sodaliteskull · 1 month
The Gods Of Marenkes
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The pantheon of Marenkes, going clockwise from the upper rightmost (red), we've got:
Coraxborax, the god of the arts, craftsmen, and revelry
Tarnagaar, the god of prophecy, destiny, and dreams
Zhadhul, the god of justice, law, and truth
Xanghul, the god of the day, harvest, and animals
Vulrani, the god of trade, travel, and seasons
Ransaran, the god of the afterlife, karma, and perseverance
Grelthor, the god of knowledge, innovation, and gratitude
Lyrrath, the god of the sky, storms, and forests
Quasvina, the god of duty, celestial bodies, and history
Pelexal, the god of night, the sea, and mystery
Jendrosia, the god of war, victory, and faith
Ahazhada, the god of love, passion, and courage
The gods have made sure that they are omnipresent in the lives of mortals on Marenkes by making their domains as all-encompassing as possible. Under their rule, they demand that every action a person takes is a prayer to their glory.
(I go into more depth about what each god's domains cover below the cut)
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These gods are parasites (lol that fact is established in chapter 3 of this thing!), usurping the place of the actual Gods of Marenkes for their own ends. While their domains cover a wide array of concepts, there is no one god of Life or Magic, or even of the world as a whole, as all of the gods claim joint custody of these things.
There aren't any gods to "evil" concepts (things like Asmodeus, Bhaal, or Shar of D&D fame), as they are purposefully painting themselves as being benevolent, parent-type deities. That doesn't mean that they don't accept prayers from people offering them up for nefarious purposes. On the contrary, someone would have to jump through some serious hoops to justify why their prayers should be answered for evil, and these gods are in it for the energy put into a prayer, not its intent!
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"Art" is subjective, and so Coraxborax has a lot of wiggle room when it comes to what it can consider prayers to itself. Anything from a composer's magnum opus, to a toddler's unsupervised crayon wallpaper scribbling are "art" enough for Coraxborax. Those who create owe their prayers to this god. And what is a celebration but another creation? This is the logic as for why parties are under this god's domain.
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The hazy hopes and dreams of a people are what Tarnagaar dines upon. Anyone who hopes, or wishes, or dreams, must offer themselves up into prayer for this god's use. Any kind of divinatory practices (tarot, runes, entrails, cootie catchers, etc.) are just another form of worship as far as this god is concerned.
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The rule of law, the meting out of justice, and what truth actually means are what Zhadhul feeds upon. All of these concepts are governed by this god, and so it has final say over what is (or isn't) considered a crime. Judges and criminals alike both pray to this god.
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The glory of the sun, and all that grows under its divine light, Xanghul claims credit for all of these things. Food, resources, pets, a perfect day at the beach, prayers should be offered up in thanks.
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Getting people and goods from one place to another in the world is highly dependant on what time of year it is, and so Vulrani takes advantage of this interconnected system when harvesting prayers. Farmers looking to ship their produce are as likely to pray to this god as vacationers looking for favourable weather are.
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Death is a scary concept, but knowing that there is someone standing at the precipice between that and life is a comfort, which Ransaran takes full advantage of. Rebirth is a known fact on Marenkes, and so the people offer up their prayers that the departed will get what they deserve in their next life, for good or ill. Continuing on in the face of adversity, knowing that your next life will be better, is something that keeps people praying.
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Technological advancement is something that the gods keep a tight leash on, and so the people better be grateful for what they allow to come to fruition! Grelthor is the arbiter of what can or can't be developed, and so this god, more than any other, has a heavier hand in controlling what information mortals have access to. The knowledge that it is doing this is certainly not one of those pieces of information!
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The natural world can be a scary place, the forest a beast at your back while the weather above is a fickle monster, Lyrrath demands prayers in exchange for safety when dealing with these forces. Fear of uncertainty, and fear of the unknown, this god will have its tithe.
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The iron clad oath and the one who upholds it, the past made immutable thanks to the passage of time, and the perceived eternity of the heavens above, Quasvina is the overseer of all these things, an immovable force that will have its due. Those who pray for change and those who pray for things to stay the same will both bend in supplication to this god.
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Things that are vast, deep, and conjure an existential dread in the soul are the things Pelexal holds domain over. Sailors hoping for an easy journey, the child afraid of the monster under the bed, those who revel in the wonder of the unknown, all of them pray to this god.
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For Jendrosia, war and faith go hand in hand, as both lead to the other. Under this god's control, that is. The stability of peace times and the chaos of conflict are fertile grounds for prayers, and with all sides praying for their own successes to the same god, it means there's never a shortage of prayers coming in.
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Matters of the heart are Ahazhada's source of prayer. Familial love, romantic love, the love of a little treat after work, all these things fall under this god's domain. Passion could mean lust of the flesh as much as it could mean a drive in one's soul for some cause or desire. As for courage, well, you need that to pursue both what you love and what you are passionate about.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Hi Skippy-Pilgrim here with the legal handbook for the state of Rhode Island regarding renters and their rights.  I don't know all the facts about truthseekers house situation other than the photos showing a totally damaged deck that the owners of the house are responsible for...according to this.  Also, there is the number for office she should contact asap...they should never have been forced out!!! 
When I had a terrible problem, I ended up with the help from one of the state senators where I was living.  The senator's senior assistant worked with me to solve the problem...it was a huge relief to have an advisary and then be apologized to by the offending organization with total financial compensation.  She needs to get help.  Her family has not followed the laws clearly stated here.  Also there are lawyers who will work pro-bono...off to find a list of those right now.
Handbook.pdf (ri.gov)
Thank you so much dear Pilgrim. I will pass along!🙏🏻❤️
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frankbrunolaw25 · 2 months
Legal Estate Planning
Legal estate planning involves organizing and managing an individual's assets and affairs to ensure their wishes are honored after death or incapacitation. It includes creating wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and other legal documents to designate beneficiaries, manage taxes, and avoid probate. Effective estate planning provides peace of mind and financial security for loved ones.
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asking-jude · 8 months
I think I might be pan, but I'm afraid to come out to my parents (especially my dad) because they're both kind of homophobic/conservative. My mom said she would still love people if they were lgbtq+, but it means there's something mentally wrong with you.
I don't really know how to come out to them or when (I'm kind of on the younger side). I don't know if it even really matters coming out to my dad since I plan on going no contact with him since he's manipulative and narcissistic.
I'm also unsure of how to come out to my friends, or if that's even necessary. I could always just be like "Hey here's my girlfriend" but everytime I think I might be able to, my heart rate goes up wayyy more than it should and I feel really dizzy.
I'm just really confused and I don't even know if any of this made sense. I'm sorry for the long post of nonsense.
Thank you,
Do you want free, fast mental health help? Visit askingjude.org.
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to Asking Jude. Deciding to come out to your friends and family is a big deal, and it can be terrifying if you are unsure of how they will react. Many LGBTQ+ people only come out to the people with whom they are comfortable and safe. Remember that you do not owe this information to anyone, and if you decide that you do not want to come out to your mother and father, there is nothing wrong with that.
Here are a few articles that discuss coming out in greater detail: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Coming-Out-Handbook.pdf; https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/coming-out.html.
It is great that you are thoroughly thinking about this decision. Since your father is manipulative and narcissistic, I would exercise caution in coming out to him if you decide to do so. Since he is homophobic, he may eventually try to use this information against you at some point. It is ultimately your decision, but try to weigh the pros and cons of telling him. If you cannot come up with a decent reason for telling him, I would recommend you don’t formally come out to him.
You also mentioned that you were likely going to go no-contact with him eventually. Here is some information on that topic you may find interesting: https://cptsdfoundation.org/2022/08/24/tips-for-going-no-contact-with-a-toxic-parent/.
It sounds like your friends are accepting and welcoming of all aspects of your identity. It is completely normal to still feel uneasy or unsure about coming out, even if you understand that they will not judge you for it. If you don’t feel ready, that’s totally fine; there is no time limit for when you need to come out, and it is totally fine if you decide not to do so. If you do eventually decide that you want to come out to them, you may find it easier to come out to one friend at a time. Try to always prioritize your safety and comfort as you navigate this situation.
Thank you again for reaching out to Asking Jude. I hope that some of this information was helpful, and please do not hesitate to reach out again if you have any further questions.
Hang in there,
Ask a question here.
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chinesedrivingcoach · 10 months
Quebec Driver’s Handbook
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mtsu4u · 2 years
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sodaliteskull · 1 month
Made a pronunciation guide for the bestie, cuz we've got a bad habit of making up names that the other has no idea how to pronounce!
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Art resources
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theeretblr · 3 years
I need help coming out to my parents any advice
This is an incredibly useful document from The Trevor Project all about coming out. Even if someone has already come out, it's still a great read as it will help you give advice to others who may be considering coming out themselves. Check it out! https://www.thetrevorproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Coming-Out-Handbook.pdf
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torchwoodpropaganda · 2 years
Not that anyone asked for it, but I was able to get permission scan and post my copy of the Torchwood Handbook to this account.
It's a little outdated at this point, and I've written in it just a touch, but I thought some people may enjoy the information nonetheless.
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dramoor · 4 years
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sodaliteskull · 27 days
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The Starcrossed Cycle: Media Influences
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Got inspired by the meta dump @byjillianmaria did (which you can find over here), and wanted to do one for the Starcrossed Cycle!
(I go into more depth about how they influenced me below the cut, because I love getting in the weeds with this shit!)
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Borderlands & Sunset Overdrive - A neon, hyperpop veneer over top a dystopia caused by corporate greed, these were the main inspirations for the world that Iradurel grew up in
Saints Row & Borderlands - Violent settings with little to no regard for the sanctity of life, these were inspirations for the life that Iradurel led before being put on ice
The Addams Family - A family that stands in direct opposition to the norms of their society, they were a big inspiration for Iradurel's parentage, the Kortellako family
Panty and Stocking with Garter Belt & Saints Row - Panty from PaSwGB and the Boss from SR were big inspirations for Iradurel's character
God Eater & RWBY & Horizon - Settings where monsters with no end plague the world were something that really tickled my pickle, so I made up my own with the Opiri
Dragon Age & God Eater - If there's going to be monsters, then there are going to need to be monster hunters to fight them. May as well give them powers to do so, but watch out! Those powers have a price! These two are the biggest influences on the Opiri Slayers
RWBY - And if you have monster hunters, then you need a place to show them the ropes, and this was the series that inspired me to make a dedicated school for the Opiri Slayers
Critical Role & Dimension 20 (specifically Fantasy High) - I really enjoy the differing takes on what Gods are in these two: either outside forces that have come to the world of their choice and shape it according to their whims (CR) or endemic to the world but shaped by their followers (FH)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem & Babylon 5 & Mass Effect & Critical Role - Eldritch horrors causing problems for mortals that they view as little more than ants, another inspo for how deities work in this setting
Babylon 5 & the Legend of Zelda - A repeating cycle of conflict perpetuated by a single malevolent force is something that really gets my motor revving, so I yoinked that for Marenkes' history
Sailor Moon & the Legend of Zelda - The reincarnation aspect from these to tie into the cyclical aspect of the above bullet point was just a natural fit. I gotta have that miracle romance!
Dragon Riders of Pern - The concept of dragon riders is sick as hell, and ones that are psychically bonded to their mounts? Fuckin' awesome, my dudes! Everything else that McCaffrey thought was necessary to add to that equation? Big Yikes! But my desire to have the draconic Eidolons does stem from this series
Assassin's Creed & Final Fantasy XIII & Tales of Symphonia - Settings where the world is older than anyone realizes, and problems from the past (caused by a group of individuals with godlike abilities) are coming to bite the present in the ass were concepts that really excited me! Bonus points to ToS for inspiring a pretty big piece of the physical world of Marenkes!
Mass Effect & Horizon - Ryla is very much in the vein of a Commander Shepard (doing a full Paragon run, naturally) and Aloy type person
Dragon Age & Mass Effect - People being able to use magic because of a natural element in the world is definitely inspired by DA's lyrium and how biotics can use their abilities thanks to eezo from ME
Horizon & Assassin's Creed - The modern world is built on the bones of a far more technologically advanced society that was completely wiped out due to hubris preventing a solution being thought up to a preventable situation, that's the kind of juiciness I wanted for my setting!
Mass Effect & Eternal Darkness & Babylon 5 - The path to victory has been paved with so many sacrificed lives, but it is only thanks to those sacrifices that success will be possible. I fucking LOVE plots like this!
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mydatastuff · 3 years
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asking-jude · 4 years
i think im aromantic. i feel sexual attraction but not romantic attraction. my friends were describing their relationships & i felt absolutely no desire to experience that. whenever people touch me for try to have a romantic interaction with me i get incredibly uncomfortable & thought nothing of it until now. i wouldn’t mind dating someone as showing each other affection doesn’t bother me but i feel so broken. i want to be normal so bad & i feel awful identifying as a pansexual aro. i don’t think i can be more than one thing but i know i can & it’s just so confusing.
Hi love, 
There’s a lot to unpack here. Don’t fret. I am here to help. I want to first say that sexuality is very complex, and it’s always changing.  It’s completely normal to feel sexual attraction to certain genders and have a different romantic orientation. Remember, normal does not mean “heterosexual.”  It’s entirely okay for you to identify as an aromantic pansexual. A lot of people use romantic orientations in their identity, and a lot of people don’t. Your identity is your own no matter what. If you feel comfortable identifying as aromantic and pansexual, then that is completely fine. If you decide to change your sexuality or romantic identity, then that is perfectly normal. It’s okay to feel confused or lost.
Here are some articles on romantic orientation: 
Here are some guides on sexual orientation: 
In addition to the resources above, I think it would be helpful to utilize helplines for support as you discover your romantic and sexual orientation. Hotlines are free, confidential, and available 24/7. Here are my recommendations:
Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741 to speak with a counselor.
7 Cups of Tea: Visit www.7cups.com or download their (IOS or Google Play) to create an account. Once you have, you can chat with one of their listeners and/or attend group sessions. They have specific group sessions and listeners for LGBT+ issues. 
Trevor Project offers a helpline for the LGBT community who may be having a crisis or need someone to talk to. They offer four different ways to speak to their support line staff. Visit https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help-now/. 
TrevorSpace is a peer-run support chat founded by the Trevor Project. You will have the ability to post questions or thoughts to the community and receive support from people who may have gone through something similar to you. Visit https://www.trevorspace.org/ to get started. 
Remember that it is okay to feel lost and confused right now. You are not broken, even if you feel that way. You are finding out who you are, and I’m so proud of you for exploring identities that you feel you may fit. You don’t have to label yourself unless you want to and comfortable doing so. You don’t have to call yourself aromantic or aromantic pansexual if you are not ready to do so. You can just say that you’re questioning your sexual and romantic identity. Do what you feel is comfortable for you. Take this one day at a time. You will be okay. If you need any more support, please don’t hesitate to come back to Asking Jude. 
Asking Jude has moved to its OWN platform at askingjude.org. We will still be answering submissions on Asking Jude, but the new website’s submissions will take priority. We highly recommend you create an account on Asking Jude’s website, so you can receive 24/7 support from the Asking Jude Team and our community members. 
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wutbju · 4 years
This thread. You have to read it! It starts with this question:
Not being from this area, my coworkers commonly make references to our new manager and refer to her behavior as being based on her being from BJU. I asked, "Is this school anything like Brigham Young?" And my friend said, "worse."
So what's up with the stigma? What all has happened there/have they done? Never heard of it until I moved up here, unlike BYU.
And then Greenvillians explain BJU:
Bob Jones is known for being an extremely traditional (some say excessively literal) Christian University. It makes North Greenville University look like a bunch of heathens doing keg stands. I understand and respect trying to adhere to principles, but sometimes things are excessively wooden. You will find alum who are religious and conservative who think BJU goes too far.
BJU is a very religious christian school. Gay people can't attend, women have a particular uniform, and there's a prayer list. If you don't know, a prayer list isn't a list of people who need genuine love and support, but a list of the sinners in the school. So number one on the prayer list is the kid the school thinks is morally the worst. They have curfews, and so many traditional ideals you don't typically see at a college. I knew a guy who transferred from BJU to my college, and he was gay. That school traumatized him. Don't trust BJU.
Bob Jones students are usually extremely conservative fundamentalist Christians. The school is barely accredited and looks like something out of a horror cult film. I went through the student rule book once for kicks and some of the rules I found were:
No going to Movie Theaters
Lights out by 1AM
No music except for traditional hymns
Drinking is an expellable offense
Men and Women cannot be together unchaperoned
Mandatory Church Five Days a week (plus the requirement to attend a church off of an approved list)
And on and on and on...
If you want an example of how shitty BJU is, this past fall a female BJU student was allegedly raped by a Furman football player at a party on Furman’s campus. The girl was expelled from school despite the fact she was a victim of a horrendous crime
Here’s a link to the handbook if you’re interested in some of their crazy shit
Edit: I forgot to mention that the school didn’t allow interracial dating until 2000 (so much for God loving all the children no matter the color!)
I went there. There’s so much more going on there that while what’s been said so far is mostly all true, it gets way way worse. I’m talking administration logging into students Facebook profiles and reading private messages, looking for dirt. I’m talking them getting investigated for sexual abuse incidents, and the administration firing them right at the end.
I could tell you all so. Many. Stories. But truth be told I hate thinking about them and would rather you all just do what I now do - drive by and mutter, what a bizarre place.
One thing I will ask though is don’t judge the students and the graduates by the school. Many are there because their parents strong-armed them into it. Many are there because they just didn’t know better and now their credits don’t transfer. Most are all trying to make the best of a bad situation and when the society around them blacklists them because they went there, it’s just making their lives that much harder and suckier. Treat them with kindness respect and dignity - that is a welcome change from their lives at BJU.
I just graduated in may. last month my family disowned me for leaving the cult. It's straight up hell. Looking back I wish I would've picked working fast food or absolutely anything else instead of letting my parents pressure me into going to BJU. But what choice in coming did I or any of the rest of the student body have? When you're raised in a fundie cult and your parents have absolute control over your life you go where they say and you're blind enough to think it's a good idea. I'm lucky that I made non religious friends off campus they helped me to think for myself. I'm still a Christian but I'm out of the extremist cult I was raised in. So what's up with bju? Members of the music faculty sexually assault female students with regularity. No one cares. A guy and a girl hold hands and they can be expelled. The president and the other top tier people running the joint all make fat stacks of cash (enough to own mortgage free million dollar+ homes on Paris mountain) while most of the faculty and staff get minimum wage because "it's a ministry". There are truly Pharisetical levels of hypocrisy. Jim Berg, who pressured a young man to kill himself and covered up the infamous grace report assaults, was invited back last year to speak in chapel on mental health. Look, I could go on for hours on all the things they do over at that awful awful place. If you want to read the crazy handbook here's a link to download.
Beyond the rule book there's any number of expectations they can inflict on you. The punishment for dissent has recently been changed to $25 dollar fines with the very occasional expulsion (why expel cash cows right?) It's just a bad place and going there can cause serious trauma and psychological abuse.
One last thing, never ever trust a man from Bob Jones. They practically manufactuere abusers I know it's not true for all of them but better safe than raped or whatever else. The women are mostly just misguided and have been brainwashed to be judgy bitches. They won't actually hurt you tho.
And much, much more. 
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celinedgd · 4 years
Canada Antifa post
Want to help fight Fascism/ White Supremacism in Canada? Here are some websites that can help you; https://montreal-antifasciste.info/fr/ (also available in english) https://anti-racistcanada.blogspot.com/ https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/mark-bray-antifa-the-antifascist-handbook.pdf
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