#loose sweater
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linktoo-doodles · 1 year ago
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Was thinking about how I'd redesign ken's aged up character + just warmup doodles of ken in general.
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tooled around with his hair length too, my friend @brambleberryjam likes imagining him letting his hair grow out a bit longer as his own subconscious way of remembering shinjiro
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olenvasynyt · 7 months ago
Night Court fashion consists of sarees, lehenga sets, and sherwanis. Let me elaborate:
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voidcat · 2 months ago
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Narumi Gen likes seeing you dolled up and all dressed but I think what really gets to him is the absolute bliss of domesticity and seeing you in everyday clothes, clothes you wear around the house, comfort ridden tshirts where the neck is too loose or sweatpants where the elastic band no longer tightens and holds up like it once did
I think it all stems from his home life and childhood- or lack of it in a way. He craves that type of close proximity, to be so at ease and peace with someone that you willingly, without thinking, share all of you with him.
Sure you look hot as hell with expensive clothes that bring out your best angles but the fuzzy hoodie with cat ears at top sends an arrow to his heart. Your eyes will be sleep ridden, you’ll let out a big yawn and stretch and the glimpse of your worn out underwear’s band just sends butterflies to his stomach.
Sure that shirt and the cleavage detail raises the temperature in the room but that sweater you’re wearing, that’s not quite fitting of your form, that, upon close inspection he is positive is from his wardrobe makes him feel things like no other.
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 6 months ago
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thatgoddamngingerundercut · 11 hours ago
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Love Yourself: Speak Yourself (191028) Trivia 轉 : Seesaw cr. 0613data
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ifindus · 9 months ago
IreNor opinion?
I believe I've answered a question similar to this before, but it might have been closer to a year ago sooooo
I've mentioned a couple times now, but there's very few ships including Norway that I don't like - love people exploring different relations for him. IreNor is one of those I really like. It has great historical background and I believe their personalities would go together very well. I'm def up for seeing more of them around and people creating more art and writing for them - it'd be very interesting to see other people's take on their interactions. All in all, solid ship ✨
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collierose1 · 5 months ago
pearl appeared on my theology paper!!! whatever shall i do?!?
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triangular-static · 7 months ago
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now that i've lured all 5 of you here with discussion of the triangle have some sketches of me figuring out how i want to draw mabel. mabel appreciation squad always and forever
oh and bill's still here too
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ceramicbeetle · 10 months ago
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800 yards of hand spun yarn already on its way to becoming a hand knit sweater vest <3
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uzi-x33 · 2 months ago
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I went to barns and noble & hot topic :3 SO excited abt the tbhk art book omg im tweaking
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The Swatchening has begun. It's funny that you can visibly see me getting better at knitting cables from the first cable swatch I knit (top left) to the one I just finished this morning (bottom right).
This acrylic yarn isn't the best for really dramatic cables like the top left one (the Nautical Twisted-Rope Cable from "A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns" by Barbara G. Walker, pg. 181) but looks quite good in the bottom right pattern (Telescope Lattice from the same book, pg. 201).
What's really interesting is the difference in gauge of these swatches. The Nautical Twisted-Rope Cable is 49 stitches but about as wide as the stockinette swatch directly below it which is only 30 stitches wide. The actual gauge for the Nautical Twisted-Rope Cable is about 7 stitches to an inch, the stockinette and double seed stitch cables are 5 stitches to an inch, and the Telescope Lattice is closer to 6 stitches to an inch. Note that these are all unblocked gauges but I don't expect this acrylic yarn to change significantly unless I heat block it which I cannot do right now.
I think I'm going to swatch the main front cable/ribbing together and if that goes well, I'll knit a whole front panel of the cardigan using 6st/inch stitch count. I should also come up with a plan for the sleeves... That's a problem for future me.
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probably-a-plant-thing · 1 year ago
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Goofy lil shitpost since a good chunk of the media i like is because of sweater drew it first, lmaoo.
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I was wondering what Akai is up to in the sweater weather AU, so here you go
Akai Shuichi is a thrillseeker at heart, but even he has his limits.
So when his mother, conveniently pocket-sized but still as sharp as ever, threatens him with a gun and lays into him, not for faking his death, but, of all things, for not mentioning his partner to her, he privately questions her priorities but decides to tell her the truth. He certainly likes to live dangerously, but he wouldn't be alive today if he didn't know how to pick his battles.
While she seems initially confused, the conversation about Akemi quickly veers off-track when his mother asks him to repeat her family name. Miyano, as in, her sister's daughter Miyano Akemi. Shuichi didn't even know he had an aunt. Not that it matters much, since he knows Akemi's parents died years ago. Eventually his mother leaves him alone, both of them too caught up in their heads to continue the conversation.
Shuichi's not really sure what to feel about all of that. So he doesn't.
He's not always been good at managing his emotions, but it's pretty close. When his father taught him how to hunt, and the misery of seeing proud game succumb to his shots had almost swallowed him alive, something cracked under the pressure. And whatever that was, despite Shuichi's best efforts, it has never quite healed alright. It left him with a slight gap between his thoughts and feelings, giving him that bit of extra distance necessary to keep going instead of breaking down. He'd come to understand, then, with a clarity born from numbness, death as an integral part of life. It comes for all living things, sometimes too early, and there really is no way to escape it. There's no use in fighting. Better get used to it.
The FBI counsellor called it repression, many years later, and while it was not even close to immediate grounds for disqualification from the program, she tried to give Shuichi reading materials on mindfulness and self-reflection. He hasn't touched them; the ability has been too helpful so far. He would've shattered several times over without it; when his father disappeared and his world threatened to break apart; when he decided to leave his family, including an unborn sister, behind for the ghost of a chance to find his father; and most often since he went undercover for the FBI. There's no fooling himself, compartmentalization and repression are probably the only reasons he can talk about the years and years of dirty work, including everything from blackmail to torture and murder, without losing his sanity. People call him cold-blooded and emotionally unavailable, and mean it as an insult. Shuichi can't bring himself to care. Life is complicated enough without emotions thrown into the mix. He needs to control some factors and keep them simple. Himself, he can control - mostly. So he does.
And he's good at it, but some days, it's too much.
Dealing with Akemi's untimely demise has always been difficult. He made a mistake when he got attached to his target. He can't even claim that he didn't know better, at the time, because he did, he just chose to ignore his better judgement. Couldn't help it, really. She was so easy to get along with, gentle yet tough as nails in a way that gave him, too, the strength needed to make a name for himself as a hitman. Those first couple of months before he learned not to sleep too much, when he came back from his missions feeling stained in blood that never even touched him, when he maintained his cover throughout the day and threatened to break apart by night, she was there to steady him. And she allowed him to be gentle with her, to hold her and love her and promise her the world. He needed desperately to not just be a monster, and she managed to see the man in him.
Now he's left to wonder if the easy familiarity he settled into with Akemi was a result of their relation. Such a pointless question.
With the help of a few glasses of Maker's Mark, a pack of cigarettes, and a probably unhealthy amount of emotional distancing, he manages to lay the matter to rest, for now. Until the organisation is dealt with, he can't afford to let his emotions get in the way, so he buries them as deep as he can, and applies logic to the problem.
Ultimately, he reasons, rhythmically assembling and disassembling his IWI Jericho to give his hands something to do, it doesn't really change things. What matters is that he loved her and she died for it. Whatever he learned after can't tarnish that memory. It's a simple fact that he needs to keep going to avenge her; aside from that, all he can do right now is remember her, and honour her last request. That's the active parameter he can affect: he will see to it that Miyano Shiho is protected, or die trying.
Shuichi considers telling the girl they're cousins, and eventually, he will - if she doesn't figure it out before that, keen as she is. But for now, she still doesn't trust him, has too much to worry about, and honestly, for a supposedly dead man he has enough tetchy family connections already. Maybe, when all of this is over, he can tell Masumi - she's a bit too careless to be told now, and he hopes his mother shares this assessment. But his little sister is great at breaking the ice, and he's sure she would love to hear she has more family. It might do Shiho well, too, knowing she isn't as alone as she might think. Their family is odd enough that she'll fit right in.
He's not sure he'd wish it upon her, though. Dealing with his darling mother always involves a headache of some kind. He is reminded once again why he didn't join the MI6, and why he tries to keep contact with her to a minimum. Still, somewhere deep down and buried, he's glad she seems to be well enough to feel like going out and threatening him. It's almost cute, even if she's deadly.
Despite his best efforts not to let it affect him, emotional exhaustion sticks to him through the next couple of days, uneventful as they are. Sleeping would probably help, but he keeps himself awake with coffee where he can, only napping a couple hours a day. Shuichi's life is one of constant vigilance, of surveillance and planning and striking at precisely the right time. And it suits him just fine, patience is in his nature. But while he's not on a mission, it sometimes leaves him just a little bit bored. The Kudo library is extensive, but there's only so many mystery novels he can read before his mind starts to wander. Trying not to think of Akemi's death is like trying not to think about pink elephants once he has been reminded of them. The comparison is uncharitable, and he knows she wouldn't appreciate his brooding, but it's not like he has much else to occupy himself with. Yes, there are the preparations for a joint operation against the organization coming up in a little over a month, and there's a class Okiya Subaru has to attend Tuesday evenings, but it's not like they require his full attention. He still tries to give it to them.
Shuichi's not sure whether it's a blessing or a curse that he's meeting with Furuya Rei a couple of days after the ill-fated encounter with his mother.
Their relationship is tumultuous at best, and murderous at worst, complicated in the way all interactions containing Furuya tend to be, as the man is dictated by exactly the kind of emotions Shuichi tries to avoid. Granted, it is a rather one-sided disagreement; as with most things, Shuichi has no strong feelings about Furuya. He respects the other agent's abilities, particularly the fact he is still undercover, and teasing him is surprisingly fun. That's about it. Shuichi's keenly aware of Furuya's flaws, but as long as they don't bother their operations, he's not going to do anything about them.
In fact, in the last weeks - months really, at this point - he's been enjoying going along with Furuya's whims, meeting him to exchange the sweaters he seems to be so obsessed with. When he's not trying to hound him, Furuya can be somewhat decent company, chattering away about the mundane things that irritate him. Until he realizes he's been too pleasant, at which point he gets a little volatile to make sure Shuichi understands they're not actually friends. It's nothing Shuichi can't handle, and to be completely honest, he appreciates a little less boredom in his life.
Today, though, doom and gloom and failure still on his mind, he's not really up for playing games with the PSB agent. They know each other better than anyone else alive, aside from maybe Morofushi. Furuya will understand.
So he prepares a bag, shoves the sweater Furuya requested in, double-checking it's the right one because he really doesn't need another lecture right now, and waits for the agent to break into the Kudo mansion so he can hand it over and be done with it. Considering he's an ally now, Shuichi would offer him a key, but he's got the distinct impression Furuya would somehow misconstruct it as an insult to his abilities.
Exactly five minutes ahead of schedule, there's the click of the first-story balcony door, and Shuichi pads down from the sniper nest in the attic to meet his guest. Wordlessly, he holds out the bag to Furuya in the hallway. "Not even a good evening? Lacking in manners as usual, Akai Shuichi." Shuichi shrugs, can't be bothered. Shakes the bag. "Here's what you came for." Furuya's eyes narrow, scan across his form, then his brows furrow. An expression Shuichi hasn't seen on him before crosses his face, and before he has time to interpret it, it's gone, replaced by a smirk. "Hey, Akai." He stretches, dangling his own bag overhead. "That takedown you performed on the serial killer two weeks ago. Teach it to me." Shuichi stares back, unimpressed. "Maybe next time, I'm not-" Two quick steps, and Furuya's in his space, eyes blazing blue, looking up at him so impossibly bright. "That wasn't a question, Akai." He grins, eyes shining. "Or you're not getting your sweater back."
Shuichi almost lets out a laugh. That's gotta be up there somewhere in the top five stupidest threats he's ever been issued. Which is really saying something, considering he spent his teenage years in a high school in the US, and then some more years with FBI trainees in Quantico. What is it with Furuya and his sweater fixation? Akai doesn't care, he can have them all if it gets him out of his hair.
Unfortunately, Shuichi's best death glare doesn't seem to have the desired effect. Determination is either Furuya's best or worst quality, depending on how much trouble his current agenda involves, and for the sake of Shuichi's time, it's probably quicker to go along with him than to try and forcibly relocate him, even if he's certain he could. With a quiet sigh he makes for the basement gym.
Where his temper shines through in conversations, Furuya's presence in a fight is that of a wildfire, contained in a person. When he fights, he burns, sucking the oxygen and attention out of his surroundings, doesn't allow for distractions or he'll singe and bite and sting whatever is in his path. He takes to Akai's instructions easily, and soon enough they're no longer practicing but engaged in a sparring match. Furuya doesn't leave him time to consider anything else, at all, and damnit, that fervour of his is contagious. The battlejoy kicks in, hard, and Shuichi finds himself mirroring the PSB agent's mad grin as they wrestle for dominance, toss each other into the mat, twist and turn and struggle on the fine line between play and serious fighting.
Once they're staying down on the mats, the battle is over quickly; one moment he has Rei in a full-body pin, sure of his surrender; only for the man to twist his legs, shift their positions, and straddle Shuichi, bending down to choke him. He's stunning like this, flushed and panting for breath, his scorching gaze focused intently on Shuichi and Shuichi alone, looking for an opportunity to make him yield. An effigy of life itself.
Shuichi can't help it; his heart soars, his blood sings, his body shivers. Rei is a pinpoint focus of light, and then everything goes dark.
Sweater weather AU masterpost
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milkbreadtoast · 8 months ago
need everyone to see these... SOBSSSSS🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭😭🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎... (webtoon 48)
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ninkaku · 5 months ago
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just a lil guy ...
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months ago
Se-ri one of the best female characters I’ve seen on screen for a while
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