#lol and then tessa got in so much trouble
canadiannationalfox · 10 days
Murder Drones Fanfic - N's Informal Beauty Training / J's Emotional Aneurysm
(if you need more context see these two fics 1, 2)
"Today's the day," A very hyper kid Tessa trilled as she looked at the calendar on her bed-side table. She nudged J who was sleeping on the bottom part of her bed, she giggled excitedly, "Wake up, Jay Bird!"
The pretty maid drone began to stir, she smiled as she opened one LED eye and then closed it after seeing Tessa's smile. "Nah, let's sleep in," J teased, she was in a shockingly playful mood today, "Let's rest a little"
Tessa used all her muscle to push J into sitting up-right. She insisted happily, "No, we gotta get up! Mum n Dad are sleeping still and I promised I'd make that new wig for you."
J stopped playing around now, she hugged Tessa from the side and asked in a caring tone, "You sure you still want to go through with it?" The worker drone with the synthetic silver pigtails glanced over at the ill-gotten toning shampoo and the peroxide, she knew Tessa was a tenacious and determined little lady but she figured it would be best to offer the precious little Elliott 'princess' a chance to back out.
"No way!" Tessa happily trilled, slightly bouncing up and down, "I am a girl of my word, J! You taught me to keep my promises!"
J put her hands over her chest. "I did teach her that, didn't I?" the platinum LED eyed robot girl thought happily to herself.
The ebony haired girl energetically hopped out of bed and slid across the wood floors to her vanity desk, she was still in her mint green night dress and a pair of mismatched socks, one yellow with black stripes, and the other black with white polkadots. Tessa sat at the mirror and coaxed with a joyful laugh, "Come brush my long hair one more time, J!"
J shook her head with a chuckle before she approached her loyalist of friends at the pretty lavender desk with the tall mirror. She carefully untied all the bows, letting Tessa's knee length hair flow down. J smiled as she caught the gaze of the energetic girl she spent most of her days beside as she picked up the silver plated hairbrush as she had done at least 100 times before.
Tessa, who normally was relaxed when J brushed her hair, this time was quite excited, she kicked her legs in slight excitement. "Oh, J! I can hardly wait," the Elliott family heiress exclaimed, "You're going to look so pretty when I'm done making your new wig."
J carefully brushed all the knots out of Tessa's glossy black hair before setting the brush down. She gave Tessa's shoulders a little squeeze as she informed, "Okay, do you got the scissors?"
Tessa mischievously giggled as she pulled her mom's fancy sewing scissors out from her box of hair bows. She handed them back to J.
J held a section of Tessa's hair in one hand and the scissors in the other. She nervously suggested, "You sure you're ready, Princess Tess? It's a big change,"
Tessa swung herself around on the chair, her arms crossed and a silly pout upon her face. "I think you're chicken, J. I think you're scared to do it."
The pigtailed worker drone looked away, she was scared, she didn't want to get in trouble if they were caught, but she grumbled as she lied, "I'm not a chicken."
Tessa egged on her protectress, her arms crossed, her expression a bit sassy. She taunted, "You couldn't close those scissors if you'd get a promotion."
J was now attentive, she wrapped her fingers around a section of Tessa's hair and opened the etched stainless steel sewing scissors. "Oh, you sure talk a big game," J sassed back, "You have some major attitude." She winced slightly as she chopped through the first chunk. Her confidence fled fast as J saw the chunk of pretty onyx hair in her hands. She muttered as she set it down on the dresser, "I am so dead if we get caught."
Serial Designation N came skipping into the room, he greeted in a happy sing-song voice, not paying attention to what was going on, "Good Morning Miss Tessa." He looked at Tessa first and then at J who looked distraught while holding a pair of scissors. He asked curiously, "Are you two playing a game? I like games."
J set down the scissors and led N out of the room, her expression severe. She pinned him against the wall by his shoulders. "You need to learn to knock, you firing fodder," J growled at her lower-ranking colleague, "Do you want Tessa to get caught?" she lied, she didn't want to get caught more than if Tessa were to get caught.
N was about to say something when the two were interrupted by a sound.
The sound of Tessa's laughter as well as the sound of scissors.
"Move, bozo!" J ordered as she ran back into the room.
The ebony haired girl crunched the sewing shears on a large section of her hair close to her shoulders, letting a huge chunk of hair fall to the ground. She stopped and examined her handiwork in the mirror before collecting up the long chunks of cool-dark hair and putting them in a bowl of peroxide and water to bleach. She stuck her tongue out playfully at J. "I knew you were a chicken!" she stared at her reflection before saying, "Now... how do I cut the back?"
J turned to N and instructed firmly, "Okay, I hate you, and you probably don't like me."
"What?" Tessa sadly asked, swiveling herself in the chair to face her favourite robot and her second favourite robot.
N interjected, "But, I do like you J, you're pretty neat and you know Miss Tessa more and you're pretty."
J rolled her eyes at N calling her pretty twice before she continued pleading, as her LED eyes dilated making bright white rings with stress lines under them , "I need you to fix Tessa's hair. Cut it nice and straight and even... don't take it higher than her shoulders, and whatever you do, don't tell a damn soul about what we did or we could end up back outside rusting to the patio."
N nodded compliantly and reassured optimistically, "I like doing anything." He took the scissors out of Tessa's hands.
"Hey! I was using those," Tessa scolded before she pouted cutely.
J walked outside and stood guarding the door, hoping that Tessa's parents wouldn't come down.
N assessed the hack job that the eccentric 10-year-old had given herself and eagerly trilled, "Now, Miss Tessa, I think we need to neaten it up if you don't want to get in trouble." He playfully snipped the scissors and exclaimed playfully, "N, not-so-professional hair dresser is here to save the day." He collected up the remaining long chunks of hair at the back of Tessa's head and snipped through them carefully, trying to match the length to the shorter really bad layers. He giggled playfully as he neatened up the really uneven haircut on his favourite human, "We're going to make you look so pretty no one is going to ignore you!"
Tessa swung her legs back and forth energetically as N remedied the really bad haircut.
J anxiously peeked into the room, she was worried about how N was doing.
N set down the scissors on the dresser top and dusted off Tessa's shoulders with a clean makeup brush. He patted Tessa on the shoulders and exclaimed as he made eye contact with the girl's reflection, "There! A nice and neat new haircut for our favourite ray of sunshine!" He clipped a nice big black bow onto Tessa's hair so she would like her new haircut even more.
Tessa marveled at her new look but as soon as she caught a glimpse of J, she ran over to her favourite robot. "J! Aren't I beautiful?"
J hugged her favourite human tightly, she felt reassured by her human's genuine smile. "Princess Tessa, you look so pretty! I'm sorry I was a coward," J praised to the happy girl whom she cherished above all others. She turned her attention then to N and muttered in a thankful tone, "And... thanks for doing the job I as too scared to do, N... it turned out ok."
N invited happily as he patted the chair at Tessa's vanity, "Hey, well since I know how now, I am gladly taking new clients."
J grabbed one of her pigtails and snarled in fright, "No!"
Tessa interjected strongly, but still cheerfully, "Especially not after I'm done making her new wig."
N giggled, as he assessed the hair in the bowl of peroxide, "Is that why you wanted to give yourself a haircut?" He twirled a section of his hair proudly as he remarked, "This is a Tessa made wig too!"
"Yep! My favourite two both will have wigs made with lots of love!" Tessa giggled as she went over and pushed N out of the room, "Now, I need some time alone with J, pretty please can you go get us some snacks, it's going to be a long day of bleaching and sewing."
N nodded proudly and skipped away trilling eagerly, "I like doing anything."
After a couple hours, a game of pictionary, 3 games of go fish, two snacks and some sewing and shampoo-tone shifting, the wig was finally done. J and Tessa were at the vanity desk, the day had seemed to slip right out of their hands and it was afternoon, the perfect time for the big reveal.
J sat at the vanity desk, her hands over her eyes. "I won't look until you tell me," the worker drone maid said as she felt the wig clips letting go of her old synthetic wig that was starting to show signs of weathering.
Tessa giggled as she secured the clasps snugly of the wig to J's head, and once it was in place, she fluffed the soft silvery length out with her hands. "You can look now, Jay bird!"
J lowered her hands, an enthralled smile crept onto her face. She ran her fingers through the mid-back length wavy silver tresses. "Oh wow... I'm beautiful," J's voice wavered slightly with a joyful overwhelm. She adjusted her fringe to have a slight part in it. She turned to Tessa, hugging her quickly before she let go. "It just needs one more thing to be perfect," the proud robot maid asked softly, "Could you tie it in two ponytails?"
Tessa picked up her hair brush and some bows with a gold fastener and styled her favourite robot's new wig up into two pretty ponytails that curled upward at the ends. She proclaimed as she stood back and admired her craftsmanship, "Perfection!"
J and Tessa looked at their reflection in the vanity mirror, both smiling proudly. "I think we both look beautiful," J stated, ruffling Tessa's long bob slightly.
Tessa stood just as tall and proud as the robot maid beside her, she insisted back, "I agree entirely."
Their happy moment wouldn't sadly last much longer, as the sound of Louisa Elliott's shoes on the hardwood floors drew nearer and nearer...
The End
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I just started reading your rhett/Tessa story and I adore it! If it isn't out of line or too much trouble could I request a lumen au for Tessa and Rhett? I adored the one you did for Ronnie and Jake and I can't help but wonder what it would be like for Tessa and Rhett.
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I am so glad you've liked here to stay so far!! and ABSOLUTELY YOU CAN HOLY SHIT NOW THIS IS A CONCEPT (also uh....she was getting kinda long so I stopped at a very crucial moment but if you want more...just lemme know cause i have more lol)
to refresh on what a lumen is: "lumens take on the form of a small ball of light and vary in color from person to person. when you meet your soulmate your lumen will emit a bright light and upon brushing with your soulmate's lumen they both will give off a flash of light." - from @meliapis amazing arcane drabble there are windows to the soul(mate) please go read and review!! And then I added that a person's lumen flies in through their window at midnight on their 16th birthday.
SO with Rhett and Tess, they went to high school together.
And she's a few months younger than him (I think?? idk when his birthday is but we're gonna go with he's older for now until proven otherwise).
So Rhett gets his Lumen first, on the stroke of midnight when he turns 16. He's got his window open like his mama told him to and he's laying in bed, staring at the ceiling trying to will himself to not worry about it. It's no big deal. Just a piece of his soulmate is about to fly down from...wherever Lumens come from. No big deal.
The clock in the hall starts dinging and just like that, his room is illuminated with a soft yellow light. He's never sat up so fast in his entire life. Blankets go flying.
It just floats there in the middle of the room for a minute. A beautiful little ball of warm yellow, like a piece of the sun was in his room. It was calming the hammering of his heart inside his chest. Then it floated over to him and nuzzled itself against his cheek. It tingled, and it made him laugh.
So, ofc, he calls his Lumen Sunshine. That little piece of his soulmate, in those few months before he knows who it belongs to, never strays too far from him. Sticks close, likes to hide in his hoodies and burrow against his neck. It's shy, but warm. Comforting when his dad is screaming at him and his mom just tells him to do better.
He tries to act casual when he walks into school with Sunshine floating over his shoulder for the first time, but he really can't help bragging to his friends. Cause not everyone gets a lumen, but he had one. he had a soulmate out there somewhere, waiting for him.
And he really hoped it was Maria. That pretty girl he's been crushing on since he was 12. She hadn't gotten her lumen yet, so there was no way to know for sure until then. But he prayed every night, mused to Sunshine about it all the time.
Though the way Sunshine shied away from Maria, hung possessively around Rhett's face so she couldn't see him, should have been hint enough that it wasn't her.
Then, at midnight, October 17th, Tess is too anxious to stay in her room. She's wandered out into the horse barn. Giving her horse Peaches a midnight snack. Part of her hoped she didn't get one so no one would stare at her when she walked into school the next day.
But of course, a little ball of blue light - bright and clear as the sky - floated in through the crack in the barn door.
It went to her immediately, nuzzled against her belly to make her laugh and slid up onto Peaches' back like it wanted to go for a ride.
She calls her Lumen Cowboy.
That night, she confesses that she's scared of whoever they are a piece of. Scared they won't like her. Scared they'll want to be with someone else. Scared she won't like them either, that it might not be that Abbott boy she passes in the halls that's so cute she feels her blush in her ears.
But Cowboy, without words, is reassuring. Sets itself down beside her on her pillow all night while she tries to sleep.
She walks into school the next day with Cowboy confidently floating above her head. Clearing the way for her almost. Her friends are excited for her, and that helps her feel excited too. And she goes to her first-period class without any disruptions or hiccups. So she assumes that her soulmate isn't anyone she goes to school with. It's a small school, if they were there, Cowboy would have floated off to go find them by now.
But here's the thing.....
Rhett Abbott is running late to school
His chores weren't done and he wasn't going until they were.
So he pulls up about halfway through first period, runs to class and slips into his seat, luckily without his english teacher yelling at him.
But to add on to an already pretty shit morning, Sunshine just floats right back out the door.
"Uh, Mrs. Cooper? Someone's Lumen just went out into the hall?"
Everyone who has one looks up to see if theirs is gone, and Rhett feels the heat drain from his face when he realizes Sunshine is gone. He apologizes but shoots out of his desk like it's on fire. Mostly, he's just embarrassed and thinks Sunshine is wandering off. In the few months it's been there, it has wandered away to show him a cool sight a few times. Something he normally wouldn't even notice. And he thinks that is what is happening now.
AND THEN, just down the hall, Tess watches with wide eyes as Cowboy leaves the place where it was nestled in her sweatshirt pocket - only to go straight out the door. Mr. Snyder lets her go after it after a little begging.
And as soon as they're both out in the hall, calling in hushed whispers for their lumens to come back, their lumens start to glow.
Tess locks eyes with Rhett standing at the other end of the hall with wide eyes. Then their lumens meet in the middle and it feels like an explosion went off.
Everyone starts peeking out from their respective classrooms to see what was going on, and immediately people start talking among themselves.
"Rhett Abbott and Tess Abernathy! They're soulmates! Their Lumens just went off!"
And...Rhett is sixteen so please cut him some slack for this. But he looks disappointed. He's young, he thinks he's in love, he got his hopes up.
But man does that look just crush something inside Tess. Immediately she's got tears running down her face and she's so fucking embarrassed cause it's embarrassing enough being 16 but now everyone is looking at her and everyone knows what just happened and her LITERAL SOULMATE is disappointed that it's her and not someone else. Her nightmare come to reality.
So she runs off. She claps a hand over her mouth to keep in a sob and she runs. No destination in mind. But she bursts through the front doors with Cowboy trailing behind her and she just keeps going.
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maya-matlin · 1 year
I was reading your tag on the meeting with zaya in s11. Zaya definitely had a great first meeting arguably the best. I would agree I mean all of that scene is truly adorable and funny and it stands out to me.
I do feel a little bit that way for semmas meeting, where she'd been pining all day or trying to like figure out how she was gonna speak to him bc she maybe found him intimidating, and then finally she sees he's about to get in trouble bc he might fight jimmy, and kind of takes control of the situation even tho it's not really her business kind of like how maya went along with the rouse of pretending to be a jilted gf and improvising (lol scoundrel) without a script and did the first thing to come to mind. Both meetings seemed to me very like important.
Although with semma/Emma, she simply wanted someone to hang out with at the dance, but she had an opportunity to at least dance at the dance, and her intentions were good. I like that both zaya and semma had significant developments prior to dating zaya more than semma with the length of time. Idk people compare then sometimes the only real similarity is leading lady with a meet cute power couple relationship.
Both girls were intentions were good, for maya a new friend at her school, for emma befriending the cute new kid who she knew not much about. So it's cute to me as well. 😍💕 there is definitely overlap with zaya and semma but not that significant. Two awesome first meetings.
Yeah. I know Zig and Maya have way better scenes, but they got off to such a good start. Season 11 was overall a pretty weak season for them other than Underneath It All, but I really love that the writers made it a point to set up that pairing long before their romantic arc truly started.
Ooh, I never thought to compare those two scenes, but that's a good point about both Maya and Emma kind of needing to improvise to get their crush out of trouble.
Right. Ultimately, Zaya kind of borrowed from multiple ships while also having their own unique story. I don't think any other Degrassi pairing did the friends to lovers thing better than them. I think they followed the Semma pattern in the sense that it was the bad boy with the good girl, but I also feel like a lot of their story more closely resembles Joey and Caitlin's. Zig/Joey initially overlooked Maya/Caitlin for Tori/Liz. Maya and Caitlin had boyfriends who committed suicide (Cam and Claude). Joey cheated with Tessa, while Zig cheated with Zoe. Though thankfully, that was just one awful slip up in contrast to Joey kind of smugly repeatedly sleeping with Tessa until it blew up in his face. Personally, I'm just relieved Zaya didn't follow the Eclare pattern.
For sure! I think Zaya and Semma have some aesthetic similarities. Obviously later on, the writers kind of ripped off the Semma/Pemma triangle with Zaya/Matlingsworth. The first one was played more straight with Sean being the obvious troubled but ultimately good guy while Peter was the villain who used his privilege to eliminate his rival. With Zig and Miles, we weren't so sure how it would end up playing out because Zig had such a chip on his shoulder and was taking on this persona (kind of like season 3 Sean, but more aggressive) after being absent for most of the season. Miles had been introduced more sympathetically than Peter and had just come off episodes where we'd seen his home life and watched him stick up for Zoe. Based on what we'd seen of both (Zig in season 12, Miles in parts of season 13), it wasn't too shocking when things kind of reversed themselves and Maya decided Zig was the one she could trust and rely on while Miles was consistently letting her down. And of course, Zaya had the history and chemistry much like Semma did. Anyways, I digress.
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alj4890 · 2 years
All Through the Night
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A Choices The Royal Romance Dark AU
A/N Apologies again for how long this took to write along with any errors 🤦🏻 The good news is that this time next week I will be unpacking in my new home 🎉 The bad news is that I might be behind on posting the next chapter. Sigh. I can't catch up with anything lately, LOL. Anyway, no murder in this chapter. Just good old fashioned fluff for the most part 😉 Thanks for being so patient with me!!!
@iaminlovewithtrr @gkittylove99 @krsnlove @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg @amandablink @neotericthemis @mm2305 @sfb123 @iufilms @tessa-liam @busywoman @nestledonthaveone @angelasscribbles @thesvnsins
Part 10
Regina's death sent shockwaves throughout the two kingdoms. In Cordonia, people who knew of her magical ability mourned the loss of their Guardian. Those who were unaware of the hidden realm mourned for a noble who had always stuck by the Nevarkis rulers.
In the Dark Kingdom, the creatures that resided there felt an unending sadness for their king. He'd loss two of his mates, something no known monster in history had ever endured before. Those who were lucky enough to find their mates knew there was nothing they could say or do. His very heart was broken beyond repair.
Her death sent a quiet rage through those who'd been close to the witch. Madeleine and her coven fought against their vows to do only good in the hopes of extracting revenge against whatever monster had done this evil act. Olivia and Maxwell did their best to find tracks or any clue as to who the culprit was. Liam and Drake also conducted investigations within the Dark Kingdom.
Rashad and Sherry were given the task of guarding Riley and Hana while the others spent days and nights searching. It was fruitless, to say the least. Whatever killed Regina had managed to leave no clue as to who or what they were.
"It has to have been a werewolf." Maxwell muttered late one evening to Olivia. "The slashes and loss of organs point to one going completely savage."
"I agree." Olivia's brow furrowed in thought. "Maxwell? Doesn't it seem odd to you?"
"What?" He paused in his steps, whipping out a canteen of water.
"We've never had this much trouble finding monsters after they attacked." She nodded her thanks when he passed the canteen to her. "Yet with Lucretia and now Regina, we are left with nothing. No tracks of any sort. No bloody trail to follow. No tufts of hair or weapon lying about."
"I know." Maxwell leaned against his sword as they once more scoured the ground where Regina's body had been discovered. "It's something I have never encountered before."
"Neither have we."
Olivia and Maxwell stiffened until they saw Liam and Drake coming down the path.
"Found anything yet?" Olivia asked.
"Nothing." Liam ran his hands over his face. "I've questioned the werewolf colonies these past few weeks and nothing out of the ordinary has been witnessed."
"You sure they're telling you the truth?" Maxwell asked. "I mean, whoever did this basically killed their queen, at least in your father's eyes. They are probably terrified of you and whatever punishment Constantine will put them through."
"I know, which is why I probed their minds." Liam admitted. "Everyone was willing to allow me to do so to prove what they said."
Olivia snorted softly. "That might be the only thing I envy about a vampire."
"What about on your end?" Drake spoke up, ignoring the narrowed glare from Cordonia's queen. "Did Regina have any human enemies?"
"Human?" Olivia gasped. "You think a human could do all that? Are you out of your mind?!"
"Yeah, because a Nevarkis is known for never using torture to kill someone." Drake taunted.
Liam swiftly got between the two, holding his hands up to keep them from coming to blows.
"Enough!" He snapped. "We don't have time for these petty fights."
"The trail ran cold from the moment the killer left her here." Maxwell added, sheathing his sword. "We're wasting time grasping at straws."
"So what are you suggesting?" Olivia eyed Drake once more before putting her dagger away. "We just give up and pretend this is some horrible accident? Like what happened to my aunt? They both just slipped and fell into torture?"
"We don't know if the two are related or not." Maxwell explained. "And if they are, then we must try and think who is next."
"Next?" Drake scanned the shadowed tree line. "You think they are going after powerful people?"
"Possibly." Maxwell's brow furrowed. "If they aren't connected, I don't think the creatures remained in Cordonia. There haven't been anymore similar killings to either Lucretia's or Regina's. This type of attack," he gestured toward the faintly blood stained grass, "isn't a one and done type of action. This is something the creature enjoys and will do again."
Olivia cursed, looking about the once beautiful meadow. All she needed was some wild, on the loose monster tearing through Europe. It wouldn't take long for the rumors of Cordonia's mythical kingdom to be brought up before she had investigators down here.
Liam will be in danger.
Her gaze settled upon the Dark Prince and she felt an unusual need to protect him fill her heart. She'd already lost everyone in her family. She'd lost the kindly witch who tried to protect and help her. She couldn't lose Liam too.
"I'll send some of the King's Guards on a search to some of our surrounding countries' borders to see if any unusual attacks have been done." Olivia decided. "Perhaps the creatures have escaped our kingdoms."
The four parted ways for the night. Each was focused on trying to find a way to unravel this latest mystery in the hopes of keeping those they cared for from having to do so.
The Dark Kingdom Castle, a month later...
"You seem quiter than usual."
Drake jerked his head up. "I do?"
Liam rolled his eyes on his way over to join him. He set a cut crystal glass in front of him followed by a bottle of whiskey.
"The Macallan 1926?" Drake whistled. "I must be pretty quiet to warrant this type of treatment."
Liam chuckled as he uncorked the rare alcohol. "I thought we could both do with a treat." His humor quickly dissipated. "What am I going to do?"
Drake quirked an eyebrow as he took a long sip.
"Father's dying. I have no clue what happened to either Lucretia or Regina. And Riley...should I not encourage her to go back to New York until I'm certain of her safety?" Liam cradled his glass, rolling it between his palms. "I'm at a loss of where to begin in any of this."
Drake tipped back the rest of his drink before reaching for the bottle again. "Look, I'm no medical expert, but I believe there is little you can do about your father. As for Regina," he cleared his throat, "You are trying to solve it. Why you are doing the same for a Nevarkis is the real mystery."
"You know why." Liam grumbled. "Olivia is my--"
Drake held his hand up. "Trust me. I know what she is." He shook his head over his friend's love for the enemy. "Anyway, as for Riley, if you think you can rest easier with her tucked away in New York, then do it."
Liam grimaced. He didn't want to be apart from her anymore than he had to. He also thought that she would refuse to leave. Given how determined she was to be with him and help, he doubted he'd be able to convince her to even pack a bag.
Drake noticed Liam struggling silently. With a sigh, he decided to reveal what was behind his new silence so that the Dark Prince could think on something new for a change.
"I've uh, I've been thinking about going to see Savannah."
Liam's head shot up. "You are?"
Both men rubbed at the ache building within their chests.
"Yeah." Drake swallowed the last of his seond glass. "My dad would probably rip me a new one if he knew I wasn't checking on my sister when she's pregnant."
Liam softly smiled. "Your father was big on remaining loyal to loved ones."
"No matter what they do." Drake mumbled. "Anyway, while you remain out of the sunlight, I think I'll go to Ramsford."
"Right now?"
"I want to get it over with." Drake explained. "Honestly, I don't know if I can take much more of the pain of pretending she did die." He rubbed a hand down his face. "After these attacks, I guess I'm worried something will happen to her and I'll end up wishing I had at least tried to see her again."
Liam reached over and gripped Drake's. shoulder.
"You're doing the right thing."
"We'll see if that's true or not." He pushed himself to his feet. "I'll see you later, Liam."
Drake hurried out of the drawing room, hoping his friend's words were true.
"I'm making a mess of this." Savannah grumbled.
Bertrand reached from behind her to pull a few flowers from the vase. With little to no effort, he had the centerpiece looking better than it did in the picture.
"Show off." She teased, turning into his embrace.
A smile he held just for her appeared on his face. "I want everything perfect for your first Beaumont Bash."
"Me too." She tried to fight back a yawn. "Sorry." Her gaze dropped to her now noticeable bump. "I promise I find your ability to arrange flowers fascinating."
He snorted softly. "It is a rare talent."
"I think it's simply you." Her smile gentled. "You've impressed me from the moment we met."
Bertrand swallowed. He wondered if he should now confess that not only had he been going months without the potion, but that he had secretly begun to train as a hunter again. He wished he could tell her he had all his memories back. He wanted to tell her about the nightly battle to fight against Constantine's powers.
He wanted to celebrate that they were getting easier and easier to conquer.
"Savannah, I--"
"Excuse me, your grace." A servant bowed. "But you asked to be alerted the moment Lord Maxwell got up."
Bertrand glanced at his watch, slowly shaking his head. His brother was working too hard. It was already well past two in the afternoon. If he was able to properly help Maxwell again, his brother would be able to greet the day earlier than was now his habit.
"Is this about the entertainment portion of our ball?" Savannah asked.
"It is." Bertrand kissed her forehead then gently caressed her stomach. "I want you to take a nap, Lady Beaumont. You've done enough work today."
She promised she would, parting from him in the hallway.
He watched her until she disappeared then went to check on what was left to complete.
"May I help you, sir?"
"Yeah, um, I'm here to see Savannah Wal-I mean, Beaumont." Drake stuttered.
The butler eyed him, slowly taking in his casual clothing and wind blown hair.
"And who may I say is calling upon her grace?"
Drake glared at him. "Her brother."
The butler blanched. "Forgive me sir, I wasn't aware you were planning to visit today. Her grace will wish to see you at once!"
Drake's couldn't hide his surprise at not only being ushered into a formal drawing room, but also being waited on hand and foot by the army of servants rushing about. Before he could ask how they knew about him, he was seated with a glass of whiskey and left completely alone.
He jumped to his feet when the door burst open.
Savannah stared at him. A tearful smile formed the longer she stood there.
Drake's hand automatically went to his heart. It was a painful, beating sensation that also held a sense of warmth.
The connection was and would always still be there between the brother and sister. No magic, no separation, nothing at all could take that from them.
Perhaps that was what made the Walker blood oath so powerful.
"Hey." Drake managed to say.
He blinked back tears when Savannah came to stand directly in front of him.
"Hey." She replied while wiping her tears.
He searched for something to say to break the awkward tension between them.
Motioning toward her stomach, "This is why I told you not to go to the woods alone."
Her eyes widened for a moment. She clasped her hands over her mouth when laughter burst from her lips.
Throwing herself in his arms, she hugged him tight.
"I've missed you so much." She cried. "I had no idea that my choice would hurt us all like it did. I thought I would find a way around the potion." She looked up at him. "Can you ever forgive me for what I did?"
Drake wrapped his arms around her. "Yeah, I...I think I can. I'm trying to, Sav." He hugged her, wincing from the pain that still hit his heart like a hammer. "I want to. I don't want to be without you in my life anymore."
Savannah sobbed into his chest, clutching his shirt in her hands as if afraid he would decide to leave her for good.
Maxwell and Bertrand came running into the room, each thinking she was hurt or possibly under attack.
Both brothers stood in shock. Neither wanted the other to know they knew who the man was. Maxwell hoped seeing Drake wouldn't trigger an episode for Bertrand. The latter wanted to tell his wife and brother to stop worrying. He was--
Bertrand lifted a hand to his head, rubbing against the onslaught of memories of that fateful night.
Everything is fine. I'm fine. Constantine has no power over me anymore.
He took a deep breath, waved off Maxwell's concern, and stepped forward to shake Drake's hand.
His smile was a bit strained as he fought the images beating against his temples in an attempt to take over.
"If I'm to go by the similar features, you must be the elusive brother I've heard so much about."
Drake glanced at Savannah then took the offered hand of the man he daily cursed to the deepest pit of hell for taking his sister from him.
He had to bite his tongue to stop from lashing out at the former monster hunter. He knew that whatever Constantine had done to his mind was worse than anything Drake could inflict.
"Nice to finally meet you." Drake said instead. "Sorry I haven't come by sooner. I um, work has uh kept me out of town."
Bertrand knew something mysterious was going on in the Dark Kingdom. Since no one would discuss it with him, he was frustratingly left in the dark over the events that had occurred and how they tied back to that land of monsters.
Savannah kept her arm around her brother as she faced the Beaumonts.
"Which bedroom should we place him in?"
"Bedroom?" Drake sputtered. "Sav, I can't--"
"You must stay!" She insisted. "I haven't seen you in over a year." With a quick glance at her husband and Maxwell, she quickly issued another invitation. "I want you at our ball."
Maxwell quirked an eyebrow at the Dark Prince's friend. He folded his arms, curious to see how Drake would wiggle out of this invitation.
"Sav, I appreciate it but I need to get back to--"
"I'll have the staff prepare a room in the east wing." Bertrand announced. "I'll send for his luggage--"
"I don't have any." Drake swallowed, unsure what to do.
Between his sister's hopeful expression and Bertrand's delicate mind situation, he couldn't very well say he needed to get back to Liam to help keep him safe.
"That's no problem." Maxwell needled, thoroughly enjoying this chance to see a former enemy squirm. "We can let you borrow some clothes or have some delivered from town."
"I don't want to put you out. I can come back by tomorrow and--"
"Nonsense." Bertrand scoffed. "If having you here brings this much joy to my wife, then I insist you stay."
Savannah left Drake's side to kiss her husband, softly whispering her thanks.
He pressed another kiss to her forehead before leaving.
Once out in the hallway, Bertrand dashed to the nearest bathroom. Within minutes, he vomited the contents of his stomach up. The pounding in his head lessened now that he was away from the sight of Drake.
It seemed the hold of Constantine's power wasn't quite finished in tormenting the young Duke.
Bertrand wondered how he was to conquer this new challenge.
"What the hell was that?!"
Maxwell turned around. "Were you talking to me?"
Drake glared at him. "You could have helped me out back there, Beaumont."
"I did." Maxwell grinned, completely unrepentant in this situation. "Weren't you the one who purposely came to see Savannah?"
"Well, yeah, but--"
"And weren't you the one acting happy to see her again?"
"I mean, yes, but--"
"And don't you want to see her happy and content, especially with the stress of a ball and pregnancy?" Maxwell added.
Drake huffed, shoving past the monster hunter.
"You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?"
Maxwell chuckled. "So I've heard. Enjoy your stay."
Drake slammed his bedroom door in response.
"I'm so excited!" Riley exclaimed. "I can't wait to see how another ball looks." She whirled around towards Hana. "You think it will be different or the same as the Queen's?"
"I don't know." Hana helped her finish packing for their trip to Ramsford. "I'm certain though that it will be just as magical."
"It will be." Sherry announced as she walked into Riley's bedroom.
She held up two garment bags.
"I've bought you a surprise." Her smile grew over their excitement. "I couldn't resist when I saw these dresses."
Riley eagerly unzipped hers as Hana gushed over her own.
"These are perfect!" Hana exclaimed. "I was worried about finding us something for the ball."
"Maxwell says it is supposed to be a special night." Sherry told them. "And I wanted to make certain you felt doubly so in your gowns."
"You're the best." Riley hugged her. "I don't know what we would have done without you these past few weeks."
Ever since Liam insisted they leave their beach house for Rashad's duchy, Hana and Riley spent many hours each day with Sherry learning of the new world they were now a part of. The dragon had both literally and figuratively taken the pair under her wing as she explained the mating process and life for a human with a monster.
Between those lessons, the two had fallen even more in love with Liam and Rashad. Every night at sunset, Liam joined them for the evening. The double dates they shared along with those times spent alone were something neither lady ever imagined happening to them. To be so utterly adored was something so foreign, more so than being with a literal monster.
Having each other to discuss this new way of life made the transitions much easier than if they had each faced it alone. They now felt at home in this strange new reality.
They also felt ready to help Sherry lock down her own mate.
"Has Maxwell said anything about the engagement announcement?" Riley asked.
Sherry's smile dimmed. "No."
"But his brother said he would announce it at the ball." Hana reminded her.
"I know." Sherry averted her eyes from the two.
At least they know their mates want to marry them.
It had been hard on her the past few weeks. After the night of passion in the Royal Palace, Maxwell had spent nearly every free moment searching for Lucretia's and now Regina's killer. The little bit she saw of him, he had been in full hunter mode, searching for clues and tense for a possible fight.
She hadn't had a chance to talk to him about more heartfelt subject matters nor of their future.
It was almost as if he was avoiding the subject. Again.
Sherry didn't think she could go through another round of convincing him they were meant to be. But she also knew she couldn't leave him. Ever.
"I need to go finish packing." She muttered when she realized how quiet she and the others were.
Hana and Riley waited until the door shut before sharing a conerned look.
"We have to help them." Hana whispered. "I hate being so happy while Sherry's not."
"We will fix this." Riley told her. Her smile grew with another thought. "After all, they are part of our family now."
"Hey, Beaumont!" Drake jogged over to Maxwell. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
"I talked to Liam and told him how I'm basically stuck here the next few days." He grumbled. "And since Riley is also going to be stuck here too..."
"Oh no." Maxwell cursed. "He wants to come here?! Here? Now?!"
"Yeah. Even I think it's a bad idea." Drake folded his arms. "Being in a monster hunter's home along with a visiting Nevarkis is the worst nightmare known to man."
Maxwell rubbed his hands over his face. "He knows he's safe from us."
But what about Bertrand? Will this trigger his old memories? Will it hurt him? How do I keep him from seeing Liam?
What would our parents and ancestors think of me allowing multiple monsters into our home to party?
Maxwell slumped against the wall. He knew he'd have been disowned most likely for becoming a monster's mate. They'd probably kick Bertrand out for marrying a Walker too.
A slight grin formed over how his world had been flipped completely upside down since meeting Sherry. He didn't regret one moment spent with her, save for the ones in the beginning when he tried to push her away. All that though was over. He'd accepted his fate and knew if he hadn't found out she was a monster, he'd have fallen in love with her just as easily.
His plans for her arrival into his home was to officially propose. Bertrand was beyond excited to announce before the court their engagement. Maxwell had taken him along to help pick out a ring for her. His plans had been made all while he searched for killers and guarded the border each night.
It had to be special for Sherry. No matter what else happened at the ball, Maxwell wanted it to be a night she could fondly look back upon.
How could he focus on her like she deserved when he was to also have the Dark Prince himself as a guest?
"Liam will stay out of sight for the most part." Drake added. "Savannah said it was fine as long as he stayed away from Bertrand."
Maxwell knew they were taking a huge gamble in allowing this. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew the vampire would do all he could to honor that request. He had begun to think of Liam as just a nice relative of Sherry's instead of one of the Plagues of Cordonia. He even admired how seriously the Dark Prince was taking the investigations.
He knew with Sherry's explanation of how much it hurt to be parted from a mate for long periods that he shouldn't keep Liam from seeing Riley while here. The vampire was weirdly too nice and understanding.
"We'll put him in the room next to yours. I'll make sure Riley is also placed in this wing to help Liam out." Maxwell finally said.
Drake's eyebrows lifted. "Oh. Um. Thanks." His stance relaxed. "I didn't think you'd go along with the whole inviting a vampire into your home."
"Me and you both." Maxwell muttered. "Ever since Sherry, I guess I've started seeing things differently."
Not in the mood to open up fully to the Dark Prince's best friend, Maxwell hurried off claiming he needed to help finish preparations for the ball.
Later that evening...
"Welcome to Ramsford, ladies." Bertrand greeted warmly. "Lord Rashad." His smile grew when he saw Sherry. "And my dear Lady Sherry. It has been too long since I've seen you."
Sherry tried to hide how nervous she was by grasping his hands. "Thank you, your grace."
Bertrand shook his head. "None of that title mess between family." He turned to the others. "We have rooms prepared for each of you. I hope you make yourselves at home. We've decided on a light supper tonight since we will be working the kitchen staff overtime tomorrow with the ball."
"That sounds perfect." Riley handed off her luggage to a waiting footman.
"You're home is beautiful, your grace." Hana added.
"Just Bertrand, please." He insisted. "I've never enjoyed my title being used so often with invited guests.
He knew he had slipped up when Savannah came into the entry hall. Her eyes narrowed somewhat in concern.
Damn it all to hell. My potioned mind insists on formality with every single meeting. I've got to find a way to tell her I'm not that man anymore.
Will she be disappointed? Did she care for more the new version or did she miss the old me? What if I'm not who she loves anymore?
The others greeted Savannah and followed her to the dining room.
Sherry stayed behind, watching Bertrand curiously.
He cleared his throat while offering his arm. "Shall we?"
"I was actually hoping to see Maxwell first."
"Yes, of course." He motioned toward the stairs. "Second hall to the right, third door on the left."
He wondered why she didn't move.
Sherry stared up at the stairs, biting down on her bottom lip with fists clinched.
Bertrand decided he probably shouldn't point out that whisps of smoke curled around her.
"Sherry?" He gently laid a hand on her arm.
He fought back a wince from how hot her skin felt.
"Sorry!" She jumped out of reach. "I was, um, lost in thought."
His brow furrowed. "You are still fine with me announcing your engagement tomorrow night?"
"Yes!" She squeaked. "I'm excited." Her shoulders slumped. "Actually, I'm very nervous."
"Don't be. I've never seen my brother act the way he does around you with anyone else."
She wondered if that were true. After all, the man had had his memory altered.
"I suspect he's pacing his room, just waiting on you to arrive." He nudged her toward the stairs. "Please go save our carpet."
A nervous laugh escaped her lips as she began her trek upstairs.
Without any thought whatsoever, she found her way to Maxwell's room. She doubted she'd ever need any map or person to show her the way. She was so in tune with him that it didn't take any effort at all on her dragon senses.
She stood in front of his door and tried to calm her nerves. Shaking out the tiny flames from her fingers, she jumped when a hand clamped on her shoulder.
"Hey." Drake jerked his hand back when she accidentally burned him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
Sherry's jaw dropped. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see Savannah." An annoyed frown formed. "And got roped into staying for the ball."
Sherry's eyes widened. "But the blood oath was broken. The pain you feel--"
"Yeah, it still hurts." Drake shrugged. "But it also felt kind of good to be near her again." He looked down. "I think...I think the more I'm around her, the easier it will be."
"I hope so." Sherry started to hug him then noticed the smoke wafting from her arms.
Drake stepped back with his hands raised. "I didn't come with a bag, so I can't afford you burning my clothes. Liam's bringing it later tonight."
"Liam's what?!"
"He's been invited too." Drake muttered. "If this keeps up, the whole damn Dark Kingdom will wind up as guests of the monster hunters." He glared at Maxwell's door. "If you weren't with him and Bertrand hadn't had his mind wiped, I'd swear this was a trap to destroy us all at once."
Sherry rolled her eyes. "It isn't a trap."
"You all keep telling me that. I'll believe it when I see it."
With a wave, he headed downstairs.
Sherry took a deep breath, raised her hand to knock, then decided instead to just walk in.
Maxwell was indeed pacing. His damp hair showed signs of a recent shower. He was nervously rolling up the sleeves to his dress shirt, then pushing them back down, all while muttering to himself.
"I know you said we were destined to be together, but I want to make that a certainty. Will you marry--no. Sherry, look, we both know we are meant to be. I love you and want you to marry--"
He cursed, running a hand through his hair.
"Sherry, I love you and want you to be my wife." Maxwell patted his pockets, cursed again for not having the ring box to practice with, and turned around to try and search for it.
He stopped dead at the sight of Sherry in his doorway.
"Hey!" He said nervously. "I didn't know you had arrived. I would have been downstairs to greet--"
He toppled backwards into a chair when she launched herself into his arms.
The intensity of her kiss combined with the soothing warmth of her skin made him forget all about how nervous he was.
"I've missed you." She whispered, pressing kisses along his jaw. "I couldn't wait to see you tonight."
"I've hated being apart from you." He groaned when she shifted in his lap. "I don't want another month like this past one."
She leaned back to look into his eyes. Her own were a bright silver as she thought of all the ways he had been practicing his proposal.
Hearing him say how much he had missed her went a long way in cooling her heated temper.
"I love you, Sherry." He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. "I want you to marry me."
"That's all I want too." She met his lips in an excited kiss.
"Wait!" He broke away, lifting her off his lap, and searched for the ring. "I know I put it here somewhere..."
She stopped his frantic movements by patting his shirt pocket.
Rolling his eyes over his forgetfulness, he pulled the little black box out.
"I hope you like it." He stammered. His nerves grew as he slipped the diamond solitaire over her finger.
"I love it." She couldn't stop smiling. "Almost as much as I love you."
He grinned while glancing about. "I'd hoped to pick a more romantic setting than my old bedroom to propose." He shrugged sheepishly. "But seeing you made all my plans disappear."
"I don't care about romantic spots or rings or anything." Sherry wrapped her arms around him. "All I want or ever need is you." She smiled into his kiss. "To me, wherever you are is the best place to be."
Later that night...
"I can't believe you came here." Riley snuggled closer within Liam's arms.
"You know I can't stay away from you." He kissed her softly.
"What about your father? Is he well enough to be left alone?"
"He says he is, but honestly," Liam sat down in a chair, settling Riley on his lap, "he told me to go be with you regardless." His brow furrowed. "Though he doesn't know I'm in the renowned monster hunters of Cordonia's home. Nor that Olivia is also an expected guest."
Riley's mind whirled with the chances Liam was taking, not only in seeing her but also with his investigations. Her worry grew over the mere thought of losing him.
"Can I go back to the Dark Kingdom with you after the ball?"
Liam's eyebrows lifted. "Of course. You will always be welcomed there." He cuddled her close. "Ever since you became my recognized mate, my home has been yours."
"Good." She rested her head on his shoulder. "I think it is past time I met your father."
"He is anxious to meet you." Liam's joy dimmed. "I know he planned on having you to dinner with him and Regina."
"I would have loved to meet her." Riley pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. "What was she and your mother like? Were they similar?"
"In many ways." Liam explained. "They were both loving and genrous with their time and talents. My mother spent as much time as she could trying to make our kingdom a home for any foreign monster seeking sanctuary. Regina didn't have much to do per say in the ruling of our people, but she nevertheless influenced my father on decisions. She was wise in getting to the very heart of matters." He rested his head against Riley's. "She really became a beloved second mother to me."
"They both sound like ladies I hope I can live up to."
Liam looked down at her with a smile. "My love, I already see similar characteristics in you. You have nothing to fear in that aspect."
She smiled into his next kiss. Her mind was trying so hard to think more on her plans, yet his touch always sent her thoughts far from her mind. She wondered if it would ever get any easier around him.
Her last coherent thought was that she hoped his father would help her convince Liam to finally make her a vampire.
In Fydelia, Madeleine's laboratory...
"I know Regina wouldn't approve," Madeleine blinked back tears forming, "but I don't feel up to going to the ball at Ramsford."
"There's nothing wrong with that, my love." Leo sat down across from her. "I know you are still grieving."
He took her hands in his, lifting them to his lips.
Her heart hitched mid-beat with his touch. Leo was nothing short of supportive and considerate while she dealt with the loss of Regina. Madeleine didn't know what she would do without him in her life.
"How are you feeling?" She asked.
"You shouldn't be worried about me." He got up and moved around the table to embrace her from behind. "Ever since I took that last potion, I have felt better than ever."
She closed her eyes when she felt the brush of his lips against her neck.
He eyed the Lost Book of Aurelia that sat open upon her desk.
"What have you been working on?" He asked.
"Hmm? Oh. I've been hoping this book can help me now that we found a way to help you regain your throne." Madeleine picked up the weighty, ancient tome.
"Help you? In what way?" Leo asked.
"I know this goes against every principle Regina taught me." Her tender expression hardened with her deep fury. "But I hope to find a spell that can help me locate her killer."
Leo momentarily froze. "Have you ever seen a spell like that before."
"No." She set the book down.
The quiet anger radiating off her body sent the hairs on Leo's neck rising.
"But if I do, not only will I cast it; I will make certain that whoever took Regina from me suffers beyond what any mortal has ever suffered right up until the moment I kill them."
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saucylittlesmile · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
What is VM’s hardest (technically/artistically) SD and FD that they’ve done? asking as a casual skating fan! Idk why I’m thinking the 2011 FD is super hard. I’m still amazed (as I’m sure CP are too 😇) with Tessa’s hip movements in skates lol macaroni and saucy your takes as well?
Sorry, anon (and @anewbeginningagain and @macaroni-rascal) that this is so late in response.  
For the record (and to show my bias), it’s not as though they have ever played it safe and taken it easy with any of their programs.   But, if I have to narrow it down to literally one OD/SD and one FD as being “the hardest”... well fine then, anon, I guess I’ll play, LOL.
Unfortunately, if you were looking for some variety, you’re out of luck, because you get the same answer that @macaroni-rascal gave, because I too think that their hardest programs are Dream a Little Dream and Carmen.  
In general, it was easy for me to pick a program prior to the comeback, because of the technical requirement changes that began in 2015 (reducing the number of lifts, reducing the number of difficult steps/turns in the step sequences).  As well, the style of skating that came into ice dance during the era encouraged many more open holds in between the step sequence requirements,  So, to me, the choice was clear: technically, earlier programs were more difficult.
But on top of the literal requirements and expectations, VM took the GOE bullets to heart, and made sure that their elements still reflected the ‘character’ of the dance.  There was no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all skating with the thin excuse that there was no room in the elements for creativity.  They found ways to inject little moments throughout, making their programs unique and keeping their difficulty high.
Dream a Little Dream was exquisite and is my ultimate Wuz Robbed VM program.  It was chock-full of transitions that were incredible, timed perfectly to the music, and all evoking a long ago era.  My personal favourite detail was the little turns they did near the beginning of their program, beautifully timed (first gif in this set) - just sneaking past the helicopter turn just moments later to ‘sycamore tree’.   But even that second gif - this is the middle of their unparalleled midline non-touching step sequence - and is the perfect example of finding the time in an element to add that character and detailing and creativity when so many felt it was impossible.  And yet, the difficulty was maintained - the moment when they are mirrored and could so easily click blades as they approach each other in a rocker?  Love that so much.  
And they keep sliding the character and difficulty in - something so simple looking, until you break down what is happening with each of them, and the interdependence involved, like this quick transitional dip.  Or adding what the fandom dubbed ‘champagne hands’ during their middle twizzle - and persevering though it gave them some trouble at first.
Quite frankly, I still can’t believe this program was ranked second at GPF and Sochi, and it deserved more respect than it got, LOL.
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Meanwhile, my beloved Carmen.  It’s almost difficult to impress upon people now, just how stunning and ground-breaking it was in ice dance at the time when it debuted, along with being a complete departure stylistically and physically for VM on a more individual level.  Despite the intense grumbling fans had when the music was ‘leaked’ as being overused and tired, as pictures surfaced from High Performance Camp, it was impossible not to be intrigued by the positions in some of them.  And after they withdrew from Finlandia that season, and finally revealed the program at Skate Canada, it was clear that the entire program was unlike anything else that had been done.
Grounded in modern dance, you could see how they found a lower center of gravity with their bodies, and how they moved and created shapes, and interpreted the music.  
Every single element for Carmen was brand new to VM, and unique in ice dance. Even now, years later, ice dancers aren’t attempting to truly copycat what VM accomplished in this single dance.  This is, in my opinion, that because they made every single element so difficult, that the risk/reward ratio isn’t enough to tempt them to try - ice dance is limited in it’s scoring, as it might fulfill the requirements of a level 4, but it cannot reach beyond that, even if the difficulty is clearly higher than other dancers’ elements (which will also reach a level 4, according to the rules).
The spin? Turning their heads towards each other and him cupping her cheek during the camel position, or how Scott held Tessa’s skate blade in the sit spin and they rose together with him still holding her skate as she transitioned into a layback? Chills - still their best spin ever for me.
The twizzles? The twizzles themselves were excellent and fit the music… but the exit was the highlight for me. The synchronous halt of rotation on a single running blade, throwing their hands over their heads, and perfectly in time with the music?!?! I want to call it magic, but it’s because their technique and control and sheer confidence in their ability to perform it under competition nerves was strong enough to justify the insane risk of it all.  It always surprises me that when I start to rave about the Carmen twizzles, that they haven’t been more documented in photos or gifs.
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And of course the lifts - the obvious highlight to the program.  Each one was so risky, with each partner (as usual) tasked with performing their part perfectly or it would be completely foiled.  Scott’s incredible spread eagle, as such a stable, steady base for two of them, is enough that she can be tossed in the air - twice - and caught with ease, or gliding so smoothly that she can be balanced delicately upside down on his shoulder.  Tessa’s core strength and sureness, so that she accomplishes the lift without pushing Scott’s rock solid base off kilter.  And of course, the backflip lift entry to the rotational lift, now so iconic because of Moulin Rouge and with fans nearly blase about it due to repeated viewings, but at the time, shocking and stunning and revealing just how athletic ice dance could be.
And yet, every element, including their step sequences (especially near the beginning of the season), and their many strong transitions, were solidly in character, reflecting the mood of the piece as needed - sex, love, betrayal, anger.  Every movement had purpose and meaning, rather than just being inserted as a cookie-cutter bullet point.  They struggled all season to make this program completely clean, and that hurt them from a points perspective, but the difficulty and ingenuity and artistry of their Carmen holds up as one of the hardest, most innovative programs in ice dance history.  
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livia-dovehallow · 3 years
Hullo there sunshine! I love your fics and way with words and wondered if you have ever thought on writing about the missing parts of Chin of Iron, like one shot with Gabrily at the institute after they become temporaly heads of the institute and reminiscing about old time maybe ?
I think about this all the time :') I really wish we got to see more Gabrily + family in Chain of Iron. I've tried to write a little mini-series of all the missing Gabrily in Chain of Iron but then I end up with 1000 half-written documents on my laptop LOL. But here is this request since you asked so very nicely :D
you seem to really like that horse (still) - gabrily
It was a steady sort of calm that the stables brought to Cecily whenever she found herself back at the London Institute.
"I thought I might find you here."
Cecily smiled and turned only slightly to spot her husband sauntering toward her, looking so very handsome in his dark grey suit. His hands were in his trouser pockets as he moved closer to her, and he wore a gentle smile across his face. "It's almost as if you've found me here before," she teased.
Gabriel laughed and shook his head. He finally met her at the stall where she had been brushing Bailos's mane. "I've got the strangest sense of deja vu. Have I possibly embarrassed myself here before?"
"I think you were rather charming."
His expression was doubtful, but he was smiling all the same. "What brings you out here?" he asked her, with a warm kiss to her temple. "It's getting cold."
Cecily focused on the feeling of the warmth his kiss left on her skin before returning to her brushing movements of the horse she'd be grateful to for the rest of her days. "I like it out here," she explained simply. "I always find time to spend with Bailos when we visit. It is the only quiet here."
Gabriel nodded and slipped his arms in around her waist from behind to rest his chin on her shoulder. "Anna dropped by," he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. "So I'm afraid it has only gotten louder inside."
"I enjoy it," Cecily mused aloud. She leaned back into his embrace. "It means the children are still around to make noise. I will miss it when they are all grown and away. Alex is my last chance to try and keep one of them little forever."
Gabriel laughed and squeezed her tighter. "We'll have Alex for a long time, love. He is only three."
"Precisely. I have time. We have two years before Kit leaves us. I am sure I can solicit him to discover some sort of anti-aging system for his brother so he will stay my baby forever."
Sweet memories of Anna and Christopher as infants flooded Cecily's mind and heart. They'd lived at the Institute for many years after her and Gabriel were married and had children, and she could remember their scampering little feet across the stable grounds and Insititute gardens, their laughter ringing off the surroundings. It was here, in the stables, where Gabriel had kissed her for the very first time all those years ago.
Gabriel hummed, his chin vibrating against her shoulder. "I know what you're thinking," he told her. "We have many memories in this stable. Didn't you find Lucie attempting to climb onto Xanthos while Christopher was tugging along a bucket of manuer?"
Cecily grinned. There were those silly memories, too. "I did," she confirmed, and turned her head toward him. "It's the Herondale blood."
"That is absolutely correct," Gabriel agreed with a dramatic sigh. Christopher looked like him, but it was clear as day that their children's personalities took after Cecily's for the most part. Though, Cecily knew that Gabriel didn't actually mind that. He only minded the heart attacks he had on a regular basis as a result.
It was only because he loved them, she knew.
Gabriel stood back up straight, though his arms remained firmly around her waist as he turned her toward him. Cecily snaked her hands up behind his neck and laced her fingers there. "Shouldn't you be running the Institute right now?" she mused. With Will and Tessa away, it was up to her and Gabriel. The Insitute and their wild children and nieces and nephews.
"Shouldn't you?" Gabriel retorted. Cecily pointed her tongue out at him and he laughed, swooping into plant a large, wet kiss on the side of her jaw, making her squeal.
He pulled back laughing, his eyes bright. "No matter how old those kids get, they will always find some way into trouble and need us. I promise you that. And one day, when maybe they really are old enough to take care of their own troubles, you will have me."
Cecily smiled and gripped the soft fabric of his jacket, tugging him closer to her. The feel of his stele on her the night of their wedding, drawing their union runes, flickered across her skin. "You've gotten much better with your words," she teased. He rolled his eyes, but his smile remained. "I know I will always have you," she added before stepping forward to rest her head against his chest, right where her ear could clearly make out the sound of his heartbeat. "You've never given me any reason to believe otherwise."
"Good." She felt him press another kiss to the top of her head--her favorites--and relaxed in his grip. "How long do you think we can stand here like this before someone inside causes trouble?"
Cecily giggled. "There's been smoke pouring out of the second story windows for a few minutes now, bach. They've been making trouble inside the whole time."
Gabriel only sighed deeply, the sound tickling her, and hesitantly dropped his arms from around her waist. "Never a dull moment," he said simply, and offered his arm. "Let's find out what they're up to."
Times had changed, the Institute had changed, and her children were growing up much too quickly; but, she would always have Gabriel. And she still very much liked that horse.
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sidecarghost · 4 years
Suptober Day 16: Switch It Up!
Destiel Chatfic  - College!AU where Dean and Cas are both dating the same girl. Cas finds out and sends Dean an instagram direct message, and Dean gets an insta-crush on Cas.
Gabriel texts Cas - 11:19 am ~~ Gabriel: Yo little bro! Cas: Hello Gabriel. Gabriel: Are you and Tessa still dating? Because I just saw her kissing this guy in the campus parking lot next to what I assume was his car. Cas: Uh yeah, are you sure it's Tessa? Gabriel: Hold on a sec. Gabriel: Yes, I just walked over and said "Hi Tessa, do you remember me Cas's brother?", and she responded "Oh yeah, hi Gabriel, how is Cas doing?" Cas: That does sound like something she would say. Gabriel: I asked her to introduce me to her friend, and she said his name was Dean Winchester. Cas: what do you want me to do with that name? Gabriel: Hell if I know, I guess fight for fair Tessa's honor? Cas: I'm sure I won't do that, but thanks for letting me know Gabriel.
~~ Later that day, Cas looks up Dean Winchester on IG and finds a likely looking profile and sends DM - 5:48 pm ~~
Cas: Hello Dean, I know you don't know me, but I think we are both dating Tessa. Dean: Welp, that explains somethings. Have you been dating Tessa long? I wasn’t sure if she was playing the field still or not. Cas: Not very long, just a few weeks. Dean: I assumed we were exclusive when Tessa asked me to be her boyfriend, so I guess it's on me for assuming. Cas: Um ok, I just thought letting you know was the right thing. But if you’re upset I understand. Dean: S'okay Cas, you seem cool, and I'm happy I'm getting to know you. Cas: Um, thanks you seem cool too. Dean: Can I call you my boyfriend-in-law? Cas: Well, I was going to break up with Tessa after confirming this with you. Dean: If that is the case, can I call you my boyfriend? Cas: Huh? Dean: Confession time. Since you sent me a dm, I started stalking your IG account, and you look all kinds of hot. I kind of understand why I was being cheated on now. Cas: Uh, that is flattering... I think. Dean: Hold on, I'll break up with Tessa first. Cas: Wait, what? I just wanted to give you a heads up about Tessa, and I'm not sure what is going on in this convo anymore.
~~ Dean texts Tessa - 5:52 pm ~~ Dean: Sorry to break up with you over text, but this is a life & death emergency.  Dean: Btw, the painting of Baby you made for your art course is awesome! I saw it in campus center. Tessa: Oh wow, I hope everything is okay or that it will be.  Tessa: No worries about the break up, I think we are better as friends.  Tessa: And I'm glad you like the Baby painting! ~~
Dean: Okay done, do you like pie? Cas: Um... pie is okay. Dean: Seriously? You like pie? I knew I was in love with you! Cas: I am not sure if you are kidding or serious. Dean: Sorry! I tend to ramble when I'm excited. Want me to pick you up for a date later? We can get pie at this diner I know. Cas: Sure, I'd like that Dean. Dean: Okay, text me where you want me to pick you up at 7pm. I'll be driving a black 67 Chevy Impala. Cas: Okay, I think I saw pics of that car on your feed when I was trying to find you on IG. Dean: What did you think of her? Cas: Her? Dean: Yeah, I tend to think of my Impala as female. Have you ever watched this really old tv show Knight Rider? Cas: Sorry, I don’t think I’ve heard of it. Dean: No worries, I have the box set on Blu Ray. We can watch together some time if you’d like. But I brought up because it’s about this guy that solves mysteries with his talking Pontiac Trans Am “KITT.” Cas: Oh, that’s an interesting premise for a tv show. Dean: Ikr! Anyway, so that’s me and my car, Baby, too. If she had a voice box, she would totally help me solve mysteries. Cas: Like the mystery machine? Dean: asdfasfasgwe You like Scooby doo?!? Cas: Well, I watched some when I was little. And I think I remember the gist of it. Dean: Scooby Doo was my show growing up!! And yeah, Baby is like that. A lot of things just get thrown away when they wear out. But some things transcend the mundane, and throwing them away would be like losing something divine. Cas: Uh, she sounds really special Dean. I’m looking forward to meeting you and her later then. Dean: Ok, Baby and I will show you a good time! Cas: Sounds good, bye Dean. Dean: ttyl Cas!
Cas texts Tessa - 6:13 pm ~~ Cas: Hello Tessa, I don't think we are right for each other, but I hope we can still be friends. Tessa: Oof, the other guy I was seeing just broke up with me over text too. I'm having a rough day. Cas: Was it Dean? Tessa: Yeah, he seemed nice. I wasn't sure how interested in me he was though, he mostly wanted to talk about his car, little brother, and classic movies. Cas: Actually, I met Dean because I found out we were both dating you. So I let him know, because it felt like the right thing to do. Tessa: Oh, it hadn't occurred to me that I was serious enough with either of you to talk about being exclusive. Sorry if I hurt you or Dean's feelings. Cas: I was a little hurt, but Dean seemed okay about it. Tessa: I'm sorry Cas! You are a very sweet guy, and I hope you find someone that doesn't hurt your heart. And I'd be happy to still be friends if the offer stands. Cas: Thanks I do want to be friends, and as for finding someone, well I actually have a date with Dean tonight.  Tessa: Omg! I'm so excited for the two of you! My advice, wear your blue henley and skip the trench coat. Cas: I've never gone on a date with a guy before, so I'm feeling kind of nervous. And also, I’ve never gone a date with someone I hadn’t met in person already. This is definitely a little overwhelming. Tessa: I think you'll be fine Cas. Dean is a nice guy, and if things get too silent and awkward just ask him about his car, brother, or favorite movies. Cas: Dean did tell me about his car a bit already, and it was pretty touching how much she meant to him.  Tessa: Yeah, Dean has a huge heart. I feel like once he loves someone, Dean would wage war against Heaven or Hell to protect them. Baby is definitely part of his family, and while a lot of people tend to take things for granted, Dean is more likely to show reverence for the things that have held him together. Cas: That sounds almost spiritual. Tessa: Spiritual is a good way to describe it. Also, Dean does tend to be all highs and lows, like he either loves something or he hates it. There is really not much middle ground. You seem a lot more level-headed Cas, tbh I think you and Dean are perfect complements for each other.  Cas: Well, we haven’t even been on a date yet. Tessa: Haha, I know. I’m just being sap ig. But I have good feeling about you guys.  Cas: Thanks Tessa, I appreciate it. Tessa: Anytime hun! And I have been seeing this girl, Charlie, maybe we can all go out on a double date sometime. Cas: You were seeing three people? Tessa: yeah, and I should tell Charlie I was seeing some other people, and I'd like to just commit to her. I really like her Cas, and I don't want to ruin it. I think she knows, but I also thought you and Dean knew so I should be more upfront. Cas: Yeah, that's a good idea. And maybe we can all go out some time in the future. Tessa: Yay! I'd like that. Let me know how DeanCas goes tonight. Cas: Ok, I've got to go get ready. Tessa: Later hun!
~~ Tessa texts Charlie - 6:26 pm ~~
Tessa: I really like you, do you want to be exclusive? Charlie: Did the guys you were dating break up with you? Tessa: Lol yes, but it saved me trouble of breaking up with them. And actually they kind of found each other through me, so I'm feeling like their fairy godmother or something. Charlie: omfg! I'm imagining you as a fairy godmother now, and that image is burned in my brain. Tessa: Lol it is pretty funny, and I think Dean and Cas would hate me forever for even saying that. Charlie: Don’t worry I will keep your role as their fairy godmother secret. Tessa: So, you didn't answer my question... Charlie: Sorry, Tessa. I really like you too. But I'm not ready to commit to a serious relationship yet. Can we keep dating each other and other people for a little longer and keep it casual? Tessa: Sure, but when you are ready let me know! Charlie: Ofc, darling! Tessa: Also, Cas and I chatted about four of us going on double date in future. They are both nice guys, what do you think? Charlie: Sure, maybe we can recruit them for LARP. Tessa: Don't worry my queen. I will get them recruited to follow your flag. Charlie: I knew my fairy godmother wouldn't let me down. Tessa: Ofc, not even remotely possible for me to ever let you down, my queen.
~~ Dean texts Sam 6:35pm ~~
Dean: Sammy, remember the girl Tessa I was dating? Sam: yeah, you were forcing her to watch an Indiana Jones marathon with you last weekend. Dean: "forcing" seems like a strong word, everyone loves Indiana Jones. Sam: sure they do Dean. Dean: Anyway, we broke up. Sam: oh, sorry man Dean: No worries Samantha, I've got a date with her other boyfriend, Cas. I’m actually getting ready to pick him up in just a minute. Sam: oh, good for you then Dean: I'm kind of nervous tho, I was stalking his ig, and even though he's really hot I don't think we have much in common. Sam: well, they say opposites attract. Dean: He posts math and physics joke memes. Sam: so what? Dean: I don't know any good math or physics jokes. Sam: Don't bother picking up a bunch of lame jokes. I think this guy would rather get to know the real you. Dean: Well, I did ramble a bit about Baby earlier when we started messaging. Sam: And he still wants a date with you? He sounds like a keeper Dean. Dean: What do you mean? Everyone loves Baby. I gotta text you a pic of this painting Tessa made. Baby looks so badass. Sam: Okay,  well try not to only talk about Baby with Cas. Try to learn about him and open up about yourself too. You keep saying your tired of casual flings, but if you don’t let people in that will be all you ever get. Dean: Ugh, I'm a mess. Getting to know the real me is a really great way to scare anyone off. Sam: hey, I'm still here. Dean: yeah, you're my brother. You are stuck with me no matter how much of a dumpster fire I become. Sam: you're not a dumpster fire. just don't overthink it. do you want me to ask Jess out tonight so we can double date? Dean: no, I can do this, showing up to a first date with my little brother as chaperone would be weird. Sam: it's only weird if you let it be Dean: well, I'm not letting it be Sam: ok, whatever Dean: later moose Sam: drop dead squirrel
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anewbeginningagain · 3 years
I haven't even watched P/C's FD yet, but I think their RD will guarantee that if they skate both programs relatively clean at the Olympics, they will win (probably easily). It's not so much that it's a stellar RD; it's that in the past, when they have lost, it is has been because their RD was a pretty significant weakness compared to their closest competitors, and this one isn't. So far, no one has a standout RD, so the fact that theirs will be well-received and their pattern is decent = win.
That's an interesting take. I was watching Tessa and Scott's coverage of the Boston worlds from 2016 yesterday and Scott said there that "you can win a competition based on the SD but you can get yourself in trouble if you don't to it well" (I'm paraphrasing). Ironically TS won Worlds and the Olympics because of their SD lead LOL.
Jokes aside, what Scott really meant was that you need to deliver in both in order to win and he is right of course. As you said what usually got P/C in trouble was their inability the execute the RD (SD) in the level they needed it to be, in fact when looking at Euros and Worlds from the previous quad, competitions that P/C ended up winning:
P/C were 4th in the SD at 2015 Worlds.
P/C were 2th in the SD at 2016 Euros.
P/C were 3th in the SD at 2017 Euros.
In 2018 their issues with the SD were all forgiven and forgotten, even when they had clear issues with its exestuation they still got massive scores for it. And in the latest quad they had the Tango which was well received, they had a 5 points lead with it in 2019 Worlds, and while Fame was claimed to be controversial they score well with it in both GP France and NHK. This new RD is friendly and unthreatening and comes out in a season of mediocre material so as you said it bodes well for them.
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ollieologys · 5 years
Hey could you please write something for the reader where she is a fan of Tom and the other avengers actors and she wakes up in a different place (turns out she got teleported to a different universe) and sees Tom walking around and she goes Tom? But really it’s peter And the other avengers come and they r all confused and try to help her back to her universe im so sorry if this is hard to understand 😬
Title; Peter Holland
Summary; You never thought you’d meet Tom Holland, and you never thought you’d meet Peter Parker, either. But here you are.
Words; 4k
Pairing; Avengers x Reader, Peter Parker x Reader
Warning; far from home spoilers! and minor swearing because.. it’s me lol
Notes; thanks for the request! this is kinda like my summertime (with you) series, but different, so go check that out! love u lots also, lets just assume that everybody was okay after civil war and the snap hasn’t happened or anything and domestic!avengers is alive and well.
     “I literally want to strangle Mysterio. Like, genuinely strangle him.”
Evening overtook the city as you left the movie theater, smiling gently at the concession worker and thanking her for providing you with delicious popcorn. You had just seen Spider-man: Far From Home for the fifth time - this time with your best friend - and still couldn’t seem to fathom how Peter was going to handle this newfound trouble.
Thankfully, you had the internet to discuss your concerns. And, of course, how amazing Tom Holland looked in his most recent stand-alone movie. That you saw five times. Because, why not?
Your friend laughed at your protective nature and draped her arm over your shoulder, stumbling down the sidewalk to your car.
“You know, Y/N, maybe you should like - make an Anti-Mysterio blog,” She suggested with a laugh. You rolled your eyes, a smile creeping on your face.
“You know what?” You tested her, eyes daring. “I just might.” She laughed at your declaration and opened the passenger door. Somehow, you always ended up leaving the theater with this conversation rising. You’d been a massive fan of Tom ever since he appeared in ‘Civil War’ a few years ago, and had followed his career ever since. You had grown to love his portrayal of Peter Parker and would gladly argue with anyone who challenged his acting.
While driving her home, you daydreamed what meeting Tom would be like. Maybe you’d be vacationing in London - freely roaming the streets and searching for anything familiar when suddenly you bump into his chest and spill your coffee. You’d apologize profusely, bending down to pick up the now empty cup, and your fingers would touch, and he’d fall in love with you instantly. Tessa would cuddle at the edge of your shared bed, you’d follow him on press tours, and he’d introduce you to his family. Your best friend would be your maid of honor. Everything would be just perfect.
“Uh, hello? Y/N?” She snapped in front of your face, and suddenly you jumped and gripped the steering wheel. “What?” You questioned, looking at her.
“I said goodnight, you little shit,” she laughed, your face still puzzled as you returned from your land of dreams. She opened the car door, leaning down to give you a final wave goodbye. You waved with a smile, wishing her sweet dreams before driving home.
You made sure to quietly close your front door - the resident just beside your apartment always slept early, and he hated loud noises waking him up - and slowly stripped yourself of the trash from the movie theater before falling into your bed. The clock read a quarter past eleven.
Just as you were about to fall asleep, the notification sound of your phone went off. You groaned, tossing and turning to get to the sleep-depriving device. Your annoyance turned to joy as you saw Tom had posted a picture on Instagram, which turned out to be a selfie from the set of Far From Home. Your heart swelled, admiration for the actor filling your chest as you drifted to sleep. 
The next morning, your routine hadn’t changed much. You got ready for the day with your phone in your hand, scrolling through your social media to catch up on what had happened while you were asleep. Surprisingly, no messages showed up. You hadn’t thought much of it, though. It was a calm Sunday - your friends were most likely asleep still.
While you didn’t work on weekends, you decided to bring yourself out of your house and into the city that was New York. Just for a short stroll, you told yourself. You’d take the Manhattan-bound train and eat at your favorite cafe, or perhaps go visit your friends. Either way, you wanted to get out of the house. Daydreaming was always better while you were in motion.
While sitting on the train, you scrolled through your playlist of seemingly endless songs and waited for your stop to be announced. By now it was just past one, and you couldn’t choose a song to listen to. Even so, your regular Sunday morning changed drastically when you finally decided a tune and looked up from your phone.
There stood, quite literally in front of you, Tom Holland. He wore a plaid dress shirt with a navy blue sweater over it, white earbuds sat still in his ears, a Jansport backpack over his shoulders. You wondered why no one else on the train noticed, or why he was here so casually. 
Your stop was announced. You stood, and amazingly, Tom got off the train as well. Your heart pounded against your ribcage, the crush you had developed over him quickly arising, and you remembered how your dream of meeting him was nothing like this. Suddenly, you realized you had just been standing there and watching him make his way up the stairs and into the streets.
“Fuck,” you whispered to no one in particular. “Okay, relax. Just go ask for a picture and try not to die.”
You whispered quiet encouragements to yourself up until you tapped his shoulder. 
“Uh, yes?” Tom turned to you, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. You mouth ran dry, fumbling with the phone in your hand. It was almost as though you had forgotten your name. “I was wondering if I could get a quick picture with you?” Your voice was soft and polite, eye contact unbreaking. He wasn’t with family or friends, so there was no harm in asking for one picture, right?
Seriously, how was New York not freaking out over the fact that they were breathing the same air as Tom Holland?
He looked at you, confused. “I’m sorry,” He started, turning fully towards you. “I think you have the wrong person.” You shook your head, looking down. Now, you weren’t one to pry - especially on your celebrity crush - but was he genuinely trying to play off the fact that he wasn’t an actor belonging to one the of the largest franchises to exist?
“Tom Holland, right? You’re an actor for Marvel.” You stated questioningly, doubting yourself. Maybe he was a lookalike.
“No, I’m not,” He says, clarifying your confusion. “My name’s Peter.”
You blink. Once. Twice. Three times and shake your head. Had he just said his name was Peter? “Peter?” You repeated him, glaring lightly. “As in Peter Parker?” His eyes widened slightly. He sized you up, possibly to see if you were some sort of threat, but his senses hadn’t gone off in any way. 
“How do you know that?” He demanded, his voice grew to become defensive. In an instant, your heartbeat had no longer sped up from the fact that you were standing in front of your celebrity crush, but rather from the concept that he might not be your celebrity crush. Of course, that was a long reach. If this were Peter Parker standing in front of you, you were undoubtedly dreaming. Then again, everything felt so incredibly real. Lucid dreams you had before hadn’t even felt this real.
You began to consider the possibility that something happened. You didn’t quite know what - because you swear it was just confirmed that a multi-verse was in fact not real - but something must have happened. Tom – or Peter – didn’t seem to be joking when he established his real name. You began to wonder how much power you possess. Not superpower, but the power of knowledge, as you knew exactly what happens in the Marvel Universe. If you told him too much, you could mess up his entire world. 
Then you realized that sounded absolutely insane. You were definitely dreaming. Nonetheless, you needed to get out of the dream before you say something you shouldn’t. So, you ignore his question and ask your own. 
“What year is it?” You lowered your voice, careful as to not let passersby hear your unusual question. 
Peter’s face became increasingly puzzled, but he answered nonetheless. “It’s 2019. You didn’t answer my question, though - how do you know my name?”
You nodded to yourself, not bothering to answer quickly. If it were 2019, that means that Thanos hasn’t happened just yet. You were almost entirely sure that the Avengers had moved upstate, though. 
“Listen, Peter,” Your voice took more initiative as confidence flooded your system. You were almost sure you were dreaming, but you knew exactly what you needed to do to wake up. “I need you to take me to see the Avenger’s upstate. Like, right now.”
His mouth parted, shocked. Questions and ideas poured into his mind, and he looked side to side before stepping towards you. “How do you know my name, and who are you?” He questioned you more, and the proximity to him allowed a blush to form on your cheeks.
“I promise I’ll answer your questions if you just take me to where I need to go,” You promised.
He refused. “I’m not taking you anywhere.”
You sighed as he turned away. You knew he wouldn’t merely forget you, probably do some research on who you are and find absolutely nothing, so you chased after to him and pulled his arm toward you. He opened his mouth to say something before you interrupted.
“I know you’re Spider-Man.” You whispered.
His eyes widened more, and he checked to see if anyone had heard you. Then, he stepped backward and let out a nervous puff. “I-I’m not Spider-Man.” His voice sounded the exact same as to when he told MJ the same thing, and you mentally laughed to yourself. He was the cutest boy on the planet. Or, in your dream. Or in fiction. You weren’t quite sure.
“You don’t have to lie. I’m not gonna say anything, trust me,” You thought back to Mysterio and glowered at the thought. That dick. Then, you thought back to Mysterio’s claim of the multi-verse. Peter loved that theory, you remembered, and he accepted it with open arms. Even if it was made up, you knew it would be the only explanation to get him moving. Nonetheless, Peter was hesitant to accept you as anything but a threat. Despite his senses quiet as ever, you still knew his only secret, and he didn’t even know who you are. 
“Please,” you begged, your voice wavering. He could feel your sudden fear. “I don’t think I’m in the right place, and I need your help getting home.” Peter’s face softened as you spoke. No matter what, he always wanted to help people. You seemed to already have the ability to hurt him, but you didn’t, and your heart ached at the idea of how trusting he was. Even so, you felt grateful for his help.
With his new-found information, he walked with you back to the subway, and you began your journey to was what you assumed his apartment. You quickly realized you would have the pleasure of meeting Aunt May - but you decided to introduce yourself formally. You didn’t want to freak him out or anything. 
You told him all about your life. Where you lived in New York, where you went to school, how much you loved your best friend and how much of a fan you were of him. You decided not to talk much about Tom Holland - you thought about how you would feel if someone described your life as merely a movie they watched whenever they felt like it. Peter listened intently, taking note of your unusually quick heart-beat and flushed cheeks as he sat just next to you. 
He walked you up to his apartment, and you soaked in the scenery as best you could. After all, it wasn’t every day something like this happened. Even if you didn’t quite understand what this was. Peter told you little about himself, but you didn’t need much anyway. 
He pushed the door open softly, calling out a greeting to May. She popped her head out from the kitchen and waved. “Hey, Peter, I thought you just left?” She asked, stepping out in full as she noticed you. “Oh? Who is this?” She asked. You stood in awe of the apartment - everything appeared the exact same as it had in the movies. Peter answered for you, noticing you examining the apartment.
“This is Y/N, she’s a new transfer student from school, and we ran into each other.” He lied easily. Probably from all the practice with lying about being Spider-Man - even if May knew now. 
“Actually, May, we aren’t staying long. I’m gonna introduce her to Happy.” Peter stated, looking back at you for reassurance. You quietly nodded your head with a smile as your gaze shifted from Peter to Aunt May. She indeed was a beautiful woman. 
“Oh, oh, okay,” She smiled, nodding her head back to you and moving back into the kitchen. Peter brought you over to the couch and sat with you, pulling out his phone and calling Happy. You sat beside him quietly, heart calmed. Everything felt so real. The feel of the couch, the smell of Aunt May’s cooking, and Peter’s Queens accent flowing through your mind. 
You overheard Peter telling Happy he needed him here as soon as possible - describing the situation as ‘dire’ and ‘urgent.’ By now, Happy took Peter seriously, and soon enough, you were in the back of an infamous Audi and driving two hours to upstate New York. 
Peter sat on the opposite of you in the backseat. You hadn’t talked much - not past introducing yourself to Happy and smiling knowingly as he briefly greeted May. Peter didn’t make much conversation, either. You hoped he wasn’t too concerned with trusting you so quickly. He should work on that, in your opinion. Before it’s too late.
Eventually, you were given a guest badge by the receptionist and soon stood in an elevator with Happy and Peter. Soft elevator music played while your shoulders barely grazed Peter’s arm. He looked at you silently, and you returned his look with a smile that whispered: thank you. 
The moment the doors opened, your heart drop. 
In all their glory, the Avengers were sprawled across the living space as though they were one giant family. Natasha and Steve sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn as their attention laid on the movie in front of them. Bucky and Sam sat on the floor, talking amongst themselves quietly. Bruce and Tony were on the other side of the room in the kitchen as they engaged in conversation. Pepper and Wanda seemed to be preoccupied with something on a 3D table but occasionally glanced at the TV. Thor was there as well, even with his brother Loki, and they watched the movie intently as though the plot was more intriguing than being a literal God.
They were entirely domestic. 
Your eyes seemed to be blown out of their sockets. Not only were you in the presence of superheroes and Gods, but you were in a completely different universe than what you expected. Peter noticed your tensed form and laid a hand on your shoulder. “Hey,” He whispered comfortingly. “You’re fine. They won’t hurt you or anything.”
You nodded, a frown formed on your face. Despite your worries, Peter’s comfort helped more than you had expected. A blush rose to your cheeks again. God, was this really the time for your inevitable crush on Peter Parker?
Tony turned as the three of you stepped out of the elevator. He noticed Happy and Peter first, greeting them with a warm smile before his eyes landed on you. His smile faltered slightly - he was confused. “Who’s this?” Tony asked, motioning towards you with the butter knife he held in his hand. The Avengers turned at the question, and you swore you almost passed out. You gasped lightly as Peter grasped onto your hand.
“This is Y/N, she needs some help.”
You sat quietly in the conference room just down the hall from the living room. You and the rest of the Avengers sat around the oval table, most eyes on you and Peter.
“So, you’re from another dimension?” Rhodey confirmed, his arms crossed skeptically. You nodded slowly, looking at Peter for reassurance. He nodded with a smile, and instantly, you felt at ease. “I think so,” you said, even though you were lying. This was clearly a dream - not another universe, or dimension, or Earth. “Honestly, I think I’m dreaming.” You admitted, the admiration of the world’s greatest heroes sitting in the same room as you flowing through your chest.
The team stayed quiet, questioning the truth of your words. Even though they had heard of unusual circumstances, you showed up out of nowhere. Trustworthy wouldn’t exactly be the word they used to describe you. You knew that, they knew that, and everybody knew that.
“Listen–” you started hesitantly, hoping they’d listen. “I know that I’m a stranger, and you have no obligation to help me, but I really want to go home. I don’t know how I got here, or why I’m here, or anything else - but I do know that I’m not meant to be here right now and that you guys are the only ones who can help me.”
The team looked amongst themselves, and not even Tony - the most talkative - spoke up. Your stomach dropped in fear of rejection, and for the first time since you had woken up, you were genuinely afraid that this was your fate. Unexpectedly, Steve spoke up.
“Y/N, we are obligated to help you - and we will. You did the right thing by coming to us,” His voice was stern, but a soft smile rested on his face.
Nat spoke up next as Bucky and Sam nodded in agreement. “Steve’s right. You’ll get home safe, don’t worry.” Your smile widened at that, and you gripped Peter’s hand tight and quietly thanked him as Bruce and Tony began to speculate how to get you home.
Hours passed. You explained over and over how your day went before you went to sleep, what you were doing before you went to sleep, and how your morning went when you woke up. Peter was beside you the entire time, and eventually, the team broke off to take breaks while Bruce continuously worked on getting you home. Despite wanting to keep your knowledge of their lives quiet, you couldn’t help but bond with the heroes as you sat amongst them comfortably. 
While you hadn’t had much alone time with any of the, you managed to give them words of encouragement you knew would benefit them further down the line. You told Bucky that he and The Winter Soldier were not one and that no matter what anyone said, it wasn’t his fault. You promised Steve that it’s okay to move on in life - not mentioning a name, but he knew what you meant. You went along in almost a circle formation and uplifted the team the best you could.
You had gotten attached, and a part of you felt sad imagining leaving.
It had gotten late. Just five minutes after eleven, and the team was ready to go off to bed. Though the group jokingly protested, Peter suggested you stay in his room for the night. There was a bed-like couch in his room anyway, and he had no problem sleeping on it. You protested, insisting he take his own bed, but he refused. Eventually, you complied and allowed yourself to relax. 
Just as everyone planned on going to bed, Rhodey spoke out with an idea.
“Wait, you said that you woke up here, right?” You nodded in response, glancing at Peter before shifting your eyes back to Rhodey. “So why don’t you just go to sleep at the time you went to sleep last night, and then you’ll wake up back home?” The team, not for the first time that day, responded with silence. You nodded your head slowly, looking at Bruce to see his reaction.
“Well,” Bruce stated, “It’s worth a shot. I’m not getting far in my research anyway.”
You agreed to try it out, noticing it was almost time for you to fall asleep. Luckily, you could feel yourself tiring out. “If this works, thank you all for being here with me. I’ll miss seeing you - I mean, I will, but not– you know what? I’ll just leave it at that,” You laughed, as did the rest of the team, and as they all departed for the night, they either patted your back or hugged you full on. 
Peter showed you to his room, and you appreciated how much quieter it was upstate than in the city. You sat on the edge of his bed, watching as he pulled a spare blanket from the closet and took a pillow from the bed. 
“Peter,” You muttered, your body exhausted. You suspected it was your atoms acting up from being in a different universe. Possibly - this still may very well be a dream. 
“Yeah, Y/N?” He asked, turning toward you. For a moment, you didn’t respond. Peter looked at you, expectantly. Deciding to break your rules slightly, you stood and walked toward him. Your eyes met his, and your heart exploded in your chest. He was so cute, especially in the moonlight. 
“I just want to say thank you,” Your voice was merely a whisper, and while he responded that it was no problem, you weren’t finished. Your heart ached as you thought about what was possible to come for him. After seeing how the Avengers were with each other, you weren’t entirely sure if the timeline would play out the same anymore, but you knew that Peter would eventually face obstacles alone and he’d need someone there for comfort. It was naive to think you could be that person, but you wouldn’t mind leaving an everlasting mark on his conscious. 
“I want you to remember that everything will be okay.” Slowly, you stood on your toes and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. Even with the minimal light, you could see the blush on his cheeks matching your own. You smiled and almost felt yourself tear up at the thought of never having this experience again. Not many girls back home could say they kissed Peter Parker. 
Peter smiled, pulling you into a hug. “I don’t know you very well, but I’m happy I met you.” You hugged him back tightly, feeling his warm body against yours and doubted that this was ever a dream. Nothing could feel this real and be a dream, and so while you finally let him go and lie down in the bed that he insisted you take for the night, you smile to yourself.
Your phone dings, but you don’t check the notification. Instead, you look out onto the field and slowly close your eyes - a part of you wishing to go home, and another begging to stay.
You were awoken to the sound of a new notification, and the bright light of the sun streaming through blinds. A groan left your lips as you tossed and turned. Eventually, you grasped the phone beside you and scrolled through the number of notifications you had.
All of them were missed calls from your best friend, your family, and hundreds of text messages. You sat up abruptly, taking in your surroundings and calling out for Peter. You quickly realized from the honking horns and the small room that you were back home, and from the sudden amount of notifications, you realized that you were just back where you needed to be.
Thoughts swarm your mind. You wondered how long you had been gone, and you felt terrible for how much concern you most likely caused your friends and family when suddenly you thought back to the night before and allowed a smile to grow on your face.
“I kissed Peter Parker.”
Notes; honestly that was really long and not very romantic, but I hoped you enjoyed anyways
general taglist:
@devin-marie , @imagine-lovebug , @nedthegay , @magicalturmoil , @poc-gotbang , @zabdisamor , @romance-geek , @hollandshearteyes , @jackiehollanderr , @etudaire , @spiderperalta , @mapreza1
peter parker taglist:
@really-lucas , @exquisitebts , @pastelastronomy24 , @eridanuswave , @snowxbarryxendgame , @s-ecret–garden , @obsiidio , @lost-in-translating , @awokenfandoms @estate-euphoric , @night-girls-world , @notanicekid , @guccixuxi ,
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irresistiibles · 4 years
i’m a human disaster who made blurbs. definitely don’t feel like you have to read all of these because it is a lot i just am so bad at plotting without any info i wanted to throw some stuff out about what all my characters are doing. people who could be open to some sort of date, even if it’s just a platonic going together, are in italics. if anyone wants to plot from this please feel free to im me or just like this and i will come to you, but it would be super helpful if you have some ideas of who you’d like to plot with since i have 20+ characters and just going in for general plotting can be a bit difficult lol. some of them do not have a lot listed, i may add to it tomorrow if i think of more but some of my characters really do just be chilling
ben hargreeves: mostly there for the food. not a big fan of crowds but he’s chilling
blue sargent: kind of hates stuff like this and she’ll need company she can stand. making eyes at the object cause she wants her friends to remember her, but also knows she can’t afford it
ciel phantomhive: mostly there for image sake. he’ll probably be involved in the auction and is cautious interested in the big item and probably has the money to spend to try and big on it though he doesn’t know if he will
cho chang: just trying to look nice and enjoy herself. could be open to a date of like friends or flirty getting to know each other whatever though she is hesitant with like serious dates or relationships or anything.
dominique weasley: will be getting plastered and having fun. possibly open for a date though it would probably be more of a friend thing/hookup. people could def join in the drinking party though
elsa of arendelle: trying not to get stressed by the crowd and accidentally freeze the white house. someone chill with her
glinda upland: will be trying to dance as much as possible. people are welcome to join. rip her feet cause we know she’s in heels
jang man wol: mostly using this a networking opportunity. she’s got a new hotel and wants business so she can fit luxury items back onto her budget. will probably bid on a few items though not the big one she’d be more interested in art or some fancy tech. will probably get dragged into dancing
ji eun tak: probably an excited annoying mess since this is never the sort of thing she’d get to do back home. will be high energy and a pain who wants to dance and eat and drink and just do everything. could be open to a date.
jonathan sims: another one of my guys who’s not really into crowds and is going to feel super awkward in a suit. does not trust the idea of an item that can fulfill desires given how poorly all of his interactions with anything vaguely supernatural/paranormal/just weird have gone and may go hunting around the white house paranoid. people are welcome to join him
karolina dean: uh she’s just having a good time no real interest in the auction
lady mipha: will kinda be lurking at the auction cause she’d like to go home or be alive again when she goes home but like she’s quiet and awkward and still adjusting to being human and she’s not gonna take that away from someone else who might want it so yeah just some quiet sad lurking here
lavender brown: could def use a date since she hates the idea of showing up anywhere alone. can be on the platonic or flirty side but they gotta be willing to dance with her either way
lily evans: getting real drunk with her friends and forgetting about her problems
lola pacini: really just excited to get to wear a nice outfit and dance. could be open to a date
max caulfield: feels pretty awkward at this sort of thing and isn’t really a fan of crowds. probably gonna be finding somewhere quiet to camp out if anyone wants to join her. could be open to like a friend/getting to know each other sort of date
michiru kaioh: interested in the item but knows she wouldn’t be able to afford it. would consider trying to steal it. is put together and will be dancing with people to get info and keep people occupied.
pansy parkinson: getting drunk. anything too posh reminds her a little too much of pureblood events 
pearl: does not see the point in events like this and is pretty sure it’s just an excuse for humans to dress up and have fun with the short time they have. still might bid on some electronics. is an amazing dancer though and would be happy to dance around with some girls throughout the night.
persephone: is just interested in looking good and dancing. wouldn’t be against a date for anyone open to taking a goddess on a date.
quinn fabray: feels a big high school in all of this and felt compelled to really dress up and look as good as possible. probably dancing and trying to be charming as she falls into concerns about image and stuff. would be open to a date for the look of it all really but not for any romance
rita skeeter: gonna be doing her usual reporting/gossiping stuff. probably one of the people spreading rumors about the object that can make someone’s desires come true and will be going on talking about who wants it and is willing to spend the money, mostly to try and start fights between people who want the same thing. wouldn’t mind a date though it would mostly just be someone hot to have around.
the tardis: will not really understand what’s going on. kinda just chilling and learning. will try to dance at some point and will be terrible at it
tessa gray: mostly chilling. she kinda wants the item but definitely doesn’t have the money so she may be a little pissy and trying not to show it. might be open to taking a date because it feels like the sort of thing you’re supposed to bring a date to and she likes being a little proper
toph beifong: does not want to be there but knows how to pull the perfect rich lady image and will do so well. will probably try and sneak off early to explore and potentially start shit. it’s that or dancing with people to pickpocket. either way she’s starting trouble
veronica sawyer: not really into events like this but getting by
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celestianstars · 6 years
Soft Gestures
Florian Munteanu x Reader
For @kati-1997 who requested a fic where the reader is an actress and sings in Creed II with Tessa and Florian falls for her.
This is such a cute idea! I made it fluffy so I hope you like it!
Also, feel free to send requests, headcanons, etc, my asks are open 😊
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(Chapter 2 of Falling Is the Easiest Thing will be up either later tonight or tomorrow morning depending on when I get home lol, so stay tuned y’all)
Tessa’s role as Bianca was expanding this time as the second installment in the Creed franchise began filming. Her performances were going to be bigger than before and this time around they wanted to have another singer make an appearance as a headliner for a big show she was doing.
You auditioned for the part as soon as your agent found out about it, spending the weeks in between your audition and the confirmation of a yes or no, in a nervous panic. 
The role was such a big opportunity for you, your love of singing and songwriting on the side went hand in hand with your passion for acting and to have the possibility at working with such an amazing lineup of actors was a dream.
The news came eventually though and you basically lost it when you found out you were given the part.
And the first time you met everyone was probably one of those days you’d remember till you died. The sheer amount of star power from Tessa and Michael to Stallone and Dolph, it was insane that you were here and getting to share a creative space with them.
With being a newcomer though, you ended up gravitating more towards Florian since he was new to the party too and it was nice that he knew how you felt and vice versa.
Not only was he incredibly good looking but he was also so talented when it came to acting, he was just a natural and you could see that clear as day.
And when it came to you, Florian thought the same. You had a gift with your voice and your words and acting just enhanced that.
“So are they letting you write your own song or do they want you to write about something specific?” Florian asked you one day while Tessa and Mike were in your kitchen.
Your apartment in LA kind of became the go to spot for the four of you in between filming days just to hang out and relax, and also for you and Tessa to write music.
“Nah, they’re letting me write my own song, which I’m grateful for cause I think my personal sound would fit with Tessa’s music as Bianca.” you tapped your pen against the notepad in your lap, an idea for a verse coming into your head.
Florian was sitting on the opposite end of the couch as you but since he was such a giant, it felt like he was closer and you didn’t mind it one bit.
“I’d love to hear it sometime if you don’t mind. I saw your instagram story when you were in the studio and I liked what you were playing. You’re good at it.” he complimented you, an edge of softness in his voice.
Breaking out into a smile you could feel your cheeks getting red. You were gonna get yourself into trouble if you didn’t stop these thoughts but he had been so sweet to you since the moment you met and every time he said something like that you went crazy inside.
“For sure Flo! And thank you, that means a lot coming from you.” you nudged his knee with your foot playfully, unable to contain the smile on your face.
He caught you by the ankle before you could move your foot away, his other hand coming down to tickle your calf which made you jerk your leg out, catching him square in the jaw.
“I should have known that would happen.” the deep rumbling of his laugh filled your ears.
“Oh my god I’m sorry! Noooo!” you had to hold your side for a minute from laughing so hard cause now he was the one with red cheeks.
“Aww wait let me see!” you scooted closer to him, your laughter subsiding a bit as you ran your thumb along his jawline, his beard feeling soft to the touch.
“You think I need stitches, (Y/N)?!” he feigned concern and clutched his chest dramatically, which made you giggle again.
“Oh yeah sorry to break the news to you but you’re gonna have one big scar on that handsome face of yours!” your hand had dropped down to his chest just inches away from his own hand.
“Ah ok so you admit I’m handsome huh?”
“Ok yeah shut up!” you rolled your eyes, silence falling between you two after that, just the slightest bit of tension noticeable as you both just sort of looked at one another, not really having anything else to add but just wanting to be in the moment a bit longer.
Tessa and Michael re-entered your living room with snacks, making you withdraw your hand from Florian’s chest quickly, scooting back to your original position.
Florian sat up just a little straighter too, both of you trying to act normal but failing cause Tessa could already feel what was up, she saw how friendly you were with each other since you had met. 
She didn’t say anything out of respect, however, she was gonna wait to see how far it went because in all honesty, she could see how good a pair you and him were and didn’t want to scare either of you away from each other by announcing her knowledge of anything.
Florian missed the physical contact of your hand on him as soon as you’d moved away and most of all, the way you laughed. It felt so light and joyous and showcased how comfortable you were around him. 
He knew his appearance was a little intimidating and when he first met you he saw the familiar look of awe mixed slightly with fear in your eyes that everyone had when they first laid eyes on him but you never shied away from him after that. Both of you gradually got closer to each other and it just meant a lot to him to have a friend.
Being in LA was new for him, he had no family or friends out here and he couldn’t really tell them much about what was going on with the movie and everything because he felt like they’d know he was struggling most days, even with how grateful he was for the opportunity.
His character, Viktor, was a man filled with a lot of hurt and he had to go to a pretty dark place to get into character. This was also new to him and he couldn’t find a way to get out of character when he wasn’t on camera just yet so his mood was really tanking, even when Michael would drag him out to eat or hang with him or when he would talk to his family.
He missed them, he was a big family person and not having them near was so foreign to him. His apartment here in LA was so empty all the time and his head space was often filled with sadness lately.
But despite that, you were the one thing that was keeping him sane essentially. Admitting it was hard but he knew deep down that he was falling in love with you every day he was around you.
You made him feel seen and understood and you noticed that he was struggling sometimes and wanted to do what you could to help because he was one of the sweetest people you’d ever met, those were the words you used when he asked you about it one day and that only softened his heart for you more.
To you, nothing about him was fake or forced and you tried making a promise with yourself that this was just a small crush on him because he probably had a girlfriend back in Germany or something but the more you were around him, the more intimate things became.
After another day of bouncing ideas off Tessa, you decided it was time to take another crack at the song in the studio and invited Florian along, not forgetting about what he said the other day.
You got to work, playing with the beat, not really happy with the way the bass sounded. It felt off and you spent a good fifteen minutes trying different frequencies out, turning to Florian and asking him what he thought.
“Here, I’ll play the track for you without my voice on it first and you tell me what you think.” you sat cross legged in a chair, swiveling around to face him.
He was sitting with both his feet on the floor, his legs positioned wide which you should be used to by now because that’s how he always tended to sit but you weren’t. He looked so damn good, especially with the gold chain he had on and the all black outfit, he was really looking like a snack and it killed you in the best way possible.
The sound of the beginnings of your work filled the room and you studied his face closely as he started bobbing his head to the beat.
“You made this? It’s like...perfect (Y/N)!” his body moving a little bit more in time with the music as he leaned forward towards you.
“Yeah I produce and mix everything I make, I like doing it all myself really, and you think so, not too heavy sounding?” you stretched and ended up resting your legs on his thighs, which he didn’t mind.
“Ahh the lady does it all huh, that’s amazing,” his forearm now rested on top of your legs, the contact making you shiver slightly. “But no, no it’s really good, I like the dark sound to it but it’s just enough to have the right affect. I told you you were good at this.”
He was so impressed and very much a fan of the kind of music you were making and watching you sing was such a turn on. You would close your eyes and move your body with the song and he had nothing but heart eyes for you when you did that.
You thanked him about a dozen times over the course of the few hours you spent in the studio, not able to stop the blush from creeping up on your cheeks when he praised your skills and kept raving about how your voice sounded and that you should drop an album with that “angelic voice” of yours.
His support was one of the best things; it helped you focus a little less of worrying if everything sounded great and more on just letting it all flow out of you as it came naturally.
You showed him how to use all the editing software and how to make a song from scratch, his attention and interest in something you gave so much of your heart to, filling you with another wave of love for him.
He made you feel special. And for Florian, all he wanted to do was make you feel understood and cared for like you always did for him.
The sun had set and the stars were out as both of you headed out of the studio, still laughing about the attempt Florian made to make his own music, which you kept insisting sounded amazing and that he wasn’t bad at singing but he kept arguing your points.
The car ride was silent but comfortable as you drove him back to his apartment. He didn’t want to go back there in truth, he knew another lonely night was waiting for him there and he’d give anything to be with you for a little while longer.
His emotions were easy to read for you and you knew he was deep in thought and it didn’t seem like it was about anything fun.
“Hey...you alright?” you moved your hand from the steering wheel for a second to squeeze his hand gently, the red light from the stoplight in front of you illuminating his features.
“Hmm, yeah. I...just don’t really wanna go back to an empty apartment again.” he held your hand, his thumb running over your knuckles.
His voice was quiet and a little solemn and you felt your chest tighten at seeing him this way.
“Then you’re crashing with me tonight. I don’t want you to feel alone Flo. We can watch a movie, I have ice cream and you have a sweet tooth sooo...say no more!” you stated, leaving no room for him to argue even though he did.
You insisted that he wasn’t intruding upon your life, it was the least you could do and in truth you wanted more alone time with him too.
And that’s how you ended up snuggled against his chest, wrapped in a blanket as the two of you finished up a tub of ice cream.
You were feeling bold and seeing him half sprawled out on your couch gave you the idea to just try it, see what he would do, you’d find out how he felt once you did and wouldn’t have to guess anymore, so that’s what you did, lifting up the blanket draped over his torso, settling down against him as the movie started.
Florian couldn’t help but smile and try and remember how to breathe because this was all he’d been thinking about doing with you for months now. Watching Netflix with you in his arms, that was peace right there.
Without hesitation, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you in just a little more, his other hand coming down to hold your chin, gently making you look at him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you how much everything you do is so important to me. Thank you, (Y/N), you’re an angel. My angel.” he let his fingers trail from your temple down your cheek, your eyes closing at the sensation, his words making your heart beat faster.
The movie didn’t even matter anymore because all either of you could see was each other.
“I’d do whatever I can for you, Florian. I like you a lot, more than I can express actually.” your voice was a whisper, still reeling from the fact that he called you his angel.
He grinned and his head fell back against the back of your couch for a second, hardly believing that you admitted it, before he returned his attention to you.
“I feel the exact same way.” he tangled his legs with yours, making you clutch his large frame, wanting to be impossibly closer to him as he placed a kiss on your forehead softly.
You felt so safe and loved in his arms like this, relief washing over you that he was just as into you as you were into him and that everything was falling into place.
It all meant something important and deep and neither of you could wait to spend more time, exactly like this.
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87devices · 6 years
I finished QOAAD a couple days ago and I’ll say I have some mixed thoughts on it. I am somewhat disappointed tbh but it also DID have its moments.
I have to say I felt this book had too many POVs. I didn’t like that. I didn’t feel like they were all necessary. All the POVs only ended up with me feeling very disconnected from the story as a whole, and the characters, even my faves at times. I think the POVs where one part of the problem, the other I am not sure. Maybe Cassie has too many projects on her plate or idk but something impacted her writing. Not just for QOAAD but I felt it in Ghosts of the Shadow Market stories too. It had a few exceptions but compared to The Shadowhunter Academy short stories overall, they just weren’t as good. :/ As much as it pains me we gotta wait like 4 yrs for TWP maybe its a good thing? The onslaught of books may have passed and TWP will get more focus. Im just gonna tell myself this to get through the waiting time OTL. 
I will start with thoughts on Emma and Julian as they are the main characters. 
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I like both Julian and Emma’s characters, but I think they lost me somewhere at some point in this series as a couple. I can’t say exactly when but reading QOAAD I realized I didn’t care for them as a couple. I’ve seen this is the case for many others too. Was I very intrigued where the parabatai curse would lead? Yes, but that’s it. Now the parabatai curse, I wasn’t too satisfied with how that played out. I kinda was and I kinda wasn’t. I guess I was expecting something bad to happen some consequences but the rune just burned away and that was that. I loved when Julian got his emotions back and went all into head of the institute since I was a child mode. Like I know my shit I know what I’m doing. Then Dru being like “good to have you back, I missed your lunatic schemes” xD I love Julian scheming ok, lol but like with emotions.
I gotta say one of my favorite things about TDA and what I felt like was one of its strong points is that togetherness the Blackthorns had as a family. My favorite thing about Julian was his love for his kids cause they are his kids!! BUT I just didn’t feel it in this book. When looking forward to QOAAD I was looking forward to how they were all going to deal with Livvy’s death. The kids where gonna need Julian so much but he just wasn’t there for them ALL throughout the book which was my BIGGEST disappointment. At first he wasn’t there because he took away his emotions and separated from them, then he got back and because he was emotionless he couldn’t be there for Ty when Ty reached out to him clearly troubled and broken. Now, I don’t blame him. He was emotionless after all, but after he did get them back I feel like he didn’t make the effort to be there for them. It was like he didn’t remember the way Ty reached out to him before and the things he said to him about his plan. After he got his emotions he was all busy with the Horace-Cohort situation and his situation with Emma but what about the KIDS JULES?! ;_;  It was Ty who again sought him but he didn’t really try to pay attention to what was going on with him, during and after their little convo. It felt like 
Jules: oh btw you good? 
Ty: yeah sure 
Jules: ok im here btw 
Ty: K
Jules: K 
And that was it. He never found out about the necromancy or biting and just *sigh*. At least the biting is something he should’ve and would’ve noticed as Dru pointed out. Everyone was on their own basically and then in the end he and Emma are going on a travel vacay. Like what?! There was Helen but Helen is not Julian. She is trying to get to know them but Julian is the one who is basically their parent. There are 2 things I loved about Julian best, one was his willingness to do what needed to be done, and second was his care for his family and like I said, I did not feel it here. :[  I’ll say I do love Julian’s character, and more than Emma’s actually. Emma is just fine, but there is a lot more going on with Julian. Though neither are my faves in this series. But I love Julian xD 
THULE: ok so I was sobbing during this part. I couldn’t control my tears. All this broke my heart when we found out about how everyone’s fates turned out. I felt so sad for Livvy all alone there. Everything was just so tragic ;_;. I do found myself wanting for the POV to switch to see their friends and family freaking out about what happened to Emma and Julian. I’ll say it didn’t make sense to me how Ash went into Thule only like 5 minutes before Jemma and he aged up yrs yet Jules and Emma where there for a pretty long time too and nothing?? It was another reason I wanted the POVs to switch I was wondering if yrs where passing by in their world or what. I’ll say I did enjoy the pain and hurt Thule gave me lol. It was one of those moments where like I didn’t felt disconnected with the characters at all. I was very much feeling all the feels but it also felt like I left QOAAD and was thrust back into CoHF. It felt too much like TMI it was kind of a whiplash, like from TDA i went back to TMI then TDA again. 0.0  
Now to my faves
Ash!: He was one of my favorite things of this book! His character was so interesting. I have high hopes for his character. He is probably not all good or all bad but what I’ve seen of him from boy to teen he is more good and human than meets the eye. Cassie Cassie Cassie! Do we really need a 3rd evil Morgenstern? No, No Nope! He deserves the chance Sebastian never had! </3. ;_;
The way he shook when he was holding that sword with the Unseelie King when he was trying to make him kill Kieran. He clearly didn’t want to and not only that, he questioned WHY, like he thought you can’t just kill someone just because. Then in Thule we had Thule Dru talk about how she noticed he didn’t want to be there for Thule Sebastian’s executions, among the rest of things that happened there.
Now Ash and Dru, omg PLS I ship already! I cant wait for them!  
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Ty and Kit!: My other faves, my babies. I am the most invested in them! I just knew they were going to be separated at the end of this. I had a feeling. Then they made that “To never being parted” declaration in the campfire and I knew for sure oh no, they are gonna part. ;_; Their fight in Lake Lyn broke my heart a little bit, tears were shed. It particular broke my heart how while they were both physically fighting, they were crying about it and the whole situation. Though I’ll say I also did like that Kit went to live with Jem and Tessa <3. I feel like he is in the process of finding himself as a shadowhunter and just as a person too. I love that Jessa will be like his family. I cant wait for Jessa being parents! Also the arc of them separating only to meet again yrs later with so much unsaid ugh I cant wait for them either OTL. I could drown myself in feels thinking about all the different scenarios in which they might meet again. ;_; Oh! When they were in the campsite and Kit was wondering why Ty didn’t went inside the tent with him right away was everything. His mind was just reeling with TY scenarios it was the cutest. 
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I have to say I hope TY, KIT, and DRU, as they are our main characters are given priority in TWP no 10+ POVs PLS. (Ash gotta be in the POVs though ofc.) We only have 3 books with them. They deserve the focus so we can connect with them the most. Heck if there is no more than 4/5 POVs even better. We can get to know other and new characters without being in their heads as we got to love Ty without his POV in TDA. 
Mark, Kieran, Christina: Other characters I love too. What can I say? I love that this threesome happened. I think the initial delivery coulda been better, but I loved their ending. When I say their initial delivery I mean their coming together as 3. I LOVED that spark they had in LOS when we first could see that there could be something between the 3 of them like ‘OMG what?!’. But in QOAAD I feel like I didn’t get like a full understanding of how and why Kristina and Kieran came to love each other. We could all see the love, feelings, and intense connection between Mark and Kieran since LOS. Also the connection between Mark and Christina, but with Kieran and Christina I feel like it needed more development. They were suddenly very into each other when they hadn’t spent much time together after LOS events and Kieran left with Diego. I’ll say what did help that a bit was that it was actually pointed out by Christina herself, saying how what they might have (Kier+Tina) is probably not close to the connection Mark and Kieran do. Despite this I love how it eventually concluded with the three of them. It was bittersweet, like Kieran my boy <3 ;__; but I liked it very much. Have I said how much I specifically love Kieran and Mark because I do!!
Lastly, woah I did not see that coming with the clave leaving Idris. I’m shocked  they even agreed to that considering how prideful they are of their home. It is also like a safety cocoon for them. Im still processing, this is a huge change. It will be so interesting where the shadowhunter world goes from here. 
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lavellanlove · 5 years
I was tagged by @thereluctantinquisitor, @saphyremelodies, and @empresstress13​ (which makes sense, given the ships lol) I am so late to this party that idk who to tag im SORRY. Please tag yourself for me if u wanna and I’ll be grateful <3 
1. First ship you ever wrote fic for: Solavellan. My feelings about how DAI resolved were what drew me to this hellsite. It took a while for me to actually start writing outright, but I’m assuming it would have been content for them. (Don’t know that I’d consider any of it ship fic, though.)
2. Ship you write the most now: Mostly OC x OC ships atm, since those characters can grow dynamically, I have a collaborator, and they aren’t so played out. Hanavira (Avira x @thereluctantinquisitor​’s Hanin Lavellan) To summarize the novels worth of content, they’re distant clanmates who came together to solve the unjust massacre of their clan with Armor and Secrets and Ducklings (ie. the Dawn Squad). Despite their very different approaches, they clear up old misunderstandings, find their ideals and worldviews are much the same, and learn that when they manage to open up to one another, their complementary strengths have the capacity to make each other better.
Thelvira (Avira x @saphyremelodies​ Thelrand Lavellan) He was one of the first people to the scene when she was found near death on the outskirts of clan territory. She was one of the few people who could go toe-to-toe with him in an argument and come out unscathed. And though he may have been cocky and controlling at times, he was always there to get Avira out of whatever trouble she got herself (and Sylathi) into. Perhaps more than anyone, he knew Avira for her true self, before the Inquisition shaped her into what she is, and she was able to cut through the charisma and affirm his inherent worth, expectations be damned. Even though he ultimately chose to end things, that emotional mooring only grew more precious to her as time passed.
3. Ship you read the most now: I don’t know! I haven’t been reading much lately, so it’s pretty much just whatever my mutuals are posting at the moment.
4. Newest ship: Malrus!!! (Maleus x @thereluctantinquisitor​‘s Cyrus). Worst ship name ever, but it stuck because we reap what we sow. They had this bonding moment in a recent bit of RP, and I came away feeling like they would both be good for each other, given how surprisingly deeply they were able to connect over their pasts and reassure each other. Excited to see where this goes/if it goes.
5. Rare ship you wanna read more of:
@lechatrouge673​‘s Thea (nee Trevelyan) x Loghain Mac Tir. I’ll admit, I was never even a Loghain fan until I read her work.
@szajnie has SUCH an interesting dynamic for her Warden, Elspeth Cousland x Hawke. I’m here for it.
@idrelle-miocovani‘s Rhea Tabris x Daveth. Didn’t know I needed this. AND YET (my god i need to have a marathon and catch up on this bc I still think abt it all the time!)
6. Your taboo ship: I don’t think I ship anything taboo? How boring am I. I have plenty of ships that don’t do it for me, but that’s not quite the same.
7. They never met in canon ship:   Talira: (Avira Vedaris x @saphyremelodies​‘ Talim Vaharel) If she gets blighted leaving Amaranthine and has to undergo the Joining, she eventually meets Talim when she goes for training in Orlais and catches Feelings. Talim overcomes his fear of opening himself up to love again (after being exiled away from his bondmate and family), even knowing the Calling will rip it all away again. Avira lives out her remaining years honoring his memory and preventing the wardens who follow from ever having to die alone or forgotten in the Deep Roads.
8.Your unexpected ship:
Thelvira: @saphyremelodies​, we didn’t even set out for these two, REMEMBER!? He was a CAMEO. Alas, if there can be UST over prepping a ram for a feast, there can be UST anywhere, and so it was that we learned Thel was bi and Avi was into him.
Malrus: @thereluctantinquisitor​ these two snuck up on me and I am so far 1000% here for it.
Katsuma: @leothelionsaysgrrrr I was absolutely shocked that I hadn’t considered them before, but I think they just WORK. Freaking dorks, concerning Lux and Avi with their utter comfort discussing the morbid physics of death and combat. It’s perfect. I love that they can be unapologetically themselves around one another.
9. The ship you always forget to give love to: Tasami: (@saphyremelodies​’ Tamralan x Astaramai) I was sitting here trying to think of reasons, but there are no good ones. They have a mature, understated dynamic that is a breath of fresh air. Lots can go unsaid, which I love. There are plenty of challenges ahead of them, and they don’t always get a happy ending, but it’s good while it’s good.
10. Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): Solas x Avira: IdealistsTM Dorian x Katsuro: NerdsTM Josephine x Maleus: RomanticsTM Leliana x Astaramai: DevoutTM
11. Ship you’re embarrassed to ship: Solavellan. The characters themselves, as they are in game, have great narrative potential, but fandom has wandered so far off into ooc fanon over the years that the ship I see on my dash is one I barely recognize (and often makes me cringe).
12. Your most romantic ship: Malathi, Malephine, Malrus, Watermalon (Maleus x @thereluctantinquisitor‘s Ralon) ...Anything involving Maleus, tbph. He is the High Romance guy.
13. Your sexiest ship: Thelvira, hands down. (Avira x @saphyremelodies​ Thelrand Lavellan). Or if we’re being REAL sexy, Thelavuro (Thelrand x Katsuro x Avi, even though it only exists in AUs of AUs lol). Basically anything with Thelrand becomes sexy because he MAKES it so.
14. Your most tragic ship: Solavira. In different circumstances, they could have been happy together. And they were, for a time. But the lies and secrets couldn’t hold, and despite obvious mutual affection and regret, trust eroded and it had to end. Now, though their conflicting duties have driven them further apart, their once intimate knowledge of one another have forged them very reluctant, dangerous enemies.
15. A ship you want more content for:
Charter x Tessa Forsythia. Mostly because I love Charter with my entire heart and soul and Tessa is a precious bean and deserves happiness too.
Also need more Marius x Calpernia. For reasons. But I think I’d have to write it for that to happen.
I need to write more Gael Hawke, Elyon Andras, and Luca Tabris to figure out their ships (if they have any). I also need to write Lynmyath with her bondmate when they were younger, since they were SUPER in love.
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OC Interview!
featuring my girls, Melanthe, Eden, and Aisling!
Tagged by @schoute, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I’VE WANTED TO DO ONE OF THESE!!! Thanks for the tag!!!!!
Tagging @coptix! (frick yeah Luna Hawke!!!!!) And also @markuilleam (no pressure tho lol)
Rules: Answer the following questions as your OC of choice.
I couldn’t pick just ONE, so I said screw it and went with my main three!
1. What’s your name?
Melanthe Ashirill Lavellan. [She grins and bows low and dramatically.] How do you do? [She glances at her sister.]
[Eden clears her throat.] Eden Lavellan.
[Hawke smiles pleasantly and crosses her legs.] Aisling Mariann Hawke.
2. Do you know why you are named that?
[Melanthe shrugs.]
Hawke: No.
Eden: A friend suggested it, I thought it sounded nice, and that’s what I’ve gone with ever since.
3. Are you single or taken?
Hawke: I gave an angsty Tevinter elf my heart, and I hope he keeps it forever.
[Melanthe cackles.] Always the romantic, aren’t you Hawke? As for me… [She pulls an ivory wolf’s jawbone pendant out from under her tunic and waves it around.] Yep.
Hawke: You…went with Solas?
[Melanthe nods.] Yep. The resident egghead Fade expert is mine. And my dear sister is in love with the Commander!
[Eden blushes slightly.] He’s…he’s nice.
[Hawke and Melanthe elbow Eden playfully.]
4. Have any abilities or powers?
[Eden holds up a glowing left hand.] Mel and I have the Anchor. It lets us open and close tears in the Veil.
[Melanthe high-fives her sister with her own glowing hand.] Yes! And we can make tiny holes in the Veil to kill demons sometimes!
Hawke: I’m a mage, specifically a spirit healer with force mage training. It’s pretty cool. Eden’s a mage as well.
Melanthe: And I’m good at poking hundreds of holes in people via a truly epic assortment of knives. [She winks.]
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
[The three women exchange puzzled glances.]
Hawke: Run that by me again?
Melanthe: I don’t remember killing someone by that name. Nor do I remember any bartenders with that name. Maybe…eh. Nah.
6. What’s your eye color?
[Hawke raises an eyebrow.] You mean to tell me you can’t see it? Blue.
[Melanthe leans in close to the interviewer for a moment.] Gold, but not the same shade as my sister’s. Mine’s better.
Eden: I’m not inclined to disagree.
7. How about your hair color?
Hawke: Black. Like obsidian but, alas! Not as shiny.
Eden: Just..dark red.
Melanthe: Like drying blood!
[Eden makes a face.] Mel, please.
Melanthe: Okay fine. Going with Hawke’s mention of shiny rocks, how about garnet red?
Eden: That is better, yes.
8. Have any family members?
[Hawke suddenly finds the floor most intriguing. Melanthe perks up.] Oh, lots! There’s the twins, Tessa and Feyrand--they’re older than me--Iolanthe’s younger than Eden, we’ve got an even younger brother who has a habit of disappearing and we’ve got cousins galore! There’s Kahris, Maralah, Saelethil…not to mention our clanmates! They’re family too.
Eden: My friends are my family, too. Hawke, Fenris, Cole, Cassandra, Solas, Varric, Sera, Blackwall…the whole inner circle, really.
Interviewer: What about you, Hawke?
[Hawke jerks her head back up.] Oh, sorry. Well… [She coughs into her fist.] I have Fenris and my ducklings, and the Lavellans. That is…all.
9. Oh? How about any pets?
Melanthe: Too many.  There’s my palomino horse, I call him Corvo, Eden’s got a hart named Red Velvet, a halla named Evune, probably a dozen different birds, three hamsters aaaaand a rabbit on top of that-
Eden: In my defense, they were mostly rescues.
[Hawke points behind her with her thumb.] There’s an undead bog unicorn in the stables. And a giant nug. And as for me? My mabari Birch is all I need.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
[Hawke deadpans.] Red lyrium.
[Melanthe grimaces.] Oh, I feel you there.
Eden: Stuck-up ancient Tevinter morons who blow things up and then monologue villainously.
Melanthe: Oof, true! Also the Chantry. The Chantry can go- [She spews a long string of obscenities that just about rivals a sailor’s cursing.]
[Eden nods thoughtfully. Hawke’s eyes glint with mischief.] And the TEMPLARS as well, especially the ones who were in KIRKWALL working for MEREDITH-
[Cullen hollers from the next room.] I heard that, Hawke!
[Melanthe and Hawke high-five. Eden shakes her head.] Hawke didn’t mean you, ma atish’an.
Melanthe: Oh yes she did. [snickers]
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
[Melanthe leans back in her chair, putting her legs on the table.] Stabbing. Drinking. Kissing Solas. Pranking everyone in Skyhold, the usual trouble.
Eden: Painting, reading, gardening. [A timid smile slowly spreads across her face.] Singing, or playing the harp.
Hawke: Now that you mention it… I write poetry, and sometimes turn them into songs. Journaling is also something I like, and pressing flowers, and-… [Her gaze strays to the wall.] Yeah, that’s about it.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
[The three women glance at each other, at the interviewer, then back to each other.]
Melanthe: Pfft. What kind of question is that?
[Eden toys with a bracelet.]
Hawke: Oh no, of course not.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
[Hawke grabs a champagne glass from the end table next to her, and sips it.] Me? Never!
Melanthe: I heard you used the Arishok’s skull as a flowerpot.
[Hawke nearly spits her drink everywhere.] Who told you that?
[Melanthe simply winks at the interviewer.]
14. What kind of animal are you?
Hawke: A dragon. Guarding my treasure hoard~
[Melanthe wiggles her eyebrows.] A sssssslippery sssssssssnake!
Eden: Sorry sister, you’re more of a mountain goat. You’re everywhere you shouldn’t be and you consume an unholy amount of whatever food’s available.
Melanthe: She’s a barn owl. Or a cat, maybe?
15. Name your worst habits?
Hawke: Fenris says I’m a bit overprotective of my friends. Too loyal, too stubborn, too willing to risk my life for others, I “involve myself in the affairs of others” too much, or what have you. But I’ll let you in on a secret: I used to ignore the vast majority of the mail I got when I was a noblewoman of Kirkwall.
Eden: I stay up late reading fiction when I should be dealing with all my mail and- [she lowers her voice.] Sometimes I skip war meetings.
Melanthe: I run exclusively on caffeine and volatile emotions.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Hawke: Eden.
Eden: Hawke.
Melanthe: Iron Bull, Cassandra, Blackwall, Cullen, Leliana, Josie, Tess, Feyrand, Krem, Sera, Solas, Vivienne, Cole, Dorian… [She grins wickedly.] But not you, sister. I’m still taller than you.
Eden: Not if I wear heels.
Melanthe: Not if I stand on Bull’s shoulders!
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Hawke: Mm, straight.
[Melanthe considers this a moment, then shrugs.]
Eden: Just because I have a boyfriend doesn’t mean I’m into…that.
18. Do you go to school?
Hawke: My parents taught me a lot.
Melanthe: Dalish don’t really have school.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
Hawke: I’d like to, yes.
Eden: Marriage? Absolutely, but kids I’m not so sure of.
Melanthe: To be honest I haven’t thought about it. Too busy stabbing demons and undead and corrupted templars and whatnot.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Hawke: Do lovers count as fans?
Solas, from the other room: Am I- what?
Melanthe: He’s a fan of the Fade. And me. But be serious, very few people in Skyhold AREN’T fans of me. [She winks.]
21. What are you most afraid of?
Eden: Spiders.
Hawke: Corrupted spiders.
Melanthe: Bears.
22. What do you usually wear?
Eden: Simple Dalish robes.
Hawke: I inherited a bloody awesome coat from my dad complete with belts, a bright red sash, and some shoulder armor. With bonus knee protection, because you can’t protect your knees enough.
Melanthe: I’ve got a sick coat, made of phoenix scales, ring velvet, Highever weave, with lazurite details. I’ve got other coats made of varghest scales, dragonling scales, and gurgut webbing.
23. What one food tempts you?
Melanthe: CHOCOLATE. What kind? Doesn’t matter, it’s MINE.
Hawke: Ham that tastes of despair is okay, but there’s enough despair in the world, and not enough lemon cheesecake.
Eden: …cinnamon rolls.
24. Am I annoying you?
Melanthe: Nope. I’ve got aaaall the time in the world.
Hawke: After all the people I’ve dealt with, it’ll take a lot more to be annoying.
Eden: You’re not a fussy Orlesian noble. You’re doing just fine.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
[Hawke gestures for the interviewer to continue.]
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Hawke: I was an apostate, then a refugee apostate, then a noblewoman apostate, then the Champion of Kirkwall, and now I’m little more than a fugitive, so truth be told, I’m not sure.
Eden: a Dalish First turned Inquisitor. I…don’t…really know?
Melanthe: High class for fancy parties and fancy murders, low class at the tavern.
27. How many friends do you have?
Hawke: About ten.
[Melanthe snorts.] Um, almost a whole castle’s worth.
Eden: My inner circle, plus the ducklings, plus the animals… [She tries counting them, but loses track.] As many friends as I need.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Hawke and Melanthe, in unison: Lemon meringue is the best.
Melanthe: Chocolate is equal.
Eden: Pies of all kinds are good. I wish we had them more often.
29. Favourite drink?
Melanthe: Whiskey.
Hawke: That peach liqueur I used to buy in Hightown.
Eden: ….hot chocolate?
30. What’s your favourite place?
[Hawke smiles wistfully.] I have many, but the place I like best is wherever Fenris is.
Melanthe: Awww!!
Hawke: And somewhere we’re not being attacked all the time.
Melanthe: I’m rather fond of that little oasis in the Western Approach. And the Wounded Coast. Storm Coast was pretty, too.
Eden, softly: I liked the Emerald Graves.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Melanthe: We’re all dating someone at the moment. And we told you that.
32. That was a stupid question…
Hawke: We all say dumb things sometimes.
Melanthe: Some people more often than others.
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Hawke and Melanthe: Ocean.
Eden: Lake.
34. What’s your type?
Melanthe: Type of what? Blood? Weapons?
Eden: Preferred type of magic?
[Hawke tries not to laugh and fails.] Broody and sometimes glowing.
35. Any fetishes?
[Melanthe smiles brightly.] Stabbing demons.
Hawke: If you think you’re going to get an answer to that, think again.
[Eden squirms and twists her bracelet around her hand.] Next question, please.
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
Melanthe: Wait….indoor camping is a thing? What is it with you shems and constantly coming up with new nonsense?
Hawke: Pillow or blanket forts, I think.
Eden: …..outdoors?
I stayed up SO MUCH LATER THAN I SHOULD HAVE writing this, but heck if it wasn’t awesome!
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saucylittlesmile · 3 years
I know I’m not the only one, but with the exception of a few programs, I tend to spend most of their dances watching Tessa. Is this the case for you? If so, which what programs do you think Scott shines the most?
Also, random question: I was listening to a podcast and they said something about Scott Moir being on record as not liking the yankee polka. Do you know anything about this/ what he has said?
Oh, I'm a multi-watcher, LOL. I mean, I figure most people in this fandom watch-and-rewatch their programs, but yeah, I used to deliberately watch several times and then (try) to focus on a different aspect each time (although there were plenty of times I'd find myself off course LOL, and just enjoying it as a whole instead). I'd have my Tessa-watch, my Scott-watch, my watch-their-feet-watch, etc.
Ice dance does tend to have a 'stem and flower' attitude - aka, the flashy, showy lady who is the center of attention, and also there is a guy there - but overall I find VM's programs to be fairly well-matched. That said, I'd say that if you're going to try and have a Scott-watch... watch all of them? Okay, okay, I'll try to narrow some down...
Call Me Irresponsible - 2005 Junior Worlds - he's 17 (I have to be careful here because I'll start waxing poetic about them both in this program... all of the programs... LOL). He's 17, but this program, as young as it is, is brilliant - all closed holds, save the elements that require otherwise, and yet he is so sure, leading the dance, and with quick, clean feet.
Valse Triste - 2007 Worlds - such a difficult piece of music to skate to, but it shows off a subtle, musical side to a young Scott, whose ability to interpret and perform the program grew in leaps and bounds that season.
Hip Hip Chin Chin - 2011 Worlds - ironically, the program in which Scott said that they just had to put Tessa in front of him to dance, but Scott is just fantastic in this program. The beginning is just lightning in particular, but the whole thing is great.
Carmen - Nationals 2013 - like, why would I watch other Carmens when I just went through the process of trying to decide on my favourite, LOL? Anyway, again, technical and performance, wrapped into one giant beloved Carmen package.
Dream a Little Dream - GPF 2013 - the personality that he manages to inject throughout this program is incredible. It's like he's not trying to do their hardest SD at all. ;)
Good Kisser - Skate Niagara 2015 - yep, I said it. Watch him.
What's Love Got To Do With It? - Skate Niagara 2016. Comeback ready. So many little, difficult moments, sprinkled in just because he can.
Prince - Worlds 2017 - perfection.
I'm going to stop there. I... kind of could have put any program? The lack of particulars on this list means pretty much nothing LOL - but I tried to also showcase a variety of emotional/thematic tones, because especially as they grew as performers, they were really able to embody so many styles.
Meanwhile, yes, Scott indicated that, at least, he wasn't overly fond of the Yankee Polka, though I'm having a lot of trouble finding the interview(s) in which he said so. It would have been back around the 2010 era when the Yankee Polka was announced as the pattern for 2012/2013 though (and IIRC Charlie was of the same opinion).
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drarrycakes · 6 years
Draco Logic™ Appreciation Post
This reclist is forever being updated.
Last updated 7 May 2019
Okay so this post spawned out of me trying to send in a fic rec request tumblr ask under 500 characters but I got carried away and figured I’m probably someone who has read most of the fic featuring my very obscure trope(s?). Don’t get me wrong, I’m still hoping like hell for recs because Im trash and 98% of the fic I read are Explicit/NC-17 so I’m sure I’m missing out on some gems. So please, please, rec me! In the mean time, I’m gonna take a moment to rave about my love for this and scream it into the tumblr void and hope the screams of appreciation I hear back aren’t merely my echo lol. But on to the whole topic of this post!!!! *slams table and takes a deep breath*
I love eccentric Draco! Awkward Draco! And I don’t know if this falls under the same category but I’m a sucker for Draco Logic™ (no one’s really defined it but Draco Logic to me is when he over-thinks things/has ridiculous thoughts & acts on them, generally leading to some sort of Plan, Scheme, or its him dealing with an issue in a weird way which gets him in trouble or he complicates a situation. I want Draco to be a mess! Basically I need more weirdo Draco in my life.
Examples of Eccentric/Awkward/Odd-ball/Weirdo/Unique Draco & Draco Logic™
-Something about his life is unusual (hobby, job, pet, fashion choices)
-He’s very particular about certain things
-He has strange thoughts/obsessions
-Maybe he’s not eccentric in general but Harry or certain situations bring out the awkwardness in him
I’m gonna come right out and say it, I’m not afraid of what might, on the surface, be an OOC Draco.
Some examples of Eccentric/Awkward/Odd-ball/Weirdo/Unique Draco & Draco Logic™ in fic
The Vanishing Department by dicta_contrion
Why: awkward
Dinner at Luna's by FantasyFiend09
Why: eccentric
Mr. Fit by Blunette (Hoshikuzu_san)
Why: cool around everyone else; awkward around harry
But It Was In His Mouth! by leo_draconis
Why: weirdo
The Sweet Scent of Potter's Trousers by leo_draconis
Why: weirdo
The Dirty Pants Deviant by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill)
Why: weirdo
The Potter-Malfoy Problem by who_la_hoop
Why: thought process, awkward, denial
Five Times Draco almost got some and the One Time he actually did by theboywiththeskulltattoo
Why: particular eating habits
Yours is the Earth (Hold On, Hold On) by chickenlivesinpumpkin
Why: particular about things
Crowns of Black and Gold by maraudersaffair
Why: Awkard (virgin)
Draco Malfoy's Rich, Fulfilling Fantasy Life by twistedmiracle
Why: thought process, awkward
That's What You Get For Waking Up alpha_exodus
Why: thought process, awkward
Unusual Job
Vanishing department
The Critiquer by dysonrules
The Fair of Artful Pleasure (F.A.P.) by GingerTodgers, synonym4life
Unusual Hobby/Skill
December Never Felt So Wrong by MaesterChill
Draco Logic ™
What Potter Wants by birdsofshore
Why: Scheme
More Than One Way to Polish a Broom by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill)
Why: Scheme, thought process, denial so hard it’s hilarious
Draco's Terrible Night by thenerd1026
Why: Draco complicates things
Special Magic by lauren3210
Why: thought process and complicating things
The Final Ingredient by lettuceleave
Why: scheme
Simulacrum by slashpervert
Why: gets in trouble from scheme
His Little Something by chibaken
Why: scheme
Seven Ways to Get Harry Potter Hard (in Public) by Curlee_Cue
Why: scheme
Why: A Plan, over-thinking, secretly uncool, he’s particular about his lists
Work It Out by GoldenTruth813
Why: thought process and running mouth
Obliviate Me from Your Bed by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill)
Why: thought process/denial
Ring of Fire by IvvyMoon (blue_jack)
Why: thought process/denial
Seduction 101: A Questionable Guide to Beguiling Oblivious Idiots by foryourlungs_only
Why: complicates things
Unique Draco (/Unusual Attire)
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by Tessa Crowley (tessacrowley)
Harry Potter and the Black and White Crisis by i_amtheoutlaw
Fill Me Up Inside by Gullviva
Ones I can’t remember the name (anyone?)
- Draco in pink converse
- Draco has magic synesthesia fic (smell/see magic?)
Some other tropes that could probably count as being related
Draco & muggle things/Draco in the muggle world
Draco-centric/Draco POV fics in general cuz we get to know his thoughts
Kiiinda in redeemed!Draco (cuz he’s changed so much in the eyes of harry or those around him so their past impression of him clashes with this “new draco”)
Draco contributing to charity
Draco working in politics for good
Draco is a gay mess for harry
I’m starting to realize this is just turning into an overall fanon Draco appreciation post. Lol.
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