#look at sangha being a cute i :(
slytherinshua · 5 months
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LIKE HES SO MY BABY I WANT TO NOM HIM SO BADDD BUT AAA imagine ur teasing him abt the concept photos and pretending to notice the other members more and he's just like ☹️☹️☹️ INSTEAD OF FIGHTING BACK LIKE I WANT HIM SO BAD GRRRR
sangha baby he's so adorable and soft and tiny and cute and just so cutie patootie how the hell is he the oldest like it doesn't make sense 😭😭😭 warnings: erm sad sangha :( wc: ~550
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"woahh, kangsu must've worked hard for those abs." you said, purposefully a bit louder than you had previously been talking to get sangha's attention. his eyes met your face and then drifted down to your computer where you were flipping over the newly released concept photos for nomad's debut. sangha's throat felt a little dry as he watched you zoom in on the photo, carefully studying the stickers on kangsu's torso.
"awww, it's hello kitty!" you smiled– a little too widely for sangha's liking, before you flipped to the next photos. he watched silently as you complimented doeui, junho, and jiwon, patiently waiting for you to flip to his photo and compliment him as well. you eventually did, clicking over to the concept photo with the lollipop.
but, to sangha's disappointment, you only gave a small approving hum before moving onto jiwon's photo. another exaggerated reaction sounded from your mouth, compliments flowing out about the styling, the hair, the pose, even the abs.
all sangha could do was frown.
you had been curious whether purposefully noticing the other members instead of him would get your silent, reserved boyfriend to finally speak up. but you seemed to have underestimated how conflict-averse he was. he wasn't even willing to comment on it, though his eyes didn't leave your face once. it was as if he was silently willing you to stop with his big pout and sad eyes.
"are you okay, baby?" you asked softly, wondering if a little push was all he needed to voice his feelings. but he only shook his head and averted his gaze, his frown deepening even more. you tried to hold back and continue with your teasing, but it was impossible to resist how cute he was being now. you cupped his face and turned it towards you, cooing softly at his pouty expression.
"i was only teasing. i'm sorry, baby." you said, squishing his cheeks slightly between your palms. he looked away from you, now sporting a hurt expression. "don't be like that, sangha." you giggled, "i was only joking."
he huffed, "it's not funny."
your face straightened, realizing it would take a little bit more work to cheer him up from your little stunt. you had never teased him before, and you silently decided that you would never again because now you felt awful. he looked so sad, and knowing you caused it just for your own entertainment made you feel like a bit of an asshole. he didn't deserve it.
"i'm sorry. you looked amazing in the photos too." he only frowned again, his face still between your hands. "i'm serious. you looked really hot. and i'm sorry for pretending to ignore your photos."
he seemed a little happier by that answer, even letting his gaze drift from the floor back to your face. you took the opportunity to give him a kiss, ensuring that he would forget all about the little stunt. everything was always better when you were kissing sangha, and he loved it just as much as you did; always finding opportunities throughout the day to give you little pecks.
"all better?" you asked, giving one last peck to his lips. he just dropped his head onto your shoulder, mumbling to never do that to him again. you giggled, hugging him close to your chest, and promising you wouldn't.
↳ nomad taglist: @eternalgyu
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pranpat · 4 years
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dreadysficrecs · 3 years
Stucky Fic Rec List #19
Friday, September 10
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🕷️Your Hand in Mine by sangha - [Explicit; 22k words]
[College AU; Pre-Serum Steve; Tattoos; Arachnophobia; Meet-Cute; Self-esteem Issues; Insecure Steve; Fluff; Explicit Sexual Content; Hand Jobs; Blow Jobs; Anal Sex; Bottom!Bucky; Love Confessions]
Steve is just minding his own business when he hears someone scream in the dorm next to his. Enter Bucky Barnes: arachnophobe and hot neighbor who needs to be rescued from a giant spider. Naturally, romance ensues.
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🌳 Every Tree That is Pleasant by spitandvinegar - [Teen; 13,5k words]
[Canon Divergence; Alternate Dimensions; Comic Book Science; Loss of Memory; Weirdness; Fluff and Angst; Hurt/Comfort; Codependency; Implied Sexual Content; Happy Ending]
“As near as we can figure,” Tony said, “we had two incredibly ridiculous things happen at once. The first was Cap and murderbot activated a device that was sort of the juiced-up remote version of the thing that they used to scramble Barnes' brains back in the day. The second is that Mad Madame Mim here panicked and tried to get the universe to move them out of the room, and instead accidentally sent them to outer space.”
“To another dimension,” said Wanda, as if that was the point that made all the difference.
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💌 The Unsent Project by @turtle-steverogers - [Gen; 2,7k words]
[Canon Divergence; Epistolary; Steve Rogers Needs a Hug; Grieving; Fluff and Angst; Happy Ending]
To: My astronaut
How’s space treating you? It’s treating me pretty badly, if I’m being honest. If only you could see what it’s done to Brooklyn. I think you’d be pretty mad at it if you knew…
Steve hesitates, reading back over what he’s typed. It’s stupid as hell, and he cringes, but he doesn’t backspace. His fingers find the keys again.
I miss you something awful. I don’t think that even encompasses how much I’m hurting without you. I feel so lost right now-- space is much bigger and scarier than you’d think. I know you’d love it. I wish you could see bits of it, but god, I just want to go home. I want you to come home.
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☄️ move through me a while by nbsherlock - [Explicit; 3,4k words]
[Canon Divergence; PWP; Established Relationship; Time Travel; Pre-Serum Steve; Post-Serum Steve; Anal Fingering; Anal Sex; Bottom!Bucky; Barebacking; Dom/Sub Undertones; Dirty Talk; Rough Sex; Multiple Orgasms; Crying]
Bucky stays there, frozen, arm tossed out over Steve's side of the bed. He doesn’t know what to say— this isn’t exactly normal. They haven’t had to deal with anything like this in a while, retirement settling over both of them kindly.
This Steve, smaller and dressed like he was dropped straight from the 1930s into Bucky’s bedroom, Stands motionless and looks alarmingly pale. Bucky has to go first, clearly. He just doesn’t know what could possibly help. Steve might know, his Steve, who is also apparently missing. Jesus Christ.
“Hi,” Bucky squeaks, aiming for reassurance and ending up lightyears away.
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🥭 The Lord of Greystoke by @humapuma - [Explicit; 31,3k words]
[Tarzan AU; Tarzan!Steve; Mercenary!Bucky; Colonial Africa; PTSD; Internalised Homophobia; Language Barrier; Falling in Love; Injuries; Action/Adventure; Violence; Fluff and Angst; Nudity; First Kiss; First Time; Frottage; Anal Sex; Bottom!Bucky; Multiple Orgasms; Overstimulation; Rimming; Happy Ending; Embedded Art]
Bucky Barnes survived the the American Civil War but never left the battlefield behind. He joined Hydra, a mercenary group, and for the last few years, he's done a lot of terrible things. On a mission, he gets lost in the Wakandan jungle and comes across a man he believes to be the victim of some terrible crime.
There were scars all over this man’s body, some of which seemed like leopard scratches and even what may have been old bullet wounds. His hair was wild and filthy, cascading over his shoulders. Really, the man was quite filthy in general. Some spots, though, Bucky was sure were massive bruises instead of dirt, and they reminded Bucky of the photographs of gorilla attack survivors.
Gorilla attacks. Leopard scratches. Bullet wounds.
“Oh God,” Bucky gasped. “Y-you’re him... You’re the Ape-Man! They... they were right..!”
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heretherebedork · 3 years
And the Battle de gay royale continues! "Uke Edition"
Now who among here excretes the most uke energy? A gaybie? A soft uke? Ukes who are totally babies that need protection and love of course. And the contestants aree:
King vs. Pun
Mon vs. Meen
Pi vs. Duen
Tine vs. Chon
Jin vs. Arthit
Kao (DBK) vs. Third
Knock vs. Bunn
Pao vs. Ake
Sun vs. Puth
Mes vs. Adachi
Boss vs. Mark (En of Love)
Bar vs. Pra-Ram (En of Love)
Wad vs. Day (SOTUS S)
Wayo (2moons) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Kit (2moons) vs. Beam
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Ray (Close Friend)
Zon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
Typhoon (Close Friend) vs. Pharm
Team vs. In
Gene vs. Tian
Muren vs. ShuYi
ShiGu vs. XingSi
Fiat vs. Moo Joom
Two vs. Chon
Type (2gether) vs. Ni
KiWan (Ryu's Wedding) vs. SangHa (Mr. Heart)
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
Karl (GSP) vs. Cairo (Gameboys)
Sky (My Day) vs. Phai (Gen Y)
Blue vs. Tutor
Pete (LBC) vs. Can
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Book (MIT)
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Zhi Gang (MODC)
Chol vs. Tri
Shao Fei vs. Zhao Zi
Yu Hao (HIStory CTL) vs. Zhen Wen (CTL)
Yi Chen (Obsessed) vs. Zhen Xuan (WBL)
King vs. Pun
I am going with King because... because King. Because he's soft and nosy and adorable and he's got just the right balance of uke energy and extrovert energy and I love him for it.
Mon vs. Meen
Did you see Mon's teddy bear? Mon is the ultimate uke. He has medals to being an uke. Like, Meen is adorable and all but Mon? Mon has taken first prize by miles.
Pi vs. Duen
Uh. Uhhhhh. Do I have to chose? Going with Duen because, frankly, Pi doesn't have a lot of uke energy for me. Not a negative, fyi. He's just kind of... middle roads for me. Yeah, he's supposed to be a tsundere uke. But I feel like he could go either way with his tsundereness.
Tine vs. Chon
Dude, Chon had to win this. He's out! He knows what he wants! And he wants to be an uke, 100%. No questions.
Jin vs. Arthit
Whyyyyy. They exude such similar energy and I love them both and I don't know how to choooooose. I think I have to go with Arthit because Arthit feels more... gentle and soft than Jin does. Might that change? Yes. But I think Jin is more playboy than Arthit's awkward shyness.
Kao (DBK) vs. Third
Third is like Mon. He's got medals in ukeness. Every tear is an award. Kao's got a bit going for him but nothing compared to Third. Third is ultimate.
Knock vs. Bunn
They're both vers. No one wins because neither one is an uke. They're both characters that could go either way with their partners and we're very proud of them for that.
Pao vs. Ake
I'm going to go Pao for for a strong reason but because he's just a little softer and a little gentler, especially as Pae with his glasses? Yeah. Yeah, he gets a tiny leg up.
Sun vs. Puth
Sun is the seme so Puth wins this one. Although I would definitely lean towards Puth being a bit more vers than straight (lol) up uke he's closer than Sun imo.
Mes vs. Adachi
Adachi always wiiiins. Like, I'm sorry, he always wins. But in this case he's also much shyer and softer than Mes and definitely gets taken care of more, which I consider to be part of the uke characterization. Being taken of is very important.
Boss vs. Mark (En of Love)
Gotta go Boss because... he's so soft. And little. And adorable and clingy. Mark is also pretty uke, no denials, but he's just not quite... what Boss is. The little bit of uke energy that Boss has, Mark lacks a little bit.
Bar vs. Pra-Ram (En of Love)
Yeah, Bar wins this. Not least because Tossara is basically my favorite show ever and the scene where Bar leans over Gun in bed and whispers about missing him sings in my heart at all times. But also because Bar sits in Gun's lap SO happily and Pra-Ram strikes me as less... soft, clingy uke and more brat uke? And I like the soft-clingy more.
Wad vs. Day (SOTUS S)
Despite Wad's unfinished story (sadness) I am going to give this to him over Day. Now that's partially because when I watched SOTUS S I only half-watched the Day storyline and I should probably give him another chance... but for now, I give it to Wad because he was tsundere and he deserved an actual storyline and I miss him.
Wayo (2moons) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Yu wins out of sheer desperation. Like, at least Yo functioned as a person. Yu just absolutely fell apart and basically didn't exist as a person any longer after Pha broke up with him. And that's the most uke thing anyone can do!
Kit (2moons) vs. Beam
I'm gonna give this to Beam because it's Kit from 2moons and NOT 2moons2. Kit from 2moons2 would win this over Beam but Beam wins over Kit from 2moons. Beam is the headstrong uke and he's a very good example of one, honestly.
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Ray (Close Friend)
As much as I adore Kit in Gen Y, I think Ray has more uke energy than him. They're both definitely ukes, no denials. But Ray just has that desperate, slightly needy, slightly clingy energy to him that I associate with ukes that Kit doesn't really have.
Zon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
I gotta give this to Zon. Zon is so puppy-uke it almost hurts sometimes. He's adorable and tiny and so, so bouncy but also so, so needy and I just... he's up there with Third and Mon in terms of ultimate uke.
Typhoon (Close Friend) vs. Pharm
Pharm wins. I feel worse for Typhoon because I kind of hated that his feelings were entirely disregarded but... Pharm is still just an absolute uke at heart and soul. He just wants to be take care of and loved and held and he might be strong but he needs space to be weak as well and he's just the best.
Team vs. In
Love Team, seriously do! But In is the ultimate cheeky uke and he's adorable about it and I love him so much. In wins just about everything, he's another one of my favorite characters.
Gene vs. Tian
This was an immensely painful choice. But I had to go with Gene. I feel like Tian and Phupha had such a strong and non stereotypical relationship that I just want to give it to Gene, who's definitely got more uke energy than Tian did. Yes, Tian needed more care... but Gene had more of the needy energy to him. It's hard to define but that's the best I can do.
Muren vs. ShuYi
AUGHH. What an impossible choice! They're both the good kind of uke that I adore and I just... look, I haven't done this before but this is a tied win. They both win. There are no losers. They're both fantastic ukes for their semes.
ShiGu vs. XingSi
Cheeky uke for the win! XingSi rules from the bottom and he gets this award 100%. YongJie had no idea what he was getting into with this boy and he learned fast.
Fiat vs. Moo Joom
I cannot pick Moo Joom because he is literally a cat. Fiat is also just a great needy, clingy, desperate little uke no denials so I do adore him. But also... cat.
Two vs. Chon
I'm going with Chon. Two doesn't lack uke energy but Chon has it in abundance.
Type (2gether) vs. Ni
I'm going with Type just because I feel like AiNi is a totally equal relationship with give/take and not really an ukeseme dynamic where Man and Type definitely had more of that energy. Especially with Type and Man wanting to take care of him and Type obviously wanting to be taken care of.
KiWan (Ryu's Wedding) vs. SangHa (Mr. Heart)
Sangha, yo. Cheeky, needy uke energy all wrapped up in a bright eyed puppy? Yes please.
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
Yeon Woo just so perfectly into that. Tae Joo is close, no denials, but Color Rush feels much more old-school yaoi than WYEL ever did so I gotta give it to them. Yeon Woo just has that need to be cared for and that absolutely all-encompassing need to be with Yoo Han that pushes him into the win.
Karl (GSP) vs. Cairo (Gameboys)
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOSE? Ughhh. I'm going Cairo because I have to. I have to. I can't choose Karl because I love him but he's just not the uke energy all over the way Cairo has. Love them both, though, so much.
Sky (My Day) vs. Phai (Gen Y)
The belt around the wrists wins this for Sky, no hesitation. That make out scene wins EVERYTHING. Also, he's just got that right uke energy without it being overwhelming the way it is with Mon and Pharm and such. It's a bit lighter but still very much there.
Blue vs. Tutor
Tutor is a vers. Tutor is not an uke. So Blue gets this regardless. But he's also an uke and adorable and I with they'd do a side story show with his plot that got ruined by COVID because I wanna know how it ended.
Pete (LBC) vs. Can
Pete is another gold medal uke. Like, just look at the boy! Gold medals all around. He's up in the winner's circle, beloved by all. Can can't come close. Sorry, Can, love you.
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Book (MIR)
This was another closer one. But I really think Book is slightly more uke than Hin was. Now, very minorly. They've both got that needy energy and that softness and everything. But Book just nudges it over the edge a biiit more than Hin does.
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Zhi Gang (MODC)
MY BABY BOY. Yeah, Sheng Zhe has to win this on the basis of him being MY BABY and one of my favorite characters. But also his softness, his caring, his cooking, his love of children... he's just so cute and so sweet.
Chol vs. Tri
Hey! Tri is a seme for the twins! So Chol wins instantly. Also, Chol's entire character is tsundere uke turned puppy uke and there is nothing else to him so... he wins?
Shao Fei vs. Zhao Zi
Ugh, another hard one. But, yes, I'm going with ZZ on this because we're specifically looking at uke energy and ZZ just radiates that. He's soft and small and the sad hugging scenes are SO GOOD.
Yu Hao (HIStory CTL) vs. Zhen Wen (CTL)
Gotta go with Yu Hao on this one. The way he looks over the volleyball when they're studying? He wins. That single look beats out almost anything.
Yi Chen (Obsessed) vs. Zhen Xuan (WBL)
Have y'all looked at Yi Chen? He's ultimate uke. He tries to avoid love at all costs and still instantly just turns into this tiny caretaking uke when he's given a chance. Plus, when he had glasses in his first life? TINIEST BOY EVER.
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mitsususu · 3 years
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I give my hand to you with all my heart. I can’t wait to live my life with you, I can’t wait to start. Steve and Bucky are getting married! Below are my Top 5 Favorite stories:
“We didn’t need this to love each other, but I’m glad we get to do it anyway” (T, 1k) by AidaRonan
In an alternate universe where they never go to war, Steve and Bucky live a whole lifetime together.
They're near the end of the line now, but there's still time to make it official.
Or the one where same-sex marriage finally gets legalized in NY and two very old men do the thing.
+ Modern AU. They got to grow old together! Courthouse weddings and heartfelt vows.
“My Big Fat Wolf Wedding” (T, 12k) by AggressiveWhenStartled, galwednesday, quietnight, silentwalrus, skellerbvvt
“Basically married. Permanently engaged anyway. Weres have their own deal.” Natasha sounds much, much too gleeful about Steve’s rapidly expanding personal hell. “So you better wake your blushing bride and tell him the happy news: that it was an accident and you had no idea what you were doing.”
“I,” Steve says, strangled. “I can’t do that!”
“You can’t?”
“He thought I was proposing! And he accepted!”
“Wow, maybe he’s just as dumb as you are,” Natasha says thoughtfully.
“I can’t just promise him a ring, take him home, drink from him three times in a row and then wake him up the next morning to say oops, just kidding!” Steve casts around, looking at his wreck of an apartment. “I don’t even have any good champagne!”
+ Modern AU. Vampire Steve and Werewolf Bucky. Mistaken identity, accidental proposals, wedding planning, family gossip, and idiots in love. This was published a few days ago and if you haven’t read it yet, you MUST
“just goddamn marry me already, for fuck's sake” (E, 6k) by newsbypostcard
"Do you," Steve says, fingers newly tugging Bucky's underwear until it starts to slide off his hips, "want to marry me, or not?"
Bucky sighs. "You know, in some circles people would consider this interrogation under duress."
+ Post CW. They’re practically married already, but Steve wants to make it an official forever. Lovely wedding vows in Central Park
“All the things yet to come are the things that have passed” (T, 9k) by sangha
Peter gets underestimated. Everyone calls him “kid,” as if he’s not part of the Avengers. Well anyway, contrary to what the others may think, he does notice things. Being in high school is good for something. Noticing when people have crushes, for one.
Nobody else seems to notice the way Captain America looks at the Winter Soldier. Peter is still not sure how to act around Cap. He’s a little intimidating, not a very approachable guy. He always looks very severe and serious and to be honest, Peter’s arms still hurt when he thinks about the fight at the airport. But when Steve’s looking at the Winter Soldier, he looks a lot more approachable. Softer, somehow. Peter likes him better that way. Not that he’d ever dare say that to Captain America’s face. He’s not in any hurry to die again. Anyway, the point is, Cap clearly has it bad for his best friend.
+ Post CW. Very cute. Peter and Bucky friendship, proposals, and a simple wedding.
“Brookland House” (E, 8k) by Ark
“You seem distressed, my angel. Are you not pleased with the match? The word from court is that Lord James Barnes is an upstanding gentleman, not given to the wild circles around the Prince Regent. And Steve, it was he who asked for you. The young man has kept you in mind all these years -- despite our circumstances.”
+ Historical AU. Arranged marriage, childhood friends, and a long awaited wedding night
-☆- And a freebie! -☆-
“les voleurs de mariage” (G, 988 words) by silentwalrus
Anon asked:
Sorry if this is too much. I've been obsessed with better than to bend since I read it. I can't help but imagine if Steve was found earlier, Bucky was rescued and Steve married both of them like he wanted and lived their lives. Do you have any headcanons on this version? Details!! I want them to be h a p p y and it's too much to ask for in canon. And! In ITHLYN does the team ever find out Steve's relationships with both? I'd LOVE to see you write out their reactions. Only if you want to. Thanks!
+ Post WW2. Bucky gets rescued and marries Steve in France. Crackfic, Outside POV. Tagged for Steve/Bucky/Peggy but there’s no Peggy romance actually in the story
+ Previously rec’d Wedding stories (x18) here
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mingyus-noona · 6 years
My niece renames Kpop groups
**With my notes, because sometimes they’re needed to make sense of what’s going through her mind. She definitely repeats things, so there are a few people with the same name (but that already happens in Kpop, so it fits) or part of the same name, even within the same group. Twice has two members named Pool in my niece’s version. She also asked several times afterward if the name she said was Korean lol. She switches between saying random sounds and objects after I asked her to do shorter names so I could write them down and to say actual names, so she started naming objects. FIRST UP: Some Highlights: Big Bang Taeyang: Bowl of Soup Twice Tzuyu: Mulberry Bush (f)x Luna: Kiss the Beach A.C.E. Wow: Sunny Side Animal Got7 Jinyoung: Trashcan Monsta X Minhyuk: Skeleton Winner Taehyun: Bedroom Mamamoo Hwasa: I am your favorite star of the world Rose 24k Kiyong: Aw, Bad Words 2PM Wooyoung: Do you remember me? Block B P.O.: Drinking Boyfriend Kwangmin: Oh hi Onion BTOB Sungjae: I’m lemoned out B.I.G. Benji: Logo Beast Junhyung: I want Treasure And then she kind of just gave some names to other idols: Shinee Key>>B1A4 Gongchan Astro Sanha>> Block B Kyung Some of the names she chose weren’t that bad and I could actually see them as idol names, given that some are a little odd: Big Bang G Dragon: Song K Monsta X Shownu: Zucka Za Red Velvet Wendy: A-talk Red Velvet Yeri: Boxy A.cian Seulgi: Taeko The full list: BTS: Jin: Chun-gu [this is a character from the Lion Guard] Suga: Chung-who J-hope: Kissy [she said like a Hershey Kiss] RM: Huggy Jimin: Hat [Jimin was wearing a hat] V: Hershey Kiss Jungkook: Lovey Lovey
EXO: Xiumin: I Pig Luhan: Passa Pass a Suey Butt Kris: A Koosa Koosa Wah Suho: Eye Coo Soak Lay: Paper Paper Color Snow [there was snow in the picture] Baekhyun: So Kay Chen: Coal Kah Kushe Chanyeok: Hairy Hair Hair D.O.: Kissy Kissy So Tao: Silly Butt Eye Kai: Koko is a Bobby a So Su Sehun: Koko Ih Ih E A Chacha
Seventeen: S.coups: Steppy Jeonghan: Coosy Joshua: Here We Go Again Jun: Phoney Hoshi: Grass [grass in the picture] Wonwoo: Cuppy Closewa Woozi: Laying Down in Grass [grass in this picture too] DK: Sleepy Sleepy Slook Mingyu: Wordy Cosa The8: Icy Koos Seungkwan: Standy Call Vernon: Heart [she saw a gif of him holding a cut-out heart] Dino: Coosy Got (funny that this goes with Jeonghan's name: Coosy Got is the equivalent of Dino being Jeonghan's aegi 😂)
Got7: Mark: Silly JB: Silly Butt Soup Jackson: Mouthy Kahs Jinyoung: Trashcan Youngjae: Rotten Fish Filled with Trashcan [and not the other way around] BamBam: Pirate Kite Yugyeom: Eye Lip [she was trying to say eyelid lol]
Astro: MJ: Huh? JinJin: Kooka Wappu Deh Eunwoo: Sorry Moonbin: Fan Rocky: Light Sanha: Koosa
Monsta X: Wonho: Eye Sooka Soak a Soaka Shownu: Zucka Za Minhyuk: Skeleton Kihyun: Soaka Soaka a Bassa Hyungwon: So Bae Jooheon: Cossa Cossa Oh Bae Doo Doo Wah I.M.: Kiss the Go Bae Soap Ooh Wah
Winner: Yoon: Table Jinu: Bottle Hoony: Ice Water Minho: Floor Taehyun: Bedroom
Pentagon: Jinho: High Hui: Low Hongseok: Right E'Dawn: Left [creative, huh?] Shinwon: Koos Yeo One: Took Yanan: Keet Yuto: Keep Kino: Eye Wooseok: Love [if there was another member, she definitely would have named him You because the last three would be that Eye Love You gesture people show kids]
Blackpink: Jennie: Kussah Jisoo: Kass Bwi Bway Rose: Bob Wah Lisa: Toosedah
(f)x: Victoria: Pizza Amber: Kayswah Luna: Kiss the Beach [I don’t know if it’s what she said, but it sounded like it and I asked her and she said yes] Krystal: A Kassa Wah Sulli: Jees
Mamamoo: Solar: Peesagwa Moonbyul: Blah Blah Blah Wheein: Bowl Hwasa: I am your favorite star of the world Rose [I think she was trying to sing nursery rhymes and then saw the rose in the picture]
Girls’ Generation: Taeyeon: Um, I don’t know Sunny: I don’t saw Tiffany: Dress [she had a dress on] Hyohyeon: Plug Yuri: Spoon Sooyoung: Call Yuna: Blah Blah Blah, I get it Seohyun: Hairy Jessica: Hug Kiss
Big Bang: G Dragon: Song K T.O.P.: Cooshy Coosh [close enough to kush, and we all know what he was caught with lol] Taeyang: Bowl of Soup Daesung: Hairy Hair Coso Seungri: Jerry Sook [this just sounds like someone’s American name]
Red Velvet: Irene: The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town Seulgi: The horn on the bus goes bing bing bing, bing bing bing, bing bing bing, the horn on the bus goes bing bing bing all through the town Wendy: A-talk Joy: Bubblegum Yeri: Boxy
I.O.I.: Nayoung: Hi Goodbye Chungha: The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out, out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again Sejeong: Light Cult [I found out later she tried to say lightbulb, but this is funnier] Chaeyeon: Good Bye Bye Kyulkyung: Toe Sohye: Hair Yeonjung: Bobobo Yoojung: Smiley Face Mina: Hershey Kiss Smiley Doyeon: I don’t know Suh Somi: Wall
Twice: Jihyo: Pool Nayeon: Water Jeongyeon: Fill Momo: Up Sana: Pool Mina: Pineapple [she was holding one in the picture] Dahyun: Flower Flower Chaeyoung: Happy Happy the Hop Tzuyu: Mulberry Bush [nursery rhymes again] [you can tell in this one that she was swimming at the time since she said pool water fill up lol]
Super Junior: Leeteuk: Polka Dot Heechul: Triangle Yesung: Square Kangin: Rectangle Shindong: Heart Sungmin: Circle Eunhyuk: Splash [she was in the pool] Siwon: Fly [she saw a bee] Donghae: Umbrella [same] Ryeowook: Porch [we were on the porch] Khyuhyun: Butterfly Zhoumi: I see butterfly, I like butterfly [she likes butterflies] Henry: I love you Hangeng: Coo Say Kibum: Bubbly a Way So Eh
24K: Cory: Emmy E [her nickname is Emmy] Kisu: Boolooloo Jeunguk: Ma Ba Ba Ba Ba Changsun:  Chair Jinhong: Pooly Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool Hongseob: Sun-who Kiyong: Aw, Bad Words Sungoh: Woo-ah Hui: Vacation [she was pretending we were on vacation] Daeil: Flamingo Seokjun: Water Water Byungho: Snow
2PM: Jun. K: Fish Nichkhun: Bird Taecyeon: Heart Lovey Wooyoung: Do you remember me? Junho: I We Oh We Chansung: I love bathing suits all day long in the pool [she really likes swimming] Jay Park: Ha Ha Ha
2AM: Jo Kwon: 444 Wa Changmin: Florida [she knows it’s a place that’s hot lol] Seulong: Sunny Wa Jinwoon: Wha’s that?
A.C.E.: Jun: Rolly Uh Gaygay Donghun: Bubble Bubble Floating in the Pool Wow: Sunny Side Animal Kim Byeongkwan: Haha Chan: Muh Muh Muh [she said this to the tune of Got7′s Just Right, as in ma ma ma ma ma]
A.cian: Jungsang: Pot Hyukjin: Dah Sanghyeon: D Jin.O: Ma UTae: Me Seulgi: Taeko Chanhee: Susu Waya Crooge: Highway Hidden: O Lo-J: Heh Heh Heh Sehee: I’m a PoPoPuh [she was being cute naming one person Dah and the next D (like daddy) and then Ma/Me (mommy)]
B1A4: Jinyoung: Pee CNU: Facey Bath Sandeul: Buh Baro: Goo goo Ga ga Gongchan: Key [she has no idea who he is]
B.A.P.: Yongguk: I love you E Ah Himchan: Helicopter [there was one outside] Daehyun: Plane Youngjae: Bathing Suit Jongup: Iwosa Zelo: Incredibles [she is into the movie right now]
Block B: Zico: Little Taeil: Bump Bump Bump B-bomb: Aisle Jaehyo:  Bubble Bubble Wawa U-Kwon: Boo Boo Kyung: Sanha [as in from Astro] P.O.: Drinking
Boyfriend: Donghyun: Bath Hyunseong: Water Jeongmin: Poggy Youngmin: Eggy Eggy Ah Gaygay Kwangmin: Oh hi Onion [I have no idea with this one] Minwoo: Armpit [the names carry over from Block B to Boyfriend: as in Drinking Bath Water]
Boys Republic: Onejunn: Mall Bah Sunwoo: Star Sungjun: Eggy Eggy Gosowah Minsu: San Hahaha [I got her to remember her “boyfriend” Sanha’s (from Astro) name by saying it sounds like San haha] Suwoong: I love you for the time
BTOB: Eunkwang: Here we go again Minhyuk: Dirty Changsub: Clean Hyunsik: Paper Peniel: Couples 2 Ilhoon: Water Out [someone let water out of the pool] Sungjae: I’m lemoned out [no idea?]
B.I.G.: J-Hoon: Incredibles I Benji: Logo Gunmin: I Woo-eh Minpyo: Robot Heedo: Sun tea Gah [my sister just made some sun tea] [Incredibles I Logo: I told you that’s her movie right now]
Beast: Doojoon: Treasure [we were playing pirate/buried treasure earlier and she agreed to name these if I gave her more stuff to use for the treasure lol] Junhyung: I want Treasure Yoseob: Sangha Kikwang: Em Look [I told her this right before] Dongwoon: I don’t know [she couldn’t think of any more names] Hyunseung: Okay [I told her this was the last one]
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