#looking for art in all the wrong places
ladysisyphus · 3 months
I like to use Pride Month as an excuse to buy stuff from queer artists. I've already way overspent my budget this year, but just in case there's something else I need still lurking out there: Please share the links here of any queer/queer-adjacent artists who do small art -- and by small I mean stickers and tiny (like, postcard-sized) prints. I'm making basically every flat vertical surface in my office into a beautiful collage, and I've got way more small spaces than large ones.
And to share back, here's links to just a couple of the (non-Etsy, since they're harder to find) places I've already hit up this June:
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egophiliac · 11 months
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officially at the point where we're starting to see where it's all headed and I am just going NYEEHEEHEE in delight at it all. ahhh...next week can't come soon enough...
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"Luck is my middle name. Mind you, my first name is Bad."
in other words i am obsessed with this guy (and yea the lady was probably described differently but consider this. i don't care)
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blueskittlesart · 7 months
Feel free to ignore this but as someone who also goes to art school, I find it really interesting how other art schools also have a “don’t date your peers” sort of faux pa. Like so many people I know (including me) refuse to date anyone else who goes to my college 😭
I wonder why that is tbh, small school thing maybe?
being so serious i didn't have anything against dating other art school peers when i first came here and i think most freshmen dont but once you have one or two art school relationships under your belt you realize why all the upperclassmen avoid dating each other like the plague
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holographic-mars · 3 months
All I draw is coswave sorry yall. I’m a one trick pony (lame)
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"It's just you now. Take care of mother."
i have the normal amount of emotions about them (lying) <3
#a redraw but also not really cus i ended up tracing a lot from the old one hfldsjdfs#it was only supposed to be for reference but i ended up keep messing w it instead of redrawing it proper......#feel like i got his expression down better in the old one; looks more strained/ hearbroken like i feel#but thats fine#my art#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#i'm still not sure if liam or varric is the one who deals the killing blow#love both the thought of liam having his own sisters blood on his hands and never being able to wash it off fully#or his (future) best friend saving him that fate but now having that stand between them#cus liam would be grateful for it but part of him would always remember that and hold it against him#(both options also make the bartrand encounter crunchy in slightly different ways)#either way in that moment he kind of hates varric for even just being there. and fenris too#(though tbh im not sure how realistic it would be for him to take sb else except bethy and varric down into the deep roads)#((so maybe in canon fen wouldnt be there idk. havent decided this yet either))#logically he knows its not fair ofc but it just feels like an invasion of privacy. it feels Wrong.#they have no place in this they shouldnt have been there they shouldnt have been part of it they shouldnt have seen him like this#but its sth that binds them too#the rest of the trek is miserable and awkward for all of them in any case#but yeah.#idk if they would be able to bury her down here properly so maybe they end up doing it via lava?#theyre not leaving her body out in the open to rot and/or become food for darkspawn or spiders thats for sure
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appleciderp · 2 years
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I'm living in my dramatic lighting era. I also learned that it's called butt fucking when you light up a cigarette with an other cigarette.
Day 13 of Soap in Kilts for @empresscirque
Follow up to this
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disposal-blueeee · 3 months
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luckyashes-art · 3 months
man, you ever realize you needed to correct a small character detail to make it more accurate and then it peeves you off a lil 💀💀💀
#specifically I just swapped around the eye colors for my splatoon agent 4's heterochromia because APPARENTLY#red is pretty dark when grayscaled . and the reason i wanted to grayscale it in the first place was for whenever#i do a colorless doodle of them (grayscale values are fun)- but now 'm teased over the bday art i made of him cuz its inaccurate#ngl been beefin with his eyecolor a while but 'm just gonna try to stick with what i got- cant go changin it all willy nilly cuz it'll also#affect his brothers' appearances . i think a red and gray eye tho is a nifty color combo but then that makes me beef with hair design .#still not sure how im really gonna go about coloring splatoon OCs' hair cuz i like colored tips but also i tend to like#making it game accurate?? i think i just need to suck it up and do what i want forever (do colored tips even if theyre a lil harder)#i mention colored tips cuz originally they were a light blue . but i dont want TOO many different colors (i already have#yellow/red/gray on him so blue might be much) :( and like I could maybe just change the gray eye to blue but then???#it'll make his brother have the wrong eye color in the trans roblox drawing :( plus theres kind of a reason i made an eye red and the other#something plain (the contrast in colored appearance wise . plus my agent 4 is hella self conscious abt his looks) so its not#like i can really change it . augh im at a loss on what to do !! mm might just make it so that the colored tips go darker#rather than colored. HC that not all cephalopods have colored tips but rather it just fades darker and vice versa??#hhh the misery of character design sometimes#ash chats
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bueris · 5 months
okay maybe I should seriously reconsider my path in life and sell my soul to marketing or journalism instead
#okay venting in the tags you are very welcome to ignore or not respond to it i just need to yell somewhere#i always thought id be an art therapist because well i care about people and want to help them and love art#but everyday i wake up feeling like a fraud and an imposter so like. should i really be doing all that when im not entirely#certain i cpuld handle it??? like i know i haven't gotten the meaty bit of the education towards that yet but like#university costs a disgusting amount of money here and if i pick the wronf thing im likely doomed forever thanks to awful government#i know things could get better like they did after thatcher but honestly im not putting any bets on it considering how the current labour#party is so like if i fuck up here im basically dead#also can i actually do art uni. like could i cope with that. im deeply unethused with art at the moment and honestly will i evwr be#idk#it was jusr a thing i always did but education around it is fucking soul sucking#also the emotional weight of hearing and solving people's problems as a therapist. i would consider myself quite empathetic for the most#part i feel other people's pain quite strongly and obviously as a therapist id be feeling that quite a bit so could i actually cope with it?#ik therapists have therapists but still#i mean im doing work experience at an occupational therapy place so ill just be extra inquisitive about it all to make sure im going#the way i wanna#I'll be fine by the end of a levels ill probably understand what i want in life#if not then gap year to work it out#should probably look at unis for english language too then#sigh#ucas website i may as well marry you#ill be okay im getting in my head about stuff im actually pretty good at art even if there are things i can improve on (like patience lol)#yeah maybe the voice telling me i suck doesnt know shit and should shut up#yeah#shut it nasty voice you're wrong actually!!! im doing just fine and you're being overly critical#they should make a brain that's your friend and not mush that hides the amalgamation of every bad thing ever in its crevices#crevices shoyild be filled with kindness and love.#sex jokes about that#why the fuck is yahoo mail syncing i dont use you you washed up search engine#bue waffling#vent post
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autoboros · 2 years
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I like this guy I kinda feel like I don't see as much content of him compared to other promo kids
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HOW am i meant to find photo reference for my stupid underfed old sweatshirt too-short jeans currently living his sad backstory 17-year old looser boy? What are the search terms for this?
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runningatypufullspeed · 6 months
AND THE HOUNDS ARE DISGUSTING THE COLORING IS SO SHITTY AND MILDRED …. Well ok she looks alright kindof but the COLORING ….. SKETCH WAS BETTER but do you guys. Do you still want to see it…….,,,,,,
#like ok maybe it isn’t. THAT bad#NO NO I TAKE THAT BACK I JUST LOOKED AT IT RIGHT NOW AND THE COMPOSITION IS ALL FUCKING VOER THE PLACE#IT. IT IS. THAT BAD#IF YOU GUYS SAY YESS YOULL SEE#ok but nasty bad art aside I know some of you will be asking why white Montag is such a bad thing and#there isn’t anything wrong with it!!! it’s just that for me personally#after I did a bit more thinking I was. physically incapable of perceiving Montag as anything other than POC/nonwhite#so when I look back at my old f451 art and stare into the eyes of a pale skittish twink it just#it doesn’t click. like that isn’t MY Montag if ykwim#now trembling BROWN skittish twink. that’s a different story#AGAIN I DONT have any issues with ppl making their own versions white I just think that . for me specifically. he looked a bit funny#a little off. a bit too crackerish for my liking#where is bros melanin 😭#I’m complaining right now but if I wanted to I could just… go in and try and make the skin tone darker#I might do that depending on how tired I feel after doomscrolling#also if it matters even though I have read the book over at least 8 times now not once have I touched either of the movies.#and it will STAY THAT WAY. until I completely log my notes for the book#then I can move on to the movies 🥰#but I will admit 2018 did sort of lead me to having a change of heart w my design. just a little. just a teensy bit. kinda. sort of?#actually not really now that I think about it#I have my own reasons.#TOO MANY WHITE PEOPLE MY EYES THEY BURN AAAYHHHHH MY EYES OW OW OW OWIEEEE#my Beatty design was so white that my eyes developed stage 4 cataracts#I needed a palate cleanser that WASNT Millie… oh god my Millie design…#she was white there too. terrible#it’s okay… 💔 I’ve since learned and moved on#ARGH GUYS I DONT HATE WHITE PEOPLE I JUST THINK THAT MORE SKIN COLOR VARIATIONS WOULD E NICE
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miiroren · 1 year
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entering my villain!yuji era
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 year
Um, Disney… this was literally already the plot of the movie. Her motivations are pretty clearly not just about Eric (and even if they were — so what?). She’d been collecting things in the grotto for ages and sang Part of Your World, the song where she goes very into detail about wanting to take part in the human world, BEFORE she ever laid eyes on Eric. Tell me you haven’t watched the movie in a while without telling me you haven’t watched the movie in a while.
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Had this vision in my head, had to draw it. Idk what the context is but here's another teen Zephyr drawing but this time one of my ocs is there too
#I imagine this would be like if the 'we have to dress formal to sneak into this fancy event for a mission' trope was fantasy viking-ified#(yes I know rtte sorta already did that in last auction hero leave me alone)#my posts#my art#Zephyr doesn't know how to sit it dresses. Gay MF doesn't know how to sit outside of dresses. Girl can't sit.#RJ (the OC) is the definition of 'cleans up well'#I did mess up on RJ's hair I put her bangs in the wrong side but y'all wouldn't know that so idk why I'm saying it#Zephyr doesn't clean up well she doesn't even know what that means. She dragged that skirt through the mud.#Putting zeph in all green felt like a betrayal to my color system I accidentally put in place for the main five.#Zephyr's red. Nuffink is blue. Spike is green Eric is orange and RJ is purple. (Madder is yellow but she's sorta a later addition#to the team. Also Hatchet and Spade are neutrals)#Hmm out of all of these characters I've only drawn Hatchet and Spade's dragon. That hideous zippleback I drew a while ago you know#Anyway I'm done rambling#Have a nice night#dragon riders second generation#<btw that's the tag I'm using for all of my teen zephyr and her friends stuff so if it's annoying then there's the tag to block#And if you want more. Well. There's the tag to search on my blog. I've put everything there.#Ugh I hate how embarrassed I get everytime I talk about these guys. 'oh it's so cringe-' bitch shut up#I'll look at other people's httyd OCs and go 'oooh cool I love that' but then the second I go to post mine I'm like 'ugh cringe-'#Cringe culture is dead post the damn drawing write the damn fic.#Honestly at this point I treat Zephyr like an OC. Dreamworks lost their rights to her she's mine now /hj#Like I used the personality Dreamworks gave her as like a baseline and then made her (and Nuffink) better#And I gave them friends.
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