#loke nyberg
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demi-raven · 2 years ago
if you get this, answer with your top 5 music artists and send it to the last 7 people in your notifications ❤️
Ooo fun! I always have such trouble picking my fave music, but here's five who are super important to me.
Green Day
The Beatles
Loke Nyberg
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moonyasnow · 2 months ago
I'm about to absolutely torture you all with the angstiest angst you have ever read
Enjoy :)
(I fully expect to be put on trial for breaking laws against psychological cruelty inflicted on others. I do not expect to be forgiven for my crimes. But I just have toooooooooo)
So this song from the Artemil playlist right?
It's in Swedish so as far as I know only I could really understand it without a translation
But basically, I see this as 'the bad ending'. Basically the scenario described in this song has a similar vibe to what I think a bad ending (where they can't find a way to be together and are basically FORCED by their families to split up) could feel like
I just so happen to have translated it when I wanted to torture a friend of mine
So here you go! ^^
Enjoy :D
(I fully expect all of you to hate me after this)
Rött & Guld (Red & Gold)
A tranquil rain fell the night when she left her home From the square she heard the clock chime 5 Now there was no going back, she could never return Now all the bridges were burned It was now it would happen So she put a hairtie around her golden-red hair She breathed for the first time in 4 years Before her laid the town, smothered in soot and slush (melting snow) and smoke And behind her laid a goodbye note on the table of a polished kitchen
A tranquil rain fell against the window that hail-hardened Autumn He woke to his heart aching in his chest He'd heard someone calling, it hadn't been a dream A voice from the past he thought he'd forgotten The woman next to him in the bed slept as though nothing had happened When he dressed, snuck out and left the front door ajar When he began to walk his heart began to beat again On the wall of his condo building someone had written the words:
"There's nothing to wait for" "There's nothing to wait for"
In a curtain of fog struggled a brave sunrise She sat smoking on the ground of an empty train platform The air was crystal Light and high and cool And in the distance she heard a steam locomotive's screeching signal On the other side of the platform burned a tree in red and gold She felt no regret, felt no guilt There was nothing to explain, there was nothing to understand The only thing left were the words she'd left behind her:
"There's nothing to wait for" "There's nothing to wait for"
He came stumbling along the tracks like a wet and frozen dog She smiled and said: "There you are, I've been here a while" It had begun to rain once more, and now it came pouring down He fell into her arms and said:
"I can't take it anymore" "I've tried to do the right thing, what's expected of me" "But not a night has passed where I haven't dreamed of you" "In the orderly and calm I've searched for security and comfort" "But every Autumn I've searched for your voice in every wind" "And I thought it had passed" "That everything was over" "I built a living for myself but was emptied inside" "We'll never be forgiven, we're doomed to death, I know" "But I'd rather die than keep longing for you in secret" And they saw the very last train that would ever depart They saw only two roads: throw themselves in front or on the track They glowed red and gold though the Autumn sky was grey They kissed each other gently in a rain that sang for both of them
"There's nothing to wait for" "There's nothing to wait for"
Did you like it? :)
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boneless-mika · 1 year ago
Somehow I’ve organically come across two alloaro songs by complete accident
I Love You (As Much as Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone) from Galavant. Evil alloaro rep at its best (other things suggest this character does like romance but not every aro is romance repulsed so I say she is aro). I love this ridiculous comedy musical series. Have you ever wanted to experience the plot of someone’s dad being lost in The Enchanted Forest for years and years only for the heroes to discover The Enchanted Forest is a gay club? Did you ever want a song about how even a kiss with your “one true love” can be awful? Then Galavant might be for you!
The other one is for my Swedish people. Allt Du Är by Loke Nyberg. It’s literally about feeling guilty for not being able to fall in love with a FwB who’s fallen in love with you. For my (mainly) international audience, just take this line from the bridge:
“Och jag hatar mer än allting att jag inte kan bli kär”
“And I hate more than everything that I can’t fall in love”
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punx-in-the-library · 6 years ago
"Den jävla längtan att få falla, den bor ju i oss alla, det skiljer mest nyanser i vårt skrik"
-Loke Nyberg, "För fallna änglar"
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clouds-of-wings · 6 years ago
The first and last time Loke was allowed to sing in Valhalla. They decided to stick with Brage after.
The singer just so happens to be called Loke, but I can totally imagine this being the one glorious song Loki ever sang in Valhalla.
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absin-the · 6 years ago
Loke Nyberg - “Chanson Suèdoise“
Svensk musik - låt 29/49.
Swedish music - song 29/49.
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tveckling · 8 years ago
Loke - Aldrig Mera Rädd Swedish and english translated lyrics after cut
Jag flydde som en fågel över gatorna en natt med käften full av blod och av saliv. Jag flydde som jag brukar som en råtta från en katt förödmjukad,  förnedrad, för mitt liv. Natten fylldes utav våld och vansinniga skrik från de som jagade mig med stora tunga steg. ”Bättre fly än illa fäkta” skrek min tanke i panik medans mitt hjärta repeterade ordet feg.
Och med min harhjärtade fart så kom de efter ganska snart men genom skräcken skrek mitt hjärta som besatt: Att ”om du flyr på detta sätt så är det inte mer än rätt att det är dem som sätter villkoren inatt”
Och jag vet inte vad som hände vad som styrde mitt beslut för allt jag såg var vrede, våld och blod. Men i samma stund jag skulle lyckas undfly dem till slut så stanna jag i steget där jag stod.
På en sekund var de ikapp mig när jag långsamt vände om. De kom emot mig som en störtvåg som en storm. Och fastän natthimlen blev vit av deras vrede när de kom bar de alla sotsvart blick och uniform.
Och allt blev stilla en sekund och jag darra´ som en hund hjärtat sprängdes i mitt bröst vid varje slag. De kom emot mig i en ring och jag fatta´ ingenting men i den stund som mina ben gav vika hörde jag mig stå och skrika:
Jag- Jag är inte rädd. Jag är inte rädd. Nej, jag är inte rädd. För hur hårt ni än kan slå ska jag vara hårdare ändå och av det hat som kommer ifrån er får ni tillbaks fem gånger mer. Men jag- Jag är inte rädd. Jag är inte rädd. Nej, jag är inte rädd. För var och en av oss som dödas ska tusen nya födas för att stå här blodig bränd och svedd, tillintetgjord men aldrig mera rädd.
Jag ska vara allt ni hatar. Allt ni fruktar allra mest. Allt ni finner obehagligt, onormalt. Jag ska sprida mig i landet som en farsot som en pest och infektera erat samhälle totalt. Ja, för er ska jag va blatte, jugge, kosovoalban. För er är jag från Uzbekistan. Med hiphop-stylad burka med kroksabel, turban. Er ryska maffia och eran taliban.
Jag ska se det som en seger om ni ser mig som en neger. Hiv-bärande, Kat-tuggande svart. Jag snor cyklar, jobb och brudar. Jag är juden ibland judar. Jag är ZOG och jag finns överallt men ni vet inte vart.
Ni gissa rätt att jo, javisst. Visst fan är jag er kommunist. StaliLeniTrotskiMaoAnarkist. Perverterad satanist. Beväpnad djurrättsaktivist och mycket riktigt ska jag vara er kastreringsfeminist.
Jag är er samhällsparasit. Handikappad transvestit. Jag är hemlös och packad och hög. Rastafari och vegan könsopererad lesbian. Herregud jag ska så hjärtans gärna vara eran bög.
Ja, det är mig ni ska hata. Denna natt på denna gata. Bara kom! Jag är fienden av varje typ och slag. För om vanlig innebär att vara nåt av det ni är och dela era ideal då ska jag aldrig nånsin bli normal.
Men jag- Jag är inte rädd. Jag är inte rädd. Nej, jag är inte rädd. För hur hårt ni än kan slå ska jag vara hårdare ändå och av det hat som kommer ifrån er får ni tillbaks fem gånger mer. Men jag- Jag är inte rädd. Jag är inte rädd. Nej, jag är inte rädd. För var och en av oss som dödas ska tusen nya födas för att stå här blodig bränd och svedd, tillintetgjord men aldrig mera rädd.
Ni kan nog gissa hur det slutade, jag hade ingen chans det blev emo-ärr och tjugofyra stygn. Och en sirenskrikande färd i en hysterisk ambulans och en Salhgrenskavisit på fyra dygn.
Men jag minns knappt vad som hände, jag minns knappt att de slog eller att de stampa på det lilla som blev kvar. Jag minns bara jag låg blödande och värkande och log som en sol och som den segrare jag var.
Och med gatan mot mitt öra tyckte jag mig kunna höra själva stadens puls och djupa andetag. Sedan hörde jag en sång från varje port och trappuppgång. Ja, det var så marken börja gunga och jag hörde staden sjunga...
Jag- Jag är inte rädd. Jag är inte rädd. Nej, jag är inte rädd. För hur hårt ni än kan slå ska jag vara hårdare ändå och av det hat som kommer ifrån er får ni tillbaks fem gånger mer. Men jag- Jag är inte rädd. Jag är inte rädd. Nej, jag är inte rädd. För var och en av oss som dödas ska tusen nya födas för att stå här blodig bränd och svedd, tillintetgjord men aldrig mera rädd.
 I flew like a bird over the streets one night with my mouth full of blood and of saliva. I fled like I usually do like a rat from a cat humiliated, disgraced, for my life. The night filled with violence and furious screams from those who hunted me with big heavy steps. “Better to flee than to fence poorly” my mind screamed in panic while my heart repeated the word coward.
And they soon fell behind, with my chicken-hearted speed but through the fear my heart screamed like possessed: That “if you flee in this way then it’s not more than fair that they are the ones dictating the terms tonight”
And I don’t know what happened, what controlled my decision because all I saw was rage, violence, and blood. But at the moment I would escape them at least I stopped in the middle of a step.
They reached me in a second while I slowly turned around. They came towards me like a floodgate, like a storm. And though the night sky became white by their rage when they arrived they were all dressed in soot-black looks and uniforms.
And everything froze for a moment and I shivered like a dog my heart exploded in my chest at every beat. They surrounded me in a ring and I didn’t understand anything but at the moment that my legs gave out I could hear myself stand and scream:
I- I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. No, I’m not afraid. Because no matter how hard you hit I’m going to be tougher and from the hate you sow you’ll receive five times more. But I- I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. No, I’m not afraid. For each and every one of us that is killed a thousand more will be born to stand here bloody, burned and scorched, destroyed, but never again scared.
I will be all you hate, everything you fear the most. Everything you find uncomfortable, unnatural. I will spread in the country like a plague, like a pestilence and completely infect your society. Yes, for you I’ll be a (derogatory terms for non-white, person from Yugoslavia, Kosovo-Albanian) For you I am from Uzbekistan. With hiphop-styled burqa, with scimitar, turban. Your Russian mob and your Taliban.
I will see it as a victory if you see me as a negro. HIV-carrying, KAT-chewing black. I steal bicycles, work, and chicks. I am the jew among jews. I am ZOG and I am everywhere but you don’t know where.
You guessed right that yeah, of course, I am your fucking communist. StaliLeniTrotskiMaoAnarchist. Perverted Satanist, armed animal rights activist and as you thought I will be your castration feminist.
I am your society parasite. Handicapped transvestite. I am homeless and drunk and high. Rastafarian and vegan genitalia operated lesbian. Oh my god I will so happily be your fag.
Yes, it is me you will hate. This night on this street. Just come! I am the enemy of any and every type. Because if normal means to be anything like what you are and share your ideals then I will never be normal
But I- I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. No, I’m not afraid. Because no matter how hard you hit I’m going to be tougher and from the hate you sow you’ll receive five times more. But I- I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. No, I’m not afraid. For each and every one of us that is killed a thousand more will be born to stand here bloody, burned and scorched, destroyed, but never again scared.
You can probably guess how it ended, I didn’t have a chance it was emo-scars and twenty-four stitches. And a siren screaming trip in a hysteric ambulance And a Sahlgrenska visit of four days.
But I barely remember what happened, I barely remember that they hit or that they stomped on what little remained. I just remember that I laid bleeding and aching and smiling like a sun and like the victor I was.
And with the street to my ear I thought I could hear The pulse and breathing of the city itself. Then I heard a song from every door and staircase. Yes, it was so that the ground started swinging and I could hear the city sing…
I- I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. No, I’m not afraid. Because no matter how hard you hit I’m going to be tougher and from the hate you sow you’ll receive five times more. But I- I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. No, I’m not afraid. For each and every one of us that is killed a thousand more will be born to stand here bloody, burned and scorched, destroyed, but never again scared.
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vintervittran · 4 years ago
5, 6, 14, 29?
5. favourite song in your native language?
I always have a hard time picking a favourite, there's just so many I love, so I'm just gonna pick two I listened to most recently:
Vända med vinden by Timoteij and Alexander Rybak, and Vargaflicka by Loke Nyberg
6. most hated song in your native language?
Snälla snälla by Caroline af Ugglas, or Jag reser mig igen by Thorsten Flinck
I just can't stand them
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
I think it’s fine, mostly. I don’t watch that much TV and i tend to enjoy more fantasy-ish shows/movies, and that’s not really a big genre in Swedish cinema/tv, but the Swedish movies/tv shows i do watch i usually enjoy 
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Oh, definitively! 😂I’m from the west coast of Sweden, and we're usually not really a fan of “stockholmare”, people from the capital at the east coast. A lot of that probably has to do with the fact that every summer there is an invasion of rich capital people who wants to spend the summers on the coast and the islands, and they’re just everywhere plus they buy houses to live in a few weeks of the summer which drives up the houses here to absurd prices (so locals can barley afford to live here anymore, but the capital people only live here in the summer, leaving towns full of empty houses most of the year)
Also the island my family comes from has beef with the neighboring island - just because 😂 it's more playful though, and both islands can agree that we’re against stockholmare - enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that
I’m not from the US ask set, please ask away! 😁
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corvusrobotica · 7 years ago
tagged by @zerotounfinity  Put your music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs that play alongside your favorite lyrics from the song. 1.   Vivica / Jack off jill  He'll never change he's not that brave He'll never say you're beautiful Oh Vivica I wish you well I really do, I really do 2. Twisted little star / bertine zetlitz  Just needed to be powerful and sweet Just needed to make your world complete Just needed more than you could give I've got lots of fancy tricks To make this last forever 3. Joan of Arc / Leonard Cohen    Then fire, make your body cold, I'm going to give you mine to hold, Saying this she climbed inside To be his one, to be his only bride. 4. räven / hedningarna  Röda läppar döljer dina tänder Och din tunga är så sträv Eld och rimfrost är i dina ögon är du kvinna eller räv? 5. If I had a heart / fever ray  Crushed and filled with all I found Underneath and inside Just to come around More, give me more, give me more 6. wild ways / tori amos  yes there was a time you didn't always get your way back there where my heart was not so easy to invade when my battlements were strong before the Pilgrims came don't forget you were the one who loved my wild way 7. Story and pictures / Wovenhand  your fire burns for me red as grace the blush came easily to your face your fire burns for me red as grace and she says that none would have her 8. Bad Liar / Selena Gomez  Ooh you're taking up a fraction of my mind Ooh every time I watch you serpentine 9.  Rött och Guld - Loke Nyberg "Vi kommer aldrig bli förlåtna vi är dödsdömda jag vet"  "Men jag vill hellre dö än längta efter dig i hemlighet" Och dem såg det allra sista tåg som någosin skulle gå Dem såg bara två val kasta sig framför eller på Dem glödde rött och gyllene fast hösthimmlen var grå Dem kysste ömt varandra i ett regn som sköng för båda två "Det finns ingenting att vänta på" "Det finns ingenting att vänta på" 10. As the world falls down / David Bowie  There's such a fooled heart Beatin' so fast In search of new dreams A love that will last Within your heart I'll place the moon Within your heart tagging @the-swift-tricker @springdelirium @aymsorb
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ianxfalcon · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @gorogues
1. nicknames: I don’t have any.
2. gender: Female.
3. star sign: Taurus.
4. height: 1, 56 m (5,12 ft)
5. Time: 10.59 PM
6. birthday: April 25th
7. favorite bands: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Kaizers Orchestra, Gorillaz, Manic Street Preachers, The Cog Is Dead, Abney Park, Iron Maiden, Movits, Gogol Bordello.
8. favorite solo artists: Josh Ritter, Loke Nyberg, Aurelio Voltaire, Radical Face.
9. song stuck in my head: I am listening to music at the moment, so none (the song I’m listening to right now is “Under the Rainbow” by The Jane Austen Argument, by the way).
10. last movie i watched: Vaxdockan (The Doll), a very strange and kind of creepy Swedish movie from the 60’s. It’s about a lonely guy who falls in love with a mannequin and takes it home for company, coffee and conversation, and it all goes downhill from there. If you think the premise sounds like something you’ll like, you probably will. It’s on Youtube, with English subtitles.
11. last show i watched: The Flash.
12. when did i create my blog: Don’t remember. 2015, I think.
13. what do i post: DC Comics, politics and intersectional feminism (what asshats like to call “SJW stuff”) mostly. Also Marvel, Wheel of Time, Harry Potter, history and other random assortment of things I like.
14. last thing i googled: I honestly don’t remember. I google like fifty things a day.
15. do i have any other blogs: No.
16. do i get asks: No.
17. why i chose my url: It’s been my internet handle for something like ten years. It’s my initials, followed by an “x” because I don’t like underlines, and “falcon” because I liked the movie The Falcon and the Snowman back in the days.
18. following: 55
19. followers: 56
21. average hours of sleep: 5 or 6, which is way too little. I have a really poor sleeping pattern. It’s kind of a negative spiral, as I sleep poorly for maybe a week, then when I have a day off I’ll sleep until midday, and then stay up too late, and when I have to get up early I haven’t slept enough and thus, the circle continues. It’s just that I tend to start getting active only at night, so if I want anything done, I’ll have to sacrifice sleep for it.
22. lucky number: I don’t have one, but I’ve always been fond of the number 8.
23. instruments: I used to play the guitar, the bass, and the oboe. I sucked at all of them, though; I have zero musical skills. Selling my bass because I needed money and it took up space, and thus accepting that I would never become a rock star, was a definite Growing Up moment.
24. what am i wearing: Black jeans, Superman T-shirt, green hoodie, and a pair of thick wool socks I got for Christmas. It’s cold here.
26. dream job: Writer.
27. dream trip: The ruins of Babylon. For some reason, I’ve always had a fascination with the old Mesopotamia. Also, Africa. Just, all of it. And Australia.
28. favorite food: Pasta.
29. nationality: Swedish.
30. favorite song right now: “Majestic” by Wax Fang.
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jeristheenigma · 5 years ago
Since it’s a New Year AND new decade, I did one of those mp3 player divinations lol. Put a bunch of old music onto my phone, restarted it and hit shuffle 10 times. Results (to be interpreted in the sober morning):
1 KeroKeroDestiny - ??? 2 Rise - Korpiklaani 3 Stupify - Disturbed 4 King in Yellow - Defiatory 5 I'm Not Ok (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance 6 Aerials - System Of A Down 7 JJBA OP 8 Fighting Gold - Jonathon Young Cover 8 Y'all Want a Single - Korn 9 Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend - Powerwolf 10 Håll Käft - Loke Nyberg
I guess it’s also a “musical tastes” meme, but I did it specifically as divination bs sooo :V
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wyrneck · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @mrrkiplrr (thank youuu omg! <3)
Rules: Answer the 30 questions then tag 20 blogs u would like to get to know better
1. Nicknames: Nothing, no one calls me anything except my real name 2. Gender: Nonbinary 3. Star sign: Cancer 4. Height: 5′3″ I think?? (161cm) 5. Time: 8:57 PM 6. Birthday: July 8th 7. Favourite bands: Papa Roach, Panic! At the Disco, WALK THE MOON, Fall Out Boy, Set It Off, Ninja Sex Party, Star Bomb  8. Favourite solo artists: Thomas Sanders, Regina Spector, Loke Nyberg, Maud Lindström 9. Song stuck in my head: Right now, Jamtlands sangen (the “national anthem” of the province(?) I’m from) 10. Last movie watched: That new War movie with planes and ships, can’t remember what it called right now. 11. Last show watched: Kill La Kill 12. When did i create my blog: I honestly have no idea how many years its been. I think I was like 16-17? Soooo 6-7 years? (omg have i been here for so long?!) 13. What do i post: Everything that I like or that needs to be shared. I want my blog to be like a window too my head 14. Last thing i googled: cm to feet converter 15. Do you have other blogs: yes, @wyrneckscomfortzone, @wyrneckshirts, @wickedwyrneck (never uses the last one tho because I cant quick reblog to it through my phone and I almost never on desktop) 16. Do you get asks: Nope 17. Why did you choose your url: because its been my internet alias since I was like 14 18. Following: 343  19. Followers: 332 (thank you everyone <3) 20. Favourite colours: pink, red, green 21. Average hours of sleep: everything between 4-10 22. Lucky number: 8 23. Instruments: I play piano and bass and have had singing lessons 24. What am i wearing: Black sweatpants, black tank top, a gray sweatshirt with sushi cats! 25. How many blankets do i sleep with: 2 26. Dream job: Content creator on youtube, or like programmer/animator 27. Dream trip: It used to be America, but now I lean more to somewhere like England/Scotland/Ireland or Japan 28. Favourite food: My sisters Natchos!  29: Nationality: Swedish 30: Favourite song right now: Kill Your Heroes - AWOLNATION, or Fire (original mix) - Savant, or Shut Up And Dance - WALK THE MOON
I tag @motkosmos @ishtonreblogthings @egogrumps @septiceyespeed @luffredd @swiggityswellgotohell @iamspidersam @tiny-septic-box-sam @marttunovo  @stereosymbios @dumpsterhome @hussuly @linaes @lazer-exe @whirlwindsofdisaster @frnkiequinn @bandsandbeats @flippin-phantastic @gingerjustforfun and anyone that wants to do it!
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boneless-mika · 1 year ago
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Uhhh YouTube I’m pretty sure that this is referring to Loke Nyberg given he’s the only Loke I listen to who is by all accounts a white man…
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This is him for reference. How did this even happen?
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punx-in-the-library · 8 years ago
Den jävla längtan att få falla, den bor ju i oss alla Det skiljer mest nyanser i vårt skrik
"För fallna änglar" av Loke Nyberg
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tipsy-nostalgic · 8 years ago
asså loke nyberg 👌👌👌👌👌
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asarate · 8 years ago
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- Loke Nyberg, Rött & Guld
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