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s-memorando · 2 years ago
15 agosto 2009
Stephan Lochner – Madonna del roseto Dell’infanticida Maria Farrar Maria Farrar, nata in aprile, senza segniparticolari, minorenne, rachitica, orfana,a sentir lei incensurata, stando alla cronaca,ha ucciso un bambino nel modo che segue:afferma che, incinta di due mesi,nella cantina di una donna ha tentatodi abortire con due iniezionidolorose, dice lei, ma senza risultato.Ma voi, di grazia, non…
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annelockner · 2 years ago
Anne Lockner | Muckrack
Anne Lockner graduated with her J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center in 1999. In 2017, she was granted her Cybersecurity and Privacy Law Certificate from the Mitchell Hamline School of Law.
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the-rorster · 18 days ago
Hi everybody!
I will start writing again soon, but while I adjust to getting back into fronting, Ive decided to write a more realistic MBAV status world.
For those who don't know what status is, it's basically an AI twitter
Here are some screenshots from an existing MBaV "fandom" that I highly edited
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but I'm working on making my own so that everyone can access a more canon version without any editing (as well as a more headcannoned scenario including Betty and Veronica's accounts, Rory (hi!) being nonbinary, maybe Benny having DID (maybe. If I can get the AI to understand) and characters sexualities being acknowledged) and everything I put here can be edited by whatever individual wants to when they do their own, so if you don't like Benny DID but you want transfem Betty, you'll be free to do that
I'm here to ask what characters you guys would like to see in the base (and what headcanons you might want, especially with more minor characters in the headcanon scenario)
I am working with season one, so characters I currently plan on adding are:
Ethan, Benny, Rory, Sarah, Erica
Jane, Ross, Samantha
Evelyn, Benny's father (do we have a name for him?)
Vivian (though the headcanon version might replace Vivian with the moms I had in memory)
Gord, Jesse
Stephanie, David, Coach Ed, Della, Hannah (double negative girl), Kurt "the hurt" Lockner, Mr G, Principal Hicks, other cheerleaders (do they have names?)
Lotta Latte Official Twitter Page
Debbie Dazzle and Dazzle Dan Official Twitter Pages
Single Tear Office Twitter Page
Dusk Official Twitter Page
Here's a small example of what I'm writing per character . Top is that characters bio and the bottom is their description for the ai (plus Rorys wip I'm still writing)
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What characters do you want me to add to this? And headcanons
If you want to download status, my sign up code is this
Android link
iOS link
And there are lots of fandoms you can play around with until I get done
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notthewitchh · 27 days ago
Favourite Mbav character tournament
(Decided by a random number
Part 3
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Kurt Lockner
Kurt "The Hurt" Lockner is a wrestler who goes to Whitechapel High School.
El Merlin Loco
El Merlo Loco is a combination of a Mexican wrestler and the wizard Merlin. He is what Benny dressed up as for Ethan's Halloween Party.
Rory accidently turns Benny into the real El Merlo Loco after Rory was possessed by Taquaks Mask . El Merlo Loco can only speak Spanish but seems to understand English. He breaks the curse in Halloweird by blasting Tauquaks Mask off of Rory with lightning.
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pcsfoodtrucks · 2 years ago
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Creator: Adam Lockner.
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365daysofmchart · 2 years ago
I was just prompted to remember that Diane once recited a spiiiicy French poem to Will, and nearly 10 years later, I AM STILL NOT OVER IT.
(Look, I know this is a McHart blog, but… 👀)
First Evening (Première Soirée)
Her clothes were almost off; Outside, a curious tree Beat a branch at the window To see what it could see. Perched on my enormous easy chair, Half nude, she clasped her hands. Her feet trembled on the floor, As soft as they could be. I watched as a ray of pale light, Trapped in the tree outside, Danced from her mouth To her breast, like a fly on a flower. I kissed her delicate ankles. She had a soft, brusque laugh That broke into shining crystals - A pretty little laugh. Her feet ducked under her chemise; "Will you please stop it!…" But I laughed at her cries - I knew she really liked it. Her eye trembled beneath my lips; They closed at my touch. Her head went back; she cried: "Oh, really! That's too much! "My dear, I'm warning you…" I stopped her protest with a kiss And she laughed, low - A laugh that wanted more than this… Her clothes were almost off; Outside, a curious tree Beat a branch at the window To see what it could see.
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nononsenseladies · 4 years ago
I just love them, and I terribly miss them❤️
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baranskini · 4 years ago
So I’ve just started watching the Good Wife for the first time - I’m currently mid-season 4 - and I’ve discovered lockner is my shit. You still taking prompts?
Ngl, it’s the “Lockner is my shit” that sealed it for me! 😅😅👏🏻👏🏻 send me prompts! 👏🏻
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silverinia · 5 years ago
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Diane Lockhart
Parallels 5x15/16 / 4x01
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includeangieinthesequel · 6 years ago
Can someone do me a solid and write a fic where Will finds pictures of Diane from the 70s and has heart eyes cause she was so cute like I need this in my life
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mercurygray · 1 year ago
✍️ tell me about the new girls!
Nat, I will introduce you to a new but also old girl - Edie Lockner. She was originally written for a now-defunct project of a friend's and is being re-assigned here!
For as long as she can remember, Edie Lockner's been looking up. Not necessarily in the optimistic sense, although a person needs some of that, living on a farm in  Illinois with the price of corn being what it is, and the Depression only just clearing up, but up as in towards the stars. She read an article in Scientific American once about stars, and from then on, she was hooked. She'd  give anything to be able to study them - maybe explore them, one day?
But times are hard, and college isn't cheap, especially for doing something as silly as studying the universe. So when she starts seeing advertisements to join the Army - good pay, technical education, see the world! - that's her ticket out. Maybe there won't be stars - but anything's got to be better than here. Because there's not a whole lot of anything going on in McClean County, and unless she thinks of something clever, she's going to be stuck here doing the same thing her mother and grandmother did before her - marrying a farmer, settling down to raise a family, and forgetting any dreams she ever had about making something of herself. 
Edith Lockner - or Edie - is 22 years old, a high school graduate kicking her heels in Stanford, Illinois. As a farmer's daughter, she's an early riser who's used to long days and hard work. She loves to read Scientific American and Popular Mechanics, and has often helped her father fix things around the farm. She's stubborn with technical problems, and life in a small town has kept her friendly, but private. She scraped together money for flying lessons, but she is naturally more on the mechanical side, fixing things. Being on a team with a lot of other girls who think outside the box will be good for her, she thinks.
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annelockner · 2 years ago
Anne Lockner - Stage 32
 Anne Lockner is a partner at Robins Kaplan LLP where she also serves as a member of the Executive Board.
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witchesmortuary · 6 years ago
Will: Hey Diane, is that a hickey?
Diane: NO! .. it's uh a mosquito bite.
Kurt: *enters room* Hey guys!
Will: Hey mosquito.
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wordspillingrose · 5 years ago
Requested fic
I know it took me an eternity, but here you go @includeangieinthesequel 😊
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aerosmiley219 · 6 years ago
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Day 17 of @actuallylorelaigilmore​ bday celebration post
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ingridrichter · 7 years ago
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