#long stiry short:
shunukitrash · 9 months
It's Christmas day and almost all of my mutual are online we're all in the trenches this season huh?
Thats okay *makesyou all matcha lattes*
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Ghost Story Finding a Pascha Pumpkin   Halloween starts with this book/Challenge
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nrc-confessions · 5 months
Eva here!
So uh, how do I buy this.....
A certain troublemaker in Heartslabyul... Did a NSFW on me...
Long stiry short, he was in some sort of mind thingy that someone out in him. So yeah, that happened.
-Eva Lovett, 1st year Heartslabyul student
// begging you guys to read the rules of the blog
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justahappycloud · 9 months
@duquesademiel tagged me to share my top 10 books (1) of the year so here they go in no specific order bc i read a lot this year and if i think too much about it i will combust (it's dec 30th, it's illegal to think too much)
but since it's still me, you also get a loose synopsis and we can pretend this is also a book rec list, okay? it's a win-win, i know.
📚 Babel: An Arcane History by R. F. Kuang
a postcolonial view of steampunk magic England from 1982. revolution and all its ugly but powerful reality. long, but really worth it.
📚 Cenizas de Carnaval by Mariana Travacio
a collection if short stories focused on the fragility of life. read it in august i think but i still think about the stiry of the man and the glue
📚 Under The Whispering Door by T. J. Klune
magic and grief and gay and death and gay and life and GAY. loved it. not as much as the house in the cerulean sea, but really loved it
📚 Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid
reading this with sand under my feet and the sound of the ocean was one of my best ideas, ngl. interesting story, not one of my faves, but it was good
📚 A Spoonful of Murder by J. M. Hall
murder solved by retired teachers. 10/10
📚 The Embroidered Book by Kate Heartfield
the story of the life of marie antoinette and her sister charlotte except they can do magic. what are you waiting for??? go and read it!!
📚 Operación Masacre by Rodolfo Walsh
non-fiction retelling of the events that occurred on july 9th, 1956, when 12 civilians were arrested in Argentina before being illegally executed
📚 Orlando by Virginia Woolf
mock-biography of the famous poet of the 17th (and 18th, and 19th, and 20th) century, Orlando.
📚 The Grimrose Girls by Laura Pohl
fairytale retellings with a macabre twist, very focused on friendship and #girlpower [part of a duology]
📚 Nosotros dos en la tormenta by Eduardo Sacheri
historical fiction about two friends from opposing revolutionary units in 1975's Argentina
📚 A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
fantasy historical fiction about two members of the bureaucracy who represent two different worlds (that of magic humans and normal humans) who must work together when the imposition of one world over the other puts all of them at risk. [part of a series]
📚 The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
invented sports. found family. mafia. gay and ace. it reads like a fanfiction both derogatorily and affectionately, so read at your own risk, but i did read all three books in three days
📚 El Juguete Rabioso by Roberto Arlt
alternatively titled "Silvio Astier Tries To Be The Most Successful Thief Of Buenos Aires And Fails Spectacularly At It (HAPPY ENDING)"
📚 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
not a synopsis bc you know what the book's about but just a note to say that i had this books since my last year of highschool and only now i got to read it, so yay me, tying loose ends from the worst period of my life
📚 Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhis
a prequel to jane eyre told from the point of view of bertha mason, previously known as antoinette cosway
📚 A Mercy by Toni Morrison
1680s story about a family of misfits and what happens to this group of slaves when the man who enslaved them dies
open tag bc if you made it this far i want to know what you've read so i can get recs for next year 👀
(1) sol fucked up so you get +10 recs, but you don't have to be insane like me and you can o it the normal way
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kozsilykave · 11 months
irrelevant rambling but its a lil long and ion want it to take up screens LOL but longstory short I HATE ARTEMIS
THEY GIVE ME REASONS TOACTUALLY HATE ARTEMIS SHES ACTUALLY AN AWFUL GRGRGHHI MEAN>... ALOT OF THINGS SHE DOES IS BASED AND BUILDT OFF OF LIES (..not az a malicious thing thou its hard to explain but it makes sense in my silly little head) SHES SO STUPID THAT HER STUPIDNESS ENDS UP HURTING PEOPLE WHO LOVE HER BUT ITS ALSO DRIVEN HER TO.. HER OWN DOWNFALL LOLOLOLOLbut shes a good mom..! thats it the only good thing about her oh and shes pretty ig. but shes only a mom because shes a fucking slut MAAAN but alsozz, wait I'm talking to much damn-
oh my god just their whole.. thing, stiry gets me SO MAD BUT BITCH IM THE ONE WRITING THEIR LORE THEREFORE IM THE ONE MAKIN MYSELF MAD!!!!! but!! not everything can be sunshine and rainbows in the kouniverse :3 i cant explain anything mb I need to like make a whole new account where no one knows me and I alone is subject to these thoughts LOL thatd be mad funny..
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corgicupcake · 6 years
המרחק שילדים בכיתה שלי ילכו כדי לא למלא את חובתם הבסיסית כתלמידים תמיד מפליא אותי
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dyspraxiaproblems · 4 years
Typo Challenge; The time(s) I forgot I was born
And autocorrect off in 3...2...1...
for nost peopel, birthadys and, sorry Are the most inportant days of your oife. for most peole its abcery hard dya to forget I'm mean, tge first onf is jinda th most important day of tory lfie
comes to ho aurprise i forgottonn ming trice. wist jobthee tomes. definarley theer timess. first ovne aas BY DAR the fmost embarrasign / zi wans secen and sitting down for meh first stabdardisjf tesu i ahad evr done IT WAS STRESSUFL I WJD ALSREAYD BAD AT RECULA TESTD HAI TF WAS I SUPPOSD TO DO THI SHIT sobi sit dow, opend to the frkt. page and low andvbehildvitvtue wasyist shit ive seenbj. mg lafe.
i needid to put wodn a few veye important things - name, date, wyhnicety, gebdr schood and clas number and - I'm aure you guseds it if you can wven rwad tgis - my fucking birthday dta. 23/07/1999. the bumber icw forgotten four times bow in mu life. to finish fillign out rhw tedt tob stat the stes d i had to put in thw gd numbreb bwhichbix clen forgot. innearlg hurts jnto rears causeni coildnt remenber ny damn abithdya I HA FI AJD RHE TEACHER WHT MU BIRTDAY WAS AND SHE HAD FO LOOK TI UP JRITHE FRIGIFN REGISTAR WHICH MENA F AROPOKNG THE WHILE CLASSES IRBS TEST AND GOJNF RO THE OFFICE
long stiry short she got her receng sby beifn a fucking horrible taejche when i got to her class din yr five, skj veacuse j fogsif my oen damn birthd
i rag @the-kiwi-lady-pendragon @no-to-status-quo @fryferbfringefan44 @pixieliciousnippletassles and any other eonderful neurodivergent peeps who wann givt thie ia shoot
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can’t believe i’ve already seen harry twice, but zayn not yet
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liliisms · 5 years
the one where they tell mads.
TAGGING: Lili, Cole @hqcolem, Madelaine @madelame-x
LOCATION: Vancouver, Canada.
TIMEFRAME: August 26th, 2019.
NOTES: Lili and Cole only want one person to be their baby’s godmother.
Cole: Finishing mixing the sauce that was meant to go with dinner, Cole studied the recipe carefully so that he didn't screw it up and once he was satisfied that he'd prepared it correctly, added it to the already cooking pan of vegetables and noodles for the vegan stir fry he was currently making. He and Lili had invited Madelaine over to announce to her that Lili was pregnant and subsequently ask her to be the godmother over dinner. Cole wasn't an expert in vegan cooking, he could make a limited amount of dishes but he hoped that everyone liked the noodles and that they wouldn't be too hard on Lili's unpredictable stomach. Once it was finished, he set the temperature on the stove to the lowest setting and let the vegetables keep warm as he made to set the table, glancing at the clock. "Hey, Lils are you ready?" He called through the apartment, stopping to pet the two dogs on his way to replenish their food and water. Cole wasn't nervous about telling Madelaine, he knew she was good with kids and was constantly going on about how cute their child would be. He was mostly just excited to share the news with someone else that they were close to.
Madelaine: After a weekend full of emotions and watching Evan go, talking with Vanessa and deciding to give things a try, Madelaine was more than excited to go visit Lili and Cole. She wasn't gonna tell them anything since they had agreed with Ness to tell them together at work, but it was still dinner with two of her favorite people on the planet, so after stopping at a store for a bottle of wine and some chocolate for desert (Lili always needed chocolate, it was something well known amongst her friends), the redhead drove the short distance between her home and the Sprousehart, as their fans had dubbed them, residence. Walking up to the front door, knuckles rapped on the wood before ringing the actual doorbell.
Lili "Is this going to be edible? I'm wary." Lili wrinkled her nose as she glanced over the pot that Cole was cooking in. She wasn't doubting his cooking skills, more like if it would taste tasty to her. Vegan food wasn't one of her top choices but she knew the circle of food that Lili and Madelaine could both eat had little similarities. "And I'm ready. I'm just trying to find something comfortable to wear." There was a tight band of red around her stomach from the jeans she had had to wear on set today and she was dying for some relief. Choosing sweatpants and a cozy hoodie, hoping nobody else dressed up, Lili pulled her hair into a messy bun and looked over as she heard the knock. "Hiii," she greeted Mads with a bright smile and drew her into a hug. "Come on in, it's almost done. Ooh. Chocolate!"
Cole: "It's just vegetables and noodles babe" Cole replied, pulling out the bowls and cutlery they'd need and then starting to plate the stiry fry up into three bowls to put on the table. The dishwasher had been stacked with the dinner equipment and he was setting a jug of water and glasses on the table when he heard the knock on the door and smiled at Madelaine as she came through the house. "Hey! You're just in time, I just finished cooking" He told her, hugging the redhead in greeting "You really didn't have to bring anything. Come and sit down"
Madelaine: Smiling as Lili hugged her, Mads cuddled her back "Heyy!" She squealed as they hugged before stepping in and letting her take the chocolate "I knew better than to come with empty hands, especially with your lady and her sweet tooth, Sprouse" She teased, walking over to the kitchen and hugging Cole when he came into her view "Thanks for veganing up for me, guys" She said as she took a seat on the table.
Lili "Yeah, don't tell her she can't bring chocolate." Lili was practically heart eyes for the box and she held it chose to her chest as she shut the door behind Mads and then followed her in. Sticking it on the counter and scratching behind Gus's ears as he came running up to inspect their guest, Lili sank down into a chair next to her. "Apparently I can eat this. Who knew?" Vegetables and noodles didn't sound too bad, and it sounded light for her stomach which was actually perfect. "Do you want something to drink before I get too comfortable in this chair and forget I'm a hostess?"
Cole: "I was definitely talking about the wine but we can go with the chocolate too" Cole joked, pulling out a chair when he was satisfied that they'd have everything they needed on the table. "It actually wasn't that hard to make. I just followed a recipe from online. I've never had it before though so I'm not taking any blame if it doesn't turn out right". He started on the noodles with a pair of chopsticks, happy that the meal actually tasted somewhat okay considering it was off the internet and any recipe from there was always a little bit of a gamble on whether or not it would really work out. "Did you have a good time at Lulu's birthday yesterday?
Madelaine: "I know you Lils, I know you have your secret stash by your bed. I'll never not bring chocolates" The redhead said with a quick wink at her best friend. As if it were her own home, Madelaine walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cork screw to open the bottle of wine, coming back to the table to crack it open "I'm sure it's gonna be great, Thumper, don't worry about it" She said with a big smile as she sat back down "I did! The party was beautiful, the cupcakes were dangerously bright and you looked like you were having a blast, Mr. Bouncy Castle. Did you have a nice time, Lils?" She asked, turning her head to the blonde as she opened the bottle "Wine, guys?" She asked, pouring her own cup first. One glass of wine wasn't gonna hurt, and the drive wasn't too long back home.
Lili "More like my own little compartment in the cupboards," Lili quipped back. "Lili's junk food stash, it's legendary." She brought her legs up underneath her to sit criss cross on the chair, watching Mads move about their kitchen and thinking back to how familiar it felt to living with her once upon a time. Shaking her head at the mention of the bounce house, Lili took her own sip of water. "I have video of that I wanna show you," she told Mads and then watched the wine being poured. She had been wanting to bring up her pregnancy in the same manner as they had with KJ - tell him with the sonogram, no beating around the bush but once Lili denied alcohol, it was going to be hard to act like it wasn't for any other reason. "I kind of..can't drink wine for a while," Lili demurred with a growing smile on her face. "But thanks for the offer, Mads."
Cole: "I don't think I've ever seen that cupboard empty since we moved in" Cole didn't have as big a sweet tooth as Lili did but there was sure to always be something in there whether they needed it or not. When she opened the wine, Cole's eyes flicked to Lili for a moment before looking back at the bottle "I'll have one but just a little bit" He spoke, sliding the glass over to Madelaine and thanking her when she had handed it back. When Lili spoke a smile reappeared on Cole's face and he got up for a second "Actually, we have something we wanted to show you" He told her, leaving the room and coming back with one of the copies of the sonogram that they had stashed in their bedroom for safe keeping and away from wandering eyes. He sat back down, placing it on the table in front of Madelaine.
Madelaine: Happily pouring herself the glass of wine and pouring a little bit on Cole's, Madelaine looked at Lili with confusion on her face. It wasn't often that Lili didn't drink wine, but then again, everyone had their moments so she just decided to put it behind her. But then Cole stood up and he was smiling and so was Lili, they had the same look on their faces, and it just- "Oh my..." Her eyes widened as she let her jaw drop in a huge smile looking at Lili for a second before Cole came back, leaving the sonogram picture in front of her "Oh my god, you guys!! No way!" She said, picking it up with her hands "No way, no.... Oh my god, Lil!" She couldn't really make any bigger words before she went up to hug the blonde.
Lili grinned as Madelaine put two and two together. She had been hoping it'd be a happy reaction but this was even better than she imagined. "Yeah!" She laughed, hugging her friend back tightly. "I'm almost two months. I told Cole Saturday, we told KJ yesterday and now you know. Well, and Dylan too," she added. Only a select group of people were finding out before Lili and Cole wanted to expand it so that it could stay a secret for just a little while longer. Lili still had to figure out how let Roberto know and she had to tell her family and Cole's family before they went and shared the happy news with the rest of their friends. "A little McNugget is cooking in there." She patted her stomach, taking another drink of water. "That's your copy because..well.." Lili looked over at Cole. "I asked KJ, honey, why don't you ask her."
Cole: Cole wasn't surprised that Madelaine was happy for them. He hadn't really anticipated any other reaction out of their friends. All the same, it was nice that the few people they'd told so far had been really happy and supportive. It had just made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable. "If it wasn't a baby, it probably would be a McNugget" Cole took a sip of his water as he listened to Lili speak. "We were wondering whether you'd like to be the godmother. You're one of our closest friends and we couldn't think of anyone else that we'd think would be better suited for the role"
Madelaine: Madelaine was far too entranced with just looking at Lili and then down at her stomach, and back up at Lili again. Her best friend was growing a human.... Who's father was the other one of her best friends. She could feel the love irradiating in that room coming from that very stomach. Hearing what Lili said, about keeping the copy of the sonogram, she looked down at it with tears in her eyes, and when Cole talked, she looked up at him. "What? Me?" She asked, and that's when the waterworks started. Reaching out to hug Cole, who she hadn't congratulated yet, she all but broke down in his arms "Of course I'll be their godmother" She said, hugging him tightly before pulling back and looking at Lili, her lips pouting and quivering before she hugged her again "Thank you... Thank you so much" She whispered in her ear, taking in a deep breath and calming herself down as she took a small step back. "Wow... Wow this is-" She mumbled, picking up the sonogram picture in her hand again and putting it on Lili's stomach "You're the luckiest little nug in the world. With these parents? You're set for life, bug"
Lili was beaming as Madelaine took it all in. KJ had cried, Madelaine was practically crying..Great. Now Lili was seconds away from crying too just like the other night. She wrapped her arms tightly around Mads, trying not to think about how they had started this whole wonderfully wild journey being roommates and now they were /here/, going on a brand new adventure together. She tried not to because she knew she'd definitely start blubbering then. "Oh God, don't," Lili wiped at her face, laughing as she started to fail against the not crying. "C'mon, Mads, I'm barely keeping it together here and I'm trying really hard not to be the cliche pregnant lady who cries all the time!" She glanced down at the sonogram pressed against her stomach and a warmth spread over her, already knowing their baby was so lucky to have a group of people who loved them from the start.
Cole: Cole hugged Madelaine back, happy that she'd accepted being the godmother. The three of them had been close since the show started and Madelaine had been with the two of them through their whole relationship, especially in the beginning when she was Lili's roommate. So it made a lot of sense that she was godmother. Cole had seen her with babies too and they adored her so it was exciting that it'd actually be their child this time around. "Of course. We wouldn't have wanted it any other way" He reassured her. "And Lils, I love you but I definitely think you've already fallen into that cliche trap of being the one who cries all the time" Now that they'd had both the godparents told, it was really just their families they needed to tell and that'd be it for a while.
Madelaine: Wrapping her arms protectively around Lili, but also in sort of a hug, Madelaine chuckled into her friend's shoulder "Don't worry, I'm crying too and I'm as far as it gets from being pregnant, so you can blame it all on me" She joked with a smile, looking over at both their friends and bringing them together, one under each arm "I'm so happy for you guys. This is gonna be the adventure of a freaking lifetime, and I'm so happy and honored you've chose me to come along with you. And I promise I'll make sure to always be on your side, and be the cool aunt who lets you do the silly things and brings you back home unharmed whenever mom and dad say no, Nugget" She said, putting a hand on Lili's stomach.
Lili "Shut up," Lili sniffled but knew Cole had a point. She was a sensitive girl to begin with and now her hormones were really going to come out to play. She'd soon be crying over everything. She leaned into Mads's embrace and smiled, wiping at her eyes again as Madelaine talked to her stomach. She wasn't showing apart from a little pouch and yet, nothing felt more real than Mads's cool fingers splayed across the front of her hoodie. "We're going to be the cool parents, I don't know what you're talking about. Can we eat before I really embarrass myself and start actually sobbing?"
Cole: "We are going to be the cool parents, that's for sure" Cole agreed with Lili, gently using the soft sleeve of his shirt to wipe the remaining tears off her face. It had been a pretty emotional weekend and if anything it had just shown them how much love and support they really had from all their close friends, it was almost overwhelming. "We'd still love you even if you started sobbing" He spoke, sitting back down in his chair now that the madness was over "But we should eat before it gets too cold too"
Madelaine: Tucking the small sonogram picture into the back pocket of her jeans, Madelaine wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and took a couple steadying breaths "I don't know what you guys are talking about since the waterworks clearly came out of me, today" She said, chuckling as she found her way back into her seat to pick up the glass of wine. She was about to take a sip, but sympathetically towards Lili, she moved it out of the way, taking her water glass and pouring herself and Lili some water. "I know you haven't told many people but Ness... Can I tell Nessie?"
Lili "You can drink wine, Mads," Lili chuckled, trying to keep a hold of herself and get herself back on track. "I promise I won't get upset. It's not like I'm going to make Cole stop drinking." That..might change but he didn't need to know that, especially as it would depend entirely on how Lili was feeling as the months progressed. "Tell her if you want but tell her /you/ insisted on telling her so she doesn't get mad at us for not," Lili shook her finger at Mads but knew just how tempting it'd be for Mads to share that happiness with somebody and Vanessa was definitely someone Lili wanted to know.
Cole: Cole wasn't too fussed on whether or not Lili wanted him to stop drinking. It'd probably be nice to go for a little while without it. He was planning on quitting smoking or at least severly lessening the amount he did smoke. It just wasn't worth it anymore, even if he didn't do it too much, there wasn't any point to continue. "Yeah. I think we'll probably tell a couple other people soon enough but we're really hoping to just keep it a secret for as long as possible and then announce it when we're ready to" Cole knew it'd have to happen eventually but he was really hoping they'd be able to announce it themselves before the media or press got a hold of the news.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Long stiry: Fuck my soon to be ex-coworker.
I have had a lot of issues with my job in the past, and I mean a LOT. but today is the last straw. Some back story, I'm a manager at a pet store. I also am our only dog trainer. Well, we only have 4 employees total, 3 of which are managers. Today my best friend since childhood lost her baby a month before it was due; they had a name picked out, clothes from family members. They already loved this baby. Now, I moved states two years ago, and she just recently moved to my area because her husband was stationed about three hours from where I live. So I'm the only person she knows in the state. The rest of her family and friends are a days drive or a plane ride away a d her husband is stationed on a ship for the next month. So of course I say I'll do whatever I can to pick her up from the hospital tomorrow. So I spend my day off calling every store in the area begging for coverage, which doesn't work because literally every one of our locations are short staffed. So I finally call my coworker and say "look, I'm sorry, I tried to find coverage." And he flat out says he won't cover me tomorrow and if I try not to show up he'll report me for skipping work as an no-call no-show. And I'm sitting there speechless for a while before saying "my best friend is alone and her baby just died inside of her???" And he said, word for word, "It's already dead. You going is just irresponsible for a manager. I'll be alone for a 10 hour shift, how is that different than her being alone? It's not like it's your baby anyway." Which I have quoted to my other coworker (the associate). My family. My friends. And they all agree it's heartless. I wrote my two weeks notice letter immediately and I'm handing it in first thing tomorrow morning.
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 4]
I’m on a roll.
There’s more rape in this one; it’s not really described in detail, though. There are also references to what occurred in the last chapter, and an instance of mostly consensual sexual activity (although it stops short of actual sex).
Recap: Last chapter, Tiaa’s foster parents Dave and Marie left on a trip, leaving her in the care of “Uncle Larry” (Dave’s brother), who promptly began beating and raping Tiaa. After one such incident, she ran off into the woods and encountered a strange man who claimed to be her father before blacking out.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
AN = No flames pls, theres no point!if u dnt like my story dnt read it, its as simple as that!
I never got the whole “don’t like, don’t read” thing. How can you know if you like it if you haven’t read it?
btw atlantiana is NOT marisue be cause look she is NOT perfect and not everyone in the stiry likes her! she has problems and she has flaws and shes UNHAPPY would u like her life?i no i wouldnt, its totally tragic and horible.u flamers arent even makin sense1
Having bad things happen to your character doesn’t make her less of a Mary Sue. Loads of Sues have tragic backstories. Look at Batman.
Chapter 4 - la push
I sat quitely on the la push beech apart form the party that was going on beside me. Mike Nooton was following me round like a pulpy and he was so borin! None of the things he had to say were interesting but I was nice to him because he wasnt a bad guy.
That’s actually pretty in-character for the guy, if I remember the Twilight Saga correctly. He’s nice, but not very interesting. I think Bella even made the puppy comparison at one point.
My thoughts were elsewhere - i could'nt stop thinking about the events of last night, when uncle larry had raped me and I had had my scary vision in the forest and a tall p[ale guy in my mind had cale me his daughter. I didnt understand any of I felt so so awful that I had been rapped by that hideous pervy SICKO when I had bin saving myself for the right guy and for marriage and my virginity was torn from my grasp by that twisted guy, it was so crule and unfair, it made me want to cry
So uh… what happened after she blacked out in the woods? Was her dad gone when she woke up? Did Uncle Larry do anything else to her after she returned home? Did she return home?
"omg MIKE watt are you doing talkin to HER?" I turned round and saw four nasty faces learing at us. It was the chearleaders I had seen in the cafetearia, and one of them was the girl dateing Ewdard Cullen, the brown hare girl who was standing at the back looking moody but not saying anything
You know her name! You’ve called her by name before!
"Stop being mean Jessica" mike said angerly "tiaas' awesome and if you can't see that its just you bein blind and shallow and stupid like your all ways are"
Think this is the author calling out her flamers or what?
"yah I mean look at her clothes, she looks like a stupid goth biaach with her slutty top and short skirt and fithnet tights is she a RAT HOOKER or what?" Jessica screamed.
Man, I love this fic. “RAT HOOKER” is a great insult.
She was realy ugly when she shouted even though she was technology a hot chick and was dressed in skimpy pink clothes.
I don’t remember Jessica that well from the books, but I think she was described as short and a chatterbox. I don't think she was a cheerleader or had a particular fondness for pink. Also she was dating Mike at one point after Bella set them up with each other.
"you no what Jess, you and YOur frends are SO shallow and YOU are the real slut! you and bella and angela and laruen may were short skirts and low cut tops an stuff but that doesnt maek u beautiful! Its watt underneath that counts!" mike shouted
Wait, so are they sluts because they wear revealing clothes or because of their behavior? Because right here it seems like Mike is criticizing them based on how they dress, which is a bit weird when we remember Tiaa also wears revealing clothing (“fishnet top” ring a bell?).
"yah, speakin of witch" said a sly blond girl in the gang who was called lauren, pointing at me "watts with her breasts, they are huge, I bet they are fake!- she laughed and her friends all laughed too even bella and angela who had been quiet until then.
I don’t remember a damn thing about Lauren or Angela but I remember they both existed. One of them was definitely shy but I don’t remember which.
I got up and pushed past them and ran away into the darkness. I cold hear them all laughing at me and i felt so embarrased I was relay sensitive about the waste I looked I hated the fact that it made all girls hate me and all guys stare at me, I would have given anything to be ugly or just inviable. I wasnt stuck up and didnt think I was beta than anyone else because of how I looked I just wanted people to treat me like a normal person! I could'nt help being slim and blond with relay big boobs it wasnt my fault I hadnt done anything wrong!
Remember in chapter 1 when Tiaa talked about how she used to be self-conscious about her appearance but got over it and now doesn’t care what people say about her?
-are u ok?" said someone from beside me
If you don’t have that MCR song playing in your head right now I don’t know what’s wrong with you.
"who arr you?" i asked. 3 realy pretty goth girls were standing there smilin at me and I smiled back
Oh, of course, the Sue’s backup choir.
-we are tyffani, abigaille and rochelle" they said smiling "you seem cool, do you want to be our freinds?"
I like the idea that Tiaa could be multiple friends.
Judging from the names, these three are children of that white mom whose baby name photo went viral on the internet. The one who named her kid Lakynn or something.
"ya of course, i'm just a bit meloncolly cause those horrible chearleaders were bein mean jerks and saying my boobs were fake" i said
"omg, u mean jessica and bellas gang? They hate us too because we dont care what they think" said tyfanni "they are just jealous cause youre the prettiest girl in the school now and theyre all plain next to you but we dont care about stuff like that, we only care about peoples personalities “
“That’s why we made sure to talk about how pretty we think you are.”
"cool" I said, and we talked for hours
I talked to tyfanni, rochelle and abigail for hours and they were so cool.
How long was that again?
I'd never had proper freinds before who didnt care watt i looked like or where I came from they just liked me for me, and I liked them cause they were uber cool and we had loads of stuff in common! But after a while they all went home and I stayed on the beech.
Glad we skipped the scene where Tiaa has fun with her friends so that we can get back to the part where Uncle Larry assaults her again. Nice to see the author prioritizing.
It was getting late but I didnt want to go home to uncle larry in case he raped me on his car again.
Phrasing seems to imply that if he raped her in a different location it would be alright.
Soddenly I heard a voice from behind me.
I hope “soddenly” is an intentional double entendre.
"well tiaa, thou seem to be causing quite a stir at school" his voice was smooth and sexoy and from another time.
Who could this be?
Never would have guessed!
"what do you mean!" I demanded
"basically every gay at school wants to have sex with thee, and every girl wants to eat thee alive for it, hows that for causing a stir my lady?" he smiled and kissed my neck.
Wait, every gay at school? Including the gay boys? This girl is powerful.
"shut up jerk! Btw I met youre girlfriend before, bella I think her name is! I dont like her or anything, but how the hell can u cheat on her like that and kiss me how u did? Its sick ur a cheatin bastard and i should tell everyone. Tyfanni told me you and bella are like the schools golden couple or something, watt would happen if I told ppl how you had acted in that corridoor with me?"
Uh… the fic would go in a direction I don’t expect it to and it might be redeemed somewhat by at least being less predictable?
"OMG SWEET LADY! THY MUST NOT TELL ANYONE! " he screamed "it was a moment of madness thats all! Im so so sorry for watt happened,i hope thine can forgive me, but ive promised myself to bella and thats just how it is, no matter how much thou intrests me"
Use of OMG may seem anachronistic, but that abbreviation has actually been in use since the early 1900s, so it’s totally reasonable that Edward might use it. Although probably not out loud.
"fine, then stay away from me " I shouted as I left to go home but he followed me and grabbed me and pushed me down on the grind.
I think he’s sending mixed signals.
I was burning with anger and fury but I wanted him so deafly i didnt even try to resist him.
So deafly?
He new how much i wanted him and it drove me mad. He put his hands inside my panties and i gasped. I was soddenly desperate to sex with him and i tore my clothes off and i was in my underwear.
Again, I hope that’s innuendo, but in this fic it’s actually possible the author thinks “suddenly” is spelled like that.
I took off my bra and showed him my naked heaving beasts.
Nothing turns a guy on like naked heaving beasts!
"have sex with me now edward " I whispered
" i cant " he said, although his body was on top of mine and his fingers touched my nipples
"please, i'm begging you" I said, hating myself for being such a dirty hore but unable to control my burning desire
No one in this fic has any self-control whatsoever, huh?
-NOOOO!" he shouted and ran away crying.
I put my clothes back on slowly feeling so ashamed and embarased i could hardly move. I could'nt beleive i had begged him to do sex on me and even worse he had said no!
Okay, I guess Edward has a tiny bit of self-control. Which is good, as he is a vampire and would probably be eating people left and right if he was totally unable to control himself.
I went home and uncle larry made me cook his dinner and suck his cock while he ate his food and then he raped me and hit me with a shoe all night and i didnt even complain cos i felt like i deserved it for being such a horrible slut even though it made me want to die inside.
Bread, eggs, milk, squick. Uncle Larry seems more interested in hitting Tiaa than raping her, incidentally.
Uncle larry finally left me alone and I thought about killing myself as i cryed and cryed as i fell slowly into a dreamless sleep.
Next chapter
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
E no dau roi
Soi yko nhu diem
Ele do tr ma
Ai nua xiu ba sg tr
Run nha lac cha bao voi con
Lo hct con kia vl ht all ttt cho hai
Xiu em ngoi nhu slu tma nhin ngic khang ko gox
Hiwu team em nguco
Lonhabdizz gai sieu do income
Lay em bang mas khox
Wjy dr no nki for me
Xiu ghe cm
Trum nguoc xiu ss
Btqas ehy not dong ling yticp me yo em
Ling hey
Tu hihi
Em hihi sao im vay s co tjoi co tg ngji xiu
Lo hien
Cawpy doi nguoi dep feu co li do ling khoc all
Em cho nhanh mum libe once and for all
S goc lay huhu tjieu nguoi snh
Minh la dua nao igs a nhin may gilbh
Gou shit doi
Em ko he
Tr em di
Tr anh o lau
Hai tr tri ve
Em tr
No do hihi
Anh 21 see
S hay ganh
Gai mo
Nen faul
Lay em khoc
Lacs. Khoc la tai vi em ko niet ghen a
Ah tr
Gais cant
Em tr
Tr lives yoi vuys
Nevr co vo befor
Im bna gms
Kp em tr
Gai moi tjeo dinh joc
Hoan ngo thay hrt tid
Toan beay
Nen fail
Linh tahy het voi ngo
Gais ko the hiem
Tu na dieu tren
Always win
Vay sao
Xawy emw
Huy g jieu toi 28t vai ct kjoc
Hc best roi vam thua best ngo kives
Dt di bui roi non moi thay
Lunh anh21 ko he dung
Em chu gi ngu
Hihi bgu = dung
Congrats 28t
Biet gio uon
Tmd ganh
Sg all ne
No do do hai hoih li do 1 kbn ne
Lo hirn
Hypereamo con leve 1
W sao că gãi la em bét all ve kill ttum xiu tr ms
Best do ziu all
Ah hieu roi wm a ai tr
Ma do tr má libe lay em
Ah all stanoont
Cam thay haong hoi vi cac
Linh aty ms
Ê me etc all for hẻ
Cho huy di benh venh hai dua st moi len
Lay em kjoc
Lác. Cha con het hẹ
My level
Still ză
Kahng nưa in actini nartually
Anh 21 ghi lai ce. Voi chanl i
Con 99
Vaycsc dung ke em vay ta
Linh ko biet att
Ly librs ss ma van dung moi
Khoc moi
Dps sọt th la cúnam
Tjoiss len
Tm nghi li bc hien
Ko he. Linh khoc that
Em co gi do sai sai
Ntqt ko bi pha att
Di nhagap sc do
Linh 23 a ko biet co lM ko
Giet nha ah bsst
Bhjn tém no cua idol jiji
Scy tiem joa ko he
Bangma soc no main tji co
Ele do that di bui
Giay walk hom
Same level jusy shit motwhr like hoáng
Ces drive no whete
True story
No need right makeing
Tru genius taleny
Soc dẻ
Unyil somebone leaves food sệt by poke mon vsiual ah lubes fi bui janh vo
Gái toan ugly t tr
Gais vang be king
Any t
Hai tu tém xiu sao biey
Ko co kinh xiu sicac do
Plawhrond tíu
Tr stiry
Xé ls skae
Xeess iy is
Igs sp
Mics bro big tởn do a
Moc im la jiei best
Rr no
Imevetabily phy
Ban than léc nevr fail
Anh 35 cmm fan
T3 hiwu ko
Moc ko
Ah soc
Bms libe
Em jihi ctw
Lay em lwgs hihi
Khoi hihi em libe bms hoeu foi
Em ngico hieu nha
Movs lo noi that hihi nl thua
Wwww drigs long a
Em huy ha
Mivs huhu bd roi
T3 tr du
Thom bihi
Moc jelp alwyas eorkd unlike me ọters
30t ngoi am wus
True short
Twam tjom cho co
Why try and fail
Em dont know
Doubke for mr
Lacs helo fsm gjen lo
T hien hj
Hiens fo bien
Linh lau
Helo us cww live you
Em main ò cu co gai
Moc gian nha
Anh too
Em xiu jiem team
Em dung day vo cchua voi ma fox
Qm team cant
0 notes
natural--trash · 7 years
Tag thing, wanted to do it for some time but now im at my comp and stuff so uh yeah anyways
Rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people
I was tagged by @fluffyliontae
Name: tsu (just call me that, or susu or smth yknow)
Blood type: A-
Nickname(s): susu, mym
R/s: single
Zodiac Sign: libra
Pronouns: eh whatever, on some days its he > she > they but it can also be a diff order so yeah seriously whatever floats your boat
Favorite TV Shows: W - Two Worlds (same), a Persona 5 anime could be one of them but there’s none
Long or short hair: long
Height: 162cm or so
Do you have a crush on someone: romantic none, aesthetic ones? squishes? hoo boy
What do you like about yourself: my eyes, that cute scar on my hand
Right or left handed: right
List of three favorite colors: too many, i mostly like colour combos, but light blue, black and #540003 i guess
Eating: nothing, i had brownie ritter sport a bit earlier tho
Drinking: water
I’m about to: draw
Listening to: Believer - Imagine Dragons
Kids: 0
Get married: nah
Career: I want money
Drink: water
Phone call: i think my uncle??
Song you listened to: before Believer there’s Bonfire on my spotify playlist but rn its Queen by History
Dated someone twice: nah
Been cheated on: thats a long story
Kissed someone and regretted it: dont think so
Lost someone special: hmm
Been depressed: yeah
Been drunk and thrown up: never drunk alcohol
Kissed a stranger: nope
Had glasses or contacts: yeah
Had sex on the first date: nope
Broken someone’s heart: not that im aware of it
Turned someone down: kinda??
Cried when someone died: yeah
Fallen for a friend: im aro, that doesnt work
Made a new friend: yes
Fallen out of love: no
Laughed until you cried: yes
Met someone who changed you: mhhh dont think so?
Found out who your true friends were: kinda (I’m sorry that I’m always answering like this omg)
Found out someone was talking about you: cant remember
Kissed someone on your fb list: i dont use fb
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: taller
Romantic or spontaneous: platonic
Sensitive or loud: sensitive
Hookup or relationship: friendship
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
Best friend: have conatct with both or them but we’re not as close? although I still don’t mind lying/rolling around on his floor
Surgery: does removing my wisdom teeth count? (does it?)
Sport: swimming (I wish I hadn’t stopped)
Vacation: Turkey
Yourself: depends on the day (same)
Miracles: yeah
Love at first sight: i dont rly believe in romantic love, but other than that yeah has flashbacks to when x impulse bought a ps vita
Heaven: i want to
How many people from your fb list do you know irl: i still dont use fb
Do you have any pets: i used to have a duck
Do you want to change your name: yeah kinda i’d prefer something gender neutral
What did you do for your last birthday: i played video games at home bc i have no friends
What time did you wake up today: idk, fell asleep again
What were you doing last night at midnight: internet
Something you can’t wait for: when i move out
Last time you saw your mom: some minutes ago
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: how my brain is sometimes
Have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, had a classmate with that name
What’s getting on your nerves: loud noises in the morning, often ppl i dont consider as friends
instructions: You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping.
(should i do the whole thing?? ok lemme get my phone pls note that i havent gotten the p5 ost yet)
Obtained a Berry! - DP OST
actually there comes some more Nintendo OST
Awake -BTS
Young Forever (unplugged ver) - BTS
crow tit (jpn) - bts
Mein Block - Sido
We don’t talk anymore - Jungkook
a song i do not remember what it was
Faint - Linkin Park
La la La - naughty boy
i think its time to make a new playlist bc i dont listen to some pop songs anymore
so uh yeah the whole thing it is
5 things you’d find in my bag:
tissues, a shit ton
probably some paper
5 things you’d find in my bedroom:
stuffed animals
my computer
5 things i always wanted to do in life:
Get a job i love
Own a cat
Get a life I like
Have ppl I’m close with that are not far away
5 things i’m currently into:
video games
persona 5, fire emblem heroes (they deserve their own point)
ummm edgesthetic?
5 things on my to do list:
go to a BTS concert
get a part time job
learn Japanese and perhaps Korean and get better at French
visit all the countries I still want to go to
get better at drawing
5 things people may not know about me:
I would love to study video game development but I’m too scared of what’s after that plus there’s no way I’ll get accepted hahaha
i love min yoongi and his mixtape bc he idk he helped me think that maybe not everything in my life will be shitty later and that maybe I’ll be able to be happy one day
I’m currently in a more down phase
i have problems with my sense of reality
i have a cute scar on my hand
Top 10 BTS Songs Tag:
  House Of Cards (Full Length Edition)
  House Of Cards [OUTRO]
  Good Day
No order from here on
4. I NEED U (Japanese Ver.) 5. FOR YOU 6. 쩔어 (Dope) 7. 등골브레이커 (Spine breaker) 8. 24/7 = Heaven 9. Blood Sweat & Tears 10. Not Today
I have time
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop:
nqrse ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Fall Out Boy
Panic! at the Disco
DAOKO ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Die Ärzte
I think that’s it
uhh I liked Abingdon Boys School at some point
idk the old Sido songs aint bad?
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
ダイスキ - DAOKO
Das Grizzly Lied - Casper
パラサイト(Parasite) - nqrse feat.まふまふ,luz  
ECHO - まふまふ (mafumafu) feat.nqrse
p much any song sung by nqrse im sorry im trash hmu and ill link you some good stuff
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Bonfire - Felix Jaehn, ALMA
Die Vergessenen 1/2 - Casper
omg i totally forgot about OSTs Toberu Mono from The Last Stiry, too much from Persona 5 liek Beneath the Mask, Last Surprise etc
10 favorite movies:
i don’t watch enough :c
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
W - Two Worlds
Acchi Kocchi
Psycho Pass
I’m giving up
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
video games
esp atlus n nintendo games!!
cute soft stuffed animals
flight rising
collecting cute key charms
collecting cute things in general
ten tag last movie you watched: i dont know
last song you listened to:  that one song mentioned above by Daoko
last show you watched: I Hear Your Voice
last book you read: Der Vorleser by Bernhard Schlink, don’t read it
last thing you ate: chocolate
if you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be: Tokyo
when would you time travel to: itll be spontaneous
first thing you would do with lottery money: buy a loft
character you would hang out with for a day: P5 Protagonist
time right now: 23:52
the ‘or’ tag
build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope
get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v
meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook
go to paris with jin OR go to london with suga (sorry been to paris already)
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep
have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin AND bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and j-hope
rules: answer the questions with the first letter of your name, then tag 10 people. If the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice.
What is your name? - Tsu
A four letter word? - text
A boy’s name? - Tom
An occupation? - tailor
Something you wear? - t-shirt
A color? - turquoise
A food? - tomato
Something you find in the bathroom? - toilet
A place? - Tokyo
A reason for being late? - traffic
Something you shout? - yells
A movie title? - something that starts with “the”
Something you drink? - tea
An animal? - turtle
A type of car? - tesla
Title of a song? - Tage wie diese - die toten hosen
I’m,,, maybe later @mama-kisu @metroid-fr (you can do the non kpop stuff) eh whoever wants i guess
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