#look at how much they've grown *cries*
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wingedshadowfan · 3 months ago
some thoughts about the caitvi breakup scene
i saw ppl pointing out what looks like a tear running down caitlyn's nose after her and vi's fight w/ sevika and jinx (when she finally stops hitting the wall w/ her rifle and puts her forehead to it) and it could've been just sweat, but here's why i think it wasn't:
it's bcuz vi took the choice away from her.
we all know caitlyn's parents had been keeping her in a gilded cage since she was a child. we see this symbolically in her conversation with jayce when he gets kicked out of the academy after the explosion - he's outside in the rain, but she's within the gates of the kiramman estate, under an umbrella, protected, hidden. she tells him her parents don't allow her to talk to him anymore but she doesn't care. they're friends.
we know cassandra didn't approve of caitlyn's choice to become an enforcer either (we assume caitlyn had to fight for it and her family tried to stop her). even after that "win", her mother kept meddling and made sure caitlyn would always get safer tasks - out of harm's way and where she'd never be able to prove herself or do any actual good like she'd always wanted. her own coworkers make fun of her for being a kiramman and only "playing dress up" as an enforcer - a job she decided she wanted and had been working towards since she was a child, in order to help and protect people. she'd had to fight (not for the first time) to be placed on a case, in a real guard position, to be taken seriously.
caitlyn's choice and her agency - things she's barely been given in her own life, because of her parents, her name and how sheltered she'd grown up - she'd always had to fight for. she's had to fight to be able to choose, she's had to fight to defend her choices, and she's had to fight to prove herself over and over again.
then for the first time in her life, she didn't have to fight because vi (perhaps being swallowed by her own guilt for everything jinx had done to caitlyn) gave caitlyn the ability to choose what happens to jinx. unconditionally.
and caitlyn chose. vi agreed with her choice.
take the shot.
then vi took the choice away from her in the last possible moment, physically stopping her from shooting. (now, we can talk abt what that means to someone who's never been the stronger opponent in any physical altercation they've been a part of so far, but i won't)
this is the last thing cait needed to send her fully spiraling in the face of the adrenaline after almost dying again (sevika wasn't playing), the stakes of their mission and her trauma from jinx being unlocked. caitlyn completely disassociates shuts down, goes all out hitting the wall, possibly cries, refuses to look vi in the eyes and tells her, "i thought you were different but you're not"
she's yet another person who denies caitlyn the ability to make a choice in her life.
it's her blood in your veins.
to caitlyn in this moment, vi's loyalties lie with the blood of someone who'd worked for silco in oppressing the undercity, lured and blown up caitlyn's coworkers, tried to kill caitlyn (and vi) multiple times, kidnapped her from her fucking bathroom, dressed her up against her will, kept her hostage for a full day in which she with almost 100% certainty tortured her, kept her as the only person gagged throughout the tea party, asked vi to kill her, then blew her mother up along with 4 more counselors and (allegedly) attacked their memorial. talk abt taking someone's freedom of choice away.
then why are you the one acting like her?
vi - not fully without reason - compares caitlyn to her worst fucking nightmare. a psychotic killer who's caused so much fear and trauma to caitlyn that she admitted jinx's smile is all she sees when she closes her eyes, up there w/ her own mother's lifeless eyes?? and yeah, vi has a point - caitlyn had indeed grown more violent and aggressive in her desparate pursuit for revenge. that doesn't mean it hurts caitlyn any less, especially when she'd been trying so hard to do the right thing (sending a squad to catch jinx instead of a full blown armed invasion, only her and vi having hextech, clearing the streets first), and vi knows this: she just automatically did what she does best - aimed for where it hurts the most. i think she even realizes she's overstepped but before she can do anything about it, caitlyn bites back reflexively and hits her with her rifle. there, in the place of the wound she once took care of herself.
the perfect storm.
the only question i have left is why everyone in this fandom keeps acting like caitlyn is the only one who hurt someone and vi is the only one who got hurt in that scene.
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celestialprincesse · 11 months ago
Just going to leave this here and then sneak away! K bye! 🎀🩰
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John Price is a man who runs on instinct. After years in the forces, he has to be. He's learned that the feeling in his gut is almost never wrong, and learning how to trust it is a skill. Right now though? He's wishing that his stomach would stop roiling. He's so anxious he feels like he might actually be sick. Kyle sits earnestly at his side, hunched over in the plastic hospital chair nursing a long gone flat vending machine Coke.
They've been tuning out your screams for a good three hours now.
Something within John breaks with every guttural cry that sounds from under the doorway. He's heard so many countless screams of agony from faceless people. They've been and gone in his head like a passing storm. Yours, he thinks, will stick for a lifetime.
Realistically, he knows that you're safe. Receiving the best care you possibly can, safe within the walls of the modern private hospital his insurance more than covers. He also can't help but remind himself just how complicated giving birth can be - and you're so delicate to him.
He's not actually sure when Kyle got here, having been running on autopilot since your contractions started yesterday. All the boys love you just as much as you do them, and when he'd messaged their shared group with a simple: > On way to hospital now. they'd been so shit scared.
Each one of them had opted to take up shifts staying beside their captain in the hospital, waiting earnestly for if they were at all needed. Johnny had picked up groceries, claiming that he' d best know what to get for a new mum, seeing as he's the only one besides Price who actually has sisters, and a niece of his own. None of them would ever admit that they also wanted to be the first to see little baby Price, and to check in on his wife who'm they'd grown to love so much, but there'd definitely been attempts on all three sides to work out when the baby would approximately pop, so that they could time their stint accordingly.
"Think she's okay in there?" John croaks, lifting his head from his palms, squinting at the fluorescent hall lights with a tired grunt.
Kyle swallows the sip of Coke in his mouth before responding. "She's a trooper. I think if anyone can handle having a baby, it's your missus."
Hours later, your small hospital room falls silent, and John is immediately up on his feet, back ramrod straight, everything alert. And then, a baby cries. It's a little hiccuping whinge at first, but then his baby seems to find their voice, wailing up a storm.
"You should go. See them." Kyle prompts quietly, noticing his captain's reverie as he just stands there staring at the closed door.
Nurses file out one by one, whilst he makes his way in, a dazed sort of look on his face as he sees the swaddles blanket you hold close to your chest, gurgling softly as tiny fat fists reach out to your nose.
The stillness in the room is like time stops entirely, only finally broken by a soft "Hey." as your husband makes his way quietly to your side.
"Hi." You breathe, a soft smile blossoming on your tired face, scooting along in the hospital bed so he can sit beside you.
The reverence on his face as he looks down towards the face of such a small creature is a look only talked about in fairytales. A look that tells you that your baby is the luckiest child in the world to have a dad like John.
"She's a girl." You laugh softly, noticing the look on John's face, the one that says he's holding his tongue.
"Oh, my baby girl." Tears spring to his cerulean eyes as he brushes a gentle finger down the soft slope of her tiny nose.
For a moment, the two - three - of you sit in total stillness, entirely enraptured by the tiny human you currently keep held so closely to your chest. Until there's a quiet, tentative knock on the door.
"Mrs Price? Can we come in?" Kyle's voice comes softly from the other side, but before you can even finish your "Yes" not just Kyle, but also Simon and Johnny are practically barrelling into the room, barely able to contain their intrigue as they lock eyes with the little blanket wrapped parcel they've been waiting nine months to meet.
The minute you invite them to look at the sleeping face of your daughter, they're practically tripping over themselves to see the much anticipated baby Price.
"Looks jus' like her mam." Johnny observes, whilst Simon just stares, and Kyle busies himself with taking a picture of you, John and your baby girl.
"Bought 'er a present, mrs Price." Simon admits a little sheepishly as he pulls a haphazardly wrapped parcel from his coat pocket. A stuffed ghost teddy only just the size of your fist. "To remind 'er that uncle ghost is always looking out for her."
You're practically crying at the thought behind his gift, carefully side-hugging the lieutenant with the arm that's not holding your daughter.
"We're all here for her. And for you. Always. One for one and that."
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lostreverb · 5 months ago
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a/n: if we're gonna call him a dilf might as well write about it! also he gives girl dad vibes so we're going with that! AND SORRY ABOUT THE ANGST I'M LIKE ADDICTED TO WRITING IT
warning: mentions of PTSD, swearing
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• you and your four year old daughter were coincidentally on a trip to visit family when the hex happened, your husband ralph couldn't get out of work but insisted you go without him
• after everything, ralph's mental state was so poor he had to quit his job, so instead of having a nanny, ralph becomes a stay at home dad while you work
• you were reasonably uncertain if ralph was mentally stable enough to take care of a child as well as himself but he insisted he's capable
• loves you and his daughter more than anything in the world
• calls her "bub, hon, sweetpea, babygirl, little gremlin, kiddo"
• is very protective of his family (especially after the hex)
• he buys everyone evil eye necklaces and makes you wear them to keep you safe
• doesn't sleep much anymore unless he's napping with his daughter
• it's quite literally the only time he gets any kind of peaceful sleep
• you had definitely spent an entire year trying to get her sleep on her own but that's out the window now and she'll only sleep in your bed
• on the occasions he does try to get a full night's rest, ralph still gets nightmares. but when he wakes up in a sweat, seeing "his girls" cuddled up with him calms him down, sometimes enough to where he can go back to sleep
• your daughter adores her dad's grown out curls, and often raves about how they look just like hers (compared to the cropped hair he had before) and mindlessly plays with his beard when they're sat on the couch watching TV
• does funny voices when he reads stories to her
• lives for hearing + making her laugh with corny jokes (btw she thinks he's the funniest person in the world)
• practices his one man show for her and the reason you know is because she'll try and recite certain plot points to you as if that's something that happened to her
• ralph forgets to eat but when he does, it's often just whatever your daughter doesn't finish of her food or he raids the fridge at 3 am
• generally his diet consists of celsius and half eaten dino nuggets
• sends her to preschool with totems he makes for show n' tell
• you got a call at work once because she did the black magic warding chants ralph taught her with an animal skull totem and it scared some kids and made them cry
• according to your daughter it was only "like 2 people" who cried and assured you that everything was fine b/c the rest of the class thought she was "the awesomest"
• you have to tell her to stop going around telling people her dad is an expert in "getting rid of witches" b/c they think she means "bitches"
• whenever you come home to seeing your daughter sat in ralph's lap at his computer, he tells you he's just working on his one man show but he's really on reddit and other forums teaching her how to protect herself from witches
• has learned well how to dress his daughter but b/c of his sketchy appearance sometimes ppl think she's been kidnapped, especially if she starts to throw a tantrum in public and you're not around
• cared very much for billy and tommy b/c they reminded him of his daughter
• there's been times where he's particularly struggling with his PTSD and accidentally scares her and it breaks his heart
• despite this, she'll come over and try to cheer him up with one of her stuffed animals and hug him or do one of the chants he taught her because that's what her idea of protection and safety is
ralph sits with his head in his hands, distraught. he had another episode, this time in front of his young daughter. seeing the look of shock and fear on her face broke his heart.
those damn witches had hell to pay for what they've done.
"daddy?" he hears a small voice say. ralph's head shoots up. his daughter, holding her favorite teddy bear (which she renamed "papa bear" after noticing how closely his new look resembles the stuffed animal) walked up to him. her eyes are still a bit glossy, but she's smiling regardless.
"hey hon..." ralph speaks softly, reaching out to stroke her hair. "what have you got there?"
she puts the teddy into his arms, searching his face for a reaction.
"is.. this for me?"
she nods and ralph gasps holding it tight.
"oh wow, thank you babygirl- c'mere-"
he pulls her in for a deep embrace, kissing her head and whispering that he's sorry and that he loves her so much. a tear falls down his cheek as he holds her small body against his, hearing her say "i love you more, daddy!" in that sweet tone of hers.
it takes everything in his power not to completely break down.
after finishing dinner, you walk up the stairs, hearing the sound of chanting coming from the bedroom.
"close! remember kiddo you've got to do it twice for it to really work so let's go again- OUMMMM-"
"mommy!" at the sight of you, your daughter jumps off ralph's lap and throws her little arms around your legs.
"hi!" you respond enthusiastically, hugging her back. "just wanted to let you both know dinner was ready. what are you guys... up to?"
ralph avoids your eyes by pretending to look around the room. your daughter smiles up at you, bursting with excitement.
"daddy was teaching me-"
ralph interrupts. "dinner's ready? oh, you have perfect timing babe we're starving- uh kiddo? why don't you go wash your hands?"
"ooookayyyy!!" your daughter skips out of the room, curly ponytail swinging back and forth in time with her steps.
"again? ralph we talked about this-"
"i know, sorry..." he sighs. you notice his eyes linger on your chest.
"like what you see?" you tease, wiggling your eyebrows.
"no-! i mean- yes, of course but- you're not wearing the necklace..." he pouts.
you roll your eyes and reach into your shirt to pull the chain out.
"oh- my bad"
"yeah- now mr. bohnerrific69, could you please tell my husband that dinner's ready and he needs to actually eat tonight? because a whole pack of oreo's is not a sufficient meal."
"who told you i-?!"
ralph's gaze moves to your daughter, who's peeking past the door frame giggling.
"snitch!" ralph gasps dramatically and stands up from his desk, starting to playfully chase her down the hall. "thought you could rat me out huh? we had a deal!"
tags (ask to be added or removed anytime!): @fear-is-truth @juliamaximoff @jazz-berry @violetsghosts @quickreider @tiffysdeath @honeymoon8 @wcnderlnds @lacucarachapisser @xrag-dollx
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zandicksz · 25 days ago
webttore x reader smut? :D i don't really have a plot in mind I just wanna have sex with him... also afab reader pls!!!
webttore my love
CW: messy sex, on the table, drool and saliva mentioned, somewhat subby webttore, getting caught (by original), segment is called Epsilon, somewhat established relationship, pet names (honey, darling), mentions of webttore being biomechanical,
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the mechanical hum of all sorts of machinery echoed throughout the main parts of the laboratory, bouncing off of the steel walls while other iterations of Dottore worked, doing their assigned tasks for today, it was a mundane practice but one that they had all grown accustomed to over the multiple centuries they've spent 'rotting' or as the original likes to call it, 'working', it really makes for a dull work environment.
not when you're around of course.
ever since you came along productivity and morale has been quite high, tensions have been lowered and segments are less likely to bicker and argue over meaningless things about who's beaker is who's. with someone to seperate them of course, you.
earlier today, a segment, Epsilon, had gotten into a spat with the original, you don't remember what exactly but he was almost disassembled, so the most reasonable thing you thought to do was to just time him out, put him in an isolation room.
said isolation room was just one of the barren sleeping quarters the original had, a simple bed and a single light with a wooden table against the opposite wall of the bed, it was..normal, atleast.
"what a ridiculous statement!" the segment growls, "I don't get how hard it is for him to understand sometimes! it's simply that—" he began rambling on as you sat next to him on the bed, being his personal therapist for the moment as you did for all the segments in a bitter mood.
"honey.." you were half awake, your peaceful slumber was awoken by the earlier spat between Epsilon and your darling, the original. "all of you have different perspectives, yes? that's why all of you are different, because none of you see things from the same way. that's why Zandik disagreed with you, because he sees things another way from yours.." you tried to hold back a yawn but, eventually rested your head on his lap and let it out.
"come here, I have..work in the morning and I really need some sleep, okay? just..lay down beside me."
how it turned from gentle kissing on the bed, slowly sliding each other's clothes off, and eventually reaching the table, you don't know.
"Epsilon wait!" you cried out, it's been your nth orgasm and it's getting messy at this point, you can feel the mix of your fluids and his dripping all over the floor as you're bent over the desk, the chair laying haphazardly on the floor after you two had knocked it down trying to reach the table.
"nnh- just..just stay still- fuck!" he groans, he didn't pant or breathe like a regular human but his whimpers still left his lips, that's one of the things you loved about him.
not that you could think about it much, of course. his thrusts were rough and the gloved hands on your waist squeezed so hard you could already sense the trouble you'll be in with the original.
he kept his messy, messy rhythm as he was simply just chasing his own pleasure, going over to press his chest to your back and slot his face into the crook of your neck, gently licking a streak onto your face while he moaned into your ear, none his high pitched whimpers and moans were left unheard by you.
he leaned over a bit more, putting a leg on the table as he wrapped his arms around your body, one his hands going to fondle your breasts while the other helplessly and amaturely played with your clit, his whines picking up in pitch as he tried to make you cum before him, moaning into your ear while his thrusts got even sloppier and rougher.
this surely couldn't be good for his internal core, you could feel the heat it was generating inside his chest and how he looked like he was overheating but he didn't really seem to notice, not noticing the cooling liquid in his body that acted like blood was slowly starting to warm, not noticing how much he was pushing his limits just for you.
his mouth was hanging open, moaning and crying about how good it feels while he squeezed your breast, his whole body pinning you down onto the table while he got somewhat faster, one of his legs up gave him better access to your body, allowing him to hit every, single, one of your precious little pleasure points inside of you, the head of his sensitive silicone cock throbbed and ached as it just kept pushing against your womb over, and over again. the table rocked
as the table rocked underneath his thrusts, he grut his teeth before crying out, "nngh! hah- fuck! w- cumming! cumming I'm gonna cum!" he cries out into your ear, putting his whole body weight on you as he releases something way warmer than usual, his length aching as he stayed inside of you, groaning with an almost drunk expression, you panted underneath him, your eyes half lidded as you tried to recover from your plentiful orgasms.
you reached up a hand to gently cup his face, your breath slowing down as he practically was almost limp on top of you, causing you to overheat as well, how strange that you can still feel that sensation in a place as cold as snezhnaya with no clothes on.
"Darling please get up." you sigh,"no." he pouts, squirming his hips to reach even deeper inside of you, he doesn't experience this everyday, so of course he'll savor it.
your eyes were beginning to shut, the exhaustion from earlier catching up to you as you rested flatly against the table, letting them close for just a moment. the serenity in the room was soothing, it was quiet, cold and you were in the arms of an iteration of the man you love most.
the silence was broken as the door suddenly slid open with a hiss. "I assume you've taught Epsilon his less—" he looked up from the clipboard he was holding, his mask on but you could still see the scowl starting to form on his face. this wasn't good, for either of you.
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rippleclan · 8 days ago
RippleClan: Moon 92
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The Witch Hunters find and kill Lemmy, leaving RippleClan in a strange state.
[Image ID: Darkkick, Terracottafoot, and Paleseed face Weevilsight. Paleseed says "Weevilsight?"]
Weevilsight nearly couldn't muster the energy for the Gathering. The last visit to StarClan's Shrine had been exhausting enough; Troutpool nearly cried when Trumpetspore didn't visit her dreams, and Weevilsight forgot her promise to Wolverineheart, to learn if Foampaw approved of her relationship with Mitespark, until just before the tortoiseshell cleric woke up. All the other clerics seemed forgiving of RippleClan's spaciness, yet Weevilsight dug her fangs into her lip and focused on her work. And part of that work was attending the Gathering.
Weevilsight and Honeybuzz were the only clerics accompanying the Clan to the Leader's Stone. Troutpool didn't want to face the official announcement of Trumpetspore's death, and Estherfern had to look after Gingerpaw, who somehow came up with the worst joke possible at Trumpetspore's vigil and was banned from the last winter Gathering. And thus, Weevilsight trailed within the middle of the RippleClan horde, following Downstar and Oilstripe along the SlugClan/WheatClan border. With Anchovystrike, Wolfgaze, and Ravenweaver staying behind, Weevilsight found herself with a duo she rarely got to interact with.
"I don't care how old they get," Paleseed said, adjusting her feather decor as she walked, "Terracottafoot is always going to look like a tiny scared apprentice to me. I can't believe how much they've grown! It's been ages since we had a chance to sit down with them, hasn't it, Darkkick?"
"We talked with them at Harvest Moon," Darkkick scoffed, fluffing herself up against the cold night wind.
"That was five moons ago!" Paleseed pointed out. "Before all… that happened."
"I thought mediators weren't supposed to avoid sensitive topics," Darkkick hummed.
"I'm trying to be respectful," Paleseed said. Even though the gray mediator was on Darkkick's right, and Weevilsight walked on her left, Weevilsight still saw the strained glance Paleseed sent her way.
"Why mince words?" Weevilsight laughed, venom in her voice. "My mom killed our Clanmates, my dad died, my aunt killed herself. I'm sure Terracottafoot can offer you some comfort." Considering Darkkick's short stature, she and Paleseed looked like a stunned, two-headed beast in the moonlight, their gaits evenly matched as they bawked at Weevilsight.
"I'll tell you the same thing I told your friend after the Shardling incident," Darkkick eventually huffed. "You handled that as best you could."
"I know that, Darkkick," Weevilsight sighed, staring at the cloud-lined moon as she walked. "I'm just going to feel like foxdung for a while."
"And that's okay," Paleseed added with a decisive nod. "You do what you need to do to grieve and come to terms with it all. You can always talk to me."
"I think she needs a friend, not a mediator, Paleseed," Darkkick muttered.
"Both work," Weevilsight hummed as the Clan approached the rock wall leading up to the Leader's Stone. It was slick with snow, making RippleClan's approach a slow and methodical process. Rabbitjoy walked along the edge of the path up, guarding Frostpaw from a potential fall. Boughfur took Tallowheart's basket while the rock-footed tom inched up the wall. A clump of snow fell from the grass above and smacked onto Stormjump's head, earning a laugh from her mate. Weevilsight's paws felt lighter. It felt normal, for the first time all winter.
As usual, RippleClan was the last Clan to arrive. Ospreystar, Eelstar, Gentlestar, and Lettucestar waited on the Leader's Stone while their Clans waited for their cue to mingle and share tongues. Downstar climbed to the second-highest platform of the Leader's Stone while Oilstripe took her traditonal place among the other deputies. Weevilsight laid in the half-melted snow and stared lazily at the Leader's Stone. The sooner announcements were done, the better.
The winter had been hard on the other four Clans in more traditional ways. WheatClan lost an overeager apprentice in the cold and an elder to distemper. LynxClan reported on harsh conditions in their rocky territory and gave their neighbors an official plea for hunting assistance. SlugClan and AshClan were a bit quieter, reporting a new litter and a death each, but Weevilsight couldn't help but notice how Eelstar and Lettucestar glanced at Downstar as they spoke.
"Before you begin your report, Downstar," Ospreystar said just as Eelstar finished delivering his news, "I want to say something that I didn't get the chance to last moon, when you announced the death of Mosspounce." The brown-speckled leader stood taller and faced the five Clans. "I want to formally declare LynxClan's gratitude to Mosspounce of RippleClan for killing the cougar that nearly destroyed us moons ago. He delivered the fatal blow, and for that, we hope that his story is honored with the same respect as Cougarstrike, Celestial of Cougars. LynxClan will hold a place in our hearts for RippleClan's brave caretaker."
"Mosspounce! Mosspounce!" the LynxClan cats cheered. Weevilsight sat up. Her ears rang with the sound of her father's name. Some of Weevilsight's Clanmates took up the cheer as well; Carnationspeckle and Asterblaze were particularly vocal. Weevilsight stayed still, unconsciously holding her breath. Her father was a hero.
"Take it with a drop of mouse bile, Weevilsight," Darkkick warned as the cheers began to die down. "I'm sure they are grateful, but this wh ole show is likely planned to win Downstar's favor. I'm sure LynxClan will be asking us for something soon."
"Thank you, Ospreystar," Downstar purred. "It does an old soul good to know that my grandson's fatal wounds were obtained for a good cause. I'm afraid that isn't the end of RippleClan's recent string of loss, however." Downstar shifted and prepared herself for the news. Weevilsight sank back down. Paleseed dipped her head and closed her eyes. "I'm sure some of you have learned of this, whether through meetings at the border or at the historian's gathering hosted by SlugClan this new moon. However, I regret to inform you that Trumpetspore, my granddaughter, took her own life shortly after the last Gathering." Quiet, shocked gasps rippled through the clearing. Eyes pierced the RippleClan delegation. Weevilsight closed her eyes and pretended she was alone.
"I'm sorry, Downstar," Gentlestar gulped, placing a paw on Downstar's platform above her.
"We ask that you respect our privacy surrounding this event," Downstar continued, "and know that Trumpetspore did her best against what can be the worst enemy a warrior fights; their own heart." Mutters of agreement washed over Weevilsight. She prayed no one would pry her for information. "Outside of this loss, we have no Gathering-worthy news to report. I say we get on with the Gathering proper and try to enjoy ourselves tonight." The other leaders nodded along with Downstar's idea. With that, the Clans merged. A wave of friends from other Clans crashed into RippleClan, firing questions of concern and morbid curiosity. Weevilsight wasn't ready; Yellowburst bumped into her flank, knocking her into a WheatClan historian. Weevilsight stumbled back, one of her signature petals fluttering out of her pelt.
"Terracottafoot is over there!" Paleseed called, peering over the crowd. "This way!" Darkkick looped her tail around Weevilsight and gently nudged her toward Paleseed. Paleseed pierced the crowd, leaving a trail for Weevilsight and Darkkick to follow. Questions bounced off Paleseed's pelt. She deflected them with the skill of an expert mediator, offering polite, if not slightly dismissive, answers.
Terracottafoot, as was their habit, prepared a game of moss-ball to the side of the crowd. They set up small "dens", or overturned baskets, on either end of the massive play area and merged loose chunks of moss together. They scented the three RippleClan cats and turned to greet them. Weevilsight tried to imagine what Terracottafoot looked like as a "tiny scared apprentice". Sure, the AshClan cleric carried themself with a constant air of tension; they were always moving, whether through the twitch of their whiskers or the methodical wave of their tail. But they were mature, as well-muscled as a warrior and, much to Weevilsight's embarassment, as handsome as they came (oh how Honeybuzz teased her as an apprentice for that little crush).
"Hi, Paleseed," Terracottafoot chirped, touching noses with Paleseed. "StarClan, I'm happy to see you. I've wanted to say something about your sisters, but I didn't know what."
"I try to focus on the siblings I still have," Paleseed chuckled, licking her chest.
"Keeping out of trouble?" Darkkick hummed, staring Terracottafoot up and down.
"I do what I can," Terracottafoot said. They touched noses with the former AshClan cleric and turned to Weevilsight. "Cleric Weevilsight, you didn't tell me about Warrior Trumpetspore at the half-moon meeting. Is that why Cleric Troutpool was so upset?"
"We didn't want to make the meeting all about us," Weevilsight sighed. Her paw absently snagged Terracottafoot's moss-ball and rolled it under her paw.
"I'm sorry about that, regardless," Terracottafoot said. They glanced past the RippleClan cats and groaned, "Oh StarClan he's already telling Downstar." Weevilsight looked back. Eelstar spoke with Downstar on the Leader's Stone. Both seemed deeply serious.
"Telling her what?" Darkkick huffed.
"I'm not a storyteller," Terracottafoot gulped, "but there were these Witch Hunters at our border and they told us… uh… do you want their story or the summary?"
"Tell us what they told you," Paleseed suggested.
"Well," Terracottafoot groaned. They stared at Darkkick, gaze pointedly refusing to touch Weevilsight. "Apparently Lemmy showed up in the human settlement last moon. One of the Witch Hunters picked a fight with her, and, well, that Witch Hunter ended up dead. The Witch Hunters were really mad at that, I think the dead Witch Hunter just had kits and the humans took them away? I can't remember that part. But, um, the Witch Hunter General ordered them to find Lemmy, and they did… Lemmy's dead now." The words didn't quite reach Weevilsight's ears.
"Say that again?" Weevilsight said, rubbing her ears.
"The Witch Hunters killed Lemmy," Terracottafoot said. "I think their patrol thought we were RippleClan? We didn't get a chance to explain. They showed up a few days ago. I'm really sorry, Weevilsight." Weevilsight's claws pierced the moss-ball. The chatter of the Gathering clawed her ears. Her heart beat faster.
"Weevilsight?" Paleseed whispered. She reached a paw toward Weevilsight, but Darkkick pushed it down.
Lemmy's dead. Lemmy's dead. Lemmy's dead.
Mom's dead.
"Stars damn it!" Weevilsight yowled. She chucked the moss-ball as hard and as fast as she could. It smacked into the basket and sent it rolling toward the treeline. "I want to kill someone!"
"Weevilsight—" Paleseed and Terracottafoot both stammered.
"Shut up, both of you," Darkkick snapped, shoving her tail in front of the pair. "Let her be."
"She made mistakes!" Weevilsight groaned. "Stupid, awful mistakes, it got out of control!" She paced in a circle, as though trying to get comfortable in a nest. "She wasn't a monster! She wanted to keep me safe! They didn't have to kill her! StarClan, she never even knew Dad died! Why did this happen? Why did she have to kill Potterypool? I can't even decide if I love her or hate her! Augh!" Weevilsight sat in a huff, tail thrashing. She stared at the snowy ground, head spinning. Her jaw dug into her head so hard, she thought she'd break a tooth.
Paleseed crept past Darkkick and toward the rolling basket. She put a paw on the basket, stopping its retreat. She plucked the moss-ball from inside and stared at it. Her tail waved gently as she thought.
"Terracottafoot?" Paleseed asked. "Do you have any AshClan cats who'd like to play against RippleClan in a game of moss-ball?"
"I can ask around," Terracottafoot said hesistantly, still inching toward Weevilsight. "Shouldn't we help—"
"I don't need help, Terracottafoot," Weevilsight huffed at the ground, voice monotone.
"I seem to recall you being good with a moss-ball as a kit," Paleseed said. She tossed the moss-ball to Weevilsight. It rolled to a stop in front of her paws. "Want to put that rage of yours to good use? It would be an insult to Clan pride if we let AshClan beat us."
"If that's the alternative, I'm playing," Darkkick huffed, joining Paleseed's side.
"Should I be offended?" Terracottafoot asked.
"Go get your Clan, kit," Darkkick scoffed. Terracottafoot cocked their head, but eventually sighed, chuckling at the same time. They jogged toward the larger crowd.
"For our players, I think we should recruit…" Paleseed hummed, studying the Gathering. "Boughfur, Stormjump, Yellowburst, Shrewflame, and Wolverineheart." Darkkick nodded along with Paleseed's assessment. "So, Weevilsight? Want to join?" Weevilsight gently snagged the moss-ball in her claws. She held it up to the light of the bonfire by the Leader's Stone. Did the color match Mosspounce's eyes? They had been so scarred at the end, Weevilsight almost couldn't remember…
"Let's kill these foxhearts," Weevilsight growled, tossing the moss-ball back to Paleseed.
"Metaphorically, though!" Paleseed chuckled awkwardly. "I'll go get the others." Paleseed passed the moss-ball to Darkkick and followed Terracottafoot's trail. Weevilsight sat next to Darkkick, unable to stop her thrashing tail.
"I'll help you hide the bodies," Darkkick chuckled.
A short time later, Weevilsight stood with her Clanmates in front of one of the baskets. Somehow, it seemed the whole group managed to escape the fog of grief imposed by Trumpetspore's death and laughed like kits as they prepared for the game. A gaggle of AshClan cats guarded the other basket across the clearing, throwing taunts toward the RippleClan cats. Paleseed and Terracottafoot stood in the middle, moss-ball sitting between them. A crowd of apprentices and warriors from the other Clans gathered to watch as they shared tongues.
"If it's been a while since any of you have played an organized game of moss-ball," Paleseed explained, "let us remind you. You are each on a patrol of seven cats, facing off against another patrol. Your job is to get the moss-ball past the enemy patrol and into their den, in this case the basket, to score points. No holding the moss-ball in your mouth, you have to catch it in your claws and toss it to your patrol members. If the other patrol has the moss-ball, you need to either make them drop it or grab it out of their paws, again, no teeth allowed. And no den guarding, you have to give the other patrol a chance to throw the moss-ball in. For this game, let's say… first to fifteen points wins. Any questions?"
"Do we have to be gentle with the cleric?" a dark red molly asked, nodding at Weevilsight.
"I won't be gentle with you," Weevilsight growled, ears tilted back. An excited bark of laughter and cheering rippled through the bystanders. The AshClan patrol laughed and yowled along with them.
"What about Darkkick?" asked a black and white tom, barely out of apprenticeship. "I feel bad fighting an elder."
"Darkkick fought Autumnstar, in the actual Dark Forest," Boughfur laughed, unweaving the blue flowers from her fur and placing them to the side of the game area. "I don't think you should be worried about hurting her, of all cats."
"Ready to run back to camp with your tails between your legs?" Shrewflame called, his tail high.
"I'm ready to feed you dirt, pretty kitty!" yowled the dark red molly.
"Aww, you think I'm pretty?" Shrewflame purred, wiggling his flank. "Why thank you!" Stormjump and Yellowburst laughed at Shrewflame, starting a wave of giggles across the crowd.
"Everyone go at my command!" Terracottafoot yowled, jogging out of the soon-to-be battlefield with Paleseed, leaving the moss-ball behind. All players shifted into battle poses. Weevilsight copied them as best she could. All eyes were on the moss-ball.
"Darkkick, stay in the back," Yellowburst whispered. "You can catch the moss-ball before it gets to the den."
"And miss out on clawing some AshClan fur?" Darkkick snapped in just such a way that Weevilsight couldn't tell if she was mad or teasing. "There's no chance of that."
As the pair argued, the AshClan patrol sparkled in Weevilsight's eyes. Ghostly doubles of the AshClan warriors launched toward the moss-ball. Sparkling premonitions of Weevilsight's Clanmates charged at the approaching patrol in return. Wolverineheart's future transparent form shoved into the dark red molly's shoulder. Her attack gave the black and white tom just enough time to slip around the charging enemy force and snatch the moss-ball in his claws. Weevilsight hadn't even seen that tom in the mass of cats yet-to-charge.
"Attack!" Terracottafoot cheered. Weevilsight's vision popped like seafoam. History repeated itself; the AshClan patrol ran at the moss-ball like stampeding horses. Wolverineheart led the RippleClan charge. No one noticed the black and white tom, running low against his taller Clanmates. He was invisible in the rush of fire-lit pelts. An afterimage of the tom's future position still flashed in Weevilsight's eyes.
Weevilsight lunged toward the empty space. Just as she neared it, just as she began to doubt her sight, there he was; the black and white tom, swooping past Wolverineheart to grab the moss-ball. Weevilsight smacked into him a whisker's length from the moss-ball. Weevilsight and the black and white tom tumbled back into the mass of swarming cats, each shocked at the other's appearance.
Stormjump rolled behind Weevilsight and snatched the moss-ball. She flicked her paw and sent the moss-ball soaring across the clearing. Shrewflame darted alongside the flying object. He jumped as though catching a bird mid-flight. Both front paws wrapped around the moss-ball.
Another premonition flashed within the mass of playful warriors. Shrewflame's ghostly paw launched a purple transparent moss-ball toward the AshClan den. A lilac and cream tortoiseshell streaked past her Clanmates and caught the moss-ball against her shoulder.
"Run with it, Shrewflame!" Weevilsight yowled as the black and white tom finally shoved her off. She fell onto her back, staring at the cloud-speckled night while the rest of the group hurried past her. All of the petals that clung to her pelt rubbed off in the snow and grass.
Weevilsight hurried back to her paws, only to see she was too late; the lilac and cream tortoiseshell stopped the moss-ball with her shoulder, just as predicted. But would Weevilsight let that go? Absolutely not. She had to sit by while her mother was exiled, while her father died, while her Clan suffered not under the claws of some Spirit of Shadow, something Weevilsight was born to fight, but mortals and the dangers of the everyday. She didn't have to let this go.
Weevilsight was not going to lose this game.
Weevilsight scrambled as the AshClan tortoiseshell tossed the moss-ball to the dark red molly. Darkkick thundered past Weevilsight, catching the eye of the dark red molly. Weevilsight yowled and sprung at the dark red molly. Weevilsight's sheathed paws batted the dark red molly's head. The dark red molly swung at Weevilsight, but the moss-ball slipped from her claws in the process. Darkkick swiped it from underneath the fighting mollies and batted it back toward the AshClan den. The dark red molly turned to follow, but Weevilsight shrieked and dragged the AshClan molly back by the tail. Her mouth burned with the taste of cat fur, that awful scent of combat that she still despised after so many moons, but the thoughtless rage bubbling in her throat forced her to remind herself, training grip, training grip, training grip.
A cheer ripped through the bystanders. Weevilsight let go of the dark red molly's tail. Boughfur had jumped into the AshClan den, moss-ball stuck to her claws. She looked like a rabbit crawling into a hole. Weevilsight laughed, but it was more like the cauterwaul of a rabid beast than anything funny.
"Clerics are mad," the dark red molly grumbled, hurrying back to her Clanmates.
Mad? Oh that was the right word for Weevilsight at the moment, as her patrol cheerfully regrouped by their den for the next round. Weevilsight was certain the actual grief would hit her when she got back to camp. But in that moment, with the freedom to run and scream and tackle and fight? Weevilsight could be as mad as she needed to be.
(Weevilsight: 27, female, cleric, daring, deep StarClan bond)
(Paleseed: 58, female, mediator, insecure, incredible runner, steady paws)
(Darkkick: 140, trans female, elder, lonesome, talented swimmer, understands nature)
(Downstar: 151, female, leader, wise, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Boughfur: 24, female, historian, righteous, great climber)
(Shrewflame: 16, female, teacher, loyal, fast as the wind)
(Yellowburst: 23, female, caretaker, adventurous, great mediator)
(Wolverineheart: 24, female, warrior, troublesome, student of science)
(Stormjump: 23, female, caretaker, charismatic, incredible cook)
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Midnightkit is scolded for sneaking outside camp.
[Image ID: Midnightkit and Valleykit face Carnationspeckle, both in trouble. Midnightkit says "Why didn't Rattlepelt come get me?" Under Midnightkit, it says + NEW SKILL: ALWAYS WANDERING. Under Valleykit, it says + NEW SKILL: AVID PLAY-FIGHTER.]
(Midnightkit: 1, male, kit, polite,always wandering)
(Valleykit: 1, male, kit, quiet, avid play-fighter)
(Carnationspeckle: 94, female, caretaker, compassionate, fish-like swimmer)
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SlugClan attacks RippleClan in hopes of recovering Icekit and Pearkit for their newest members, Nimblestep and Quickkit.
[Image ID: Lettucestar, a white tom with a scar, and Lighttrail face Downstar, Wolverineheart, Wildclaw, Yarrowclaw, and Leathermask. Lettucestar says, "I'm sorry, Downstar, but I can't take no for an answer. Nimblestep is their mother, not Puddlewhisper." Under Downstar, it says LIVES LEFT: 1. Under Leathermask, it says LEVEL UP! NERVOUS → CONFIDENT.[
Downstar could tell it would be a late spring as she stepped out of her den on the last day of the year and into the thick, dry snow. It had snowed from one sunset and through another without stopping, leaving snowdrifts as tall as cats against the rocks and trees. It wasn't a bitter cold, though, like the one that plagued the Clans a few moons prior. This was a cold that energized Downstar's aching muscles and told the whole Clan to have a bit of fun!
The kits were certainly taking advantage of the heavy snowfall. Pearkit and Icekit dug at the snow like dogs while Midnightkit and Valleykit watched, wide-eyed. Stormjump groomed herself outside the warrior's den in a pale attempt to hide her watchful eye resting on the kits. The clerics cleared snow out from around the medicine den, but there was a shine to their eyes that brought a purr to Downstar's throat. Gingerpaw rambled to Weevilsight as the pair dug a path from the medicine den to the bonfire. Weevilsight laughed at one of Gingerpaw's silly faces, further easing Downstar's heart. If the recent heartbreak of the season could be forgotten, even for a moment, there was hope for RippleClan.
There was no hope of telling the time that day, save for the natural rhythm of day and night inside every cat. The sky was an endless silver expanse. Not a single cloud could be distinguished from another. It was as gray as a clear day's sky was blue. The unbroken bright light reflected off the snow stunned Downstar's eyes. Were it not for her nose, she might have bumped into Oilstripe, who trotted toward the leader's den.
"Good morning, Downstar," Oilstripe reported, ears perking up in front of her leader. "We have a few patrols out already. Vervaincough and Darkkick joined Billowhaze, Whitepaw, and Boughfur on an expedition to study the snow, but they promised to mark the southern border while they were there. Carnationspeckle, Tallowheart, and Drumtooth are fishing along the northern coast. Lastly, Rabbitjoy took Mitespark and Frostpaw to trade with WheatClan. They'll be gone the longest."
"Busy morning," Downstar hummed.
"Everyone wants to be out of camp today," Oilstripe sighed, stretching her front legs.
"I can manage the camp if you want to lead a patrol," Downstar said. She flicked her ears toward the camp exit. "This will likely be our last bit of snow until next winter."
"That's alright, Downstar," Oilstripe said a bit too quickly. "We have a lot to clear out of camp. I should manage that." Downstar grabbed Oilstripe's gaze and didn't let go. She studied her deputy's cyan eyes, so strangely blessed. Oilstripe's whiskers twitched uncomfortably, unable to view Downstar's thoughts as easily as she viewed hers.
"It's no good to have a distracted deputy," Downstar said. She sat in the curve of the Shiprock where the snow was thinner. "You're lingering around camp for another reason. Deputies should be open with their leaders."
"I can't tell if you're teasing me or reprimanding me," Oilstripe sighed. She sat next to Downstar, her focus drifting past her leader. The only sign of Downstar's hesistancy was the shift of her tail; she knew when she chose Oilstripe that she'd have to tolerate her ghost sight and the weird, almost blaphemous intrusion into the privacy of the visiting dead. She was good at that by now, and with a hard blink to wipe her mind, Downstar focused back on Oilstripe.
"It's about Rattlepelt," Oilstripe groaned. "I don't want to leave her alone." Downstar eyed the nursery. The snow's reflected light easily showed Rattlepelt and Wildclaw inside the den, still asleep. Wildclaw snuggled deep into Rattlepelt's fox pelt, and Rattlepelt shifted closer to her mate.
"I hope you remember you aren't the only other member of RippleClan," Downstar gently reminded her deputy. "There's always someone in camp."
"I'm not doubting anyone," Oilstripe said. She flexed her paw, poking tiny holes in the snow. The gentle motion gave her time to find her courage. "I'm scared for her, Downstar."
"Do you think she could harm herself?" Downstar asked. She regretted the question as soon as she said it. She never would have thought something like that a moon ago. But then again, a moon ago Downstar still had her granddaughter. Oilstripe caught her breath.
"No," she huffed. "No… but then again, I didn't think Trumpetspore could, either. I don't think I can truly judge what's in someone's heart."
"Blame is a weight I've borne for far too many circumstances outside of my control. Don't let it crush you."
"But don't I deserve some of the blame? We're leading this Clan, Downstar. When someone dies like this, what does it say about us? And what about Lemmy? Could we have stopped her?"
"You're rambling, Oilstripe." Downstar raised her tail to pause her deputy's spiraling thoughts. "I'm going to tell you something that it took me a long time to learn. If you did the best you could with what you knew, then blaming yourself is useless." Oilstripe breathed deep, nodding along with Downstar's advice.
"I'll try to remember that," Oilstripe sighed.
"So," Downstar huffed, getting up, "do you think Rattlepelt needs an extra eye on her?"
"I think she's struggling," Oilstripe said, picking her words carefully. "It's like what happened after the Shardling incident. I don't want this to hurt Rattlepelt's relationship with Wildclaw or their kits. Rattlepelt didn't even leave the nursery to check on Midnightkit yesterday." Yes, Downstar had noted that; out of the two mothers, Wildclaw was usually the one with an eye on Midnightkit and Valleykit as of late, and when she went on patrol, Midnightkit tried to follow. It hadn't been Downstar's place to comment on Rattlepelt's absence, but everyone noticed it.
"As the mother of your daughter-in-code rather than your leader," Downstar sighed, "don't worry about how Wildclaw feels. I'll take her out. Try not to worry. We'll help Rattlepelt as best we can." Downstar touched her nose to Oilstripe's head. Oilstripe gawked at the touch for a moment, eyes widening. She then purred and dipped her head. Her whole body softened. Downstar's work there was done; now onto her daughter.
Downstar left Oilstripe to her thoughts and entered the nursery. Her paws trapsing through the snow quickly woke Wildclaw. The scarred gray tabby lifted her head off her mate and yawned deeply. Her scar-lined tail swayed lazily.
"Wildclaw, I'm taking a sunrise patrol to mark our northwest borders," Downstar explained in a whisper. "I want you to come with. I'll even let you pick out who we bring."
"I'll be right there," Wildclaw grumbled, still yawning and blinking sleep from her eyes. She crawled over Rattlepelt, stretching her hind legs so high they nearly eclipsed her head. Rattlepelt shifted and threw a paw over her eyes. Wildclaw glanced back to her mate and whispered, "Rattlepelt, I'm going on patrol. The kits are playing outside. Do you need anything?"
"I can get it," Rattlepelt mumbled. She squirmed under her red pelt, but didn't get up. Downstar softly padded back out as Wildclaw whispered something else her aging ears could not catch.
Downstar trailed through camp, navigating around the kits' digging, and waited by the exit for her daughter. A few moments later, Wildclaw emerged from the nursery and jogged to the warrior's den, nodding to Stormjump as she passed. She seemed like the reckless young molly Downstar remembered from so many years ago, but there was a wisdom to her step and a thought in her eyes. Yes, Downstar did not need to worry about Wildclaw. The fierceness her named honored was truly something to respect now.
Some time later, Wildclaw joined Downstar at the exit with Wolverineheart, Yarrowclaw, and Leathermask. Downstar wasted no time leading the patrol into the cheerful winter. Wildclaw slipped beside her mother and pranced through the snow like a deer. Soft winds blew powdery snow off the trees, making it look like a second snowfall. The snow retained the memory of the wind in its swirling, smooth edges and gentle dance across the ground. The smell of Carnationspeckle's patrol drifted past, a soft reminder that they were never alone in RippleClan territory.
"You know who Midnightkit and Valleykit remind me of?" Downstar said as the patrol trekked through the forest. "You and Halibutdusk."
"Really?" Wildclaw huffed. "I don't see it."
"Midnightkit is going to be just as troublesome as you were, I'm certain of it," Downstar chuckled. "Valleykit has Halibutdusk's pensiveness."
"Valleykit just learned what birds are," Wildclaw laughed. "I think you might be insulting Halibutdusk there."
"They fit into our family, that's what I mean," Downstar hummed, studying Wildclaw's face. "You and Rattlepelt have done a good job so far. Just like you did with Shrewflame and Whitepaw. You'll all be alright in the end."
"I know, Mom," Wildclaw assured her. Her ears tilted back for a moment as she added, "I just need Rattlepelt to believe that."
"You've been through worse," Downstar reminded her. She stopped to rub an irritating itch on her back against a pine. "If you keep doing what you have been doing, it will work out."
"Downstar!" The whole patrol paused, ears high. Pale gray markings framed the green eyes of the tom who emerged from the depths of the forest. Lettucestar? His deputy, Lighttrail, walked alongside him, all thick ginger fur and confidence.
"Stop right there!" Wildclaw barked. She dove between Downstar and Lettucestar, lips curled tight and her body slithering like a rattlesnake ready to strike.
"This has to be a joke," Wolverineheart scoffed. "I get you're a Clan leader, but you can't just stroll into our territory without an escort!"
"Do you want to get attacked?" Yarrowclaw growled, showing off her fangs.
"Wait, wait," Downstar huffed. She pushed through her protective Clanmates, tail high to still their sudden fury. "Let me talk to him." Leathermask bristled, back arched high as Downstar approached the SlugClan leader. Wolverineheart and Yarrowclaw kept their claws out, but gave Downstar her room. Wildclaw stayed where she was, face curling in and out of battle rage.
"I know I'm intruding on your territory," Lettucestar huffed, keeping his tail low as a show of peace. "Waiting by the border would have been inappropriate. In a sad way, my purpose here isn't much different from the war patrol you brought to my camp almost a year ago." There was a mild venom in Lettucestar's voice that made Downstar's ears grow hot with old grief.
"Except Downstar's not losing her mind," Yarrowclaw grumbled.
"Yarrowclaw, you will not disrespect Gorgestar's memory in front of me," Downstar suddenly growled, turning on the brown and white molly. Yarrowclaw stiffened under Downstar's amber glare. "He was a good leader and my friend. You of all cats should know better than to make a joke of something like that." Yarrowclaw stared down, unmoving under Downstar's assault. Downstar bit back a hiss of frusteration; why in the world did Yarrowclaw have to make a comment like that? Now Downstar seemed like a weak leader! She would handle Yarrowclaw's coldness later; she had intruders to manage.
"It's once again an issue of miscommunication," Lettucestar sighed. "Lighttrail, you're the better storyteller of the two of us. Explain the situation to Downstar and her warriors." Lighttrail stepped forward, clearing his throat. He looked like a kit in Downstar's eyes. Then again, at Downstar's age, most cats looked like kits.
"Recently, SlugClan encounter a loner queen and her kit by the river," Lighttrail said. "The kit was sick with feather-head, so we offered to provide treatment. The queen grew to trust us, and the pair decided to join SlugClan. They are now known as Nimblestep and Quickkit, though you would have known the queen as simply Nimble." Nimble. So much had happened that winter, Downstar almost forgot that Puddlewhisper was not Pearkit and Icekit's birth mother.
"Wait," Leathermask grunted. "Nimble joined SlugClan? No, she hates the Clans."
"Her mate hated the Clans," Lighttrail said with the patience of a mentor with their apprentice. Downstar couldn't stop her jaw from tightening at the tone. "Nimblestep supported and followed Achilles, but once she understood we only wanted to help Quickkit, she learned to trust us."
"It's not like we didn't try to do that!" Wolverineheart whined. "She wouldn't listen to us!"
"Your Clanmates murdered Achilles in cold blood," Lighttrail scoffed, twitching his whiskers. "Would you listen to yourselves?"
"No more comments, all of you," Downstar hissed, thrashing her tail. This was no time to be debating the details.
"She told us about her other kits, Downstar," Lettucestar finally sighed. "A silver tom and a pale ginger molly. They're Icekit and Pearkit, aren't they?" Wildclaw paced behind Downstar. Her jaw twitched with unspoken words. Her paws crunched heavily into the snow, turning it to slush.
"They are," Downstar admitted. "Nimble ran—Nimblestep ran from our patrol, but only took a brown kit. Quickkit, I assume. She abandoned the rest of her litter."
"A mistake she wants to correct," Lettucestar said, stepping closer to Downstar. "We're here to take Icekit and Pearkit back to their mother."
"Take?" Downstar and Wildclaw yowled in unison. Lighttrail unseathed his claws and crouched into a battle stance. Lettucestar hovered his tail over his deputy's shoulder. Downstar steadied her breath and grounded her paws flat, letting the cold sap her sudden anger.
"Lettucestar, Icekit and Pearkit are RippleClan cats now," Downstar said slowly. "All they've known is RippleClan. Puddlewhisper is raising them. Taking them would be cruel. Nimblestep abandoned them to what she thought would be their deaths. How can we trust she has their best intentions at heart?"
"She's a SlugClan warrior now," Lettucestar said, his words just as slow and restrained as Downstar's tone. "We will help her raise the kits, just as I'm sure your caretakers help Puddlewhisper."
"I'm happy to discuss Nimblestep visiting our camp," Downstar huffed. "If she wants a relationship with Icekit and Pearkit, I don't want to deny her that. But simply taking them? They aren't prey. Do you think they'd ever be loyal to SlugClan if you forced them from their home?" Lettucestar sighed deeply. He closed his eyes and pulled his tail away from Lighttrail. His claws peeked out of his paws. The RippleClan patrol slunk closer to Downstar.
"Warriors!" Lettucestar yowled. The snow behind Lettucestar shifted. Pelts peeked out from the white and gray terrain, shoving off snowy coverings and emerging from behind trees and rocks. The RippleClan patrol hissed and snarled. There was an entire war patrol of SlugClan cats, hiding just fox-lengths away! The SlugClan warriors glistened with snow melting into their fur. Narrow eyes bore into Downstar, ready to tear and bite.
"I'm sorry, Downstar," Lettucestar sighed, shifting into a battle stance, "but I can't take no for an answer. Nimblestep is their mother, not Puddlewhisper. You can't claim her kits. I wanted us to agree on this, but if you won't take us to your camp, we'll just go through you."
"Yarrowclaw, warn camp, now!" Downstar yowled. Yarrowclaw leaped over Leathermask and skidded across the snow. She raced like a rabbit along the patrol's snowy prints, tail weaving between the trees.
"Don't let her get reinforcements!" Lettucestar ordered. Half of the SlugClan patrol bolted after Yarrowclaw, stomping and kicking their way through the snow. Leathermask yowled and launched himself into a lilac tortie, the war-hungry Carvingfur. The pair rolled back behind an ancient pine.
"Wolverineheart, help Yarrowclaw!" Downstar ordered as Lighttrail lunged for her. "We'll hold them back!" Wolverineheart ran after Yarrowclaw's hunters as Lighttrail smacked Downstar into the snow. Downstar raked her claws along Lighttrail's white chest. Blood immediately dripped from his pelt onto Downstar's face.
Lighttrail stumbled off, shrieking, as the rest of the patrol converged on Downstar and Wildclaw. There were three or four SlugClan warriors for each remaining RippleClan cat. At least Lighttrail wouldn't be a problem; he stumbled against a pine trunk and pressed his bleeding wounds into the snow.
"I'd like to see you take me, foxhearts!" Wildclaw cried. She hooked her claws into Carvingfur as she and Leathermask rolled back into the crowd. Wildclaw ripped Carvingfur off Leathermask and dug her teeth into the tortoiseshell's soft ear.
Sharp claws slashed Downstar's ankle. She tumbled forward into a black molly. A cream-colored tom pounced on Downstar's back. His claws tore into her ginger patches. Blinding pain ripped through Downstar's blood.
Lettucestar crouched by Lighttrail as the SlugClan warriors beat Downstar into the ground. The leader and deputy whispered to one another, mute under the screech of battle. With a decisive nod from Lighttrail, Lettucestar hurried past the fight toward the unseen coastline and RippleClan's camp.
Leathermask and Wildclaw fought back to back against Carvingfur and the other SlugClan warriors. They spun to face every blow. Nicks and scratches riddled their faces. Neither could get to Downstar.
The black molly and the cream-colored tom stepped off Downstar, blood staining their paws. Downstar's ears rang. She stared into the now pink snow. Her legs shook. The pain coursed through her back and toward her paws. Downstar couldn't get up. She couldn't help her daughter. Yarrowclaw and Wolverineheart had to get to camp. They had to protect the kits. That was what mattered.
A brown and white mass of long fur flew past Downstar's blurry vision. The figure landed on Carvingfur just before the tortoiseshell could claw at Leathermask's eyes. Carnationspeckle! Her hunting patrol! Drumtooth and Tallowheart dove into the fight behind their patrol leader. Tallowheart pulled Wildclaw and Leathermask out of the mess. Drumtooth whipped around the SlugClan warriors like a fish. He'd land one blow, then kick back at a sneaky warrior.
"They're going for camp," Wildclaw yowled over the ringing in Downstar's ears.
"Yarrowclaw got there first," Tallowheart gulped. The fighting in front of Downstar blurred. Downstar rested her chin on the cold, stained snow.
It took a while for Downstar to die. From what she could tell, she drifted in a melting mass of dreams and noise until her strength finally left her. She couldn't tell how much time had passed, and could barely hold on to a single thought. The sounds of the battle rose and fell. They blended into orders and questions, making the line between war and peace impossible to see. Were the clerics there? They should focus on the camp. SlugClan would not have those kits!
Summer warmth licked Downstar's pelt. That oh-so-familiar ocean hum replaced the ringing in her ears. Her back no longer burned. Downstar rubbed her cheek on the sand. Oh Downstar had missed the summer. RippleClan needed that light and warmth once more.
StarClan's coastline was the same as ever; mountains far behind the forest, pure salty water nuzzling the shore. Sunhigh glistened at the top of the sky, honey-bright and as welcome as a warm nest at the end of a cold night. Now Downstar didn't want to get up at all. For now, she could breathe.
Yet who would greet her this time? She was never alone on that lovely beach. Locustseeker, Duskkit, Fennelspot, Rustshade, Scrubmask… someone always had a kind word to say. Who would be there this time? Maybe Downstar had to go find them.
Despite the tempting warmth of the sand, Downstar got to her paws. She stood quicker than she expected. Old age didn't plague her in the strange land of Silverpelt. Downstar scanned the shore. Down the coast, paws dipping into the slowly rising tide, a black tabby sat, waiting. Downstar's granddaughter was unmistakeable, even with the newly gained glimmer in her pelt.
"I shouldn't be surprised it's you," Downstar called. Trumpetspore turned at her grandmother's voice. Her ears pressed backward. She snapped her eyes down.
Downstar strolled down the beach. Her heartbeat matched the gentle pull of the waves. She slowed the closer she got to Trumpetspore. Trumpetspore's head dipped lower and lower.
"I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I'm sorry, Downstar. I should have talked to you. I missed them so much, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt anyone."
"Oh, Trumpet," Downstar cooed. She placed her chin on Trumpetspore's warm head. She wrapped herself around Trumpetspore as the ageless black warrior shook. The hum of the ethereal ocean hid Trumpetspore's whimpers.
"I should have hung on," Trumpetspore whined.
"I know, I know," Downstar whispered. "It'll be alright now. I know, you're sorry."
Downstar wasn't sure how long she sat with her granddaughter. Those visits to StarClan rarely aligned with time in the living world, after all. Downstar just let the salt water soak her flank as she offered Trumpetspore a familiar shoulder.
"There are things I need to say," Trumpetspore eventually croaked, "before you go back." The pair pulled away, leaving imprints of each other in their pelts.
"I understand," Downstar sighed. "Tell me first, though. Did Lettucestar take the kits?"
"No," Trumpetspore said, clearing her throat. There was a shift in her starry eyes, a soft dance of light cascading across her glittering pelt. Her gaze drifted to something Downstar could not see. "Puddlewhisper hid them in the medicine den when Yarrowclaw got to camp. She pretended they were in the nursery until Lettucestar's patrol had to retreat."
"As clever as her mother," Downstar purred. Good, the kits were safe. For now, at least.
"Happier moons are ahead," Trumpetspore promised as her focus returned to Downstar. She stiffened and glanced down as she added, "If I had known that earlier…" Downstar had no comforting words for that. Trumpetspore breathed deep and stood taller.
"You're on your last life, Downstar," Trumpetspore said. Her voice gained the sort of regal, knowing tone Downstar had grown used to hearing from StarClan cats. "The next time you wake up on these shores, you will not return to RippleClan."
"I understand," Downstar said. She could feel her body pulling her down. The weight of her many moons flowed back through her muscles. She laid on the sand, which now felt more like moss and leather. Downstar's body was likely in the medicine den. "One thing before I wake up. Can you pass a message to Shadowdrop and your siblings?"
"Anything," Trumpetspore gulped. Downstar purred at the light in Trumpetspore's eyes.
"Tell them I love them."
(Downstar: 151, female, leader, wise, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Oilstripe: 96, female, deputy, charismatic, ghost speaker)
(Wildclaw: 84, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor, good fighter)
(Rattlepelt: 75, female, artisan, thoughtful, leather artist)
(Wolverineheart: 24, female, warrior, troublesome, student of science)
(Yarrowclaw: 27, female, warrior, cold, fire master)
(Leathermask: 40, male, warrior, confident, good fighter, eloquent speaker)
(Carnationspeckle: 94, female, caretaker, compassionate, fish-like swimmer)
(Tallowheart: 28, male, historian, nervous, good swimmer)
(Drumtooth: 40, trans male, caretaker, loyal, great hunter, clever)
(Trumpetspore: 52, female, warrior, nervous, makes the best pottery, good storyteller)
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sweetestlamb · 10 months ago
Fire Meet Gasoline
Summary: Im Sol and Sun Jae spend some quality time together.🤭
Author's note: I can't believe I haven't written anything in this long(sorry to those of you waiting on incomplete stories life got real😩) but this drama took me by surprise and I physically couldn't stop myself from producing this filth so I hope you enjoy this offering.
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The bright ring of her laughter makes his heart feel too small for his chest as he tries his hardest not to stare at her, fill himself up on her presence and still feel starved for more.
He has no clue what exactly they're watching but Sol's persistent giggles are enough to make it his new favorite show. He leans back into the plush cradle of his couch eyes straight ahead but his focus solely on the woman next to him.
It still feels like a dream. He's been pathetically pining for her for years but never expecting anything to manifest from his one sided feelings. So her sudden unprovoked confession was a thunder bolt straight into his heart.
I liked you too.
How could that have been the case? He had long accepted that she would never be his, cried over it, yelled about it to anyone who would listen and then forced his feelings down into a dark hole in his chest. Never to be realized but now everything had changed.
"Sun Jae? Are you listening? Do you want to watch something else?"
He staggers from his thoughts, eager to have a reason to place his gaze on her pretty face. That pretty face that has captivated him for years effortlessly. Those pretty lips that are always taunting him, begging to be kissed, bitten, soothed and then tormented all over again.
"Are you not feeling well? You're turning so red. Do you need to lay down?" She leans closer now invading his space and the television is a murmured drone in the distance now. He drinks her up like an oasis in the desert, eyes trembling shut as she lifts her hand to press against his forehead.
Her skin is buttery soft and he's been longing to be touched by these very hands for so long that instinctively he nuzzles in deeper, desperate for all he can get. Still terrified that he'll wake up and this will have been a dream, a fantasy concocted by his desperate heart.
So he latches on, if this is all a dream he's going the make the most of every second he's allowed to be with her.
Her eyes are wide as she gazes at him shocked by his boldness he assumes. That's her usual reaction and he's grown used to it although it confuses him at times, he sometimes finds her looking at him like she's in disbelief too.
He moves closer, hesitating for only a minute before getting confidence from the way she stills and blinks up at him as if waiting for his next move. He watches hungrily as she gulps nervously but not once does she move away or look away from his heated stare.
Her waist feels infinitely small in his soft grip and he flushes at the strip of bare skin he feels, his thumb brushes her warm skin in a gentle sweep.
"Sun Jae...."
His name has never sounded sweeter.
The palm that was previously on his forehead slips down to cup his cheek and he feels a similar sensation on his warm flesh.
"I should go home soon."
He can hear the clear reluctance in her voice and that brings a smile to his face. They've spent so much time together since revealing their feelings but it's never enough for him and he's elated that Im Sol feels the same.
"Why are you smiling like that?"
He shrugs pretending to be aloof. Before he tugs her closer and drags one of her legs over his lap.
He's eager to feel her weight on him again, last time they made out here she'd crawled onto his lap like she belonged there and almost short circuited the electricity to his brain. But this time he was prepared and he wasn't shy to make the first move.
"I'm thinking about last time."
Her blush is immediate. He wonders how far down it goes....
"Stop. Stop looking at me like that." She mumbles glancing away.
As if he could. He's been controlling himself all these years, it feels like a dam has burst now and he knows there is no possible way to go back to his tethering self control.
"How am I looking at you? Hmmm?" He teases and he sees the exact moment that she decides she's tired of this game. Her shyness never lasts for long in these situations.
"Are you teasing me?"
"What if I am?"
"That would be mean." She pouts prettily knowing exactly what that wobbling bottom lip does to him.
"I'm sorry. I'll be nice."
And she grins at his acquiesce thinking that she's won and he allows her a few minutes of uninterrupted glee before lifting her the rest of the way and plopping her in his waiting lap in one smooth motion.
"Sun Jae!" She squeaks in surprise but he notes the way that she moves even closer while making herself comfortable and the way that her hands settle on his shoulders.
"Aren't I heavy?"
He scoffs at her question, leaning up until their faces are mere inches apart.
"Don't be ridiculous. I could stand up right now and still hold you with no problem."
And he can see her imagining that very scene, from the way that her cheeks brighten and her pupils dilate.
"Oh. Do you want to see Im Sol?"
He's only teasing, there's no way that she'll actu-
"Yeah. Do it. Show me."
And now he's the one in complete shock.
She's always been beautiful to him. Pure. Sweet. Innocent.
But right now the only word he can think of to describe the look on her face is sexy. Seductive even.
"Are you serious?"
"Mmmhmm. Show me, please." She begs so prettily.
He's hard.
He needs to get her off his lap. He can feel the throbbing and he knows that her words are affecting him. The last thing he wants to do is scare her away.
"You....um. I'll drive you home. Come on, let's go."
He starts to move her off his lap but then she grinds down and he knows that it's too late, she's felt him. In a way that no other has before her.
He tries not to let shame overcome him.
But he closes his eyes not wanting to see her reaction to his lust for her. They haven't yet discussed this part of their relationship and he doesn't want to pressure her or reveal that he's never done this before, any of this.
He's inexperienced and it feels pathetic.
Alas he's so lost in his head that it takes a few moments to realize what's happening in his own lap.
"What are.... what are you doing?!"
She doesn't answer him with words but her hips never stop, swiveling and grinding, side to side and then back and forth.
"Wait! Stop Im Sol, you don't have to-"
"I don't want to stop. Can't I do this?"
No. His brain screams. She can't do this because it's going to end in his embarrassment. He's already close and she's barely even begun.
"Yeah, you can. Do whatever you want."
Somehow those are the words that leave his mouth. His body incapable of denying her anything she desires.
She smiles sweetly at him before dipping down and placing a chaste kiss on his lips.
It's not enough.
His grip on her waist tightens as he reaches to meet her and kiss her as if it's his last chance. His tongue meets no resistance as he presses against her lips, plunging into her sweet hole eagerly.
She moans softly wrapping her arms around his shoulder even tighter, melting into him as their kissing intensifies and he grows harder at the noises she makes as she continues to torture him.
They need to cool down. But there's only gasoline in the room.
He pushes her sweater up, desperate to feel her skin and almost loses his sanity when she does the same, tugging his tucked shirt out of his pants.
"You must work out a lot to have a body like this." She whispers as she runs her small hand over the dips in his abs.
He groans deeply into her neck, unable to contain himself now with passion washing over him in deep waves. He bucks up into her jeans covered warm center and simultaneously grabs her ass forcing her down onto him harder, more intentional. He wishes there was nothing between them, that he could spread her wide open and just thrust until they were both spent.
They are a tangle of limbs at this point, grinding into each other as if their lives depend on it.
And her breasts are right there in front of his face. Small but enticing all the same. He can see her nipples peeking through the material of her sweater and that must mean she's not wearing a bra. She must be trying to kill him and he wants to rip her sweater over her head and see them, taste them, fill his hands with them.
Giving her ample time to stop him he trails his hands up her side, stopping just below her ribcage. When all she does is moan louder and rock down onto him he takes that as her response.
He starts with only his thumb, rubbing across the pebbled nub lightly through her sweater at first and then harder as she pushes her chest forward.
"You're perfect." He whispers in awe, cupping her fully now the weight of her perky breasts sheer perfection in his hands.
He wants to feel them with nothing in between them.
He realizes with a jolt he wants to.... have sex with her.
All his group members had teased him for years about his lack of sexual drive. They all had thousands of women throwing themselves at them daily but he never looked at any, never took them up on their offers no matter how eagerly they begged him to use them. They said filthy things to him but never before had anyone gotten him this hot and ready.
He was a virgin by choice.
But now he finally understands the appeal.
He squeezes her breast with his left hand and starts to lift her sweater with his right, their eyes locked as he slowly starts to undress her. It feels like he's been starving and now he can finally eat.
He takes in each inch of skin that is revealed bit by bit, hungry to see her naked breasts.
Bzzzzz bzzzzzz bzzzzzz.
Bzzzzz bzzzzzz bzzzzzz.
He drops her shirt.
She looks beautifully dazed but then she realizes that it's her phone that interrupted them.
He groans as she frantically searches for it while still on his lap.
She answers with a sigh and pure regret in her eyes.
He can hear her mother's agitated voice though the tiny speakers and he knows that this forbidden moment is all but over.
In his head he knows that this is probably for the best, they were moving way too fast but the selfish horny side of him wishes that he had thrown the phone far away. Images of her naked body undulating on his hard length all flash through his mind.
"I should go."
But neither one of them move. Too revved up to process what just happened.
"Ummm did we almost.... were we about to...??"
She's a beautiful mess, hair disheveled, lips plush and red, clothes skewed and he wants to mess her up even more. Wants to watch sweat drip down her back as he pounds into her from behind.
And damn that's new, he's never been this desperate for it before.
"I wanted to."
He's honest. Still too raw to be anything but in this moment.
"You did?"
Hadn't that been obvious, hell it's still obvious as he hasn't gone down yet.
"You're literally sitting on my....."
She blinks. He bucks.
"Oh. Oh!....yeah but that's a natural...human reaction. You can't control it even if you didn't want to.....do that with me."
"It's only ever happened with you. No one else."
Her eyes brighten more if that's even possible.
"Wait do you mean...?"
He gulps nervously but he can't lie to her.
"Yeah I've never done this with anyone. Just you."
"Just....me. Then let me give you a gift."
He tilts his head at her statement before he almost chokes on his own tongue.
Quicker than lightning hm she grabs both his hands and pulls them hard forcing them under her shirt and onto her naked chest.
She rubs his palms across her nipples.
"Touch me."
And he needs no other encouragement. He goes wild, pinching her before soothing her hot skin with soft caresses. She lets him play with her, pushing her chest out and giving into his rough treatment.
And then just as suddenly she stands up.
"That's enough for tonight."
It's like a bucket of cold water has been thrown over his head.
"I'm going to use the bathroom first." She runs from the room and he watches in stunned silence.
But then he notices the stumble in her walk. As if her knees are weak. She grips the wall tightly as she escapes.
He lets out a weak chuckle.
What are they getting into and will they be able to survive it?
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queerminalminds · 1 month ago
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TITLE: It’ll be okay…
Connor had been working for the DPD for a little over a year at this point. He had grown close with Hank, him being almost like a father to Connor. He had gained respect among his peers at the station and was treated equally as all of the other officers were. Currently himself and Hank were on a case at a very fancy hotel.
"So what are we looking at?" Connor questioned as he approached Hank and another officer.
"1 Android 1 human in suite 200, reports say they've heard yelling and heard signs of physical abuse. Android might be armed so approach with caution." The officer told the pair and Connor nodded as he started to head towards the elevator.
"Connor one more thing, it seems the human was being abused, it might not be such a good thing for you to go in there, let Hank handle it." The officer told Connor seriously.
"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Connor gave his fellow officer a soft smile as he headed to suite 200 with Hank. They both entered the elevator together and rid up to the top floor of the building, where all the fancy suites were.
"Let me go first." Hank told Connor as they got off the elevator and were stood at the rooms door. Connor nodded and stood behind the Lieutenant. Hank kicked open the door with his gun raised slowly walking around the room with Connor following close behind.
Since the suite was so big Connor and Hank took separate ways to find the suspect and the victim, they had assumed the suspect was still in the vicinity somewhere. Connor made his way towards the dining room, where a large table with a white, long cloth cover was sitting. He slowly walked past the table making sure his guard was up, Connor suddenly heads quiet soft cries, his LED started blinking yellow processing what he was hearing, it turned back to a blue as he kneeled at the middle of the table. Connor lifted up the sheet that was covering the dining table to find a man shaking and crying softly.
"N-no, please don't! Leave me alone." The man cried as he tried to hide himself from Connor, inching backwards to try and get away. Connor's LED started blinking yellow once more as he decided how to handle the situation. The reports said there was a human being abused by an android, of course he would be scared of him, Connor was an android after all.
"It's okay, here." Connor spoke quietly to the shaken man, reaching out his hand for the other to touch. The man stopped shaking and skeptically looked at him and his held out hand, he slowly reached out his own hand to come into contact with Connor's. The other man's hand caressed Connor's as his breathing started to normalize and his tears were fading.
"That's it, it'll be okay." Connor smiled at the man who slowly made his way from under the table, still holding onto Connor's hand.
"What's your name?" Connor asked as he rubbed his thumb over the other man's hand slowly, trying to comfort him as much as possible.
"Y/N L/N." The other man replied, his voice still shaking from fear, Connor fully grasped the other man's hand and let him out of the dining room towards one of the many couches in the living room area. He sat Y/N down and sat closely next to him.
"T-thank you for helping me, I-I don't know how long I've been here." Y/N confessed as he shivered, it was then when Connor finally noticed the other man's state. Y/N's hair was disheveled, his clothes were torn with big holes and dirty, he had bruises covering a good portion of his body, or at least the parts of his body that were showing. Connor realized how much danger Y/N was actually in, hoping that Hank had found the android who caused this.
"My partner is looking for the android who did this to you, is it still in the suite?" Connor asked as Y/N leaned his weight towards Connor, passing out from exhaustion probably. Connor did a scan to make sure the man was breathing and he was. Connor smiled and moved a piece a hair out of Y/N's eye and didn't move him.
"Gotcha! This son of a birch was hiding in the closet of the master bedroom, almost got away from me slippery thing!" Hank exclaimed as he burst into the room holding an android in handcuffs in front of him. Connor quickly shushed the other man and gestured to the man lying in his lap, sound asleep.
"Victim?" Hank questioned from his spot in the doorway and Connor nodded silently as he looked back down at Y/N.
"Well I'll be at the car with this thing, come down when you're both ready." Hank smirked as he left with the android suspect.
Connor was left in silence with Y/N still sleeping on him, he wasn't sure what to do. Let the man sleep or get him up to go down to the station? He had decided to stay for the moment, letting Y/N sleep a bit longer before having to give his statement.
"It'll be okay." Connor whispered as he leaned back on the couch himself.
A/N: Hey new book yay! Currently this and my doctor who one will be active, leave any requests in the comments, ao3 and wattpad same username as here. This was kinda shit but I somehow thought of it before I went to bed last night and had to write down the plot lol.
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the-laughing-lunatic · 11 months ago
I just have a simple request if you don't mind me asking. Can you do Heavy x Medic with a child reader (Their child, adopted or not, Medic does weird stuff) who is very sweet but also very strong like Heavy?
Basic storyline: One day their kid was in the forest and found a baby bear who was hurt so they tried to take care of the baby bear but Mama bear was closed so the kid tried to defend themselves and make sure they didn't hurt the mama bear to fix the baby bear like they've seen Medic do on people.
(Ofc! I kinda made this really long (wordcount: 1264), you can tell I'm not that great w/ oneshots :/ Thx for requesting!)
HeavyMedic & sweet child! reader
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was late at night. Far too late to be out in the forest at the young age of seven, but here you were, trailing behind your two dads as Medic rambled about his ideas for experiments once he found the herb that had the three of you out in the first place. Heavy and Medic didn’t want to leave you alone at the base so they wrapped you in your big fluffy coat and brought you along. You shivered. “P- papa?”
“Little Belka, is cold, yes, but your papas need to focus now. Can you stay quiet for little while?” Heavy responded.
“Okay…” You wanted to be good for them, so you kept your mouth shut and clutched your teddy bear close to your chest. 
Out of nowhere an owl swooped down and snatched your teddy bear out of your hands. You couldn’t just let it get away with that! But your papa said not to talk, and you didn’t want to distract them from their important grown-up work. 
You took a deep breath and ran after it, the brush scratching up your arms as you followed the owl. You ran till your legs were tired and the bird was gone from your vision. Only then did you get the sinking realization that you were lost, cold, and alone. 
You sat on a tree stump, curled into a ball and cried.
Medic and Heavy kept trekking through the forest. Medic smiled softly at a sleeping dove he saw in a tree. “Aw, taube, it’s you.” No response. “Taube?”
Medic turned around to see you were gone. “Belka? If this is joke, it is not funny. Come out now belka.” Yet again, no response. 
“Oh god, we’ve lost them.” Medic said, panicked. “Misha, what do we do? Oh god, how long have they been gone? They could be dead by now, what if they’re dead? I mean, are they even respawn compatible? We both are, and if the DNA processing worked how it should then they should be too. But I mean, no one else has ever done this so we don’t know if it works. Our taube could be eaten by wolves already I mean—”
Heavy placed his hands on Medic’s shoulders. “Ludwig. Calm. We will find them, it will be okay. 
Medic leaned into the touch, holding Heavy close. “I just don’t want to lose our baby…”
“We won't, I promise, our belka and will be safe and sound.��� 
After a solid ten minutes of crying, you sniffled and wiped your tears. And then you heard a noise. At first you thought it was one of your papas, but it was more of a whine.
You stood up and walked towards the sound. There, laying behind a bush was a small bear cub, curled up and whining. “Oh, hey there little guy, what’s wrong?” It keened back, eyes wide. “I’m not gonna hurt you, I just want to help.”
Hesitantly, the cub rolled over to reveal a thorn stuck in its paw, the area around it swollen and red. It looked similar to bullet wounds you had seen before, so you grabbed a pair of tweezers from the first-aid kit you kept with you. 
As you pulled the thorn out carefully you felt a hot breath on your neck. You turned to see another bear, much bigger than the one you just helped, and its eyes were on you. It growled.
It had been who knows how long since Medic and Heavy learned of your disappearance, and they had been calling out for you for most of that time. 
Medic’s eyes caught a familiar piece of fabric in one of the lower branches of a nearby tree. He stepped closer, reaching up to grab your teddy bear coated in dirt and stuffing open in multiple slashes. “Misha…gott…”
“It will be okay Ludwig, our belka is strong,” Heavy said. He wasn’t sure if he was saying that for Medic or himself at that point. He gently took the teddy from Medic, holding it in his hand. So small, it looked much bigger when you were holding it. You were still so young, it’d be to soon. Heavy gave it a hug and put it in his bag. They had to find you.
You paled at the large bear towering over you. You knew you could try to fight back, but you didn’t want to. You settled for throwing a pebble at it. “Please leave, I don't want to hurt you.”
That didn’t seem to stop the bear, it stepped closer yet again. You gently tried to push it away. It didn’t work.
You whimpered and curled into a ball and closed your eyes as tight as you could, preparing for a bite or slash or any action that you very much didn’t want to feel. But…nothing happened. 
You felt the bear lick your hair and you felt yourself giggle slightly. It seemed because of the fuzzy coat he bear saw you as one of her own. It was comforting to be held close instead of feeling cold and alone just for a moment. You felt your eyelids droop and leaned into her. 
It had been hours. It was completely dark now, and both Medic and Heavy were completely exhausted. Heavy sighed and leaned against a tree. “Ludwig, it’s late, we might have to consider heading back…”
“What? Are you crazy? We need to find them, we can’t just leave.” 
“You are tired, you need sleep,” Heavy said, tracing the doctor’s eyebags with his hand. 
“Misha, I have gotten far less sleep for far less important reasons, I will be fine,” he said brushing away Heavy’s hand. “If you need rest you may head back to the base.”
“No, I will stay.” And so the two continued, scanning the beam of their flashlight through the forest, the long shadows of the trees stretching out before them in their search. Until the light caught on two bright, almost glowing, orbs. 
They stepped closer, seeing a large bear cuddling her cub…and their child! The two both let out an audible sigh of relief, Heavy stepping forwards to take their sleeping kid. She growled, pulling you closer.
Heavy kneeled down to eye level of the bear. “Thank you for keeping my belka safe, but this is my child. Please.”
The bear looked for a second before giving a small nod, loosen its grip on you so Heavy can take you in his arms. Heavy gave a nod of respect before walking back to Medic. 
You stirred at the sudden movement. “H- hm?” Your eyes opened, a smile appeared . “Papa!”
“You’re awake!” Medic exclaimed happily, reaching to Heavy’s bag to give you your teddy back. “It might need a wash and some stitching, but it’ll be okay. …we’re so sorry for losing you, taube.”
“It’s okay, I made a friend! Could I see them again?” you said, clutching your teddy to yourself as you were carried back to the best.
Medic laughed. “Ha! No, you’re never going outside again, we were scared to death.”
“Now, belka, he doesn’t mean never, he’s just exaggerating. You can go outside once you’re 18.” 
“Come on!”
Later that night, your teddy lay all stitched up on the night stand, moonlight spilling through the window as you laid between your two dads in bed. Having one warm body to cuddle you was great, but all wrapped in your loving papas arms you had to admit two was better.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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pieground · 1 year ago
The King and the Rose Portrait
Thousands of years later, visitors of the Briar Valley would see in the throne room the portrait of a lonely king and the empty throne beside his where a single rose lays.
wordcount : 728 author's note : purely self-indulgent , first time writing for Twisted Wonderland
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What would you do if you woke up every morning with the knowledge that someone loves you more than anything else in the world, and then suddenly, they are gone?
It is the same torturous question that lurked in Malleus' head ever since the day you left this wonderland… the same question he wished he knew the answer to. How many years has it been? He lost count already. He couldn't even answer if it was a good thing that faes do not forget because your memories are still crystal clear in his mind. And no matter how brief they were, they always bring him to heights of joy only to wake up in a reality where you do not exist anymore.
A reality he must face for eternity.
During nighttime strolls, he would find himself far from the valley of Briar, in front of a ramshackle house that you used to live in. The pillars have already collapsed, glass shards, and termite-infested wood that were once your walls and windows were now pieces of scraps nobody even cared about cleaning up. Now that you're gone, it is once again a dead ruin, devoid of any life as if you took it along with you, leaving memories that brought him happiness and tears he couldn't even cry, knowing very well that these scattered pieces of an old and worn house are one of the few witnesses that you were there. That somehow, you existed in the same place and time as him. That a time came where Malleus wasn't truly alone.
Roses only found in Briar Valley started growing there. It was a wonder how these flowers survived on human soil, but it reminds him so much of his human who thrived on a foreign land. A reminder of his unexpected love that he never asked for but refused to let go of. No matter how much time will pass, he knows he could never feel the same. He won't let go because only when it hurts can he say that it was real. Even Lilia's words do not get through to him. Not even his grandmother who could only look at him as he sat stoically on his throne, regal as a king but lonely as he looked before his people. Once again, like a curse to whoever leads the Briar. To live long in honor and loneliness.
Many of them would stare at the throne of the Queen beside him, empty and bittersweet. All faes know about you, after all. Never once in their history has a human been engaged to a fae royalty. Some have been doubtful, but then again, some were relieved that the future king won't be leading on his own and he has a human for a queen who could help the valley build bridges rather than barriers with humankind. They've also witnessed the love you share. How the fae prince seemed to be livelier and had a pleasant smile on his face, how you listened with utter interest to his in-depth analysis of things, especially gargoyles, that not even them or his retainers could endure. They witnessed your selflessness and how he tried to repay you with the love you always gave back to him. Over time, they've grown to love you too… the Queen they never had.
The day life escaped your eyes, you took Malleus' with you.
That day, the Briar Valley was cloaked in silence, torn and cracked only by constant bolts of lightning and thunderclaps; the loudest sound, however, was his cries as his heart tore in two with nothing to ease the pain. Nothing could ever.
His beloved is gone.
How can you refill a void when everything you use to seal it will only fall into that hollow? You just can't.
It is too much real to be a fairy tale.
Thousands of years later, visitors to the Briar would see in the throne room the portrait of a lonely king. Resplendent as he sat on his throne, the king who brought the valley of faes into a new era. However mighty he is, stare carefully at his painted portrait, and you will see how devoid of life his eyes were… and too, will you see an empty throne of the Queen beside his where a single rose lays.
His love at first sight, the Queen who never was.
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disaster-j · 9 months ago
Why is it always the people who have routinely ignored 911's diverse cast of characters and made the show only about buddie for years and years that are accusing tevan fans (most of whom are actually queer people) of racism and misogyny.
Like i didn't see y'all talking about the racism and misogyny (mostly misogyny bc most of em were white) that actually HAS been rampant for years and years and fucking YEARS against all of the actors that played Buck and Eddie's love interests.
But sure the problem is tevan fans who are largely minding their own business and just don't see any point in basing their interpretation of a character on his actions from nearly two decades ago as who he is (especially when said character has been textually confirmed to have apologised/made up for and grown past the negative behaviours several times) in the present day.
While we're on the topic of how much buddies care about women and people of colour here's some screenshots that i believe speak for themselves
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Sure Ana wasn't a great character. I always disliked her for how she handled the Chris situation in s3 so I can still somewhat understand fics against her. But what have Madney and Hen ever done to deserve so much bashing in fics. I've even read popular fics that aren't tagged as bashing but still portray Maddie in a bad light for being stuck in an abusive relationship and needing to leave when she was struggling with post-partum depression
But sure. It's the tevan shippers that are bringing misogyny and racism into the fandom. It's not at all the buddies who literally attacked JLH and Kenneth for promoting a canon queer ship over a non canon ship on fucking Instagram.
Buddies are true warriors for us queer women of colour I tell ya.
The buddie/911 fandom cares soooo much about women and lesbians and henren just look at how many fics are in their ao3 tag after the seven years that they've been the primary queer pairing on the show compared to buddie which has been around one less season and isn't canon... Oh wait
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There's so much more annoyed ranting living inside me but I have a job to get back to bc I'm actually an adult with real-world problems that don't involve imaginary bigotry from a fandom that was literally born a month ago 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Addition: buddies be aware that your performative cries of misogyny and racism do nothing to hide your blatant homophobia
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welcome-to-roomba-fazbender · 11 months ago
and now a special message from the man himself.
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"Well, Well, Well... look how far we've come huh? Genuinely, honest... And Truly."
"Five years ago I was made and cursed the world of tumblr with my presence, time sure does fly! I've lost a few friends, but gained plenty more in return!"
"I wouldn't even be here today without them, now granted I'm not gonna name EVERYONE! But I am gonna name a select few and tell you how they've impacted me... AHEM..."
"First and foremost the man the myth and the legend the one who is the reason behind everything, the man where if he didn't exist I wouldn't exist!"
"Henr- ... we all know I don't mean him we're talking about real people."
"If your name isn't listed, it isn't because the mod dosen't care but it's because he's a dumbass and these are the ones that came up at the top of his head when writing this post, totally not a forth wall break."
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"The Creator of the DSAF/Dayshift At Freddy's Series Direct Doggo himself, sure okay I was a late edition to the fandom.
but it is fully thanks to DSAF 3 and him that I even exist, what can I say about doggo other then what has been said before one thousand times? He is a man of many skills and many talents."
"He is creative, smart and genuinely an inspiration to everyone in the community of both DSAF and Dialtown... no matter how much time has passed, I will personally continue to respect the man I owe everything to him. So thank you doggo genuinely for your support and your amazing games."
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"One of my oldest friends in the community, I've known you since almost the start! we have alot of memories together, some laughs, some cries! you also created my blue prints
(though in lore they were written by henry and will) let's look past that! You remind me of how things used to be a long time ago, and I'm glad to still know you even now."
"and with any hope I'll curse you for many years more."
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@lazy-charlie / @chuck-the-fanboy
"I remember how we met, you found me and we both realized we had the same name, and so I decided to charge you extra for like a pizza party lmao."
"But ever since that day we have only grown closer and closer... to the point your apart of the roomba fazbender family [no you will get no discounts] ..."
"You've done so much for me over the years though, you helped create the Roomba's we have here today, you drew some of our lovely walrus friends!"
"AND ... ough... Okay Okay I'll be honest you made Chuck The Fanboy originally a joke just to tease me with, but over the years he's grown on me... DO NOT LET HIM HEAR ME SAY THIS, but he's like a lil bro... and if anything happened to him I'd be devastated."
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@clownsuu / @not-robert
"... well well well if it isn't the shadow in black and the big buff zombie, what can I say about both of you?"
"and yet life wouldn't be the same with out him, jack is... an anomaly someone I met because someone thought he was stealing me! HA no one can steal this perfect face~"
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"Gotta say though, all jokes aside... life just wouldn't be the same without him, alot more boring you know? I must admit he is someone I will never forget, you've also drawn photos of a few of my walrus I still have hung up in my office, I appreciate you for absolutely everything you've done."
"And don't get me started on Robert that big buff baby, I've put him in just about every costume under the sun, and yet he still puts up with me and stays still no idea why. But it's because of him my restaurant has expanded so much, from a bowling alley, a karaoke bar and dumpsters full of meat."
"Don't tell Robert this he'd likely call me an idiot, but guy's one of my best friends genuinely thankfully he's immortal so I'll never worry about losing him but ... the thought still scares me."
"Never change Robert."
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"You turned me into a furry... I got nothin else to say I just had to point that out."
"Okay, fine you did alot more then that, you introduced me to bedlam someone who can FINALLY truly be a sponge to my cursed and chaotic behavior, honestly I'd hope so considering he's the god of chaos."
"I only met him recently but I'd fuken fight his version of god for him ... seriously don't tempt me I will kick that old man's ass."
"I'm glad to have bedlam in my life and hope I know him for many years more."
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"you simp for the evil version of me I..."
"I have no words for you..."
"I just question... why?"
"though honestly? never change, I care for you just the way you are, your amazing."
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"Alright, Alright enough of the mushy stuff and forth wall breaks it's messing with my circuits and servo's ahem..."
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"The most important thing about this day is one..."
"I'm so fucking cool"
"and three... and most important lore wise"
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"... thank you... genuinely out of pocket with full seriousness..."
"thank you everyone for sticking around none of this would be possible without you, and I HONEST AND TRUELY can't wait for another five amazing years."
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Moderator Monnie: And happy anniversary to everyone from me to all of you!
Have a fantastic day! and thank ya'll for reading!
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weirdoldstans · 2 months ago
Ford swears the universe is out to get him sometimes. He's been through hell and back, lost and regained everything. It's quite a lot of complex feelings and emotions for one man to deal with in such short bursts of time.
Thankfully, he and Stanley have, in their advanced age, been able to talk and settle their differences the way normal people should. 30 years apart from your twin, and in his case, stuck hopping between dimensions, makes a man think and look inward. Introspection and all that.
However, there are some feelings that are harder to talk about with your twin. Such as the undeniable lust he's developed for Stanley over the weeks they've been alone on the Stan O’ War II.
It all started as a wet dream, him slowly undressing his twin, lavishing on that gut he's grown over the years, laving at rosy colored nipples he recalls seeing poke out of his thin white undershirts and finally sinking to his knees to worship his cock the way it should.
Sure Ford woke up in a cold sweat, harder than he's been in his life, panicking when he heard the object of his dream snoring loudly next to him in their shared bed and then quickly running to the bathroom to take the coldest shower he could. But all of that was normal, right? Anyone could have wild dreams like that, it doesn't mean anything is wrong with him. He's not weird, don't look at him like that, you're the weird one, not Stanford Pines thank you very, very much!
No, he's just weird himself. He’ll admit it. Begrudgingly, of course.
After two straight weeks of awkward boners that he had to hide, wet dreams that he awoke from only to find himself rutting against his brother’s leg, and staring disrespectfully at his brother's ass in those pants, did Ford have to admit he felt something more than brotherly for him.
Maybe he's always felt his way. He can recall feeling jealous when Stanley would bring home girls, he remembers thinking how much better it would be if they dated. After all, who knew his twin better than him? Ford knew all of Stanley's favorite movies, foods, comic book heros. He knew the way Stanley laughed, cried, grumbled when upset and moody, clicked his jaw when thinking really hard about something. He knew it all.
He also knew Stanley didn't feel the same way about him.
So, Ford did what he always did. He remained silent about it, keeping his findings to himself to take to his grave. Perhaps in the next life he wouldn't be cursed to share the same blood as Stanley, and they could be together.
However, until that day came, Ford was perfectly content to lewdly stare at his brother's thick ass and thighs when he worked in the kitchen.
Which is where his life started to fall apart. He finally came to terms with his fucked up lustful feelings for Stanley, and now this.
Stan bent over to grab something from under the counter and his shirt rode up his back. Ford spotted something white poking out from under his pants that were not his usual boxers.
“Stanley, did you get new underwear the last time we were in port?” Ford asked. Stan straighted.
“No.” Ford stood and yanked up the back of Stan's shirt, ignoring the indignant cry of “Hey! Easy on the merchandise, Sixer!”
Well, Stanley hadn't been lying. He wasn't wearing new underwear. He was wearing a diaper.
Oh no, did he do this? Did the memory gun make him lose the ability to control his bladder?
“Jesus, Sixer, warn a guy before you just start molestin’ him.” Stan pulled away from Ford's grasps, pulling his shirt back down, cheeks red. “What's with the face?”
“What face?” Ford asked. Stan rolled his eyes and said.
“That face, the one you got on. Lookin’ like a kicked puppy ‘n shit.” Ford swallowed.
“Stanley.” He grabbed his twin's hand gently. “Did…did I do this to you?”
“Uh, do what?”
“The diaper. Are you wearing those because of the memory gun, did I render you incontinent?” Stan's face lit up redder than a fire engine. Great, now he embarrassed him. Fuck, he was such a bad brother. He ruined Stan's body and he'd been so busy being a perverted freak that he didn't notice until now!
Stan mumbled something. “I…li…it.” Ford blinked.
“I'm sorry, what?”
“I like it, alright!?” Stan almost shouted before turning away to hide his face. “I don't need to wear them, I want to.”
“Why?” Ford pressed. He placed a hand on Stan's shoulder and turned him slightly. “Please Stanley, I want to understand.”
“It's...ugh, s’hard to explain, alright?” Stan huffed, wringing his hands together. “When…when you left through the portal, I worked until I made myself sick to bring you back and honestly, wasn't in a great place mentally. I was neglectin’ myself and my body, and accidentally wet myself once or twice. So, to save my pants and dignity, I bought diapers.”
Ford nodded along. He could understand that. Effective use of diapers to keep working longer.
“And well, I found I liked them, like…a lot.” Stan lifted the front of his shirt a little and lowered the waistband of his pants just a tad. Now Ford could see that they were decorated with little bunnies. “It's…it's like a comfortin’ thing for me. I can hide them pretty well under my clothes.” He rubbed the back of his head nervously. “I'm sorry you had to see them. If it weirds you out, then I'll stop.”
“No!” Ford replied suddenly before backtracking at Stan's bewildered face. “No, I mean. It's not weird, it makes you comfortable and I certainly won't judge you for it.”
Stan chuckled. “Thanks Sixer. I appreciate it.”
Ford, out of respect for his sweet baby brother swore he wouldn't do research on the topic of adult diaper lovers. Mostly because when he tried to ask if Stan got any sexual arousal for it, he was almost thrown overboard.
So he kept silent. Or at least tried to. He very quickly found Stan’s hiding spot for the diapers, and found himself getting aroused at them too.
The thought of his twin wearing such cute patterns and extra thick padding to make him waddle was almost too much to handle. He imagined grasping at the front of the diapers, cooing how his sweet Stanley had been a good boy, wetting himself like he was supposed to and how he'd change his baby brother if he needed it.
It made Ford so fucking hard. He could almost taste the wonderful feeling of grasping Stan's hard cock through the soaked padding and jerking him off until he came with a wail of Ford's name.
Still, he didn't look anything up, he didn't riddle his sibling with questions, he left his lustful thoughts safely shoved into the darkest corners of his soul.
This worked for about a week. It seemed all he could do was see those fucking things and it was turning him feral. Stan lifted his arms above his head to get dressed? The diapers were poking out, he had fallen overboard and came back to the deck soaking wet? The diapers were waterlogged and sagged almost comically. Stan got a look of relief on his face while fishing? No doubt he was using them, right there, where Ford could see and by God he was foaming at the mouth. It was like Stanley knew he was driving his twin wild with unbridled desire.
He couldn't take it, he was going to yank his dick off at this point.
“Hey, Sixer, I'm headed up too to do a spot of fishing.”
“Yes, yes. Ford waved over his shoulder as he scribbled in his journal to try and keep his horiness level to a minimum. “Go have fun, I'll be down here.”
“Well, actually I thought you'd like to join me. It's nice out today.”
Ford looked up finally, and Stanley was standing there, wearing a t- shirt and a pair of shorts that barely went past mid thigh. The diapers were completely obvious through the thin material. He felt the last of his sanity snap, along with the pencil in his hand. There was a smirk then Stan left, heading up the stairs to the top deck.
He didn't even make it three steps from the door before Ford pounced. He tackled Stan to the ground, and growled at him.
“Stanley. Are you showing off your diapers on purpose now?”
Stan's red face and neck said it all. “Took you long enough to notice, it botherin’ ya Poindexter? Ford couldn't handle it anymore.
He kissed him. Mushing their mouths together, he let himself think for a single spare moment that they both felt this way. That Stanley wanted him.
Stan didn't shove him off but he certainly didn't return the kiss. Ford pulled away, red face. “Oh Stanley, I'm sorry, please don't hate me.” He stood and backed away until his lower back hit the railing.
“Ford.” Stan started as he stood up. “I had no idea.”
“Of course not. I hid it.” Ford replied softly. “I was already a freak with six fingers, I had to hide the fact that I felt more than platonic love for my twin.”
Stan stood next to him. “Ford, you know I've never thought of you as a freak.” He took Ford's hand and kissed each finger tip as Ford watched on, pupils blown. “‘Sides, if you're a freak I'm one too. I like to wear diapers and imagine these hands jacking me off through the wet ones.”
Ford let out a shaky breath. “Well then Stanley, why didn't you say so earlier?”
“Cause teasin’ you is more fun.” Stan replied smugly. “I thought I was just botherin’ you, now I can see I was botherin’ you in a different way.”
Ford yanked his brother in for another kiss, groaning as Stan returned it. “Fuck you're a brat, and I think it's time to show you what I do with brats.”
Stanley couldn't be happier.
I hope this was what you were looking for! 😁
oh my goddd yes perfect. ford speedrunning the stages of grief re: his feelings for stan and a POWERFUL kink awakening, PLUS stan teasing ford?? SO GOOD. SO GOOD THANK YOU.
(haven't been in a great mood tbh so this was especially wonderful <3)
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darkmoonravewolf · 1 year ago
Thinking of cute team rwby things again
Team rwby having a biiig family hang out!
Taiyang, Klein, and Ghira talking about thier little girls. They eventually start sharing cute stories and fondly remember their girls' childhood and get all "look how much they've grown!"
Willow, Qrow, and Kali having a serious discussion about Willow's mental and physical health. Kali eventually giving her a hug and it almost causes Willow to break down in tears, worrying the dads. Qrow offers some advice on how to help her addiction.
Team rwby trying to get the other schneeblings to play with them and eventually they're all sharing stories while taking turns playing a racing game.
Kali hugging Yang and Ruby.
The schneeblings seeing Willow refuse alcohol and they all at once brighten up and Qrow smiles.
The schneeblings getting hugs from all the dadly figures. (They still prefer Klein but its still nice enough that Winter almost cries and Whitley does)
Just... Everyone relaxing and having a nice time together.
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shoyoist · 2 years ago
rekha :(((( just to torture ourselves what kind of angsty scenario do you imagine would bring hanma to tears if he’s in a relationship with you? sobs or is it only the death of those few he cares about that can break a man like him :(((( bye i’m so sad over him now pls
content: fem!reader (feat. my selfship content), established marriage, papa! shuji, angst. accidental pregnancy. mention of not wanting kids, family-related insecurities. thank you for indulging me rivvy<3
note: ok listen! i've been thinking about this all day. shuji isn't much of a crier, but when he does cry, it's over the people he loves.
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shuji always says to you that he doesn't wanna have kids. and hey, you're cool with that. you don't need kids to make a family and a home with him.
just the two of you is plenty enough<33
but you get one accidental pregnancy after the other, and you find yourselves with two or three kids that shuji ends up loving more than life itself.
he jokes to you every now and then about how he doesn't know why he was so apprehensive about the idea before.
he's so happy! he loves his little kids, they share his and your features so evenly, their bubbly giggling at his silly faces are so adorable, taking care of them is so fun and god, he's just so full of love and joy.
until he's painfully reminded of why he didn't want to have kids— when they grow older and their personalities start clashing with his.
as a father, shuji jumps from too easygoing to too overprotective real quick. he finds something like their secret cigarette stash, that they've been drinking at parties, or they miss a curfew or two and it gets him irrationally mad at them — and when shuji's angry, he yells </3
he's just concerned for his kids because he knows full well what a reckless, dangerous childhood is like. and while he wants to be the chill parent so bad, he gets scared sometimes.
and his fear for his kids' safety comes out as anger and yelling. and his kids take after him, so his anger only makes their tempers flare up — which often results in a shouting match between father and children.
and while shuji tries to stay kind, sometimes, his kids say the meanest things at him.
(credits to my gf for these lines btw! this is actually from my selfship 🤭) one time, shuji is trying to confiscate his son's phone and ground him for a bit for staying out of the house a whole day and night after a prior argument, and it goes like this ↓
“give me your phone”
“what the fuck, you're not serious- i'm a grown ass adult!”
“give me your phone. you're not fucking grown. you're grounded, and i'm keeping tabs on you from here on out. now hand it over or i swear to god, i will take it from you”
his tone is threatening enough, and your son has no choice but to hand over his phone and shuji shuts it down and pockets it.
your son hisses under his breath like “this is bullshit”
and shuji retorts with a “this is how being a parent is”
and then his son says, in the meanest tone he could muster— “yeah, because you and mom were sooo smart for having so many fucking kids while being world's most wanted.”
and for a tense moment, there's a silence before shuji just heads to the front door and his shoes on, takes helmet and jacket and storms out, slamming the door shut behind him. he drives somewhere like yokohama wharf and just. breaks down and cries. all by himself. imagine ;( </3
he lights himself a smoke for the first time in years, tears rolling down his cheek and hanging for a moment at his jaw before they fall and stain his jeans with tears, and he's just wondering if he's a good father at all in the end.
he cries and cries and cries— and when he finally comes home to you late at night after everyone else has gone to bed, his eyes are puffy and red, and his hair is dishevelled. he looks so sad.
and when you hold out your arms for a hug, this big, 6'6 (because he was 6'4 at age 16. he's grown at least a couple of inches since then!) tall man, smelling of cigarettes and tears in his leather jacket and ripped jeans just slumps into you, his wife that he loves so much and just wants to be good to.
he's silent as you lead him to bed and help him undress, and while you're in bed, wrapped up in eachother's arms under the blankets, he asks you in a raspy, hoarse whisper, “am i... am i a good father to the kids, baby?”
and god, you kiss him, kiss his forehead and his face and his hair and you tell him yes, yes shuji you're such a good father to our children, and you're so good to me! so good to me and so good to the kids, shuji. you're okay.
he can't help but cry again after he hears that. he cries quietly but he sobs out loud, body racking and shaking your shoulders along with his own each time he takes a ragged breath in.
shuji knows he's not a family man. but god, god he wants to be one so bad. he wants to be good, for you and for his children that he loves so fucking much. and it makes him cry, whenever his fear overtakes him and convinces him that he may not be enough.
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lctibule · 3 months ago
some si-u & byan thoughts bc it's about time i expand on their dynamic:
ㅤthey've known each other since byan was 10 and si-u was 8, meeting in the group home that they'd both always somehow find themselves back in between foster families.
ㅤbyan was unintentionally pretty ableist at first due to ignorance and not having any prior experience with someone who's blind, but they slowly got better as they learned more. and they were curious!! they wanted to know more about what si-u's experience must be like and to this day they think that all the accommodation tools he uses to maneuver his way through life are really cool.
ㅤsi-u's favourite thing about byan is that they've never treated him like something fragile, as a lot of other people who've been in and out of his life often have. they've always treated him the same way they treat any other kid who's younger than them which, admittedly, is a lot more kindly than they do most other people, but still— they've never dialed their behaviour back around him, roughhousing with him and teasing him like an older sibling would.
ㅤand on that note, the two are basically siblings at this point, though i'm not sure either would openly admit to it. they've basically grown up together, even if they have spent chunks of time apart while living in separate foster homes, and have always looked out for one another — byan has always protected si-u from other kids, has sought revenge on foster parents who would mistreat him, and has sat with him through meltdowns and shutdowns, trying to support him in whichever manner he might need; meanwhile si-u has stood up for and defended byan to parents and teachers on many occasions, has sat with them quietly or provided distraction for them in their darker moments, and in general has been one consistent source of gentle kindness in their otherwise tumultuous life.
ㅤmuch as he likes having their shared room more to himself when byan starts spending less time there to instead crash on lena's couch or in sol's bedroom most nights, he does find that he misses having them around quite a bit. infuriating as they can be as a roommate, there's never a dull moment when they're around and a lot of the times where he's had the most fun have been in that room with them.
ㅤthen, after byan moves in with sol, i like to think he goes over to visit a lot (and crashes on their couch sometimes just to get some distance from the group home and how loud it can be). and they both just!!! stay close!!! they are siblings!!!! byan even convinces si-u to let them give him a tattoo eventually, one that they spend a lot of time designing for him that incorporates all of his favourite plants and, while he can't see it, they present the design to him prior to tattooing it as a unique little craft where they raised all the lines and textured all the coloured areas so he could feel it out and it might actually be the kindest thing anyone has ever done for him?? like, he was floored that they went to so much effort just for him. ...he might've cried a little. they might've punched him in the shoulder for it. despite it not being something he ever planned to get, the tattoo ends up being very near and dear to his heart.
i'm losing all my trains of thought but!!! them!!! they're siblings!!!
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bengiyo · 1 year ago
Ossan's Love Returns Ep 9 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, everyone sensed that something was up with Kurosawa, and so the squad rallied to host a home party to cheer him up. Kurosawa spent much of the episode working on saying goodbye, and even left instructions for Maki with some household tips before teaching him how to make his version of miso soup. He left goodbye videos that completely destroyed me, and his final scene in the park with Haruta brought me back to the In the Sky goodbye in ways I was not ready for. I don't want to mourn him, but I feel like I already am.
I can't drink those smoothies that just taste like grass.
He kicked the doctor!!!
All this drama over red food!?!
Oh lord his home sold. Where is he going to go??
I hope the entire cast comes to visit him a little bit at a time. This is great.
"Give me back my tears, geezer!" Yes, Maki! Fight him again!!!
I'm with Haruta. I think about my parents getting older. I've been making slow preparations for the future.
Good job, Chizu. I'm glad you're still here to keep Haruta from spinning out.
Oh, thank you for the shower scene. Tanaka Kei has a great body.
Natflax real estate???? I'm gonna lose it.
This recruiter looks familiar. I'm going to need to look them up later.
STYLER JIBS!!!!!!!!!
Oh no Haruta is having nightmares now.
Whoa, is that Tabasco hot sauce???
I really do love the way Kurosawa and Maki moments have evolved over time.
I love that the whole crew is here for a surprise party, and glad Kurosawa is back to tormenting Maki.
Haruta bursting into tears whenever he feels too much love is one of my favorite things about him. He always appreciates every earnest gesture from Maki.
This is beautiful. I would love to be surrounded by all the people I love telling me all the things I did that made them feel supported and appreciated.
Takegawa got a cat! That feels so correct.
This whole sequence is incredible. It's an ongoing group hug, a party, and a talent show.
Maika is always eavesdropping and she is correct. Not all queer relationships need names that fit neatly into other expectations.
It does feel like a family photo. I have quite a few with my wider digital families.
Wow, the cherry blossoms scene was beautiful. I really appreciate how explicit this season has been about the complex nature of family and that finding community and joy in it is possible in any number of configurations.
Maro is such a dude I love him. He would absolutely get into a fandom just to be closer to his mom and wife.
Kiku and Izumi made it! Can't believe that they've grown on me a little bit.
Teppei, Chizu, and Maika having dinner with their kids as Teppei sings another song is perfect for them.
Maki stay trying to slam the door on Kurosawa.
Another almost brawl!!
"WE ARE FAMILY!!" I got all my sisters with me!! Okay, I cried.
Final Verdict: 9, Highly Recommended. I think, even if you bounced off or didn't watch Ossan's Love (2018), you should absolutely check this show out. There's so much to be had in this show about adults navigating what they want for their lives as they try to take care of the people they love. Maki and Haruta figuring out what their romance is going to Iook like when it's not just an idea landed so well for me. I like that Maki is still able to be a little bit terse or reserved, but he's finally able to say clearly to Haruta how important he is to him and he's also better able to be around others. Izumi is right that Haruta is this beacon of love that others seem inevitably drawn to. Kurosawa is such a huge presence, and he reminds me of some of my favorite gay elders. I hope to be as powerful and loved as him when I get older. I'm so glad I went back and watched Ossan's Love properly. I can't believe I denied myself this incredible experience for years.
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