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sw5w · 3 months ago
Artoo Rolls Back to His Companions
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:35:01 - 00:35:02
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sensualnoiree · 1 year ago
astro health notes pt.3
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Libra: Balance and Aesthetic Charm
Ruling Anatomy: Libra rules the kidneys, bladder, veins, sense of touch, insulin regulation, and lower back. It embodies distillation, filtration, and balance.
Health Connections: Librans prioritize balance in diet, work, and relationships. However, they might face kidney ailments, skin breakouts, and lower back weaknesses when overexerted. They tend to have attractive features, yet might experience health issues related to kidneys and skin.
Distinctive Traits: Libra ascendants radiate beauty with glowing complexions, defined features, and symmetrical bodies. Their charm and symmetrical appearance draw people to them.
Challenges: Excessive blood, often linked to moisture of Sanguine humor, can lead to lethargy, high blood pressure, and cranial disorders like apoplexy and strokes.
Scorpio: Reproduction and Physical Vitality
Ruling Anatomy: Scorpio rules reproductive organs, genitals, prostate, rectum, and urinary tract, reflecting both procreation and elimination.
Health Connections: Susceptible to sex organ problems, skin eruptions, cystitis, and urinary tract diseases, Scorpios often face emotional health-linked illnesses. Their ruling planet, Pluto, ties to cell formation and reproductive function, giving them strong, voluptuous bodies with remarkable recuperative powers.
Distinctive Traits: Scorpio risings captivate with mesmerizing, piercing eyes, sharp features, and powerful physiques often exhibiting a serious demeanor.
Challenges: Scorpios may experience sluggishness, mental dulness, watery sinuses, and eye issues. Severe cases can lead to dizziness, vertigo, or faintness, reflecting the sign's vulnerabilities.
Sagittarius: Motion and Physical Activity
Ruling Anatomy: Sagittarius governs the liver, sacrum, hips, and thighs, orchestrating locomotion and movement.
Health Connections: Physical activity is crucial for Sagittarians to avoid stagnation and potential weight gain issues. They might suffer from chronic aches in hips and thighs, sciatica, gout, and hip-related problems.
Distinctive Traits: Open-faced Sagittarius ascendants, with broad foreheads and cheerful expressions, possess an athletic build, often showcasing expressive storytelling with their bodies.
Challenges: Tension in neck and shoulders, headaches, nosebleeds, and heat-related conditions like giddiness and nausea can affect Sagittarians.
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wildishmazz · 6 months ago
i’ve been dying to hear your thoughts on the starlight express revival have you been is it worth it what do you think about the changes they made
Well... they did exactly the one thing I said would make the least sense(made Greaseball female despite the fact that Greaseball, of all characters, depends on being incapable of understanding what it's like on the wrong side of any flavour of systemic oppression), removed pretty much any sense of character(which at least means female Greseball doesn't stick out too much as a baffling decision among all the others), and telling the story seems to have been shunted to the very bottom of the pile of priorities, several places below "cover everything with holographic glitter" and pretty much on par with "adjust the keys of the songs to accommodate the fact that there are now altos and sopranos playing roles originally written for tenors and basses".
Introducing the concept of hydrogen power is a great idea(stars are made of hydrogen! Being powered by hydrogen is harnessing the power of the stars! What could be more appropriate for the Starlight Express??), but it's pretty much been plonked down with a shrug and an "I dunno, someone else figure out how to incorporate it into the text, I'm off for lunch.". There's a truck carrying around apparently unwanted hydrogen cells for... some reason? who is largely derided by all and sundry for... some reason? but is then able to couple up with Rusty to give him a power boost... somehow?
Many of the secondary and tertiary characters have been rejigged and renamed(the other competitors are no longer National Engines, which I can get behind, the stereotypes were always risky), including amalgamating Flat Top and CB into a new hybrid Slick Oil who is just vaguely antagonistic and rude until "Wide Smile". This falls narratively flat, because we already disliked Slick - there's no sense of betrayal or horror at the revelation that such a Nice Guy(tm) has revealed himself to be a gleeful mass murderer, just a confirmation that an unpleasant individual is, indeed, nasty. The other Freight(Porter and Lumber - Porter after Cole, Stilgoe is still at hand) join in with Slick in sabotaging Rusty, then sing "Right Place, Right Time" at him, claiming that they've been cheated too. Which um. My dudes. That was you.
An effort is clearly being made to be progressive with gender, but it doesn't look like it's coming from a place of any deep understanding. Casting an enby as Electra - great! But all their understudies are cis men. Removing early noughties Pussycat Dolls-inspired slut-drop anthem "Whole Lotta Locomotion" - great! But replacing it with an obvious rewrite of "Rolling Stock: reprise" rather than simply revert to the unobjectionable "A Lotta Locomotion"? Why would you do that?Give the coaches a badass new "We've had it up to here with this bullshit, and we're not taking it any more!" song - great! But rather than that replacing the "you're worth so much more than you think you are, now play mind games until you get your toxic ex back" song that gave Buffy and Ashley a chance to shine in the old show, where it would be appropriate in the plot, it's used as an introduction and there is no song for Belle and Tassita(as they now are) to show off in. It also randomly includes a snippet of "Tyre Tracks and Broken Hearts" which I assume is meant as a loving tribute to Jim Steinman, but unfortunately is such a distinctive and compelling melody that it sticks out like a sore thumb that it's never heard again. Mixing up the genders of the coaches by adding a boy - great! But now you can't use "coach" interchangeably with "woman" to make any sort of wider point, and that hasn't been carried through the rest of the show.
The cast are uniformly brilliant. I don't like the fact that Greaseball is being played by a woman, but by god, when Al Knott is on that stage it belongs to her and she has the range to flip around the octaves of material that resists being sung by her like a goddamn vocal acrobat. I don't like Control being in among the toy train characters(purely personal preference, I accept it as making a precedented amount of sense - they're now emphasising the fact that it all takes place in a child's dream, and if Clara can dance with the Nutcracker and Alice can talk to the Queen of Hearts, it's consistent for Control to be able to hand Dinah a box of tissues), but the girl I saw was an exceptionally good young performer, and legit looked like she was Momma's daughter. Rusty is 17. Seven-bloody-teen. And he's rivaling the first Rusty I fell in love with, who was 19(I was 13 I swear it's not weird). The way he holds a note while gliding down what looks like a 30 degree ramp alone distinguishes him. I have never seen a Dinah with better comedic chops. "UNCOUPLED" had me in stitches.
The costumes are disappointing. Like I said, they're very shiny. Everything is holographic, Greaseball is even lenticular. But there is little to no characterisation in the costumes - there are precious few details that tell you anything about who they are, they're just shiny blocky shapes. If you look really hard, maybe you can say that Dinah still has some tablecloth, and Wrench has spanner sets sticking out of her arms and legs as wings, and Electra has lightning strike balloons stored in a backpack. They look absolutely ridiculous, but they do imply electricity. Coming from the same designer as the costumes in Six, this is not only disappointing but surprising - I would have sworn that the Six queens were directly inspired by Starlight Express, they look like Tudor-inspired OC coach fan creations, but apparently Gabriella Slade had never even seen John Napier's designs before being asked to come up with something different. I assume she was under some severe limitations wrt not replicating anything that was his copyright, beyond basic features like safety pads and the skates themselves. I don't think the concept of using the costumes to convey the characters was copyrighted, though.
The beginning includes the "When the night is darkest" lullaby and I swear I nearly cried.
The "Starlight Sequence" is gorgeous. I don't know if it's been transposed into a different key to sit where both Momma and Rusty can sing it comfortably or if one of them just has that wide a range, but the horrific clunking great key changes mid-phrase that made the song physically painful to listen to in 2018 are not there. And the starfield that lights up for "I am the Starlight" is a kaleidoscope of pastel multicolour points sitting just above your head and all around the auditorium - that moment is properly magical.
Bloody, bloody "I Do" is still fucking there. It has still not undergone a second draft since it debuted in 2012.
There's a lot of dialogue/recit that's been inserted between songs, and it all kinda sounds like devised theatre that was initially improvised by people who were running out of ideas. Somehow it gives it the impression of being an amdram show with an inexplicably huge budget at some moments.
It is excellently performed, the music is still good, it is visually exciting. If you want to see some very talented young people performing familiar songs in a visual spectacle and you don't care about whether or not it makes any sense, it's very enjoyable.
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depressedhangrybitch · 2 years ago
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I feel like we don't really talk about Thomas Midgely Jr.
The man who is single-handedly responsible for creating the 2 most destructive chemicals of the 20 century. Chemicals that should have never been created.
So I am here to change that.
While Thomas Midgely died in November 1944. At the time of his death, the public sang his praises and his contributions to the automobile industry and coolant industries. Today, however, he is effectively canceled. If you ever Google him you won't find any positive on him.
Thomas started his career at the National registered company or NCR in Ohio where another one of his colleagues started his path to fame Charles Kettering, who was also relatively famous because of his contributions to the automobile industry.
He was famous for creating the first electric cashier register and electric ignition system which changed the locomotive industry.
Which brings us to what his inventions actually were.
Deadly Invention #1
Leaded gasoline:
Kettering was originally the one who tasked Midgely to solve the pesky and horrible problem of engine knocking. Engine knocking wasn't just any sound, it was a sensation that was felt by people throughout their driving in the cars of that time. This knocking also sometimes suddenly stopped the power flow to the engine which was quite problematic as a car just suddenly stopping anywhere could both be dangerous and unpredictable.
Midgely soon realized that this was not an engineering problem but a chemistry problem, and while Midgely was passionate about chemistry he wasn't a chemist. So to start his research he took the basis of chemistry as his starting point.
The periodic table.
Midgley tested 33000 compounds and finally came to a solution.
The engine knocking was dissipated by lurium however, lurium left a 'satanic garlic smell' in its wake which was not a solution Midgeley was looking for.
Midgely however soon concluded that, the heavier the element that is added to petrol, the more the knocking dissipated. Which was finally what turned him to lead. He tested this by adding a spoonful of lead to the engine and BOOM!! as if by magic the knocking completely dissipated.
This virtually overturned the automobile industry overnight. The limitations that first made people reluctant to buy a car were gone and thus registered car users in the US tripled exponentially.
However, this had dire consequences. Today, it is suspected that over 40000 - 80000 people especially children died every year of lead poisoning between the first usage of leaded gasoline to its ban.
But how did we find out about lead poisoning?
Enter Dr. Clair Patterson, he initially had the plan to measure the age of the earth by dating the oldest rocks known to mankind, however, he soon realized that he cannot truly get rid of lead from his lab which is a crucial thing to do in the dating process. He soon noticed that lead was everywhere due to emissions. In the blood of a human, in the hair of a human body, rocks that are far away from inhabited towns.
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Dr. Clair Patterson, the man who suffered for his accomplishments.
Due to his efforts, gasoline was finally banned in the US but people still suffer through its consequences. But why did it take so long and such hardships to ban leaded gasoline?
The main reason is that lead poisoning is very subtle until the very end. When lead enters the bloodstream the RBCs confuse it with other minerals that the cells actually need that are zinc, iron, etc.. Since lead mimics other viral minerals so well cells absorb them and this began their dance of death. Slowly they self-destruct and since there is no communication the brain fails to understand what is happening with the body as lead blocks neurotransmitters amongst the cells.
Perhaps I will explain more about Dr. Patterson's journey to ban leaded gasoline in a later post.
Now we are finally at
Deadly Invention #2
CFCs or chlorofluorocarbons
It was an age-old problem, i.e. to actually reverse the effect of heat on food items and to actually make a machine that emitted cold instead of warmth. which was when Midgley had another stroke of genius; CFCs.
Before the invention of CFC, companies used coolants such as ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and methyl chloride. But ammonia was notorious after the disastrous catastrophe in an ice manufacturing plant that got destroyed because ammonia in that building caught on fire. sulphur dioxide and methyl chloride on the other hand were toxic gases and caused deaths all around the country.
The situation genuinely got so bad that the government almost passed a law that banned the usage of home fridges.
Midgley was once again tasked with another problem to solve. Find a coolant that was actually both safe and effective in its job.
Once again Midgley knew the answer will come from his passion, chemistry. He narrowed down the elements in the periodic table that were gaseous at low temperatures. finally, there was one element that caught his eye; fluorine.
Now, fluorine was highly toxic on its own, however, Midgley was hoping to combine it with another element that will together make a stable compound and render fluorine non-toxic.
In just a few hours, Midgley and his team came up with a compound in which they combine fluorine, chlorine, and carbon. a new class of compounds called chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs.
Kettering finally concluded that this compound was non-toxic, non-flammable, and essentially safe for both humans and animals. He quickly partnered with DuPont to commercially start the sale of this compound in bulk after a successful previous partnership with the company over leaded gasoline. CFC was finally ready for commercial sale under the catchy name 'Freon'.
In 1932, it finally made its debut. The timing was near perfect, 15 more people were killed by methyl chloride leak. Just like leaded gasoline, it was an overnight sensation and by 1939 DuPont sold 8 million fridges.
Soon other companies used this compound to create a new AC cabinet. It was not actually the freon that caused environmental damages but actually when freon was repurposed into a handheld product that will be catastrophic for the environment and whose price we are still paying today.
By the 1970s, freon was used in almost everything, from ACs to hair sprays.
It was around the time when 2 scientists created the aerosol version of freon to be used as an insecticide mist which gave birth to the aerosol industry that one scientist found out the disastrous consequences of CFCs.
Enter James Lovelock, the scientist who found out the environmental effects of freon in a most unexpected way.
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i mean look at that face. so happy and cute. that is the face of the man whose passion and wife is science.
Lovelock actually began this drastic discovery when one day he decided to know whether the haze in front of his house was actually natural mist or chemical compounds from the urban cities. In order to measure this he created a device that will help him accurately measure the synthetic compounds in the air with an accuracy never seen before. In order to measure this, he went on a grand sea voyage from England to Antarctica and just like Dr. Patterson he found out that high concentrations of CFC's emissions were everywhere.
Lovelock presented his findings at a scientific conference in 1976, his findings intrigued 2 chemists who decided to research further on this issue. They found out that unlike other chemicals CFCs had no natural sinks in the earth where they can be naturally dissolved.
Since there were no natural sinks the gas went upwards and accumulated in the upper atmosphere. while roaming in the upper atmosphere the sun's UV rays will ultimately break it down. This chemical reaction will release chlorine from CFCs and thus begins the process of destruction of the ozone layer.
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Chlorine singlehandedly was responsible for the ozone hole in the atmosphere of Antarctica. this caused an immediate alarm amongst the scientific community because as we all know ozone layer provides a protective layer against the sun's UV rays and prevents us from catching numerous fatal health conditions, most common being skin cancer.
If the emission of CFCs continues at this rate then half of the earth's ozone layer will be gone by 2050. What's more is that in places like DC or Paris, just being outside for 5 minutes will cause severe sunburns. Skin cancer rate will skyrocket and by 2065 plant life will be affected. There will be a decrease in co2 absorption during photosynthesis in plants.
After the Montreal Protocol and international collaboration, CFC was finally banned in 1982. However, the ozone layer destroyed by Midgeley's compound since its use from the 1920s to 1970s is not expected to recover till 2050.
and this is the story of Dr. Thomas Midgely Jr.
next will be perhaps Dr. Clair Patterson.
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yukinovabattery · 2 months ago
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Top Traction Battery Manufacturer in India – Yukinova
Yukinova is a leading Traction Battery Manufacturer in India, specializing in high-performance, long-lasting batteries for electric vehicles, forklifts, material handling equipment, and more. Our advanced lithium-ion traction batteries are designed for superior reliability, enhanced performance, and long life cycles. With cutting-edge battery management systems, we ensure optimal voltage, current protection, cell balancing, and thermal management. Our batteries comply with DIN and BS standards, making them ideal for heavy-duty applications. Whether for mining locomotives, golf carts, or EVs, Yukinova traction batteries offer unmatched durability and efficiency for all your power needs.
Website:- https://www.yukinova.com/traction-battery
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amoebadiscovery · 3 months ago
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Adapting to environments with limited or no oxygen is one of the most remarkable evolutionary achievements, particularly when observed in single-celled organisms such as metamonads. These organisms are especially intriguing due to their extensive biological modifications: many metamonads either possess modified mitochondria or lack them altogether, distinguishing them from most other eukaryotes. Instead of relying on oxygen-dependent energy production, these organisms have evolved alternative metabolic pathways, enabling them to survive in some of the most extreme environments on Earth.
In November 2024, scientists introduced a novel genus of metamonads, Skoliomonas, which provides fresh insights into life in oxygen-deprived habitats. Skoliomonads are characterized by asymmetric morphology, with a rounded anterior and a sharply pointed posterior that extends into a long spike, often nearly as long as the organism's entire body. This distinctive tail is a prominent feature, and the organism’s dorsal surface rises into a pronounced hump, while the ventral side is flattened and features a groove along its right edge. At the terminus of this groove lies a scythe-shaped cytopharynx, a specialized feeding structure essential for nutrient acquisition.
As skoliomonads move through environment, they utilize the cytopharynx to capture bacteria, which are subsequently digested in vacuoles located along the dorsal side of the cell. These vacuoles enlarge and round out as digestion progresses, providing clear evidence of the organism’s feeding process. For locomotion, skoliomonads rely on two flagella; one flagellum sweeps in a large arc, generating a powerful yet fluid movement.
The feeding mechanism of skoliomonads is highly specialized and adapted to their environment. The ventral groove plays a crucial role in capturing and processing food. Although skoliomonads have not been observed filtering water currents under experimental conditions, they are capable of anchoring themselves to surfaces using their sharp posterior spike before detaching and resuming locomotion.
Under unfavorable conditions, skoliomonads can form cysts that provide structural protection and enhance the organism's survival in extreme environments. These cysts have a double wall and a protruding plug. Within the cyst, the nucleus is positioned near the anterior, and the nucleolus—particularly prominent in certain isolates—is eccentrically located. On the left side of the cell, digestive vacuoles distort the organism's shape as they extend across the dorsal side during feeding.
The discovery of skoliomonads significantly deepens our understanding of how life adapts to extreme, oxygen-deprived environments. Although these organisms possess a relatively simple structure, they reveal a complex realm of biological specialization. Their distinctive morphology, feeding mechanisms, and capacity to form protective cysts underscore the extraordinary adaptability of life, even in some of Earth's most inhospitable ecosystems.
For the curious and the scientifically minded, you can read more in the full research paper here: https://doi.org/10.1111/jeu.13048
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nikshahxai · 5 months ago
Mastering Emissionless Locomotives: A Green Revolution in Transportation | Nik Shah xAi
The transportation sector is one of the primary contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. To mitigate climate change, there is a pressing need to transition to more sustainable modes of transportation. Emissionless locomotives offer a promising solution to reduce the environmental impact of rail transportation.
Understanding Emissionless Locomotives
Emissionless locomotives are designed to operate without emitting harmful pollutants such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These locomotives can be powered by various alternative energy sources, including:
Battery Electric Locomotives: These locomotives store energy in batteries and use electric motors to propel themselves.
Fuel Cell Locomotives: Fuel cells convert hydrogen into electricity, powering the locomotive's motors.
Hybrid Locomotives: These locomotives combine traditional diesel engines with alternative energy sources to reduce emissions.
Benefits of Emissionless Locomotives
Reduced Environmental Impact: Emissionless locomotives significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change mitigation.
Improved Air Quality: By eliminating harmful pollutants, these locomotives improve air quality in urban areas.
Noise Reduction: Electric and fuel cell locomotives produce less noise than diesel locomotives, reducing noise pollution along rail lines.
Energy Efficiency: Many alternative energy sources used in emissionless locomotives are more energy-efficient than traditional diesel fuel.
Challenges and Future Developments
Despite the numerous benefits, the adoption of emissionless locomotives faces several challenges:
Infrastructure: Upgrading existing rail infrastructure to accommodate electric and fuel cell locomotives, including charging stations and hydrogen refueling stations, is a significant investment.
Battery Technology: Advancements in battery technology are crucial for improving the range and performance of battery electric locomotives.
Hydrogen Production: The production of hydrogen for fuel cell locomotives must be clean and sustainable to avoid increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
However, ongoing research and development are addressing these challenges. As technology continues to advance, emissionless locomotives are expected to become increasingly viable and cost-effective options for rail transportation.
Mastering emissionless locomotives is essential for a sustainable future. By transitioning to these cleaner and greener technologies, the rail industry can play a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. As research and development progress, emissionless locomotives are poised to become a cornerstone of a more environmentally friendly transportation system.
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About the Authors
For more information about Nik Shah's digital presence, as well as insights from contributing authors such as Nanthaphon Yingyongsuk, Sean Shah, Gulab Mirchandani, Darshan Shah, Kranti Shah, John DeMinico, Rajeev Chabria, Francis Wesley, Sony Shah, Dilip Mirchandani, Nattanai Yingyongsuk, Subun Yingyongsuk, Theeraphat Yingyongsuk, and Saksid Yingyongsuk, click here to explore further.
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sw5w · 4 months ago
Artoo's Spotlight
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:13:34
Something odd I noticed here: the rim of R2's lower body where his retractable leg comes out has some of the motion sensor lights superimposed on top of it. This should normally be in shadow, but it looks like the the VFX artists were a little too aggressive adding areas to block out for effects. Or, as several people pointed out on Twitter, it may be the model that Kenny Baker would normally be operating, with the the leg tubes painted over.
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Realest post ever. I’ve loved trains since I was a kid and I could never really articulate why I exactly liked them. Of course there was the sounds, the sights, the speed, but there is a more subconscious and metaphysical reasoning for why I liked trains and I think it’s when I graduated high school that I figured it out.
Trains have the thrill and the prestige. To be made and that in of itself is good. To be created with purpose and to do is good. The power and speed bound only by the iron guiding you, and the continents you call your avenue.
Trains are paradoxically the most powerful and yet most restricted land vehicle. The can move in one dimension but stand thrice the height of cars and truck can only stand at about level to the frame of the engine. The restriction is not a problem to a locomotive when its power and speed refuses any restriction from the natural powers.
But outside of the engine’s internal prestiges, what of the external? Locomotives are a revolution to the economy and carry the wealth of nations to and from centers of labor. They are the red blood cells of empires, and their tracks are arteries. Express trains are advertised like spirts cars, they are the pride of the fleet and luxuries for kings.
People have to subconsciously rely on and respect every train, either for their safety on the tracks or for the help and sustenance a train gives by the merits of its design. It’s certainly in the locomotive’s design, but that’s what adds to the joy of being a train, you are doing it right by being who you are. You were made and all you ever knew how to function was the correct answer. From a one-way mirror this feels like unconditional love, because you didn’t configure the conditions, you were built inside them. It’s what makes people pray to God.
So this oddity does mean there’s a caveat, that a train eventually must stop running and locomotives have to retire. As being made is out of your control, so too is your decommissioning. The fate of an engine being scrapped is death without cause, seeing your body as more valuable than your self. Parts to be reincarnated into the next generation, and as oblivion fearing peoples this is a horror inescapable, lest you wish to be made into something better than you, and the engine, if it could be alive, could accept it must return to where it came, the heat and the darkness of the foundry.
And the museum, it is a different fate, absolutely a quiet and calm end unlike the active ripping apart of your boiler to your pilot wheels or the fantasy of running forever with a tender of a mountain of coal that never shrinks, an ocean of water that never shallows, and tracks that go to heaven and back.
The trade of the museum is your body is too weak and fragile to run, your purpose is denied, but instead you will live for years and years. They will fix you, but mostly your skin, as your organs no longer function, and why should they? You don’t have to live anymore, you can stay with the people and exist. But to exist is to be seen, to have your muscles flex because you are the strongest, have your face always towards the crowd because you are beautiful. To sit on a throne because you are a leader, to have your name written in gold because you are perfect.
You were always perfect. As long as someone knows you, you are perfect.
Maybe you’d prefer to run, but rest now, there’s no tracks ahead of you.
Humor me but I was trying to explain to my friend about how it feels to enjoy trains. Even as a novice I cannot help but romanticize them and wanted my friend to see through the mind of an engine or how I imagine an engine sees itself.
Imagine being so strong and nothing can really hurt you. You’re in a perfectly safe space made just for YOU (the rails) And your job is to go FAST as fast as you were made to be. Or to be strong and to be as strong as you were made to be. You were made to be fast and strong! There was intention in your design. Science, engineering, something real, something you aren’t taught to believe in the walls of a church. Power you can touch, see, and feel. You are imagination made real!
A person has to live under constraints and social pressure. And although you were made for people, their rules that restrict you like speed restrictions or what color you must be painted will never eclipse the truth of what you are and what you were meant to be.
Imagine being a thing built to work and LOVING to work and WANTING to work and when you’re tired, there are people who will fix you and you pay them with your work which also pays you! You are compensated by your mere existence and your usage! And people tell you you’re marvelous and strong and beautiful and it’s true because you are!
It’s like!!! Living an absolute perfect truth. And when you’re speeding down the track whistling as loud as you can for you’re meant to be loud and going as fast as you can because that’s what you’re meant to do; when you’re doing that, you’re living in perfect happiness.
The happiest one could ever be! No biological desire no concept of denying yourself your ultimate calling. Just doing what you’re made to do and loving it unconditionally. And being praised for it and never needing money because it means nothing to you! Incredible.
I just think it would be the most amazing feeling ever. But also!The saddest feeling to be broken! To be unused and waiting in a museum or a siding or a scrapyard. To be told you’re useless. To be melted down for some unknown purpose and to never feel the wind across your frames again and to never scream at your highest pitch that you’re alive and you’re loud enough to drown out the rest of the world! To be silent and only to take up space until you are removed from the beautiful rails and destroyed.
To no longer be what you were made to be. So cold you crack and rust away. And people only speak of your glory in past tense and blame you for things you couldn’t control.
Didn’t I do a good job?
Didn’t I pull? Didn’t I push trucks around nicely? Didn’t you get to where you needed to go? Did I ever treat your destinations as unimportant? Did I ever ask you to justify the direction I took you in? All I ever asked was to be what I was meant to be.
Now you say I’m too expensive. That I take up space. That no one will take care of me anymore. That I’m bad for the Earth I was made from and the living things on it I was made for. Why is this my fault?
Why is any of this my fault? When you made me this way?
Didn’t you benefit from what it took to give me power? Weren’t we all working together? I’m not sorry. I’m just sad.
So many times that came that never had to. So much work left undone. If I were an engine with my life cut short, how I’d cry over the loss of what could have been!
But no one would hear me. I can only be heard when I’m doing what I was made for. My truth only can be spoken when I’m given a voice.
I don’t know! I think trains are neat.
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theunderseaworld · 8 months ago
Alien creatures at the bottom of the sea?
The octopus is a fascinating and enigmatic creature, often likened to an alien due to its otherworldly appearance and extraordinary abilities. These remarkable animals, found in the depths of the ocean, have captivated scientists and the public alike, leading to the intriguing question: are octopuses the aliens, the alien creatures at the bottom of the sea? With their soft, boneless bodies, eight flexible arms, and large, expressive eyes, octopuses indeed resemble beings from another world. Their intelligence, problem-solving skills, and ability to change color and texture at will further enhance their reputation as the enigmatic "aliens" of the ocean.
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Octopuses belong to the class Cephalopoda, which also includes squids and cuttlefish. They are known for their intelligence, which rivals that of many vertebrates. Studies have shown that octopuses can navigate complex mazes, use tools, and exhibit short and long-term memory. Their problem-solving abilities are particularly impressive; for example, they can unscrew jar lids to access food inside and even learn to mimic other species for protection or predation. These behaviors have led some scientists to ponder the evolutionary origins of such advanced cognitive functions in a marine invertebrate.
One of the most striking features of octopuses is their ability to change color and texture to blend into their surroundings. This camouflage capability is achieved through specialized skin cells called chromatophores, which contain pigments that can expand or contract to alter the octopus's appearance. Additionally, octopuses have cells called iridophores and leucophores, which reflect light and contribute to their ability to mimic the colors and textures of their environment. This ability not only helps them evade predators but also allows them to ambush prey, making them formidable hunters.
Their unique locomotion also adds to the perception of octopuses as alien creatures. Unlike most animals that move in a linear or predictable fashion, octopuses can propel themselves using a form of jet propulsion. By forcefully expelling water through their siphon, they can shoot forward at high speeds, allowing for quick escapes from predators or sudden attacks on prey. Additionally, their arms are lined with suction cups, giving them an unparalleled ability to grasp and manipulate objects with precision.
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Octopuses also exhibit remarkable regenerative abilities. If an arm is lost to a predator or through injury, it can be fully regrown, complete with functioning nerves and muscles. This regenerative power is not just limited to their limbs; octopuses have been observed healing other injuries with a speed and efficiency that seem almost supernatural. This ability to regenerate, combined with their flexible bodies, makes them incredibly resilient and adaptable to their environment.
The reproductive strategies of octopuses are equally intriguing and contribute to their alien-like mystique. Most species exhibit a semelparous reproductive strategy, meaning they breed only once before they die. Female octopuses lay thousands of eggs, which they meticulously care for until they hatch. During this period, the female often ceases to eat and devotes all her energy to protecting and aerating the eggs. This intense maternal dedication, followed by the female's death, adds a poignant dimension to their life cycle.
Furthermore, octopuses possess a highly unusual nervous system. Unlike most animals, where the central brain controls the body, octopuses have a distributed nervous system. Two-thirds of their neurons are located in their arms, allowing each arm to operate semi-independently. This means that an octopus's arm can continue to explore, manipulate objects, and even respond to stimuli even if it is severed from the central brain. This decentralized nervous system contributes to their extraordinary dexterity and problem-solving abilities, reinforcing the perception of octopuses as alien beings with advanced capabilities.
The study of octopuses has also led to significant insights into the potential for extraterrestrial life. Their unique evolutionary path, which has led to advanced intelligence and complex behaviors in a marine invertebrate, suggests that life on other planets could take forms that are vastly different from those on Earth. The octopus, with its alien appearance and extraordinary abilities, serves as a reminder that the universe may harbor life forms that challenge our understanding of biology and intelligence.
In popular culture, the octopus's alien qualities have not gone unnoticed. They have been featured in various works of science fiction, often depicted as intelligent extraterrestrial beings or as inspiration for alien creatures. Their ability to change shape and color, their intelligence, and their mysterious nature make them perfect candidates for the role of Earth's "alien creatures at the bottom of the sea." This fascination is not just limited to fiction; documentaries and scientific literature frequently explore the parallels between octopuses and potential alien life forms, highlighting their unique place in the natural world.
Despite their alien-like qualities, octopuses are also deeply affected by changes in their environment. Climate change, pollution, and overfishing threaten their habitats and survival. Their sensitivity to these changes underscores the interconnectedness of all life on Earth and the importance of preserving marine ecosystems. Protecting octopuses and their habitats is not only crucial for maintaining biodiversity but also for continuing to unravel the mysteries of these incredible creatures.
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pattywagon2go · 8 months ago
Train Talk Tuesday
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Train Talk Tuesday: As promised, this post will be about Hydrogen trains, because god fucking damnit, I have had enough of this hydrogen bullshit in trains, and I figured it would make for a great post. In this, I will cover what hydrogen trains are, a few examples in the wild/proposed, why they're incredibly dumb and bad, and what we could actually invest in instead of these half-baked attempts at rail-based transportation, featuring the dumbfucks from the California Department of Transportation, or CalTrans, and the United Kingdom. If you're ready, then stand clear from the closing doors, for the train is now ready to depart.
First off, what is a hydrogen train?
Talkin About The (H2) Flow
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True to its name, a hydrogen train is a train that is powered purely off of Hydrogen gas, the lightest element on the Periodic Table. You also sometimes see them referred to as Hydrail or Zero Emission Multiple Units, or ZEMUs (Which is a bit of a dumb definition, but more on that later). The Hydrogen gas stored in these trains can be used to power it in a few different ways, either by burning the gas through an internal combustion engine, or using fuel cells to generate electricity from the gas, which in turn powers electric motors which drive the train, in a similar vein to diesel-electrics. The big selling point about these so-called "ZEMUs" is that both methods of powering the train yield no harmful pollutants, as burning Hydrogen gas only creates water vapor, due to how combustion works, and fuel cells generate electricity via reactions with hydrogen and oxygen, hence their marketing as "zero-emissions". Some notable examples of hydrogen trains you can see in the real world include the Stadler FLIRT H2 built for Metrolink (see above), the Alstom Coradia iLint (see below), and an upcoming conversion of a Class 60 diesel locomotive to hydrogen combustion (with some...quirks, but more on that later)
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Now, I want to make it clear here that something like this on-paper is something I'd fully support. I am not a conspiracy theory crackhead who thinks that climate change is a myth, so something that could provide necessary transportation with no pollution involved is something I would support. But, notice I said on-paper. In practice, hydrogen trains have a myriad of issues which don't paint them as the environmentally friendly solution you would think they would be, and on top of that, there's an older technology we have that makes these things completely irrelevant. But, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Let's talk about the problems.
A Grey Green Lie
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Now once again, from the surface, its easy to think that hydrogen is a clean alternative to fossil fuels, because hey, no greenhouse gases emitted during burning, unlike those fossil fuels, and we can just get hydrogen from water! It's the perfect fuel source!
Yeahhhh. I wish.
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Unfortunately, a large portion of the hydrogen we source involves Methane gas, which is commonly sourced from natural gas deposits. The most common method of hydrogen production, Steam-Methane Reforming, involves using high-pressure steam and methane gas and forcing them to react with each other, which derives hydrogen from the methane. Now, if it wasn't bad enough that this process involved fossil fuels, this process does yield some amounts of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide, the latter of which is to blame for climate change occurring. So even if the desired gas itself doesn't produce greenhouse gases while being used for energy, its production already involves not only a fossil fuel, but it produces the greenhouse gases that the desired gas was trying to avoid. (For additional reading, this is a good source)
The only source of hydrogen that has the potential to be clean all the way through is Green Hydrogen, which relies on electrolysis to derive hydrogen from water. The major problem with this approach is that compared to Grey Hydrogen, it is a much more expensive and resource intensive method of obtaining hydrogen, requiring more capital and energy overall to even make feasible compared to SMR with Grey Hydrogen, hence why this option is usually passed up. And even then, Green Hydrogen only has the potential to be 100% clean. The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewability has stated that the current grid isn't ready for mass-hydrogen production yet, as most of the electricity generated for the United States still comes from non-renewable sources, which would negate the "clean" benefit of Green Hydrogen entirely. (Source for anyone curious) And even with a purely green powered grid, there's a certain other option regarding powering trains which blows hydrogen away to the far reaches of the universe. But, odd, I don't seem to be able to remember what it could be. Eh, maybe it will come back to me later.
So, what about that fancy hydrogen-powered FLIRT ordered by CalTrans? Well, its more than likely going to be fueled up by that Grey Hydrogen stuff, so any notion of it being a "clean" alternative is null and void. And on top of that, these dumbfucks have the AUDACITY to even call it a so-called "Zero Emission Multiple Unit". I-I just...WHYYYYYYY. I absolutely despise that name, because all it is for is to convince the general population that its this "clean" solution to transit woes and will bring on an "era of sustainability". Its a pure marketing stunt, and for that, I despise it with every fiber of my being.
But even that pails in comparison to the UK choosing to convert one of their old diesel locomotives to burn hydrogen. But, being the UK, they have to have some kind of stupid and weird quirk with it, and in this case, the locomotive itself won't be using hydrogen to power the train directly. Rather, its going to use hydrogen to heat water, in order to power a fucking STEAM TURBINE, to generate the electricity to power the locomotive.
I-I just-I don't even know what to say anymore.
There's honestly a lot more about hydrogen trains that I could rant about in this post, but so far, I haven't mentioned anything about what's the solution to this hydrogen craze. All I've talked about are what they are and why they suck. It is clear that we are in desperate need of a clean solution to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels which isn't these meme machines. I just cannot seem to figure out watt would fit the bill, though. What we need is something so truly electrifying, so powerful, something which would truly shock the minds of those in charge and would fix all of our current issues regarding our dependencies on fossil fuels for transit, and could be implemented on a scale so wide there would be next to no resistance to it being the undisputed key to the sustainability we so crave. If only...
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Oh, but there is.
The Shock You Didn't Expect
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That's right, every single one of the problems I mentioned with hydrogen trains we have already solved using regular electrification. Electric trains not only produce zero emissions while in operation, but they can also be powered by 100% renewable energy, making Green Hydrogen completely irrelevant. Trains can come in either locomotive hauled or multiple unit varieties, so if you wanted a true "Zero Emission Multiple Unit", we have that covered in the form of Electric Multiple Units, or EMUs. On top of that, an electric train doesn't have to carry any kind of fuel with it, meaning it can not only run for a theoretical indefinite period, not requiring any downtime for refueling, but it will always be inherently more efficient than anything which requires onboard fuel storage, due to a lower axle weight caused by freeing up space taken up by the fuel storage. Electrification is something that the United States is no stranger to, with the notable examples of early electrification being the Baltimore & Ohio railroad being the first railroad in the continental United States to open an electrified line for revenue service in 1895, to the great Pennsylvania Railroad, who's legacy of electrified rail corridors survive to this day as parts of Amtrak's Northeast Corridor and Keystone Corridor, to even recent examples in California, where up in the Bay Area, Caltrain has finished electrifying a large portion of their main line in preparation for electric revenue service. There are no obstacles to electrification, no excuses, no issues. This nation is fully capable of doing these kinds of projects.
So, conclusion time?
On the surface, a train powered by hydrogen seems like a logical step forward for rail-based transport in the pursuit for a greener future. Yet this green solution that we praise as our savior hides within a dark secret, for it has a heart of methane, and it will only further our dependencies on fossil fuels. Meanwhile, the true green solution, electrification, continues to be shunned and shoved aside as we chase down new, unproven technologies in our thirst for sustainability salvation. If we are to truly perfect our transportation and achieve a status of carbon neutral, the path we must take won't be some unproven technology like hydrogen and batteries, but the path we took in the past, being proper electrification. It will definitely take a while for us to move on from our tie to fossil fuels, but if we know to avoid false promises like this hydrogen bullshit, then the move will be just that little bit faster.
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marketwire · 10 months ago
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
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 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Market Size was valued at USD 0.72 billion in 2021. The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle market industry is projected to grow from USD 1.2 Billion in 2022 to USD 46.8 billion by 2030, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 68.52% during the forecast period (2024–2030). Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are specially designed vehicles that are powered through hydrogen acting as a fuel and are used to supply power to the electric motors installed within them, thus ensuring emission free vehicle transmission. Vehicle powered with hydrogen fuel cells includes a reverse electrolysis process wherein hydrogen reacts with oxygen, thus producing electricity to power electric motors along with heat and water. The heat & water generated during this process exits through the exhaust as water vapor, thereby leading to zero or no emission.
Key Developments in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Industry
In September 2023, Toyota Motor Corporation launched a prototype hydrogen fuel cell electric Hilux. This technology helps to accelerate the development of hydrogen fuel cell solutions to deliver carbon neutrality across the region. It uses core elements from the Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell electric sedan – technology that has proved its quality in almost 10 years of commercial production.
In July 2023, Ballard Power Systems, Inc. signed an agreement with Ford Trucks to supply a fuel cell system as part of the development of a hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle prototype. This strategy includes an initial purchase order for 2 FCmoveTM.-XD 120 kW fuel cell engines that are planned to be delivered by Ballard to Ford Trucks in 2023. Furthermore, Ford Trucks plans to develop a Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) F-MAX as part of the project.
In July 2023, Ballard Power Systems, Inc. received orders for a total of 96 hydrogen fuel cell engines from long-standing customer Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. The purchase orders include 52 fuel cell engines that will power Solaris Urbino hydrogen buses for deployment by public transport in Germany and 44 fuel cell engines that will power Solaris buses in European cities.
In January 2022, General Motors (GM) planned to broaden electrification, by expanding fuel cells beyond vehicles. It also continues to accelerate its growth as a platform innovator and has announced new commercial applications of its HYDROTEC fuel cell technology. HYDROTEC projects, which are currently in development, from heavy-duty trucks to aerospace and locomotives, are being planned for use beyond vehicles for power generation.
Downlaod report sample
Lack of refueling infrastructure for HFCV
The lack of refueling infrastructure for HFCV in most of the countries is due to the limited number of hydrogen refueling stations. For instance, in 2020, globally the hydrogen refueling stations are less than 800, which hampers the growth of HFCV vehicle sales. Furthermore, in many developing countries such as Brazil, African countries, and other countries limited presence of hydrogen vehicles and high cost for development which are also impact the growth of HFCV market. The development of HFCV in underdeveloped countries is slower than in developed countries.
Rise in adoption of HFCV in development economies
Increase in adoption of clean mobility solutions is observed globally due to climatic changes. Continuous usage of fossil fuels in automobiles is a major factor resulting in climate change. Vehicles that run on alternative fuels, such as natural gas, electricity, biofuel, biodiesel, fuel cell, liquid nitrogen, and dimethyl ether result in lesser carbon emissions. Increasing environmental concerns among consumers, introduction of stringent emission regulations, and launch of advanced vehicles supporting alternative fuels are expected to increase the adoption of alternative fuel and hybrid vehicle market during the forecast period.
Purchase report
Key players : 
The key players profiled in the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market share include General Motors Company, HONDA MOTOR Co., Ltd, AUDI AG, Ballard Power Systems, Inc., BMW Group, Daimler AG, Hyundai Motor Group, MAN SE, Toyota Motor Corp., and Volvo Group which have been operating in the industry & are developing strategies & products for the growth of the market.
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surv1vrd · 10 months ago
regeneration  healing  factor  :  Users  possess  a  regenerative  healing  factor,  meaning  that  they  can  rapidly  heal  and  get  restored  to  their  optimal  and  full  health/state  at  an  extremely  fast  rate.  Unlike  Healing,  regeneration/healing  factor  is  a  process  that  happens  unconsciously  without  the  need  for  activation,  resulting  in  a  constant  state  of  optimal  health.
Regeneration  is  a  process  that  occurs  in  all  biological  entities,  but  a  regenerative  healing  factor  is  much  more  efficient,  seamless,  and  powerful.  So  much  so  that  users  can  recreate  lost  or  damaged  tissues,  organs,  and  limbs,  sometimes  slowing,  or  even  stopping  aging,  something  natural  regeneration  can  never  accomplish  (or  does  so  extremely  slowly).  The  rate  and  amount  of  healing  vary  widely;  some  can  regrow  missing  limbs,  others  must  put  the  limb  back  in  place  for  rapid  regeneration.  The  user  is  generally  in  very  good  physical  shape,  as  their  bodies  are  constantly  reverting  to  a  healthy  state,  granting  them  nigh-inexhaustible  stamina  and  vitality.
The  regeneration  process  also  increases  the  speed  of  processes  the  body  uses  in  the  healing  such  as  endorphin  production  to  mitigate  pain  reducing  the  amount  of  time  and  severity  the  subject  feels  discomfort  leading  to  an  increased  pain  threshold.  Other  processes  included  are  the  production  of  adrenaline  and  the  fight  or  flight  response  which  are  greatly  extended  by  the  increased  recovery  leading  to  increased  physical  performance  as  the  subject  gains  elevated  strength  and  energy  while  also  able  to  push  their  bodies  harder  due  to  decreased  sensation  of  pain.
At  higher  levels,  a  user  can  regenerate  not  just  their  cellular  tissues,  but  also  their  DNA,  undoing  genetic  mutations  and  breakdown,  as  well  as  maintaining  one's  youth  by  extending  telomeres.  If  advanced  enough,  the  ability  will  cause  the  body  to  cease  aging  as  the  cells  are  regenerating  and  dying  in  equilibrium,  granting  a  form  of  immortality.
life-force  absorption  :  The  user  can  absorb  life-force/energy,  vitality  and  health,  while  removing  it  from  the  source,  into  their  body  and  use  it  in  various  ways,  gaining  some  form  of  advantage,  either  by  enhancing  themselves,  gaining  the  drained  power,  using  it  as  power  source  etc;  either  temporarily  or  permanently.  zavi  needs  it  to  re-energize  herself  after  her  body  heals  itself.
immortality  :  Users  possesses  immortality,  a  state  where  one  has  eternal  life  and  is  undying.  They  never  age,  are  completely  self-sustaining,  free  from  all  bodily  necessities,  and  can  survive  virtually  any  kind  of  harm,  remaining  immune  to  all  forms  of  decay.  Any  damage  done  to  the  user  would  either  be  regenerated  or  simply  remain  non-fatal.  As  a  byproduct  of  having  everlasting  life,  users  may  have  an  infinite  reservoir  of  life  energy  that  fuels  the  dynamic  system  of  their  immortality.  zavi's  ability  for  immortality  is  tied  to  her  regenerative  healing  factor.
super  strength  :  Users  are  glaringly,  obviously,  and  unnaturally  stronger  than  their  race  because  their  capabilities  are  pushed  beyond  the  natural  level  and  superior  to  most  supernatural  beings  in  their  verse;  making  them  immensely  stronger  than  normal  members  of  their  species  (in  that  'verse)  can  be  achieved  by  any  method  of  training.
Depending  on  the  users,  they  are  capable  of  lifting  from  massive  vehicles  to  large  airplanes  and  able  to  lift  massive  boulders  and  locomotives  with  ease.  Their  high-level  immense  strength  enables  them  to  overpower  users  with  peak  human  strength  and  enhanced  strength.  Users  are  capable  of  tearing  through  the  strongest  metals  with  their  bare  hands  like  paper.  Offensively,  depending  on  the  users'  strength,  they  can  send  opponents  flying  several  miles  away,  create  cracks  in  the  lithosphere,  or  release  a  force  of  energy  equivalent  to  nuclear  weapons  upon  an  entire  city.
super  agility  :  Users  of  this  ability  are  several  times  more  agile  than  what  is  naturally  possible,  being  capable  of  dodging  projectiles  that  move  several  times  faster  than  light  due  to  physical  abilities  such  as  balance,  motor  coordination,  reflexes,  speed,  etc.  Therefore,  users  could  be  considered  one  of  the  fastest  beings  in  their  universe/verse.
psychic  immunity:  The  user  is  completely  immune  to  any/all  psychic  phenomena  regardless  of  its  nature  and  origin.  Their  mind  cannot  be  controlled,  damaged,  read,  influenced,  emulated,  altered,  detected  or  communicated  with,  forcing  users  with  telepathic  allies  to  rely  on  alternate  means  of  long-distance  communication,  usually  via  technological  or  magical  devices.
Simply  put,  the  users'  mind  cannot  be  entered  or  affected  in  any  way,  making  them  perfectly  immune  to  any  mind-related  effects  and  abilities.
superhuman  reflexes:  Users  have  glaringly,  obviously  and  super/unnaturally  superior  reaction  speeds  over  other  beings  in  their  universe  because  their  capabilities  are  pushed  beyond  the  natural  level,  making  them  able  to  react  faster  than  regular  beings.
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ramtracking · 11 months ago
CSX debuts its first hydrogen-fuel cell locomotive (updated) - Trains [ Hydrogen ]
CSX debuts its first hydrogen-fuel cell locomotive (updated) – Trains [News Summary] The switcher, No. 2100, was converted to hydrogen power at the railroad’s shop in Huntington, W.Va., as part of its partnership with CPKC… A little less than one year ago, CSX joined CPKC’s (Canadian Pacific Kansas City) program to develop hydrogen fuel cell (HFC)-powered… The locomotive was converted from an…
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jhavelikes · 1 year ago
Fundamental knowledge gaps exist about the plasticity of cells from adult soma and the potential diversity of body shape and behavior in living constructs derived from genetically wild-type cells. Here anthrobots are introduced, a spheroid-shaped multicellular biological robot (biobot) platform with diameters ranging from 30 to 500 microns and cilia-powered locomotive abilities. Each Anthrobot begins as a single cell, derived from the adult human lung, and self-constructs into a multicellular motile biobot after being cultured in extra cellular matrix for 2 weeks and transferred into a minimally viscous habitat. Anthrobots exhibit diverse behaviors with motility patterns ranging from tight loops to straight lines and speeds ranging from 5–50 microns s−1. The anatomical investigations reveal that this behavioral diversity is significantly correlated with their morphological diversity. Anthrobots can assume morphologies with fully polarized or wholly ciliated bodies and spherical or ellipsoidal shapes, each related to a distinct movement type. Anthrobots are found to be capable of traversing, and inducing rapid repair of scratches in, cultured human neural cell sheets in vitro. By controlling microenvironmental cues in bulk, novel structures, with new and unexpected behavior and biomedically-relevant capabilities, can be discovered in morphogenetic processes without direct genetic editing or manual sculpting.
Motile Living Biobots Self‐Construct from Adult Human Somatic Progenitor Seed Cells - Gumuskaya - 2024 - Advanced Science - Wiley Online Library
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educationtech · 1 year ago
What are Power Electronics? – How it Works - Arya College
What Is Power Electronics?
Power Electronics mean converting electric energy from one form to another form, the output after the conversion is far better, efficient, error-free, clean, compact, and simple to use.
The study of power electronics and electric motors involved in the processing of electric power for a variety of uses. It will provide a wide range of electricity which can be a few watts to megawatts. Like various computers with disk drives, fans with different speeds, lamps with different lightning, an electric vehicle with different modes, electric drives, etc.
The field of power electronics is really huge and vast, every hour we use 12 billion KW of electricity which is more than 80% of generated current, some part of this converted, processed, or recycled. When we convert the current in different ways, at that time we are losing more of the part of this. estimated power consumption in a desktop sold in one year, which is equal to the 17 power plants of 500 MW.
Why Do We Need To Improve The Power Efficiency Of The Power System
When we convert the current in different ways, at that time we are losing more of the part of this. estimated power consumption in a desktop sold in one year, which is equal to the 17 power plants of 500 MW. that’s why we need to improve the efficiency of the power system.
According to calculation if we make power conversion more efficient then we can save 35% of energy in our daily uses.
That’s what Arya College Jaipur offers to learn about power and energy systems, it is greatly significant to students.
Application Of Power Systems
Refrigeration and freezers
Space heating
Air conditioning
Electronics (PCs, other entertainment equipment
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
Central refrigeration
Computers and office equipment
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs)
Blowers and fans
Machine tools (robots)
Arc furnaces and induction furnaces
Industrial lasers
Induction heating
Traction control of electric vehicles
Battery chargers for electric vehicles
Electric locomotives
Street cars, trolley buses
Automotive electronics, including engine controls
Utility systems
Supplemental energy sources (wind, photo voltaic), fuel cells
Energy storage systems
Induced draft fans and boiler feedwater pumps
Space shuttle power supply systems
Satellite power systems
Aircraft power systems
Battery chargers
Power supplies (DC and UPS)
We can’t assemble the uses of electricity in a list. The electricity is used in approximately each and every sector. The electric devices are easily available in the market due to the easy manufacturing process, that's why these are easily available in the market for everyone to use. In the end, it can be summarized in the words that, the day is not far when all of the electrical energy in the world will pass through power electronic systems.
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