#long road fic
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cjlouwho · 4 months ago
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
I was tagged by @loucifersbitch (lmao, same)! Here's another little snippet of my Tommy fic!
“Okay, got it. Our time's almost up, but I did have one more question for you.”
“Oh goody.”
“Hey now, you love my questions.” Cory wrote down a note, then looked back at Tommy. “Why do you think you can't have all that you want?”
Tommy's mouth felt dry. His heart was thumping in his chest. He hated sessions like these. Where he felt like his whole body had been split open and put on display for all the world to see.
“I haven't earned it,” he answered, voice just above a whisper.
“Why do you think you have to earn it?”
“I thought your last question was my last question.”
“Stop avoiding.” Cory beckoned toward him with his pen. “Answer. Why do you have to earn the future you want?”
He sat there, staring toward Cory but eyes unfocused. A tear fell down his cheek, then another. He wanted his heart to stop beating so fast. Wanted to have an answer. Wanted to have everything figured out.
Instead, he shrugged. “I don't know.”
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venomous-qwille · 2 months ago
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Scene from Long Road Ahead by @bubbiethesaur (a little secret santa gift). If you haven't read it yet, you really should.
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gomzdrawfr · 13 hours ago
light study with cowboy Price
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alt version + ref used:
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httpuckdrop · 1 month ago
ashes – day 45
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a lot of time had passed since you last saw jack. his hockey team had to go away for a long road trip, leaving you alone at home in the city for almost two weeks. you didn't go out of your way to check the team's schedule online in the same way you would've wanted to make sure any of your exes weren't lying to you – you trusted him already.
a lot of time apart gave you a lot of time to reflect on the issue at hand.
the conclusion? maybe you could give him one chance. just because he's a sweet man who does everything right. it was not his fault that he was dealing with someone like you.
"can i borrow some toothpaste?"
you snickered at his words, poking your head in through the door to your bathroom. "you didn't bring your own?" you asked.
a sheepish smile was plastered on jack's face as he stood by the sink, toothbrush ready in his hand. he shook his head. "i forgot…"
he watched as you stepped into the room and opened the cabinet by his head. "i only have strawberry flavor," you told him, pulling out a pink tube. "but it's really good."
he let out a chuckle. "i'm sure." you handed him the tube, closing the cabinet and shooting him a little smile. when you were about to step out again, his hand caught your hip, spinning you around to face him again. "thank you, really. for giving me a chance to do this."
jack had truly proven himself to be someone you could feel secure with. it was a slow process, but your feelings moved steadily in the right direction. you finally felt ready to try sleeping with him by your side – but it was going to be on your conditions. in your bed, your apartment, with your blackout curtains rolled all the way down, and with your brown noise seeping from the speakers.
jack more than happily agreed to the terms, overjoyed by your change in emotions. he had dreamed of the day when he'd get to fall asleep with you in his arms and have you still be there when he woke up – and that day had finally arrived.
it all started so well. with you cuddled up against his chest, whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears, giggles and excitement filling the air. his tender touches and gentle kisses helped lull you to a slumber quite easily.
but, as so often before, your dreams were interrupted. the night terrors caused your body to twist and turn, and it didn't take long before jack was awoken by the sound of your sobs. he thought you were awake, too – and when he realized that your eyes were still tightly squeezed shut as you cried for help, he was frightened in a way he had not expected.
he didn't know what to do; you hadn't prepared him for this. but he knew he couldn't just let you be. he woke you up as gently as he could, not surprised to see you jolting awake with a gasp.
the pain in your eyes broke his heart. you looked like you had no idea where you were, who he was, or what was going on. you had been thrown back fifteen years, gone back to a little, terrified girl instead of the strong, mature woman he'd come to know.
he hushed your sobs, kissed your tears away, leaned his forehead against yours; anything he could come up with to ground you. he wanted you back with him, here in your bed, not in whatever hell your dreams had brought you to. and slowly but surely, he started to recognize the person in his arms.
"do you need anything?" he whispered as one of his hands caressed your hair. "can i do something for you?"
he wanted to learn. he wasn't scared of you; he wanted to be there for you and help you out. not just tonight, but forever.
you shook your head at his question, sniffling a little. "maybe just… hold me?"
his hand moved back to your face, wiping away a few of your tears with his thumb as he smiled softly. "of course." because there was nothing he'd rather do; there's nothing he wanted more than to have you in his arms.
and suddenly, you felt more safe falling asleep than ever before.
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instantartific · 6 months ago
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gerec · 22 days ago
Hello Gerec! I wanted to say thank you so much for all your fic recs, they’ve gotten me through many a tough week at university. Much love to you for giving so many hidden gems in the Cherik fandom their own spotlight, you are such a star! <3333
I was wondering if you still take fic rec asks perchance? If so, do you have any recs set during the road trip arc in First Class? I know that’s super broad to ask for, but I’d love to read more fics about the developing relationship as Charles and Erik spend more time together and get to know each other better. There’s just so much potential in that one blessed little five minute arc ;-;
Hi Anon! Thank you for your lovely message! I'm so glad to hear that my rec lists have helped you :D I am still doing fic recs but it's going very slowly (I have a big backlog to catch up on) but luckily, XMFC road trip recs were pretty easy to pull together for you!
There are a lot a LOT of fics set during this time frame on ao3 and I can't possibly rec them all (or even the majority) so I definitely recommend that you hit up the Gay Mutant Road Trip tag and read everything tagged that interests you! In the meantime, you can start on this list of favourites:
Veiled Truths by ikeracity
Erik has dreams of a dark room, of being pushed down into the floor and violated in a way that makes him scream until his throat is raw. But Shaw never, ever touched him like that, so Erik wonders if he somehow repressed memories of Shaw's torture. Either way, he hides the dreams from Charles, intent on suffering through it alone, as he always has.
And then one day, the nightmares come when he's still awake, and he realizes that these aren't his nightmares, they're Charles's. It's Charles projecting in his sleep, and then Erik realizes that they aren't nightmares at all, they're memories from Charles's hidden past.
Each Day Starts White by kianspo 
Somewhere in the middle of the road trip to recruit more mutants, Charles and Erik get caught up in a storm. That's how it begins, but it's not how it ends. It takes them about thirty years to discover that Genoshan sunrises are beautiful.
Strange Bodies, Strange Minds by populuxe
He wiggles a set of sturdy, blunt fingers that he unfortunately knows all too well, and then he raises his other hand and wiggles those sturdy, blunt fingers, too. They’re his hands—he’s making them move, and he can feel them moving—but they’re obviously not his hands.
“For God’s sake, Erik,” his doppelgänger snaps. He points to the mirror above the fireplace. “Stand up and properly look.”
A few weeks into their mutant-collecting road trip, Charles and Erik approach a boy with a very special mutation—who subsequently turns his abilities on them. Trapped in each others’ bodies (and saddled with each others’ powers), it seems like an inconvenience at first, but it will have consequences neither of them could have predicted.
fealty and offering by pocky_slash
"What is a marriage but a promise between two people, to each other?" Charles says. "Why does anyone else need to be involved? If you love each other enough, why do you need approval from anyone or any god to swear your lives to each other?"
Happens to the Best of Us by brilliantdreams
While out on the mutant roadtrip, Charles is past his limits and ends up spiralling into a panic attack. Erik helps him through it.
Dark With a Sense of Coming Doom by pocky_slash
When a storm makes driving impossible, Erik and Charles put the recruitment roadtrip on hold to shelter for the night in an abandoned house. Despite the empty rooms, something's set Charles on edge and Erik may live to regret asking what it is.
the grammar of faith by pearl_o
"You need to stop fighting me," Charles says.
A Harmless Green Burning by pearl_o
Erik is not accustomed to Charles's pillow talk. (Takes place during mutant-hunting roadtrip; includes references to Erik/others, non-specific.)
Sharing by ikeracity
One night during the mutant road trip, Erik knocks on Charles's door and brusquely demands to be taken to bed. Charles, who has been very careful about staying out of Erik’s head, is disoriented by the haunted look in Erik’s eyes but is ultimately swayed by the fact that they’ve had this burgeoning tension between them since forever.
They then proceed to have The Saddest And Worst Sex Ever. Erik stalks off all humiliated and unhappy and Charles is confused until he works out that Erik was a virgin--at which point Charles feels equal parts guilty and furious that Erik's basically used him as an instrument of self-harm.
The next time it happens, Charles teaches Erik what it means to really make love.
Cotton Walls by walrusface
In large crowds, Charles finds it difficult to control his telepathy. While they're on their recruitment road trip, Erik tries to help.
The Whole World Wants What We're On by waketosleep
"There's only one bed," he called after Erik, who'd dropped his suitcase and vanished into the bathroom.
"They were full except for this room," Erik returned over the noise of the sink. "It's large enough to share." He opened the door. "Or would you prefer to sleep on the floor?"
Charles actually looked between the floor and the bed to be sure of his choice. "Sharing is fine," he conceded.
it's all right (I know it's right) by firstlightofeos, pearl_o, Red
When Erik and Charles happen across some new kinks, Erik has qualms. Charles helps him work through them.
(or: how Erik learned to stop worrying and rough up his pushy boyfriend)
Love, in fire and blood by Black_Betty
Erik used his body as a tool in all ways, but it had always been as a means for destruction. He did not know how to be soft or tender, and had never had use for gentleness before.
Until Charles.
(AKA Erik is too afraid of hurting Charles to let him try anything, but Charles persists, as he does.)
Bent Over A Motel Bed by helens78
Erik's spent the whole day wanting Charles, and now they're both getting what they want.
It's Not Too Bed by Aurrus
The room is tiny – which is good, because at least it’s blessedly warm, which he didn’t dare hope for, considering their luck, but it’s also tiny enough that there’s only enough space for a rickety side table, a small desk, a chair and a coat rack.
And a bed, of course. Only—
“There’s only one bed,” Erik points out needlessly.
A Certain Mental Fortitude by pearl_o
A mutant temporarily changes Charles's body, and Erik doesn't understand why Charles has taken a step back.
Charles sighs; he's been oblique partly out of consideration to Erik's sensibilities, but apparently Erik is going to make him spell it out. "I know you don't like women," he says gently.
Erik's expression doesn't change. "But you're not a woman."
Something Wonderful by frau_kali
It was just a day into their cross country recruitment trip and Erik knew he was in trouble the moment he began to mentally catalogue the things he loved about Charles.
Mutant-to-Mutant Contact by Tawabids
During their search for a powerful psychic mutant, Erik finds himself trapped in cabin in the middle of snowy nowhere, trying to keep the cold from killing Charles.
Dreaming Aloud by luninosity
Written for a prompt somewhere on the kink meme that went something like this: “Erik and Charles, on their road trip, are in a bar. Someone gives Charles mind-altering substances. This is a Bad Thing to do to a telepath. Discuss.” So...that's what happens. Plus some confessions of Feelings.
hail the conquering hero by annejumps 
"I know what you want," Charles had told him.
The Element of Fire Is Quite Put Out by cymbalism
Mutant hormones made them do it.
Sweet Dream Was Over by local_vamp
Drowning is not a new sensation to Charles. He knows the feeling of his lungs desperately trying to pull in air. Drowning in someone else’s thoughts is a lot like drowning in water with them. As the other person tries to resurface, they often push you farther down.
Charles has overworked himself while he and Erik are recruiting mutants. With little control over his telepathy, he'll need Erik to pull him out of his own head.
Getting Soft by brilliantdreams
After a long day of being rejected on the Mutant Road Trip, Charles and Erik finish up at a bar. Charles is drugged by some nasty bar-goer, but luckily, Erik's there to take care of him.
I Know What You Want, I Think This Is It by ang3lsh1, kageillusionz, orphan_account
Charles offers to give Erik a hand when he catches the latter masturbating in the shower of their dingy motel room.
lay all your love on me by Oxsa05
"Oh, your hands are so cold, Erik," Charles says, taking the glass away from him and setting it on the table. "Let me warm them up for you." It's not exactly subtle. Erik lets it happen anyway, and wonders how far this will go. How far he's willing to go. --- Charles has been giving Erik casual touches ever since he rescued him from the water, but Erik can't help but reel away every time. Charles decides to take care of him in the best way he can.
fair's fair by SlightWeasel
Erik wants to sleep with Charles, but all Charles seems to want to do is pick up women in bars. So when a meeting with a mutant on their recruitment trip leaves Erik in a woman's body, he may as well get something out of it.
Warming Up by helens78
On the Epic Bromance World Tour, Charles fumbles an opportunity, but he's not going to be left out in the rain forever.
Every Angle by helens78
Charles is certain there's something between him and Erik, but Erik's not so easily caught.
Turn Out the Lights by pearl_o
Charles's smile fades slowly, replaced by a thoughtful expression. "If you need me to say no," Charles says, "I can do that, Erik."
One Night Only by helens78
Charles and Erik have one fantastic night together. Which seems to be all Erik wants.
Stays On The Road by Cesare, helens78
Erik craves humiliation. Charles supplies.
Revelations by TurtleTotem
Prompt: An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
Alternate version of the strip club scene. :)
Some Like it Older by blueteak
Charles has always been attracted to older men. While on the mutant-finding road trip, he sleeps with a man who resembles his former thesis supervisor. Erik is jealous. Written for the "Charles likes older men" prompt at First Class Kink.
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cjlouwho · 4 months ago
please can i get a little of your tommy fic?? please please please!
Okay! Here's something for you:
“Tommy, I gotta be honest with you,” Cory took off his glasses, resting them on his knee. “I don't think I've seen you this unsure of yourself, maybe ever. Not even during our first session, when you couldn't say the words “I am gay” in the same sentence. You're holding back. Why?”
“Because I've hurt people!” Tommy exclaimed, feeling like his head was about to burst. “It's all I've ever done. I'm not enough, Cory. I have never been enough, and I push people away and I hurt them and he looked at me like I was some sort of hero, he looked at me like I had every answer in damn world and I don't. I don't have all the answers. I don't know what I'm doing. I wake up every fucking morning and I fake it. And he bought it. And I was taking it day by day, enjoying being with him while knowing it wasn't meant to last and somehow six months went by. So when he asked me to move in with him, I knew I couldn't. I couldn't do that. We barely knew each other! Six months and we barely knew each other.”
As always, Cory remained unshaken by the outburst. “That's a lot to hold onto, Tommy.”
Tommy rubbed the palms of his hands into his eyes, trying to make the burning go away. “He saw a future. He saw us living under the same roof. Saw marriage. Saw a whole life.”
“What'd you see?”
Tommy sucked in a shaky breath. “Nothing.”
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stripedstarsblueflags · 3 months ago
pwp is so difficult to write, not because of the sex stuff but because they could’ve been having sex for 5.6k words but instead we’re exploring shame cycle and its potential manifestations in d/s dynamics
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venomous-qwille · 2 years ago
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Long Road Ahead eclipse in the weekly magma.
If you haven't read @bubbiethesaur's fic GO DO IT IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD.
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graverobbber-alt · 2 months ago
EDIT: I’ve changed the fic name, we’re now going with The Long Road Home. It is very much the same fic.
I love these idiots. Bassist Remus has my whole heart and I relate to them both so much.
As always, check the tags before reading! And generally with all my work proceed with great caution. This one is kinda tame tho.
On a writerly note, I have been struggling to figure out how I want to do this and how to format things and make it perfect. And it’s not. And it’s not going to be. And that’s okay I think? I am just gonna post things as I write them and hopefully when it’s done (GOD what a feat to finish any writing) I’ll be able to go back and clean the whole story up and be pleased with it. So forgive me if it’s clunky, I’m trying 🫡
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painless-innit-colourful · 4 months ago
Their eyes meet, amber flickering in the reflections in Jack’s pupils. Tubbo’s skin is tingling, vision periodically blurring and he feels a little sick: life returning to atoms that were supposed to be done living is a little violent, a little uncomfortable. Tubbo waits for the nausea to subside before he gives Jack a nod, feeling the prickling shimmer of fire resistance in his system, before he turns towards the lava lighting the room and blocking the way. Or, at least, it had been.
“Really?” Tubbo pauses at Jack’s voice breaking the unnatural quiet. “I’m going to go get him.” “How will you get him out? He doesn’t have resistance as well.” “There’s a hole in the cell. We’ll swim out.”
They share a gaze that feels so very final, even after the past few eternities they’ve waited. “I hope you’re right about him.” “I know I am,” Tubbo affirms. “Have a good rest of your life, Jack.” “You too, man. You too.”
“You okay?” Tubbo’s voice bounces around the hollow chamber, echoing off warm obsidian. Tommy’s on his knees, cast in light by the fire at his feet, looking up at Tubbo like he’s looking at an angel. Maybe that’s a bit what it looks like. Tubbo’s not completely sure they count as alive anymore.
“Tubbo-” He stumbles as he tries to get up, as Tubbo scrambles down soft-sharp rock to reach him. They each stop a handful of strides from each other, just staring, just breathing, the amber light washing them out and making them look like the ghosts they feel like, and then Tommy closes the distance with a shriek of pained relief and they crash to the floor and they are very corporeal and very real and very alive. 
They are alive.
Tommy’s crying, he realises, tears falling and very quickly drying due to their proximity to the lava in the floor. They almost ended up in the lava due to Tommy’s lunge, but it doesn’t matter because Tubbo’s teary too, and the warm glow around them is nothing to the warmth inside Tubbo that starts in his heart and expands outwards, steadily, steadily, bringing a feeling that might be life back into his bones and sinew. Coming back to life is new to him, but it’s not the worst feeling.
“I’m-” Tommy sputters between sniffs, “I’m sorry-” “Don’t you dare,” Tubbo pulls him closer, tucking him under his chin, like that’s ever had the power to keep him safe before. “Don’t you dare say that. Don’t.” “Oh- Okay…” After a moment, he laughs. “Hello stranger.” Tubbo smiles and kisses him on the top of his head. He smells like smoke and death. “Hello. We gotta get out of here-” “Yeah…” “-We gotta get you home.” “Home?”
He kisses him one more time, before shifting to his elbows. Their eyes meet, and the light in Tommy’s eyes outshines everything else in this godforsaken room. “Home. We gotta go home.”
The room is golden with a refracted autumn sunset when Tubbo hears the click-clonk of the front door through the house. He’s still adjusting funnels and tubes as he hears the approaching footsteps get louder and louder, until Tommy’s leaning on the only empty counter by the door, smiling.
“You’ll never guess who I ran into.” “Who? No, don’t tell me,” Tubbo swaps a full bottle for an empty one. “Santa Claus?” Tommy splutters, “Obviously not. No, Jack. Jack Manifold.”
Tubbo stops to look at him properly, “Wait, really?” “Yeah, and-” He ‘rounds the counter and leans annoyingly on Tubbo’s shoulder. He’s so annoying. The Most Annoying. Tommy ‘The Most Annoying’ Innit. Tubbo feels that familiar warmth he feels whenever he’s near.  “Get this- He’s been in the casino this whole time. In Las Nevadas. He’s a fucking gambler!”
Tubbo mulls this over for a moment, “Y’know… not what I was expecting.” “Right? But he says he’s happy enough, says he likes who he is now more than who he was before, and, I figured, that’s good enough, right?” Tubbo smiles, turning the knob on his filtration contraption, and the golden liquid thins to a stop. He pulls off his gloves and pulls Tommy into an embrace. “Yeah. Good for him. And, y’know, hopefully he does alright. Financially.” “That’s what I said too. He was pleasant. Much more than I was expecting actually. Y’know, considering.”
Tubbo closes his eyes a moment, thinks back. “He was a good guy. Just- Just another victim of… of that place.” He gives Tommy a squeeze, “I believe it’s your turn to cook tonight, Big Man, and you’re late.” “Bloody hell,” Tommy pulls back. Standing behind Tubbo’s equipment, the light cast through the window is the rich colour of butterscotch, and Tommy looks like he’s been dipped in honey. His eyes, his hair, the buttons on his coat all shine gold. They share a wide smile, and Tubbo would bet his life Tommy’s thinking the same looking at him - that neither could go into the darkness without reaching out for the other.
Except he already did. And won.
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danmeichael · 2 months ago
*jingles zoya/fem!chief from path to nowhere in front of you*
i've reviewed the images you submitted, here are my findings
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ahem. yeah that's good yuri.
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sinvulkt · 7 months ago
Self-fulfilling Prophecy by chaosphere ( @the-name-of-the-rose )
“Why did you do it, Jason? Why did you pretend to kill him—why didn’t you fight me back?”
“Fuck you, Bruce! Are you seriously trying to blame me for beating me to death?”
Roy isn't close to come to Jason’s rescue, and by the time Batman stops beating Red Hood for shooting Cobblepot, it’s too late.
Batman kills Red Hood, and a month later, Bruce Wayne starts to hallucinate and see Jason Todd everywhere.That’s how the end starts. Ongoing, 8k words.
*** ** * ** ***
Chap 4:
Jason gestured at the plank. “Are you goddamn insane? Alfred is right! You can’t let one bad night destroy you—destroy Batman. You’ve been beating guys harder now—who fucking cares?” “You were telling me to be careful—” “Because I didn’t know that would make you give up. You can control yourself, Bruce. What you did to me won’t happen again.” Neither of them said anything for some time. “And sure, I screwed up a lot, but I wasn’t worse than many of the people you beat up.” He looked away for a second, and then turned to Bruce again, his eyes wide, almost shining, “or do you think that of me? Do you think I’m like those—those people who murder for fun and giggles, who rape or who fucking act like other people are things, property?” “No!” For all their fundamental disagreements, Bruce had never thought that of Jason. He knew Jason was dangerous, that he’d had a hand in honing that danger, but he also knew that his son was never cruel. “Then what was so wrong with me that I’m the one you killed? The only one.” Bruce didn’t have an answer for that, and neither did he want to follow that line of questioning.   After that, Jason disappeared for a few days.
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pippuns · 2 years ago
you know i am absolutely delighted by disciples era au. like, for the liushen potential, obviously, but i also can't stop thinking about a situation where sqq spends all of his free time trying to get evidence on sqh being a traitor, while sqh is frantically wondering wtf he did to piss sqq off so bad, because he certainly didn't write sqq having a huge grudge against the original goods!!
and eventually sqq does get definitive proof of sqh's traitorous behavior, only for sqq to discover that sqh is also a transmigrater. probably through sqh doing a harebrained scheme of trying to buy sqq's silence by offering to tell him his future.
and because sqh is a fellow transmigrator (even if he is annoying), sqq has to do a frantic dash to cover for sqh's misdeeds before sqq outs him even more than he already has. he bitches out sqh the entire time as he does this because he COULD have been reading the new installment of whatever fiction came out of xian shu this entire time but nooooooo, he had to waste all of his time chasing after this stupid author who isn't even a good spy and is APPARENTLY just doing the spy work to get some demon ass!! what kind of plotline is this?? of course it came out of the author who gave him the garbage he's stuck living in.
the funny thing is, this is actually what does convince people that sqh is a traitor. because sqq has been talking about his suspicions regarding sqh to the other future peak lords (chief among them being lqg, who obviously believed sqq immediately and has been his accomplice to this point), the complete 180 sqq does from trying to convince everyone that sqh is a rat, to him -- seemingly out of nowhere -- covering for sqh and spending all this time with him and talking in code (modern slang) with him, when everyone knows that sqq HATES sqh is soooooooooo sus.
in other words, everyone is now convinced that sqh is blackmailing sqq, because sqq actually found something to prove sqh's guilt.
and this results in a frantic quest from his friends (the other future peak lords) to try and find out what sqh is using to blackmail sqq so they can get rid of it. this does not go unnoticed by sqh, who demands that sqq fix the mess he got sqh into, and sqq tells him to fix it himself because he's the one stupid enough to become a spy to get some demon ass (which sqh points out is a gross inaccuracy of the situation, he hasn't gotten one iota of ass, not even a glimpse, do you know how difficult it is to pull that off in demon society which might as well not believe in the existence of clothes).
then system shows up and threatens immense bodily harm to them both if sqh is caught by the sect this early. so what are they supposed to do but begrudgingly work together to save sqh's ass so he can get some demon ass.
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Happy anniversary, VII
I cannot believe it's been a whole year since I posted VII. I wrote and posted it at a pretty dark time for me, and figured it'd be a weird little oneshot that some people might like but would ultimately just kind of. exist.
That is not what happened. I'm still overwhelmed by the response it got. To the folks who loved it and left such wonderful comments, you will never know how much that mattered to me -- and still matters to me. And to everyone who has shared their love for the sequel or helped build that world with me, thank you all so, so much. It's been so fun and such a thrill to see your reactions and your support for my codependent trauma buddies.
I was really hoping to have a new chapter of A long, hard road to post today, but the brain is just not braining right now. Fingers crossed for March 19 (the anniversary of ALHR)!
If you haven't read VII/ALHR, you can read them here: Your legs give way, you hit the ground
I cursed my readers with this snippet, so now Tumblr gets cursed too. (If you haven't read any of it yet, this is not indicative of the fic whatsoever):
Maybe-canon-but-probably-not omake: Because no one has any chill whatsoever “Okay, so you think it’s romantic that he would, like, literally sew you two together if he could. We’re going to ignore how weird that is for the moment.” “Ronald…” “But mate, he’s a giant, skeletal snake-man. You can’t honestly say you find him attractive.” Harry mutters something under his breath that sounds a little too much like, “Oh, can’t I?” for his friends’ tastes. “Is this some problematic holdover of your infatuation with the diary horcrux?” Hermione asks as Harry sputters and turns bright red. “No!” he shouts. And, after a suspicious delay, “And I wasn’t ‘infatuated’ with the diary!” Ron and Hermione both give him a look at that. Traitors. “Psychologists would fight to the death for the chance to sort through all your issues, Harry.” “Sy-ko-wha?” “Good to know if I ever decide to hold gladiatorial contests,” Harry says dryly. The topic of conversation dies out for a couple minutes before Ron turns back to Harry and looks him dead in the eye. “So, given the chance – you would bang the snake-man?” Hermione puts her head in her hands and regrets several life choices. Harry sighs. “Like a screen door in a hurricane.” Ron chokes on air.  “Harry!” “He asked!”
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cjlouwho · 4 months ago
The love I have for every person I’ve created in this tommy fic is really something else 😭 I want to hold them all
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