#lloyd gramadon
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akariarda · 1 year ago
Lloyd have nightmares both now and then.Fortunately, his parents are there to comfort him
Lloyd woke up. He screamed. Lloyd had a terrible nightmare, about that monster. He cried louder..
"Whwere are momwy and dawdy?" he asked himself. They should have come already. Lloyd got up slowly and started tapping around the room with his bare feet, and clutched his toy, Mr. Dragon, closer to himself.
He was too small to turn on the light. He cried again. There was also the option to go through the hallway to mommy and daddy's bedroom, but it was dark in the hallway.
He heard the sound of hurried footsteps. He got scared and hid under the bed, still crying.
"Lloyd?" It was his mom, entering the room together with his dad, and turning on the light.
"Shh, everything will be okay, honey," Garmadon told him and picked him up.
"I want to sleep with you," Lloyd said through his sobs and buried his little head in Garmadon's chest.
"Of course you can sleep with us, sweetheart," Misako said and kissed his forehead. "Did you have a bad dream?" Lloyd just nodded lightly and let Garmadon take him and Mr. Dragon to his and Misako's room.
"What did you dream about?" Garmadon asked him, to which he started sobbing again. Misako elbowed Garmadon in the chest.
"Shh, it's okay, honey," he said and sat on the bed with him. "Daddy didn't mean it like that."
Lloyd's sobs calmed down as Misako whispered something gently in his ear.
"Do you want me to bring you some warm cocoa?" she asked him.
"Ywes," he said and buried his head in Garmadon's chest again.
"Here, sweetheart," Misako said and handed him the cocoa. "Just be careful not to spill it."
She gently took Mr. Dragon from his hands so he wouldn't make a mess. After some time, Lloyd managed to drink the cocoa with Garmadon's help.
"Feeling better?" Misako asked when he finished and she put the cup on the nightstand.
"Are you still scared?" Garmadon asked Lloyd as he lay him down on the bed between himself and Misako.
"A littwle," Lloyd weakly said and snuggled up to Misako.
"Everything will be okay, dear," Misako softly spoke to him as she held him in her embrace and kissed his forehead.
"We're with you," Garmadon told him and joined the hug.
"Mrw. Drwagon," Lloyd muttered quietly, and Garmadon brought him the toy and kissed him on the head a few times.
"Are you sleepy?" Misako asked Lloyd when he didn't stop tossing and turning after a while.
"Nwo!" Lloyd said eagerly and started jumping around Garmadon and Misako.
"I'm glad he's not scared anymore," Garmadon said, and Misako nodded.
"This will be a long night," she said and playfully grabbed the lively Lloyd by the legs and started tickling him.
"No!" Little Lloyd screamed with laughter. "Mowmy, stwop!" Misako just laughed and showered him with kisses on his forehead as she continued tickling him. "Dadwdy, helwp!" Little Lloyd protested through his giggles.
"Misako..." Garmadon jokingly said. "How can you?"
"He's just so adorable," Misako said and gently tousled Lloyd's hair, pretending to be mad at her for the previous torment. Garmadon grinned mischievously.
"Garmadon!" Misako shouted when Garmadon started tickling her.
"I'm just seeking revenge on my little boy, love. That's all."
"How can you?" she asked him in a mock stern tone.
"Maybe you're just too sweet to me," he said and hugged her from behind, kissing her cheek a few times.
"Stop." Offended Lloyd squeezed himself between his parents, which made the two of them start laughing.
"Are you sleepy, sweetheart?" Misako asked Lloyd when he started yawning. Lloyd nodded and held Mr. Dragon close to himself.
"Do you want a bedtime story?" Garmadon asked him. Lloyd just shook his head. He was very tired. Misako wrapped blankets around the three of them.
"Good night, little green bean," Garmadon said to Lloyd as he hugged him and kissed his forehead.
"Good night, mommy, daddy," Lloyd mumbled.
"Good night, my little boy," Misako whispered as she hugged him from the other side.
~~~~~~~~Ten years later:~~~~~~~
 "No!" Lloyd screamed "Let me go!" He tried to free himself from the big black grip, but she pulled him down, and down...
"Mom, dad!" He woke up saying in tears. He quickly calmed down, realizing that he was in his room, in Garmadon's monastery.
He took a deep breath. It was just a dream. Lloyd rubbed his head.
'But why can't he still shake the feeling of dread?' He waited for a while but the discomfort didn't stop. Now he wants nothing more than to go to his parents.
Lloyd remembered little of his childhood with his mom and dad, but the two of them told him stories and that helped him remember some things. He remembered that he often had nightmares. Later he realized that the eons were mostly about his prophecy and how he fought with his father...
He also remembered that when he had nightmares, he would go to sleep with his mom and dad in bed. They would hug him and cuddle him, mom would make him cocoa, and dad would read him a story if he wasn't too tired. But he's not a little child anymore.
'Anyway, mom keeps telling me that I'm her little boy.' He thought to himself. 'And dad tells me that no matter how he grew up, that they will always be my parents...'
With such thoughts he found himself at the door of his parents' room. He put his ear to the door to hear if they were sleeping. He found them talking quietly and with a little more hesitation he knocked.
"Hey." Misako said to him and ruffled his hair.
"What are you doing up so late?" Garmadon asked him curiously. "And what happened?" Misako asked him worriedly seeing that his eyes were red and he was covered in sweat.
"I had a nightmare..." He said softly."I'm,...I'm afraid."He finally said.
"What did you dream...?" Garmadon started but was interrupted by Misako's angry look.
"I thought..Are you okay?"Garmadon quickly corrected himself.
"I think so."Lloyd stammered"I just wanted to...."
"Do you want me to make you some cocoa?"Misako asked him Lloyd nodded.
"Okay, but wait for me in your room, so you're not standing barefoot in the cold hallway."
"Alright, Mom." Lloyd told her as she left.
"Let's go put you to bed so Misako doesn't get mad." Garmadon told him and they walked to Lloyd's room.
"Would you like a bedtime story?" Garmadon asked him. Lloyd raised an eyebrow skeptically.
"About what?"
"Cinderella." Garmadon said to which Lloyd frowned.
"I was kidding. Lloyd came on." Garmadon told him with a laugh "What would you like to hear about?"
"Um...About how you and mom first met." Lloyd said.
"I think that's a story for another time. ,” Garmadon said after thinking for a few seconds."Do you want to hear about a Serpentire wa?"
Lloyd nodded and Garmadon started to talk.
"I brougjt you a coccoa."Misako enter and put cup in Lloyd hands."I brought you this too." She said and showed him something plush and green.
"Mrs Dragon."Lkoyd said supried
"I know you are not a little chil anymore but i think you would likw to have him."
"Thank you."Lloyd said and put mrs.dragon in his hands when he put the cup down for the night's rest. He yawned.
"Are you sleeping?" Misako asked him. He nodded.
"Then, good night sweetheart." She said and planted a kiss on his forehead.
" Sleep good,son." Garmadon added, ruffling his hair.
"Good night, mom, dad." Lloyd said and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Looking forward for comments and requests!
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vesivoro · 10 months ago
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I laughed way too hard at this
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Love to think that Lloyds fsm bullshit applies to other universes as well
He can just hold the staff like it's nothing Maybe he can even use nexo powers too who knows
He's the grandson of god anything is possible with him
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confused-cakepop · 3 months ago
Thought doomed lovers was as good as it gets but gramadon and lloyd showed me that "doomed parent and child" exists and I've never been the same.
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theaceofarrows · 2 years ago
Just some Aroace Lloyd things +the Ninja siblings⬇
When Lloyd first came out, Jay and kai showed there support by making cheesy ace & aro puns for a week straight
Lloyd was super nervous to come out to his parents. Misako was cool with it; it was really just a "and water is wet" p2⬇
When he came out to Gramadon after Crystalized he was scared he might actually disown him again (all the big brothers and sisters were ready to commit major violence if that happened) when he finally told Garmadon it went exactly like this⬇
Garmadon: "so what I'm hearing is I won't have to deal with you having any annoying little hybrid offspring?" Lloyd: "...yeah basically... I guess..." Garmadon: ">:) Hahaha! Yes!" Lloyd: "I should probably be offended but that went better than I expected... : |"
Lloyd first learned what ace was from Cole. Zane later helped discover what aro was
Nya gave Lloyd his first pride pins
After talking about his feelings for Harumi, Lloyd what a squish™ was from Cole and had a major "THAT'S A THING!!?!?!" moment
Lloyd has a little aroace flag tied to the pommel of his sword
Whenever Jay finds an ace or aro coded comic or video game character he runs to Lloyd and goes "LOOK!!" and Lloyd always goes :D✨
At one point Lloyd dyed his bangs green and purple, and after everyone saw the all had to do it (Kai dyed all of his hair the colors of the Bi flag bc he wanted to outdo Jay-)
For Lloyd's birthday Pixal made him a custom phone case with a dragon design on it in the colors of the sunset flag
Lloyd and Cole were both heartbroken for a whole week after Kai told them that Cake By The Ocean was a sex reference and not about ACTUAL cake and the ocean
All the Ninja wear pride themed hoods during June. Lloyd has an aro patch on one should, an ace patch one the other and a sunset hood (it's not like any of them are actually stealthy; they're dressed like a literal fruit salad-)
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iluna-eclipse · 21 days ago
Green leaves, Red sun.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Old things anew
When Victoria was little, Garmadon began to notice a few odd things with her in the land of madness. Like how anytime they sat down to eat, she would meticulously seperate the different food categories. Meats went with meats, vegetables went in another spot, fruit, dairy, starches, grains, all seperated. If it was a sandwich, she seperated the layers too. Later, they discovered she had OCD, with depression. The worse her depression got, the more she coped with the OCD behaviors. Slowly, Gramadon had helped his daughter overcome her issues, and their existence had been a peaceful one, dispite his yearning for power, she was the daughter he needed by his side, equally as vengeful. The Great Devourorer had poisoned her veins as well, and together they would rule Ninjago, and they would gain power in the realm of madness.
"She went a got drunk." Lloyd spat, walking into the Monostary with Victoria behind him. "Shes 17, not even an adult yet."
Garmadon turned his questioning gaze towards hers, but Victoria wouldn't meet his eyes. "Hm... well, thank you for finding her, Lloyd."
Lloyd huffed, but walked away, "im going to bed." He grumbled, sour because he knew he wouldn't be sleeping much due to nightmares.
Garmadon frowned. 'Good, if his eye bags say anything, he needs it.' He thought to himself. Garmadon turned to Victoria, "Victoria..." he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't. I just -" she sighed, shoulders slumping as she ran a hand through her long silky hair. "I don't want to hear it." She carefully brushed his hand off. "It's fine." She got up, turning towards the stairs, "im going to bed." She mumbled. Cole walked in just as she disappeared around the corner. He had been crashing at his place more and more often ever since the battle with the crystal king.
Stair one, stair two, stair one, stair three, stair two, stair four, stair three stair five. Touch your doorframe three times, flick the light on, back off again, and then on, and lay down on your bed, get up and unfold the covers and-
"What are you doing?" Victoria jumped, letting out a yelp like a wounded animal and drawing her sword on the intruder. It was the black ninja... Cay? Cai? Cole. It was Cole... right? Cole spoke up, hands raised, "woah, calm down, calm down."
"What do you want?" She spat, keeping her sword raised, position tense and coilled.
"Chill, I was wondering what you were doing, acting like that."
She turned fully towards him, putting the sword away, but keeping her hand on its hilt. "None of your business." She growled out.
Cole looked at her for a long moment, then sighed, "listen, it might not be my business, but what you were doing seemed a lot like OCD like behavior... are you okay?"
Her eyes narrowed. "Im fine." She spat stiffly. "Get out of my room."
"Alright, alright, I'm going." Cole left, shooting her one last concerned glance.
Victoria took a deep breath, rolled over her covers, and layed down, plugged in, then unplugged, then plugged back in her phone, tapped the front camera on her cell 4 times before unlocking it. It would be okay, or at least she hoped.
Come the morning, she stayed in her room. She didn't have the will to get up, and what would she even end up doing anyway? Eating breakfast wasn't an option, and burning things wasn't either. No, she would stay right here in her bed. Scrolling.
Around noon, Garmadon came knocking at her door, telling her it was time for lunch. She just called "shut up." At him and threw her pillow at the door for good measure. She didnt feel like moving and had no reason to. Couldn't they just respect that?
By dinner, she hadn't moved all day, had a pounding headache, and was dehydrated, not to mention hungry. With a sigh, she got up, ignoring the way the room spun and brushed out her tangled hair until it lay flat against her back. She looked down at the pj's she wore. Whatever. Too much effort. She padded downstairs barefoot, yawning. Great. All the ninja were at the table, eating something the she vaguely registered as her Father's cooking.
The Ninja glanced up at her, some giving her small smiles. Pathetic. She should've changed her clothes... suddenly, she felt extremely self-conscious. She grabbed a roll off the table and decided to go back to her room. She wasn't that hungry anyway.
She followed the same process to get up into her room, highly aware of the stupid ninja watching her. Couldn't they mind their own business?!
Stair one, stair two, stair one, stair three, stair two, stair four, stair three stair five. Touch your doorframe three times, flick the light on, back off again, and then on, and lay down on your bed, get up and unfold the covers and get in, put the bread in your lap, put your phone in your lap, pick up the bread.
She carefully and meticulously peeled the crust off the roll, eating it before picking at the rest of it. Stupid OCD. Stupid habits she couldn't seem to shake. With a sigh, she threw the rest of it into the trash can, taping her phone camera 4 times before opening it and continuing to scroll.
The evening dragged.
At some point, Lloyd tried knocking on her door, but she just yelled at him to go away, not bothering to unlock the door. Not long after, Cole also tried asking her to just open her door. She buried her face in her pillow, not wanting to move or get up or respond, and ignored him until he left. At some point, she fell asleep again, her mind a foggy sluggish haze of boredom and depression.
*earlier that morning....*
Lloyd woke up, already feeling a pounding headache in the base of his skull. Weeks of sleep deprivation were leaving him more tired than ever, not that anyone seemed to notice or care.
With a yawn, he dragged himself into the shower, letting the warm water relax him. He'd woken up at least 6 times due to nightmares, and it was getting worse every night. He brushed his teeth and changed into his green Gi, trudging down to eat breakfast. Tonight for dinner, the other ninja were coming over, he recalled dully.
Walking downstairs from his room, he grabbed an apple off the table and sat down st the kitchen counter, watching Garmadon make a cup of coffee. "Want some? You look like you could use it, son."
Lloyd started blankly at his father, tiredness itching at him. "Sure." He responded dully.
Lloyd jumped slightly as his father placed a mug before him. "Oh." He yawned, "thanks."
Garmadons brows furrowed, "are you okay, Lloyd? You look quite tired."
Lloyds hand tigtened its grip on his leg underneath the table, anger causing through him before he relaxed. Garmadon was only trying to look out for him after all.
With a yawn, Lloyd finished his breakfast and began what would surely be a long day.
A/N: Kinda a lame ending but hopefully the longer post made up for that. If anyone wants on the tag list please let me know :)
Chapter 5
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starshineandbooks · 2 months ago
Ninjago Rewrite Season 1 character intro thingies?
(Yes I'm using Tumblr as my archive for organization.)
Cole Brookstone- 18, master of earth, reserved but kind and trying to herd temperamental cats
Gramadon- idk like 500ish, master of destruction, loving father, evil shadow overlord
Jay- 16, master of lightning, anxious sarcastic loveable mess
Kai- 17, master of fire, snarky overconfident teen
Lloyd- 10, master of creating problems for himself, runaway
Nya- 14, non ninja, Ultra dragon's favorite, does a lot of behind the scenes work to make everything run smoothly
Wu- master of creation (or maybe master of not telling anyone anything), a little younger than Garmadon, Ignoring the Horrors (tm)
Zane - like 50? But emotionally, 17 so we go with that, master of ice, nuerodivergent sweetheart that dosen’t understand why anyone would choose evil
I don't really think Misako is super involved in season one, but I'll rewatch it later to check. Anyway, Misako here is a little different. Darkley's dosen’t advertise being a school for bad boys and instead is just a private school to the public.
Misako distanced herself mostly for her son, so no one who knew her could track Lloyd, but she can admit, to herself, that she's not really mother material. She does love him, though, and would do anything for him. Unfortunately, being no contact means she has no idea he needs her.
Gramadon is somehow the most stable adult in Lloyd's life until now. He uses shadows to visit Lloyd and check up on him.
Wu is... well, he's Wu, but I'm working on some sort of explanation for his inability to tell the ninja anything ever. (Maybe he told Morro everything and look how that turned out.)
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elfboyeros · 1 year ago
Here is a thought that I would love opinions on What would change if Lloyd was Wu's son instead of Gramadon's? Or like what would change if Lloyd started his life under Wu's care instead of Darkly's. The story of him being the green ninja doesn't change, just who he's related to, and/or how he was raised changes!
I understand character relationships would change (which is a big part of this show) but I'm not worrying about that.
Like I think it would change Lloyd's personality for sure. After all, he would either be thrown full force into training to be the green ninja and be overconfident because he is the green ninja, or he's sheltered because Wu loves to keep secrets and doesn't want his son to get hurt.
Imagine an overconfident little Lloyd walking into like a supermarket "My daddy says I'm the green ninja so I'm a special little boy!"
Idk I wanna see other people's opinions on this one
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honestmouse20 · 2 years ago
I forgot to post this here!
Just posted a new fic! 
Basically Lloyd happens to find the Mega Weapon and uses it. Featuing Gramadon not being All bad and the other ninja being just as protective as always. 
You can check it out here!
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howuart · 2 years ago
not sure how i'd do it but i'll have to get there with my rewrite, but I wold still keep the only like half of him was revived, like in Kingdom hearts when a nobody ( a being without a heart) can learn and grow a heart, I think that's what I'd do With Garmadon, yes he starts as just half heart (probably not even half just the darkness and venom that og Garm had) and is being manipulated by Harumi, he's going off what she tells him, and just his destructive urges from being an oni, I'd still have him almost kill Lloyd, why? Well He doesn't know Lloyd, not really the Darkness/Venom of Garmadon probably only saw Lloyd AS the Green ninja the boy who would stop him from his conquest. Thus R!Gramadon would only see him as the Green ninja, maybe even have him confused as to why this ninja calls him father, he doesn't have memories of his past life, he's empty of purpose so he goes on his urges, and what Harumi says since she did resurrect him, and I have a feeling he can sense that.
I'd keep the sensing his brother, but also add that to Lloyd too, he can sense his son's presence it's strong and bright, too bright for him, as he doesn't have any of that light anymore.
Baby wu while he can sense his brother he can also tell just how wrong he is. He's very scared of his brother, cause he knows that's no longer HIS brother, but just a part of him, the darkest part.
As for his redemption I'd have it that Garmadon during the time he was a away and In s10 he's started to grow that other part of his heart that he need, that every person needs, so while he's learning compassion, care and how to not just be a being of destruction, he'd get glimpses of his past self, he's see what he used to be.
So when he meets his son again, he and Lloyd don't know how to talk or act around each other. Garmadon's trying and Lloyd's defensive, he sees glimpses of his father of the man he remembers, of the man he loves that was ruined by this new Garmadon.
suffice to say Lloyd's not sure how to handle this, he sees his dad but he also sees this monster that haunts his dreams, he's angry and hurt and scared but he also wishes to have his father back. He's seen his father in s10 just under the surface, but he doesn't want to be hurt again he's scared.
And while Lloyd's hurt and a raged Oni (my rewrite) Garmadon is able to talk to him, let him know he DOES care and he wants to try and he is trying and he knows what it's like to feel empty and confused and hurt and lost.
And so R!Garmadon promises, to try and help lloyd, he may not be lloyd's father, he may never be, but he does want to try, and he promises he'll save his son.
Now I'm curious; how would you guys change Reborn Garmadon's whole thing? Like would you not make him exist at all? Would you rather bring back both sides of him but the caring part is locked away in him or smth? Explain pls
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akariarda · 1 year ago
Will you ever stop breaking my heart ,all over and over again...
Episode 3
Misako and Pixal are trying to escape.Garmadon finds out Misako lyed to him,and he wants revenge.
"Send them!"Garmadon ordered to Harumi."We need to find my son."
"Yes ,my emperor."Harumi bowed deeply."If we are to trust that woman at all..."
"We'll see," Garmadon said darkly."For her sake, I hope so."
"Pixal, are you okay?" Misako asked gently, sitting on the floor.
"I will be fine," Pixal said in her robotic voice and stood up.
"Where did Garmadon go?"
"To find Lloyd," Misako said, swallowing her saliva.
"But you lied to him..." Pixal looked at her incredulously. "It wasn't a good move to lie to him for my sake."
"Of course I wouldn't let him hurt you," Misako said to Pixal.
"But what have we gained now?" Pixal asked, feeling down. "I'm a nindroid, I don't feel pain like you humans, and he certainly wouldn't hurt you severely."
"He has already broken my heart many times, and I had to watch him do the same to our son. That's worse than any physical injury he can inflict on me."
"He will be furious when he returns." Pixal insisted.
"We need to find a way to get out of this."
"How?" Misako shouted, having lost all hope by now and clearly on the verge of a breakdown.
"You need to calm down first," Pixal tried to calm Misako by placing her hand on her shoulder, but she just stood up and shrugged it off.
"How can I calm down?" Misako asked, this time a little more calmly.
"How can I calm down when nothing is fair?" She tried her best to hold back tears, and thankfully, at least that was working.
"I have a feeling you're not talking about our current situation." Pixal asked, baffled.
"Just ignore that," Misako waved her head. "I have collected myself, and now we need to come up with something."
"My emperor," Harumi approached Garmadon again.
"We found nothing."
"What do you mean nothing!" Garmadon shouted and started choking Harumi with his powers.
"You have deceived me again."
"No, my... emperor," Harumi choked. "I'm..not..the one..who. lied..to you..."
"True," Garmadon mumbled and let her go. "But I know who has."
"The doors are open!" Pixal exclaimed joyfully.
"I can't believe they haven't changed the codes to open the doors." Misako laughed. "Well, this was your home, of course, you can open all the doors."
"Suddenly you're in a good mood?" Pixal looked at Misako in wonder.
"How could I not be?" Misako laughed. "I finally see a glimmer of hope in all of this."
"Hurry now," Pixal warned. "Garmadon could show up any minute."
"Lead the way," Misako followed Pixal.
"Misako!!!!" Garmadon shouted angrily as he entered the room where he held Misako and Pixal.
"What?" He asked, seeing no one there. "How..."
"ARGH, you won't escape from me this time, Misako!" He yelled as he walked out into the hallway.
"Did you hear that?" Misako said in astonishment as she and Pixal ran down the stairs.
The elevator was not a reliable option.
"I did, Misako, keep running," Pixal shouted and grabbed her hand.
Garmadon burned with anger as he pushed through the floors.
"Not this time!"
"Faster!" Misako yelled, but suddenly stopped when a silhouette appeared in front of them.
"Garmadon..." she whispered.
"Quickly!" Pixal shouted.
"Before he notices, go the other way."
Garmadon couldn't help but laugh when he heard the robot's voice.
"Ah, so you are here," he murmured and locked eyes with Misako.
"It's too late..." Misako whispered when she and Garmadon locked eyes.
For a moment, they froze in fear, but then they both assumed a fighting position.
This time, it won't pass without a fight...
Garmadon just continued to laugh coldly.
Episode 5
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vesivoro · 10 months ago
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berryblu-soda · 3 years ago
Am I brainrotting too hard, or does numb little bug feel like a lloyd song? (especially in the latest seasons)
anyways, pov this kid needs therapy UnU
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lightningboifan · 11 months ago
For real.
Lloyd is 8 years younger than Kai
I have my own timeline and headcannons and according to them Lloyd is no older than 14 in SoG while Kai is 22. Greenflame is illegal.
There's also the fact that Lloyd is basically like a little brother to Kai
Can't go without mentioning the fact that Kai is ready to step up as a parental figure to Lloyd after Gramadon sacrificed himself.
It's like shipping two brothers with a huge age gap. It's illegal in more than one way.
A petition to ban all the greenflame shippers from watching, talking about or even thinking about Ninjago.
...i just saw a greenfl*me post.
...just... just why.
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nya-kkun · 3 years ago
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based off that comic, you know the one
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wildwitche · 2 years ago
Soooo my attitude to the relationship between Garmadon and Misako in the series!
As we were shown, and the way I understood it, we can come to the conclusion that: in the past, Misako was in love with two brothers, and it was very difficult to choose whom to give her heart to, but one day Wu decides to send a letter with a beautiful confession. Chen - Garm's former master intercepts the letter and decides to tell him what his brother wants to do and pushes him to change him signature and send the letter on his own behalf. He does so, Misako receives the letter, immediately realizes that Garmadon is the same, and chooses him. As a result, she becomes his girlfriend, marries him, and gives birth to his son Lloyd. However, there is still poison in Garm's body, and after a while he turns completely to the dark side, disappears, etc.
Misako learns that her son is a green ninja, and does everything to stop the fate in which her son must kill his own father. Therefore, she not only runs away from the monastery and takes the child, but also sends him to a boarding school, that is, she leaves her child, in fact abandons it, and gives all of herself in the search to somehow save and return her husband
After all this, the first thing we see in the present is how stupidly Misako and Lloyd met each other after a long separation (but this is a separate topic for which you need to allocate time)
As the adventures continue, Lloyd defeats Garmadon and essentially turns him back. And the next picture we see is how Misako, who LEFT EVERYTHING, even HER CHILD, reacts to her husband's return (answer: NOTHING! she just: "oh, hello, dear, I'm so glad to see you" - it looked like she didn't see him at all a couple of weeks !!!) I understand that the directors did not want to spend a lot of time on the scenes where you need to show the emotions of the characters, but they could have shown it much better, and this is not what we saw!!
After that, we finally see the normal life of Garmadon, etc. Next comes the season where the ninjas go to the tournament and Gramadon is with them, as he knows who is creating all this. Also in the same season, we learn about the letter and why it happened. And then comes the moment when Chen reveals the truth. What should we see when Wu and Misako find out the truth? Well, probably her brother's anger (what we saw was a kind of parody and nothing more), Misako's anger at her husband's lies and in general the way he acted, at least at least some emotions (although maybe she wasn't very angry at him, because she didn't love him only because of this letter, and therefore she can only be angry that he did so badly with his brother, but this moment can easily be covered by the following events)
And precisely when he decides to sacrifice himself. Wu and Misako realize that there is no other way, so they accept Garmadon's choice. He disappears and that's it, he's gone. Lloyd cannot forgive this, he got his father back not so long ago, and less than half a year has passed since he disappeared forever. What is his wife doing at this moment, who, I emphasize again, did so much to get him back - nothing. She just mentions him, says that he is a hero and that's all....it's all stupid and goes on to flirt with Wu
And after all that, I'm supposed to believe that Misako really wanted to save her husband, that she didn't just leave Lloyd?? Phew, guys, it's just some kind of soap opera. Show me at least one woman who would do so much that, as a result, she would forget about everything and go to someone else. This letter is so absurd that if it wasn't there, nothing would have changed, because according to what the directors showed us, she would have left him anyway and gone to Wu (that's why this letter annoys me so much in their relationship)
From one point of view, I understand that sometimes to choose what we need, we need a push, and the letter could be said to be this very element. But don't you mean to tell me that you will choose your partner just because of some stupid letter? if you do not like a person, even if he/she writes 100 letters, it does not guarantee that you will choose him/her right away. The filmmakers showed us that this letter is the only reason why they were together at all (AND IT'S SO ANNOYING AT THE END!! DAMN WHAT THE FUCK). Then their relationship is built on lies and nothing more, but THEN WHY ARE WE TOLD ABOUT HOW MISAKO HAS SUFFERED ALL THESE YEARS!??? AAAAAAAAAAA??? WHY!?
If this was not in the plot, then it would still be possible to understand that all this happened only through a letter (but I repeat, are you ready to marry a person and give birth to a child for the sake of some piece of paper? Hmmm, I think not, it’s not logical)
Therefore, it is reasonable to call their relationship only through a letter in the series, it is not possible, because every moment of Misako's life covers what they wanted to show us as the truth. She could not choose him through a letter and then look for a way out to save him. The directors are so lazy that they did not show us any real emotions and feelings between them. Not the real emotions between Lloyd and Misako after being apart for a long time, not between Misako and Garmadon when he became normal, not how she was upset by his sacrifice, nothing
It's terrible, because it makes you think that Misako was terrible not only as a mother, but also as a wife
this is my opinion on their relationship and how it was shown to us, and honestly I'm ready to write and prove all time that Misako isn't the worst character. Yes, she is not perfect, but there is no reason to hate her. Because precisely because of the laziness of the directors and the inability to combine two things into one, Misako looks like a simply terrible character. At one moment she is shown like this, and at another it is called the opposite, and when all this is combined it looks like a complete absurdity
all this story with the letter, the directors could show us much better and make an intrigue. But they just needed an excuse to show why Misako chose him, and show how Wu and she will find out the truth and thats all. This moment when they learn the truth is so stupid. Less than 5 minutes were allotted for it. And the question arises, and why did you show it to us, it didn't change anything. NOTHING. If we hadn't been told anything about her leaving the Lloyd to find a way to get her husband back, I would probably have thought of her as a bad character like everyone else
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