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sakiyaki-sashimi · 1 month ago
Okay so right, I'm back again but in my defense, I let out an audible "Sakki! :D" when I saw you responded and couldn't resist sending in a second grrrrr..
AND OKAY! The only reason I wait until you mention me had been for the literal reason of me not wanting to either overwhelm you or accidentally exhaust you.. but since I know now, I'll make sure to send in one once a day, or every other day at the very least :3
AND FOR YOUR GUESS!! Also a good guess tbh, I actually follow sleepyjiraiminori, and when I was writing out my ask I was thinking "Hm. This might give them the impression that I might just be them." BUT HONESTLY? A great guess, so far? Everyone you have guessed have been people I have at least seen on my dash before so I think you're on the right track :D
And honestly? I can't say I dislike politically charged you.. I'm so bad with politics, my friends say I live in a bubble sort of separate from the rest of the world, so I get endlessly fascinated whenever someone actually is passionate about them.. I find it interesting to listen too soooo..
AND I TOTALLY GET IT FOR THE MYSTERY GENRE THING.. Found family always gets me sighhhh.. what if I just like a big happy family of people who aren't blood related.. Also what you described lowkey was reminding me of Ron Kamonhashi about the whole "Old detective teaches new detective" I also see the appeal in that :33
But actually, that took the breath out of me, you're one of the (two) blogs I actually check consistently so that's like.. wow, me? Little old me is your favorite thing? (I'm actually holding myself back from saying I'm honored because I can only hear that with Nagito's voice sighhh..)
Oh my god, the ferret description is so cute what? And the taller than you thing made me giggle.. because I'm.. I'm hilariously short.. But I'll take it as a win, today I'm tall! And if I were a ferret I'd coil around like a snake and have you snuggled up against my stomach so uhm! There's an image for you, I laughed evilly..
Okay. I've done my yap. It's actually insanely easy to talk to you, I'm usually pretty bad at that but somehow I don't feel like I'm being held at gunpoint? This is crazy? Okay. I think I'm done now. I uhm, I walk into the sunset and I disappear.
OMG YAYYYYY 2 IN A ROW??? RARE SAKKI W!! Btw u spell my name right, thats true companionship on this hellsite <333
Make sure not to exhaust urself with sending me messages btw!! I’ll never get tired of u but ur fingers might get sore so don’t think for his as transactional!! Only send asks when u wanna <33 I’ll be happy no matter how much we interact bc ur just so sweet and cool!
GAHHHH UR NOT SLEEPYJIRAIMINORI?! I rly thought I had it! Guess I’m no detective Conan, hahhh XD
Fr?? U like political Sakki? Well I’m glad! I’m taking my mandatory civics/US citizen and politics course rn so I’m only gonna get louder from here XD especially since pro-Healthcare CEO ppl keep spamming me uggggh….
YES RP I LOVE RP!!! And ye ur my fav <3 it’s rare I have a favorite anything bc I’m just so indecisive, but u rly stick out to me as just THE reason I go on tumblr! Ur asks bring me sm joyyy
Hehehe u can say it’s an honor! I’m not just a Makoto kin but a Kokichi kin, so I kinda like the praise XD but honestly I rly don’t deserve it! Frankly IM the honored one for being one of ur regulars!!!! That makes me so happy that u like my stuff, ur so sweet wahhh!!!
1) glad u liked my description! I try to visualize all my anons bc it makes me feel closer to u!
2) NO WAY u could be short compared to me!! Nuh uh! IM 4 FEET AND 11 INCHES (4’11)/149 CM!!!! (centimeters) AINT NO WAY U AINT TALLER IF UR ANY SHORTER UR STRAIGHT UP A HOMUNCULI
The coiling image is so adorableeee if I was a mouse I’d prob just fiddle with ur nose… long ferret snoot boop it!
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I drew me hugging u LOLLL
Anywyayyyy I’m glad it’s easy for u to talk to me, I think the same!! Ur like a pan and im like butter, ur just so civersarional and easy to glide off of! Idk sometimes ppl send anons and i just don’t get the point?? But I always get u! I think XD
Anyway it’s late for me (and u too!!!) so imma sleep but thank u for the second ask, penpal <3
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ahappydnp · 6 months ago
this might be too much of a deep lore question but i figured who would know better thank you if anyone: did they say somewhere or is it established that Phil was meant to join Dans tour in Australia but then randomly couldn’t because he had health issues/migraines?? And if so where did they say that bc i’ve read this in like 3 fics and would love to know the backstory hahaha <3 thank u
hiii they did talk about phil planning to tag along to the australian leg/some of europe "for a free holiday" (18:25) in october 2022. phil also joked tweeting about going to a canada show as well so it definitely seems like they were planning on phil attending more than just the one show
in january 2023 (right before the aus leg of the tour) he mentioned that his dizziness/vestibular migraines issue had gotten worse and he had been seeing specialists/taking new meds (1:34) and that he couldn't fly
the worst part is the last show of the AUS/NZ leg was on january 28th (two days before phil's birthday) so they definitely planned on staying and having a little holiday before the EU leg started (especially as they both really love it there and had a special holiday in australia previously during ii). dan ended up immediately flying home to london after the show for phil's birthday on the 30th
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l3viat8an · 1 year ago
Sorry if this is a weird ask….but I seen something like this on a jjk blog and wanted to ask you what you think Levi’s hands look like irl? Feel free to ignore this
Not weird at all nonnie!! ‘n I know exactly what posts you’re talking about 🤭
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✨Levi’s hands irl✨
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the-flying-robins · 2 months ago
Do you have dickroy headcanons that youd like to share?
Anon you have activated my trap card. There is nothing I love talking about more than Dickroy.
Some of my hc's about these two!
Their first kiss happened in their Teen Titans days, a dare or a game, something silly and not serious.
Roy was pretty sure he liked boys before, but that was confirmation. Dick did not have a grand sweeping realization as a kid. He didn't look at anyone that way for a much longer time (late teens), he was too busy with everything else in his life, and then he only had eyes for Kory.
Roy helped Dick with archery after that as an excuse to get closer, when Dick showed no interest he kept helping him anyway, but did tone down the flirting.
Dick realized he had some feelings for Roy during Titans99 (insert joke about Wonder Twins here) but Roy and Donna were starting something around that time, and Dick was again far too busy to even think about making a move.
After Donna's death Roy took on the job of shaking Dick out of his funks, a bit of a twist on their previous dynamic. He pushed a lot of his own feelings to the side.
They definitely slept together during Outsiders, it was short lived/a one-off and ended in flames (neither was at their best)
As 2 of the only unpowered people on about every team they've ever been on together they train with each other more than anyone else. They've got a sixth sense when it comes to the other (all of the Fab Five are like this some to be fair) they know where the other is when they walk in a room, and can anticipate each others next action.
They match each other's freak so well most people assume they've been together forever, but they are really just like that.
Both of them have something of a competency kink, Dick's insane acrobatics and Roy's pinpoint accuracy with any projectile make both of them go 👀
Dick normally hates being bossed around, but with Roy he allows it, Roy will catch him, and he can shut off part of his brain for a while.
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toyybox · 8 months ago
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It’s everyone’s favourite angel, Onyx from The Winged Servant by @rainbowsandwhumperflies 💝 He’s so cute I love him, go read TWS now!!
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petorahs · 4 months ago
Just saw the recent voice lines and omg I’m going insane agsgdhsjshddhh. Avenday enemies to rivals to lovers is real guys!!! Also Ratio and Sunday not hating each other hell yeah (I bet people are still gonna think they do though because some people here just suck).
—🪼 anon.
YES YES YES now that theyre officially out - they are EVERYTHINGGG
first off Ratio and Sunday besties lowkey we been knew.. Ratio outright complimenting Sunday in their team join voicelines is like. so SWEET? like correct me if im wrong but thats the nicest thing ive heard Ratio say abt someone's smarts... dang Sunday. got the doctor's approval (again).
AND HOO BOY WHERE DO WE EVEN begin with Aventurine and Sunday's...
in every language Sunday giggles
and since it doesnt appear in text as a (hehe) or something it means this was a deliberate voice direction they gave to each VA.... hmm i wonder why? (cause theyre gay). also obsessed with EN Sunday pausing, sighing wistfully before giggling LIKE OKAYYY YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON AVENTURINE we get it
speaking of the content itself, this post by @/Apel_the_Apel on twitter explains it better than i could:
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oh we won so hard man
also for Aventurine's team join voicelines with Sunday- why does he sound so excited?! especially in JP?! is he gonna make out with h-
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 10 months ago
ari ari ari i need your thoughts on this!!! suguru who lives and breathes being able to take care of his s/o, like that's HIS MEANING to life once he's found The One. butbutbut what if he got severely sick like he isnt able to even get up and he's all weak and frail like a victorian child. obv his s/o wouldnt mind it at all and would LOOOOOVE to pamper him like the roles are literally reversed but he feels sooooooo guilty that now hes the one being taken care plsplspls this has been plaguing my mind
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THIS CONCEPT IS SO DEAR TO MY HEART………… hang on let me get my thoughts in order .
suguru is just . such a caretaker type. he feels so much more comfortable in that position. i absolutely think he’d devote himself to tending to your needs, and i absolutely think he’d feel extremely uncomfortable if he got so sick that he couldn’t do that anymore 😭 if he was forced into a position where he couldn’t do anything but meekly let you take care of him…. it makes him so viscerally uncomfortable because it’s just so foreign!!!!
this is just my take on him, but i really feel like suguru was neglected as a child …… he strikes me as the type who had to take care of himself, always, so that’s where he feels most comfortable. he’s so used to take care of others, and himself, and i think it gives him a sense of control that he’s dependent on. so when he gets hit with such a severe wave of sickness… and he can’t even get out of bed on his own…. :’3 well . i think he feels very helpless and very uncomfortable!!!!! maybe even a little irritated . he just hates the feeling i think…
so!!! you have to ease him into it :3 deep down he’d probably really, really enjoy being pampered and tended to…. but he’s so hesitant . i feel like he tries to fend you off and reassure you at first, but when you’ve made it clear that you’re taking care of him whether he likes it or not ……. he probably. gets a little shy 😭 he’s just a baby…….. speaks even softer than usual because his throat is raspy, pouts after taking his medicine, blushes a little when you spoon-feed him soup………. he’s just. SO cute. he gets so clingy i think. he really loves the attention and he’s very very embarrassed about it LMAO
ANYWAYYY IN CONCLUSION . you’re so bigbrained anon <3333 this man needs to be pampered and babied relentlessly . made then he’ll relax a bit.
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aromanticgarbage · 5 months ago
He cut his hair. 👀
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kinda sad we didnt get one (1) hd photo of the long hair before he chooped it off but he looks cute either way lmao. the silly.
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tojiscrack · 5 months ago
LIAR LIAR CHAPTER DROPPP WE ARE SOOO BACK 🗣️🔥‼️ (i actually read it last night oops)
i think i am starting to get what u mean by “heavy angst”.. I AM SO NERVOUS FOR THEM APDHOE
anyways!! 😊😊 fantastic chapter (as always ofc) you truly amaze me every time you write
(gulps.. im also this anon .. https://www.tumblr.com/tojiscrack/765595000042127360/hiii-ok-so-first-i-wanna-say-i-love-liar-liar-so .. ive gained confidence to come off anon..)
liar, liar masterlist here:
stop focusing on the ‘heavy angst’ part, IT HASN’T EVEN ARRIVED YET 😭 like it’s still on its way. taking a while unfortunately, but on its way 🙄(🤗)
ugh tysm, beyond ecstatic you enjoyed it. was afraid you weren’t gonna like it as much ‘cause the chapters are gonna be shorter now (like around that range — 10-15k words and not the 20k+ we’re so used to). but you have soothed my worries :)
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l3viat8an · 6 months ago
Yesyesyes!!- rambling as always oops 🫶🏻
Your first kiss with Levi is gonna be clumsy and inexperience, mostly on his part. Levi isn’t used to love and affection or anything real that actually involves another living breathing person- especially not the one he has a huge crush on so you have to take your time with him.
Now I won’t lie and say you’ll be Levi’s actual ‘first kiss’ but you are his first kiss in several centuries so everything feels brand new for him.
He’s nervous and fidgety at first. He’s not sure what to do with his hands or himself or exactly what he should be doing- so you’ll probably want take the lead. Guide him, take his hands in yours and place them wherever you’d like, fair warning tho he is going to squeeze and feel up wherever you put his hands so keep that in mind!
It’s best to keep your own hands on his shoulders, or if you really want to fluster Levi some more- cup his face!! Make it feel like you want to pull him in even closer while you kiss.
For that you’ll get a cute little whine of surprise out of him, and he’ll be stunned still for a few seconds before he begins kissing you back even more eagerly. It’s still a clumsy kiss and his teeth knock into yours more then once, but he’s too happy to care and do you really mind?-
Nope~ at least not when Levi looks so cute as you break away from the kiss! He’s in absolute awe, eyes wide and glossy, his face all red and lips slightly swollen as he stutters out asking if the two of you can do that again? Please!! He’ll be good, he’ll do whatever you want next! Just kiss him again, p-please…..
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festivating · 1 year ago
Elphie + Glinda + Liir family headcanons?? (I’m reading attrition rn and I love itttt)
Omggg happy you're liking it so far!! All of my headcanons will show up in attrition one way or another, so I'll try not to give too much away with these :)
Both Elphaba and Glinda are extremely protective of Liir, but in different ways. Elphaba will physically hurt anyone that hurts him, but Glinda takes the approach of showing Liir how to take care of himself via not looking for trouble and learning how to associate with the right people.
Liir is slow to trust others, because he's used to being picked on/bullied, but he trusts Glinda immediately. He and Elphaba take a bit longer to see eye to eye, but he trusts her blindly too.
Glinda cannot cook to save her life, since she's never had the need to cook for herself, but I like to think she can learn and does in fact try to learn so she can help Elphaba in making family meals.
Liir is not a picky eater, he will eat anything, but it's easy to tell he vastly prefers some meals over others and so Elphaba and Glinda both make an effort to learn how to make those.
I like to think Liir starts picking up both Elphaba's and Glinda's habits without them even trying to instill them on him. Like, as he grows he gets an interest in the things that matter to Elphie like Animal rights and social justice, but he also gets an eye for expensive things like Glinda lol
But because kids are never carbon copies of their parents he has his own things that he likes that Glinda and Elphaba Do Not Get. I don't know what the Ozian equivalent of an emo phase would be, but he would have one.
Activities!! When things are quiet and "normal" I like to think they enjoy spending lots of time together, whether that is going places or just staying at home. Even when he's a child both Glinda and Elphaba genuinely like talking to him.
Glinda and Liir are menaces together. Elphaba has never known a day of peace in her life, especially because when Glinda starts teasing her about anything Liir is always eager to join in.
When something scares him he usually goes to Elphaba because he thinks she's brave. When he's uncertain about something he goes to Glinda because he thinks she's wise.
That super common thing of the child waking up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare and crawling into bed with the parents? Happens a lot. Neither him nor Elphaba are cuddly people, but just being there with them can calm him.
He is easily distracted. Elphaba comes up with the weirdest games to entertain him and he takes them very seriously. "The floor is lava" is a life or death situation. Glinda doesn't get it.
Seeing who can scare Glinda and get her to scream the loudest becomes a regular activity once they start living together. Glinda still doesn't get it, but this one amuses her even if it's at the expense of her sanity.
The three of them have the wildest abandonment issues you can possibly think of, so they're pretty tight-knit. Perhaps almost to an unhealthy degree...
But to end on a fluffy note, they all love each other very much and it shows in different ways. Elphie with her protective streak, and Glinda with her willingness to rearrange her entire life to fit the two of them, and Liir with feeling safe enough to approach them for whatever he needs :)
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months ago
This is the first time in like 2 months that your ask box is still open when I get up so now I can finally make a request for some arsonist neil/firefighter andrew! (hopefully you don’t have too many already)
WIP Wednesday (9/11) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 227)
"How's that?" Andrew asks at the same time as Neil's phone vibrates against his ear, rattling his skull. He grimaces and pulls it away from his head. He hates this stupid phone. He almost wishes he had one of those smartphones that can handle video calls— 
Huh, Neil supposes he could get one. It's not like it's hard to procure a cell phone nowadays. Not like it used to be. Hell, Walmart's even got a burner phone section now! (Ahem, he means a ‘prepaid, no-contract cell phone’ section.) Maybe he'll look into that sometime. It would have to be more convenient, right? Plus maybe he'd get to see Andrew more often if they could video call...
"Just a sec," Neil says, earning a groan from Andrew's end as he ends the call to go check his messages. Andrew has sent him a few photos this evening, but Neil is not prepared in the slightest for the image waiting for him. He sucks in a sharp breath and wishes his phone's screen was bigger than a postage stamp. He holds it as close to his face as possible without going cross-eyed and sighs appreciatively.
The photo, like the others, is of Andrew's reflection in the floor-length mirror in the corner of his bedroom. Andrew fills up almost the whole thing. He's all broad shoulders and green cashmere and soft blond hair and... Neil swallows thickly. What the fuck? How does he look so fucking good? He's not even posing! He's just standing there, head cocked to the side and one foot sticking out to show off his boots— black leather, stompy-looking things. They seem to add to Andrew's height. Neil wonders how much.
Neil curses his stupid phone for not being able to zoom in. He wants to see what expression Andrew's wearing. He can almost imagine looking into his eyes and the idea flusters him. Neil huffs and holds his phone away from him, sliding the keyboard out and in a few times before looking at it again. It's still the same! Andrew looks amazing and sharply soft, which isn't a thing, and fuck! Neil blinks and realizes he's been staring at this picture for six minutes without replying.
"Goddamn." He curses himself and downloads the photo to his phone's nearly full memory card before going back to his call log. He mashes the button on Andrew's name and impatiently waits for it to start ringing. When Andrew answers, he sounds weird.
"Was it that bad?"
"N-no. No, it's good. It's really, really good. Andrew, that's what you should wear." Neil sputters, sounding like a fucking simpleton. He clears his throat and shakes his head but it does nothing to dislodge the image seared into his brain. Fuck, he wants to burn something. He wants—
"You think so?"
"Yeah," Neil nods, though Andrew is miles away. "Yeah, wear that. And, um, send me a picture of your face."
Andrew is quiet for a minute. "Why?"
Neil hasn't got a reasonable answer. "I... Never mind. Um, have a good night."
"I doubt that will happen, but I appreciate the sentiment," Andrew sighs out. "Sort of wish you were going with me."
"Why? So I could burn the place down if things get awkward?"
Andrew snorts. "Maybe. That would at least liven things up. And I'd be in my element. Sort of. At least more in my element than..." He sighs again, clucks his tongue. "So, should I send you the address or...?"
Neil laughs. "No, definitely not."
"Fine." Andrew blows air. "Well, I gotta go. If we all survive this evening, I'll call you when I get home. Otherwise, I suppose you'll be seeing me on the news tomorrow."
"Andrew. Andrew, hey, hey. Repeat after me: no matter what, I will not kill anyone tonight," Neil says, waiting for Andrew's pledge. It takes a second, but he reluctantly says it back.
"Unless I really, really have to.” Andrew sneaks in. “Bye."
"Bye. Good luck." Neil says, then the line goes dead. He flops face first onto his bed and smashes his face against the mattress, then opens his messages with Andrew. Before he can open the picture to stare it at a little longer, a new one comes in.
A selfie.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year ago
oh please talk about kawanishi taichi i love that silly guy
(also i am SO sorry for taking so long oh my god i am back in action and catching up i promise!!)
i think he likes beanies in his casual wear
idk kawanishi feels like such a beanie person but not the douchebag slouchy ones he's got one that's a little snug and has something embroidered on it like a bird or something
okay that's a lie. he has ONE douchebag slouchy beanie that makes him look like how a high school romance shoujo mangaka of the mid-2000s would dress a flashy somewhat-delinquent teenage boy (honey lemon soda my beloved)
this, of course, could not be farther from the truth
the entire second year is scared of him bc they never somehow realize he's there until he says something and they're like "holy SHIT". this also means he knows a bunch of hot gossip
(the hot gossip miyagi group chat: kawanishi, watari, onagawa, and narita)
on the other hand. that means the students of 2-5 win the contest for "best cultural festival attraction" between classes bc they had the best haunted house the miyagi prefecture had ever seen
he's on really good terms with the school nurse because sometimes he sneaks into the infirmary to take naps during lunch or gym periods
knows how to lockpick BECAUSE he keeps trying to sneak into the infirmary. and occasionally the school roof for their "team bonding picnics" so that tendou doesn't have to keep swiping the key from the student council
i'm not just saying this bc i like enamel pins but i think kawanishi DOES like enamel pins. he's got a collection of these edgy sarcastic ones that he thinks are hilarious in a "started-ironically-and-now-i-can't-stop-pipeline" kind of way
he's got this whole tumblr-grunge-indie-hipster thing going on with his douchebag slouchy beanie and denim jacket with pins all over the collar and ripped jeans and converse sneakers and shirabu thinks he pulls it off unfairly well
i feel like kawanishi also really likes fantasy/sci-fi and is actually SUCH a huge secret nerd about it. and really likes cyberpunk and fantasyland settings you'd get from like idk snow white with the red hair or nivalis (i KNOW it's an indie game that's not even out yet but sue me i don't know cyberpunk all that well)
he and tsukki actually become friends while arguing about how much of akira is deep meaning and how much of it is actually just straight up bullshit because WHAT the fuck was that
also he's subscribed to a bunch of these small artists on youtube who make background music and fun art to go with them bc he can put together a great soundtrack for getting hw and studying done
likes getting lil gifts for shirabu, especially to add to his stationary collection. shirabu has sticky notes in the shape of whales and ice cream and paper lanterns and washi tape with fireworks and beach motifs and bakery stuff and it's all because of kawanishi
kawanishi just sticks to the plain solid-color square sticky notes that he uses to leave shirabu notes around his dorm. just small things, really, a reminder that this is a place shirabu belongs and it is a place he is loved. you're doing great. get some water soon. i'll bring you dinner, just text me. don't forget to sleep.
and shirabu will be hard pressed to admit it, but those might be his favorite sticky notes of all
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itsjaywalkers · 1 year ago
Hello!hope ur having a good day :) <33
I was wondering if u wanted to share some trans reg hc, could be overall or like the boxing au one, or anything rly.
Like who was the first person he came out to, how/when did he realise, how does he deal with dysphoria- what gives him dysphoria/euphoria, and maybe how would it translate into like relationship and sexlife, would he be able to go ahead without any/much dysphoria, or would he have to have sex a ‘specific way(?? Idk??)’ to make it work?
A lot of question I know, and u don’t have to answer if it makes u uncomfortable or anything, I just wanted to hear more about your headcanons about this.
//a trans guy who is obsessed with trans reg, and ur writing
hi darling!! i have today off so i am . in fact . having a great day <3 i hope yours is treating u kindly too!!
and ofc i want to!! i'm gonna do it boxer au based, since reg's trans experience isn't the same in every story!! and don't worry, i'm happy to answer ur questions!! it doesn't make me uncomfy in the slightest, trans reg is very special to me too for many reasons and i loveeee talking about him <3
the first person he came out to was sirius!! this is my Truth almost always no matter the fic. it changes sometimes, if he takes longer to realise and he and sirius have a complicated relationship but !! in the boxer au they get along great and they're very close, so reg told sirius first!!
sirius already had his suspicions tho, and they had a lot of long deep convos about gender. he helped reg figure himself out and supported him every step of the way
in the boxer au, he realised quite young!! he was never completely comfortable in his own body, but since he was a very awkward and . odd . kid everyone attributed it to reg just not being 'normal' in general. when puberty hit it got worse tho, and even tho everyone told him it'd pass and that puberty wasn't supposed to feel good or fun, reg knew there was something else
sirius also noticed there was something going on with his brother, so he tried to help him in every way he could. he lent him his clothes whenever reg asked (even tho it was always kind of begrudgingly), convinced their parents to allow him to wear his hair short, bought him oversized clothes and called him by his nickname and never his actual name
but i think the moment it actually hit reg was when he got mistaken by a boy one time he got out of school and went to his father's office to wait for him. the receptionist assumed he was sirius, and it finally clicked for him
he didn't tell sirius immediately tho. he researched a lot first, almost obsessively, and he doubted himself all of the time, having these moments in which . he was afraid he was actually somehow making it all up in his mind
reg was very scared of change, and this was a very big One. he knew sirius would support him no matter what, but there's always fear yk?? and there was also the matter of his parents. he was absolutely terrified
but he ended up blurting it out one night he and sirius stayed up late in secret. sirius talked to him about this one boy he was crushing into, and came out to him. and reg came out to him in return!! there were a lot of hugs and a lot of tears (they pretended this never happened the next morning)
sirius was a man on a mission after this. he helped him browse names and started using the correct pronouns, always getting so incredibly upset when he slipped at the beginning. reg found it very endearing, and assured him it was fine bc it was understandably gonna take them both some time
reg didn't have many close friends back then, so he didn't really come out to anyone in school, and he graduated with only sirius knowing the truth
those years were hard ngl, and reg struggled A Lot, but having sirius on his side made the whole thing . slightly more bearable . sometimes not even that was enough but reg appreciated it immensely
how he deals with dysphoria has changed over time!! he relied a lot on the internet when he was younger, and on his brother too, but there was only so much sirius could do apart from offering a willing ear and being comforting, considering he couldn't really understand what reg was going through. it absolutely broke sirius' heart, to see him have breakdown after breakdown, losing his appetite or refusing to leave his room for days
back then reg experienced dysphoria constantly. he wasn't comfortable in his own body and he had a hard time looking at himself in the mirror, or even listening to himself talk
some days he could kind of deal with it, remain functional despite it all. he did his best to keep himself distracted so he wouldn't think too much about the whole thing
but other days getting up from bed was Hard
now tho !! it doesn't happen That often, he's the man he was always meant to be !! he's on T and got top surgery and legally changed his name and gender so he's kind of thriving
he still has his moments tho bc this is something he's gonna have to deal with for the rest of his life so when it happens he goes to the twins!! they're both trans in this story so they Understand what he's going through and they support each other Always
they exchange advice and comfort each other when it gets especially Hard and . idk it's all very lovely, they're each other's ppl yk??
again, back then a lot of stuff gave him dysphoria, but nowadays it's more specific?? little things that usually don't upset him that badly but that sometimes pile up and end up giving him actually bad dysphoria??
like . he's a well-known sports journalist, he isn't really a celebrity or anything but ppl do talk about him sometimes, especially bc of sirius (and then bc of james) and they tend to mention his looks or how similar or different he looks to his brother
and sometimes they use more . feminine adjectives or straight up say he's kinda feminine or even comment on him being trans since it's public knowledge and reg has spoken on it more than once and . it's stuff that doesn't affect him that badly but it still annoys him
it's the same when ppl highlight how passing he looks, how u can't even tell he's trans, etc
there's also the ppl that are purposefully transphobic or misgender him which . does actually make him quite dysphoric, even tho he's mostly very comfortable with his identity + his looks now
he also has a bit of a complicated relationship with . stuff that it's considered 'feminine'
like clothes don't have any gender, same with makeup, and reg wouldn't mind wearing a skirt even tho it's not his style and he does wear some makeup semi-regularly for tv interviews etc etc but . sometimes he feels slightly uncomfy on it, like he gets bad memories or becomes paranoid about how he looks in it, if the clothes make his body seem too . curvy .
as i've said, he's very confident nowadays but he still has his moments!!
when it comes to gender euphoria, it's all about the little things!! people calling him handsome, seeing how hairy his body is now, the fact that he can take his shirt off now when he goes to the beach etc
when it comes to relationships and his sex life he has reached a point in which he can usually go ahead without getting dysphoria but . it depends on his partner really
some ppl can be transphobic without meaning to or simply bc of a lack of knowledge which is fine by him u know he totally gets it, it's a matter of being willing to learn and to listen to him
like . he's used to guys assuming he only bottoms or not even ask if he's comfortable using his front hole u know
or using afab terms to refer to his genitals without making sure first reg is okay with that
which brings me to my next point !! in oby, reg himself uses afab terms and he's fine with james using them too, they've had a convo about it and everything
but it's different for reg in the boxer au!! he does use afab terms for himself, he doesn't mind at this point and it doesn't give him any dysphoria however . when it comes to his sexual partners . he prefers them using words like a cock or hole or more neutral names . it gives him gender euphoria!! and the other stuff makes him kinda uncomfy. it's fine when he's the one saying it or thinking it but hearing it out loud coming from . other people, especially people who are just there bc they're attracted to him and want to fuck him is . Not Great
he also isn't always fine with using his front hole during sex, it depends on his mood and how much he trusts the person he's gonna be sleeping with. besides, he quite likes anal too so !!
this whole thing is another reason why . reg doesn't want to sleep with james bc he feels like he's gonna be a bit of an asshole about it or be another guy who doesn't even bother asking about his preferences or what he's comfy with
which isn't the case at all!! james has been with trans ppl before, and even if he hadn't, he's very considerate with his partners!! and as he should tbh. him being arrogant or knowing he's great in bed doesn't mean he's selfish
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lucy-frostblades · 2 months ago
eli hello this is the same coward anon that appeared on reese's blog. can i rope in cassie. would you be okay with me roping in cassie. it's okay if not she just. compels me. kay byee <3
literally yes
oh my god of course i would die (/so fucking pos) if u did
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lisannastraussisanangel · 2 years ago
Do you have any freed hcs? This man has a chokehold on my and I would love to hear your thoughts
Freed is actually one of my favorite characters. (#3 if we wanna get specific) So I have many thoughts on that little nerd
He collects everything. Books, figurines, jewelry, bones, fancy rocks, you name it. Man has crow tendencies
Freed is not scared of anyone. Not even Mira who kicked his ass harder than it's ever been kicked before
He has a very strict moral code. Unfortunately no one can tell what that code is (Besides honorable which is well known)
While he's usually pretty quiet, if you get him going, Freed with rant for literal hours about anything
Makarov is really fond of him. Freed is usually pretty well behaved
Tho he has been known to join a guild brawl every now and again
Freed almost always holds back his power. He isn't into causing unnecessary harm and will usually try to outsmart his opponent instead
He uses really big words just to fuck with people. Sometimes they aren't even real words. He just makes stuff up
Speaking of that, if Freed doesn't know the answer to something. He just lies. No one questions him
Freed really likes telling his team a 'fun fact' that is just pure bullshit and then laughing when they try to flex their knowledge
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