#logan mitchell x oc
praetoravila · 27 days
occasionally i do tiktok trends guys
taglist: @myloveforhergoeson @raging-violets @ceruleanmusings @selangkir @nolanhollogay @daughter-of-melpomene @joshdiaz @happinessismagicc
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raging-violets · 2 months
"Please never do that again." + dealers choice!
Big Time Rush: Life on the Line | Prompt | Logan Mitchell and Rhuben Jackson-McGuire (OC)
Authored by: Rhuben
A/N: SOOOO sorry it took so long to get this one done. The idea for it came very very recently. Really had no idea how to end this one, but here it is! Set during Big Time Cameo
otp prompt: protectiveness | Prompt List
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“What’s everyone saying?” 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea if I show you.”
“Logan, please.”
“You just got home!” 
Rhuben let out a huff-sigh of annoyance. Partly in response to the push back, and partially in annoyance at the lackadaisical way the chair Logan was settled in slowly rocked from side to side as he pushed himself. As if none of this was a big deal.
Logan let out a quiet sigh in response. He watched her pensively as she shifted from one seated position on her bed, to stretching out her legs, to pulling one knee up tapping the mattress with the sole of her sock-covered foot, to sitting cross-legged. Even in her own bedroom, in her own home, she couldn’t get comfortable.
“I have to know. You know I’ll find out eventually.” She had figured the second she got back home from inpatient, she’d be brought into her dad’s office for a meeting on the plan for damage control. But, no.
It was all hugs (an exuberant “Yayyy” from Sydney as he pushed through his brothers and sister) the usual sibling needling, and laughs. She needed that, and wanted it, more than she thought she would for someone who was barely away from home for a week. Truth be told, she hadn’t ever been away from her family for more than two days at most. Perks of being in a family band. And liking being around her family. (For the most part. Patrick did test that pretty often.)
But sooner rather than later, she’d have to face reality. Noah had slipped a quiet “They’re talking about you” into her ear the next morning, miming holding his cell phone as they sat at the breakfast table. She had only nodded in response.
“Paps are starting to line up at the gate,” her dad had announced shortly after as he sat down at the head of the table. “Security’s making sure not to let anyone in unless they’re an approved guest.” 
“Great.” Rhuben had given the only verbal in response as her brothers and sister nodded.
Paps. Did you hear him? Paps. At our front door. Because of what you did! 
Logan had thought he had given her and her family enough time and privacy before going to visit. There was some sort of energy that was off that he could feel as he stepped into the Jackson-McGuire home. It was as noisy and crazy as usual, but there was just something in the air that struck him as soon as he stepped over the threshold. The questions had started the second he had released her from his hug, his “Welcome home” barely out of his mouth.
“Gustavo and your dad have bene talking; they’re figuring it out,” Logan explained, still twisting in the chair. “It’s ok.”
“How’s Dara?” Logan’s lips shifted upwards into a slight, sad smile. Rhuben was always thinking about others, something he really liked about her. But it was always at the expense of herself. And she was thinking about herself, as recent events have shown, it wasn’t always in a nice way.
“She’s ok. She’s safe. The conditions of the Coco.0 set are being looked into.”
“And your cameo?”
“It’s ok.”
Rhuben grabbed her pillow and hugged it to her chest. “Logan!” she said, sharply, in contrast to the pout that was coming to her face. She blinked her blue eyes at him. It was the same look her older brother had taught her to give to their parents whenever they wanted to attempt to get what they wanted. A lot of the time, it worked, too.
Logan stopped twisting in her desk chair and stretched his arms above his head. His chest lifted with a deep inhale, and upon exhaling he crossed his arms over his chest. And crossed his legs at the ankles. “We’re getting some blowback about it.”
Her cheeks puffed up with a heavy sigh. She pressed her lips together and grabbed fistfuls of her pillow before flinging it at the wall in a hard strike. “God…damn it!”
“Hey, stop.” Logan pulled himself out of her chair and quickly crossed the room to sit beside her on her bed. He reached out his hand and took Rhuben’s, gently squeezing it. “Fans are still excited that we have a cameo on Coco.0. And they’re excited for the new song.”
He had to bite his tongue to stop himself from rattling off everything swirling around in his head that he could find out about eating disorders. He had made that mistake after initially finding out about the Jacksons’ abuse and thinking he was helping by quoting facts, statistics, and literature to her. He wanted to be a doctor; he just wanted to be knowledgeable and have good bedside manners. And as her friend, he wanted her to know he cared.
Rhuben fought the urge to pull her hand out of his grasp. She could feel her body tensing up, her upper lip curling slightly. She didn’t deserve any of his softness or support. She had put his career in jeopardy. And Dara’s, too.
“It’s okay,” Logan insisted in her silence.
“Stop saying ‘it’s ok’,” she all but snapped. “I hate that.”
It was just as annoying as “How are you?” She had a breakdown. How did everyone think she was? And it was all said in the same soft tone, with the same stupid soft look in their eyes and ugh! It was all just so…nice. As if everyone was worried she really was as fragile as glass. Hadn’t she proven, despite everything she had been through over the years, that she was strong? Adaptable? Capable?
“But it is.”
“No, it’s not!” Rhuben pulled her knees to her chest. She pulled her hand out of Logan’s to wrap her arms around her knees, she lifted a thumb to her mouth and started biting down on the nail. “This is...” Rhuben shook her head, her words dying on her lips.
Your outburst was inexcusable. 
That voice could’ve been harsher. It had always used to be harsher in the past. Always lurking at the back of her mind, waiting to jump out and tell her exactly what she was doing wrong, or how she wasn’t good enough. Always at just the right time. She didn’t know when, but at some point that voice had changed. It was no longer the deep, sneering, low drawl of Robert. Now it was too much like her own voice. Or maybe it had always been that way, feeding off of Robert’s words, and now that he was gone, it was just making itself heard.
Logan frowned, watching the crease that formed between Rhuben’s eyebrows as she fell silent. Watched how her eyes squinted slightly. How, at the same time, her face went blank. He recognized that look now. It was one that came to her face when the intrusive thoughts were starting in. When she became calculating. When, if she wasn’t stopped fast enough, her thoughts could take her into a tailspin.
“A blip. That’s all. Just a blip,” Logan reassured her, messing with a thread on he bedspread. “You know how quickly these things blow over. Look at all that stuff with Gustavo and Belgium. No one really remembers any of that happened.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “We’re all more worried about you than our cameo. Ok?”
Rhuben shook her head. “No,” she said flatly. “Not ok.” It was impossible to ignore how small she felt. Embarrassed. She embarrassed herself, her family, everyone that worked at Phoenix Records, Big Time Rush, Roque Records, and the producers at CoCo.0 to boot.
Logan sighed through his nose, feeling his shoulders drop. Both with the weight of sympathy for his friend and frustration of not knowing what to say. Or how to say it. Or what was even the right thing to say right now. In a way, he could understand it; the embarrassment of Gustavo’s slip up with Belgium, not to mention their gaffe with the pitched reality show, and the bad press with the proposed idea that Lucy’s angry-rock songs were about Kendall; Carlos allegedly taking his anger out his anger on older women; and Logan’s affinity for robbing older women. Only James managed a scandal that put eyes on the band in a good way.
“Just…please, never do that again,” Logan said quietly.
Rhuben scoffed through her nose. “Which part?” she asked, flickering her blue eyes towards him. “The not eating part? The not telling anyone part? Or the disappearing part?”
“All of it.” He had gone over the past years so many times. How hadn’t he noticed? He could spot a developing cold or flu from a mile away for crying out loud. Or had he become more caught up in the glamorous Hollywood lifestyle that he lost sight of his dream? Or was it just so normal in Los Angeles, New York, and this industry, to keep in top shape, and eat the right thing and follow the right diet, that he didn’t notice? Or maybe he didn’t want to see it. Or was he still annoyed that James knew before him? And he was supposed to be her best friend.
Or as was the case as he came to find out in his readings, is that it all came down to the fact that she didn’t want anyone to notice.
He bobbed his head back and forth. “The blowup part wasn’t that great, either.”
It had really come out of nowhere, and just at quickly had finished. In the silence following, the Jacksons quickly left the set, and went low contact with everyone just as fast. No call backs, texts weren’t responded to, and for a family that usually had everyone around to their home, they weren’t wanting any visitors, either.
The incident. Six million views. Across all platforms. Because she forgot that everyone had cell phones glued to their hands.
Her lips pressed into a tight line.
Often, she’d been told she was too clinical, her humor too dry, smiles too rare. That’s just how she was at work. No nonsense. Get work done now and play hard later. Her mind was usually just on her work. Others thought she was an ice queen. Or a bitch if they were more blunt. And, boy, was she blunt when telling Dara’s stepmother everything that was wrong about her and how controlling she was.
Los Angeles was where dreams came true. And Rhuben did whatever she could to help her and her siblings reach that dream. To be the best. To go as far as they could with their music the way they wanted. No one would take that away from them. And she wouldn’t let anyone take it away from her friends. It was born out of protectiveness; she couldn’t sit by watching another rising star get their dreams crushed and ground into dirt before it even had the opportunity to be thought up. Especially not by an overbearing, evil, witch of a step-mother like Dara’s. She had spent enough years witnessing that kind of treatment first-hand and she wasn’t going to stand by and watch an up-and-coming star like Dara Washington’s exuberance get ground into the dust before she even had a chance in the industry.
Rhuben hum-laughed. That was just how she was. She made sure everyone else was ok. She got her work done. She did everything to the best of her ability. She did everything as close to perfect as she could make it. She met every deadline and expectation thrown at her. All the while keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself until it came out in one blow up of carefully crafted words and anger. She didn’t want anyone outside of family to know she was in treatment, not even her closest friends.
“Sorry, Logie, I can’t promise you that.”
Logan grabbed the abandoned pillow and hugged it to his own chest. “Which part?” he asked, starting to play with the tag on the side.
“Any of it.”
Logan let out a low chuckle. “Yeah, didn’t think you could. Not now, anyway. I mean that what therapy is for, right? To get you to that point?”
“And outpatient treatment,” Rhuben agreed with a nod. She unfolded herself and settled back into the rest of her pillows, crossing her arms over her chest. She swallowed, staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah, got it in one. Something like that, anyway. It’ll be all about how not meeting expectations isn’t failing, and that no one will think less of me if things aren’t perfect. How to not get sucked in by all the pressure.”
Logan silently nodded. That he could understand. That overwhelming pressure that had been on and off ever since he, Kendall, James, and Carlos got to Los Angeles. The right songs had to be put on the album in the right order with the right person singing the right part to make a great album. Then their marketing strategy had to be top notch; interviews, television appearances, social media posts, collaborations, cameos. On and on and on. Doing more and more and more for the chance at fame.
Sometimes Logan wondered if it all was worth it; doing whatever you could for an industry that didn’t love you as much as you loved it. As he looked over at Rhuben’s solemn expression, he knew when it came to people in his life, it always was.
Tag List: @partiallypearl
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
Ash's Glee OC Masterlist
Glee OC Masterlist for @the-witching-ash (none of these ocs are mine, I only organized the list)
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Name: Andrew Berry
Story: Being Alive
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Mercedes Jones
Pinterest: x
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Name: Andrew Cartwright*
Story: To Being An Us
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Various
Pinterest: x
*a variation of Andrew Berry who exists in crossovers with @randomestfandoms-ocs' Colton Cartwright and a variety of their other ocs
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Name: Andrew Cartwright*
Story: Everything Changes
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Kirsty Gilmore (@randomestfandoms-ocs)
Pinterest: x
*a variation of the standard To Being An Us Verse but combined with the Gilmore Girls Delicate crossover
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Name: Adrien Beiste
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Timothée Chalamet
Love Interests: Elphie Jones & Mike Chang
Pinterest: x
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Name: Alma Berry
Story: Multi
Faceclaim: Ashley Tisdale
Love Interest: N/A
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Name: Annie Rose Schuester
Story: Nothing to Fear
Faceclaim: Zoe Colletti
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Aro Flores
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Frankie A. Rodriguez
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Billy Gilbert
Story: Being Alive
Faceclaim: Austin Abrams
Love Interest: N/A
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Name: Brax Pierce
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Joe Serafini
Love Interest: Rory Flanagan
Pinterest: x
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Name: Christopher Tibideaux
Story: Being Alive, Multi
Faceclaim: Nathan Mitchell
Love Interest: N/A
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Name: Corbin Adams
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Corbin Bleu
Love Interest: Simone Adams & Ezra Berry
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Name: Elliot Berry
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Larry Saperstein
Love Interest: Sugar Motta
Pinterest: x
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Name: Elphie Jones
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Zendaya
Love Interest: Adrien Beiste & Mike Chang
Pinterest: x
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Name: Ezra Berry
Story: Multi
Faceclaim: Lucas Grabeel
Love Interest: Corbin Adams & Simone Adams
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Name: Faith Hudson
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Julia Lester
Pinterest: x
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Name: George Beiste
Story: Free
Faceclaim: Joel Courtney
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Henry Schuester
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
Love Interest: N/A
Pinterest: x
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Name: Lorelei Zisis
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Beanie Feldstein
Love Interest: Mike Chang
Pinterest: x
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Name: Mary Tibideaux
Story: Being Alive
Faceclaim: Antonia Gentry
Love Interest: Billy Gilbert
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Name: Mona Adams
Story: Untitled
Faceclaim: Dara Reneé
Love interest: Marley Rose & Jake Puckerman
Pinterest: x
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Name: Rosalia Lopez
Story: N/A
Faceclaim: Rachel Zegler
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Pinterest: x
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Name: Simone Adams
Story: Multi
Faceclaim: Monique Colman
Love Interest: Corbin Adams & Ezra Berry
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Got tagged by @dickytwister to do this uquiz here for my OCs! Tagging anyone who wants to do it, feel free to tag me so I can see your results too!
Nate x Alizée (MCU): Nate: love as tenderness [ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
Alizée: love as light [ love as a luminous force—warm, radiant, and golden ] when mary oliver wrote "light of the world hold me” and when charles bukowski said “I look at her and light goes all through me” and when david viscott said “to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides”and when e. e. cummings said “lovers alone wear sunlight”
Leo (OC) x Alex (SDV): love as devotion [ devotion: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause ] when ruth said to naomi "where you go, i will go, and where you stay, i will stay. your people will be my people, and your God my God" and when hozier sang "i'll be the dreadful need from the devotee that drove [orpheus] underground" and when deathcab for cutie sang "if there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, i will follow you into the dark"
Maïa x Felix x Rime: love as a choice [ love is beautiful because it's built deliberately ] when casey mcquinston wrote "that's the choice. i love him, with all that, because of all that, on purpose. i love him on purpose" and when jenny slate tweeted "i just want someone to grab my little face and scream on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you" and when jodi picoult wrote "after fifteen years, love isn't just a feeling. it's a choice" and when the good place said "if soulmates do exist, they're not found they're made"
Felicia x Logan (OCs): love as tenderness [ love as gentleness after a lifetime of cruelty ] when ocean vuong said "sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined" and when pablo neruda said "like a jar you housed the infinite tenderness and the infinite oblivion shattered you like a jar" and when anais mitchell wrote "all i've ever known is how to hold my own, and now i wanna hold you, too”
Lilly (OC) x Elliot (SDV): love as religion [ love as the sole object of your reverence--nothing about you is holy, but maybe your love for another is ] when sappho said "in the crooks of your body i find my religion" and when the cast of les mis sang "to love another person is to see the face of God" and when halsey said "i found God, i found him in a lover" and when katherine philips wrote "to the dull angry world let's prove there's a religion in our love"
Mai x Lea (Shadowhunters): love as being known [ love is knowing all of someone and loving them anyway ] when tim kreider said "if we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known" and when joe wright said "The idea that these two people know each other, knew each other when they first saw each other. That they recognized each other from their future" and when micah nemerever said "it was a relief and a horror to be known so perfectly"
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
20 first lines
the marvelous @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle tagged me and I'd like to tag @akabluekat + @hairringtonsteve since it involves re-reading more of your excellent writing.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 5 of your favorite authors!
Listed from most recent to least recent. I'm also only doing stories that have the potential of being series. They may be a one-shot right now, but they were written with more in mind. (* means WIP)
1. Bucky stood outside of the door, staring at the wreath of brightly colored fabric leaves, a small wooden sign hanging in the center with the words Give Thanks looping across it. - Blank Out (Bucky Barnes x Reader) // Meeting of Minds (Bucky Barnes x Mina Kaminski)
*2. Nora pinched the side of her thigh through her pocket - Post-Battle of Hogwarts AU (Lee Jordan x Nora Randolph)
3. Iris followed Pietro in through the back door, blowing it shut after her with a casual flick of her hand. - Playing House (Pietro Maximoff x Iris Tate, WandaVision)
4. Finals Week at Starfleet Academy was a glorious occasion. - Treacherous Waters (Leonard McCoy x Reader, AOS)
*5. It felt like her insides were collapsing. - Palm to Palm (Lee Jordan x Nora Randolph, Goblet of Fire)
*6. There was a ringing in her head. - Search and Recover (Bellamy Blake x Leta Cole - 100 AU)
*7. “You’re overreacting,” she said, punctuating the statement with a roll of her eyes. - Protective Custody (Diego Hargreeves x Francesca Vives-Soler)
8. They've been close since the academy. - The Dating Game (Diego Hargreeves x Reader)
*9. She knew from the minute she walked in to work that today was not going to be her day. - Under Covers (Clint Barton x Bobbi Morse)
10. The pounding on the door was seriously the last thing you needed right now. - Best of Friends (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
11. Being woken up by a Hufflepuff was undoubtedly the worst possible way to wake up. - The Fool (Fred Weasley x Wren Collings, Goblet of Fire)
*12. Her mother always warned her not to trust picket fences. - Picket Fences (Steve Rogers x Rosy Kovecky)
13. She had always known that the fieldwork would be hard—emotionally, academically, even physically. - Second Wind (Pietro Maximoff x Iris Tate, post-Age of Ultron)
14. Molly McKay rarely at breakfast at home. - Muscle Memory (Clint Barton x Molly McKay, post-Ultron)
15. Whenever she had pictured college, it always looked exactly like this. - Into the Rush (Kendall Knight x Autumn Mayes, Logan Mitchell x Jemima Yeung)
16. Nick Fury's secrets have secrets. - Parting Shot (Clint Barton x Molly McKay, post-Avengers)
*17. It started, as many of life's regrettable things do, during puberty. - Serious As They Come (Sirius Black x Florence Saise)
^ My favorite
* 18. “Don’t be mad,” Toni started, her fingers beginning to drum against the steering wheel. - Fresh Air (Sweet Pea x Reader, College AU)
19. You never had the luxury of a normal life. - Broken Wings (Billy Hargrove x Hopper!Reader)
20. If her friends ever got her to go to another party, it would be a miracle. - Careless Whisper (Steve Harrington x Reader)
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Trevor Archer has stuck by Anaïs’ side his whole life — including the televised ‘We’ve Got the Beat’ competition and her wild idea of signing with Gustavo Rocque. He’s heard countless horror stories about working with him, as well as working with Arthur Griffin. As much as he feels he’ll regret it, he’s just along for the ride with her.
Nickname(s): Trev
Pronouns: he/him
Career: Lead Guitarist of Heartbreak Limbo
Love Interest: Logan Mitchell
btr taglist: @hughstheforcelou (let me know if you want to be added!)
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crush culture || kendall knight - chapter one
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Summary: In which Kendall Knight has a crush on a girl who plays the drums at a local cafe
Word Count: 2,356
❝ you make me feel like a teenager in love, you make me feel like i'll be forever young❞
KENDALL GROANED AS HE HEARD A CRASH FROM OUTSIDE HIS BEDROOM, throwing a throw pillow over his head to block out the noises and lights. He'd had to go into the studio yesterday for nearly twelve hours trying to fulfill one of Gustavo's checklists, and about halfway through, he'd started developing a migraine. He'd shrugged it off the night before and tried to sleep it off, but it had somehow gotten worse overnight.
    Thankfully, he would have the day off, as he'd managed to get a few harmonies done the day before. He reached toward his navy blue curtains and pulled them over the sunlight leaking in through his window, laying still as he waited for the noise in the apartment to die down.
    It was moments like this that he longed for his life in Minnesota. While he was thankful that he'd been given such a privileged life in California, he knew that if he hadn't gone to the auditions with James six months ago, he would've been at the ice rink at the moment, practicing for a hockey scholarship. He wouldn't have learned the meaning of 'stress migraine,' and he definitely wouldn't have had to leave his apartment to get a decent cup of coffee.
    When he finally forced himself out of bed, he was met with an empty coffee machine and an empty bag of ground coffee. Kendall all but slammed his head into the kitchen pantry, throwing the bag into the garbage disposal and reaching for his phone. In truth, he wasn't even completely sure where the nearest cafe was, but he remembered his mom mentioning that there was a small one at the hippie grocery store on Rosé.
    'God, that's such a Hollywood name,' Kendall thought to himself as he ordered his taxi. Once it confirmed, he quickly changed into a hoodie and jeans, sliding his keys into his back pocket. He headed for the taxi the moment he saw it drive into the parking lot, only giving slight nods to his friends as he rushed to get his coffee.
    Thankfully, the driver hadn't tried to start any conversations, allowing him to sit in the backseat in silence. He leaned his head against the window, shutting his eyes as he tried to block out the sunlight. It felt as though direct sunlight would set fire to the back of his eyes.
    As the driver pulled into the front of the grocery store, Kendall winced at the slight jerking movement of the vehicle as it came to a halt. He handed a fifty dollar bill to the driver and stepped out, pulling his hoodie over his head as he stared at the oddly hippie grocery store, complete with plants hanging outside the building and a green-painted sign with the name 'Williams' painted in white letters.
    Kendall lightly rolled his eyes at the California culture, making his way into the store and heading for the cafe area towards the back. It was a completely different atmosphere from the coffee places and grocery stores they'd had in Minnesota, and while he likely would've figured that out sooner, he'd spent the majority of his time in California stuffed in a recording studio.
    As he approached the cafe, he noticed a few bookshelves towards the wall, filled with journals and cooking books, and whatever else California people liked to read. He walked toward the counter and noticed a short girl sitting behind the register, a dazed look on her face as she rhythmically tapped her fingers.
    "Uh, hey, could I get a cup of coffee?" Kendall asked, pulling his hoodie off his head. He'd made a slight effort to brush out his hair, but had given up after a while and shoved it ebenath a gray beanie.
    The girl snapped out of her thoughts and turned to face him, allowing him to get a view of her name tag: Emory. She smiled happily, soft brown eyes lighting up when she noticed him. "Hi! Welcome to William's Coffee House. What can I get you?"
    An involuntary smile came to his face when he heard her voice, but it quickly faded away when his eyes drifted to the menu. He fumbled with his words as he scanned the list of coffees, complete with lattes and espressos -- and what the hell was a macchiato? Kendall rubbed the back of his neck, confusion painted across his ivory features. "Uh... the coffee... kind?"
    Emory bit back a laugh and went through the buttons on the register. "I'll just get you a small black coffee, and you can add cream and sugar if you want."
    "Thank you," He sighed. He reached to grab a twenty dollar bill from his pocket, but she pushed his hand away quickly. Kendall looked u, dark eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
    "Don't even worry about it. It's on the house," She explained lightly, standing to go prepare his coffee. "You look like you've had a rough day."
    "Is it that obvious?" Kendall questioned, tugging at the edges of his beanie so they covered his temples. They felt like they were going to explode.
    She hesitated, reaching out to hand his coffee cup to him. She pursed her lips together, as if she were searching for the best words to tell him that he looked like he just crawled out from the garbage disposal. Emory winced at her own words as she said, "You're still cute."
    Kendall might've blushed if it weren't for the tightening feeling on the right side of his head.
    As he reached up to press his palms against his eyes, Emory questioned, "Do you have a migraine? I have Excedrin in my bag, if you want some. They're not crazy drugs or whatever."
    "Excedrin?" He pulled his hands away from his eyes to find her holding out a small bottle of acetaminophen. She smiled lightly and placed it next to her coffee. "Thanks."
    "No problem. I carry them around 'cause my brother and I get migraines a lot. One or two should be good depending on how bad it is," Emory advised. Kendall ignored her and shook three pills out of the bottle. "I mean, or you could do that."
    The corner of his mouth twitched into a smile as he went to take the three excedrins and swallow them down with the hot coffee. He winced at the taste, setting it down.
    "Didn't you say you wanted cream and sugar?" Emory questioned, pointing at the cup.
    Kendall deadpanned at the sight of the cream and sugar, throwing his hand onto the desk. Emory giggled and took the cup from him, shaking in a little bit of each ingredient. Her laugh was high-pitched, similar to a cartoon character's. He lifted his head slightly. "Cute laugh."
    Emory dropped the sugar packet into the cup. Her eyes widened and she quickly began preparing another cup. "I'm Emory."
    "Kendall," He responded. "That's a... unique name."
    "Thanks," She chuckled. "My Pops chose it. It's supposed to mean 'brave' or 'powerful' or something. I'm neither of those, which is why I'm working in a nearly empty café at eleven in the morning on a Friday."
    "Three-day weekend," Kendall shrugged and took the cup from her. He smiled, his migraine already beginning to fade away.
    She nodded and sat down in a stool behind the counter. Emory didn't have the nerve to tell him that her dads had named her other siblings 'Silas' and 'Andromeda.' She also didn't have the energy to explain that her dads had given her one mental health day per quarter, and she'd used it today so she could skip out on volleyball. She was only 5'2" which made serving the ball practically impossible.
    For some reason, she'd wanted to impress him. She wasn't quite sure how to do that while she was sitting in a coffee apron, at the back of a grocery store, though. He was genuinely attractive -- the kind that you found on the cover of magazines and billboards. Complete with dirty blonde bangs, deep green eyes, and dimples. As dramatic as it sounded, Emory swore he would be the death of her.
    Kendall stole glances at her as she cleaned up the suddenly messy counter, and pretended not to notice when she glanced back. He hadn't been able to meet a lot of people in Hollywood -- at least, no one outside of the Palm Woods. Gustavo and Kelly had kept him under lock and key in the studio. It had been somewhat justified, of course, considering they were working on an album; but there were times where he missed working at the grocery store in Minnesota. Times where he would've preferred to be playing hockey with his friends, as opposed to learning the same dance moves over and over again.
    God, he felt privileged.
    "So, skipping out on school, pretty boy?" Emory had said it without even glancing up, but he could hear the smile in her words.
    "No, I, uh, have an off-day today," Kendall responded awkwardly. He wasn't sure how to explain that he'd completely forgotten about the essay he had to turn on by three o'clock today. "What about you?"
    "My dads let me take the day off," Emory explained. She caught her words immediately and winced, waiting for the backlash or questions she would inevitably receive. Even in California, the LGBT capital of the world, there were somehow always questions.
    "Dads, huh? What are their names?"
    "Johan and Gerard," She said hesitantly. He would ask about her siblings now, or whether her mom had died, or where she was adopted from. She held her breath.
    "That's cool."
    'What the fuck?'
    "Yeah, they're pretty great," Emory agreed, slightly confused but overall relieved by his reaction. He only gave her a calm look, implying that he was generally unbothered by the topic. She nodded in approval. "So, tell me about yourself, pretty boy."
    "What do you wanna know?" Kendall asked, leaning back in his chair. "I'm from Minnesota; I really love hockey and music; and me and my sister Katie were raised by a single mom."
    "What do you mean by 'you love music?'" Emory squinted her eyes lightly and sat down in the seat across from him, leaning forward. "Do you, like, play any instruments or are you one of those guys that listens to music and says they love it so they look really cool and pretentious?"
    "I'm in a band with my best friends. I think I'm pretty into music," Kendall chuckled. "I play, like, the smallest amount of guitar; but I mostly sing."
    "It's not a band of none of you play the instruments," Emory was quick to point out. "I'm in a small band with my foster sister, Evie. I play drums."
    "You play drums?" Kendall snickered. "And that's not fair. We're mostly singers."
    "Then you're a group, not a band," She shot back. "Yeah, I play drums. Is that hard to believe?"
    "You're just so tiny," Kendall laughed. "I couldn't imagine that."
    "Ever hears the phrase 'you're lucky you're cute?'" Emory questioned, to sing a sugar packet in his general direction. It hit the side of his flannel jacket, and she sighed internally. He was kind of making her eyes hurt at this point. She mentally went over all the reasons that it would be completely unethical for her to ask for his number, then all of the reasons that she would regret not asking for his number.
    Unfortunately, she wasn't given the time to come to a balanced conclusion. Kendall's phone rang and he took it out of his pocket, sending Emory an apologetic look as he did so. The moment he answered it, his mood seemed to falter, and by the end of the call he'd practically slammed his head against the wooden counter.
    "Uh, are you okay?" Emory questioned, lightly poking his shoulder as he hung up his phone.
    "Nope. My producer is calling me into work today, after he promised me the day off yesterday!" He raised his voice and yelled at his phone, despite the fact that the caller had hung up already. He peeked at Emory from between his fingers. "I probably look really weird right now."
    Emory nodded, her nose crinkling as she smiled down at him. "You do."
    Kendall sighed and lifted his head, shoving his phone back into his pocket. He looked at Emory. "I should probably..."
    "Yeah. I wouldn't want you to get fired or anything. A face like that deserves to have screaming girls chasing after it," Emory said. She regretted her words immediately, questioning whether she'd spoken proper English just then.
    If Kendall noticed, he chose not to say anything about it. Instead, he went to stand and took a few paces away from the café. "I'll uh... I'll see you around?"
    'Ask for his number. Ask for his number. Ask for his number.'
    "Uh, yeah! You should visit again. I'll give you a discount on your coffee next time," Emory responded with a smile.
    "Yeah, I will. Uh... thanks, Emmy," Kendall nodded at her, before his phone went off in his pocket again. He groaned and pulled it out, practically yelling into the phone. "I'm coming!"
    Once he was out of sight, Emory groaned and laid her head down on the counter, covering her blushing face. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Gerard, who was covered in flour and baking ingredients.
    She sighed. "How much of that did you see?"
    Gerard rubbed his daughter's back comfortingly. "You'll get better eventually, Emmy."
    Emory deadpanned, letting out a sigh. The next time she would see him was on the cover of a magazine, being proclaimed the new teen heartthrob.
    If she knew she would get Silas' flirting skills by spending so much time around him, she might've tried to get him kicked out of the house sooner.
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heldheartinfo · 3 years
FULL ACCOUNT SHIP LIST ( @heldheart ) :
Blair Waldorf x Dan Humphrey
Caroline Forbes x Klaus Mikaelson
Harry Osborn x Mary-Jane Watson
Fleur Delacour x Bill Weasley
Rosie x Otto Octavius
Emily Lyman x Norman Osborn
Pansy Parkinson x Draco Malfoy
Makkari x Druig
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Christine Palmer x Stephen Strange
Buffy Summers x Angel
Buffy Summers x Spike
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Kiara Carrera x JJ Maybank
Sarah Cameron x John B. Routledge
Rory Gilmore x Jess Mariano
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Davina Claire x Kol Mikaelson
Heike x Baron Helmut Zemo
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Pacey Witter x Joey Potter
Caroline Forbes x Tyler Lockwood
Lois Lane x Clark Kent
Heike Zemo x Bucky Barnes
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Love Quinn x Theo Engler
Heike Zemo x Bucky Barnes
Roy Kent x Keeley Jones
Lizzie Saltzman x Percy Jackson
Selina Kyle x Bruce Wayne
Selina Kyle x Matt Murdock
Anna Smith x John Bates
Mary Crawley x Matthew Crawley
Mary Crawley x Henry Talbot
Sybil Crawley x Tom Branson
Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
Daphne Bridgerton x Simon Bassett
Siena Rosso x Anthony Bridgerton
Emily Walker x Cordell Walker
Geri Broussard x Cordell Walker
Nancy Wheeler x Steve Harrington
Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper
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Bexley Rogers x Logan Howlett
Sam Salvatore x Clint Barton
Sam Salvatore x Steve Rogers
Sam Salvatore x Klaus Mikaelson
Sam Salvatore x Elijah Mikaelson
Sam Salvatore x Edward Cullen
Sam Salvatore x Tony Stark
Logan Thibault x Natasha Romanoff
Astraea x Ikaris
Bexley Rogers x Tony Stark
Bexley Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Bexley Rogers x Helmut Zemo
Bexley Rogers x Stephen Strange
Sam Salvatore x Enzo St. John
Kassandra Mikaelson x Damon Salvatore
Bexley Rogers x Wanda Maximoff
Bexley Addams x Wanda Maximoff
Bexley Rogers x Natasha Romanoff
Bexley Rogers x Winn Schott
Megan Walker x Eddie Brock
Megan Walker x Peter Parker
Harriet Carter-Rogers x Shang Chi
Jonathan Stark x Kate Bishop
Bexley Addams x Dean Winchester
Elizabeth Taylor x Steve Rogers
Bexley Rogers x Thor Odinson
Sarah Stark x Harry Osborn
Avery Osborn x Peter Parker
Sophia Rogers x Wally West
Mara Winchester x Druig
Karolina Addams x Lucifer
Sam Salvatore x Caroline Forbes
Bexley Rogers x Matt Murdock
Megan Walker x Matt Murdock
Caroline Burton x Matthew Crawley
Caroline Burton x Tom Branson
Anthony Burton x Thomas Barrow
Kathryn Vaughn x Hoyt Rawlins
Jeanette Byers x Steve Harrington
Jeanette Byers x Eddie Munson
Violet Munson x Jonathan Byers
Violet Munson x Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Andrea Kazanky x Jake Seresin
Caroline Mitchell x Bradley Bradshaw
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OC x OC ~
Josephine Octavius x Harley Stark
Josephine Octavius x Harry Rogers
Steven Stark x Melody Barton
Steven Stark x Sadie Barnes
Jonathan Stark x Georgia Maximoff
Freyja Thorsdottir x Daniel Rogers
Elizabeth Taylor x Leo Kennedy
Adam Mikaelson x Alaina Carpenter
Sarah Stark x Viktor Barnes
Sarah Stark x Caliux Darkknight
Sarah Stark x Sord-Menn
Hazel Mikaelson x Caliux Darkknight
Bexley Addams x Caliux Darkknight
Avery Osborn x Caliux Darkknight
Jo Octavius x Caliux Darkknight
Caroline Barnes x Harry Rogers
Evelyn Barnes x Franklin Richards
Connor Lang x James Carter-Rogers
Bexley Rogers x Piotr Koskov
Ellinor Lokisdottir x Tommy Maximoff
Bexley Addams x Stephen Reed
Melissa Masterson x Cameron Kincaid
Sasha Stark x Valentina Silva
Sasha Stark x Valeria Richards
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Jo Harvelle x Dean Winchester
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman x Ethan Machado
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Katherine Pierce x Klaus Mikaelson
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Haley James (Scott) x Nathan Scott
Brooke Davis x Lucas Scott
Brooke Davis x Julian Baker
Nancy Wheeler x Eddie Munson
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WHAT I SHIP: (May be doing already or may be wanting to do)
Jo Harvelle x Dean Winchester
Pepper Potts x Tony Stark
Lizzie Saltzman x Hope Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman x Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman x Ethan Machado
Buffy Summers x Angel
Buffy Summers x Spike
Blair Waldorf x Dan Humphrey
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Katherine Pierce x Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce x Klaus Mikaelson
Heike Zemo x Baron Helmut Zemo
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Willow Rosenberg x Daniel Osbourne
Willow Rosenberg x Kennedy
Ruby 2.0 x Sam Winchester
Lois Lane x Clark Kent
Emily x Cordell Walker
Geri Broussard x Cordell Walker
Pacey Witter x Joey Potter
Pacey Witter x Andie McPhee
Sigyn x Loki Laufeyson
Sarah Cameron x John B. Routledge
Kiara Carrera x JJ Maybank
Davina Claire x Kol Mikaelson
Felicia Hardy x Peter Parker
Anne Weying x Eddie Brock
Anne Weying x Dr. Dan Lewis
Makkari x Druig
Haley James (Scott) x Nathan Scott
Haley James x Brooke Davis
Brooke Davis x Julian Baker
Brooke Davis x Rachel Gatina
Brooke Davis x Lucas Scott
Christine Palmer x Stephen Strange
Caroline Forbes x Klaus Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes x Tyler Lockwood
Caroline Forbes x Katherine Pierce
Rory Gilmore x Jess Mariano
Rosie x Otto Octavius
Emily Lyman x Norman Osborn
Roy Kent x Keeley Jones
Rebecca Welton x Ted Lasso
Anya Jenkins x Xander Harris
Pansy Parkinson x Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour x Bill Weasley
Daphne Bridgerton x Simon Bassett
Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma
Malia Tate x Stiles Stilinski
Allison Argent x Scott McCall
Allison Argent x Isaac Lahey
Braeden x Derek Hale
Sybil Crawley x Tom Branson
Mary Crawley x Matthew Crawley
Mary Crawley x Henry Talbot
Anna Smith x John Bates
Claire Dearling x Owen Grady
Ellie Sattler x Alan Grant
Padme Amidala x Anakin Skywalker
Nancy Wheeler x Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
Cassie Perez x Trey Barnett
Twyla Jean x Cordell ‘Duke’ Walker
Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper
Chrissy Cunningham x Eddie Munson
Katherine Pierce x Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce x Elijah Mikaelson
Max Mayfield x Lucas Sinclair
Natasha Trace x Jake Seresin
Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
Jessica Day x Nick Miller
Annie Cresta x Finnick O’Dair
Lydia Martin x Allison Argent
Lydia Martin x Jordan Parrish
Jo March x Theodore Laurence
Rachel Berry x Finn Hudson
Rachel Berry x Quinn Fabray
Quinn Fabray x Sam Evans
Quinn Fabray x Santana Lopez
Donna Troy x Dick Grayson
Jade Tulle-Salvatore x Josie Saltzman
Hope Van Dyne x Scott Lang
Tatum Riley x Stu Macher
Mary-Jane Watson x Peter Parker
Mary-Jane Watson x Harry Osborn
Mary-Jane Watson x Gwen Stacy
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NOTPS: ( Ships I don’t like for whatever reason and/or have no interest in rping )
Lizzie Saltzman x Sebastian
Blair Waldorf x Nate Archibald
Joey Potter x Dawson Leery
Caroline Forbes x Matt Donovan
Caroline Forbes x Alaric Saltzman
Rebecca Welton x Sam Obsinya
Haley James x Chris Keller
Buffy Summers x Riley Finn
Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers
Katniss Everdeen x Gale Hawthorne
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8 notes · View notes
quierorodarnojodan · 3 years
Estábamos bromeando con un amigo @mcdonneeli sobre que tenemos muchos ships similares si no casi todos, pero que irónicamente ambos nos peleamos por el mismo pj a usar y por eso jamás podemos rolear las ships xDD entonces me puse hacer la lista a ver que dice mi compatriota desalmado.
Axis Power Hetalia
Alemania x Norte De Italia
Austria x Hungría [♥]
Dinamarca x Noruega
España x Sur De Italia
Prussia x Hungría
Prussia x Austria [♥]
Ichigo Kurosaki x Uryuu Ishida [♥]
Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Kyouraku Shunsui x Ukitake Jyuushirou [♥]
Carole & Tuesday
Carole Stanley x Tuesday Simmons
Cyborg 009
Jet Link (002) x Albert Heinrich (004)
Ishida Yamato x Yagami Taichi [♥]
Dragon Ball
Goku x Vegeta
Celty Sturluson x Kishitani Shinra
Kadota Kyohei x Izaya Orihara
Fairy Tails
Levy McGarden x Gajeel Redfox
FullMetal Alchemist
Maes Hughes x Roy Mustang [♥]
Get Backers
Kakei Juubei & Fuuchouin Kazuki
Ooikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime
Haru wo Daiteita
Kato Youji x Iwaki Kyosuke [♥]
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka x Illumi Zoldyck
Leorio Paladiknight x Kurapika [♥]
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Joseph Joestar x Caesar Zeppeli
Jotaro Kujo x Noriaki Kakyoin [♥]
Mohammed Abdul x Jean Pierre Polnareff
Kuroko no Basket
Atsushi Murasakibara x Tatsuya Himuro
Kiyoshi Teppei x Makoto Hanamiya [♥]
Midorima Shintaro x Takao Kazunari [♥]
Uzumaki Naruto x Uchiha Sasuke
Hatake Kakashi x Umino Iruka [♥]
Haruno Sakura x Yamanaka Ino
One Piece
Eustass Kid x Trafalgar D. Law
Roronoa Zoro x Vinsmoke Sanji
Saint Seiya
Manigoldo x Albafika [♥]
Hyoga x Shun
Sailor Moon
Kunzite x Zoisite
Michiru Kaiō x Haruka Tenou
Sakura Card Captor
Touya Kinomoto x Yukito Tsukishiro [♥]
Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Rivaille
Marco Bott X Jean Kirstein
The Prince of Tennis
Inui Sadaharu x Kaidou Kaoru [♥]
Tiger & Bunny
Kotetsu Kaburagi x Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Hotsuma Renjou x Shusei Usui [♥♥♥]
Adventure Time
Marceline Abadeer x Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Jet x Zuko [♥]
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kevin x Edd (Doble D)
Generador Rex
Rex Salazar x Noah Nixon [♥]
Happy Tree Friends
Lumpy x Russell
Shifty x Lifty
Splendid x Flippy
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley
The Dragon Prince
Rey Harrow x Viren
The Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami Sato
Iroh II x Bolin
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane x Adam [♥]
Xiaolin Showdown
Chase Young x Jack Spicer
Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley [♥]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Angel (Angelus) x Spike (William) [♥]
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Carmilla Karnstein x Laura Hollis
Matteusz Andrzejewski x Charlie Smith
Common Law
Travis Marks x Wes Mitchell [♥]
Cobra Kai
Daniel LaRusso x Johnny Lawrence
Deadwind (Karppi)
Sofia Karppi x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
Tom Branson x Thomas Barrow
Richard Ellis x Thomas Barrow
Lukas Waldenbeck x Philip Shea
Grey's Anatomy
Mark Sloan x Derek Shepherd
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Hawaii Five-0
Danny Williams x Steve McGarret [♥]
Hemlock Grove
Peter Rumancek x Roman Godfrey [♥]
How to Get Away with Murder
Oliver Hampton x Connor Walsh
Iron Fist
Danny Rand x Ward Meachum [♥♥]
Julie and the Phantoms
Alex x Willie
Las chicas del cable
Francisco Gómez x Carlos Cifuentes [♥]
Sportacus x Robbie Rotten
London Spy
Alex x Danny
Arhur Pendragone x Merlin
Once Upon a Time
Regina Mills x Emma Swan
Regina Mills x Robin Hood
Shadow and Bone
Aleksander / The Darkling x Kaz Brekker
Jasper Fahey x Kaz Brekker
Star Trek
James T. Kirk x Spock
Leonard MCCoy x Spock
Malcolm Reed x Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski
The Alienist
Laszlo Kreizler x John Moore
The Boys
Billy Butcher x Homelander (John)
The Irregulars
Billy x Leopold
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
The Order
Hamish Duke x Randall Carpio
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves x Klaus Hargreeves
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon x Rick Grimes
The Witcher
Geralt de Rivia x Jaskier
Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones [♥]
Trevor Holden x Philip Pearson
Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman x Damon Salvatore
Warehouse 13
Helena G. Wells x Myka Bering
Cloud Atlas
Rufus Sixsmith x Robert Frobisher
Sonmi-451 x Hae-Joo Chang
Eames x Robert Fischer
Dom Cobb x Robert Fischer
Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
James Bond
James Bond x Q [♥]
Rise of the Guardians
Sandman x Pitch Black
Star Wars
Baze Malbus x Chirrut Îmwe
Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux​ [♥]
The Old Guard
'Joe' Yusuf Al-Kaysani x 'Nicky' Nicolo di Genova
The Road to El Dorado
Tulio x Miguel
Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin
Harry Potter
Albus Dumbledore x Gellert Grindelwald [♥]
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott [♥]
Pansy Parkinson x Daphne Greengrass [♥]
James Potter x Severus Snape [♥]
Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Magnus Bane x Alexander G. Lightwood
The Raven Cycle
Ronan Lynch x Adam Parrish
Richard Gansey III x Blue Sargent
DC Comics
Apollo x Midnighter
Clark Kent x Bruce Wayne [♥]
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Garfield Logan x Rachel Roth
Hal Jordan x Barry Allen
Pamela Isley x Harleen Quinzel
Jason Todd x Dick Grayson [♥]
Maggie Sawyer x Kate Kane
Roy Harper x Dick Grayson
Cassandra Cain x Stephanie Brown
Hernan Guerra x Kirk Langstrom
Michael Jon Carter x Ted Kord
America Chavez x Kate Bishop
Azazel x Janos Quested
Gambit x Rogue
Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier
Logan x Scott Summers [♥]
Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner
Shatterstar x Julio Richter (Rictor) [♥]
Steve Rogers x James B. Barnes [♥]
Theodore Altman x William Kaplan
Tony Stark x Loki Laufeyson [♥]
Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker
Assassin's Creed
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Malik Al-Sayf [♥]
Ezio Auditore da Firenze x Leonardo Da Vinci
Bayonetta x Jeanne
Detroit: Become Human
Captain Allen x Gavin Reed
Connor, RK800 x Gavin Reed [♥]
Elijah Kamski x Gavin Reed
Elijah Kamski x Leo Manfred [♥]
Kara, AX400 x Luther, TR400 [♥]
Markus, RK200 x Simon, PL600 [♥]
Nines, RK900 x Gavin Reed
North, WR400 x Chloe, ST200
Ralph, WR600 x Jerry, EM400
Simon, PL600 x Gavin Reed
Devil May Cry
Dante x Vergil [♥]
Nero x V
Final Fantasy VII
Cid Highwind x Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy XII
Basch fon Ronsenburg x Balthier [♥♥♥]
Kingdom Hearts
Saïx x Axel
Metal Gear
Solidus Snake x Raiden
Gabriel Reyes x Jack Morrison
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield x Leon S. Kennedy [♥♥♥]
Claire Redfield x Moira Burton
Jake Muller x Leon S. Kennedy
Jill Valentine x Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine x Carlos Oliveira [♥♥]
Jill Valentine x Claire Redfield
Rebecca Chambers x Billy Coen
The Evil Within
Sebastian Castellano x Joseph Oda
Welcome to Night Vale
Carlos x Cecil Palmer
Samurai Jack/Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo x Samurai Jack
Canon x Oc
Deadwind (Karppi)
OMC x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
OMC x Thomas Barrow
Locke & Key
Tyler Locke x OMC
OMC x Duncan Locke
Lost in Space
OMC x Don West
OMC x x James
The Dragon Prince
Soren x OMC
The Irregulars
OMC x John Watson
The Lord of the Rings
OMC x Legolas
Political Animals
OMC x Thomas James "T.J." Hammond
Resident Evil
Jake Muller x OMC
Star Trek
OMC x Julian Bashir
Warehouse 13
OMC x Steve Jinks
Wizards: Tales of Arcadia
OMC x Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan
Duplas de Actores
Aaron Paul x Hugh Dancy
Bradley James x Colin Morgan
Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Daniel Craig x Ben Whishaw
Daniel Sunjata x Aaron Tveit
Dominic Purcell x Wentworth Miller
Edward Holcroft x Ben Whishaw
Gabriella Pession x Richard Flood
Gabriel Macht x Patrick J. Adams
Hanno Koffler x Max Riemelt
Jamie Dornan x Cillian Murphy
Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki
Landon Liboiron x Bill Skarsgård
Mads Mikkelsen x Hugh Dancy
Matt Davis x Ian Somerhalder
Michael Fassbender x James McAvoy
Rami Malek x Martin Wallström
Scott Caan x Alex O'Loughlin
Shemar Moore x Matthew Gray Gubler
Tom Hardy x Cillian Murphy
46 notes · View notes
praetoravila · 26 days
"i have ied disorder." olive said and logan stared at her confused. it was funny almost. the self appointed genius having no clue what she was talking about. she bit back a harsh laugh as she replied. "intermittent explosive disorder. it's a behavioural disorder. i get so mad sometimes. i just black out. get into fights. i don't remember it when it's over. that's why i went to juvie. because i assaulted someone." logan didn't reply. he simply let his hand fall to his side. they sat there in silence for a minute before he spoke. "okay. are you in therapy?" he asked. olive shrugged. "yeah. it sucks ass though." "i bet." logan said quietly. his fingers twitched before he sighed. "is there anything i can do to help you?" "no. but thank you for the offer." olive said, her eyes downcast onto the floor.
taglist: @raging-violets @ceruleanmusings @myloveforhergoeson @nolanhollogay @bibaybe @joshdiaz @daughter-of-melpomene @happinessismagicc
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raging-violets · 5 years
67. “Oh my god! You’re in love with them!” + rhuben and logan
Big Time Rush: Love Me Again / Prompt / LoganxRhuben
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Oh my god! You’re in love with them!
Rhuben took the time Stephanie and Camille gasped, leaning forward in their seats to let out a “No way!” and “What?!” to lift her bottle of hard lemonade to her mouth, taking a long sip in lieu of confirming or denying the statement. Riley merely crossed one leg over the other, propping her heels up on Jo’s coffee table. Jo had lifted her glass of wine in front of her mouth, as if trying to hold back her declaration upon getting to the bottom of why Rhuben wasn’t as into girl’s night as usual: Stephanie, Camille, and Jo were the best girl friends she and Riley had ever had; they made it a point to make time in their busy schedules to meet up once every two weeks.
Of course the topic of boys would come up.
The word “still” should have been added in there, Rhuben surmised swirling her hard lemonade around in the bottle she grasped in her hand; “Oh my god! You’re still in love with them!” That would have been more accurate. She was 23 now, and she knew loving Logan now was different than when she had been 16, but those feelings were still there. When they had gotten stronger, she couldn’t exactly say.
Could she even say she loved him years ago? Dating was just what you did at 16. If whatever strong feelings she had for him at the time was even close to love, it had felt nice, she couldn’t lie. Nice enough to try and hold on to it as long as she could: being the only source of kindness, gentleness, and love she got outside of her family at the time. Even if it meant hurting her best friend’s feelings – betraying her best friend if she was really being honest with herself.
But she had grown up in the past seven years. They both had. Rhuben no longer relied on her need to be perfect in all areas of her life to get any sort of attention she could. Logan no longer used his intelligence to feel accepted and worthy. She no longer fantasized about a boy whisking her away from her life to save her, and he didn’t set out to fix people and their problems.
They could just be themselves: confidants, shoulders to lean on, that tether to what your life used to be like, and still that one person that just got it. The one always willing to delve into nostalgia when things got too tough. The person you could always be yourself around. That was probably the scariest part of it for her: being that open with someone. Even if she had changed over the past few years, what if it still wasn’t enough?
“I’ve liked you since we were kids,” Logan had reassured her. ”Of course you’re enough. Sometimes I wish we could just go back to that. It was just easier.”
“I couldn’t do it,” Rhuben had replied, shaking her head back and forth, “go back.” Logan’s eyebrows had pulled towards each other in response to her statement. “I’m not that little girl anymore, Logie,” she had explained. “I wouldn’t be who I am if I didn’t go through all that crap with Robert. I can’t just pretend that it didn’t happen. Not anymore. All that’s done is cause bloody problems.”
“Well,” he had said after a moment of silence. She could see the gears turning in his head. “There shouldn’t be any problems now. With us. What do you think? About trying again?”
“Mate, I don’t want you to feel like it’s just something that’s bound to happen,” Rhuben had replied. “Because it’s easy. Because it’s what we’re supposed to do because we’ve been through so much together.” Not like she hadn’t done the same when they were younger.
“That’s not what this is,” Logan had insisted, giving her a gentle smile. “I promise. Just think about it.”
It was the same smile that had caught her attention when she was younger. With those stupid dimples. And even stupider warm, brown eyes he used to look at you to show that he was listening to what you say. He may have finally relaxed, changed his style, grown more confident in himself, but he was still Logan. He was still impressively ambitious; working on his music all the while continuing his studies to be a doctor. He had goals he wanted to meet, knew how to work hard, and was above all else a big source of support to everyone he cared about.
And it had been all that was on Rhuben’s mind since then. Logan’s unwavering support and loyalty to his friends – through her abuse (though his need to study all the literature on the subject, only to regurgitate facts back to her did get annoying real fast) and with her music. His ability to make anyone feel like they mattered. Like they were being listened to. His overall sweet disposition. Even his psychotic moments (one could argue it was just his tunnel vision at work) was something that made him him.
All the same, Rhuben should have known she wouldn’t be able to keep any of this past her friends: Riley she would tell right off the bat; Camille could pick apart people’s auras like it was her day job, she was bound to realize something was off about her; Jo had always been empathetic to other people’s feelings; and Stephanie, as an aspiring director, was able to pull emotions out of her friends with just a few questions.
“Yeah,” she admitted after swallowing her sip of the crisp drink, “I am.”
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
DC OCs Masterpost
New Titans Verse:
The New Titans: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Sparrow/Primrose ‘Prim’ Davis.  Side: Good.  Love Interest: Jadestar/Tessond’r.  Voiceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld. 
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Name: Jadestar/Tessond’r.  Side: Good.  Love Interest: Sparrow/Primrose ‘Prim’ Davis.  Voiceclaim: Christina Valenzuela. 
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Name: Dark Omen/Coraline Cameron.  Side: Good.  Voiceclaim: Sofia Wylie. 
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Name: Tidebreaker/Rickey Dalton.  Side: Good.  Love Interest: Night Bolt/Esmeralda Tindol.  Voiceclaim: Seth Green. 
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Name: Seaspray/Mickey Dalton. Side: Good.  Voiceclaim: Brandon Mychal Smith. 
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Name: Timber/Silas Alexander. Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: Mark Hamill.
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Name: Bloodwing/Tobias Cameron. Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: Josh Keaton. 
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Name: Razor/Varick Joseph.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: Booboo Stewart. 
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Name: Firehunter/Iando’r.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: Sean Astin. 
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Name: Karma/Serenity Carrier.  Side: Good. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Green Lantern/Danielle ‘Dani’ Archer.  Side: Good.  Love Interest: Hawkwing/Ketor Vael.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Kaisa/Aurora Raymond.  Side: Good. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Jumpbug/Carlos Hernandez.  Side: Good.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Wasp/Christian Mennings.  Side: Good.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Hawkwing/Ketor Vael.  Side: Good.  Love Interest: Green Lantern/Danielle ‘Dani’ Archer. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Silver Hornet/Baxter Harkmen.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Seeloh.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Keres/Natalie Lewis.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Mind Bender/Hailey Baker.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Hawkmoth. Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: BA.
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Name: Lazeph.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Samara.  Side: Good.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Night Bolt/Esmeralda Tindol.  Side: Neutral.  Love Interest: Tidebreaker/Rickey Dalton. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Ember Girl/Hestia Sonnet.  Side: Good. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Frost Boy/Aspen Sonnet.  Side: Good. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Vine Master/Wilfred Romer. Side: Good. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Dark Shade/Terrence Vixen.  Side: Good. Voiceclaim: TBA.
Falling Inside The Black: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Black Hood/Andrea Kyle.  Side: Neutral.  Love Interest: Balthazar/Eric Larson.  Voiceclaim: Selina Gomez. 
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Name: Balthazar/Eric Larson. Side: Neutral. Love Interest: Black Hood/Andrea Kyle.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Storm Girl/Connie Heck.  Side: Neutral.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Trick Girl/June Driver.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Purple Obsidian/Dorothy ‘Dot’ Dixon.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Malestorm/Percy Heck.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
The New Outlaws: Summary of Series: TBA. 
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Name: Cybershot/Violet Davenport.  Side: Good.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Fantasia/Cameron Parsons. Side: Good. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Rosethorn/Julia ‘Julie’ Heyde.  Side: Good. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Warped/Karl Findley.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Magnum/Jared Newton.  Side: Evil. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Darkstar. Side: Evil.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Stories in their own universes:
Heroes of Gotham Academy (Next Gen): Summary of Series: TBA. 
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Name: Robin/Dalia Wayne.  Parent(s): Damien Wayne and Mia/Maps Mizoguchi.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Martin Wayne.  Parent(s): Damien Wayne and Mia/Maps Mizoguchi.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Purple Starling/Kale Grayson.  Parent(s): Dick Grayson and Starfire.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Oscar Mizoguchi.  Parent(s): Olive Silverlock and Kyle Mizoguchi.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Supergirl/Joy Kent. Parent(s): Jon Kent. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Dark Aura/Freddy Ray. Parent(s): Pomeline Fritch and Heathcliff Ray.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Mind Girl/Willow Quinn-Isley.  Parent(s): Harley Quinn and Pamela Isley (adopted). Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Gavin Rivera.  Parent(s): Colton Rivera.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Patrick Karlo.  Parent(s): Katherine Karlo (Adopted). Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Erin Jorgenson.  Parent(s): Eric Jorgenson.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Victoria Grey.  Parent(s): Tristen Grey.  Voiceclaim: TBA.
Next Justice League: Heroes of Tomorrow (DC version of Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow): Summary of first book: Whenever the forces of evil have threatened mankind, Earth's First Line of Defense, The Justice League, were there to stop them- until they made the ultimate sacrifice in their final fight with the New God, Steppenwolf. Now the time has come for the children of the Justice League to rise as the new heroes of tomorrow and to avenge their parents' deaths. Holly (daughter of Batman and Catwoman), Damen (son of Wonder Woman), Lara (daughter of Superman), Nora (daughter of the Flash) and the arrow-slinging daughter of Green Arrow and Black Canary along with the will powered daughter of Green Lantern have to come together along with any help they get to finish Steppenwolf off as the next Justice League! Quotev Link
Summary of second book: In wake of the defeat of the New God, Steppenwolf, the world is slowly being freed from the control of Parademons, as the new Justice League are slowly working on returning the world back to normal. But, just as they think they on the route to a better world, another New God named Darkseid, arrives and plans to take over, with the new Justice League being at the top of his enemies list. Having to face a new enemy, the new Justice League, with the help of new allies, find themselves facing the ultimate test as the new Justice League. Quotev Link
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Name: Holly Wayne.  Parent(s): Batman and Catwoman. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Damen.  Parent(s): Wonder Women. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Lara Kent. Parent(s): Superman and Lois Lane. Voicclaim: TBA.
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Name: Nora Allen. Parent(s): Flash and Iris West. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Green Arrow II/Layla Queen.  Parent(s): Green Arrow and Black Canary. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Green Lantern/Nova Jordan. Parent(s): Green Lantern and Carol Ferris. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Young Justice: Legacy:  Summary of Series: Its the year 2036, and by then, the YJ team that had once been founded by so called sidekicks had become fledged heroes, some in the Justice League, some still solo, and some having retired already- and all in their own way have their families. When a new Lantern ring flies to Earth and attracts the attention of Cadmus and even the Light though, new Heroes must step up to the call, and continue the legacy of their parents/mentors....even it means dealing with enemies of the past, and new.... Quotev Link  NOTE: WAS WRITTEN BEFORE S3 AND THEREFORE, ANYTHING S3 IS NOT IN IT. 
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*Nightingale/Phoebe Grayson- child of Nightwing and Zatanna.  *Aura/Justin Grayson- eldest child of Nightwing and Zatanna.  *Fate/George Grayson- child of Nightwing and Zatanna.  *Kid Flash III/Hope West- twin child of Wally and Artemis. *Impulse II/Faith West- twin child of Wally and Artemis.  *Kid Martian/Brandon Kent- eldest child of Miss Martian and Superboy.  *Supergirl/Eleanor Kent- middle child of Miss Martian and Superboy.  *Speedy II/Arya Harper- middle child of Will and Jade Harper.  *Aqualad/Horatio- adopted child of Kaldur’ahm.  *Aquagirl/Phillida- child of Kaldur’ahm.  *Hornet/Anthony Duncan- eldest child of Mal and Bumblebee.  *Yellow Wasp II/Carlos Duncan- child of Mal and Bumblebee.  *Kid Lantern/Ryleigh Croft- Green Lantern in training. 
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*Red Hood/Lian Harper- eldest child of Will and Jade- take on canon character. *Orange Lantern/Dominic Croft- Orange Lantern currently.  *Edward Grayson- adopted child of Nightwing and Zatanna.  *Serenity Kent- youngest child of Miss Martian and Superboy. *Sawyer Harper- youngest child of Will and Jade. *Cooper West- child of Wally and Artemis.  *Luna West- youngest child of Wally and Artemis. *Harrison Duncan- child of Mal and Bumblebee.  *Genesis Duncan- youngest child of Mal and Bumblebee. 
The New Adventures of Batman Beyond: Summary: TBA.
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Name: Robin AKA Anissa Holmes.  Side: Good.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Dark DC Universe:
Justice League: Twisted Morals:  Summary of Book: TBA. 
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Name: Phantom Spectre/Enola Rhodes.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Peacebringer/Ophelia.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Green Lantern/Rowan Astor.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Super X/Caleb. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Wavepool/Kadrex.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Blur/Lincoln Lauder.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Unnamed Universe Currently:
The Kids Aren’t Alright: Summary of Series: TBA.
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Name: Robin I/Pandora Dallas.  Summary: TBA.  Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Robin II/Ruth Rowley.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Red Robin: Summary: TBA.
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Name: Red Wing/Bianca Mitchell.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Red Hood: Summary: TBA.
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Name: Hit Girl/Natalia Trevino.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Teen Titans: Next Generation: Summary: TBA.
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Name: Nightstar/Mar’i Grayson. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Nightingale/Venus Grasyon.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Jake Grayson. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Shifter/Trevor Logan. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Rose Logan. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Crow/Michael Roth.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Azure/Christina Roth.  Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Dragonfly/Edwin Stone. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Danny Stone. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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joaquinwhorres · 6 years
Into the Rush
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Summary: You’ve been dreaming about your first college party since high school. But the asshole with the Eyebrows who’s apparently part of that teen boy band you never got into? Added bonus. 
Pairing: Kendall Knight x Reader (slight Logan Mitchell x OC) 
Word Count: 5,473
Author’s Note: I don’t even know what to say about it except for I’ve already have more, and I love Big Time Rush. P.S. If you mildly enjoy this, please message me or send an ask because I could use some validation.
Warnings: Underage drinking. Mentions of sex (between background characters)
There was nothing quite like being surrounded by a group of strangers.
Getting lost in the rowdiness of the crowd was exhilarating. You thrived on the energy, as if the rest of the time you weren't fully alive, weren't fully on.
The sentiment was cliche as shit, sure, but it didn't make the experience any less incredible.
And this party was fucking incredible.
A jolt of pain shot up your hand as your roommate tightened her grip, her fingers crushing yours with a surprising amount of force for someone of her stature.
If you had to guess, she didn't share your excitement.
You had only been here ten minutes, and it was already the second time she had caused you to lose feeling in the tips of your fingers.
"You ok?" you shouted back to her, wiggling your fingers in an effort to get her to relax her grip.
"I'm fine." She gave a fleeting, less than half-hearted smile, and you let your gaze narrow onto her. Her attention had already been pulled away though, eyes darting around the room as if she was cataloging every available exit and exactly what path she would need to take to get out.
"You're sure you're good to go back in there?" you gestured with your head to the living room which was even more crowded.
"Yeah," she nodded, and you looked at her for a second more before shoving your way past the other people swarming towards the kitchen island turned makeshift bar.
You paused as you reached the doorway to the living room, not just because too many people were coming into the kitchen and effectively blocking your way, but to enjoy the scene from the outside.
Whenever you had pictured college, it had always looked exactly like this.
Couples pressed against one another, hands roving and bodies colliding. Friends formed circles of various sizes to laugh and dance together and block out outsiders. Strangers stood feet apart, attempting to coax the other person to come closer, that they were worth it. The room was dotted with red solo cups and Keystone. You wanted in.
Unwilling to let another person bar your path, you spotted an opening and jumped towards it, tugging your roommate Behind you. A chorus of angry shouts followed behind you, but you couldn't give less of a shit even as your roommate mumbled apologies in your wake.
You pushed forward holding your cup ahead of you like a torch, guiding the pair of you through the crowd and closer to the makeshift stage a boy with dreadlocks was making his way through a Twenty One Pilots song.
You took a sip of your jungle juice, eyeing him up and letting your hips sway along, your roommate coming to stand next to you. While you should have expected parties in LA to be different from those in Philly, you hadn't considered the fact that people would take any opportunity to perform.
"This is great!" you shouted over to your roommate who stood, completely still, staring up at the performer. She jerked in surprise before turning to you.
"Yeah," she nodded again, and something about the motion hit you.
You furrowed your brow slightly, looking at her. "Is this your first party?" You tried to keep the incredulity out of your voice. Really, you did. But you could tell you failed as she flushed and looked away, her eyes landing on a couple that obviously couldn’t wait for a bedroom to open up. She turned an even brighter red and looked back at you. "Is it that obvious?" she mumbled, using her free hand to brush a lock of hair behind her ear. "You just need to relax a little," you shook your head with a smile.
She bit her lip, clutching her cup even tighter. You could have laughed at her. You did.
"Just start dancing. Have fun," you said, prying one of her hands off the cup and lacing it with yours, holding your hands up and forcing her to dance closer.
"I don't know," she protested, but the corner of her lips turned up a little bit and she began to twist.
"You don't know?" you echoed, before taking a long sip of your cup even as you continued to dance.
"I mean I want to have fun," she paused while you continued dancing. "I just…parties weren't really my thing…not that I didn't…I was busy in high school, and—"
"Hey," you laughed, shaking your head to stop her. "You don't need to make excuses, it's fine. Not everyone's a young delinquent like me." In all honesty, even though you had only met the girl twelve hours ago or so, you had been mildly surprised when she agreed to come out with you. She just had the "good girl" vibe about her. You attributed this to the fact that she had already bought all of her textbooks and had given you look of absolute terror when you walked into your room with four other girls from your floor.
Your roommate let out an exhale that could have been a relieved laugh. "Thanks. I promise I'm trying not to be so lame."
"I know I don't know you, but I have a feeling that you're totally not lame," you said, reassuringly. "But hey, cheers to your first party," you announced, holding out your cup. She tapped hers against yours, and both of you drank, you lifting your cup up completely and finishing half of your drink. She took a single small sip.
Baby steps.
It took half an hour for your roommate to relax enough to allow herself to dance.
It was another half hour before she would really dance with you.
For someone who didn't go out, you were shocked at how fluidly she was able to move–like the music was just a part of her, carrying her away from the crowded room and into another place completely.
For a little, you were convinced that she was just a lightweight and that the alcohol had kicked in and drowned out her worries. But when you chanced a glance into her cup, you couldn't help but notice that it was still two thirds full even though you were well into your second one.
As such, it was unsurprising that you really had to use the bathroom and she was completely fine.
"I'll come with you though," she offered, shouting over the new duo of girls who seemed to be trying to bring back pop punk.
You had opened your mouth to respond when your eyes fell over her shoulder, and you caught sight of a boy who stood a little ways back in the crowd. It wasn't so much that he was good looking—although he definitely was with his flattop and strong jaw and impressive taste in clothes–it was the look he was giving the back of your roommate's head. He stood slightly slack-jawed, his eyes glued to her even as someone waved a hand in front of his face.
Your gaze shifted back to your roommate who was looking expectantly at you. "Nah, it's fine," you waved a hand dismissively. "Just stay here so I can find you when I come back."
"Ok," she nodded hesitantly, and you turned to begin making your way to the back of the living room, towards the hallway that separated the bedrooms from the rest of the house.
The crowd was noticeably thinner back there, most seeming to prefer thronging the stage. So, as you made your way towards the closed door at the end of the hallway, you caught bits and pieces of people's conversations. You learned that Jay was here with that bitch Takiya and that Addison was wearing the same outfit here as she did to that party three weeks ago. As if no one would notice.
You rolled your eyes, taking a spot next to the boy who was already waiting next to the door. He glanced over to you out of the corner of his eye as he leaned his head back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling.
You returned the glance, eyes giving him a calculating once over. His blonde hair was swept up carelessly as if stuck that way from when he rolled out of bed, and he had the beginnings of a beard–more scruff than anything else. You couldn't decide if he was going for hipster or throwback to grunge with his dark jeans, black t-shirt, and open red plaid button up. Not bad.
You took a side step closer, and leaned back against the wall with him, waiting to see if he picked up a conversation.
He didn't.
You waited for a song and a half before you finally spoke up.
"This is the line for the bathroom, right? We're not just standing back here being a couple of antisocial hipsters?"
He snorted, looking over at you, and your eyes widened slightly as you got a good look at his face. It was objectively attractive. With his piercing gaze and the slightly bored look of someone who had nothing to prove. But his most noticeable feature–the surprisingly attractive one–were his dark, thick eyebrows. You had never found eyebrows attractive before, and you doubted you ever would after this moment. But still. Hot damn.
"Yeah." How he managed to pack so much derision into one word, you'd never know, but your body acted on instinct, your eyes rolling of their own accord.
"What?" he asked, pulling back a little to look at you.
"Sorry, that's just my natural reflex to a complete stranger giving me unnecessary amounts of sass."
"All I did was answer your question," he argued, his voice turning defensive.
"Yeah," you echoed his earlier tone, turning to look back out across the party and away from Eyebrows.
You hated it when cute boys turned out to be assholes.
Although you had to say that you were a little surprised he left it at that as opposed to insisting he win the confrontation. Instead, the two of you waited in silence song after song until the band finally announced that they were about to play their last song.
By this point, you were certain that if you had to wait another minute you were going to pee yourself. Right here and now.
"What is taking so long," you mumbled to yourself, Eyebrows startling a little as you walked past him to bang on the door.
"I would just wait." He sounded exasperated as he looked down at you. As if you had tried knocking on the door five times before and hadn’t just been waiting in silence for the past ten minutes.
“Yeah, not my thing,” you brushed him off, hitting your palm against the door. “Hey, come on, there are people out here waiting.”
There was no response, just the sound of the band moving into the chorus of "Stitches" which really was a better pop than punk song. “Hello?” you called, knocking again.
Again, nothing.
Your hand reached for the doorknob, and you felt it begin turn. "Did you seriously not even try to–" you were cut off mid-sentence as the door opened to reveal a couple int he middle of a moment. You pulled the door shut as quickly as possible as the boy behind you let out a bark of laughter.
"I told you to wait."
You glared back at him even as you banged on the door for the third time. "If it's taking this long, then you're not doing it right! There's a magical little spot that'll get it done, and if you can’t find it, stop taking up the bathroom and give up.”
The boy's eyes went wide and his mouth fell open.
You huffed. "I have to pee. I don’t have time for them to figure out erogenous zones.”
A high pitched moan and an uncomfortable guttural sound came through the door. A mutual feeling of revulsion swept through you both, and you had just recovered when the door behind you swung open and nearly nailed you in the back.
The couple shuffled past, Eyebrows following their progress with the ghost of disgust still on his face. You took the opportunity to slip into the bathroom.
"Hey!" he shouted quickly, throwing a hand onto the door to push it open.
"Yeah, I don't even know your name, so you're not coming in with me," you shook your head, pushing the door more closed. He flushed but didn't step away.
"I've been waiting for like twenty minutes. I have to go," he protested.
You winced sympathetically. "That really sucks," you commented before continuing to push the door closed. "Maybe next time you'll grow a pair and knock on the door." You put your full body weight against the door, finally hearing the telltale click and swiftly locking it before he could try to get in again.
He slapped his palm against the door. "Not cool!" his voice sounded through the wood. You just smiled as you reveled in your victory.
He honestly couldn't even complain that much. It took you all of four minutes to go to the bathroom, wash your hands, and unlock the door. "All yours," you announced, turning to the place where he had previously been standing, your eyes falling on two girls with obviously flat ironed blonde hair. Your brow furrowed as you quickly scanned the vicinity for him. He was nowhere in sight.
Confused, you headed back to your roommate, finding her in exactly the same spot you had left her.
And unfortunately alone.
"Hey!" she shouted over to you, handing back your cup of jungle juice. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You've been gone a while," she commented, looking you over.
"I had to wait forever," you sighed, shaking your head a little. "There was a couple finishing up in the bathroom." You punctuated the sentence by taking a sip from your cup, watching as her face took on a look of disgust that almost rivaled Eyebrows'. You choked on your drink as you snorted.
"What?" she asked, defensively, and you shook your head, swallowing down your drink.
"Nothing, it was just the look on your face."
Her face morphed into something more unsure, and for a second you were left wondering if you said something wrong. It hit you that maybe you should have taken more time to get to know your new roommate. In your head, you had thought that getting drunk and hitting up your first college party together would be the perfect icebreaker. The alcohol would help ease the awkwardness of "get to know you" questions, and after a night of partying there was no way you'd come out without shared stories and inside jokes.
But looking at her, half a cup into her drink and still tenser than anyone else in this whole house, you were beginning to sense you had made a mistake.
"Talk to me, baby I'm going blind from this sweet-sweet craving, whoa-oh"
Your attention suddenly snapped to the new band up on the stage. "Holy shit," you swore, your eyes falling on the lead singer who was walking towards the crowd.
"Let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy Ah ya ya ya ya I keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean."
You suddenly understood Eyebrows' desperation.
"That asshole can sing," you muttered, your eyes following him as he winked at a girl near the edge of the makeshift stage before turning around to sing with the boy who had been staring at your roommate.
It was your roommate's turn to look confused as her eyes flitted between you and Eyebrows and then back to you. "You don't know him? Them?" she corrected herself quickly.
"Should I?" you asked, drinking more of your jungle juice as you watched him move to stand next to a boy with tanned skin, wearing a blue and black striped t-shirt.
"That's Big Time Rush." Her voice sounded disbelieving as if there was no way on earth you wouldn't recognize Big Time Rush on sight.
"Oh," you shrugged, watching now as Eyebrows seemed to get lost in his own music, falling into perfectly synchronized dance steps with the other boys in the band.
"You've never heard of Big Time Rush?" she asked, looking at you as if you were crazy. You were starting to think you might be if she had heard of them and you hadn't.
"I mean, I knew they were a band, and I'd heard a few songs, but boy bands weren't really my thing."
"They had some pop hits," she defended so quickly that you took your eyes away from them long enough to smirk at her. She stumbled for the right words. "I–I mean. I'm just surprised they didn't play them at your parties."
"This wasn't the kind of music they played at my parties," you shook your head, looking back at the stage in time to see the brown-haired boy from the crowd catch sight of your roommate and stumble a step. You grinned as Eyebrows shot him a questioning look as the tall, thin fourth member subtly shook his head.
"So who's who?" you asked, stepping closer to her. "Like, who's that?" You pointed to the one who was attempting to brush off his mistake and get back into the song.
Your roommate flushed, "Um, that's Logan," she mumbled quickly. Before you could quiz her on the rest of their names or even ask why she was blushing so hard, the song ended and a familiar voice spoke over the mic.
"How we all doing tonight?" The crowd cheered in response, and you snorted, rolling your eyes. Why did every band insist on asking the audience how they were doing? As if between sets suddenly some emotional catastrophe had happened to the crowd.
"Better than you!" The words had left you before you really knew what you were doing, and your roommate's head snapped towards you.
Eyebrows looked out over the crowd as if trying to find the source of the voice before his eyes fell on you. You smirked and raised your eyebrows. To your surprise, he smirked as well.
"Just wait," he said, before pulling back to join the rest of the band. People in the crowd chuckled a little, as if unsure about what the appropriate response to the exchange was and waiting for him to move on. "It's gonna be a Big Night." There was a small cheer from the crowd at the announcement as the band launched into their next song, apparently an original since you didn't recognize it.
You listened to every song Big Time Rush played; from the covers to the originals which you vaguely remembered your gym teacher playing while he made you shoot baskets—probably in some misguided effort to be "hip."
The songs were pop-y and boy-band-y and you didn't particularly enjoy them, but the alcohol seemed to finally settle into you, a pleasant buzz coursing through your veins, urging you to dance along with the strangers who pressed in on you from all sides. And their songs were good for that.
You didn't leave the living room until the band did. Even then you waited another song before grabbing your roommate's hand and dragging her outside claiming that you needed some air.
And a third cup of jungle juice.
As you stepped out into the back patio, your eyes immediately fell onto large folding tables set up in the back where there seemed to be three different games of flip cup going on. A loud laugh and chants of "one more, one more, one more" caught your attention, and you turned to see a group of friends struggling to fit as many people as possible onto an old plaid sofa. The cheers as a twelfth person fit themselves on the couch almost drowned out the gentle strums of the acoustic guitar next to you.
"I love this song," your roommate murmured, turning to face the random dude with sunglasses and a man bun who was playing "Wonderwall" for a group of swaying girls. The two of you wandered over, and you were mostly successful at keeping your attention on him even when you noticed the four boys from Big Time Rush making their way outside and towards the flip cup table.
You were successful at ignoring them for the entirety of their first game, instead focusing on the guitar and the contents of your cup.
You only glanced over at them once during the second game when you heard someone scream "Just flip the fucking cup, Logan!" followed by an equally frantic "I am flipping!" and then shouts of victory.
It was when the opponents started begging Carter to stay for a redemption round that you finally broke and turned to completely face them. The sandyhaired muscular boy named Carter shook his head, scoffing at his friends as he allowed himself to be dragged away by a pretty brunette.
You were already halfway to the table before the boy with the backwards baseball cap (who had been trying the hardest to keep Carter there) looked out across the yard. "Yo, anyone want to play?"
"I'll play," you volunteered, jerking your head up as he looked over at you. You gave a small half smile at the sight of Eyebrows straightening up at the sight of you. Next to him, Logan's eyes shot over your shoulder. Your roommate must have followed you over.
"You know the rules?" the baseball cap boy asked.
"Yeah…I've been to a party before," you said flatly, taking Carter's old spot at the end of the table and across from the boy in the blue and black striped shirt. "And yes, I can drink," you added, finishing off the last of your jungle juice.
"You know you can't cheat your way to winning flip cup," Eyebrows said, moving down the table and shuffling the other boy out of the way.
"You can," you corrected, leaning forward towards him, letting your cup drop to the ground. "But I don't have to."
"We'll take her," baseball cap boy decided, as his teammate poured Keystone into the cups. "I'm Devin, by the way," he reached over, offering a hand, and you shook it.
"Y/N," you introduced.
You shook hands with Caleb and Drew before turning your attention to the other team.
"On the count of three?" Caleb asked the tall band member, who nodded. "One."
"You're going down," you mouthed to Eyebrows who shook his head.
"Three!" Caleb chorused with the competition, lifting his cup to his lips and chugging the beer. Caleb downed his first, but the other boy had a perfect first flip. Logan was up next, and was still struggling to flip his cup even after Drew successfully flipped his cup and Devin began drinking his beer. He finally landed it, allowing the next boy on his team to quickly catch up, racing against Devin to land his cup. Neither experienced much success as the rest of the teams cheered them on, you doing your best to keep from screaming at the kid you hardly knew. The next thing you knew, the boy across from you was drinking his cup, and Devin hadn't even managed a near success.
"Come on!" you shouted, and he flinched, the added force being exactly what was needed to land the cup. You threw your beer back easily, putting the cup on the edge of the table before you could even finish swallowing. You flipped the cup up and watched as it fell absolutely perfectly onto the table.
A second after Eyebrows'.
Both of his hands shot up into the air as his team high fived each other. "Celebrating a little early. You've still got three games to go," you remarked, piling your hair on top of your head and securing it with a hairtie.
"The hair's going up, she must be serious," Eyebrows teased, his teammates laughing as you narrowed your eyes at them.
"Let's just play."
You almost wished you hadn't insisted on playing the rest of the game.
Your team lost the second round. You somehow managed to pull the third round out of your ass. But the fourth round…
You had finished your cup and flipped it a solid ten seconds before Eyebrows could, only to have your team completely fall apart on you. You groaned as even Logan flipped his cup on the second try and Carlitos went on to win the game.
The band celebrated loudly as your team quietly slapped hands and murmured good game to each other before dispersing. Your roommate moved forward to stand next to you, unsure of why you hadn't left yet.
"So much for having a better night than me, huh?" Eyebrows turned to you, smirking.
"It's not my fault my team fucking sucked," you snapped, and he grinned.
"So it's your team's fault?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"If it had been just me, I would have won," you argued.
"Let's do it then," he challenged, leaning forward, his hands on the table.
"You're on."
"Y/N–" your roommate started, at the same time Logan looked to Eyebrows.
"I'm not playing another round," he shook his head.
"I'm hungry," Carlitos frowned.
"And James is already gone," Logan added, looking off to where the tall boy was leaning against the fence, talking to a girl.
"Fine, just one on one then," Eyebrows challenged.
"Same rules?" you asked.
"One round, winner takes all," he nodded.
"And what exactly does the winner take?" you asked cocking your head to the side.
"Winner's choice? Post-game?"
"Anything goes?"
"Anything." His smile was something between predatory and self-satisfied.
"Sounds like a deal," you agreed, mirroring his smile and ignoring the hovering presence of your roommate at your back.
"Logan, you pour," he ordered, and Logan shook his head but poured Keystone out into the eight cups, setting them before the two of you.
"Ready?" you asked, and the boy nodded. "One," you gripped the red solo cup in front of you, keeping your eyes locked on his.
"Two," he counted.
You tapped your cups against each other before downing the beer and racing to flip the cup. You got yours in one shot and moved to the second one where he caught up, finishing his third drink right as you finally landed your second. The two of you managed to get your third cups on the same try before you finally reached the last one. He finished his first by no more than a second, but it didn't matter as you watched his cup fall to the side and roll away from him. You flipped your cup…and missed. He set his cup back up, and you readied yours, launching it into the air with two fingers as he flipped his.
Your cup landed with a satisfying sound as you let out a scream of victory.
He ran his hands through this hair looking at his fallen cup and you threw back your head and laugh.
"Yes!" you cheered again, turning to your roommate, and she smiled back at you. The boy shook his head, coming out from behind the table.
"Good game," he offered a hand, and you shook it, your skin tingling at the contact–or maybe from the alcohol. Either way, the simple motion felt loose and heavy as the alcohol weighed down your limbs. "What'd you win?"
"I haven't decided yet," you said, crossing your arms and looking him up and down. "A part of me is seriously tempted to subject you to even more public humiliation." You bit your lip, considering this, and his eyes followed the gesture. "But then again, anything is on the table, and it's always nice to have a favor…" you trailed off.
"How about you think about it over a dance?"
"A dance?" you repeated, raising your eyebrows and pulling back a little.
"It's that thing when you move your body to music?" he explained, and you snorted.
"See, I feel like that's what you would have asked for if you won, aannnnd you lost, sooooo," you trailed off, shrugging.
"Sounds like you're afraid you can't keep up," he goaded.
"Please," you scoffed, dismissively. You paused, though, glancing to the side as you considered it, your eyes falling on your roommate. "I can't ditch my roommate," you shook your head, turning back to Eyebrows. "It's her first party," you added in a whisper. A little voice in the back of your head told you that this was probably not information you wanted to spread, and that you were probably a little too drunk to really take control of yourself. But fuck the little voice.
"That's your roommate?" he nodded in her direction, and you looked at her again. She giggled and looked down, her hair falling into her face and shielding her from Logan's view. He gave a small smile at her in return.
"She's safe with Logan," he said, confidently, looking back at you. "He's the last guy who'll ever try anything.
You side-eyed him. "And you?"
"I am a complete gentleman," he said, placing a hand over his heart, and you laughed at him.
"Alright gentleman, let's see if you can keep up," you agreed, taking his hand and dragging him into the living room.
You loved the way music felt when you were like this.
It was as if your blood was singing. The alcohol kept you from focusing on anything more than one thing at a time which meant you could give yourself entirely to the song. Let it take over your thoughts. Let it tell you how to move.
If you had to guess, the boy felt the same way. The way he rocked to the beat of Tove Lo's "Say It," his grip firm on your waist as his hips moved with yours. You would never admit it, but the boy could keep up.
"So, it's Y/N, right?" he asked, his breath hot on your ear, his scruff against your neck. You leaned further back into his grip, moving your body against his in time with the song.
"Yeah," you exhaled, turning your head so he could hear you. "What's your name?"
To his credit, he didn't seem shocked that you didn't recognize him from Big Time Rush. Instead, he leaned even closer and answered: "Kendall."
You expected for him to withdraw a little afterward, but he stayed close. So close you had a hard time focusing on the music as opposed to the feeling of his hands on your hip, his face close to yours. Your heart beat faster.
"You know, you're not as bad at dancing as you are at fflip cup," you slurred slightly. You felt the laugh reverberate through his chest as his exhale blew the wisps of hair that fell from your topknot.
"Speaking of which, any ideas?" he asked.
"Ideas?" You attempted to sift through your thoughts as quickly as possible, but you were finding it difficult to do so when the music was so good, and his grip tightened slightly on your hips.
"On what you win?"
You shifted slightly in his hold to look at him and found his face much closer to yours than you had anticipated. Maybe it was because you were leaning forward slightly, into him. "I ha—"
"Everybody out!" a voice bellowed as red and blue lights lit up the house. Kendall jerked back from you as if the jolt of panic that rushed through you shocked him as well.
"Oh fuck," you swore, quickly looking around the room as people swarmed towards the exits.
"Come on," he said, taking you by the hand and leading you towards the back door. He shoved people out of your way, ignoring their curses and angry shouts.
If it hadn't been for the situation, you might have laughed at how similar this was to the beginning of your night. And then it hit you.
"Where's my roommate? I need to find her–" you tripped, stumbling into Kendall's back, and he came to a stop.
"She's probably still outside," he assured, continuing the journey once more.
"We have to find her. We have to find to find her and Logan," you insisted.
"We have to go," Kendall corrected. "She'll get out too."
"No," you argued, pulling towards the flip cup tables as people streamed past you. "I promised—it's her first party and I said—,"
"Y/N," Kendall's grip tightened around your hand as he pulled you after him. "Let's go to my house. If she's with Logan, he probably took her there too. It's not far."
You looked up at him and his intense hazel eyes and took a breath in, even as the sick feeling of guilt swept over you. "Ok."
Tags: (y’all probably meant Stranger Things/Marvel stuff, but you’re on my everything list, so...) @upsidedownstevie @morgandakotaq @hairringtonsteve @kyloreneges
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witchofinterest · 4 years
Fic title: the trick is to keep breathing?
Willow Spencer (fc: Victoria Moroles)
Marley Perez (fc: Daniella Nieves)
Fic title: please stop my relentless daughter
Dinah laurel Winchester
Jeremy? (fc: Vincent karthriser??)
Serena sparks (Rowena daughter, Kevin love interest??) fc:kat McNamara or Madison Davenport?
Zoe - Reaper (reader? Reed? Reid?)
Prodigal son:
Aubrey belle hart (fc: Sarah shahi)
Title: villeneuve
Lorelai “Rory” burkhardt (Willa Holland???)
Helen (damonfuer) ( first interaction based on knife trick)
? (Willahara)
Merlin: (ad astra per aspera)
John Jax
Fic title: angel investigations (A&j/AJ investigations) know it well??
Josette Jax
The umbrella academy:
Ivy lane
Sep fic
Keke kennedy fc: Kat graham)
The gifted:
Lynn Allen “Heart” (kaylee frost) (change Lynn’s physical mutation?)
Empath mutant rival
Lorna Dane little sis gravity also Andy li) Luna/lane/Lana/Lori/Miranda “Mira/Mandy/Mimi ” “miracle” Dane? Needs mutant name (zero?) (lady gravity?) (revolution?) (orbit?) (Luna? Lady Luna?)
Rylee O’Connell (Virginia gardener)
Akira Ito
Evander Salvatore (Cameron Kennedy)
Poppy Halliwell (fc: kaylee Bryant)
Separate story
Title: yellow? Dandelion? Heads or tails?
Sophie?? Half-demon/half-witch (Penelope Mitchell
Charmed 2.0
Iris Maxine “Max” Vera fc:
My babysitters a vampire:
Charlotte “Charlie” Cruz (fc: Paris Berelc?)
Cassandra “Cassie” (Ngo) Lockwood (fc: Lana condor)
Emmett Lockwood (fc )
Elenor “Ellie” something-Lockwood (fc)
Lab rats:
acacia “casey” clover
Teen wolf:
Christina “Chris” (Hunter) (mom friend)
The order:
Louise “Lois” Iim (fc: Kristen Kruek)
Katherine “Kay” Mulaney
Poi???? Variables
Cj ardnt (parallel to the machnne, maybe Tm I Initials)
Georgiana mills
Freya “Faye” periwinkle
Nancy drew:
Judith “Jude” drew (?):Danielle rose russel?)
Title: bury me dead
Olive Henry
Heroes reborn:
estella “este” Jin
? (Fc: lyrica okano)
Veronica “Ronnie” Curtis fc: Jenna Ortega
The flash/legends:
Sam Snart (eventually)
E2!Theresa “junior/tess/a” hwang (x Jesse)
Sam and Wally spin-off after legends season 3, they were partners in flashpoint and make appearances in the flash
Prison break:
Selena talia wu Aka TW
October faction:
Bettina “Bette” zhu (fc: Leah lewis)
Elizabeth Erin “Lizzie” lance? Little canary fc giorgia whigham (Quentin forces her to take self defense) (title: behind the eyes?)
Lara Covin fc: holly Marie combs
Kevin Covin (father murderer(
Constance “Connie” Covin fc: Ciara bravo (crime princess??) (father, Mario Calvi)
Sara Essen niece fc: Megan Tandy
Fiona g (final girl) fc:
Fiona’s resurrected friend?
jennifer “cat” winger
raegen “rae” patrisha knight
alexandra “alex” logan aka speck
sydney summers aka sparrow
wilhemina “mina” woods murdock
oc: birdie oshiro
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lorirwritesfanfic · 4 years
Lorirwritesfanfic turns two: Blog trivia
Dude, it’s been two years since I joined the fandom! I’m not doing any special giveaways this year, but I decided to celebrate it doing a few things. Tonight, I’m oversharing a little 😅
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A Few Details:
I first played Choices back in 2016 (I think TF book 3 was being written at the time) and I uninstalled the app several times until I started to play RoE and TC&TF. But I only searched for Choices fanfiction after TRR3 was released
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The first Choices fanfic I've ever read was one of @mrswalkerwrites's Drake fics. I don't know if she is active in the fandom, but I still think her prose is outstanding and her writing inspired me to write my own view of TRR, D&D and PM.
The blog was named Choices By Jade because it was supposed to be Jade's journal in which she'd write all her story. Once I wrote a fic through Liam's POV, I thought writing in third person would be a better approach. After I began to write fanfiction for LITG, I decided to change the url.
Making edits reminds me a lot of playing with dolls when I was a teenager, but I rarely do it because it takes me forever to choose an outfit for the characters, especially if I feel like changing colors of clothes or making body swaps between characters 😄
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Number of series: 12 (Choices: 9; LITG: 1; Multiple books/visual novels: 2)
Number of fanfics written: 175 (Choices: 174; LITG: 1)
Most popular fanfic: Feel The Rhythm - M! Raleigh x MC (124 notes)
Most popular series: Liam and Jade's Love Story - TRR
Most popular pairing: King Liam x MC 
Most popular shitpost: Reaction to Diavolos's (the horse) death (111 notes)
Most popular post: @pilitella's fanart of Jade and Liam (386 notes)
Pairings to read: Prince Hamid x MC, Hayden x MC, Jax x MC, Raydan x Kenna;
MCs to write: Jade (TRR), Daphne (D&D), Carla (RoD);
LIs to write: Leo Rhys, Prince Hamid, Jax Matsuo;
Secondary characters to write: Yusuf Konevi, Briar Daly, Madeleine Amaranth;
OCs: Juliet Rossom (Jade's high school friend/undercover bodyguard), Sevim Osmanoglu (Hamid's sister), Queen Mother Sofia (Jade's grandmother);
Tropes: Love triangles, domestic fluff, hurt/comfort;
Popular fanfics:  A Letter To Elise (Liam x MC), Blue (Leo x MC), Home (Logan x MC) Silent Night (Liam x MC);
Underrated fanfics: Infatuated (Prince Hamid x MC), New Year Experience (Logan x MC), Slow (M!Hayden x F!MC), Taking Care (Rafael x F!MC), Unexpected Ways To Please Her (Cassius x MC x Syphax).
Characters I never thought about writing but here we are (lol): Colt Kaneko, Caleb Mitchell, Matt Rodriguez, Chris Powell.
Characters/Pairings I plan to write about: Michael x MC, Raydan x Kenna, Val Greaves, Levi Schuler x MC.
Books I wish I could write about but never did: Wishful Thinking, The Royal Masquerade, Hero
WIPs: 11 (BB: 1, D&D: 1, MOTY: 1; RoD: 1, RoE x TRR: 1; TRR: 5)
Outlines: 41
Thank you for all the likes, reblogs and comments. You’re awesome ❤
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simonxriley · 5 years
Fandom: cod (yes, all of cod)
Oh god, this is gonna be a long post. Thank you!
Give me a fandom and I’ll tell you
Favorite Male Character
Simon “Ghost” Riley, John Price, John “Soap” MacTavish, Keegan Russ, Thomas Merrick, Gabriel Rorke, Logan Walker, Gary “Roach” Sanderson, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, Gideon and Jack Mitchell. 
Favorite Female Character
Farah Karim, Ilona and Nora. 
Least Favorite Character
Favorite Ship
Ghost x Roach, Soap x Price, Keegan x Logan, Liz (oc) x Ghost and Liz x Price
Favorite Friendship
Ghost & Roach, Ghost & Soap, Soap & Price, Keegan & Merrick, Gideon & Mitchell, and Farah & Price. 
Favorite Quote
"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take... inventory. Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds. On a suicide mission. But the sand and rocks here stained with thousands of years of warfare... they will remember us. For this. Because out of all our vast array of nightmares this is the one we choose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from the earth. With vigor in our hearts and one goal in sight: We. Will. Kill him."
Worst Character Death (if any)
Ghost, Roach and Soap. 
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
The ending of MW (2019) I never knew a CoD game would make me that happy. 
Saddest Moment
Ghost, Roach and Soap’s death.
Favorite Location
I don’t have one. 
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