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godloveyell · 6 months ago
While I know Dianne Feinstein has finally shuffled off this mortal coil (or the Democrats have finally stopped propping up her corpse ala Weekend at Bernie’s), I still feel this clip of her meeting with these children is the perfect encapsulation of the modern Democratic Party: geriatric as fuck, condescending at best, outwardly hostile at worst to their base, and full of contempt for anyone under forty.
Because okay, even if Feinstein thought the Green New Deal was a bad idea for whatever reason, she should have been able to lay out why she thought it was a bad idea and explain what she felt should be done instead. If nothing else, she should be able to assure these kids that she cares about their concerns and wants to do right by them. This is Basic Politician 101 here, the kind of thing that someone who spent like 30 years in the US Senate should be able to do.
But Feinstein can’t even managed to do any of that, making it quite apparent to these kids that she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about any of their concerns with the underlying “I’ll be dead before any of this stuff actually affects me & if I’m not, well, decades of insider trading has made me rich as fuck, so I can buy my way out of this anyway” message barely hidden underneath.
Yeah, none of these kids voted for her, but they will be old enough to vote someday, and I doubt that these future voters are going to turn out for a party that’s made their contempt for them quite clear.
Plus, while they’re not voters, they are her fucking constituents, citizens of the state of California, aka the people she was put into power to represent.
Seriously, I hate the GOP, but you hold no illusions about them. They say what they’re going to do and guess what! They proceed to do it or at least, put forth a damn good effort to do so.
The Democrats, on the other hand, pretend to be on my side, while backstabbing and selling out their base at every turn.
David Sirota said that the key difference between the two major parties is that the GOP fears their base. Meanwhile the Democrats despise their base.
That may be the most accurate summation around.
Though at least in the past, the Democrats were able to put forward the effort to mask their contempt. The modern version can’t even do that.
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godloveyell · 1 year ago
Well, from what I can tell, according to their theology, PLers believe that aborted babies go straight to heaven and in some versions, are instantly aged into adults. Because their god can apparently create a personality for someone who never really lived and just imposes them on aborted babies. Ignoring the creepiness of that, let’s talk about a more pressing question their beliefs raise.
As said before, they believe the aborted go straight to heaven, whereas if they had been born and lived on earth, they might have fallen away from the faith and earned eternal torment in hell. They should celebrate women who get abortions for taking on sin by sacrificing their babies to save them from the eternal fires of hell, applaud their courage.
In fact, given that as a general rule Christians believe that no sin, however bad, is so great as to permanently separate someone from God, so long as they confess it and ask for forgiveness, then all a person has to do, is get an abortion then ask God for forgiveness afterwards and be completely in the clear.
Everybody wins. The aborted child gets to spend its existence in the eternal light and joy of heaven, never having to experience the pain and suffering of a life on earth or the fires of hell, and the mother can still go to heaven as well and doesn’t have to undergo the pain and terror of pregnancy and parenthood.
But there I go, assuming they have a coherent theology outside of “Those bitches should have to suffer!”
pro lifer blocked me on twitter for asking this but if embryos have souls, and then they're aborted, exactly how sapient are they in the afterlife? Are they forever doomed to float around with no thoughts in their heads? Is it like just animal intelligence like a little happy goldfish? Do they still have an embryonic form? I've always seen an assumption that child souls are still in child form so I guess so. Do the other people in the afterlife keep abortions as little pets? Will they stay in a fishbowl or are they too stupid + intangible and float right out again?
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godloveyell · 10 months ago
Always remember what really galvanized the LGBT Movement and led to the rights they enjoy today, wasn’t just a case of a bunch of societal misfits coming together so they can hang out with each other: it was because their friends, family, and lovers were dropping like flies and literally no one besides them was giving a damn.
In fact when AIDS was killing mostly the “right people,” the Conservatives were outright gleeful, seeing it as God’s judgment.
Fuck Reagan, but keep in mind that while he deserves your hatred, don’t let yourself be fooled. As both AIDS and COVID demonstrate, the state can and will let you die for whatever reason if they find that giving a rat’s ass would cost them too dearly.
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godloveyell · 8 months ago
FYI, Utah also implemented the novel strategy of giving homeless people a goddamn house to great success. Before implementing their program, Utah spent, on average, 20K per homeless person per year. After, they were spending 10K per homeless person per year.
Unfortunately, I think Utah has since ended their program, but I thought its existence should be pointed out to silence any naysayers who might say that it wouldn’t be possible to implement such a program in America.
Another strategy that has been proven to work: giving poor people money. Not just dribbles and drabbles, crumpled dollar bills thrown their way by a few compassionate people, but actual meaningful sums of cash given away with few, if any, strings attached. Turns out when given enough money to do more than barely eke out an existence, poor people spend most of their money on :gasp: practical things like necessities (food, shelter, etc.) and stuff that enables them to pursue employment.
When I was first becoming politically aware as a teenager, I assumed that poverty and homelessness were complicated problems and any solutions to these problems would be complicated. Now, as an older and wiser adult, I know the truth: the solutions to our problems are actually very simple. We just persist in pretending they’re complicated, so we can weasel out of addressing them in any kind of meaningful way.
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godloveyell · 11 months ago
However rough things may be as this long post points out, all hope isn’t lost. We can’t completely undo the damage we’ve caused, but if we’re willing to put forth the effort, we can salvage a lot of it.
Doomerism, as tempting as it may be, only serves the Powers That Be. They want you to give up hope, except this world as the only way things can be, and stop fighting for something better.
Though this would have to be a global effort and given what things are like…
Sorry to be all gloom and doom, but when it comes to all the government shitfuckery involved with COVID, I can’t help but think about the Smallpox campaign in the 50s and 60s, how WHO and all the governments of the world were like, “Let’s do some good by wiping out an endangered species for a change.” And everybody corroborated and made it happen. Smallpox is effectively extinct, only existing as frozen cells in a Petri dish in a select handful of labs.
I keep wondering what if we had put forth a similar effort when it came to COVID. Maybe we couldn’t have made COVID go extinct like we did with Smallpox (because they are different organisms after all), but how many strains could we have kept from emerging, how many people could have been saved if we embarked on a global effort to get vaccines, equipment, and medicine to where they needed to be?
Combatting Climate Change is going to require far more effort and coordination than tackling Smallpox or COVID. If we’re going to tackle it, we’ll have to radically change our way of life and think of ourselves as a global community rather than as a citizen of X Nation.
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godloveyell · 9 months ago
To add a few more things to this fabulous post, never forget the principle known as Foucault’s Boomerang: tactics/weapons used to suppress uprisings abroad, will eventually be used against the citizens at home. It’s why we shouldn’t give an inch regarding the actions of US Empire or its proxy countries (in this case, Israel) and human rights, even if these actions are carried out against brown people overseas, as if the fact they’re people isn’t enough of a reason.
And the authorities will always be more brutal when it comes to leftwing protests/groups while going relatively easy on rightwing ones no matter how many people are killed or endangered by their actions, for much of the same reasons talked about in the previous post.
Rightwing protests tend to reinforce traditional systems/cultural beliefs related to power and control, their violence concentrated within the lower levels of the societal pyramid. They are more of a nuisance than a threat to those higher up on the pyramid.
Whereas leftwing protests and actions explicitly call out these traditional systems of power and control, directly challenging traditional systems of power and control, and are aimed directly towards those at the top of the societal pyramid. Hence why the tanks and tear gas, militarized cops and COINTELPRO variants come out to play very quick.
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a lot of the coverage of the Palestinian genocide is focusing on the US student protests and the narrative is constantly in danger of shifting away from what the protests are actually about and a lot of the language is now speaking in terms of police brutality, silencing of free speech, etc. It's not a radical thing to say that this isn't exactly helpful to the Palestinian cause if the actual reasons for the protests aren't constantly front and center. A lot of people have already made this point. I do not think the genie can necessarily be put back in the bottle with how the protests and the police reaction to them are entering the public consciousness of the USian people. A lot of people are or will become aware of these protests through the lense of these simply being instances of police brutality, and police brutality is a critical issue that many USamericans are very passionate about thus making it difficult to reframe the context of these images of police slamming white professors into pavement towards awareness of Israels decades long illegal occupation and systematic and indiscriminate displacement and murder of Palestinians. What I feel needs to be done is try to reframe these images flooding the internet not *away* from issues of police brutality and homesoil fascism, but in the wider context of imperialist governments taking the lessons they learn oppressing "foreign peoples" and turning them inwards. That police brutality is not disconnected from imperialist mass murder. That the one thing connecting the assaulted USian protester and the trans israeli denied gender affirming care for refusing to serve in the fascist Israeli military and the Palestinian child buried alive for the crime of being Palestinian... the one thing connecting them is that, sooner or later, they are all victims of power. Our rights are granted to us inequitably, unevenly, and are just as quickly stripped away when we do not serve the interests of fascist power. We are either a tool of the state or an enemy of the state. The Palestinian, not the innocent or the guilty but the human being Palestinian, is murdered because she can not be useful to the state while she is still breathing. She can never have the "privilege" of being a tool. I'll say it again: We outside of Palestine who can go to protests, who have families, who are able bodied, who can work, who can keep their head down or speak without immediate retaliation have the "honor" of choosing to be a tool of the state or an enemy of the state. The Palestinian has no choice.
There will always be an armed cop ready to arrest you and kill your brother as long as there is a bomb ready to drop on the heads of Palestinian children. Fascism trickles up and inward.
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godloveyell · 1 year ago
Bless her for trying to do something. However small this action may seem, again, by making this part of the record, it provides further documentation of what’s going on. As said before, Israel is going to do its damndest to try to bury the truth about what happened, so we need to do what we can to refuse to let that happen. Do not let any of what happened disappear down the memory hole.
Tlaib also serves as further proof that all the Democrats seeming ineffectiveness is bullshit. Look how quickly they were able to mobilize to censure her. So every time they claim to be absolutely helpless because of Sinema or Manchin…again, it’s BS.
The DNC chooses what they want to fight for and if a cause is important to them, they’ll find a way to either work around any party members refusing to play ball or use their muscle to force them into behaving. Student loan forgiveness along with so many other leftist causes isn’t important to them, so they don’t fight for them. It’s as simple as that.
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib submits to the Congressional Record the entire South African genocide case against Israel and makes an impassioned call to Congress to stop funding the ongoing atrocities in Gaza.
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godloveyell · 7 months ago
I don’t mind hand-washing dishes. Let me wear my headphones, listen to whatever I want, and give me something that’ll keep my hands from turning to sandpaper, and I’ll be happy. Heck, at the last job I worked where there was dishwashing involved, my coworkers liked having me wash dishes because I was the fastest at it and made it so they could go home earlier.
And frequently when dishwashing time rolled around, I was worn down from being around people and dealing with customers, so being shut away in a fairly quiet room with nobody to deal with except me, myself, and I? I jumped at the chance. And it was good, meditative exercise: dipping my hands into warm, soapy water, doing the simple, basic motions over and over, in a quiet space. My only objection was that it turned my hands to sandpaper afterwards.
I actually don't mind dull, repetitive labor if I'm capable of the task, allowed to be mostly left alone while I do it, and if I know what's expected of me. The trouble is, there's no way in hell to make a living doing any of this.
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godloveyell · 8 months ago
White fans can understand how representation is important for them, but as soon as you try to explain why it might matter to other races, getting to see people who look like them being main characters (saving the day, falling in love, etc.), suddenly it’s like :crickets:.
Well, okay, they also proceed to accuse you of injecting politics into their media and shoving diversity down their throats, somehow failing to recognize that all art is inherently political and that having all cishet white dudes all the time with everyone else in minor roles or cameos at best, is also a political statement.
From what I’ve learned from toxic fandom, there really are only two races—white and political—and two genders—male and political. In fact, if you’re not a cishet white male then congratulations, your very existence is political. Stop injecting politics into everything by, y’know, existing!
white people go like “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman evil character as a poc?” and not wait for an answer
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godloveyell · 9 months ago
In any case, even if we felt that the intentions of the creators mattered, if a so-called system constantly produced outcomes contrary to the stated intentions, well, at some point, you need to either reform the system or scrap it entirely. Because there comes a point where continuing to carry on as before without so much as trying to throw something into the gears, becomes a dereliction of duty, and you become complicit in what the system does, like it or not.
Basically if you know a person is drowning and don’t throw them a life preserver or do literally anything to get them help, and that person drowns, then you are responsible for their death.
And that scenario is being generous in that it assumes that the person who left the poor schmoe to drown, played no part in the drowning victim winding up in that situation in the first place, like didn’t shove them into the water with weights strapped to them or something.
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this is so on the nose
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godloveyell · 7 months ago
We found the EV equivalent of Spiders Georg. 😂
In all seriousness, while I am not opposed to EVs entirely, I don’t think they will be the Green Tech™️ that will save us all. They are a tool, but they shouldn’t be the only tool we use to fight climate change because the mining of the materials needed to create the batteries is almost as destructive as the drilling needed to harvest fossil fuels.
We need EVs, but we also need cheap and easily accessible mass transit. We need cities built around people, not cars. And the concept of planned obsolescence, along with whoever came up with it, needs to be taken out back and shot.
Biodiesel is also worth pursuing though like with EV, we shouldn’t put all our eggs in that basket.
Climate Change is the result of many problems all coming together to form a giant Voltron that will fuck us all over and will require many different people utilizing many different methods to stop it.
Sorry for the Voltron metaphor. Was trying to liven up the discussion with a pop culture reference. I was told the internet likes those things.
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Tesla is tanking so hard it is dragging the entire EV segment's sales down into the negative. When you omit Tesla from the equation, EV sales are up 13% across the board.
Don't let anyone tell you EV sales are in a slump.
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godloveyell · 1 year ago
As I’ve already said, while it’s unlikely that an ICJ ruling would do a lot to change the situation on the ground, South Africa still deserves credit for standing up and trying to do something, anything in the wake of the madness. The mere act of conducting this hearing and having these words on record will make it a lot harder for Israel to deny what has happened.
Ideal world: the killings stop, the apartheid state of Israel is dissolved, and Netanyahu and co. are tried in The Hague for what they’ve done.
Still, if we can’t get any of that, the world needs to do its damndest to not let any of what happened, disappear down the memory hole, because that’s what they’re going to try to do.
The Powers That Be will do its best to make all this disappear, clear out the rubble, scour the public records, and flood the discourse with rewrites of what happened and rationales for what happened.
We have to plant our feet and say, “NO!”
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From the court today. Israel IS committing a genocide.
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godloveyell · 6 months ago
The sad part is the numbers have been crunched, and it turns out that between feast days and holidays, your average medieval peasant enjoyed more leisure than your modern-day office worker.
Also, day-to-day work for the medieval peasant often involved frequent breaks especially during the heat of the day and really their work life was more “you’ll have some months of intense labor followed by some months of rest” unlike the current one where you’re expected to constantly work and produce at the same intensity year-round.
And the nobles didn’t really bother themselves with the day-to-day minutiae of the peasants’ labor. So long as at the end of the year the rent was paid, the nobles didn’t care so much about how the work was done, meaning that said peasants had more control over their day-to-day work than most modern-day workers.
Am I saying that life back then was a paradise with no suffering whatsoever for those on the lower levels of society whatsoever? By no means! I’m just pointing out that we’re getting Feudalism 2: Electric Boogaloo with none of the benefits that came with the previous version of it.
Really this is more The Gilded Age 2 only with electricity and better plumbing, at least in First World nations. Third World ones don’t even get that.
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godloveyell · 10 months ago
It’s something I remember clearly from my own teenage years: the absolute contempt with which adults treat teenagers. The way they mostly abandon raising them and leave them to their own devices, then come down on them like a ton of bricks as soon as they screw up. Burying them under a workload that most adults can’t handle. Constantly heaping scorn on anything they actually care about. Refusing to let them participate in the wider culture then getting mad when they break away and form their own subcultures to try to take care of each other with.
Adults pick on teenagers for being disrespectful, but respect is a two-way street. It’s pretty fucking sick to demand respect from someone you refuse to grant any in return. Teenagers aren’t stupid; they can tell how for all the effort society puts into fetishizing and marketing to them that it really hates them.
Of course it’s worse for teenage girls who not only get a double heaping of contempt, but also have to deal with being sexualized almost as soon as they start developing breasts. You talk to most women online about catcalling, and the majority will tell you that they were catcalled more when they were 10-15 years old than they ever were as mature adults.
Laurie Halse Anderson: I grew up as a teenager with parents who were disconnected from me for their own reasons, so I remember so clearly that confusion and that sorrow. I could go on for days about our disrespect and disregard for adolescence in American culture. Americans are all about loving kids when they’re small and portable, but for some reason … boy, do we abandon our teens. We abandon them in families, we abandon them as a culture, we don’t do a great job in most high schools of educating them properly. We disrespect them, and at the time when they are in most need of good, fun, loving, trustworthy relationships with good adults, we step away. And that’s really stupid and awful. So I try to write stories that tell the truth about hard things because kids need to know it; the world is hard and it will kick your ass if you’re not careful.
Unpopular opinion but the reason being a teenager sucks is less to do with hormones and social cliques and more to do with the fact adults fucking hate teenagers. The fact that adults expect teenagers to be able to take on adult responsibilities yet don't deserve rights of an adult. They don't see teenagers as human beings and they aren't prepared to see kids with their own formed identities and humanity. Teenagers are so sexualized and seen as needing to take on more and more adult responsibilities. Yet when they want rights and humanity they are denied. The years your brain spends wanting nothing more than to form an identity are being taken away from you. Teenagers are essentially being kicked out of social spaces unless they have an extra 40 dollars lying around anytime they want to go out. Teenagers being kicked out of the mall just for existing or groomed into the school to prison pipeline. And now creating legislation to keep them off the Internet. Our society hates teenagers. And does everything we can to hurt them. The fact that anyone makes it out of their teenage years without trauma is a fucking miracle frankly.
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godloveyell · 10 months ago
When trying to sell people on our vision for a new world, rather than trying to reassure them that they’ll still have their gadgets and various geegaws under this system, try focusing on the stuff they’d gain.
I think most of us would be willing to give up fast fashion and getting new models of smartphones every year, if it means that the clothes and gadgets we own, are of higher quality, last longer, and can be easily repaired or modified. Consumers aren’t buying crap merchandise designed to fall apart immediately no matter how well they are cared for because they like it; they buy them because it’s literally all that’s being sold.
When everything is in the hands of very few people who can pretty much decide everything regarding their products and they operate under a system (Capitalism), which worships profit above everything else, then they’re going to do what maximizes profits, and customers can’t really do anything about it because voting with your dollar doesn’t accomplish jack when there’s literally nowhere else they can go.
But okay, even minus consumer goods, there are still ways of selling our vision. If I had a choice between never having to worry about getting old, sick, hungry, or homeless, having a lifestyle that isn’t destroying the planet, if I could enjoy having walkable cities, plenty of third spaces, more leisure time, and the security that comes with knowing that I have a community that will take care of me no matter how dire life becomes (because they know I’d do the same for them) and consumer goods, I’d take the first one. I like chocolate and ebooks as much as the next person, but if I had to give up them or any consumer good for the world I envisioned, I would.
Idiots will frequently justify this dystopian hellscape by saying that we live better than a medieval king, because we have such luxuries as spices and electricity, but they are wrong. Maybe a medieval monarch didn’t have a smartphone, but they didn’t have to worry about being homeless or not having access to medical care.
Capitalism has so poisoned our minds that we’ve long forgotten that wealth isn’t found in pretty pieces of paper and consumer goods. Wealth is ultimately found in security that comes with having all your needs met, knowing that you’ll never have to worry about ever having your needs met, and knowing that the same is true of your fellow humans.
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godloveyell · 2 years ago
This extreme form of veganism feels a reiteration of a toxic meme that seems to govern our culture: that humans cannot positively contribute to the environment and therefore, the best we can hope for, is to do as little damage as possible.
This mindset can lead to some very dark places. When you start painting humans as leeches, parasites, or viruses, it doesn’t take long to arrive at eco-fascism.
It also ignores the fact that indigenous peoples managed to live comfortable, sustainable lives for centuries without destroying their ecosystem. Only when the Europeans showed up with their One Way of Living and Constant Production for the Sake of Production, did massive numbers of species start going extinct and vast swaths of land become poisoned beyond repair.
Humans are animals and are just as much a part of the environment as any other animals; we are as capable of contributing as we are destroying.
Vegans of tumblr, listen up. Harvesting agave in the quantities required so you dont have to eat honey is killing mexican long-nosed bats. They feed off the nectar and pollinate the plants. They need the agave. You want to help the environment? Go back to honey. Your liver and thyroid will thank you, as well. Agave is 90% fructose, which can cause a host of issues. Bye.
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