#lmk Subodhi
quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Whole unlikely, I think it'd be hilarious if Wukong in his despair over MK being exactly like he was as a cub decided to send apology letters to every authority figure he used to have. Like Subodhi, but also Ao Guang, Jade Emperor, and the Buddha. Even DBK got one! Simply because his own kid is making him tear his own fur out... literally!
Subodhi getting a letter from Wukong is odd enough - getting info that he's a parent now? Whoa, time flies. But the sage is a little smug, if not concerned that his strong-headed student now has his own strong-headed child to rear. He makes sure to mark "Xiaotian" down as possible legacy student.
Ao Guang is pleasantly surprised to get an apology letter, especially from Wukong. But blanches when he reads that Wukong reproduced. Oh sweet Buddha.
The Jade Emperor gets both an apology letter, and a angry rant all in one. Wukong is still mad about the executions and the Furnace, like who tf does that to a kid? Especially a dad! Wukong makes sure to add in a line about making sure his kid stays out of trouble, and away from the cruelty Heaven is capable of.
The Buddha just laughs. He saw this coming after all.
DBK loudly tells Wukong he needs no letter! He's in the same room! Xiandi, you don't need to apologise for being a spirited calf! Then MK accidentally puts a hole through the Palace wall and DBK starts to understand.
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cloverjester · 2 years
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I love how Subodhi saw Sandy and declared him The Best Boy
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months
Would love to know your thoughts on the similarities & differences between the master/student relationship of Subodhi/Wukong compared to Wukong/MK
The main similarities we see are the ones Subodhi list out himself in 4x06:
Scroll Subodhi: "Do you even believe that? The students I train spend lifetimes to posses a fraction of your power! Am I to believe Sun Wukong is the greatest master in history?" MK: "I mean...maybe he's pretty great-" Scroll Subodhi: "I am the greatest master in all of history! However, even I admit my mentorship is not the sole reason for Sun Wukong's absurdly fast learning, just as his is not reason for yours."
Both Subodhi and Wukong had students who were uniquely capable. Though, to be quite honest, MK taught himself the majority of his abilities (presumably with a foundation laid by Wukong in eps like 1x07 and 1x09). Gold Vision? That ability was triggered by the mural in AHIB. Monkey Mech? That's an ability MK creates himself to defeat DBK. Duplication? MK learns that through Tang. Shrinking? MK teaches himself. 72 Transformations? MK teaches himself. Cloud Walking? MK TEACHES HIMSELF ("Every time I learned a new ability, it was because there was something I needed to do, when there was no other way.")
So, an interesting difference between the Subodhi/Wukong and Wukong/MK dynamics is that Subodhi teaches far more than Wukong does, even being a master to Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy. In s3, despite being the most knowledgeable, Wukong hardly informs the gang on anything. I also think "Just believe in yourself! Even a smidge can make all the difference" is a similar philosophy to "By breaking these shackles you have imposed upon yourselves, you will become truly unstoppable warriors—which is what the universe is going to need sooner than we might hope", due to MK's "shackle" often being his low self-worth. Subodhi in 4x09 does a great job at being the mentor the gang needs to improve, in ways Wukong often isn't (4x01 being the large exception ("Mistakes happen, but so long as you leave the world better than you found it, then it's all good.")).
Subodhi and Wukong also draw parallels between Mei, Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, and their path lives: "We can't change who we were yesterday, or in a past life, or a hundred lifetimes ago!" versus Subodhi comparing everyone to their past lives and the ways they're worse and better, insisting that they can improve.
In JTTW, Subodhi gives the Monkey King his name, and he trains him in immortality, 72 transformations, and cloud walking. I find Subodhi naming Wukong particularly interesting when paired with this interaction, where Subodhi connects the title of "Monkie Kid" to MK's name:
MK: "I- I can't be! I'm just- I'm just MK!" Scroll Subodhi: "The Monkie Kid?"
He essentially "named" MK Monkie Kid, claiming that his destiny/role > than "just MK".
Other than that, we know so little about lmk Subodhi that it's difficult for me to draw more connections!
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
Monkie Kid Tier Lists
“What do they steal from you?”
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“Mom/Dad, can I date someone?”
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“Mom/Dad, I need help.”
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“There’s only one bed.”
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broke-art · 1 year
So I was browsing Insta what I noticed this.
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And has anyone else ever noticed that Macaque is almost ALWAYS smiling?
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Especially when its obvious he's nervous? Just a thought.
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luxthestrange · 4 months
LMK Incorrect quotes#97 Gramps!?-
Wukong: Want your dad to act like a fool...Put a grandkid in front of him...My dad-
Master Subodhi*Seeing Toddler Mk holding Baby Bai He and coo's towards them*Where are Gramps kiddos?~
Toddler Mk & Baby Bai he*Instantly giggle seeing him*
Wukong*Standind forgotten at the entrance seeing his master pamper the two kids*...
Wukong: LIKE DAD CUT THAT OUT? Jeez-...YOU WERE MY IDOL WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU!?-...and to the kids he goes-
Master Subodhi*Holding Golden stars,Happily asking the two*Who wants stars?~
Y/n*Patting your husband's back as he sniffles...trying hard not to laugh*Aww there there my cheeky monkey~...pfft-
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Part 2 of:
...If you know who this is...I like you
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violetjedisylveon · 2 months
New Wukong headcanon!
He is a huge plant nerd, in jttw he's canonically very smart and well studied under subodhi so he's already a nerd, but all that cranks up to 11 with plants.
He collects all sorts of plants from all over the place and sets up habits on his island to let them thrive and he just really enjoys tending to them and watching them grow and thrive, he is the same way with the plants already on the island.
He gets super excited when he notices the plants adapting to the island and changing and becoming something new. One of the coolest things about immortality is seeing plants evolve!
He just thinks they're neat.
He's the nerdiest plant dad ever.
He's also really shy about showing people his plants because he doesn't want anyone messing with them or making fun of him for it (it happened more when he was younger).
When he did show MK his plant hyperfixation, MK quickly clocked it in as very not neurotypical behavior.
Wukong is in fact, not neurotypical.
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starsfic · 3 months
Erlang Shen is Supposed to Be on Vacation
S5 theory fic: Erlang Shen is supposed to be on vacation. However, in an hour, he learns that his uncle is dead, someone is trying to do another coup, and Sun Wukong has been filleted again. The people who deliver this news, including mass criminal Master Subodhi, the duo of Ao Lie's descendant and Iron Fan's son, and the creation goddess Nuwa, make things... difficult.
Erlang Shen was on vacation.
He honestly needed one after centuries of work, both doing whatever dirty work his uncle supposedly needed and the day-to-day running of his territory. The gods of fate had been merciful, creating a summer where Jian didn’t have anything important to do until autumn. Heaven could be handled by Li Nezha or any of the hundreds of other warriors (mostly by his student because he knew how the guards could be), the training of his personal guards and army could be handled by his head guards, and any paperwork could be handled by his staff. With all that, Jian found himself luxuriously stretching in his garden, soaking up the sun. Even Xiaotian Quan stretched out, making a happy little dog noise.
His private garden was his favorite place in his palace. Most of the plants grew naturally in the Sichuan province, but the air was sweet with the smell of blossoming Flower Fruit Mountain trees. The saplings had been a gift from Sun Wukong on his birthday, and Jian found no shame in enjoying the gift.
Hm…with the thought of Wukong floating around, Jian wondered if he could invite him over. Despite their rocky beginnings, Jian enjoyed the company of his sworn brother, both platonically and in a more romantic light. He had recently heard that Wukong had also taken up a student, so maybe they could talk about that?
The summer seemed full of possibilities. 
Right now, Jian just wanted to sunbathe.
So lost in his relaxation, he didn’t notice a magpie settle on the branches of one of the peach trees, staring down at him. Xiaotian raised his head, but the magpie fluttered away before the dog could notice anything. The large hound, after a quick scan around, settled back down into the grass.
The magpie poked its head out and, deciding it was safe, flew down from the branches.
“Ahem. Prince Erlang Shen.”
He shouldn’t have tempted the gods of fate.
Jian pushed up his sunglasses.
Silver robes and a long white beard met his eyes. If he didn’t recognize that distinctive style, the feeling of the old man’s power gave his identity away. “Master Subodhi,” Jian said, sitting up. “I thought I warned you to stay away from my property unless you wanted me to fulfill my promise of bringing you in.”
Was he risking his uncle’s ire by not fulfilling the bounty on the daoist’s head for gaining immortality in an illegal way? Yes. Did he care? Eh, not really. Wukong had racked up way more charges against him in his long life and he wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of his uncle.
“Are you aware of the state of the world?”
The question came so out of left field that Erlang Shen blinked. “Uh…it’s summer?” he said, gesturing to the perfect summer day with big white fluffy clouds drifting carelessly in a blue sky. “It’s a nice day? My uncle isn’t calling to bother me?”
Subodhi raised a brow. “I can see why, considering he’s dead.”
There was a long pause.
“...excuse me?”
He…didn’t know how to process that. 
“Have you not seen the kid? Did you not see reality start to tear apart?”
Oh. That. “That happens sometimes, especially as my uncle gets older. He must’ve slipped up to have everyone see.” Erlang sighed. Honestly, the dramatics of old men. “If he died, someone would’ve told me-”
“Are you telling me that communication in Heaven has so broken down-”
“My lord!” Before Subodhi could finish his yelling or Erlang could grab and throw that stupid ruler far away, several guards marched in. “We have captured two trespassers. They insisted on talking to you.”
“YEAH!” A female voice called from the center of the huddle. “We have some questions for you.”
Erlang blinked. She sounded young and probably better than the gaping immortal, who for once looked surprised. “Allow them forward,” he called. “Let me see them.”
The guards stepped aside, revealing a girl in a green jacket- her features were familiar, although Jian couldn’t put his finger on why- and…hm. He had heard stories and seen pictures of Princess Iron Fan’s son, although he had never met him in person. He had the same dark eyes and noble bearing his former sworn sister had.
“What are you doing here?” Subodhi said, interrupting his thoughts with his baffled words. “Did you follow me?”
“Master Subodhi? What are you doing here?” the girl said. “You-”
Before she could finish, Red Son grabbed her and forced her to bow at the waist. “Remember what we talked about,” he hissed quietly to his companion. “Manners or we aren’t gonna get anything.”
“Yeah, but-”
He stomped on her foot. “Erlang Shen, Illustrious Sage and True Lord of Sichuan, we are Hong Ha-eir, son of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, and Long Xiaojiao, descendant of Ao Jie-”
“Oh, that explains why you look familiar.” She looked strikingly like Ao Lie’s older sister…what had been her name again? Jian stood up with a sigh. “Rise, please, nephew.”
Red Son bristled at the address, but rose. Long Xiaojiao stepped forward. “Lord Erlang Shen, we came to plead for mercy for Sun Wukong, Liu’Er Mihou, and my best friend, Qi Xiaotian,” She got fully on her knees, pressing her forehead to the grass in a kowtow. “The charges leveled against them are false. None of them helped Azure Lion reach Heaven and kill the Jade Emperor. Any actions they did to help him were unwilling, done with manipulation-”
Several things stuck out at him. “Wait, what do you mean, kill the Jade Emperor?” Jian nodded to Subodhi, who’s shocked expression had been replaced by a strangely protective look. “He just told me my uncle died, but I have received no news about his death.”
“You…haven’t?” She rose up from her kowtow, looking confused. “But, you sent out a notice. He’s been dead for what, three weeks now?”
“A month,” Subodhi corrected. “I don’t know what you or your friends did. But it’s been over a month since the previous Jade Emperor was slain.”
“And two days since Heaven violated their agreement with me,” another female voice called. Jian felt himself stiffen, just in time for a hand to cup his face and lips to press against his cheek. “Shen, my dear.”
The pet name given by the goddess dressed in earthly tones only made his brow rise higher. While he had a few brief conversations with the ancient goddess at the few parties they both attended, she had never referred to him with fondness. Something was clearly up and Erlang Shen had a feeling he didn’t want to be part of it, but he would have to be.
“What brings you here, my lady?” he said, dipping into a deep bow. 
“Oh, I came here to help my son’s little friends and my son’s…master.” Nuwa’s pause on the last word felt mocking. Subodhi clearly noticed it as well, based on his snort. “I also came here for an explanation.”
Her smile was serene. Her aura was not. 
“An…explanation for what?”
“Wait, you’re Sun Wukong’s mother?”
“Wait, you’re XIAOTIAN’S MOTHER?!” Xiaotian raised his head at his name. “Sorry, puppy,” Long Xiaojiao cooed. “Not you.” The dog huffed and settled back down.
“It’s complicated and yes,” Nuwa said before turning to him. “And an explanation for the court’s recent actions. As you must be aware, when the Jade Emperor took the throne, he held up my agreement with his predecessors. Any issue with the stones of the universe must be handled by me directly.”
“...okay? Did something happen?”
That was apparently the wrong thing to say, based on Nuwa’s darkening face. Jian was tempted to deflect, considering he just received the news of his uncle’s…unfortunate passing. But that was the coward’s way out. 
Nuwa stared at him. Then she snapped her fingers. “Girl, dearest one,” she called. “Bring him the announcement.”
Xiaojiao and Red Son exchanged looks, but she stepped forward, pulling a scroll out of her pocket. “Li Jing gave us this after he put a filet on Sun Wukong’s head and sucked my best friend into his pagoda,” she reported as he took it.
Jian was too busy studying the scroll to hear the shocked gasps from both Subodhi and Nuwa. 
Well, that was his seal.
Jian opened it.
That wasn’t his handwriting.
He scanned it over, reading it quickly. It was all very formal, claiming that the royal family, including the Queen Mother of the West, who was slated to rule until the next emperor would be chosen according to his uncle’s will last he checked, would be taking time to grieve at the sudden loss. Li Jing was to be put in charge for the next few months, supported by the ten kings of the Diyu. Someone had even put the Gold Star of Venus’s seal at the bottom, signifying it as legit.
Jian raised a brow. “Did any of you see the Gold Star of Venus?” he asked the Long girl. She stared blankly at him. He sighed. “Either a goddess in yellow with a cockscomb hat or an older man, about…” He put his hand to about his chin. “Yay high or so?”
She and Red Son exchanged looks. “No,” she finally said. “I don’t think so. Honestly, the only celestials we saw during the trial were Li Jing and Nezha and the ten kings. And I honestly expected to see a few peach maidens.”
Huh? “Why?”
She paused, as if realizing she wasn’t supposed to say that. “No reason,” she lied. “But, to answer your question, no.”
Something was afoot. Jian was tempted to ask if they were just pulling a prank on him, but Subodhi hated his guts, Nuwa was clearly furious, and he barely knew the younger two. Pranks didn’t seem to be in their skillset. Something popped out.
“Did you say that Wukong has the filet?”
“Yes! At least a filet! Li Jing said he wouldn’t take it off unless we got all the universal stones together and fixed the universe.”
“Which you cannot do without my help,” Nuwa said, crossing her arms with a hiss. “There was no quest needed in the first place. The holders would hand them over to me without a problem. Several Heavenly servants saw you attack Azure to defend the Jade Emperor. Nezha’s testimony alone should be evidence.”
Another thought popped into his mind.
“Where was Nezha when this was happening?”
Silence met him. Faintly, the girl sucked air through her teeth. The boy coughed into his fist. He could practically hear the words rise and fall.
A soft hand once again pressed against his shoulder.
“You know where,” Nuwa whispered. She sounded like she was laughing, even if it was silent.
Jian did.
“It seems someone or several someones have lied,” Erlang Shen dropped the scroll- he hadn’t even realized he was crumpling it- and turned. He was met with anger, but not at him. Good. It would fuel them all. “Now, let me go get changed and call my aunt.”
His vacation was over.
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Honestly, LMK turns the plot on its head so often that I've never voiced this due to the Macaque hate club, but legit. What if Wukong killed Macky trying to save him because as we've seen with MK, he can use that amount of force, that same line, trying to keep someone from certain doom, so why not an out of control monkey with hijacked powers? Macky just. doesn't remember. but that might even be plot relevant since Wukong also doesn't remember things, supposedly. *stares at Nine.* He might've never done anything to Tripitaka and friends, I mean, current Macky has never even SAID anything about hating those guys, heck. He out right SAYS the Monk was good for Wukong and he was allegedly killed AFTER the journey, even if the friendship ties between them never ended afterwards, I honestly struggle to see Macky even being angry enough to want to "save" Wukong as he never did before to just.....be so crazy about it to the point Wukong needs to kill him over it. He'd stand down, he WOULD listen to reason, right? Unless if something else was going on? There'd have to be some other trigger for him to just go off like that, as for all these memories. I bet the "he" Nines was talking about could have been the Demon King of Confusion. You can really make up some fun new powers there, the guy's the first villain ever in JTTW, it's kind of poetic, and also. "Demon KING." Sure, good foe for the Monkey King. They can give him the LBD treatment in raising the prestige.
What if Wukong killed Macky trying to save him[…]?
this has, honestly, been my own theory for what went down since i started lmk. like i knew they would be vague about Wukong and Mackoach’s circumstance because, you know, Wukong did a murder in jttw and this is a kid show intended for an audience of 8-10 year olds. and that kind of topic is a doozy to do right in media (Western media especially).
anyway, by s3, i was under the impression that Macky assumed Wukong killed him final blow style, but Wukong actually left him incapacitated enough for him to admit defeat (and maybe, possibly leaving him for dead, oblivious to the fact that Mac might be too weak to use his shadow powers) because of how much lmk utilizes unreliable narratives. but then, watching Wukong’s and MK’s fight really solidified that original theory of mine. when Mackintosh frees Wukong from his memories in 5x07 (also jfc Wukong literally spent a whole season trapped in his memories and has to do it all over again, my poor babygirl ;-; he’s exhausted!!!!) Wukong looks horrified.
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STOP MAKING HIM RELIVE HIS PAST HE ISNT OVER IT AT ALL AND HOLDS TO MUCH GUILT AND REGRET (pls continue!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏 put him through the ringer!!!!! make him snap por favor 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
ahem. AnYwAY!
clearly, that fight is considered one of Wukong’s deepest and darkest memories (which were what the 100-eyed Demon was looking for. because he likes the good tea like me frfr) and doesn’t like looking back at. in a way, it makes sense with how much distance he placed between himself and Macody in 1x09 (almost….indifferent one might say 👀 or trying to act apathetic about it which comes off annoyed…..ain’t that interesting?)
but yeah. good food for thought :3
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lmkobsessedmoth · 1 month
✨Fun fact time✨
wukong was 1 of the worst students master subhobi has had. He couldn’t sit still he didn’t pay attention he barely even showed up for the lessons that weren’t punching someone in the face. Macaque had to teach and exchange notes with wukong to make sure he passed at all
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emmetscrunglo · 4 months
How I think LMK characters would react as 'can you buy me pads' texts Pt. 3 (Pt. 1, Pt. 2)
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then-be-a-warrior · 11 months
I like how all of us (Mk included) thought getting to Master Subodhi was gonna solve everything and answer questions meanwhile he basically just said:
There's absolutely no good reason why you're this strong in the first place. Where's your mom? Where's your dad? Are you alone? Are you an orphan? The pig doesn't count. You're nothing like Wukong but you're also exactly like him. Are you good? Are you evil? Probably evil. What's wrong with you? Wukong ain't even here you came to the wrong place. You still didn't answer my question about your mom. Can you answer questions-?
Like we came TO YOU for help...where's the help, sir🧍
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godsofthecatz · 5 months
Question for the lmk fandom, more so for the side that likes to ship characters-
its totally un serious, but im just curious sense iv been introducing the show to friends, and we kinda feel in love with this? so like- i feel like, i can see the "why nots" but do these two have a ship name? if not, do people not ship them, do they not have a ship name- and what would it be-
cause like....come on- COME ON- THEY ARE ACTUALLY REALLY CUTE. Listen- im someone who does not need a whole lot for me to like characters to hold hands but i just wanna know.
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this old man loves his beefy. good, blue man....and im ok with that.
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imminent-danger-came · 7 months
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
So there's a lot of subtle hints that, despite already being reincarnated and such, the Pilgrims' spirits are still around as their own seleves and looking after Wukong and their decendants. The most obvious being the golden cicada that would constantly appear to Tang in S3 and that moment in the scroll of memories where all the Pilgrims' spirits seemed to reach out to Wukong
I think the biggest piece of evidence for this idea is Master Subodhi himself.
In my theory; he's a manifestation of the Golden Cicada first human life. And because a cicada moulting and eventually dying still leaves behind a shell, so do does the Golden Cicada leave behind a "shell" in the form of a spirit of his old lives.
Named for Subhuti, the 10th Diciple of the Buddha, who embodied the knowledge of Emptiness; who better to teach Emptiness to other beings than an *empty shell* of a failed diciple's (GC) life?
The cicada we see following and encouraging Tang throughout S3 is Tripitaka's spirit itself, trying to encourage his successor in a way thats not too mind-blowing for him. Sadly only really Tang and certain gold-vision-owning monkeys can interract with the buggy spirit.
Basically if Tang ever met his past lives, he'd be able to have a Discord chat with them ala Avatar Aang;
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Zhu Bajie on the otherhand would haunt the sh*t out of Pigsy's for the food alones since in his opinion; "I was promised endless offerings! I ain't leaving yet!"
Sha Wujing meanwhile is Sandy, and a person he doesn't wish to become again.
And ofc we have Ao Lie interracting with Mei like she's his fave niece or possible granddaughter.
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darkwater-fic-recs · 1 year
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