#lol actually posting this on a wednesday for once!
suzukiblu · 1 day
Man, does Clark panic adopting not count as kon-napping(+ match-napping)?
Oh well, I suppose I won't request anything for WIP Wednesday. Have fun with everyone's prompts. :]
I mean it definitely does imo, but I ruled out a bunch of WIP options that technically count as Kon-napping for one reason or another, 'cuz keeping the list to five options is just way easier for me. Keeping open five documents to jump around is just way kinder on the ol' laptop, y'know? Though for you, fren, since you have been an excellent source of inspo/motivation in the past, I will totally give you some panic-adoption I already had written and just hadn't posted yet, lol. 💛
(( chrono || non-chrono ))
“I didn’t call ahead, so–oh, damn, how did I forget to call, it’s practically lunchtime,” Superman mutters under his own breath. Match stares blankly at him. So does Thirteen, but Match can’t even bring himself to be irritated about it, because it’s the only possible logical reaction to be having right now. Or just ever, possibly, in regards to Superman. 
“Uh,” Thirteen says, shifting uncomfortably in the air and still half-behind Match, annoyingly but unsurprisingly. “Like, we could just . . . do this some other time, maybe, we don’t need to, y’know . . . bug ‘em or whatever. Like, we don’t need to do, uh . . . whatever you’re doing all at once.” 
Superman once again gets that strange look that Match would call “pained” on anyone else’s face, then just–sighs, and shakes his head. 
“I should’ve done it already,” Superman says, his voice just barely tight. “For both of you.” 
“I mean–we literally don’t even know what you are doing, man,” Thirteen says, looking frustrated and uncertain. “Like, you said you didn’t want us to go back to Cadmus or the Agenda but like, then you said we should go home even though we were already at the Fortress, and then you brought us all the way out here to your–to, uh–you know, and–” 
“To my parents’ house,” Superman says. 
. . . Match actually should just take Thirteen and go to Cadmus right now. Superman is clearly an irresponsible idiot of an owner, if he’s going to keep telling him these things. 
Really, the only thing Superman’s done so far as his owner is steal him and also dress him up in a little outfit, from a certain point of view, Match realizes, and tries not to grimace at the thought of being, effectively, another damn dog. 
Which–he is that, more or less. Obviously. He’s–a possession. A weapon. A thing. Not–
Just–the same treatment as the dog, short of getting his damn ears scratched. 
It’s . . . 
Are you fucking STUPID? he wants to ask instead of finishing that thought, but that wouldn’t be any smarter–or safer–to do. 
“Uh,” Thirteen says, and swallows uncomfortably. “Uh–yeah. That.”
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sodaliteskull · 1 month
The Gods Of Marenkes
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The pantheon of Marenkes, going clockwise from the upper rightmost (red), we've got:
Coraxborax, the god of the arts, craftsmen, and revelry
Tarnagaar, the god of prophecy, destiny, and dreams
Zhadhul, the god of justice, law, and truth
Xanghul, the god of the day, harvest, and animals
Vulrani, the god of trade, travel, and seasons
Ransaran, the god of the afterlife, karma, and perseverance
Grelthor, the god of knowledge, innovation, and gratitude
Lyrrath, the god of the sky, storms, and forests
Quasvina, the god of duty, celestial bodies, and history
Pelexal, the god of night, the sea, and mystery
Jendrosia, the god of war, victory, and faith
Ahazhada, the god of love, passion, and courage
The gods have made sure that they are omnipresent in the lives of mortals on Marenkes by making their domains as all-encompassing as possible. Under their rule, they demand that every action a person takes is a prayer to their glory.
(I go into more depth about what each god's domains cover below the cut)
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These gods are parasites (lol that fact is established in chapter 3 of this thing!), usurping the place of the actual Gods of Marenkes for their own ends. While their domains cover a wide array of concepts, there is no one god of Life or Magic, or even of the world as a whole, as all of the gods claim joint custody of these things.
There aren't any gods to "evil" concepts (things like Asmodeus, Bhaal, or Shar of D&D fame), as they are purposefully painting themselves as being benevolent, parent-type deities. That doesn't mean that they don't accept prayers from people offering them up for nefarious purposes. On the contrary, someone would have to jump through some serious hoops to justify why their prayers should be answered for evil, and these gods are in it for the energy put into a prayer, not its intent!
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"Art" is subjective, and so Coraxborax has a lot of wiggle room when it comes to what it can consider prayers to itself. Anything from a composer's magnum opus, to a toddler's unsupervised crayon wallpaper scribbling are "art" enough for Coraxborax. Those who create owe their prayers to this god. And what is a celebration but another creation? This is the logic as for why parties are under this god's domain.
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The hazy hopes and dreams of a people are what Tarnagaar dines upon. Anyone who hopes, or wishes, or dreams, must offer themselves up into prayer for this god's use. Any kind of divinatory practices (tarot, runes, entrails, cootie catchers, etc.) are just another form of worship as far as this god is concerned.
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The rule of law, the meting out of justice, and what truth actually means are what Zhadhul feeds upon. All of these concepts are governed by this god, and so it has final say over what is (or isn't) considered a crime. Judges and criminals alike both pray to this god.
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The glory of the sun, and all that grows under its divine light, Xanghul claims credit for all of these things. Food, resources, pets, a perfect day at the beach, prayers should be offered up in thanks.
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Getting people and goods from one place to another in the world is highly dependant on what time of year it is, and so Vulrani takes advantage of this interconnected system when harvesting prayers. Farmers looking to ship their produce are as likely to pray to this god as vacationers looking for favourable weather are.
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Death is a scary concept, but knowing that there is someone standing at the precipice between that and life is a comfort, which Ransaran takes full advantage of. Rebirth is a known fact on Marenkes, and so the people offer up their prayers that the departed will get what they deserve in their next life, for good or ill. Continuing on in the face of adversity, knowing that your next life will be better, is something that keeps people praying.
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Technological advancement is something that the gods keep a tight leash on, and so the people better be grateful for what they allow to come to fruition! Grelthor is the arbiter of what can or can't be developed, and so this god, more than any other, has a heavier hand in controlling what information mortals have access to. The knowledge that it is doing this is certainly not one of those pieces of information!
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The natural world can be a scary place, the forest a beast at your back while the weather above is a fickle monster, Lyrrath demands prayers in exchange for safety when dealing with these forces. Fear of uncertainty, and fear of the unknown, this god will have its tithe.
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The iron clad oath and the one who upholds it, the past made immutable thanks to the passage of time, and the perceived eternity of the heavens above, Quasvina is the overseer of all these things, an immovable force that will have its due. Those who pray for change and those who pray for things to stay the same will both bend in supplication to this god.
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Things that are vast, deep, and conjure an existential dread in the soul are the things Pelexal holds domain over. Sailors hoping for an easy journey, the child afraid of the monster under the bed, those who revel in the wonder of the unknown, all of them pray to this god.
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For Jendrosia, war and faith go hand in hand, as both lead to the other. Under this god's control, that is. The stability of peace times and the chaos of conflict are fertile grounds for prayers, and with all sides praying for their own successes to the same god, it means there's never a shortage of prayers coming in.
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Matters of the heart are Ahazhada's source of prayer. Familial love, romantic love, the love of a little treat after work, all these things fall under this god's domain. Passion could mean lust of the flesh as much as it could mean a drive in one's soul for some cause or desire. As for courage, well, you need that to pursue both what you love and what you are passionate about.
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quinn-pop · 10 months
happy cringe day wednesday guys here’s another thing i have no idea where to put <3
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…i was trying to figure out their dynamic lol
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kenobihater · 7 months
Cody is lost in thought when it happens.
The corpse draws a ragged breath.
Cody flinches before staring at Obi-Wan’s corpse. The corpse that had been motionless for several minutes is now breathing. Cody scrambles forward and feels for a pulse. His hands shake so hard that it’s difficult to make out, but it’s there - weak but steady. Cody freezes up entirely, not trusting his own senses.
Then the corpse's brow wrinkles and its eyes flutter open, meeting Cody’s through his visor.
“Cody?” Obi-Wan asks, and Cody stares. Obi-Wan is pale, but not as pale as he was, and his eyes are searching Cody’s own. Cody snaps out of his trance and goes back to pressing on the wound.
“I’m- I’m here Obi-Wan,” he says, stuttering over his words. Obi-Wan looks past him. He says nothing for close to a minute.
“I… Cody, I died. I became one with the Force, but it… it spit me out,” Obi-Wan says, finally meeting his gaze again. Cody grits his teeth.
“You’re here now. That’s all that matters,” Cody tells him with a confidence that he doesn’t feel.
“Just focus on staying alive this time, alright? I’m not losing you again,” he says. Obi-Wan lapses into silence once more.
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-opens the drafts for this blog and one other one, in hopes of getting the writing juices going-
-ends up with zero juices for either of them, so now i'm just here lowkey salty-
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nicxl333 · 1 year
Could you write about bllk boy accidentally hurting their s/o badly.
It's okay if you're too busy. No pressure
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characters: isagi yoichi, mikage reo, nagi seishiro, barou shouei, itoshi rin
content: major angst, reader is female coded (wears a dress, heels and makeup), mentions of smut in barou’s part but nothing actually happens (lol), vulgar language
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“you think you know better than me? do me a favour and go find someone else who has the time to put up with your bullshit. ‘cause it won’t be me.”
you lay in your cold, desolate bed for the umpteenth time this week alone, which, considering it was only wednesday showed just how often isagi trained past late hours. as much as you understood his passion to climb to the top, it was simply neglect at this point. to you and to himself. you woke up, he was gone. you went to sleep, he wasn’t beside you.
of course, things were never like this in the beginning. he used to be around, take you out, nurture you and show you devoted love for you each and every time.
until he wasn’t.
once his team reached the quarterfinals of the champions league a while back, he changed. 2 hour training sessions in the evening turned into 4, and the time he spent with you halved as a result. it made you feel lonely and simply put, abandoned.
your texts querying his location and when he was coming home lay unanswered and unopened, probably within the confinement of his phone which lay in his bag during training. so you went to bed alone like you always did, missing what your relationship used to be.
as you stared at the pristine, bare white ceiling you heard a key in the lock of the front door. a few moments passed and the door pushed open, pads of feet resounding in the apartment.
you decided to go meet him in the living room, wanting to know if he’s at least okay.
as you entered the room, you were met with his figure, donned in black sweatpants paired with a black compression shirt. his normal post-training gear. the same gear that never failed to make you melt each and every time. he glanced at you in your nightwear and weary expression, due to him returning back so late.
“hey ‘ichi, how was training?”
you immediately frowned. outside the pitch he was never so curt and void of language. especially with you.
you ventured closer towards him, trying to debunk his guarded persona.
“are you sure? did anything happen to you?” you stepped closer still, till you were right in front of him, immediately noticing his dark circles, even in the dim lighting of the living room from the hallway light. you attempted to give him a hug, shrinking back in disappointment once he shrugged you off.
“i said it was alright. i’m fine, just go back to bed, i’ll join in a bit.”
bullshit. you knew full and well he would just retire to the sofa, watching playbacks of his games to further evaluate his performance. even when he wasn’t working physically he would somehow manage to work himself further mentally.
“yoichi. what’s wrong baby?”
“y/n, i won’t repeat myself again. go to bed.”
you stood there in disbelief. as far as you were concerned, you hadn’t done anything wrong, so it’s quite unbelievable that he would take whatever happened today out on you.
“isagi,” you made sure to use his last name to make aware you weren’t fucking around. “come correct with me please. i haven’t done anything to you and i’m concerned for your well-being. you’ve been going to sleep late, training until ungodly hours. this isn’t good for you and i’m now on the receiving end of your misery, god knows why.”
the tone in the room shifted, isagi, now displaying a scowl across his features at your rebuttal. yes, he was well aware he was maltreating himself, but to have you acknowledge his moment of weakness gave him an displeasing itch of anger that no one could scratch, not even you.
before he could think, the next words that flew out of his mouth changed the status of your relationship, whether he meant to or not.
“you think you know better than me? do me a favour and go find someone else who has the time to put up with your bullshit. ‘cause it won’t be me.”
you instantaneously drew back, his words punching you in the gut and twisting your insides. your heart leapt and fell, never expecting those words, out of isagi’s mouth of all people.
it was deathly silent for a moment, both parties having a staring match. you fought back tears, trying so damn hard to not allow him to see how his words affected you. alas, your emotions got the best of you.
you lightly sniffled, before balling your hands into fists. “you know what yoichi? fuck you, i’m done.”
you turned on your heel and made a beeline towards your shared bedroom, grabbing your biggest duffel and shoving clothes into them, not minding what it was that you picked up. only once isagi was the only individual in the living room did he snap out of his state, realising the weight of his words. he listened to the loud shuffling, registering that he may have just fucked his relationship over for good.
he swiftly followed you, watching you in a frenzy, having just changed into an outfit suitable enough for outside. it was then that he grasped you were serious, and slipped into full panic mode.
“y/n! y/n please baby, i didn’t mean any of that! don’t leave me.” he reached for your arm, falling apart, the same way you did moments before, when you pulled away from his touch. you knew if you succumbed to his pleas you might— might just stay. but you couldn’t. his words resonated within you and made you accept that fact that you needed space at the most, before your relationship delved into something irreparable.
you stood, duffel bag slung on your shoulder, tears running down each cheek, until they conjoined at your chin.
“isagi, i can’t. not right now. not when emotions are running this high. i need space. we should probably talk when we’re both calmed down. i’ll be at meguru’s house so you don’t need to worry about where i am.”
he respected your wishes, he had no choice. if he wanted this relationship to survive he had to.
so he let you go.
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“you’re very much subpar, do you think i need to keep you around? my name alone will help find me someone better than you.”
one thing about mikage reo that really ticked you off was his obsession over his best friend, nagi. simply put,
he was always there.
when you were chilling together, when you went out, even after date nights he would come to your shared condo, playing video games with your boyfriend until who knows what time in the morning. it always felt like you had to share and fight for reo’s attention, which was pretty much a losing battle considering reo gave nagi as much of his attention to nagi as he did.
you did your best to not voice your concerns to him, withholding your true feelings, that you did. but sometimes there’s just moments where you can’t help but snap.
and that moment came at your first year anniversary dinner with reo. hell, you should’ve called it your first year anniversary dinner with yourself, considering the fucker didn’t even show up.
you had dolled yourself up so nicely, a sexy silk black dress (purchased with your own money, you didn’t like to depend on reo too much) with matching heels. your makeup was done flawlessly and not a hair out of place.
you sat at an expensive table at an expensive restaurant, sipping over-expensive wine while you waited for him to show up. you hadn’t seen him since this morning, due to him training all day today, but you had planned this dinner with him together a month ago, reservations and all, with reminders here and there about the upcoming date.
you had waited for about an hour, taking into consideration that there could be traffic, although you hadn’t experienced any on the way here, thus giving him the benefit of the doubt.
however, when no signs showed of him arriving you turned to a waiter and excused yourself, paying the bill and walking out to collect your car from the valet.
once it was brought to you and you were seated, ready to drive off, the first thing you did was call reo via the bluetooth feature, beyond pissed off.
after a few rings he picked up, the sounds of video game gunfire audible in the background.
“y/n? what’s up? where are you?”
you scoffed incredulously, ignoring the city lights whizzing past you as you drove on the highway.
“what’s up? where am i? reo, do you know what day it is today?”
“no, why?”
you gripped the leather of your steering wheel, your frustration hitting a boiling point. “you cannot be serious. does our one year anniversary ring any bells, huh? the fact that i’ve reminded you, time and time again? you stood me up reo! what could you have possibly been doing that was more important than remembering a big milestone in our relationship?!”
he didn’t even have to answer for you, because the answer came in the form of a “reo, why did you stop? our team just lost.”
nagi seishiro.
if you weren’t angry before, you were absolutely livid now.
“reo, so you mean to tell me that spending time with your friend was more important than remembering your one year anniversary with your girlfriend? do i mean nothing to you?”
“y/n it’s not that deep, we can just reschedule for tomorrow or something.” you could hear his exasperation through the phone. the audacity of him, considering he was completely at fault here.
“not that deep? not that deep?! you let me sit there for over an hour in an upscale restaurant by myself and didn’t even think to worry about where i was! why is it not getting through to you that you missed our anniversary to play games? you see nagi everyday, whether it’s at training or at home. you mean to tell me that you couldn’t bear to not see him for one singular day out of the week?”
there were probably a ton of possibilities and explanations for why he said what he said next, but if you had to choose, it would probably be the fact that nagi could most likely hear the argument over the phone, which lead reo to attempt to regain control over the situation, by any means possible, to not appear weak.
“you’re very much subpar, do you think i need to keep you around? my name alone will help find me someone better than you.”
oh. you see how it is.
his words stunned you into silence, knocking the wind out of you. the only sounds that could be heard was the continuous tapping from reo’s controller and the low hum of your engine as you drove.
“look y/n i’m busy now, so we can talk later when you’re ho-”
you didn’t wanna hear what else he had to say, hanging up the call via the steering wheel and letting out a deep breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
without fail you indicated to turn off the highway, making your way to the nearest hotel. nevermind the fact that you didn’t have any clothes, you simply couldn’t handle seeing reo after the way he just wounded you.
once at the hotel and settled in your room you lay swaddled in the crisp white blankets. without any external eyes being able to see your state you let all walls crumble, tears cascading down in waves as you let all the previous bottled emotions fly free.
unbeknownst to you, your phone lay on the side table, softly vibrating whilst the screen lit up to show a picture of you and reo at a theme park, a call coming though from him.
it lay unanswered.
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“being in a relationship is a hassle already, i shouldn’t have to deal with you bitching and whining on top of that.”
you awoke to the sounds of rapid gunfire emanating from the living room, sighing to yourself. once again, nagi was devoting himself to a night of endless gaming.
it was a never-ending cycle. when he wasn't gaming, he was training and vice versa. as much as you loved and embraced the fact that nagi was lazy, he could at least make some effort to give you attention every once in a while.
rubbing the sleep away from your eyes you trudged your way through the apartment wearily, before being met with his figure, hunched on the sofa, eyes glued to the screen in front of him.
"sei, when are you coming to bed? i miss you."
"in a bit y/n."
"sei baby you said that last night, and i came back to you passed out on the sofa. the bluelight isn't good for you, especially so late."
he barely was around as it is, but when he was, he either slept, or was parked on the sofa.
it made you feel unappreciated, and majorly unloved. he never made the effort to take you out, tell you that you ever looked pretty or even acknowledge you anymore. to you at this point he was practically a roommate with a shoddy title that really shouldn't apply to the both of you.
"y/n, just leave me alone for now. i'm too tired to get into it with you."
"so you're too tired to argue with me being concerned for your wellbeing, but not too tired to invest your time into games, which ultimately drains your thought processes more? really sei?"
he was still focusing on the tv instead of your words, which ticked you off. so, determined to get his full attention, for once, you walked towards the tv and stood directly in front of it, blocking his vision, arms crossed and frowning.
"what the hell y/n? you made me lose."
"seishiro, can you stop being an ass for just a second and focus on me and what i have to say?”
faced with no way out, he had to oblige, placing the controller down with a heavy sigh, letting you know he was agitated. you couldn’t give a flying fuck though. you’d had enough of being neglected by nagi, and weren’t going to let him off this time.
“you don’t spend time with me anymore. you never take me out, we don’t ever talk to each other anymore. is it so bad for me to want to spend time with my boyfriend? is a game really more important than me? or is being with me detrimental to you in some way?”
he rolled his eyes, sinking back into the soft material of the sofa, irises piercing into yours. you shrunk back at his change in demeanour.
“being in a relationship is a hassle already, i shouldn’t have to deal with you bitching and whining on top of that.”
“nagi, where is this coming from? what do you mean being in a relationship is a hassl- i’m a hassle?”
he shrugged while rising to his feet, placing a hand behind his head and massaging his neck.
“i said what i said didn’t i? look, i’m going to bed, happy now? i don’t wanna argue with you, you’re too loud when you’re angry.”
you stood in shock, registering his words fully before swallowing and deeply inhaling.
“forget it nagi, i’m leaving. lose my number.”
“leaving to go where?” he watched as you briskly walked to the bedroom, following you in as you changed, grabbing your phone and keys.
“that’s none of your concern anymore. i’m breaking up with you.”
he said nothing as you walked to the front door, leaving with a final slam.
he should’ve stopped you, he really should’ve, for he would come to realise soon enough that allowing you to go,
would be one of the worst decisions he ever made.
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“oi, i didn’t get into a relationship with you just so you can make my life harder. fix up or leave.”
when you asked barou out, you knew damn well what you were signing up for. considering he was so headstrong, particularly when it came to football, there would be moments where he might be nonchalant or absent.
what you didn’t anticipate, would be just how bad he would get.
once his mind was focused on football, specifically climbing his way to the top, there were no distractions, especially from his girlfriend, who at times he deemed his biggest distraction.
you did try to help and aid him every way you could, cooking him meals to eat after late night practices, tending to his injuries he may obtain after over-intensive sessions, cleaning up the apartment flawlessly so he wouldn’t be tempted to do it himself. all you really wanted in return was love.
surely that wasn’t too much to ask for, right?
even after 7 months of dating, public outings with attempts to hold his hand resulted in subtle swatting away, instead opting to walk side by side. laying in bed together? don’t expect any cuddles from him. quite laughable actually that you’d ever think he’d be willing to do that. don’t think movie nights will be any different either. you’d better be keeping your hands to yourself.
fucking was a rarity, only really when he was very much pent up with frustration from football, libido overflowing from lack of release. and even then, while you were able to cum, that’s pretty much all there was to it. no making love or anything like that. he wouldn’t display his emotions to you enough in the first place for that to ever happen.
when you asked barou out, you knew damn well what you were signing up for. but you didn’t know it would be this hard. you figured he would loosen up eventually, getting used to at least some form of affection towards you. a little peck on the lips, or a hug from behind every once in a while would be nice.
one day, you simply grew tired. you were sitting on the dining table with him, having just finished dinner. barou stood up, ready to leave the table to shower.
he stopped in his tracks, pivoting on one heel to turn and face you. his face remained blank, save for his usual signature eyebrow, arched in waiting.
“i-” you suddenly grew self conscious, afraid to voice your concerns to him. if you wanted things to change however, this conversation had to happen sooner rather than later.
“can we do more stuff together?”
his face now contorted into utter confusion, genuinely puzzled by what you were trying to say.
“what do you mean? i do enough with you do i not?”
“no, not that that sho’, i mean more couples stuff. like…couldn’t you just be more affectionate? i just— i don’t know how you feel about me at certain points, you don’t tell me anything as it is.”
he looked at you, playing with your hands, trying to look anywhere but him, clearly uncomfortable about this conversation.
“cmon y/n, you know how it goes already, i’m not into shit like that. i may like you and all, but all that lovey-dovey stuff? that ain’t me. never has and never will be. surely you should understand how i feel about you? the fact that i’ve kept you around this long should say more than enough.”
damn. fucking cold. either way, you weren’t backing down. you stood there, holding a firm staring competition with him before opening your mouth to speak.
“shouei, it’s been 7 months and news flash! it doesn’t. when you do shit like this, it makes me feel fucking inadequate. like i’m not deserving of you. long story short, you make me feel like shit. i’m tired of it sho’.”
“y/n, regardless of how you feel, i told you how i feel, and that ain’t gonna change.”
you couldn’t accept what he was telling you, believing that what you were saying weren’t getting through to his thick skull. his stance was too relaxed for your liking, arms simply crossed over the other, looking slightly bored.
“you’re not getting it shouei!” you raised your voice slightly, not quite shouting, but about two thirds of the way there. “you’re not understan-”
“oi, i didn’t get into a relationship with you just so you can make my life harder. fix up or leave.”
you halted, making sure you heard him correctly. to hear that he basically wouldn’t fight for 7 months worth of memories and time with each other left you in denial that it would be so easy for him to let go.
“excuse me?”
“did i stutter? fix up, or leave. two choices, one answer. it’s up to you but whatever you pick is your business.”
he gave you an out, an out from what you were currently going through. and as much as you did love and care for barou, you’d be a fool not to take it. things would only get worse.
you chose the latter, opting to leave, considering how little value your relationship held to barou. weeks passed, and the items you once held in the apartment decreased, leaving a half completed house, just like your heart.
he continued as normal at first, trying to get used to the newfound ‘freedom’. but as days passed on, the emptiness of the household became more apparent. the meals you used to cook were no more, barou having to take on the tasks himself. his injuries were taken care of in a subpar manner. while he could do it adequately, they weren’t bandaged or plastered as well as you used to do it. yes he would clean, but having it done already when he came back from training and to his standard…made him start to realise just how much you really did for him.
and maybe— maybe you weren’t so bad to have around. you did give him a sense of comfort that he could not achieve on his own, filling him on things that happened during your day gave him a sense of normalcy which alternately gave him that balance from his meticulous life as a quickly rising footballer.
he missed you, he missed what you had,
it’s a pity he realised only when it was too late.
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“honestly i don’t understand why i got with you in the first place. you’re so lukewarm it hurts.”
you were both busy. you both knew and understood that. rin was constantly abroad on travels for football and you had your own stuff going on at work, often leaving the office late at night.
when your schedules would occasionally match up and you’d both be home, most of the time it would still be you alone. rin would go off on his own to his usual training ground and work himself to the bone. he wouldn’t even tell you he was leaving, disregarding your worries or concerns that may surface.
you jolted awake randomly, looking to your left to see disturbed duvet covers, but an empty side. yet again. next you turned to your phone, squinting at the light from the screen which temporarily blinded you.
you could take a guess or two at where rin was. specifically because you knew he lost his last match abroad and was pissed off about it, meaning double the training he usually did. you threw on some clothes, splashed water on your face and grabbed your car keys to drive to the open football field.
the massive stadium style lights lit up the field, illuminating it in a cool white, as you pulled up next to rin’s car. even from the car park you could hear the discernible sounds of rin’s foot booting a ball repeatedly. once closer, you could see him in his normal training gear, sweating profusely, enough to fill a small bucket.
he stopped, just short of making the next ball his victim, making eye contact with you, not expecting to see you there of all places this late.
he waited until you had crossed the distance between you, and stood in front of him to speak.
“y/n, why are you out here this early? i thought you were sleeping.”
“rin, i should be asking you that. it’s too early to be this active my love. come home please, i’m worried for you.”
all was silent for a moment, the only audible sounds on the pitch being a crow cawing in the distance, and rin’s heavy breathing.
“…i’m fine. just go back home. it’s too early for you to be up.”
you stood, hand on hip, showing your determination to get him to give up, not taking no for an answer.
“rin, you need to sleep. you’re overworking yourself. what happens when you’re fatigued and you leave yourself open for mistakes to happen? it’ll be worse for you in the long run.”
“tch, i wouldn’t expect someone who does office work all day to know the inner workings of an athlete. you don’t understand y/n.”
you sighed exasperatingly at his attempts to disarm you. he could be so stubborn when it was really for his own good.
“rin, i don’t need to be an athlete to understand that this isn’t good for you. anyone with two working brain cells can understand that constant working out and lack of sleep isn’t healthy.”
he rolled his eyes and turned back to the football in front of him.
“fine. whether or not you leave isn’t my problem, but i’m not leaving. stay or go, the outcome is the same either way.”
he took position, aiming and shooting flawlessly at the top left corner of the goal, the ball spinning against the net before falling to the ground.
he grabbed another ball, ready to complete the same procedure before you interrupted him once more.
“rin, just please come home, you can come back tomorrow. just because you lost your match doesn’t mean you should overwork yourself like this.”
this time when he turned back towards you, the tone had shifted. his face immediately darkened, eyes thinning into dark slits, eyebrows forming a crease on his forehead. his teal eyes shot daggers into yours.
“listen. we may be together, but that doesn’t mean you get to talk to me like you know what i’m going through. i’m going to be the best football player out there, and if i need to work double to make that happen, then so. be. it. i don’t need someone like you telling me about what i should or should not be doing.”
you stood in silence, effectively stunned and insulted simultaneously. you couldn’t say anything to counter yourself, rin’s harsh words opening up a side to him you’ve never seen before. that wasn’t the worst of it though.
“honestly i don’t understand why i got with you in the first place. you’re so lukewarm it hurts.”
your heart shattered, face hung in desolation and disheartenment.
after not hearing you argue back for a while he scoffed, walking to the side to collect his training bag. “whatever, i’m leaving now.”
he left you there, standing while the gears turned in your head to make some semblance of his words.
you didn’t even register you were crying until the cold nipped at your cheeks, decreasing the temperature of the liquid against your face. you pulled yourself together, just about enough to shakily make your way back to your car and press the ignition button.
you spent the whole car ride crying your eyes out, before wiping your eyes as you arrived back home. rin’s car was nowhere to be seen.
you walked up to the front door, slotting your key in and twisting your wrist to align with the lock.
pushing the door open, you stepped in to see the lights off and the aura dark.
“rin, are you there?”
you sighed, tossing your keys on the table next to the door, making a beeline to your shared bedroom. it was empty, no signs of life present.
you stripped out of your outside clothes and slipped under the covers,
leaving you to cry yourself to sleep, wondering when it all went wrong.
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baby you sold me a dream pt.2
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phoneboxfairy · 1 month
Nalu headcanon time because it's been a while and I feel like posting something about my main otp.
Natsu likes sleeping outside. Usually. But there are times when he has trouble falling asleep, perhaps from ptsd flashbacks? On those nights he finds Lucy, who thought he was just being weird at first but understood once he explained in his own Natsu-y way. So they cuddle up, and he sleeps easier knowing his girl is near. Of course, once they're actually a couple, there's more cuddling. He's a hothead dumbass but he loves Lucy and particularly enjoys their cuddle time.
(YES I meant hothead dumbass as a term of endearment lol.)
Just some fluff for your Wednesday night.
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rachelsfav-queer · 3 months
The World is Loud (So Step into My Office)
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Summary: Wednesday is eating lunch and becomes overstimulated by all the noise and she flees the cafeteria. She runs into Principal Weems, who invites her to eat in the quiet of her office.
Word count: 1,488
Notes: So basically, we have autistic Wednesday getting overstimulated by all the chaos in a cafeteria full of hungry teenagers lol. Larissa offers her a quiet place to eat lunch every day. Simple, clean, and neat! This is post season 1 so Wednesday and Larissa are closer. You know, bonding over almost dying on the same night and all! So Wednesday isn’t so averse to help from others, at least those she trusts.
It was just another normal, typical, loud day at Nevermore for Wednesday and she was once again eating lunch in the loud cafeteria. Unfortunately, it was also her name day, Wednesday, which meant that neither Enid or Eugene or any of her other acquaintances were sharing a lunch period with her today and weren’t here to act as a buffer between her and the rest of the noise and chaos of hundreds of other students also eating lunch and talking and screaming and laughing and being so loud!
At some point, Wednesday simply couldn’t stand it anymore and stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving her lunch behind as her mind was too overloaded with stimuli to pay attention to anything beyond the feeling of her own blood pumping underneath her skin. As the seer stomped out of the room and through the hallway, she wasn’t paying attention to anything around her and she accidentally bumps into the principal of the academy, the sudden stop shocking her back into reality. She looks up at the much taller woman and sees barely concealed concern across her face as she smiles kindly at the raven. “Miss Addams, is everything alright? You look… disturbed,” Principal Weems asks as she lifts a hand to put on Wednesday’s shoulder, the action causing the student to jerk back before she could even make contact. Weems smiles apologetically and pulls her hand back to hold her other in front of her, “Apologies, my dear. Hmm, if I had to guess, the cafeteria is a bit too loud today?”
Wednesday doesn’t give a verbal response, she can’t, but instead nods her head once, still looking up at the shapeshifter who still smiles, this time in comfort and understanding. The expression would’ve offended Wednesday a year ago, before that fateful and nearly fatal night under the blood moon, but now it actually has the intended effect on the seer, settling her mind if only slightly. The principal speaks once again, “Ah, and verbal shutdown as well?” A nod. “Hmm, well that is troublesome, isn’t it? Miss Addams, if it will help, you may come to my office for the rest of your lunch period? This way, you can have a quiet place to enjoy your meal and you won’t have to worry about teachers or staff questioning your whereabouts. Is that agreeable?”
Once again, Wednesday nods and turns to grab her forgotten lunch before she’s stopped by the older outcast, telling her that she’ll just order food to be delivered, whatever Wednesday wants. The seer widens her eyes in surprise, but they soon soften in a look of gratitude, her whole body slowly losing its tension in the presence of the woman she’s grown to trust and view as a genuine mentor figure since they both nearly lost their lives. A final time, Wednesday nods and the two make their way to the principal’s office.
Wednesday lets out a heavy sigh as she finishes the last of her food that was delivered from an (the only) authentic Mexican restaurant in Jericho and sets the plastic container on the small table in front of the fireplace, lit at the shapeshifter’s offer.
Said shapeshifter, currently sitting at her desk, looks up from the paperwork she’s been focused on since finishing her own food and sees the raven staring at nothing. “Wednesday? Is everything alright, dear?”
For the first time since they bumped into each other, Wednesday speaks, though only in a whisper, “Everything is fine, Miss Weems. I am simply… at ease now. The silence here has been blissful to my mind. I appreciate this… all of this. Thank you.”
Weems smiles warmly and sets down her pen, leaning on her forearms over her desk, “I’m quite happy to hear that, Wednesday. And please, it was my pleasure! You know, you’ve grown so much since you first arrived here at Nevermore. I’m… proud of you, Wednesday. I hope you know that you are welcome in my office anytime should you need an escape from the usual havoc and mayhem of the rest of the school. Gods know I need the escape a fair amount myself.”
The joke brings a slight smile to Wednesday’s face as she stands and collects her garbage, throwing it away before grabbing her backpack and stepping up to the principal’s desk. “I’ll consider your offer. And once again, I thank you for allowing me this and for the meal. I must get to class now and thankfully, Enid will be there as well. She is… exceptional at balancing my mind.”
Weems simply smiles knowingly, though the raven and werewolf pair haven’t gone public with their relationship, it was quite obvious to everyone who knew them. The changes in both of them were plainly obvious and Larissa, well, she couldn’t be happier for the young couple. After all, it wasn’t a simple coincidence that she had assigned them to room together. But the blonde woman bites her tongue and instead rises up to see Wednesday out. Once the seer had left, Larissa returns to her desk, but instead of getting back to the piles of paperwork, she pulls forward her laptop and makes an easy purchase. She then returns to her paperwork with a warm smile on her face, wishing she could be there to see Wednesday’s face when she receives the gift.
*A Few Days Later, in Wenclair’s Room*
A knock at the door has Enid standing up from her bed, pocketing her phone, and walking over to open it, slightly confused as she doesn’t see anyone standing there. She then looks down at the floor to see a black gift box with white ribbon on it. It’s pretty clear who it’s for just by looking at it, but Enid still checks the little card attached to make sure, and confirms it’s for her roommate/girlfriend and is surprised to see who it’s from. The werewolf steps back inside the room and walks over to Wednesday, who’s sitting at her desk, studying homework. “Hey babycakes-”
“I told you not to-”
“You have a gift! From Principal Weems, too! Here, open it!” Enid sets the black box onto Wednesday’s desk and the seer glares at it curiously.
She glances up at her girlfriend and questions, “Are you really going to stand there and watch me open it?”
“Of course, silly! You don’t get gifts very often, this is a special occasion!” Enid responds cheekily, nudging her girlfriend to hurry up and open the gift box. Wednesday pulls at the ribbon and lays it on top of her homework, then lifts the lid and looks inside, rolling her eyes at the gratuitous amount of black tissue paper concealing whatever was inside the box. After nearly thirty seconds of pulling out tissue paper, Wednesday finally sees what’s inside and pulls it out to get a proper look. She’s confused for a moment before she hears her girlfriend gasp. “Oh wow…” the werewolf breathes, “Those are… some seriously expensive headphones! Holy shit! Miss Weems really went all out!”
Wednesday’s confusion only grows as she asks, “What in the nine circles would inspire her to gift me headphones?” She then reads some of the text on the package holding the headphones and whispers, “Noise-canceling? Enid?”
Enid finally notices the seer’s confusion and explains, “Oh, noise-canceling! I mean, pretty obviously, they cancel out noise. But like, they’re commonly used by autistic people and people with sensitivity to loud noises in order to make them more comfortable! Honestly, baby, I really think you’d like them! It’ll take a bit to get used to wearing them on your head, but seriously, having these handy will help a lot! Especially when I or our friends can’t be around to act as a buffer for you.”
Wednesday nods in understanding and fascination. As she stares at the box, she feels emotion build up in her chest at the kind gift. Principal Weems. By Satan herself, Wednesday was certainly wrong with all her initial assumptions of the tall shapeshifter back during her first semester here at Nevermore. She feels only a sliver of guilt at how she had treated the woman during that time, but more than that, she feels a huge swell of gratitude for being given the chance to know her better after their near-death experiences.
The raven looks away from the box in her hands and up at her blonde girlfriend and speaks softly, “Enid? Will you… assist me in setting these up? I would like to try them out.”
Enid smiles so widely it would’ve hurt her cheeks if she wasn’t so used to it. “Of course, babycakes!”
Wednesday growls, “I told you-”
“Willa, baby girl, love of my life, most adorable girl I have ever known? Give it up. I’m literally never gonna stop calling you that. Especially not with how much you blush when I do!”
End <3
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sitp-recs · 9 days
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the sun between us by @eleadore (E, 7.4k)
Draco Malfoy, an omega. It was laughable until he was right in front of you, smelling like he was one shaky step from tripping into a heat.
How could it be? Not him, with the cold eyes and mean mouth, and all his sharp edges—every edge, no respite—nothing soft to him, nothing to draw you in. (…) He's not pretty, with his pale, pointy face, all washed of colour and full of spite. Haughty and unfeeling. Cold, Harry thinks, even in the grip of a heat, he'd be cold. Who would want to fuck him? Who would want—who would—
I finally got the chance to read this fic and I knew I was gonna write a rec for it the moment I read the quote above (I’ve actually combined my two fave quotes up there). Then I stared at my tumblr draft for about 10 minutes before I remembered how to actually write a rec lol it’s been over an year since the last one and god knows how long it will be until the next, so thank you kindly @eleadore for fueling my Drarry feels once again!
What a delicious read. So viscerally raw and thick with tension (not only sexual, which makes it even more compelling), this put me at the edge of my seat, brimming with anticipation from beginning to end. I don’t usually read a/b/o and it takes me a bit to get into it but my god, they’re so mean and so horny that I felt the UST punching my bones and was salivating from the moment Harry first sniffed Draco 🔥
This is not only an impressive masterclass in tension building within 7k (insanity!), but also a refreshing take at omegaverse and a fascinating dive into Harry and Draco, who are SO intense even when they say nothing at all: rough around the edges, unable to differentiate fighting from fucking, desperate to appear smooth when in fact they’re about to burst with want. I love how they are so attuned to each other, the desire to hurt/touch/help/hurt too strong, the wistful memory of that one day in 6th year colouring the “enemies to lovers” dynamics. It was so much fun to see this stone-cold, mocking, demanding Draco through Harry’s increasingly wanton eyes, the unrelenting banter taking the “fucking your enemy through their heat” trope to a whole new level.
Speaking of - and being a good smut champion as always - I just want to highlight how incredibly hot the whole sequence was: that unhinged frenzy of a/b/o sex, all biting and no softness, the post-nut clarity replaced by the hazy confusion of losing control and accidentally knotting your omega boyfriend enemy. Peak Drarry moment 🤣 reading this felt like a fever dream that made me eat it up in one sitting, so if anyone hasn’t had the chance to check this series yet (oh yes, there’s a sequel!!!) run don’t walk! Happy Wednesday :D
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depravitymoon · 10 months
Does the Yandere la squadra have room preferences for the darling post kidnapping?
This is the oldest ask sitting in my inbox and today’s the day I answer it. Right now, I’m gonna be honest. Part of the reason this sat in my inbox for so long is because I was trying to figure out the question. Hence, I’m going to try to guess what it’s asking. 
The questions I’m gonna be asking myself:
What are the general house rules post-kidnapping?
Would your yandere even give you a room?
Would your yandere change their own room for you?
And just to make this simple: This is an Everyone Lives AU where Giorno is Don and actually increased La Squadra's pay by 1000%. La Squadra are roommates in a big ass villa, so it feels like live in through own private apartment complex... but richer. lol
(Some of the pictures of rooms come from here.)
(Warning: Other than yandere, kidnapping, and implied forced labor, Melone also wants kids with you.))
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RIsotto Nero
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Risotto’s rules:
Don’t get sassy with him.
Do what he says.
Do not attempt to run away from him.
If he is not there, then have Pesci or Prosciutto guide you.
Would your yandere even give you a room? NO.
Risotto isn’t as fucked up as some of his teammates, but he likes having control of you. Also, it’s easier to intimidate you when he’s always so close to you (and is a giant). Having your own room might make you feel too comfortable disobeying him and he refuses to let you think that’s an option.
Would your yandere change their own room for you? Yes. You behave and he’s willing to even make the room look like Enid and Wednesday’s. 
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Prosciutto’s rules:
Be a good housewife.
Cook the meals.
Clean the ‘house’.
Run errands with Pesci.
Don’t sass him.
Greet him when he gets home.
Would your yandere even give you a room?  HAHAHAHAHA, NO. You’re funny.  You two are married and married couples sleep together.  Also, you’re in charge of cleaning, do you really want your own room to clean in addition of his room and Pesci’s.
Would your yandere change their own room for you? He will negotiate with you. Have you been a good wife? Have you been completing the chores? What are you willing to give in return to drastically change his room for you? 
Sidenote 01: Prosciutto gets the biggest room because Risotto didn't care to get the Master bedroom. 
Sidenote 02: Proscuitto just wants you taking care of his portion of the villa. If you're being annoying, he'll force you to clean of Pesci's portion (but Pesci's nice enough to help you with your cleaning).
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Pesci’s rules:
Be polite to Risotto.
Listen to what big brother says.
If big bro gets handsy on you, look for Pesci.
Avoid the others except Ghiaccio.
Stay away from Ghiaccio when he’s mad. Don’t walk, RUN.
Would your yandere even give you a room? Pesci would never force you to stay in his room unless he actually thought you were in danger. At worse, he'd manipulate you into staying with him. If La Squadra has room (no pun intended) you can have your own room.
Would he change his room for you? Absolutely! He just wants you comfortable! Hell, you can have half of his room AND your own room. 
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Melone’s Rules:
Be a good parent to his future offspring.
Don’t ask for anything unless you’re willing to do some Not Safe For Work activities for it.
At least pretend you're happy to see Melone once in awhile, especially around bambino!
Would your yandere even give you a room? Honestly, yes. He did kidnap you to force you to have his future children. The least he can do is accommodate you.
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He'll only let you roam the villa if he believes you'll behave. The moment you try leaving is the moment you're literally chained to his bedroom and has to have Pesci follow you around when Melone can't.  Yes, he knows you're mad that he plans to baby trap you. At least you'll be a rich mom, not a pauper with 'freedom'.
Would he change his room for you?  No. If anything, he’d probably make your room also your future baby’s room too, which would force you to come to his room for some peace and quiet.
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((Author's Note: Let's pretend that the floor is an all white carpet. Apparently, most people know better than to have white carpet.))
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Ghiaccio’s Rule:
DO NOT stain his room.
DO NOT yell at him.
DO NOT talk to the other members unless it’s an emergency.
DO NOT be alone with Melone.
You may be asking "Why would you have a white room? Why not just let me go if you dont want a stained room-" SHUT UP AND DONT SASS HIM.
Would your yandere even give you a room?  Depending on if you two are own good terms, he might let you stay in the tinier room right next to his. Just behave. Your room has no bed, because he'll be forcing you to sleep in his bed with him. You're the most likely darling to be allowed to roam the villa, but you can't go outside. 
Would he change his room for you?  No, which is why you get your own room if you behave. 
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Illuso's rules:
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Oh, he keeps you in the mirror world with food all day when he's not with you. Rights? lol Silly darling, you have no rights.
Everything you have is solely due to his desires. While Risotto's darling spends 90% of the time in his room, Illuso's darling spends 99.99% of the time in Illuso's room and the mirror world.
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Doesn’t need rules because he can just shrink you down when he wants.
I imagine the only thing that stands out about Formaggio's room is that it's filled with a dollhouse, dolls, pet cages, and a hamster ball. Why all of that? So he can entertain himself messing with you. 
There is more than enough room for you to be in Formaggio's room. And he doesn't want to break you like Illuso would. Formaggio just likes bullying you, but he does want you functioning like a human being. Having a person he can actually converse with is better han some doll that obeys him, gross. 
Obviously, you wont get your own room, but he will customize your dollhouse room if you behave! Oh and he does like you room the mansion. Keep in mind if you ever try to flee, that privilege is revoked forever.
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blue-disco-lights · 1 month
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Thank you so much for tagging me - love this one! (i love them all actually) @jrooc
@stocious @michellemisfit @doshiart @mybrainismelted @mmmichyyy
@sgtmickeyslaughter @gallapiech @suzy-queued @spookygingerr @roryonic
Name and A03 handle: Julia, Blue_Disco_Lights
Current Location: my dining table - my work is hybrid, so this (suprisingly uncomfortable setup) is my desk twice a week.
Favourite picrew: I never really wore my space buns this high, maybe a bit lower… also the jewelry is a Chain Mickey homage obviously.
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What's one thing you want in a picrew? I love a creative background and good sweater options. If left to my own devices, I’d be in a hoodie all the time, but it’s nice to spice things up!
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom? Hard to choose! it's a tie between some @galladrabbles and these @gallacrafts.
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Why is it your favourite? I’ve been knitting since I was a kid but never really got beyond the scarf phase lol - and Season 1 Not-a-booty-call/“Whatever, see ya” Mickey wore that green scarf and I knew I had to recreate it. The t-shirt is me attempting to draw for the tomato theme and I just think it would be so funny if Ian actually wore this outside.
Did it come easily or was it hard to create? For the scarf, it was all about finding the right yarn and also that cute patch that just appeared out of nowhere at the craft store. Drawing is hard because i don't know how 😆
Last ao3 fic you commented on? It was either on Shame-proof written by @ms-moonlight-inn and @notherenewjersey or A Song Only You Can Hear by @suzy-queued - both so good!
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? I’m usually OK with WIPs taking a while, truly… but oh man, I’ll copy @jrooc's answer and say Things Beyond Mistake by grayola. What a STUNNING work and we’re left just aching for what happens for those two. My second is Elevator Music by gallavichsecurity- another beautifully written one that I hope will continue one day. 
Favourite trope or head cannon you like included in a fanfic? I love enemies to lovers, the slower the burn the better 🫠🔥 . I’ve yelled about loving road trip plots a lot, so I loved Highway of Hedonism  by @roryonic (w/ beautiful art by @gallapiech).
Least favourite? I’ve never gravitated to mpreg   
Secret or surprising kink or trope? Never even knew A/B/O was a thing until i got here - hello! Same goes for Whump - once it clicked that it was an actual genre, it was like oh wow, i think i’ve been into this my whole life lol.
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new? Er, shocked quite honestly. When I see that I actually have multiple things posted on AO3 I do wonder who that person is??
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line: There are so many hype people i want to thank in my writing journey - your amazing comments & reblogs really made me feel like a writer! (which was a little shocking - so please know they went a long way 💕) @gallawitchxx @energievie @creepkinginc @jrooc @michellemisfit @palepinkgoat @gillyp @suzy-queued @ian-galagher @sweetbee78 @francesrose3 - and special shout out to @mybrainismelted for being an amazing sounding board and co-conspirator on Gallavich Summer Camp among other things!
It's been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____? Hang out on Discord and Tumblr, and fall into one of the very many tabs I have open. Currently it’s You’ll Never See Us Again by @spoonfulstar - and omggggg.
If you're tagged in this post and haven't made one of these yet - this is your official invite!
tagging in @lingy910y @deedala @heymrspatel @atthedugouts @wehangout
@lupeloto @sisitrip @sandrashaine @shippergirl121fic @stocious
@jessij1997 @sickness-health-all-that-shit @thisdivorce @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos
@mickeyheartian @mickeym4ndy @callivich @transsexual-dandelions @nymacron
@rororowyourboat18 @transmurderbug @bawlbrayker @i-think-you-mean-reduction @gallavichsuperfan
@runawaybrainsc @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @thepupperino @celestialmickey
@crossmydna @spacerockwriting @catgrassplantdad @look-i-love-u @silvanshadow
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mikavlcs · 2 years
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x asthmatic!fem!reader
Summary: A sudden run in with the Hyde induces an asthma attack. Luckily, Wednesday is there to help you.
Warnings: asthma attack(?), this is kinda rushed and not proofread lol, author does not have asthma but tried their best to research, this also makes no sense with the timeline of the show...ignore that<3
Word count: 2.8k
Notes: late post lol but this was a request from two weeks ago. sorry for the wait anon, but i still hope you enjoy!
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Having a partner in her investigation was something Wednesday never planned on.
She had started it alone because she was the only one to see Rowan’s death, and apparently, the only one to believe it actually happened.
Besides you.
The first time you approached Wednesday about what happened that night, she simply walked away. But you kept coming back, kept insisting that your knowledge of outcasts and creatures could help her.
After a week of your attempts, she did spill some of the details to you, only because she was desperate for you to just shut up. 
But you surprised her. Greatly.
Once she showed you one of Xavier’s paintings she stole, you were the one that correctly identified the monster as a Hyde. You confirmed that the Hyde was indeed a person and that Hydes always acted on the whims of their masters.
Despite her initial impression of you, you had provided crucial information to the case and made yourself an imperative part of it moving forward.
Before she knew it, she was spending more and more time with you.
When she found a new lead, you were informed as soon as possible. Your opinions and insight became important to her, though if you asked her she would vehemently deny that. And your presence in her dorm became so normal, that Enid and Thing would inquire about your whereabouts when you weren’t there.
Though she’d love to say otherwise, the two of you had grown somewhat close. Which is why she wasn’t entirely surprised to find out that you were asthmatic.
The time you spent together allowed her to notice many things about you and she noticed the ways your condition manifested itself in your behaviors within weeks of properly partnering with you.
You tended to avoid strenuous exercise, something she never thought twice about because she too had no love for exercise or physical sports of any kind. But that combined with the rather persistent cough you had some days and the vague panic she saw in your eyes whenever that cough got particularly heavy made her aware that something was off.
Your reasoning for not telling her about it upfront was some ridiculous fear that she would kick you off the investigation if she found out about your asthma.
But she didn’t, she only demanded you give her one of your spare inhalers.
Not because she personally cared about your well-being, that would be ludicrous. She simply wouldn’t allow you to die because of something as pathetic as your own forgetfulness.
You were her partner, after all, and you dying would significantly affect her investigation. Which is the same thought process she followed from that point on when she found herself studying you.
Wednesday would observe you throughout the day, taking note of how clear your breathing was or how much you coughed, and if you were having issues, she would try to deduce why.
Weather conditions, she found, had a particularly damning effect on you. Things like air temperature and density affected your asthma greatly, and the moment she realized this, she began making adjustments to her investigation to better suit your health.
During stormy days when the humidity in the air was almost stifling, she would ask you to help put together a crime board in her dorm.
She would insist on doing research in the library on colder days since the frigid air could be a trigger for you.
The spare inhaler you gave her gained permanent residence in her bag, going everywhere that she did in case there was an emergency of some kind.
And this ended up paying off greatly when the two of you journeyed into the forest to find the cave in one of Xavier’s drawings.
Wednesday was very hesitant to let you come along in the first place.
There was a myriad of factors that fed into her reasoning, your asthma being one of the largest. But your arguments were not without their merit.
The weather was clear, the sun shining bright without a cloud in the sky to impede it, and the Hyde hadn’t made an appearance in weeks. And while that was true, there was still an inherent danger in the situation.
You absolutely refused to take no for an answer, following her around and bothering her (more so than usual) all day.
Part of her still wanted to refuse while another wanted to give up and accept your company. Your guidance and knowledge weren’t necessary for this, especially given your lack of knowledge about the layout of Jericho’s forests.
But as much as she wished it was, Wednesday couldn’t deny that the idea of spending more time with you wasn’t entirely unappealing.
So she gave in and allowed you to join her, on the condition that you both brought along an inhaler for you. You agreed with some light grumbling, and you both set off into the woods.
The two of you had been roaming through the forest for about twenty minutes—Wednesday closely reading Eugene’s directions while you leisurely followed, offering the occasional (bad) joke to fill the silence.
You were in the middle of one of those jokes when a sound in the distance made you both freeze.
Wednesday turned, met your wide eyes, and looked in the direction of the sound. She waited, watching closely for any type of movement.
There was a moment of stillness then a twig snapped, the sound closer than the last. More silence ensued and Wednesday quietly inched toward you, positioning herself in front of you. A beat. Then a long scratching sound cut through the air, like something sharp—a claw perhaps was carving through the bark of a nearby tree.
Wednesday’s hand found your wrist, and she barely had the time to properly look at you before a thunderous roar tore through the forest and she was taking off in the opposite direction, pulling you with her.
Trees whizzed past in a blur as she, and in turn, you raced through the forest. Wednesday wasted no time trying to identify the creature following them. She knew that roar. She heard it the night Rowan died.
It was the Hyde, finally reappeared after weeks of inactivity to antagonize you two. Intentionally? Possibly. But she wasn’t going to fully delve into her theories until both of you were safe.
She didn’t dare look back and risk losing her footing on an unseen tree root or rock, but she could hear the monster giving chase behind her, leading her to increase her pace and tighten her grip on your wrist. The two of you ran at a steady pace for minutes on end, only slowing slightly when Wednesday felt you stumble behind her.
Finally, the sounds of the Hyde’s pursual faded but Wednesday only brought you both to a stop once they had long since stopped and she was sure it wasn’t there anymore.
She ignored the fire coursing through her legs in favor of taking in her surroundings, both watching and listening keenly for any sign of the monster and finding none.
“Alright, I think it’s gone, we should…” Her words faded when she saw you stagger in her peripheral.
Confused, she turned to you and finally took in your state. You were unsurprisingly sweaty and short of breath, but the redness of your face was beginning to give way to an unnatural paleness. Again, you stumbled, your pants turning to choked coughs, and only when she saw your chest stutter did she realize what was happening.
Her confusion morphed into horror, and she was by your side in a second.
She guided you to sit against a nearby tree, and you all but collapsed against the raised roots, harsh wheezes escaping you as your hands fumbled toward your pocket. Wednesday watched, puzzled, as you froze, your eyes widening.
The realization hit her a moment later. Your inhaler was in your right pocket, she knew because she watched you put it there and she was just noticing how flat that pocket now was.
“It isn’t there?”
You started to speak but your chest constricted, swallowing your words, so you instead shook your head violently. The tears in your eyes made Wednesday’s own chest ache, and that pushed her into action.
Tearing her bag off her back, she dug around its contents for your spare inhaler, desperately tossing her things out of the way. She struggled for about twenty seconds before finally finding it.
Like you showed her, she flipped the inhaler upright, shook it firmly, then brought it up to your mouth, her other hand moving to gently cup your cheek.
You breathed in as best you could as she gave a puff, weakly gripping her wrist as you watched her mentally count to thirty. Once she reached thirty, she shook the inhaler again and gave you another puff.
She repeated this process three more times before you shook your head, grip on her wrist tightening. Reluctantly, she dropped her hand and examined you.
Your breath was coming in short, deep gasps, but you were breathing again and that’s all she cared about at the moment. Intent eyes watched as your chest fell and rose from her knees in front of you, refusing to move until she knew for certain it was over.
Eventually, your hand released her wrist, and she hesitantly brought her hand back to her side. You looked up at her, the tears from before gone.
“I-I guess you could say…that you took my breath away,” you gasped out, a smile beginning to form on your face again.
Wednesday rolled her eyes so hard it hurt.
You were fine. She ignored the rush of relief she felt at the fact.
A few minutes passed and, slowly but surely, your breathing began to return to its normal pace. Wednesday observed you closely, eyes still focused on the increasingly steady rise and fall of your chest while her own heart rate decreased.
Shakily, you brought a hand to rest on your stomach, a groan falling from your lips. Wednesday inhaled sharply.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, eyes scanning you hurriedly.
You sighed, tired and heavy.
“I’m hungry.”
Wednesday rolled her eyes again, swallowing a quiet scoff. Of course, you were hungry. When weren’t you?
Shaking her head, she dropped the inhaler back into her bag and slipped it back onto her back. She reached over to grab your arm and stood, pulling you to your feet with her. “Fine, then we’ll get you food when we return to campus.”
“Oh? ‘We’ will?” you drawled, and Wednesday could practically hear the infuriating smirk you had on your face. With a sadistic smile of her own, she turned to you.
“I could always just leave you here. I’m sure you know the way back to Nevermore from here, right?”
Pride surged through her at the way you stammered. She didn’t bother giving you the chance to properly respond, snatching your sleeve and pulling you forward with her. “Let’s go, it’ll be dark soon.”
Knowing you were still a bit shaky on your feet, Wednesday walked slower than usual. It would take longer to get back to school, but there were still a few hours of daylight left so it didn’t matter much.
The walk was quiet. You were less talkative than normal, but she supposed that wasn’t surprising given the circumstances. Every so often she’d peer over at you to make sure you weren’t overexerting yourself in any way and find you just admiring the forest around you. She blamed the warmth in her chest on fatigue.
Throughout the journey, she kept a firm grip on your sleeve, valiantly ignoring the way her heartbeat accelerated whenever her fingers brushed your wrist. 
Around an hour later, Nevermore came into view and, as promised, the cafeteria was your first stop upon your return to the school. Dinner was in an hour, so the kitchen staff initially refused to give you anything until dinner.
Wednesday just glared until they gave in.
You ate your food in silence. Wednesday watched your every move only looking away to glare again at the kitchen staff whenever they looked in your direction.
The moment you were finished, she took your sleeve captive again and dragged you to Ophelia Hall. She was bringing you to rest in her dorm, only so she could monitor your state and make sure you didn’t die in her sleep.
When you arrived, she all but yanked you inside, locking the door behind her. She ventured to her desk and set her bag down while you kicked your shoes off and looked around, eyes settling on the other, uglier side of the room.
“Where’s Enid?”
“Doing god knows what with Yoko,” she answered, striding up to you and tugging your blazer off. You sputtered, the beginnings of a question on your tongue but she silenced you with a glare. She hung your blazer on the headboard and pushed you onto her bed.
You blinked owlishly. “What?”
Jaw clenched, Wednesday grabbed your shoulder and shoved you onto your back. “Lay down and rest. You’re exhausted, I can see it.”
And she could. She easily saw it in the hunch of your shoulders and the way your eyes drooped the moment your head hit her pillow. You looked like you wanted to put up a fight but after another moment of her glaring, you sighed.
“Fine. But only for a bit, I’m not stealing your bed for the night.”
She nodded. “Good.”
Wednesday promptly returned to her desk and sat down, loading a piece of paper into the carriage of her typewriter so she could begin writing. She was already behind because of your voraciousness, she refused to waste any more time.
While she typed her first few sentences, she could feel your eyes on her. She paid it no mind, her focus entirely on her story. Until your voice reached her ears.
“Hey, Wednesday?”
She didn’t even bother to pause her work, addressing you while her fingers moved swiftly across the keys. “What?”
“Do you think you would let me read your novels?”
Wednesday paused her typing, giving you a sideways glance. Her answer should be no. She had never let anyone read her novels (besides incompetent publishers) but the thought of you reading them didn’t fill her with disgust.
She thought about it for another moment, then answered. “Perhaps.”
A soft laugh came from your direction. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see you smiling widely, and it took all of her innate self-control to not turn and look.
She redirected her thoughts to Viper and her current mystery. Thoughts of your laugh were slowly replaced with the bloody crime scene Viper was investigating and just when she was getting back into her rhythm, you spoke up again.
With a sigh, she once again turned away from her typewriter to face you. “Yes?”
“Thank you,” you whispered, sending a sickeningly tender smile in her direction.
Her words caught in her throat, face getting oddly warm at the soft look in your eyes. She forced a nod, taking another moment to just look at you before returning her gaze forward.
Silence overtook the room again, the soft clacking of the typewriter the only sound to be heard. When Wednesday finally gave in and allowed her eyes to drift to you, she found you finally asleep.
You looked relaxed, even the minuscule tension she saw on you throughout the day was absent in your dreamless sleep. The smile you had before you drifted off waned as your muscles relaxed, but the shadow of it remained and Wednesday was still as captivated with it as she was before.
Once again summoning all of her self-control, Wednesday tore her eyes off of you and set them back on her typewriter, still intent on finishing her dedicated hour for her novel.
By the end of her writing hour, she had only managed to finish five pages. Meager compared to her usual daily output, but she couldn’t bring herself to be upset when you were feet away from her, sleeping in her bed without a worry in the world.
She didn’t look at you directly but she did push her chair back a bit and turn it in your direction, quietly grabbing a book she was in the middle of and flipping it open on her lap.
Wednesday placidly skimmed the pages while taking small, occasional glances at you over the book. Just to make sure you were still breathing, of course.
As she read, her mind constantly went back to your question from earlier. Should she grace you with the opportunity to read her work? A brief internal debate gave her the answer she was searching for.
Turning, Wednesday opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out the manuscript for her first novel, setting it on her desk beside her. When you woke up, she would give it to you along with a gruesome threat to your life if you made any stupid comments or told anyone about her letting you read it.
(Begrudgingly, she looked forward to hearing your thoughts on her story.)
Until then, she would keep watch and continue to make sure that nothing brought your demise before she did.
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nerdieforpedro · 16 days
WIP Wednesday
It's been a while since I've done one of these. My writing has been all over the place so instead of posting snippets of one fic, I'll post the titles of the fics I'm working on and which character they feature.
I was tagged by @djarins-cyare @for-a-longlongtime and @604to647 most recently I think. 🤔
Tumblr media
Honey and Sugarplum with Jack Daniels. Not on Tumblr, I threw it on AO3. Not sure when I'll have it on Tumblr, I need to finish it first.
Weddings 101 with Dieter - with well Dieter and @angelofsmalldeath-codeine 🤣 On Tumblr and AO3. Maya and Dieter’s saga will continue.
Just wanna lova ya, Sugar with Jack Daniels. This one isn't anywhere. It needs a lot more. It was a challenge @fhatbhabiee threw at me.
Coasting through the Rainbow with Javier Pena. On Tumblr and AO3. It's a queer fic that I need to finish that @perotovar and @julesonrecord looked over my bullet points for. I really want to finish this one, I only have half of it written.
Foul Play with Javier Pena. @magpiepills read over this one for me and if she likes it so do I. On AO3 currently, it's a different sort that I haven't written but I enjoy that the OC is devious and Javi is right there with her. 😎 This one is dark adjacent? Or maybe a sexual thriller? Or my attempt at one. lol
Within a Grumpy Spider's Web with Miguel O'Hara. An Oscar Issac character that I haven't written before. On AO3 and I like the push and pull between them, if that's even the right phrasing.
A Safe Place for Us with Dieter Bravo. On Tumblr and AO3. This one is smut with feelings pretty much and there's gonna be baby eventually. 🤗 lol
Fifty-Six Wildflower Lane with Frankie Morales. On AO3 only so far. Once I think of an ending and finish it, then I'll post on Tumblr since it will actually be finished. 😆 This one is dark.
Fire and Fury with Pero Tovar. On Tumblr and AO3. My dragon lady action, enemies to lovers, we're finally getting to sort of lovers now? 😩 This one is dark too.
No One's Good Girl with Qmir. @megamindsecretlair planted this seed a while ago with her own idea. My idea came to me before I went to sleep last night so I scribbled it and told her about it and she hit me with the "are you going to write it?" So now there's lore I've made and we're on this train. It's not anywhere except some bullet points in a notes app. 🫡 This one will likely be dark.
I feel like 10 is a nice even number and plenty to work with. 😂 I have too many ideas and no endings in sight save for a few. I welcome any and all questions or comments about them. I will likely ramble so be prepared. 🤭
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @saturn-rings-writes @connectioneverywhere
@lotusbxtch @grogusmum @kewwrites @secretelephanttattoo @inept-the-magnificent
@bitchwitch1981 @iamskyereads @80ssong @din-cognito @huntingingoodwill
@lady-bess @jessthebaker @clawdee @tinytinymenace @syd-djarin
@yorksgirl @handspunyarns @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @trulybetty @chaithetics
@goodwithcheese @alltheglitterandtheroar @i-own-loki @avastrasposts @galaxyedging
@yopossum @kilamonster @rhoorl @musings-of-a-rose @yourcoolauntie
@sin-djarin @schnarfer
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wikiangela · 7 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @theotherbuckley 💖
I wasn't gonna post any today bc progress slowed down with working mornings again and having to actually sleep at night 🙄😂, but i'm so excited about this fic and I'm loving it and I just wanna share it all lol
prev snippet
“I’m fine.” Buck responds through gritted teeth. He’s okay, he’s fine, he can do this. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” he laughs, wiping his cheeks with one hand. He needs to get a grip. At least while he’s driving. “This is all so stupid, I’m fine, everything is fine.” he takes a deep breath.
“You don’t have to be fine. Not with me.” Eddie says, and he sounds almost desperate. Desperate for Buck to listen, to hear him. He sounds so earnest and gentle, and Buck can imagine those piercing eyes that always feel like Eddie’s looking into his soul, and he can’t handle this. He can’t handle being so cared for, he doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve someone as wonderful as Eddie. All he does is make him worry. All he does is make everyone worry. (...) Eddie once said Buck's the guy who wants to fix everything, and it’s true. He wants to fix everything for everyone he loves. He’s the only thing that’s unfixable, though. And he hates that people even try, only to get burned in the process.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @housewifebuck @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @buckaroosheart @spagheddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @rainbow-nerdss @malewifediaz @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @nmcggg @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @fortheloveofbuddie @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @disasterbuckdiaz
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wildlife4life · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
*Peeks head out from hidey hole* Hey ya'll...I'm back! It has been a hot minute since I've been truly active here. Getting through the holidays, getting ready for school, general stay at home mom stuff, and just literal lack of writers block/motivation kept from working on wips. But I have seen and very much appreciated every tag! Thank you for not forgetting about me!
Today I've been tagged by the wonderful and glamorous @giddyupbuck, @wikiangela, and @disasterbuckdiaz. Looking forward to all your upcoming works and loving all that has been posted already!
Alright, so I know several are wanting some NFL Buck and I promise I will be getting back to the fic once I am finished with my 4+1 Buck's kindness being a cockblocker. So here is some of that! Enjoy!
A tear-filled okay is Buck’s only answer and together with Eddie, they sit there for a long minute, listening to Maddie take several deep breaths, each one becoming smoother than the last. After the fourth deep breath, she answer’s Buck’s earlier worries, “No one is hurt. I’m sorry.” Her voice is a little rough and she hiccups, trying to hold back more sobs. “Okay that’s good. Means whatever has you breaking our ear drums is fixable.” Buck reassures. “Our ears?” Maddie repeats, “Oh god. Eddie?” Mortification leeched into her sadness. “I’m here. Gave Buck quite a scare, me too.” Eddie answers gently. A short second of silence, then the sound of skin smacking skin, “Oh my god, I forgot all about the kid free weeks of debauchery Buck and you had planned! Oh god! Are you two even dressed? Did I interrupt?” Buck’s cheeks flare bright red and Eddie’s brain comes to halt for a moment at the Maddie’s description of their time without Christopher. “I swear I did not call it that!” Buck hissed under his breath to Eddie. Maddie clearly heard him and gives an awkward cough, “Um no. Actually, those were Howie’s words. Apparently, Eddie, you didn’t hide the uh contents of your duffle that well.” “Dios.” Eddie groaned, his mind flashing to bag he had packed to stay with Buck for the next weeks. Of course, he didn’t bring just clothes and basic toiletries. While Buck had an impressive collection of toys and other pleasurable items of his own, Eddie was a bit possessive.  He wanted new, unused, and untouched by anyone but him and Buck. Mainly him. And Chimney somehow caught a glimpse of the debauchery Eddie was bringing with him. The elder Buckley sibling hummed, “Yea…” “Can I be struck by lightening again?” Buck mumbles, scraping a harsh hand down his heated face.
This fic is close to being done and I am super nervous because I am working on the final scene and its supposed to be very smutty with a very desperate Eddie. Never done that before and I'm hoping its up to standards. Anywho... Hope you all enjoyed! You can find previous snippets of this wip here.
Tagging (no pressure... bet you're surprised to me again! lol): @malewifediaz @exhuastedpigeon @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @thewolvesof1998 @jeeyuns @devirnis @lover-of-mine @911onabc @911-on-abc @bekkachaos @loserdiaz @hoodie-buck @try-set-me-on-fire @fortheloveofbuddie @spotsandsocks @theotherbuckley @ladydorian05 @elvensorceress @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @jesuisici33 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @eddiescowboy @vampbuckley @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @arthursdent @glorious-spoon @buddierights @athenagranted @prosperdemeter2 @rainbow-nerdss @gayedmundodiaz
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forever-will-last · 1 month
New Upload Schedule!
So, it's been a while since I've updated. I've moved (yay!), had a bunch of other personal stuff going on (boo!), and literally today, the day I'm posting this, is my birthday! Yay for being 26, boo for having to move and becoming unemployed right before losing my health insurance! When will I meet the CEO of my dreams who will give me health insurance?
In the last couple of weeks, through a lot of internal debate as well as conversations with a close friend, I have reflected on my fics and the most sustainable way to continue writing going forward. Cadina Week, as fun as it was, proved to be extremely detrimental to my writing habits and accelerated my burnout much faster. (The timing was also pretty rough, as my personal life kinda hit the fan right after Cadina Week ended, and the entirety of July just kinda... Went down the drain, and ended with me moving, so, you know! Fun times lol)
I refuse to give up on these fics, but I've needed to give myself more realistic deadlines to upload, so I don't set the unrealistic expectation of myself to return to writing at a pre-Cadina Week speed, as I simply don't think that's possible right now. And, of course, on top of all of this, I started another WIP because the writing demon within me does not know the definition of SLOW DOWN. Luckily, this fic has a completely fleshed out plot, and at the time of posting this, is around halfway done in terms of chapters already. My initial plan was to drop it all at once, but as you may have seen by me dropping the first chapter today, that wasn't really a sustainable plan either. So now I'm doing weekly uploads for not only this new fic, but also, for my other fics (for the most part, as you'll see below).
So, without further ado, presenting my new uploading schedule!
MBAU Mondays: Expect an update to i thought i was a fool for no one (but baby i'm a fool for you) aka mbau (marching band au). This fic has 16 total chapters, so after 16 weeks, uploads on Mondays will stop. I'll reevaluate my upload schedule after that point to see if things need to be shifted around.
Wildcard Wednesdays: Most Wednesdays will have an update to Welcome to the Psych Ward! Some Wednesdays will have an update to sbau/one night with me and she's making vows (she's making vows). There might even occasionally be a random one shot or other crackfic idea outside of Psych Ward! I cannot dedicate a specific day to sbau since those chapters are simply significantly longer than anything else I write, and take considerably more time than one week if I'm writing sustainably. Please note that my primary focus is going to be on the other two fics, and Wildcard Wednesdays may not always happen if I need some extra time for the other fics!
Thousand Pics Thursdays: Expect an update to a thousand pictures in my mind; in a painting of the past on Thursdays! It's a lot slower than previous uploads, I know, but let's be real, that was never a fully sustainable writing/posting method. As I continue writing, if I find myself accumulating a large backlog of chapters for a thousand pics, I may occasionally have a Bonus Thousand Pics Tuesday. It entirely depends on how this new process goes as to whether or not that'll happen, but we'll see!
Thank you all so much for your patience, and I look forward to trying this out and hopefully getting back to regular uploads AND actually having a sustainable upload schedule!
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