#Elder Law Attorney NYC
frankbrunolaw25 · 2 days
Legal Estate Planning
Legal estate planning ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes while minimizing taxes and legal complications. It involves creating wills, trusts, and powers of attorney to protect your family’s future. A well-crafted estate plan provides peace of mind, ensuring your loved ones are cared for, and your legacy is preserved. Consult a legal expert to safeguard your estate.
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excessdrive · 1 year
☆ –– (jodie comer, they/them, non-binary) who is killian meijer anyways? ew. you don’t know about them, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 30 and cooking feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re stubborn and hedonistic because they care, but they’re also loyal and versatile in the best way. they work to make a little money as a personal trainer. they’ve rented on a place on cornelia street in the form of brownstone 12. call it what you want is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore.
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NAME:  killian meijer NICKNAMES: n/a AGE: thirty BIG THREE: aries sun, scorpio moon, taurus rising DATE OF BIRTH: march 24, 1993 PLACE OF BIRTH: rotterdam, the netherlands CURRENT RESIDENCE: brownstone 12, cornelia street (nyc) OCCUPATION: lawyer (formerly) self-defense trainer (currently) PRONOUNS: they/them GENDER: non-binary SEXUALITY: homosexual SKELETON: call it what you want (muse b)
FACECLAIM: jodie comer EYE COLOR: hazel HAIR COLOR: dark blonde HEIGHT: 5′ 8 / 1.73 cm TATTOOS: full right sleeve – angel wings (ref) SCARS: several light scars along their arms and one more visible one on their neck due to glass cuts during a fight
PARENTS: lars meijer (father), gwen meijer (mother) SIBLINGS: daan meijer (younger brother) CURRENT PARTNER: tba PAST PARTNERS: ex-fiancée of four years; tba SITUATIONSHIPS: tba
POSITIVE TRAITS: witty, charming, passionate, caring, loyal, flexible, protective. NEGATIVE TRAITS: stubborn, possessive, short-tempered, jealous, perfectionist, self-destructive, self-critical. LOVE LANGUAGE: physical touch, acts of service MBTI: infj
killian meijer was born in a well-respected family of lawyers. the meijers were known primarily for their main craft, therefore from very early age lars and gwen meijers were preparing young killian for their upcoming successful career as an attorney. even before killian started attending school, they were constantly exposed to an extensive library filled with law material. there was no room for questions or doubts regarding their future.
when killian turned five, daan meijer, killian's younger brother, was born. the family decided to move from the netherlands to the states, where lar’s older brother resided, seeking even better professional opportunities for their children. Up until high school, killian lived in boston, but had to move to new york to finish high school and continue with law school afterwards.
during their last year in law school, killian met mila – the love of their life. or so they thought. the two hit it off almost instantly, falling head over heals for each other faster than they could realize. the elder meijer’s, however, upon finding out about mila, did not seem too pleased with killian’s pick for a mate, but did not impose their opinion upon killian too much during that time either.
four years later, the couple had moved in together and were building their own reputation as established lawyers.  kllian had taken up a side job and was saving for their own place they could call home that both of them planned to buy in the following couple of years. not long after, killian proposed and the pair was now planning their upcoming wedding. however, the dream life had eventually come to an end. during one of their usual mornings, killian woke up to find their apartment empty. mila was nowhere to be found. they had not seen her since. well, at least not in person. the following month killian made a devastating discover. thanks to social media, they managed to track mila down, who now was back with her ex-boyfriend, who had just returned from his military training. It was later revealed that killian’s parents paid mila handsomely for her to return to her old life and never to come back. what hurt the most? not only did mila accept that offer, but made no effort, whatsoever, to contact killian again. as if the life they had been building for the past four years did not exist.
that was the last straw for killian. they had cut all ties with their parents ever since finding out about mila. another year passed and they decided to quit their job. with their parents out of the picture and no one else to control them, killian decided to explore their true desires and aspirations.
the older meijer always enjoyed helping people. that was the main reason why they pushed through law school and several years working as a lawyer, falsely believing they were protecting people, when, the law system was just as corrupt as any other. they found themselves defending offenders in court, while the actual victims did not receive proper justice. and so, killian swore to themselves to do all that was in their power to prevent any more of such assaults against women and people from happening ever again. that’s how they ended up receiving their self-defense certification and became a personal trainer, helping anyone and everyone who was interested in learning how to defend themselves.
at the same time, killian seemed to struggle with the fact that they had left their younger brother daan with their parents, who, no doubt, were also forcing him to follow their footsteps. the meijer siblings used to be rather close during childhood but had drifted apart since killian moved to new york for studies. although the two managed to have a call or two per month, that was nowhere close to resembling the proper bond they used to have back in the day, not to mention any healthy bond that any siblings shared.
not being able to properly deal with the guilt of “leaving daan behind” and the grief of losing mila, along with a lot of suppressed emotions since childhood that resulted in anger-issues, killian was persuaded by their best friend to start attending therapy. It proved to be a challenging start to a long journey, but they have been showing up consistently for the past year, which had to be a good sign.
when they are not training others, killian spends their free time outdoors, engaging in various sports, such as hockey from time to time (it used to be their main hobby back in their high school era), volleyball and even skateboarding once in a blue moon. as they got older, killian also found new appreciation for sightseeing and cooking. now they treat themselves with warm meals and never forget to surprise their closest friends with their “weekly delights”.
(OPEN) Best friend / ride or die – they met in high school and although the two of them did not seem to have a lot in common, they became inseparable. they were there for each other during all of their ups and downs and killian has to thank them for being there during the devastating end with mila and everything afterwards. they were that one person killian could always rely on, their rock. in return, killian filled that same role for their best friend and more. no matter how tough things became.
Casual friends – people killian met along the way, whether it was school, work, through their hobbies or through shared experiences.
One-night stands / flings – ever since fall-out with mila, killian had at least a few of these here and there, so feel free to throw any possible ideas my way!
Situationships – any connection that had/has the potential to become something more, but either never managed to properly get off the ground, one or both of them were unsure of how to approach it or it is still in its early stages.
Rivals – it’s no secret that killian is a sucker for a good competition. especially when the competition is about something they are passionate about. (open to literally any and all ideas!)
(OPEN) Mentor / parental figure – since killian had cut all ties with their parents, they could use an older parental figure who, when in need, could help ground killian somewhat and guide them on the right path by sharing their personal experiences
(OPEN) Mentee / younger sibling figure – as the odds seem to be against killian spending more time with daan, they are subconsciously looking for someone they could protect and guide through life. the trainer is no stranger to tough experiences, therefore it is easy for them to spot when someone else is going through a hard time and well… they will be there to help them.
this introduction will be continuously updated with new details and/or new connections, so keep an eye out for that! highly recommend to check back in here from time to time!
If anyone made it this far, GREAT JOB! please feel free to share any and all ideas/suggestions you may have regarding killian and your muses! I have no doubt that we will come up with some exceptional stories!
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Important Roles of an Elder Law Attorney in NYC 
Elder law is a specialized legal practice area focused on addressing the unique challenges faced by older adults. From estate planning and long-term care to healthcare decisions and financial management, elder law attorneys possess the expertise to guide individuals and their families through complex legal matters about aging. This legal domain encompasses a wide range of issues, including wills, trusts, guardianship, Medicaid planning, and more.
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thefishjoint · 3 years
When you’re liable for administering an estate, the added responsibilities can monopolize some time. within the absence of a will, the method can become even more complicated. Contact us once you need help resolving estate or trust matters. A professional estate planning attorney nyc can minimize problems, and provides you longer to worry for your family.
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aminovlawus · 3 years
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go-redgirl · 5 years
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The Hunter Biden Chronicles
By Michelle Malkin  •  October 22, 2014 12:36 AM
Everything you need to know about Beltway nepotism, corporate cronyism and corruption can be found in the biography of Robert Hunter Biden. Where are the Occupy Wall Street rabble-rousersand enemies of elitist privilege when you need them? Straining their neck muscles to look the other way.
The youngest son of Vice President Joe Biden made news last week after The Wall Street Journalrevealed he had been booted from the Navy Reserve for cocaine use. His drug abuse was certainly no surprise to the Navy, which issued him a waiver for a previous drug offense before commissioning him as a public affairs officer at the age of 43. The Navy also bent over backward a second time with an age waiver so he could secure the cushy part-time job.
Papa Biden loves to tout his middle-class, “Average Joe” credentials. But rest assured, if his son had been “Hunter Smith” or “Hunter Jones” or “Hunter Brown,” the Navy’s extraordinary dispensations would be all but unattainable. Oh, and if he had been “Hunter Palin,” The New York Times would be on its 50th front-page investigative report by now.
Despite the disgraceful ejection from our military, Hunter’s Connecticut law license won’t be subject to automatic review. Because, well, Biden.
Biden’s bennies are not just one-offs. Skating by, flouting rules and extracting favors are the story of Hunter’s life.
Hunter’s first job, acquired after Joe Biden won his 1996 Senate re-election bid in Delaware, was with MBNA. That’s the credit card conglomerate and top campaign finance donor that forked over nearly $63,000 in bundled primary and general contributions from its employees to then Sen. Biden. As I’ve reported previously, Daddy Biden secured his custom-built, multimillion-dollar house in Delaware’s ritziest Chateau Country neighborhood with the help of a leading MBNA corporate executive. Average Joe went on to carry legislative water for MBNA in the Senate for years.
Hunter zoomed up to senior vice president by early 1998 and then scored a plum position in the Clinton administration’s Commerce Department, specializing in “electronic commerce” before returning to MBNA three years later as a high-priced “consultant.” While he collected those “consulting” (translation: nepotistic access-trading) fees, Hunter became a “founding partner” in the lobbying firm of Oldaker, Biden and Belair in 2002.
William Oldaker was Papa Biden’s former fundraiser, campaign treasurer and general counsel — a Beltway barnacle whose Democratic machine days dated back to Teddy Kennedy’s 1980 presidential bid. Under Oldaker’s tutelage, Hunter lobbied for drug companies, universities and other deep-pocketed clients to the tune of nearly $4 million billed to the company by 2007.
Coincidentally, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama personally requested and secured cozy taxpayer-subsidized earmarks for several of Hunter’s clients.
Hunter got himself appointed to multiple corporate board positions, including a directorship with Eudora Global. It’s an investment firm founded by one Jeffrey Cooper, head of one of the biggest asbestos-litigation firms in the country. SimmonsCooper, based in Madison County, Ill., donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Biden the Elder’s various political campaigns over the past decade — all while the firm poured $6.5 million into lobbying against a key tort-reform bill, which former Sen. Biden worked hard to defeat. Cooper also contributed to the Delaware attorney-general campaign of Hunter’s older brother, Beau, and paid Beau for legal work on lucrative asbestos-litigation cases.
Hunter also was previously a top official at Paradigm Global Advisors, a hedge fund holding company founded with Vice President Biden’s brother, James, and marketed by convicted finance fraudster Allen Stanford. As Paradigm chairman, Hunter oversaw half a billion dollars of client money invested in hedge funds while remaining a lobbyist at Oldaker, Biden and Belair. Cooper chipped in $2 million for the ill-fated venture, which went bust amid nasty fraud lawsuits.
Continually failing upward, Hunter snagged a seat on the board of directors of taxpayer-subsidized, stimulus-inflated Amtrak, where he pretended not to be a lobbyist, but rather an “effective advocate” for the government railroad system serving the 1 percenters’ D.C.-NYC corridor.
So, where does a coke-abusing influence peddler go after raking in gobs of Daddy-enabled dough and abusing the U.S. Navy’s ill-considered generosity? Back to Cronyland! Hunter joined Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings — owned by a powerful Russian government sympathizer who fled to Russia in February — this spring. The hypocritical lobbyist-bashers at the White House deny he will be lobbying and deny any conflict of interest.
Meanwhile, Just Like You Joe was whipping up class envy in South Carolina last week. “Corporate profits have soared,” he railed, thanks to “these guys running hedge funds in New York,”who are to blame for “income inequality.” You know, like his son and brother and their Beltway back-scratching patrons.
The Bidens: They’re not like us.
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frankbrunolaw25 · 4 days
Legal Estate Planning
Legal estate planning ensures your assets are properly managed and distributed according to your wishes. It involves creating wills, trusts, and other legal documents to protect your family and minimize taxes. With professional guidance, you can secure your legacy and provide peace of mind for your loved ones. Make informed decisions with expert estate planning services.
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Anyone who works in certain industries knows they must protect their career and accumulated earned income in some manner. However, many of these affected individuals do not realize that merely purchasing a professional indemnity insurance policy is not an effective plan. The type of coverage or scope of protection can vary with different personal situations, but the concept is the same across the various industries. In addition to insurance protection, it is also a sound business decision to establish a revocable living trust as well that can be used to shelter idle personal wealth. It is commonly understood that contemporary society is easily the most litigious business environment known throughout history. This condition requires all high-income earners to always evaluate their need for financial protection instruments that shield them when legal disputes arise. One thing is for certain in contemporary society. Legal conflicts happen on a regular basis, meaning that being prepared beforehand is always the best step for anyone who may be financially liable beyond maximum insurance coverage.
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elderlawyernyc-blog · 5 years
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46ten · 6 years
AH’s “much-beloved” Matthew Clarkson
One of the themes I return to on this blog are all the people who get left out, from those who were obviously prominently placed in AH’s life through family ties - Philip Schuyler, John B. Church - to those who are at the margins because lack of letters or lack of fame pushed them there. In the second category, one can include near lifelong friends Nicholas Fish and John Laurance, and then a long line of others: Rufus King, Nathaniel Pendleton, Oliver Wolcott, William Bayard (his tearful display suggests more than a passing attachment to a fellow lawyer), John Mason, William Jackson, Timothy Pickering, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Josiah Odgen Hoffmann, Richard Varick, Richard Harison  etc. etc. (I think people sufficiently know McHenry, Laurens, Troup, Stevens, and G. Morris.) 
Let’s shine the light on Matthew Clarkson for a moment. Here is how John Church Hamilton describes his father’s death scene:
Meanwhile his numerous agonized friends crowded around the mansion where Hamilton lay, waiting through the sad hours each change in his pallid countenance with breathless apprehension. His elder comrades of the Revolution were there - gray, wondering old men, bowed with years - remembering him a youth in the first hours of his glorious anticipations, in the earliest triumphs of his genius and his valor. The loving, sighing companions of his later years, his grateful clients -  the many witnesses of his benevolence were there. They sat under the trees in mourning, silent woe, awaiting the issue, as though some judgment was coming upon the earth. 
At [AH’s] bedside were his wife and children - the grieving clergy - his tearful physician - and his much-beloved Clarkson.*
*footnote: General Matthew Clarkson. In the Revolution distinguished for his chivalry. In after life, for his piety and eminent virtues. The Life of Alexander Hamilton, vol 7, p. 835.
Of all the people who could be named by JCH, Clarkson? Why?
Matthew Clarkson (b Oct 1758) was a native New Yorker from a prominent family with long-established ties (See Clarksons of New York, A sketch for a history). His family intermarried with the De Peysters and Van Cortlandts in the first half of the century. 
Clarkson volunteered for the Army (or according to the source above, was sent by his father to fight when not yet 17). It’s not clear to me when he and AH first met, but considering that Clarkson was staying with William Livingston on 18July1777 (Gen. Nathanael Greene writes to him there), they may have met as early as 1773. In August 1777, Clarkson was given the rank of major and became an aide-de-camp to Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold.  As Greene wrote to him: “I have the pleasure to acquaint you there is an opportunity now present for you to join the army, I hope to your liking. General Arnold is on his way to the Northern Department, he is in want of an aid-de-camp and I have taken the liberty to recommend you to the General. He is pleased to honor the recommendation and offers you the appointment. You will put yourself in readiness as soon as possible and follow the General to Albany, where you will join his family. Make my compliments to the Governor’s family.” Clarkson was present at the Battle of Saratoga (he’s in the painting as the second to last person on the right; Ebenezer Stevens is the dark haired gentlemen in front of him; Philip Schuyler is a couple of people to the left in brown jacket, non-military dress). He served as Arnold’s aide-de-camp until March 1779, and then became Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lincoln’s aide-de-camp.
Clarkson was taken prisoner upon the capture of Charleston on 12 May 1780, paroled to Pennsylvania, and exchanged that fall. He was present at the surrender of Cornwallis, and in June 1782 requested an extended leave of absence from the army. Clarkson obtained a brevet as lieutenant colonel upon the completion of his military service in late 1783. x 
From G. Washington: 
Major Matthew Clarkson commenced his military Services as a Volunteer early in the present War. In the Year 1777 he received a Majority in the Army of the United States, and was present at the Surrender of Lieut. General Burgoyne at Saratoga, having been active in all the principal antecedent Engagements, which produced that Event—In the Year 1779 was appointed Aide de Camp to Major General Lincoln (now Secretary at War) then commanding Officer in the Southern Department, & in that Character served at the Siege of Savannah. In 1780 he acted as Major of a Corps of Light Infantry during the Siege of Charles-Town. In 1782 He returned to his former Situation as Aide de Camp to Major General Lincoln, and was present at the Reduction of the British Posts of York and Gloucester under the Command of Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis. Soon after this, when Major General Lincoln became Secretary at War, he was appointed his Assistant. In all which Stations, from my own Knowledge and the Reports of the General Officer under whose immediate Orders he has served, I am authorised to declare that He has acquitted himself with great Honour. Given under my Hand And Seal at the Head-Quarters of the American Army the twenty-fourth Day of June in the Year 1782.
Clarkson then worked as a merchant, but mostly did what wealthy and prominent men (”the rich and well-born”) did back then: held a series of prestigious positions, elected and otherwise. I’m just going to copy Wikipedia: 
As a Regent of the University of the State of New York he was presented at the court of French King Louis XVI. He served as a Federalist member of the 13th New York State Legislature in the New York State Assembly for one term from 1789 to 1790, where he introduced a bill for the gradual abolition of slavery in the state.  From 1791 to 1792, he served as U.S. Marshal.  In 1793, he was elected to fill the vacancy, in place of Philip Van Cortlandt, as State Senator in the 17th New York State Legislature representing the Southern District, which consisted of Kings, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk and Westchester counties. He served until 1795 after being reelected to the 18th Legislature, and resigning before he completed his full four year term.He was also a member of the commission to build a new prison 1796-1797 and President of the New York (City) Hospital (1799). In 1802, Clarkson was the Federalist candidate for U.S. Senator from New York but was defeated by DeWitt Clinton. He became President of the Bank of New York in 1804.
In February 1795, Clarkson was appointed commissioner of loans for New York. (See H to George Washington, January 14, 1795).  He resigned this position in September 1801.
On May 21, 1796, Washington nominated Clarkson as the United States commissioner under Article 21 of the treaty signed at San Lorenzo el Real (Pinckney’s Treaty) on October 27, 1795, between the United States and Spain, and on May 24, 1796, the Senate confirmed the appointment.
In 1798 Clarkson became a director of the New York branch of the Bank of the United States. He was also on the committee of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures. 
Clarkson’s first wife was the niece of William Alexander, Lord Stirling. His daughter with her married her cousin, the oldest son of John Jay and Sarah Livingston. (Clarkson first married in 1785, which again fits my pet theory that these men generally did not marry until their military service was complete - AH was the outlier among his friends in doing so.) After Mary Rutherfurd’s death in 1786, he married Sally Cornell in 1792. She died in 1803. Clarkson had eight children total; he didn’t name any of them Alexander, though he did name one William Bayard.  Matthew Clarkson died in 1825. 
So what was the relationship between Clarkson and AH like? He’s one of those we don’t get many letters to/from in part because they’re all usually living in NYC. From Founders, we only have two letters, both professional, from AH to Clarkson. There’s only one letter from Clarkson to AH: 
Dear Sir, I have reflected maturely on our conversation of yesterday. The result is, as far as I can with propriety I decline, at present, any military appointment. The duty I owe my Family seems to demand this of me, nor can I believe I give too great weight to this consideration when I consider the very small probability there is of any serious military operations taking place in this Country and the real injury I should sustain by being called from my present pursuits. These however are my reflections, if they are wrong, counsel me otherways, at any rate believe me with the greatest Regard and Esteem Dear Sir Yours very sincerely.  20August1798, Clarkson to AH, Here’s a digital copy of the letter. 
In preparing for his duel with Burr, while AH gave Church power of attorney, he named Church, John Laurance, and Clarkson as trustees for his property (except his books of Divinity). Founders notes that on April 11, 1805, Church, Laurance, and Clarkson purchased the remaining land, an additional 17 acres, that comprised the Grange property. 
Clarkson was one of the pallbearers at AH’s funeral, alongside Oliver Wolcott, Richard Harrison, Josiah Ogden Hoffman, Richard Varick, William Bayard, and  Laurance.
From the Hamilton side, the strongest statements of the friendship between AH and Clarkson come from JCH and EH, oddly enough. She wrote to Clarkson:
“...As you have always been the friend of my dear husband, I now pray you may be the friend of his Son [Alexander Jr.]....could you permit him sometimes to accompany you in your walks, that he might hear from you thou just sometimes of Religion as well as thou on Other subjects that have always marked your character. ” 17Sept1804, EH to Clarkson; credit: runawayforthesummer
And 25 years later: 
I introduce to your kindness and civilities the sons in law of your respected Friend General Clarkson [a] particular friend of my Hamilton.” 10Apr1830, EH to Marquis de Lafayette, credit: runawayforthesummer
I have not searched for Clarkson’s letters to others to see if more can be ascertained there. I’ll continue to wonder why JCH specifically noted Clarkson’s presence, and what he meant to the Hamilton family. Here’s a pic of the Stuart painting of Clarkson from 1794; he’s wearing his Society of the Cincinnati badge. (Looks like Trumbull based his figure of Clarkson on this one.)
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aminovlaw11 · 3 years
When should I hire an elder law attorney?
As you age concerns such as, “How will my money be protected?”, “How do I write my will?” or “Where do I find Lawyers who practice Elder Law Near me?” start to hound you. Search Elder Law NYC or Elder Law Brooklyn or Elder Law Queens, and a thousand Lawyers suggestions pop up. A question might arise, when should I hire an Elder Law attorney? Well, here you find the best answer
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What are some common Family Disputes?
Families get into dispute over many various topics. Here are some cases:
Divorce and Partition issues, Couple Relationship Issues, Childcare, Grandparents Rights, Inheritance, Elder care, Extended family conflicts, Family business and partnerships, Estranged family members.
Nobody imagines getting themselves in a dispute mainly within the family.
Issues can worsen if differences become troublesome and other family members take sides or fuel the dispute behind the scenes. The quicker the parties realize they are in a dispute the earlier they can start to settle the obstacles.
It is not every time needed to bring everyone to a discussion. Sometimes working through it yourself with expert help can enable you to find resolutions. At Times, a dispute requires a legal edict, such as child contact in families where there has been a history of violence and even then, the legal ruling will not solve the conflict. It will just create an order which must be carried out by law and there may be lingering bitterness.
Family Dispute Resolution is a non-confrontational way of solving disputes and conflicts that arise in family without involving court. It can be used to resolve many types of disputes given the nature of the conflict does not cross the limits of the law.
Mediation is an extremely broad term and can work in all kinds of dispute. The crucial thing to learn is that the mediation room is a place where people who have a dispute can attend a safe, private, and impartial space to work through differences and arrive at a solution they can both agree to. Mediation is charitable, impartial, and self-determining. This indicates that the people in the dispute negotiate the terms of their agreements with the help of a mediator.
A family mediator facilitates the people in a dispute to communicate. The mediator is unbiased and does not take sides. The mediator builds the conditions in which a positive dialogue and righteous negotiation takes place. The mediator ‘holds’ the space and may focus on power disparities ensuring the conversation is honest and fair but the parties themselves decide the resolutions.
Sometimes, it is sensible to have taken legal advice to guarantee that any agreements are within the framework of the law and the mediator may recommend that you take legal advice NYC Matrimonial and Family Attorney, Matrimonial Attorney NYC, Family Law Attorney NYC, Personal Injury Attorney NYC, Criminal Defense Attorney NYC but the mediator will not give you instruction or tell you what to do or tell you whether what you are agreeing to is good for you.
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frankbrunolaw25 · 6 days
Legal Estate Planning
Legal Estate Planning is a comprehensive guide to securing your assets and managing your estate efficiently. This PDF covers essential topics like wills, trusts, and power of attorney, helping you protect your wealth and ensure a smooth transition for your heirs. Perfect for individuals looking to safeguard their legacy and avoid legal pitfalls in estate management.
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