#looks intimidating but hes got a weak personality. you can bully him. its easy.
bmpmp3 · 4 months
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ramblingguy54 · 3 years
True Colors: An Emotionally Fantastic Serious Game Changer.
If we’re to look back at Reunion as Season 1′s dramatic pay off for Amphibia’s message of toxic friendships, as Anne & Sasha’s conflicting dynamic showed us, then True Colors is a colossal expansive note on this big theme of the series. True Colors makes Season 1′s finale look like a walk in the park for what angst goes down between our three main heroins in Season 2′s climatic resolution. Everything that can go wrong does go oh so painfully wrong for these three kids. Anne, to no one’s surprise, gets double crossed by Sasha leaving things between them a Hell of a lot more bitter than they were previously, as if that couldn’t already be topped when Sasha tried to kill the Plantars before. Anne has had enough of her lies and manipulation not being afraid to tell Sasha straight up how awful of a friend she’s been in general, even hitting her where it hurts most of all saying, “No, I’m done listening to you! I’m done trusting you! You’re a horrible person and I am done being FRIENDS with you!”, going so far as to get a shaken reaction out of Sasha dropping her brave face act, making this girl try to wipe away the frog family.
Right off the bat, True Colors makes it highly evident this isn’t just another story of stopping a bigger threat, but one hitting much closer to home, overall. Yes, King Andrias is certainly a dangerous villain, who makes his presence and intimidating nature known to the others by True Color’s final act, which despite this Amphibia isn’t entirely putting him at the forefront, rather focusing on a more intimate study of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy’s big emotional conflict. This finale knows exactly where to put its focus of importance on, so I love that instead of it being action packed we’re getting the spotlight shined on just how screwed up these three of a friendship have, in spite of Marcy claiming in The Dinner episode, “We’re supposed to be friends for life. We don’t split up!’ . Very ironic stuff right there, indeed.
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True Colors’ most powerful strength it adds to Amphibia’s ongoing profound story about healthy friendships is the thorough deconstruction of these girls defined “ideal relationship” as people. Before Anne came to the world of Amphibia this kid was afraid to stand up for what she believed in, even knowing especially well that stealing the calamity box was morally questionable, but did it anyway. Sasha was super manipulative, abusive, and used her power to control people, like she did a lot of toward Anne in their lives. Marcy, while very smart, wasn’t the most competent physically, who soon grew into being more independent without needing to rely on Anne always having to be there for her. These three were changed immensely by the events of being thrust into this world of sentient amphibian creatures. Anne benefited morally most out out of all three in taking up the mantle of responsibility and ironing out her own issues. She’s become a much stronger person all around. 
This episode asks us an important question though in nutshell with, “Have Sasha & Marcy truly changed for the better?”, since Anne has reached a point in her arc feeling genuinely content with who she’s become and the bonds that have been made with the Plantar family shown most notably with Sprig Plantar. Hence the whole purpose behind the song, It’s No Big Deal, with Anne feeling proud for who she is, yet not noticing a bigger issue right underneath her nose. That previous episode was meant to bring Anne’s happiness up only to bring it all crashing down in a devastating display of new revelations in True Colors. Every dramatic emotional beat isn’t just earned. Each significant moment is completely knocked out of the park by terrific voice acting, beautiful animation, and music composition that gave me serious emotional goosebumps. True Colors did exactly as Not What He Seems accomplished for Gravity Falls in shaking up its own respective dramatic stakes just when you thought it couldn’t get any higher for these protagonists. Shit seriously hits the fan here.
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Did it ever occur to you, Anne? Sasha? That one of you knew more, than she was letting on? That ONE of you might’ve gotten you stranded in Amphibia on purpose...?
The big bombshell twist of Marcy playing a part too in getting them into this whole debacle completely flips everything upside down. Sasha pushed Anne into taking the Calamity Box, yes, but if Marcy never sent that photo because of her desire to stay with them together forever, then they wouldn’t have been stranded in basically a world full of dangerous creatures and who knows what else. Easily my favorite part of the episode, considering it adds more nuance to a situation that defined Amphibia’s story. It wasn’t just one person’s fault at the end of the day. Sasha bullied Anne into taking the box, Anne didn’t put her foot down to make a stand for something morally questionable, and Marcy took advantage of them both to benefit her own selfish desires for supposedly a “happy ending” not involving them staying apart, due to her parents moving away for a new job. All three girls played an important part on why they got landed into Amphiba. It’s why Anne’s statement to King Andrias, “The three of us may have made some mistake, but you...You’re evil and I’m gonna stop you!”, holds such a real weight to it, as this story continues to solidify how genuinely fleshed out their dynamic is.
Marcy’s super desperate plea to be understood by Anne & Sasha when Andrias revealed her getting them thrown into Amphibia purposefully was hard to watch. On one hand, I felt for Marcy because she didn’t want real life circumstances to tear apart that close connection she had to Sasha & Anne. Sure, she could’ve just kept in touch with them over the phone or chatting online, too. However, Marcy had known them since very early childhood. When you’ve been so attached to someone it can be a devastating thing, depending on just how vulnerable you are emotionally, to start drifting apart. Marcy represents that embodiment of toxic need for togetherness and couldn’t bear to let a possibility, like moving away, throw a wrench into her happiness and friendship, as well.
Never mind Marcy wanting to stay permanently in a different reality, rather than face her’s, but it made this person feel like something more. It gave her a chance to feel truly special in being able to live out a fantasy dream of having such power and freedom that a kid, like herself, couldn’t have had. The freedom to know she is plenty capable of making it out there on her own without Anne having to watch this kid like a hawk. So, to have someone, or something, try taking it away from her terrified Marcy of facing a terrible truth. That she isn’t strong enough after all to live a life without Anne & Sasha by her side completely, where Marcy will never feel truly worthy enough to blossom into her own person. It’s why that line, “I just...didn’t want to be alone...”, carries such a deep pain to it all. Marcy just crumbles into pieces accepting her greatest weakness. As much as Marcy fumbled the ball big time, it’s so easy to empathize with her on the idea of feeling competent enough. Marcy never meant to hurt Anne or Sasha, but the sad crushing punchline is she very much did.
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Speaking of which, Anne had every right to be upset and mad, obviously. Anne has been missing so many things from her life before everything went off the wall. Hopping Mall especially highlighted Anne’s emotional desire to give anything just to hear her mother’s singing again. This teenager has been really dealing with a lot of grief in general quite honestly. Anne got into a high stakes battle against Sasha to save new friends, who’d practically became like an adopted family, which left the poor girl traumatized and heartbroken over the end result. She thought finding Marcy would help compensate for it and eventually be able to mend those complications with Sasha to boot. It’s simply painful to see it all blow up in Anne’s face to know not only Sasha betrayed her trust yet again, but realizing Marcy also played a part of responsibility in getting them thrown here. Matt Braly really just decided to slap future trust issues onto Anne finding out Hop Pop, Sasha, and Marcy were all super dishonest in their intentions at one point or another. Damn, I feel so bad for her.
It makes their embracing hug back in Marcy At The Gates so much harder to watch. Anne was super glad to see her again. Anne had wondered what became of Marcy or even possibly started to think she could even be alive at all. Then come to find out later on Marcy having intentionally ripped her away from a normal life must’ve felt worse then what happened with Sasha. Anne, already done with all of Sasha’s bullshit, thought she could at least expect better from Marcy not letting her down, but that too wasn’t the case. Marcy is very much as flawed as Sasha in what she has done. To think, Anne wanted so badly to get back home, yet she’s staring the very person dead in the eye, who ripped her away from it to begin with. Marcy knew Sasha would talk Anne into taking the box from that thrift shop, even if she wasn’t completely certain it would successfully teleport them away. Regardless of whatever good intentions someone can have in why they did what they did, it still doesn’t absolve them of said mistake. Fact of the matter is, Marcy tragically made her own bed, by choosing to mess with forces she couldn’t begin to comprehend and now has to face consequences, in spite of her not deserving them.
What really got to me was when Marcy tried to spin around Anne’s personal growth and close friendship with the Plantars as all entirely thanks to her. When she said, “I gave you this! I gave you everything!”, I was like, “Nope, that couldn’t be any further from the truth.”, seeing everything that has culminated in Anne’s journey of bettering herself. Marcy didn’t give Anne anything, but a one way ticket to cutting the kid off from her family, presuming she’d be fine with this idea. It’s all kinds of messed up, however what it boils down to is Marcy undermining Anne’s independence and agency. Anne’s moral judgement in decision making was what allowed her to create this new life she made for herself in Amphibia. Anne’s honesty as a whole led her down a path of togetherness, while Marcy’s lying landed her in a result of not wanting to be alone, costing her so much.
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“I don’t believe this. We were so focused on each other we couldn’t see what was right in front of us!”
True Colors excels at earning each of its emotional beats because they line up with character motivations down to the last letter. Anne doesn’t want to trust Sasha anymore because of their already rocky past, which leads to her helping King Andrias regain control of his kingdom. Sasha not keeping a lid on her temper, wanting to rule over Amphibia, and trying to reinforce that power dynamic with Anne & Marcy only made things worse for her image of a changed good friend. There wasn’t a chance in Hell Anne would hear Sasha’s reasoning after she flat out tried to take away her frog family, by attempting to use the Calamity Box a bit ago in the episode. Marcy wanted to believe there was a happily ever after in seeing this world traveling idea as their only chance for salvation as friends for life, but it turned out to be something much more sinister, when learning of Andrias’ backstory and his true scumbag nature. All three of their motivations come clashing together, blinding them from a much bigger danger. Something that effectively puts everyone at stake.
Amphibia’s Season 2 finale works so excellently, given it covers important dramatic elements it’s been stirring around since Season 1′s early rumblings. Amphibia is a story centered around people’s need for emotional connections. True Colors builds miraculously off what Reunion already did quite well in showing friendships can become rough and they are never easy to deal with. When you have to make a stand it can be a tough pill to swallow on the reality check of maybe this “good friend” of your’s isn’t as nice as you previously thought them to be. Anne having been hurt one too many times now by her former friend sends that message close to home, so much so even Sasha begins to question her morality as a human being. It poignantly encapsulates how this trio’s complex friendship is a serious growing issue needing to be reexamined, overall.
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What if Anne’s right..? What if I am a horrible person...?
Something I absolutely love to pieces about True Colors, also a testament to Season 2′s darn good writing, is how much introspective we get from each character on what they’re feeling. We’ve seen plenty of Sasha’s vulnerability before in other episodes centered on her issues, but now we’re getting to the root of it. Sasha is really taking everything more to heart, little by little. Sasha’s understanding what kind of an effect she has on people, seeing the damage it has caused made evident by Percy and Braddock in Barrel’s Warhammer. Grime once told her, “Some dreams have a price and not everyone is willing to pay it.”, where she’s questioning that idealism every passing minute the invasion plan proceeds further into reaching success. Sasha isn’t sure what to do with herself anymore feeling aimless. Those previous episodes had a real impact on her priorities more than she cared to let on with Sasha’s typical tough girl act. This kid has let her guard down more, which scares and confuses Sasha. She’s always used to playing the role of protector it contradicts everything Sasha stands for when the roles are totally reversed because now Anne has made her feel the tremendous change in their growth as individuals.
Sasha’s lifestyle has been all about control that after somewhat learning to be more considerate to Anne & Marcy’s feelings she feels beyond conflicted about what truly matters to her. The most screwed up part of it all is Sasha didn’t want to fight anymore, taking up a pacifist approach after seeing what King Andrias had been hiding from everyone. It’s a fitting punishment for Sasha to try bringing Anne over to work together once more, but getting her pleas for companionship outright ignored. Anne was correct that Sasha had wasted all the chances to be reasonable. Boonchuy tried to hear out Sasha before at The Third Temple. One wanted to start things over again to iron out their serious issues, but the other was driven by bitterness, while only remorseful to a degree at best, of seeing their once weak friend become so independent, mature, and stronger that it drove her up wall. Sasha wanted to take away that “problem” being the Plantars, since in her eyes they’re the source of Anne’s strength, driving a wedge further between the two girls in their heated Reunion 2.0 battle.
True Colors demonstrates the horrific price of no trust, communication, nor teamwork from the three main girls that Andrias smoothly took advantage of, as if they were fiddles. 
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“That’s the thing about friends isn’t it? The more you love them, the more it hurts when they go.”
King Andrias is quite literally what I wanted Lunaris to be, where DuckTales’ Season 2 finale didn’t impress me on doing. He’s a serious big baddie to the main cast, who follows through on his threats of violence to demonstrate his wide array of arsenal and power. Andrias doesn’t just emotionally manipulate characters, like poor Marcy, but utterly crush them without an ounce of remorse for his actions. When he dropped Sprig out that window after Anne willingly let him have the Calamity Box back I thought they were legit gonna kill this boy off. The way Anne’s flashback montage of her good times with Sprig were eerily shot really didn’t help either on that note. Anne’s Calamity power finally activating is easily up there among stuff, like Dewey risking his life for Della’s disappearance in Last Crash, where the cinematography is shot and animated brilliantly. You feel Anne’s blind raging sadness in every hit she landed on those robots and Andrias. If anyone didn’t believe Sprig was like a little brother to Anne, then I dunno how anyone couldn’t view their bond anymore as such after this hugely defining scene. Anne went bloodthirsty when she believed Sprig to be dead further evidenced when she hugged him in relief afterwards exclaiming, “Sprig!? You’re alive!? Oh, thank goodness...”, which cuts deep so damn much.
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Anne was ready to fight every one of Andrias’ troops in that castle to the death, if need be. Before Sprig came back from falling, thanks to Marcy’s quick acting, to comfort Anne, her only goal was to slaughter every opponent in that throne room, along with making Andrias pay dearly for even daring to lay a single finger on anyone of the Plantars. I’m not gonna lie, this pivotal power up reminded me so much Gohan turning Super Saiyan 2 after Cell curb stomped Android 16 into pieces with a smirk on his face. Anne Boonchuy’s maddening outburst is a classic testament to the idea of, “Piss off the nicest person and they’ll make it their mission to instill the biggest kind of fear/terror into you.”. showing this kid at her most vulnerable mental state, yet. Sprig & Anne’s cathartic embrace really messed me up in reinforcing just how these two respect, love, and would go above any of their limitations to help the other out. Sprig’s “death” scene was a masterful bait by the writers into making us think someone was gonna die and it was gonna be a poor kid, no less.  
However, it was actually all just a bait and switch for the real, “Oh, shit. They really just did that”, moment with Marcy unexpectedly getting run through with Andrias’ gigantic sword. In a last ditch effort, Marcy wanted to atone for what she had a hand in getting them all into. Marcy was ironclad determined in making her own stand for what was right trying to save the people she endangered. Akin to what Sasha did in Reunion for saving Anne’s life, Marcy does the exact same here. Although, unfortunately this time, no one is here to protect Marcy from escaping death, like Grime catching Sasha from plummeting at Toad Tower. Marcy couldn’t react in time because she was so focused on helping her dear friends out. She wanted to prove to herself at least one time, “I’ve screwed up so much stuff with my friends. Maybe, just maybe. If I get my friends back home, it’ll prove I’m not an entirely crappy person for setting these events into motion.”. Marcy’s own deep seeded remorse is what saved Anne & the Plantars, while being the cause of her own untimely demise at Andrias’ hands.
This scene is what no doubt encouraged the warning sign for younger viewers Disney decided to make for them. It’s impressive how far Matt and his crew are willing to go for intense dramatic content. Andrias trying to crush Polly with his fist after destroying Frobo with casual ease, dropping Sprig out of the window from up sky high, and stabbing Marcy with his powerful sword displays his cold blooded brutality. Doesn’t matter who you are. If you get in the way of Andrias’ plans for multiverse domination, then he’ll throw anyone into their own grave, be it man, woman, or child. That’s the mark of a truly terrifying antagonist.
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Andrias didn’t care who had to be hurt or manipulated to get back the box, so he could invade other worlds with Earth being his next prime target for invasion. Marcy’s fate is a horrifyingly poetic statement, since Sasha stated to Anne in a flashback from Marcy At The Gates, “One of these days, she’s gonna get herself killed.”, with True Colors tying back to this line in a disturbing manner. Something that sends chills down my spine is we get to see the full extent of how far Andrias shoved the sword through her body. We don’t just see the entry point of where it hit her, but it even zooms out to show the whole thing. Real talk, I got serious Avatar The Last Airbender vibes from this scene. Reminded me so much of Aang getting suddenly zapped with lightning by Azula when he tried to enter the Avatar state. Marcy didn’t want to be alone so badly she ended up inevitably dying alone trying to send Anne back home to their reality. One Hell of a way to close off Marcy’s last moments in Season 2, until her inevitable resurrection happens in Season 3 now that King Andrias has her in a tube tank that looks tied to his master.
True Colors ends on a deeply bittersweet cliffhanger leaving the fates of Sasha & Grime totally unknown if they’ll get away by the skin of their teeth, or get captured by Andrias’ soldiers and robots. Anne finally returned home with the Plantars, but at a deadly cost of leaving her other close friends behind in Amphibia. After all the isolation, heartbreak, and endurance she went through with her frog family Anne finds herself at a total loss for words. Once again, Anne is in a state of solitude of not knowing if her friends are really okay or not, mirroring the start of Season 1 when she landed into Amphibia’s world. It’s safe to say to say that, “Finally me and it’s no big deal.”, lyrics have aged terribly for Anne’s realization of finding her own identity came at the expense of getting separated from friends she’s known since kindergarten. Definitely see Anne becoming a lot more protective of the Plantars now more than ever after watching Marcy drop to the ground from being stabbed in front of her eyes.
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Amphibia’s Season 2 finale is exactly how you capitalize on a winning story telling formula of dramatic writing, lovable characters with layered depth, and increasing the stakes of your story in an organic manner. True Colors is a finale that should be talked about for a long time to come, as it not only showed how worth the wait it was, but reinforces why Amphibia is a truly great series. It’s unafraid to take its characters to dark places in a way that feels totally earned.
Amphibia Season 2 is everything a sequel to a first film should be.
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shibalen · 4 years
💥hewwo can I pwease get a romantic male matchup for bnha (darkbox bc I live for angst) (music box) when you have the time uwu
Levi he/him gay entp supposedly (also if it's not too much to ask please no characters under the age of 18 please)
I've been described as having a strong and loud personality, I'm extroverted and outspoken. I'm pretty eccentric too.
I value friendship, kindness and standing up for others.
Goal wise I'm pretty aimless. I dont have any goals, if I die well I guess that's it babey. In the meantime I'm just here to help animals and people who need it.
Positive traits: I always stick up for people in need, I'm good at reading people, I'm good with animals, I love to make people smile and laugh, cheerful, good at talking my way out of bad situations, uhm. Friendly!
Negative traits would be: hot headed, loud, stubborn, arrogant, comes across as intimidating:( good at getting into bad situations, gets into fights very often. Can be spiteful, I've been described as a pyromaniac so theres that. Can be sadistic
What pisses me off: my father. I can and will cause trouble for that man for as long as I live. And people who pick on the weak.
My hobbies and interests areeee: true crime babey! Crying over video games, baking, the occult, taking naps, dream interpretations and tarot readings
Likes: animals, cats specifically, stars, fire, sunsets, supposedly haunted places, storms, being dramatic for the hell of it, tormenting people in a good hearted way
Dislikes: uhhhh hot weather I guess.
Quirks: uh I have 5 cats! Ones my fathers but he never takes care of his cat so i pretty much count him as my own (plus he likes me more than my dad and it pisses my dad off hehe) I have weirdly accurate intuition, it makes reading people easy, knowing what they want to hear and what they dont.
Uhhh dates and relationship wise I'm honestly happy doing whatever my s/o wants to do. All I want is to see their face light up.
My love language is physical touch, I dont like touching people but if it's someone I feel strongly about youd have to pry me away from them.
I once got kicked out of a library for starting a fight in it, trashy I know but I wasnt going to stand there and do nothing while my friends were being bullied and pressured into getting involved with a really dodgy man. I scared the bullies off for good at least B) they never bothered my friend again babey
Oh I'm also known around the area I live in as someone who's good at finding homes of lost pets. Often times I come across a lost animal and befriend it in no time and use my connections to find its family.
Sorry if this was rly long and thank you for your time!! I hope you have a fantastic day uwu if anything's too difficult to come up with ideas for I'm more than happy for you to change anything to make it easier for you too!
♡︎ matchup for anon
heya! here i am with another late matchup but i hope you still see this. i'm sorry about the delay (╯_╰)
bnha: i match you with . . .
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natsuo todoroki !!
• this was one of those "heureka!" moments for me. you both hate your dads and hot weather? it's a match made in heaven! okay jk, these are just nice add-ons.
• what really made me consider Natsuo were your values and personality. kindness and friendships are important to both of you. Natsuo's a medical student so i am convinced helping others is high on his priority list too. he loves your driven and passionate nature because he doesn't go sugarcoating bs either.
• you're definitely the more energetic one while Natsuo only gets hot-headed about the things that are the most important to him. i think it's a good compromise, you can help each other out :)
• he was a little taken aback and cautious of your explosiveness at first but warmed up to it quickly after learning what a kind person you really were. now he thinks your dramatic attitude is funny during your sillier moments ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
• speaking of, you lads met at an animal shelter. there had been a dog that was astray in the neighbourhood of his home, so Natsuo, being a responsible boyo, took it to the local shelter.
• then there you were, standing by the help desk with five kittens wrapped in your jacket in your arms. apparently someone had been trying to drown them so you'd taken care of the situation accordingly.
• Natsuo understood jumping into a lake to rescue the poor animals because he would have done the same, but you could have had just called the police?? it was extremely ridiculous but admirable at the same time to beat all those guys up.
• your chat turned into a pleasant conversation afterwards as you were waiting for the animals to finish their check-ups. Natsuo was a bit shy but you didn't mind and kept the chat going which he appreciated.
• later he volunteered to help you look for good homes for the animals you'd both found. during this project the two of you got to know each other quite well and ended up hanging out together afterwards!
• and from that point on, everything fell into place naturally. the growing spark between you was undeniable and you both knew it. Natsuo definitely liked you longer, he was just a lil dense about it . . .
• you're nothing short of a hero in his eyes but dear lord he worries for you. when he's attending lectures he sometimes can't help but wonder if you're all right and not getting involved in anything violent.
• attends to your possible injuries while nagging you not to be so quick to start a fight next time. in return, you playfully bully him for being such a mom.
• you join forces with Fuyumi to pick on him about your relationship. even though you're already together, soft Natsuo still blushes when his affection for you is brought up, it's entertaining for both you and Fuyumi.
• idk if you've heard but Natsuo's 181cm tall!! hugging someone has never been easier even if you happen to be taller than him. the only thing is his skin's naturally kind of chilly so he's lowkey worried if you dislike it but you always assure him he's perfect!
• one time he was stressed over exams so you baked him some blueberry muffins. he gave you the biggest hug and kiss because it's exactly all these little things you do that set his heart racing for you ♡︎
• "last night i saw a dream about being a frog and eating giant flies, it was gross."
• "oh, that just means your love life is about to become fun."
• "i'm not sure how those two are related."
• "just trust me. i'm a pro at this."
• he also likes giving you headpats as much as he likes receiving them! his hands are quite big so he often runs his fingers through your hair when you're cuddling or hugging. it's especially relaxing after a long period of studying. also him carring you on his broad back ԅ( ̄ε ̄ԅ)
• you enjoy the little things in life and complain about your fathers together. you've agreed to wait a while before even mentioning your relationship to them because, honestly, Natsuo doesn't want any more horrible influences in your life.
• you get him sucked into the world of video games. it's always fun to watch him struggle but he never gets salty about losing maybe a lil he adores your smile as you laugh at him for being so bad at them.
• your dates include: helping out at animal shelters and retirement homes, video game and movie nights (especially about true crime), arcades and astronomy tower explorstions. i feel like Natsuo's more into traditional, romantic and chill dates and that's your usual thing. though i see sometimes you going to get coffee and ending up solving a 50-year-old murder case instead (✧ω✧)
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❦︎ ink box
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— despite Natsuo's best efforts to distance himself from Endeavor, it wasn't quite as easy and everyone was very much aware of the Todoroki family. and now the son of the number 1 hero had a lover.
— it wasn't actually that troublesome at first. some newpaper paparazzi occasionally annoyed you but you didn't care for them. most of the time Natsuo and you had your peace during dates aside from a few casual fans.
— but of course there are all sorts of people out there, some out for revenge, some for money, and being desperate means using even the lowest of methods to get what you want.
— so one time it happened, and it was all that took. several bitter villains thought they'd get their revenge through you, silly as it may sound. they made a big show of kidnapping you and demanding Endeavor to 'make up' for his wrongdoing. but all got resolved thanks to heroes, the only casualty being Natsuo's heart from almost exploding from worry and his deepening hatred for his father.
— later on, it wasn't that Natsuo was worried about you not being able to handle yourself, he feared what might happen if more of powerful villains came after you.
— so, after some debate, you agreed not to meet up for a short while to let the fuse of the incident settle down. it would be safer once the media forgot about it. you still texted and chatter over phone though!
— but then a week turned into two weeks, then into a month. you were wondering what was taking Natsuo to say the coast was clear and did a straight-up inquiry through a video chat.
— you could see he was restless the entire time. he said you should wait longer just to be sure everything was calm before meeting up. you became irritated because he was obviously lying and not being his normal, brutally honest self.
— why was he giving you this crap straight to your face?
— truthfully, Natsuo hadn't been sleeping all right recently. ever since that day he had reoccurring nightmares about something awful happening to you. they were just dreams, he knew. yet considering his ruffled up past and the frequency of those horrible visions, it would have been lie to say he was unaffected.
— paranoia just wouldn't leave him alone, and no matter how much he wanted to hold you in his arms again and hated making up stupid excuses, the voice at the back of his mind whispered this was for the best.
— after a month and a half had passed you've had just about enough, however. whatever reason he was keeping you in the dark for did no longer stop you from crashing into his house and demanding the truth.
— Natsuo knew you and expected this to eventually happen. after you made such a powerful entrance though he also knew there was no getting around it this time. really, it was comforting knowing you cared so deeply.
— he told you exactly what had been happening and you resisted the urge to punch him in the arm for having such a mindset. but the look in his beautiful grey eyes was so heartbreaking you threw yourself to embrace him instead. your touch was everything Natsuo had craved for for all this time.
— you skillfully assured him for the next couple of hours while keeping the talk light-hearted (he had obviously been overthinking way too much already). soon enough the issue was resolved and you had a sleepover right there to make uo for the lost time (Shoto and Fuyumi kept eavesdropping on you because y'all were being way too loud in a cute way).
— "i love you, Natsu, but if you ever keep something like this a secret from me again, i can't guarantee the safety of your arm or your front door."
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♫︎ music box
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— If I Had An Airplane by SayWeCanFly
— This December by Rick Montgomery
— Round & Laundry from Carole and Tuesday
— Haven't Had Enough by Marianas Trench
— Bowie On The Radio by Ryan McMullan
♡︎ runner up: Dabi / Touya Todoroki
thank you for requesting, hopefully you enjoyed this! i'm really pleased about matching you with Natsuo, it's just so perfect. have a lovely day and remember to take care of yourself ♡︎
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Heather Cox Richardson
My house is blissfully quiet, but my ears are still ringing.
The first presidential debate of 2020 was unlike anything we have seen before. CNN’s Jake Tapper said: "That was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck." "He was his own tweets come to life." “We’ll talk about who won the debate, who lost the debate ... One thing for sure, the American people lost.” Conservative pundit William Kristol called it “a spectacle… an embarrassment… a disgrace… because of the behavior of one man, Donald Trump. The interrupting and the bullying, the absence of both decency and dignity—those were Donald Trump’s distinctive contributions to the evening, and they gave the affair the rare and sickening character of a national humiliation.”
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
In a normal presidential debate, both candidates try to explain their policy proposals, jab at their opponent, and convince undecided voters to move in their direction. If this had been a normal presidential debate, its weight would have fallen on Trump, who is significantly behind Biden, to win voters. Biden’s goal would simply have been not to lose anyone.
If we were calling this like a normal presidential debate, Trump lost. He did not move the needle in his direction. Biden won; he did not lose anyone.
But this was not a normal presidential debate.
Trump long ago gave up the pretense that he wanted to win a majority of voters. For months now, he has made no effort to reach outside of his base. Instead he has focused on solidifying and radicalizing it. As his trade war with China and the coronavirus has weakened his support, he has given massive grants to farmers, promised checks to 33 million elderly to help pay for prescriptions, splashed transportation grants around, and recently even offered grants to lobstermen who have lost business because of the trade war.
Trump set out tonight not to convince undecided voters to support him, but rather to harden his supporters and encourage them to disrupt the election so he can contest the results until the solution goes to the Supreme Court where he hopes a majority will rule in his favor. He laid it all out tonight.
His performance was no accident. He came out determined to dominate the debate in much the same way as Fox News Channel personalities or talk radio hosts dominate their shows. He interrupted, argued, lied, and generally sucked the oxygen out of the room. He cheated, refusing to follow the rules that he had agreed to, thus demonstrating that he would not be bound by the rules everyone else had to live by. He bullied moderator Chris Wallace of the Fox News Channel into repeatedly appeasing him by saying, for example, “Mr. President you’re going to be very happy, because we’re going to talk about law and order,” and “Let me ask — sir, you’ll be happy, I’m about to pick up on one of your points to ask the vice president.” Trump was attempting to demonstrate his dominance.
He went on to echo the grievances and lies that his supporters have come to believe. Ignoring the more than 200,000 Americans dead of Covid-19, he insisted he was the victim of Democrats’ lies about the disease. When Wallace tried to rein him in, he attacked him for being unfair, although Wallace never once fact-checked Trump’s lies.
If Trump had a strategy at all that involved voters, it was to try to keep them from backing Biden. Trump kept yelling at him about “Law & Order,” as he likes to tweet, and kept trying to drive a wedge between Biden and the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party, finally saying to him: “You just lost the left.”
Trump tipped his hand, though, when Wallace asked: "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down?” Trump demanded names of such groups, and Wallace named, among others, the Proud Boys, the hate group that helped to organize the riot in Charlottesville, Virginia. After hedging, Trump finally answered: "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left." "That's my president," the head of the Proud Boys posted on the social media chair that will still host them. Within an hour the group had new shoulder patches designed with the words “Stand Back and Stand By.”
Trump called for his supporters to act as poll watchers to prevent a fraudulent vote. He is losing badly in Pennsylvania, a state he needs, and tonight he lied that Philadelphia election officials refused to permit his poll watchers to observe voting. “Bad things happen in Philadelphia,” he said, “bad things.” The truth is that seven satellite offices where voters can register and apply to vote, complete, and drop off mail in ballots opened in Philadelphia. Poll watchers are not allowed because there is no polling taking place. Trump’s calls for poll watchers are pretty clearly calls for voter intimidation.
Tonight, again, Trump refused to commit to accepting a Biden victory, saying that he could not agree to fraudulent results. He suggested the election could take months to solve, and that he “definitely” wants the Supreme Court, including his new nominee Amy Coney Barrett, to “look at the ballots.” (Democrats have said Barrett should recuse herself from any election-related cases; Republicans say that is “absurd.”)
It was a performance designed to show a strong man who is calling out his armed supporters to enable him to seize an election he cannot win freely.
But Trump performed as he did because it’s all he’s got. He has no policies, no platform, no plans that he can sell to the American people, and no attention span either to govern or to explain how he wants to govern. So his only option is to dominate. Even he knows that ploy is a desperate one. Tonight’s tell was actually in his dominance play itself: overt bullying like he displayed tonight is actually a sign of weakness and abuse, not of true power.
The bar for Biden going into this debate was low: since he is so far ahead, he simply needed not to lose votes. But he did well. First of all, he managed to retain his train of thought, which was no easy thing with Trump interrupting and lying and yelling, clearly trying to derail him and, at the very least, bring out his stutter. He put to rest Trump’s insistence that he is failing mentally.
Despite Trump, Biden also managed to explain some of his policies, too, as well as pointing out that more than 200,000 Americans have died on Trump’s watch, and that he has done the economy no favors. Under Trump, he said, America has become “weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided and more violent.”
But Biden’s strongest moments were ones Trump teed up. When Biden defended our troops from Trump’s “losers” and “suckers” comments, citing his son, Beau, who died of cancer after his service in Iraq, Trump missed the opportunity to acknowledge Biden’s loss, and instead repeatedly attacked Biden’s son Hunter, who struggled with substance abuse. Trump insisted—incorrectly—that Hunter was dishonorably discharged from the Navy (in fact, he was administratively discharged), and tried to smear him. Biden looked directly at Trump to say that Hunter had a drug addiction he is managing, and Biden is proud of him. While Biden spoke as a father defending his son, his message will resonate with the 20 million Americans who are battling addiction.
Most important, though, Biden made the debate about the country and the American people, not about Trump. While Trump listed his own grievances, Biden spoke to the camera, asking Americans what they needed, what they think. He promised that we can accomplish anything if only we work together. He urged people to ignore the chaos and vote. “Vote whatever way is the best way for you,” he said. “Because he will not be able to stop you from determining the outcome of this election.”
Biden also refused to be scared off by Trump’s threats not to honor the election results. He brushed them off, saying “I will accept it, and he will, too. You know why? Because once the winner is declared once all the ballots are counted, that’ll be the end of it.”
Heather Cox Richardson
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arraley · 4 years
Overhaul x fem!Reader Part One: Not only Heroes need attention
Welcome! Apparently you stumbled upon my very first FanFic EVER. Thank you very much for stopping by I appreciate it. As you can see, this is just Part One. This part ddoes not contain any smut... yet. In future parts there will defnitely hard smut going down but i got carried away with telling what´s going on. Please be easy on my language as english is not my mothertongue. Also for the convienience of my story Eri does basically NOT exist here. I know kinda shitty of me but I didn´t want to write strong Angst or about the child abuse. I love Overhaul though and think he is an incredible interesting villain and deserves more attention. I want to try to reflect him as good as I can and stay true to him but also be ablee to make him get a relationship with the reader at some point. So please enjoy this way too long introduction! Part Two will be started soon but will need time to come down. Constructive Criticsm would be amazing! 
fem!Reader, Blood/gore, hospital themes, Bullying, sexual offence at work ( you have a disgusting coworker), sexist behaviour, villains and heroes, moral conflicts
Art: Fanart made by me
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“It's just some smallfry villain, don´t worry about that and tend to my wounds first, I have to get back to my patrol soon, so hurry and get to your work.” the bearded man in front of you growled lowly and snapped his fingers right before your face loudly. His action made you wince for a mere second and your searching eyes found his intense stare. The heavy judgement in his dark blue eyes laid upon you, making you drop your chin, trying to avoid his gaze and rather looking at your comfy white sneakers as you started to gather the materials you needed for your work. Clamps, disinfectant spray, bandages, needle and thread, gloves for your and your patient's safety and so on. This was your everyday life and the thing you loved to do. Observing the human body and it's habits, treating sick and hurt people with everything you got no matter how desperate their situation is, tending to wounds, healing. Biology and chemistry, the way cells behave in a different environment and towards different substances, how they could change just by adding some other atoms. You chose this lifestyle early on in your life, loving to play nurse and doctor when you were a little kid. As a young child you had started reading medical texts already, looking at pictures of organs and the human body, it's in- and outside, that would disturb other children with the biggest interest, caring for other kids that hurt themselves on the playground when they fell during a play of catch without being afraid of blood. When you were a young teenager you practically devoured the knowledge in a rapid speed and soon the teachers couldn't answer your questions anymore. Skipping entire school years cause you were much more advanced than others you started asking well known Doctors difficult questions via EMail, writing to professors over the entire world just to quench your hunger for knowledge. In this period your brain might as well have been a sponge, soaking every bit of information up. Nothing could stop you from achieving your dream. And in a world filled to the brim with powers, a world ruled by villains and heroes, where everybody participated to the utmost and had their purpose, mostly well fitting to the Quirk they called their own it was not easy to stand out. 
Well, somehow you managed though and here you were. In this clean hospital room, smelling strongly like desinfectives, with a grumpy hero and a villain that was barely conscious, who had obvious bruises and bleedings, who moaned and winced in pain, leaned against a wall which would not be the same snowhite as before, now stained with red blood and dirt. Obviously the bad guy was much worse hurt, maybe even in a critical condition considering his chest was rising and lowering in an unstable pattern. Yet, your duty was to heal the hero first, who had just a small cut on his lower arm that was barely bleeding. The priority is to keep those healthy who protect lives. They come first, they are the pier that keep society stable. It was the first harsh rule that got drilled into your head when you had started out in a hospital that specialized on treating people that were involved in the mess between good and evil. Here only Heroes, Villains and civilians that were caught in those battles and got hurt in the process were treated. It was not only one of the biggest institutions of its kind, also it's reputation was the best. Actually you were honored to have a job in this hospital considering your current situation. 
Still, you could not just ignore the person in obvious pain behind you and you held back shortly before you started the first step of treatment on the hero's arm. The villain´s  labored breathing gave you a splitting headache and your fingers trembled as old memories creeped up in the back of your mind and a cold shiver ran down your spine. Slowly exhaling through your nose you locked your (E/C) eyes with the hero's eyes in front of you again. “Excuse me Sir.” you stated in a polite and soft tone, your voice sounding oddly echoey in the room “I think this person over there needs the first aid much more than you right now and I ask you to hold out a little longer, please.” With that you turned on your heel and immediately bent down to help the small man on the ground, checking his pulse and vitals. The villain had  small figure making his dirty and blood stained clothes seem slack on his body. His face being so contorted you were sure some bones were broken. Blood was running out of his nose constantly making the word concussion appear in your head right away. Though his entire body was shaking and his right arm looked awfully dislocated you carefully patted his shoulder trying to get his attention “Sir, it will be alright, I am gonna give you something against the pain and then check on your wounds, please tell me if you feel any deterioration of your current state. I need to check for internal bleeding and…” before you could continue the standard medical explanation to your patient a gigantic hand smashed brutally right next to your head against the wall. The force was so strong that the plaster fell partially off the wall and sank down like little snowflakes.
The vibration of the smash ran through all the walls of the room. In spite of the bad feeling that was rumbling in your stomach you turned your head carefully to the left, eyes travelling along the muscular arm until you could see the face of the furious hero. The dark blue eyes shined dangerously, the mustache of the man shaking along to the vibrations he had sent through the room. “A vibration quirk? Or just power enhancement?” it shot through your head before the hero opened his mouth: “How dare you little Missy? I am a hero and I just caught this villain as he tried to rob a general store. It's my right to get treated by you so I can continue saving people who obviously cannot help themselves. People that are weak… like you” he spat out the last words like venom and you could feel the heat radiating from him. Everything, his eyes, his pose, his tone was intimidating to your small figure.
Anyone else would have ducked their head and mumbled an humble apology, as the impressive hero tried to talk down to you and your unthankfulness. But you were not anyone. The older man couldn´t know that those words started an old fire that burned in your veins and neither of you would have expected that you´d glare right back at him and stating in a low but sarcastic tone:”Well, I like heroes like everyone, but only if they don´t cry about a little cut like certain people in this room and are obviously having violent tendencies. A general store you say? For that you hurt a person that much? A hero should be able to contain safety without going totally overboard, beating a person so much up. Shouldn´t you try to save villains as well and if it's just from themselves? Aren't they humans either? People that just lost their way? What do you know about this person, why he robbed this store? Do you know any of his reasons? And don´t tell me you had to break nearly every single of his bones to get him cuffed up. You just enjoyed beating him up didn't you? I am sure you did go extra hard on him after the press showed up right? Isn't that so? What a nice hero you are!” you snapped, ending your monologue pretty loudly and standing your ground in front of the hero. Shoulders were rising and falling with every heavy breath you took, fists clenched tightly, fingernails pressing into your palm until it hurt. Your legs were trembling of pure anger you felt rushing through your veins but as reality slowly settled back in for you as you looked him yet again straight in the surprised eyes, it came to you how rude you just had been, your own eyes widened and gasping loudly you put your quivering hands in front of your mouth keeping it shut tightly. Somehow you knew that you just really screwed it up. 
Just one day later your worries became reality as your supervisor, nobody less than the boss of the clinic called you to his office. When you stepped in you could already feel the air being thick and heavy as the tall man with shiny grey hair, strict facial features and orange eyes fuming in anger. Sitting straight and neatly in his expensive leather chair and his hands laying next to each other on the table you felt like a lamb going willingly into the lion's cave signing it´s own fate. Gulping heavily you sat down on the small chair in front of his massive oak desk. Pressing your legs together and throwing your ankles over one another you pressed your palms together against your stomach looking at your hands. The knuckles slowly turning white from the pressure you put onto them. You hadn't looked him in the eyes once yet, since you had entered and screwed them shut now as he slapped his hand on the tabletop in front of him loudly making you shrink together on your chair like a schoolgirl about to get scolded. Well, the situation was very similar to be honest. 
The boss was not necessarily a bad man but he ran the clinic and there was a lot of competition in Musutafu. Still he had managed to make the clinic one of the biggest ones of its kind and the reputation was great among heroes. All the bigger names, even some from the Top Ten, came there for regular check ups or after longlasting fights to get their wounds treated. Regularly the media tried to get glimpse of a hero or villains coming into the hospital. How he achieved it was clear: marketing, discipline, hard work and most importantly leading all the other doctors, who all wanted a piece of his cake, with an iron fist. That were the ingredients to his recipe of pure success. But now you had strayed from the given path and he did not take that well. 
“I took you in cause I really thought you have potential Y/N.” he began with a low tone that was laced with his anger. “It's really rich of you that you apparently try to ruin the hard earned reputation of my clinic with your childish ideas and wishes. What is the first thing I had taught you myself? Care to repeat the very first thing I taught you after giving you the internship and possibility to work as a real doctor when nobody else was interested in a quirkless healer?” Because of his harsh words you couldn´t stop the tears that started building up. Yes, it was true you were quirkless. One of the rare 20% of the world population. But why was everyone just seeing that? You are only 19 and already finished your medical degree, an upcoming doctor. In fact you had the best grades of one of the best medical schools in Japan. You had been above those that had quirks that could close fleshwounds, stimulate nerves or excite the immune system of a person. But that had not stopped you from treating people and making great advances in biology coming up with great hypotheses that could change the view on the human body despite it having a quirk or not. Yet, barely anybody paid interest in you and your abilities and your behaviour was a problem too. Too nice, too empathic, too calm, not business enough. That was what the boss had tried to always get out of you since you started one and a half year ago and this was already the second time you slipped. The first time had been a similar inconvenience where you denied treatment to a proclaimed local hero you had judged as too harsh in their behaviour towards law breakers. If you couldn't convince your boss now he would get rid of you and then it was over for you. But that also meant to betray your ideals and hopes…
“We...I-i… Heroes come first.” you gulped out and saying this turned your stomach around and made you feel sick. He hummed in appreciation of you remembering his lectures and his fingers drummed on the table. Something he would do when he was nervous or in thought. “Very right little One. Listen Y/N. I like you and your abilities. For someone in your position you do a good job. I could start preaching now about how much nonsense your view on this matter is and what consequences your disobedient behaviour can have for you but I am sure you understand your place. This is the very last time I hear of any kind of incident like this. I will let every other doctor have an eye on you. One more slip of yours and you are out, understood?” he ended coldly and waited for your response. Standing up you bowed slightly and mumbled a ´Thank You Sir´ before leaving the room in a trancelike state. Outside of his room you steadied yourself against the wall and your breath came out in shaky bits. Just now you realized how much your body was truly trembling and the tears that stained your cheek. So close. You were so close to losing your job but some lucky star prevented it. No matter what would happen now, you could not allow your feelings to get the better of you anymore.  
 It was too dangerous for your future, the future you had tried to build up so desperately. You wanted to help people so badly, good or bad but if you would continue this you had no chance to make this a reality. Tightening your shoulders and standing up straight you breathed in and out several times and tried to slow down your fast beating heart by irrationally putting your hand on your sternum rubbing the skin slightly until it was a bit reddened. 
As you didn´t want to linger around in front of your boss's office longer than necessary you walked slowly away from it, stuffing your hands in the pockets of your white doctor coat, your white sneakers squeaking a little bit on the light grey linoleum floor, while passing some of the room high windows that showed the wonderful skyline of the big city on this warm summer day. As the boss´s office was high up in the skyscraper like clinic you had an iconic overview over the metropole. The sky was colored in a beautiful bright blue, some white fluffy clouds and the sunshine rays reflected on several roofs of the city blinding the eyes of the viewer. Musutafu was full of life with hundreds of cars dashing through the streets, pedestrians rushing on the sidewalks and in between some cyclists. High above the scenery you could see a plane or helicopters flying through the sky like a bird. If you were lucky you could even see some winged heroes dash through the air like the current number two. Your eyes travelled down and you were faced with your own reflection in the glossy window. Looking at your reflection you could not really decide if you hated what you saw or were happy with it. Under your doctor's coat you wore the typical white pants and a pink shirt, indicating you were allowed to practice and take shifts on your own but were also still in training. You definitely were on the smaller side and your normally shoulder long (H/C) hair was tied together in a rather messy ponytail swinging behind your head with every motion. The roundly shaped face and soft features gave you a young and fresh look, your (E/C) eyes making you look incredibly friendly and slightly innocent behind the thick glasses you had to wear as your eyesight was ridiculously bad. Honestly it was as if mother fate decided that it was not unfair enough already that you hadn't been born like 80% of humanity´s population. Without the extra strong glasses you could barely see the outline of people and were absolutely helpless. The world was an absolute blur for your bare eyes. The thought made you blow up your cheeks a little giving your expression a cute pout. Nobody close by had a quirk that could heal your bad eyesight so far or they weren´t specified for your case in general. But it didn't matter, you just put it as another point on your to-find-a-cure-list of diseases and sickness in the world. Probably the only selfish thing you wanted to do in your life. Sighing you looked yourself in the eyes and palmed your cheek with the warmed up hand from your pocket facing your fate.
Yes, you would be a good one now and do everything as your boss told you to do, so you could achieve your goals. 
Three weeks have passed since the “talk” you and your boss had and the situation had calmed down a bit but still wasn't necessarily pleasant for you. One of the doctor´s you really hated and couldn´t respect at all had his eyes on you like a hawk from now on. He never had taken you seriously anyway, making sexual advances towards you, telling you regularly to give up and just become a nice and passive little wife as that is all that you were good for. He made you sick to the core but you could do nothing to stop him as he was the shining star of the hospital and good friends with the boss. So you decided to just eat his unnecessary comments and silently compete with him. As your abilities were clearly superior and he knew it as well as you did, you assumed that this is where his insecure behaviour and belittling of you came from.
 Because of this it was no surprise that, as you came out of the restroom after a short break in your night shift, you saw him leaning against the wall close by leisurely. His blonde hair was slickly tamed with shiny gel, his teeth were blinding white, the jawline sharp, his face and toned body like one of a greek god´s depiction. Many females in the hospital were dreaming about the pretty and charming doctor from a foreign country but you only got the bad kind of goosebumps when his striking blue eyes ogled you as if you belonged to him. You ignored his gaze blankly and tried to pass him, your head held high, but before you could he grabbed your wrist firmly and made you stop in your track. The smell of expensive aftershave surrounded you and the thick scent made you feel dizzy. Although you were normally a lovely and nice person, trying to accept everyone as they are, you could barely stand Trevor. You knew how it was to not be accepted by society and looked down at and he didn't make that situation any better for you. Unwillingly you looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, tugging your wrist back as a silent request to leave you alone. His wolfish grin only grew wider and his grab on your wrist strengthened nearly painfully. You were pretty sure you´d find a bruise the next day on the same spot. 
“Well, hello there pretty child. Still pretending to be a doctor I see? When will you finally give this up and date me? You'd make a pretty pretty little maid for me (Y/N). Why don´t you finally realize submission is a release for someone like you?” he cooed into your ear leaning uncomfortably close into your private zone. The degradation coming with his words made your blood rush into your ears and you gritted your teeth violently. You could feel your own pulse fastening rapidly and the acid in your stomach rise up from poor anger. Yes, you really tried to be accepting and you had taken a lot of bullying in your life already, let alone for being quirkless. But his words stung worse than a hornet´s bite. And yet you couldn't fight him back as you feared the consequences. Being on thin ice already it was basically impossible to do anything against him as he could doom you easily. Also it was rough for you to blow a fuse. Being loud or putting people into their place was not necessarily your strongest trait. On rare occasions you suddenly had the courage to stand up, like two weeks ago. When a patient's life was on the line it came much more natural to you to get loud and fight for one's rights.  But normally you were too timid to act on your emotions as they came creeping up on you especially if it was about your own well being. And when it came to the old feeling of being bullied by someone in a stronger position you did tend to let them do with you as they pleased, functioning as a cheap punching bag.
“Please, let go I need to return to the emergency room” you mumbled trying to loosen his grip on you and rushed away. After long nights in the E.R. lately, the punishment for your slip up, you have had barely any sleep leaving you with barely any energy left and the situation was getting to you even more than it usually would have. You felt as if you were at the verge of tears and you felt your bottom lip trembling which made Trevor break out in a cruel laughter. 
“Naw, look at you all cute and calm. I like them like that.” he marked cockily and pushed you closer to his body but before panic could settle in both of your radio message receivers beeped obnoxiously loud leading to him finally letting you go. Giving his device a little side look he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, showing his arm muscles off in the process. “See you later little birdie, duty calls!”. With that he confidently walked away leaving you behind, disgusted but also relieved nothing more happened. Supporting yourself on the wall you shook your head in disbelief of the scene that just had played out and with shaky hands you looked at your receiver. Apparently the emergency room needed you back at your spot so you breathed deeply in, stiffened your shoulders you jogged along the hallways to the emergency room. And that is when hell broke loose for you and your life. 
The E.R. consisted of a big room on the bottom floor of the building with a comfy waiting area for the patients that weren't as badly injured and close family members that had brought them there. As the sofas were made out of brown leather with big pillows to support ones back and smaller birchwood tables with the newest magazines about fashion, health and heroes in front of them it gave the room a kind of living room atmosphere with a speck of green in form of some plants in the corners of the room. There were several smaller examination rooms, all equipped with the highest quality and newest technological devices to guarantee the best care for patients. It didn't matter how severe the cases were, that were delivered by the ambulance into the emergency room, the quick and precise work everyone did here, nurses as well as doctors was evident due to  the high survival rate of critical conditions. Even on days with a high visitor frequency there was a certain organization and tidiness required and present in the ambulance. That's why the current state of the normally busy but organized area confused you even more. 
There was a gigantic mess in the emergency room which was quite fascinating for the fact that it was four a.m. in the early morning. Even in this big and lively city most people were asleep by now but apparently that hadn't stopped these people from making a chaos out of the clinic's E.R. in a short matter of time. Still standing in the entrance you looked with big eyes at the scenario that unfolded in front of you:
The five nurses were cowering in the back of the ambulance in a cluster of people with clear confusion and a hint of fear in their eyes. Two of them even supported each other, clearly unsure of what was happening or how to behave right now. In the middle of the E.R. Trevor was standing, his hands on his hips and a condescending look on his face. Everywhere around him and the nurses were papers flattering around or laying on the ground, most of them being sheets patients had to answer about personal data, allergies, insurances and so on. Your eyes followed the direction in which Trevor was looking at and the first thing you realized was the dark red color splattered across the mint green tile floor which reflected the blinding light of the ceiling, which led from the entrance area to the middle of the room. As you tilted your head the metallic smell of copper hit your sensitive nostrils and you realized with your tired brain that you were looking at blood. A lot of blood. Following the puddles of the red liquid with your eyes you saw three pairs of shoes standing in the biggest puddle yet and you raised your eyes up the legs of three men that dominated the ambulance with their presence. As you saw them your eyes widened even more than before. Calling their outfits and behaviour suspicious would have been an understatement. Normally you wouldn't easily judge people but everything about them screamed villain. 
The man standing in their middle, who seemed heavily injured was very tall and had an immensely toned body. Everything about this male seemed to be hard muscles. He easily was several heads taller than you and his hands looked as if he could crush heads like juicy watermelons. Though his hands were covered by sturdy metallic gauntlets, held together by some thick leather stripes, his outfit itself was quite unspectacular besides that, the only thing that really was outstanding next to his black combat trousers, boots and the sky blue button-up shirt that was hanging loosely around his hips as it was tucked into his pants was his former white Polo Shirt which was drained in dark liquid, more blood, you assumed. There was barely a white speck left on the shirt and it seemed like there was still more blood flowing with each second that passed by. You frowned when you realized that his face was hidden behind a full-covering black mask, which kinda reminded you of a killer whale with a bird´s beak, that allowed his wild and messy orange-red hair to stick out in the back. His head was hanging low and his breathing labored but he still mumbled some incoherent words which you weren't able to understand from this distance. 
The wild looking man was being held upright by two other, smaller men flanking his left and right, each one having one of his arms around his shoulders to support him and his shaky legs. As the one to the left was quite smaller than him, his outfit seemed a bit more interesting. The traditional looking dark grey yukata which was held together by a white cloth that was functioning like a belt and his simple light brown leather boots seemed a bit outdated which was fitting though to his calm facial expression you could make out as he was wearing a mask as well, but in comparison to his other two companions did not cover up his eyes. Three dark brown stripes that were going around the sides of his head and were covering his ears as well as one that went in between his eyebrows into his spikey blonde hair held his bird beak like mask in place. The mask itself was a simple dark brown leather and the beak was bent towards the ground slightly. Sadly you couldn't make out his eyes as he seemingly kept them close giving him a look as if he was meditating.
To the injured man´s right stood a man or woman in a long white trench coat and sturdy black leather boots peeking out underneath it. The inside of the hood was a wine red which strangely complimented the full face covering mask the person was wearing. The mask itself consisted of a dark brown leather beak which was framed by a golden metal and where you assumed their eyes to be were some outstanding black goggles. 
The two supporters were panting heavily, most likely as they mostly had to carry their big friend as he was barely able to stand himself let alone walk. You shook your head in disbelief. If they really were villains they were the first ones that had the guts to actually enter this hospital. Normally villains that came here were accompanied by the heroes who beat them in a fight and let them patch up here before bringing them to the police or the prison. It was unheard of villains coming into the hospital and the rules said that villains coming in alone should be reported straight away for the safety of the personnel and heroes that were in treatment and not strong enough to do anything against a villain attack. But this hasn't occured in all the time you worked here nor in the history of the hospital. Taking some steps forward so you stood next to Trevor you asked:” What's going on in here?” your voice sounding much more curious than scared. One of the nurses took a step forward and exclaimed:” These people are here cause they want medical attention but they seemed sketchy so we asked Mr. Hendersson to help us” and gave your least favourite person in the room a shy smile, who didn't even give her any attention. Frowning you turned to her and let out an annoyed sigh. For these nights you were the executive doctor for the E.R. and not Trevor and the nurses knew this. Most of them worked with you and accepted you but they did not respect you so it was obvious why they had called your nemesis in though he shouldn't have a say in this. 
“And I just asked these thugs to leave our hospital. They are dirtying the floor and pollute the air with their villainous presence” Trevor spat out aggressively and crossing his arms in front of his chest staring at the three men with a raised eyebrow. The hooded figure raised his head:”This is a hospital isn't it? We aren´t belonging to some lowlife villains so don´t worry about that. Just start some treatment our friend here has taken some beating and requires medical help. We will reward you of course” a male voice which was calm but slightly laced with exhaustion probably due to carrying the bigger male. Looking at the three men you tried to assess the situation quickly. With how much and how rapidly the man was losing blood you were sure he wouldn't be able to walk out of here and get somewhere else to get a proper treatment. Even though he was constantly mumbling something and trying to move around and stand straight his head plopped down from time to time onto his chest. Following your instinct you licked your lips and approached the suspicious trio. “I will help your friend, just bring him to examination room two and put him on his back onto the examination table.” The hooded figure gave you a short and what you assumed to be thoughtful look before he nodded shortly and started dragging his friend along before Trevor stood in their way. 
“One moment! You won't do that (Y/N). Are you out of your mind? We aren't helping some rats from the street. Just look at them.” He turned swiftly towards you and glared at you but as soon as he saw your determined face a small smile played around his features. Like a predator he came towards you and leaned down to your ear so only you could hear him which made your entire body go stiff:”Don't tell me you plan to go against the hospital rules...again. Seriously you really are only a pretty face and no brain are you? You do realize that I will tell the boss everything about this right? As soon as you go in there with these guys I will give him a call and tell him how little quirkless you is willingly treating some thugs in his precious little hospital. How you went against my word…” His big hand came up and layed heavy on your shoulder gripping it tightly under your coat and shoving you forcefully even a bit closer to him. “You will be fired (Y/N) and then what? I will ruin your reputation. I will tell everyone how bad you are. Heh, though maybe thats only good for you and I can give you some money to finally get you into my bed cause that's the only thing you will be good for then.” His warm breath washed over your ear and you let his words sink in. If you were by any means selfish you would call the police right now, tell them to leave and let this guy bleed out. You would continue your career and then what? Live with the shame to not have done what you believe in. Just working for the fame of being a good little doctor in a well known clinic. Just for the price of blowing all your morals into the wind…
Snap. Like a red thread under too much tension
The next thing you knew was how Trevor stumbled backwards holding his face and yelling out in surprise. One of the nurses screamed in terror but was fastly shushed by one of her colleagues who feared that attention could be drawn to them but you barely paid them any mind. Blood was flooding out of the doctor´s nose like a cascade and you watched in awe how his normally beautiful shaped face was crunched together in pain and covered in red. You looked down at your fist which was now bruised and covered in red stains as well. You arm was trembling and your breathing was going uneven, your heartbeat going several miles per hour. The thoughts ran like a wildfire through your brain. Yes, you had just punched your superior. Closing your eyes you tried to steady yourself. Apparently you had chosen your morals over your job. Now you could go all the way till the bitter end. The trembling in your limbs stopped and you looked at Trevor with a stern face. Both of your eyes met and he halted in his movement just staring back and for the first time you felt something like an ascendent feeling towards the normally superior male. “I will go and treat my patients now” you exclaimed with a soft voice stepped forward to the examination room nodding to the hooded male, who had watched the scene unfold in front of him and his friends, motioning him to come along. You held the door open for him and the others and closed it behind them. While the two heaved the big one onto the examination table you washed Trevors blood of your hands, dried them and put on gloves. Taking a deep breath you put on a professional face and turned swiftly around to them, coming over to the table and start several electrical devices, like a heart rate monitor which you would need during the examination and connected your patient to them. His vital function were stable but barely so. His heart rate was a bit to high but all in all he wasn't in a as worrisome state as you originally thought. His body was tone, he was in a great shape so he could take the blood loss, it probably just had made him dizzy but if you treated the wound fast enough he wouldn't need a transfusion of blood. Carefully you lifted his shirt and frowned at the big wound obviously caused by a sharp object. Carefully cleaning around the wound you quickly observed that the wound would need several stitches which would definitely leave a scar. Speaking softly to your patient you explained the situation and what was about to happen to him but he seemed to struggle slipping in and out of consciousness trying to talk. Regarding your caring nature you didn't want to ignore him so you leaned closer to his ear:”Excuse me Sir what?”. Just in that moment he jerked up, snatching your arm. Eyes widening in shock you gasped in pain as his grip had a bone breaking energy behind it for a man that was barely conscious. “Fight Me!” he yelled out before coughing violently. His two friends said both clearly annoyed to let you go and stepped forward to help you loosen his death grip on you but you just motioned them with your other hand to stop and with apparent confusion in their face. Valuing his behaviour and statement real quick and considering his outfit, the gauntlets on his arm and his strong body you were sure you had it do do with a man that never goes down, fighting till the last, which was what you had to play against him. You faced your violent patient and leaned towards his gigantic masked figure:”If you don´t let go right now there will never be an opportunity to fight ever again. You want to go like this? A pathetic stab wound? Not going down in a literal fight but because of the aftermath? Let me help you fight again… please.” 
Even though you concentrated your eyes on the giant man in front of you, you could feel the gaze of the other men in the room upon you and the air felt heavy enough to make you lick your lips.Very slowly the warm and giant hand of the man slipped down your arm and he kept calm. If it was because he lost conscious again it wasn't being able to be seen in his body language or his vital signs. You swallowed down the saliva that had built up in your mouth, got the sterilized needle and threat as well as the disinfectant spray and started working on the wound. Except the moving of his abs nothing indicated the pain he must have felt while you were giving him his stitches. The examination room was quite while you worked quickly and in the end covering the freshly treated wound with big band aid that covered the entire thing. Exhaling the air out of your lungs shakily and got rid of your blood stained gloves, washing your fingers under the cold stream of water at the little sink. Behind you one of the men cleared his throat so you turned around to him looking at the hooded man. His mask did not allow you to see his eyes which highly started to get on your nerves a little bit and just started talking before he could say anything:” He is okay but will need rest. After that  little incident I assume you will have to bind him to his bed or something along those lines to make him rest. So do it. The band aid covering the wound needs to be changed daily, at least. Be careful or it will infect and that would be very dangerous, okay?” you explained in your most professional tone. The hooded man just cocked his head slightly and nodded:”We will be on our way now before things get ugly here.” and you nodded in agreement frantically. Dark thoughts washed over you though. You should probably pack your things as well. Turning the door handle of the examination room you swung it open just to be washed over by a smell of a strong, expensive smelling cologne and you were faced with something metallic appeared right in front of your face which made you stop in your motion immediately. Your widened eyes followed the metallic piece in front of you upwards until you looked at a pair of amber colored eyes paired with long lashes which stared right back at you in a hypnotic matter. Calling you startled at this point was a massive underestimation. Taking a sharp breath the smell washed even stronger over you and made you feel dizzy. It was different from Trevor´s disgusting odor. This was a masculine and strong smell with a dark note, which made you crave for more as it was dominating your senses. Flattering your lashes you shook your head to clear your thoughts and you swallowed heavily. This was paired with a heat that emanated from its source towards you. 
“Excuse me, Doctor.” Shaking your head slightly you pressed your eyelids together and looked down trying to collect your thoughts. This man's voice was deep and elegant coming over you like a relaxing wave shaking you up to your inner core. Carefully raising your head you allow yourself to take his look in. 
His short and umber colored hair looked thick and well taken care of, shining in the bright hospital lights. The skin of this man was light like ash wood and absolutely clean of any impurities. As you had discovered before his eyes were framed by beautiful long lashes, topped with sharply arched eyebrows and his iris was of a full golden color even though you realized that his eyes held something cold and calculating in them. Sadly you couldn't see the bottom of his face because it was covered by a deep black medical face mask fitting the black button up shirt paired up with the white tie and black slacks he wore which ended right above his ankles. The feet were covered by some simple white sneakers which were remarkably clean. You realized the gloves on his hands which were similar to the surgeon gloves you wore here all the time. 
Not sure how much time had passed since you had started taking his appearance in your cheeks flushed and you cleared your throat in embarrassment as you realized his raised eyebrow and the condescending look he gave you. “Yes, how can I help you?”. Was your voice always this raspy? Looking over your head he frowned for a short moment and it wasn't a look on his face you really would ever want on you. 
“I believe my men have lost themselves here. The nurses informed me that you took care of them Miss (Y/L/N). I am here to pick them up and excuse the inconveniences they may have caused you.” Again. This incredible soothing voice. Slowly you nodded your head just to then frantically shake it. “No. No they… it was just unexpected. Ehm, I mean my boss probably isn't happy but it's okay I will find a solution I wouldn't just let your men down because they are v-... They are… ehm… They came here under special circumstances.” You ended your sentence after a lot of stutters and shakiness. He hummed as a response and considered you with another intense stare. Both of your eyes locked and you didn't back down even though it was intimidating to you and you felt the blood rush into your cheeks rapidly as well as your heart beat faster. “Let's go then.” he declared darkly and turned around to leave the hospital, his men squeezing past you, both of the healthy men supporting the patient and about to leave as they came. Staring after them you meekly stumbled into the main hall of the emergency room close after them but before you could say anything two other persons blocked the path to the outside of the hospital. You passed the group of four men and stood in front of them. Your boss and Trevor stood there, Trevor with a smug grin plastered on his face and your boss with a facade of pure anger. They didn't say anything. There was nothing that was needed to be said except the one word your boss said with so much venom in his voice that your entire body tensed up. “Out!”. 
Even though you had expected this after making your choice you didn't expect it to hurt so much. Just nodding you took off the doctor's coat you wore which belonged to the hospital and laid it down on the register counter then hurrying out of the emergency room. 
Once outside you breathed in the cold night air and let it fill your lungs. Your entire body was shaking and you didn't even realize that tears were slowly forming in your eyes. You had taken the risk and lost your job. It was a game over for you. Was it really worth it? Standing up for your morals to help some criminals? Wrapping your arms around your small figure you just stood there processing what had happened just now not hearing the footsteps closing up on you. “My men have told me what happened. Thanks for taking care of the situation. Can we help you out in any kind for the cooperation you helped us with?” The dark but stoic voice resonated behind you making you turn around on your heel with a small shriek looking at the tall man like a mouse looking at a cat. Your breast was heaving and your pulse was running several miles per hour. After recovering from your shock you took a step back from him, frowning:” Why would you give me anything? I am… I was a doctor. It is my job to help people.” you stated questioning. He blinked slowly while observing your face and he raising his hands with the palms to the heaven up in an opening and innocent motion. With a sigh he simply said:” In my business one hand washes the other. And I definitely don't like to owe someone anything. So I rather get this out of the way now than having to deal with it later.”. 
You nodded in agreement and looked down shyly. “I made it my job to help people whose life is on the line. Your friend was heavily injured and looked for help. My boss´ policy didn't go along with mine so this separation would have happened at some point anyway. I did not study medicine intensely to only care about the wellbeing of some heroes who think they can conquer the world.” Your last words came out much more bitter than you originally intended them to be and your eyes widened and you slapped your hands across your mouth. Not being able to help yourself you broke out in a nervous giggle and you looked at him in shock. “Just forget what I said. I am rambling. Just blurting out some things. I hope you have a good life and your friend will be well. Take good care.” you blurted out and turned around nearly running away through the dark city towards your apartment without looking back at the mysterious man. 
He just stood there for another moment looking after you with the same stoic expression. “Chrono.” he said with a stern tone feeling the presence of his right hand man right behind him. By now, him and Tengai should have loaded the hurt Rappa into the car he came with here. “Yes, Overhaul.” Chrono said calmly right next to him. The cold air of the upcoming colder season washed over the two men who were still standing on the sidewalk close to the hospital's emergency entrance. “First of all you will need to explain to me this disaster of tonight´s mission. Whoever is responsible for this better have a good excuse that I had to come through this pest filled town in the middle of the night. Second of all, you said this doctor is quirkless?” he asked his old childhood friend looking at him from the side. Chrono nodded:” Yes, I overheard it in that conversation she had with that other doctor who wanted to throw us out.”. 
Overhaul hummed and his golden eyes looked down the street where you had disappeared to. “Find out everything about her. She might be of use for our cause” he ordered Chrono who bowed slightly, following him into the car to drive back to the base. 
Your life would soon take a turn you had never expected.                
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thelittlehansy · 4 years
Hans : when the Empath turn Bad ?
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A little recap of post i make on my blog : 😁
1-How i think Hans is not a narcissist
2-How the king of the southern isles is one after reading the tropes on tv tropes.
3-Hans family works like a real life Narcissist Family and the tool used.
4-The sign of narcisisct father / son relationship and how many sign the princes of the southern isles show ?
5-What is narcissist abuse generally
6-How many sign of narcisisct abuse can we catch on the " A Frozen heart"
So basically this is what we learn in "A Frozen Heart" if we study how Hans family works :
1- Hans has a Ndad
2-since he is kid he is submit to narcissist abuse with his brothers.
3- Hans at 20 years old is view as sensitive weak a little mice by his brothers he have a different reaction that his brothers to the abuse he got throught dont like to fight back.
4-he hates violence despise it , is someone diplomat and had always tried to find a peaceful solution to problem with his father and brothers.
5- for the sake of affection love and respect he buy into his father morality and abandon his own and began to act more like them. A decision he makes i think when lars propose him to go in Arendelle.
6- he is someone who is dealing with trauma and has life all his live in hyperviligence.
How empath are made 4 reasons :
Source : psychology today
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10 traits of empath :
1. Empaths are highly sensitive
Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually open, and good listeners. If you want heart, empaths have got it. Through thick and thin, they’re there for you, world-class nurturers. But they can easily have their feelings hurt. Empaths are often told that they are “too sensitive” and need to toughen up.
Hans is a good listening the last two sentences is the reasons why Hans is bully in the book.
2. Empaths absorb other people’s emotions
Empaths are highly attuned to other people’s moods, good and bad. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme. They take on negativity such as anger or anxiety which is exhausting. If they are around peace and love, their bodies take these on and flourish.
We dont know but yeah it is what i was talking when i said empath mirror too.
3. Many empaths are introverted
Empaths become overwhelmed in crowds, which can amplify their empathy. They tend to be introverted and prefer one to one contact or small groups. Even if an empath is more extroverted they prefer limiting how much time they can be in a crowd or at a party.
Hans is an extroverted Thats Hans at the start of the book After leaving the party of his mom he go at the Dock to have his time alone that he said he wants so much. But then who would not with his bully brothers 😂
Also i m sorry i know this was not mean to be something but Hans did leave the party full of people prefering getting to know Anna better in place with no people 😂 its so fun how you can look at stuff in some way that where never mean to be take in that way. On the book we discovered this is his initiative he propose Anna to go see the garden 😁
4. Empaths are highly intuitive
Empaths experience the world through their intuition. It is important for them to develop their intuition and listen to their gut feelings about people. This will help empaths find positive relationships and avoid energy vampires. Read Five Steps to Develop Your Intuition to learn more.
Hans is ENFJ he works with his intuition on the book he did say that he was going with intuition and i think how he suceeded keep his plan all along prove that he can be very intuitive
5. Empaths need alone time
As super-responders, being around people can drain an empath so they periodically need alone time to recharge their batteries. Even a brief escape prevents emotionally overload. Empaths like to take their own cars when they go places so they can leave when they please.
A frozen heart told hans like to go at the Dock he like having moment for himself and only thinking. Something that his brothers dont do busy to admired themselve in the mirror of the castle 😄
6. Empaths can become overwhelmed in intimate relationships
Too much togetherness can be difficult for an empath so they may avoid intimate relationships. Deep down they are afraid of being engulfed and losing their identity. For empaths to be at ease in a relationship, the traditional paradigm for being a couple must be re-defined.
Dont know but well intimidate relationship dont seems to be his stuff.
7. Empaths are targets for energy vampires
An empath’s sensitivity makes them particularly easy marks for energy vampires, whose fear or rage can sap their energy and peace of mind. Vampires do more than drain an empath’s physical energy. The especially dangerous ones such as narcissists (they lack empathy and are only concerned with themselves) can make them believe they’re unworthy and unlovable. Other vampires include The Victim, The Chronic Talker, The Drama Queen and more.
Yes ! Hans is the victim and target of his father and his brothers so i think we got that one too. Mention also that Hans dad has succeded into making him beleive he is worthless and a disappointment.
8. Empaths become replenished in nature
The busyness of ever day life can be too much for an empath. The natural world nourishes and restores them. It helps them to release their burdens and they take refuge in the presence of green wild things, the ocean or other bodies of water.
Hans love going at the Dock when he need time close from the sea (reveal on a frozen heart )
9. Empaths have highly tuned senses
An empath’s nerves can get frayed by noise, smells, or excessive talking.
Dont know !
10. Empaths have huge hearts but sometimes give too much
Empaths are big-hearted people and try to relieve the pain of others. A homeless person holding a cardboard sign, “I’m hungry” at a busy intersection; a hurt child; a distraught friend. It’s natural to want to reach out to them, ease their pain. But empaths don’t stop there. Instead, they take it on. Suddenly they’re the one feeling drained or upset when they felt fine before
Well thats dont seems like Hans 😄but let give him the credit to wanted to help people. Like being the 13 sons and not be able to help seems to be a big deal for him and he really didnt like doing this stuff for his father in the book.
Also :
- he is really good with emotions
- he is a good listener
- Dont be the monster they fear you are its like he knows how she feel inside same for Anna its like he feel her loneliness that could explain how easy it was for him to seduce Anna.
- he know very well how to read people we saw that on the movie confirm on the book. Hans know if he cant trust poeple ( duke men) and when poeple are lying ( dungeon scene with elsa on the book)
He does have traits empath have and that could even explain some of his actions.
Here is also an another post i made in my obsession of Hans analysis 😁
How many of this more than 30 traits Hans shares with empath.
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onetwistedmiracle · 4 years
Heather Cox Richardson September 29, 2020 (Tuesday) My house is blissfully quiet, but my ears are still ringing. The first presidential debate of 2020 was unlike anything we have seen before. CNN’s Jake Tapper said: "That was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck." "He was his own tweets come to life." “We’ll talk about who won the debate, who lost the debate ... One thing for sure, the American people lost.” Conservative pundit William Kristol called it “a spectacle… an embarrassment… a disgrace… because of the behavior of one man, Donald Trump. The interrupting and the bullying, the absence of both decency and dignity—those were Donald Trump’s distinctive contributions to the evening, and they gave the affair the rare and sickening character of a national humiliation.” Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? In a normal presidential debate, both candidates try to explain their policy proposals, jab at their opponent, and convince undecided voters to move in their direction. If this had been a normal presidential debate, its weight would have fallen on Trump, who is significantly behind Biden, to win voters. Biden’s goal would simply have been not to lose anyone. If we were calling this like a normal presidential debate, Trump lost. He did not move the needle in his direction. Biden won; he did not lose anyone. But this was not a normal presidential debate. Trump long ago gave up the pretense that he wanted to win a majority of voters. For months now, he has made no effort to reach outside of his base. Instead he has focused on solidifying and radicalizing it. As his trade war with China and the coronavirus has weakened his support, he has given massive grants to farmers, promised checks to 33 million elderly to help pay for prescriptions, splashed transportation grants around, and recently even offered grants to lobstermen who have lost business because of the trade war. Trump set out tonight not to convince undecided voters to support him, but rather to harden his supporters and encourage them to disrupt the election so he can contest the results until the solution goes to the Supreme Court where he hopes a majority will rule in his favor. He laid it all out tonight. His performance was no accident. He came out determined to dominate the debate in much the same way as Fox News Channel personalities or talk radio hosts dominate their shows. He interrupted, argued, lied, and generally sucked the oxygen out of the room. He cheated, refusing to follow the rules that he had agreed to, thus demonstrating that he would not be bound by the rules everyone else had to live by. He bullied moderator Chris Wallace of the Fox News Channel into repeatedly appeasing him by saying, for example, “Mr. President you’re going to be very happy, because we’re going to talk about law and order,” and “Let me ask — sir, you’ll be happy, I’m about to pick up on one of your points to ask the vice president.” Trump was attempting to demonstrate his dominance. He went on to echo the grievances and lies that his supporters have come to believe. Ignoring the more than 200,000 Americans dead of Covid-19, he insisted he was the victim of Democrats' lies about the disease. When Wallace tried to rein him in, he attacked him for being unfair, although Wallace never once fact-checked Trump’s lies. If Trump had a strategy at all that involved voters, it was to try to keep them from backing Biden. Trump kept yelling at him about “Law & Order,” as he likes to tweet, and kept trying to drive a wedge between Biden and the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party, finally saying to him: “You just lost the left.” Trump tipped his hand, though, when Wallace asked: "Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down?” Trump demanded names of such groups, and Wallace named, among others, the Proud Boys, the hate group that helped to organize the riot in Charlottesville, Virginia. After hedging, Trump finally answered: "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left." "That's my president," the head of the Proud Boys posted on the social media chair that will still host them. Within an hour the group had new shoulder patches designed with the words “Stand Back and Stand By.” Trump called for his supporters to act as poll watchers to prevent a fraudulent vote. He is losing badly in Pennsylvania, a state he needs, and tonight he lied that Philadelphia election officials refused to permit his poll watchers to observe voting. “Bad things happen in Philadelphia,” he said, “bad things.” The truth is that seven satellite offices where voters can register and apply to vote, complete, and drop off mail in ballots opened in Philadelphia. Poll watchers are not allowed because there is no polling taking place. Trump’s calls for poll watchers are pretty clearly calls for voter intimidation. Tonight, again, Trump refused to commit to accepting a Biden victory, saying that he could not agree to fraudulent results. He suggested the election could take months to solve, and that he “definitely” wants the Supreme Court, including his new nominee Amy Coney Barrett, to “look at the ballots.” (Democrats have said Barrett should recuse herself from any election-related cases; Republicans say that is “absurd.”) It was a performance designed to show a strong man who is calling out his armed supporters to enable him to seize an election he cannot win freely. But Trump performed as he did because it’s all he’s got. He has no policies, no platform, no plans that he can sell to the American people, and no attention span either to govern or to explain how he wants to govern. So his only option is to dominate. Even he knows that ploy is a desperate one. Tonight’s tell was actually in his dominance play itself: overt bullying like he displayed tonight is actually a sign of weakness and abuse, not of true power. The bar for Biden going into this debate was low: since he is so far ahead, he simply needed not to lose votes. But he did well. First of all, he managed to retain his train of thought, which was no easy thing with Trump interrupting and lying and yelling, clearly trying to derail him and, at the very least, bring out his stutter. He put to rest Trump’s insistence that he is failing mentally. Despite Trump, Biden also managed to explain some of his policies, too, as well as pointing out that more than 200,000 Americans have died on Trump’s watch, and that he has done the economy no favors. Under Trump, he said, America has become “weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided and more violent.” But Biden’s strongest moments were ones Trump teed up. When Biden defended our troops from Trump’s “losers” and “suckers” comments, citing his son, Beau, who died of cancer after his service in Iraq, Trump missed the opportunity to acknowledge Biden’s loss, and instead repeatedly attacked Biden’s son Hunter, who struggled with substance abuse. Trump insisted—incorrectly—that Hunter was dishonorably discharged from the Navy (in fact, he was administratively discharged), and tried to smear him. Biden looked directly at Trump to say that Hunter had a drug addiction he is managing, and Biden is proud of him. While Biden spoke as a father defending his son, his message will resonate with the 20 million Americans who are battling addiction. Most important, though, Biden made the debate about the country and the American people, not about Trump. While Trump listed his own grievances, Biden spoke to the camera, asking Americans what they needed, what they think. He promised that we can accomplish anything if only we work together. He urged people to ignore the chaos and vote. “Vote whatever way is the best way for you,” he said. “Because he will not be able to stop you from determining the outcome of this election.” Biden also refused to be scared off by Trump’s threats not to honor the election results. He brushed them off, saying “I will accept it, and he will, too. You know why? Because once the winner is declared once all the ballots are counted, that’ll be the end of it.”
Heather Cox Richardson‘s facebook page
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I Am You: Chapter 3
Pairing: OC x Bang Chan x Han Jisung x Seo Changbin
Genre: Romantic Fantasy
Warnings: Smut, some mentions of blood and gore
Previous Chapters: (chapter 1), (chapter 2)
Note: Just to clarify, in the scene where Myah and Changbin are both wolves, they use a special mind link to speak to one another. All pack members can communicate while they are wolves. However, mates can speak to one another no matter what form their partner happens to be in. This is how human Changbin is able to communicate with wolf Myah.
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“Have you seen Changbin?” I asked Felix, watching the younger alpha absent-mindedly skin the deer laid out on the table in front of us.
“I think he’s hunting,” Felix replied, frowning as he let out a disgusted sound. “It would be nice if he could skin his own kill every once in a while.”
“He’s always hunting,” I huffed in frustration.
Felix shrugged, “He’s probably not far out. He just left like fifteen minutes ago. You can probably catch up to him if you need something.”
I immediately heeded Felix’s suggestion, shifting forms carefully, as it had certainly been a while since I last allowed my wolf to takeover. However, I knew it would be much easier to catch up to Changbin with a better nose, relying purely on smell to find my tsundere mate. And I picked up on his trail fast, following his scent slowly while I still felt unsteady on the four legs replacing my usual two. I really needed to run more with Jisung when he offered. It was almost embarrassing how out-of-touch I felt with my hyper-active wolf, especially after experiencing yet another clumsy fall along the mountain rocks. 
I was fully committed to shifting every day.
Thankfully, I found Changbin quickly, distracted by the small doe grazing a hundred yards or so away. I waited patiently, making sure my scent was down-wind so that he couldn’t possibly blame me if he missed this kill. But Changbin was the pack’s best hunter, and he tracked down the unsuspecting creature with startling astuteness. 
It was as he was dragging the doe back down the cliffside that he spotted me. His dark brown wolf let out a grumpy growl as he walked over to where I waited. He let the prey fall from his mouth, regarding me with a look that I could only describe as reprimanding. 
I heard his voice speak clearly through our mind-link. “You shouldn’t be out here.”
I refused to back down. “You’re always hunting these days. How else was I supposed to talk to you?”
Changbin’s wolf was imposing as he stood over me. He was bigger than most wolves, and he exuded power and dominance. “Go back to camp.”
I watched as he leaned back down to pick up the doe. “Will you talk to me tonight?”
“I’m hunting late.”
I let out a sharp bark, racing ahead to block his path. “Why are you ignoring me?”
“Don’t act like this, Myah.” 
“I don’t understand why you can’t talk to me. Are you really going to punish me for something I already forgave you for?”
He bullied his way past me. “It’s dangerous up here. Now go home.”
Stung by his disregard, I obeyed his order, starting back down the path with much less spring than I had before. I glanced back over my shoulder at the big alpha, wondering if Changbin knew how much he was hurting me. 
But distractions were never a good thing on the mountain, and I heard the switch before I felt its claws. Unfortunately, I had failed to keep an eye on the path in front of me, as Changbin had constantly warned me about, but that didn’t make it any less shocking. Which is probably why, at first, the pain from the trap didn’t register over my surprise. But then I felt it deeply when I saw the blood. I let out a pained howl, instinctively trying to pry my leg away from the source of my pain. It only worsened the situation, the sharp edges digging brutally into my flesh. 
“Don’t move!”
I heard his command before I could scent him, but Changbin was suddenly there, burying his head into the side of my neck, releasing soothing alpha pheromones even as the pain grew to an unbearable level. I fell to the ground, craning my neck around to look at my mangled leg, bits of flesh and blood amidst the silver trap. I saw fingers next, faintly realizing Changbin had shifted to his human form, working at the trap.
Then I heard the mountain lion’s growl.
“I think Channie hates me,” I complained to Jisung, watching the alpha move about his room, a towel wrapped messily around his waist.
“Chan doesn’t hate you,” Jisung chided gently, digging for a pair of sweatpants out of his closet. 
“What did I do?” I asked, ignoring Jisung as I rolled onto my back, looking up at the ceiling.
“Chan’s just stressed,” Jisung said. “He’s got a lot of decisions to make.”
“Mating shouldn’t be a difficult decision,” I muttered because it was true. In fact, mating should be easy with the person you love.
“Don’t be impatient,” Jisung said, suddenly appearing above me. “Chan always thinks about everything too much, you know how he is.”
“It shouldn’t require any thinking,” I said, letting out a whine of protest when Jisung moved onto the bed, crowding me into the mattress. I broke off only when I was wrapped in Jisung’s arms, secure against his strong chest. His vanilla scent surrounded me, and I could tell he was releasing calming pheromones, which I appreciated.
“Everything will work out in time,” Jisung whispered, pressing a tender kiss to the side of my temple.
“Changbin!” I cried out through the bond, watching the mountain lion creep closer, likely smelling my blood in the air.
Changbin managed to open the trap and I whined as I pulled my leg free. “Can you shift?” he asked me, but I was in too much pain to concentrate so I shook my head, desperately trying to push myself onto all four legs, but collapsing back down each time. The mountain lion growled, haunches raised in an attack position. Changbin shifted back easily, his intimidating wolf forcing the lion to briefly reconsider its plan. “Don’t worry,” Changbin said, using the mind link to offer me calming reassurances.
I threw back my head to howl, hoping our other packmates could hear the call. Unfortunately, it also prompted the lion into action and it launched itself at Changbin. I watched in horror as it wrestled Changbin to his back, exposing his soft underbelly and tender throat. The sound of its claws slashing through fur and flesh was revolting and my stomach churned dangerously. Changbin fought back, using his hind legs to push the lion off, reclaiming an upright position before chasing after the lion, nipping at its weaker tendons. The lion stumbled on the loose rocks and Changbin brought it down, tearing into whatever flesh his teeth could sink into.
I looked away from the gruesome scene, calling out for Chan and Jisung through the mating bond, but they were probably too far away to hear my pleas. Instead, I let my wolf take control, and she slowly started limping us over to the coverage of the bushes, hoping to disguise the scent of our blood. However, the lion did not like her decision, losing sight of its easy prey. He managed to throw Changbin off, and I winced as his body crashed into the side of the rocks. I tried to throw myself forward but let out a pained yelp when I felt the lion’s teeth dig into my leg, pulling me away from my destination. 
I whined loudly, panting hard against wave after wave of pain, my flesh wound reopened by the lion’s unforgiving teeth. We started down the slope and I knew I was going to die. The lion would easily drag me somewhere it was familiar with, ripping into my throat before using my carcass as its meal for the next several days. I was poisoned with fear, watching my life slowly drain out onto the rocks around me.
But Changbin hadn’t given up, and the lion was unprepared for Changbin to attack again. My mate managed to wrestle the lion into a precarious position of weakness, immediately going for its throat and locking his teeth around its pulse point. I faintly observed Changbin pulling back with a large chunk of flesh between his teeth, my vision swimming in and out of focus. I did register Changbin’s dark scent, and his familiar voice trying to reach out to me, even as the blackness finally claimed me.
I knew Chan was going to break up with me. 
I could tell by his posture, by the distinct way he was hunched in on himself, doing no favors to his taller height. He was also unusually quiet, taking me by the hand to lead me to the meadow where we always played together as children. The one his mother had taken us to for the very first time when we were barely five years old. It was a special place full of meaning and Chan knew how important it was to me, how I always felt calmer when I was surrounded by the familiar daffodils.
He wanted me to be comfortable because the news he was going to deliver would likely break my heart. This was all I could think about when Chan finally turned around to face me, eyes distant and sorrowful. “Myah,” he said my name, and my heart reached out to him. “Do you love Jisung and Changbin?”
I was thrown by the unexpected question. “Of course I do.”
“You know they’ll always take care of you, right?”
Chan’s questions seemed misplaced. “What are you talking about?”
Chan sighed, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his jacket. “Jisung and Changbin are starting their own pack, you know.”
I nodded because it was usually all Jisung talked about. He was beyond excited to lead his own pack, and Changbin was relieved to get away and start his own family. Felix would be joining, along with several of their friends: Seungmin, Minho, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Woojin. I was excited because I adored the idea of starting something new, especially with my mates by my side. 
But that needed to include Chan as well.
“My father wants me to stay here,” he finally said. “He wants me to lead his pack in the future.”
I immediately shook my head. “You have to come with us, Chan. Jisung and Changbin are your best friends, and I-”
“I’ll get in the way,” Chan interrupted. “You already have two mates, Myah. They both adore you.”
“But I need you too,” I protested, squeezing our intertwined hands. “You mean so much to me, Chan. We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“I know,” Chan agreed, pausing to look around, a nostalgic smile on his face. “We got into a lot of trouble together, but that was a long time ago. We both have to start considering our futures.”
I stepped in closer, eliminating more of the space between us, even though it still felt like it wasn’t enough. “My future means nothing without you in it.”
Chan’s expression softened. “I can’t do that to you.”
“You’ll break my heart,” I warned him. “You’ll hurt me and you promised you wouldn’t.”
“Not if you don’t let me,” Chan countered. “You deserve a long life, Myah, with Jisung and Changbin.”
“With you,” I insisted earnestly. “Chan, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have Jisung or Changbin.”
“But you do have them,” he said. “You’ll always have them.”
He tenderly reached out, thumbing his way across Changbin’s mark on my neck. “But I need your mark.”
“It’s too much.”
“Not it’s not!” I disagreed, clutching even more tightly to him, feeling like he might vanish at any moment. “Chan, you made a promise to me! You can’t say these things...Please don’t leave me.”
I was starting to panic and Chan picked up on it, releasing more of his soothing scent which I consumed greedily, faced with the possibility of never having it again. “I’ll visit when I can.”
“It won’t be the same,” I trembled, disregarding the space he tried to maintain, collapsing into his arms.
“You’ll move on.”
“No, I won’t,” I insisted, leaning up to scent him. “Why are you doing this? Why bother even promising it to me if you never planned on keeping it?” 
He winced as if my comment caused him physical pain. “At one point, I did intend to keep it, but then you mated with Jisung and Changbin. I could see the change in you, the way you looked happier around them. You really don’t need me anymore, Myah. It’s just hard to let go of the past.”
My tears were soaking through his t-shirt, but I knew Chan didn’t care. “If you leave me, I’ll miss you every day. You’re my best friend, Chan. My soulmate.”
“Be good for me,” he whispered into my hair. 
“Stop it!” I harshly interjected, abruptly pulling out his arms, startling both of us. “Stop saying that you’re leaving. If you really loved me, then you would stay.” Chan was at a loss for words, opening his mouth before closing it again. “I don’t care about your father’s pack now,” I continued, “I care about the one I’m building, and I refuse to be a part of it without you. How can you not understand how much you mean to me? I don’t just want you, Chan, I need you! I depend on you for so much and if you left, I’ll be completely empty, because you won’t be there to fill those places anymore.”
I was incoherent, tasting my salty tears as I shook my head vigorously, refusing to acknowledge Chan’s words. Empty threats, that’s all they were. Chan had been mine from the moment we met, and nothing would ever tear us apart. No matter how many people came between us, or how many fights we got into, or how he could ever think we’d be able to live without one another. Chan caught me in his arms before my knees gave out and he brought us both to the ground, holding me close as I cried against his chest. “What can I do to convince you?” I pleaded with him. “I’ll do anything.”
For a while he was quiet and I continued to sob those terrible soul-wrenching cries that jarred the places inside of me that was frightening. Dark places I tried to hide away, like the evil voice that sometimes whispered that I wasn’t good enough for any of them. That voice might be right, but I always did my best. I would always fight for them.
Finally, Chan gently encouraged me to lean back, drying my tears with his sleeves. He picked up my wrist, brushing his lips across the blue-colored veins decorating the surface of my creamy skin. “Shall I do it here?” he asked, glancing up at me with eyes that reminded me of home.
I could only smell Changbin when I woke up, dizzy with the after effects of restless sleep. His scent was spiked with fear. It was enough to pull me back to consciousness, and I blinked against the blinding white light infiltrating my line of vision. “Ah,” a familiar voice spoke. “You’re finally awake?”
I glanced over at Woojin. “How long have I been out?”
“A day or so,” he replied, “But I think it was the trauma. Your leg will take some time to heal.”
I sat up slowly, listening to Woojin’s advice while leaning back against the bed frame. “Is it really bad?”
“I’ve seen worse, but that was back during my training. You’re the first real injury we’ve had in the new pack.”
“That sucks,” I said, and Woojin chuckled. 
“Your mates have been worrying all night,” Woojin informed me. “I couldn’t get Changbin to leave. His scent was everywhere.”
“I can smell it,” I acknowledged. “But when you say mates-”
“Felix freaked out,” Woojin said, rolling his eyes. “He and Seungmin ran all the way to the border, and I’m sure they made it sound far worse than it actually was.”
“That was an important meeting,” I said. “They shouldn’t have done that.”
“Well, Felix is young, and it’s hard to be in your right mind when the third in command is running around nearly hysterical. I had to give Changbin some morphine, his body was halfway between wolf and human. It wasn’t pleasant to see.”
“Great,” I muttered because I didn’t like the idea of everything falling apart over me.
“They can return to the northern lands later,” Woojin said as if he knew exactly what I had been thinking. “I’m sure Taeyong would gladly welcome back Chan and Jisung. He has a mate of his own and understands how it feels to be away when they’re hurt.”
“I can’t really move it,” I said, frowning at my immobile leg. “Is that normal?”
“It’s the cast,” Woojin explained. “Do you feel well enough to talk to your alphas?”
I groaned at the idea of dealing with their high-strung whining, mothering me to the point where I felt suffocated. Woojin grinned. “I can tell them you’re still sleeping.”
“Maybe for tonight,” I agreed.
Not because I didn’t love them, of course, but because they could turn into an absolute nightmare when their alpha instincts insisted I was on my deathbed as opposed to a sterile hospital cot frowning down at my new cast. 
It would be a long recovery.
I could feel Chan everywhere. 
I tried not to wince at the pain, instead focusing on the growing bond, ignoring the way his teeth sank into my wrist, eyes bright with a vivid orange color. Instead, I only thought about Chan and it made the pain bearable. I thought about his lovely hair, naturally curly, thick strands soft between my fingers. I thought about his gorgeous eyes or the wicked slope of his nose. I thought about his handsome features, and how his smile completely eclipsed even the lowest of my moods. I thought about his warm voice and familiar scent, the rich smell of pine that reminded me of my childhood.
I thought about the way Chan made love to me, treating me like I was fragile. His body covering mine, sheltering me under his protective form. His soft kisses drawing small moans, encouraging him to give more. His pulsing cock inside of me, filling me to the brim with all the love he could give. A special kind of love incomparable to the way I felt with Jisung or Changbin.
Because Chan was encompassing. He was everywhere, present at all the points in my life I could remember, good or bad. And he filled all my empty places, the darkest parts of myself that I hated, but he managed to bring light to them all. He was everything I needed to feel complete, marked by three alpha wolves who would do absolutely anything my heart desired.
I was finally me.
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yandere-musings · 6 years
Hey! Can I get some Yandere Bakugou headcanons please? Thanks!
I love this blonde lil bastard. He's such a unique character with a lot of depth and different sides to him. This was a lot of fun to write!
Yandere Katsuki Bakugo
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Yandere Type: Possessive, Protective, Clingy
• Bakugo might be an asshole, but he's not heartless. He's had a few crushes throughout his life but nothing worth pursuing. You however, were different. You were just an extra he met at school all those years ago... Until you weren't anymore. Something about you, as plain as you were, stood out to him. He wasn't sure what it was, but it pissed him off how badly he wanted to find out. Katsuki can be own worst enemy at times. His pride will either prevent him from doing things or push him to do things he's not comfortable with. Its the same when it comes to romance. Even if he feels strongly about someone, Katsuki won't bother pursuing them unless he knows its gonna work out. Otherwise he doesn't wanna waste his time and end up looking like a fool. He's not gonna let anyone make him feel weak,even a potential love interest. So when you showed signs of possibly liking him back, he was ecstatic.
• He puts up a bit of a front in public, toning it down for your sake. His tantrums and screaming are dialed back in hopes of looking better in your eyes. Of course, he knows he has a reputation. But that makes it all the more special when you stick around despite that. He wants you to see him as potential boyfriend material so he puts on his... better behavior. His tsundere side comes out when people notice how obvious his crush is. He warns everybody that if someone so much as breathes a word of it to you, they would end up as a pile of ashes.
• Katsuki can't help but stare at you during lessons and follow you around even before he asks you out. He's a constant presence, like an intimidating guard dog. You could be hanging out with your friends and he would be tagging along and hovering right behind you. Your friends might give him side eyes and question why you let him always follow you around. But you just laugh and tell them to pay no mind. He might not be directly interacting with you, but he's always a nearby. Watching and waiting until he needs to jump in to help or defend you. If you try to get him to join in with whatever you're doing, his heart will soar. You're talking to him, including him... Caring about him. It makes his feelings for you grow tenfold.
•When he finally works up the courage to ask you out, he acts like it was you who had made the embarrassing confession. If you reject him, that'll be the end of that. His yandere side isn't at full volition just yet, so despite how heartbroken he will be, it won't end with murder or revenge. It will however, result in him never being able to open up his heart anymore. One heartbreak was bad enough and he refuses to let someone hurt him that badly ever again. But on the other hand, if you accept his confession- you'd better be ready for a love that grows and grows until it becomes suffocating.
"I don't half ass anything! D-dating included. So you better not look at anyone else, got it? If you do, I'll kick their ass!" he declared, face turning red.
• Although he would tag along with you before, now he escorts you literally everywhere. He will even walk you to the bathroom and wait outside until you're done. He walks you both to and from school, to every class, takes you on dates whenever you want and spends even more time in your dorm than his own. (Aizawa has had to chase him away many times when it was lights out)
•Possessive. Everybody is aware of your relationship because he's either always hovering over your shoulder or touching you in some way. Everyone is surprised by how doting of a boyfriend he can be and how unafarid he is at showing his love for you in public. Spoon feeding you, opening doors, holding your hand and giving you kisses whenever he gets the chance. It's a wonder how someone as nice as you could manage to tame such a beast. If anyone comments on your relationship or how you could do better, be ready to hear an ear full of death threats blasted at them. Best believe that he sits right next to you in class now. Even if someone was assigned to sit there, its his spot now.
"Um Bakugo, that's my seat?"
• Despite his tendency for angry violent outbursts, he will never lay a hand on you. He knows that his personality and quirk make for a scary combo and although he normally enjoys people being intimidated by him, he is terrified of scaring you away. When it comes to his darling s/o, he is always gentle. Katsuki is also an absolute sucker for touching. His family wasn't very affectionate with him growing up, so any attention you give him will turn him into putty. He could be having the mother of all meltdowns and be ready to absolutely obliterate someone, but if you snake your arms around him and coo into his ear, he will instantly melt at your touch and calm down. Run your fingers through his blonde hair and he can't help but let out a moan. Please pet him. Touch him anyway you want. (He's too embarrassed to ask for it)
•Having such a strong will and protective nature will make him a serious threat to any bullies or romantic rivals. He will shut that shit right down real quick if he even suspects anything. You should only be looking at him. You are his whole life, so its only natural that he is yours too right? Lord help anyone who tries to make a pass at you. The second you are out of ear shot, his hand will clamp down painfully hard on their shoulder and he will ask to talk with them privately. If they know you personally, he threatens them that if they ever try that shit again, it will end with violence. But if they are an extra who has no business in your life, Bakugo will stalk them later and blast them until they are nothing but scattered bits and pieces. If you bring up his blatant envy, he will get flustered and deny it.
"Jealous? N-No you idiot! I just don't like people touching what's mine. There's a difference!"
•Years pass and for the most part, he's an amazing boyfriend. He's your bodyguard, a tutor, personal trainer and anything else you might need. Even after you graduate and he debuts as a pro hero, he will always make time for his beloved. Because he's always working now, any time he has is spent with you. And if you're busy, he will be in a bad mood until you give him attention.
•If you try to break up with him, he will go into a frenzy and barricade himself in a room with you until you talk it out. Even if you're firm, Bakugo won't budge until you apologize (even if its a lie). He's guarded his heart his whole life so to have the one he trusted most try to abandon him is not acceptable. This is NOT happening.
"What kind of sick joke is this to you Y/N? You think I'm just gonna let you walk away from me? From us? The life we built together?!"
He won't use violence to keep you but he's not letting you get away that easy. Katsuki is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. He knows that if he ties to kidnap you (as much as he wants to) that people will eventually notice your absence.
•So instead, he will use his authority over you as a hero and blackmail to keep you at his side. He didn't open up and give you his heart only to have you rip it out and stomp on it. He's on his way to being the number one hero after all. You'll come around eventually when you see the kind of life he can provide for you. He makes you quit your job so you can be his stay at home sweetheart. You don't need to go outside without him. He will do all the chores and errands so you never get hurt or need to go anywhere. You don't have permission to leave the house without him. So if you break that rule, he will lock inside. Katsuki will act like its a normal relationship and nothing has changed. He's still as affectionate and doting as ever, if anything even more so now because he feels a bit guilty. But he's not letting up. He warns you that if you ever tried to leave him again, he would track you down and blast anyone who tried to interfere.
"You're mine y/n. I won't ever let you go. If you even look at anyone else- I'll kill them. I'm the only one who can keep you safe. So just be good and wait for me at home."
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kayistiredt · 4 years
Here’s something I wrote about my roommates
"Hey, can everyone NOT leave a bunch of fucking dishes and food out in the open? So we won't get ran out of our own house by a bunch of fucking gnats? Is that possible for everybody? Can we all agree we don't like gnats?" I'm standing in the middle of the living room. Shouting all of this. It's a bright day. Maybe people look down on those of us who wake up a few hours past noon, but at least we wake up just in time to enjoy the day and the sunset. That's not bad. I know everyone who lives in this house is home. I continue to shout, "I think we all don't like gnats all over everything so from now on, lets do better."
 There's more authority in my voice than anger. I'm commanding. This isn't really up for debate. I'm not even sure what the debate could be. For gnats? For not cleaning? I can understand within your own personal room, hell there's garbage bags in my room that have collected colonies of gnats of their own. But Jesus, how can you stand it? They're just buzzing around, on any and everything. You can't look anywhere without seeing not just one, but two or three. How could you possibly look at the sad pile of a rag on the counter, holding God knows how many and just ignore it? I can't. I'm sick of ignoring. Of not speaking out for things that make my skin crawl. I'm coming into the realization that I just may be more powerful than swallowing my disgust. I walk around the corner to Genesis' room and bang on the door. Her six-foot-something dreadhead boyfriend could answer the door and I anticipate that, squaring my shoulders and clenching my jaw. I need to see the child in him. I need to see through him to the child in him and scare that child. That's how you intimidate a six-foot-something boyfriend. Easier said than done, but I'm powerful enough. I realize that now.
He swings open the door and I meet his eyes immediately. "I'm going to clean the kitchen. I need these bags on the porch out of here. Call up who you gotta call up, do what you gotta do. I need that shit gone. Asap." He's stunned, I think. I don't give him time to respond and turn around in the tight hallway to round the corner into the kitchen. I suppose I'm taking a pretty big risk. This man has a shotgun or rifle or something in the room, I've seen that. There's also a machete that I'm not sure is real or fake. I know they get up to some fraud activities but I don't know how much violence they get up to. My hands should be shaking but they're steady. I'm grounded. My guides love to see me in my power so why wouldn't they assist me as I stand up for my space? It's actually our space. You would think I would be appreciated for putting my foot down and insist that we all take care of it. In any case, it doesn't matter if they appreciate this move or not. I’m in control. I've had enough of feeling uncomfortable in a space I used to claim as my own. 
Sure, I'm leaving soon. I've resolved myself to that fact. I'm leaving. I'm getting out of here and although I cherish and value this space for all that it's given me, it's time to let it go. So that said, should I really make such a big fuss over all of this? 
"You fucking tripping," he says. High pitched in disbelief. I take a deep breath and call on the most powerful, intimidating spirit that wants to see me do well in life. I feel the power surge from the ground up. My footsteps sound like thunder as I step back around the corner. I feel taller than the man in front of me as I say: "I want the patio cleared. I want the trash gone." His eyes widen and he doesn't seem to be looking at me but something taller than me, which feels incredible. "If y'all had just taken the trash out instead of piling it up out there in the first place, I wouldn't have to do all this." I take a few steps back and turn around the corner to open the glass doors to the back patio. "Let's go!" I say, in a voice that doesn't sound like mine. A sound that booms out of my chest and seems to make the floor vibrate. He walks quickly around the corner, stepping outside in his socks to start putting garbage bags in the cardboard box that managed to make its way out there.
I know where it came from and decide that since I haven't felt the power drain out of me yet, I'd tick something else off my to-do list. I trust in whatever entity is currently with me to pull the reigns if I get carried away. I bang on Cynthia's door twice. She opens swiftly. Most likely standing nearby and fiddling nervously as she listened in, knowing that she dropped off a giant cardboard box and a few garbage bags of her own at the make-shift landfill just yesterday. According to her, her ankles are weak due to a disability, so maybe she just couldn’t find it in herself to do more than walk the four or five steps from her room to the back patio door. However, since I’ve seen her walk to the front door, which is a considerably longer distance, I’ll call bullshit on this behavior. Darion, the boyfriend, knows all of this too, but he's too scared and confused to argue and continues to work with his head down.
It feels like my energy is spreading through the room. In my mind I can see the tendrils of powerful energy spreading across the walls and floors. Maybe it'll even reach the second floor and my neighbors will stop throwing themselves around like test dummies. 
Cynthia opens the door and the sight of her brings a reaction so visceral out of me I have to keep myself from lunging at her. She's trembling. Good. I want to scare her. I want to repel her. I want her energy as far away from me as possible. Whoever this spirit is agrees. The way she attempts to befriend me after having threatened to get me arrested and sued is irritating to me. No apology. Just trying to skip right to the part where we’re good roommate-buddies. I resent her for even thinking that’s a possibility. 
She brings out the shadowiest tendencies from me. I've had dreams that I've screamed at her. Threatened her. I was hostile. I kicked her. I'm practically a bully. Yet, I can't help but feel it's warranted. Not just because of what she did to me, but the way she was so sure in what she was doing. I don’t trust her whatsoever. But, I do hold a certain empathy for her. I don't know what the rest of her life holds but it feels bleak. It feels full of disadvantage. Strife. You could understand why I'd want to keep that away from me. The fact that she tries so hard to impose or connect herself to me just feels like confirmation. My energy is probably very tempting for her. Maybe she brings out the dark sides of me ego as well.
"Stop putting your trash on the patio. Put it outside the front door." My voice is level but strong. Again, leaving no room for argument.
"Okay. I will do that," She says. The way she speaks sounds stunted. If you heard her speak, you would think she definitely had some kind of developmental disability. She has that kind of speech impediment that makes her R's sound like W's. Together, she sounds like someone that most people would assume couldn't match them intellectually. But I give her more credit than that. I'm sure there's certain things she can't control. She's middle-aged. There's things she's grown into that'll be hard to break. But I know that she has more critical thinking skills than people think. 
I nod my acceptance of her answer. She nods in return and takes a meek step back to close her door but I step forward and push it back open. "I want you to hear this." I step back. "If y'all see the trash can empty and there's no trash bags in sight, just use one of the trillion plastic bags in the laundry room." I could say more about how there's no reason to put trash in an empty can with no liner. That it just makes life difficult in the long run. About how idiotic it is to throw trash in an empty can when there's plenty of bags that will hold trash. But this energy doesn't need to be elaborated on. I don't need to hear an answer of compliance. I know they'll listen. They watch as I walk around the room, spreading my energy around to every corner. Claiming the space. Reclaiming it, rather. I walk back to the kitchen entrance. Genesis is standing in her doorway. Eyes wide. I feel bad for her in a way. I'm not sure what her own personal aspirations are but I'm sure this can't be it. I relate.  "I need to borrow the car to make a copy of the mail key." I push my energy onto her and stare through her to the little girl cowering in fear. The energy softens. "I need to have a mail key to turn in when I move out." For some reason, the mail box locks got changed. My key hasn’t worked for months. I don’t expect mail often anyway. She nods and turns back to get the keys. I make a mental list of other errands I need to run while I have a set of wheels. 
While I wait for her, I turn to the kitchen and get to work, spraying every non-edible surface down with bug-spray first and foremost to kill all the gnats that have settled on the various surfaces. It was all getting cleaned anyway. She comes back and puts the keys on the counter then pauses. I notice and straighten up. The spirit I called hasn't left yet. I wonder to myself if maybe this was a permanent fusion but get reassured otherwise by a thought that doesn't seem to come from me. "Listen, we're sorry we let it get out of hand," She says, smile easy-going. A tone I had heard before. I wasn't in the mood to put on the act of tolerance. 
"You should be. Y'all spend the most time out here. But I wasn't exactly sparkling clean when you moved in so there's only so much to say." I must have surprised her face into a non-reaction, like she was browsing for the appropriate reaction and parked her face in Neutral. "And just so we're all on the same page," I said as Darrion passed by the both of us, I'm assuming on his way to put on shoes, "I realize y'all still haven't paid me back for my Playstation. I'm telling you right now, if you move out of this apartment without paying me what you owe, you'll never make anything of yourselves for the rest of this lifetime. And you'll have to work damn hard to do something with yourselves in the next life." 
I felt the universe confirm what I said. I felt in my gut that they believed me. Whether they were willing to admit that or not was none of my concern. "Trash can needs a liner. I'm cleaning out the fridge when I get back." I take the keys and walk to my room. I still need to get dressed. I close the door behind me and take a breath. This would normally be the time a person would collapse after such a long display of power. But I feel clearheaded. All of this is for nothing if I crumble behind closed doors. I glance at myself in the mirror hanging from my door. No visible changes. I just feel different. Interesting. 
When I step out again, ready to brave the outside world, I notice the quiet that still lingers even through the rustle of the trash bags Darion is gathering and the water running in the kitchen as Genesis rinses dishes and loads the dishwasher. "I'm not mad. Just so y'all know. I'm just tired of looking at trash and battling gnats in the kitchen. Somebody had to do something." They nod like reprimanded children. Hopefully this part will ease the fear I struck in their hearts earlier. I don't want to traumatize people. They just needed to be scared into some discipline. "Wait," Darrion calls out as I open the front door, "I need the car to run the trash." The spirit spun me around faster than I could think. "No. You don't," I said lowly. Energy flaring out of me in what felt like a bright flash. The man took a step back. Thoroughly intimidated. I may have been imagining it, but I could've sworn I heard confused thoughts as to why he was so afraid. I spun back to the door and walked out of it. It may have been petty to make him walk the trash to the dumpster. Chalk it up to character building. I had errands to run.
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themangaguide · 3 years
When it pertains to creativity
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I'm simply an easy individual, I press Like!
A cute story regarding an amusing and also "easy" man with a very power. There are possibly a million ways to explain vr eroge yattetara isekai ni tensei shita no de bishoujo maou wo doreika suru cross out saber manga. The one straightforward word is Exciting.
Even if you're a new fan and also haven't seen one more ONE's works, you will quickly identify that vr eroge yattetara isekai ni tensei shita no de bishoujo maou wo doreika suru cross out saber manga isn't only a show with typical art. The aesthetic adheres to the manga renowned studio, Bones. Also, we obtained supervisor Yuzuru Tachikawa on board as Part of the group. Tokyo, and Kill la Kill, it is certainly something to obtain thrilled around. Is the audio manager, renowned for famous works like the Ghost in the Still, vr eroge yattetara isekai ni tensei shita no de bishoujo maou wo doreika suru cross out saber manga is past exactly what the staff uses?
It's not constantly so understandable the graph of vr eroge yattetara isekai ni tensei shita no de bishoujo maou wo doreika suru cross out saber manga. The better concept as we're introduced to the primary characters. Have primary protagonist Shigeo Kageyama, otherwise called Mob. He's a 14-year-old youngster attending an university with a normal life. Promptly evident he's unique for his ESP powers.
Occasions in the story induce his pressures to go unsteady as well as Mob discovers Himself hard to be "typical". right? A common youngster that tries to live a normal life with unusual However, the show delivers lots of scenarios Where Mob uses his abilities even more than he should. For a youngster who desires a Normal life, he gets involved in a number of irregular situations which put himself at risk. Still, this is not exactly the case as we will certainly see exactly how effective Mob is. While he is not a Saitama 2.0, Mob's skills are not to be taken too lightly. In many fights he has actually remained in, Mob Can overpower Also see what often activates Mob to come to be associated with these uncommon occasions. Social peer pressure and also intimidation are a couple of aspects. Crowd also looks for Appreciation and also wants to thrill a female that he likes so this adds to Him making blunders periodically. I imply, He's still human and also human beings make errors.
While he is the i reincarnated into an otome game as a villainess with only destruction flags in a dire situation verge of destruction arc titular character, the series doesn't fail its Others specifically with personalities like Reigen, Ritsu (Mob's more youthful Ritsu has actually grown to me as an extremely interesting personality. Unlike Mob, He's very brilliant and also usually uses Trickery to get what he wishes. Occasionally, he deals with life like it's A game where playing the suitable cards will certainly win. The start, he's ready to rise up as a pioneer. It's likewise revealed that He's got an inferiority complicated compared to his sibling (as he doubts. This also turns into shame as well as there is the thinking for redemption.
Reigen is also an interesting personality who's called "Mob's master". He claims a lot of points and regularly talks as well as exists with the truths. Regardless of being manipulative, he is not a crook and Frequently keeps an eye out after He also offers great advice to Mob including what Really makes someone a "far better individual". 1 weakness that I do find About him is his objection to admit mistakes. Someplace in Between, there is Teruki ("Teru"). I need to confess though, this male has an absurd hair design that I've ever seen from ONE's work. Unlike Mob, he honestly uses his esper powers such as if they're God's sacred gift. What makes him interesting is the method after satisfying Mob, Teru Undergoes a huge modification in his character. It resembles a bully that Reinvents himself after obtaining taken into his area for the first time in their life. One of the most mystical character. In truth, he is not also human! He's Actually a spirit that even at the same time had his very own cult. What makes him Intriguing is in spite of having a God-like complicated and vanity, Dimple also Wants others to triumph specifically Mob. Throw in this series, expectations are satisfied specifically when it pertains to creativity. If you're a true follower of manga then do not miss it! You may also take a look at https://alleengoyen41.wixsite.com/guitar/post/t5gpz3fust5zf92ct3eg4yr1640174482 if you want to read/watch further
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taesbetch · 7 years
Reinvent Yourself
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader 
Genre: Fluff 
Word Count: 2.3k +
Request: Hi!! I enjoy reading your stories and would like to request for you to write a story about namjoon being a nerd and was bullied all the time but then the prettiest girl in school decided to help him then the girl thinks namjoon is cute and had a crush on him for his soft hands. YOURE ONE OF THE BEST AUTHORS OUT THERE AND WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YOU WRITING THIS STORY! @hoeseahawk
A/N: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE THREE YEARS! <3 and i totally forgot about the soft hands part gurl ma bad 
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“whose getting bullied now?” your friend Krystal asked as she continued to eat her lasagne, bothered but not really caring about whose embarrassment was causing the rowdy cheers and laughter’s of the football team.
You weren’t exactly thrilled with how your crowd treated others…but it was just how things were. What were you going to do about it? You can’t stop them.
Hell, if you were to try no one would take you seriously.
“y/n. you have to do something, you’re always talking about how you want to help out aren’t you?” your friend sulli whined as she brought her nose out of her book.
You sighed as you watched the cute nerd from your chemistry glass try to reconnect his glasses.
“what though? How do I change it without changing everyone?” you whined as you let your head fall to the lunch table underneath you.
“why don’t you give him a makeover?” joy asked as she finally put down her phone and joined back into reality.
You gaped at her in confusion. The plan sounded so simple, but the execution would be difficult. It was not something that could just be done.
“there’d be so much too teach him…and whose to say a makeover won’t stop them from coming back to bully him some more?” you asked intrigued with the idea.
You knew all the ropes of popularity, it wasn’t easy, and it was a lot to remember but once you knew how…it’s as easy as breathing.
“he’d need a squad, he’d need new speech and oh god a new closet” Krystal noted as you all observed him scurrying out the hall.
You hummed for no particular reason before sitting back in your chair. This might work.
Friday rolled around which meant your chance to approach Namjoon was too.
The one subject you didn’t have to worry about popular bitches or idiotic jocks constantly flirting with you, it was nice.
As soon as you walked into the classroom you made a direct path towards Namjoon. Trying hard not to be intimidating or seeming like a bitch you slowly approached the spaced-out boy.
“can I sit here?” you asked calmly as you waved a hand in his face.
He looked at you stunned before stumbling to remove his books from your side of the desk. A shy yes flew out of his mouth as his eyes remained glued to the desk in front of him.
“don’t worry, i swear my intentions are good” you smiled as you saw how cautious and tense he was with you being so close to him.
“if Dylan and taewon find out your talking to-“ he started nervously.
“they won’t, and don’t worry I’ll deal with them if they do” you answered as you opened up your textbooks.
Namjoon gawked at you before clearing his throat and nodding his head.
“so..er…your intentions, what…what are they exactly?” he asked shyly as he pushed his second pair off glasses up his face, this pair to large for his face.
“ah yes! I have an offer for you, again you don’t have to take it! i…er…I would like to give you a makeover?” you asked/ stated as more people filled the classroom, people looking at the pair of you in shock.
“a…a makeover?” he asked in confusion.
“yer…I notice that you’re a constant target so…I figured changing your image might make it stop…maybe for everyone too” you said, the almost bit trailing off.
Namjoon looked at you unsure. You understood why he didn’t trust you, but you wanted to make sure eventually he knew you could.
“I get that this is all really weird and I know you don’t trust me but I swear I’m just trying to hel-“ you started rambling before he cut you off.
“where do we start?” he asked quickly as he stared you down determined.
You smile widened before you pointed at his clothing. He looked slightly offended as he looked down at what he thought were his ‘good’ clothes. The patterned button up and shorts matched with suspenders weren’t a terrible look, but it was easily dissed and that’s something he needed to avoid.
“come with me too my house after school, older brother has tons of leftover clothes that he didn’t take to college. We can start there and then take you shopping” you answered as he nodded nervously.
You were pulling out clothes left and right, trying to find an outfit that both he would be comfortable in but still look good in.
“you’re not going to make me wear contacts are you?” he asked in disgust as you continued throwing clothes over your shoulder. An evil laughed escaped your body before turning to him to examine his glasses.
You never thought there was anything wrong with the glasses he wore, they were cute…he was cute.
“ill give you a pair and leave it up too you. but personally. I like the glasses” you stated softly as you adjusted them for him. A soft blush appeared on his cheeks before he cleared his throat and stood up.
“i-ill just go try these on then” he mumbled before heading towards the bathroom. You shook of the slight warming of your heart and focused on the task at hand.
You had dealt with his looks, now…the attitude. Namjoon is a tall guy. A tall and strong guy, if he could fight back or at least look like he would fight back, no one would dream to mess with him.
Heck, if he had a whole gang of people who look like they could fuck someone up bullying may seize to exist.
“Namjoon, this is a stupid question but…do you have any friends?” you asked strongly.
An offended scoff was heard from the other side of the door before he laughed at you “’im a loser but I’m not a complete loser Y/n. Jesus Christ” he answered.
You laughed before quickly apologising. You quickly sent the names of the friends he said to your friends, so they could hunt them down and do the same thing for them that you were doing for Namjoon.
This was going to be executed perfectly.
“i..i don’t know about this y/n” Namjoon spoke shyly as he exited the bathroom.
You gasped as the white tee-shirt hugged his nicely toned body and the blue washed jeans suited his skin tone. It was a simple outfit, but it did so much.
“this…is a good start” you said proudly as you shamelessly checked him out. He smiled widely, showing his dimples as you gave him a pair of shoes.
“there’s something missing though…something, that finish It off” you hummed as you walked around him. “maybe a touch of colour…or a leather jacket”.
You grabbed a leather jacket and a red flannel to tie around his waist. “and it is completed” you smiled brightly before clapping your hands together excitedly.
Namjoon started checking himself, a small smile appearing on his face as he admired himself.
You laughed before checking your phone to see a spam of texts from your friends updating you on how the makeover of his friends were going; your nodded proudly before grabbing a new backpack from you closet. It was a simple black one but was a little too manly for you.
“this is your new backpack. The packman Is cute but it has got to go” you stated as you shoved the backpack into his chest.
Before he could get a proper look at the bag he placed it on the floor and pulled you into a tight hug.
“thank you…seriously, thank you” he whispered as you snuggled your face into his shoulder, trying to hide the pink blush that crawled its way to your cheeks.
“just don’t forget about me okay?” you said bring out your pinky finger sported with your famous pout.
He laughed before joining his pinky with yours “I don’t think this will work out like how you think it will” he stated with hope crushing eyes.
“namjoon, I’m going to teach you all I can about popular people. My friends are currently upgrading yours friends like I have done for you; you’ll look too intimidating for any popular bozoo to question but still be the loveable nerd for those who need you to be” you said as you placed your hands on his shoulders.
“you really think this is going to work?”
“of course it is”
From a far you watched as Namjoon and his group strutted through the halls as if they owned the place.
The nervousness Namjoon had confessed to you early in the morning on Monday disappeared as that Friday he smiled sweetly to those who passed him.
As Namjoon approached your locker a girl screeched Taehyungs name before throwing a pair of her underwear at him; he made sure to Smirk at the star struck woman before shoving the panties in his pocket. As his eyes linked with your amused ones Taehyung mouthed a ‘thank you’ to you before walking away with the others.
“I’m glad they like their makeovers” you laughed as Namjoon leant against your locker.
“are you kidding me? They love it! Yoongi made a girl faint today in English and Jungkook has already been labelled a playboy” he laughed as his dimples made your knees weak.
“well I’m glad everything’s going so well…would you maybe like to come over after school? We could watch the stars wars series? I got my dad to by the full set” you asked nervously.
Namjoons eyes lit up with joy before he cleared his throat in order to respond.
You and Namjoon both turned to the voice who had screamed his name like his life depended on it. The girl was short and cute; she had long brown hair and bright blue eyes, however, she was not familiar to you.
“oh, c-casey” Namjoon stuttered.
His nervous stutter alarmed you as the pretty girl in front of you batted her eyelashes at him.
“come help me with my chemistry homework! Your smart aren’t you? smart and now handsome” she said sending a wink in his direction.
Suddenly getting defensive at Namjoons googling towards her you gave Namjoon a subtle slap on the arm.
“oh er, yer ill meet you in the library in a couple of minutes” he smiled.
“if you still have a crush on me, I hope you’ll also join me after school?” she added, biting her lip flirtatiously. You’ve never narrowed your eyes at someone so quickly only to realise you were in public and revert back to cursing her out it your head.
“err…ill see you soon” he said awkwardly, most likely feeling the tension between you all building.
“…goodbye Y/n” she said smiling at you after ignoring you through that whole conversation.
As she skipped away you awaited Namjoons answer, your strangely/ newly discovered feelings on the line.
“ill see you after school” he answered before wrapping you up in a quick hug before rushing off towards the library.
“right…” you whispered to yourself feeling a little disheartened as he ran off to his old crush..or still…crush.
You sighed before remembering you still had a life.
As you exited you final class you scurried to the senior area to try and find Namjoon, however, you should’ve known he would not be alone. You placed your bags on a lunch table next to you and decided to wait it out.
You watched from a far as girls surrounded him, batting their eyes and flipping their hair. Your heart clenched at the thought of Namjoons attention focused anywhere but on yours; as a struggling Namjoon searched the crowd you heart filled with hope but as Casey approached him you realised that she was the one he was looking for.
Your heart broke as you released a heavy breath.
Grabbing your bag’s, you slowly made your way to the entrance without him.
The halls were empty. Except for a couple of sounds coming from classrooms due to after school activities you were left to listen to your own thoughts.
You mind was filled with a dimply smile and warm eyes that often locked with yours.
What would have happened if you didn’t speak to Namjoon that day, what would have happened if you would of carried on with you day as normal. Only thinking about how cute Namjoon might or how interesting conversations might be not knowing.
“y/n!” he yelled out as he ran towards you.
“I see you’ve already forgotten” you laughed trying to seem as if you didn’t care but the sting in your heart was visible.
“y/n” he whispered as he stepped closer to you, his eyes trying to say all the words his mouth couldn’t.
“it’s okay, I get it. Truly I do! Its hard for you too ignore the fame and all the girls and all the attention. It's great. I'll just see you in clas-“ you started to ramble, ignoring the way his body approached you slowly.
Before you could continue talking Namjoon placed a sweet kiss on your lips. Hesitantly deepening it until you wrapped your arms around his necks. As sparks shot through your body Namjoon wrapped his arms around your body bringing you closer to him.
Pulling away to breath was the hardest decision you’ve had to make, the feeling of his lips on yours was almost addicting.
“let’s go back to yours- wait that sounds wrong, I just mean to hang out!” he stuttered making you laugh.
He was still the same Namjoon, still the same nerd.
“I swear to god if you mention our chemistry assignment even once you’re banned from my home” you stated firmly as you slipped your hand in his. His laugh rung through your ears before he placed a kiss on your forehead.
“whatever you say”
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omgnsfwisnsfw-blog · 5 years
Game #6: Mama Said Knock You Out
The usual camera phone feed clicked on, revealing Mike McGuire standing in her backyard, leaning against a tall privacy fence. She had her fists taped but was otherwise dressed casually- jeans with holes in the knees, sneakers, her Mets cap, and a brand new t-shirt touting EWC’s newest facial hair based team, The tMc Club. Her hands were tucked behind her back, and she addressed the camera frankly. “Well, EWC Faithful, this is it. Weeks and weeks of climbing, clawing, and scratching, and ya boys finally made good. Number One Contenders to the motherfucking Tag Team Titles. I got a feeling that shot’s gonna be coming sooner rather than later, but this week, in Miami? I got me a one on one with one big hairy drink’a whiskey named Grizzly Duggan. I’m sure people are gonna have their eyes on it. I mean, for one, it’s yours truly’s second singles match in EWC, not to mention my first freakin’ singles main event. But other than that? People are probably gonna be seeing it as something as a bellwether for the eventual title match. Which is smart, I guess.” She shrugged, reaching up and adjusting her cap. “I’ll get to Griz in a second. Firstly, I want to say a quick piece about my own partner. You’ll notice he’s not here at the moment- I told him to take it the fuck easy. I want that gash in his side to be a total non-issue by go time, both for professional and personal reasons. See, Bishop Church is a goddamn saint. He grounds me. Keeps me from getting too nasty. There’s a lot of terrible things I would’ve said and done to people if it weren’t for him- in short, he truly is my better angels given flesh. He is kind, he is self-sacrificing, he is morally upright…” Mike’s grin split from genuine, almost sweet fondness into something outright shark-like. “...and he’s watching Cloud Atlas right now, so I don’t have a fucking filter for the next three hours.” Reaching out, Mike plucked the phone from its tripod and swiveled it around- through the sliding glass back door, a glimpse of the living room could be seen. Bishop himself could be spotted nestled into a recliner wearing a too-small light blue Snuggie adorned with monkeys, absorbed in the first act of the multi-plot epic. Back over to her, camera set back in place. “So, with that established, let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Okay. I have wanted to fight fucking Grizzly Duggan one on one pretty much since I got here. Not for any personal reasons, but because I just want to test my mettle against somebody twice my goddamn size. I wanted to get in the ring and get scrappy as fuck with him just to see if I could. But outside that? Seemed like an okay enough dude. Not the brightest, shiniest bulb in the lamp, but eh. No real reason to dislike the guy. And I didn’t. Until he opened that fucking hole in his ugly hairy-ass face. But more on that in a second.” Picking the camera and tripod up, the picture moved across the backyard to the backdoor of the garage. Mike opened it up and stepped inside- in lieu of a car, it was filled with workout equipment. Jump rope, weight bench, dumbbells, mats on the floor for doing calisthenics on, and other such things. There’s also a table off to the side where several cardboard boxes and large plastic buckets were stacked, along with packing materials- NSFW’s own personal merch station. “Yeah, see that? We send out our own goddamn shit. Everything someone gets with the NSFW brand on it, they get right from us. Nice personal touch, yeah? I wouldn’t recommend you do it though, Duggan. See, we include an autographed picture with our swag. You’d probably just wind up including beard hair and armpit sweat, you uncouth fuck.” Shrugging, they turn their attention to the makeshift gym proper. Tripod is set down, and Mike took a seat on the weight bench. “You’re probably going to go on about how much you work out. How much you fucking lift. The only thing you probably lift on the regular is takeout bags, you fat sonovabitch. But oh no, you’re probably thinking right now, what did you do or say to deserve this? Why am I being so… gasp… mean? I’ll allow our personal motivational speaker to enlighten you, you living drain clog.” The camera was adjusted so it faced the wall, where a slightly terrifying enlarged cutout of David Scott’s stern face is hung up, with blinking red Christmas lights poked where the eyes were. Underneath was a whiteboard, usually adorned with some tongue in cheek inspirational quote and workout schedules, but this time, it bore Grizzly’s own words. Back on her. Emerald eyes flashed from the slight shadow cast by the brim of her cap. “How dare you try to psychoanalyze me, Sigmund Fuck? You ain’t got the skills or brains to do that. I mean, look at you. I bet you chew on your own fucking beard thinking it’s your girlfriend’s bush, you fucking moron. Or is that even a beard? It looks like your face is home to wild growing fucking pubes. I bet you just shaved your fucking undercarriage and glued it to your face, which sure explains why you always stink of fermented ball sweat.” Inhale. Exhale. There was a visible tic in their jaw, and they attempted to calm themselves down, at least a little. “So. The match at fucking hand. I mean, people probably have me pegged as the underdog here. I mean, for one, you outweigh me. By a LOT. I mean, you have bigger fucking tits than I do. You ever considered putting on a bra? Your goddamn business is always jiggling up front. You have protruding nipples, for God’s sake. Very disrespectful. Cover that shit. And maybe stop guzzling Campbell’s Chunky right out of the fucking can. Or maybe that’s part of your master plan, huh? I have it on good authority you only beat Annabelle because you farted on her and she passed the fuck out. The evil spirits in her head couldn’t fucking contend with the ones coming out of your hairy ass. You better not try that shit on me, big boy. I WILL wear a goddamn gas mask to the ring if I have to.” She rolled her shoulders, smirking. “Number two, some would say you outclass me. Don’t make me fucking laugh, you wouldn’t know class if you tripped through the fucking window of a high society party. Class wouldn’t spend each and every week droning on and on about how many matches you’ve had. Nobody cares how many you’ve won, nobody cares how many you’ve shat down your leg like the regular bouts of explosive diarrhea you get after eating an entire Taco Bell party pack by your lonesome and chasing it with two gallons of goddamn Schlitz. Nobody gives a fuck. So you’re on a hot streak. Big fucking deal, you leave hot streaks in your underwear fucking daily. Bet Candice loves doing your laundry.” Stretching, she stood up. Perhaps this all was a little much- she knew damn sure by this point that John wouldn’t really like it if he was here- but there was no sense in trying to re-cork the bottle now that the genie’d already flown the coop. “But fine, let’s humor you. You got some wins. Wins that you got through either Carlos- hey there, sweetie!- or dumb fucking luck. If I have to hear you crow about it for another fucking minute I’m going to beat your ass to death just so I never have to hear it again. There’s something else I never wanna hear too. C’mere, I wanna show you something.” The tripod was picked up once more, carried back through the door she came in. The focus now was on a different part of the backyard- a huge spreading maple, the leaves just starting to turn. Beneath it was a wrestling ring. The ropes didn’t match- red, gold, and green- and the turnbuckles were different sizes, the canvas stained and worn in places, ring apron patched here and there. But nonetheless, it was a ring, and she slid into it expertly, setting up the tripod in the center and leaning back into the corner. “This ring, it’s mine. I bought it before I even got a job at EWC. I wasn’t a wrestler anymore, just an auto mechanic, but I still bought it. I wanted to be in it, work in it, keep myself as fucking sharp as possible, because I love wrestling and I always wanted it to be a part of my life. That’s who I am, not what you’re fucking pigeonholing me into. But hold up… the shit you said about me, you haven’t said just about me. In fact, you’ve tried to chalk up the wills of damn near every fucking woman you’ve ever stepped in the ring with to some sort of personal fucking inadequacy. Abuse, trauma, illness, being bullied, something has to be fundamentally broken or we wouldn’t be fighting so hard to prove ourselves. Right?” She leaned forward, hands on her knees. Her teeth grit in an angry grimace. “Just last week you chalked Annabelle up to, I quote, a ‘scared little girl’. Fuck that and fuck you. I don’t get her much and I don’t like her much, but that woman is fucking legit. I got a scar on my head to prove it. She’s a fighter, and she’s eaten better men than you for fucking breakfast. You had weak-ass platitudes for Lavender, and you didn’t have the balls to say shit about Ruthann Hunter, a goddamn legend in this company, before she put you in your fucking place. And then there’s me. Are you right about me? Are you wrong? You ain’t never gonna know, because it ain’t your goddamn business, Duggan. It sure as fuck ain’t who I am. Let me tell you who I am.” She stood up straight, pushing the brim of her cap to the side with one thumb. Her face was full of hard, steely determination. “I am Mike Fucking McGuire, from New York City. I was trained by Harley Race. I’ve fought fucking harder and longer than you could even wrap your head around. I love this business more than your tiny mind could fathom. I. Am a Professional Fucking Wrestler, and I will NOT be fucking marginalized by you or anybody, you cuck. I’m not afraid of you. I’m not intimidated by your size, your weight, or your momentum.” She let out a brief, dry laugh. “I am Mike McGuire… and I’m gonna knock you out.” A taped fist went sailing toward the screen. The letters ‘KF6’ could be seen for a split second before the picture abruptly went dark. Mike tucked their phone into the pocket of their jeans and let out an exhale. They felt almost ten pounds lighter- there had been a lot rolling around in their head, festering like some vestigial gangrenous limb. The excision had been an absolute relief- they’d spat poison, true, but if they hadn’t it would’ve wasted no time eating at them instead. Enough was eating at them lately. The letter they’d gotten from Natalie was hanging heavily around their neck and they knew that they hadn’t been themself since the night they read it. They strode through the back door and padded into the living room. The movie was still going, at one of the parts involving the cute rebel waitress clone. Or something. A glance to the Lay-Z-Boy made Mike smile fondly- their partner had fallen asleep. At what point, they couldn’t say, but if this wasn’t a testament to the inherent dullness of Cloud Atlas Mike didn’t know what was. They turned it off, and watched him sleep for about as long as they could allow themselves without feeling like a creeper before nudging him gently. “Hey, buddy. I’m all done.” “Huh?” John’s eyes slowly blinked awake, and he yawned, rubbing them with one hand. Mike chuckled softly. He eyed the TV and then back to them. “I guess it wasn’t very good after all.” And then he sat up in the recliner, rolling the blanket off his chest to free his arms from its sleeves. “You feel better?” “Yeah, a little. I mean, I’ve felt a lot better since Monday, t’ be honest.” Last week had been truly terrible, and one of the worst parts was that their partner didn’t know just how awful it’d been. But they hadn’t told him what that letter’d said. It was too painful, even now, to try and speak it aloud. “Good. That letter from Natalie. Saw what was left of it, cinders and all, in the trash. What’s going on?” They closed their eyes. For a moment, John saw on their face an expression that’d been all too common in the last week- a sadness that was very unlike them. Something different than even the sadness that’d been there during the fight of sorts they’d had a few weeks ago- at least that came with an almost wild persistence to work things out. No, this was resignation, as if what was lost wouldn’t ever come back. Still, as unpalatable as the idea of talking about the contents of that letter was, they knew better now than to be elusive. They instead spoke earnestly. “I’ll tell you. I promise I will. I just can’t talk about it right now. Gimme a few more days and I’ll tell you everything, but it’s just… too raw to talk about at th’ moment. Okay?” John kicked off the blanket and stood up. Despite towering over them, he was far from intimidating in their presence. The usual blank expression that he sported turned to one of brief acknowledgement. “Okay.” “Okay.” They smiled, that sad expression melting back into the background, just visible if you knew where to look. “I don’t know about you, but I could go for some goddamn strawberry pancakes.”
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themangaguide · 3 years
The collection does not fail
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I'm just an easy man, I push Like!
A cute story concerning an amusing as well as "straightforward" individual with an incredibly power. There are probably a million means to explain iris zero. The one basic word is Exciting.
Even if you're a new fan and also haven't seen one more ONE's works, you will quickly recognize that iris zero isn't just a program with typical art. The visual complies with the manga renowned studio, Bones. Additionally, we got manager Yuzuru Tachikawa aboard as Part of the team. Tokyo, and Kill la Kill, it is absolutely something to obtain delighted around. Is the audio supervisor, well-known for popular works like the Ghost in the Still, iris zero is past just what the personnel uses?
It's not always so easy to understand the graph of iris zero. The much better concept as we're presented to the main characters. Have chief lead character Shigeo Kageyama, otherwise called Mob. He's a 14-year-old kid going to a college with a normal life. Instantly evident he's unique for his ESP powers.
Occasions in the tale cause his pressures to go unstable and Mob finds Himself hard to be "regular". right? A normal child that attempts to live a normal life with weird However, the program delivers numerous scenarios Where Mob utilizes his capacities far more than he should. For a youngster who wants a Normal life, he enters into numerous irregular circumstances which put himself at risk. Still, this is not specifically the case as we will certainly see how effective Mob is. While he is not a Saitama 2.0, Mob's abilities are not to be ignored. In lots of fights he has been in, Mob Can overpower Also see what often activates Mob to become involved in these uncommon occasions. Social peer pressure and also intimidation are a couple of aspects. Crowd additionally seeks Appreciation and also even wants to excite a lady that he likes so this contributes to Him making errors occasionally. I suggest, He's still human and human beings make errors.
While he is the read manga titular character, the collection does not fail its Others particularly with characters like Reigen, Ritsu (Mob's more youthful Ritsu has actually expanded to me as an extremely fascinating personality. Unlike Mob, He's very brilliant and usually makes use of Trickery to obtain what he needs. Often, he treats life like it's A game where playing the proper cards will certainly win. The beginning, he's all set to rise as a leader. It's likewise revealed that He's got an inferiority complex compared to his brother (as he questions. This likewise develops into regret and there is the reasoning for redemption.
Reigen is additionally an intriguing character that's called "Mob's master". He asserts a whole lot of points and also frequently talks as well as exists with the facts. Despite being manipulative, he is not a bad guy as well as Frequently looks out after He also provides excellent recommendations to Mob including what Really makes somebody a "far better individual". 1 weak point that I do find About him is his hesitation to admit blunders. Somewhere in Between, there is Teruki ("Teru"). I should confess however, this guy has a ridiculous hair layout that I've ever seen from ONE's work. Unlike Mob, he freely uses his esper powers such as if they're God's sacred gift. What makes him intriguing is the method after satisfying Mob, Teru Undergoes a large change in his character. It resembles a bully that Reinvents himself after getting put into his place for the very first time in their life. The most strange personality. In reality, he is not also human! He's Actually a soul that also at the very same time had his very own cult. What makes him Intriguing is in spite of having a God-like complicated and also ego, Dimple likewise Wants others to triumph specifically Mob. Include this series, assumptions are satisfied specifically when it comes to creative thinking. If you're a true follower of manga then don't miss it! Find out more details right here - https://mangaguidestoread.home.blog/2021/05/07/6q23c8tfffgcgq85n8upud1620397854/
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