#lol I didn't even include a good shot of the place i wanted
wisdomnynaeve · 10 months
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Wheel of Time S2 Countdown: Favorite Place
In which Moiraine waxes nostalgic for my fave place, Emond's Field, while Lan gets confused
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So this is for Quiet. Where after a smooth mission is over, Price decides it’s a good idea for the 141 to go to a bar and wind down. They all carpool (could you imagine how cramped that would be lol) and arrive, taking seats at the front.
Now they are all wearing normal clothing, aside from ghost, wearing that hoodie/jacket with the skull balaclava. And soon enough the drinks start rolling in.
I can literally see Quiet practically barricaded/sandwiched in between Ghost and Soap. Because they’re big guys and she’s small. So while the rest of the 141 are having their fun, Quiet leaves to go to the bathroom and when she starts to make her way back, some idiot tries to flirt with her and “take her home” if you know my meaning. She’s not having it and declines shaking her head but the guy is persistent and not leaving her be.
And ghost notices…
You always send me the best prompt for this series @thedevillovesflowers ❤️ SO sorry this took me forever, this is a little short just because I was struggling but I hope you like it
Hoping to slowly get back into this series I have a couple ideas
Quiet Series
You were persistent. It was in your job to be especially when you were someone who had to wait hours in the same spot for your target before you could do anything. But right now your patience was wearing thin by the second.
It was meant to be just a nice night out at the pub. It had been a long time since you and the 141 had the chance to relax, so Price offered to take everyone to the pub for a couple drinks and food.
It had been nice. You always loved hanging out with the boys, even if they got on your nerves, and doing it off the clock was nice since you didn't have to worry about getting shot at. They included you too, of course they did, because while Price had put you on the team just almost a year ago, it felt like you had been there since the beginning.
You had been stuck in between Soap and Ghost, smushed against Ghost more since Soap was so animated and enjoyed the company.
You blamed the warm fuzzy feeling on the few drinks you had rather than being pressed against your lieutenant, not having the energy to unpack those feelings at the moment. Eventually you had to use the bathroom and though you regrettably had to move away from his warmth, you didn't miss the way his dark eyes followed you.
But now you were here, unable to get back to him because a rather unattractive man stood in your way.
He was trying to get you to come home with him but after you had shook your head no multiple times he just didn't get it.
"You don't have to be shy, tell me why not." He said but you shook your head again.
You would try to sign to him but you don't think he knows ASL or that he would even realize you were mute. You wanted to just walk past him but there was limited space and you didn't want to be touched by any part of him.
"C'mon, I like a mysterious lady and you can tell me all about your scars-"
Your patience was gone.
You huffed, rolling your eyes and tried to step past him but he grabbed your arm. You nearly slapped him before you felt a familiar presence.
"She said no, mate. Leave it." Ghost's voice was rougher than usual but just as serious as always, maybe even more so like he was scolding a recruit.
He glared at the man and pushed himself in between the two of you. He didn't need to do anything else as the man grumbled and scurried off, leaving the pub without further incident.
"Alright?" Ghost turned to you and you gave him a small smile.
"Yeah..." You signed, trying not to let the interaction ruin your night.
"Let's take a walk."
You gladly followed him out of the pub and once you were outside, you couldn't help but lean against him. You expected him to pull away but he instead he gently pulled you closer.
That warm fuzzy feeling came back when he wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you began your walk and it was hard to ignore it or place the blame on anything else.
At least out here you could lean on him without worrying what the others or anyone else would think.
"You should've told him off." Ghost grumbled. "Bastard would've ran if he knew how scary you are."
You snorted but shook your head.
"It's not like he would've understood anyway" You signed and you saw the annoyance in his eyes, not at you but at the man. "Don't let it bother you, he's unimportant."
"Should be saying that to you." He signed back and you smiled.
"It's okay. No sense in getting mad at what I can't control, right?"
You know he's smiling under his mask when you see the corner of his eyes crinkle. Your face heats up when he tightens his hold around your shoulders.
"Atta girl."
A/n: slowly getting back into this hopefully Ghost isn't ooc, he's a little different that roommate!simon here atm but he'll get there
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writella · 11 months
hi, sweetie! Hope you’re doing well. I just had the cutest thought that I wanted to share. And maybe if you want to add on to it as a drabble or something please feel free:) if not, then please just enjoy todays shower thoughts lol.
I’m thinking about a friends with benefits! reader and Daryl who find themselves travelling by canoe for whatever reason. And how they might get into some petty argument or even play fight that ends with them flipping the boat and the two of them just stand in the water, soaking wet and staring blankly at eachother with disappointment. Bangs sticking to your both your foreheads as the canoe slowly floats down the river along with all your dignity.
Take care! xoxo
Rocking the Boat
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Synopsis: Daryl has been back home for weeks; the first attack against the Sanctuary is complete; Alexandria, the Kingdom, and the Hilltop are on their way to freedom; but nothing is the same as it was, especially not with you and Daryl. Maybe a house boat side quest will break the ice, or really, make some waves.
Details: This is set during the beginning of season 8, it includes violence, smut, a fwb relationship but feelings are involved, mutual pining, a little bit of switch Daryl and reader, and some sweetness because I think it’s just my thing at this point. ♡
A/N + Response: Hello, lovely miss T ♡ what a fun idea!! I love the imagery you set with the canoe tipping over, especially the bangs so cute— it was one of my favorite parts to write here! This is probably a bit unrealistic and much longer than I intended, so I think I might consider this a full one-shot as well as a concept, and… it’s also a bit sad? Just a little until we get to the good stuff, I promise ;) Anyway I hope you like it; let me know what you think!!
Daryl sat on Rick’s porch, his back against the poles, reloading his guns as you sped up the steps, “I think we should go back to the boats. Now.” Your voice was hurried, you had run all the way from your house, but he didn't even look up at you.
“Why would we do somethin’ stupid like that?” His voice was low, and annoyed. You didn’t expect to be greeted kindly, but at least he sounded like anything other than emotionless to you since the first time you saw him again; since the time he escaped the Sanctuary.
“There’s no one there. I saw it before I got back home. There were people with guns sitting outside the first time we saw it, but now there aren't.”
“A couple of guns ain’t gonna help us.”
“There had to have been a reason they were guarding it before.” Your words were urgent and your eyes pleaded for him to look up. “Any amount of guns could make the difference, Daryl. You know that.” You stare at him, waiting for nothing as he doesn’t respond. “Did you and Rick even find anything before you got back?” You cross your arms, “Cause it doesn’t look like it. And I think I just did.”
You had gotten separated from the group after the first attack against the Sanctuary: you ran without thinking, just trying to get away from the army of walkers stampeding the place. Straying off the usual path to Alexandria, you accidentally reencountered a place you and Daryl only saw once before. It was a time before Negan, before the Saviors. But now, remembering their jackets, and their weapons, and how their bikes looked parked at the shore, you realized those were three Savior cabin boats— fairly sized, a bit rusty, they had a shack like feel, but it was big enough to stand and sleep in. Maybe something of use could be in there, and at least it was something to do while you waited for the final attack.
Similar to Rosita and Michonne, you also got hurt by the scavengers— day zero of the war, when Sasha died— but the girls left you here, they didn’t even tell you they were going, you didn’t even see them leave. But you needed to get out too; you needed to help. “I’m going with or without you.” Your anger started bubbling at his indifference, “And I saw you talking to Tara, I know you’re planning something, so if you want to go off with her and complete your idiot side plan-”
“You’re the one with the dumbass plan.”
“- then that’s fine!” You glare at him, his eyes still so evasive, it infuriates you. “My objective is to find more weapons, before the final attack.” You lied, you both knew your objective was to rest before the final attack, “So I’m gonna go do that.”
You begin to walk briskly. You knew he was going to try to stop you. You knew he was going to come with you when he realized, yet again, he couldn’t stop you, or… you hoped he couldn’t… Sometimes you forget how much stronger he is than you. You had a smart mouth and you knew how to get a reaction out of him, or at least you did in the past, but he could pinned you down with one hand, making you completely immobile— it’s happened before. The thought makes you walk faster, heading for the nearest car. You were trying to make a point although you weren’t sure what it was. You were just tired of sitting around, tired of his treatment— mistreatment, actually. You knew he had reason to act curtly, what he went through was unspeakable, but you were still there for him, waiting, but he never came to you. Not even late at night. Not even to simply sleep.
Just as you’re about to reach the car you feel his hand wrap around your arm, you almost let it yank you. Your breath is a heavy mix of fear and excitement as he does so. Maybe you finally got something out of him. Maybe you still have it. Maybe you still have him. “We don’t got time for this,” he hissed. Then his jaw clenched, it almost looked like he was chewing on something, “but you’re forgetting the boat.”
“It’s a canoe.” You were pushing it with the retort, he was coming.
He grunts as he lets go of your arm, it slapping down to your side. You wait for him by the car as he retrieves the canoe and paddles from one of the house garages. You guys had found it a long while ago, never knowing when it would be of use. That time was now.
The ride toward the waterfront was irritable and depressing to say the least. You wanted to be around Daryl, you wanted to stop him from going off plan with Tara, but most importantly, you just wanted to talk to him; finally and for once. You all were on the biggest missions of your life, in the biggest war of your life… who knows where your fates would lie after this, but he has yet to say anything to you that didn’t involve fighting the Saviors, and even with that, he didn’t say much. He wanted to win. He was ready to do it fast. Whatever it took. That was all.
He kept shifting in his seat, short, low grunts coming out of the side of his mouth— he didn’t want to do this right now, but he knew you were just as stubborn as him, especially when it came to him. As dumb as he felt this was, it wasn’t time for another person he cares about to get hurt.
“Stop fuming,” you muttered.
He snapped back, barking your name, “We’re in a war! We could be doin’ better things right now and got me here for what?”
“Maybe so you don’t kill people we need alive right now?” You were talking about Dwight, you did more than just see Daryl talking to Tara.
His following grunt truly said typical. “You always got your nose where it don’t belong.”
You ignore him, “We should follow Rick’s plan.”
He shakes his head, ignoring you this time. He’s tired of talking about this. He’s going to go on the boat, see if there’s weapons, get Tara, and use whatever you two find to complete his own plan at the Sanctuary. This needs to be done.
“At least it’s a little over 5 miles off the out-post the Kingdom took out,” you reason, “that must be why no one is there anymore.”
Still no response. Typical, it’s your turn to think it. You let go of talking to him for now. The rest of the drive was silent as well as when you get to your destination, starting to put the canoe on water.
You look at the three small, now unguarded, boats. Only one bike was by the land and there was blood splattered on the middle house, the biggest one. Maybe the Kingdom took out the guy that was there, but there were no boats or canoes around, no way for someone to get close enough inside.
You two get in, starting to row. “There better be somethin’ good in there,” Daryl huffed. You hoped so too. Uncertainty started filling in with the reality of your awful plan. There really could be nothing in there and you really could have spent your day doing something that mattered to the cause. If these boats held anything important, why wasn’t a Savior there already? But even worse, the realization that you were acting out of desperation just because Daryl had been acting so cold… felt even more terrible.
You knew Daryl was scarred, far more than before and you were trying to be patient. You were going to let him come to you. You knew he needed time, and he was at the Kingdom for a little bit anyway, hiding out from Negan. You couldn’t even talk to him if you wanted to because of that. But now you had been planning that first attack for weeks, you were sleeping in the same place together again, but not in the same room, not touching. And again, you understood why, but then again… you didn’t. It was so hard to gain his trust, for him to open up to you, you thought that was something you gained for keeps; but now he wasn’t even allowing you to have a friendship anymore, let alone this in-between relationship you used to have. It made you upset how much power you realized you let him have over you. You missed him so much, and now you weren’t even sure if he missed you back, or if he had reason to. Maybe it was just a fling after all.
War feels long, but it’s only a short time in truth. Nonetheless, a short time that can define who you are thereafter. This could be him, and maybe it always was. And this could be how you two will always be. Forever.
You decide to break the silence again as you row, your thoughts becoming insufferable: “That’s actually not the right technique,” you stutter, “if- if you’re curious.” You start to row based on what you taught yourself, the canoe going just a bit faster now, “I read it in a book from Deana’s old library.”
“So you read somethin’ in a book and now you think you know everything?” His eyes were annoyed. “Hmph.”
Your voice raises, “Well just because you’re so experienced in the wilderness or whatever doesn’t mean you know everything either.”
“I’m doin’ it fine.” He wasn’t. “You don’t even know how to swim.” You didn’t. “So maybe just be glad you ain’t dying today.”
You repeat yourself, “Still- doesn’t- mean- you know how to do everything… You expect me to think Merle took you canoeing? Of all things?” You cock your head, “Pretty sure he was out finding the next score.” You knew it was a low blow to bring up the dead brother, but you were upset. No talking and now insults? You could be cold too, even colder, even if you didn’t like it.
“Shut up.”
“You shut up!”
Then you screamed. A walker with gills, swimming in the water approached your boat behind Daryl. Your voice made him turn around to see it. You take your paddle to try to stab it in the head, but the walker’s hands are along the canoe rim, coming closer to you, it makes you accidently hit Daryl with your swing. “Oh- Sorry!”
“Fuck!” He yelled.
“I’m sorry!” A realization comes, “Is this the guy?”
“If it was he’s been dead for a while.” Daryl shouts, taking out his gun and you take out your knife. He’s trying to shoot the walker in the head, it’s closer to your side now. But you’re thrashing and water is flying while you try to jab them in the head with your knife. The walker has one of your arms and you’re trying to pry it away with the hand that has the knife. Neither of you have a clear shot at getting the thing, all three of you rocking the canoe far too much.
“Stay still!” He yells at you.
“Im trying!” You shout with the same force, the same annoyance, “He’s not making it easy, Daryl!”
Daryl has a chance to shoot the walker in the stomach, and he takes it, but it does nothing. The walker’s hands on you do not quit. The two of you just keep yelling at each other, riling the walker up. You can hear the biting sounds they’re making near your arm.
He shoots again, but you and the walker are still moving too much and Daryl’s loosing balance. The walker is tipping the canoe with their hands, water splashing inside. The next bullet goes into the wood, making a hole.
Their starving mouth continues to try to bite at you. You pull using all your strength to get their mouth away, trying to use your other hand to slice into their head. You two have never seen a walker like this: they can swim and they’re so strong.
Water now fills the boat from the hole as Daryl moves forward on the canoe, pushing your head, his hand quite literally covering your whole face to shove you out of the way, getting a clear shot at the walker and firing at their head. He clicks twice: Boom. Boom. Guts and water fly everywhere.
The splashing of the water and the firing of his gun overwhelms all your senses. The weight of Daryl is on your side now, neither of you have balance; both your weights pull the canoe over the edge as it flips over entirely with you under it.
You scream, but your voice is muffled. You thrash around, trying to use what little experience you have. You come above water for a few seconds, wailing, and Daryl grabs you.
“Hey- Hey- Hey!” his words snap, rough like barks until he gets you to look at him, gripping your face so it’s forward. “It’s okay,” he’s breathing almost as heavy as you are. His voice becomes even now, “It’s okay.” You realize he has you in his arms— it really was okay.
Feeling he might make a comment about you almost drowning, you force yourself to speak through water filled lungs, “Don’t. Say it.”
So he didn’t. He just holds you tight, you even feel his thumbs squeezing into you at the waist now, and through half lidded eyes, you see his arms tense, working hard to make sure you never fall, but it’s at a half arm's length, his elbows bent. You blink rapidly, your wet eyelashes still flapping shut until you’re able to open them better. You can see Daryl more clearly now.
You try to swipe some of the hair out of your face. The baby hairs at the crown of your forehead stayed slick in place while some parts of your hair started to lightly form your wave or curl pattern, but in all, you were absolutely drenched.
Your hands now hold onto his forearms just as tight as his below. It was one of those rare moments where you remember just how blue his eyes are. Their narrow shape and the way his hair lays always hides them away. But the sun was behind you, casting its light directly on him and his hair was now slick to his head as well: only some of it resting on his forehead.
If someone were to describe Daryl’s looks, they would probably say something typical like dark and rugged. They don’t see what you see. God, you forgot how uniquely handsome he was.
His hair changed colors in the light, it wasn’t as dark brown anymore, flecks of it were a more golden brown in the sun. And you loved the mole that was just above his lip and facial hair. Almost no one else in the group had something like that. And now, there was the way his button down stuck onto his skin. The color was dark enough that it wasn’t see-through, but you saw every indent, every line of his bicep and tricep as you looked at his arms, trying to avoid his face, trying to avoid his chest or anywhere lower.
On the other hand, Daryl was trying even harder to avoid looking at your soaked body, failing even worse. His eyes couldn’t help but linger on how your chest huffed as you tried to catch your breath. Your collarbones are now exposed as your shirt slides down just a bit further, the light color almost see through because of the water, and your bra didn’t help much either. It was one of those without the padding, it was the only one that fit— your supplies, food and wearable, clean clothing, were running dangerously low at home. The thin material of both top garments showed how your nipples perked up now. And the way he had to grasp tightly on the smalls of your waist, feeling your stomach inhale and exhale as you calmed yourself down didn’t help either. It was like he felt your hold body moving… similar to a way he used to feel it.
It all makes him realize now how he hasn’t gotten the courage to look at you directly in the longest. God, he forgot how pretty you are. How lovely it was to hold you. Even if it was to escape death.
Your eyes are so big as you hold on tightly to his arms, you’re still shaken up. Trying to paddle your feet like you’ve seen on tv and in videos in the past. It’s adorable.
He didn’t dare look any longer, but part of him wondered if you were looking at him the same way. And you were. Specifically, the way you could see every line and ripple of his abdomen with his button up now glued to his body. As you let your eyes trail just a bit more form his arms, you noticed how magnified his chest looked, how his nipples were just as pert as yours.
It all made you feel something warm down below and it made something inside him twitch, but this wasn’t the time. He had been feeling so many things since he returned that he didn’t even know which ones to act upon first, so he reverted back to saying nothing, or at least nothing that had to do with how he really felt, how he really felt about you that is.
In the end, “You better hope I can make one of those shits run or we’re fucked,” was all he decided to say.
He moves your hands onto the back sides of his waist and he starts to swim. Your legs are off to the sides and he tells you to kick as he is and hold on tight as he swims you both to the middle boathouse, the one with the blood.
You hold onto the ledge as you finally arrive, allowing Daryl to go in first, checking for walkers at each boat. He does the side ones first. No one is there. Finally, he goes to the middle house: out of all of them, it’s the biggest wreck. The place is filled with pictures, Polaroids, scattered all over the place. It’s of the Saviors. And there’s all kinds of guns scattered on the floor, but he can’t help but to stare at the faces. He knew some of those faces.
You call his name, but he doesn’t respond. “What was in the other two?” You yell for him again, but nothing. You decide to go in the middle one as well, your eyes are amazed by the mess of guns on the floor. There were even ones still hooked up to the wall. There were knives and daggers too. Even glass cases with various bullets, you wondered what they did. Was this the emergency weapons stash? Had you reached it before a Savior could? “Why aren’t you picking this stuff up?” You look up at him impatiently, shaking your head and huffing, you’ll do it yourself you guess.
Daryl continues to look around, picking up a frame. The only framed picture in the boat. It was cracked on the ground: A Polaroid of Negan.
He takes the picture out of the broken glass to look at it closer. As if this wasn’t already the attitude of much of the Saviors, whoever lived and protected this place must have worshiped him. Negan stood proudly in it, his bat on the side of his shoulders, a big rifle strapped around his back on the other. His hair and beard was all black, and that notorious, all encompassing grin plastered his face from ear to ear. Daryl turned the picture over: the words, ‘Negan — The First Savior. My Savior,’ was written on the back.
It fired him up. It made him think of the dark, of that cell, of the food that probably wasn’t even food, when he was kicked and jumped by those Saviors in the parking lot, and that damn song— the saccharine melody would live on in his brain like a siren. There would never be silence inside him again. In fact, there never was. It was only louder now. So loud and so angry he feels it in his throat, traveling to his tongue, beneath his eyes, as he can no longer keep it in anymore; but he tries, and tries, and tries, quietly holding everything in while you keep collecting weapons, putting them in bags you find. The picture crumples in his closing hand, his fist turning red as he grips tightly, ruining the shining paper.
He slides down against the boat wall, sitting on the ground biting his tongue, stopping the feelings until you're done; until you two can leave and he can do what he needs to do. It’ll be without you, without Rick, without anyone. This needs to be done. He’ll do it.
“Daryl,” you call out, not facing him, collecting the bags. “I think I counted 32, but it could be 40… I think there’s smaller ones by the wheel and I didn’t even get the swords yet. If there's about the same number on the other two, there could be maybe over 100 new weapons,” you gasp with disbelief. “Were the other two like this?“
You we’re relieved, you knew it was a dumb plan, but you came out of it with a win; it was worth it. “Daryl, come on-” you turn to him now, “oh.”
You almost couldn’t see his eyes with how much more narrow he made them, they were practically closed and his face was down. You wondered if this was the moment you would first see him cry: his lip quivered, his face was as red as his fists, and he wouldn’t look in your direction, his head was basically to the wall as you started to walk to him.
Your movements are slow as you kneel down to the corner in which he sat. You place fingers along his jaw until your whole hand wraps around the area. Your strokes are gentle, feeling the bristles of his beard on your palm. He had been so angry since he returned, hell bent on war and death, but you remembered… he must have also been so sad, so depressed too. Poor boy, you thought. Poor boy, you forgot; in some ways, he still was just a boy.
You turn his cheek to face you, but his eyes don’t dare meet yours as a few tears start rolling out. Your own emerge too. It’s heartbreaking to see him like this.
You put your forehead to his, your nose rubbing against his own, “I’m so sorry,” you whisper.
You come even closer. Your lips lightly touch his, you’re tentative at first, not knowing if it was right, but then you feel his brush against yours just as light. You decide to move in, your lips parting his own as you kiss him.
Your tongue goes into his mouth, your hand raising his chin, you’re so delicate. He holds your shoulder, you lean into his bent body and your other hand slides against his chest. You’re both still wet and cold, but his heart beats warmly.
His head leans up against the wall as you push yourself further onto his lips. You hold his shoulders and he allows you to slide him down.
You look up at him, your hands on his shirt. This is not how you expected today to go. “Is this okay?” You ask softly. His nod is just as soft, you almost don’t see it, but his hands are lightly on top of your own as you unbutton his shirt, he lets you. It’s okay.
He’s unbuckling his belt now, pushing his pants down and your top goes over your head. He starts to unbutton your own jeans. It’s quiet except for your breaths, and the clinking of belts, and the undoing of zippers.
You pull him out a little more from the corner so you can straddle him. You start grinding your hips down into him and he pushes into your clit with his finger, circling it. The bit of warmness you felt below before is now almost pooling out instantly from just the littlest touches. Your back arches, you haven’t felt him in so, so long. You gasp and it accidentally turns into a moan. You’re so needy for it, but you remember: you want to help him.
Your hands move down to his stomach, your lips kiss his neck as your hands travels up to his chest and then back down, you start kissing him everywhere there as you do so, breathing him in, it makes him fidgety, little gruff sounds irruption from his throat, he’s trying to keep it in. Then you got even lower: you kiss down his cock until you’re at the tip. You lick at the pre-cum there. You put just a little bit of him inside your mouth, sucking, stroking the rest of it. His exhale comes out as a shaky gasp, he whimpers slightly.
Finally, you move back up and line yourself up with him, sinking down slowly as you look him in the eyes. You can’t help it, you start to ride him immediately thereafter. The stretch feels so good and so big and full as if you’ve never felt him before. Your moan is light and airy, you missed him. And he groans, “-ugh, fuck” and moans, “uh- mm- argh,” right after you do so. He missed you. You know that now, it makes you smile.
You lean up against him slightly. His mouth parted and you speak into it, your breast brushing against him as you rolled onto him, your stomached touching a bit. “I’ve got you,” you pant into his mouth, he’s panting too, “always.”
He holds onto your hips as you go faster, you’re holding onto his shoulders. “Does it feel good?” You kiss him right after you ask, his tongue going to the top of your mouth, sliding in wet and deliciously, it’s everything you’ve waited for. He hums into you as a response. You feel his dick twitch as your pussy grips on him tighter.
You feel like you both could be close until he starts kissing you more fiercely. His tongue only slipping in slightly as he pecks your lips, he bites down slightly, then kissing you deeply again. Then he turns you over. You’re under him now. His hands go right by your ears, flat on the ground and he thrusts into you. Hard. It almost hurts, you can’t lie. He’s grunting, short and quick, but his rasp, and his hair flying as he quickens the pace, and the fact that pain is slowly turning into pleasure… you’re fine with it. If this is what he needs, you’re fine with it.
His next grunt is almost a yell, it’s like a battle cry. He’s angry and you know it. You hold onto his flex arms tenderly, caressing him, silently telling him you’re there, but you allow him to continue.
His movements are faster now. More irate. His body comes closer to yours, but his movements do not stop their force. His thrusts feels like poundings, you feel like the floor is moving, maybe the boat is rocking, the bags jump with it.
He looks at your screwed shut eyes as one of his hands comes to touch your chest. Trailing your breast, then to the bottom of your stomach, staying there, pressing down, feeling himself inside of you has he shoves himself up and in, he’s deep, so deep. “Mmm,” You’re whining now, “-uuh.” It makes his eyes lighten, he’s humming, low and gruff and continuous, stuttering into you, eyes open waiting to see you come so then he can. It’s right there for him, but he wants to see you, he needs it.
Your moan mixes into a whine, “Daryl please,” you beg, “Daryl please- it’s- it’s too much, it hurts,” it makes him go even faster, and he can’t help himself as he comes in you first, sighing as he does so, but it’s exactly what you need to come undone yourself.
You grab the back of his neck, holding it close to you as you squeeze your arms around him and he does the same to your waist.
You both try to calm your breaths, “Never leave me again,” you say into his ear, breathing roughly. “Please.”
“Never.” He looks at you right in the eye when repeats it, “Never.” He wipes the tears from your face as you both nod, affirming a new promise to each other. “We’ll win. Together.”
After laying for a few moments, just looking at each other, he goes to the bathroom to find a washcloth, warming it with water, helping you clean up. He takes your hand so you can start doing it yourself and he kisses your forehead before he starts to get dressed. “I’ll be back.”
Soon enough, you hear the engine in the front start to rev up. He got it to work.
“You can drive a boat?”
“Gonna learn.” He turns to you, pulling you in front resting your hands on the wheel while he stands behind, his arms over your own. “We both are.”
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vidavalor · 7 months
"You love trains": Crowley & Aziraphale inspired 'North by Northwest'
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Putting my film studies background to good use here with some film history & historical context under the cut.
The "what does the J stand for?" exchange in The Blitz, Part 1 and the inability for the audience to initially understand what Aziraphale is mouthing in The Blitz, Part 2 are both references to Hitchcock's classic spy thriller, 'North by Northwest'. I didn't link the clip that goes along with The Blitz, Part 2 in case some of you have never seen this film because it would ruin your experience of it. (Definitely watch it if you have not as it's a masterpiece.) Since The Blitz scenes are taking place in 1941 and 'North by Northwest' was released 18 years later in 1959, Crowley and Aziraphale aren't referencing the film in the dialogue but, instead, could be presumed to be the source *of* the dialogue in the film... just like how Shakespeare lifted Crowley's love poetry for 'Antony & Cleopatra'... and the 'North by Northwest'-referencing part of The Blitz, Part 1 *is referencing* the 'Antony and Cleopatra' reference because it's the reveal of Crowley's first name. But... it gets even better...
The writer of 'North by Northwest' was legendary Hollywood screenwriter Ernest Lehman, whom we're now presuming to have been a friend of probably at least Aziraphale's. Lehman wrote a dozen or so classic films and, outside of 'North by Northwest', is most famous for writing adaptations of several famous musicals, including the adapted screenplay for... 'The Sound of Music.' But, no, somehow, we aren't done yet with how amazing this is lol.
The thing that makes this all even funnier is that 'North by Northwest' is responsible for probably the most famous train metaphor in cinema. I'll spoil just this bit as it won't really ruin the overall movie for you if you haven't seen it but don't go any further than here if you don't want to be spoiled at all. If you've already seen it, you totally know what I mean. *laughs*
In 1959, when this film was released, you still couldn't really show sex on screen in a mainstream film. If you showed two people in a bedroom at all, they were cisgender, heterosexual and married and they slept in two separate beds. The level of sex happening in the above clip was *wild* for the era and the fact that it was put into the film the way it is-- that an unmarried woman picks up a hot guy on a train and they sleep together and she's still the heroine of the film and all of that-- was really nothing short of feminist revolution in a film in this era.
The film has a famous "love scene" of sorts that follows not long after the one I linked above, where the two of them are in a cabin on the train and starting to get it on but constraints of cinema coding at the time limited how far it could go. So, to imply that the main characters do, in fact, sleep together, the film famously cuts away to a shot of the train entering a tunnel-- making the train itself symbolic of sex. Because of how famous the film overall--and this scene in particular--became, it became a thing to use trains euphemistically for sex in other cinematic works following it. There is literally no way that Crowley and Aziraphale have not seen this movie so while Aziraphale was happy to make The Bentley into a sexual metaphor while angling for the car keys, Crowley is half-heartedly griping in flirty response by continually referencing trains, another sexual mode of transportation-- the one that that they inspired lol. Hence Aziraphale's bemused little lololol-but-won't-give-him-the-satisfaction-of-seeing-my-amusement face here:
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Sunglassed!Cary Grant is Crowley and the old movie chemistry and the semi-coded flirty banter and someone please, please write a fic where Aziraphale says "I don't particularly like the book I've started"-- I will pay you lol.
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Laughter | Banda Sunato
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Pairing: Banda Sunato x Fem!Reader
Author's note: Fine, *aggressively opens laptop* I'll just write one myself then. Also, first fic ever so uh yeah. That's how desperate I am lol. Edit: Yeah I edited it a bit because I was sleepdeprived when I wrote/posted this and got rid of horrible spelling mistakes :)
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Weird relationship (it's Banda, a serial killer and manipulative piece of shit), Violence? (because you know, it's aib?), A mention of wanting to end it all, potential spelling/grammar mistakes?
Summary: Banda Sunato takes interest in a girl he meets during a game and is captivated by her laughter
As soon as the 20 minute timer went off, most participant immediately scrambled to get away from the open playground and ran straight into the abandoned school to find a spot to hide from the seeker who’d be released in a one minute.
Banda Sunato hadn’t moved an inch and was instead just looking around. His eyes followed the hurrying people, an eerie smile on his face. He appeared rather amused. Content even.
You were also still standing in out in the open, right behind him and staring at the back of his blood stained shirt. “Are you not going to hide mister?" You asked. "Do you want to die?”
He turned around, no surprise visible on his face. He stared at you as if he was analyzing your face. “What about yourself?”
You flashed him a smile. “I’m still thinking about a good hiding spot.”
"I wasn't referring to that." When you tilted you head he added, "do you want to die?"
You looked around you, taking in your surroundings before looking down at you phone. It read 19:22 and was counting down. "I still have so much to do, I won't die."
Banda stared at you intently and looked you up and down. You were dressed in a white summer dress which looked a little bit too clean for this world, not a spot of dirt or blood to be found. You looked very young, young enough to still remember high school infrastructure.
"Well," he started, switching topics again, “Surely someone like you knows a good hiding spot. I'd say most students that attend highschool know the place through and through, don't they?”
You hummed in response. “Home schooled.”
Banda didn’t respond or gave any sign which you would interpret as disinterest, if not for his piercing gaze. It was starting to creep you out, but you enjoyed talking to someone as you hadn't had the opportunity to make new friends in the borderlands.
“You know, it’s my first time in a school building, so I’m actually a bit excited. Well, who knows, maybe I can explore this place after the game is over, right?” You wanted to say more, but then the school bell rang, indicating that the seeker was on the move. Even though you looked around cautiously, Banda couldn’t spot any sign of actual fear on your face. As if you knew you were getting out of here alive.
“Well then,” you said with a nod and you skipped off.
He watched you leave towards the gym building. When he heard a gun shot he decided to take it as a sign that he should probably also get moving.
He followed you in the direction of the gym, but stayed behind the square columns in front of the building, covered by shadows where he knew he was safe. He looked down at his dark green button up shirt, ripped and covered in blood. It sure worked fine as camouflage.
He could oversee the entire playground from his position, including the main entrance to the school from where he could hear gunshots. It didn't take long for the seeker to exit the school building and cross the playground.
Banda moved to the other side of a column, blocking himself from the seeker's sight. This would be easy, he thought to himself. He would simply rotate around the columns until the game was over.
Well, it was only a two of clubs after all.
The seeker entered the gym and for a second it was absolutely quiet. Banda smirked. That girl is as good as dead, he thought. And when hearing the gunshots he almost patted himself on the back for his accurate prediction, but he was stopped when he heard you laughing as if you were enjoying yourself.
He froze, completely captivated by the sound. It had been a while since he'd heard such carefree laughter. What an addictive sound. How interesting. He smiled, almost wickedly.
There was a loud crash and more shots were fired before the doors opened and slammed against the wall, revealing you.
You had tried to hide in all the way up in the huge draped curtains when your hand accidentally slipped, moving the entire curtain, which had given away your hiding spot.
You were met with a barrage of bullets that miraculously didn't hit you. As always, luck is on your side, you thought.
The bullets had however apparantly hit whatever it was that supported the heavy curtains and you fell down on top of the seeker. You quickly rolled off while he fought with the curtains, trying to get out from underneath it while also shooting around randomly.
You ran out giggling. From the corner of your eye, you saw the man you were talking to before and you stopped for a second to wave at him before hiding behind the doors that you had just kicked open.
A minute later the seeker walked out and went to look for other victims. You managed to slip back into the gym unnoticed.
The rest of the game was uneventful. There were two other incidents where gunshots were heard, but when the participants walked off the school grounds after clearing the game, it seemed as if everyone made it, as far as you could recall. Your facial recognition memory wasn't awesome.
"You seem familiar."
You turned around in surprise at his sudden voice behind you. "I highly doubt that." You said.
"What's your name?"
"You seem familiar too, what's yours?" You replied, ignoring his question.
"I asked first," he responded.
You hummed. "And I don't give my name out to strangers, so it seems as if we're at an impasse." You looked at him expectantly. When he didn't appear to have any intention of answering, you turned to leave.
"Banda Sunato." It stopped you in your tracks.
Did you know him? Of course. What else is there to do when you're isolated in your house, except read books and listen to true crime podcasts? Were you scared of him? A little, but you had your own fair share of victims since arriving in the borderlands. As did everyone here.
You gave him your name. Oh how easy you were, he thought. He could definitely charm his way to you.
"Your last name, is it the same as the former prime minister?" He asked. "I thought his child died." He commented when you hummed in acknowledgement.
"Me and my mother were shot during one of his campaigns. They managed to save me, but my father got paranoid and kept me away from, well, everything ever since." Your expression fell and looked past Banda into the distance as you recalled your dull life.
"So now you enjoy the freedom you have. You're no longer locked away, and can go wherever you please. There are no rules here, so you're discovering the world for yourself, instead of through media. It's why you're walking around with curiosity instead of falling into despair, and also why you're the only one in the game who was enjoying themselves." Banda's voice was dangerously low and his eyes dark as he scanned your face.
"I bet your isolation messed with your mind. You've probably thought of ending it all, so you aren't scared at the prospect of dying, right." He concluded for you.
You didn't answer him. Partially annoyed that he thought he was smart enough to make assumptions as if he knew you, and also annoyed because he wasn't wrong.
He had stepped closer to you during his analysis and you fought the urge to put a step back to get him out of your personal space.
"I like that." He finished. His face hovering close to yours.
You nervously laughed. "So I won't be your fifth victim then?"
Banda's smile widened as if you said something funny. "You've caught my attention. Let's be partners."
"I don't know, what's your policy on killing partners?" You asked, finding the situation ridiculous.
He leaned closer to you and you could feel his breath on your cheek. "If you pledge yourself to me, I'll show you the beauty of this world." He spoke lowly.
Now that interested you.
You opened your mouth to answer when he closed the small gap between you two, pressing his lips to yours, hand wrapping around the back of your neck, thumb against your pulse.
You've never been kissed before, but found yourself pushing back against him, grabbing onto his shirt, not lettiing go even after the kiss ended.
"Oh you meant that kind of partner." You giggled when you broke apart.
Then your giggling started to grow into a laughing fit, because how could you not if you stopped to think about the situation. You just had your first kiss with a serial killer stranger whom you just met 25 minutes ago in a life or death game in an abandoned world.
Banda relished in the sound of you, corners of his mouth curling up in satisfaction. Gotcha, he thought.
When you managed to subdue your giggles and he didn't move or say anything else, you decided to go and start walking towards your appartment with him in tow.
"Your shirt is ripped and covered in dirt and blood." You said while wiping away the blood on your hands from grabbing his shirt.
You flashed him a smile. "Luckily for you, I have a clean light blue button up shirt at home."
Part 2 ( +18 content)
Part 3
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lil-spider · 2 months
So Damn Pretty
Chapter 10
Part 9 : Part 11
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter X Female Reader
Summary: Johnny is sex starved and you’re very attractive, so attractive that he doesn’t want to kill you. Instead he finds ways to keep you around longer.
Note: The story is coming closer to completion but that’s okey cause I’m gonna be in this fandom forever even if it has died a little lol. I’ve got plenty of Johnny fics planned :3. This chapter is for those who have been so patient! Love you all😘
Warning: This is 18+ and please do not read if your sensitive to heavy descriptions of non/con and violence. Including bondage, blood, gore, assault, objectification and unsafe sex. For those who don’t mind, I hope you enjoy.
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I stare vacantly at the couple of eggs on my plate, not feeling hungry for them. I sink further into my seat and take a glance over at Johnny. Its just him and me sitting at the dining table; the rest of the family have already finished up their breakfast, but it seems he has an appetite this morning, digging in his second plate of crispy bacon. I look back at the two eggs; things in pairs have been bothering me lately. It seems my mind still can't get over those two girls. I thought I would be over it; at the time, it didn’t bother me, but the guilt comes in waves. Crashing heavily against my consciousness. I try to keep it down, not letting it depress me. I've gained trust from the family, and I don’t want to ruin it with my emotions. 
With their trust comes more leniency. So much so that Drayton brings me along to the gas station, helping him out with whatever he tasks me with. 
A surprising amount of locals come by. They didn’t question me; they just went about their own business. I didn't know how to go about it. I guess no one back home really cares that I'm missing. Even though I'm somewhat content with my current situation, I can't help but feel sad. No one bothered at all to look for me. I know I didn't have much family, but Nate and Jessica sure did; both came from big families. There should be people searching for them. 
I quickly moved on from those thoughts, especially now that it's too late to go back. It's easier to just focus on other things. Even if there isn't much to focus on,.
At least today I can spend the rest of my time with Johnny out in the field. I love keeping him company while he works on the cars, and sometimes I help out by passing him tools or handing him a rag.
I glance over at him again while I smoosh around my runny eggs with my fork. He shoots me a small grin. I was going to smile softly back at him until a sudden shot of nausea hit me. Instead, I must have given him an ugly face because he looked at me with a raised brow. 
Salvia starts poring up into my mouth, and with panic, I sit up, making the chair scratch on the floor, and bolt past Johnny to the front door, slamming it open. No longer able to hold it down, I grip the veranda's handrails tightly, lean over, and vomit my breakfast onto the poor bushes below.
"Ya' alright, darlin'?" Johnny asks as he walks up behind me, confused. He sees what is happening and places a large hand on my back and rubs it in soft circles while I spew out misery. Thinking I was finished, I turned around to face him, smiling wearily, but a second punch of nausea came flying in, and I turned back to vomit in the bushes again.
“I’ll go get Sissy.” He says this, grimacing at the sight of me puking, unsure of what to do.
He leaves, and in a quick minute, a concerned Sissy comes with a damp hand towel, and she guides me to take a seat on the white bench, dabbing my forehead while I try not to throw up straight bile.
"Oh, pumpkin, this is not good," Sissy worries, still wiping my face. Johnny comes back outside, also looking concerned. 
“Take her to the living room, Johnny; she needs to lay down.” Sissy tells him, feeling my forehead and checking for my temperature. I’m not sure if I’m sick; I don’t feel hot. 
Johnny, grumbling at being told what to do, still picks me up bridal style, carrying me effortlessly to the living room, and lays me down gently on the cowhide-covered couch.
“What’s wrong with her?” Johnny asks, turning to Sissy, wanting an answer to my sudden sickness. She places an old, rusty bucket down next to me, just in case I get sick again. 
"Well, she ain’t burnin' up. Maybe it’s something she ate.” She’s replies are also confused about my sudden sickness. 
I lay there on the couch, trying to keep whatever wants to come up down while Sissy and Johnny keep me company for a bit. It’s comforting to see how much they seem to care for me. However, after under an hour of resting and sipping on some water, I feel much better.
“I'm feeling better.” I said this to both of them, who looked surprised and relieved about my comeback.
“Somethin' must've upset ya' then.” She reasons. With that little incident over with, the rest of the day goes by as normal without any sign of sickness. It must have been something I ate. 
That’s what I believed until the very next morning, and then the next thing happened on the third day. Sissy keeps my hair away from my face while rubbing my back. 
It's another morning, and I'm back outside vomiting; it seems to be my usual puke spot outside on the veranda. 
 I know I've made everyone else concerned now. I can hear Nubbins questioning Johnny about why I'm throwing up so much. But he wouldn't get a solid answer from him, as he is just as clueless about my ongoing vomiting. I don’t understand either; at first, I thought I was dying, but what Sissy came up with seemed worse than dying. Her sweet voice contradicts the heavy words coming out of her mouth. I feel like I've been strapped to an anchor, and it's dragging me down, deep below. 
 “I think you may be pregnant, sugar; you ain’t got no fever, and sure, dang, know Johnny hasn’t been innocent with you." She explains smoothing my messy hair. 
Now I feel like I’m really drowning. Oh, my good I’m pregnant, oh fucking hell. It explains everything: the weight gain, my emotions playing up, and of course the morning sickness. My legs start to wobble. Holy shit, I’m pregnant with Johnny’s baby. 
Sissy notices my shaky form and decides to help me back inside. Holding my arms steady, she shuts the door behind us with her foot while leading me to the sofa. As I sit, she’s skipped off to grab a glass of lemonade while I try to calm down. Just as quickly as she left, she came back with a glass of delicious cold lemonade. Sissy places the drink in my shaky hands as I take a sip. Its sweet yet bitter flavour soothes me. 
“When I was in California, some of her sisters from the ranch always threw up every morning when they were pregnant. It's called morning sickness, and it's always a telltale sign that you're going to have a baby.” She explains joyfully, sitting down right next to me and giving me an excited hug. 
She then claps her hands together cheerfully. "Oh, how joyous a little baby!" She throws her thin arms around me again in another big hug while I sit frozen, completely gobsmacked by the revelation that I'm pregnant. I guess I must have forgotten how babies were made while I’ve been here; Johnny and I have been going at it enough. There is no denying that.
I placed my lemonade down on the coffee table and placed a hand over my belly. Johnny's baby is growing inside me and will later give birth to his baby. 
Sissy stands back up, going over to a sleeping grandpa. I didn't realise he was there. But Sissy, with all her excitement, accidentally woke him up, to which she apologised by telling him about the new member of the family and how he’s going to be a grandpa again. How many generations old is this baby going to make grandpa? I wonder.
Grandpa Sawyer just let out these wistful groans in reply. Sissy explains that he’s excited for a new grandchild. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand him. 
Then Johnny comes stomping in, shirtless and sweaty from being outside in the Texas heat. "What’s all the squealing you’re making? I can hear it from outside." He asks, annoyed. 
I would've hoped Sissy would keep my pregnancy to herself until I was ready to tell her, but instead she just blatantly spills out to him that I'm pregnant. 
“Bout’ time.” He says plainly, I gap at his laid-back attitude on this situation. He turns to my surprised face, and he smirks. He inches closer, bending down so his face is in front of mine. 
“I told ya I wanted to be a dad, didn’t I? It’s why I've been working so hard on you.” His smirk widens as my face flushes red in embarrassment. Have I been baby trapped?
The day goes by like usual, even though I'm an emotional, vomiting mess. Now during dinner, and for some odd reason, I never get sick eating supper. The smell of any other food makes me queasy, except cooked meat. My mouth starts to drool when I smell it being cooked. Just barely being able to keep anything else down has made me famished, and tonight, Drayton's chilli has never tasted better. Going in for seconds and now thirds.
“I should've made extra batches just for the way you eat, girl.” Drayton commented, slightly impressed with how much I can put down. 
“It’s just so good.” I moan out with a mouthful of chilli.
“It's better than good; it's the best chilli in the whole damn county.” Cook proudly states, sitting up a bit straighter.
“Oh god, enough of the chilli talk.” Johnny groans out, already frustrated with the conversation.
“Y-yeah enough!” Nubbins joins in, trying to entice a fight. 
"Oh, shut it; look at the girl; she loves it.” He points over to me, still stuffing my face with utter pleasure. 
“No more of this arguing! Y/N is in a delicate situation, and I want none of ya' messing that up!” Sissy puts her bit in, not wanting to be left out of the conversation. Ironically, this is her way of enticing an argument.
“What delicate situation, girl? She's just hungry.” Drayton asks, confused by Sissy’s words. 
“She’s pregnant, and ya' can't do anything about' it.” Sissy again spills the beans on my pregnancy, but now to the rest of the family. 
I look over at Johnny puasing my eating to see his reaction to Sissy not being able to keep anything to herself. “They'll find out sooner or later.” He just sinks further back into the chair, crossing his muscular arms under his chest, waiting for the onslaught of words from Drayton. 
Bubba, who is next to me, is the first to react. He places his large hand on top of his head and pats it, like if I were a puppy. He groans gleefully, I guess, letting me know that he is happy with the new addition. He can be a real gentle giant when there isn't anyone to murder. 
Cook has gone absolutely red as a tomato, while nubbins start snickering. "Oooh, J-Johnny, I-I-is in trouble.” It seems the night has gone his way for wanting drama.
"God, Damnit, boy, I knew this would happen. You can’t control yourself, can you? Always chasing tail, and now a baby.” Drayton stood up at the start of his rant but now has sat down, looking almost deafted.
“Your mother will go ballistic once she finds out.” Drayton points his finger at Johnny, warning him.
“Shut it, old man! You got nothing to worry about; it’s bout time; we’re all getting old, and we gotta keep the family going.” He counters Drayton's words. 
It looked like Nubbins wanted to say more, but with Johnny quickly standing up and leaving, it was pointless. 
Dinner practically finished up after that fight, and I just sat there silently, not sure what to do. I was supposed to help clean up, but I sneakily decided to go find Johnny. Anyway, with all the commotion still going on with Nubbins and Sissy messing with Drayton, it’s best I stay away. 
I check the front veranda; Johnny has a few smoke spots he always goes to: the front, the back garden, and his shed. But luckily, my first guess was right, as I found him sitting on the outdoor bench. While walking to him, he quickly puts on his smoke, squishing it under his boot. “Shouldn’t smoke around you anymore.” He grins at me, and just as I take a seat, he places his warm hand on my stomach. 
“The second I saw you, I knew you were the perfect girl to have my kid. So fucking pretty, I'm going to look after the both of you, I promise.” 
His words send tingles all throughout your body; it’s electrifying. You place your hand over his, smiling back at him.
“Soon you’re going to get real big, darlin’; ya tits are going to get nice and fat too.” He teases with humour, but a familiar, hungry look starts building in his eyes. 
As he inches closer to me, his large hand moves away from mine and glides up, grabbing a breast. He squeezes it firmly before starting to massage it. His warm breath is on my neck as he kisses right below my jaw. Wetness begins to pool in my panties. 
“Run up the stairs to your room and undress before I take you right here.” As much as I wanted to tease him, it’s better to listen, or he really would take me here, in any position too. He gets very creative when he's horny. 
I get up and leave, going to my room just as instructed. I closed the door behind me and set myself on the bed to undress. I wore a blue sundress today, so I just unzipped the side and let it slip right off. Leaving me in my white panties. Even though it didn’t take me long to undress, it wasn't quick enough for Johnny. He was already here, striding in and locking the door behind him, already semi-undressed too.
“Come on, darlin', only your panties left to go; take em off for me.” I happily obliged, hooking my fingers into the side, purposefully bending over, and sliding them down. 
I look back to see the bulge in his jeans while he takes them off. Now he is just as naked as me. I will never get tired of looking at his body. His large muscles, pecs, sprinkled on chest hair leading down to his happy trail—the sight of his scars always makes me throb. Fuck, he is gorgeous.
With my ogling, I fail to notice him getting closer. Wrapping his large arms around me, he whispers into my ear, “I want you to take a seat on my face while keeping your mouth busy with my cock.” He groans before going to lay down on the bed. This is a new position, and with only a little hesation, I gingerly climb over him, placing my legs on the side of his head. Before I sink down, he grabs my hips roughly, bringing my swollen heat to his mouth. 
I gasp as his tongue slides back and forth over my clit. I lean further down, grinding my wetness along his mouth needing more. His impressive cock, comes into view, precum leaking out; it’s red and aching to be sucked. 
I lick his tip timidly before taking his whole length, making a sloppy mess while focusing on his head, I hear him groan as I go deeper. His grunting sends small, delightful vibrations along my clit.
My muffled moans fill the room as he holds me in place, my aching pussy being devoured while I simultaneously suck off Johnny. I hallow out my cheeks, pinch my lips, and let my tongue slide along his shaft. Working extra hard to get him to finish first. 
It's difficult; he knows exactly how to get me off. He knows where I'm most sensitive and what feels best. My plans to make him cum first are starting to falter; I'm struggling to even keep myself steady. I put my tired arms on top of his muscular thighs, giving them a rest. I take a deep breath and continue to encompass his cock, swirling my tongue along the base. I’m a little sloppy with the rhythm now, but I don’t think he cares. 
I can feel my orgasm building as Johnny doesn’t even stop for air, still sucking and licking my clit with undying hunger. His grip on my hips still remains strong, making me unable to pull away. 
My limbs are starting to become sore. Needing him to finish, I start sucking his cock faster, my salvia drenching him, making it easier for it to slide along my tongue. My moans turn to whines as my own orgasm is right on the edge. 
I feel him twitch in my mouth while his groans continue from below. "Fuck, I’m gonna cum." I choked out, stopping to take a deep breath. 
Johnny slides his hands along my thighs as his tongue stays strong, massaging my clit, while keeping a steady pace.
I take his throbbing length back into my mouth right before my orgasm hits. The force of it makes my legs turn to jelly while I moan incoherently around him. I try to move away, my clit becoming increasingly sensative, but his hands grip back to my hips, holding me captive while he moves his hot tongue in my cunt, licking up my juices as he thrusts himself deeper down my throat. Not letting me until he cums. 
I’m a whimpering mess; my thighs squeeze his face while I lick and sucking, getting him closer so my poor pussy can have a break. 
My efforts were deemed successful as his cock started to twitch and stiffen. With my last lick, he spills himself. He groans as his cock pulsates while I swallow his whole load. With revenge, I continue to suck him, knowing he's going sensitive. He hisses and quickly pulls me off.
“Naughty girl,” he chuckles, slapping my ass hard.
I yelp from the harsh slap and roll my body to the side, recovering from the intense orgasm. Johnny, too, lays still panting. I move up and lay my head on his chest. He throws an arm around me as we both relax into each other. 
Before I knew it, I'd fallen asleep on his chest. 
It's in the middle of the night that I wake up to long, thick fingers inside me, thrusting in and out slowly. 
“You awake, baby?” Johnny asks, now teasing my hard clit with his thumb. I moan out in response, gripping the bedsheets.
"Yeah, does that feel good?" His whispers, his face moving into the crook of my neck, his hardness pressing up against me.
"Ah-ah.” I try to say yes, but it’s morphed into moans.
“Fuck, your tight baby girl, gonna' feel so good when I put it in. He groans while I spread my legs further apart from his words. I'm going to cum soon with the way he’s going.
Instead, he pulls his fingers back, slides over on top, and plunges his hard cock inside me. He slips his wet fingers into his mouth, tasting myself, while his cock goes further deep inside. 
I groan out while he stretches me. A mixture of sleepiness and arousal makes me clench around him. Johnny, in turn, pulls out his fingers, replacing them with his tongue and pushing it into my accepting mouth as he starts a fast rhythm, pounding into me.
All noise is blocked out, except for my moans and the slapping sound of his cock fucking in and out of my sopping hole. 
“I'm going to keep you on my cock forever.” He groans into my ear, grabbing onto my swinging chest. Groping the fatty flesh.
I whimper at the thought of being his cock slave, as if I weren’t already. 
He sits up, holding my hips tightly in one hand, and as the other goes to rub my clit, I hold my tits, stopping their swinging from his hard thrusts.
“I'm going to be full of milk soon.” I moan out, teasing him, thrusting back against his cock. I felt his cock twitch as he groans, knowing he's imaging my tits spilling milk. The hand that was squeezing my hip goes to squish a boob, swatting my hand away and pinching the nipple.
I throw my head back in ecstasy and wrap my legs around Johnny’s waist, getting closer to my second orgasm of the night. 
“Ya' gonna' cum on my cock, sweetheart?” He teases, rubbing my clit achingly slow.
I whine as he also starts to stop his thrusting, keeping me on edge. Repeatedly pulling himself fully out of my cunt and slowly pushing back in. 
Not giving in to his teasing, Johnny takes his cock and starts jerking it, leaving me feeling empty and frustrated. 
“Use your words, darlin'.” He groans out, now stopping his rubbing on my clit, only focusing on getting himself off. 
“Please! Please, I want to cum.” I moan wantonly, fucking desperate for him to continue.
It’s not enough; he is still waiting. 
“please daddy.” I moan, testing out a new nickname.
It does the trick as he groans deeply, gliding his hardness back inside me and thrusting away.
Relief floods me when his cock goes back into my aching heat. I’m so close to finishing. 
“I-I-I’m cumming!” I cry out as my pussy squeezes him tightly. My orgasm sends Johnny over the edge as he cums just as quickly inside me.
“Fuck yeah, baby, cum on daddy’s cock.” He moans out, shoving himself deeper. 
I whimper from the overly sensative feeling of being filled and having two orgasms in a short amount of time. 
It’s been a few weeks, and my bump has become more visible. It seems each day I just keep getting bigger and bigger. It does help my confidence that Johnny just can’t seem to keep his hands off me since I’ve become pregnant. It’s like the animal inside of him has changed. Becoming more protective and sex-hungry.
I won’t lie. Being pregnant has been a nice change; I’m doing less labour. Sissy considers me too delicate, and she doesn't want to stress the baby. Drayton has even been forcing Nubbins to actually clean up the messes he makes; he didn’t listen until Sissy and Johnny got on his ass about it too. Three against one, it took him to actually listen. It’s mainly bone scraps he leaves around, always making new traps. He even showed me how he makes him; it was impressive, especially how well they worked on the animals nearby. He explains that it was Grandpa who taught him everything he knows, from killing, slicing, and cleaning his blade, "back when Grandpa was still in his killing form." He told me enthusiastically. 
It’s hard to picture Grandpa in his so-called 'killing form', even if it was years ago. He's just so old and motionless, but with the way he enjoys his blood, I can understand that he may have been more ruthless than anyone here. 
Having less work has made me bored, only spending time in the lounge. I’ve been trying to find my stuff to do. I have no more clothes to patch up or anything to make. And I’ve cleaned so much that there is barely anything else to clean. I need to find something to do before I go crazy.
Johnny has noticed me being a little slumped, so he decided to bring inside some dead rabbits and teach me how to skin them. How lovey. Though it did cure my boredom, even if it was gross, and he did a much better job than me, he made it look so effortless. It was like it was his thousandth time doing it. Unfortunately, it probably was. During my time here, I learned that Johnny is an efficient hunter. The skulls of the animals and other people he killed are used as decorations in the house. 
Those rabbits that we skinned went into a crockpot meal with mashed potatoe; Sissy made it with a bunch of herbs and veggies from her greenhouse. You can't get this type of fresh food in the city. Not including people. 
I decided to try and work on my baking skills, asking Drayton if he could bring back some condensed milk so I could try to make some caramel fudge. He agreed; we already have butter and sugar, so it wasn't too much of an ask, and let’s just say my caramel fudge was a hit. Everyone has a surprising sweet tooth. Maybe not too surprising, as the pantry was stocked with tubs of chocolate drink powder. 
So now during the day, to help my boredom, I've been baking treats and deserts, and it's nice that everyone likes my baking. Even Johnny, who seemed like someone who hates sugar, eats up the sweets much like everyone else. Sissy always gets excited to see what I've made for dessert. She tells me it's become her favourite part of the day. 
Time goes by, and so I get even bigger. Including my chest, I think it's doubled in size; it’s embarrassing how big I’m getting. It doesn’t help that Nubbins snickers around me, poking fun at the size of his chest; he called me a cow one day, and sweet Bubba, who would do anything for his family, smacked Nubbins really hard on the back, making the lanky man tumble embarrassingly forward on the ground. which I've believed humbled him, as I got no more teasing after that.
Some of the spare clothes I’ve had that were modest are now very form-fitting and showy, just because of my growing size. Thankfully, there are old male button-up shirts that I can use to give myself some dignity. 
I don't even know why I worry about my dignity when I let Johnny strip me naked and put me in compromising positions. Thanks to my growing breasts, Johnny couldn’t seem to hold himself back, and now we've been fucking everywhere, more than before.
One moment I’m relaxing outside in the middle of the day, the next I’m nude, riding his cock on the old, ripped-out car seats out back near his shed. I have to hold on to his shoulders tightly because he's making me go. Moving me up and down. He does it purposefully because he likes watching my tits bounce. 
Being pregnant has made everything more sensitive. So when he places his mouth over my nipple and pinches the other, I almost cum. At least fucking outside, I get to be loud. I just hope no one is watching. 
But as I get closer to cumming, the less I care if anyone can see. I’m enjoying myself. So I throw my head back, and I grind down on Johnny while I peak. Milking his cock through my orgasm, he squeezes my chest, holds me down tightly, and fills me up with his hot cum.
Just as my chest grows, so does my ass, so a day later I’m on all fours, holding the headboard for dear life, trying to keep my moans low as Johnny slams into me from behind. He smacks my ass as I thrust back onto him. He grips the fat hard. Making sure this time I finish from his cock alone. Just as I came, he pulls out and pumps himself until he shoots his load over my clit  and pussy, making a mess. He reasons that since I'm pregnant, he can decorate me with his cum. He's especially loves shooting his cum over my face and chest. It's nice that he makes sure I have an orgasm right before he does.
Yes, all my assets may be growing; but most importantly, my stomach is too, With the baby getting bigger, Johnny's softer side comes out.
So now he has a pillow under my hips while he slowly ruts his cock while softly sucking my nipple. He slides his hand over my body, feeling all the curves. He slides his hands down and up my leg till he brings it over to my clit, rubbing it in delicate circles. I groan; going slow is new, but fuck, it still feels good to get pampered like this. 
“We’re not fucking like this all the time, are we?” I'm still addicted to the hard and fast fucking Johnny is known for. 
"Nah, Darlin, I just like the way you glow tonight and want it slow.” He says this while ironically speeding up, causing me to whimper.
As my orgasm gets closer, I hold his face in my hands and stare into his handsome eyes. “I love you, Johnny.” I pant out as I cum around him.
“I love you too, doll,” he responds, filling me up with his cum and kissing me hard.
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kinda-indecisive · 28 days
I just don't understand why people who already hated the original story of Hades and Persephone even bothered reading a retelling of it in the first place...
Of course there is an age gap...
Of course the main characters are bougie, rich, and disconnected from the problems of piddly little mortals...
Of course Hades is a dry, grumpy, depressed, jerk before meeting Persephone...
Of course Persephone has anger issues and of course Hades is going to let her do as she damn well pleases in the realm he made her the queen of...
All of the gods in the original myths were flawed and, ironically, extremely human. To insist the characters in the retelling be anything otherwise is bizarre.
And yeah, some of the other Deities got screwed over in this one. But was there not supposed to be any antagonists?? And for me, in a society that tends to turn Zeus into the Christian idea of God (but with a lightning bolt!) and Hades into the Christian idea of the Devil, I was happy to see different Deities in a different light.
Lore Olympus was originally intended to be a Super Soapy Soap Opera, and that was perfectly okay. The Gods are perfect fodder for that kind of story. And I still think Rachel was goaded into turning it into a think piece. And then when the think piece wasn't as deep as people wanted, they turned into an angry hoard on tumblr, reddit, etc., completely swarming the story's tags with negativity (there is a difference between genuine criticism and simply being nitpicky).
I genuinely beg y'all to create your own retelling. Or write a fanfic that fixes everything you don't like! One, because it's not as easy as you think to write and draw a story on a deadline all while keeping everyone happy. And two because, hey, I'm excited for any content about the Greek Gods! If you think you can do better, give it a shot! And if it's good, I'll happily admit it. I might even become your number-one fan lol
I dunno. I'm just extremely sad that I couldn't even fully enjoy the ending of a series that really meant a lot to me because I knew before it even came that people were going to tear it to pieces...
And I don't want to block the "lore olympus criticism" tags because I'm not anti-criticism and some people have genuine points; there is a list of things I wish were included in the story and there are things that I didn't particularly love.
But dang... some of y'all are vicious. It kinda feels like y'all enjoy making fans of the series feel like idiots...
A bunch of Anton Ego's from Ratatouille lol
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jokeson-u · 1 year
ok so we know shauna is the fastest, lottie has the best footwork, and tai is likely the best all around player. i wanna expand a little on that and what i think the other varsity members are good at.
so first off. jackie. shes the best playmaker. her dad was the local kids soccer coach when she was little and it was her major bonding point with him. she actually enjoyed playing soccer, and watching it with her dad. theyd make plays together and as she got older it kinda stopped but its still a sentimental thing for her.
shauna was always a fast runner, but she preferred track to soccer. jackie really wanted shauna to join from a young age, and shauna didn't like it but she did like spending time w jackie, and she was able to work off some of her frustration on the field when running. she enjoys going on morning jogs sometimes still, and tai occasionally joins her.
lottie was kinda similar to jackie in terms of playing from a young age. her parents and therapist found it important that lottie be involved in social activities. she didnt really care about it, but when she realized she actually had skill she started to enjoy it. it was an easy way to make friends so her parents and therapist dont worry, and as she gets older, its an excuse not to be sitting at home all alone. lottie is a very dedicated person when she cares about something, so her effort in soccer resulted in her above average footwork on the field.
taissa did softball, swim, and briefly basketball as a kid. she wasnt super into it but she was pretty good. like lottie, taissa is a dedicated person, but unlike her, tai puts her 110% into everything, even if she doesnt care about it all that much. she wants to be the best at everything she does. during a soccer unit in middle school gym, she realizes soccer is everything she likes in a sport- especially because its the best shes ever played.
van is goalie obviously, and has the best reflexes. she doesnt do a ton of on field drills bc of her position but she does a lot of training w coach ben while the team does their drills. shes improved drastically at her goalie skills with all the one on one during practice. plus, tai sometimes ropes her into practicing when she goes over to her place, and tai does not go easy on her lol.
natalie is the best scorer. she doesnt actually play organized soccer until high school, but she used to practice juggling a ball in front of her trailer growing up. she got really good at it which is why she figured she'd join the team in high school as something to get her away from her parents. because of her physical comfort with the ball, she was naturally good at taking controlled shots.
laura lee is the best passer and executer. she listens intently to the plays given and is the backbone of getting the ball across the field. but shes also shes really good at sort of sitting back and observing the other teams strengths and weaknesses, and applying that to each play and setting up opportunities for her own team.
mari is a really fucking good defender. she grew up with a lot of brothers, most of which played football, so shes really aggressive and rough by nature when she needs to be.
idk who I'm forgetting and i dont care enough about allie to include her lol
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iamfujoshiwe · 2 months
VegasPete Rambling
I usually only read Japanese Manga. I even filtered my search to strictly show only Japanese Manga. And out of nowhere I have this urge to try watching Live Action BL Drama I filtered them to Japanese too. But to be honest I'm not fond of Japanese BL Drama. Well maybe my taste is just different from others (I only watched a few of them so who knows). Sometimes the acting is weird. I guess a good comedy/gag in manga is just not translated well enough in live action.
Aaannndd in the middle of searching BL Drama I discovered the fckn "KINNPORSCHE THE SERIES". I saw them a few times on tumblr. Some gifs. Some fangirling posts. I was sceptic about Thai BL. I didn't even know Thai BL exist until now. But I decided to give it a try anyway. And boy do I fell hard. HARD!!! It altered the chemistry in my brain!! KPTS had aired two years ago and I just found it now???? Have I live in the cave all my life????
From ep 1 I immediately fell in love. The acting, the character's chemistry, and everything is so amazing. I didn't sense any awkward acting/dialogue I usually saw in Japanese BL Drama (No offense really, it was just me). I literally stopped reading all my followed BL/Non BL Manga and and even stopped reading the new ones too.
All the time my mind just screaming "WHAT A FINE MAN" everytime Porsche appeared. But for real Apo is soooooo good looking.
And when Kinn appeared I just got distracted by his chest. Sir, buttons exist for a reason you know. What grudge do you have with them? (Not that I mind of course). Mile is born to play Kinn.
Then I met VegasPete couple. Let me tell you, when I have obsesssion I really do obsess them to oblivion. Having tunnel vision about them. VegasPete takes the cake.
At first I have this thought: Every actor in KPTS is so good looking so why this vegas character is… not as good looking as them? (Yeah I want to kill my past self for that).
I have this funny feeling about thai actor's voice. Maybe because Thai language is a foreign language to me. I don't hear them often, as opposed to english and japanese (and my main language of course). That's one of the reason why I filtered my search to just Japanese BL Drama. But Vegas' voice OMG. I adore his voice so much. And Bible speaking english is just * CHEF'S KISS * I melted everytime I listen to his voice. BIBLE SPEAKING ENGLISH IS A GIFT TO HUMANITY!! AND THAT HUMANITY IS ME!!!
When VegasPete plot took off, my focus immediately shift to them (I am sorry Kinn and Porsche). I can't count how many times I rewatched their scenes.
I definitely have to include Pete's cry in Yok's bar (when he met vegas after he had ran away from safehouse) and swimming pool (after Vegas got shot). Such a raw emotion. 100 point for Build! I come to love him because his crying voice lol.
Vegas and Pete easily become my favorites. So naturally I have to search for their actor right? And thus began my search for Bible and Build…..
Build's scandal on his old socmed post? His scandal with Poi? I don't really mind. But Build talking bad about Bible? Yeah my heart couldn't take it. It's in pieces (In a way I'm glad because when all the chaos took place I haven't entered the fandom yet so I never encounter their fan's toxicity). But I respect their decision to go their own way. I know it's not healthy for them to continue working together. So yeah I am sad but their mental health is more important.
Soooooo now I'm still deep in VegasPete swamp (with occasional breaking down when I remember BibleBuild). I choose to sink in VegasPete fanfictions on ao3. And woah there are soooo many amazing author there. Their fics are spectacular! I can't thank them enough for doing God's work creating those holy VegasPete fics.
Oh and anyway I read VegasPete novel too. But I don't like it…. their character are too different from the show. Honestly fanfictions are waaay better…. KinnPorsche novel too. One chapter and I was like nope, I couldn't bring myself to read further. End of story.
And that's why as of now I still can't read manga or watch any other BL Drama. Damn VegasPete! (Affectionate). My waiting list are Not Me The Series and Last Twilight. I hope I'll collect enough braincell soon so I can start watching them. There are so many BL and Non BL manga I haven't continue reading.
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cordeliawhohung · 6 months
Do you got any SFW or NSFW Headcannons for your Knight!Price Sir John im in love with that one shot and i definitely need more!! ♥️3♥️
Millie is talking about my Knight! John Price x Princess!Reader one shot "As You Wish" for any of you who are interested <3 i've been dreaming about eventually turning this one shot into a proper fic once i have more time. just too many ideas and not enough time ): spoilers and whatnot under the cut!
Sir John Price is only a knight because he comes from a long dynasty of them. His father was one, and his father before him, and so on. It's a good paying job, and one he doesn't mind doing, but if he hadn't been trained to fight from birth, he would have chosen a different profession. However, he is the first in his family to receive such an honor as being the king's personal guard.
He's a natural scholar, as seen in the story. He reads up on all the old stories of the gods, ones that are seldom worshiped anymore. It's why he was able to point out the constellations to the princess and entertained her with stories while they were snowed into that old cabin.
He's a better hunter than most knights are because he always thought it was unfair that food would be given to him simply because of his profession. He made sure he studied well with the bow to be able to provide for himself and not expect people to provide for him simply because he was someone to be feared.
Though he studied the gods, he's not a religious man. Never really was. Only read about them because the old folk tales were a good way to pass the time.
He isn't married in the story, but he's not a virgin. He'd never pay for sex, and would always stray away from prostitutes, but sometimes during campaigns he would be approached by women. Never would seek sex first, though, and certainly not because he didn't want it. He's very aware of the fear his status brings, and he likes to know that a woman is agreeing to fuck him because she wants to and not because she's scared to say no to him.
Because of this, the man is TOUCH STARVED. He was secretly eating up every moment him and the princess had to cuddle up to stay warm in the story. And when she was naked after she fell into the stream? Of course he is a chivalrous man, but he certainly enjoyed it more than he should have lmao.
On that note, he is a very giving lover. Not submissive, as we've seen him be more than stern with the princess he answered to in the story, but just willing to do whatever it takes to please.
He really likes missionary in this universe lol. Just likes seeing the look on his lovers face while he's fucking them because he refuses to rely on sound alone to ensure that they're actually enjoying it.
I like to imagine he sketches. He cannot draw people for the life of him, but scenery and objects are his forte. If I do end up turning this into a proper fic, I'd like to include more of this into the story.
As a child, his favorite animal used to be the fox because he liked the scarlet red color of their coats. Until he saw an old farmer sobbing over the loss of his chickens due to their untamed hunger. He grew to favor the wood warbler instead.
He knows a few songs but is a terrible singer. Only recites them after he's had plenty of mead.
His favorite color is red. There's no reason behind this, I just think Knight!Price would look hot as fuck in plain brown pants and a dark red shirt lmfao.
He's also a bit younger in this universe than in canon due to people not really living all that long in these types of settings. I think in canon he's around 37, but I'd place him closer to 32 in this universe. Not much of a difference, but with him being a knight and all he probably wouldn't live to the age of 40.
Not even in this universe can John Price escape the breeding kink, because he certainly has one! However, he refuses to have children and subjugate them to the same, harsh fate and training he had to endure as a child simply due to their lineage. (if only a certain princess would come along and save him from that fate... tragic.)
anyway, i think that's about all my brain can crank out right now. i love this stupid little universe. i still can't believe i created so many gods for them to worship lmfao. i did way too much world building for my own good, but given the chance i would utilize a lot of it in a proper story (: thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to gush about this!!! i'm honestly really surprised a lot of people enjoyed that story la;kdj
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longing-for-rain · 2 months
Yeah I agree with the other anon that Mai was written poorly. Her character actions also seem to contradict each other because she joins Azula out of boredom and is never shown to fear her which is why she disobeys Azula's orders in contrast to Ty Lee who is shown to fear Azula. But then Mai says she loves Zuko more than she fears Azula...but we never see her fear Azula in the first place? She also didn't care about her Tom-Tom in the cartoon but cared about him in the comics, and Gene Yang just said she had "off-screen character development" lol. Mai is amusing but all her character motivations just seem to revolve around dating some guy who doesn't even seem to care about her.
Ty Lee is more consistent overall but her joining the Kyoshi Warriors makes no sense for her character in my opinion since she didn't want to be part of a "matched set" and I didn't like how she was excluded from being at Iroh's tea house with the Gaang while Mai was there since Ty Lee would have become good friends with Suki by then. Why include Mai but not have Ty Lee there? It's weird.
Honestly I think Mai and Suki’s characters suffered for the exact same reason. They were side characters who were made into love interests, and therefore became “the girlfriend” instead of getting any kind of individual development. I’m sorry, but both of these characters felt so inconsistent in Book 3, and the comics…don’t even get me started.
I’m glad you mentioned Tom-Tom though because I actually really liked the animosity Mai seemed to have for him (or rather what he represents) because it adds so much depth. Because I know it’s mean or whatever, but consider how it feels to be 15 and emotionally repressed and watch the same people who told you to be still and silent gush over some stinky toddler. Not to mention the timing—he would have been born very shortly after Zuko’s banishment, almost like Mai’s parents went “well there goes our shot at marrying our daughter into the royal family, time for plan B.” I have so many thoughts about this but I’ll cut it short here.
I know that’s all just speculation but come on that would have been so much more interesting to explore than “oh yah Mai likes him now :)))” like the comics did.
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paz-45 · 4 months
EE Lyrics Study: teeth/bones/nails
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Hello! This is my first "lyric study" for the band Everything Everything and the topic is: BONES/TEETH/NAILS.
Basically, when listening to their music, I kept noticing words related to this topic and I was curious if the topic actually existed across their discography. I marked every lyric that included key words:
bone, skull, teeth, vertebrae, fossil, etc.
I did a little research to see the cultural significance or any other meaning/symbolism of these words. I didn't want to dive too much into the actual meaning of the lyrics*** or the greater context of the song, but instead looked at the overall patterns of the key words.
I notice that in EE's lyrics, bones/teeth are mostly used to evoke images of graphic things being done to a body or to liken humans to other animals/creatures. There's mentions of bones both inside a living human and in someone/something that's dead.
Personally, I interpret these uses as a more shocking or uncomfortable way to refer to those parts of the body (e.g. teeth instead of smile, clavicle instead of collar, skull instead of head), which is pretty on-brand for EE's provocative lyrics/themes.
And half the street was under my nails -MY KZ, UR BF
Cos even now, there's a bone snapping -Leave the Engine Room
My teeth dazzle like an igloo wall, I inhabit, I inhibit ya'll -Photoshop Handsome
But right above my clavicle, the world becomes so laughably old -Wizard Talk
Teeth and nails your little anatomy -Luddites and Lambs
Past-tense -- what's a trilobite to anyone? -Kemosabe (marked because it only exists in fossil form)
Coiled heart, eye-tooth, feral child -Torso of the Week
And cloudy with potential, muscle mass and vertebrae begin... -Choice Mountain
While Princes fly drones that can see through your bones - Undrowned
The street is a boneyard she glances -Armourland
And now who's the fossil who gets the girl? -The House is Dust
Bic your head and show your teeth to them honey -Don't Try
And sweat runs up his neck and spine -Awe/Arc
You take the poleaxe out of your spine, push your shoulder back in its place -A.D.
Canine, fangs up out my throat -Distant Past
Teeth on a wire -Get to Heaven
Swing the hammer, the fragments, a skull exploding -Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread
Bone, to the blade -The Wheel is Turning Now
Bones in a bowl like a toad-in-the-hole, take the shape out of the mould -No Reptiles
And your spine is a glass spire -President Heartbeat
I can feel my bones screaming out -Yuppie Supper
Yet the concrete burns at the back of your skull -Night of the Long Knives
I'm just a knuckle dragger with a knuckle dragger grin -Desire
If my bones just fall away -Good Shot, Good Soldier
Skeleton boy with the skeleton girl souvenir -Big Climb
As fresh as my bouncing bones -Arch Enemy
The bones snap into place -Black Hyena
Stretching my lips over my teeth -SUPERNORMAL
I want the teeth of the enchanter - I Want A Love Like This
Drinking from a hollow skull -Cut UP!
But the seed inside your skull is now a watermelon -HEX
You can sing you can play my ribcage like piano -My Computer
***I feel like we'll never know exactly what Jonathan means when he writes (lol seems like he doesn't know sometimes either) so I didn't want to get caught up in guessing what he meant. I find it tiring to try to figure out 'why did he say that?' and instead just enjoy and find my own meaning :)
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hersweetrevenge · 4 months
Hi there! <3 I re-watched Halloween Ends yesterday because I was upset and I needed Corey to save me, lmfao, and I wanted to ask you something that I've been wondering about. So, I have no way of getting the novelisation of the movie anytime soon, and you're kinda my only frame of reference for it; so I hope you don't mind me asking you this. When Corey is on his revenge killing spree, he kills those bullies at the mechanic shop. And Ronald is there. And then Ronald comes out to help the kids because of Terry. And only because of that. So, that makes me wonder... Did Corey plan on killing Ronald after he was done with the kids? Is that something that was elaborated on in the novel? Because I keep wondering about that, since Corey pretty much killed everyone that ever wronged him during that night, and Ronald was right there; but Corey didn't kill him (or didn't get the chance to, at least). Terry shot him by accident. But Corey killed his mom, of course. So, it'd make sense if he had at least planned on going after Ronald as well; even though he never actively wronged Corey (only passively, if we look at the way he just sat and watched while Joan abused Corey right in front of him, for example). But more so for completion's sake, y'know? They were on generally good terms, after all. I mean, in your latest post about the novel, you quoted that Ronald is "the loveliest thing" in Corey's life, according to Rohan. So, that makes me wonder all the more. OH, and... I fought with myself to include this point, but anyway- Corey takes the mask off when Ronald comes to help the kids, so that Ronald can see his face and know it's him. And it clearly disarms Ronald immediately and is the reason why Terry accidentally shot him instead of Corey, because he shielded him instinctively. Thus, I keep wondering if Corey meant for that to happen or if he took the mask off in order to assure Ronald that he wasn't actually in danger... It's such a seemingly insignificant thing that I'm thinking about far too much, but it's been bothering me that I don't know, and I was curious if the novel said anything about that at all, or if they just brushed over it there, as well. If they did, I'll just make up my own mind, of course, hdsfdjkfsk Anyway, I'm very sorry for rambling on about this, gosh! I love your blog(s) and everything you have to say about Corey and Rohan, you're awesome!!! Thank you for your detailed posts all the time, they keep me going! Take care! <3
ahhh hi !! thank you so much for sending this ask !! i love talking about this sort of thing more than anything lol and i’m sorry this took a little longer than i expected to reply, i was double checking like every ronald scene in the novel and cross-referencing that with behind-the-scenes details from making of, and re-watching the movie (i didn’t have to do that last one but like you, i needed emotional support from corey too 💗)
WARNING for discussions about (canon-typical) violence, murder, child abuse, abusive households, mentions of suicide and self-harm, and spoilers for the novelisation.
TL;DR – the novelisation does not elaborate on corey's intentions in any huge amount of detail, but it does provide some insight into a few different possibilities for ronald and corey’s relationship and what that would mean for corey's intentions.
general relationship
the novelisation actually gives some really specific details about the cunningham-prevo backstory, but also leaves a lot of aspects vague too.
joan married ronald when corey was 15, and she made it clear to ronald that he would "remain firmly on the sidelines when it came to corey's upbringing" which ronald "gladly" agreed to. so from the very beginning, ronald accepts he isn't going to be an active parent to corey, which maybe means he didn't believe he would do a good job anyway, or maybe he agreed it wasn't his place to parent corey in the same way joan does.
also, corey was already a teenager, he didn't need parenting in the same way a younger child would, which is partly why i think joan waited until corey was older to get remarried, because although being a single parent is difficult, she wouldn't want someone else in the picture as a father-figure for corey.
i don't personally see corey and ronald having a super close relationship, but there are multiple instances that show they are at least comfortable and familiar with each other (in line with what rohan said).
corey had a job before working for ronald, so we know ronald didn't have to give him a job. i hc that corey really wanted to do something stimulating instead of call centre work, and ronald agreed despite joan's grievances over it.
ronald doesn't seem too angry at him for being late, even though it is a regular occurrence (third time in a month).would he be so lenient on anyone who wasn't his stepson?
the gifting of the motorbike is a huge moment of course. that's a big gesture which, in the novelisation, also comes with some stilted bonding when ronald reminiscences that he used to "get laid [...], if you can believe it".
they have their united front moment over dinner when joan is trying to work a reaction out of them and neither gives her what she wants.
a smaller but still significant gesture is that corey uses dumbbells and a pull-up bar in his room to workout, which ronald bought him for christmas. very much feels like an attempt to help corey rebuild his self-confidence.
honestly though, rohan's comment about ronald being the "loveliest" thing in corey's life is probably right, especially as corey's life has been incredibly insular. as the town pariah with an abusive mom, his stepdad being cool about him being late for work is probably one of the best parts of his day.
but then on the other hand, there are moments which do not characterise their relationship very well, including multiple instances of ronald "ignoring" joan's abusive behaviour and not intervening.
to reiterate a previous point: ronald very willingly obliges joan's wishes of not "interfering" with corey's upbringing. her unfounded criticism and distrust of doctors, the school system and anyone other than her taking care of corey should have been a huge red flag (if, of course, any of that behaviour could have been inferred prior to their marriage).
ronald's passivity at being side-lined by his wife, allowing her to continue an unhealthy and unbounded relationship with corey.
when joan is berating corey for "sneaking around" and seeing allyson (the slap/kiss scene), she questions ronald as to whether he knew about the motorcycle, to which ronald stays completely out of it and doesn't answer her, despite her being furious with corey.
however it is a really difficult family dynamic to navigate, with so much nuance. i'm reluctant to say if ronald is a "good" or "bad" stepdad, or whether their father-son relationship is "good" or "bad", simply because their circumstances are so trying and complex. yes, joan has abused corey for a long time, but that abuse also extends to ronald in many ways too, resulting in him allowing (or enabling) joan's abusive behaviour in a flawed attempt to maintain the (toxic) status quo of the household.
did corey intend to kill ronald?
like i mentioned, there isn't any elaboration about corey's intentions in the novel, either through narration or extra dialogue. the scene happens almost exactly as it does in the film, with a few alterations and added background details. it's the surrounding details and plot differences that change my opinion.
i think movie!corey would have killed ronald if he had to. he knew ronald would be at home or at the yard, both of which were places he intended to go (to kill momma and the bullies). i'm not sure he had the same desire to kill ronald as he does the others, especially if he sees ronald in a good light, but to tie up loose ends he might do what is "necessary". i do find it very interesting that he lets ronald see his face though, and i can't decide if that is as a reassurance (he wouldn't kill ronald and ronald should know that) or because it just didn't matter (he's going to kill ronald so even if he sees corey's face, he won't be a liability to worry about).
however, i don't think novel!corey intended to kill ronald. in the novel, despite all of the extensive set-up of joan being abusive and corey's repressed desires to hurt her (and arguably ronald), there's no suggestion that corey planned to go back home as part of his spree and kill joan. if he wasn't going to kill joan after everything she did, i really don't think he'd have plans to kill ronald.
that's not to say there aren't implication in the novel that corey would hurt ronald too. there's a scene after the slap/kiss where corey can hear joan and ronald arguing about him, and once they've gone to bed corey gets a knife and stands outside their room, but ultimately doesn't go in. it isn't specified whether he wants to hurts just joan, or ronald as well.
michael's mask
ahh so when i was re-reading the scrapyard massacre in the novel to try and answer whether corey letting ronald see that it is him was a way of corey saying "you don't have to be scared of me" or even "you should be scared of me", i've come to a different conclusion about the mask.
“Who did this to you?” [Ronald] asked. “Him,” Margo said, pointing across the street. Ronald turned to find Corey twenty feet away on the other side of the fence, pulling Michael’s mask over his head. "Corey?" he muttered in disbelief.
the way the novel reads, i think that when corey puts the mask on in front of ronald, it's the first time he puts the mask on at all. if that is the case, it adds a whole other level to the transition between corey's kills as himself (or as the scarecrow) and his kills "as michael".
earlier, billy's sees "corey's shape wearing his prevo jumpsuit". it's fair enough that billy would assume it's corey without seeing his face, because they know that corey is there, but there's no mention of the mask either.
then, the way it describes ronald seeing corey put on the mask doesn't really indicate that corey was making sure ronald saw it was him. he's already "pulling on the mask" by the time ronald looks over at him; he wasn't waiting for ronald to look he was already doing it.
alternatively, the movie shows corey very deliberately stood there, waiting for ronald to see him and recognise him before he puts the mask on. i'm leaning towards it not being a gesture of reassurance but more of a last show of humanity to someone corey cares about -- "it's me, and i appreciate that you always treated me well, but this is the monster they've made me into".
in both versions, ronald jumps up to stop terry shooting corey. whether he was intending to shield corey or was just getting up to try and talk terry down, i think it says a lot about ronald as a character. he has been very passive this whole time, especially in scenes that take place at home, but in this moment he takes an authorative position to try and diffuse the situation. there's a scared kid with a gun, and his own stepson who he's starting to think might have done something awful, but this doesn't have to continue -- they can talk about it and calm down and whatever it is that has happened can be worked out.
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
Not really ready to move on from Vol. 10 yet, but here we go anyway.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 11, Chapters 1-2 below.
Volume 11 Covers
I see Nightow decided not to give spoilers for Vash's hair here.
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That rabbit looks less than happy... but I think Vash deserves to hug a bunny right now.
Looks like we're gonna get some Milly and Meryl again in this volume! Hooray!
Also Legato. Maybe someday he'll evolve from a bagworm into a bagworm butterfly??
And Zazie, whom we haven't seen since like Dragon's Nest.
And... shall we say, a new blond lady friend??
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You know, I never actually read the text on the back cover. It's an old habit after having the blurb on the back of a book give me major spoilers once.
I'm pretty sure no one really knows what's going on with the fake back cover here, including Nightow. I hope everyone's enjoying their duck lips.
Slap-Stick Days? Are those really a thing this manga can have at this point? Or is this just another setup so we can end the chapter on "Slap-Stick Days/End"?
Chapter 1: Zero Hour
Awww. His darkened hair makes me sad.
Whyyyyy do I have to start this out looking at Chapel's stupid mug again??
Ah, Legato... has looked better.
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"Chapel and the old man are both dead." As in... Wolfwood Chapel and Old Man Chapel??
Ohhhh, geez. I didn't realize just how separately they treated Livio and Razlo. But I guess he really is both Double Fang and Trip of Death.
"Falling out like teeth." Man, they never stood a chance. They've been decimated for a while now.
Wait, when did Legato get shot in the spine? I thought... ohhhh, Wolfwood. Nevermind, I was thinking this was, like, part of his everyday treatment when he's not in his little metal cocoon. Then again, I don't know how he'd have received any treatment like this over the seven months he was holding down Vash. Hells, I don't know how he went to the bathroom during the seven months he was holding down Vash.
Oooh, I was wondering if this element would come up. Zazie looks pretty pleased with their chosen path.
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Knives, you crazy abomination, what are you doing now??
It's a good thing Livio knows how to drive given Vash's history behind the wheel.
Is that a Bentley?? How did they get a Bentley??? How in the hell would that be practical on a sand world??? (I assume it came from the same place as the Prada bag Meryl wants to get.)
Ugh. Vash does not want to answer Brad's questions. This is the face of a man who's tired of thinking about it. He's been thinking about it waaaaaay too much, and he was just kind of hoping for a minute's distraction from his brain thoughts. But he knows he has to explain, even if he doesn't want to.
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Livio has so many cute little expressions in these pages. They give me life.
I get where Brad's distrust comes from, but Vash doesn't have the heart to deal with it right now. He's doing his best, but he's so tired. Emotionally, I mean.
I love how Vash takes Brad's objection and immediately counters with a real-life example.
Oh, I love the firmness bordering on anger here. Like Livio suggesting Vash is being too trusting with him specifically is an insult to Wolfwood's memory. Gods, babygirl is sooooo angry and hurt by all this right now.
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LOL, Brad's anchor tattoo. I know this is kind of a joke panel, so now I'm wondering if he actually has one.
Livio apologizing. I think he really would bleed more as penance for Wolfwood, if he could. Like, he'd accept more grievous injury than Brad can do to him and wouldn't seek retaliation because if it's not fair, it's not fair in his favor and not in theirs. They have a right to seek retribution. To a point, though. He doesn't seem suicidal.
Oh, an ion cannon, eh? I'm sure this will go well for them and not get decimated by Knives from 100 meters or something.
Ohhhh noooooo. They're gonna Last Run a bunch of plants to power this thing.
That's sooooo many plants.
Yeah, as if Knives wasn't pissed enough.
Huh. I honestly didn't expect the Plants' will to come into play here.
I love how insect-y the plants look on this spread.
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I mean, they've had over a century to rebel, and it seems like they've only done anything similar in isolated incidents. They seem to genuinely want to help humans. But this particular instance is rather unique. At the very least, they don't seem positively inclined toward Knives.
Ooh, space friends. I'm sure that will go smoothly.
Chapter 2: Slap-Stick Days
Oof, they're down to one major city. That's bad.
This old guy with the guitar. I do like how music is inextricable from the Trigun story.
Luida coming out to talk with the authorities elsewhere really is a Big Thing.
Eyyyy, it's the return of long-haired Meryl!
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Still just as cheeky, I see.
Milly is so cute with her hair like that.
"It's descending into a complete state of lawlessness." Hate to break it to ya, but this planet has hardly been a bastion of law and order. Sure, it might be better than just after the Great Fall, but still.
I swear, if this is more Nebraskas...
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"Oh no! It's the feds!" This line is so cliche. It's beautiful.
It is Vash! One air-dropped Vash, to the rescue! Meryl and Milly look like they're about to die of pure shock.
That's ok. Vash is gonna die of pure shock at seeing them, too.
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When I turn the page, will they be punching him, hugging him, or screaming at him (affectionately)? Some combination of the above?
Welp, a full melt-down with tears of relief wasn't on my list....
(Loving the girls' new outfits, btw. Very practical.)
Hang on, I just need to drink in this page for a bit.
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Ok, I'm good. Moving on.
Hahahaha, good job, radio nerd.
This is gonna give a LOT of weight to Luida's claims with the other authorities. I wonder what Knives will make of it.
Ah, there he is. Heeeeyyyy, Kniiiiiives. Buddy.... You... you don't look like yourself so much anymore.... You doing ok? Need a break, maybe? A glass of water? Tea? Hard liquor?
Yeah, pretty sure the ark isn't actually space-worthy anymore. I hope he's providing some atmosphere for his atmosphere-breathing peons.
IDK, man. You might have great plans, but you have NO idea what these people are capable of. They just dropped out of some sort of hyperspace. They're clearly working on the kind of technology humanity would have if they hadn't crash-landed violently on a resource-less planet and been forced to scavenge everything they could get their hands on just to survive. All I'm saying is maybe don't count your chicks before they've hatched, Knives-kun.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel)
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moonbiscuitsims · 7 months
Cyberpunk AU Konan and Pain (Sims 4). Included some gameplay mod links. ❤❤❤
Download Akatsuki Cyberpunk jacket
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This cuddle in bed mod in Sims 2 style is by Mizoreyukii and Thepancake1
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Using the new pizza oven from the Home Chef Stuff
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I use Basemental mod and also this mod cruelty free meat always (Eco life)
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I loved that for the party they actually went to the part of the build I wanted them to go instead of all being in random places in the house &lt;3 I use this mod by Weerbesu to have bigger parties.
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Edit: realising now this might not be No-Tell Motel but Lizzie's Bar, oops lol still check out hamsterbellbelles channel and tumblr! it's so good
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When you're trying to be edgy gangster criminal but you have a cute little frog baby. Akatsuki rug is by @hydrangeachainsaw
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Konan is like "mm kombucha!" and Pain is like "nooooo how dare you" 
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This is their cute adopted doggy called Aiko. The sky is all yellow because I use Basemental Eco Hacks to make my whole Cyberpunk save industrial climate.
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This is the Give Candy mod by Zulf
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This custom food is by ONI
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Been a while since I uploaded story shots, and I loved playing this household so much, even more than in my original Naruto themed save where I wasn't happy with the build. I love the Cyberpunk AU version of them! And my build (Evergreen Harbour) So I haven't played Growing Together a lot, I found that Roxanne (their baby) just cries the whole time no matter what even if nothing is wrong, especially when sleeping which was a bit annoying. But once she is a toddler she is ok. So the story is that Konan and Pain (not Nagato or Yahiko, in my AU version) are like living in a abandoned factory building. Pain likes to (or had to) do illegal stuff like selling substances but he does it so that Konan can live doing her passions. She loves to do handcrafts including flower arranging (there was no origami so I chose to make her arrange white flowers), juice brewing, canning (Icemunmun's mod is soo cool) candle making etc. It is very profitable and sells at the market, but they wouldn't have got this far if Pain didn't do what he does. He wants to expand without getting into dangerous territory in Night City with all the gangs and crime out there so keeps it low scale, but is thinking of forming a gang called Akatsuki ;) (the question is should I make some other members lol, I would love to make a cyberpunk Itachi &lt;;3)
The reason there is so much Froggy stuff is because of this:
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
Holi Dani honey. Today i have a very very long long question
How do you feel about Etta? I don't think I've ever read that you mention her, and in your fics I don't think she ever appears. Camille (iconic), Imasu (damn bastard) always appear and I think you mentioned Woosley once. But never Etta.
The story of Magnus and Etta hurt me a lot. It's my Roman empire lol so much love and it still couldn't work. That is hard. Magnus has had two great loves, I think Cassie herself said it, and they are Alec and Etta. And of course, he has loved other people because Magnus does nothing but with all his heart, but Etta is the closest to the kind of love he has with Alec. And it still didn't work because of something Magnus can't control: not being able to have children. And then Etta got Alzheimer's and everything was even worse.
It's easy to talk about Camille, Imasu, or Woosley because it's easy to hate them and identify their mistakes and how they hurt Magnus intentionally or by being cruel in the name of being honest. Etta is not like that, it is something more complicated and painful, more intimate, deeper. It's incredible how there can be so much love and so much pain intertwined.
I understand that it is difficult to write about her, because it is difficult to write badly about her and usually when people read Malec fanfics they want to read fanfics about their favorite couple, not read one of them in love with someone else. But that's why I wanted to know what you thought of her, what she made you feel or if you perceived her in a different way than mine.
I know TLND Alec would have taken Etta's existence very hard, he wasn't in a good place. But in another AU, do you think he would have gotten to know her? Do you think he would have always felt insecure knowing that Magnus loves someone else almost as much as Alec, even when he was the one he chose to marry and have children with?
I loved this analysis! Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I loved it very much.
I like Camilla as a character (not as a partner of Magnus), but out of all of Magnus' exes, Etta is my favourite too.
This whole little analysis reminded me of a quote from one of my future fics: "Sometimes the way someone breaks your heart says more about them the way they love you."
Not only did Magnus and Etta have a beautiful love, but they also parted so beautifully. It was pure and good. Not exactly the right person wrong time, but the right person too much/not enough time.
There are many things that I like about her. I like that she was mundane. I like that she liked the arts (just like Magnus). She liked Magnus for who he was and she was very transparent about what she wanted in that relationship and what she didn't. In essence, it was such an honest relationship. No games. Not from either side.
Etta actually does appear in TLND! She's in a chapter called "To Be Loved By Magnus Bane" (i think! it's in timeline 2). I've also alluded to her in a couple of fics, I think. Although I'm not very sure about that.
I wish more writers (including myself tbh) would explore other relationships of Magnus - either in a fic with alec or even as a standalone one shot or something. Because there is so much to explore and dive into.
You are SO right in that some fans/readers turn it into a competition. Magnus loves Alec more and Magnus never did that/this with this ex, but he did it with Alec. I think you can write about Alec being the love of Magnus' life, and still write about all the other great loves he had. It doesn't, in any way, diminish the love Magnus has for Alec.
As for your question - in a mundane au it really depends on the context. I think a younger alec definitely would've been insecure. But I'd like to think, Alec in general, would've been grateful for Etta for loving Magnus the way she did and for bringing light into his life (That's the Alec I know!)
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