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loiteringandlurking · 11 months ago
You are my favorite Ralbert person, so I present to you the song “Strawberry Wine” by Noah Kahan from Albert’s perspective on Race :)
im listening to this song for the first time ever right now, and you're so right ... im imagining Albert singing this in his apartment, and race hearing it through his floor and fantasising about it being about him ...
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limeade-arcade · 1 year ago
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Descyned is a p good fancomic, would recommend.
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noxcorvid · 2 years ago
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february 2023 - character sketches
argonian oc that's been rattling around in the brainspace for a while. been mentally referring to him as dives-deeply, subject to change. will use the dread-tentacles mod to give him some cool hair
used to work as a dockman in windhelm but eventually left and got himself involved in the ol DB, then leaves the DB, is a freelance treasure hunter for a while, joins the legion in the hopes that it would make life easier for the assemblage back home, leaves the legion, is a freelance treasure hunter again, decides to make the pilgrimage to black marsh
commentary on the different viewpoints from people of the same kin but living in wildly different circumstances, etc
is a dual-wielder, uses a mace and a dagger mostly. uses a dwarven mace as his signature weapon for a while i think. maybe gets the mace of molag bal through nontraditional means at some point?? idk
the twins asmun and rowan
trying to figure out who gets a certain mod armor for sneaking purposes; llunella llaahyr gets the win over ilgur, who will get another set when her time to sneak around the thalmor inevitably comes
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backgrounds-for-ads · 4 months ago
Prynu delwedd Coeden Nadolig Siôn Corn
Mae tymor y Nadolig yn agosáu, ac mae’n amser i ddod â hud y gŵyl hon i’n prosiectau. Nid oes ffordd well i fynegi’r naws Nadoligaidd na thrwy ddefnyddio delweddau o ansawdd uchel. Os ydych chi’n bwriadu creu cardiau Nadolig, addurno eich cyfryngau cymdeithasol, neu wella’ch deunydd marchnata, rydym yma i gynnig casgliad gwych o ddelweddau ar thema’r Nadolig.
Mae ein casgliad yn cynnwys delweddau sy’n dangos pob elfen draddodiadol o’r Nadolig. Fe welwch goeden Nadolig wedi’i throchi â goleuadau, tirweddau eira, a phennodau teuluol cynnes. Mae pob ddelwedd wedi’i dewis yn ofalus i ddal gwres a llawenydd y Nadolig, gan ychwanegu cyffyrddiad unigryw i’ch prosiectau.
Mae’n hawdd iawn dod o hyd i’r ddelwedd berffaith ar gyfer eich prosiect. P’un a ydych yn chwilio am goed Nadolig traddodiadol, strydoedd eira, neu ddelweddau doniol o Santa, mae gennym ystod eang o opsiynau sy’n eich galluogi i ddod o hyd i’r hyn sydd ei angen arnoch. Gallwch chwilio yn ôl lliw, steil neu thema, gan wneud y broses yn syml ac yn bleserus.
Mae pob un o’n delweddau ar gael mewn fformatau amrywiol ac mewn ansawdd uchel. Mae hyn yn golygu y byddwch yn derbyn delweddau o ansawdd rhagorol, waeth beth yw sut yr ydych yn eu defnyddio - o gyfranogiadau ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol i brintiau mawr, cardiau rhithwir, a deunyddiau hyrwyddo. Bydd ein delweddau’n creu awyrgylch Nadoligaidd ar gyfer unrhyw brosiect.
Mae amrywiaeth y delweddau Nadoligaidd sydd ar gael yn gwneud eich prosiect yn unigryw ac yn wreiddiol. O ddyluniau traddodiadol i rai modern a chreadigol, mae gennym rywbeth i bob chwaeth. Trwy gymysgu a threfnu delweddau gwahanol, gallwch greu’r awyrgylch Nadoligaidd perffaith i chi.
Rydym hefyd yn cynnig delweddau diddorol a gwahanol a fydd yn eich synnu. P’un a ydych yn chwilio am ddelweddau doniol o Santa neu olygfeydd tawel a thawel, mae ein casgliad yn llawn o opsiynau a fydd yn hybu’r naws Nadoligaidd.
Nid yn unig ydym yn cynnig delweddau, ond hefyd llwyfan hawdd ei ddefnyddio. Gall ein defnyddwyr chwilio, dewis a lawrlwytho delweddau gyda chliciau ychydig. Mae gan bob ddelwedd wybodaeth glir am drwydded, sy’n golygu y gallwch eu defnyddio gyda hyder ar gyfer eich prosiectau.
Ydych chi’n meddwl am ddelweddau Nadoligaidd wedi’u personoli? Rydym yn cynnig gwasanaethau personoli sy’n eich galluogi i newid lliwiau, ychwanegu testun a chreu dyluniadau unigryw yn unol â’ch dymuniadau. Mae’r cyfle hwn yn eich galluogi i greu prosiectau sy’n adlewyrchu eich arddull unigryw.
Mae’r cyfnod Nadolig hefyd yn amser i rannu cariad a charedigrwydd. Gall ein delweddau fod yn anrhegion perffaith. Mae hyn yn gyfle gwych i gadw mewn cysylltiad â’ch cwsmeriaid, gweithwyr a phartneriaid drwy roi neges Nadolig arbennig gyda delweddau hardd. Hefyd, gallwch greu atgofion annwyl ar gyfer eich anwyliaid.
Deallwn fod yn bwysig aros o fewn y gyllideb yn ystod y cyfnod gwyliau hwn. Dyna pam rydym yn cynnig prisiau cystadleuol a phosibiliadau prynu hyblyg. Felly gallwch brynu delweddau o ansawdd uchel heb orwystlwyddo eich cyllideb. Gallwch brynu un ddelwedd neu greu cyfanwaith yn ôl anghenion eich prosiect.
Mae ein tîm cymorth cwsmeriaid bob amser ar gael i’ch helpu. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am drwyddedau neu os ydych yn cael trafferth dod o hyd i’r ddelwedd berffaith, peidiwch ag oedi i gysylltu â ni. Byddwn yn rhoi’r holl gymorth sydd ei angen arnoch i sicrhau profiad di-dor a phleserus.
Nid yn unig yw ein delweddau Nadoligaidd yn darluniau, ond maent yn dal y teimladau, y cynhesrwydd a’r llawenydd sy’n diffinio’r cyfnod arbennig hwn. Drwy ddefnyddio ein cynnwys gweledol, gallwch rannu hud y Nadolig gyda phawb sy’n gweld eich gwaith.
Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle i rannu’r llawenydd gwyliau. Dechreuwch heddiw i archwilio ein casgliad o ddelweddau Nadoligaidd a darganfod y delweddau perffaith i ysbrydoli eich prosiectau. Gyda’n amrywiaeth, bydd gennych bopeth sydd ei angen arnoch i greu prosiectau Nadoligaidd cofiadwy.
Gwahoddwn chi i archwilio ein casgliad a phrofi’r creadigrwydd a’r llawenydd y mae ein delweddau Nadoligaidd o ansawdd uchel yn ei gynnig. Boed ar gyfer defnydd personol neu ar gyfer prosiectau masnachol mawr, bydd ein delweddau’n eich ysbrydoli i wneud y Nadolig hwn yn hyd yn oed yn fwy arbennig.
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I’m saving up my Welsh questions so I’m not a total bother!!
1. I can broadly understand why location names in Wales are different in English (colonialism ☹️) but can you explain Castell-nedd v Neath? Maybe I haven’t gotten far enough yet but it seems to be an outlier in that they just dropped a whole part of the name?
2. Cinio v swper, I’m assuming (perhaps incorrectly hence the checking) that cinio = noon meal and swper = evening meal? Is that right or is it backwards?
3. I am deeply interested in the etymology of llun because it appears to be both a picture and (+ dydd) Monday. Are they linguistically connected??
4. Speaking of days. Am I right in inferring that dydd iau means Thursday and ddydd Iau means on Thursday? I can’t quite differentiate why the spelling changes.
5. Speaking of days part two. Nos Mercher v bore dydd Mercher. Why does nos appear to drop the dydd? Does bore ever do the same?
6. Moving away from days. There seems to be no difference between dych chi’n and wyt ti’n as far as I can tell. Are they interchangeable or are they formal/informal like vous/tu? Or is this a dialect thing like different regions??
7. I am learning about eisiau and I have a question about contractions. It appears to be dw i’n mwynhau but dw i eisiau. Why no ‘n?? I know the i’n is i yn so where’s the yn with eisiau? 🤔
Welsh my beloved you are so fun to learn but Duolingo sucks at explaining nuance.
HA okay *cracks knuckles*
1. Location names are always a bit of a wildcard between languages, because sometimes they corrupt differently and sometimes they have wildly different origins and meanings in the first place. Castell Nedd - Neath is actually a relatively mild one; it's just that people abbreviated it more in English than in Welsh. A similar thing happened to Penybont ar Ogwr - Bridgend.
By contrast, Abertawe - Swansea is totally different, with different meanings. Ditto Drefdraeth - Newport, Caergybi - Holyhead, etc. Wild shit.
2. Like a lot of languages, cinio can either mean lunch or evening meal depending on who uses it - the English equivalent is 'dinner'. Younger generations generally mean lunch. Swper is a direct transliteration of supper, though, with the same meaning (I personally use 'te' instead for evening meal). So, in short, you're broadly right, but it's a bit ambiguous.
3. Oh, you'll like this! As far as we know, it's from Proto Indo European lewk, meaning 'bright; to shine, to see' - we also get 'goleu' from it. The theory is that Dydd Llun therefore gets a similar etymology to Monday, because it refers to the moon (lleuad/luna). Llun (picture), meanwhile, is a thing you see, depicting what you see. The fact that they ultimately corrupted into the same word is coincidental.
4. There's some fun stuff here, okay.
So, you are hitting up against everyone's favourite Celtic language quirk which is MUTATIONS ┌⁠(⁠★⁠o⁠☆⁠)⁠┘ These pop up in many funky ways of course. In this instance, it's not a plural but it IS trying to tell you something. So:
Dydd Iau: Thursday
Dyddiau Iau: Thursdays
Fi'n mynd i'r dre ddydd Iau: I'm going to town on Thursday
Basically, the mutation is there to indicate that there's an invisible preposition going on. If we hypercorrected it would be "Fi'n mynd i'r dre ar ddydd Iau", and that's what triggers the mutation; but in modern Welsh it's a quirk of this particular context that we do away with the preposition, because the mutation makes it clear it's there invisibly. Why do we do this? Unknown.
5. This is a slightly weird one and I suspect the answer lies somewhere in the fact that 'night' just means the dark bit while 'day' can either mean the light bit OR a 24 hour period containing both.
But, actually: you can actually drop the dydd for bore, too. It's dealer's choice. BUT, you cannot have the dydd for nos Fercher. In English, the 'day' part of 'Wednesday' is kind of invisible, and just means the 24 hour block. But in Welsh, they're still separate words, and it very much means 'the light part'. So 'nos dydd Mercher' would be like saying 'Wednesday Day Night.'
6. It's formal/plural Vs informal. Chi is formal (or plural), ti is informal.
Occasionally monoglot English Tumblrs make posts about how they reckon we should bring the you/thou divide back to English, and as a person who speaks a language that still pulls this bullshit and occasionally has to play the "How formal am I supposed to be with this person" game, every time it makes me sneer and think about how those same people complain all the livelong day about invisible social rules. You do not want this, folks. Be suitably grateful to your forebears.
7. Ah, yes, eisiau is a law unto itself.
So, the yn/'n in Welsh is normally there because the verb 'to be' gets split in half, and half gets attached to the following verb to make that verb active, right? So for example:
Rwy'n cerdded - I'm walking
Roughly, but not literally, equivalent to the English "I am walking", except if you were to split "Rwy'n" out into "Rwy yn", neither of those words means "I" or "am" - it's not a literal step by step translation.
'Yn' gets bundled in with the verb, more often than not. And again, while this is not a literal translation, it makes the verb into an '-ing' word. Welsh does not distinguish between "I walk" and "I'm walking" - it's always "I'm walking."
But eisiau is different because it's not used grammatically like that. You personally cannot actively want something in Welsh. But, there can be a want upon you. So instead of "I am wanting", you say "There is a want upon me."
So, "I want to go to town": "Mae arna'i eisiau mynd i'r dre".
Duolingo might be asking you to construct that slightly differently, though; they might want "Mae eisiau arnaf i" or something similar. But ultimately that's what it's doing.
I hope this was helpful! Let me know if anything is baffling, still.
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learn-welsh · 8 months ago
Today's phrase: Dydd Llun
Translation: Monday
Pronunciation: Deeth (basically dd is th but softer, like th in the) lleen (it's the Welsh ll and idk how to show it in familiar sounds but if you just say leen people will know what you're on about)
Mind you, you can't just shorten it to Llun! It has to be Dydd Llun.
Apologies that I missed yesterday, I've been quite busy recently!
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nait0u · 8 months ago
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(Xユーザーのnull∞llunTaKaさん: 「ᝰ✍🏻 https://t.co/MCF7mG8NBt」 / Xから)
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deeisace · 1 year ago
Instead of doing immediately-useful things, my evening's been spent using my 1950s Welsh dictionary to try and work out what the month words mean
Not all of them do, Ebrill is just April
And actually idk what April is from either, maybe I should get my 70s English dictionary out next
But uhhh a bit of a list?
I couldn't find anything for January/Ionawr, except that ion is Lord
Mawrth/March is after Mars, the god
Mai just says May, but there's a listing above that says "mai - that it is"
Gorffennaf/July - gorffen is "end", so gorffen af, gorffen haf, "end of the summer"??
Medi/September - medi is "to reap" - harvest month!
Hydref/October - autumn!
The closest I got to December, Rhagfyr is rhagof, "before thee" - the. The one before January?? Idk my Welsh isn't good enough I can speculate on centuries-old word mutations
Days of the week, I had a look for too
They're mostly named for gods, same as the English ones
Tuesday/Mawrth, Mars (same as March) - in English this is for Tyr
Wednesday/Mercher, Mercury - in English this is for Odin, Woden's Day - the Welsh is cognate (???) with Romance languages tho, like Mercredi an such
Thursday/Iau, Jove or Jupiter - in English this is for Thor
Friday/Gwener, Venus - in English this is for Frigg
Saturday/Sadwrn, Saturn (same in English)
I haven't a listing for Sul/Sunday tho
Monday, tho, idk if this is the right root, doubt it, but Llun is "shape" "figure" or "form"
I've looked up them on Wikipedia, and that says that all these Norse gods in the Welsh are associated with the Roman gods the English ones are named for, which is interesting
Idk how much this is cs the book I'm looking at is 73 years old, but y'know
It's not quite exact, I spose
Like, Friday/Gwener is for Frigg (goddess of marriage), or Venus (goddess of love)
Tuesday is for Tyr (god of single combat) or Mars (god of war)
Thursday, Jove/Jupiter (sky and thunder), or Thor (thunder etc) - this one matches!
Wednesday doesn't quite tho, Mercury is a messenger, god of trade, and Odin is like wisdom and battle, so far as I can tell
This is not really very interesting, unless you like etymology
I'm gonna track down my English dictionary to find out what the English months etymologies are now, cs that's like. Super useful.
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pontydd-a-choed · 10 months ago
Wythnos Wyth
Heddiw dw i eisiau ysgrifennu am fy amser yn Awstria. Ymwelais i â ffrind yn Styria. Ar ôl taith hir efo'r trên, cyrhaiddais i yn y prynhawn, wedi blino... Aethon ni am dro ac wedyn cysgon ni.
Ddydd Sul aethon ni am dro yn y dre, gwelon ni llawer o bethau. Y gastell, y brifysgol, yr ardd fotanegol, yr afon...
Ddydd Llun gwnaethon ni heic ar fynnydd. Roedd y tywydd yn dda iawn a gwelon ni llawer o bethau o'r brig. Y dydd nesa, teithion ni i Slofenia ond dw i'n mynd i siarad am hwn yn y post nesa.
Dydd Mercher gwnaethon ni heic hir eto. Roedd twr neis ar un frig, hefyd, efo golygfa berffaith. Os dw i'n ymweld â fi ffrind yna eto, dw i eisiau mynd i'r twr 'na eto eto hefyd.
Dydd Gwener oedd y dydd i ymlacio. Roedd ffêr tost gyda fy ffrind hefyd, dyna pam wnaethon ni ddim mych. Prynais i siocled neu bethau arall mewn archfarchnad i fy nheulu achos mae'r Awstria gwlad arall a mae bwyd arall gyda nhw. (Ond dim llawer o bethau achos mae'r Almaen a'r Awstria yn debyg iawn. Plîs, paid â lladd fi, pobl Awstria...)
Dalais i drên cynnar y bore nesa i fynd yn ôl i Ogledd yr Almaen. Un Deg Pump awr. Llawer o hwyl rhaid i fi ddweud...
Geiriau newydd:
botanegol - botanical
brig, brigau, eg - peak
twr, tyrau, eb - tower
ffêr, ferau, eg - ankle
tebyg - similar
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siaradwast · 6 months ago
Welsh Vocab 1 - Geirfa Cymraeg 1
[Plain text: Welsh Vocab 1 - Geirfa Cymraeg 1. End PT.]
Before I start, I would like to specify that all these posts are in a South Wales dialect of Welsh.
The Welsh Alphabet - Y Wyddor Cymraeg
[Plain text: The Welsh Alphabet - Y Wyddor Cymraeg. End PT.]
a, b, c, ch, d, dd, e, f, ff, g, ng, h, i, j, l, ll, m, n, o, p, r, rh, s, t, th, u, w, y
Greetings - Cyfarchion
[Plain text: Greetings - Cyfarchion. End PT.]
Shwmae/Helô - Hello
Bore da - Good morning
Prynhawn da - Good afternoon
Noswaith dda - Good evening
Nos da - Good night
Sut wyt ti? / Sut dych chi? - How are you? (Note - "ti" is the informal & singular you, "chi" is the formal & plural you)
Croeso - Welcome
Hwyl/Hwyl fawr - Goodbye
Pronoun sentence starters
[Plain text: Pronoun sentence starters. End PT.]
Dw i'n - I am
Rwyt ti'n - you are (Informal/singular)
Mae e'n - he is
Mae hi'n - she is
Mae nhw'n - they are
Rydych chi'n - you are (Formal/plural)
Dyn ni'n - we are
(Rydych chi'n can be shortened to dych chi'n, Rwyt ti'n often becomes just ti'n. Dw i'n is technically Rydw i'n but is often shortened)
Days of the week - Dyddiad yr Wythnos
[Plain text: Days of the week - Dyddiad yr Wythnos. End PT.]
Dydd Llun - Monday
Dydd Mawrth - Tuesday
Dydd Mercher - Wednesday
Dydd Iau - Thursday
Dydd Gwener - Friday
Dydd Sadwrn - Saturday
Dydd Sul - Sunday
for nights, "nos" would replace "dydd", so Monday night would be Nos Llun. (This mutates for Gwener - i.e. Nos Wener rather than Nos Gwener)
Months - Mis
[Plain text: Months - Mis. End PT.]
Ionawr - January
Chwefror - February
Mawrth - March
Ebrill - April
Mai - May
Mehefin - June
Gorffenaf - July
Awst - August
Medi - September
Hydref - October
Tachwedd - November
Rhagfyr - December
(Mawrth being March and Dydd Mawrth being Tuesday is I think because Mawrth is also the word for Mars, as in the planet. So the month and the day are named for the planet.)
Other Essentials
[Plain text: Other Essentials. End PT.]
Diolch - Thank you
Plîs / os gwelwch yn dda - Please (Os gwelwch yn dda literally translates to "if you see fit", so it's more of an "if you please" and is a more polite/formal version.)
Diolch yn fawr - Thank you very much (Literally "big thank you")
Esgusodwch fi - Excuse me
Mae'n flin da fi - Sorry (Fully - mae'n flin gyda fi, literally - Sorry is with me, however "flin" on its own does not really translate to sorry)
Weather - Y Tywydd
[Plain text: Weather - Y Tywydd. End PT.]
The weather is feminine so "it is" for weather is usually "mae hi'n", but this can be shortened to "mae'n".
Mae'n.... - It is....
.... bwrw glaw/eira/cesau - .... raining/snowing/hailing
.... heulog - .... sunny
.... braf - .... fine
.... stormus - .... stormy
.... wyntog - .... windy
.... gymylog - .... cloudy (Gymylog is the mutated form of Cymylog - it mutates because mae hi'n is feminine)
.... oer - .... cold
.... boeth - .... hot
Heddiw means today, so "it is sunny today" would be "Mae'n heulog heddiw)
That's all for this post, I'm not listing vocabulary in any particular order, I am quite literally just dumping vocab off the top of my head until the post seems long enough. There are nuances and exceptions that I don't really know how to convey in some circumstances, because to me they seem natural since to some extent as I was raised surrounded by the Welsh language. These posts weren't intended for people to learn Welsh from, but if you're already learning and have other resources for grammar, mutations, pronunciation, etc. these may be helpful. Anyway, unnecessarily long disclaimer over.
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postsofbabel · 5 months ago
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loiteringandlurking · 11 months ago
guyssssss...... I think chapter one is nearly ready to be published........ here's a small taster teehee!!!!!
'I'm gonna make you the best omelette you've ever tasted, David. Just give me a few minutes to get some cheese from my apartment. Mull over that equation, or something. I'll be right back.’
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dissociative-disaster · 11 months ago
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msclaritea · 10 months ago
Ochneidio... dyw hi ddim yn ffilm go iawn. Mae'n fygythiad ARALL, gan ddarn o cachu, y dringwr #AdamAckland ac mae'n debyg #RussellTDavies o BBC O ydy, mae'n ymwneud yn fawr ag actorion bygythiol, sy'n gweithio i'r BBC. Hefyd blacmel, cribddeiliaeth, a masnachu mewn pobl.
Mae'r fucks hyn yn dal i geisio ei gael i aros yn briod â #SoHouse skank #SophieHunter Nid ydynt wedi bod gyda'i gilydd ers DROS flwyddyn. Mae'r troseddwyr hyn sy'n gysylltiedig â #Scientology yn rhan o rwydwaith #HarveyWeinstein ac mae #COS yn addoli Weinstein.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf...Na The Roses ac a dweud y gwir, dylai unrhyw un SY'N dewis cymryd rhan a cheisio gwireddu'r ffilm fod yn hynod ddrwgdybus. Mae #Ackland #Usher #Bying yn agos iawn at fasnachwyr pobl ac onid dyna'r hyn y mae Seientoleg yn ymwneud ag ef hefyd? Mae pob ffilm y mae wedi cael ei orfodi i mewn iddo, yn ddiweddar, yn cael eu cynhyrchu POB UN gan fasnachwyr. Fe wnaethant hyd yn oed ddefnyddio llun, ar gyfer yr erthygl isod, sy'n dangos bod ganddo glais, uwchben ei lygad.
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gwagedd · 2 years ago
Y ddraig goch- beth yw’r hanes?
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Gwrtheyrn a'r Dreigiau
Daw’r llun o lawysgrif o’r bymthegfed ganrif sy’n cynnwys ‘Brut y Brenhinedd’ gan Sieffre o Fynwy, a ysgrifennwyd ar ddechrau’r 12fed ganrif. Mae'r rhan hon yn adrodd hanes y ddwy ddraig y bu eu hymladd yn dymchwel castell Gwrtheyrn. Mae Myrddin yn dehongli'r Ddraig Goch fel un sy'n cynrychioli'r Brythoniaid ac roedd y Ddraig Wen yn cynrychioli'r Sacsoniaid. Mae’n fersiwn o’r stori o’r 9fed ganrif sydd wedi’i chynnwys yn y ‘Historia Brittonum’, ond yn y fersiwn gynharach hon, y proffwyd yw Ambrosius. Mabwysiadwyd y Ddraig Goch hon gan Owain Tudur fel ei fathodyn a'i defnyddio gan Harri Tudur ar ei faner yn Bosworth. O hyn ymlaen, fe’i dynodwyd yn un o Fwystfilod y Brenin, a gafodd ei gydnabod yn swyddogol yn y pen draw fel baner Cymru yn y 1950au.
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lymphomalass · 18 hours ago
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Bilingual post / Swydd ddwyieithog
Have you learned a language? After two and a half years of lessons, would you have dared to be interviewed by a journalist in that language - for half an hour?
Dach chi wedi dysgu iaith? Ar ôl dwy flynedd a hanner o wersi, a fyddech chi wedi meiddio cael eich cyfweld gan newyddiadurwr yn yr iaith honno - am hanner awr?
I did! I sometimes think I’m too brave for my own good! Ha, ha, ha!
Wnes i! Dw i’n meddwl weithiau mod i’n rhy ddewr er fy lles fy hun! Ha, ha, ha!
You can see the result in the image and here: https://golwg.360.cymru/cylchgrawn/2168275-darluniwr-dysgwyr
Edrychwch ar y canlyniad yn y llun ac yma: https://golwg.360.cymru/cylchgrawn/2168275-darluniwr-dysgwyr
Non (the journalist) was very kind to me!
Roedd Non (y newyddiadurwr) yn garedig iawn i mi!
Thank you very much to Non Tudur and GOLWG (the weekly full-colour Welsh language magazine) for spreading the message about my illustrations helping other learners and my prize-winning painting of the old lifeboat at Cemaes which I’m using to fundraise for this historic ship.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i Non Tudur a GOLWG (cylchgrawn wythnosol lliw-llawn Cymraeg) am ledaenu’r neges am fy narluniau yn helpu dysgwyr eraill a’m paentiad arobryn o’r hen gwch achub yng Nghemaes yr wyf yn ei ddefnyddio i godi arian ar gyfer y llong hanesyddol hon.
A diolch i Learn Cymraeg GO am yr gwersi!
And thank you to Learn Cymraeg GO for the lessons!
Dw i'n dal i ddysgu! I'm still learning!
Sam aka LymphomaLass  xx
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