#look at my girlies fighting the evil residents
vita-divata · 3 months
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I had a dream I was playing RE4 but instead of Leon and Ada it was Korra and Asami
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rosyfingered-moon · 2 years
2022 roundup
Watched less tv this year than probably any other year in my life because I was mostly pregnant and queasy beyond belief, but here’s a roundup of the stuff I did manage to cram. Not only kdramas, though mostly that. (I’m probably forgetting some but these are all that come to mind rn.)
The Red Sleeve: Didn’t actually finish this because of the pain, but it was so well-made. Ambitious cinematography, great storytelling and acting. Lee Se-young really gave us the range; having only seen her poised and regal in The Crowned Clown before, I loved watching her goof off in between the angsty bits. A serve.
Hyena: I normally dislike law dramas, but the leads are so mesmerizing (and so attractive) that you root for them even when they do objectively evil work. Have never seen such palpable yearning between two characters. Jung Geum-ja is the Most.
Into the Ring: Goo Se-ra my beloved! I want more romances like this: haggard social worker and the social justice gremlin whose daily complaints he has to resolve. Enjoyed every second.
Rewatch of Kingdom and Ashin of the North: Just as brilliant as the first time around. Come on Netflix, now that HBO Max is collapsing in on itself, get with that blood and gore and get to work on season 3 already. I want to see Ashin go apeshit!!
Jodhaa Akbar: Seven months later and I still get tingly thinking about this romance. Akbar dueling Jodhaa to win her back, and showering her with jasmine petals mid-fight. Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai both looking so hot it should be illegal. A soundtrack to make the sun rise even in the bleak midwinter. This was my first visit to Mughal India but not my last! (Thank you @rain-hat for the recs, you are a gift to tumblrkind!)
My Liberation Notes: Okay I was so into the first half that I cannot even tell you. It burrowed into the darkest, weariest part of me and lit a match. But I did not care for Mr. Gu’s backstory and the ensuing foray into the criminal underworld, and somewhere around there it lost its heart.
Love Between Fairy and Devil: Jam packed with tropes. A surprisingly touching and very entertaining fantasy for the Hades/Persephone girlies. Great visuals, too!
Alchemy of Souls: Speaking of great visuals! I will admit that I hop skipped my way through much of part 1. The world-building is claustrophobically boring, which is a shame because it is so charmingly costumed. I adore the premise of a villain body-swapping into a nobody. There is some good acting in this and there is also some very bad acting. I am upset with part 2 for filing the fangs off my darling Naksu, but I do admit that the dark fairytale vibe has got me hooked. (Evil mothers sewing golden thread into the bare skin of their daughters! Our hero tormented by the furies of hell! A marriage of convenience to the resident goth! I am eating it up by the spoonful.)
Stranger Things: I feel like I am in the minority here so this is probably on me, but I thought this was the least scary and also least emotionally engaging season. I think the problem horror-wise was Vecna and that they showed him too soon and too often in his campy monster makeup. All the Russia stuff was boring af, and I didn’t like that the kids were separated all season. Eddie was however a most delightful addition to the gang. Rest in power, babygirl.
First Love/Hatsukoi: I hate amnesia plots, and I don’t understand why the characters deal with it the way they do here, or why it is never resolved or even treated as something in need of resolving. However, the leads are delightful together and their chemistry is out of this world. Would happily have watched many, many more episodes of this. (I ragged on the color-coded families to my husband, before we realized we both wore the exact same shade of burgundy. So now I’ve decided that it’s cute and not weird at all.)
Things I didn’t finish, but might pick back up some day:
Business Proposal: Chaebol heirs are such a turn off that I couldn’t even finish it for my girls.
Bloody Heart: I only saw a few episodes of this because it was so difficult to find a good stream anywhere online. Goddamn Mouse gatekeeping Jang Hyuk from me!!
Under The Queen’s Umbrella: Too many princes.
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jannelbabblessims · 2 years
Poppy Diaries: Part 4 – Living adjustments & Labor Pains
A/N: So sorry it’s been a few days, life kinda caught up to me! but we are back!!
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Well after our conversation a while back, things seemed to change quite drastically. And I am not really sure how I feel about it quite yet.
Lou decided to spend a lot of time at my place, furthering my questions on his residence (again should’ve been a pre-req before Whoo hoo’ing…) but he was super helpful around the house. This was especially convenient for me because my belly was providing me with limitations and I was starting to feel like a balloon ready to pop.
He was also good with my mood swings and complaining. I COMPLAINED A LOT.. From the irritations of my room being on the second floor to my back and swollen feet, the weather, the refrigerator, and so much more. Each day I was feeling just a little more out of control with my emotions and every single day he was providing some way to help me through it. For a tough-looking guy, he was super caring.
“You need to relax, girlie,” He chuckled reaching for my shoulders. Man how I was waiting for this moment. I wasn’t even going to correct him this time on his dumb nickname because at this point my shoulders were screaming…
As he moved his hands across my shoulders and kneaded them, closing my eyes and tilting my head back, I couldn’t help but moan in satisfaction. I had no shame at this moment because right now the luxuries of feeling comfortable were very small and I would take what I could get.
Suddenly his hands seemed to tense, pausing for a brief moment before going back to the soft kneading, traveling down my back.
More shameless moaning continued. The man had magic hands dammit! How could I not react to this?
A small strangled cough was heard behind me.
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“You said your feet hurt as well?” He stopped what he was doing making his way towards the couch, “Let’s take care of that as well.”
I was severely disappointed by the change in activity (mainly because my back still ached like crazy) but nodded my head quickly and sat down on the couch.
Lou knelt down before me, eyes staying down as he reached out to undo the straps on my sandals.
“Stupid things,” He mumbled in irritation, ” Why are you wearing these damn things anyways? You’re pregnant girlie, these could kill ya.”
I scowled at his lowered head, who is he to tell me what shoes I could or could not wear? but before I could remark back with a witty comment, I stopped and relaxed as he massaged the balls of my feet. Immediately I leaned back and rested my head on the back of the couch. This time stifling any moans that may threaten to come out.
Lou’s gaze remained downward towards my feet as he worked to massage the soreness out. Never once peeking back up or providing a sarcastic comment.
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This continued for a good 30 minutes as he made sure both sore feet were massaged appropriately. The man was a trooper.
I let out a long yawn as I started to feel sleepiness settle in. Lou must’ve picked up on it too, stopping his foot massage and standing up, reaching a hand out to me.
“Let’s go girlie,” he coaxed, now seemingly back to his laughing self, ” Time for some beauty rest for you two.”
I didn’t even bother fighting him and he gently led me up the stairs and to my room. The first night after the baby announcement, Lou immediately dove into a protective role, treating me like a fragile doll with every move I made and this did not stop when it came to sleeping. He insisted that he still be with me as I slept just in case I needed anything and couldn’t get up, or if something happened as I tried to move around. This was an argument that continued for a few days before I finally gave up. He was doing so much for me and being so careful, I couldn’t keep trying to fight him, it would be so evil… So I let him. And it was oddly comforting..
what was once just awkward sleeping as he laid there turned into reading sessions. I found out that Lou loved to read and would even go as far as wanting to read to me and ” the little guy” if I ever wanted, and when I didn’t he would just quietly read to himself. it was oddly comforting..
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It soothed me to a point I could nestle in and fall into a dreamless sleep, sometimes hearing him whisper a story to my belly and caressing it ever so softly….
—-A Few Days Later—–
Are we there yet? Closer and closer we were getting to baby day.
Lou and I plopped (well as good as I could with my swollen belly) onto the carpet of the nursery. We spent the entire day putting together all the furniture and decorating. Lou had another talent, this time for woodwork and was able to manage all the pieces with ease.
“I don’t think I will able to get up from this floor Lou,” I huffed, stretching my legs ever so slightly, ” I don’t even know why I thought this was a good idea.”
Lou looked over at me and smirked, ” Don’t worry girlie, I can pick ya up If I need to. I am stronger than I look.”
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“Again, please stop with that fucking name!” I growled, ” You got away with it for a few times now, and only because you were willing to touch my feet, but this ends now buddy!”
Lou laughed and raised his hands up in a show of defeat, “Okay, okay, no more annoying momma bear.”
I smiled slightly, I could handle that term of endearment much more.
“You sure growl like a momma bear for sure.”
I attempted to reach over and toss a stuffed lamb at him when suddenly I doubled over in pain.
“Oh my God!,” I breathed out, “Lou I think it’s time.”
Lou’s eyes widened in realization. He grabbed his head in a panic, his eyes staring at my belly in fear. “Right now? He’s coming now?!”
Pain continued to thrum through me, I grasped at my stomach and continued to breathe deeply. Lou started pacing quickly in front of me, bringing my stress and irritation up even more.
“Oh For fucks sake,Lou! Help me get downstairs…”
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Lou snapped out of his panic and gently took my arm in his and made our way down the stairs. Finally, we made it into the living room where we stopped for me to be able to catch my breath.
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Lou seemed to still be panicking as he continued to grab his face and whispering,”What are we going to do..” over and over.
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A wave of pain rushed through me once again, this time twice as hard. A scream ripped through my throat as I tried to push (not literally) through the pain.. If we didn’t hurry, I was going to have this baby here soon.
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And man was it record fucking time. I was immediately at the hospital in what felt like mere minutes thankfully.
Lou quickly ushered me out of the car and through the entrance doors to sign in.
Once to my room I was able to sit down again.
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“Don’t worry Momma, I am here with you,” Lou called out soothingly, seating behind me on the couch, Thankfully snapping out of his panic, “Just continue to do the deep breaths we learned about.”
Even with all the immense pain that just felt like it wouldn’t stop, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter in my chest at his words. In this world right now, all I had was him….And honestly that was all I wanted right now.
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I leaned back into his arms and continued to breathe deeply and rythmically as practiced. Another round of pain pushing through me once again sent me into a fit of screams once again. Lou reached for my hands and reassurement.
“Grab my hands Pops,” He whispered softly into my ear, coaching me, “Grab and squeeze as much as you need. I’m here for ya girl.”
The doors to the room swung open just in time to reveal a female Dr dressed in scrubs.
“Ahh Ms. Olivers,” Let’s get ready to welcome this baby.
— A Few more days later —
We were finally home. After a truly exhausting day consisting of screaming, crying, and pushing through excruiating pain, a little boy was born.
Yes. A boy… Lou was fucking right. And thank goodness we decorated a gender neutral room.
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“Come on Lou it’s your turn to hold Jasper,” I coaxed. Although Lou was excited to be a dad and experience the life of fatherhood, he was very terrified of holding a baby.
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” What if I break him?” He asked, true concern showing across his face. He looked down to little Jasper in my arms and back at me. ” He’s so little and soft…I may hurt him.”
I laughed and shook my head as I approached him, Jasper continued to sleep quietly in my arms.
“He’s fast asleep, this is the perfect time for you to hold him.”
I stepped closer to Lou, his face paling as I stood in front of him. This time he nervously opened his arms up, not at all ready for what was to happen.
I carefully manuvered Jaspered into his arms, moving his arms around to properly hold him.
“There,” I smiled as I stepped back to admire them. Lou stared down at the little baby in his arms, standing as still as a statue. “Lou, relax a bit so he can adjust to your hold.”
Lou continued to stare down at Jasper, ignoring anything I said. Slowly he loosened up his frozen stance and unconsciously started to rock the baby in his arms. Completely unphased by the world around him. The fear creeping out of his eyes and replaced by a look of adoration.
This made my heart melt, The two looked so perfect.”He looks just like you.”
Jasper shifted in his sleep, twisting over to nuzzle himself more into Lou’s chest. A choked gasp was heard.
Lou lifted his eyes to mine and I was shocked at what I saw. Tears streamed down his face as his eyes starely deeply back at me, his body shuddered slightly as he continued to hold Jasper gently.
“I can’t thank you enough,” He whispered, his voice so thick with emotion, “This means the world to me, being here right now with him, and you.”
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bokunosimpfiction · 3 years
Yandere!Karl Heisenberg x Reader
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Synopsis: Heisenberg kidnaps the reader. And she’s pissed about it. And so is he. Turns out there’s a lot more to it than it seems, tw: kidnapping I’m not tagging for violence because it’s less graphic than even the mild stuff in canon. Like reader gets a concussion and a dislocated arm, that’s it.
A/N: first time ever writing for Resident Evil. I haven’t even played the games, only watched a play-through and immediately fell in love with this hobo. Honestly, there’s a lot of room to make a sequel or some more from this but I have commitment issues and it probably won’t happen.
Oh and one last thing! Do you think I should add resident evil: village to my fandoms I write for or no. Let me know please!
             It’s dark in your small cottage, claustrophobic with the way you stumble to the front door as fast as you can. You try to take deep breaths, but you can’t, not with someone chasing you. You cut through the kitchen, and when he reaches out to grab you, you slam the door to a cabinet as hard as you can. You can hear his pained yell.
             “Don’t make this harder than it has to be, (y/n),” he says.
             “I’ll make it as hard as I damn please!” You put your hand on the handle to the front door, twist and right before you manage to open it, a body slams into yours and you hear your arm pop. Loudly. And it burns at the elbow like someone poured gasoline on it and set it on fire.
             You can hear his heavy breathing and feel the warm air on the crown of your head. “You put up a good fight, I’ll give you that much.” He presses his body further into yours, and you feel everything. The toned muscle under a layer of fat, the harsh fabric of his shirt and jacket, and the bulge that presses into the small of your back.
             “You’re so small,” he coos, like he’s talking to a dog, “I can’t wait to break you.”
             You manage to wiggle one arm free and jab him in the side as hard as you can with your elbow. You hear him say oof under his breath, and you take this as the opportunity to press your foot into the door and push back into him as hard as you can, to at least get him to stumble back.
             It doesn’t work, he just leans his whole-body weight on you and uses one hand to smash your head into the door. He could have done it harder, you reckon, but it still hurts like a mother fucker. “Shut the fuck up before I do something I regret.”
             “Like you don’t already regret breaking into my house and trying to kidnap me? Like you don’t regret slamming me into my door and dislocating my elbow? What are you going to do to me that you’ll regret? Huh?”
             He looks down at you through those yellow glasses of his, light from the glass peephole reflecting off of them but his hat shading the rest of his face. “I said shut the fuck up!” He presses your head even further into the door, and your temple digs into the frame. It hurts, and your eyes water from the pain.
             “Who even are you?!” You end up shouting. His grip loosens a little bit, just enough for you to move your head off the door frame and onto the actual door. “I’ve never met you in my goddamn life and you break into my house, say you love me, and try to kidnap me!”
             Something in him breaks, you can tell, the outline of his features look crestfallen. “You don’t know who I am?”
             “No… I don’t. And here you are in my house, chasing me around like I’m some goddamn animal you’re hunting.” Your eyes water. “I know you don’t mean a damn word you said this entire time.”
             “Shut your goddamn trap woman!” His grip on your hair tightens. “I love you and we both know it; I know everything about you.”
             “So, you’re a stalker? Huh, didn’t think I was pretty enough to have one.”
             “I knew you had a mouth on you, and it was attractive till it was pointed in my direction.” His voice is low and gravelly at this point, like a thin string that’s pulled taut and about to snap.
             “Well get used to it you fu-” You don’t get to finish your sentence, because a piece of metal from his hammer slams you hard in the face, knocking you out cold.
             When you wake up, it’s hard to open your eyes. It’s too bright and the room is spinning when you move your head up. That must be one hell of a bump on your forehead. You go to feel it, only to find you hands chained up to a metal pipe on the wall. Your feet are too, but that chain is a lot slacker.
             You’re lying down on the floor, a cheap scratchy blanket separating you from rough, worn down cement. It’s still hard and cold, but it didn’t scratch up your skin, so that’s something to be grateful for. You look around the room, only to find an old tv, that’s on, and playing static. That’s what was so bright, you realize.
             Suddenly the noise from the t.v. stops, and you hear a voice. It’s still sounds like static, but it’s audible enough to understand the words and recognize the voice. It’s the same guy who kidnapped you. You don’t really process what he’s saying, it’s just noise to you, and you close your eyes and curl up as best as you can. Maybe you’ll wake up, and everything will be okay.
             “Quit ignoring me girlie.”
             You snap out of your daydreaming. The days of that warm bed and leaky bathroom faucet are over, and this cruel situation is your reality for the time being.
             “Okay. Okay. But just quiet down my head hurts.”
             “I’d be sorry, but you brought that upon yourself,” he says.
             You can’t help but be snarky, you’re tired and already sick of this shit. “I’m sorry you don’t have the self-control to not kidnap people and knock them unconscious via flying pieces of metal.”
             “Touché.” You hear back.
             “Can you at least get me some Tylenol for my head or something.”
             “Why should I? After all the attitude you’ve given me, I should just leave you in there to starve.” Looks like he knows how to be snarky too.
             “Because you were the one who hit me in the head and locked me in here?”
             “Apologize and I’ll consider it.”
             You go back to your curled up position. “I guess I’ll just starve down here then.”
             The t.v. cuts off again, or you just tune him out, just run your hands along the chains to try and find a lock. You find the one attached to your left ankle and begin to plot your escape. Maybe you could pick the lock with a bobby pin? You run your hands through your hair, not only to find that it was down, but all of them were removed.
             You run your hands down your pajama pants. Maybe you have something in your pockets? They also turn up empty.
               “Are you looking for something to pick the lock with?” You hear from the t.v. You turn back to look at it, only to see his face. He’s not wearing his glasses, and he’s taken off his worn-out bucket hat, so you can see his untamed salt and pepper hair. “I took the liberty of searching your person while you were knocked out. I highly doubt you’ll find something to pick the lock with.”
             “You’re an asshole, you know that.” You find yourself saying. To be fair, you probably shouldn’t, considering that he: is holding you hostage, threatening to leave you to starve, and is clearly a psychopath, despite his claims that he loves you.
             “Calm down, you know it makes me upset to see you mad.”
             You can’t help but raise your voice at him. “Quit fucking taunting me! You won this stupid ass game. You kidnapped me! You can come down here and kill me now!”
             “You think I wanna kill you?” He asks, you can tell he’s just as furious as you are. He chuckles lightly. “You know I love you. I did this for your own good! There are people out there. People who want to taint you and your innocence! People who want to hurt you!”
             “I can handle myself just fine! I had before your psycho ass came along and kidnapped me!” Your furious, desperately searching for a weak point on the pipe with your hands while you yell at the t.v.
             “And what would have happened if I didn’t?” He asks you, “lady supersized bitch in the castle would have gotten to you first… I can’t have that.”
             “I’m sorry who?” You ask. Suddenly things have gotten more confusing.
             “I’m not the only one who’s after you,” he clarifies. “You think I’m the one who’s a psychopath, there’s a woman out there who wants to drink your blood and eat your flesh! And monster that wants to drown you and swallow you whole-”
             “Slow down! I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about!”
             “Don’t interrupt me! I want what’s best for you!” You can hear him take a deep breath. “I’m going to bring you upstairs and explain everything. And you’re going to behave, am I clear?”
             You just nod your head.
             “Good. Now stop trying to find a weak point on that pipe to get loose before I get down there. It has carbon monoxide in there, you’ll poison yourself before you get to that door.”
             You immediately stop twisting the connector and drop your hands to your sides.
             “Good girl…” His praise makes you want to vomit. “Now stay still while I come get you.”
             When he comes down and opens that iron door and unceremoniously tosses you over his shoulder, you can’t help but comment on it. “Am I a bag of potatoes to you?”
             “Don’t complain, I could be like that Dimitrescu bitch and turn you into wine.”
             You shut up immediately and grasp the back of his coat for balance. You don’t know why, but his empty threats scare you immensely. You watch the hallways blur into one another, trying to see if you can find a window, or an escape rout of some sort, hell, even a vent he couldn’t fit in but you could would work well.
             He smacks your thigh. Not hard, but enough for a slight sting and to get your attention. “We’re in the center of the factory, there’s no need for you to be tracking an escape route, especially because you won’t be leaving any time soon.”
             Eventually, you end up in a small office like space, with a desk, a cork board with several pictures of people on it, and a large grate that leads to a tunnel downwards. He pulls the metal chair out of the corner with his powers and places you in the chair. “Stay.”
             “So…” He turns towards the cork board. “Since your out of town, I’ll explain the run-down-“
             “I don’t really care for the details.” You stand up from the chair and go to walk towards him, but he crosses the room in a second and slams you back down.
             “I told you to stay in that goddamn chair!” He opens his mouth to explain but a whirring noise starts out of nowhere. It’s loud, obnoxious, and coming from the vent. He opens it. “Shut your goddamn trap!”
             “Anyhow, (Y/N),” he starts, “the other three lords decided that they’re interested in you, for whatever their reasons are. I’m assuming they want to kill you.”
             “That’s a veeeeeery extreme assumption.” You roll your eyes, and prop your head on your hands.
             “Well two of them are well know for turning people into dolls and drinking their blood,” he says casually, “it’s only a fair assumption they want to do the same with you.”
             “I’m sorry they what?”
             He turns to you, surprised for a moment that you don’t know what he’s talking about. “Super-sized bitch over here,” a sharp piece of metal lands on the photo of a pale, middle aged woman with bold red lipstick and a black hat, “is one of the other three lords, known for drinking the blood of girls like yourself. Wouldn’t suggest meeting her, she’s not that pleasant.”
             “Known for?”
             “Sort of, most of the towns people don’t know,” he turns to you and leans on the table by the cork board, “they’re too busy worshipping Mother Miranda.”
             “I’ve heard her name before,” you say, “doesn’t she protect the town?”
             You can sense the anger you caused before you can take it back.
             “That Miranda bitch doesn’t protect anybody from shit. She’s the one causing all the issues, kidnapping people and mutating them, killing them and throwing their lives away like table scraps.” You slams his hand on the table and you visibly flinch. He quickly apologizes.
             “You keep mentioning ‘the other three lords’ how many are there, and who’s the one your excluding in that statement?” You question as soon as you get the chance. He’s talking, loudly, quickly and it’s filling up the space in the room with an anxious sort of white noise.
             “Pardon me,” he says, and waltzes over, almost over-dramatically. He brings your hand to his lips and places a light kiss. You can feel his stubble and chapped lips on the top of your hand. He desperately needs to use chap-stick. “I’m Heisenberg, one of the four lords, but you can call me Karl.”
             “Okay… Karl.” You test the name out on your tongue. “What are you going to do with me, now that I’m here?”
             He gets down on one knee in front of you, still holding your hand. “Oh (Y/N), I’m going to treat you how you deserve, like a princess.”
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 years
Where My Demon’s Hide (A Zak Bagans x Nephilim Reader SMUT!)
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SPECIAL THANKS TO: @xcazzax​ who not only gave me this idea but who has inspired me to maybe write Zak Bagans fics for each day of October (or at least try to). Thanks girly, for helping me get my mojo back. 😊
I arrived at the Asylum just as they were setting up the cameras. I've been with the GAC for a few years now and I have yet to have a boring day with them. They are and always will be my family. Aaron, was like a goofball older brother who smokes like a chimney, looks tough as shit but is actually chicken shit (not that that's a bad thing, lord knows I'm not brave when locked in a haunted room  on my lonesome). Billy is my punk rock brother who has also not grown out of the punk/emo phase of life. Jay is the responsible one of the group (aka the dad) who sometimes looks like he's ashamed of having raised such dumbass kids.  And there's Zak, the main man of GAC who is both crazy and beautiful. He wasn't afraid to get in an evil spirits face, and even opened up his home to those who were harming others in their old one's. It's that twisted generosity that has led to moments like these.
Aaron looked nervous and Billy seemed to not want to leave the van unless absolutely necessary. That only meant one thing.
“How is he?” I asked Aaron who was getting the equipment ready.
“Um, well...”
“ C'MON SHOW YOURSELF YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!” We heard Zak yell from inside the asylum.
“Oh,” I sighed. I swear it was like Zak attracted evil (and sometimes demonic) spirits like chocolate attracts a hoard of kids. Then again he was more than okay with investigating places with the most gruesome of histories. “I'll see if I can cool him down before the shoot. Just hang tight.”
“'Kay, good luck Y/N.” Aaron said.
I grabbed a flashlight from the van and walked in to the asylum. Zak was in the middle of reception area with a wild look in his eye. “Zak?”
He looked at me. “There's something here I-I know it!”
I looked around not seeing anything until my eyes landed on a shadowy figure hovering around Zak. Ah shit. “Zak it's not one of the residents,” I said. “One of your little friends is just being an asshole.”
The shadow looked up and snarled at me.
“Yeah I'm talking about you,” I rolled my eyes. “Now kindly fuck off before I hose your sorry ass down with holy water.”
It growled and vanished.
“Thanks,” Zak said calming down a bit.
“We really need to do something about this Zak,” I said. “You can't keep letting them get to you like that. It's how they win.”
“I know but...I don't know how else to keep them from hurting anyone,” he said. “From hurting you.”
“Well it's gone for now, and that's all that matters,” I said brushing his cheek with my hand. “Now are we just gonna chill in here or are we gonna investigate this bitch?”
He smirked. “C'mon my ghost whisperer let's get you a mic and a camera.” He threw his arm around my shoulders and escorted me back out of the asylum and to the GAC van.
Eventually the sun went down fully and the haunting hour was upon us. “Okay Y/N why don't you stay here by yourself for a bit and see what you can get.” Zak said when we reached the children's ward.. Sadistic fucker.
“Sure,” I said. He and the crew left and I sat down cross-legged on the ground and put my 'gift' to work. “Hello there. I was wondering if we could talk for a minute if that's okay.” I placed the spirit box on the floor in front of me. “You see this little box? Well if you talk into it I can hear you...er I mean the world will hear you. I for one don't really need it. So what do you say?”
“D-Do you know where my mommy is?” A small voice called out in the darkness.
I sighed. “No sweetie, I don't...what's your name?”
“H-Hazel,” she said.
“It's nice to meet you, Hazel, I'm Y/N,” I said. “Can you do me a favor and speak into this?” I motioned at the spirit box. “My friends really want to know you, and help you if we can.”
“R-Really? Wuh-What about Dr. Meanie?” she asked.
“Dr. Bronson can't hurt you anymore,” I said. “And if he tries, he'll have to deal with me.”
I suddenly felt a weight on my lap, like that of a small child snuggling up to mommy.
“I-Is this okay?” she asked.
“Yes, beautiful, it's fine.” I reached out and wrapped my arms around her. “God, how did such a sweet little angel like you end up here? This is no place for a child.”
“M-Mommy came here when I was still in her tummy,” she explained. “They took me away after I was born and I never saw her again.”
“Do you know how you ended up like this?” I asked. “You're awfully young to be as you are.”
“I-I got sick...Dr. Meanie wouldn't give me my medicine 'cause I slapped Tippy on the head for pulling my hair. One day I went to sleep, and...and suddenly I was invisible.”
“Have you tried to go into the light?” I asked. “I'm sure you'll find your mommy there, and someday I'll be there too.”
“I thought I saw it once but...I was afraid. Dr. Meanie tells us it's not safe.”
“It is safe,” I said. “I promise you it is a thousand times better than this place.” I wanted to say shit hole but I had a rule about cussing in front of kids, even the dead ones.
“It's in my room,” she whispered.
I sniffed back a tear and kissed the top of her head. “Go to it,” I urged her.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, angels belong in heaven after all,” I said brushed her cheek and she giggled.
“Thank you, Ms. Y/M,” she said standing up and vanishing through the nearby doorway.
“Good bye sweet angel,” I said before turning off the spirit box and pausing my camera.
I left the ward and got Zak on the walkie. “Alright, I'm done.”
“'Kay I'm down in the basement if you wanna...WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“Zak?” He didn't answer. “ZAK!?” Still nothing. I sighed. “Dammit.”
I took off running.
Down in the basement Zak was looking around and shouting like a madman. “Zak what happened?! What's going on?!”
“There was a shadowing standing right fucking next to me,” he said. I looked around and sure enough a tall shadowy figured hovered behind him.
“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” I snapped at it.
“My, my...” it said smugly. “Aren't you an interesting specimen.”
“Leave us alone, now!” I said. It laughed. “I'm not fucking around! Leave and never return to this sacred ground.” He flinched at the words I've said more times than I would like.
“Foolish woman,” he laughed. “This place is anything but sacred.”
“It wasn't in your time,” I said walking towards a nearby wall. “But now...” I took my bottle of holy water and dabbed some onto my hand. I then drew a cross on the wall.
“Is that all you got?” the demon scoffed.
I smirked. “Lesson number one in haunting,” I said taking out my small switchblade. I made a small cut on my fore finger  and drew a symbol on the wall above the cross. A symbol no demon could fight against. “Don't piss off a Nephilim.”
The empty pits where it's eyes once were widened and a loud roar erupted from its mouth.  
“I, Y/N, the daughter of Michael send thee to the house of thy uncle Lucifer...may he not have mercy on your soul.” The ground opened up and the shadow was swallowed by a wall of flames. “I hate fucking demons,” I muttered once it was gone.
Zak looked at me in shock. “Is there really never gonna be a time when this doesn't surprise you?” I asked.
“Nope,” he said snapping out of it.
“You feeling okay?” I asked placing my hand on his cheek.
“Yeah,” he said. “Thanks...”
“Anytime,” I said pecking him on the cheek.
We continued investigating and got plenty of evidence that made sleeping not an option for the next year.
That night we were hold up in a hotel. I couldn't sleep so once I was showered and jammied up I went for a walk. So many different things ran through my mind and I tried to sort them out as best I could. But then I heard the shouting...
“LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” Zak damn near roared. “For fucks sake!” I heard him cry.
I went up to his door and knocked furiously. “Zak it's me, let me in!”
“Not now Y/N,” he begged.
“Yes now,” I snapped at him. “I know there's someone there with you and I'm the only one who can help, so let me fucking in!”
A moment later the door opened and Zak stood there looking exhausted and just done with life. It was terrifying and heartbreaking. ..but it was nothing compared to what his friend looked like. It was a snarling beast with skin resembling that of a dried date; brown and shiny. It's arm was around Zak's neck, holding him in a choke-hold. “He is mine.” It said, it's voice deep and chilling.
“No,” I said. “No he fucking isn't!”
I wrapped my arms around Zak and the demon let go as though it had burned. “A daughter of Michael...why am I not surprised?”
“In the name of my father leave this place!” I demanded.
“Brave like your father...” It said. “Unfortunately you're as foolish as he is as well. Watch your back daughter of Michael for I am not the only one in this world and my brethren aren't as friendly as I...” Friendly. My. Ass.
“IN THE NAME OF MY FATHER LEAVE THIS PLACE YOU COCKAROACH LOOKING SHIT!” I demanded once more...this time he listened.
With the demon gone I pulled back. “It's gone.”
Zak nodded. “Which one was it?”
“I think it was one of the pests you picked up at Bobby Mackey's.” I explained helping him to his bed.
“I thought we got rid of all of them?” he asked.
“Yeah well it seems this conniving little fucker did a good job of hiding during the clean up,”  I said. “You gonna be okay?”
“I think so,” he said. “But I'd still feel better if you stayed...if that's alright.”
“You don't even have to ask,” I said rubbing his back with my hand. “Jesus,” I gasped. “You're burning up!”
“I just had a hot shower...the tap might have been busted 'cause shit was that water scalding.” I rolled my eyes.
“It didn't burn you too bad did it?” I asked. He shrugged. “Alright off with the shirt.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “Not like that...I just wanna check for burns.”
He pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it aside. I crawled behind him on the bed and inspected his back. His skin was smooth, without so much as a scar. Even the tattoo on top was left unscathed. I leaned in and brought my lips to it. “You're good,” I said.
He turned around and our faces were suddenly closer than they've ever been. “Z-Zak?”
He said nothing...just leaned in and brought his lips to mine. So far in this brief life I've had four unforgettable nights.
The first was when I first met my dad when I was five. The second was when I found out what I was when I was thirteen...I felt at peace knowing everything I'd experienced finally made sense. The third was when I used my power to help the spirit of my best friend move on after a drunken asshole took her life. The fourth was the first time I went to Zak's house and gave him answers about the entities there.
And now...I was experiencing my fifth.
After a while Zak and I leaned back on the bed. His pants wound up joining his shirt, and eventually my clothes followed. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight as he pushed into me. I gasped. Like the rest of him, his length was pretty... thick.
I whimpered as he moved inside me. Our skin slapped together and he grunted with almost every thrust. I don't know how much time had passed but eventually I tightened around him, my toes curling up. “ZAAAK!!!” I moaned as my whole body tensed up.
Zak thrust a few more time, each time becoming more sloppy. “FUCK!” He groaned as he filled me up. He collapsed beside me and eventually sleep overcame us.
“I love you,” I whispered just before I fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up needing very badly to pee. I tiptoed to the bathroom (not wanting to wake Zak) and relieved myself. When I got back Zak was sitting up with a confused look on his face.
“Zak?” I said sitting back down next to him.
He looked at me and tightened the blanket around his hips. “Y/N? WHAT THE FUCK?”
“What? What's wrong?”
“What's wrong? Are you fucking serious?” he said freaking out. “You're naked! FUCK, I'M NAKED! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!”
“Y-You mean you don't remember?” I said suddenly feeling uneasy.
“I remember coming back to the room after the investigation. I-I remember the inhumanly hot shower...then I saw this..this thing...next thing I know I'm waking up naked and raw.” My unease grew.
“I-I don't under...” I suddenly saw a dark, leathery skinned figure standing beside Zak's side of the bed. It had a sickening smirk on it's face.
“My brother was right, daughter of Michael,” it snarled. “You really are foolish.”
Realization hit me like a truck.
“SON OF A-!”
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mothermom 3 is a baaad animine
part 1: fuck these characters I thought the bit about not being able to go through a certain way because there's ants (that the player can't see) you wouldn't want to trample was going to introduce a theme of kindness and gentleness, but the game sure... tramples that early on by having your oh-so-kindhearted-and-mournable mother trample the fuck out of a sentient talking mole cricket to death right the fuck afterwards. Like, you were just talking to and playfighting with that mole mere seconds ago, and now it's thoughtlessly and meaninglessly dead, and it's supposed to be funny. And then you're supposed to forget all about it when mom dead because care and have emotions for this characters you've barely known for like one minute worth of interactions dragged out over like an hour. ok Then after bumbling along being a hollow little bag of nothing for like ten hours Lucas suddenly proves himself a detestable little cunt by just straight up stealing something he's told was a precious item, a yo-yo belonging to Porky's friend. Because, like... fuck Porky, I guess, in this geame franchise about love and heart and healing there's just this one fat kid we're all supposed to just disregard and piss and shit on and detest by default for no fucking reason just because the game narrative said so. Porky's existence was pretty weird already in Earthbound- he's apparently being abused by his fat parents, and aside from being a bit snotty and show-offy, he does at least make sure his little brother gets home safely at the beginning. He just seems like someone who needs a friend, which... actually makes Ness look like an asshole in retrospect for not just giving him some kind of help. It was kind of fine in that game because he was just a minor character, but making him some supervillain in the next game just because he was some dumpy abused kid is just... what the fuck. But anyway, whenever the plot expects us to care about Loocus and his dumb dead mom I just think about things like the yo-yo and the mole cricket and I lose all empathy. These people are assholes. You're trying to make sympathetic victims out of assholes and an asshole out of a sympathetic victim. Get your meaningless fucking sunflowers the fuck off my screen you bitch fuck
And then on the other hand there's Duster. The character who's absolutely the most deserving of empathy out of all these cunts and we're supposed to see him reembracing his shitty old life as something he should be really happy about. Like for one thing, the entire plot where he reenters the cast is stupid and makes no sense. When we hear he's at the club playing with the band, I could think of a lot of reasons for it- he could be laying low to protect the egg (seeing as how Tamzilly got pozzed and going back there would accomplish nothing), he could have just decided to fuck off and do something he actually enjoyed rather than go back to his shitty asshole dad, he could have somehow ended up far far away from the town and joined the band to make his way back home travelling with them/earn a living so he could get back. But no, before we even get to see him and see how he's acting Strong Female McDerpa Character tells us that he most definitely has amnesia. Because, like, why would he ever give up on his jackass dad and that braindead town otherwise? And then we meet him and it's exactly what we were unceremonously told it was, how rivetting. Then for some reason he decides that if he's really who you say he is he needs to... give up his life as a band member entirely to get the egg back. Can't just come with you to get the egg or until the adventure's over, nooo he needs to abandon his new life forever and ever and just go get fucked and fuck himself. fuck. let my man play guitar and also that "thiefs but good somehow because derp" shit is retarded and I hate it
Finally there's Girl Character who I refuse to even remember the name of because she's... nothing. Even her being kinda cunty about how she's sTrOnG and nOt lIkE ThoSe OthEr gIrlS is just bland. The other girls from the past two games were cute and girly and still credit to team with their strong psychic powers, why the fuck is she like this?
part 2: i've stopped giving a fuck about making this into parts fuck you What the fuck is the story of this game? You spend hours dicking around with a fucking timeskip and a ghost mansion or some shit and the game randomly namedrops the needles at some point, and then... the six or seventh chapter is just titled GUYS THE NEEDLES ARE ACTUALLY REALLY IMPORTANT YOU GUYS. Six or seven fucking chapters in, and we've barely gotten to anything resembling a coherent plot. What the fuck have we been doing up until this point again? Why the fuck do we even need the dragon needles plot anyway? Just have the main cast move from one pigmeng plot to another with things like the thunder tower, slowly working their way up the chain of command until they reach the final boss and his ultimate plan. You don't need to introduce an entire plot worth of fucking shit a third of the way into the game you fucking fuckers
The themes are a fucking dumpsterfire. Just plop some fucktarded work bad money bad bullshit in there and call it a day... Evil monkey man could have given that fucktard anything and got him to hide it in the well and it would have caused a ruckus when he came back and stole it. He could have convinced him to hide his grandma's ashes in the well- would the takeaway from that have been that honoring the dead bad? That's how fucking flat it is. If anything it just comes off as if the people of Tamzilly are just a bunch of mindkilled retards with no defence against humanity's own nature aside from shutting themselves off from the outside world entirely- the slightest contact with normal human interactions like money or having to contribute to society for a living, they all self-destruct. It's not le capitalism that made the old people home bad, it's whoever the fuck actually built it... which, if the outside world weren't basically strawmanned with the le evil pigmans and monkey abuser guy, would have been Tamzilly themselves. Which, because the strawmanning is so unbelievably absurd, makes it seem like Tazmilly is just a retarded place that somehow managed to make the old people's home this bad on their own or some shit I don't know I just can't buy it
Speaking of empathy, the game somehow manages to make the Pig Heil guys endearing even while they're actively working on the thunder tower that's cooking the dumbass town residents. Are they supposed to be abusing the electric catfish when they're cutely telling the things to hang in there and do their best? When Lucas got a jerb hustling the golems around and they managed to make it like a positive thing (the pigmangs encourage you, seemingly pay a decent wage, and even the doggo enjoys running on the treadmill once he gets into it), I thought there was going to be a tweest or at least some nuance, but the absurdity of the nice ol' piglins in the evil tower just makes it seem like it's just entirely unintentional, by writers who just have no idea what the fuck they're doing. The generic braindead modern-bad messaging and the generic brainless funny-characters-ha-ha sides of the writing clash horribly and somehow manage to mangle each other even worse than they already were.
The whimsicality is fucking dead. It's just all so forced and one-note... or, very consistently two-note in every single thing, because absolutely every single monster you meet is just two things funny stuck together. The first two games could glide smoothly between fighting enraged possessed zoo animals and weirdo people, weirdo fucking blended monsters that don't look like anything in particular, and then just sometimes the taxis that're used for decoration on roads will veer off course and engage you in battle. It's simultaneously wildly unpredictable and smoothly cohesive. And it's wonderful. But M3 is just... it leans over, shoves a megaphone down your throat and loudly informs you that "the PIGMEN have FUSED the THINGS toGETHER" and proceeds to beat you over the head with "this thing is THAT thing and THAT thing" over and over again. It's forced, mechanical, hamfisted and just not whimsical at all. And it's not just because the pigmengs aren't Giiigigigigiyasass (which could have been fixed by having them harness traces of Gig's power if that was the problem anyway), because it extends to absolutely everything- the ghosts at the mansion for example are just all absolutely fucking nothing. Like the main big bad boss is just "he's GHOST who THROWS FURNITURE and is BEETHOVEN and plays BEETHOVEN MUSIC". Because Beethoven is old thing therefore old mansion and ghosts, geddit? How fucking pathetic. Oh there's another thing, the weird aliens/conspiracy bent the first two games had is gone entirely. That's something that really helped it feel so wild yet at the same time cohesive... Actually, the game also seems to have done away with the surprise overworld sprite encounters like the aforementioned taxis. ... No wait that's right, they blew their load in the first levels with the rock lizards, which were fucking boring.
The dialogue fucking sucks. just fucking drags the fuck on endlessly for fucking ever to say barely anything, and barely anything you need to actually hear. Did Earthbound ever stop you to inform you that the TAXIS are AFFECTED by GIGUDUGDSAS like you couldn't figure that out yourself? No, they say Gigi's affected shit in a couple sentences near the beginning and let the rest of it speak for itself, pretty much. It's hard to give exact examples because I can't fucking remember any of this shit because it just slides right off my brain like ducks off of water, it's so bland and pointless. The sparrows drone on endlessly with worthless tutorial shit and then take an entire extra sentence to chirp at you and remind you that it's talking animals oh wow wacky!!!!!!! And when Duster decides he really is what you say he is he stands there going "ME IS DUSTER" over and over again like he's fucking Bimpson. You don't have anything interesting to say about finally figuring out who you really are? Okay... There's multiple fucking scenes of slow-scrolling walls of fucking text telling you absolutely nothng you don't already know except that the writers are wanking the fuck off over their own dumbass writing where in Earthbound there was like one scene of this towards the end that really just set up the emotions of the final sequences and underlined how far you'd come and shit and was a good moment of reflection and shit.
I also find it exceptionally intersting that all the people in Tazmilly before the timeskip have names and unique appearances, but anyone who only shows up after is just some generic design called "Man" or "Woman" or what have you. It feels weirdly dehumanizing towards outsiders.
This game fucking feels like the writers just fucking dumped a bunch of absolute shit down like they expected everyone to just eat it up, either because of the success of the previous games or because of the emotional manipulation the plot is laced with. The characters are all either detestable cunts or desperately need to be airlifted out into a better game pronto. And it's unsettlingly... modern in what's wrong with it. The capitalism-bad-tradition-good-mindkill-yourself messaging, the spunky female character(tm) who rubs it in your face how strongk she is (and who keeps talking even when you're controlling her while the other characters all become silent protagonists)... even the weirdly random spite towards characters the narrative has decided aren't "deserving" enough, or characters only being allowed to handle said spite and retain sympathy by cucking to it completely (Duster)... I suppose that's just a sign that these sorts of writing problems and hangups are older than that and have just become more popular/visible in recent times, but it's still really fucking weird to see.
I feel like I should be concerned that the team behind the Earthbound series also started Gamefreak and created Pokemon, though since the split obviously happened before Mo 3 I don't know how much overlap there is between staff members there specifically... seeing as how these exact same sort of writing problems have started to rear their heads in the Pokemon franchise, starting weakly in gen 6 (cough zinnia cough abandoned ship plotline cough) and absolutely fucking exploding in 7 (cough LILLIE COUHG FUCKING TAPUS COUGH AGAG V HIC CUFGH VOMIT AAGHK); I haven't yet fully witnessed gen 8 but everything I've seen of it so far looks no better, except there's no shill character (Marnie is just kinda... there), just suffering. But that's all for another post.
welp time to go watch the remainder of the game until my brain rots off
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secret-engima · 5 years
If you put Noctis with the Trouble Trips, then that makes him the Resident Braincell. Also, poor Noct then has a broken mirror reminder of the Chocobros. So. Take that as you will.
Ohhh yes. I like that. Noctis taking the position of Braincell from Arasen makes sense. He also takes the Impulse Control from Cotota and now he has a Headache.
Also I know exactly the kind of angst being with the Troublesome Trio would cause Noctis thank you, it’s one of the reasons I am tempted. Because I am evil like that. >:).
Also I have no idea where the plot of Realm Reborn is going yet (WoL fainted at a fancy party? Is now having visions of the war????) but like-
Noctis meets the Troublesome Trio in the wilds outside Ul’Dah. They’ve been adventurers for maybe a few months now, have only just met Thancred that first time and gained the little crystal thing and one of them totally fainted to have a vision (not telling which one), and while out doing some minor work they stumble across this Smol, visibly confused and probably underweight Au Ra, with magic buzzing under his skin unlike anything they’ve ever seen.
They take him back to the Quicksand, to that inn inside the Quicksand building for adventurers, and Cotota and Arasen watch without comment as the young Au Ra (who at that point they think is female because Smol and Wiry) flinches minutely away from touch and the sight of non-Au Ra people (non human, but they don’t know that). Temulun coaxes the poor thing up to a room while Arasen reports their stray to Momodi. He comes up into the room in time to see Temulun fidgeting and blushing in the corner and Cotota looking bemused, but not angry.
“Not a girl,” Cotota tells Arasen with a flick of one long ear and Arasen “ohs” softly to himself because that explained Temulun’s embarrassment now didn’t it.
“He’s not a child though,” Temulun murmurs as she sorts through her own clothing to look for something that might fit their stray, because she’s the closest one in height. Arasen wishes their stray luck, Temulun likes girly things, but hopefully something in there will be moderately gender neutral and acceptable until they can take him shopping for clothes he likes better, “His horns are fully grown in.” Temlun stops, bits her lip and glances at the bathroom with a worried expression.
Cotota is the one who speaks next, her voice deepening with contained anger, “Stunted growth. Someone’s starved him since he was a child.”
Temulun nodded and whispered, “He’s got scratches all around his scales and ... either he’s not grooming them intentionally or he just doesn’t know, because his scales are pretty bad off and I know they have to be super uncomfortable but-.” She sniffles, Arasen sits on the fury he can already see blazing white-hot in Cotota’s eyes.
“We’ll help him,” Arasen promises and for once neither of his sisters argue or tease him over his serious tone. They are Kahkol. They are already used to gaining family through the acquisition of strays, Cotota and Arasen themselves were taken in by Temuge as tiny children after all. It’s the least they can do, to help out another in need.
Another who slowly emerges from the bathroom with a small but noticeable limp and all the signs of an escapee from one the tribes that take slaves and Arasen keeps his tone light and his smile easy as he pushes some of Temulun’s less frilly clothes on him, herds him down to eat something and coaxes out his name as they tell him where he is and who they are.
He has no idea where Ul’Dah is. Watches everything around him with wide alert eyes and hunched shoulders, like someone who would rather run than fight but Arasen can feel the simmer of leashed magic when he brushes up against black scales that refract deep blue in the sunlight. He knows that their new stray wouldn’t have escaped all the way here from whoever had held him if he hadn’t been able to fight and fight well.
He signs up to be an Adventurer like them and they learn via Momodi’s squint and careful reading that his name is Noctis Lucis Caelum. A very, very un-Au Ra name, but when Cotota looks at him oddly for it he bristles defensively so they let it slide.
At first they team up with him to show him the ropes, then they just- never stop. Because Noctis, for all his many, many oddities and seeming eternal war with his own tail and horns, clicks with them like a long lost sibling. A calm sense of reason to Arasen’s impulsivity and Cotota’s anger. A sense of caution to Temulun’s boundless kindness.
And so the Warriors of Light meet their King of Crystal, and Fate spins her tapestry anew.
(ahem. Well. That turned into a snippet ramble pretty fast now didn’t it. *sighs* @sparklecryptid behold my insanity you started this so I shall eternerally tag you for this verse).
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some-lists · 4 years
Ranking all the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers! I felt it was time for another 90’s throwback. Today I’m ranking all the Power Rangers from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Just about every 90’s kid was obsessed with this show. It was a phenomenon. It started out with the original five in its first season. As the show went on, we saw a number of replacements added to the cast.
As a child, I had my definite favorites based on my childhood memories. I later rewatched the series as an adult and my perspective on the characters really changed. This is my ranking based on what I observed as an adult looking back.
10. Kat Hillard (Pink Ranger)
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Kat had the unfortunate task of filling Kimberly’s shoes as the new Pink Ranger. She was doomed from the start. The writers introduced the character as a villain -- a fellow student under an evil spell to undo the Pink Ranger. It made us not like her from the very beginning. Kat eventually grew into her role, especially in the following seasons of Zeo and Turbo. But initially, she felt like an imposter who literally did not fit the suit.
9. Aisha Campbell (Yellow Ranger)
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I liked Aisha as a kid. I liked her sassy attitude and that she was girly and short. After watching the show again as an adult, I realized how completely useless she was as a ranger. She had no fighting ability whatsoever, couldn’t do any flips, and didn’t offer any brain power either. I actually felt embarrassed watching her fight scenes.
8. Rocky DeSantos (Red Ranger)
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I think Rocky got a raw deal as the new Red Ranger. Many viewers were used to seeing the Red Ranger as a leader. However, when Rocky was introduced, he was just another ranger on the side. I don’t think this was his fault as Jason had already been demoted as leader after Tommy became the White Ranger. As a kid, I liked Rocky. I didn’t mind him as an adult either. His taekwondo skills were actually better than Jason’s. He was faster, more agile, could kick higher, and do more flips. Unfortunately, as one of the replacement rangers, he was always in the background.
7. Jason Lee Scott (Red Ranger)
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Ranking Jason this low is gonna shock some die hard fans. As a kid, I absolutely loved Jason. He was one of my favorite rangers. I thought he was a great leader and strong fighter. He was the glue who got his team to work together. I especially preferred him as a leader over Tommy. But when I rewatched the show as an adult, I realized he really didn’t do anything! He had maybe two episodes about him. One was about him bench pressing a world record where he lifted weights the entire episode. That’s pretty much all he ever did. He lifted weights, punched bags, and occasionally taught a karate class or two. Essentially, he was there to flex his muscles and not much else. Even his sword, which I remembered being so cool, was pretty much useless. That was a big eye opener for me. I was also disappointed to see that his taekwondo skills weren’t as great as I remembered them. He was really slow, kinda clunky. Overall, Jason deserved better than what we was given.
6. Billy Cranston (Blue Ranger)
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As the resident brain, Billy managed to invent the team’s communicators, which were also teleportation devices, and a flying car. He often operated the computers at the Command Center along with Alpha-5. It’s fair to say he contributed significantly to the team. He was a weak fighter in the beginning, but somehow became a super ripped expert gymnast by the end of his run. The show never explained that, but it was never a realistic show anyway.
5. Adam Park (Black Ranger)
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I remember not liking Adam very much as a child. He was so quiet, shy, and often in the back as one of the replacement rangers. In my child mind that meant he was boring. However, as an adult, I realized how awesome he really was. First of all, he was way cute and I didn’t even see it before. He was smart and often operated the Command Center along with Billy (good ole Asian stereotyping). But mostly, he was an incredible fighter. His Shaolin kung fu style was a beauty to behold. His kicks, spins, and flips were so quick, effortless, and graceful. He had the best line in the movie: “I’m a frog,” which turned out to be the best zord as well. As the seasons went on (especially into Zeo and Turbo), he became much stronger, more confident, and a lot funnier too.
4. Zack Taylor (Black Ranger)
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Zack is seriously underrated. He had a great personality. He was the life of the party, a great dancer, and funny. He even created his own martial arts style called Hip Hop Kido. He especially shined in the second season as he incorporated his karate with dance moves and incredible acrobatics. In my opinion, he was a way better fighter than Jason. If he had been given the proper treatment, Zack would’ve been on the same level as Tommy. After Zack left the show, the cast wasn’t nearly as fun.
3. Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger)
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Original Yellow Ranger Trini was the best. She was strong, brave, and intelligent. She had a spiritual side to her that was cool, calm, mature, and classy. She had natural leadership skills that were completely overlooked. I’d even say that when unmorphed, she was the true leader. She often stepped up and encouraged the other members no matter what situation they were in. She could understand Billy’s nerd talk and translated for the team. She also kicked serious butt. She became a big role model for many Asian American girls, as she was one of the first Asian American actresses with a visible role on television.
2. Tommy Oliver (Green & White Ranger)
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I loved Tommy as the Green Ranger. His karate took the show to the next level. He was super bad ass and totally convincing as a villain. That evil laugh was perfect. Even after becoming good, the writers found a way to keep him around. His weakening powers and ultimately losing his powers gave him a tragic appeal. His relationship with Kimberly was also super cute. He was an exciting fighter and a compelling character. But, I didn’t really like him as the White Ranger. Once he became the White Ranger and the new team leader, he became a lot less interesting. He no longer had a real story. His martial arts was always top notch, but compared to the Green Ranger, White Ranger Tommy was too perfect and a lot more boring. Separately, I would’ve ranked White Ranger Tommy after Adam, but Green Ranger Tommy was awesome. Like I said, he elevated the show.
1. Kimberly Hart (Pink Ranger)
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Kimberly was such a popular character. She was loved by girls who wanted to be like her, and by boys who had a crush on her. As an adult, I could easily see why and I was actually really surprised. She was hands down the star of the show. She had the most episodes dedicated to her out of all the rangers. Even when the episode wasn’t about her, she often saved the day with her bow and arrow. Seriously. She saves the team in almost every episode. Even though she wasn’t the strongest fighter unmorphed, her gymnastics skills were crazy impressive. Overall, she was the most valuable and consistent ranger on the team. Without her, they would’ve been toast.
Overall Thoughts
First of all, I couldn’t believe how poor quality the show was. They obviously reused the same footage over and over again. Even more unbelievable is how we all believed it as kids! But that cheesiness is now one of the best aspects of the show.
I was also surprised by how much the show favored certain characters over others. Kimberly had the most spotlight, followed by Billy. When Tommy showed up, it became all about him. Zack and Trini were tied for second to last place for air time. Jason was dead last. He was barely even in the show. It’s no wonder the three were unhappy and left the show when they did.
Rewatching the series also made me realize how much the movies glorified Tommy at the expense of the Pink Ranger. In the first film that meant Kimberly, who I mentioned in this list was an incredibly strong character. In the Turbo movie, they weakened Kat for Tommy to rescue her as well. That’s super disappointing as the show offered some really cool role models for young girls.
One thing I appreciated about the female rangers was how feminine they were. Kimberly was a fashion crazy mall rat, but she was never diminished for it. It just happened to be her personality. It was never a weakness. None of the girls were expected to act like boys in order to be strong. Later in Zeo and Turbo, Tanya was more tomboyish. She naturally excelled at sports and that was really cool too.
Overall, I was impressed by how much stunts these young actors did. The putty scenes were my favorite. We got to see the real actors (not costumed stunt doubles) do all their own stunts. They were all talented martial artists of various styles and masterful gymnasts. As the show progressed, so did the choreography. I can understand why the actors complained about not being paid enough.
Today, most of the newer Power Rangers shows don’t do their own stunts like the originals did. They’re a lot more flashier as well with explosions going off in every episode. Even though the budget is higher and the actors have more rights now, it doesn’t beat the nit and grit or the talent of the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
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inkabelledesigns · 5 years
When we were younger roleplayers
So a friend of mine recently uploaded an older comic she did detailing an experience from her youth involving her first time roleplaying. This story really speaks to me, so I’ll link it here for you to see. 
You know, this makes me wanna tell some of my own roleplaying stories, because boy do I have a few. ^^’’’ My nutcracker friends Freckle and Pepper hear be joke about ‘The Night of Angst Mountain’ far too much, but that’s only been within the past year. The story I’d like to tell you today come from when I first came online, back when my only account was on YouTube and we roleplayed in the comments sections of our channels. 
Let me tell you the story of dreamerofchaos1 and her first time working as one of the Freedom Fighters.
Let’s set the stage. I was 14 years old, the year was 2011, and I had finally been deemed old enough to get a YouTube account. I’d asked my folks if I could have it for my birthday that year, which is March 29th. On April 2nd, my dad made a YouTube account for himself and then helped me to make mine, just so he could keep an eye on me should I ever need his help, but for the most part he wasn’t watching what I was doing. I had made this account intending to post tribute videos, you know, those fan art slideshows set to a popular song, and that is what I started out doing, but during that summer, I ended up hanging out with a bunch of roleplayers, and sometimes it was hard to distinguish fiction from reality. I’m still not sure how that started or how I ended up meeting these people, but we were an interesting bunch. A lot of this is really fuzzy for me
To start, even though we called ourselves the Freedom Fighters, it wasn’t at all the Freedom Fighters from the Sonic SatAM or Archie comics. We had a Sally, Tails, and Sonic who were barely present, otherwise, it was a lot of fan characters (most of which were recolors of Sonic, Tails, and Amy), along with an emo version of Kirby, Stitch and Angel from the Lilo and Stitch TV series, and a few others that referenced other franchises. We had a lot of fun on fictitious scenarios together, having picnics, fighting the Suppression Squad, it was a good time.
I didn’t stand out a ton among the good guys, but I definitely had my stuff together a little better. I didn’t have a character when I started interacting with everyone, but I developed one around the theme of my username named Dreamer. They were a tanooki that was an imaginary friend abandoned by their creator, a little girl named Ruth, that needed belief from other people in order to exist. Note that I refer to them as a ‘they.’ At that point in time, nobody online knew what my gender was, they all just kind of assumed I was a guy, and I didn’t say anything about it. I specified that my character was genderless, since why would an imaginary friend need to have a gender? But because you basically WERE your character unless you were in YouTube’s Inbox system, everyone thought I was a dude. To be honest...at the point in time, all of my friends outside of the web were dudes with the occasional girl that was super tomboyish. I was the girly one, I could never be “one of the guys,” and more than anything, that’s what I wanted. I’ve grown out of that now as an adult, I’m much happier just being me and not worrying what other people think about my body parts. I never directly lied about my gender, it was more that nobody ever asked, but eventually I did come clean about it. Unfortunately, the minute people found out I was a girl, my PMs (private messages, which are the same as DMs, but there was some amount of respect in actually keeping it private back then) got flooded with boys that wanted cybersex out of me, which was disgusting and utterly embarrassing, but that’s a story for another day.
The Suppression Squad was the main group of enemies, hell, the character you saw causing trouble the most was Miles, aka the Anti-Tails from Moebius/Anti-Mobius. That’s where I found two of my closer friends, Venice and Violet. Venice was the Anti-Silver, a fanmade concept as Silver never officially had an Anti version in the comics, using the concept art of Silver from Sonic 06 back when he was Venice the Mink. Violet was a fan character who was his girlfriend. Venice played a lot of different characters though, including a villain named No-Heart that had some Kingdom Hearts inspired elements. Sadly Venice, or rather Wyatt, dropped off the face of the earth, I never saw him again after YouTube changed its channel layout and everyone gave up our games there, but I do hope he’s doing well wherever he is. Same with Violet, or rather Whitney, I saw her a few times on deviantART, but not much. 
There are a few roleplays that stick out to me from that time. No Heart stealing Dreamer’s heart and having them fight for the villains temporarily is one of the finer memories, hell, when I had her betray everyone and join the bad guys for real later on was quite fun. Duking it out with an evil clown and Anti-Guy from Paper Mario was kind of cool too. But the one that really sticks out to me is the one with Albert Wesker. Now, Albert Wesker is a Resident Evil character to my understanding, but I have no idea what his story is, and I wasn’t smart enough to look it up as a kid when this was going down. This guy came out of hecking nowhere, I never did learn who played him in the end. I remember he was going after everyone with needles, and once pricked, they’d be under his control. Dreamer of course had ended up kidnapped and trapped in wherever his domain was. Being the rebellious and narrow-minded child that I was, I had Dreamer go off on a long speech about how Wesker would never win, and good would always prevail over evil, blah blah blah, it had to have sounded so stupid and naive to him. 
And then he killed my character. That had never happened before. Another player ended up godmodding them back to life with a “revival seed,” but like? It was so garbage. I felt so bad about it after the fact, like yeah, we beat the bad guy, but I felt like a dirty cheater, and I was! But it dawned on me why it happened later on in time. There was no formal system to how any of this worked, just a set of unspoken boundaries that were never crossed, and therefore a lot of godmodding happened, where people would be defeated who shouldn’t have been, powers were unfair, etc. But the thing is, I was one of the few who ever bothered to get creative with my attacks and have some sort of strategy, which in turn meant that I was often the one doing most of the fighting. During the Wesker stuff, I was the only one online that actually had any of that going on, the rest were content to play damsels in distress, that’s why my character got revived. I think Wesker showed up one more time after that and there was a fair fight before they disappeared, but dang. It was an interesting experience. I think it was the fact that I was the only one doing anything in battle that I opted to join the bad guys for a while, not to mention the good guys weren’t all that great to me. There was a lot of hugging and saying “you’re one of my best friends” all the time, but no one meant it, it was just fluff. 
I wasn’t there for fluff, I was there for action, to do something, to challenge myself. Yeah, I wanted to make friends, friends with respectable people who were interested in actual plotlines. But I didn’t find that there, I didn’t find that anywhere in an RP community up until recently. Things have changed with my style over the past eight years. I’m a lot slower to jump to combat nowadays, in fact fighting hardly ever comes up, which is nice, even though I do have times where I miss it. I think I’ve realized that I’m happier being in a smaller group, about three people, where we ask each other about the plot and figure out where its going with a mix of improv and planning. One day though, I’d love to run an RP blog where I invite a bunch of people to participate in the chaos, one where I get to run the story and challenge them to survive. That was the idea behind OATS, maybe one day I’ll be able to run it. For now though, I’ve got some bigger fish to fry than roleplays. ^^’’’ Still, it was fun to reminisce on this, I hadn’t thought about this for a while. 
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team-free-squiggle · 6 years
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And... this is the post!!! My Sides!!! I was inspired by @thatsthat24‘s Sanders Sides series to look a little deeper into myself, and finally put some names to my traits.
So, left to right, top to bottom, in order:
Their name is Rogue (like Rogue One), and yes they chose it themselves. They are very proud of that.  Dark red crop top, ripped black skinny jeans, and a short black leather jacket that they usually wear, buuut it’s super hot out. Literally loves to be punk, loves the aesthetic, and always looks good because they have to be proud of themselves.
Lies, Slander, and More Lies
This is my Deceitful Side, also known as Diana (Die-Anna). They kinda love to borrow aesthetics from the Dragon Witch, and has very extremely oh so evil powers. Totally embraces the Slytherin that I am. Is a little too strong sometimes, I’m working on being more honest with myself, okay? Also absolutely has slits in that dress and can run and fight in it ‘cause I am not the type to stand on the sidelines. 
Since I am a demifluid enby, I do have Sides for my different genders, which is admittedly strange but also weirdly kinda cool (to me). One is my femininity, or Malee (May-lee). Nicknamed May. She is a total girly-girl, but doesn’t hate on anyone who isn’t. Basically a femme lesbian. Super sweet, wears makeup all the time, really works with Pride a lot to try and get me to look good. But she’s not all about looks - super feminist. Also the Mom Friend of the group. Super strong, powerful. To be honest her icon is Lucy from Narnia, so you can tell she is not a weak-willed woman. 
They are an artist of all types. Their name is Cassie. Started with ballet, went to music, and never stopped trying to draw and write. Still a musician and a writer, getting more and more into crochet recently. They are the source of all inspiration and ideas, and no matter how bad things end up they are always there to persevere. Really wants to fly. Loves the Imagination, ‘cause that’s where they can do anything they want.
This little shit. She is like. The darkest Side. Annoyingly, she - Dani - is also a part of me. She holds onto all my insecurities, always makes them bigger than they’re out to be. She’s the one that blows things out of proportion and makes my Anxiety kick in. She’s the one that hurts me the most. Also the source of any and all dysphoria, usually shown to me through Pride and/or Anxiety. Like I said. A little shit.
Not too bad, kinda chill. Their name is Judi. Does what depression tells them because Depression is stronger, but overall, kinda relaxed. Unless they send me into a Panic attack because they are so worried about something (usually because it’s because I get stressed out over what I have to do and then they kick in). They are good at keeping me awake. Which is a good thing with everything I have to do.
His name is Mace, and he honestly hasn’t been around much up until the past year. Kinda quiet, shy. But strong. Still there. Really just super chill, wants to sit around enjoying sports and/or geeky things. He comes out when I’m at the gym. He also really comes out when I’m in band, because it is a physical activity. Does like classic rock and some country as well as punk and some other alternative.
Is honestly a mood. I don’t know how. But they are. This is Charlie, my enby Side. They are just there, kinda in the back, until someone tries to offend someone else, specifically in the LGBTQ+ community. Then they bring the fire and wrath down that the homophobes and transphobes and any other such bigots deserve. They do not stand for someone hurting because of stuff like that. If someone is being racist or homophobic, you better believe that they can and will Fite that person behind a Denny’s at 3 am. 
Hi! It’s me, Angel! zYour resident pansexual demifluid enby. Huge nerd, creative mess, and just someone who does love life a lot. Yeah, I got my issues, but then who the hell doesn’t? Also, I love cats. 
Rarely works tbh. Their name is Laura, and they are usually too busy staring at pretty people to work. They end up blanking out a lot because of this. But they do work sometimes. Like, during school, they’re okay, but if one of the other Sides gets distracted, which happens all the time, Logic just flies out the window. Literally. The above picture is Morality joining them on flying out said window so they can go have a nice day together. I’m also pretty sure my Logic is gay for my Morality. 
Will love you no matter what. Even if you’re a bitch to them, which you shouldn’t be because they are the sweetest thing. Literally just wants to cuddle everyone and everything. Also the Parent Friend, along with my femininity. My Morality’s name is River, because they’re flowy and pretty and yet can destroy everything when they are in the mood. I’ve really been trying to listen to them more, because they do have a super optimistic and pretty cool outlook on life. I am pretty sure they are gay for my Logic.
Now that you’ve met the sides, this is kinda how they match up against each other.
Pride vs. Depression - Depression tries to knock down my self image. Pride tries to keep it up. Pride often can end up being a tool to Depression, though I am working on trying to see through that. Gah, depression is difficult. But I can fight it.
Lies vs. Morality - Honestly, since Morality loves everyone, they get along rather well. It could certainly be worse. Lies aren’t always the villain in my case, after all. 
Femininity vs. Masculinity - Honestly, they work together, but since femininity was always at the forefront, it’s been hard on masculinity. I really need to work on accepting all of myself, but you know what? I’m on a rollercoaster that only goes up, my friend. *sorry not sorry I quoted the Fault in Our Stars*
Creativity vs. Logic - Kind of an obvious rivalry here. Fantasy against Reality, and all that. But they work together to create the best kinds of ideas, and they both really help out when I’m trying to make music (due to both the technical and emotive portions of it).
Nonbinary vs. Anxiety - It’s basically the Anxiety of coming out. Like, being nonbinary is still new to me, and it’s really confusing a lot of times. Actually, it’s confusing pretty much all the time. But the Anxiety is really only over being outed, or over whether or not I’m faking it. You know, the usual gender stuff.
But yes, these are my Sides! I hope you at least found this interesting, or something... cause I honestly have no idea anymore.
Let me know what you think (if you want), and I will see you guys later!!!
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(Sanders Sides)
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mouser26 · 3 years
An oldie but a goodie
So in light of realizing I really don’t have a lot of Mags stories on here I decided to go dig through my old DA account and see if anything survived since I wasn’t the best at cross posting from Y!...and now I feel old cause Y! went down in 2016 and now is back apparently....so yeah  ANYWAYS!!!! Enjoy a gently edited (oh god this was posted how long with those errors?!) first time I and Foxy ever collabed from Nov 2008 aka the First time Mags and Cassius met The Barcrawl ( and to any new readers.....yeah Cassius just talks like that 
Cassius hated Canadian pubs. They insisted on calling them bars, and they never had the right food. How was a guy supposed to enjoy his beer without a proper accompaniment? And why had the yellow insisted on meeting here?
“Oy! You in the purple!” a strident woman’s voice rang out. “Your people tried to blow up my brother!”
“Dat’s righ’,” Cassius rumbled, sipping his beer, “but not me pers’nally. I doan do good wit splosives.”
“Well, I don’t see anyone else here,” she retorted. “Maybe I ought to take a down payment in lumps out of you!”
“I warns yer, lady,” Cassius growled. “I’s tougher dan I looks.”
“You don’t look so tough to me!” Magenta challenged.
“Wow, mouffy AN’ blind,” Cassius rumbled. “You got it bad, sister.”
Magenta’s face grew rosy to where it matched her hat and vest. Without another word, she picked up an unoccupied barstool and brought it down on Cassius’s head.
Cassius didn’t flinch; he took his beer bottle and smashed Magenta across the face, sending her soaring towards the leisure section of the bar.
She landed in the midst of a game of eight ball, and, cursing, picked up the cue stick underneath her. She stood up in the middle of the table and kicked the three and the fifteen balls at Cassius’s chest. With one fluid move, she jumped from the billiard table to the bar and pivoted, breaking the cue across Cassius’s face.
Cassius picked himself up off of the floor. Seeing Magenta aim a kick at his face, he seized the leg she was standing on and hurled her bodily into the plate glass window at the bar’s façade.
He grabbed another bottle and waited; she’d be back. One of the patrons with more alcohol than brains approached Cassius, who was picking shards of glass out of his knuckles.
“How dare you hit that lady!” He accused. “That’s not very nice at all.”
“Neither is she,” Cassius growled, “an she hit ferst. I jes hit ‘er back.”
He saw Magenta coming, and he braced for the impact. Outside, she’d landed next to a ‘Valet Parking’ sign for the restaurant next door, and she brought it with her. It caught him squarely in the side, breaking three ribs.
He grunted, and snapped the sign in half.
The patron turned to Magenta who said, “Don’t interfere!” and punched him.
Cassius grabbed the patron’s leg, Magenta grabbed his arm, and together they threw him bodily over the bar. He took out the shelf of high-end liquor and the mirror, and lay groaning behind the bar. Most of the patrons had fled; the bartender was nowhere to be seen.
“What a waste,” Cassius mumbled. “Lookit all dat good booze fallin’ on der floor.”
Magenta straightened her neck with an audible crack. “Not bad, Twinkle-toes. You ARE tougher than you look!”
“An’ yer no sloch eider,” Cassius conceded, drinking rum from a bottle with the top broken off. He offered her the bottle, and she took a long drink.
Idly, Cassius took a long splinter out from her violet hair. “Dat woulda hurt when you put yer hat back on.”
Cassius dusted the glass shards off of his purple vest. “Okay, yer smashed der stool on me head, n' I walloped yer wit der beer bottle, den you broke der poolcue 'cros m' teef, n' I sent you troo der window,” he counted out on his fingers. “Split der damage downna middle?"
“You forgot the cracked ribs, the pool table, and the guy we both sent into the bar display,” she corrected, “Otherwise it all sounds fair.”
Cassius nodded and took out his wallet. He counted several large bills and placed them under the bar counter, weighing them down with the bartender’s shotgun. “He wuz askin' fer it, callin yer a lady 'n sayin I ourtn't smack yer,” 
“An’ doan worry 'bout der ribs. I've broke dese tings more times'n I cn count. He should have ter pay fer der mirror doh, on accoun' o' his head doin' der breakin'." Cassius spat out a gob of blood. “Can’ stann innerlopers.”
Magenta snorted. “I smacked you first, you were fair ta shmack me back.” She felt her mouth, where her lower lip was already starting to match her hair. “Shon ova bish! I'm shwelling!” She clapped Cassius on the back. “Good job! Thas shom right hook ya got there.”
“I’d box, but der’s no one big enough to fight,” Cassius said, apologetically. “I'd buy yer a roun', but der bar appears to be desert'd. I know 'n all night biker bar. No place fer a lady, but yer orter be okay. I wanna see 'f yer cn drink's well as yer fight. Say, do yer like karaoke?”
“Did weh not jusht a'tablish I aint no god damn lady?” Magenta demanded. “And fer crooning a tune even if i did like it the lishener ushlly don't. LESH GO! Wait a minute, thish biker bar doesh karaoke?”
“Not yet,” Cassius rumbled. “But dey will.”
Hours and many many MANY drinks later Cassius and Magenta staggered tipsily down the street. “I can' bleev dat guy hekkled us berfore we got troo der first vers,” Cassius growled. “Good ting I hit him inna head wif dat hurled bottle.”
Magenta glared at him. “YOU hit him with a thrown bottle? I beg to differ. I threw that bottle, shir.”
“I hit ‘im inna head,” Cassius corrected. “YOU hit ‘im inna crosh.”
“Good point,” Magenta conceded. “ But I WARNED you I don't shing! And can you believe that whore that shaid my hair was shtupid? I mean what the fuck! She had a fucking hole in her ear the shize of a 28 gauge shell with a fucking ANKER in her lip! I have violet hair an I'm weird?!”
Cassius smirked. “I like yer hair. Mash's m' suit. An, I don' sing eider, but we got's der harm'ny down pat. Don' worry 'bout dat chick. When she wakes up wid der stishes inner forhed she'll know who's shtupid lookin'.”
Magenta howled with laugher. “DAMN SHTRAIGHT! By the by thanksh for docking her boy toy. Elsh I wouldn't have been able to shlash her sho good.”
Cassius shrugged. “Is no problem. Yer good wit dat swishblade!”
Magenta smiled. “Shtill, you are a-shom.” She tried to pat Cassius on the back, but missed the mark by a few feet.
Cassius grinned an evil smile. “He made it easy. Whenever I sees a guy wif nipple clamps anna chain froo 'em, I finks 'Dat's jes beggin t' be yanked.' I din' know he hadda Prince Albert hooked to it too, but dat's his prerorg...perogga..”
“Prerogative?” Magenta supplied
“Dat’s der bunny!” Cassius agreed.
Mags giggled. “Bunny...Shtupid fashin shatement sho was ashkin' for it! Even I don't shcream that fucking girly.”
“Der’s lotsa ways a guy cn look tough,” Cassius rumbled thoughtfully. “Dat’s gotta be one o’ der dumbest I seen, an’ dat’s sayin’ sumtin’.”
“You know,” she mused. “For a Purple, you’re not half bad.”
“An’ you’re pretty decent fer a Red girl, too,” Cassius said.
Magenta bristled. “What’s that supposed to mean? Just because I’m a girl means I can’t pull my weight? Or do you have something against Reds?”
“Nuttin’ gainst eider,” Cassius amended. “I jes tink I’m bedder at some a’ dis dan you.”
“Put your money where your mouth ish,” Mags retorted. “I’ve got a hundred bucksh that says I can do anything you can.”
“Alrigh’,” Cassius said, smirking. “Der blacks ‘ave a buildin’ roun’ here, righ’?”
“They do,” Magenta agreed, slowly. “It’s an office they ush when they’re trying to get at the White HQ, which is kinda all the time anymore.”
“Righ’,” Cassius said. He smiled and rubbed his hands together. “We gots a wager. Whoever gess der potted plant outta Black’s office is der better spy. Yer caught, ya lose. Deal?” He held out his enormous hand.
“Deal!” Mags agreed, shaking his hand.
“In der innerests of fairness,” Cassius rumbled, “We go dere inna same cab.”
“One question: what happensh if we Both get caught?”
“Den we bofe lose,” Cassius replied. “An’ we’re ebenly mashed as Spies. We calls it a draw.”
Rusty raised an eyebrow as he looked at the unknown number flashing on his phone. It was a sealed number though so it has to be someone familiar he reasoned as he answered, "Resident robo speaking."
“Rusty?” Mags asked. “It’s me. I need a pick-up at…WHAT PRECINCT IS THIS?...precinct 18, downtown… wait, WHICH DOWNTOWN? ….I’M FROM GATINEAU THAT’S WHY!…Ottawa. Can you bring bail money for…I see ten, but only four of them are ours.”
“Remin’ me,” Cassius groaned, “How did we end up here?”
“Well after we caught you two bickering over the theft of a potted plant,” Seventy-two started, “Brother and I convinced you two that dancing would be as much fun as Karaoke. So, we went downtown to the hippest club and somehow managed to get in.”
“I think the big guy bribed the bouncer,” Twenty-seven mused. “But regardless of how, we got in. The hottest dance crew in town was on the floor, they danced in front of us,”
“We got challenged,” Seventy-two continued. “I told the big guy and the woman. They looked at each other,”
“And together, they punched out the front man,” finished Twenty-seven. “Then, they proceeded to mop the floor with the rest of the crew.”
“Hey,” Mags retorted, “if they didn’t want to get beat up, they shouldn’t have thrown down in the first place. Besides it was a fair fight: two of us, eight of them.”
“That was bad enough,” Seventy-two said, “but did you two have to take on the whole SWAT team?”
“Dey said her hair was funny,” Cassius mumbled. “I had to knock dose tree out, odderwise we’d be in for longer. Smackin’ a cop is a shorter sen’ance dan rippin’ ‘is goolies off via his nosdril.”
“I would have done nothing of the sort,” sniffed Magenta.
“Then why did you threaten to do just that?” Seventy-two countered. “Every man in the club winced in sympathy pain.”
“Sides, der cops asked us nicely to come along,” Cassius said. “If dey’s willin’ to be polite abou’ it, I figger we might as well come ‘long peaceably.”
“They hit you with three tear gas grenades and tazered you at least six times,” protested Twenty-seven. “That’s what you call polite?”
“Dey dint use der guns or battans,” Cassius said. “Dose tazers were nice; dey tickled. Once Rusty gets ‘ere, I tink I need breakfast. Who wants homme, ommer..”
“Omelets?” Magenta suggested
“Dat’s der bunny!” Cassius agreed.
“I don’t know where you’ll put them,” Mags said. “Over the course of the night, you drank eight beers, fourteen assorted shots, a bottle of rum and a coke, and a centerpiece bud vase with a rose in it.”
“Tought dat one tasted a bit torny,” Cassius rumbled. “An’ yer one ter talk. You matched me on alla dat.”
“Couldn’t have you show me up, could I!” she countered. “And you’re right, it DID taste thorny!”
“MAGS!” Rusty finally yelled, interupting the four-way recounting of what sounded like a wild night.
He could picture Magenta staring at the receiver in her hand a moment before remembering who was on the line, “Hey Rusty.”
"... You do know I record all my calls, right?"
Rusty managed to hold in a chuckle, “Do we need an armored car or can I just pick you up?"
"Uh... I got two blacks and a purple...what do you think?
"... Fuck, I'm just going to get the nice company car to do this kind of crap. Google maps says I'll be there in about Forty-five minutes. Are you armed? Wait, don't answer that. ... WHAT are you armed with?"
"I left my babies at home. I HAD A SWITCHBLADE BUT THEY TOOK IT!"
“Actually you lost it when that one dancer kicked your hand,” Twenty-seven chirped.
“And his girlfriend tried to bite your ear off,” Seventy-two added
“Oh yeah…”
“Probably for the best...” Rusty muttered quietly. "Well, I'll get your spare from your desk as a security blanket of death. How's that? Anything else I should know about? What are the sobriety levels?"
"Hang on let me check… How sober are you bitches?!"
"Hung-over and hungry!”
“Dat depends,” Cassius mumbled. “Did I jes step on m’own fingers?”
“No sir,” an unknown voice, Rust assumed another prisoner cried. “You’re standing on mine.”
“Den nuttin’ a Bloody Mary woan fix,” Cassius said. “Or are yer a scewdriver woman?”
“I’m a Sonic Screwdriver woman, thanks to my darling partner. Electrolytes over acid. There’s your answer,” she said into the phone. 
"... I'll have Laurie call me en route to see what's open. On my way."
“Thanks Rusty!”
“Den les’ get outta here,” Cassius picked up the groaning twins by the back of their belts. “I got der lightweights. C’n you get der door?”
“Yep. Hey Rust, we’ll be outside. Trust me, you can’t miss us.” She hung up the jail cell’s pay phone.
“Let’s go”
“Damn!” Cassius smacked his forehead with the heel of his right hand, eliciting a groan from twenty-seven.
“What’s wrong?” Magenta asked, picking the jail cell lock.
“I wuz gonna meet a Yellow at der bar we net at.”
“Really?” Magenta looked up from the lock. “I was supposed to meet a Yellow there too. Think the bastard set us up?”
“Hell of a coinkydink,” Cassius growled, shifting his hold so he had the twins under each arm safe and sound.
“Next time I’m thank the bitch before I shoot him,” Mags soothed as she finally devoted her attention to the lock, earning a laugh from the purple agent.
0 notes
littlerose13writes · 7 years
Decorations Don’t Have Names by LittleRose13
Day 2, 12 Days of Shipmas - Christmas tree decorating 🎄
In which the simple act of decorating a Christmas tree is anything but simple for the Potters. 
Words: 1,781 
Pairings: Harry/Ginny 
9th December, 2013
A large space had been cleared in the Potter’s living room and the three children stood round it expectantly. The door opened revealing the end of a large cardboard box closely followed by Harry’s face.
Lily ran excitedly to the doorway and attempted to help carry the enormous box causing her mother to smile at her from where she was carrying the back end of the box. The boys watched from afar.
“We can put it here, Daddy!” Lily announced, gesturing to the space her brothers stood around and they nodded happily in agreement.
“Help me open this box then,” Ginny said from the floor where she was beginning to untie the fastenings on the huge box. Lily ran to assist her and Harry started undoing the fastening on the other end of the box. James and Albus were busy looking into the decorations box.
“I’ve already chosen my first decoration. You should choose yours too, Al,” James said bossily to his younger brother. Albus glanced at the small, carved hippogriff on a string in James’ hand.
“But that was the decoration I wanted to choose first,” he stated glumly, knowing his brother would get to hang it on the tree as he was two years older.
“Well this one’s taken; you can have this one though.” He dived into the box and emerged with a sparkly pixie decoration that released glitter showers every time it moved.
“Yuck, no! That’s a girl decoration,” Albus said and he physically backed away from the contents of James’ hand.
“There’s no such thing as boy and girl decorations, we’ve talked about this.” Ginny sighed. “Anyway, you love glitter, Al.”
Albus gave her a sulky look and Ginny suspected the rejection of the pixie decoration had all been an attempt to impress his big brother - Albus completely idolised James.
“Hey! Give Pixie to me,” Lily commanded as she scrambled up from the floor and grabbed the decoration, showering James with glitter in the process.
“Lily!” James shouted angrily as he brushed his hair of glitter.
“Don’t fight over the decorations guys. There’s plenty in there for all of you,” Ginny told them. Albus was still sulking so she stood up and made her way to the decorations box, inspecting its contents.
“How about this one, Al?” she asked after a minute of searching. It was a bright red dragon decoration that breathed harmless, small flames when hung on the tree.
“Yeah!” Albus cried enthusiastically, bounding over to his mother and gently taking the dragon from her hand. “I love dragons.”
“I don’t…” Harry muttered from where he had finally managed to open the box.
James’ face fell. “Oh but I wanted that one too! That’s from Uncle Charlie isn’t it?” He swung the hippogriff from his finger, giving it an evil look.
“James, Hippy is from Uncle Charlie as well,” Lily responded exasperatedly whilst bouncing around Harry and urging him to get the Christmas tree out.
Hippy. Why did Lily insist on giving all the Christmas tree decorations names? James found it incredibly annoying.
“Hippy the Hippogriff? That’s a stupid name. This is my decoration and I say he doesn’t have a name,” he commanded maturely.
“Here it is,” Harry announced as he stood back to show a large, green, artificial tree laying on the ground. They used to always have a real Christmas tree in the house until three Christmases ago when they discovered that James, who was six at the time, was allergic to them. The poor boy had spent most of Christmas day dosed up on Sneezing Potion before they’d worked out what the problem was.
Lily was looking at the tree in awe, still clutching her pixie decoration. “How does it go up?” she asked loudly. Everyone turned to look at Harry.
“That’s simple. Constructo!” He pointed his wand at the tree which was lying on the floor forlornly. Nothing happened.
“I’m not Hermione or anything, but I don’t think that spell is designed to work on muggle Christmas trees,” Ginny said laughing and the children looked between them with disappointed faces.
“Ok then, you try,” Harry joked, passing her her own wand.
“Ok, I will.” Ginny gave him a cheeky grin and replaced her wand onto the table where it had previously resided. She approached the dismantled tree and considered the pieces for a second before selecting one and snapping it into the base unit.
Harry watched with an annoyed look on his face as she placed the remaining section of the tree on top so the two clicked together and stood back to reveal a towering, perfect Christmas tree.
“Cool,” said Albus.
“Yay, Mummy!” Lily applauded.
“Sometimes the Muggle way is the easiest way,” Ginny said casually, feeling very proud of herself.
“Well I could’ve done that…” Harry muttered.
“Decoration time!” Lily cried and she ran forward to hang her beloved pixie on one of the branches.
“No Lily, we’re not having your stupid girly decorations on the tree. Cool ones only.” James ordered, replacing the pixie with his own hippogriff and throwing the pixie to the ground in a cloud of disappearing glitter.
“James,” Ginny reprimanded in a warning tone from where she was opening a box of baubles decorated with different Quidditch designs. “If you can’t be nice to your sister, you won’t get to join in.”
“Mine’s cool!” Albus stated as he too ran towards the Christmas tree and proudly placed the dragon on a branch.
“Pixie is cool,” Lily told him stubbornly, her eyes filling up with tears. “Why can’t she be on the tree? It’s not fair, Daddy.” Lily picked up the pixie and ran to Harry, sniffing miserably.
“James, let your sister put her decorations on too. It’s everyone’s Christmas tree.” Lily brightened up immediately as she replaced Pixie onto the tree.
“I’ve taught her well,” Ginny muttered to Harry, nodding her head to Lily who was happily picking out the pinkest, most sparkly and girly decorations she could find and deliberately putting them next to wherever James put his own decorations.
“You fell for the fake tears too,” she added mischievously to Harry who looked shocked.
“They were fake? How do you know?” he asked her.
“Harry, I grew up with six brothers. I know everything about being a little sister. She used the Daddy card too.”
“Daddy card? She always calls me Daddy.”
“She’s got you right here,” Ginny said, twirling her little finger around.
Harry scoffed. “That is just not true. Anyway, you’re hardly one to talk.”
Ginny put her hands on her hips and surveyed him as Lily dived between her legs for a stray decoration. “Meaning?”
“You can’t say no to Al,” Harry said smugly. They both watched as their younger son demurely placed a decoration on the tree, ignoring his siblings who were squabbling over who would get to put the angel on the top of the tree. His dark hair was on the neater side for once and his green eyes were alive with excitement.
“Look at him, he’s you in miniature. He’s adorable.” Ginny walked over and pulled Albus in for a quick hug. He was startled, a decoration still in his hand, but he hugged her back.
“That’s exactly what it’s like with Lily,” Harry muttered, watching his red-haired daughter twirl around on the spot, making her dress fly out around her.
“It’s finished!” she cried, running at Harry and requiring him to employ his Auror reflexes rather quickly to protect himself from injury. Instead, he caught her and lifted her up into the air where she screamed in delight.
“Is it time for the fairy lights?” Albus asked excitedly.
“Fairy lights, fairy lights!” Lily squirmed to be put down.
Harry withdrew a large jar from beside the fireplace which contained several golden fairies, happily whizzing about. They’d purchased them from Diagon Alley just that morning and Lily had already named them all.
With the jar open, Lily was able to gently lower her hand inside and she squealed with delight as five fairies climbed onto the palm of her hand and she withdrew it. She rested her hand open on a branch of the tree and the fairies fluttered from her hand, nestling into the branches where they glowed prettily.
“Al?” Harry offered the jar to his son, who also collected and released a small handful of fairies onto the tree. One of the fairies fluttered to land on his shoulder instead of the tree and he smiled at it.
“Jamesy?” James scowled at his father’s use of his childish nickname (which James had given himself when he first learnt to talk). “Sorry, James.”
James was reluctant to scoop any of the fairies from the jar.
“Shall we give your turn to Lily?” Ginny asked with a knowing smile.
“No! I want to do it,” James cried, rushing forward to retrieve his own handful of fairies. They too found places on the tree and the whole thing was flashing and twinkling.
There were enough fairies for the children to each have one more turn and James’ sulkiness had evaporated by the time the jar was empty. The fairy on Albus’ shoulder whizzed from her perch to the tree to join her sisters, leaving a little cloud of fairy dust all over Al’s dark hair. Harry absent-mindedly went to brush it away and Albus smiled up at his dad.
Ginny placed the angel on the top of the tree to avoid any arguments and the Potters stood back to admire their Christmas tree. The bottom two thirds were a mess of random clusters of decorations where Lily had put all of hers right next to James’ choices. Glitter from the pixie coated everything and would last for twelve hours before disappearing and the top third was more or less bare where the children couldn’t reach it.
James, Al and Lily looked delighted. Harry and Ginny exchanged looks.
“Well done, kids. I think it’s our best one yet!” Harry said convincingly.
“Redecorate after they’ve gone to bed?” Ginny muttered into his ear.
“Only if I get to hang the Hippogriff,” he whispered back.
96 notes · View notes
writersindigestion · 7 years
hostess || jerome valeska x reader
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“he keeps you in a box by the bed - alive, but just barely.”
reader gender: female
words: 7919
warnings: violence, NSFW, abuse. He’s evil, folks!
also available on: AO3
The fact that she was lucky was fortunate for [Y/N]. When she cheated on a test, she didn’t get caught. When she ran red lights, she didn't get caught. When she rolled dice, she got Yahtzee every time. When she stole expensive things from high-end retailers, the staff practically helped her pocket their merchandise. And she supposed it was some sort-of luck that she ended up in the same department store as a recently escaped convict.
She’d been in the process of casing the building, planning on returning at a later date to commit a felony, when a man strode in her direction. [Y/N] paid him no mind - she didn’t know him, and there was no reason to assume that he knew her, so she figured he’d carry on without much incident. How surprised she was to glance up from her cell phone only to be engulfed by a pair of strong, unfamiliar arms.
Instinctually, she made a move to scream, but her face was entirely smothered by a broad shoulder. Before she could even begin to struggle, the arms held tighter.
There was a hot whisper in her right ear, breath wafting down her neck. “If you don’t play along, it’s gonna mean big trouble for you, toots.”
She felt herself being rocked from side-to-side like he was an affectionate lover and not some malevolent stranger.
Withholding a whimper, she nodded minutely, her face chafing against the person’s jacket.
He pulled back, raspy voice full of ‘sincere’ joy. “Sorry about that, babe. It’s been a long day. How’ve ya’ been?”
[Y/N] ran her eyes over the man’s face in a frantic grab for recognition, but the only recognisance she found made her absolutely sick to her stomach.
Still, she cracked a nervous smile. “I’ve been okay. A little tired, but I’m alright.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. What was she going to do? This had got to be a nightmare. There’s just no other explanation.
Jerome Valeska grinned, lips spreading wide across his cheeks. The murderer brought his hood in closer to his face, the beanie beneath covering a shock of fiery hair. “You too, huh? Let’s get home then!”
His hand found its way to hers, the grip bordering on painful - a reminder, probably, to not to do anything stupid. She forced her feet to match his pace as they made their way to the nearest exit, feeling him rest his head near her shoulder for a moment.
“Don’t you dare even look at anyone else.”
[Y/N] didn’t, keeping her eyes straight ahead of her the whole walk to the car.
He snatched the keys from her quivering fingers, not letting her go as he opened the passenger door. She made a sound of surprise as he shoved her in, forcing her over the middle console before climbing in as well. He slammed the door shut, tossing the keys into the cupholder and turning to his new captive with a flourish. “Well then - your house? Or mine? Better make it yours, now that I think about it,” He giggled nonsensically to himself, playing with the dice hanging from her rearview mirror, “These are kinda corny, you know?”
The terrified woman had no idea how to respond, but she swallowed thickly and tried to anyways. “M-My house? You want to go there?”
Jerome didn’t reply for a moment, shuffling through her glove compartment for something worth looking at. “Huh? Oh, yeah - your house.”
“Um, isn’t there somewhere else you want to go?” [Y/N] asked shakily, starting the car with a definite reluctance.
He stopped rummaging for a moment, looking at her with disbelief. “Where do you suppose I should go? Besides back to Arkham - that shit is painfully boring.” For another few moments, he continued snooping, until he paused once more, “You don’t have a roommate, do you?”
She drew in a sharp breath, but shook her head.
“That’s fortunate,” Jerome chimed, sounding like he chewed on gravel for a living, “For you and for them - they’d definitely have to die.”
She didn’t reply, and he didn’t continue, humming absently to himself as [Y/N] drove him to her apartment. And surprisingly, that was all he had to say - that is, if you don’t count the occasionally pensive expression followed by maniacal giggling. That wasn’t so much talking as it was spazzing, but she wasn’t about to make any verbal complaints.
When the car came to a complete stop, and the keys were out of the ignition, the hostage woman could hardly find the strength to get out of the car. It didn’t seem to matter either way, because he sidled over to the driver’s door and practically ripped it off its hinges, gesturing for her to exit. She did, clumsily.
And now the pair sat at her small, round dining table, a bowl of Cheetos between them. [Y/N] hadn’t the stomach to eat anything at the moment, and so her captor had coveted the bowl into his arms, chomping noisily while she looked on in silent terror.
After several fistfuls of cheesy snacks, the redheaded male piped up, “What’s your name, sweetcheeks? Mine’s Jerome, but I guess you know that already!” His snickered, watching her grip the tabletop as if to steady her poor, shaking hands.
“Uh… Um…”
He kicked her chair, earning a shriek. “What wazzat, girly? Can’t hear you when you won’t open your mouth.”
The female in question got her answer out much quicker this time, “[Y/N].”
Jerome made a long noise of acknowledgement, cheeks full of Cheetos and fingers lightly coated in orange dust. “Alrighty then - tell me about yourself. None of the boring shit, please.”
She was silent, blinking in disbelief. What the fuck did he want her to say? What was there to say in the first place?
His eyelids sunk, and he rose from the table, snorting as she flinched at his sudden movement. After unnecessarily using about half her bottle of dish soap in washing his fingers, he sat back down, her sink overflowing with suds. The murderer pulled his hat off, tossing it haphazardly behind him and letting his somewhat-flattened red hair float around his head. He rested his chin in his hands, blinking owlishly at the woman before him. “Okay - get it off your chest. Go ahead and beg for your life, or whatever. I know it’s bugging you,” Jerome sighed, absently checking his nails.
[Y/N] inhaled sharply, feeling a sob creeping up her throat, but she pushed it back down, still unable to stop the tears from winding down her cheeks. “I-I don’t know what you want, or what you’re looking for. I have money, I have jewelry, I have some nice things - whatever it is you want, you can have,” She offered hastily, her entire body alight with fear.
“I don’t want or need those things,” Jerome deadpanned, “I need somewhere to stay.”
The woman was quick to strike a new deal, “I can get you a hotel room, or a motel - anywhere you want!”
“Mhmm, and where are you going to find a place that will take me as a tenant?”
“Do you want weapons? I don’t really have anything of use, but I know people who do. Do you want to get out of the city? Out of the state? Country? Continent?”
“Tempting, but I’m pretty comfortable riiiiight here in Gotham.”
A few moments of silence passed the both of them by.
“Is there anyone that knows you that would let you stay with them?”
“You know me,” He commented, grinning toothily.
[Y/N] gulped, “I meant, like, friends?”
Jerome cackled. She took that as a negative.
“... Your, uh, cult, maybe?”
“Great people, lotsa fun,” He started, gesturing to his visage, “Totally untrustworthy. One of em’ tried to steal my look.”
She was at a loss.
“You done yet?” He inquired, leaning back in his seat.
The woman wiped at her tear-stained face with the sleeves of her sweater, and nodded minutely.
“Did that make you feel any better?”
She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off almost immediately.
“Don’t answer that - I really don’t care,” Jerome interjected, “Now… Lemme hear about my wonderful host.”
A few minutes had passed by since the first time he’d asked her that, and she had no better insight into what exactly he wanted to hear. He seemed to take her silence as further confusion, and though he was exasperated, he didn’t seem close to violence - yet.
“Are you really going to make me do all the work here?” The criminal croaked, rolling his eyes to the ceiling, “Let’s start with something easy - you gotta job?”
Why, yes, Mr. Terrifying Serial Killer, I have a job stealing stuff from stores I don’t shop at! [Y/N] stumbled around her answer, “I work for a pawn shop, mostly for the owner’s wife. She’s a jeweler.” That was a safe reply - not a lie, but not the whole truth. Unfortunately, the man was much more perceptive than she had previously imagined. His eyes narrowed in her direction, and she could feel her stomach sink. What was the price for lying to Gotham’s resident scourge?
“Mhmm, yeah, and I murdered my parents,” Jerome retorted, making a big, pointless show with his hands as he spoke.
“But, uh, you actually did that, didn’t you? Or did I read the wrong tabloid?”
He let out a rapturous guffaw that had her nearly jumping out of her seat, but as soon as it came, it went, and he was back to being ‘serious’. “Yeah, no, I definitely killed them - I was just gloating.” The man suddenly bent forward, grabbing his hostage’s arm and yanking her towards him.
She yelped, taking ahold of his arm as well, but made no move to further the altercation. It was a fight that she would lose, no matter how lucky she usually was. Her breaths were short as he leaned in closer to her face, his still-healing scars able to be seen in great detail now that he was practically stealing the air she needed.
“I don’t know what those tabloids told you, but I’m not an idiot, sweetcheeks, and I know a lot about liars - one of them killed me, believe it or not!” Jerome whispered throatily, not moving away, “You’re definitely a liar, and lemme tell you something - you can’t lie to me, not even for a second.” He hooked his foot around the leg of her chair, drawing her even further into his grasp. The redhead’s voice darkened the more he spoke, “And if, by chance, you manage to lie to me, the next place you’ll find yourself lying is in the garbage disposal. Got it?”
He needn’t have asked, she was already scared shitless.
“Great, now that we’re on the same page, why don’t you tell me where you really work. This apartment is pretty middle-of-the-road for someone who claimed to have enough money to buy her life from me.”
[Y/N] wet her lips, eyeing her trapped arm nervously. He’d dragged her chair so far forward that their knees were touching, and she silently cursed her tiny choice in eating surfaces. It worked out so that she had to bend her torso across the table to reach him, and she found that the smooth edge digging into her stomach made it slightly painful to take breaths. She didn’t complain, she wouldn’t complain. It just wasn’t worth it. “Ah… I really do work for a pawn shop-”
“Did you not just listen to anything I said?”
The glint of malicious intent in his eyes grew larger, and so she hurried along with her explanation, “Hear me out - legally, on paper, I am a 24-hour consultant for this pawn shop. That’s how I do my income tax returns and shit. What I really do is… Uh… I steal expensive things from nice stores, and take them home.” Jerome stared at her in disbelief, and she took it as a sign to continue. “I go into the store a month or so beforehand to check for security cameras and exits and so-on - I was actually doing that when you… So kindly kidnapped me. I go back later, finesse the employees a little, and take home the goods.”
He blinked, still not believing what she said, but inveritably entertained by the idea. “And…?”
She swallowed. “I bag up what I stole, and stick it in envelopes to send to the pawn shop. What I send them is usually jewelry, so the wife disassembles it, keeps the stones, and liquidates the metals. They mail me checks every week, and again, strictly on paper this-” [Y/N] stiffly gestures with her free hand to the apartment around her, “Is the type of life that I can afford to live. The rest of the money finds its way here eventually. One of their friends is a mailman, so he usually delivers it by hand. It all works out pretty conveniently.”
“Why have money if you can’t spend it? Ya’ got it buried in the community garden or something?”
“Insurance? Greed? I don’t know. I’m actually working with another one my friends on that - she keeps a lot of my money for me, ‘cause she’s one of those rich-y types - I was planning on moving up in the world in a few months time…” She replied, watching her hand blanch from the lack of blood flow. He didn’t respond immediately, and the back of her neck began to sweat.
Finally, after what felt like years and years of waiting, the terrorist burst into a horrible peal of laughter, going so far as to release her arm in favor of falling the fuck out of his chair. She watched him cackle on the floor for at least a good two minutes before he snapped out of whatever psychotic trance he was in, rolling back onto his feet to sit at the table once more.
“I’m gonna be honest, babe, I was a little worried that you were going to be a real snooze-fest, but I think we’re going to get along just fine,” He reassured, only serving to make her more uncomfortable.
She didn’t know if it was worse to be ‘friends’ with the man who tore Gotham apart, or to be his enemy - either way, she was his victim.
Later, [Y/N] found herself sitting on the floor of her bathroom while Jerome used the shower. Just a few minutes beforehand, he’d taken the time to break her landline phone in half, and confiscate her cell phone, as well as several burner phones. He’d only been in her house for a little over two hours, and she had no idea where he could have possibly hidden her things. The man had then insisted that she not leave the room he was in so that she couldn’t do something productive - like run for her life, call for help, roll a joint, or knit a sweater.
In the meantime, the hostage woman read an old fashion magazine, and Jerome rattled her ears off.
“‘Strawberry Sunset’, huh? Ya’ know - I always thought girly products smelled better than men’s,” He rambled, a squashing sound following his words as he wasted her bathroom goods.
[Y/N] deadpanned back to him, “Be sure to rinse and repeat.”
The redhead made a noise of deliberation before he spoke again, “Does that shit really work? Isn’t it just a ploy to get people to buy more soap goo?”
“Nope,” She responded, popping the ‘p’, “First wash breaks down the dirt, second takes the debris out. Don’t believe me? It’ll lather more the second time.”
A few minutes passed by before the murderer let out a short shriek of laughter, “I’ll be damned! You’re right!”
Too busy rubbing her bruised head that she earned when his outburst startled her, [Y/N] could only manage to comment, “Conditioner should be left on for at least three minutes before a rinse.”
He poked his head out from behind the curtain, scarred lips pulled into a mirthful grin, “Thanks, babe. Maybe you should come in here and help me wash up. Whaddaya say?”
She immediately shriveled, clutching her magazine tighter as she stared at him. “Uh… No, thank you. I think I’ll have a shower after you.”
After a little wink, he pulled his head back behind the curtain. “And what am I supposed to do to entertain myself while you shower…?”
The woman cringed. “I don’t know - when you get out, I’ll get in. I’ll hurry, I promise.”
He chuckled darkly, coughing a few times. “Don’t sweat it, chica - I’ll spend a while smelling the rest of your girl-products, so you’ve got a few minutes before I get bored and start breaking shit.”
[Y/N] made a grunt of acknowledgement, looking up from her magazine a few moments later to see that Jerome had abruptly stepped out of the bathtub - completely nude.
“Oh - GOD, dude, you couldn’t have given me a little warning?” She shrieked, averting her gaze to hastily dig for a towel in the cubby behind her. With a timid, but urgent hand, the linen was held out to him, her eyelids cinched shut.
Jerome giggled the entire time he dried off, only stopping once to give his captive a long, pointed stare. “You got virgin eyes, or something?”
The woman ground her teeth together, “No - I just don’t get up in the morning hoping that some murderer will show me his cock.”
“C’mon, what’s a little nudity amongst friends?” He crooned, taking great care in going through her personal soaps and lotions, “Speaking of which, you might wanna strip now if you expect to have a shower tonight. I’d be glad to pull you out of there naked if you take too long.”
She still hadn’t opened her eyes, but reluctantly shucked off her clothing, jumping into the tub before he could so much as glance at her body. What followed was possibly the fastest washing she’d ever done - totalling about two minutes - as well as the quickest drying she’d ever done. When she was securely wrapped in a towel, she found that the redhead was unabashedly using her toothbrush.
[Y/N] didn’t even blink at his rudeness, opening up the bathroom cabinet and ripping a new brush straight from the package. If she was going to be slaughtered anyways, she’d make sure he wouldn’t have half as much fun as he hoped he would.
Jerome then turned to burn his old clothes in her kitchen sink, watching with glee as the ashes were swallowed by the drain. “It’s a new, new, new beginning for me, toots.”
Feeling horribly pessimistic, the hostage frowned, eyeing the fresh garments he’d borrowed from the things old flames had left her - a pair of weathered boxers and a large, dark-green t-shirt. He’d egged her on about it, wondering if she had a ‘ball-and-chain’ and if she knew they’d have to die. “More like the beginning of the end, for me,” She grumbled.
“Ah, but a beginning nonetheless!” The man exclaimed, shutting off the faucet so hard the handles nearly came loose, “Now - there any beds around here, babe?”
Her grimace deepened. Babe. She hoped he choked to death in his sleep. “My room is right over there. I suppose you won’t be staying on the couch?”
Jerome raised his eyebrows at her pointedly. “Do I look like the kinda guy that crashes on my victim’s couch?”
She didn’t reply, turning towards her futon. “I’ll take the couch, then.”
His voice called out from her bedroom, “Ah, ah, ah! You know I can’t leave you unattended out there, sweet cheeks.”
[Y/N] grew endlessly more frustrated, “Alright, awesome! I’ll just pass out on the fucking floor over here, then!” In a fit of uncontained rage, she stormed past the redhead, tearing a blanket off her bed and collapsing in a heap by the window.
No sooner than her body had hit the ground, a fist snaked its way into her hair, wrenching her half-upright. He growled in her ear, dragging the woman towards her own bed, “Listen, honey, it’s been over a year since I’ve slept in a bed this nice - let alone with a woman. So you’re going to lay here and keep your mouth shut, if you know what’s good for you.” Haphazardly, the criminal tossed her onto the mattress, climbing in after her. Bemused, he watched as she sunk beneath the covers, teetering on the very edge so as to avoid being near him.
A low groan exited her lips as she felt a large hand close around her upper arm, pulling her against the murderer behind her. She didn’t protest, didn’t complain, she only buried her face in her hands, breathing shallowly. What the fuck was going on? His arms snaked around her middle, his face in the crook of her neck. Minutes passed, and her shock continued to wear off - there was no getting out of this situation, was there? [Y/N] was going to be gutted and stuffed down her shower drain, or at the very least strung up by her intestines.
The minutes blended together, and over an hour later, she found herself still lying wide-awake against his snoozing form. But Jerome wasn’t really snoozing, was he? Everytime she shifted, everytime she shivered, every time she whimpered - he would tighten his hold around her ribcage, or would grumble unfriendly things against her skin.
After another half-hour of fidgeting, the redhead grew tired of her constant movement. “You’re not going to fall asleep, are you?” He deadpanned, slowly reaching to grab both of the female’s wrists in one hand, “If you insist on being difficult, I guess I’ll be difficult, too.”
Fingers wrapped around her throat, squeezing until she could only take the most uselessly tiny breaths. Jerome had rolled onto her just slightly, trapping her legs beneath his body. There didn’t appear to be any real leverage in struggling.
Rhythmically, he would tighten and loosen his grip, allowing her the precious fragments of air that she needed to stay alive. Tears bowled down her cheeks as she gasped and spluttered, only getting faux-comforting hushes from the man in her bed. It took just a few minutes before her body got tired of fighting, and she succumbed to the darkness that surrounded her.
Two weeks later, and she was having an incredibly hard time keeping the terrorist entertained. At first, violent books and movies kept him sated - so long as she provided him with a healthy dose of alcohol to wash down the fictional atrocities. Then it progressed to board games and card games, most of which he won. Finally, she reached a point where the only things that held his attention were pain games.
Who can stand under the steaming spray of water the longest? How about sitting in an ice bath? Who can hold their breath the longest? Who can sit upside down the longest? Who can eat more spicy foods without needing water? Who can do the most push ups? Sit ups? Jumping jacks? The longest plank? The longest wall sit? The most 5-pound reps? How about we just hold our arms up for as long as possible?
The most recent, taxing, and upsetting game he’d come up with was a game of chance. Jerome and [Y/N] would play ‘War’, each laying down a card to see who had the highest number, and the winner would get to clamp a clothespin on the other person’s skin - wherever they pleased.
Neither of the pair seemed to be winning, each having an array of pins stuck to themselves, but the murderer didn’t appear to mind the constant, stinging pains as much as the thief did.
“Fuck,” She groaned, resisting the urge to rip off the clothespin that her opponent had just attached to her nostril, “I think I need to be done with this game for right now. It’s about dinner time - you hungry?” Carefully, she pulled her skin free from the jaws that pinched her so tightly, and rose from her seat.
Jerome sighed, taking the idle time to stick more pins to himself, but didn’t object to [Y/N]’s request to stop their little game. While she looked in the pantry for something to cook, the sadistic wheels in his head started turning. “I was getting kinda bored with that game anyways…” He grumbled, putting the clothespins in a pile on the table. Glancing around the room, he tried to find a new source of entertainment. As he watched her figure flit about the floorboards, all of the gears finally clicked into place. “Forget about dinner for now,” He commanded, starting to dig through her cupboards and drawers, “You got any duct tape?”
The woman furrowed her eyebrows, setting a saucepan down on the counter, “Yeah, it’s somewhere around here. What do you need that for?” She started towards her bedroom, wondering if she’d left the tape in another area of the house. As she rummaged around in her closet, she could still hear the murderer humming to himself in the other room.
A snicker crept its way from between his lips, and he called out towards his captive, “Hey - you said you weren’t a virgin, right?”
[Y/N] clammed up both physically and verbally, silently pulling her body from the bulk of clothes and coat hangers that existed in her closet. She didn’t bother trying to reply, a shudder running up her spine and back down. His cackles seemed to exist in surround sound, coming from every corner of the apartment. Jerome’s laughter slowed, deepened, until his voice practically vibrated the walls around her. Her hand crept up towards her mouth, and she grasped the handle of a locationally useless fire-poker with her free appendage.
“I bet you scream like one.”
Immediately, she jumped into action, slamming her bedroom door shut before he could get any closer. [Y/N] had already been preparing for the day that he’d get bored with mundane, everyday interactions and start reaching for her panties. She’d gotten the inkling that he was interested in sex when he started rubbing his morning wood along her backside, finding release against her prone, sleepy body. An even bigger tip-off was when he promptly offered to clean out her coochie with his ‘magic stain stick’.
With the lock in place, she scrambled to shove heavy objects in front of the door - her dresser, a chest of linens, an antique vanity - anything to slow his advance to her pants. The hostage knew it was inevitable, but she figured that the noise he made trying to break in would perhaps alert the neighbors, if they cared at all. She pushed her bed against the wall, crawling beneath it with the fire-poker still tightly grasped in a shaky fist. Three solid knocks followed a grumble of frustration as Jerome jiggling the door handle. She cowered in anticipation, shrinking to the farthest corner of her bed as he tried to get in.
“Alright… I’ll make this a little challenge to myself, [Y/N],” He started, his voice scratchy and somewhat annoyed, “If I can’t get this door open within two minutes, I won’t totally fuck you senseless.”
God, why do you hate me? The woman inwardly groaned, her eyes rolling so far backwards she could she her own ass. About 30 seconds passed by while the criminal in the other room rattled around with the doorknob. She was beginning to feel hopeful when she heard the shrill ring of a power drill echoing back into her ears. Moments later, there was a heavy thud against her floorboards.
He cracked open the door, sticking his head through to peer around the bedroom. “I’d say something classic like ‘Here’s Johnny!’, but my name doesn’t end with quite the right sound for that, ya’ know?” Jerome quipped, using a single hard push to completely negate the barricade she’d set up, “Also - is there really any use in hiding in here? You’re either in the closet, or you’re under the bed. I already know you’re under the bed, but I’ll check the closet first if it’ll make you feel better.”
[Y/N] cringed at his words, already feeling embarrassed as he looked around her linens, feigning surprise that his captive wasn’t tucked between the laundry. Her whole body quivered as he stepped to the bed, a jaunty whistle on his lips.
The man stooped down, about to peek behind the hanging sheet, when something else caught his attention. “Hm? And what might this be?” He queried, his hand diving towards a drawer that sat nestled in the upper left corner of her bed, “I know for a fact that I’ve snooped through all of your shit at least twice now, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen this little treasure chest.”
This. This was the worst possible thing that could have happened in this situation. Her bed had been carefully positioned against her nightstand for months now, hiding her little drawer of toys from prying eyes. In her haste, she’d completely forgotten that they’d been there. It wasn’t as if she’d had time to rub one out while Jerome was taking up space in her apartment. As she settled a palm over her face, she heard the drawer open.
“Oh, shit, babe, and here I was thinkin’ that you were a prude!” He exclaimed, rummaging unabashedly through her sex toys. After several moments of rude comments and cackling, a new sound entered the room around them. Vibrating. “Oh-ho-ho… [Y/N], you are exactly the type of freak I need.”
Holy fucking shit. The woman hardly had time to get that thought out before a hand wrapped around her ankle, dragging her from under the bed. She squealed, feeling the skin of her knees begin to burn as they were pulled across a throw rug. Immediately, she grasped onto his calves, dragging him down to the floor with her. Their limbs tangled together, each person fighting for dominance. Frantic fingers grasped for the iron poker that she’d dropped in her panic, quickly maneuvering it back into grip.
Woosh. SMACK!
From her unfortunate place beneath him, [Y/N] took a swing at Jerome, only to find that her much longer weapon had simply collided with the vibrating dildo that he’d pulled from her stash.
“Eh… En garde?” The criminal teased, nearly choking on his own laughter. He reactivated the vibrations, setting them to full speed, and the waves passed easily through the poker. She dropped it almost immediately onto her chest, too stunned to react in the appropriate life-or-death manner. This time, he reached it first, his hand wrapped close to the sharp end as he pointed it at her throat. The vibrations quieted.
The woman was tired. Tired of his antics, of his bullshit, of his jokes, of his lustful gaze drinking in her form. “Didn’t know you were a necrophiliac, ‘Romey. How about we get this over with? We had a good run.”
He scoffed, practically spitting in her face as he did so. Jerome sat upright, letting all his weight rest on her hip bones as he tossed the iron object behind him. “Necrophilia? What’s the fun in fuckin’ a dead body, baby? Wasn’t planning on that,” He chuckled, like the whole situation was no big deal.
“Well, you’re not fuckin’ me, so make a decision. Death or roommates?” [Y/N] deadpanned, laying limp beneath his body, her arms lazily at her sides.
“Aw, babe. Isn’t there anything I can do to convince you?” He swooned, leaning back down to her level, shifting his weight to his knees. A hand snaked down between her thighs, resting a thick, purple toy lightly against her pajama-clothed core.
She didn’t appear to notice, staring directly at the ceiling as if to avoid his presence. “Uh-uh. Nope. Notta.”
“Is there anything I can do to make you,” He breathed, turning the violet vibrator on, feeling it resonate through her garments, “Reconsider…?”
Almost immediately, she shivered and writhed beneath him, the machinations being directly on her clitoris felt borderline uncomfortable. “Ah - ah - I don’t know about that, this is already a little much - shit!” [Y/N] felt him shift the toy just slightly upwards, taking the powerful waves of pleasure just a touch away from the bundle of nerves.
She practically melted into the floorboards the both of them were laying on, she was so horny. Jerome started to giggle at her embarrassing little feat of desperation, and watched as her face went between anger and ecstasy. “You’re kind of a whore, you know that?” He asked nonchalantly, rolling the dildo around her core as she hissed and cursed at him, “What, with all these toys - you probably get around, don’t you?”
The woman tried to stifle her gasps and moments of breathlessness, but they were apparent even on her face as he worked her clit like he’d done it a million times before. Still, she managed a grimace, an unimpressed glare. “Don’t need to get around when I’ve got that drawer stocked full. Also - it’s none of your business!”
“Oh, but I think it is,” He purred, setting the toy aside to let his fingers peel back her pants, “C’mon, how many guys? Two? Twelve? Twelve-hundred?”
She gave him a cheeky smile, pulled her legs towards her body to stop him from getting her clothes all the way off. “Guys? Honey, it’s mostly girls. I didn’t take you for a terrorist and a homophobe!”
Jerome rolled his eyes, “You know what I meant.” He fumbled with the waist of her pants, hardly able to get them past her hipbones. She wiggled and folded her figure like a wet noodle, endlessly slipping from his strong hands. “I’m beginning to think that killing you would be more fun…”
[Y/N] cackled, having reached a certain point of mania that had been boiling in her system ever since she’d become a prisoner in her own home. “The more you squeeze, the more it slips away, ‘Romey-o!” She wrapped her arms around her knees in a vice-like grip, curled into an unbreakable fetal position, still giggling, still wiggling.
Now laughing too, to the point of snorting, Jerome abandoned his attempts to remove her clothing and shucked off his own, bearing his entirely naked self to the woman beneath him.
She choked on her chuckles, the sight of his hard cock against his stomach was almost enough to snap her out of her manic episode. Still, she remained wrapped in herself, intent on making the next several minutes as difficult as possible for him. What a schmuck! Did he think the sight of his dick would be hypnotizing? She’d seen some that were just as big, and used silicone ones that were definitely bigger. This thought make her break out into another fit of giggles.
Normally he’d be howling along with someone so deep in hysteria, but the notion that she was laughing at his manhood was emasculating. A scowl painted across his face, and he took ahold of her t-shirt, yanking her upright until they both sat face-to-face, one of them much more jovial than the other.
“Listen, I know funny. What’s so fucking funny right now?” He growled, the muscles in his arms twitching with fury.
Still, tears of pure hilarity leaked from her eyes, her laughs now so tiring that they were dead silent. Small gasps went into and out of her system, but she struggled out a sentence, “Ha… Ha… Oh my god, you’re insane! You’re absolutely nuts! By the way, you’ve got some big ones!” [Y/N] broke into another peal of laughter, not even blinking when the man before her started shaking her senseless.
After this went on until she was too dizzy to laugh anymore, Jerome felt the gears in his head begin to click, “You’re not too sane yourself, you cheeky bitch.” He pulled her closer, “Now take off your clothes.”
She weakly began to take off her shirt, still trying to catch her breath by the time she got to her bra. The man that had suddenly become so aggressive had already torn her pants and underwear off, waiting impatiently to see her luscious, bare breasts - as if he hadn’t seen her naked already.
Without a word of want or warning, Jerome ran his hand through her hair, snagging a large knot of it between his fingers. He stood up in front of her, pulled her locks backwards as he forced his balls into her mouth, crushing her nose against his pubis.
She immediately began to choke and splutter, pushing on his thighs as if the woman could ever match him in strength. [Y/N] glanced up at him through teary eyes, only getting tiny sniffs of breath as she struggled to get away from the redhead.
“Hey, c’mon, baby,” He hushed, pressing her harder still against his crotch, “You were saying how much you liked my giant balls, weren’t you? I thought you’d enjoy a little taste.” A fit of cackling wracked through his body, allowing just a few moments of air before he shoved her closer once again, eyeing the copious amounts of drool that dribbled down her chin. “While you’re there, though, why don’t you do me a favor and give me a little oral massage?”
All she could do was grimace at him as she rolled her tongue over his hairy nutsack, hollowing out her cheeks just slightly.
A few curse words flung from his lips, followed by more unwarranted teasing, “That just feels so damn good, sweetcheeks. Carrying around these heavy, huge balls all day is tiring. I’m so glad you care, but we’ve got bigger problems here.” Jerome suddenly released her from his grasp, watching her sink farther to her knees as heaved and wiped at her face.
No sooner than she had been let go, a light smack on her cheek jolted her out of the air-desperate haze she’d been in. Glancing up at him, [Y/N] was disappointed to see his hand wrapped around his cock. She noticed the precum leaking from its tip, and felt a bit of thick, creamy residue on the side of her face. Opening her mouth with disbelief, she made a move to accuse him, “Did you just hit me in the fucking face with your fucking ugly dic-”
He took the opportunity to shove his length down her throat, not bothering to let her finish her sentence. In fact, Jerome could hardly be bothered with her immediate satisfaction at all. What he really cared about was getting an ‘A+’ blowjob, complete with a gold star. “If this goes well,” He paused, adjusting her so his cock could reach further back in her throat, “Maybe I’ll give you a little treat.”
[Y/N] grumbled around his manhood, almost daring to drag her teeth along his length, but out of simple fright, she kept the reins on herself tight.
“If this goes really well, you’ll get two treats! One of them you’ll have to swallow to enjoy,” He giggling before breaking out into a coughing fit, jostling the woman around as he moved. The redhead laughed harder when she started gagging, giving him a stern glare. Jerome heard her mumble something unintelligible around his cock, eliciting a deep groan from his chest as he felt his balls draw upwards. “Shit, I’ve needed this for about two years now, did you know that?”
She didn’t, having never asked him when the last time some girl had her lips wrapped around his penis while they were held hostage in their own home. About to mumble another sarcastic reply, she was greeted by a shocking wave of seed spilling down her throat, completely cutting off her air as he dug deeper to make sure she had no choice but to swallow. Several seconds passed by before she felt his grip on her hair loosen, and she [Y/N] immediately pulled away, coughing, heaving, and drooling all over the floor. A moan came from behind her, and she watched as his eyes rolled back in post-orgasm bliss, feeling incredibly grumpy (but also turned on) by his attitude. Where was her orgasm? That felt like the question of the century.
Finally, he snapped back into action, hardly needing any time to recover, though his dick was soft now. “Alrighty, that was excellent - now, I was supposed to give you a treat, but guess what?” Jerome exclaimed, gesturing wildly with his hands, “I’m not hard anymore! So you’ll have to wait awhile, and I’ll go watch some porn-on-demand? You okay with that?”
She opened her mouth to express how offended she was by the offer, but was interrupted, as she usually was when dealing with him.
“Don’t answer that, I don’t care,” He dismissed, turning around to grab something off of the dresser that still stood in front of her door, displaced by the shove it had taken to break the barricade. When he turned back around, a roll of duct tape was in his hands, and he yanked a long length of it off, using his teeth to cut through the adhesive.
[Y/N] had just gotten herself off the floor when she noticed his advancements, and she hurriedly stumbled backwards to avoid his grasp, once again reaching for the fire-poker to defend herself. Unfortunately, he was too fast, she was too light-headed, and the room was too small to find any source of real escape.
So they were pressed together, naked as they were before, but the roll of duct tape was empty, and the woman was in a tight predicament. She tried to scream through the tape on her mouth, muffled both by the numerous lengths he’d wrapped around her head, and by the used panties stuffed in between her cheeks. Her hands were tightly bound together, and then folded closed until they looked like little stubs at the ends of her forearms. Lower on her body, [Y/N]’s feet shared the same fate, leaving her unable to walk even single steps, or stand whatsoever. After all that work and tape, Jerome had still taken the time to bind her knees and elbows, leaving her halfway mummified and incredibly pissed off.
“Now, I go watch porn, and you can… Roll around like a baby, or take a nap! Either way, you’d still be my helpless, pathetic lady-captive - and you will be for an indefinite amount of time,” He watched her struggle and beg from behind locked lips, and after a moment of thought, he gave in, “Fine, if you wanna be difficult, I’ve got a couple strips of tape left.”
Without hesitation, she shook her head adamantly, watching him grab a few smaller strips of adhesive to do… Whatever the hell he was going to do. He ambled behind her bound form, and she could hear him rummage through her little drawer once more. She began to sweat, using her knees and elbows to try and crawl away from his malicious fingers.
Like a slithering, slimy snake, he was quick and nimble to grab her taped feet, dragging her against the carpet like he’d done before. In just seconds, he had two bullet vibrators stuffed between her pussy lips, and one in her puckered ass, the wires streaming out from within her body, holes both covered with the last of the tape. He wiped his hands together to congratulate himself for the job well done, and gave her sides a little tickle before he strode back to the door. “Hope you’re more comfortable, now, chica, I’ll check on you later!”
Before she could mutely protest, Jerome had shut the door behind him, leaving her to suffer on her bedroom floor. She breathed heavily through her nose, the vibrators making her inner walls flutter and clench. [Y/N] cringed against the sensations, angry with herself for even owning sex toys at this point. She should’ve just gotten a date to take care of her troubles - not that it was a good idea either, considering they would be dead by now.
There was hope, though, and she wasted much energy trying to achieve that little glimmer of promise. The moisture that naturally came from her mouth and nose should loosen the tape around her mouth, and eventually, when she can spit out her panties, she’d be able to… Basically beg him to let her out. It was the only alternative, her hands, feet, and everything else were completely useless.
Several minutes passed, then several more, then several more. She tongued at and licked around her lips, poking at the tape from behind. Eventually, with much relief, she found success. With the tape still clinging to her head, she spat out her underwear, and crawled over to the door, banging on it weakly with her stubby hands. “Jerome! Let me the fuck out of this room right now! I’m warning you! I may be tiny, but I’m pissed and horny, so I’ll at least draw some blood.”
She pressed her ear to the door. The TV could be faintly heard, but little else. Shit. Had he left the apartment? Had he left her, tied up, on the floor, with no one to save her? Was she going to starve to death with her cunt and ass plugged?
Finally, she heard a noise. It was the sound of him smacking the door right where her face was, making her fall away from required listening position.
“Listen, sweetcheeks, it’s almost been an hour. I’ll let you in on a little secret, I’ve been rock hard since I closed up your little holes - I just like knowing that you’re suffering on my account,” He admitted, tapping his fingers absently on the door panels, “And the threats certainly aren’t doing you any favors. I might leave you in there for a few more hours, see how you’re feeling then.” Jerome made a huge effort in making his footsteps audible, so she’d know he’d walked away.
Close to tears with frustration, she called out again, “Jerome - please, no. What can I do for you to let me out?”
His footsteps stopped, then reversed, and he tried to conceal his giggles of excitement as he ground out, “What are you willing to offer?”
This was a trap. She knew what he wanted her to say, and she knew she’d say it. The pulsing between her legs was too much, her body ached, and quite frankly, she needed to take a piss pretty badly. With a sigh, she replied, “Anything, Jerome, what do you want? I’ll give anything.”
A deep, unsettling chuckle vibrated up through his body, and he leaned closer to the door so she could properly feel the ice in his voice. “I want everything, baby. Are you willing to give it to me?”
[Y/N] blanched. It’s a trap. It’s a trap. He’s going to do something fucked up to her, and she was completely aware - maybe a little intrigued, as well. Defeated, she whispered, “Yeah… Yeah, I’ll give you everything.”
“What was that?”
More forceful, now, she repeated herself, “I said I’ll give you everything.”
“One more time?”
“Everything, Jerome, if I can give it, you can take it from me.” She shut her eyes, slowly relaxing her prone body to the floorboards once again.
“That’s all I needed to hear.”
I didn’t proofread the sexy part of this, sorry. Wanted to get this late, late, late post out to you guys. Lemme know if you’d wanna see more! - writersindigestion
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The Rage of the Dragon Master
Ch.1 Flashback Pt. 1
The wind is bustling on a very gloomy day in Musutafu.  People were going on there everyday lives, except for 2 individuals. 2 girls were sitting on a train with a solemn look on their faces. One girl who had long curly, brown hair and bright purple eyes. She looked around and felt eyes on her. She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. "How come people still look at me like I'm a villain because i have horns on my head and my skin tone is darker than most people I know. How does that make me evil" she thinks "Ayona?" she looks beside her and sees her younger sister starring worriedly at her. She looks at her sister, her short brown hair straightened her brown hair much lighter than Ayona. Her dark green eyes shine brightly. She smiles at her before saying "Yeah, I'm fine Zarina". She wraps her arms around her sister and smiles. Her phone vibrates and she sees she got a text. She glimpses down and responds quickly before she hears the rail line shout the name of their stop. Her heart rate quickens as she grips the bag on her shoulder and takes a deep breath. The trains stops and the two girls get off the train. Zarina looked at Ayona and said "Do you think that we could fly there instead of walking. Ayona pauses as her body tenses before patting her sister on the forehead "No, we can't remember, were not allowed to use our quirks in public remember?'. Zarina sweat drops "Oh yeah, that's right." Ayona chuckles " I had a feeling you would forget". Both girls chuckles as they begin walking in silence toward the town in the small urban area. As the two girls feels eyes on them Zarina clutches her sisters hand. Ayona looks at her sister and smiles "It'll be okay". They begin to speed walk to their old family home. A grand three story home resides on a hill surrounded by a black gate. The girls saw their old home the closer they got. They walked to the gate and Ayona tapped on the buzzer "Hey it's Ayona and Zarina. It's our annual visit". She clicked off the buzzer and waited for a response. She heard a chuckle "My babies are back!!!!".The gate opens and the two girls enter. They walk up the front door which opens as soon as the get to the porch and are greeted by a tall silver haired green eyed woman. She runs at the girls and immediately glomps them in a hug "My nieces are back" The two girls hug their aunt tightly "Long time no see Miyuki" Zarina says as they pull away from the hug. Miyuki grins "Come in Come in" the two girls enter the house. Ayona and Zarina eyes glisten as they enter their childhood home. "It looks like just how i remember it. I know we come here like twice a year for about a week at a time, but thank you so much Aunt Miyuki for taking care of our childhood home." Ayona bows, while Zarina jus smiles in the background. Miyuki pats the girls on the head, she chuckles "You say that every visit Ayona. I told you it's fine you're my brothers children, you know us dragons we do anything for our family. I may not be the one raising you but i will always preserve the house your parents raised you in." Ayona half-heartedly smiles "Yeah." Zarina touches her sisters shoulders before looking at her aunt "Is it alright if we head to our rooms". Miyuki nods and the two girls head upstairs. They walk up the grand staircase and look at the very large hallway as they get upstairs. Zarina and Ayona look at each other before stopping in front of their rooms directly across from each other. They touch their door handles and open their own subsequent doors.
Ayona's POV
I opened my old bedroom door and I immediately was hit with a feeling of nostalgia. The bright red bedroom with posters about knights, dragons and princesses covering the walls. Bookshelves full of books about dragons and the different abilities of them.  I dropped my bag and sat on my bed and felt my body sink into the mattress. I looked at my nightstand and saw a picture frame that had a photo of my parents, my sister and I. I reached out and brough the picture closer to me and put it in my lap. I touched my parents face on the photo only to notice tears on the frame. I didn't even notice I started crying. I brought the photo to my chest and clutched it tightly to my chest. "I miss you guys so much". My shoulder shake incrementally as i sob. I feel my body get wrapped up in a hug. I look in front of me to see my sister "It's okay Ayona, I miss them too, but they wouldn't want to us over they would they". She begins wiping my tears and back away from the hug. I nod "Yeah, they'd want us to celebrate them and not cry over them." Zarina nods "Yep, exactly they may be gone but there still with us in our hearts and our DNA i mean were Fudo's for crying out loud. I chuckle before pulling Zarina over to me and giving her a noogie "I'm the older sister i'm supposed to be comforting you" Zarina pulls away and rubs her head "Ouch! That hurt and yeah maybe your my older sister but that doesn't mean i can't comfort my big sister Ayona". I smile "Yeah, your right". Zarina sits on my bed and looks at me. "Hey do you remember when you first developed your quirk Ayona? I know mom and dad talked about it so fondly, but i don't remember you ever talking about it yourself." I turn around and look at her " Well since you brought it up, Yeah i do remember it. You see back when we were kids and I was 4 and you were 3 you had already developed your Quirk, but i for some reason did not..."
Flashback (Age 4)
My mom and dad had taken me and Zarina to the park. I remember pushing her down the slide but she was to scared to go down alone. I looked at her and told her it was going to be okay. So I sat Zarinaa in my lap and we went down the slide together. She was squealing so loudly it was so adorable to me. This was definitely my baby sister. We went back on the playground and i told Zarina to go on the slide without me so I could ask my parents a question. Less than a minute later I heard crying so i went back up the stairs on the Playground and saw a bunch of older kids surrounding my sister. I went up to them and pushed them away. I looked at my sister who was crying and was about to wrap my hands around her when I saw her wings has sprouted on her back and had wrapped herself in a ball. The kids that were surrounding my sister were laughing "Haha what a FREAK who would want to befriend someone like you. Your like a villain. Maybe i should take you to the police you should rot in jail!" one kid had said. "Maybe we should call All Might he might know what to do with someone like you" another kid had said. I was getting so angry 'HOW DARE THEY TALK ABOUT MY BABY SISTER LIKE THIS'. "How about you guys shut up and mind your own business" I said. The biggest kid who was standing in the middle of the other two looked at me and smirkes "And, what are you going to do about it girly". I tightened up my fist and got into a fighting position "Then I'll fight you!'. They all started laughing "Haha i doubt you can do anything, your probably just a monster freak like your SISTER". I tightened my fist before i felt like i was engulfed in rage. I punched the middle guy in the face really hard.  I remember hearing a really scary growl, but i don't know where it came from. I looked at the kid i punched and saw what looked like scratch marks on his head. "What.. What did you do to me you MONSTER" I looked at him and then looked at my arms and saw dragon scales running down my right arm and saw some claws dragon claws coming out of my fingers. I looked at them and then looked at the guy i punched and growled at him "You and your friends better leave me and my sister alone or I promise I will punch you again so hard you will be more afraid of me then you already am" I felt so much taller than i thought i was only to realize because their were wings sprouted on my back. The boy quickly brushes himself off before crying and running away with his friends. I didn't realize I was even flying before my feet touched the ground. I walked over to Zarina who's wings had already rescinded in her back. I began petting her head and looked at her and smiled "Don't worry Zarina i will never let anyone hurt you. That's my job as your big sister okay?". She looked at me and I hugged her. She began crying again and I kissed her forehead "No more tears okay, you'll always be safe.. Because I am here". I sat up and extended my hand to her, she took my hand and we walked over to the bench where my parents were sitting at...
End of Chapter 1
Shameless plug but I don’t give a shit
Thanks for checking out the story. I hope you like it
This story is also available at Wattpad @ Iamdekusenpai
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hallowedmasamune · 8 years
for the gaming asks~ EVERY SINGLE DING DANG ONE OF THEM~ you're welcome :3
I freaking hate you XD
1. First console you’ve ever owned?
I can’t remember for certain, but I believe it was either a Nintendo 64 or a PlayStation.2. First game you played?
Oh gosh, that’s a hard one to remember, too. I’m going to say Pokemon Stadium, since that is the first game that I can vividly remember playing.3. Favorite childhood game?
Specifically as a child? Probably Pokemon or Shadow of the Colossus. Or Final Fantasy. My favorites haven’t really changed.4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played a game?
Hm… Probably around half or more of an entire game. I’ve spent ALOT of time into Pokemon in particular.
5. Game with the best soundtrack?
This is a hard one. There are so many amazing video game soundtracks! I’ll say Shadow of the Colossus, Kingdom Hearts, any Final Fantasy, and Okami.6. An underrated game from within the last few years?
OH GOSH. The Last Story, definitely. That is a really amazing game that deserves a remaster.7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?
I’m not sure. Most of the games that I’ve played are games that I’ve played before at a friend’s house, so I knew beforehand if I would like it enough to play it or not. I will say Gary’s Mod, though. I don’t really get the appeal, and it wasn’t really fun the round of Prop Hunt that I played.8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?
SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS. The scenery is so beautiful, even though it seems empty and barren to some people. It’s just vast, and there are good varieties in the environment. I thoroughly enjoyed going through the landscape and exploring every bit of the world that I could.9. Last game you played?
Basara 4 Sumeragi with a friend. It was fun~10. Prefer PC or console?
Console. I’m not sure why, but I just don’t really like the idea of using a computer to play video games and stuff on. I use that for school work, working on artwork or stories, and watching YouTube or something. Not really games beside visual novels.11. Have you written any fanfic or made any fanart?
Oh, HAVE I. It’s a bit embarrasing, really. I think the ‘best’ one that I made was one for Samurai Warriors. It’s called Dear Agony. It’s not finished, but it’s one that I’ve always wanted to finish.12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?
Let’s see… I’m not sure. If we mean bizarre as in a weird or an ‘interesting’ experience, I guess DRAMAtical Murder would be the most bizarre. It was…an experience to go through the…situations that happened in that game. I like the story and the characters (most of them), but there were just some moments that would have been better without.13. Scariest game you’ve played?
That I have played personally? Probably The Evil Within. I would say Resident Evil 4, but there are only a couple of parts in that game that truly terrify me. I can only spend a few minutes with each session of The Evil Within before I feel too stressed out to play it.14. Do you watch playthroughs online?
Sometimes, for games that I don’t really think I’ll play or for tips. Sometimes I’ll watch people I like online play games that I like or have played as well. It just depends on the Youtuber.15. Favorite animal in a video game?
It’s a REALLY hard decision, but I would say Agro from Shadow of the Colossus, Epona from Legend of Zelda, Repede from Tales of Vesperia, and Trico from The Last Guardian. I can’t pick one.16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?
2016 was a pretty good year, mostly because two games that I’ve been looking forward to came out last year (Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian). Another good year was either ‘05 or ‘06, since that’s when I played alot of my favorites, like Final Fantasy VII and Grandia III.17. Have a video game themed background or lockscreen?
N-no! …..Almost all the time. If it doesn’t pertain to an anime, then it’s more than likely related to video games. Right now my lockscreen is Noctis and my phone background is the special artwork for the FFVII remake that was released recently. My computer background is Gladion and Silvally from Pokemon Sun.18. Worst game you’ve played?
Shadow Warrior. That was not a game that appealed to me at all. I gave it a shot, and it was just…no.19. Hardest game you’ve ever played?
Probably something like Bloodborne. It’s a game that I’m not used to playing, and a game that I would normally avoid. I try not to get super angry with things, even though it happens all the time regardless.20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?
Probably Square Enix or Team ICO. 21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Shadow of the Colossus or the whole series of Final Fantasy VII. Or maybe Final Fantasy XV.22. If you could turn one game into movie, which would it be?
As long as it’s a good rendition of the game, probably The Last Story. I feel like that would be a really beautiful movie.23. Favorite genre of video game?
Action or adventure, more than likely. It’s a wide genre that most or all of my games have in common.24. Ever cried because of a video game? Which one(s)?
There have been too many emotional times in video games for me to just list here. I will try to list the ones that impacted me the most. Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XV, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Story.25. Proudest accomplishment in gaming?
Being able to defeat Sephiroth when no one else could. I’ve beaten him in every game that I have that he appears in. I’ve had people ask me to beat him in Kingdom Hearts II, almost begging.26. How often do you play online? Co-op?
I don’t play online ever. I don’t really like playing with other people. I’ll play co-op with friends. Whenever we feel like playing Basara, Dynasty Warriors, or Samurai Warriors, we’ll play together.27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming?
OH BOY. Most of my friends are gamers. That’s basically a requirement for being my friend. Although I did get one friend who didn’t really game before into playing games, like Pokemon Channel.28. Who got YOU into gaming?
I can’t remember. I guess technically my parents. I remember my dad playing Tomb Raider alot when I was younger, and they didn’t really have a problem with me and my brother playing games.29. Watch cutscenes or skip them?
Watch. I love story, so I watch cutscenes. Although if I’ve seen a scene too much because I keep losing a boss fight (freaking Riku in Hollow Bastion in the first Kingdom Hearts), I’ll skip it.30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?
I try not to spend too much time there. I don’t really like elaborate character creation stuff, so I tend to avoid games like Skyrim and Dragon Age. I would say maybe 5 or 10 minutes.31. Game with the best theme song?
I’m not sure of that, either. There are a good bit of games with great theme songs. I’ll say Final Fantasy XV. The cover of Stand By Me was really great.32. Do you cosplay?
I cosplayed once, but it wasn’t anything special or any good. I don’t really have the talent with clothes and stuff to do that.33. Favorite female npc?
Of all time? Probably Aerith. She’s always so precious and amazing. And she’s a person who seems girly and like she can’t defend herself, but she can prove very easily that she can save herself if necessary.34. Favorite male npc?
Since there are too many to list more than likely, I’ll think of the first one that comes to mind… Therius from The Last Story. He had really great character development, and he’s just a really cool character in general. He’s a great example of a knight.35. Best protagonist? 
Oh no, this question. I’m not sure again. Too many good people. I will say Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII or Wander from Shadow of the Colossus.36. Best antagonist?
Hm, antagonist… Maybe Caius from Final Fantasy XIII, or Kuja from Final Fantasy IX.37. Ever been made fun of for playing video games?
Nothing too extensive. I was pretty quiet, so not many people knew what I did and didn’t like. 38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then tried again, and loved it?
That would be Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII, although I wouldn’t say that I hated them. I couldn’t get them at first. It was either the Sphere Grid, the License Board, or the battle system, but I just couldn’t play them when I was younger. I tried them both again recently, and it seems like something finally clicked and I had no trouble whatsoever with playing them. I have a new adoration for them now.39. Do you play for achievements/trophies?
Eh, they aren’t that important. If I like the game enough, then I might go for a complete trophy list, but other than that as long as I enjoy the game I’m good.40. Favorite voice actor?
FRICK NO. This one is really hard. There are too many awesome seiyuu, so I’ll just say my favorite voice actor. That would be Crispin Freeman. He voices characters like Haji from Blood+ and Itachi Uchiha from Naruto.41. Gone to a midnight release before?
Yeah, I’ve gone to one myself, for Final Fantasy XV. I have worked a couple while at GameStop.42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR good way)?
I’ll always have a gross memory of Shadow Warrior. It was just….too weird. 43. Favorite sidekick or companion?
Would you count animals? ‘Cause it would be Agro, Epona, Repede, and Trico again.44. Do graphics matter?
Not entirely. Some of my favorite games are older and not as good in the graphics department as recent games. Although if a game has really great graphics, I most certainly won’t complain.45. Do you like funny or more serious games?
I tend to lean toward serious games, but I don’t mind if they have funny moment in them. I like comic relief, especially in games with stressful storylines or situations.46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?
It depends on the game. Or if I’m playing it in English or not.47. First person or Third person?
Third person, all the way. I’m not a huge fan of first person.48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but have never gotten to it?
Kamigami no Asobi. I’m sure there are a couple more, but that’s the only one that I can think of. I hope they bring it over to the US someday.49. A game you haven’t played in forever, but want to replay?
DIRGE OF CERBERUS. And Shadow of the Colossus. Always Shadow of the Colossus50. How many games to do you own?
….No idea. I would say around 25 or 30. Maybe. 51. First character you’ve had a crush on?
I have no idea. It’s been so long, and I can’t remember when I started thinking that it was okay to have a crush or something on a character. I’ll say either Link from Zelda or Blank from Final Fantasy IX. 52. A game you will always stand behind, and support no matter what?
Any game that I like, really. But I guess if I have to list anything specific, Final Fantasies that I like, Shadow of the Colossus, Pokemon, The Last Story, and The Last Guardian.53. Your most immersive game?
Resident Evil 4, probably. That game somehow made it feel like what happened to Leon was actually happening to me. 54. A sequel you really want?
Honestly, a sequel or at least an explanation to the secret ending of Dirge of Cerberus. I won’t spoil anything just in case, but that last scene just leaves a big ‘What now?’ question that has never been answered. 55. How much time, on average, do you play in a week?
I’m not sure of an exact amount. I try to play as much as I can between school and work.56. Do you tell people irl that you play video games?
Of course. Why wouldn’t I? It’s something that I enjoy doing and something that I have to be able to connect with other people.57. What is an overrated game you’ve played?
I’ll say Fire Emblem Awakening, since I’ve been seeing alot of people saying that about it and that you’re not a true fan if you’ve only played Awakening, Birthright, or Conquest. (whoops, I played all three)58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scene between you and you LI?
I have no idea what that is, but I have had my mom walk into my room and want to talk to me when I was playing DRAMAtical Murder. A couple of times had been during an awkward scene.59. A game you are looking forward to this year?
Breath of the Wiiiiild. I feel like it’s going to be a really great addition to the series. 60. The game you are best at?
Probably Shadow of the Colossus. I’ve gotten to the point where I can beat every Colissi in less than a day.61. A game you know everything about?
I won’t say everything, but I have more knowledge than I know what to do with about Final Fantasy VII. I’ve done alot of reading and research about stuff that happens in that game.62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?
Of course. I don’t know if I can do the techy stuff, but I would love to create storyboards or art for a game.63. What’s a game that has inspired you?
Pretty much any game that I’ve played, really. I feel like each one carries a sort of message that I take away from it when I play it. Some more…friendly than others.64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words?
Kill giant creatures.65. Any favorite screenshots of games?
I can’t even begin to express how bad it is that the PS4 has an option to screenshot. I have so many from FFXV that it’s ridiculous.66. Game with the yummiest looking food?
FINAL FANTASY XV. I want to experience Ignis’s cooking for myself. It looks TOO good.67. Most violent game you’ve played?
That would be either Bloodborne or Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. Both games are really violent and gory, buuuuut they’re pretty fun.68. An older game that you’ve just recently gotten into?
I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but a friend of mine gave me a copy of Legend of Dragoon. I’ve always wanted to play it, and I’m looking forward to trying it soon.69. Your first LI?
Again, NO idea what that means, so I’ll just ignore this one.70. Do you play any mobile games?
A couple, but not nearly as much as on my consoles. I have at the moment Love Live!, Terra Battle, Pokemon Go, and Fire Emblem Heroes.71. A game you can’t stop talking/thinking about at the moment?
Final Fantasy XV. It’s really amazing, and has been a truly great experience, even though it seems like it’s getting nothing but complaints and hate. I know that people still enjoy the game but think it’s unfinished, but I personally have loved every moment of it, even the moments when I wanted to throw my controller across the room because of a frustrating enemy.72. Have any guilty pleasure games?
Ripping the spines out of cyborgs in Metal Gear Rising. It’s way more fun that it should be, and it’s very stress relieving for me.73. A game with the best fandom?
The Last Story. It isn’t that bad with shipping and stuff.74. Which game has the best lore?
Not sure. I think most of the games that I play have really great stories and lore to them. I don’t really play games where the storyline doesn’t interest me.75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?
I try to even the two out. I try to go through the plot when I feel like it, but I also make sure to do sidequests so that I’m not underleveled or I can get weapons or items that are hard to get in the main game.
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sauruslex-blog · 8 years
SaurusLex in! I can't even female :O
SaurusLex in! Hello guys and gals!
So… okay it was an impulse. Today’s day was so awesome that I had that itchy feeling that I need to share it with the world. Than here it is a blog on tumblr – that’s strange but let’s deal with it. Today being a geek really hit me. Let’s say I’ve got this work – let’s say I work for “Turtle Company” (It’s not its real name obviously – I wouldn’t tell you the real name of it :D) so I work for Turtle Company and most of my colleagues are female. We had break together (me and three other girls) . They were talking about some hairdresser and hair stylist… I had no idea what they were talking about… I was just watching some Resident Evil 7 gameplay in my Star Wars t-shirt and i didn’t bothered anyone. And that made me think… Can I Even Female? And that was the thought that pushed me to write this blog… I don’t know how to be girly girl… I am just myself – geek in adult world. They asked me about my opinion of the hair stylist work… and I didn’t know what to say. I mean it’s good… I think? Come on gals… I’ve got green ombre on my hair… green ombre that one of my best friends did for me… I didn’t visit hairdresser for years – how am I supposed to know? It doesn’t mean I do not look after myself, I just prefer different ways to express myself. I love video games, TV series, movies and theatre I don’t know anything about hairstyles, about what a is fashionable or “cool”. My brain is stuck on lightsabers and The Tardis . That was the thing that pushed me to share my experience with you. Despite of that? Today i spend eight hours at Turtle Company… my brain was… let’s say I loose few IQ points. It’s just a simple work as a member of return and complaints section in Turtle Company. I have a lot of work, and I am always fighting with costumers (no I do not appreciate it that much as somebody may think). What’s more I need to fight my coworkers as well because they just do not think, and when they think… they over think everything. I mean I really like my job, it’s simple, it’s fun (especially when customers are funny) and it’s so far away to what I want to do with myself in the future that’s overwhelming. But at the same time – my life would be so much easier if I were allowed to just sit on my ass and play games. Okey we should stop daydreaming- I am adult (so I heard). But hey! Today I also went with friends to bar to grab some beers. There were a lot of new people. I hope I didn’t scared them off. I can be so weird on first sight. We were in pub where you can play games on Play Station and other consoles – we didn’t play but that’s okay, I had loads of fun anyway. Those are people that I feel comfy with. Now I am going back home – it’s almost midnight and I don’t know what to do with myself. I have some more work to do when I get back. My mum wants me to dye her hair, and I have a lot of college stuff to do for tomorrow. Because I am studying too. I want to be Educator for deaf children. University is strange place. I mean it’s great but people are just more weird then I am… and I don’t know if that’s good. Let’s say it’s some experience and for today’s note let’s be quiet about it. The main point is to just show you that I am person too. Geek is a person, we are fangirling or fanboying strange things, we get overexcited , we love strange things and we are just passionate about what we love. Stick with me and I will tell you about my feelings. What is strange to me (and believe me… there are a lot of things that I find strange and you will find perfectly normal), what’s normal and what’s just not acceptable. And maybe next time if you want to call someone strange you will think two times. Maybe he is strange but for him this little strangeness is perfectly normal?
(P.S. sorry for mistakes – English is not my first language. I think I can get to more people writing in English plus my bosses would not know I am writing about them :D ) SaurusLex out, take care!
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