#lmao here ya go
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risustravelogue · 5 months ago
While You Sleep
◐ summary ◑
Wriothesley likes watching you sleep. Maybe he likes it too much.
◐ featuring ◑
Husband!Wriothesley, fem!reader
◐ tags & warnings ◑
minors dni, somnophilia (lol bet y'all saw that coming from miles away)
◐ a/n ◑
I just woke up from a nap when this idea popped into my mind. Might not be my best work, but eh. I needed to get this out there. Damn. My brain is Horny™️.
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🔗 AO3 | masterlist 🔗
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Wriothesley likes watching you sleep.
It started as an innocent thing. He’d kiss your face while you’re napping, and hold you tighter in bed after an all-nighter with his piles of paperwork.
But it grew darker after you got married.
His eyes would roam around your naked body, skin sweaty and marked by his fingers and mouth—fixating on your lips, then on your still-wet pussy. His mind would wander, fingers wrapped around his shaft, cock already hard from the fantasies he would have.
You should be thrown into a cell for having such a delicious-looking body, he thought.
And so he would play with himself night after night, accompanied only by the sound of your breathing beside him. This is enough, he thought to himself, no need to wake her up to satisfy my desires.
Until tonight.
You wake up from a wet dream to find your husband panting while holding you tight, his cock balls deep inside you. You moan when he bites your shoulder, startling him.
He stops and pulls back.
“Y-you’re awake,” he stutters. His icy blue eyes droop, apologetic. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You should’ve done just that,” you croak.
You flash him a sleepy smile.
“It’s okay, I guess,” you decide. “I’m fine with this.”
His eyes perk up.
“You’re not mad?”
“Not really,” you shake your head. “I’ve known for a while. Actually liked listening to you moan to yourself at night,” you confess with a smirk.
He blushes. You chuckle and pull him down into a long, sweet kiss.
“Time for round two, don’t you think?”
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© @risustravelogue 2024 • FEEDING THIS WORK TO GENERATIVE AIs IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. • do not repost. • reblogs are precious. • feel free to send an ask to suggest, chat, etc. 💖
the gorgeous mdni banner template by @/cafekitsune 💙
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inkbarista · 6 months ago
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Today's a tired day.
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raycatzdraws · 9 months ago
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A Linked Universe meets The Dark Crystal AU! I don't even remember what started it at this point. I remembered that the Dark Crystal and Age of Resistance are things I like, blinked, and woke up three days later with an AU and a bunch of art.
The designs and the story are a wip and for fun so expect a lot of variation! (I have a few different beginnings, ideas for different designs, etc)! :D
In addition to #linked universe I'll be using the tags #the dark crystal lu au and #courage of the dark crystal!
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bunnykaye · 1 month ago
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Luke Newton for Gentlemen's Journal photographed by Parker Burr Styling by Holly Eva White (wearing Dolce& Gabbana, LAGOS Jewelry, and TAG Heuer) Grooming by Melissa Dezarate
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mochasucculent · 2 years ago
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Gilf on gilf psychological warfare
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kopibihun · 2 years ago
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Inspired by this post
do you know that frogs can live up to 10 years?
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tortibomb · 3 months ago
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Fadel is in love with a little menace, he just doesn't know it. <3 heart overlay: x
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bphantom01 · 5 months ago
Yurisere I made as a gift for @kitaro2709!
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Based on the barbie meme btw XDD
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absentlurker · 2 years ago
Have a little Ficlet!!!
Wayne sighs heavily as he walks into the trailer after a long night shift. The lights were off in the living room except for a small Coca Cola night light plugged in above the kitchen counter. He locks the door before dumping his keys on the kitchen table before taking off his jacket. He kicked off his boots after hanging his jacket on the back on the table chair.
Wayne grabs his boots and placed them against the wall beside the front door before walking down the short hall to Eddie’s bedroom door.
He paused before the cracked door when he heard voices softly talking. Eddie and Steve, Wayne thought to himself and started to walk away but paused when their voices started to rise a little in the bedroom.
Nosey old man, Wayne chuckles at himself as he turns his head so he can hear better.
“I know you’re scared to get hurt again, baby,” He hears Eddie say. Wayne’s brows furrowed, “but you can’t let that stop you from letting people in, Steve.”
Wayne hears Steve huff and it’s quiet for a moment before Steve says weakly, “You don’t understand. I think about if we don’t make it and I’m just sick to my stomach.” Wayne hears some movement and Eddie’s bed squeaking as he moves.
“Honey, what’s the alternative?” Eddie questions with a hum, “are you going to let us go because of a maybe? Baby, I can’t see the future but you gotta take risks sometimes.”
Steve doesn’t say anything which worries Wayne because god, Eddie would beside himself if Steve were to break up with him. He’s so gone on that boy.
He’s surprised how calm Eddie sounds when he says, “You know, I’ve been there.”
“Huh?” Steve questions, “what do you mean ‘you’ve been there’?”
Eddie takes a deep breath and says, “When I moved in with Wayne, I had convinced myself I wasn’t gonna trust him.” Wayne stops the noise that threatens to escape at the confession. What?
“What? Wayne?” Steve asks and he hears Eddie’s voice crack as he laughs at Steve’s surprise.
“Yeah, man. I was terrified to let anyone in again. After my dad-“ Wayne’s heart aches as Eddie’s voice breaks, “Well, you know…I didn’t want to let anyone in or love anyone because what’s the point, you know? They’re just going to hurt me and they didn’t understand me anyway.” Eddie snorts softly, “Did you know I didn’t even speak to Wayne for about six months when I first showed up?”
“Really?” Steve asks softly. Wayne remembers those days. God, they were so difficult. Wayne constantly felt like he was doing everything wrong back then.
“Yeah, I honestly don’t know how he managed. I was such an asshole to him for no reason back in the beginning.”
No, Wayne thought, you were a grieving little boy who lost everything he knew.
“He didn’t give up though. God, I still remember when I came home from school when I was like eleven. I had a black eye because I got in a fight over something I don’t remember and I was just angry all the time. I refused to tell him what happened and honestly, I was trying to start a fight with him.” Eddie admitted distantly, “I guess I wanted him to yell at me and prove he was just like everyone else and you know what he did?”
“What?” Steve whispers, he sounds as invested in his story as Wayne is even though he was there.
“He grabbed me and hugged me so tight,” Eddie sounds choked up and honestly, so is Wayne. “He-he said, ‘boy, I understand you’re angry and you miss your old life but I’m going to be here even if you build concrete walls around yourself. And I’m going to love you and care for you and if you think for one second I won’t go down to that school and raise hell because of your face, you gotta thing comin’” Eddie laughs to himself, “and he did! He stomped down to that middle school and told off the principal for not expelling that boy who hit me.” Eddie snickers softly, “Jesus, that was great.” He hears Steve laughing quietly.
“I knew I loved him then,” Eddie continues, “and I wasn’t even mad about it. It was a risk because it was still in the beginning and he could still hurt me one day but you know what?” Eddie sounds content, “He hasn’t. He probably doesn’t understand everything I do and say because dude, I can be so weird sometimes,”
Steve interrupts with a laugh before saying, “True.” Wayne nods in agreement.
“Rude. But he doesn’t care and he loves me anyway.”
Wayne hears Eddie move around before he says, “Stevie, I’m asking you to take a risk with me. I know you’ve been hurt and it’s made you doubt yourself about love and relationships but the planet is going to keep spinning with or without me and don’t you wanna see where it goes?”
Steve sounds on the edge of tears when he says, “Yeah, yeah, I do.”
Steve laughs, “Yeah, you goof.” Wayne smiles to himself when he hears the obvious sound of lips smacking together.
“You won’t regret it, Stevie, I’ve got a good feeling.” Eddie tells him playfully.
Wayne turns away from Eddie’s door to walk back down the hall with a smile on his face.
Maybe he didn’t mess up that much trying to raise that little ten year old who showed up at his door all those years ago.
(inspiration for this was from the song the alternative by Lyn Lapid)
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royalarchivist · 1 year ago
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braisedhoney · 2 years ago
Draw your favorite ghost! Mine's Ember.
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“That would be me. Surprise.”
(ayyy flaming hair favs club :D)
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a-very-tired-raven · 1 year ago
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sometimes i like to imagine how he'd react to other bug 'mons..🐛🔥
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spiralcomet · 1 year ago
tits AND ass? in this economy??
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chrollogy · 3 months ago
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step on me, fatui harbinger!yue 🙏🏼
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months ago
Love watching white people try out Malaysian food
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edsbacktattoo · 2 years ago
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I love everything about you.
Progress pics under the cut!
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