I love Mr Alexander Lightwood and Mr Magnus Bane with all my heart and soul. Header & icon art by @cassandrajp. Tracking #useryael
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Since I wrote this post this happened in Paris too and Jews have been killed in several countries.
Germany. Berlin. 2023. People drew Star of David on homes of Jewish people to “mark” them. 2023. Not 1939. 2023.
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Our hearts, they need a mirror, Tessa. We see our better selves in the eyes of those who love us.
Happy Birthday Jem Carstairs <3
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White Lilies 💚
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Jesse Blackthorn
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Just a quick lil portrait while I’m working on upcoming seasonal projects 😏
Character owned by @cassandraclare
Tag list : @littleturtle95 @zfoxdraws @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @panicatwallmaria @banesbitch @alexandergideonslightwood @ofsandstonebodies @la-lune-chaotique @starlight-in-my-eyes @tamaraheartz @anarchistbitch @iightwoodbane @icycoolslushie @zemiraa @raziyekroos @radisv @elettralightwood @axoloteca @queenlilith43 @astriefer @thomastaircompassrose @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @rinadragomir @carelessflower
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Malec decided to watch a scary movie but they got spooked XD. Although prob not by typically scary things given they live in the shadow world.
What do you think they were watching?
individual frames!
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magnus thinking he wont be a great dad and Alec reassuring him
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I bet you guys know which book this scene is from ;)
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“So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you”
everytime I listen to “ghost of you” I can’t stop myself from thinking about tessa and will </3
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*stands up. sits down. wheels over to bookshelf. pulls off a copy of a tale of two cities. wheels back. stands up. holds book in the air like simba*
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magnus went from saying all lightwoods look the same to him to gabriel in infernal devices to actually marrying a lightwood 💖
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malec as songs from 1989 (taylor's version)
Welcome to New York - City of Lost Souls
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Blank Space - City of Heavenly Fire
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Style - City of Heavenly Fire
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Out of the Woods - The Red Scrolls of Magic
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All You Had to Do Was Stay - City of Lost Souls
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I Wish You Would - City of Heavenly Fire
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Wildest Dreams - The Red Scrolls of Magic
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How You Get The Girl - Magnus's Letter to Alec
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This Love - City of Heavenly Fire
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I Know Places - What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything
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Clean - City of Heavenly Fire
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Wonderland - City of Heavenly Fire
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You Are in Love - City of Heavenly Fire
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New Romantics - What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything
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for @malectober prompt 27
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X Marks the Spot
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Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane
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Keeping up with the Pirate theme Sizzy had…here’s our wonderful Malec ☺️
Alec was searching for gold, but discovered something much more 😘🥰
Hope you like it!
Happy Halloween! 🎃👻
Characters owned by @cassandraclare
Tag list : @littleturtle95 @zfoxdraws @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @panicatwallmaria @banesbitch @alexandergideonslightwood @ofsandstonebodies @la-lune-chaotique @starlight-in-my-eyes @tamaraheartz @anarchistbitch @iightwoodbane @icycoolslushie @zemiraa @raziyekroos @radisv @elettralightwood @axoloteca @queenlilith43 @astriefer @thomastaircompassrose @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @rinadragomir @carelessflower
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Hi there, everyone!
Here are the instructions on how the Our Immortal Instruments read-along is going to work:
- this is 100% free and anyone can participate!
- we'll be reading one book a month (we'll be incorporating all TSC books including the books of novelas), and I'll host a liveshow once a month to discuss the book that we'll have read that month.
- These liveshows will take place on YouTube with a live chat active so that other people can follow, ask questions, comment etc.
- You do not have to have your camera turned on for this if you do not wish to. However, these liveshows will then be posted on YouTube so that anyone can rewatch them after the liveshows have ended, so if you do not consent to this, please let me know in advance.
- Since having a live show with many people will be complicated, I will accept only 5 members each month to participate in the liveshow of that month (everyone else can still follow via the live chat of course!)
- I will be creating a form where you can book your spots for the liveshows that you are interested in participating in. In this form, you will find the date and time of every liveshow + the books that will be discussed every month (depending on the order we decide to read these on). So you can choose to participate in whichever liveshow based on the spots available, the schedule that works for you or the books that you're interested in discussing.
- So, for those of you who want to re-read or read only a few books and not the entirety of the TSC books, you absolutely can! You can only read the books that interest you and join for the liveshows of those specific books.
I hope these instructions are clear enough. If you have any questions or suggestions, I would love to hear them!
If you haven't joined the discord chat yet, feel free to do so via the following invite link:
Thank you to everyone who chooses to participate in this project with me!!
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to those who actually paid $1000 on the kickstarter what's your job? your address?? do you leave your door open at night?? i am in your walls.
no but how and why would you do that😭
like i understand(theyre living my dream), but i also don't (that's way too much for all that)
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can't believe we've all been here since we were 14 and now we're all 20000 years old
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The "encounter" will be the first time Will is going to see Jem healthy
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Love how there have been literally lynch mobs storming airports and hotels in Russia searching for Jews and no one is talking about it.
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