on the table
they are GAY, your honor. HOMOSEXUAL.
i thought i’d try my hand at gif making for once in my life 🫶 i suck at it a bit but yay new things. hissing and growling bc dev in the green knight is never in the snow
anyway…guys this is andaren. he’s jon’s best friend <3 his best friend who is TOTALLY not in love with him. jon DEFINITELY does not feel the same. they DO not spend copious amounts of time together pretending they REALLY do NOT have feelings for each other.
anda is the adopted son of a hedge knight, eliar sparr, who forfeit his claim to great wyk after running away when he was twelve when his mother died. eliar also forfeit his life to have a son for some eleven years before getting his head lopped off by his old buddy.
i’ll expand later but thx for coming to my five am ted talk.
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f0xgl0v3 · 1 year ago
Various Pjo Character hc: games and Pets apparently
In honor of my snake shedding and scaring my socks off while he does so because for a solid moment I got to stare into the black void of my room and consider that a entity would chose to announce its presence by crinkling a like chip back before I realized and screamed, “it’s you” at him and grinding all day in royal high because the Dev team is setting it on fire but I still want to be a pretty princess in the game.
It is only day two of midwinter break please my marbles have already scattered,
Octavian; if he had access to the game. Would’ve played royal high. He strikes me as a dress up type of guy. Does profit trading but refuses to diamond farm. Also doesn’t like switching over to different rh like games. Again, like exclusively uses it for the dress up aspect, thinks everything looks really pretty. He has all of the stuffed animal items/stuffed animal like ones. Gets oddly heated about the game too. Like, would argue with someone about a value of an item and then leave to server hop. Yeah he’s that one I’m sorry guys. Also his dorm is so bare bones, refuses to spend a lot of diamonds on it until he can do it all at once. But Octavian likes a lot of games where he has total control of his character and everything about it. Really liked Animal Crossing, also feels like he uses the sims purely for character customization; has a bunch of mods and then just never uses them. Has all of his friends/probably the cohort as sims too. Doesn’t like rpg-rpg games that have like fighting mechanics, just feels like the sort of guy to not like video game fighting.
Octavian also had a rabbit. His family had a lot of animals (because he had a lot of family-) and he got to be the rabbit kid. His was the like toasty colored ones with the big lop ears. Sadly it was given away when he joined the legion. But he feels like a rabbit guy, it comforted him a lot.
Jason: you know the wolves life games? For a few certain amount of you I have just unlocked horrifying memories that your brain has tried to hide of emo wolves and if not then you don’t want to know. But I feel like he’d play them, they’d be the first ones once he gets on, along with like obbies. I just feel like he’s the type of guy to like a good obby. But also warrior cats ultimate edition. The first thing my man does when he enters the mortal world is get sucked into warrior cats because I feel like he’s that type of person. Also clangen. He feels like a clangen sort of guy, along with that Mario games. I also feel like he’s in a similar Octavian boat where he doesn’t like games with big fighting mechanics, just doesn’t find it that interesting or something he’s looking for in a game. He is however an open world type of guy, likes exploring.
I want to say he’s a dog guy and would’ve had a dog. But at the same time Jason feels like he’s deeply benefit from getting a cat. Cat’s are just soothing on the soul, also he just feels like the type of person to have a cat on his lap or laying on his chest. Silly little white cat for Jason Grace, or the scraggliest stray cat that was bestowed upon him by the distribution system.
Hazel: any of the like fighting games? Don’t particularly think she likes Roblox much, but if she is playing it’s either one of the games where everyone hates each other and you get to beat each other up or bee swarm simulator. Hazel either is having a de-stress day and it is through being stressed and upset at strangers in the beat ‘em up games, or by tending to her bees and being upset at other people and npcs in bee swarm simulator. Really likes other competitive games too? I don’t know she just strikes me as that type of gal to get waaay too invested in something like a Mario party. Also turn based rpg games, something’s ticks me as someone who’d like that.
Obviously she has Arion but Hazel also feels like she’d vibe with a dog, maybe a cat but I just see more dog with her. A silly little lab for the silly little lady.
Frank: does not play. I genuinely can’t think of Roblox games that are tame enough for him. Actually scratch that tycoon games. The super chill ones where no one interacts with each other and you just exist and build out your little space. He likes those. Enjoys seeing the progress he’s making in something. He’s also an animal crossing player, along with the casual tycoon games. However I’d also say he plays like CoD, just casually and he’s extremely average at it but I feel like he just, does that.
Frank feels like he’d have a really like barely a pet-pet. Like either a fish dude or he has isopods. Just strikes me as someone who can’t deal with a very like aaaaa pet. Or a ragdoll cat. Those are the options I present to you dear reader. Or an axolotl, he’d be an axolotl man.
Larry: Larry plays natural disaster survival. Larry is a menace to society. Also bloxburg, makes pretty okay builds but on a slightly different note feels like a Sims guy to me. I dunno, him and Annabeth get to be in the same boat. Also those really bad mobile games.
Larry gets a pet turtle or a bird. He also just feels like a bird guy, already joked about being a pirate I think he likes giving Camp’s eagles look overs and is happy when it’s his turn to look after them. Also just feels like a man who’d have like 50 pigeons.
Dakota!!!: I almost forgot my man. But Dakota. Dakota plays horror games, he can’t handle them but he still plays it. He is so loud when he plays too. Doors, fnaf, poppy playtime, the list goes on. I think he also sits there and is like, “oh I’m super good at them and like super brave” and it jumps cuts to him screaming because a monster is right behind him. He’s still super brave and great in battle, but he gets so jumpy once you put him in a dark area and instill paranoia. Also can’t play mafia because he screams a little too much.
Dakota is a hamster type of dude. He had a couple growing up and probably would’ve had another one if uh. Events didn’t happen (it’s literally so unfair what happened to him like aaa-). I feel like he had the really small ones.
Okay uh, that’s about it for the random headcanons I’ve spewed. These are 100% my opinions and probably don’t weigh on anything. Thank the Gods I managed to keep Bryce out of it (but if you ask me he is the opposite of Frank, plays CoD and is so annoying about it and very invested-). Anyway I’ll try and actually do something! Possibly New Rome things? Or more Camp Jupiter map, I want to finally put that one to rest. Or Dakota hc finally. We’ll see what happens.
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winterppeach · 11 months ago
small dev blog
need to remember to post here more often, but the bunny tf is getting a big update!
for starters the default ear sprites have been updated, currently available in the dev branch
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left (new) right (old)
not only have the sprites been updated but their layering has now changed which allows me to add in the beloved lop ears! the sprites will be held in the dev branch until im done with all the new sprites
(rough concept for new ears below cut)
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lopposting · 8 months ago
also, enotria devs like LOP!!
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This looks amazing?! Coming from Lies of P, an Italian-centric soulslike sounds EXCITING.
Wishlisting it.
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ofgoldandfear · 3 months ago
I've made a slight update to Margot's playlist, with some tracks moved around and a couple added.
I've been switching between this one and the actual game's OST as well to stay in the mood while thinking about the details of Margot's narrative direction.
@lopposting mentioned an interview explaining that the next game won't necessarily be as dark, as the devs adapt the tone to the story rather than the other way around (and I love them for that ngl). However my own inspiration for Margot is pretty fucking dark already (in fact it's based on the darkest iteration of that specific story), so I guess we'll maintain the sad vibe lol besides I think Margot and P can co-exist in the same space, since I'll start with Margot basically being an NPC in P's storyline before having her take a turn at the helm once P's story is wrapped up.
The story I want to tell is another take on grief and loss, with an added layer about girlhood and motherhood - while P has a creator and has been technically alive for three days, Margot has had a whole life by comparison, she's an actual human being, born and raised by her parents. Still, whether you're an unbound Puppet or a young woman who managed to disappear completely, there's still choices to be made.
If you wonder what the inspiration for Margot is, I've been laying it on pretty thick in her introduction, so go check it out. And expect a lot of hints everywhere, layers in layers. Even when I'm being not-so-subtle, I'm still not going to handout replies without having people think about it first.
Back to her playlist, the one part I am not looking forward to write about it the part that'll require "Pull the trigger". Oh boi what a scene it's going to be. I'll probably have to take a short break after that one.
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maleendumbblog · 1 year ago
I'm praying every night so the devs release LoP official merch 🙏 I missed the Deluxe Edition and now I feel hollow and sad
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geppettospuppet · 1 year ago
i was literally just talking to my friend on the phone last night abt how even though i've been keeping up with the game since its announcement, i never thought i'd be this deranged over it😭😭
i thought it was impossible for me to be ripped from the grasps of yakuza... BUT IT HAPPENED
but everything about the game is so wonderful. the storyline, the aesthetic, the atmosphere, the character design, EVERYTHINGGGG!!!!
lop could very well be my goty FOR SURE (but we'll just have to wait for lad: gaiden to come out for my final decision🤭🤭)
"hmmm today I'll try out this new 'Lies of P' soulslike since I haven't played any since Nioh 2 three years ago"
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the-damnable-fool · 1 year ago
re: the topic of LoP's questionable writing decisions. I've read other folks commenting on the idea that the only way Simon would had worked withing the plot is that it turned out Carlo never physically died (and Papa Geppeto was just pulling the gool ole narcissistic parent's you're dead to me-card) and that Simon was just Carlo as a grown man. What do you think about this?
Honestly, it's a good idea, but while it adds depth to Simon and Geppetto as characters I don't think it would've helped the fact that the game feels like there's just too much stuff in it generally. There's just too many ideas crammed into a small space and they're each encroaching on the room that the others needed to grow. The only real solution I can think of would have been to make the game longer, but that would've been its own problem because the game would've started to feel padded, and the devs seemed to understand that. For example, did you know that the Relic of Trismegistus was supposed to be its own full length area? Somebody did some game hacking and got out of bounds to find that there was a lot of unused map for that area that was never put into the final cut of the game, likely because the devs knew that the Arche Abbey was already pushing it in terms of length and having even more content on top of that would have made NG+ runs a bit of a slog. They knew that pruning needed to happen, but I think they realized that too late after most of it was already in the works, and that resulted in a lot of storylines being cut short and the game being trimmed up into a playable state. Honestly, they did pretty good despite it, but the evidence is there all the same.
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