#lmao but i do see him getting arrested by the police because his music is TOO LOUD by the neighbours
turtlesocksv2 · 8 months
Liveblogging Dead Friend Forever Ep 7
I am SO SO SO excited for this and for PhiNon I am READY let's GO!
LMAO Phi and Non met on Thai Grindr I don't know why that's so funny to me. But they're so fucking cute oh my god. The way Non smiles when they meet face to face the first time! They're both immediately smitten. The date montage is killing me. Non feeding Phi! Pinkies Locked while walking down the street!!! I love them so much! Phi is absolutely 100% justified in murdering everyone over this little love story.
Phi's dad is kinda hot in the one second we saw of him, not gonna lie.
Them pulling a Lady Ant The Tramp on an apple is objectively hilarious but they're so cute that I'll let it pass.
Phi is so fucking in love. The matching bracelets are so cute. Something something Red String Of Fate something something. what a lovely bit of joy this opening bit has been.
Aaaaand we return to your regularly scheduled awfulness. That music really immediately brought the tone back. Remember that everything is terrible? Remember that Non might get arrested? Remember that Non eventually goes missing at best and is murdered at worst?
Ooooh! Phi's dad is a fucking cop! Real high up, too! well that makes things interesting. but lol at Phi being soooo Ride or Die that he's straight up lying to his dad that he's involved in The Crimes too just to save his boyfriend.
"But don't worry, there are no problems that I can't fix." PHI. PHI my murderous revenge seeking king. I love you. but perhaps calm your tits a little, you'll freak Non out even more than he's already freaked out. boy has Anxiety! Phi is so right to tell Non that he needs to change schools and that those aren't real friends but Non isn't ready to admit it yet.
See, Jin tries to help Non but it doesn't actually do anything. Because Jin has no spine or he wouldn't still be friends with people who bully the boy he likes. Phi actually helps Non. Get you a boyfriend like Phi, not like Jin.
Also it's so funny to see Non just not responding to Jin's heart eyes. Jin's got his hand on Non's shoulder like 😍 and Non is just blanking him. 🧍‍♂️😐 Hilarious.
Ah, i Knew that this was going to be the PhiNon Conflict: Phi is (rightfully!) upset about Non not sticking up for himself and leaving those assholes to do the movie themselves and keeping secrets, Non wants to handle his problems on his own and not have Phi sweep in every time to fix things and judge him. I'm sorry, Non, but you dicked down a latent obsessive crazy person (affectionate) and this comes with the territory. It's the Theerapanyakul coming out.
Pinky Promise! that i am 100% sure is going to be broken in like 30 seconds. I'm calling it now, i have the episode paused to write this but i am betting that the next scene transition is going to be to Hot Teacher manipulating Non.
Damn, I was wrong about that being the next scene but I FEEL IT. It's going to happen! Damn, they didn't even bring Non with them? he had to ask the villagers for help getting to the mansion? WOW.
Now Por, if this kid literally got you involved with the police for money laundering why the FUCK would you give him your credit card to go buy food for everyone? i get that you just don't want him around and want to punish him but that's just dumb.
Jin wants Fluke to also stand up for Non but that is not going to happen ever.
God Por and Top are so mean.
"It's my money, if I want something, it'll happen." "it's in my hands it must be mine, tell your dad to come sue me." fucking rich people.
Oh is this going to be the betrayal that means Jin has to die? That Jin convinced Non to stay and then Non ends up missing/dead? Jin must feel so guilty about that.
here we go, a scene with Hot Teacher. I know something's about to happen with this I can feel it. The music is making me so tense and now they're sitting on the couch together! and like, Non absolutely should be telling a teacher/adult about all this! but just not THIS teacher/adult. I do not trust him! "I see you as a brother" my ass.
AND THERE IT IS. I CALLED IT. lmao at Phi calling Non when he's leaving Hot Teacher's office. Phi's spidey sense was tingling.
aaskjfhj Phi fucking showing up to see Non and mr keng talking and he immediately clocks that it's Not Right and that mr keng wants to bone Non.
"you don't seem to trust me at all" because you're not being trustworthy! you're making bad choices! Phi is right and has never been wrong! just because he's a bit intense and overbearing with it doesn't mean he's wrong! god, Non being able to say that to Phi with a straight face when not even a half hour ago he was making out with mr keng. incredible.
I just want Phi and Non to be cute and happy and a little insane about each other and nothing bad happens ok. :(
Uh oh. Jin caught them!
Non no! don't give Tee 300k in cash to give to the boss! He's going to steal it! and then fucking Tee sets Top on Non to stalk him to figure out who gave the money.
OH huh. Hot Teacher is working with an investigative journalist to take down the mafia scammers? Oooooh, i bet that this is how Tee's uncle gets arrested. hmm. well maybe Hot Teacher Mr Keng isn't entirely terrible but he's on the thinnest fucking ice.
oh L M A F O is Jin gonna walk in on Non and Hot Teacher going at it. He already caught Non with Phi!
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but OOOOOOOHHHHHH HERE WE GO. HERE is Jin's betrayal! Taking video of Non and Mr Keng getting it on and then getting drunk and POSTING IT ON TWITTER OH MY GOD. JIN NO.
and eeeeeeeveryone has seen it. oh god. Phi's seen it too oh no. i'm dying. i'm levitating in outer space.
the bracelet broke! something something red string of fate something something!!!!
oh fuuuuck. This is why Phi goes psycho revenge scheme on them. "you want me to forgive you? get lost and die." those are going to be Phi's last words to Non aren't they? aren't they? i hate it and i love it.
and next week shit is going to continue to hit the fan. i am vibrating. i need more! this is amazing!
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a-a-a-anon · 5 months
the chemistry between sally and vim in bad news - so black cat (sally) and golden retriever (vim) coded btw - is so strong that it has me creating headcanons between two characters who's interaction runtime is probably like 15 minutes or less
vim is preoccupied with fame/heavy metal and is a genuine fan of the music scene in bad news tour so i think he was already familiar with sally/her work before they met, like read her interviews or something
so there's that cut in bad news tour where den starts saying "i was sitting over there..." in the last shot so they all have to rearrange. vim had moved seats to sit next to sally and was inwardly pissed that den made him move back
vim's type is definitely someone who's smarter than him even if he doesn't understand what theyre saying, he definitely wasn't into the enthusiastic-without-substance wannabe groupie type. and sally is EXACTLY his type like she always asked questions he didnt even understand and he was into it. she's also the only one who'll listen to him go off about nothing ("we're more than heavy metal" and she was nodding her head while everyone was disagreeing but inside even she was going this man doesnt actually know what he's talking about /affectionate)
vim got into the spiritual/supernatural weird talking to dead people stuff in more bad news because sally kind of had a gothy aesthetic in bad news tour. that's why he was so excited to tell her. he also thought that having connections to famous muscians (in the afterlife) would impress her, bc she met way more famous musicians than him as an interviewer
in my head sally is genuinely successful as a heavy metal journalist so why agree to go back to interview and spend days with an absolutely trash band no one really cares about in more bad news? subconsciously it was partly to see vim again
during the word association game in more bad news the only band member she uses as a word is vim… she's Thinking of him
i think after she and vim reunited in more bad news they started being friends with benefits while the documentary was filming lmao (i think he still had some maturing to do before they got together for real, but we know they do end up married ofc)
so to me colin's parents (or connections from his parents) must've bailed colin (and den and spider) out in more bad news when they're arrested but colin was probably so pissed at vim he was calling his mummy to tell her to sue vim's ass not bail him out. two possibilities i'm entertaining: either sally bailed vim out (again, she's a successful journalist so she has some funds) or she talked to colin/colin's mummy/the police or something to help get vim out (she's obviously a good speaker and could convince them to ease up)
sally is an intelligent feminist and a good journalist which is why she grilled vim on warriors of genghis khan but she was also slightly... i don't wanna exactly say jealous, maybe like disappointed... that there was some random hot blonde to stand over vim in the music video/for the guys including vim to ogle at, which also motivated her to humble him in that moment
not really a hc but he's trying so hard to impress her with imogen/his "studio" in more bad news its adorable he's so dumb
vim definitely thought his record collection (despite being thrown around haphazardly) was gonna impress her when she came over in more bad news
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noel-noa · 3 years
Not me completely forgetting to follow back🤦‍♂️
Anyways let's start the morning with Blue Lock brainrot, let me tell you about how Lavinho got my attention
Okay so when that chapter dropped i didn't read property so I thought Lavinho was spanish and my dumbass was like 'tf you mean he's spanish he's clearly brazilian just look at him' and i saved his pic and a couple of weeks later I remembered to sent to my friend being like 'ayo it says he's spanish but it can't be??'
Amd they straight up were like 'it says right there he's from Brazil'
And some days later the Lavinho brainrot started djxnzzxn
how the f-, okay im not going to judge you after all i kinda put a man without an eyebrow as one of my main man in blue lock.
im just gonna say HOW CAN YOU MISS THAT BIG BRAZIL TEXT????? but anw good for you having the lavinho brainrot, the man is sexy and honestly fun. he is full of flavors compared to /stares at noa/ the stale bread.
whenever i see lavinho all i could think was getting high and drunk all over the country with him probably partying up until we are sober and got arrested lol
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Ya know, I truly hope Miss Renesmee Carlie Cullen fully dedicates herself to just....being as out there and iconic as possible
first things first- ANYTHING with the loch ness monster on it, she owns. Posters, shirts, jackets, shoes, folders, buttons, iron-ons, there is always at least 5 pieces of Nessie merch on her at all times
once she gets old enough to start high school, the cover story is her and Edward are siblings that Carlisle and Esme took in, and sometimes her classmates will ask her what her biological parents were like and she will flat out be like 'oh, they're vampires' and Edward and Bella are like. 5 feet away trying not to scream
every Halloween she'll show up to school in an elaborate Nosferatu costume
goes out of her way to photobomb people in increasingly ridiculous ways so there will Always be a photographic record of her and in like 100 years she can get a huge kick out of teens on the internet trying to make a conspiracy about her
joins as many school clubs as she can, even if she has no interest in them- she just Really wants a concrete record of herself to exist lmao
ICONIC at school theater though. One of those demon theater kids that come to rehearsal purely to cause chaos and nothing else, but her voice is incredible so she secures every lead. One time she somehow managed to star in a show while also playing in the school band for it- her classmates still have no idea how she pulled it off
Always brings blood out in public in a CLEAR THERMOS and it stresses her family out so much but everyone else thinks she's just like, weirdly into tomato juice so the Cullens can't stop her
to everyone's surprise...her biggest chaos enabler is Jasper lmao. everyone thought he'd be a logical, responsible uncle but they're just. A Problem together. He'll 100% assist her in any prank she wants to pull, he gets her fake id's when she wants to sneak into a club with friends, he bails her out of jail without telling her parents, they figured out if she gets high and he reads her feelings he'll get high too and it's. So fucking funny.
she's always carrying some random instrument around school- like for a while it's a guitar or a harmonica, fine, but then she'll start lugging a cello around, a tuba (she doesn't even play, she stole it off a guy who was annoying her) and it escalates until one day she's wheeling a piano around the building. no one's even sure how she got in in the doors of the school. She keeps running kids over in the hallway with it
You know the Catherine Tate Lauren Cooper skit with David Tennant? Where she's being a terrible student and then perfectly recites Shakespeare? 100% Nessie
when she starts getting dates Jacob keeps trying to wing man and be over supportive and give her a ton of girl advice and it's embarrassing as hell so one day when he was on a spiel about How To Woo A Lady she looks him in the eyes and goes 'oh really? did that work on my mom?' and the Cullens fucking LOSE IT. Jacob had to go live in the woods for a few days because he couldn't cope
Emmet and Jasper: arrive to school in their jeep. Rose and Alice: arrive in a convertible. Edward: arrives in his dumb volvo. Bella and Jake: arrive to school on motorcycles. Nessie: arrives to school on a unicycle while juggling
one year she ended up getting nominated for prom queen and Edward read the minds of the teachers tallying the votes so he knew she won and he and Bella were so excited!! they're like we're gonna take so many pictures of our baby looking like a princess! And then she emerges from her room, actually drenched in pigs blood. Like she just did it to herself and went to the dance and accepted her crown like that
she regularly commits crimes against fashion. If she comes out of her room and sees Alice contemplating turning herself over to the Volturi, she KNOWS she's picked a great look
somehow gets ahold of Aro's cell number and sends him selfies of her blatantly breaking vampire laws captioned 'whatcha gonna do'. he keeps blocking her but she keeps managing to get through to him somehow
she illegally sells soda out of her locker and does people's homework for cash, while also paying other people to do her homework for her. she organizes every single senior prank. she's never gotten a detention in her whole immortal life because every teacher just Adores her for some reason
had 100% used her powers for deserved evil before. Like, if someone's being a dick at school, she'll sneak into their room at night and give them nightmarea threatening them to be a better person lol
sometimes she'll show up at the hospital unannounced and ask Carlisle, in front of his coworkers, 'yo can I raid the blood bank?'
her bedroom looks like a library. every wall, floor to ceiling books.
she's been publishing trashy romance novels under a fake name for almost 40 years now and no one in her family knows
one birthday Jacob takes her on a trip to vegas and they get wasted, at some point they were laughing about how ridiculous their lives are and they're like 'wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if we had a baby'. they then black out, hangover style, and wake up like a week later with a payment on her card to a fertility clinic. Jacob's like 😱 and Ness is just like 'you get to be the one to explain this to my parents'
Their kid is absolutely hilarious, they were correct, and at some point they realized 'wait...drinks blood..doesn't sparkle...can shape shift...we've somehow created a classic pop culture vampire' lmao
Edward had to threaten them to get them to not name the kid Vladimir
Also to be clear: Nessie and Jacob have the EXACT same dynamic as Will and Grace. that's canon.
says its her goal to star in a live action all female production of mamma mia and Carlisle is like 'honey you know you can't do anything on broadway or in hollywood' and she's like, 'no, in real life. I'm gonna go to greece and attract a bunch of women with abba songs' and he's like,,,,,ah
she loves all music but she goes out of her way to Only play stuff she knows Edward hates lmao
one day she remembers she doesn't need to breathe and can see under water and just. books herself a ticket to scotland and Finds The Loch Ness Monster
she actually personally finds a lot of monsters and cryptids like her hybrid aura just attracts all kind of weird shit and she LOVES it. She stops writing trashy romance novels and starts writing autobiographies of her traveling and hanging out with paranormal beings and everyone just assumes its fiction so she becomes a best selling fantasy author lmao
100% she's very into witchy stuff and only like...half in a trendy way. She's like what if on top of everything I've got going on I can cast spells? Think I deserve that power
when she's a couple decades old she catches Edward looking grossed out one day and she asks him what's up and he's like 'I really dont need to hear what creepy teachers think about my daughter' and she's like. oh. Dad we are gonna get SO MANY pedophiles arrested shdndjdn she gets him to expose teachers and she baits them then calls the police. queen.
She finds out she can get tattoos but they fade completely out of her skin within 5 years so she's always getting crazy tats
posts selfies on social media of her just like. hanging out with mountain lions or chilling on top of the space needle. her classmates think they're all photoshopped obvi but it drives her family insane
imagine you're 15 and you're on a nice hike in the woods and you come across your one classmate half naked, sacrificing a bear in some ritual, blood dripping down her face, bigfoot chilling on the rocks behind her filming the ritual on her phone...like on one hand, what would you do, but on the other hand. you've known this girl for a bit and you aren't surprised at all
anyway. stan Nessie Cullen.
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atopearth · 3 years
Collar X Malice: Unlimited Part 6 - Side Stories
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ONWARD (Kazuki SS)
Awww, I love how Akito and Kazuki first met. I think it's really cool that it was Kazuki who chased after him and was interested in him because he saw him doing music related stuff. I guess I'm so used to Kazuki being so harsh and whatever with Ichika that having him actively befriend someone is refreshing haha. I thought it was so cute how Kazuki so genuinely thought Akito's music was amazing, that probably really touched him. On the other hand, it's kinda sad to hear that people only talk to Akito to make fun of him, that's so sad. I wonder if Akito just allows it too because of what happened to his sister, so he wants to know how she might have felt? Anyway, I really love how Akito didn't listen to Kazuki, and told him straight the first time he went over to his place and met Ichika that she was just worried about Akito being here considering how late it was, and that he should greet her since he's in their home, and that it wasn't wrong for Ichika to be worried about him, which I'm very glad for. Kazuki is wayyy too blinded into thinking of Ichika as "the enemy" that it gets really frustrating a lot of the time. Anyway, seeing Ichika in third person perspective is interesting, she's so cute~ It's really cool how much Akito expanded Kazuki's world in music, like not only did he introduce him to bands and other people who play guitar that can give him better advice on his playing, but Akito also tried his best to contribute a lot to helping Kazuki mend his relationship with Ichika. LMAO at Kazuki's imagination of what Isshiki was going to be like and then called him ordinary😂😂
I really enjoyed seeing much more insight into Isshiki's feelings to his pro debut being cancelled. I think what hit me the most was when he talked about starting solo again, and people came to see the "tragic vocalist that got mistakenly arrested" instead of listening to his music as a musician, and I think that probably broke his heart quite a bit. I can see why he would have wanted to quit. Isshiki is really admirable though, but I guess hearing about Fujii's death pushed him to putting everything he could into his music, since it made him realise that your daily life can shatter in an instant, so he wants to appreciate every opportunity and chance he has to sing, and share his music and feelings to as many people as he can. Hearing Akito shout at Kazuki saying he doesn't have the right to continue composing music, especially as a pro made me really sad. The whole time from when Akito met Kazuki to them having fun tweaking their music and everything, Akito was suffering. He was happy that he could compose music and find it fun again, but he also felt really guilty for "having fun" because this was something he felt that he took away from his sister. It was because of this "fun" that he chose to ignore her and signs of her plight because it was too annoying to deal with, and that regret torments him to this day. And then now on top of that, the guilt and pain of all those bullies' lives are weighing on him because he told Zero that the whole class was a part of it and practically deserved to die, and then they did... It's understandable why Akito would think that he doesn't deserve anything "happy" since all he's been doing is taking away lives and the happiness of others.
Honestly, I love Akito and Kazuki's relationship, so seeing them make up and have Akito admit he really enjoys composing music etc was really nice. I also loved how Akito gave Kazuki his own guitar pick, it was so pretty! I'm so glad Akito got them to all take a photo before Kazuki's debut concert with Isshiki and officially formed a band with him. I'm glad Akito wanted to keep such a precious memory. And yep, I really loved this side story. I honestly didn't think there was much to add to Kazuki, Akito's and Isshiki's story anymore but I'm glad I was wrong haha! I think the emotions, their thoughts and their feelings throughout the story were portrayed really well to kinda show how much of a journey Kazuki was on whilst all the X-Day stuff were happening. It was like a whole different life compared to Ichika. But anyway, I really liked how we got to see more of the friendship between the three of them and how they all worked hard because of their passion for music, and how they felt connected to each other through listening to each other's music. I think that's really sweet and I can see better why Akito and Isshiki were always so protective of Kazuki and really understood him, and wanted Ichika to acknowledge him and his hard work. Still doesn't change the fact that I didn't like his attitude to her in the main story, but I liked seeing Kazuki try his best to grow in music and as a person with Akito's and Isshiki's support and acknowledgment.
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Pride (Minegishi SS)
I guess it's interesting to see that aside from civilians in Shinjuku having to try and get used to normal life again, Minegishi is also trying to get used to dealing with "normal cases" and prioritising those rather than just X-Day incidents. I guess it's to expected since the Investigations HQ is disbanding. Considering how much SCRPO gets looked down upon, I'm really happy that Ichika and her diligence in telling civilians to report anything suspicious helped Minegishi and them solve a case with a kidnapper. LOL when Minegishi said he wants to be closer with all his subordinates and then he told Ichika she can call him "Mine-chan"😂😂😂 Imagine calling him that at the police station😂😂 Anyway, I've always really liked how sincere Minegishi is, so I was really happy when he personally went to thank Ichika for helping out with the case, praised her, and then even took her out to lunch. Anyway, even though the incidents are over, people like Saeki and other Adonis members haven't been captured, so it's understandable for Minegishi to still "care" about the X-Day stuff.
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I know Minegishi is mainly interested in Ichika because of how crucial she was to solving the X-Day incidents and he wants to know more about her to see why they targeted her but awww, it would be so cool to have a Minegishi route! Lmaoo at Minegishi's joke saying he came to the station just to see Ichika and receive chocolates from her😂 It was so cuteee when Ichika ran after him and actually gave him chocolates she prepared~🥰 It's so cute how Minegishi loves teasing Ichika because of her funny and honest reactions🥲 I loved the chat Minegishi had with Sasazuka and Okazaki at the cafe hahaha, they're all interested in Ichika in their own way, it's so adorable lol. It's nice to see that Minegishi was in a sense frustrated that he believed he could lead the way to solve the X-Day incidents but in the end relied on one of the many subordinates he didn't take notice of alongside a group of police dropouts. I guess that would be difficult to face when you're so capable. I'm glad Minegishi was a bit more honest with her about his intentions and thoughts. Awww, I loved how Ichika teased Minegishi back in the car ride home! I totally dig their relationship and would have super loved an actual route with Minegishi, so cuteee!
Overall, definitely more of a fluff story than anything else. Makes you wish that Minegishi had a route, but also gives a bit more insight into the idea of the X-Day incidents "ending" and missing it. It makes me miss the main plot of the original game haha, and I guess that was the aim of this route, but at the same time, gotta move forward to accept other things~
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Crossroad (Yoshinari SS)
Honestly, I've always loved Yoshinari because he's obviously capable considering he's in the SP, but he's so silly it's hilarious. Lmaooo at his drawings and notes on all the guys, I loved Enomoto's and Sasazuka's ones, totally shows their personalities😂😂 Yoshinari's sound effects are so funny, especially when he's sad🤣 Hahahahah, Shiraishi calls Yoshinari Inari-kun😂 I actually like inari sushi hahaha. Anyway, considering Shiraishi's nicknames for Sasazuka and Enomoto, him naming Yoshinari anything is actually friendly lol. It was so cute how happy Yoshinari was when he got Ichika to laugh, he's so adorable for trying so hard to talk to her so she won't feel so tense and guarded around him. Considering all the "exotic" things Okazaki likes to try, I'm surprised the durian shake is the one that made Yoshinari nearly vomit hahaha, but maybe that's just because I'm used to the people around me liking durian.
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LMAO when Yoshinari collapsed from hunger and even made Kazuki be nicer (since he was initially quite prickly with Yoshinari) and carry him to their apartment to feed him lol. It's actually kinda cute how that encounter ended up making Kazuki feel like it was easier to approach Yoshinari and chat with him lol. Omg, I didn't expect Yoshinari's past and his relationship with his parents to actually be so...sad. I mean, I can understand to an extent why his parents might feel "resentment" or whatever towards Yoshinari since he never came home, was in a gang etc whilst they were probably working their asses off just to make ends meet, but I honestly don't think I can really empathise with them if they can say something to him like just die somewhere that won't trouble them or whatever, like really??? That's just such a cruel thing to say to your child. It's depressing to think that Yoshinari wanted to make up with them and tried to be an upstanding guy and worked hard to be an SP and stuff to show them that he's changed, but they didn't even want to give him a chance and literally just disowned him, that's really terrible.
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I love how Yoshinari would willingly "make fun" of himself just to defuse and ease a situation (when Kazuki and Ichika clashed after she followed him to his band practice place), but I really love his sincerity. He's not great with his words, but seeing his sincerity and consideration for Kazuki made Ichika understand that she could trust him and wait for Kazuki because someone like Yoshinari asked her to, and that gives her confidence since she isn't aware what Kazuki is always up to. I think it's sweet to see Ichika appreciated that and told him that she trusts him, and I think that really helped Yoshinari too, since he always feels like he's "trouble" because of his past, but hearing someone appreciate him for doing what he did must make him happy. Lmao at everyone in the office being mean to Yoshinari for planning on going on a date with Ichika hahah. Aww, Yoshinari in work mode is pretty cool~ 
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Aww, Ichika crying and hugging Kazuki feeling relieved that he's okay and not in danger anymore was so cute. Gotta feel sorry for Kazuki, he's always targeted lmao. Anyway, seeing the scene with Ichika and Kazuki being able to be more honest with each other and care for each other openly made me really happy. It also made me think, this is probably one of the reasons why I always found it "sad" in Sasazuka's route that they made it like Kazuki needed to "grow up" and live by himself so she could be with Sasazuka properly, when I feel like it's so sad that Kazuki and Ichika have finally made up and can be a "proper" family now, but they didn't even get to spend much time together yet. But it's okay lol, since we get to see her bond with Kazuki in moments like these in other routes.
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I can understand why Yoshinari is so insistent on detaching himself from Ichika and them though. As an emotional person myself, when I get attached to people, it would definitely affect my feelings, my thoughts and how I handle things regardless of how much I want to stay logical, so I usually adopt something similar to Yoshinari's way of doing things. But I'm so glad that Yoshinari just went screw that after Ichika gave him a scarf for Christmas haha. In the end, as he said, people aren't machines, and life is too short to hesitate and give up on things like that when it's so difficult to find someone you actually like! Too bad the world wants to bully Yoshinari too, so even though he was able to talk back to Okazaki and tell him he seriously wanted to tell Ichika his feelings, the writers didn't want him to lol. Oh, and I loved how all the guys treated Yoshinari like an abandoned puppy outside in the cold and kept giving him food and stuff so he would keep warm whilst on the job, that was so cute hahaha.
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Overall, I quite liked Yoshinari's story, I think it was really cute to see how even though Yoshinari is kinda like the "joke" character that gets bullied, he also has a past that allowed him to connect with Kazuki on a deeper level and help mend Kazuki and Ichika's relationship in his own way. I really liked how sincere Yoshinari was to everyone, and I think it's with such a personality that everyone is able to do the same with him. I think a romance with Yoshinari and Ichika would be so adorable with how they are, and I also really like his friendship with Kazuki so I think they would be a really warm family hahahah. If only we got proper routes for all these side characters🥲🥲🥲 Definitely enjoyed all the side stories and in a sense, they were probably much more fun than the actual routes haha!
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youare-mysonshine · 4 years
todo cambio || chapter 1
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Summary: One drunken night between best friends Camila and Oscar changes everything between them.
Pairing: Oscar ‘Spooky’ Diaz x (OC) Camila Martinez, Jose ‘Sad Eyes’ Guzman x (OC) Sofia Diaz
Warnings: cussing, smut in future chapters, angst.
Word Count: 6.1k
A/N: Alright y’all, I’m really excited about this story. It’s a collab with @spookysmujer. We’ve been planning and planning this for daaays. Camila is my OC and Sofia is her OC. We is excited lmao. Also, since Sad Eyes’ name is never mentioned in the show, we decided to make one up for him; MEET JOSE LMAO. This is more like a filler chapter, to kind of get the ball rolling. Enjoy!
*four years ago*
“Here, I got your nasty ass red bull.”
Camila walked up to the Diaz household, clutching a plastic bag full of chips, snacks and drinks from the bodega only a block or two away. She walked over to Oscar who was standing in front of his precious impala, tinkering with something under the hood. He’d always tried to teach her about cars, about how to fix something under the hood should she ever find herself stranded - the only thing she managed to retain was how to properly change a flat tire.
“Nasty ass? You just don’t have good taste, Mila.” Oscar wiped his hands down with a rag, turning to look down at the short, dark haired girl. He threw a smirk her way as he took the cold can from her hand, opening it and having a drink. She gave an airy chuckle.
“Clearly I don’t if I’m friends with you.” The raven haired female started walking up the path that led up the front steps of the house.
“You should consider yourself lucky, shorty.” Mila lifted her hand, middle finger up. She heard Oscar’s rumbling laughter behind her and a smile of her own came to her face. She pushed open the wooden door, walking into the familiar house that she’d been in plenty of times before. Sitting on the couch was Sofia, Oscar’s younger sister.
“Hey bambii,” She greeted the young teenager. “I got the water balloons. Where’s Cesar?” At her words, the youngest Diaz sibling came bounding into the living room.
“Right there.” Sofia said, giving Mila a sarcastic smile. The older female rolled her eyes.
“I can see that, smart ass. Hola Cesar.” She walked over and ruffled the young Diaz’s hair, to which he promptly pushed her hand away, but he wore that big smile on his face. “Ruby’s coming later. Mama made him stay and clean his room.” She snickered. “But I got the water balloons. Are you traviesos gonna help me?”
With young Sofia and Cesar standing beside her, the three got to work with filling the colorful water balloons up with water - they were laughing, smiling, and definitely making a mess with the water. “Oscar’s gonna be mad that we’re spilling all this water.” Cesar sad as he tried tying one of the balloons, some of the water spilling onto the floor.
“Not at Mila, you know he can never be mad at his girlfriend.” Sofia teased, wearing that smirk that was so similar to Oscar’s. Camila rolled her eyes, gently pushing the Diaz girl.
“Callate mocosa. You know I ain’t his girlfriend.”
“Mhm, whatever you saaay.” From beside Camila, Cesar was snickering, laughing at the playful bickering between the two females. The older of the three wet her fingers with the water running under the tap and she flicked it at Sofia.
“Shh. Cállate, Nina. Come on, grab that. Let’s go. Maybe if we sneak up on Oscar, we can get him with some water balloons.” Armed with a bucket of water balloons, the three sauntered out of the kitchen, past the dining room, the living room and finally out the front door. Camila grabbed a red water balloon from the bucket that Cesar was holding, meanwhile Sofia grabbed another. Together, the two females crept forward - Oscar was busy under the hood of the car, some music playing softly from a speaker.
“One.. two.. three..” The two threw the water balloons at Oscar, though their aim was a bit off - Camila’s balloon hit the drivers side door meanwhile Sofia’s hit the hood. Oscar stood up straight, on high alert - his eyes were darting back and forth, looking at his surroundings, but he deadpanned when he saw the culprits. Cesar was laughing, as were the two girls.
“You two are lucky that shit didn’t go inside the car.” He spoke. He grabbed the hood and slammed it down, closing it.
“Yeah? What would’ve happened if it had?” Sofia questioned her big brother, crossing her arms over her chest, giving him that devilish smirk that she was perfecting. But Mila could see the playfulness shining in her big brown eyes, sparkling under the afternoon sun.
“Aye Cesar, come here.” Ever the loyal little brother, Cesar went bounding over to Oscar. Oscar ruffled his brother’s hair and then reached into the bucket to grab one of the water balloons, tossing it from hand to hand. Camila had started backing up, a little smile creeping up onto her face. Sofia had started backing away too. “I don’t know. Wanna find out?”
“Oscar.. Oscar, don-“
Oscar raised his arm to throw the water balloon at Camila and Sofia, who had fully prepared to run back up those steps and into the house, but it never came. It never came because the sound of police sirens filled their ears.
Now, considering that they lived in Freeridge, an inner city riddled with gang violence and crime, hearing police sirens and gunshots wasn’t out of the ordinary. They grew up around it, they were used to it, as sad as it was to say. Especially the Diaz siblings who’d grown up in and around a gang. But what was alarming was the fact that police car came racing down the street that Oscar lived in.
It almost seemed like time slowed down as the cop car came to a halt in front of the house - people poked their heads through their windows to watch the scene unfold, some people had stepped out of their house to watch. The smile that Camila wore was wiped off her face in an instant and it felt like someone had dumped an entire bucket of ice water on her. It felt like she was watching a scene straight out of a movie play out in front of her.
Two officers stepped out of their police cruiser and approached Oscar, hands hovering their guns. Oscar’s face had gone deadly serious - his jaw was clenched, but his eyes.. his eyes had a sort of.. acceptance in them. Almost as if he knew what was coming, almost as if he knew it was gonna happen.
“Oscar Diaz?” One of the police officers asked him. Oscar said nothing, just nodded his head. “I’m gonna need you to drop that, put your hands above your head.”
“Oscar?” Cesar asked. “Oscar what’s happening?”
“Oscar, what’s going on?” Sofia spoke up, sounding every bit as alarmed as they were all feeling. But Oscar.. Oscar kept that stoic expression on his face. He didn’t resist. He didn’t fight. He didn’t run. He did as told. The balloon he was holding in his hand exploded against the pavement as he dropped it, water wetting the concrete. He raised his hands up and the police officers stepped closer to him.
“Oscar- No. No what are you doing! Stop!” The bucket of balloons that Cesar was holding fell to the ground in a heap as he rushed forward. Mila sprang forward, gathering the youngest Diaz and pulling him back. Tears had gathered in her eyes as she locked eyes with Oscar. She could see the emotion swimming in those chocolate pools of his - a thousands wordless emotions coming at her all at once.
“W-What’s going on? Why are you arresting him?!” Mila finally found her voice, albeit shaky and heartbroken, as she cradled Cesar’s cry and shaking form close to her body. She walked back over to Sofia and cradled the young 14, soon to be 15 year old in the same fashion. She was holding them in a desperate attempt to shield them from watching their brother, their only parental figure, be hauled off in handcuffs.
“Stop! Let him go!” Sofia cried out as the officers handcuffed Oscar once they searched him for any drugs or weapons. With his hands handcuffed behind his back, Oscar was hauled off to the cop car, and that was when the real screaming and crying started. Sofia started thrashing in Mila’s arms, desperately trying to break free from Mila’s hold. And Cesar, he did the opposite - he was holding onto Mila as tight as he possibly could, crying out for Oscar.
“Oscar! No, please! Let him go!” Mila couldn’t keep the tears at bay as she watched her best friend shoved into that police car. By now it seemed that the entire neighborhood was standing outside and watching the heartbreaking scene unfold. Watching as young adult Oscar Diaz was arrested, watching as his young best friend did her best to console his crying siblings all the while her own heart was completely shattering in her chest.
“No! Oscar!” Sofia managed to break free from Camila and rushed forward, but one of the police officers attempted to stop her, keep her from reaching her brother. “Get away! If you come near me, I will fight you!” She choked out between cries.
“Stay here, papito. Stay, okay?” Mila rushed over to Sofia and grabbed the girl who was desperately fighting, desperately trying to reach Oscar. “Fia.. Sofia, please.. Come on, come on..” Her own words were broken, completely full of hurt, but she needed to be strong. She had to be.
It was then that Sofia completely broke down. She stopped fighting, she stopped struggling - she buried her face in Camila’s shoulder and cried. All the older female could do was hold her. Hold her tight. She couldn’t say that everything would be okay because she didn’t - she didn’t know if everything was gonna be okay. Cesar walked forward, red faced and teary eyed and hugged his older sister and the girl that had almost become like a mother figure to him in the time that he’d known her.
With her arms locked around the youngest Diaz siblings, Camila locked eyes with Oscar, sitting in the back of the cop car. Their eyes met and his face faltered for a bit - his hardened expression dropped, his eyes shining with what she perceived as unshed tears. She could almost read the thought that was at the forefront of his mind;
‘Take care of them.’
And so she did.
Four years ago seemed like a lifetime ago. An eternity. Yet at the same time, it felt like just yesterday.
Camila Martinez and Oscar Diaz had met back in high school. He was a sophomore and she was barely a freshman. Her first year in high school and she had been rather nervous. Excited to finally be in high school, but she couldn’t shake those nerves that she felt. She had ended up meeting Oscar when she was trying to get her locker open - she had been an overzealous little freshman, holding way too many books than her small body could even support, and on top of that, she couldn’t seem to figure out how to get her damned locker open.
Oscar had been walking by with a few of his friends and he’d spotted her struggling. She was barely balancing her books in her arms all the while trying to open her locker and while he found it completely comical, the young sophomore couldn’t just walk pass like everybody else seemed to be doing and let her completely make a fool of herself. The teen with a head of curly black hair had sauntered over and asked her if she needed some help and the rest, as they say, is history.
Camila and Oscar were two completely different people with two completely different personalities yet they got along so well. Whereas Camila was a bit more shy and calm, Oscar was the firecracker, saying what was on his mind without a second thought. They balanced each other out perfectly.
The more time they spent together, the more the two learned about each other - she learned about his ambitions, his hopes and dreams to become a professional chef. He’d told her about how he always watched his papa cook and how he wanted to do it too. He’d told her about how he had two younger siblings - Sofia and Cesar, and she’d told him about her own younger brothers, Mario and Ruby. It was almost comical to them that only a few years later, their younger siblings would become friends as well.
However, Mila soon learned more about his life - his mother wasn’t around, having finally chosen the life of drugs over her children, and his father, gone too. Not a word to his young children. No phone calls, no letters, nothing. Oscar found himself having to raise his younger siblings with no help except from those that were in the gang with his father. It was a life that Mila had desperately hoped he’d stray from - she wasn’t naive. Sweet and nice, sure, but naive, no. She’d grown up in Freeridge, she knew how gangs worked, she knew what happened once you were in a gang - there was no getting out.
That once vibrant, hopeful curly haired teen who wanted to become a chef became Spooky. By her sophomore and his junior year in high school, Oscar had been jumped in - she still remembered the night that he came knocking on her bedroom window. She remembered ushering him inside, Oscar hissing in pain with every move he made - it wasn’t until he was sitting on her bed that she saw the extent of his injuries. Bruises littered his torso, he had a split lip, a blackening eye. But the look in his eyes? The defeat? That was the worst of it all. It was horrible and she hated it. She hated knowing that Oscar was in the gang, knowing that he’d never be able to get out.
Those hopes and dreams he had were gone. He didn’t care about going to culinary school anymore - the one thing he was focused on was providing for his siblings. The one way he knew how to ensure they had a future, to ensure they had a roof over their heads and clothes on their bodies was by joining the gang.
Camila remembered the fight that they’d had when he joined - a lot of words were said, a lot of yelling was done;
“You don’t get it, Camila! You grew in a stable house with two parents. You never have to worry about how you’re getting your next meal, or how to pay the bills. I don’t have that luxury! I’m doing what I have to do to make sure that Cesar and Sofia have a least a little bit of a good life. They deserve that and I don’t need you giving me shit!”
The two of them hadn’t talked for a week or two after that but she eventually went around to his house, littered with a bunch of Santos. She told him that while she didn’t like that he joined the gang, she’d be there for him because he was her best friend, because she wasn’t gonna leave him to raise his siblings alone, she wasn’t just gonna leave him alone to deal with it all.
That tanned skin of his became inked with a Santos cross on his neck, and soon he started adding more tattoos to his collection. The teardrop tattoo was the most startling one of them all because Camila knew the meaning behind it. She just knew. The Oscar that she once knew was gone, but she never turned her back on him.
After Oscar had joined the gang, her parents had been less than thrilled at her affiliation with him. They hadn’t wanted her to hang around him anymore but they knew better than anyone that Camila and Oscar were practically glued at the hip. Nothing could tear those two apart from each other.
She had been fresh out of high school, 19 years old and saving up money from her little job at the grocery store to get herself her first car. Oscar, at the time of his arrest, was 20 years old and she still remembered that day like it had just happened. It was fresh in her mind. The tears, the crying, holding Sofia and Cesar in her arms and trying to figure out where to go from there on out.
He’d been arrested and charged with a felony drug possession that landed him an eight year sentence in Corcoran. She’d been devastated - she was angry, heartbroken, and more than anything she wanted her best friend back.
Now, here she was 4 years later, 23 years old, and on her way to pick up Oscar and she was practically buzzing with a nervous excitement. Due to good behavior, the Santo was being released early and she couldn’t have been more thankful for that. Of course, during his extensive time in prison, she’d visited him and talked to him on the phone but.. it wasn’t the same. She saw him in that orange jumpsuit, handcuffed, behind a thick glass, only speaking through a telephone. She was actually gonna see him in person. She was gonna be able to touch him and hold him.
“You okay?” Camila spoke up as she spared a glance at Cesar, who was sitting beside her. They were in Oscar’s cherry red impala, driving down the vast open road that she’d driven down before to go and visit him. She could just barely begin to make out the looming building up ahead. Cesar was fiddling with his thumbs, looking out the window. She could practically sense the nerves radiating off of him.
“Hm? Oh yeah.. yeah I’m good.” The youngest Diaz looked to Camila and offered her a small smile.
“It’s okay to be nervous, you know. I’m actually pretty nervous myself.” She admitted, giving him a warm smile. “It’s gonna be fine, okay? He’s coming home, Cesar. Your brother is finally coming home.”
Sitting in the backseat wearing her headphones, blasting music louder than hell, was Sofia. The middle child. The rebel, as Camila had taken to calling her. When Oscar had gotten arrested, it hit both siblings really hard but it hadn’t hit Cesar quite as hard as Sofia. Camila had taken responsibility over the two and she saw the downfall of the young girl - her grades began slipping, she began going out more and more, partying and getting drunk. Mila knew there was resentment towards Oscar because of his arrest, she knew it stemmed from the fact that their parents had abandoned them as well. Despite the drastic change in Sofia’s attitude and personality, the two females found themselves getting close, despite the age difference. Sofia looked at Camila like an older sister - always there for her, always calling her out on her shit even though it pissed Sofia off sometimes. They fought and argued but it was Camila that kept Sofia from really going off on the deep end.
“Has he.. has he changed?” Cesar piped up. It was Oscar that said he didn’t want Cesar visiting him in prison. Cesar had went once - it was when he had just barely gotten locked up. Camila had gone down to see him with Sofia and Cesar and when the hour was up, she remembered hauling away a crying and screaming Cesar. Oscar had called her the next day and told her that he didn’t want her bringing him out anymore. He didn’t want his little brother to have to see him like that. Camila also knew that Oscar really couldn’t handle seeing Cesar cry out like that for him.
“He’s still bald,” She chuckled. “Um, he’s gotten taller too. More muscular. But um.. I think prison kind of hardened him up. I think this life hardened him up, changed him.”
“Do you think he’ll ever go back to how he was? Before everything?”
“I don’t know. Only time will tell, right?”
Another 15 or 20 minutes and the three were anxiously waiting outside of the looming gates. Camila stood leaning against the car, Cesar beside her on her left and Sofia on her right. The younger dark haired female still had those headphones on, blasting music, looking down at her phone as she scrolled through her instagram. Camila sighed, nudging the female Diaz.
“What?” Sofia asked with a bored tone, looking at her. But Camila had grown to know her better in the last four years that Oscar was gone, she had learned to read her, gauge her facial expressions and reactions. She was just as anxious, she just hid it better.
“Take those off.” Camila said. “Please?”
Sofia sighed but did as told, removing her headphones. She leaned thru the window and tossed them into the backseat before straightening up, resting against the cherry red car, arms crossed over her chest. “I don’t see why I had to come. I could’ve stayed home.” She spoke.
“Because he’s your brother? Our brother?” Cesar spoke, looking over a his older sister. “And he’s finally getting out. Why are you acting like a bitch for?”
“A bitch? Shut up, little boy.”
“Basta! Enough! Jesus Christ, you’re worse than the twins, and those little shits stay trying to glitter and fight each other all the time.” Camila spoke up, exasperated, recalling the many many incidents where her younger twin siblings fought each other mercilessly. “Looks I know you don’t wanna be here but.. Oscar’s coming home, Bambii. He’s finally coming home, okay?” Mila’s words were soft, hopeful and caring. “Just.. don’t look so miserable. Please, for me?”
Sofia gave the older girl a small little smile. “Only for you, and because you said please. And because you’re buying me a michelada after.”
Camila chuckled, turning to face the gates once more. “Alright fine, bitch.”
It seemed like hours had gone by when really, it was only just minutes. Camila swore she felt her heart stop beating in her chest when she heard a buzzing sound. She could’ve sworn her heart jump started once more at a hundred beats per second when she saw Oscar, flanked by two correction officers, walking over to the gates. It was like the breath was stolen from her body when the gates slowly rolled open and Oscar walked forward.
Camila couldn’t stop herself, couldn’t contain her excitement or emotion. She ran forward quicker than lightening and jumped into Oscar’s arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck. Oscar gave a deep chuckle - she could feel his chest vibrating against her own. His arms strong arms wrapped around her small frame and held her close. Both of them, they stood there holding each other for a few good second, just savoring the feeling of each other.
“Dios mio, I’ve missed you Oscar.” She said, unable to keep the emotion from her voice.
“I’ve missed you too, Tiny.” Pulling away, she looked at him, at his face. He looked older now, hardened, just like she’d said to Cesar. The teardrop and Santos cross tattoo stood out against his tan skin, and his eyes shone brightly under the bright, blistering sun.
“I’m gonna forgive you for calling me Tiny, just because of how much I’ve missed you.” She leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek before unwrapping herself from around him. Her feet planted themselves on the floor, her head barely coming up to his shoulders. He looked down at her, smirking.
“Not my fault you’re so short, Mila. Four years and you still haven’t grown at all.” Then, his eyes fell on his siblings, on Sofia and Cesar.
Cesar took a few hesitant steps forward, and Oscar motioned him over. “Come here, kid.” The youngest Diaz sibling walked forward and fell into his brother’s arms. Oscar wrapped an arm around Cesar, leaning down to press a small kiss to the top of Cesar’s head. His face was serious, but Camila could see the emotion shining in his eyes, she could see a thousand emotions swirling in them. So many emotions that he didn’t know how to convey or say. “I’ve missed you.” He spoke firmly, voice hard.
“Um, yeah.. yeah me too.” Cesar spoke, giving his older brother a small smile. Oscar’s eyes then came up on his unenthused sister, still leaning against the car, arms still crossed across her chest.
“Bambii.. look at you, you’re all grown up.” Oscar said. “I can’t get a hi or a hug?” He asked.
Sofia gave her brother a sarcastic smile, sarcasm simply dripping from every single pore. “Hi, Oscar. Welcome home. I’ve missed you.” She walked over, wrapping a single arm around his muscular torso. “It’s just so good to have you back home.” The tall Santo clearly wasn’t amused or impressed, giving his sister a deadpanned look. Mila simply sighed, scratching the back of her neck.
“Okay! Let’s go, yeah?” Camila spoke up, clapping her hands together. She dug the car keys out of her pocket and dangled them on her finger up at Oscar. “Did you forget how to drive or do you want me to?” She teased.
“Gimme those.” Oscar snatched the keys from her finger and walked around the vehicle, eyes taking in every little minuscule detail. Everything he missed in the last four years. Sofia climbed back into the backseat, with Cesar following beside her, occupying the spot next to her, meanwhile Mila sat in the passenger seat.
“I didn’t crash your car Oscar, there’s not even a scratch!” The brunette said to her best friend as he finally got in the car.
“Yeah, four years later and I still remember how you ran over the curb when you were trying to park. Fucked up the rim.” Oscar put the key in the ignition and started the engine. A little smile came to his lips, dimples just barely poking through. “Sounds the same..”
Sofia had just put the finishing touch on her makeup when she heard the front door open and shut in quick succession. She sighed to herself, pursing her plump lips, deep chocolate eyes surveying herself in the mirror. She had a party that she’d been invited to and she certainly was not gonna miss it. Yeah, her brother was home, finally, but truthfully, the last thing that she wanted was to be near him.
“Don’t you own anything that goes past your knees?” Cesar asked as he leaned against the doorframe, watching as his sister put on the sandals that went with her outfit. She wore a cute spaghetti crop top, a form fitting short denim skirt with a little slit on the side, showcasing her smooth, tanned legs. The female Diaz turned and looking at her younger brother, shooting a sarcastic smile his way. “You know Oscar’s not gonna let you go anywhere like that.”
“Hm, well Cesar, unlike you - I don’t live to kiss his ass. I didn’t even know that you could kiss anybody else’s ass other than Monse’s until Oscar got back.” She snickered. Cesar’s face went serious, eyes giving her a nasty look. Meanwhile Sofia went about her business, grabbing her purse and stuffing her phone side, as well as her house keys and other necessities.
“Bitch.” Cesar muttered as he walked away.
“Pussy.” Sofia called back out to him. After making sure she had all her things, after spritzing a little bit of perfume on, the ebony haired female walked out of room, shutting off the light in the process, and walked down the hallway. She reached the living room and found Oscar sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels on the t.v. Upon hearing her enter, Oscar turned his head to look at her and nearly did a double take.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” He asked, sitting up straighter. She rolled her eyes, heading for the door.
“Did you suddenly go blind in prison? I’m wearing clothes.” She said. Oscar stood up quicker than lightening and blocked her path to the door, looking down at her with his brows furrowed.
“And where are you going?”
“A party. Move.” She said, trying to get past him but he still stood in her way, not budging. Sofia sighed deeply, looking up at her older brother with those intense eyes that mirrored his own. Perhaps it was a Diaz trait.
“A party? Dressed like that? Nah. You ain’t going anywhere.” He said, shaking his head. The female scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest in an act of defiance. Oscar really realized then how much she’d changed in the four years that he’d been gone. It was thing seeing her every other week for an hour at a time, but now that he was back, he noticed the difference.
“Uh, claro que si voy a ir. I’m 19, Oscar. I’m not a little ass kid anymore. In case you forgot when your ass was locked up - I grew up. I don’t need your permission.” Sofia could see the annoyance, anger beginning to shine in his eyes, but she didn’t back down. Oscar took a step forward, running a hand over his face.
“You live in my house, so yeah - you gonna go by my rules. I ain’t letting my baby sister go out to some party with a bunch of dirty putos.” He spoke, voice deathly serious. She chuckled bitterly.
“Your house? It hasn’t been your house for the last four years.” Using Oscar’s momentary lapse of surprise, Sofia skirted past him and pulled the door open, stepping out into the slightly humid night, the warm breeze blowing her hair back. As she walked down the front steps, she spotted Camila climbing out of her car and walked up the path.
Camila noticed the incensed look on the young woman’s face and raised an eyebrow. “Sofia, get over here.” Oscar called out to his sister, walking past the threshold. Sofia didn’t stop though, she kept going, in fact.
“What happened?” Camila asked as the two walked past each other.
“Your best friend is an asshole. And I have a party to go too.” She said, turning back around, beginning her walk down the sidewalk. The older of two merely gave a deep sigh, knowing that there was nothing she or anybody could say that was gonna get her to come back or stay - especially when she harbored some resentment towards her brother.
“Don’t get back too late, Sofia. I’m serious!” She called out. Sofia raised an arm up, signaling that she’d heard her. Turning back around, Camila walked over to where Oscar stood, leaning against the house, watching his sister walk away. She walked up the steps and took a seat on one of the chairs that decorated the small porch. She set the brown paper bag in her hand down on the small table, looking up at Oscar.
“What’s her problem?” He asked, occupying the chair across the brunette. He reached up and grabbed the blunt that rested behind his ear. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter, lighting it up and taking a hefty drag, after which he offered the blunt to Camila. She took it from him, bringing it up and wrapping her lips around it. Oscar eyed her, watching as she took a drag, holding the smoke in before letting it billow out of her mouth.
“I told you; she’s not the same Bambii from four years ago.” She said, grabbing the brown paper bag. She pulled out two beers, setting one in front of Oscar, grabbing the other for herself. She opened the cool can and brought it up to her lips, taking a drink of the bitter liquid. “She’s angry, Os. She took it hard when you got arrested. Started partying, going out, drinking - I’ve been there for her and Cesar but, there’s only so much that I could tell her before she get’s all pissed. Like you.” Mila nudged Oscar’s leg with her foot, shooting him a little smirk.
“You sayin’ I have a bad attitude, nena?”
“Nah, I’m just sayin’ you don’t like people telling you shit. Fia is the same way.” Camila said. “Just give her time. You’ve only been out for a few hours, she’s still not used to you being around again.”
Oscar said nothing, just gave a little ‘hm’, bringing the blunt up to his lips again. For a few minutes or so, the two said nothing - cars could be heard driving room, music playing from a block or two away, crickets chirping. Mila suddenly felt like she was a teenager again, hanging out with Oscar. Sneaking out of her house to meet up with him and drink some cheap beer and smoke some weed. But they were older now. Things had changed, shit was different. “Are you mad?”
“At me. Are you mad at me?” He asked her. Oscar was looking at Camila, the same way he always did - like he was reading her, her body language, gauging every expression or movement. He knew better than probably anyone else. She stayed silent for a few seconds, bring her beer up to her lips and taking a drink. After she’d gulped some down, she set it back down and shrugged.
“I was. I was pissed at first. I always told you that that would happen if you joined the Santos. That or worse. So I was pissed but I can’t say I was really surprised either. Pero, overtime I got past that anger - there’s no point in being angry all the time. You’re back home now.” She smiled, eyes shining brightly. “Besides, if you ever get your ass arrested again, I’ll kill you my damn self.” She said. Oscar chuckled, a smug smirk pulling at his lips.
“Yeah? How you gonna reach, with your short ass, Tiny? You gonna use a step stool like them little kids?” Camila scoffed, but ended up laughing towards the ends.
“Asshole!” She reached her foot out and just barely missed her foot against his leg.
“See! You can’t even reach me.” Oscar teased her furthermore.
“Callate pendejo. This is what I get? Years and years of friendship and you’re still clowning me? Fuck outta here, with your rude ass. I’ll still bust your kneecaps.” Mila pouted, trying hard to keep that smile at bay, but she couldn’t hold it. She felt complete now, as cheesy as it was to say. When Oscar was in prison, they talked almost every night, but it wasn’t the same as actually speaking to him in person. As being able to touch him, to hug him.
“Nah seriously though,” Oscar’s expression and tone turned serious, blowing some smoke out. He looked at the brunette, their eyes meeting. “Thank you, Mila. For taking care of Sofia and Cesar. You didn’t have to-“
“Yes, I did.” Mila cut him off. “And you don’t have to thank me. You’re my best friend, Oscar. You know that I’d do anything for you. For you, Sofia and Cesar. Just like I know you’d do anything for me and my family.”
Oscar cleared his throat, sniffing slightly. He nodded his head at her, unable to really say anything. He looked away from her, looking out across the street. “How’re your parents? Abuelita, Mario, Ruby?” He finally asked, changing the topic.
“Mom is good, dad is good. Abuelita too. Mario is up Angelica’s ass, como siempre. And Ruby can’t wait for him to go to college so that he can finally get his own room.” She chuckled, running a hand through her dark, thick hair. After graduating high school, Camila had decided that she didn’t want to go off to some big university. At least not yet. She knew that she’d disappointed her parents when she told them - they wanted her out of Freeridge, wanted her to make something of herself. But they supported her nonetheless and supported her decision to stay back, to attend the local community college nearby.
Now, she worked a steady job, had her own car and her own place. It wasn’t big, but it was enough for her. It was something and she was thankful for it.
“Sad Eyes said the Santos wanna throw me some welcome back party,” Oscar said, finally opening his beer to take a drink from it. “You down to come?”
“Is that even a question you need to ask? Of course I’ll come.” She said. “Maybe I’ll finally meet a fine ass Santo.” She snickered, eyes shining with mischief. Oscar let out a little ‘tsk’.
“Mamas, you got me right here.”
Sitting there with Oscar, drinking and smoking, Camila felt like things were gonna be good, back to normal. Simple again. She finally had her best friend back. But nothing could’ve prepared any of them for what was to come.
tagging: @spookysmujer @ugh-jalynn @lovleyajoitee @curly-haired-holland @babienay @harringtoncastle @spookysnena @eggshaustedd @firebenderwolf @clemmingstylins0n @xiomarlyn @lana-loves-stuff @dolanackles @briskiiat420 @lossantosprincesa @princesstiffxoxo @xbrujababyx @juul4jesus @audreydiane96 @angelreyesgirl100 @khiaraaa-in-spacee @poppaxannie @deviilbby @mrs-spookyd1az @eriksjournal @socialistavocado @pananegra @demure-doll @skathan-omaha @kingbouji3 @animesstuffsposts @moanlightbaby @thenameishayley248 @cheshirecat107 @bellaguarneri @liaari @cedricheart @amethyst09 @flamingweasley @littlxmiss @mellisophilia @fairygardenss
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harukamitsuki · 4 years
Aight, so I've been thinking about AUs and I just--
Hear me out, okay?
Boku No Hero Academia but it's a Music School.
Think about all the shit you can work with!! Like, Izuku is bullied for having a feminine and high voice; Katsuki is worshipped for being able to rap like a fucking god; Shouto inherits Enji's deep voice and Rei's soprano voice. Just fucking think about it--
They'd all have preferred genres too, so it could be unique. Like, Shouta would go through all at applications and portfolios, searching for kids he thinks have a good voice and are unique. And All Might literally has no reason to break Izuku's dreams so they never have the mentor-student relationship they have in canon.
The arcs would be fun to substitute as well. The quirk apprehension test would like take place in the auditorium and they'd have to sing on the spot without music and then do some DDR or something.
The Battle Training arc could be duo battles, randomised to coordinate on the spot with unfamiliar artists. Singing and dancing, if you want.
The USJ arc would be them practising performing a concert in different terrains or recording MVs. But then the villains would be anti-Yuuei people who broke in and it'd be one huge dance/singing battle - GON WRONG. Like, the Noumu is some sort manufactured human with a perfect voice box and trained to dance since it was made. They take it too far and break Shouta's leg. The students run and end up being chased into different areas. They're about to break Tsuyu's leg or arm when All Might comes in and challenges them to a dance/sing-off. He tired Shigaraki and Kurogiri (who just has like a black-purple bodysuit and mask on) and then they send Noumu out. All Might outdances him and Noumu just shuts and breaks down. The teachers come in and chase the anti-Yuuei people (fuck it imma call them villains) away.
The Sports Festival can basically be anything to do with performing. Like, it starts off as a gymnast race, sort of circus-like. There's a bunch of trampolines, monkey bars and swings. The second round is group performances. Groups of four and the team that has the most votes wins first, then second, then third, and then fourth.
The duels are where it gets really interesting. So Shouto does declare war on Izuku like canon. During the intermission (wherein Mic turns into a fucking comedian lmao), Shouto tells Izuku about how abusive Enji is. Enji picked Rei out to be his wife and to carry their children for her soprano/falsetto voice. His voice is really deep and he wanted to have an offspring with voice pitches. So, when Shouto was born with both (checked on his fifth birthday), Enji started training him. Making him hold a note while he hit his stomach or winded him. He was also abusive to Rei as she tried to protect Shouto. Eventually, again, she snapped and poured the boiling water on his face. In the present time, Izuku is horrified and then declares that he won't lose.
Ochacco loses her battle against Bakugou because he goes all out, improvising different dance moves which gets a boo from the audience because he's forcing her to dance and use her stamina up.
Hitoshi loses his battle against Izuku. He was bullied for having an insanely deep voice and being an insomniac and the song chosen sort of reflects his bullied life. (It's probably something like 'Disappear' or 'Survivor').
Then, the Izuku vs Shouto battle happens. This is the battle that has everyone on edge because they can feel the tension rising. Like, Shouto sticks to low songs like Jazz, while Izuku goes for higher songs like Ariane Grande. And when everyone thinks Izuku's gonna win, he holds out a hand to Shouto while singing 'Take the mask off to be free/Fought it out in the debris/Now you know that life will change!' from 'Wake up, Get up, Get out there' from Persona 5.
And then Shouto, while brimming with tears, starts singing 'This is the part when I say that I'm stronger!/I should be wiser and realise that I've GOT!' And the crowd is in fucking awe at the high note, because Shouto has only ever sung baritone - and he just sang a high A, maybe even F. Enji's fucking ecstatic but Shouto doesn't even care because he's not focusing on Enji anymore. He's singing for himself now, not to spite his rotten father. Shouto ends up winning and Izuku passes out from the exhaustion of winning the first and second round and all the dancing he did.
Tenya is used by Hatsume to present the microphones she's made. He has to go home early to visit his brother in the hospital. Back on that later.
Shouto loses his duel with Katsuki because trauma isn't so easy to forget. Katsuki gets pissed when Shouto faints halfway through - from the physical and mental exhaustion. They don't chain Katsuki up, but they do force him on the stand by standing in front, behind, and either side to him. Shouto gets second and Tokoyami gets third.
The Hero Killer Arc is a lot less gruesome than canon. Stain isn't a serial killer, but he does end careers. He meets artists/dancers in an alleyway and challenges them to a sing-off at a nearby karaoke bar. If they win, they can call the police on them. If he wins, he can break their legs or strangle them. So, he's more of a psychological criminal than a murderous one.
He did this to Tensei who lost and had his legs broken - though not to the extent of others who were given the hammer treatment.
Tenta finds him an alleyway, breaking Native's ankle with a gag in the latter's mouth. And he's all like, if you win, you can break my legs. If I win, I can break yours and hand you in. Stain denies. He tackles Tenya to the ground and brings out a hammer. Before he does anything, Stain messes with him ("If you were any good a person, you would save Native from being harmed any further. Instead, you challenge with the intent to damage.").
Native can't do anything with a smashed ankle and hands tied behind his back, unable to get the gag out. Stain's about to make the first break when Izuku runs in, tackling Stain and yelling for Tenya to get Native and run. Tenya tries to argue, claiming that Izuku wasn't part of this. But then Izuku rips him a new one. ("I don't care! You're my friend, Iida. I don't want to see you throw your entire career away for some petty revenge! Just get Native and fucking RUN!").
Stain is fucking delighted because finally, a music artist has some sense. He goes on about the other artists being greedy - saying that they had the choice to decline his challenge and yet they all chose pride over their careers. Even Tensei. And Tenya fucking snaps. He challenges Stain again, offering his life as a forfeit and demanding to take his. And then Izuku snaps - he's like "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!?" He fucking bashes on Tenya, claiming that if he were half the man his brother was, he'd listen to him and run away with Native.
And then Stain turns the tables, turning around, pinning Izuku to the ground and snaps his ankle. And Izuku's in so much pain like -- he doesn't even have the gag so Tenya and Native hear him scream in pain. Izuku's broken bones before while dancing or simply falling, but it's never been so painful.
And Stain is just like "I want to see you become a star, so I won't end your career. I just want to make it so you can't move." And he's about to snap his other ankle when Shouto comes in and throws a fucking steeled-toe boot he found lying around. It turns out, just before Izuku ran in, he sent his co-ords and Shouto got concerned.
Tenya gets over his shit when Shouto tells him to be someone his brother can be proud of after Stain throws a broken bottle at his arm. He ends up tackling Stain and disarms him of the hammer. And he's all like "Midoriya! I apologize for my actions! I will make up for it, I promise!" And he apologises to Native for forgetting about him and focusing more on revenge.
Shouto reveals that he's called the police and Stain panics. He like throws Tenya off him (who's head smashes against the ground. He's sort of bleeding and concussed but he tries to get up) and lunges for his hammer which in Izuku's hands (who is now backed up against the wall). But then Shouto comes in again and wacks an advertisement board over his head. Izuku takes it upon himself to elbow his neck which does the trick and knocks Stain out. Tenya helps Native out while Shouto helps Izuku.
The police arrive, arrest Stain, and they all go to the hospital.
Tenya apologises again, but they're like "it's okay as long as you've learned from your mistakes". The story gets around about how Native and three artists in training survived an encounter with the Career Killer Stain and got him arrested. Because there are no laws against self-defence (especially when they only knocked him out), there is no cover story. But they still don't tell anyone about why they even encountered Stain.
The Final Exams are pretty much the same as round three of the Sports Festival, except duos against a teacher. The teacher they go up against gets to decide the contents. Like Nedzu makes Mina and Denki dance for the ten minutes and if even on of them is still able to go on, they pass. If not, they fail.
Izuku and Katsuki are paired against All Might like in canon. His is that they have to coordinate in a dance-singing battle with the song and genre alternating. As an alternative, if they are able to escape his radar, the faux paparazzi, and the arena, they win. It starts basically the same as canon, with Katsuki wanting to do the latter, refusing to coordinate with Izuku. But Izuku wants to do the dance-battle as they have a better chance with it.
Eventually, after Izuku tells Katsuki about how horrible and depressed he made him feel for the majority of their lives, and Katsuki reluctantly tells him that he was jealous that Izuku was able to sing so high, they come to an agreement. They dance and sing, edging to the exit. So, if they don't make it out on time, they can still pass. They make it out with Katsuki out of the gate and spinning Izuku into him (not Katsudeku/Bakudeku).
Shouto and Momo can only pass if they get a high enough score on the karaoke and beat Shouta's highest score (99) In the ten minutes they have, they can only sing about three or four songs. And they try so many different songs to incorporate Shouto's baritone and falsetto. He realises his mistake and asks Momo for her range. She can sing falsetto, and can even scream-whistle. So, they combine their voices simultaneously, reaching 100 and are able to pass.
The training camp arc is just building up stamina, instrument practises, practising dance moves, and expanding your range. The villains attack, kidnap Katsuki (who looked less than happy during the sports festival) and almost kill Kouta.
Kouta is saved by Izuku, again, from Muscular. He was a dancer who challenged many dancers to a dance battle. He went against the water horses and took their life as a forfeit. They managed to fight back as ice-skaters and dug a blade into his eye. Izuku carries Kouta in his arms and practically runs down the mountain, careful not to trip. Muscular tries to follow but ends up falling and knocking himself out on a tree.
Himiko is able to perfectly mimic someone's voice and dance style. Dabi is Touya, but he ran away after Enji went too far and almost burnt his throat. Muscular simply used knock-out gas. Mr Compress literally just cuffed Katsuki and Shouto, though Shouto was freed after Mezou throws like a branch and stone, causing Shouto to slip from his grasps. They escape using smoke bombs and a getaway helicopter.
The canonical rescue group go undercover. To let Katsuki escape, they get a motorbike (Momo has one) and Eijirou holds a hand out for Katsuki to hold onto. They drive next to him, Eijirou pulls him on, and they drive away.
All Might is faced with All for One. Instead of dancing, they actually fight. It's in this fight that All for One punches his wound. Unable to keep this form (because it's still like two centuries into the future and they probably made something to make this happen), All Might deflates into Toshinori Yagi. Now the whole world knows. He eventually musters enough energy to punch All for One's temple, rendering him braindead. But he receives no backlash because it's self-defence. All for One attacked first. And AfO is guilty of kidnapping, murder, extortion, blackmail and so on.
The dorms are implemented and each of their rooms has something to do with their preferred genre.
The super moves thing is just them creating a finishing move for dances.
The provision licence exam is just them meeting other music academies and having sing-offs and dance battles with them. They probably have to team up at one point, which is where the whole Inasa-Shouto problem comes in. Because they want to get a good score, but Shouto's deep voice and Inasa's mid-tone one conflict. Eventually, after Izuku scolds them, they have Shouto do a background tone while Inasa sings at the forefront.
Izuku and Katsuki dance together (AS FRIENDS) while they open their hearts. Katsuki is really affected by ending All Might while Izuku just really wants them to start over. They start calling each other by first names or just different nicknames to signify this.
The Big Three is still a thing. Except that it's talents instead of quirks. Mirio has a deep, booming voice; Tamaki is great at dancing; Nejire has mastered most of the instruments.
There's still the mafia. But instead of quirk-cancelling drugs, they kidnap and sell singers. Eri has been captured for her talents even at a young age. Nighteye is on the case, with Izuku and Mirio helping. Izuku bumps into Eri and Chisaki finds them. Instead of ordering Eri to come back, he knocks them both out and kidnaps Izuku as well. While fighting the chloroform in his system, Izuku leaves the pass that allowed him access into the staff area of Nighteye's agency.
Mirio finds his pass and brings it to Nighteye. They end up being blackmailed by the yakuza ("Bring your singers here or the boy dies"). He brings the Yuuei students in the area and the police to the Yakuza where they stage a rescue.
Meanwhile, Izuku tries to escape a good few times, always being caught and thrown back into a cell. Eventually, he gets shoved in with Eri and they bond a bit with Izuku promising to get Eri out with him.
Nighteye doesn't die, but he does get a spinal injury that will never allow him to walk, much less dance, again. Mirio also does not lose the ability to sing or dance, but he is strangled to the point that he loses his voice for a week or so.
And then the whole getting Eri to cheer up is mostly the same except it's a lot more intricate and professional than in canon.
And I'm gonna stop there so I don't go into manga spoilers.
But seriously, BNHA - Music?? Anyone interested??
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606writings · 4 years
Hii, I was wondering if you could make a Todoroki request. Basically his gf/bf loves Billie Eilish( both of them are in the class 1-A) and one day, they have to keep the event in a secure state, but they would never imagine to see y/n singing “ all the good girls go to hell” with Billie. How would be their reaction and what todoroki would do after the song and after the presentation( it would be the American Music awards 2019), sorry if it’s too detailed and thank u 4 your attention 😊👋🏻👋🏻😊
SC: All the good girls go to Hell... [Todoroki Shoto]
Genre: Fluff.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1,482
A/N: Okay this turned out a lot longer than I expected lmao. I tried my best with this since it was hard to find an excuse for Billie to invite Y/N to sing with her, but this definitely was so fun to write! I hope you enjoy it!
“I can’t believe we get to attend Billie’s concert!” You said making little jumps excited.
“We’re not attending her concert. We were ones of the many Pro Heroes summoned to be part of the security. Remember we’re not here to have fun, we’re working.”
You looked up to the Hero beside you and nodded intensely.
You were at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theater alongside the Pro Hero you were doing your Hero Agency Internships with, to ensure the safety of none other than Billie Eilish, the famous alternative pop singer. Her staff requested the assistance of a lot of Pro Heroes, since there were rumors on the internet that a group of haters would be attending the concert to create commotion and ruin the concert.
You weren’t the only one, some of your 1°A classmates were summoned too, accompanied by sidekicks of the Agencies they were working with, including your boyfriend, Todoroki.
You two haven’t seen each other since the whole Internship thing started because you were both busy, so you wanted to have some time off to chat with him. But that wasn’t what kept you fidgeting, you were more excited about the fact that you’ll be at one of your favorite singer’s shows, and maybe you’d get to see her in person.
“We have to escort the artist in and out of the building and confirm the identity of every person present in the room to ensure everyone’s safety. Understood?” Said the Hero.
“Yes, sir!”
When it was time to finally escort Billie into the building you positioned yourself where you were told, and from your place you could spot Todoroki’s peculiar hair. You tried getting his attention and he finally noticed you, he smiled at you and waved.
“The artist is entering the building. Confirm your positions.” You heard one of the bodyguards talk through his radio.
The staff continued to confirm everyone’s positions as they all started walking. You had to follow them and stay at a certain distance from them. But it was close enough for you to see her clearly.
‘It’s really her! I can´t believe it!’ You thought biting your lips to hold back the smile that kept looming out in your mouth.
Everyone was rushing through the hall to get to the dressing room as quick as possible. While all the heroes present continued studying the place in search of signs of any disturbance.
When you were almost at the dressing room’s door, you had to walk in front of her and enter the room first along with Todoroki and the sidekick hero accompanying him. And just when you opened the door, three masked people hurriedly came out and directed their attacks to Billie, a couple meters behind you.
Without waiting a second, Todoroki and the pro hero beside him reacted and took two of them down without even using their quirks. But the one remaining used his quirk to slip through them and ran directly to Billie.
You took a step back and blocked his way, he took out what seemed to be a paintball gun and shot aiming to Billie’s chest. You reacted quickly and used your quirk to stop the paint balls before they even hit her.
As you were just a hero in training, you weren’t allowed to use your quirks to attack someone, so your only option was to use a self-defense technique and with all your might, pin the person down keeping his arms behind him, pulling the gun away from him.
The rest of the pro heroes standing behind the staff came in hurriedly and took care of the situation. They apprehended the three of them and called the police, so they’d get arrested.
“Ahhh, well done, kids!” The two pro heroes in charge of Todoroki and you congratulated you. “You managed the situation well, now I know this was a good opportunity for you.”
“Are you two Pro Heroes?”
A sudden soft female voice called from behind you. You froze for a second recognizing her.
Watching how you petrified, Todoroki replied for the two of you:
“No, we’re still students. We’re doing internships.”
You turned around and found your favorite singer approaching you slowly with an incredulous look on her face.
“Well thank you, guys, that was amazing.”
“I-I…” You stuttered trying to get the words out of your mouth.
She looked at you, laughing lightly and looked back at Todoroki.
“What happened to her?” She asked your boyfriend.
“Uhh… I think she’s just nervous because she’s a big fan of yours.” He answered, placing a hand on your shoulder trying to calm you down.
“Oh, well…” Billie gazed at you, and while smiling she took a step forward. “You sing?”
“E-Excuse me?” You asked confused.
“Yes, she sings your songs all the time and she actually sounds great.” Todoroki answered for you once again, seeing how you still couldn’t believe the situation.
“Want to join me on stage?”
“WHAT?!” The question made you unfroze and step back surprised.
“I think the audience wouldn’t mind you singing a song with me, after all you’re a fan of mine and you protected me.”
“Umm… I don’t know…”
You felt a pair of hands pushing you slightly from behind and your boyfriend’s voice whispered in your ear:
“Come on, Y/N, I know you can do it. You shouldn’t miss this chance.”
Taking a deep breath and trusting Todoroki’s words, you nodded towards Billie and accepted her offering.
After that, Todoroki walked behind you all the way to the stage, trying to hide his smile. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was so happy to see you get the opportunity to collab at least for a moment with one of your favorite singers.
He knew how much you admired her and how you were looking forward to this night even if you could only see her from afar.
Billie finally came out to the stage and announced:
“Before starting the show, I would like to introduce someone who did a great job tonight. Back at the dressing room she protected me along with other heroes, but I wanted to thank her specially since she’s a fan of mine.”
Billie invited you to her side and the crowd started cheering.
Todoroki was waiting just a few steps aside where the staff watched through the show. He could spot some of his classmates working down the stage. They were obviously surprised and confused, but at the same time excited to see one of their friends perform with an international celebrity.
At that moment the lights went off and the piano started to play.
All the good girls go to Hell…
Billie’s smooth voice filled the theater and the crowd calmed down for a bit allowing her to raise her voice slowly.
‘Cause even God himself has enemies…
Todoroki remembered the lyrics since you were always singing at class or while going on a date. You had an amazing voice and could match up perfectly Billie’s.
He couldn’t deny that Billie Eilish was an incredible singer, but he was more excited to hear you sing.
The stage lighted up showing the singer standing up from a chair next to the piano, at the center. You walked to her side and continued singing.
Standing there, killing time.
While everyone admired your vocal skills, almost at the same level as hers, Todoroki observed you proudly.
Even though you looked like a shy girl at first, you were confident and strong. He wasn’t surprised when you took down that one guy before, because he always saw how much you trained and strived to be a good hero.
The song came to an end and you were panting, your face completely red from dancing and following Billie’s movements through the stage.
After parting from her, you approached your boyfriend.
“That was amazing, Shoto!”
He laughed and took your hand to guide you somewhere far from the staff, and finally arriving at the dressing room.
“You should rest for a bit, babe.” He suggested putting a kiss on your forehead.
“So, what do you think? Maybe I should quit this hero dream and become a singer.” You winked at him jokingly.
“But then we wouldn’t study and train together.” He pouted caressing your cheek.
“Mmm, you’re right, this is more fun.”
He glared at you for a few seconds before embracing you gently.
“I love to see you enjoy yourself like this, Y/N…” He murmured close to your ear, making you shiver.
“Because I can appreciate how bold and beautiful you are while doing the things you like… You look so happy, and that makes me ten times happier…” He sighed and placed another kiss on your flushed cheek.
You buried your face on his chest trying to hide your big smile.
And you knew perfectly what he meant because that’s exactly how you felt about him too.
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
kdrama rec/review: bridal mask
Series: bridal mask / gaksital Episodes: 28 Genres: historical, action, drama, romance, tragedy, people screaming each others’ names in all capital letters 2006 anime style Spoilers in the Rec: im going to try to avoid them. im really, really going to try. but no guarantees If You Like, You’ll Like: zorro, robin hood, v for vendetta, chicago typewriter, vigilante shit, kate beaton comics on My Nemesis, mr sunshine, watching people become progressively unhinged, bad guys that become good guys, good guys that become bad guys, Parallel Narratives, cat and mouse games but they’re both cats, 2010 hair in a 1930s world, people in a room together internally thinking does he know that i know that he knows?
Rank: 9.5/10
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set during the japanese occupation of korea in the 1930s, bridal mask centers on lee kangto, an absolute shit weasel. like. good god, what an asshole. anyways.
kangto is a korean police officer who is employed by the japanese--meaning he’s essentially a rat/turncoat to his own people and supporting their colonization and abuse of power. it’s especially fucked up because kangto’s older brother was tortured so much by japanese police officers that he’s essentially lost his mind. people hate kangto. straight up hate him. 
as a lieutenant in the imperial police, kangto’s been working to catch members of the korean resistance movement, but left and right he’s been thwarted by...
THE BRIDAL MASK (gaksital in korean)
a mysterious figure who wears a mask resembling a korean bride’s traditional makeup. bridal mask is essentially zorro, fucking up shit left and right and generally making kangto lose his shit. he makes it his goal to be the one to apprehend and arrest this mysterious figure. seems straightforward, but as kangto’s search for the bridal mask continues, and the people around him are drawn into the hunt, it’s clear that shit’s not what it seems.
lee kangto/sato hiroshi/lee young
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a korean man who works for the japanese as a police officer. 0% approval rating from the koreans and maybe a 5% approval rating from the japanese. kangto’s initial goals for joining the police force were to help his family get out of poverty, but his morality’s been cha-cha sliding progressively darker the longer he works for the police force. he becomes obsessed with catching the bridal mask and everyone would like him to really quit being an asshole but he will not.
catch phrase is bingo! takes over the nightclub stage when he’s feeling swaggy. would shoot the love interest. shoots pretty much anyone wearing a mask, really, then yells about it
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oh mok dan / mild spoiler: esther / spoiler: boon yi
a patriotic korean woman associated with the independence army, mok dan commits acts of subterfuge and gathers intel against the japanese forces. her day job is a performer at a circus, where she lives and hides out from japanese officials whenever shit goes awry. when lee kangto sees her getting saved by bridal mask, he assumes she’s the bridal mask’s lover and therefore intends to use mok dan as The Bait. mild spoilers it turns out she was once childhood friends with lee kangto’s best friend, kimura shunji 
wears many amazing suits. has no problem with spitting or shooting. fears no boxes. can take a punch or 5. basically my dream girl it’s fine
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kimura shunji
a japanese man and kangto’s best friend. coming from a family of influential, imperialist asshole samurai cops, shunji is the black sheep as he works as a music teacher for korean children, and is generally against the corruption and abuse of power when he sees it. basically the only one kangto’s never a straight up asshole to, including his family. the two practice what appears to be kendo together (i know jack shit about martial arts), and shunji’s a capable fighter. my default is to assume shunji is everyone’s favorite character, because he is my favorite character :’D, but if not i think he’s definitely the most compelling in the series.
wears bowties when he wants to dress to impress. rides bicycles both happily and tragically. has a thing for a childhood friend who saved his nanny. will give you a ride home after you’ve been tortured. save this man from his family. 
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ueno rie/ra ra/ spoiler: chae hong joo
a korean woman from a rich family that was murdered by the independence army who later became a gisaeng. as a gisaeng, she crosses paths with a very important japanese man who later adopts her into his family. because the japanese police keep fucking up the apprehension of bridal mask, her adoptive father calls her to korea from japan in order to kill the vigilante
stealth fave?! will step all over you and makes grown men cry. hyper competent and hardcore. bridal mask’s best dressed (try again with the bow ties next year, shunji). men are weak
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the bridal mask GAKSITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the mysterious figure either ruining or making everyone’s day. dramatic horse escapes. dramatic rescues. generally just drama. symbolically destroys japanese flags/insignia a lot. GAKSITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mok damsari
mok dan’s father and a general in the independence army. v good at being rescued dramatically. knows how to make an exit and also bombs. dispenses life wisdom when he’s got free time in between rounds of being torture
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lee kang san
kang to’s older brother, who joined the independence army and was tortured by the japanese police to the extent that he’s now lost his mind/severely mentally ill. dude just needs a hug or 20 and to never chase after a car ever, ever again because it makes me sad.
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katsuyama jun
ueno rie’s bodyguard, which is amusing to me because she can clearly kill anyone she needs to, so it’s kind of like he’s a butler as well. stoic af, says maybe 20 lines in the entire series, but look, he’s cool
i dont like any of the japanese police officers because they’re dicks so they don’t get a feature :| 
the production value is something you gotta settle into LOL. there’s the cheesy martial arts sound effects, sometimes it skews a little narmy, but once you get used to it and once the show gets progressively darker (and how) you adjust and then don’t notice it
my main #1 beef: mok dan starts to disappear in the last fourth of the series. like she’s still there, but she’s doing bullshit like making soup and just sitting at a table with nothing to say. as a character that’s so important in the first half, it’s severely disappointing the route that her narrative takes toward the end/she does become something of a satellite character even though i still love her
there are main character deaths--more than one. some people would say the ending is bittersweet but to me i think it’s straight-up sad (which is fine with me/appropriate for the story, i just know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea)
there’s torture and for the most part it’s shown / it’s not off-camera
shit gets dark. the first handful of eps might lull one into thinking is something like zorro or robin hood, but there’s a lot of fuckery and death by the time you get to the end
Reasons to Watch
i mean, it’s fun! which is a messed up thing to say about a dark show, but there’s a lot of twists and the show’s an extended game of cat-and-mouse that’s a good time because the audience knows certain things but the main characters don’t. the drama of it all!
Now That’s What I Call Character Arcs. kang to + shunji’s respective character arcs are amazing and are referred to as the best part of the show for a reason. you’ll hate and love them both throughout the series and it’s great. shunji was my favorite
i love both the female leads a lot. they’re totally different in personality and the sides that they’re on, but they’re both compelling and they have their own troubles and goals to work through 
one of the main characters looks around the chaos happening and decides to just fucking leave all these people behind forever lmao i love it
acting is great! some people knock on mok dan’s actress but i thought she was perfectly fine for the character 
i’ll admit, i’m into characters who become progressively unhinged and the actor who plays the character who does is so so A+
there’s romance but gd does it get dark sometimes. this is a plus or a minus depending on who you are lol
Final Thoughts.
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winbutlerscowbell · 5 years
Terminator Dark Fate Analysis Mexico Edition
Welcome to the Terminator Dark Fate Analysis Mexico Edition, where I’m going to dissect, comment and give my constructive criticism at every reference, landscapes, locations and well, everything that goes Mexican in this movie of ours.
  First things first: I just realized the version delivered to the mexican theaters is DIFFERENT to the rest of the world, why? Because the characters who originally speak Spanish are DUBBED AGAIN, like double dubbed. So ironically, in Mexico we couldn’t get to hear precious things like “no mames”, WE WERE DAMN ROBBED.
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That bridge is sending me, it really looks like a bridge from here or vial distributor like they call it in a more elegant way.
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No, forget it. That kind of bridge doesn’t exist here but nice try, I appreciate that.
Here’s where something really funny starts because what they say doesn’t match with the subtitles at all hahaha 
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The girl says “no mames” and it’s subtitled to “Oh my God” AND it was dubbed as “No inventes” hahaha this can’t be...
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And here, the guy says “yo siento lo mismo”, it’s subtitled as “I feel it too” which is accurate but when they dubbed it they went with “¿y esos ojos?” lmao
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Can’t forget to mention this ICONIC scene, of course.
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The moment when the cops arrive reminds me of the meme where there’s some thiefs robbing something and the cops are asleep but there’s someone naked or doing something else and a fucking troop arrives, here is one example of the meme I’m talking about:
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kidnappers - cops asleep, thiefs - cops asleep,narcos - cops asleep,an old lady selling flowers - the fucking troops.
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"¿Qué le pasó a tu amiga, wey?" the cop saying this hahahsha lmao like I said WE WERE FUCKING ROBBED.
The girl saying “qué pedo wey” when they’re arresting her hahah, I actually predicted at least one “que pedo” would be said in this movie and finally I can see my prediction turned out to be true #SamPatchVidente
The casa de papel guy aka the cop is going to be beaten the shit out for wanting to take Grace to the ministerio publico.
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Cops getting beaten the shit out of them: oil on canvas 
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And here’s the first mistake: the patrols have signs saying “policia municipal” and “cdmx” (Mexico City). In real life that’s impossible as “policia municipal” (municipal police) is one thing and “cdmx” is a totally different city, patrols can’t have both things but hey, the design is spot on.
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"Eso estuvo padrísimo wey" hahsha lmao this time I prefer the dubbing where they go with “eso estuvo padrísimo, güera”, cause I like when they call Grace güera.
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Never in my life I imagined I’d be alive to see this piece of art: Mackenzie with “Sí señor” playing in the background. The first time I saw this I was losing my shit even more cause Mackenzie was somewhere in the same room, probably watching the scene too. This is so powerful, wow.
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This is sending me hashaha, in the dubbed versión the guy shouts at her “pinche gringa ratera” (fucking gringa thief or something) and it’s translated to “Go to hell lady” come on hahahaha so I prefer that over the original version, damn it I wish I could have a hybrid version of this cause is gold.
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The heroic CDMX, fuck yessss! I would have loved to see the Popocatepetl. I’d like to think the suavicrema is in the background, so maybe is Chapultepec?. So what is a suavicrema? Could be like a brand of ice cream wafer and that tall building in the background looks like one, lol. Omg, ok I’ll stop.
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Next: we can see doña pelos in here cooking her food. Doña pelos or doña lupe is how we call every lady who sells food in the street, so for practical effects this lady is doña pelos.
Here’s the proof we call them like that:
It translates: “So doña pelos is taking marketing courses” cause she’s using an Adobe logo to promote her food of the day, which is “adobo de cerdo” hahaha
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Let’s move on.
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No, it’s not “do you want your tamal”, it’s “tortita de tamal” aka the famous guajolota, that’s what she’s asking. A guajolota is “a sandwich composed of a tamal placed inside a bolillo or telera, which is a rounder version of a bolillo.” Yes, I got it from Wikipedia, don’t judge. 
Also, a lady selling garnachas (like quesadillas, etc.) AND tamales? That’s new.
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She also sells mangos? Wowowowow that’s versatility. 
And “le robo un manguito” “can I steal a mango?” Dani, you have to pay for that, you can go to jail for like 30 years, I’m serious, remember the meme of the cops?
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Someone said she may be a prostitute and I can’t even…so you can’t dress with whatever you want? But also I’m a little suspicious and she actually may be one depending on what zone is Dani supposed to live. 
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A pink cab! I thought it was a Nissan Tsuru because they always are but this time it’s not. Missed opportunity, production design team. 
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“Let’s put Frida Kahlo to emphasize this is Mexico, what a good idea , why not?” 
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Multifamiliar o vecindad? we're about to find out.
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Why does she have a bike hanging on the wall? Is that a thing? 
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The fruit on the table, the vase, and the squared table cloth, that evoked things in me.
About the music: I mean, it’s okay they put latin music but I am fucking sick to death of this Bomba Estereo song, I fucking hate it. There, I said it.
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147 likes, that’s how excited the guys who think they’re Dj’s or something are when they upload things to soundcloud. 
One thing I don’t understand is: if they live in Mexico City, why are they talking in english now? Did I miss something? 
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Never seen anyone in my life name a dog “Taco”, only “Chilaquil” but that’s another story.
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Arturitooo from la casa de papel! or how I like to call him: el cñor <3 (it means señor but with a c because it sounds the same).
Interestingly, now there are two actors from la casa de papel appearing here hahaha 
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LMFAO that’s a flagrant fucking typo: “tomalito” hahshaha that’s an unforgivable mistake. It’s “tamalito” obviously. 
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Now, what’s up with the serape blanket on the wall? Hahaha we call them sarapes but come on, we’re not like that…well yeah but no… It would have been funny if the serape had a drawing of the last dinner hahaha that would have triggered childhood memories.
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The cñor from la casa de papel is going to the imss for his medical check up. Imss is a horrible public health institution but that’s what we have so…
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Ok, this is GOLD: the serape blanket, a picture of la Virgen de Guadalupe, the couch covered with sheets and ANOTHER serape blanket, the sewing machine hahaha they missed the calendar from the fruit store or the butch shop, damn haha
Did taco survive? I guess not :(
Also when Diego sings: Y’all, you could have saved some good money by picking up another song, I mean, it’s a beautiful song by Juan Gabriel but I heard it was very expensive and now in retrospective you could have saved something in this little simple thing.
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So it’s a vecindad I guess.
And how did they hang the clothes in the middle? :v Can these people fly? That would be a Mexican super power to take advantage of the maximum possible space. 
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  Un viejo encueradooooo, tápese cochino.
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A green bussssss!!! We call them microbuses and the location gives me historical downton vibes because of all the people in the street. 
Oopppp another pink cab, I love it. 
I am the only person on this planet who is excited to see those microbuses in this movie, yes I am. 
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I FINALLY KNOW WHAT THE ROUTE OF THE MICROBUS SAYS! It says "LAGO DE GUADALUPE, E. ZAPATA" WHICH IS INCORRECT HAHAHAHA. Also, the man with the hat hahaha it’s Mexico City not Monterrey.
Lago de Guadalupe is not in Mexico City and “E. Zapata” maybe is the subway station but they’re absolutely not close to each other, well let’s move on. 
 The casa de papel guy aka Dani’s dad is speaking with a heavy spanish accent tbh
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And... Goodbye Mr. casa de papel :(
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They make it look as if everybody works there, it’s not a little town, you know?
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Why the fuck is an employee riding a bike inside the factory? I don’t get it. 
When diego says "chale" hahaha same.
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"Un robot, que chido eh" hahaha chido and it’s subtitled as "it's cool" adjka god help me please.
El señor Sánchez represents me.I mean, there was a little bit of criticism because all the mexicans represented here are white but hey, try looking for someone who looks like a mexican in damn Europe, they did the best they could.
Aaaagain: if they are in Mexico City, why the hell are they talking in english? I’ll never understand.
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Typical police guy distracted with the damn phone, yes we are in Mexico.
That policeman looks like Burt Reylonds (?)
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Wish Grace would’ve arrived in that microbus hahahaha
That microbus is weird, nope I don't know her. 
That microbus has the same route as the previous one but it has something else under “E. Zapata”, like “Tecnologico” or something like that, ooofff maybe it’s Tecnologico de Monterrey hahaha that college is kinda near Lago de Guadalupe so haha ok, let’s keep going. 
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Another distracted cop, my Mexico.
I love how Grace beats cops everywhere, this is an irrelevant scene for this analysis but I just love it so much.
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Back to the factory: "Qué hace aquí tu jefe?" jasjdd "que haces aquí, jefe", the slang is on point here haha
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"Olvidaste tu comida mijo" jasdjkhd
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"Me quieren reemplazar por esa pinche máquina" apparently translates to a "they’re replacing me with that damn machine" jaksdj at least put a “fucking” or something.
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Again that heavy spanish accent with that deep voice, hmmm
I’m going to ignore the Factory fight because there’s no Mexican stuff here.
Well, Diego and Dani keep saying “vámonos” and they don’t fucking leave haha
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“GET IN” and Dani saying "ya güera ya güera" jakdhakjd I love her
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Pink cab is saved from being destroyed by Grace.
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Here comes the policía municipal to spoil everything. 
Ok, my theory is they are in the limits of Mexico City and the metropolitan area aka the state which is also a kinda not very good looking place and omg hahaha I love that.
Here’s when Diego slips an almost inaudible “no mames”, I know I heard it.
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These are our patrols now:
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Noooo the tacos :( this really hurt a lot.
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This is where I think they enter a highway called “circuito exterior mexiquense” that effectively connects the metropolitan area of the state with Mexico City and I LOVE IT. I love everything, do I?
Also some say the Rev-9 is driving a snow plow truck, is it? The only time it has snowed in Mexico City was in 1967, a long time ago.
Everything is screaming “circuito exterior”, yes I’m getting those vibes and I’m here for it.
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Another pink cab is seen. Fun fact: because of its pink and white colors, we call them “hello kittys” and before that they were like wine color and gold so we called them “iron man”.
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“FASTER GO FASTER”  Grace: “shut the fuck up, dummy”  and giving looks that could kill.
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Hahahaha those license plates are so damn old and they say “Chihuahua” and “Guanajuato” ahaha doesn’t make very much sense.
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The car of my friend hahaha
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The truck behaving like my friend’s car.
Here’s where as a mexican citizen who used to drive every day in that highway, I detected some continuity details in the pursuit scene: 
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ROAD SIGN 1: Nextlalpan/Jaltenco haha on the opposite side of the road.
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ROAD SIGN 2: Querétaro/Toluca/Tultitlán on the right side they’re driving
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ROAD SIGN 1 again: first mistake fellas, now the sign is in the lane where they’re driving.
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ROAD SIGN 3: Ecatepec/Texcoco, how do I know? I just do.
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ROAD SIGN 4: This is my fave because in this one there's my shitty town hahaha SALIDA LECHERIA-TEXCOCO AV.JOSE LOPEZ PORTILLO Y COACALCO hahaha
It really looks like the circuit, I drive there a lot of times and Grace was there, destroying everything :')
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ROAD SIGN 4: My fave sign now is on the opposite side, mistake number two.
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Each and every one of the times I went to the theaters to watch this movie, in this scene everyone was like "ohhhh what? omg nooo" 
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ROAD SIGN 4: Mistake number 3, the sign of Lecheria is shown again when the Grace truck had already passed there on the other side of the road.
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ROAD SIGN 2: There's again the sign of Queretaro/ Toluca/Tultitlan when Grace's truck has already driven over there.
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ROAD SIGN 5: Toluca/Lago de Guadalupe, remember? Lago de Guadalupe,  just like the microbus route sign.
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ROAD SIGN 5: Just because I love to see Mackenzie with those signs in the background hahaha
Anyway, the circuito exterior mexiquense is a fucking mess and of course I love it.
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Dani, I wouldn't go to the police either, they’re a bunch of useless idiots and I'm sure they would blame YOU for everything and get you into jail for 40 years.
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Really bitch? RECETA MEDICA AJSDKASDK he's asking her for a prescription lmao her face I can’t...
Also I always wondered how Grace understood the pharmacy guy but now I know that in the version brought up here, this guy was dubbed to spanish while in the original version he spoke english, those little differences and  I’ll never understand why they did it.
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Typical guy filming the mess hahaha 
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"Qué pasa güera" traduced to "what the hell", nice (not actually)
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That looks like a little town but God knows where is it, eww
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Sure, we all have an uncle who is a coyote (no, not true). We call them polleros, not coyotes but whatever.
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"Ojalá ustedes no fueran tan blancas" "I wish you two weren't so white" hasjdaj Love it.
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So they're going to the famous BESTIA (beast), that's the nickname of the train because it's so huge.
I'm laughing hard because in some sites they called this scene "train station scene" hahaha this is everything but a train station haha ffs
Fun fact: I see that train everyday just without migrants, I think they ride the train in other certain places. This is a pic a took of the real bestia:
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LOS HEROES TECAMAC JAJAJAJAJA lmao lmao I can't fucking believe it jasjdkaja the little shitty town close to mine LOVE IT
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Ciudad Valles jaskdja
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Ciudad Victoria.
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China??? wtf now that's just random places.
EDIT: Someone replied to his post and told me it’s a place in Nuevo León and yes it is, CHINA, Nuevo León Mx. close to Ciudad Victoria AND LAREDO. And this means I don’t know my country enough. Gracias @vickysan24​
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Is this supposed to be Guanajuato? when on earth they went to Guanajuato? I need to talk to Sonja Klaus asap
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Mackenzie saying "hola" is one of the best things that could've ever happened to me.
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ahhh the food jasjdja has a lemon in it, I don't know, could be sincronizadas? hahahsha I think it’s eggs and beans with pico de gallo.
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Mastering the skill of grabbing the tortilla like a spoon, nice. She has my seal of approval.
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cartel de Sinaloa... really?! I really don't know what to think about this one...come the fuck on.
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So that's how they cross huh, they keep putting walls but people always will find a way.
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La migra got them:(
I’m going to do a big skip here. The border patrol and the detention center are next and key in the story but I don’t really know how can I bring something new in this analysis, maybe I’ll try later.
Next: When they find Carl.
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For a looong time I really thought those beers were Corona and now it turns out they weren’t, sad day but oh well there are much better beers out there, so... *nail polish emoji*
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Is that... MOLE DE LA COSTEÑA???? JAJAJSJAJD Did you think I wasn’t going to see that?! That’s a great product placement.
And another picture of la Virgen de Guadalupe.
I'm far from being an expert but i'm not sure if we drink beer like that, with the lemon in the bottle.
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Another beer?  Yes, thank you.
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Even Grace is not sure if beer is drank in that way.
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But beer with lemon and salt is everything, I admit it.
Ok, fast forward, no mexican things until the very end;
"Mataste todo lo que quería cabron" jsadkhdjha what a delight! and it’s been translated to "you took everything I had, bastard" lmao yeah, right. Sounds better in spanish, obviously.
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Yes people, only a mexican can throw herself to a Terminator and fight with it with her own bare hands.
And to finish this deep analysis, I want to point the great originality (sarcasm on) they had with some character names: Diego Boneta is Diego, Alicia Borrachero aka Carl’s “wife” is called Alicia and at some point the Rev-9 is called Gabriel, like hmm ok, I remember Diego Boneta’s character was rumored to be named Miguel but yeah it was just a rumor. Ohhh and the lady selling tamales her real life name is yes, you guessed it: Mona.
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If you’re reading this, I want to thank you for getting this far, for taking your time and I hope this “little analysis” helped you to understand some things better about the movie that maybe you’ve missed in your viewings or to discover new things about Mexico. Did I miss something? Let me know what you think.
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lavenderek · 4 years
sometimes when i play an old game from my childhood, like donkey kong (1994), im like, wow this is a fun game! some of the levels were too hard for me because i was a child, but the gameplay is really engaging and easy to understand!
lego island (1997) was a different experience entirely. this is my review of the first eleven minutes of game time, because i turned it off after that. 
first of all, i think it was banking on the customizable nature of lego sets making for inherently humorous situations? like, all the animation showcases the lego people and structures coming apart and coming back together, pieces being replaced with other pieces, things changing colors, that kind of thing. it’s kind of cute, like, if you visit the brickster - the bad guy in the game - in jail, he’ll insult you, and then he’ll just stand there unresponsive while you click his hat and turn it into random different objects and hairstyles. turns into a different hat, and then a flower, and then a sleek bob, and then a cat. it’s pretty cute. 
only, the animation and graphics are so primitive and jerky that sometimes it’s not clear what’s happening? and also, they put cartoon sound effects every single time this happens. and it happens with every object in the game. 
for example, at some point you’re walking down the road and you see a woman walking toward you. as you approach her, she disappears and reappears on the other side of the road, this time with three other people all in a row. they are walking in sync like a really peppy chain gang, and leaning back really far, while goofy music and a rubber stretching sound effect play. 
why is this happening? did i cause it to happen? does it mean something? is it a reference to something? what do i do when this happens? this is never made clear, so i just kept walking. 
i think it was supposed to be funny, and that’s pretty emblematic of the entire game - it’s full of these like, standup comedy bits that A. aren’t funny, and B. last for seven years each. 
like, i walk up to the police station, and a cop runs at me, yelling at me.
“HEY! YOU’RE UNDER ARREST! oh wait, it’s just you! you’re not under arrest. you’re in jail! no, you’re not! you must be here to build the helicopter. it’s about time! we’ve been waiting! i object! i mean, you’re in contempt! i mean, you’re under arrest! oh wait no, it’s still you. just go inside and speak to the deputy! i could really go for some pizza right now! i mean, what? cake! oh, i’ll just go over here!”
he walks back over to the police station, and i stand there like 👁️👄👁️
i try clicking around for a bit, but this mostly just makes people’s heads spin around and stuff, so i eventually just like, walk away lmao. never did find out what he was referring to with the helicopter thing
that’s the other problem, is the gameplay. the gameplay is so unintuitive that whenever i enter a building, an NPC has to give me very detailed instructions to figure out what to do next. there is no exploratory clicking around to be had, because even if they didn’t have their two minute standup to do for me, i wouldn’t be able to figure it out, i guess. that’s what i assume, because all their instructions go right over my head. i have no idea what they’re talking about. 
i’ll explain. you begin the game in an information building, where a lego man gives a speech about how you are on lego island, and in order to play on lego island, you must become a lego person. in order to become a lego person, you must select their portrait on the wall, and drag it to the location on the map where you want to go. 
but before you can do that, you have to click on a book and sign in. i click on the book, and there’s a bunch of letters, presumably so that you can enter your name if you’re a little kid in 1997 and don’t know how to use the keyboard. before i can enter my name, the man interrupts me and explains that i must enter my name, and then click the checkmark, and then i can begin my wonderful adventure on the glorious lego island, or whatever he says, he talks for way too long. 
i enter my name, i exit the book, and now i can choose a character to play. i select Pepper, who is a child who delivers pizza riding on a skateboard. instead of allowing me to drag the portrait, clicking on him triggers an introductory animation of pepper skateboarding around with a pizza. 
“i’m pepper, the pizza delivery kid! watch me go! whoa!” he hits a ramp. “45 degrees! up in the air! ollie!” he hits an identical ramp. “90 degrees! i’ve got all the degrees! more degrees than a thermometer! i’ve got more degrees than a professor! i’ve got more degrees than i know what to do with! ten degrees! two degrees! and i land it! i’ve got the pizza, here we go!” 
as he skateboards away, unboxed pizza in his little lego hand, an unidentified voice comments, “Pepper: he’s hot.” 
the animation ends. i’m like, “isn’t he like, a child?”
“great job, now you’re Pepper!!” yells the man. now i can play the game. i guess i don’t drag the portrait after all? 
i click an arrow on the side of the screen, trying to leave, but it just takes me to a big cube, and the man gives a TED talk about the cube. it’s just like, a score card, and whenever you do a mini game, your score shows up next to whatever character you were playing. he could have explained that in one sentence. or, better yet, i could have figured that out from context when i started playing mini games. but this requires another standup routine. 
i click another arrow, and finally i guess i have turned around, because i’m looking at the door to the lobby of the info building i’m in. there are some flowers in here too. i click on the flowers. with a bunch of metal clanging noises, the flower turns into a huge yellow tree. when it finishes, i am suddenly outside. 
i remember when i was a kid that i would struggle to play this game for a little while and then give up. i did this a lot. i remember i was able to paint a car. i couldn’t get the car to move the way i wanted it to, so i would never be able to finish a race. i’d just paint it red, and lose the race. i also have a vivid memory of some kind of thing where the brickster escapes from jail, and you have to find him before he steals... something. 
so i’m running around this unnavigable island, but sometimes trees and birds lean over and block the road and harass you, so you can’t go that way for some reason (which - relatable, that happens to me irl when i’m driving to walgreens to pick up my cymbalta). and all the while you hear the brickster’s disembodied voice being like, “you’re never gonna catch me!” and a different voice being like, “you’re going the wrong way! the brickster’s gonna get away!” and i would eventually fail this objective, and then give up and play the magic schoolbus instead lmfao. i remember this happening more than once as a kid. 
so like, at first i was like, this is a lot, but it’s not for me, you know? i wasn’t trying to engage with this game as an adult, because this was a game for children. but i was clicking around and i remembered being bored and annoyed as a child, too. so like, lmao. 
but the main reason i stopped playing is that the 3D pov animation as you move around the game was making me motion sick. i seriously thought i was gonna vom. so that’s why i stopped playing. 
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 10
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Disc 10: Karma Police - a summary / partial translation
Prior translations / an explanation as to what the fuck this is.
After I majorly burned myself out on doing these, I am BACK with the rest of this drama in tow. 10 down, 2 to go.
In this: nonsensical but wild shinigami lore, confirmation of ghosts, an actually sad dialogue of grief over Soichiro, and transparently agenda-based bad writing decisions that make me lose my mind with how bad they are.
We start with a dramatic audio sequence from Kira’s Kingdom. Topics are the rise of pseudonyms in social media and unjustified Kira killings based on rumors online. There is also... a studio guest!
DEMEGAWA: Here in the studio, I can welcome Teru Mikami. Prosecutor in new Kira cases from all over the world.  I, Hitoshi Demegawa, take your calls, read your mails, listen to your stories. Whole lifestyles are overhauled, behaviours defined anew. How we approach other people is often only dominated by fear. And... love. The love of Lord Kira. This is Kira’s world. We’re just living in it.
(Note by me: what the fuck does this mean??? Literally what the fuck does any of that mean?? How is a case a Kira case?? He’s pro-Kira not anti-Kira?? Hello?? On that note, DEMEGAWA IS ALSO PRO-KIRA??? WHY IS HE SAYING ANY OF THIS???? The fact that the audio drama writers had zero commitment to even trying to make Kira-following believable in story irritates me a lot. They do so much obvious moralizing at the cost of the story. Like yeah, Kira is bad, but a sane listener doesn’t need you to literally punch them in the face with it............................)
Mello meets Ms Sugai, the mafia lawyer from last disc. They’re at the beach, waiting for the drone to arrive. Ms Sugai is very demanding, definitely views herself as the boss here. She takes Rod Ross’ role in this drama.
The drone gets there, Sugai nitpicks Mello’s methods, Mello stays calm, and the drone is retrieved and brought to Sugai’s place.
L and Shidoh arrive in Tokyo. Shidoh remarks how it was very different last time he got there (after the war). Shidoh suspects the war is the cause of shinigami having gotten so lazy, since a lot of them didn’t have to kill for ages after this. (Nevermind that this is complete bullshit because shinigami don’t have anything to do with ‘normal’ deaths and thus would not actually have had to work any at a war unless they were directly painstakingly orchestrating it, lmao.)
L wonders if youkai in Japanese folklore. are just half-remembered sightings of Shinigami. Shidoh isn’t sure.
Shidoh also explains that L’s body is going to change. Everyone starts out with the body they died in and then changes. Shidoh speculates it is related to the manner of death or maybe the personality of the person. 
L: Are you trying to say all Shinigami started out as humans?
SHIDOH: Not necessarily. But even a human will change over the course of centuries. I don’t know, L. Maybe your teeth are going to get longer and longer. Or! Horns may come from your skull. Or you’ll just keep growing taller. Death is only the beginning.
The two of them arrive at the Task Force Headquarter. Shidoh goes in, L leaves.
Soichiro is trying to get into the headquarters despite having already had his retirement party. But officially he’s still employed - yet he can’t get in because he’s suspended after stealing the Death Note to free Sayu.
Shidoh approaches Ryuk about his notebook. He demands it back, but Ryuk doesn’t know where it is. 
Matsuda and Light are sorting through Watari’s huge amount of physical files that he kept in a storage room. None of that seemed relevant to them 5 years ago. It’s mostly data about his charity work, including his orphanage for gifted children, Wammy’s House. There is a file on N, but there is no picture, only a drawing. Likewise with M. M has a juvenile criminal record in his file. They deduce M is the one who stole the Death Note.
Sugai comes to talk to the mafia guy the police arrested. Since she’s his lawyer. She tells him that he has to sit his time in jail for a few months until she gets him out. She also dictates what to state as his testimony.
Shidoh then approaches the dude. The dude is appropriately shocked. Shidoh wants him to say where the Death Note is. 
Light sees this freak-out on the camera feeds and assumes a shinigami is in the cell. Light figures out that Ryuk handed over a stolen Death Note. He’s highly amused. 
The mafia guy tells Shidoh where the headquarters are (on the other end of Tokyo) and the investigators who are listening in now also know.
Sugai is incredulous that the weapon they got is just a book. She’s immediately wants to test the book. She and Mello discuss the rules and capabilities of it.
Light decides not to tell Near about these developments. The Task Force wants to get the notebook back themselves. They scheme how to storm the building, there is a bunch of technical talk about methods here.
Sugai and Mello still discuss the rules. Shidoh appears and immediately tells them the 13 day rule is fake. 
Misa and Light are at a public swimming pool. Light chose the location so nobody can wear a bug and also to drown out noise with the whirlpool. Misa is excited about the outing. Light tells Misa to get rid of the notebook. She’s supposed to kill the mafia first, then give the book up. 
Soichiro is tending to the roses. Sachiko is giving gardening advice, Soichiro doesn’t know shit about gardening. Sachiko is super happy Soichiro is home and wants to make out, wohoo. But Soichiro gets a call from Kira, rip.
Kira is Misa giving him the plan to storm Mello’s HQ, just like in canon.
Mello starts wondering why someone would write the fake rules. And he figures that Kira wanted the police to read the fake rules, to give him an alibi.
The Task Force gets Kira’s Death Note. Soichiro has objections against the plan, morally. Everyone else is just like ‘eh’. 
Shidoh asks for his book back, Mello and Sugai don’t want to return it. 
The raid on the HQ is happening! Light is also in with them, he even has a gun. 
MATSUDA: Is your weapon ready to fire?
LIGHT: Yes, Matsuda. It is. I’m a real detective.
MATSUDA: For less than a week. How many shoot-outs have you been at?
LIGHT: One, this one included.
MATSUDA: Right. You may officially be my boss, but I still have 7 years on you. This is not a game.
LIGHT: You don’t have to tell me that.
People start dying and the raid is starting.
Sugai and Mello notice the attack. Shidoh suggests the eye deal so they can defend themselves.
Sugai also suggests Mello pretend to take her hostage, since officially she is not a criminal and can thus count as a civilian hostage. Mello agrees. They try to take the back door to escape.
Shidoh is surprised nobody wants the deal.
Outdoors, Soichiro yells at them to give up. Mello recognizes his voice and knows his name. Sugai suggests he kill him. They realize neither of them has the book on them.
Soichiro meanwhile finds the left-behind Death Note, hurray. Mello and Sugai do their hostage plan to get him to give up the notebook. Sugai screams really melodramatically.
Light also enters the scene but a surviving mafia goon has a target on him. Soichiro meanwhile forgot his weapon on some table, rip.
The situation is dire, Ryuk tempts Soichiro into the eye deal in a lengthy sequence of pointing out just how dire the situation is. Specifically the motivator here is that Light’s life is in danger. Soichiro takes the deal for Light.
The stand-off continues. More and more people from each side arrive at the scene and its more complicated. Soichiro reveals that he has Mello’s name (he pronounces it Michael) and threatens people with it.
Ryuk helps (?) by turning off the light for a moment, which causes people to shoot wildly. Soichiro runs to the roof, injured. Mello and Sugai chase him.
Sugai decides to escape without the notebook and fucks off. https://twitter.com/MiyataVld/status/1153658045374746624
Ryuk comes to Soichiro and says he ‘has’ to write his name. I don’t know how the fuck shinigami lore works in this. Light comes up to the roof and wants Soichiro to give him the notebook. Shidoh steps in, Soichiro gives HIM the notebook, Light is really pissed about it. 
SOICHIRO: We made it, son. We’re finally rid of it.... nobody can misuse it anymore.... And I still have the eyes.
LIGHT: Father...
SOICHIRO: I can see you now son... your name... your death date... do you know what that means?
LIGHT: You can’t go father! The ambulance is on the day. Stay strong. Look into my eyes. Look at me.
SOICHIRO: As I can see... it means... you’re not Kira....
LIGHT: Yes, father, I’m not Kira. But you have to hold on and tell it to the others as well. You can’t die, stay strong! Tell them what you’re seeing! Tell them... Father?! [sobbing noises]
Soichiro’s funeral. A Christian sermon again, because who cares these guys are Japanese, I guess.
MATSUDA: Chin up, Light. He’d be proud of you.
LIGHT: Thanks, Matsuda.
AIZAWA: My condolences.
LIGHT: Thank you. Come on, mom. Let’s go home.
SACHIKO: You couldn’t change it either, huh...?
LIGHT: Mom! 
SACHIKO: I had him for two days! I waited 35 years and you only left him to me for two. days.
SAYU: Mom... Don’t say that! Not here!
SACHIKO: He was retired. Why was he even there?
LIGHT: He saved my life.
SAYU: And mine, too.
SAYU: He was a hero.
SACHIKO: I didn’t want a hero. I wanted my husband.
SAYU: Calm down, mom...
SACHIKO: Don’t you dare tell me to calm down. I lost him to the police. I lost my whole life to the police! And now they’ve got you, too.
LIGHT: He was proud of me.
SACHIKO: Of course he was. You’re just like him. It’s as if he was still standing in front of me, ready to doom another woman who will spend her life waiting for him to come home! 
MISA: Sachiko, please...
SACHIKO: Run while you still can, Misa. It’s not worth it! [sobbing] Why did you let him go?! Why didn’t you talk him into staying home?!
RYUK: Humans are so funny.
L: You’re a monster.
RYUK: What the hell?? How did you get here?
L: Surprised to see me?
RYUK: Uhh, yeah? You’re... uh... You’re dead.
L: People keep telling me that lately.
RYUK: What’s going on here? Are you.... Wait. Are you buried here? Is this just a common haunting? 
L: Nope.
RYUK: In that case you’re just an echo, you see? It’ll fade soon.
L: Do I sound like an echo?
RYUK: No. You can’t just come back from the dead. That’s impossible.
L: Are you sure?
RYUK: There are rules. 
L: And do you also know the one that says you’re not allowed to steal someone else’s death note? That’s one of those rules, isn’t it?
RYUK: Aaah, that’s how Shidoh found me. 
L: We helped each other out.
RYUK: But he’s back home now. He left you here.
L: Yeah, there’s still a few things I need to do.
RYUK: You know that there is only a single way for you to still be here? There is only one way for this to end.
L: Yes.
RYUK: Wow, L. You really have to carry a major rage inside of you. 
L: I think I merely have a reason.
RYUK: Then just wait, buddy.
L: What?
RYUK: Light has got his teeth in your successor. You know, that miniature version of you.
L: Near. What can Light do to him?
RYUK: He’s close. Light is gonna turn his lights off.
L: But he doesn’t know his real name. He can’t kill him.
RYUK: He doesn’t need that. He just needs to cut him off from reinforcements. Cheers to the chief inspector!
A press person tries to do damage control on Trump’s terrible politics. Many Trump jokes here. I am so tired of this drama reminding me Trump exists.
Trump then announces that the US won’t oppose Kira anymore.
We’re still at the cemetery. Light is chilling there, as Ryuk urges him to go out. Light asks Ryuk what happens after death and wonders if Soichiro might know the truth now, wherever he is. Ryuk doesn’t answer conclusively. He accuses Light of being scared of his karma and scared of his father’s disapproval.
Light kept a few pages of Shidoh’s notebook. He killed Sugai with it. Light still wonders if his father is watching.
Ryuk says that ‘almost’ nobody ever came back from the dead.
Mikami is on a debate program, opposing Paula Virilio. They’re discussing the US’s recent decision. This discussion is BIZARRE and I don’t understand why a single writing decision in it was made. Like, it just makes me so mad. I am solely translating it so everyone else can be mad with me.
TAKADA: Shocking statements from the US president today. But are they really so susprising? That’s what I want to ask general prosecutor Teru Mikami. Mr. Mikami?
MIKAMI: Good evening. No, it really isn’t surprising. I think this recent deed by the US mirrors are global, fast-growing movement that isn’t afraid to call Kira’s actions good.
TAKADA: It probably isn’t true that there aren’t any wars or crimes anymore.
MIKAMI: No. Kira’s actions are rather localized. He pays almost no attention to the third world. And not all crimes happen intentionally or are able to be put to trial without reasonable evidence.
TAKADA: And for you that’s alright?
MIKAMI: I think Kira is listening. I think he is watching us at this very moment. I think he reacts to movements and campaigns in the public. If his punishments reflect the worries of, say, the Japanese middle class, then that’s also a... how should I put this... function of his loudest supporters.
TAKADA: You’re saying that if we were more interested in, for example, Simbabwe, then Kira would do the same?
MIKAMI: That’s my firm belief. 
TAKADA: Also in our studio, is the law consultant Paula Virilio, who has lead both Interpol and the SPK in the past. To you the question... where is the 180° turn of the US president taking the criminal justice system?
VIRILIO: I don’t know if this step was really thought through. Only a short while ago, he signed a paper assigning more money to the according task forces. This step now... it is putting the whole task force into a tight spot. There are definitely going to be conflicts with Interpol. The step back from American engagement will likely have consequences.
TAKADA: Do you mean financially?`
VIRILIO: Interpol still views Kira as the world’s most wanted terrorist. And those who work with Interpol usually do this in the shape of a substantial financial contribution. So yes, I think this step will freeze both the US engagement with Interpol and this form of international cooperation at large, for an indefinite amount of time. With a whole row of unpredictable consequences, by the way. Cooperations across borders, agreements to hand people over, tax agreements... At baseline, he just turned the US into a paradise for organized crime.
MIKAMI: Come on, Paula, that’s ridiculous! 
The scene cuts, to the SPK who was watching. They’re understandably displeased. And they argue that Kira must be blackmailing the president to do this. The SPK things they had something on Kira that made Kira fear them.
This makes them think back to the kidnapping stunt in Japan. 
Mello then calls the SPK.
MELLO: My condolences for the end of your job contract. Looks like sticking to the rules was a waste of time.
He then tells Near that he used to have the notebook for a little bit. Near is shocked the task force didn’t tell him any of that. Mello tells Near that he’ll have to work hard to catch up with him now.
Thus he gives Near a tip, telling him a rule is fake.
We’re back on Kira’s Kingdom. They talk about Sugai, who’s suicide included a confession (thanks Light), about the family feud at Soichiro’s funeral, and then about protestants circling the SPK building.
Near calls Light. He confronts Light on not informing him on the raid. He’s pissed and says they failed because they didn’t use his resources for backup.
He also asks Light what he thinks of fake rules and immediately admits Mello told him this.......................
Near elaborates on the idea that the fake rules were made to create an alibi. Light ‘deduces’ the correct fake rules.
Near suggests testing the book and its rules, the task force refuses this. Near then addresses the task force members and calls suspicion to Light being Kira. 
After the call ends, the anti-SPK protesters arrive at the building and try to storm it. Near and the SPK make a run for it.
Light says that Near is just desperate to present just about anything before his special task force gets dissolved. The task force discuss Near’s theory anyway.
Matsuda says that Near is just trying to split them apart. The other task force members aren’t as anti-Near.
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crossgartered · 4 years
P5R Liveblog (17/?)
November 20th
Huh? "The distortion inside that Crystal is still linked to distortion somewhere else"?
...is this a plot thing, or is it because I usually have sent the calling card by the time I go to Mementos
Oh, now it's flu season. Well, I'll save reaper farming for ng+. It doesn't look like I'll be able to max all the social links until ng+, too, but that's to be expected, honestly. I made some mistakes.
Still, I'm doing pretty well. Either I'm close to maxing someone or else I've practically never hung out with them. And I'll be able to max out Kawakami before I'm not able to go to school, so that's great.
Priestess 6, Empress 1, Emperor maxed, Hierophant maxed, Lovers 8, Chariot maxed, Justice 8, Hermit 8, Fortune 9, Strength 9, Hanged Man 1, Death 5, Temperance 9, Devil 3, Tower 2, Star 8, Moon maxed, Sun maxed, Faith maxed, Councillor 9.
And I'm pretty sure the Justice & Councillor need more plot to happen before they can progress.
I still can't believe that Kasumi is just gonna randomly show up in the casino after all this. Can't wait to figure out what she's doing.
I hate turning down the girls. It's like, 'So why are you so nice to me?'
'Because we're teammates' or 'Because I love you' like NO IT'S BECAUSE WE'RE FRIENDS AND I LIKE YOU GODDAMMIT
I think I heard her heart shatter. I'm sorry, Futaba. It might have given me an 'are you sure' option but I couldn't take that chance.
I was able to tell her that she was a true friend ^u^ ...of course, that only gave 2 points, so I'm guessing 'partner' or 'key item' would have worked better, but still. I can express my platonic affection.
Oh, good! They did add variety to Haru's plants
I am. Third-wheeling to the extreme here. How do people manage to date Ann.
Can I PLEASE not be a dick to girls I am not trying to date. Can I PLEASE say 'you have us, your friends' or 'Youre not alone' or something that does not imply you will not be there for her while still not dating her?? Especially since you're going to be leaving soon, too.
Ohya or billiards, Ohya or billiards...
YES FINALLY. Hello, Kasumi. Please talk to me.
Wait I was going to go to untouchable
Oh god fucking damn it this is going to be just like the cookie thing
Lol your glasses got all fogged up. They even have a sprite for it
Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
Seriously? Back in April?
Man, the Shibuya thing for Kaneshiro feels so foolish and ridiculous. We just literally disappeared into thin air, huh. And I though it might at least be someone who was deliberately watching for us who would see us, but that's not even true here. Guh.
Well, great. I feel used.
He was pretty honest about wanting my help but. Ugh.
Maruki, I feel like you're going to flip your shit over the course of the next few days. I wonder if...
Hmm. Well. Onward.
Ah, I figured this was going to be the max rank with him.
Were you going to ask for my wish, Maruki?
LMAO RYUJI "ain't this place always empty though?" "I'm telling Boss." OAO HIS MODEL CHANGED.
Have I never chosen that option before or have I just never noticed
Ahhhh the hypest part of the game. I'm super psyched
Ooh~ the roulette panels changed : 3
Aww. One more move and Makoto would have been the one to deal the last blow.
Huh, so Futaba can see a bunch of Shadows in police uniforms. Interesting.
Ryuji...! Thank you for your faith in me. I definitely will do my best not to die. ;U;
I'm curious if the original plan was to take them all or just Joker. I wonder if the counterplan actually saved everyone from getting arrested and/or killed
Ah, to see how 'boyish voice' turns into 'Morgana', and all the rest
I wonder why, from a Watsonian perspective, he comes back.
I wonder if we ever told the others about Kasumi
Oh, man, in hindsight, her coming to the casino Palace was actually really dangerous for her! Esp if Crow heard Futaba wtfing at her being there. Puts a target on her back, it does
??? I can still use my party's skills, even though I'm alone right now?
I still don't understand the logistics of this takedown. Ah well.
Did we plan this? Did I tell you /anything/ about the situation KASUMI WHY ARE YOU HERE
Nope sae never heard of them I have been the only phantom thief I have been by myself the whole time I am alone in this room right now
I sure do! And I know that you're lying to me! And that I have a big heart full of love for my friends! I'm not gonna sell anyone out. Glad that we've established that.
I love that whole everything.
I was riveted for a solid chunk of that. I remember the first time I played I was practically yelling at the screen and I had wanted to skip past the bits with the SIU director and all that bc I wanted to know what had happened to the protagonist and what was going to happen with Sae
Like, did I mess up??? Oh my god the eyes are open and there's blood and where would you even put the squib??? I was trying to figure out if I had chosen wrong and stuff.
When I played p4 for the first time, I got one of the responses to Yosuke wrong. I had said something about the window instead of vaguely saying that there's something bc I thought, well, why would he be trying to escape from the window instead of through the TV?? But he just got angry at me : ( and then I got the """normal ending""" which. yeah. and so then I reloaded and went through all that again. ...It was really frustrating.
MAN IT'S SO SATISFYING. The casino palace and its aftermath is really satisfying. The villains then deciding to be cartoonishly evil is a bit of a detractor but otherwise! Very cool.
And man the music is so good. Whims of Fate. Life Will Change, with lyrics! It's good stuff. I love the persona 5 music. although lbr persona music in general is AMAZING. i have playlists with just persona music it’s good good stuff
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luciana-galvez · 5 years
rockstars & runaways | part 5
Nikki and Kat go way back, but with his issues and her family history, finding their way back together is a long and rocky road. And with the rockstar life, what’s the hurry anyway?
Fandom: the dirt
Words: 2.4k
Pairing: nikki sixx x oc
Warnings: alcohol & cigarettes
Note: feedback is always welcome! (aka validate me lmao)
The bass coming through the stereo was so deafening that Kat wondered how people had any conversations. She also wondered why the police hadn’t shown up yet.
She stood in the corner of the room, half-heartedly sipping on her beer, and watched as the other people in the living room either danced drunkenly to the music, screamed at each other in an effort to make conversation, or did lines of coke on the coffee table.
She had finally given in to showing up to one of Nikki’s parties, and so far she wasn’t having fun. She had never gone near drugs, and the drunken-partying scene had never been hers either, no matter how tempting it looked.
So tonight, she spent her time watching other people and occasionally fumbling on her clothes. Michelle, who had somehow (not unlike Nikki) managed to sneak herself into Kat’s life, had passed a few of the things she wasn’t wearing anymore off to Kat. Kat had vehemently protested, but eventually given in when Michelle wouldn’t drop it.
The clothes were a little big on her, but she had to admit that the black leather pants combined with the leopard print shirt wasn’t a bad look. It wasn’t a bad look at all.
Eventually, Kat made her way outside and fumbled for her cigarettes, just to have something to do. The outside wasn’t much better regarding the level of noise, but at least there were barely any people here and she had her peace.
She didn’t quite now why she had shown up tonight. Well, she did, but she didn’t know why she seemed so desperate to be playing with fire. She knew that, realistically, she couldn’t let anything happen with Nikki, but it felt so new and good and thrilling to even entertain the idea.
Which is why she so happily flirted with him whenever she had the chance even though her mind was constantly screaming at her to turn around and run the other direction.
She was ripped from her thoughts when the front door behind her opened up, almost hitting her in the back.
“Whoa, watch out!” she turned only to find Nikki standing in the doorway, blinking at her in surprise.
Speak of the devil.
He put the bottle of whisky he was carrying down on the porch railing, took a drag of his own cigarette that was dangling from his lips, and closed the door behind him again. “So, you showed up,” he grinned.
“I was surprised too.”
“You know you don’t have to come outside to smoke, right?”
“I know,” Kat shrugged, “but inside was getting a bit much. Did you know there’s people having sex in your bathroom?”
Nikki simply raised his shoulders and then dropped them in defeat. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
“That was you?” Kat snorted. “What are you, feral? A good host knows to use his bedroom, because guests need to pee once in a while.”
Nikki grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
“You’re insufferable,” Kat rolled her eyes and Nikki’s grin widened.
Instead of answering, he simply held out his whisky bottle for her, but she shook her head. “I don’t drink.”
When Nikki raised an eyebrow and pointed at her beer, she added, “Okay, I drink. But I don’t get drunk.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Where’s the fun in blacking out and throwing up over the railing,” Kat retorted and pointed over her shoulder, “which, funnily enough, I have seen someone do not half an hour ago.”
“Well, I can personally attest that the part before is very fun,” Nikki told her. “What do you do for fun, Kat?” he pronounced her name like it left a sour taste in his mouth, and then added: “Kat? What’s that short for anyway?”
“What do you care?”
“Shut up.”
“What’s your last name?”
“Will you drop it?” Kat laughed, but Nikki simply moved a bit closer to her.
“Come on, Kat. What do you do for fun?”
“I can tell you what I won’t do.”
Nikki put down the whisky and leaned in closer to her ear. “And what is that supposed to mean?” he whispered.
Kat moved her head away from him enough to look him in the eye, and she couldn’t miss the suggestion in his expression. She leaned in a little closer again and whispered back, “I’m not going to sleep with you, Nikki Sixx.”
Nikki didn’t drop a beat. “Well, that’s a shame,” he said, and then, with faster movements that Kat thought he would be capable of in his state of inebriation, he slipped his hand into her back pocket and pulled out her wallet.
“Hey!” Kat shouted. “Give that back!”
But Nikki was holding it our of her reach and before she knew it, he had pulled her driver’s license out and was scanning it thoroughly. She hated the smile that was forming on his lips.
“Katie Dawson?” he laughed with a level of glee she wished she could wipe off his face. “That is the most cliché name I’ve ever heard,” he said, but then something in his expression changed, and he glanced from the licence back to Kat, and there was a new intensity in his gaze. “…because it’s not real,” he added eventually. “Is it?”
“This is fake.”
For a moment Nikki simply eyed her with a new-found intrigue, and then he eventually handed her the license and wallet back and watched as she put them away again.
“Do you like pancakes?” he said eventually, and Kat blinked in surprise. Nikki didn’t wait for a reply, he simply turned around. “I’m dying for some pancakes. Come on, runaway” he called out as he casually jogged down the stairs to the street, and Kat was glad he couldn’t see her flinch at the word.
At the bottom of the stairs he stopped and turned around. When he found that she hadn’t moved, he rolled his eyes theatrically. “Takes one to know one,” he said, too casually, “I’m not using my real name either.”
Kat felt every hair on her body stand up at the implication. Nikki knew too much already, and she didn’t like how easily he seemed to figure out exactly where and how to push her buttons. But there was also something about him that she didn’t seem to steer away from. She didn’t know whether it was his act of anarchy or the way he seemed to genuinely not care what people thought of him, but it didn’t take her long to figure out what to do.
Against all her better instincts, she put down her beer and started following him down the stairs. “Yeah, because I never would have figured out that Nikki Sixx isn’t your real name,” she said sarcastically.
“Aaand she’s back,” Nikki grinned at her. She playfully pushed his face away when she passed him, and then they started heading down the street together.
“So, what’s your real name?” Nikki asked while trying to take a bite off his pancakes, but it fell off his fork twice before he finally managed to get it to his mouth.
“What’s your real name?” Kat rebutted.
“Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna Jr.”
“That’s a mouthful,” Kat grinned. “After your father?”
“Apparently,” Nikki shrugged. “He left when I was two. I tried calling him up once when I got to L.A.,” he took another bite and finished the rest of the sentence with his mouth full, “but he basically told me to go to hell, so that was that.”
“Where’d you grow up?”
“With your mother?”
“And a handful of charming stepfathers.”
“Grade A.”
Kat smiled. “No wonder you’re such a rebel.”
“I might be,” Nikki said and looked like he was seriously contemplating it. “I had my mother arrested when I was 14, so you might not be far off.”
Kat almost choked on her soda. “You what?”
“It wasn’t a big deal,” Nikki shrugged and finished the last of his pancakes. “She was bothering me, so I cut myself and told the cops it was her until she agreed to get off my back.” He held out his arm so she could see the scar.
For a moment, Kat could only stare at him in sheer amazement, but then she threw her head back and laughed. She laughed like she hadn’t laughed in a long time — loud and hearty. “That’s fucking brilliant,” she said eventually.
Nikki looked up and grinned at her reaction. “Well, I have my moments,” he shrugged it off.
Kat spend the next twenty minutes grilling Nikki about his childhood and his mother and his stepfathers, about moving to L.A. and trying to find his place and trying to find bands, and she was surprised by how willing he seemed to answer every question she threw at him.
They had paid and were on their way back when he finally shut her down. “Okay, your allotted time is over,” he said as they were walking down Sunset Strip. “My time for questions now.”
Kat glanced up at him for a moment and then directed her gaze back in front of her, but before he could start asking anything, she broke away and casually jogged across the street.
“You know, I’m just going to keep asking, no matter how many times you run away from me,” he shouted after her.
“I’m not running away,” she called back over her shoulder. “I’m just trying to get a better view.”
When Nikki didn’t seem to catch on, she pointed at the billboard promoting the new The Kinks album ahead of her. After that, she didn’t look around again to see if he was following.
“You know this is illegal, right?” Nikki seemed to have eventually caught up when Kat was already halfway up the ladder.
“Didn’t take you for the type to care,” Kat shouted down.
“Oh, I don’t,” Nikki called back with a certain cheer in his voice. “But I thought you might.”
The billboard was roughly 60 feet tall, and even though many of the surrounding buildings were just as high, there was enough of a view to be able to see the lights all the way in the Hollywood Hills. Kat had sat down with her feet dangling off the edge and a freshly lit cigarette when Nikki made his way to the top.
“This is gorgeous, isn’t it?” she asked as he sat down next to her.
“I’ve definitely seen worse,” Nikki replied and took the cigarette from Kat’s hand to take a drag.
They were silent for a moment before Kat finally turned her head to him. “You have three questions,” she told him. “And I can’t promise you that I will answer them.”
Nikki raised an eyebrow. “And you say I’m the one who’s insufferable.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kat said and turned her gaze back ahead, but there was a smile on her face. “I am a delight.”
Nikki contemplated for a moment. 
“How old where you when you ran?”
“15,” Kat replied honestly. “Five years ago.”
Nikki brought the cigarette to his mouth again, thinking.
“The people you ran from,” Nikki started, and Kat noticed how he circumvented her ability to deflect the truth by not speculating who she’d run from, “did they hurt you?”
Kat turned her head back to him and studied him carefully. His eyes were fixated on her, and there was an intent expression on his face, but nothing about his mannerisms seemed pushy. She decided that he was definitely too perceptive for his own good.
She took her cigarette back and took another drag, her gaze turned back to the view in front of her. “Yes,” she said eventually, and Nikki was quiet again.
It was a while before he finally asked his last question. He leaned back on his arms and sighed. “What did you mean when you said you wouldn’t sleep with me?”
Kat was so taken aback that she couldn’t help but laugh. “Really?” she asked. “That’s your third question?”
“I figured you were going to ask me for my name.”
“And I figured you’d rather willingly walk into a chainsaw than tell me your name,” Nikki shrugged, and Kat laughed again.
“It’s true.”
“See,” Nikki said and brought two fingers to his temple, “I’m smarter than I look. Now tell me.”
“Nikki, someone has got to say no to you at some point,” Kat grinned. “Otherwise your ego is just gonna go…” she finished her sentence by raising up her hand over her head and accompanying the motion with an increasingly sharper whistling sound.
“That’s the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard,” Nikki concluded after a moment.
“Hey, I’m doing it for you, really.”
“How noble of you.”
Kat smiled at him, but didn’t reply. Instead, she laid down on her back and started watching the stars, and it didn’t take long until Nikki followed suit.
They shared her cigarette in silence, and when it was finished, Nikki lit a second one and wordlessly passed it to Kat.
She didn’t know how long they laid there, but when Kat eventually looked back at Nikki, his eyes were closed and his chest was rising and falling in slow and steady intervals.
She couldn’t help but notice how much younger he looked in his sleep. His features were soft and kind, and for the first time since she had known him, Nikki looked peaceful.
Kat couldn’t look away. She was transfixed by how easy it was for him to let his guard down and fall asleep in her presence, and she desperately longed for that level of self-assurance and trust in the world.
She couldn’t help herself as she moved her hand closer to his and, after a moment’s hesitation, slowly and carefully intertwined her fingers with his. Nikki didn’t react, but Kat was glad that he didn’t. She didn’t know what made her do it, but for a moment she wondered if this was what it felt like to be at least semi-content with life.
The way her heart hammered in her chest told her it might be.
Before Nikki could wake up, Kat pulled her hand away again and instead intertwined it with her other hand and rested them on her stomach.
They stayed like that for the entire night, and when the sun came up, Nikki was still asleep.
tags: @supernaturalvikingwhore  @miserablecunt @sighsophiia  @fandomshit6000  @flizaa @hi-my-name-is-riley  @electradestiny  @starlalove  @kingbouji3 @sweetshutter  @baiabouk  @calspixie
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
ebss 19.08.19 lb
sigh. we in the home stretch. hope they wrap up this show decently. meanwhile imma take this one last month to soak in as much of shrenu's face as possible.
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pooja is me. mauka dekha nahi, slinked the fuck out of a social sitch.
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bloody kabir. the way he framed it at first i genuinely thought there was a good motive behind all this and he was trying to protect pooja and maa from something. but nope. he just hired goons to watch over maa.
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oh great. that eye medicine has kicked in.
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but will i ever get tired of seeing shrenu parikh beat the shit outta men 3 times her size? nope. this needs to be a personality feature in every character she plays.
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badi jaldi aa gaye kabir baba.
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hein???? "kuch nahi hoga tumhe, pooja"?????? kuch zyaada hi pyaar nahi ho raha? *geet from jwm voice* chakkar kya hai boss?????
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"ek ladki ke saath aisa behave karte hain???"
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[dulhan hum le jayenge music plays]
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lol sonali's face journey on the question "kabir aur pooja kahan gaye hain???"
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official story here is "stress se behosh ho gayi." kabir quite well versed in indian govt and media's whitewashing ways.
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ranjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. *pulls his cheek* i think i'll miss him the most out of all these characters. who will give me my daily 80s-90s ghaati references after this???? a boy after my own heart onlyyyy he is.
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doctor ko nahi, amma, police ko bulaiye. aur is mushtande ko arrest karwaiye.
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"uske saath deal karna itna mushkil hoga, maine socha nahi tha."
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sonali tu toh iske saath mil ke criminal mastermind banti jaa rahi hai.
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~genius~~ plan of the day: pretend to be seriously behosh, get admitted to hospital, delay the wedding, profit.
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amma, kuch zyaada hi overacting.
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lo aa gaya. *ashaji voice* dekho woh aa gaya! *horny panting*
(quite apt for zain in all black. petition to keep him dressed like this always and forever.)
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"main ek baar try karoon?" lol oh noooooo.
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oh hoooooooo, pooja. tum toh kachchi khilaadi nikli.
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kabir reminding everyone Tellywood 101: fucking look if the fucking door is open and if someone is fucking standing there listening to your ~amazinggggggggg~ plans.
it used to be janhvi's MO of choice no, skulking outside doors and overhearing shit? how she forgot sooooo easily???
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sis khoon kar iska. baap ka tu kar nahi paayi, iska hi karle.
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"main bhi koi bewakoof nahi hoon!" says the biggest bewakoof within indore city limits.
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dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, girl. can't say the outfit is great, but you're looking fireeeee.
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idk why you explaining to this bitch, pooja. live your damn life, man.
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sonali has come as messenger ki mehendi ke liye ready ho jaao.
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kabir is informing ki some "kalyani bua" is coming. who is apparently a fasaadan. ofc she is. mittal haina. which one of you is fucking normal?
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oh her name is being used because pooja's never seen her, only heard the stories.
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lmaoooooooooooo she's closing the door.
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amma is like you stop trying so hard. let me handle this.
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shaadi toh honi hi hai. ab chaahe show khatam ho raha ho ya aur kuch. shaadi toh karwaake hi chodenge tera channel waale.
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oooooooh, i like this look.
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mummy ka paara chadha hua. what's new?
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lmao the fuck is this outfit??????? why is that dupatta thing so awkwardly pinned on his shoulder? and why does that one sleeve look like a fish fin?????
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omfg zain wtf, why are you holding the cone like that, you savage?????
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"tumhare haath pe mera naam, i just love it. khoobsoorat lag raha hai ekdum tumhari tarah!"
you know that new twitter meme where ppl force bots to watch a 1000 hours of something and come up with an automated script? kabir is like one of those bots, who watched 1000 hours of cheesyass tellywood wedding episodes and is parroting those lines.
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lmao i’ve been noticing this since the NK days, that zain doesn’t know how to wink. it makes me crack up every single time i see him try.
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literally who is surprised, huh?
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lmao sonali, such bad acting.
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lol crime partners ki shaqalein.
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dadu also getting into this mess. saying kalyani, pooja ko aashirwaad do.
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lolololol idiots.
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pooja also suddenly very raazi to get rando mittal bua's aashirwaad.
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reverse k3g ho gaya yeh toh.
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either a red herring, or kabir is the biggest dumbass ever.
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
Straight Outta Monster Narnia
Here we GOOOOOOO~!
Survey Program! Nice! Ominous!
I am here yes!
Truly excellent dude
OH MAKING A VESSEL NOW what are we Xehanort
NEATO I can pick Chara or Frisk heads or others…
Let’s do someone new. This kinda longish hair head.
STRIPES FOR DAYS! Longish sleeves, methinks
The legs are almost all the same LMAO
This is so friggin creepy I l OVE IT
Favorite food is PAIN nah it’s soft
You have been gifted with kindness, not-XionFrisk
Pain AND seizure. Kinda wonder what happens if you say no tho…
But I don’t want to start over so let’s go with yes
Hi Toriel, you’re looking nice!
That’s a lot of friggin trophies over there
Also Kris, you need some eyes
So we have overachieving perfect child and sad boring child, okay
Awww Gerson wrote a book! How neat
It’s only you…..FOR NOW!!!!
It just isn’t home without white fur stuck in the drain, is it
Also there’s some weird graphical flicker going on when I move and I wonder if it’s not because I’m playing full screen here
“Spray For The Boys, Flamin’ Hot Pizza Flavor” Damn Toby I missed your incredible sense of humor
DAMN who do I pick as my partner
Like…I really want Temmie…but also Snowdrake…
Random snake is also very good…
Ahhh I see this is gonna be pre-determined
Thank you cool snake I love your origin story
Oh this reindeer girl is very cute
I instantly love her, goodbye
Oh Alphys you’re so not good at putting anyone in trouble
Susie are you eating chalk
Oh sheet I like Susie less now
Susie, Kris doesn’t even HAVE a face
Haha totally cut off my answer there
Hmm. I sense…a theme here.
Wow this really is putting on the restrictive aspects here
Now that’s a spooky face
Oh it ain’t gonna be that simple, mean girls
Well, this sure seems like an underground! Also…Kris is green now, okay
Hi there creepy waving things!
To reiterate: this is soooo creepy AND I LOVE IT
Puzzles! We got puzzles again! CREEPY PUZZLES
Whelp, we found Susie, just kinda hiding out in a…dead dust bunny thingie
LOL so much for a party member following you around
Well this is a new and interesting take on the bullet hell mechanics
Such interesting and different architecture
Yes let’s take a sudden HARD SHIFT into Final Fantasy
THE QUEST OF THE DELTA KNIGHTS that was an MST3K ep you know
About like…Leonardo da Vinci actually. Except he was a whiny bitch
LMAO Susie just “nah destroying the world sounds neat”
“Dunno how I got an ax but like, that’s cool”
Dunno if there’s a pacifist version of this game but I stick to tradition so I’m gonna try it
The heckin heck Ralsei is so cute
Yup yup we gonna try pacifist this first time!
“If you’re reading this…I guess you’re dead.” Fair enough.
Gaster noises when trying to use the cell phone, hmmmm…
It’s an inverse papou fruit!
Susie just up and attacks this cake, all right
Battle is cool but it’s gonna take some getting used to, think I accidentally used both of my items
“It’s like a dinner made out of three glasses of milk” Ralsei you’re SO CUTE
Now to see if TP stays leveled between battles…
“I thought you were running away.” / “Yeah, I finished.”
Fugdamn I want —pictures of Spiderman— remixes of this music ON MY DESK TODAY
Damn that puzzle still is tricky
Gah damn that was hilarious but also terrifying
We have the power of FLUFFY BOYS and MEAN GIRLS we are UNSTOPPABLE
Ohhh so that’s what the heart outline does!
Now that is a coooool cat and I like him already
Awww I don’t have enough money for the spooky sword
Susie just roastin’ everybody left and right
These mechanics continue to be interesting and a bit more complex
“Damn, didn’t get to impale myself” I’m sure you’ll get your chance Susie
It’s really interesting how we’re basically group-battling to PREVENT the tank from beating the crap out of everyone
Oh now that light trick is weird
They keep throwing the usual chess and playing card guys at us and somehow I’m Suspicious
LMAO did Susie call us the Fuckboys or something
Oh, the Shit Squad, I guess!
“I, Mr. Society, am far too intelligent to ever bow down to such a tyrant!” Hmmm.
Oh, it’s Sir Lion Plateface again
Well Ralsei got kinda junked there but WE DEFEATED SIR LION PLATEFACE
Cakes…are also my enemy…
Yeeeeah kinda saw that one coming
Susie I get the feeling you’re not going to enjoy being a bad guy either
Dang son I have no clue what’s going on anymore WE JUST HAD SOME SALSA IN A TREE STUMP
This jack’s got my number
That sure is a three-eyed three-headed cat thingamajig
Awww I like Clover
“All proceeds go to kicking your ass” CAN I USE THIS LINE IN REAL LIFE PLEASE
Hot damn we just squeaky hammered our broken cake into ULTIMATE CAKE
Why does a sweet little boy have a mustache indeed.
Create a machine to thrash your own ass, nice
It’s my beautiful death laser duck! Tops in GUN’S
Man Susie and Lancer are just having the time of their lives here
Finally, respect for pinecone-eaters!
Awww Susie, are you actually starting to worry about someone who respects your eating of chalk and pinecones
Oh thank goodness, got through that maze thing
Yes, finally, it’s our DUCK TANK LASER
Why does it say Tuna on it
“Your design sucked so we blew it up” This is like that one Berlin tour guide I had
Whelp, back to telling enemies that Susie will kick them in the shins I guess!
Hey we’ve got a full Final Fantasy team now! Neat
I like how Lancer just sliiiiiides around outside the party instead of walking with
Hmmm well that friendship feeling didn’t last long
You done got locked in the dungeon
Yup sure did eat that jail moss two minutes in
HUH, we’re controlling Susie now
In which choices do not matter…
And we can’t control her actions…but why controlling the human soul?
A pair of eyes got arrested?! What IS the world coming to?!!
Oh dear, we found a bunch of kings in baby jail
Why are these filthy cages so happy-looking
Awwww Susie joined the party for realizes!
So, this about final boss point for this business?
Why are you guys just sitting on a pile of loot
And just who is this sassy lost child?
I am now BED INSPECTOR yes
Hello again fancy blue boy
“Can…can we see it” / “No.”
This sure is a jammin party with CLUB MUSIC OH HO HO HO
Awww he put his bicycle to bed
‘Welcome to my shop, you ungrateful worms” HELL YEAH
I do not wisheth to hear your MP3s! I would rather listen to the sweet song of Death!
Prepare for a battle with…WHATEVER THIS IS!!!!
Six dollars, for all of that?! Geez
WHELP this looks like final boss time…
Hiiiii there Lancer
Oh dang is gettin serious now
Oh woooow that’s…someone’s fetish right there
HOKAY that was tricky but! Having the defense abilities certainly helped with pacifism through that…
Despite ending this peacefully, I don’t think this scene is gonna end on a happy note…
DAYUM that face from Susie!!
Awwww poor Ralsei
We only have BAD-byes WUAH WUAH WUAAAH
DAWWW lil’ Asriel-lookin dude with glasses (and YES I see that anagram there)
LMAO Susie’s face
Also I’ve really been enjoying the color effects
Awww look at this epic adventure you two had in the closet
So basically we went to Monster Narnia, neat
Awww Susie likes Monster Narnia
Oh no we worried Toriel! THE WORST
Hiiii Toby you busy makin’ something!
I like reindeer girl’s rowdy hospitalized dad
I like how there’s just a poster on the wall in this room that reads PAIN
The police tape simply reads NGGAAAAAHHHHH!
Snowdrakes don’t have arms, oh no!!!
“Does it hurt to be made of blood??” ….Yes. Yes it does.
Woah woah woah WOAH WOAH SANS
Everyone is here! Even Ice Wolf!
Yes I’ll take a Double Ice Pizza you weirdos
That was brilliant, Burgerpants, thank you for existing
Catty!!! Hey where’s Bratty!
Noooo you gotta be besties with Bratty!
Brother Doug…?
Oh no, Mettaton, come out and talk to us!
OMG Asgore hugs
Soul flowers….???
Awwww got some flowers for Toriel
It’s so late but I can’t stop until I’ve talked to LITERALLY EVERYONE
Thaaaat’s politics! …Rarely.
Comes to church for the fruit juice, sounds about right
Let’s go into the woods…what could go wrong…
Why can’t I get into the creepy shed…
Well, I think I got everything, so let’s go home now…
Awwww Toriel is not big on Asgore’s bouquet!
OKAY decided to go to sleep here.
…Well that didn’t work out great
No really Toby please WHAAAAAAATTT
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