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softnsquishable · 4 months ago
Well, i want to ask, how is joe irl? Lol
Like how was the m&g interaction
Finally, an excuse to tell the whole story. I will spare no details, so buckle up. tl;dr he is the nicest boy on earth.
About thirty minutes before Joe's signing block began, me and some other fobbies had clustered at one end of the area. I was totally cool - and then someone said "oh there's Joe" and I turned around and yeah, there he was, only a few feet away. He was holding his hands behind his back, looking lost, just trying to figure out where he was supposed to be and presumably where Rick was. No joke my hand covered my mouth and my heart raced and in that moment I was so SO thankful I had the foresight to get a notecard and write a few bullet points for what I wanted to tell him. Side note, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT METHOD because I always think I'll be fine going up to somebody I admire and then my mind BLANKS in the moment. This made everything so much smoother for me.
Once we found out Rick Remender was a big deal and we had to line up, we spent over an hour in line before getting up to where Joe was. I watched two people in front of me go, and then made myself a fantastic introduction by immediately dropping my bag, water bottle and phone on the ground in front of me. I backed up and let the girl that went before me get a photo before stepping forward with a little "hehe, take two".
I was wearing my "I Have Mental Illinois" shirt and Joe looked at it right away, smiled and said "Don't we all?" to which I brilliantly said "I was hoping you'd like it."
I was in the second row center at Sacramento 2ourdust back in March and I had made this sign for Joe.
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I figured since it was a signing event for Holy Roller and Rifters I would bring it along to show him. On the night of the show, I had held it up during 16 Candles and he had seemed to see it, smiling over at me and giving a little wave, which definitely made my entire night. I didn't think he'd remember but...
I set the sign down on the table with the comics and said "I don't know if you remember this, but-" and Joe cuts in "I DO remember this. That was you? Yeah, I saw this, and I texted the guys about it right after the show." He then proceeded to tug on Rick's sleeve and say "Hey, Rick...Rick, look, look at this, look what she made." (Side note, seeing Joe just tugging on Rick's sleeve to get his attention, absolutely precious.) I am still completely blown away that he remembered seeing this sign after playing almost forty shows and eight months down the line, but it totally warmed my heart. He even signed it for me with a special sharpie - he dug around in his little cup of markers and then declared, "Rose gold. You're getting rose gold."
I felt my mind start to blank so I took my little notecard out, which I apologized for, but Joe said "Yeah, that's good to have". I then told him, as he gave me his complete attention, thank you for the music (I've been a fan for over 10 years) and for the books, the memoir, all the laughs, and for the community his band has fostered. I told him that I've met all of my best friends because of his band via Tumblr Discord etc. and that it's come so far that one of my closest friends, who I met on a "Fall Out Boy Forum" (it was wattpad but I wasn't gonna tell him that) and I had met after eight years of online friendship at Forest Hills. Joe asked if we were still friends after meeting because sometimes that changes things and I assured him me and them were cool.
I asked him what comics I should read to get more into comics in a similar vein to what he'd written. He thought about it and said that for Holy Roller specifically, a lot of it was inspired by early Batman comics (I believe he said Batman Year one) and that he was currently reading some of that with his daughter - turning his children into little nerds apparently! He went on for a little while like that and to be honest I do not remember all of what he was saying about it, except for at the end he did say "...that's a lot to remember."
Joe then asked me if I had the rest of the books (Holy Roller and Rifters) as he had copies of every single issue on the table. I have to preface this by saying I was a dumbass and didn't think to bring anything to be signed, so I had run into the bookshop earlier and bought an older issue of both Holy Roller and Rifters for the signing. I said yes, I was subscribed and had them at home, even if I hadn't read them yet, and he clarified "I wasn't doubting you, I just wanted to make sure, otherwise I'd give em to you".
Sidebar, he was signing anything people brought, including art, and someone's FUTCT CD. He asked where they wanted it signed and he helped them work it out, noting that, "In the past, people have had me sign on my photo. Yeah, this one, where I'm like...ten years old or whatever". He also signed a memoir or two (mine was signed when I bought it or I might've done that too).
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I then asked for a picture and he said sure and he was very glad that "we (the band) helped to bring you friendship". I then asked hi for a handshake, which I got, and stepped over to meet Rick, giving him a little hello and telling him I enjoyed the books, as it was the first comic series I'd ever subscribed to. I then held up my phone for a selfie, which Joe saw us taking, and so he made this face, and then proceeded to laugh about it to himself, which was so SO sweet.
Just before I walked away I told Joe "oh by the way, my (not really mine but) discord server Fall Out Bastards say hi" and he looked mildly confused and said "I do not know them...but pass on my greetings".
I realized a few minutes later that I had forgotten to take a picture with the disposable camera I brought, so I waited for a gap in the Fall Out Boy fans and kind of timidly went, "Hey, Joe...can we get another picture with my disposable where I'm holding the sign?" He said sure, and so I went back over and posed, all the while he was giving us instructions for the camera. ("Make sure you do it with the flash on, I really recommend that...yeah, it's the little switch on the front. Is it on? Okay, good.")
I left the meet up so so happy, and when I sat down on the train to go home, I ended up chatting to the person next to me a bit. She was a casual Fall Out Boy listener it turned out, and when I opened up the sign to show it to her, I noticed that next to Joe's signature-
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-he had drawn me a little smiley :') just something that made my heart soar that much higher.
Meeting Joe was genuinely one of the best experiences I've ever had. He gave his full attention to you as you talked, one knee on his chair, wiggling his flip flop sandals and chewing his nicotine gum (I know it's nicotine gum because we audibly heard Rick offer him some and he said yes and took it). Such a sweet guy and I would absolutely recommend that anybody meet him if they have the chance because though I've had to come home to my nine to five and all the issues in the world and in my own personal life...I cheer up a whole lot when I think about this interaction and see that photo of us together.
I do have to say, even as a 5'1 girlie, Joe is SMALLER that I thought he would be! Yes, he looks tall next to the rest of the band, but he is a SMALL BOY and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Yes, he was leaning over on the table and I was elevated slightly above him, but even when he was standing straight, he did not come across as tall.
I do partially blame this interaction as the reason I went ahead and bought tickets to Innings Fest as well shdfjlsjdlhf but I'm glad I did! I hope to meet and make many more moots there and keep cheering Joe and the others on from wherever in the crowd I may be!
Maybe YOU shouldn't meet your heroes...but if your hero is Joe Trohman, I think you're better off giving it a shot. Here is a bonus photo or two of him being a very good listener.
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fictionturnedherbrain · 10 months ago
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Marguerite Blakeney - After The Scarlet Pimpernel
‘... this odd diversity of misery and joy’
The Elusive Pimpernel
Late September 1793
Exactly a year after the reunion with her estranged husband and Marguerite is still impulsive, still active – and still learning about the man she married.
Only one vital aspect of her character has changed, impacting her perspective and her priorities, and that is her love for Percy. While her husband remained distant and cold, uncertainty, loneliness and family loyalty forced Marguerite to act for herself and her brother, yet after the reconciliation she is proud and defiant in her husband’s protection, and lives solely for him and to be with him. That same ‘joy of living in her eyes’ is now a display of the ‘glorious pride’ of ‘happy wifehood’, and she openly parades her love for Percy, publicly revelling in his company amongst fashionable society. Where once her celebrity status as a witty and beautiful French actress, and her friendship with the Prince of Wales, protected Marguerite from wagging and critical tongues, Lady Blakeney is insulated against the speculation and dismissal of others by the restoration of her husband’s love; she does not care what is said about her, because she does not listen. Marguerite is content with only Percy, and no longer has need of the ‘frivolous set’ who once courted her as a novelty attraction.
Such independence comes at a price, however, for knowledge of Percy’s dual life is little compensation when he leaves her behind, alone again in her ‘heartbroken anxiety’, to risk his life as the Pimpernel. In this respect, Marguerite is unwilling to share her husband’s selfless honour and sacrifice her own happiness for others: Percy is her life, and she resents that she is not his only concern. Her possessive love for Armand now transferred to her husband, ‘the man she worshipped’ with ‘passionate pride’, she at once admires and challenges his noble cause. The transition from ignorant wife to League member, as Marguerite regards herself, has obviously been sudden and demanding – Percy is back in France by January 1793 (Sir Percy Leads the Band), barely allowing his wife time to adjust to either his loving presence or the agony of separation. Marguerite is tormented by the dual aspects of her husband’s nature – the lover and the adventurer, he who ‘loved her and went away’ – and which is the ruling passion in his life; she cannot doubt his love for her, a powerful bond that even Chauvelin is forced to notice, but is daunted by his strength of purpose and ‘this mad desire to save and help’. Honour drives Percy’s actions as the Scarlet Pimpernel, and Marguerite recognises how vitally he is defined by this duty to do what is right; possessed of a noble and generous heart herself, she bows to Chauvelin’s machinations and is ready to offer her life for the sake of Percy’s cause (‘how little she valued her life, how highly she prized his honour’).
In The Scarlet Pimpernel, Marguerite falls in love with the elusive hero she terms the ‘shadowy king of her heart’ for his bravery, and yet confesses to Armand that she married Percy because she thought him ‘slow and stupid’ and therefore a safe husband; when the two personalities meet in one man, she is in awe and afraid that she does not deserve him. Percy is a demonstrative lover at home, and Marguerite allows his ‘embraces’ and ‘passionate caresses’ as a means to prove his love and keep him by her side, but she is still making sense of the powerful transformation in his character. The unsettling contrast between his intimate and public reception of Marguerite, respectively affectionate and courteous, also disturbs her, and she wonders if he still harbours ‘in his mind a slight mistrust of her’ because she betrayed him as the Pimpernel. It is easier for Marguerite to continue worshipping her husband as a romantic hero, and when Chauvelin seeks to manipulate his opponent’s chivalry by ransoming Lady Blakeney, she proudly retorts that the Pimpernel will be indomitable ‘now that his purpose will be to try and drag me from out your clutches!’ Chauvelin has to admire her ‘attitude of defiant despair’, which stirs Marguerite’s spirit and heightens her beauty, but her confidence in the Scarlet Pimpernel is stronger than her conviction of Percy’s love. Confronted with her husband, under the perceptive eye of Chauvelin, Marguerite hesitates and then abandons caution to reassure her shaken judgement; unable to ‘restrain the wild beatings of her heart’, she displays her feelings for him as if they were alone and Percy guardedly retreats. Instantly penitent, she understands Percy’s impassive behaviour, and knows that Chauvelin has gained an advantage over them by this unwitting ‘glimpse into her soul’. Indeed, the former ambassador is keener to recognise this ‘tale of love and passion’ than either Marguerite or Percy, who are both still uncertain of their marriage and each other.
Elusive is a romantic interlude; a journey of discovery for husband and wife, and a confirmation of the promises made in The Scarlet Pimpernel. Almost immediately after they were married, Percy closed his heart to Marguerite, afraid to trust her, and she felt disappointed and abandoned in response; retreating behind the defences of their mutual pride, they endured a year of misunderstanding and estrangement before confessing their love on the cliffs of Calais. Percy learned how Marguerite had suffered, and how much she was willing to sacrifice on his behalf, and Marguerite’s instinct about her husband’s hidden strength and bravery was rewarded with the discovery that she was married to the Scarlet Pimpernel, but both had still to experience the smaller, intimate details about each other that make a marriage.
Marguerite is defined through her husband, and her love for him, in this story. She continues to enjoy the luxury and authority of her role in society, recalling with pride her ‘beautiful home at Richmond, her brilliant array of servants and guests, His Royal Highness at her side!’ As Lady Blakeney, her ‘strength of character and firmness of purpose’ inspire her young protégée, Juliette Marny, and Marguerite is confident as both chatelaine and hostess, ‘authoritatively’ reminding the interfering Desirée Candeille that she is a guest at Blakeney Manor and must respect her wishes.
As the wife of the Scarlet Pimpernel, the charismatic and celebrated Lady Blakeney also leads her small circle of close friends at home in Richmond (‘instinctively the idle throng of her friends followed her)’, and continues to influence fashion and fascinate society; although her ‘court’ in London is smaller and more intimate than her coterie in Paris, Marguerite manages to maintain her sense of the grand dame and is still surrounded by adoring acquaintances and doting admirers. Socially and diplomatically influential through her husband’s and her own connections, Lady Blakeney also plays an important, if generally passive, part in the League by receiving and protecting the émigrés brought over from France by Percy and his men.
Chauvelin might have reason to mock ‘the irony’ of Marguerite’s former reputation as ‘the cleverest woman in Europe’, but it is not stupidity or ignorance that lures the wife of the Scarlet Pimpernel into his enemy’s trap, but her ‘noble devotion’ and a passionate love for her heroic husband. Marguerite is correctly suspicious of Desirée Candeille, but accepts her treacherous peace offering in order to be with Percy; her impulsive and dramatic nature will not allow her to wait in England while he risks his life in France, and she defiantly and decisively sets out after him. In this way at least, Marguerite remains the familiar and flawed heroine of The Scarlet Pimpernel.
January-February 1794
The fear and anguish that Marguerite must endure during Percy’s incarceration in Paris defines her character as Lady Blakeney, but also removes any final vestiges of the naive and playful actress witnessed in The Scarlet Pimpernel.
To support and protect her husband, Marguerite sacrifices the comfort and stature of her position in society, a little of her pride and dignity, but also the bond between Armand and herself. The inconsistency of her brother’s age aside, their roles are reversed by the time of Armand’s betrayal, and Marguerite enjoys more of a balanced relationship with Sir Andrew than her own kin; in TSP, Armand is the older sibling, rational and reassuring, and Marguerite depends upon this close relationship, but all she has left for him after Eldorado is unconditional and ‘unalterable’ love. The ‘strong, almost motherly passion’ with which she once held onto her brother is transferred to her weakened and defenceless husband, whom she defends with a ‘beautiful gesture of protecting motherhood’ in the Conciergerie. Percy swears Armand to secrecy about the full extent of his disloyalty, but it is sadly obvious that Marguerite understands, or at least suspects, the greater part her brother played in Percy’s capture and torture, and therefore her own suffering; magnanimous and caring, Marguerite is able to comfort Jeanne, her brother’s fiancée, and help to ease Armand’s misery of guilt, but he is no longer her first consideration. It is natural that she should release the familial ties of childhood upon marrying, and even in TSP both she and Armand have a ‘secret orchard’ which the other can no longer penetrate, but the destruction of trust and confidence in Eldorado is devastating. Bar the constant and steadfast protection offered by Sir Andrew, Marguerite is alone again and must be strong for her own sake, as well as for Percy.
As to Percy, Marguerite finds grim solace in coming to her husband’s aid (‘never had she felt him so completely her own’); although horrified by his treatment at the hands of Chauvelin and Héron, and sickened at thought of losing him, she is grateful to be actively serving and supporting Percy, instead of waiting for news or depending on him to rescue her. Her enforced passivity as a member of the League (‘Oh yes I am!’ she defiantly asserts) sits awkwardly with Marguerite, and she eagerly bids Sir Andrew, her husband’s – and her own – best friend, to once again accompany her across the Channel, as he did in TSP. Nor does she succumb to the incredible emotional and physical strain she is under, until Chauvelin shatters her fragile self-control by threatening to destroy Percy, and even then she is too proud to let him witness his triumph over her spirit. The only man who comes near to breaking Marguerite’s strength and her heart, however, is Percy himself: ‘It was he – and he alone – who was making her suffer’. Whereas her love for Armand is natural and enduring, she thrives on her husband’s passion and devotion and cannot imagine living without him; ‘his death – that would be beyond my strength,’ she confesses to Sir Andrew. She needs to be near him, whether she can help or not, to ‘breathe the air that he breathes’, and she knows that he will be longing for her in return; just as Percy comes to recognise that the woman he loves ‘thinks, loves and sins’ as he does (I Will Repay, chapter 7), Marguerite understands that ‘long ago he had mapped out the course of his life’ and that she, as his wife, cannot alter the course he has chosen.
From impulsive risks to noble sacrifice, Marguerite remains active and involved in Eldorado, but her energy is crushed by the very crisis that demands her participation in the League – her husband’s capture. Percy is revived by her visit to his cell in the Conciergerie and enlists her help, which Marguerite provides capably and bravely, but her one goal in returning to Paris is to support and protect him. With her brother Armand, once the only person whom ‘she dared to love’ (TSP), she is patient and considerate, but her thoughts are always with Percy – or perhaps she would not be so forgiving with the man who carelessly betrayed her husband. Sir Andrew, her friend and chaperone, protects and cares for her as a brother should, but still cannot unravel the complexities of her character or her bond with Percy; as a loving husband, he can empathise with her pain and sadness, and he knows his two close friends well, but their mutual honour, bold spirit and unspoken pledge is beyond his traditional sensibilities.
Mam’zelle Guillotine
February 1794
In Elusive, Marguerite learns that she must love the dual aspects of her husband’s complex personality instead of fighting the adventurer to possess the lover; in Eldorado, she accepts that Percy loves her ‘only one degree less than he worshipped his honour’, and in helping to guard his noble reputation she is able to claim his ‘whole soul’ for herself; but in Mam’zelle Guillotine, Marguerite is determined to share the adventure, whatever the risks, as a member of the League, the ‘loyal helpmate’ of its chief – and most vitally, as Percy’s wife.
It is hardly surprising that Marguerite is afraid to let Percy return to France after the fear and sadness she endured in Eldorado; nor that she might resort to the weak and futile pleading that was once her only response to being left behind. Selfishly, Marguerite demands that Percy put her needs and feelings first, instead of the anonymous lives that he is duty bound to save, and issues the desperate ultimatum of: ‘If you love me, do not go!’ In Elusive, she insists that he has already ‘fulfilled to its uttermost that self-imposed duty to others’, telling him that his life is more important to her than ‘the lives of ten thousand others’, and this nervous insularity resurfaces when she realises that his mind is set on another mission. Percy is equally stubborn and insensitive in both cases, refusing to listen to his wife’s heartfelt pleas and sorrow, and both understand each other’s motives well, but Marguerite in particular is asking too much – it is, after all, the Pimpernel’s sense of obligation which saved the lives of many of her close friends, including her own brother Armand. She can support and befriend the émigrés rescued by the League because they represent ‘the dangers Percy had passed’ on their behalf, and ‘the anxieties she herself had endured’ (Elusive), but such depth of pride and generosity is only accessible in retrospect. Marguerite is afraid for Percy’s life, but also unwilling to sacrifice her temporary victory over the ‘bold leader’ of the League, the Scarlet Pimpernel; whilst he depended on her to act on his behalf and care for him in Eldorado, Marguerite could be at least be sure that he was safe and that he loved her. When the tormented appeal she makes to her husband is once again unsuccessful, Marguerite actively rebels: ‘If you go, I go with you’, she wearily informs him, and decides to join the League that she cannot conquer.
On the long and trying journey to France, Marguerite is placated, satisfied merely to be accompanying Percy; when her husband leaves her in the familiar and friendly company of Sir Andrew, Marguerite, though daunted by what is expected of her, becomes a capable and determined member of the League, playing her part with ease. A former actress, she adjusts quickly to her ‘role’ and her only fears are for Percy’s safety and the success of his mission; as the wife of the Pimpernel, surrounded by his friends, Marguerite knows that she is as safe as she can be, accepting danger and discomfort as a matter of course for the League. She is also inspired by an honest and ardent letter from her husband, which gives her courage and reaffirms his love for her. In it, Percy admits that he ‘thought more of an ideal’ than of her happiness when he allowed her to join him, inferring that her presence is a means to an end – as Sir Andrew is there for Marguerite, she is to be the guardian of two small children until Percy can reunite them with their mother in England. Yet Marguerite understands that he must do this to earn her devotion: ‘I love you with my whole soul, with every fibre of my being, more than life and eternity,’ he pledges, ‘but I could not love you, dear, so much, loved I not honour more.’ As a member of the League, ‘the most adored, the most revered amongst all’, Marguerite worships rather than resents the adventurer who replaces the lover; as with the men, she seeks to earn his trust and his approval, carrying out orders and enduring hardships without complaint. As his wife, Marguerite fears only their separation, and clings pitifully to him when they are briefly reunited, pleading that she be allowed to remain at his side. Percy reminds her of the deep and powerful bond they share – ‘Are we not one, you and I?’ – and instructs her that now they must test that union to ‘work together – and suffer together’ for the sake of others. Humbled, Marguerite accepts the inevitable, and even allows with a smile Percy’s small acts of consideration for her immediate comfort, resting for the night on two awkwardly placed cushions upon the bare floor.
Marguerite is affectionate and indulgent, yet willing to sacrifice her happiness for Percy’s cause; he is dedicated and reserved, but also patient and loving with his beautiful wife. Their marriage is a compromise of independence and understanding, of maintaining identities and sharing intimacy, but their relationship is as strong as it is complex. Sir Andrew, Percy’s best friend, believes that both are ‘ready to sacrifice everything for the cause they have at heart’, from the vast Blakeney fortune to their very lives, yet Percy is also willing to put his love for his wife after his duty to humanity; Ffoulkes admits that he is uncertain if Lady Blakeney would do the same, as she is more of an enigma to him than his friend. Entrusted with Marguerite’s welfare and protection on more than one occasion, Sir Andrew is perhaps the closest ally she has, and they have been ‘made to understand one another’ over the three years of their friendship, but he is above all polite and deferential with her. Still addressing each other by their titles, Sir Andrew and Lady Blakeney maintain a respectful and honest acquaintance that is based upon their mutual love and admiration for one man, as well as the danger and anxiety they have faced together.
The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel
May-July 1794
Serene, accepting and tender, Marguerite Blakeney waits resignedly in Dover for her husband to return to her; two years of waiting and enduring have seemingly drained her lively and impulsive nature of any impetus, and she is content to meet her lover halfway between his adventures and their home together. The mutual attraction and potent desire that smouldered in The Scarlet Pimpernel is still strong, heightened by long and constant separations, and Marguerite welcomes the ‘rapture’ of reunion, but the foundation of their marriage is trust and companionship: ‘the happiness that comes from perfect love, perfect altruism, a complete understanding and measureless sympathy’. Percy shares his dual life in France with her, and ‘what he did not tell her, that she easily guessed’; as in Eldorado, there is an unspoken connection between husband and wife, a ‘magnetic current’ that penetrates his reserve and her cynical facade, uniting their thoughts. Marguerite relies on his judgement of people and situations, and follows his lead; when Theresia Cabarrus appears at their cottage in Dover, in disguise and proclaiming a sob story, Marguerite is sympathetic yet guarded, alerted by Percy’s suspicions (‘Marguerite understood the hint’).
Alone, Marguerite’s ‘tenderness and compassion’, and the complacency of her love for Percy, leaves her vulnerable to deception. The fanciful explanation of ‘Madame de Fontenay’ sits uneasily with Marguerite, who feels ‘cold and unresponsive’ where pity has been her natural reaction in the past; ashamed of her ‘disloyalty and cowardice’, Marguerite strives to imitate her husband’s charitable deeds and suppress her mistrust of Theresia. Acting on her own fears and her husband’s veiled warnings, Marguerite avoids her in London society, but she cannot resist an appeal for help; on behalf of her husband, ‘because of the dangers which he had braved for their sakes’, she sets out to reconcile a family of émigrés lately brought to England by the Pimpernel. As in Elusive, this is a trap, and Marguerite once again becomes a device in Chauvelin’s scheme to capture her husband. Immediately she understands her position, aware of the ‘bitter rancour’ felt against Percy and, indirectly, herself, but is confident that Percy will rescue her as he did in Boulogne; this is not the resignation of a docile woman, but the foresight of a wife secure in her husband’s love. Aware that she is being used, Marguerite fears for her husband and the success of his plans, but knows to bide her time. But when faced with Chauvelin, her forbearance already weakened by ‘the loneliness, the mystery, the silence’, she struggles to maintain her impassive demeanour. To different ends, the enemy and the wife are both relying on the certainty that ‘sooner or later Percy would learn where she was; and then he would come’. Marguerite trusts her husband implicitly, but two days of enforced seclusion begin to test her patience and her endurance; memories of her home and of Percy, of ‘her senses swooning in the ecstasy of that perfect moment which comes just before a kiss’, at once sustain and discourage her. In a return to the fatalist acceptance of events that she displayed in The Scarlet Pimpernel, Marguerite is ready to sacrifice her own life for the safety and freedom of her husband, and when he finally comes for her, she ‘scarcely dared trust her eyes and ears’. Always humanitarian, Marguerite forgets her own suffering to ask after Percy, and even spares a thought for Chauvelin.
After Paris ...
October 1792 to July 1794 is just under two years in a life and a marriage, but in that time Marguerite Blakeney abandons almost every vestige of her youthful personality, and matures through great anxiety and suffering into a trusting wife. Although no longer an actress, Marguerite must continue to guard her feelings in public, hiding the pride she has for her husband to protect his secret; the strength of her love for him is impossible to hide, but her obvious attraction is easily put down to ‘foreign eccentricity’. She cares little for anyone but Percy, inspired by his own passionate and noble soul to lay aside her instinctive cynicism and selfishness, and although this dulls the edges of her impulsive nature, it is a natural development. As Marguerite St Just, success and celebrity were fleeting; as Lady Blakeney, her happiness is complete.
Theresia Cabbarus comments to Percy that Lady Blakeney has become ‘very English’, but there is still a little of the Parisienne in Marguerite; she proclaims England as ‘a dull old country, but safe’, yet considers Richmond and London her home whilst Percy is with her. Still spirited and expressive, Marguerite is a character upon the stage, meeting climax and crisis as they touch her life, and acting in the moment.
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hoodshem · 3 days ago
Why are they so domestic.
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I know everyone’s said it a million times already but I can’t get over how lovingly detailed Scala is, particularly the classroom
I’ve been rewatching this (sorry for the kh youtuber jumpscare lmao) and I’m in awe all over again looking at everything that’s just in this single room.
All those books! Various bottles! The Mark of Mastery emblems on the corners! The tapestry with the Book of Prophecies/MoM’s symbol with (what is presumably) the Foretellers’ symbols surrounding it! The writing everywhere! (is any of it legible now? 👀). The lamps that look like the Land of Departure! The smaller stuff like tools on the table, the stylized ceiling fans, the rolled up maps or cloths or poster papers, the feather quills, the single plant! The armillary spheres all throughout! The huge double blackboard!
UGHHH it’s just all so unbelievably COOL!!!
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coollyinterferes · 1 year ago
"Back by unpopular demand:"
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jinxvex · 3 months ago
♱ possessive!sevika x bartender!reader ♱
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first post! kinda nervous lol 😭
cw: smut lmao, dirty talk, possessive behavior, degradation, strap-on sex, pet names, roughness + general nsfw content…
imagine possessive gf!sevika fucking you (controversially young gf!/bartender) against the bar of the last drop!
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a few minutes prior, you were taking a break from your looooong shift at the infamous zaunite bar + perfectly perched on sevika’s lap in the back corner of the bar. some idiot who was (expectedly) losing the poker game against her flirted with you right in front of her! not knowing that you already belonged to her! poor dude!
she definitely dragged his ass outside before she trudged back into the busy bar to clear it of its many patrons so she could take her frustrations out on you! poor (lucky) you!
“f-fuck! oh my god!” you scream into her large palm that is currently clasped firmly against your mouth to muffle your deafening moans.
your moans echo throughout the empty bar as you are bent over the counter, face smushed into it and ass pressed against her lower stomach. her strap thrusts in and out of you and her pace is suffocating.
you can feel her faux cock in your cervix as she continuously rams in and out of your soaking cunt, a reminder that it was a place only she could reach.
as bruising and harsh as it feels, it’s delicious. her right hand is gripping your hair as her left is glued to your hip (you simply couldn’t get enough of her!).
her rough grunts, “yeah, baby, take this shit.” and “love this sloppy fuckin’ pussy” causing your arousal to further drip down your shaky legs.
“y-yes ffuck! s-so deep!” you manage to spit out as she continues to have her way with you.
it soon gets to be too much; the feeling of her buried so deep inside of you, the squelching of your wet cunt swallowing her whole, & the sounds of her cursing under her breath. you lose it.
you start to inch off of her cock and forward onto the bar which does not make her happy. in fact, it makes her pull you deeper onto her cock and fuck you even harder!
“where you goin’ huh? where’s my good girl?” + “nuh-uh, get back here ’n take this dick, princess.”
her voice causes your eyes to cross and your knees to buckle as you reach your high. “baby, mm gonna c-cum! please let me cum vika!”
she smirks from behind you, knowingly, as she leans down so her mouth is next to your ear, thrusting slowly but, even deeper into your quivering cunt.
“yeah? then tell me who owns this cunt, huh?” … “who’s in this shit right now, baby?”
“you! y-you! sevika! only you. p-p-please let me cum!” you sob.
those words, good enough for her, prompt her to continue her rough pace and permit you to soak her strap.
you can almost feel the smirk in her voice when she tells you to, “go ahead then, cum alllll on this dick, baby.”
oh + i know its big!! 😏🤭🤭
saturday, november 30th 2024.
+ (if you’re coming from reblogs this is different from when i initially posted it bc of newbie writing errors + little mishaps!)
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bluem1lls · 1 month ago
i need part 2 of se-mi with comphet reader 😭
✧₊⁺ speak now (or don't, and love forever in silence)
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groom bff! se-mi x comphet! reader
synopsis: after years of waiting, he finally propose. wasn't this everything you wished for?
but you couldn't bring yourself to be happy.
was it maybe because when you thought about it, all you could picture was her face?
content: some angst, but finally fluff!!!!
authors note: im so sorry for the looooong ass late updates, im so so busy but im ab to go on break so everyone cheered!!! im back i promise:( im so excited for this part 2 i actually love it and i hope u do too!!!!
part one. part two (you're here!)
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famous actress finally engaged with the famous choi su-bong, more known as 'thanos', old rapper surging back!
we all saw on Instagram the romantic proposal he prepped for her, and of course like every girl would, she said yes!
we are so happy for the married couple!
"fucking bullshit" se-mi threw her phone away with rage after reading the most liked post from the magazine's instagram.
her hands went to her face as she groaned, biting back her lip to keep the tears away.
poor dumb girl. she actually thought you were coming back to her...
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"the way he proposed was so romantic, i'm glad he did it that way, it was what you always wanted ever since you were a kid" my best friend jun-hee took my hands between hers with a comforting smile. i smiled softly as i sighed.
"y-yeah. it was.." i whispered. she stares into my eyes, squeezing my hands. her expression fell, now filled with pity. she knew me more than anyone.
"you do know that you're supposed to be happy about getting married right?" she says with a lifted eyebrow as i pressed my lips.
"i am." i said, trying to convince myself.
"honey-" she murmurs as i cut her.
"i have to be." i said, turning to face myself in the mirror. streightening my skirt as i faked my best smile.
and it was true. everything was exactly how i always wanted it.
so.. why didn't it felt like it?
i heard a knock that snapped me out of my thoughts. we both turned as the door opened. "excuse me, just wanted to let you know the invitations have been sent" a girl said with a smile as i nodded, thanking her.
once she left, jun-hee stared at me. "did you sent one for.." my best friend said, stopping herself as i shuddered.
"yeah. of course. they're best friends." refering to my husband and se-mi. i put a smile to pretend i didn't cared. or at least i tried, although it didn't even reached my eyes.
if your own best friend stares at you with pity, you start to consider maybe you're not doing as well as you thought.
but i couldn't back up. not now. not ever.
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"this belongs in the trash" se-mi says with a sarcastic smirk, grabbing the invitation only to crumble it with anger as min-su stops her.
"we can't just.. not go" he says to her as she stares at him, incredulous.
"do you want me to go to that fucking wedding? for what?" she spits with anger and disbelief, her voice getting louder as he sighs. he got used to seeing his best friend angered ever since the news came out.
"listen, i get it, okay? but it's our best friend's wedding. we can't just miss it" min-su says in a soft tone, trying to make her understand.
"i refuse to watch her get married." her cold voice snaps. "fuck this." she says with a groan, frustration all over her face.
"you need to move on! you know those two! yeah they hate eachother, but they're not breaking up sem. they're getting married, and probably everything that goes after that. are you just gonna avoid thanos until you die?" he says snapping as she furrows her brow, a small pout on her pierced lips without her even noticing it.
"there's nothing to move on, there was never anything between me and her right?" she says with a sigh. "i'm still not going. i fucking hate weddings" she says under her breath, going to her room to avoid the conversation. and something about that doesn't feel true, because she loves to think about you on a wedding dress. but not if it's not with.. she shakes her head to remove the thought, slamming the door. min-su sighs, his hands on his face, exhausted.
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"oh god" jun-hee says with tears on her face, her eyes twinkle in awe as i laugh, a little teary.
the dress looks.. perfect. just like in my childhood dream. my perfect dream wedding.
"it was made for you" she says as i chuckle, giving a little spin for her.
i should be so happy...
"yeah.. i think we're done" i say to the girl from the store, who's standing on my side, staring at me with a soft smile. "this is it. this is the one."
i slowly head back to the changing room to remove the dress. i place back my clothes while my assistant goes to pay. i stare at myself in the mirror.
why am i not happy? why doesn't it feel like i'm getting married?
i sigh as i leave the store with my two companions.
"let's grab some coffee, it's right around the corner and im dying for some caffeine." jun-hee says as i nod.
i feel my phone buzzing on my pockets.
oh god, of course. he's always fucking forgetting about the wedding or where i am. god why am i marrying this-
my breath hitches as i grab my phone, reading the text.
this can't be happening.
not now.
oh god.
sem: a wedding?
sem: really?
of course it's her.
of course she texts me out of nowhere a fucking random tuesday at 3 pm.
of course she makes my heart beat on my chest like no one ever did. just for a fucking text.
i scoff in disbelief as my manicured nails type with anger.
me: for real?
me: this is what you're texting me?
me: after not hearing about you for fucking YEARS??????
i see the little bubble that indicates she's typing back. the fact that she hasn't left the chat since she texted me makes me bite my lip.
sem: i've seen the photos
sem: you know
sem: you dont look like someone whos excited to get married
i roll my eyes as i let out a shaky breath, she hit a nerve.
me: what do you know? you havent talked to me in years, maybe things changed.
sem: everything did.
sem: except this.
sem: why do you keep lying to yourself?
i place my phone back in my pocket with shaky hands, leaving her on seen. i place my head on my hands as i groan.
why did she had appear out of nowhere?
i was fine without.. knowing about her.
without thinking about her. without her smile. without knowing if she's seeing someone..
i was okay without her. yeah. i was perfect.
god i really need that coffee.
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as i get home i watch my... fiance laying on the couch.
"did you even tried the cake samples i left?" i said with frustration as i leave my purse.
"uh, nam-gyu did, he said the black tea one was really good" he said without too much care as i stared at him disbelief.
"am i getting married to nam-gyu? because i needed MY husband to try them!" i say, standing in front of him, my hands on my hips as he rolled his eyes.
"who the fuck cares about the cake baby? no one does" he says, his arms sneaking around my waist to bring me closer to him.
"i care! i am going to be the wife in this fucking wedding and i care about the cake!" i shout angry. "and don't touch me" i let myself loose of his grip as he groans in built frustration.
"seriously? this again?" he says with a sigh, letting go.
"after the wedding" i say to him as my heart sinks. liar.
"about time" he rolls his eyes, his focus on the phone once again.
i stare at him blinking in disbelief.
this is my life?
am i gonna marry.. this idiot?
i go upstairs as i remove my outside clothes, placing on my pjs. i slowly let myself sink in bed as i grab my phone, my hands trembling as i bite my lip.
was this a good idea? no.
clearly not.
but god, i couldn't stop thinking about her.
me: are you coming?
me: to the wedding
me: i sent you an invitation
it takes her two minutes to reply.
sem: no.
oh. i chew on my bottom lip thinking about what to reply, until she texts back a few minutes later.
sem: why?
do i? do i wanna get marry, knowing she's there, staring at me?
the question is.. will i get married, knowing she's there, sitting on the crowd, watching me?
me: i want you there
the texting bubbles appear and disappear for over 10 minutes, making me extremely anxious as i wait for her reply.
sem: okay
okay what? okay that i want her there although i shouldn't? okay that-
sem: i'll see you there.
sem: consider this as my confirmation to the wedding.
i throw my phone away with shaky hands. my head sinks on my pillow, muffling my scream.
god, what have i done?
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finally, today is the day.
today, i'm getting married.
the happiest day in my life. that's what everyone is saying.
so why i've been crying non stop until falling asleep?
i stared at myself, sat in front of my mirror. my makeup perfectly done, my hair loose in soft waves, the dress made just for me. it had to be like this, because this was what everyone expected from me.
i sighed as i stood up, leaving the room to go wait on the door for my entrance. i could hear the bells ringing, the wedding music. my dad appears, walking slowly until he was standing besides with a smile.
"i'm proud of you" he said, staring at front as i did too, my eyes teary. but it wasn't happiness, it was...
"everything is like it's supposed to be" i said, streightening myself. my head turned to stare at him. "am i finally the perfect daughter?" i asked my dad, my voice trembling with emotion.
he gave me a confused stare, a hint of what it looked like sadness, creeping into his stare. "it's not the wedding, it's clearly not the husband" he said as we both softly chuckled. "it's you.. you're my daughter. and i don't need you to be perfect, you being you it's all i want. your happiness. honey, nothing else matters after that." he said as i holded my tears. i bit the inside of my cheek, my heart pounding on my chest.
it's too late now, isn't it?
i could feel him interlock our arms as the doors opened. we moved one step at a time as we slowly entered the ceremony. to my wedding.
i shudder at the sight of everyone in the room, but i knew my eyes were only scanning to look for one person.
and when i found her, and my heart stopped.
she was watching me with a soft gaze, eyes almost twinkling as she roamed through my form, slowly taking my face, my body in the dress, and lastly, going up to meet my eyes. all i needed to make my heart flutter. i felt frozen in place, i could see everyone staring at me, wondering why i wasn't moving. my dad pulled my arm to get me out of my trance, but nothing worked.
i was there, stucked right where she left me.
on the last time i saw her. the last time my heart beated for her.
"if we get out of here and.. you decide that you're done being his perfect wife, and maybe you want to be happy.. with me.. i'll be waiting. i promise"
she was just as beautiful as i remembered her. of course i've seen pictures of her, but nothing like seeing her in person again.
our stare never breaking.
her eyes screamed 'please, love me'
and mine replied 'i do. but i shouldn't'
"are you okay?" my dad said, breaking the staring contest as i took reality of my surroundings. i shakily let out a small breath as i nodded with a fake smile. i kept walking to the altar, where i saw my... future husband.
as i took my place, he took my hands in between his.
i trembled, and i swear i wanted to hear whatever the priest was saying. i really did.
but all my focus was on her.
was everyone blind for not noticing? or was everyone trying to pretend they couldn't tell how i stared at my husband's best friend?
when our eyes met again, i averted my gaze, trying really hard to pay attention to the priest talking on the altar to me and my future husband.
but god, i could not focus when she was here.
until i heard the priest coming to the end of his speech.
"if anyone has just cause to object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace"
silence spreaded on the ceremony.
the quietness in the room making me shiver.
until it wasn't quiet anymore.
because everyone gasped.
and my eyes shut close.
and the quietness was replaced with whispers, with judging stares.
it wasn't quiet anymore, because she stood up.
my heart felt like it stopped in place. i could see my fiance's eyes widen, staring at se-mi like she was mad, insane.
but i knew she wasn't.
she was just in love, like i was.
and god, not from my husband.
her tall figure stood in the public, standing up as her mouth agaped like a fish. she tried to find any words to say, but she couldn't.
min-su and nam-gyu besides her, staring like if she grew a second head, completely shocked.
my eyes widen as i saw her take a sit again.
her mind was conflicted. i could tell. does she oppose? does she love quietly? what was more important? her best friend or her feelings? she shifted uncomfortably on her chair.
what was done was done, right?
fuck it. she thought, standing up once again.
everyone stared, their eyes open like never before.
"i-i oppose" she says in a weak, trembling voice. her eyes find mine, her stare pleads me to not let this keep going.
it begs me to go with her.
her hand moves to try and reach me as i watch her trembling hand and her pleading expression.
"i love you." she says with tears on her eyes.
and of course i knew this couldn't happen. of course i knew this was madness. i was about to get married. my life was buildt for this specific moment.
but my heart responded first with a sigh. not tears, not a scream, not a mad reply.
a sigh of relief.
i stare at the people sitting shocked in their seats. their gazes gravitating from her, to me and choi su-bong.
and suddenly, it's not like before. i'm not frozen in place, i'm not scared. i don't feel ashamed, i don't feel a thing.
except relief and love.
my last sign? when i stare at my parents, and they dont look at me ashamed. they're not embarrassed. they nod at me with tears in their eyes, intertwining their hands.
i get off the altar as i laugh.
a laugh of happiness. i chuckle loud and the feeling takes my entire body as i walk to her slowly. our stare never breaking as i stand in front of her, in my beautiful white dress. i reach to take her hand, the contact leaves a warm feeling on my heart.
"can we go?" are the only words that leave my lips with a shaky breath.
she stares at me, letting out an airy soft chuckle in disbelief, not believing this is happening.
"fuck, yes." is all she mutters as she moves in between the people, intertwining our hands like she never plans to release me as we run to the exit, our hearts jump in our chest.
and this is insane. i know it when we get into her rusty old car while the people gather outside to stare at us. but it doesn't matter.
it doesn't matter when my dress ruffles through the window, it doesn't matter when i buckle my seat belt with a happy smile and it certainly doesn't matter when she actually starts driving and we laugh, like a whole hearted laugh.
"you left your husband. in the altar. you left him" she says chuckling, filled with emotions. shock, disbelief, happiness.
"i- i did. and i don't regret it. god i don't regret leaving him for his.. best friend" i laugh as i stare at her. i take a deep breath as i speak "stop the car" she stops so abruptly, the car brakes.
"are you regr-" i unbuckle my seat belt as i turn aside. i cup her face in between my hands, my eyes roaming across her entire features.
this is the woman i love. it feels so good to finally say it out loud.
and i kiss her.
and is everything i always wanted to feel. it's what i expected from every single one of my ex-boyfriends. is filled with hunger, desire, passion and love.
and my heart feels warm and i know now exactly what love was supposed to feel like.
the kiss lowers to something softer, one of her hands goes to my cheek, caressing it with her thumb as my hand moves to the nape of her neck, pulling her closer. her other hand roams through my body to grip my waist.
"this feels like a dream" she mumbles in between kisses.
"i know, i know" i replied as i kissed her again and again, love-drunk. "but it's not. i'm yours se-mi. i'm completely yours" i whispered against her lips as she nodded excited. her nose softly caressing mine, an intimate gesture.
"can i start the car and get the fuck out of here, please? because i never want to look back" she says breaking the kiss. i nod happily.
"please, start the fucking car" i chuckle as i go back to my seat, connecting to the bluetooth of her car, i look at the playlist on my phone until i find the one.
"i am not the kind of girl
who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
but you are not the kind of boy
who should be marrying the wrong girl"
she smacks me softly as she listens to the lyrics, rolling her eyes as i snort.
and as my eyes find hers, i know i finally am where i belong.
known actress leaves husband on the altar!
we saw our famous girl, that we all know and love, leaving rapper ''thanos' on the altar.
the last thing we heard from him to the press was: i hope she's happy now.
and she looks like it! because she's been sharing photos on social media with her new girl non stop!
let's wish a happy relationship to the recently out of the closet actress!
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rozunderpressure · 1 year ago
Its so bizarre to me to have the idea that wanting Chloé to be redeemed is the same as not acknowledging her mistakes and horrible acts... Like, I don't doubt people like that exist, and lord knows that's how the show does it if Felix and Gabriel are any indication, but come on, it shouldn't be the rule.
I want her to be put on the path for redemption EXACTLY BECAUSE I WANT HER TO AKNOWLEDGE IT! I want her to apologize and change and actually show with actions she is different now, that's what redemption should be.
This is is why I always hated the "redemption by death" trope, because its so meaningless, why do people like to act like evil acts can be just undone in a second by a good one? Even a big one will not do!
I was so trilled when Katara didn't just forgave Zuko right away exactly because of that, because that makes sense! Its how it should be, redemption should come at the end of atonement...
In short: I want Chloé to get an ass kicking from life so fucking hard she starts to actually try to do it better, instead of just being treated like her being used, abused and abandoned is okay, because she is bad and will never be good.
"YOU JUST WANT HER TO STAY THE SAME!" - A short essay on the misconception of why people wanted Chloe to be redeemed.
Interpretations are important when it comes to understanding media and despite what some people may say, there's never "one true interpretation" of a piece of media. At this point, it's been at least a couple months since the fifth season of Miraculous had ended and it's been at least a month less than that since the movie had premiered. In both cases, even though she just barely qualifies as being a main character in the franchise, Chloe had become a hot topic in both iterations. In the show, she started out as your stock mean girl archetype, started to gain some depth in Seasons 2 and 3, and then suddenly nose-dived into being the resident Hate Sink come Season 4 and onwards while any bit of depth she had was stripped away from her. In the movie, she started out as relatively the same as she did in the show, but what's interesting is how her progression in the movie was handled in that there barely was any progression for her in either path. There wasn't a path of redemption written for her, but she wasn't thrown into the Hate Sink like what the latter half of the show did with her. In fact, even though the movie gave her an extremely petty motivation to bully Marinette, she's somehow better than how the show depicted her because she actually has a motivation, albeit a petty one, and yet she's somehow shown to be less of a monstrous psychopath that the show tried desperately to make her out to be. Granted, I do feel like something is lost with Zag retconning out most of Chloe and Adrien's past friendship, but the rest of the writing for Movie Adrien more than made up for that because Adrien actually feels like his own character instead of someone morphed into an accessory for Marinette. Same goes for Movie Marinette for that matter because even though they don't have a backstory together, Chloe's bullying of Marinette actually holds weight and Marinette felt more like a genuine introvert than the neurotically creepy mess she was in the show and to whom the writers spent the last season desperately attempting to justify the questionable actions of. All that said, the movie did a lot of right in terms of characterization and while Chloe, Nino, and Alya had reduced roles, they were still written pretty nicely and I hope to see this version of these characters again should Zag pen another sequel.
Even so, it led me to think about something that's been bothering me concerning Chloe and the discourse surrounding her. Even now, especially after how the fifth season's finale played out, the debate for whether or not Chloe should've been redeemed is still ongoing and it's very clear that the show had only served to strengthen those who said she never deserved to be redeemed to begin with. While there's a lot to debate over this, I do feel like there's one particular idea among those who are against a redemption for Chloe that's just completely wrong and deserves to be called out. Namely, a lot of people who argue against Chloe being redeemed seem to have this assumption that those who do want that are defending all of Chloe's actions or worse, that those who are pro-redemption actually just want Chloe to remain the same character-wise while she gets to be a hero again. Honestly, it's baffling that people would believe that Chloe fans who wish for a redemption just want Chloe to remain the same bully she always was even though that is literally the opposite of what most Chloe fans want and completely goes against the point of her having a redemption arc to begin with.
Now the reason I said this is the opposite of what MOST Chloe fans want is because there are indeed some fans of Chloe who do think she did nothing wrong and that she should be given the hero spot because Marinette is just being stupid. These fans usually come from people who get most of their ideas for Miraculous from watching goons like CyrusLovesOwlCity and to put it simply, these people are wrong and should not be taken seriously. Frankly, they're no different from any Marinette stan or Adrien stan who argue until they're blue in the face about how their respective characters did nothing wrong while violently salting any other character, including each other, that did something even slightly negative to their favorites. Those people do not deserve to be allowed in any polite conversation involving Miraculous regardless of which character they do it for.
In any case, despite what people might think, a lot of Chloe fans do want to see her change and stop being a bully. They want to actually watch her learn that what she's doing is wrong and thus improve herself. Of course, the showrunners seem to vehemently disagree with the concept of her ever becoming better and actively shoot down any possible hint of that happening. People will argue that there were never any hints to begin with and that Chloe fans are just being delusional, but that's where interpretations come in. While one could easily just say that Chloe is just impossible to redeem and one can even dive deep to even find reasons as to why that is, people can also look deep enough to find reasons as to why Chloe CAN be redeemed. While there's no true evidence that Chloe had a hidden heart of gold, there is evidence to show that she's much more sensitive and insecure than she lets on, primarily seen in any episode where Audrey is a primary character. Moreover, while Chloe is more of an overt bully in the movies, the scene of the ball towards the end of the movie does indicate that while Chloe still has a front, she does respect Marinette to an extent to the point of allowing her to dance with Adrien. This latter scene does seem to lean more into what Chloe fans actually want in that even though she is a bully, she's also starting to grow and it does seem like there's hope that she could get out of that role instead of just getting worse and being treated as a worse person than someone who attempted genocide and someone who wanted to erase reality.
With all that said, I feel like one more thing that needs to be addressed is that some people seem to believe that Chloe fans only complain about the show's writing when Chloe looks bad. While it may seem like cope, when people are complaining about it for multiple characters that arguably span the entire show, I don't think they're just complaining because one character is written in a bad light. Kagami, Nino, and Alya are just some of the other characters that come to mind when talking about how bad the writing is and of course, when Marinette and Adrien get their awful moments, a lot of their fans seem quick to jump to bringing up "bad writing" as a complaint as well with them often rewriting these characters to fit how they themselves view them. Frankly, if those fans are allowed to just create their own versions of these characters, I don't see why Chloe fans shouldn't be granted that same luxury for Chloe herself.
Overall, while the future of the show is uncertain, it's clear that Chloe's fandom is never going to truly disappear no matter how much people try to make that happen. All that said, you shouldn't just assume that a Chloe fan just wants her to get away with everything and be treated as a hero without having to change. Ultimately, you shouldn't just accuse a fan of Chloe of defending all of her bad actions just because they want her to be better. Save that negative energy for the people who unironically say that she did nothing wrong and then actively salt other characters for her. This is a lot to write, but I really wanted to get my thoughts out there and hopefully clear some things up.
Also, people who say that Marinette is somehow the true bully do not belong in the Miraculous fandom. Simple as.
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all-hallows-street · 11 months ago
All Saints Street Extra Comics Translations 1-3
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Apologies for the delay! We are finally publishing translations for the All Saints Street manhua.
We will be uploading them on this drive for now and later upload to mangadex. I will have to ask you to NOT SHARE this drive PUBLICALLY, feel free to share it privately.
Example of what to do: sending the drive link to friends on discord.
Example of what not to do: posting the drive link to twitter. We are going to start with some older extras that were never translated to get a good idea for a workflow and fix problems as they rise. After that we are going to prioritize translating chapters 486-500 (why? well, if you know you know) so we can also start working on simultaneous text translations for new chapter releases. What I mean by this is that as soon as a new chapter comes out, we can upload an english text translation alongside it, like the japanese translation team does now.
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Here is an example with the bonus comics:
I am also hoping this will be a good accessibility feature. Likewise, I am releasing to the public the table I translated from the japanese group. It is a rough Work-In-Progress table, but for me it has been an invaluable whenever I have to look up a certain chapter. I even made a search engine to look up chapters by character appearance.
Meanwhile we will be going back and re-lettering chapters that have been translated by independent efforts and uploading them to Mangadex. We have obtained permission from both @saints-street-translated and @wan-sheng-jie for this! After that the translation will continue in two fronts: the comic translations from 501 onwards and releasing text translations for new comics.
Translating the whole manhua will be a looooong process. Right now, we have text translations for all extra comics, but the lettering has been going slow. That's why we are still open to more volunteers to join us for the role of cleaner/typesetter! You don't need qualifications or even software (we will get it for you cough), just time and a disposition to learn.
ASS manhua translation is resuming.
Older Extra comics will be translated first.
We will translate 486-500 ASAP.
We will release text translations for newer comics.
We will remake the translations for 405-485 to upload to MangaDex.
 We need YOU to typeset the ASS comics into English!
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trashy-tries-writing · 3 months ago
I love love love ravine !! What about cod characters reacting to ravine fighting someone and them creating a crack in his helmet. Nothing that would show his face but like a dramatic crack along his helmet.
Anonymous: hello!excited you’re back. I’m the anon that sent the cracked helmet request and if you’re taking request I have another dramatic one😭 something like Ravine was maybe ambushed or he just entered enemy territory by himself and as the team is getting closer to Ravine they just keep finding bodies until they eventually find him and he’s just surrounded by a bunch of dropped enemies.  It’s a lot😭😭 but like if you are taking request I just wanted to throw one in
Part 2 of Cracket Helmet I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since my last post. I am so sorry to the ones who sent me a request and waited this long 😭. My interest kept jumping around and I really didn’t want to half-ass some writing and then post it. And some stuff happened. Since we are on the topic of interest, anyone interested in DC? 👀 I don’t even know where to start with all the comics and shows. ANYWAYS Sorry! Here’s the scenario! Enjoy <3 I might have wrote this as if 141 landed in a horror movie XDDD And I am so sorry for all the Scotts if I used their words wrong. (Don’t kill me also this thing is looooong.)
Gaz sighs under his breath, wondering how long he had to deal with this cold damp weather.
He closes an eye, the other looking through the scope of his gun. He doubts he has to kill anyone as he hasn’t seen anyone that is capable of escaping from Ravine’s grasp. The soldier quietly waits for the rest of the team to show up that were tasked to take down the outposts around the base.
Something flashes in the corner of his eyes and Gaz immediately shifts the gun. Alerted of the sudden brightness cutting through the mist, he hears screams echoing through the darkness.
‘Shit is that a fire?’
There was no sign of Ravine who had infiltrated the giant base alone. And there was no way for Gaz to talk to him and not blow his cover as another light went out inside the building.
“Gaz, how’s the situation?”
“Cap, there’s a fire on the east wing of the enemy base. No sign of Ravine but the enemies are now on high alert.”
“Alright. Move up! Regroup by the fire.”
“Copy that.”
Gaz stealthy moves through the slippery grass with his gun held close to his chest, slowing down only when he sees the rest of 141 glancing around at the bodies littering the place.
“By the devil, Ravine sure knows how to do quick work.”
Soap almost trips on another body laying behind him, the corpse had his eyes and jaws wide open as if he saw something sinister that haunted his mind until death stole his breath with a simple stab to his heart.
It was quite eerie as the team marched through the silent base.
With each corner turned, the men found more enemy corpses and kept finding more as they marched further into the snuffed out HQ.
Why was it so quiet? It felt like this place had been abandoned for years as a few lights still flickered with life, showing 141 the way.
And is that smoke they smell?
-Is that blood dripping from the ceiling?!
Ghost hears low crackling, following the sound he finds an orange glow spilling into the hallway.
The room was burned through and left was a flame the size of his foot sitting peacefully inside the blackened space. The smell of burned bodies hits his nose and Ghost grimaces, fully understanding what the torched blobs on the ground were.
He whispers beneath his breath, “What the hell…”
But as quiet as their surroundings were, accompanied only by the echoing sound of their boots hitting the ground, Ghost was sure his teammates heard him crystal clear.
“Cap! I found something!”
Price turns around, staring at the thing Soap held up. Blood still dripped down like a broken faucet from the drenched vest beside a shot soldier.
“That’s Ravine’s.”
Gaz nervously glances around him. “Alright, I don’t know about you guys but this is slowly giving me the creeps.”
“Tell me about it.” Soap drops the vest, his fingers stained with bright blood as he shakes his hand with a frown.
Light blazes from the windows and the soldiers flinch, guns raised as they exclaim in shock.
“What now?!”
On the other hand, as if he had witnessed something like this, Price rushes towards the rear of the enemy base where the flames danced. The rest of 141 hot on his tail when they regained their composure.
Soap couldn’t help but gasp as he came to a halt behind the captain.
Angry fire surrounded the backside, the stench was impossible for his nose as a hand flew over his lower face for protection. The bright warm tone shone through the mist and killed the cold, a sweat sliding down Soap’s face.
Gaz blinks at the scene.
They finally found Ravine.
A blood soaked Ravine, standing with his back turned and surrounded by corpses with their faces morphed into one of fear.
But as they came, loudly and in a rush- Ravine had pointed his gun at them as he snapped his head around like a deer in headlights and as a result, 141 had their guns now pointed at Ravine.
They hoped this wasn’t a rogue situation.
They liked the quiet guy who seemed cold and ruthless, and was oh so sweet in his own way.
Eyes dart toward their Cap who waves them down- to lower their weapons. They hesitate, their guard raised on high alert, especially after what they had to walk through.
Soap whisper-yells, stress evident in his voice when he sees Price now slowly inching towards the giant…creature. Price harshly shushes him and the rest of the soldiers as he lowers his own gun, his arms spread apart to seem less intimidating.
As if he was the sinister beast in this situation.
“Hey… Ravine. It’s fine. Everything’s alright.”
Price notices the cracks coming out from below Ravine’s hand holding onto his helm and as he steps closer he can see the hand holding the gun tremble ever so slightly as it points at his chest.
“I’m not here to hurt you, Ravine.”
John drops his weapon to the ground.
He slowly reaches out a hand and…
Ravine moves away, gun slightly lowered.
“It’s alright, you’re alright. Your face is covered, nobody can see anything alright? It’s not your fault.”
Price’s hand finally rests on top of the gun and he slowly pushes it down, and Ravine drops it, both hands flying towards his helm to cover the crack as he lowers himself to the ground like a scolded child.
“I…Alright- What the fuck?”
Price sighs as he hears Gaz questioning the situation.
“Just see this as a form of… PTSD alright?”
Ghost, Gaz and Soap didn’t know what to make of this.
And as they sat inside the Chinook to return, they were left alone with Ravine who was still holding onto his head- helm like his life depended on it, Gaz takes pity on the guy and slowly slides beside his hunched over body with the medical kit that he had been eyeing for a while.
Clearly Ravine had been acting out because what seemed to hold himself together, got broken.
“Hey Ravine. How are you holding up?”
Gaz wants to put a hand on his shoulder but throws that thought away as he had never touched him before and doesn’t know how the giant would react now. So his hand awkwardly hovers over the t-shirt Ravine wore.
How the hell did he keep warm in such thin clothes?
“Hey it’s alright. It happens to the best of us, right?” He turns to the other boys.
“Aye, it’ll be a skoosh.”
“English, McTavish.”
Even without looking, Ravine can hear Soap’s eyes rolling to the back of his head at Ghost’s comment.
“I meant- Don’t worry about it buddy.” The mohawk man slides right up next to Gaz, body leaning forward to give the giant a grin.
“Hoooow about you let me see that crack? And, I’ll put some bandaid on it for now? I swear I’ll be quick.”
Ravine feels like a child as Gaz with a soft smile points at the medkit that Soap is now holding up like a trophy.
Ghost eyes them, they looked like some sketchy salesmen trying to scam the poor guy into a horrendous deal.
It takes a while of staring from the three before Ravine lowers his hands from his helmet. He doesn’t look up as Gaz rips up the biggest band-aid he could find inside the medkit.
Ghost now stands behind the duo, watching over them as they take all the band-aids they had and sticking over the visor that was spiderwebbed from probably a bullet impact.
Soap tries not to press too hard as he sticks the other bandaids on the crack. He leans back, admiring his and Gaz’s work and with a gamble, the Scottish soldier slides his hand on his shoulder.
“Aye, ain’t that bad.”
Ravine runs his gloved fingers over the bandaids and through his eyes, he watches as Gaz and Soap smile at him.
Maybe he could relax around them.
Maybe just a tiny bit.
“Thank you.”
Soap celebrates internally, his hand still on his broad shoulders as he sends a smug look towards Gaz and Ghost as if he’s saying he won as he sits down beside the giant man.
Ghost sighs as Gaz rolls his eyes.
‘Lucky bastard.’
If anyone doesn't or want to be tagged let me know!
@livinglifebesticanlol @jackiebluh @cumbermovels @agspgrwasb
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chubberdy · 2 months ago
Year in Review 2024
Welp, I managed to draw something (almost) every month this year, so I'm gonna post my favorites from each month and talk about some of the more notable projects I worked on this year!
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Nothing for June (technically I could put part of the poll drive here but I only want to count that once)
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Looking back I'm pretty happy with how diverse a mix I got to do this year, a few animations, many good standalone pics, a few sequences including a looooong ass one that spanned over most of the year, finishing up the comic I had been working on for quite some time, and (with the help of my wonderful co-creators for that one of course) even a whole game! All in all it was close to 200 pics posted, which might be the most (finished) pieces I've gotten done in a year. Next year I'm gonna try and get Spacethumper 2 finished up and hopefully dive back into Growing Port Lee again, I've been neglecting those a bit and now that I've gotten all my other big projects off my plate it's the perfect opportunity to do so!
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syppys-den · 5 months ago
This is unironically how I'd write Krypton
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don't worry, this version is less idiotic and Dystopian
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 5 months ago
CREEP (DabiHawks x Black!F!Reader 18+ One Shot) *GOOD ENDING VER*
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Pairing: Touya “Dabi” Todoroki x Black!Fem!Reader x Keigo “Hawks” Takami
Synopsis: In which a night home with your man turns into one of pure terror and a walk on the dark side when you get the feeling that you’re being followed. After coming home to an empty house when your man gets caught up at work, you realize, terrifyingly, that you are right. There are strangers in your house.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS DNI); Dom!DabiHawks x sub!Reader; Rape/Noncon; Home Invasion; Hostage Situation; Fear Play; Edge Play; Knife Play; Gun Play; Degradation; Spitting; Choking; Hair-Pulling; Sensory Play; Bondage; Forced Orgasms; Cum Play; Orgasm Denial + Control; Daddy Kink; BDSM; Spanking; Unprotected PIV + Anal Sex; Oral + Analingus; Fingering; Forced Deepthroat; Marking; Bruising; Breeding Kink; Double Penetration; Creampie + Throatpie; Facials; Plot-Twist Ending
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I’ve had this idea for a looooong ass time & figured there’d be no time to write it like now for spooky szn! I hope y’all enjoy & PLEASE READ THE TRIGGER WARNING (T/W). -Jazz
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You’ve never been happier to see the clock switch to 7 PM than you are one late autumn Friday night.
You sigh in relief at the front desk near the elevators where you are posted most of your day unless you’re running across the building to different departments or fetching coffee from the lobby’s bistro. You stand with your bag, phone, and trench coat in tow, already having clocked out on your phone.
You are pretty much the only employee to go home from the talent agency you work at besides your boss, security guards, and the sanitary workers who will be here until closing. You have been working at the popular agency downtown as an administrative assistant for three years to the handsome businessman Keigo Takami. You pass him now as you head to your shared department. His office sits on the far left of the polished office with cream-colored walls and wide cubicles for each worker.
You walk to his gorgeous, spacious office and knock on the open door instead of the glass windows to not be rude. He sits behind his desk and immediately picks his head up when he hears you. “I’m headed out now, Mr. Takami!” You call. “Have a good night!”
The handsome blonde sits behind his mahogany desk, his MacBook Air open, and a file in his lap. “Shit, is it 7 already?” He asks, looking at his watch. “I must’ve dozen for a minute.” He stretches, giving you a view of the way his arms and pecs strain against his button-down while his muscular thigh shakes in his gray slacks.
“Thanks again for staying, Y/N, and don’t ever do that again,” he says, winking at you with those crimson eyes that seem to make all the women swoon. “You sure you’ll be okay gettin’ home? It’s a dark night.”
It has been getting darker earlier and earlier since the summer ended and fall made her grand appearance. However, the blocks you take are well-lit and populated when you do happen to walk home, but usually, your boyfriend comes to pick you up. Since he is at work late today, you’re walking. “I live literally ten minutes from here. I’ll be okay.” You give him your boss a reassuring smile and a wave. “See you on Monday!”
Though Keigo still looks worried, he bids you farewell while he takes a bite from the Chinese takeout that you picked up for him earlier. You didn’t mind and you didn’t mind staying late either. A kind and considerate boss like Keigo makes it worth it.
After heading down to the lobby, sliding your employee security card across the desk to sign out, and saying goodnight to the guards, you venture out into the crisp autumn night. The streets are busy and a nice chilly breeze rustles the air. Perfect night for movies with your boyfriend.
As if sensing that you were thinking about him, his ID “Future Hubby” pops up along with his handsome face, black hair, and ocean blue eyes. His burn scars and tattoos do nothing to take away his sexiness. You answer immediately, already heading in the direction of home. “Hello?”
“Hey, baby,” your boyfriend of four years says tiredly. “You got off work?” You feel your stomach flip excitedly and chills tingle up and down your spine at the sound of Touya’s familiar, deep, raspy voice.
“Hey, I’ve been calling you all day,” you say. “Were you real busy today?” You can hear the exhaustion in Touya’s voice. “Yeah, m’sorry, doll. The shop’s been fuckin’ hectic and I didn’t get a chance to call you back.”
Touya, one of the sons of his estranged police chief father Eji Todoroki, is a well-known tattoo artist who owns a shop on the West side, basically half an hour from where you work. He is big with celebrities and online influencers who come to his shop for ink and piercings.
And with his creativity, which is extremely sexy to you, he is never out of business. “No, it’s fine, baby,” you softly respond. “I was just worried.”
His chuckle makes your body feel tingly. “Worry ‘bout yourself, doll. Did you get home yet?” You put the phone between your neck and shoulder blade as you hurried put your coat on and tie it closed against the autumn chill. “No, I just left the building and headed there now. You’re not home yet?”
Touya defeatedly and exhaustively sighs, which is a definite no. “No,” he huffs. “I don’t think I’ll be getting out of here until later tonight, baby, at least until maybe 11. We’re so backed up over here, it’s crazy.” You hear the sound of buzzing ink guns and rock music in the background, indicating that it is, indeed, a crazy, busy night.
“Oh,” you sigh, disappointment blooming in you. “So no movie night?” You were hoping to have a night with your man streaming Netflix and pretending to watch movies while he puts you in every single sex position until dawn. It’s been a while since you’ve had those chill nights with just the two of you due to your busy schedule.
You were also hoping to perhaps finally use the leather ropes he had bought a week ago to “spice things up” in the bedroom. You and Touya were already adventurous, but there are many kinky things you have yet to have tried to bring you closer together…or told him.
Though you know your boyfriend is the kinkiest man you’ve ever met, the kind to spank, choke, and tease you, there are certain “interests” you have that you’re afraid even he would hesitate about.
“I’m sorry, babe,” he somberly says. “We have all weekend together though and we can pretend to watch whatever movie ya want while I put your ass in the mattress.” You shiver at the naughty little promise. “What an apology,” you giggle.
“Listen, you sure you’ll be okay?” he asks, concern in his tone. “I know you’re a big girl and all, but the streets at this time of night are just…” He doesn’t finish. You know he means not safe, but doesn’t want to frighten you.
“Touya, I walk this way all the time,” you sigh. “I’m fine! I’ll let you know when I get in the house, okay? Just don’t torture yourself…that’s my job.”
A naughty smirk crosses your lips as Touya hums in your ear. “In that dress you put on this mornin’? You sure as fuck are doin’ a good job.” You were hoping so much that he would be the one to take it off of you if not fuck you in it tonight. “What about your boss? He didn’t offer you a dick— I mean, car ride?”
You roll your eyes. This man swears that Keigo is out to get you all for himself. Sure, he is a gorgeous man—as a woman, you can see and admit that. Admittedly, you’ve had some not-so-appropriate fantasies about you squished between him and Touya naked, but nothing beyond imagination. “Stop it, Touya,” you criticize him. “He’s my boss and he’s not out to take me from you. You know that.”
Touya gives a throaty laugh just as you hear a bell ring in the background. “If you say so…shit, my next appointment is here, but they can wait.” You begin to head towards home, walking away from your work building. “No, go and tend to your customers. I love you.”
”I love you too, baby,” Touya says, and as usual, those three little words make you swoon. Touya isn’t much of an affectionate guy to others but to you? It’s a whole other story. You just adore him. “See you at home.”
With a smile and a kissing sound, you hang up the phone and place it in your coat pocket along with your keys and pepper spray. You’ve never had to use it in all the time you’ve been working in the city and you hope you never do. You feel comfortable walking your route having done it many times before. You even listen to music as you walk, the sound of your playlist accompanying you as your boots click along the pavement.
All is well. All is good…until you get to the middle point of your route and find a big yellow “Road Work Ahead” sign. The streets are destroyed and men in hard hats are working hard shoveling concrete, ruining your walk. “Dammit,” you huff. There is no way you can make it home on your regular route now.
Taking out your phone, you stand protectively by the nearest building you see and type in your and Touya’s address. Google Maps, as usual, comes through with a shortcut for you. You listen to the automated voice in your AirPod directing you to turn around back where you came and take a left turn. You do so and suddenly, the sounds of the city fall away as you come to an alleyway.
It is a dark, wide one between a hotel building and a restaurant with two green dumpsters and a sewer shield steaming at the end. The end towards your destination. All it takes is just a couple of steps yet you continue to stand at the entrance to the pitch-dark alleyway. Not even one light from a window lights your way towards the finish line.
It shouldn’t be a big deal. Google Maps says that this is the correct way. Plus, people walk through alleys all of the time! Why is this so different for you?
But even as you try to rationalize it, something just feels…off. You can’t explain the way your feet stick to the ground and refuse to move as you stare into the eerily dark alley like it’s the open jaws of a monster out of a storybook. You half expect one to leap out at you.
But you’re only six minutes away from home! You can’t let your paranoia get the better of you. “Fuck it,” you huff. You flick on your flashlight to light your way and begin to walk through the alley.
Maybe it’s just you, but the chill you had standing at the threshold of the alley builds as you walk. The feeling of a specific “wrongness” increases with each step you make, causing you to shift into fight or flight mode. Your footsteps are careful. You keep a hand on your pepper spray. Your eyes are alert, flicking this way and that.
You are aware that you are preparing for a danger that probably isn’t even here, but your body reacts like it is here…close by you…staring at you through the darkness…or right behind you…ready to strike at any second…
Clatter, clatter.
You nearly drop your AirPod out of your ear as you gasp, your heart jumping in your chest. Your stomach turns and your hair stands straight on end as you turn around. Nothing stirs. Not even a single trash bag. You squint through the darkness, flashing your cell phone over the dumpsters. “Hello?” you shakily call. “Is someone there?”
No answer. But you do see the slightest shadow behind one of the dumpsters. You quickly cast the flashlight on it, washing the little mouse there in blinding light. He scurries away, indicating that it was just him making the noise and not a stranger lurking in the darkness. You sigh, but your heart still pounds a mile a minute. “You’re losin’ it, bitch,” you tell yourself. “You’re just paranoid.”
You continue your tentative walk through the alley, humming to yourself to ease your nerves. But try as you may, you still get the gnawing feeling that someone is following you. You sense a strange presence that creates goose pimples on your neck and a cool sweat to break out on your forehead. But instead of turning around, you walk quicker, your footsteps brisk and fast.
Finally, you make it to the end of the alley and the city opens back up to you again. You look down at your map and sure enough, you’re still on the right path. “Oh, thank God,” you whisper and begin to resume your walk home…but that feeling of being watched and stalked follows you all the way to your and Touya’s shared house.
You practically jab your key in the lock and yank the door open before tossing yourself inside to safety. You turn and lock the door, putting the Ring alarm system on for good measure. ”Honey, I’m home!” you call to the empty home.
It is dark, the curtains drawn and the lights shut. It is as you and Touya leave your house every morning before leaving for work. However, you’re so used to him coming home before you, bringing the house to life with lights and the spicy smell of curry. It feels cold coming home to an empty house…
And…quite unsettling. Or maybe that’s just the stupid paranoia you’re feeling. Even when Miku, your and Touya’s little white dog, comes up to you happily barking, you still feel odd. “Hey, baby girl,” you coo, petting the dog’s soft fur. “You want a snacky snack?” The dog’s ears immediately perk up and she scurried to the kitchen.
Quickly, you take off your shoes, dig your phone out of your pocket, and toss your coat aside. Time for decompression and self-care. You walk to the kitchen in your pretty work dress that hugs your soft, cubby form and pantyhose, the reminder to send Touya a text in the back of your mind.
After feeding Miku some of her favorite mini milk bone treats, you help yourself to the bottle of Moscato in the fridge. You take a wine glass and pour yourself some, joy filling you at the mere sight of the white wine.
As soon as you take a sip of the crisp wine, your cell phone rings. Taking the glass with you, you quickly walk back to the living room and check the caller ID, expecting Touya. But an unknown number stares back at you. You’re confused but you answer anyway, expecting a robo-call or a scam. “Hello?” you ask, putting on your professional voice.
You get no answer. Actually, don’t get any sound whatsoever. There is just…silence.
“Hellooo?” you sing, confused. You turn the volume up to hear the person better. You even look at the phone to make sure you didn’t accidentally hang up. And then, you hear it. It is faint and you almost miss it, but it’s there: faint breathing on the other end.
Freaked out, you quickly hang up, place the phone on the couch, and scowl at the call. “Weirdo,” you scoff. Must’ve been some freak trying to get his rocks off to a pretty girl’s voice.
You walk back to the kitchen to score the fridge for some leftover curry from last night, but your phone rings again. You groan and walk back to answer the call, once again finding an unknown caller ID. “Hello?” you answer, albeit irritated.
“Hi, is this Mina?” a deep, gravelly voice asks. It takes you off guard for a moment, making chills roll down your spine. “Touya?” You whisper, unsure.
“Sorry, who?” He asks. No, this voice is too deep and scratchy…though Touya does sound like he smokes a pack a day. “Sorry, do I have the wrong number? I was looking for a coworker, Mina Brown.”
You blink, snapping out of it. “Uh…no, sorry, there’s no Mina here.” The voice sighs, sounding disappointed and embarrassed. “I’m sorry miss, for the mistake. I had a date with this girl tonight and must’ve dialed the wrong number. I think she must’ve stood me up.”
There is a certain way the stranger curls his voice around each word, drawing you to them. Despite his unknown identity, his voice is quite attractive. And he sounds kind. “Oh, well, I’m sorry to hear that,” you say, genuine and sweet. “I’d take a message if I knew her.”
The man chuckles, the sound stirring something in you. “Well, ain’t that sweet of you. It’s a shame you’re not my coworker, but I’m sure I’d intimidate you.” He chuckles again, the sound oh-so-sexy and dark. It gives you a familiar shiver that only your Touya can do. You smirk, realizing that your Touya is on the phone.
You play into his little game of cat and mouse, knowing that he is a man for the chase. You are also a woman of excitement. “Oh?” You purr into the phone, plopping down on the couch. “How so?”
“Well, you just sound too sweet,” he explains. “You sound small too.” You laugh incredulously, playing with your pointed, painted nails. “I sound small? How?”
He laughs as if he knows a secret that he doesn’t intend to tell you. “I can just tell. I don’t think you could handle a guy like me, let alone two of some motherfuckers like me.”
You quirk an eyebrow, wondering where he’s going with this. “Two?” you quip. “Mmm, maybe, maybe not. I’m a girl of secrets.”
“Oh, are you?” There is a slight hint of a smirk in Touya’s voice when he asks you this, making your panties tighter than usual. “Would you want to tell them to me over dinner tonight?”
“But I thought you had a date with this Mina girl,” you giggle. “But you wouldn’t dare cheat on me, would you, Touya? Are you comin’ home to me soon?”
The line is suddenly silent and you believe he hung up. “Hello?” you ask, your heart suddenly jumping. “Touya? You there?”
“You wanna know how I know you’re a small girl?” he suddenly asks in his raspy, baritone voice. You don’t reply, your throat suddenly parched. “Because I can see you. And I told you before, love: I’m not Touya.”
The world suddenly freezes and your body is on high alert. You rise from the couch and look toward the curtain-drawn windows. Suddenly, you feel exposed. “Okay,” you carefully reply. “So who is this?” The line cuts and all you get is beeping that makes your skin roil. “Hello?” you shakily ask. Nothing.
Tossing your cell aside on the couch, you stalk to the curtains and carefully pull them back. The blinds are down, shielding you from the world as they always are when you leave the house. You and Touya wouldn’t have it any other way. But…could there possibly be someone out there who saw you go in the house? Someone you don’t know?
You reach out two shaky fingers to peel back one of the blinds, but the sharp sound of your home telephone ringing stops you. A cry of fear escapes you and you place a hand on your pounding heart. The house phone rings in the kitchen, shrill and horrible given the circumstances. You stalk towards it and answer, fury pumping in you. “Listen, stop fuckin’ callin’ here or I’ll—“
“Uh…sorry, this is an order for Touya Todoroki from Amazon,” the voice carefully says. This one is softer and silkier with a slight hint of a rasp in it. “I’m right outside with the package. I had called Mr. Todoroki, but he didn’t answer, so I called his house number.”
Your racing mind slowly processes the stranger’s words. “Oh, you sigh, relieved. Amazon is known for making late orders. “Well, can’t you just leave it on the step?” You shoot a wary look at the door.
“Unfortunately, no, ma’am,” the man replies. “Our new protocol calls for the person who ordered or someone in the household to sign for it because of the trend of stolen packages lately.” You never heard of such a protocol, but then again, he is right about the package stealing. Though the idea of opening your door scares you, it is only for a couple of seconds. “Okay, I’m coming.”
Begrudgingly, you walk to the front door, turn off the Ring, and open the door a crack. You expect to see an Amazon driver in their uniform outside, but you see no one. Nothing but trees swaying in the breeze and an empty street. “Um…where are you?” you sternly ask. “What is this, some kind of joke?”
The man hums, the sound giving you goosebumps. “I’m sorry, ma’am,” he dreamily sighs. “You just look so damn cute from this angle.”
Instantly, you slam the door shut and lock it. “Fuck you,” you scoff. “Don’t ever call here again, you creep!”
“Don’t hang up,” he demands, but you cut him off by pressing the button to end the call.
As soon as you do, you hear something clatter in the kitchen, like a pan falling. You let out a yelp and drop your phone on the floor. You stare from the living room into the kitchen, refusing to move from your spot. Everything is still, but the anxious feeling in your stomach remains.
“H-Hello?” you call. “Miku, is that you?” You expect to hear your little dog let out a bark at the sound of her name, but you hear nothing. Not even the sound of her claws clicking against the floor.
Instead of a little white dog, what you’re met with is a man. He suddenly appears in front of you from the kitchen, stepping out like he owns the home he is intruding in. He is dressed all in black—black jeans, a black sweatshirt, black boots, and a black ski mask where you can only see his eyes. They are crimson and sharp like a hawk’s. “No,” he replies. “I put him out back to piss.”
You freeze, your entire body turning into a block of ice. You can’t move. You can’t even speak. The stranger’s eyes squint as he smiles at you. “My, you’re much finer up close.” His voice is silky and slightly muffled by the mask, but you recognize it as the Amazon worker you just spoke with. “Who are you?” you demand. “H-How’d you get in here?”
The stranger raises his shoulders and then drops them, passive. “You just weren’t quick enough lockin’ that door, baby girl,” he sighs. “We slipped right through when you got home earlier.” You blink at him, confused. We?
Suddenly, an arm wraps around you from the back, and cool metal presses against your throat. “Boo,” a voice whispers in your ear. It is gravelly and deep, frighteningly familiar. It’s the same voice you spoke to earlier thinking it was Touya. ‘Oh, my God,’ you think. How did they get in here?
“Don’t move or this knife is goin’ through that neck,” the second stranger demands. “I’d rather not do that before I get the chance to kiss it.” He, too, is wearing a ski mask as he presses his face into your hair and inhales your scent. He smells of cigarette smoke, the scent invading your nostrils.
“Oh, God,” you shakily whisper. “Please don’t hurt me.” The first stranger chuckles, arms behind his back as he walks toward you. “Oh, but girls like you like to be hurt. We can tell, can’t we, D?”
The second stranger nods, tightening his hold on you. “Mmm,” he hums in agreement. “That ass is beggin’ to be abused in that dress.” He presses himself against you from behind, giving you a feel of his bulge. You gasp, realizing with horror that he is hard.
The first stranger is too. You can tell by the bulge outlined by his jeans. “Oh, where are my manners? I’m Hawks and this is my partner, Dabi, who is just as crazy of a motherfucker as me.”
“Hawks is also the same guy you rudely hung up on earlier after he told you not to,” Dabi growls into your ear. He presses the knife a little more into your throat, giving you just a bite of the sharp blade.
You swallow, tears pricking your eyes. He chuckles, the sound making chills explode on your skin. “Such a feisty little bitch when a knife ain’t at ya throat.”
Hawks chuckles almost sinisterly, his hand resting at his pocket. He must have a weapon too. You can’t stop the tears from falling, your fear taking over. “You see, darlin’, we’ve been watchin’ you for a long time,” Hawks explains. “You think this is the first time we’ve seen you or that you’ve seen us?”
“We’ve had our eyes on you for a while,” Dabi adds. “We’ve watched you when you walked to work. When you got in your car to go wherever the fuck. When you’d be snuggled up with your man on the couch.” He laughs to himself. “Such a stupid little whore. You didn’t even realize it.”
“And now we’re here to finally take what we want,” Hawks purrs.
You’re horrified when you process their terrifying words. They’ve been watching you? No wonder they knew how to get in. They’ve probably studied you from the windows outside, followed you around to know your every move.
The idea that these two have been following close behind you, lurking in the shadows while you went about your life so obviously is like a horror movie to you. But for how long was this happening? And why didn’t you realize it sooner?
“What do you want?” you sob. “Money? You can have it! I-I have some cash in my wallet a-and I can give you my—“
Hawks and Dabi cut you off when they begin laughing. The sound takes you aback. “Oh, no, baby bird,” Hawks chuckles. “We don’t want your money. Believe me, we’ve got plenty of that.” He smirks, evident by his tone. “No, we want somethin’ more than that.”
Anyone else would recognize the predatory look that has appeared in his blood-colored irises, but you don’t. You’re too scared to think about anything but surviving. “T-Then take it!” you stammer. “You can have whatever you want! Anything!”
Hawks’ bushy, blonde brows raise. “Anything?” he suggestively asks. Instantly, you realize your very bad mistake. “Then what would you say if we said we wanted you and that body of yours?”
He waltzes up to you and raises one gloved hand to caress your cheek. “What would you think if we said we wanted to fuck that pretty mouth, that tight pussy, and maybe even that ass, hm?”
Your mind is moving in slow motion, every word too hard to process. “I-I…”
Dabi tightens his hold on you, making you gasp when you realize that your arms are caught under his hold. “Answer the goddamn question,” he growls in your ear. The knife feels like it’s going deeper into your throat. “I-I don’t know!” You sob, tears spilling down your cheeks. “Please don’t hurt me!”
Hawks coos to you, stroking your cheek with the back of his hand. “Oh, but, baby, you want to be hurt. The pain that we’re gonna give you is gonna feel so, so good.” He nods at Dabi who releases you, now replaced by Hawks’ arms wrapping tightly around you and turning you to face his partner.
He is taller than Hawks, but you can see he is still packing muscle under his black T-shirt and jeans. He wears boots and a ski mask too where you can only see two ice-blue eyes intensely gazing at you from the opening. His face and arms are laced in burns, but inked tattoos rope his arms down to his gloved hands.
“And you’ll love it because we said so,” Hawks whispers in your ear. He smells of cologne and autumn leaves. “Now are you gonna be a good girl and do everything we say?”
“I wouldn’t want to use this if you don’t,” he says, his tone sickeningly soft and sweet despite the fact that he has a gun and is threatening to use it.
Shakingly, you nod and bite your wobbly lip to keep from crying. “Good girl,” he coos and presses a kiss to your cheek. “See? You’re already doin’ a great job for us.”
He nods at Dabi again and suddenly, you’re being hoisted over his partner’s broad shoulder and carried upstairs. "No, please!” you gasp. “Don’t!”
The sharp sting of Dabi’s hand on your jiggly ass stuns you into silence. Shut the fuck up and don’t move,” he orders. “Or this hand is smackin’ that pretty face next.” Hopelessly, you quiet down except for some soft sobs that escape your body as you venture upstairs through the dark hallway.
Dabi and Hawks decide on yours and Touya’s shared bedroom, much to your dismay. Dabi kicks the door open, revealing the clean, dark, lavender-scented room and king-sized bed to ravage you on. “Get her inside and sit her on the bed. I’ll lock the door,” Hawks instructs.
He pauses, snickering to himself. “Not that she’ll be goin’ anywhere,” he chuckles.
You look up in time to see him rummaging through a bedroom drawer and retrieving your leather rope. ‘Oh, God,’ you think in horror. A sinking feeling of dread takes over you when you realize what they plan to do to you. Dabi tosses you onto the bed and flips you over onto your stomach, making you yelp. “Grab her arms,” he growls. “I’ll get her legs.”
He stands on one side of the bed while Hawks stands on the other. He tosses some rope to Dabi and both begin working to tie you up. You try to struggle as Dabi grabs your ankles, tying them together. “No, please!” You wail. “Please don’t do this! My boyfriend is coming—“
“He ain’t comin’, you lyin’ slut,” he snarls. “Now stop pissin’ me off or we’ll have to gag you.” Once again, you’re silenced as he works to tie your ankles. Hawks kneels on the bed to tie your wrists behind your back, restricting all movement.
Once they finish, they stand back and admire their handiwork. “Like a sexy little Christmas gift,” Hawks comments.
Dabi hums in agreement. “Now…let’s get these pretty clothes off of that little body.” Your hairs stand when you hear a switchblade open. Dabi begins by teasingly dragging the cold blade over your skin, from your neck to your shoulders. “What is that, baby doll?” He huskily asks.
You swallow hard, struggling to breathe through your fear. “A-A knife,” you shakily answer. Hawks applauds you, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Good girl! Maybe you aren’t as stupid as we thought…though I do like my sluts a little dumb.”
Dabi chuckles sinisterly. “I do too. We’ll have to work in some trainin’, huh?” The tip of the blade glides up to the top of your dress.
You gasp, realizing that he’s cutting your designer dress off of your body. “No, no, please don’t! N-Not my dress!” Dabi doesn’t listen, still cutting away at the fabric as you plead and sob. You begin to scream, in fear that the knife could slip and slice you. In fear of what will happen next.
Suddenly, a hand shoots out to grab your hair and stuff your face into the bed. “STOP SCREAMING!” Dabi screams, his raspy voice bouncing off of the walls. You do as he says, but your whimpering cannot be stopped.
Hawks’ grows harder from the sound, his hard bulge in your face. “Aw, listen to the little slut, Dabi,” he tuts. “She sounds so cute beggin’ like that. I can’t wait to hear all of that beggin’ and pleadin’ while she bounces on my cock.”
“I don’t give a fuck,” Dabi growls. She’s loud as fuck anyway.” Finally, the dress is ripped off of you, leaving you in only your panties and stockings. “Lace?” He asks humorously. He pulls back the elastic waistband and snaps it back against your skin.
“No bra?!” Hawks guffaws. “Oooh, you’re just beggin’ to be fucked, baby girl. I bet you walk around in shit like this all the time at work, don’tcha, slut?”
Sniffling, you shake your head. You’re not a greedy little slut like that. You just like to look pretty.
“Uh-huh,” Hawks replies, tsking. “You little liar. You’re just hopin’ someone will take you aside, lift up your tight dress, and fuck you over a desk, right?” He takes two fingers and uses them to lift your chin up to look up at him, distracting you from Dabi cutting your panties off of you.
“N-No,” you whimper, but Dabi stuffs your own panties in your mouth before you can finish. You yelp as your mouth is suddenly stuffed in cotton and the taste of you. He chuckles at the sight of you now. “That’s muuuch better.”
Hawks thoughtfully taps a finger to his chin. “Something is missing though….right! I’ve got it!”
You watch him take something out of his pocket: a satin blindfold. Oh, no. “Hold still, baby,” he chuckles before putting the blindfold over your eyes. You are now in total darkness and totally at the mercy of these strange men.
Why does the idea of that make you feel so horny? It’s sick. It’s disgusting. You feel like a depraved, deviant little whore even feeling this way, but you’ve never been wetter in your entire life!
“God, that’s hot!” Hawks groans. “Seein’ her like this is makin’ me so fuckin’ hard. I’m sure you’ve got the same issue, D.” You suddenly feel his bulge hot and hard against your lips. “You feel that, little bitch? That’s aaall because of you.”
Another hard cock presses against your ass as Dabi cuts off your bra. Now you are completely exposed. Tears soak your blindfold from your old tears as the cool air hits your skin pimpled in goosebumps. You whimper as you feel the cold blade of Dabi’s knife press against your skin.
“Ya feel that?” He whispers. You nod as carefully as you can. “Careful, doll. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself, plus this carpet looks expensive. I doubt you can get blood out of it.”
His hand laces through your hair and wrenches your head back. You grunt at the sharp pain exploding from your scalp. “So if you even think of tryin’ somethin’ funny when we ungag you, you won’t like what happens next.”
Suddenly, you feel two naked fingers probing your entrance, swirling around your slit. “I doubt that, D!” Hawks laughs. “Look at how wet her pussy is! She loves this shit!”
More fingers invade your pussy, making you whine in protest through your panty gag. Dabi hums pleasantly at the sight of your glistening, wet cunt. “Oh, you devious little girl. This is gettin’ you off? You kinky little bitch.”
He gives your pussy a harsh smack, making you jump which makes him laugh. “Let’s give this kinky little bitch what she needs, D,” Hawks suggests, his voice filled with lust. You feel his hand in your hair, stroking the burning area from Dabi’s yanking.
“You gonna listen to everythin’ we say?” He softly asks, but there is an underlayer of seriousness there. You know better than to say no.
So when he takes the gag out of your mouth, you say what they expect of you: “Yes,” you whimper.
Another harsh slap to your cunt makes you whine in pain from the sharp sting. “That’s 'yes, sirs,’” Hawks corrects you. “Or Daddies. You get to choose tonight, baby! Consider that our reward to you. Now try again.”
You swallow hard, your throat dry and thick from crying. “Yes, sirs,” you whisper. “I promise I’ll listen.” You’ll have to if you want to see your boyfriend again.
Your answer pleases your two assailants and they begin to strip for you. Your ears perk and your stomach roils at the sound of fabric rustling, belt buckles loosening, and zippers coming down. You know what will come next for you and there is no escaping it. Suddenly, something warm, soft, and wet presses against your bottom lip, running indecently across your mouth.
You feel something else slapping against your cheek, hard and warm. It doesn’t take all of your brain power to realize that they are cocks in your face. “Feel that, mama?” Hawks teasingly asks. “Are these cocks nice and big? Think you can take both of ‘em?”
He presses his head against your soft lips, forcing you to give it a kiss. ”Oh, I’m sure you can. You know how to handle a big dick, right?”
“Get her to kneel,” Dabi gruffly demands. I’m goin’ first.” Both men hoist you up and force you onto your knees like a puppet on strings, controlling your every move. You have no choice but to follow. With your ankles and wrists tied and your eyesight still cut off, you’re helpless.
“Open your fuckin’ mouth,” Dabi orders. You do so, your plump lips wobbling and your tongue out the way Touya likes. Maybe Dabi will like it too. He gives you your answer when he taps his cock head against your tongue, giving you a taste of his dick piercing. He then sinks his cock deep inside your mouth, filling it to the brim with his thick, veiny shaft.
You nearly choke, taken aback at all of that dick. He slips in so far that his balls touch your chin and you have to breathe through your nostrils so you don’t choke. “Take me deep, mama,” he growls. “C’mon, open that throat. Don’t piss me off.” His hand grasps your hair, giving him leverage as he begins to roughly fuck your throat like it’s a fleshlight.
Grunts and moans leave Dabi’s mouth as he pounds your throat, pulling your head back and forth onto his length. It is quite difficult to suck dick without using your hands, so you’re forced to take every inch of him despite your gagging and the choking, wet sounds leaving your throat.
Hawks watches on, stroking himself as he does. You can hear him do so, his soft moans drifting to your ears. “So obedient,” he sighs. “And so wet. You were just aching for this kinda treatment, weren’t you?”
Finally, Dabi releases you, taking his long dick out of your mouth. You suck in a deep breath, swallowing your own spit and his pre-cum even though most drips down your chin.
“My turn,” Hawks whispers, taking hold of your head. “Brace yourself, baby bird, ‘cause I won’t be nice.” He slides in with a moan, filling you up just as much as Dabi did.
Hawks is thicker than Dabi—you can tell by how he stretches out your throat as he fucks it, slamming in and out, in and out. “Shit, that throat is tight!” He moans, gripping your hair. Your throat protests from the constant, unwanted stimulation, making you gag and wheeze.
“Don’t take too long,” Dabi impatiently growls. “I want to fuck it some more too.” His hand grips your throat, unintentionally massaging Hawks’ cock while he is balls deep inside of it. “And you’d better not use no teeth,” he growls.
Hawks finally finishes his turn and you’re passed off to Dabi again. At this point, your jaw aches and your entire face feels sticky, but you don’t refuse him. “Oh, look at that face!” Hawks cackles. “All that spit, all that drippin’ makeup…baby bird, you look a sexy little mess.” He dreamily sighs, wiping at your cheek. “I wish you could use yourself. Actually…”
The blindfold suddenly moves off of your eyes, the dark veil lifted. The duo only stripped from the waist down, revealing only their feet, thick, muscular thighs, and hard dicks. Now, with your eyes open, you can finally see what your assailants’ cocks look like.
Hawks has tanner skin with muscular legs sinewy blonde hair and a toned, bare stomach leading down to a thick, uncut cock. Dabi slides himself out of your mouth to give you a view of his cock—he is long, curved, and piercing at the base and tip. His thighs are paler and his stomach is coated in fine hair and tattoos.
He shoves himself back in again, making your eyes tear, while Hawks nods at your open closet door where your mirror is. ”Lucky us that you have a mirror,” he chuckles. “Look at us fuckin’ your throat and don’t you dare look away. Look at that dumb little slut takin’ all of that cock like a big girl.”
You do as he says and watch yourself, seeing how Dabi controls your head and your mouth as he fucks it stupid. Your makeup is a wreck, all of your lipstick smudged, your chubby cheeks tear-stained, and your mascara running.
You are so focused on the broken, used girl staring back at you in the mirror that you accidentally graze Dabi with your teeth. He grunts in pain and flinches, glaring at you. ”Bitch,” he growls, “I said no teeth.”
His hand grips your chin as his other hand strikes you across the face. “I-I’m sorry!” you sob. “I won’t do it again!”
Hawks steps in, tutting. “Cut her some slack, D. I was distractin’ her.” He begins to lovingly stroke your burning cheek. “Don’t worry, baby bird. I’ll make it all better after you take more of my cock, okay?”
“Please—“ But your sentence is cut off by another dick sliding down your throat. Hawks groans as he roughly fucks your sloppy, tight little throat while Dabi strokes his dick in your face, forcing you to keep looking at the mirror. “Look at yourself,” he demands. “Look at how good you’re bein’ for us. Keep it up, doll, and we won’t be so hard on you.”
He leans in, his lips at your ear. “But you love that shit, don’t you?” You realize with fresh tears that maybe you do. “She’s such a good little cocksucker, ain’t she?” Hawks moans. “Maybe this is what she gets up to at work…just the little office slut who gets paid to suck and fuck.”
They continue to take turns using and abusing your throat until finally, they get sick of it. You cough and wheeze, finally able to breathe as spit and pre-drip down your chin. But this isn’t the end–the duo’s predatory, menacing gazes tell you that.
“Get her on the fuckin’ bed,” Dabi growls. “I need to be inside that body now.”
Your body tenses in fear, realizing that what they intend to do to you is soon coming to fruition. “Hold your horses, D!” Hawks laughs as he ties the blindfold around your eyes again. “We’ve gotta get the bitch ready for us first. Those tight little holes need some affection.”
He and Dabi hoist you up and force you into position–face down, ass up. Hawks presses his mouth to your ear along with the cold barrel of a gun to your lips. “Don’t move while we do this. If you do, you won’t enjoy what happens next. Understand?”
Your bottom lip wobbles furiously feeling the gun press in it. “Yes, sir,” you whisper, your voice raw from the constant throatfucking. Hawks kisses your cheek. “Good girl. Now what hole do you wanna taste, Dabi?”
You feel Dabi’s rough, ringed fingers palm your ass. “Just as long as I get to fuck one, I don’t care. Just remember who’s got the best tongue here.”
Hawks scoffs and rolls his scarlet eyes behind his mask. “You say that just because of that piercing. But we’ll see whose tongue she likes best.”
Dabi gives your ass a smack, the rings making your skin burn more. “Spread ‘em, baby doll,” he growls. You do as he wants and he spreads your asscheeks apart. His hot breath on both of your holes makes your body buck.
But nothing makes you shake like the cold metal you suddenly feel on your pussy. “W-What is that?” you gasp. It’s definitely not a toy or a knife.
“Nothin’ you need to worry about,” Hawks replies. “...If you do as we say.” He continues to rub your pussy with the unknown object, teasing your clit. The cold metal against your hot, sensitive bud makes you whimper and moan, your thighs struggling to hold still.
Especially when Dabi begins to kiss, bite, lick, and suck on your ass. Hawks laughs, taking the object away. “Who knew a gun would make such a great sex toy, hm? You’re wetter than you were before!” You’ve never been so relieved to feel a pair of fingers before as he begins to toy with your pussy like it’s his.
Suddenly, Hawks takes his digits away and a tongue replaces them. It is hot, wet, and long yet the tip is slightly cold against your hot skin, indicating Dabi’s piercing. His tongue slithers along your cunt, slurping up every drop of your wetness. You hate how good it feels.
“O-Oh!” you gasp against his mouth. Hawks palms your ass this time, watching in enjoyment as Dabi eats your gushing pussy. “That’s it, baby bird,” he coos. “Just relax and be a good little doll for him.”
Dabi hums appreciatively at your taste, his pussy-eating becoming more feral and hungry. His tongue flicks so quickly against your clit that you can barely focus on your breathing. Just as his tongue enters you, Hawks’ thumb enters your asshole.
You gasp at the sensation, feeling stuffed to the brim. He hums pleasantly at your reaction and at your hole squeezing around his thumb slick with his saliva. “Fuck, you’re so tight here, mama,” he hisses. “I can only imagine how you’ll take a dick in this little hole.”
He pulls his thumb out and replaces it with his tongue, following Dani’s quick, merciless tongue strokes. You moan and whine into the bed, your body feeling like it’s going to explode from the immense pleasure despite it being forced upon you. “A-Ah, fuck!” you sob. “Oh, fuck, please! Please slow down! I-I can’t—“
A hand slaps you hard on your soft, fat ass. “Quiet,” Dabi snaps. “You’re gonna take what we fuckin’ give you. Dumb whores like you don’t get a say.” Hawks pulls away from your ass, a string of saliva on his bottom lip. “And if you wanna cum, I suggest you listen, baby girl…or do you not wanna cum?”
Instantly, Dabi pauses and just like that, the euphoric feeling is stripped away from you. “No, no, don’t stop!” you beg, delirious from pleasure. “Please don’t stop! Make me cum, please!” You need to cum. Your mind will break if you don’t.
Satisfied, the duo continues to bring you to orgasm, their tongues and jaws moving at a furious pace. “Keep begging,” Dabi demands. “Tell us you’re ours.”
You’ll tell them whatever they want at this point. Anything to reach that peak. “I-I’m yours!” you cry, tears soaking your blindfold. “I’m all yours! Ah, f-fuck, I’m cumming!”
With a broken moan, your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave and you orgasm all over yourself and your assailants’ tongues. They moan, deep and low, in appreciation for your taste and greedily slurp up each ounce of cum.
They lick at your holes until you become overstimulated. Your loud moans of release fade into soft, broken whimpers and hiccups as the pleasure becomes absolute agony. Finally, Dabi pulls away from your pussy. “Look at this mess you made,” he tsks. “Now you have to clean it all up.”
His hand grasps your chin and forces you to kiss him, your lips smashing against his. His pierced tongue swirls with yours, forcing you to taste yourself off of him.
Hawks snatches you away to do the same, making you taste the cum that slipped down your asscrack. You gasp into the rough, sloppy kiss, feeling overstimulated everywhere. “I think those holes are slick enough for us now,” he huskily whispers. “You wanna flip a coin, D?”
Dabi grunts in disagreement. “Nah. I get her pussy. We already discussed that.” He grabs you and positions you into his desired position: on his lap in cowgirl. With your arms and legs still tied, he has to hold you up and position his cock between your thighs. When you feel his hard, throbbing shaft push against your asscheeks, doom roils in your stomach. You know what’s coming next.
“Please,” you beg. “You don’t have to do this.”
You know it’s useless though. There is no escaping this. “Don’t act like you don’t want this, doll,” Dabi whispers. “You said you can handle guys like us, right? Well, here’s your chance to prove it.”
Finally, he lifts his hips up and pushes himself deep inside of you. You gasp as your cunt stretches around him, your back arching instantly into him.
Dabi palms one of your tits, taking one of your hard nipples into his fingers. “Don’t fight it, baby,” he whispers. “Just take it.” As he pinches one of your nipples, he begins to thrust his cock up inside of you in deep, long, fast strokes like a jackhammer. Pleasure and pain mingle, creating an intoxicating cocktail. Your breaths come out in huffs and moans as Dabi bounces you like a bunny on his cock, making you take every inch of him.
“Fuck!” he groans. “You’re so fuckin’ wet for this.” He grips your ass so hard that he’ll leave bruises. “Nasty little bitch. Tell Daddy you love this shit.” He leans in, latching his lips and teeth onto your neck with every intention of leaving a hickey. You whine in response, too cock drunk to answer. Your body aches from the restraints and your pussy quivers with every mindblowing thrust.
“Tell me you love it when I fuck you,” Dabi growls. “Tell me you love bein’ our little slut. TELL ME!”
His hand wraps around your throat, giving you a threatening squeeze. “I love it!” you practically scream. “I love being your little slut, I promise!”
Dabi laughs, the sound dark and menacing among the slapping of his thighs and balls against you. “Yeah, you do,” Hawks chuckles. He suddenly appears behind you and you feel his cock slap against your plump ass. “And you’ll love this too…or not. I really don’t give a fuck, but you are gonna cum whether you want to or not.”
He pushes you forward into Dabi’s hard chest who forcefully holds you down as your ass is presented to Hawks. His cock gently probes your asshole, slick and ready. “Now open up for me, baby bird.”
“Wait, wait!” you protest, but it’s too late. Hawks pushes and your body seizes as your asshole forcefully stretches around Hawks’ cock. You cry out at the burning sensation, feeling like you’re a balloon that is being pumped with too much air.
“Shit!” Hawks swears, gripping your hips. “Such a tight little hole you’ve got, baby. What, your man don’t fuck you here?” He, too, begins to thrust his hips into your hole, forcing you to open up for him with every thrust.
You are a gasping, whimpering mess, your holes stuffed to the brim. “Ah, ah, fuck, i-it’s too much! Oh, God, stop! It hurts!”
You begin to squirm, trying in vain to escape them, but Hawks holds you down. “Uh-uh, don’t you fuckin’ run from me,” he threateningly growls. “You’re gonna take both of our cocks like a good girl. I could’ve damn well stuck my gun in your tight little ass instead, so be grateful that it’s my dick.”
He takes your chin in his hand, wrenching your head back despite you crying out in pain. “Just relax, baby bird,” he coos in your ear. “Just let us use your body. You’ve got no say in it, so you might as well let it happen.”
Soon, they begin to fuck you in unison, one pushing in while the other pulls out and slams into you again. Your holes tighten and clench around their cocks, protesting the rough stimulation, but they don’t stop. They push and pull you into their bodies, using you as if you’re no more than a ragdoll.
“This is what you wanted, baby doll,” Dabi grunts. “So this is what you fuckin’ get. Fuck her harder, Hawks. I wanna see this slut cum over and over again for us.”
Hawks obliges, putting his entire body into pounding into your tight hole with Dabi jackhammers up into you. The bedsprings creaks furiously from their movements and the room is filled with the sounds of grunts, moans, and the squelching of your pussy.
Your voice is the loudest… evidently, too loud because Hawks puts your panties back in your mouth. “Sorry, babes, but you were too loud,” he chuckles. “Your moans are so pretty, but Daddy needs his eardrums.”
Dabi grips your throat, making you look at him despite your blindfold. “I can’t wait to fill this pussy up,” he moans. “Can’t wait to give you these babies. And you’re gonna love it, aren’t you?” You whine in protest, making him cackle. “Your pussy feels like it will. Hawks, take that shit off of her. I wanna see her eyes when she cums.”
Panting and moaning, Hawks takes the blindfold off of you, allowing you to see. Two ice blue eyes stare deep into your soul, Dabi’s face the only covered thing on him. “You’re gonna remember this forever,” he growls. “We’ll make sure of it.”
“We’re gonna fuckin’ ruin you, baby!” Hawks laughs, his thrusts speeding up with Dabi. “Now cum for us. Be a good little slut for us, mkay?”
Your orgasm builds and builds and builds until it comes tumbling down over you. Dabi’s cock and pelvis rubbing your clit and abusing your G-spot over and over again triggers you to climax. With a moan of anguish at cumming from a cock that isn’t your boyfriend’s, you gush all over Dabi’s cock, screaming around the panty gag.
The two men furiously chase their highs, fucking your holes in tandem, until they finally explode inside of you with matching grunts of release.
You gasp as feel their nut gush into your holes and drip down your thighs. You are so filled that the two fresh loads gush out of you, staining the bed. They even pull out to cum on your tits and ass, completely coating you in their scent until your skin is sticky and wet with their spunk. When the fog of your orgasm fades, you are left with nothing but exhaustion. Overcome with it, you collapse against Dabi’s chest.
With a soft moan, Hawks slowly pulls out of your ass despite your hiss at the sting. “Damn, man, she is fucked up,” he chuckles. “We really did a number on her.”
Dabi stays inside of you, keeping his cum plugged inside of your pussy. He wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “Our job here is done then,” he sighs.
“Touya,” you gasp through ragged breaths. “Please.”
Immediately, the two men look at you in joint concern, their roles as Dabi and Hawks, the ruthless, merciless, toxic men who broke into your house and took you by force, dropping immediately. 
Touya snatches off his mask, revealing his face and white hair. “What is it, baby?” he softly asks. “What do you need?” He cups your face in his hands, his eyes searching yours for an answer. Water,” you whisper. 
Keigo takes off his mask and jumps off of the bed naked. “I’ll get it,” he announces and hurries to the bathroom to get a glass for you. Touya gently lays you down on the bed and unties your wrists and ankles, rubbing the kinks out of them and easing the burning sensation from them with some oil. He then cuddles you to him, his arms secure and warm. 
“Shh, it’s okay,” he shushes you. “You did so well for us, doll. You’re such a good girlfriend to me.” Your body melts into his the more you breathe in the fruity smell of the massage oil and his scent of cigarette smoke. You still feel tired, but not used or broken. You still have your man and he loves you. 
Even pretending to be a home invader and roughing you up alongside your boss cannot change that. It is all proof of that. You don’t know anyone else who would agree to this dark, sexual fantasy but Touya…except for Keigo, of course. He comes back with your glass of water and hands it to Touya.“She okay?” he worriedly asks. 
Your boyfriend nods, handing you the glass. “Yeah, just sub dropping. She’ll be fine in a few.” He gently tilts the glass to your lips, coaxing you to sip. “Just drink your water, babe. Don’t leave a single drop.” You do as he says and open your lips to sip the cool, steady stream of water as if you are a baby bird being fed. 
When you finish, you feel much better. “Thatta girl,” Touya praises, gently kissing you. “Now lay down and relax. You’re okay. We’re the only ones here.” He lays you down in the middle of his and Keigo’s bodies, the moonlight shining over you and them. “Well, I hope she had fun,” Keigo laughs lightly. “I certainly did.” 
Touya laughs with him, their deep, sexy laughs filling you with a warm, tingly sensation. “Oh, I know she did,” your man states. Because you did. “Thanks again for agreein’ to this, man.” 
Keigo tuts, his hand gently stroking down your backside. “How could I refuse fucking the brains of my cute little assistant out of her head? And bringing her kinky little fantasy to life, no less.” 
Touya smirks, his teeth glinting in the moonlight. “Betcha didn’t think you had such a freaky little slut workin’ for ya.” You shiver at the degrading words falling from his lips. “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, Touya,” Keigo smirkingly replies. “I always knew, but a home invasion is somethin’ else!” 
His hand travels farther down to caress your hips, his touch gentle and loving. “You’ve got a good girl to call your own,” he whispers, his crimson eyes staring at you in adoration. 
Touya chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Oh, I know and she’s my good girl,” he purrs. “Aren’t you, doll?” You whimper tiredly in response, but a small smile crosses your lips. All is well. All is safe. 
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shadowkoo · 6 months ago
kingdom cum - teaser
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→ Summary: On the eve of your wedding, you're ready to let loose and make it a night to remember. In the heart of a vibrant city, surrounded by your closest friends, you're determined to savor one last taste of freedom. But when a series of unexpected encounters transforms the celebration into something far wilder than you ever imagined, you find yourself torn between temptation and the life you're about to commit to. At Kingdom Cum, the night is bound to be steamy; leaving your desires to run high, while dangerously blurring the lines between loyalty and lust.
↠ mingi x f.reader x hongjoong | 409 words (completed fic 3k+) | 18+ ↠ genre: y2k cyberpunk aesthetic nightclub, exotic dancer/stripper au, the filthiest smut i’ve written in a looooong ass time
→ Teaser Warnings: infidelity (Y/N is at her bachelorette party), fingering - looooots more for the main fic
→ Release Date: September 19th, 2024 released a day early! read here!
→ Networks: @ksmutsociety @k-vanity
→ Author Note: want to be notified when this is posted? sign up for my taglist here! this is unedited so the scene may slightly change in the main fic.
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“Do you trust us?” Mingi asks, pulling you from your battling thoughts.
Your stomach twists in anticipation as they shut the door behind you, and with a decisive click, you’re locked inside.
Mingi is the first to touch you, his large hands wrapping around your bare waist, pulling your backside up against his front. Those same hands slide up to your breasts, kneading them lightly at first. You moan, reaching backward to clutch his strong thighs, your nails digging into them as his grip tightens.
“You’re gonna be a fun one, aren’t you,” Mingi chuckles in your ear, nipping at it gently before pulling away from you. He joins Hongjoong who’s sitting on the black couch, waiting.
“Last chance to leave, sweetheart,” Hongjoong warns, tapping the space between him and Mingi. Your legs move before your mind and heart even catch up to what you truly want, what you crave.
You should be running back to your friends, and yet, you sit.
“Good girl,” Hongjoong murmurs before crashing his lips against yours. His tongue tickles the corner of your lips, demanding to be let inside.
Simultaneously, Mingi works to undo your pants. You lift your hips, giving him space to drag the fabric down your hips, leaving them in a pile on the floor.
“Damn, baby,” he groans, looking at your damp panties. “Look how worked up you already are. Spread your legs for us. Let us see how wet you are.”
You comply and are kindly rewarded when Mingi’s fingers pull your panties to the side. Sucking in a sharp breath, your head falls back as he spreads your dewy folds open with his digits.
“Is the fact that I’m fingering you while my best friend watches getting you all worked up?” he questions devilishly, already knowing the answer. Your face twists in pleasure with every curl of his fingers.
Mingi’s other hand wraps around your hair, pulling your mouth to his. He sucks in your bottom lip, surprising you when he bites down.
Hongjoong sucks on your exposed neck, then hovers above the spot he created, pleased with the purplish spot already growing. One of his hands dips down between your legs, meeting Mingi’s as he adds another two fingers inside you.
“This pretty little cunt’s gotta get stretched out if she’s gonna take both of us. Do you want that?” Hongjoong asks, his voice all husky.
“Yes,” you breathe shakily, “I want that so bad.”
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→ Taglist: @gyupremacy @beomcoups @yoonguurt (sign up here)
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©shadowkoo 2024. All rights reserved.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months ago
Building off what the other Anon said about EJ going into a frenzy what if he's haunted by his s/o, reader isn't upset (can't remember their death) and is confused why EJ won't talk to or touch them
Reader haunting Eyeless Jack after he accidentally kills them
Looooong ass title!!!/lh
Building off of this post hopefully I remember to add the link!!
Notes: reader is GN, reader doesnt remember how they died and doesnt understand what's going on, jack is going through it, overall not a happy post
CWs: mentions of accidental murder/cannibalism, guilt and grief, talks of mental health and jack spiraling, implied self harm and mentions of Jack refusing to eat for long periods of time out of guilt and disgust
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he tries to ignore you as best as he can, its like youre not even there and its really getting under your skin... did you do something wrong?
its either ignore you for the rest of his life or let your presence drive him mad from the guilt- you were the only person in his life that he had and he ruined you
hes... far more irritable these days and you want to get to the bottom of it but he doesnt answer you at all when you try to find out whats happened
things get broken when you push too hard- not you- things like the little furniture in the already run down cabin hes living in. sometimes it leaves him wounded but he doesnt... stop... actually he seems to lean into it
bite marks sometimes appear on him, too, but he just turns his back to you
youre forced to watch as he loses himself deeper into this madness, he starts lashing out harder at anyone who dares get too close in the woods- driven mad with hunger due to otherwise refusing meat when hes still coherent
most of, if not all of, your stuff has been either put away or taken out of the space completely
he only really talks to you on his worst days, and hes... broken
a lot of it is him asking why you wont leave- why you didnt leave when you first met, he had warned you and did everything he could to scare you off
but you kept coming back and you consider to do so
he doesnt take any of your answers when you try to tell him that you loved him and you still do- so please can he open up and just tell you why hes acting like this?
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writerblue275 · 1 year ago
(Best)FWB!Ezreal Headcanons (18+)
Inspiration: This was one of the of ideas that got me to start this account lol. I’m also in the process of writing a fic based on this idea and it would be so much easier to just reference this post in the header rather than explain everything in the prose.
Champion: Ezreal (like Pilty!Ezreal/Explorer!Ezreal)
Genre: Headcanon
Category: TINIEST amount of angst but primarily FLUFF and SMUT - I mean what were you expecting. We're talking about best friends with benefits here. Typically the benefits are of an adult nature. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Length: This is a looooong one, friends. In my defense, I'm using this headcanon as world-building/background information for at least 1 future fic (It's quickly turning into multiple parts lmao).
Gender: Fem!Reader/reader who is fem presenting? Ahhhh even my non-binary ass doesn't know how to describe this...mention of dresses and stuff.
TW: Adult themes. Friends with benefits, reference to adult activities and kinks. For example: semi-public petting or Dom/sub dynamics. Slight mention of what (probably) happened to his parents and the emotional fallout of that. Mention of alcohol (always drink responsibly y’all). Swearing (as per usual).
Important context: I know game Ez’s age is a bit debated, though generally agreed on somewhere in early to early-mid-20s. For adult Ez in this, let’s say he’s like 23-24? Also Indiana Jones exists in this universe because DAMNIT I WANT TO CALL HIM INDIANA JONES AS A NICKNAME.
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Your father is a history professor at the academy who knows/works with Ezreal’s uncle, Professor Lymere, and who often collaborated with Ez’s parents before they disappeared. Archeology and history go hand-in-hand, after all.
These collaborations led to you and Ezreal being together often as kids since you were around the same age, and a close friendship developed.
To the point of casual physical affection (hugs, hand holding, occasional cuddles) and silly nicknames for each other. He calls you princess, you call him…idiot mostly. (Jk…kinda.) You’ve called him Indiana Jones for forever since he was just as fascinated about archeology/artifacts as his parents.
You have called him an idiot many times though, especially when he’s been extremely rash and reckless.
At various points in your friendship, people have seen the two of you and assumed you had to be dating. It’s hysterical to both of you.
“Me dating Ezreal?! Nah, he’s just my best friend.”
“(Y/N)?? Absolutely not. We’re just best friends.”
You’re one of the few people who can humble Ezreal, a specialty of yours since early on in your friendship.
You: *In your father’s office studying while he teaches a lecture to one of his classes in a nearby lecture hall*
Ez: *Runs into the office, breathlessly laughing as he leans against the now closed door, holding a toupee*
You: *Eyebrows raise* Whatcha got there, Ez?
Ez: *grins* One of the campus warden’s toupees!
You: *Stares at him for a second and sighs* You’re a moron….*goes back to studying*
After his parents’ disappearance, you were understandably worried for Ezreal. You watched as your best friend struggled through the stages of grief, and even worse, stalled before he could get to the acceptance stage of what most likely happened.
You were always there to listen when he needed an ear. Even more importantly you tried to serve as a voice of reason once Ez started planning his own expedition to find the final resting place of Ne’Zuk.
You never said anything to completely dissuade him, because you wanted him to follow his heart and his dreams, but you couldn’t help but worry. With what likely happened to his parents, you were utterly terrified he wouldn’t come back, especially considering his stubbornness, his recklessness, and his age. Losing your best friend was a thought you just couldn’t stomach.
Only you knew about his plan to sneak onto a supply ship bound for Nashramae. You sent him off in the middle of the night with a giant hug and a “Be safe, Indiana Jones. You better come back alive…Write when you can…”
After a second he pulled back from the hug, gave you a signature Ez smirk, and said, “You know me well enough to know I’ll be fine, princess…”
Once he did set off, you had to convincingly act as though you didn’t know where he went. It was difficult, especially seeing how distraught his uncle was once he read Ez’s note, but your loyalty was to your friend.
It was torment waiting for any sort of news. Ez wasn’t exactly going to the most populated areas.
Thankfully, he did eventually return, excited to show off his new gauntlet, using it often to flash behind you and scare you.
“Ez, I swear if you keep scaring me, I cannot be held responsible for any damage to your stupid handsome face.”
*Smirk* “Handsome eh?”
“…Shut up…f-forget I said anything…the last thing you need is an inflated ego.”
But he didn’t forget.
Over the years as he gained notoriety and fame from his adventures, you were one of the few people who didn’t treat him any differently from how you had in the past.
As much as his ego craved the validation and fame, hoping they’d be enough to draw his parents back (god damn this man needs HELLA therapy), having someone who just treated him as Ezreal, not as the prodigal explorer, was really nice…
Once he was a little older, when he started getting invites to parties and banquets to talk about his adventures, you became his go-to date.
As he told you, “It’s just easier than dealing with the rabid fans. Also you’re good-looking, and I need someone with me that helps make me look good.”
That earned him a sarcastic eye roll and “Thanks, I guess?” from you.
With the fame and scale of his adventures, Ez collected a decent amount of wealth on top of what his family already had. As thanks for being his go-to plus-one, he’d always take care of the cost of your clothes and accessories for these events, sometimes even buying outfits for you himself; things that he thought would look good on you. He has shockingly good taste and understands your sense of style very well. (SUGAR DADDY FRIEND EZ, ANYONE?)
It was about a year and a half ago that things in your friendship changed. He’d been gone almost 3-months chasing a particularly legendary relic rumored to be surrounded by an incredible number of traps that were said to be impassable.
“Impassable” is Ez’s specialty, as you know.
Of course, his exuberant return made him a popular invite to all the parties. Everyone wanted to hear the tales of Piltover’s prodigal explorer.
You were just fucking relieved to have your best friend home, alive, and in one piece.
It was after one of these fancy parties when things popped off. There’d been an open bar during the dancing portion of the evening. Both of you were tipsy. Both of you were giggly. Ez gave you a piggy back ride home since you decided to kick off your incredibly uncomfortable heels the second you stepped outside. (What a gentleman.)
Once you arrived at your apartment, you invited him to stay the night as he always did since it was so late. Of course he agreed, grabbing the extra set of comfy clothes he stashed there for such situations and going to change while you prepared the couch for your usual post-event chats, setting up, pillows, blankets, snacks, and water.
As he came out of the hallway to the living room where you were, you could feel his gaze glued to you as you bent down to prep some things*
You: *blushing a little and not looking up at him* “Yes?”
Ez: *smirks* I thought that dress would look incredible on you, and I was right….you look even sexier than usual…
You looked up at him with wide eyes, your cheeks DEFINITELY pinker as your mind took a second to register what he said* “You thought about how I’d look in this? W-wait…you think I’m sexy?”
He just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “Of course I did and of course I do. I’ve told you before that you’re good looking. Do you remember when you accidentally blurted out that I was handsome? Do you still think I am?”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or your curiosity about the direction of this conversation that had you saying, “Yes I do. I’ve thought that for a long time. But, I don’t understand why that matters? You’re my best friend, Ezreal, and to be honest, dating you sounds like a nightmare. I already worry enough about you when you’re on your expeditions. Adding deeper feelings into that sounds like a one-way express ticket to driving myself insane.”
Ez chuckled, “Who said anything about dating or deeper feelings? Feelings are the last thing I need in my life (again THERAPY, MY GUY). But, the way I see it, I’m physically attracted to you, you’re physically attracted to me, neither of us want feelings involved beyond what our friendship is now….that sounds like an arrangement that is mutually beneficial…”
You straightened up and folded your arms together as you contemplate his words. “So like a…friends with benefits sort of thing?”
Ez grinned. “More like best friends with benefits, but yes. I have needs. I’m assuming based on the fact that you’re currently not seeing anyone either that you also have needs. We’ve helped each other out with problems many times….why not help each other with this one?”
Ok, but why was he making so much sense??
He was also right. You’d been going through a hell of a dry spell as of late. And hey, when it comes to people, you trust Ezreal more than anyone else. You’d also be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t find him extremely attractive. All of these reasons pinged around your mind until finally…
“Yes…ok…yes….tonight can serve as a test of sorts…but I’m not finalizing anything until tomorrow morning when both of us are stone cold sober. I have conditions, but they don’t apply at the moment. Got it?”
His response was an frantic nod and an eager “Got it,” as he stepped closer and reached for your waist to pull you to him.
Your response was to turn around and move your hair to the side. “Ah ah ah. First help me with my zipper…then show me what you can do, pretty boy…”
And BOY DID HE. Quite honestly he blew your mind (and your back out 😉). But we’ll get to that later on.
The important conversation happened the next morning after you two woke up tangled with each other.
Ez sat up and stretched, and you couldn’t help it as you sleepily reached over and gently ran your fingers along his abs.
He gave you a sleepy smirk and eyebrow raise before murmuring, “Already want another round, princess?”
This resulted in you pinching him before you also pulled yourself up, not even caring that he was baldly admiring you as you stretched. “I tentatively agree to this arrangement, Ez, but I want to talk about limits/conditions. Let’s talk as we get breakfast ready…”
Your conditions: 1. While this arrangement is in place, he’s not sleeping with anyone else and that includes on expeditions. You don’t want the chance for any sort of disease. 2. If either of you falls for another person, the arrangement needs to end (obviously you two would talk about it so the other knows what’s going on). 3. This can’t fuck up your friendship. Even if things physically end, your friendship needs to remain intact. You don’t want to lose your best friend. 4. No falling in love with each other.
Ez easily agreed to your terms and laid out his own: 1. He’ll see you when he gets home from expeditions and while he’s in Piltover. 2. If he’s not sleeping with anyone else, he hopes you won’t either. 3. He wants you to take care of yourself mentally (a bit ironic), physically, and emotionally, especially while he’s gone. (He won’t admit it, but when he’s on his explorations, he thinks/worries about you often and wonders if you’re doing alright.) 4. He wants to continue to buy you gifts and clothes, and he also wants to start including lingerie in said gifts if you tell him your sizes and style preferences.
The last one surprised you. “Lingerie? Why? That seems pretty intimate for fuck buddies. I certainly don’t expect such gifts from you.”
He was unfazed, instead just grinning and chuckling at the surprise on your face. “Believe it or not, it’s almost more for me than you. Undressing you will be like unwrapping my own present.”
Strangely enough you couldn’t find any fault with that logic.
You agreed to all his terms, and the two of you did a little hand shake to finalize things. A strangely small gesture to seal a massive change in your friendship.
(*Clears throat*) And now for the important part…
Definitely NSFW - AKA How is Ez as a FWB?
With an ego like his, you might think Ez is a selfish lover.
And you know what, maybe to start he is, but you shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY. Remember, you’re one of the only ones who can humble this man.
Once you make it clear that this arrangement will not be one-sided in pleasure if he wants it to continue, he makes sure to act RIGHT.
Like he really makes sure to blow your back out every single time (hell yeah go you).
A large part of his initial “selfishness” is hesitance. You two have known each other forever, but certainly not in this way. You telling him off? Honestly it reminds him that this is still you, his best friend, who he knows better than just about anyone. He is just learning about another side of you.
That is a confidence boost to him and banishes any insecurities he has.
(Unlike Heartsteel Ez who I see very primarily as a sub) Ez is a true switch maybe even leaning a little dom.
Whatever you need him to be, he can be.
Ezreal can be VERY PLAYFUL. Your normal friendship is filled with laughter and teasing, and your friendship in the bedroom is no different.
That doesn’t mean he can’t be serious though, he absolutely can be.
He’s the extremely teasing type, expertly working you up with just a couple touches in public or private and then making you wait.
For example, at those fancy dinners you go to with him? If anyone bothers to look under the tablecloth they'll see his hand on you, thumb tracing shapes into the fabric of your dress high up on your thigh, while he casually recounts the harrowing details of his adventures.
There you are, just sitting there trying to keep a straight face and not blush. He does it often enough you think you’d be used to it by now but NOPE.
You’re really glad no one expects you to tell any stories at those things because every time his hand creeps onto your thigh, your brain short circuits a little bit. Trying to tell a story or hold more than a passing conversation would be incredibly difficult.
And he KNOWS IT TOO. Once he’s not speaking, he always looks over at you and gives you a little smirk.
And if you do the same to him when he’s not telling stories? He will not stop leaning over and softly complaining in your ear.
You take great pleasure in whispering in his ear, “Can’t handle what you dish out? This is what you get, you teasing fuck.” (Or something similar lol.) Then you pass everything off as normal with a very quick, friendly, and casual kiss on the cheek which makes HIS brain short circuit a little bit.
Very touchy and LOUD in bed, especially when you’re on top. To the point you have had to cover his mouth with your hand and threaten to STOP riding him if he doesn’t get himself together and be quieter. He knows damn well how thin apartment walls in Piltover are.
Eventually you just gag him with something, because let’s be honest, it’s an empty threat. You definitely DON’T want to stop and he’s well aware of that.
When he’s on top though, Ez intentionally will do things that cause your sounds to get louder, making no attempts to quiet you. Instead he just smirks down at you and whispers in your ear, “Is that all you’ve got, princess? I know you can get louder than that…don’t hold back for me…”
Don’t be afraid to mark him. Feeling your nails dig into his shoulders/back or feeling you mark his collarbone with hickeys drives him absolutely wild.
Very very VERY good at dirty talk. His wit and sass translate extremely well to more intimate contexts. And when you dirty talk right back at him? He loves it when you’re just as playful as he is. His favorite is when you murmur something filthy in his ear and follow it up with a playful little nip somewhere.
Loves tying you up and loves being tied up, as well as using blindfolds.
Not the most attentive with aftercare, but hey, your arrangement isn’t romantic so you don’t mind. He at least stays the night/for breakfast and cuddles you which is honestly more than you thought he’d do.
It might be a bit inconsistent concerning WHEN you see Ezreal since who knows when he’ll come back from his expeditions, but whenever he is in Piltover, the two of you certainly have a good time. Besides, it’s good to know your best friend is home safe…at least until he sets off on another adventure.
Thank you for reading!! Omg I had so much fun with this one. And I’m already enjoying writing the associated fic. It was literally just supposed to be a one-shot and now there’s absolutely going to be multiple parts, so keep an eye out for that!
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