#lizard pose twist
yogaayurvedacourse · 2 years
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alasoi · 6 months
Boxcap Demo is convinced that Lizard Sniper jarated his bottle again.
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Gecko Sniper is very curious, don't mind him
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some reptile Snipers (technically the far left one isn't + 3rd reptile was left out). From left to right:
Snipey: The Cloth Thief. Sleeps on a pile of clothes in a cavern. Gets himself into trouble whenever he steals something. Could run on his fours.
Lizard Sniper: Mysterious prankster. Can move on his fours very fast. More on this post.
Gecko Sniper: Curious & Timid. Slightest of movements make him flinch away. If he gets comfortable enough with you, he can come up closer and inspect. Flees when attacked, can try to bite right before running off on his fours. Sometimes stands in a way like he is about to climb up a tree. Neck prone to crane forward. Hunch.
Monitor (Perentie) Sniper: Super Chill. Laid-back pose with a hunch. 'Emotionless face'. May sleep with his body twisted in odd ways. Calm movements. Defends himself after being attacked (slow reaction to pain?).
2nd Gecko Sniper(Spotty/Crocogecko): Swift & Wary. Has scaly skin spotted with white and grey colors, and a few pointy spikes. Forked tongue that vibrates when feeling uncomfortable. Stiff posture, especially when around strangers. Easily irritable. Won't hesitate attacking/snapping when threatened by something that steps too close. (May/may not have a tail) (the lesser thorn-tailed gecko)
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youareunbearable · 11 months
Its late and im tired so please excuse if this doesn't make sense but lately, I've been thinking about Angry Aredhel must have been
Like realistically, when has this woman made a single decision about her future for herself, and in the few times when she did, when did it not end in tragedy
She must have been so angry, so frustrated and wrathful at her lot in life. She was meant for other things, greater thing! She was a disciple of Orome, the Maiden in White, one of the best hunters in his group along with her cousin.
Yet here she is, caged and trapped like a pretty little canary in a wire house. Stolen from her purpose because of her eldest brother's blind loyalty, her father's stubborn pride, her second oldest brother's blinding grief, and her baby brother's terminal bravery. She's across an ocean, escaped one cage for another by her tormentor and abuser posing as a husband.
The bastard won't even name their child.
She must have be so angry, stuck in that endless darkness, the forest must be such a familiar landscape but so different, twisted and wrong like looking into a warped mirror.
Shes grieving outside her "home" one night, having managed to convince the trees to part their branches just enough that she can glimpse a star or two so she can bask in the starlight. Its been a year since the birth of her son, and nothing has changed. Eol won't look at the boy, and she can feel herself drifting. Without the ability to see the passage of time, without the Light of the Trees or with the Sun and Moon chasing each other across the sky, things are blending together and she feels adrift.
At least when they crossed they ice, they were able to watch the stars move across the endless dark.
The starlight warms her skin, as weak and distant as it is, so she basks. With her eyes closed and face tilted up she feels like a lizard in the mid day sun. Behind her, she hears a noise, a twig being deliberately stepped upon. Aredhel whips around, raising her glowing lichen lamp, wondering if its her husband or one of his servants come to take her back. She feels a little feral at the idea of being dragged away from the pitiful starlight.
A wolf, with a pelt as crisp and clean as the snow dusting Himring's mountain top, slinks into the soft glow. Its fur takes on an almost sickly colour in the green luminescence. The wolf settles at the edge of the light, resting on its haunches as it observes her.
Aredhel thinks she's beautiful, for it is a female wolf. Even in the weak lamplight the beast's silver eyes seem to glow on their own, piercing her very fea and enticing her to come forward, to come closer. There is a power within the she wolf, one Aredhel craves.
The white beast introduces herself as a member of Orome's hunt, and Aredhel believes it, for the she wolf looks like the perfect hunter. The wolf asks her what she, as a fellow hunter, is doing out so far away from her kin and cub.
Momentarily surprised by the ability to speak, for not even Huan can speak so freely, Aredhel responses. She shares her desire for light, her frustration with her "husband," and how she wants a different life for her son. She never wanted this, and she wishes she had the ability to take control of her own fate.
The wolf is sympathetic to her plights, and offers to help her free herself and her child.
"You do have the ability to change your own fate, young one. Asking for help is something no one else could have done for you."
So Aredhel leads the wolf back to Eol's house. They walk through the entry way, both hunters are silent as the dawn as they go. Aredhel heads towards the master bedroom, but hesitates at the door. She can see Eol on his side of their bed, snoring lightly as he does. She hesitates, seeing a vision of what will happen once he realizes she's gone. Fire, doom and death follows her, poison and a flash of fang would flicker in him before he strikes her down for disobedience, for stealing away the son he won't even name.
The wolf nudges her aside, ghosting past her into the room. Aredhel's throat closes up and she slinks away, heading towards Lomion's nursery. She leaves to go strap her sleeping infant son to her chest, then grabs some supplies from the kitchen in a bag. Not even hearing a mouse skittering in the walls, let alone her wolf companion, she steels her nerves to check the master bedroom one more time.
As she passes her bedroom, she can see through a crack in the door and her breath freezes. Standing over the now corpse of her husband, maw dripping red from the freshly torn out throat, the white wolf looms. Aredhel stares transfixed, she can almost taste the blood between her own teeth, feel the rush of the kill, ache of her gums as tendons and tissue would rub against them. The wolf turns to look at her, silver eyes wild, white fur stained with her kill. Aredhel feels the air return to her lungs, she feels lighter and free, a little giggle slips past her lips and the wolf peels back its lips and bares its dripping fangs in a smile.
Aredhel leaves the house, fleeing on foot and all the while she can hear the wolf following her, keeping pace and shadowing her in the darkness, and at some points, ahead of her, leading her out of the woods. Running like this, oh she hasn't done this in years!. The wind snapping at her hair, branches and leaves kissing her cheeks and arms, the rush of a completed hunt with another one ahead of her feels like her first real breath in a long time. It feels like days later, and seconds, heartbeats, when she can see the treeline, dawn's hazy reddish glow peaking through the trees.
Aredhel gives a joyful cry and runs faster. That laughter bubbling up inside of her finally bursts past her lips once she breaks the treeline. The sun on her skin is warm and bright and all she wants to do is laugh and cry and scream until her throat is raw and her tears run dry. But she has to keep moving, she has Lomion still with her, and she is too close to the woods to feel truly safe yet. She walks north, and east, not really knowing where she's heading but knowing that she'll cross into her cousins' land soon. As she walks, she soon realizes that she hasn't seen or heard from her she wolf in a while. Stopping, Aredhel turns to look back, but no where can she see that brilliant white coat, or any tracks that look like wolf paws. She squint, looking back at the distant treeline and sees nothing but shadow. She mourns for her companion, wishing she could have wished her well or at least thanked her for her help. She wonders if Orome set the wolf to free her, not wanting to see one of his hunters in chains.
Its about mid morning when she comes across some of her cousins men, and they're horrified. They ask if she's ok, of she's hurt, they take her to a nearby stream even though she insists she's fine, that she wants to see her cousins.
When she sees her reflection she's scared for a moment. All she can see it blood, dried and crusted down her throat, staining her lips and chin. There is red all along the collar of her white dress, her sleeves, but her hands are clean, and so is her son still asleep strapped across her chest. She looks into her reflection, not yet comprehending. Silver eyes that seem so familiar stare back above the red, above the proof of her freedom.
She bares her bloody teeth in smile.
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davestridernb · 1 year
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@duskyashe​ here is my Raven (eldritch Nightwing) design from Encryptid/Calling All The Monsters! Drawn in sketchbook & colored on the computer. Feat. colored sketch and concept of how it looks in the dark. Very long details below the cut.
Firstly, the pose and drawing style used on the left is inspired by Lilo & Stitch, because of the description "He held his ready stance for a count of eight, then started relaxing parts of his body opposite how one would normally relax their body, starting with his legs and working his way up to his shoulders." which reminded me of how character weight was drawn in the movie opposite of how it usually is, keeping the weight rooted low with gravity and pulled towards the ends of the limbs.
The coloration concept is based off of animals that have direction-dependent color, the most famous of which is the blue morpho butterfly, but one which most people have probably also seen is the super black bird of paradise. So the idea of how that works in the wild is that tilting movements or seeing it at the right angle causes a disorienting flash of color, which I hoped to use here for Raven!Nightwing's eldritch illusion.
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His fingerstripes aren't strictly straight but more inspired by tree bark/veins/cirque du soleil costumes, where lines that curve across limbs make the poses look more twisted and fantastical rather than emphasizing the actual direction of the limb, which is what the straighter lines in most hero costumes are supposed to do.
His wingsuit structure as described is a snap-out style that he holds the ends of when he flies, which I've augmented with small electromagnets to seal the airspace between his arms and the wings, which can turn on and off with a current. The structure itself is similar to the draco lizard in nature, where the draco lizard has modified rib bones that hinge at the top of its wings and fold back down to its sides when not in use. The edges on the wingsuit have a soft tattered texture that helps silence the wings like owls' feathers, as well as obscure the outline a little.
I wanted to avoid showing human skin, so I used a full face mask and repurposed the Nightwing V into an abstract suggestion of a beak. His real eyes can either be disguised with colored lenses that match the stripe or can be white, but there are also decoy eyes scattered in different spots on the suit that have cameras. At first it was just the two on the sides of the head to increase peripheral vision, but I thought it would be super cool if Raven could just see in a bunch of directions and into small spaces like Emily Eyefinger just because he has several small working cameras in different locations on his body. Ravens and eldritch beings are both associated with eyes so it works? ^u^
Regarding the wing coloration, this was the last addition to the design. I considered eyespots, just as I considered larger wings, but I really wanted to avoid the design getting mistaken for Mothman from a distance. The premise of the AU relies on the power of belief, so people need to recognize Raven on sight and also believe he's an eldritch being, so I went with one big solid eye that no one expects just opening out of the darkness when you’ve done something wrong. Yikes. Raven knows where you sleep.
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golby-moon · 1 year
oh no I accidentally started making fakemon for the first time since my fake Fidough and Lechonk evolutions. these were designed for a few people from their discord usernames and from their own vague description of things they might wanna see
first up is @whitster-lizzy
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I think by the end of a somewhat confusing back and forth that I was supposed to make a combo of Bulbasaur, Medusa, and poison ivy. I took inspiration from the last two, but just could not get Bulbasaur's plump little front half to look good morphed into a tail. instead, I went for more of a 'protector of the forest' thing and added a maternal vibe that Whitney kinda gives off and ended up with this. I wanted to put an emphasis on three for the three leaves of poison ivy, so even its tears (which may or may not be from sad edits and the inability to hug anything without poisoning them :(() carry that, as do the scales sporadically thrown around there. the arms became vines when I was too tired and frustrated to keep trying to redraw actual arms to get them to look right (oops) and the hair is just a mess as I'd expect vine-hair to be
next is @rauko-is-a-free-elf, who started this whole thing with a comment about someone mispronouncing their name as 'Rocco'
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for whatever reason, I came up with an ice bird instead of something that screams 'rock type' idk why either. took inspiration from blue jays (one of their favorite birds) as well as peacocks with the tail and tried to go for sort of a crystal structure on there (along with dots that were supposed to be snow but failed to look like it) while still including the distinctive dark swoops blue jays have on their tails. the wings were supposed to be icicles and that was actually the first thing I designed rather than the head or the body. it really does make use of diamond shapes so I did try to add some rock type elements to it mostly in color scheme though maybe it would've been better without. I'm not really sure why it has a mask other than I wanted to give its face some dark lines like blue jays have but my brush was too thick to add too many little details. so mask👌
now we have @bleuzombie
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I didn't have any sort of a prompt or direction for this one and based it entirely off of their username. I originally took inspiration from Machop in the way of body shape and went from there, developing a vaguely reptilian form somehow that looked a lot more lizard-y before the dark typing came out in the form of skeleton-bits not unlike the Cubone line. the spiky bat there is a reference to The Walking Dead ofc, which led me to develop more of a baseball vibe with the dark line under its eyes representative of the grease baseball played use to reduce glare and with the sorta long sock-like design for the feet, along with the baseball stitching pattern that doubles as what's supposed to represent the stripes like all baseball uniforms have. its hands have always looked boxing glove-y from the very first beginnings of the sketch so I just colored them to match the rest of the color scheme and oh no now it's a fighting type oops
now @nickelkeep
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this one is also inspired by their username, which at first had me thinking about how dragons hoard coins but then somehow got turned into c a t and I don't really know why. either way I tried to keep a coin theme going (especially with its eyes, which are supposed to look like coins) while also making it a dark/fairy as sorta requested and it became a representation of the duality of cat: both angel and devil (also a twist of money being the root of evil and all that). so it got fluffy and spiky at once and now has pitchfork-themed whiskers and a few occult symbols to offset its scarf and heart motifs. I think this one was actually the first design I worked on and to the relief of everyone, I actually used a reference of a cat to get the pose right 🎉
(idk why there's a bad drawing of a nickel I think I was originally gonna make that into a background but I did decide against it in favor of making these look more like official pokemon character reference sheet things. enjoy the bad nickel anyway)
next one up is @anyreiart
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idk what happened with this one. I don't know much about anyrei and their username doesn't inspire much in the way of fakemon (beyond a few seconds where I thought of making a sun-inspired something with the 'rei' becoming 'ray'), so I went with a theme based on what I do know, which is that they paint, along with two pictures that they sent, one of which was Gothorita (the other was for a hairstyle I think but I did steal the funky red and black checkered tie from that because reasons). going off of that, this one is supposed to look like a paintbrush with its body and its edgy anime hair, and its belt continues carrying the paintbrush motif. since I was provided with the request to make it goth, I added thick eyeshadow-esque lines under its eyes and kinda used the hairstyle from the picture while also turning it into a paintbrush that utilizes their favorite color as the paint color. carrying the gothic art idea, I tried to make its lower half (originally meant to be a blobby sort of easel shape before I changed it) into something resembling stained glass windows that was famous at the time (I got confused multiple times while making the stained glass design so it's not all that consistent uh). it was supposed to be dark type, but ended up giving off more of a ghost/fairy vibe after I realized I accidentally made it a ballerina paintbrush (oops)
moving on to @as-lost-as-sams-shoe
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this one is heavily inspired by their username, starting with the scallion, which is a kind of oniony thing. they themself actually added the 'wrapped' part to push the pun a little further, which made me think of Swadloon and its cozy little leaf blanket, which naturally led to the scallion with its massive head and slimmer body (to match the shape of an onion more than a scallion admittedly) to be all wrapped up. scallions have leaves that look like they were cut straight across, which lead to the development of its 'bangs' (which was also inspired by the fact that scallions themselves grow underground and only the leafy parts are seen, adding a 'shy' element) as well as the tassels along the bottom of its leaf-wrap. the lines along its body are made to represent both the rings inside of an onion as well as the word 'rapscallion,' which is a term that can be used to mean villain or bad guy, earning it prison-esque stripes. its eyes are massive as a play on onions making people cry, and the smaller parts of its eyes that I can't remember the names of are based off of onion rings. the skull and crossbones shape is just to make it pirate-y, which is what I can't not picture when I read the word 'rapscallion' for one reason or another
and finally @zybynarx, who gets a finished one as well as a sketch I scrapped and started anew
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I actually had a lot to work with for this one, as they specifically asked for a fire type puppy pokemon. first instinct is ofc to go for a dalmatian, which is the firehouse dog or whatever, and I wanted to make the lower half black as a reference to that scene from 101 Dalmatians where they coat themselves in ashes to appear completely black. I made some firefighter-y stripes and tried to make its back legs look almost like boots which looks, in a couple of word, super weird. I then added tinder fluff on head and a kindling sort of thing on the neck, but when I tried to develop the back half's design, my brain sorta died and I couldn't decide what to do, so I went back to the drawing board fully intent on making like a complete copy of what I'd already tried
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instead I ended up with this personification of tinder that's just all fluffy all the way down instead of the almost lion mane of tinder design I was originally picturing. I carried over the themes of adding firefighter stripes to allude to a firefighter's jacket as well as the kindling collar thing the other one had. I kept the bottom half black but made it more like wispy smoke than ash that trails behind it when it moves (which is a lot because puppy). the eyes are two pieces of coal and the nose is supposed to look like a match but doesn't. it looks very fluffy but is probably too squirmy to make a good lapdog. it just has that squirmy ball of energy vibe to it
whether people really like these or not, it was definitely a learning experience, and I did pick up on a lot of things to keep in mind for future fakemon designs (particularly not to overcomplicate things and go more for consistency, which I did not originally do as I wasn't planning on make them into character sheets at all and didn't plan beyond the main drawings of the fakemon)
this craziness is a result of the @deancasanimebang (which is still accepting artists until October 1st :0)
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seven-thewanderer · 1 year
I ended up drawing some more Andy's Apple Farm-related stuff!!
So firstly I drew Andy again, but with my own little twist!
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Then I drew his friends, again with my own slight twist
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Then I drew Peter!
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(then I drew his monster form, and the pose isn't the best but I'm goin with it)
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(he also kinda looks like a lizard but hush, hush)
and then, I drew this!!
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But yeah, that's that!!!
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droctaviolovecraft · 10 days
TW: Extreme terror, body horror, extreme violence, animal aggression, incest, cannibalism, necrophilia, sexual violence, as well as potential triggers and other potentially sensitive topics for the public.
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ANM №: ANM-224
Lead Researcher: Dr. Öctavio Kalev (Director of Rural Anomalies)
Identification: "That's not Uncle Joe..."
Danger Level: Nightmare 💀 (Physical, mental, public, social, military)
Containment Difficulty: 4.5 (Extremely difficult)
Anomaly Type: Rural, extraterrestrial, sentient, shapeshifter, bloodsucking, cannibalistic
ANM-224 is currently uncontainable. All efforts to track or capture the entity have failed. Attempts to monitor ANM-224 using satellite technology have been thwarted, as the entity is capable of intercepting signals and effectively camouflaging its presence, particularly in rural and forested areas. Despite this, agents posing as ufologists are assigned to intervene whenever ANM-224 is sighted. The presence of these agents has been observed to repel the entity, though the exact reason for this behavior remains unknown.
Given ANM-224’s ability to move and hide, containment measures focus on damage mitigation. Families and communities in areas with high anomalous activity should be closely monitored for signs of infiltration, and any reports of the appearance of a "distant uncle" (referred to as "Uncle Zé" or variants thereof) in these environments should be treated as high-priority cases.
ANM-224 is an extraterrestrial life form that operates in rural areas of Latin America and Central America, typically infiltrating social events like barbecues, family gatherings or dinners, Christmas or New Year’s parties, funerals, etc. ANM-224 is always treated as a distant uncle, always called "Tio Zé" or similar names depending on the language. How the entity can so easily manipulate or immediately be accepted as a distant family member is unknown, but it is presumed to be an anomalous cognitive effect. Over time, ANM-224 integrates itself into the family's life, eventually even sleeping in the same house as them, while the family slowly deteriorates and is forgotten by everyone around them.
ANM-224 has a male appearance, resembling a middle-aged man. It stands between 1.99m and 2.10m tall, is considerably emaciated, and has pale skin that darkens towards the arms. It lacks hair or any kind of body hair. Its hands and fingers have no fingerprints or any other markings, including the feet, which leave no traces. The body is highly flexible, with ANM-224 being observed twisting its neck and spine up to 280 degrees. Its mouth is wide and filled with small, identical teeth, resembling lizard teeth. The subject's spine has a protrusion, making the individual slightly hunched. ANM-224's arms and fingers can extend up to 2.50m. Additionally, it can "open its face into five (5) blades," revealing a circular toothed mouth capable of projecting tentacles, which assist in capturing prey more easily.
As ANM-224 spends more time with a family, certain phenomena occur, such as:
The mysterious disappearance of material goods or even furniture over time.
A significantly increased rate of incest.
Internal fights and confusion (ANM-224 does not directly participate in the anomalous events that occur).
Deterioration of the house itself.
Social isolation from outsiders.
(If there are pets) Disappearance of family pets (it is suspected that ANM-224 consumes them).
Frequent, increasingly violent internal disputes.
Infant mortality rate above 80%.
Parents murder their children and, after maintaining relations with the bodies for over a month, tend to hang them from trees using barbed wire.
Complete deterioration of the house, followed by the arrival of a massive swarm of cicadas, which produces constant loud noise.
The parents eventually commit suicide, leaving only ANM-224, who tends to consume the bodies.
ANM-224 has a strange affinity for cicadas and exhibits a form of cannibalistic and bloodsucking hunger, with several animals being found drained of blood and mutilated by ANM-224.
Among other known abilities, ANM-224 can cling to walls and ceilings, moving quadrupedally in these environments. The individual also has a "super scream," emitting a sound extremely loud and resembling a marmoset's scream. The sound continues to increase for up to 10 seconds, reaching 950 kHz, causing the heads of those nearby and affected by the scream to explode.
ANM-224 always wears the same clothing: a dark shirt with rolled-up sleeves, a blue jumpsuit over it, black shoes, and a straw hat, likely worn to hide the absence of hair and conceal more details of its face, which is often obscured by a shadow.
ANM-224 was discovered by the organization in [DATA EXPUNGED] following a series of incidents involving missing or dead rural families in the region of [DATA EXPUNGED]. A team of Foundation agents was sent to investigate and managed to locate the 224 creature. A confrontation ensued, resulting in the deaths of [REDACTED] agents and the destruction of [REDACTED] properties. ANM-224 escaped.
There are other anomalous effects caused by ANM-224. A rare event may occur involving ANM-224, the family, and the mother if she is pregnant. During a family dinner, the mother will lie under the table, and the father along with others at the table will begin to open the mother’s abdomen from the vagina to the middle of the stomach, using nearby tools or their bare hands. ANM-224 will remove the fetus and begin to devour it, while the children engage in relations with the mother’s body, usually also [REMOVED] inside her.
"That's not Uncle Joe."
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sepublic · 3 months
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         Meet Editaurus! She wields the Green Magestone, which imbues bolts of emerald lightning that can bring things to life, creating all manner of constructs. In particular, Editaurus uses this Magestone, which she has artfully incorporated into her body like many of her materials and ingredients, to create her chimeras.
         Editaurus once started off dirt-poor, with a struggling father. They worked together in a landfill, working with the refuse of society. But one man’s trash is another man’s treasure; There was quite a lot of dead meat and other biomass. Some bones and flesh, muscles and organs still decently intact. And Editaurus was always fascinated with anatomy. She devoured books that went into the makeup of all manner of flora and fauna, and she marveled at the artistry and efficiency of their forms.
         At first she stitched together parts to create skeletal art pieces; Then hodgepodge taxidermy. But it was only a matter of time before Ed became a Chimera Caster, and a prodigal one at that. With just a few discarded bits from a nearby butcher, she could create a living, breathing Chimera that obeyed her will.
         Editaurus used her chimeras to aid in her and her father’s work, making things much easier for the latter; On Ed’s end, they became much more difficult, but in a way thrilling and challenging. Now she began to experiment with lifeforms, combining different aspects and aesthetics to create beautiful and twisted creations.
         She garnered community attention, and picked up multiple jobs creating chimeras. From there, Editaurus became a rags to riches story, becoming a famed artist and celebrity. She started her own studio, moving out from her town, while sending money to her father who was able to retire in peace elsewhere.
         With various suppliers at her beck and call, Editaurus had all of the ingredients she needed to craft complex recipes, which she stored in her living cookbook. Many of the things in her studio were also chimeras; She became a master of life, often debuting her latest chimeras on the runway, posing them for magazines and photoshoots. Editaurus eventually modeled herself, and turned her magic onto herself, modifying her body as she replaced it with different parts. She too became a chimera.
         Her face? A repurposed, upside down squid; The tentacles as hair, the tip of the squid as her chin. An eye has been grafted on. Bat wings adorn both sides of her head, and grant Editaurus the hearing of these creatures. Her torso is a bee abdomen, with lungs at the front of her chest. Ed’s right arm is composed of large, writhing nematodes; The left is a raptor, with a modified spider replacing her left hand.
         This spider-hand can sprout webs that Editaurus uses to stitch together chimeras with near-invisible threads, thus leaving the marks of being artificial gone; This makes her chimeras seem seamless, more real, and this is part of Editaurus’ goal; To create creatures that feel like they could exist on their own. Chimeras indistinguishable from natural flora and fauna. And considering how bizarre the Monster Realm’s life can be, this is not difficult.
         Her skirt is a lizard’s frill and shrunken head; One leg is a goat’s to rapidly kick with, the other a grasshopper’s to leap. Little fins on her ankles can flutter like a hummingbird’s to grant flight. Four branches are angled and move like spider limbs on Editaurus’ back, allowing her to photosynthesize; They are wreathed in webs.
         Being a celebrity, Editaurus was among the first of the Warlocks to be found by Majikus. There was discussion, and a bit of dispute regarding who would lead; Ed was impressed by Maj’s vision, but had plenty of constructive criticism to offer. Despite her eccentricities, Majikus was able to negotiate Editaurus’ loyalty and a lower place beneath her, but Ed will often suggest a dispute in leadership.
         Still, she is no backstabbing schemer, just someone very proud and confident; She was often belittled and seen as weird and lowly due to her social class and interests. So Editaurus had to believe in herself to survive and then succeed. And she can be quite the visionary, and offer some decent advice; But she can also suffer from tunnel vision as a result, not unlike Majikus. She believes all of the different aspects of the Monster Realm, its populations and species, can all come together like one massive chimera; Erm, not a literal one. Well, maybe…
         Unsurprisingly, Editaurus helps in calculating how to fuse the Magestones back together. Her own, the Green Magestone, has been used to up the production rate of her chimeras tenfold; Majikus finds them vital to creating an army that can help them take over the Monster Realm. Editaurus agrees, but gripes over this quantity over quality approach that Majikus insists upon; She is well aware that there is a quality to quantity in and of itself, but even so. She feels her vision is being compromised for factory production and standardization, when her chimeras were always meant to be an art form, an expression.
         Editaurus’ studio is covered in many webs, which she uses to wrap up and store the various ingredients she has; Others are kept in cauldrons. She can sprout webs from her back and summon ingredients upon them, from which to pluck from her ‘wings’ and craft into a chimera on the fly. Editaurus can switch out ingredients in her own body on a dime, and has experimented with many looks and forms for different environments and purposes.
         Editaurus wields other spells such as electrocution, using web threads to conduct her bolts; This can be used to jumpstart her chimeras or even allies, and her ingredients and understanding of anatomy make Ed a skilled healer. Infamously, she can charge her right hand’s Magestone to literally slap the life back into a person.
         Editaurus is in charge of chimera production; They act a major portion of the Warlocks’ armies, like Viracious’ undead being considered expendable from traditional conscripts. This makes the Warlocks more popular amongst subjects, who have to risk less in serving them. Ed’s creations are quite intelligent for chimeras, being able to wield weaponry; Editaurus can salvage brain chunks from dead warriors and use them to program her chimeras with their memories, knowledge, and skills. This can make some chimeras even more difficult to distinguish from sapients, which calls into question what is even the line between them…?
         If she isn’t imbuing life into that which has already lived and feasible of living again –ingredients too decayed are only for Viracious to control, not Editaurus- then she can imbue life into nonliving things such as the earth, water, even fire. This is the power of the Green Magestone, and she can mix this up with more traditional chimeras; These constructs, due to not being made of organic matter and functioning organs, do not have the staying power of proper chimeras and thus tend to fall apart beyond Editaurus’ range. This is another strength to her chimeras; Their longevity and ability to operate far from their creator. Being the sole source of a massive army, Editaurus’ eccentricities and pride often have to be humored for the cause’s sake. But she is also legitimately admired for her artistry and skill, too.
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unsoundedcomic · 1 year
I really like how you draw the lizards. Most of them look so cute and cuddly, even when they're stabbing and evicerating people, and then there's the evil lizard who's drawn so jagged and twisted. Really well done.
Thanks, man, they're a lot of fun to do! I like drawing their legs and feet, especially in action poses. It's fun trying to figure out their centre of balance, it's so much weirder than a human's.
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(Here's another screenshot edit I commissioned from @paimaniagalaxia. This is from 'The VVV' episode. Right now, that one is my favorite because we get to see a lot of Black Hat. As you can see, there are stark differences in Esther and Black Hat's facial expressions. Even though she loves her Uncle, she doesn't always condone his actions. For example, making Flug fight Mascara Macabra while he was controlling Dementia. Here's how I think this scene would play out with Esther.)
Dementia straightened up as the mask finally took full control of her. "Yes, yes." She said as she turned back around. Her voice was synthesized and sounded like both her voice and a mans were talking at the same time. "This host is so much stronger. Esto es increíble! This girl is a real monster." She flexed and felt her biceps. She glared up at the screen with a big grin on her face. "Well, Charrito? How many more do I break for you to come down?"
Black Hat merely cocked his eyebrows at her and Esther looked up at him. Everyone else in the arena turned to Flug, who now had a spotlight shining on him. The scientist made some terrified noises as he realized that he was going to have to go up against Dementia. Everyone started laughing.
Dementia briefly look of disbelief on her face. "What? You're kidding me? That lunch bag?" She started laughing as well.
Black Hat threw down his glass of 'wine' and laughed as well. Esther had a look of fear and worry on her face. They couldn't really expect Flug to fight her, right? When she felt her Uncle wrap his free hand around her to hold her in place she knew he ment it. She leaned against her Uncles chest and tried to find some form of comfort in his heaving form.
Black Hat spoke when he was done laughing. "Doctor, be a lad and bring her back."
He gave his boss a nervous look. "Uh, sir. Wouldn't it be easier to put a job posting online instead?"
Black Hat gently nudged Esther off of his lap and she moved to stand beside his throne. He literally phased through the screens with a terrifying look on his face. He glared at Flug and drooled a bit. "OBEY!"
Flug was transformed into a luchador uniform. A purple mask with red accents around the eyes appeared on his paper bag. He now sported a purple tank top with red accents on the straps. A sandwich picture was plastered right in the middle of the tank top. A white elbow-length fingerless glove covered his left arm. Instead of a glove on his right arm, there was a gold-colored wrist cuff. His shorts were also purple with red on the bottom. His shoes were red as well and he hand on white knee braces.
"Sorry, sir." Stammered Flug. "Just getting rattling, sir."
He made his way to the wrestling ring. "Of course, it had to be me." He fumed to himself. "I don't get paid enough to clean up after this lizard brain mess everytime-" He cut himself off when he tried to climb into the ring and briefly got tangled in the rubber wires.
Dementia laughed when he fell flat on his face. "I’ve had tacos with more spice than-"
Flug stood up and brushed himself off. "Shut up, you uncreative parasite!"
"Let's find out if your whole body fits inside that little bag!" She then charged at him on all fours.
Flug flinched. "That must be a metaphor, right?"
The announcer popped in behind him. "No. No, it's not."
He gained a hard look on his face. "Is that so?" He struck a pose. "Hat bots, attack!"
Two huge hat bots landed in the ring. One had on a leopard print luchador uniform and the other had on a green and pink one.
"What a twist, ladies and gentlemen!" Exclaimed the announcer. "Will El Alebrije be able to defeat that pair of mechanical grills?" Flug turned to leave but was stopped when the announcer spoke again. "Aaaand, they're junk."
The scientist turned back around in disbelief. "But, how?"
Dementia laughed on top of the now ruined robots, their heads in her hands. "You're next, bolsa!" She literally ran her tongue over her sharp teeth.
Esther glanced at her Uncle and noticed he was completely engrossed in the fight. She quietly took a few steps back and teleported herself next to the ring. Summoning a small glass platform, she hopped on it and peeked into the ring. She looked just in time to see Flug starting to panic. He turned to the crowd and quickly found 505. "Quickly, 505! Hand me the Tranquilizator!"
The bear turned to him and shrugged. It looked like Flug was trying to not lose it. "What do you mean you don't have it?! I thought we brought it!"
He turned around to see Dementia wrap her hair around him and toss him across the ring. When he sat up she was looming over him.
"What's wrong, chico holgado? Are you scared?" She said mockingly.
Esther couldn't take it anymore. She climbed into the ring and ran straight for Dementia.
"Dementia," Said Flug. "stop this at once."
She wagged a finger at him. “There is no more Dementia. Just Mascara MacabraAAAAHHH!”
She yelled when Esther pulled on her long hair. Flug jumped and his sights immediately went to the small preteen. “Esther?!”
“Esther!” Thundered Black Hat. Fear could be heard seeping into his words. “What do you think you are doing, young lady?!”
“Saving Dementia!” She answered.
Dementia yanked her hair out of her hands and turned to her. “Kid, get out of here. I don't fight children. They’re too easy to beat.”
Esther glared at her and kicked her in the shin. The older woman merely grunted. “Let Dementia go right now!” She made an attempt to punch her, but the older woman grabbed her by the back of the shirt. When she was lifted at eye level with her she took the opportunity to kick her in the chin. “I said let her go, right now!”
Dementia rubbed her chin as Esther tried to reach for the mask. “Okay. I’ll make an exception for you.”
The small preteen was about to say something, but Dementia threw her out of the ring before she could even make a sound. Before she hit the ground black shadows swallowed her and she was dropped onto someones lap. She looked up to see her Uncle.
“That was idiotic and dangerous, young lady.” He scolded as he wrapped his arms around her. “Let the adults handle this. You’re much too young to be getting directly involved with advanced villains like Mascara Macabra.”
Esther sighed as guilt gripped her. “I know. I just wanted to help. I’m afraid for Dr. Flug and Dementia.”
Black Hat briefly petted her head. “I know, baby.”
“Am I in trouble?”
“Not this time. I’m not going to punish you for trying to help someone. But, I except you to stay with me until this is over. Understand? You gave me quite the scare”
“Yes, sir and I’m sorry”
“Good.” He shifted so she would be more comfortable and kissed her on the head. “It’s okay. Now, let’s see how Flug handles this, shall we?”
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More Splat OCs, courtesy of @stuff-from-the-void-matron !
I decided to make a bunch of her characters as close as I could in Splatoon!
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First up is Chic! Little sister to Vintage of the X Bloods and one of Twist's eventual partners! She's downright blood thirsty in a match and has the world's WORST temper (which is odd considering who she's related to) She and Vintage don't exactly get along, but you best not lay an ill meaning sucker on him or she'll be at the foot of your bed ready for vengeance tonight.
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Next up is the baby, sweet and nervous little Iris! She's the sniper of Twist's team and will break down into inconsolable tears if you do much as blink in her direction. Despite this, she's a complete menace on the field with her charger. She's got an ink condition that keeps her pretty much white except for the tips of her tentacles (like Ghost from a few posts ago) and it also has an effect on her eyes, making the grey almost iridescent, hence her name. She's into heavy metal, loves bugs (even has an Australian giant cockroach named Sweetie Puss as a pet) and cleans and builds small lizard skeletons in her spare time. She also learned how to use Skull's special skill Skull's Territory (renamed Angel's Sanctuary) as he was coaching her through her sheer anxiety of disappointing him. (Get this girl some Zoloft, like seriously.....)
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Next is no nonsense Dai Dai, Twist's team's N Zap main and also the highest ranked in Twist's team at S rank (she was X rank back in Inkopolis but it got reset when she moved to Splatsville) She's level headed and many mistake her for the team's captain, but she's perfectly content in her spot under Twist as second. She's got a tsundere streak in her, especially when first dealing with Army of the S4, but eventually she caved and began dating the strict inkling. She's originally from the domes and was on her way to becoming an elite before escaping and still holds great pride in her army ranking.
(also I couldn't pass up the chance to pose her in front of that post, it just fits her so damn well)
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Last up is Taffy, the beloved blorbo bestie. An Elite in Octavio's army, she escaped after a physical altercation with the DJ to the Splatlands, making a living doing body guard work before Turf War moved to Splatsville. She quickly made a name for herself as she shot up the Anarchy ranks straight to S+, crushing all in her path to being the best of the best. She eventually became the second in command of a lower level team called Snack Bar, as well as finding her self a place as an official pick up of the legendary S4, where she met and subsequently wooed Aloha. She also does bodyguard jobs for the Squid Sisters, especially since Marie is her girlfriend. She and Marina are still on pretty good terms and occasionally meet up just to shoot the shit and gossip about their partners
Also, bonus of Taffy stealing Aloha's clothes (would only work in this context sadly, considering just how fuckin big she is compared to him canonically)
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yogaayurvedacourse · 2 years
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fuaandara · 1 year
Steal My Flow: Basic Flow
It’s Natalie and I have a brand new flow for you to steal. No specific focus on body part or chakra here. Just a nice basic flow that I teach to my Friday night classes occasionally. Take what you like and leave the rest! And make sure to leave a comment or email us if you have any sequencing questions or requests!
Basic Flow - April 21, 2023
Child’s Pose→ Sphinx Pose → ½ Frog → Upward Facing Dog Pose → Downward Facing Dog Pose → Forward Fold → (Pyramid Pose → Twisted Forward Fold → Runner’s Split → Standing Split → Repeat on Opposite Side) → Ragdoll → Standing → Side Bend on Both Sides → Mountain Pose 
Sun Salutation A & Sun Salutation B 
Downward Facing Dog Pose → High Plank → Side Plank → Stargazer Pose → Gate Pose → ½ Puppy Pose → Side Plank → Standing Split → Forward Fold → High to Low Plank → Downward Facing Dog → Repeat on Opposite Side  
Downward Facing Dog → Warrior 2 → Reclined Warrior 2 → Extended Triangle → Extended Side Angle → Triangle → High Crescent → (Skandasana → Move to Skandasana on Back of Mat) → High Crescent (BOM) → Triangle (BOM) → Extended Side Angle (BOM) → Reclined Warrior 2 (BOM) → Extended Triangle (BOM) → Warrior 2 (BOM) → Frame Out Front Foot → High to Low Plank → Upward Facing Dog → Doward Facing Dog 
Downward Facing Dog Pose → Lizard Lunge → High Crescent → Warrior 3 → Extended Big Toe Hold → Repeat on Opposite Side 
Tree → Eagle Pose → Wide Legged Forward Fold → High Crescent → High Plank (10 seconds) → Locust 3x → Downward Facing Dog Pose → (Sleeping Pigeon → 3-Legged Dog Pose → Repeat on Opposite Side) → Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold → Seated Side Bend → Seated Forward Fold → Butterfly → Reclined Twist → Savasana → Fetal Pose → Easy Seated Pose
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radioves · 2 years
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another technodragon :]
i always thought it was funny that the dragon fight, such an obscure part of smp earth lore, managed to worm its way into my lizard brain for no good reason other than Funny Dragon
sometimes i wonder if he ever saw my other technodragon pieces. i wonder if he liked them. or maybe he didn’t
idk i’m not a fuckin. psychic
[id : a digital drawing of technodragon. technodragon is a large, sinewy dragon with a long body. he is mainly pink, with a mottled darker pink back and lighter pink underbelly. he has twisted horns that sprout from his brows, fading from dark pink to light grey towards the tips. there is another set of smaller horns between the main set, along with spikes trailing down his back, down to his tail. he has spikes along his jaw, ending in another set of small horns just under the main set. his eyes are red, with black scleras and gold pupils, and he has large dark pink wings with a lighter ventral side. he as a glowing halo around his horns, along with two additional sets of feathered wings, pale white and tipped with gold. his claws and the edges of his horn segments are painted with a similar gold. he is posed to the left, neck twisted around to face something offscreen, mouth curled into a small smile. his body is curved as if in mid-flight, his main wings curled slightly. the first feathered wing is splayed out, while the second is bent similarly to his main wings. his back legs are held up, while one of his front talons is stretched out, fingers splayed, the other one held up with curled fingers. the background is a simple shade of white, a soft, radiant glow illuminating the image from the top right. end id]
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yoga chart for losing weight of 5 kg in 1 month
A well-planned yoga routine can effectively support weight loss, helping you shed 5 kg in one month when combined with a balanced diet and lifestyle changes. Yoga not only burns calories but also improves flexibility, muscle tone, and mental well-being.
Yoga Routine Overview
Duration: 5-6 days per week
Focus: Dynamic flows, strength-building poses, and relaxation
Intensity: Start with beginner to intermediate poses, gradually increasing intensity
Weekly Yoga Plan
Day 1 - Dynamic Flow (45 minutes)
Warm-up (5 minutes):
Deep breathing (Pranayama): 5 rounds of deep inhalation and exhalation
Gentle stretches: Neck rolls, shoulder rolls, and wrist stretches
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar - 15 minutes):
Perform 8-12 rounds of Surya Namaskar at a moderate pace
Focus on breathing and form, gradually increasing the pace
Standing Poses (20 minutes):
Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I): 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Chair Pose (Utkatasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds
Cool-down (5 minutes):
Child’s Pose (Balasana): 1-2 minutes
Corpse Pose (Savasana): 3 minutes of relaxation
Day 2 - Core and Strength-Building Yoga (45 minutes)
Warm-up (5 minutes):
Gentle stretches, focusing on the spine and legs
Core Strengthening Poses (20 minutes):
Plank Pose (Phalakasana): 3 sets of 30-45 seconds
Boat Pose (Navasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds
Dolphin Plank Pose: 3 sets of 30 seconds
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds
Strengthening Flow (20 minutes):
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds
Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana): 3 sets of 10-15 seconds
Locust Pose (Salabhasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds
Cool-down (5 minutes):
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana): 1-2 minutes
Corpse Pose (Savasana): 3 minutes of relaxation
Day 3 - Yoga for Flexibility and Balance (45 minutes)
Warm-up (5 minutes):
Deep breathing and gentle stretches, focusing on the spine
Standing Balance Poses (20 minutes):
Tree Pose (Vrksasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Eagle Pose (Garudasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Half-Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Hip Openers (15 minutes):
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): 3 sets of 1 minute each side
Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana): 2-3 minutes
Cool-down (5 minutes):
Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana): 1-2 minutes each side
Corpse Pose (Savasana): 3 minutes of relaxation
Day 4 - Power Yoga (45 minutes)
Warm-up (5 minutes):
Gentle stretches and deep breathing
Power Yoga Flow (30 minutes):
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar): 10 rounds at a faster pace
Warrior Sequence: Warrior I, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior, and Extended Side Angle (Hold each for 30 seconds)
High Lunge to Plank Pose: Flow between these poses for 5-10 reps per side
Crow Pose (Bakasana): 3 attempts, hold for 15-20 seconds each
Core Yoga (10 minutes):
Boat Pose (Navasana): 3 sets of 30 seconds
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana): 3 sets of 20 seconds each side
Cool-down (5 minutes):
Child’s Pose (Balasana): 1-2 minutes
Corpse Pose (Savasana): 3 minutes of relaxation
Day 5 - Relaxing and Restorative Yoga (45 minutes)
Warm-up (5 minutes):
Gentle neck, shoulder, and back stretches
Restorative Poses (20 minutes):
Supported Bridge Pose: 3 minutes
Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana): 3 minutes
Reclining Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana): 1-2 minutes each side
Yin Yoga Stretches (20 minutes):
Dragon Pose (Lizard Pose): 2 minutes each side
Shoelace Pose (Gomukhasana): 2 minutes each side
Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana): 2-3 minutes
Cool-down (5 minutes):
Corpse Pose (Savasana): 5 minutes of deep relaxation
Day 6 - Active Rest or Light Yoga (30 minutes)
Light Yoga Flow (30 minutes):
Gentle Sun Salutations: 5 rounds at a slow pace
Focus on deep breathing and mindful movement
End with Child’s Pose and 5 minutes of Savasana
Day 7 - Rest Day
Rest and Recovery: Take a complete rest day to allow your body to recover. You can incorporate light walking or simple stretches if you feel up to it.
Additional Tips for Yoga-Based Weight Loss:
Stay Consistent: Practice regularly to maximize weight loss and flexibility.
Focus on Breathing: Proper breathing (Pranayama) during poses helps burn more calories and improves focus.
Diet: Complement your yoga routine with a calorie-controlled diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially after your yoga sessions.
Sleep: Ensure you get 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night for recovery and to support weight loss.
By following this yoga chart, you can work toward losing 5 kg in a month while also improving your overall strength, flexibility, and mental well-being.
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nulemon · 6 months
Flying Lizard the Utthan Pristhasana
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The Flying Lizard pose, also known as Utthan Pristhasana, is one of the most powerful yoga poses for your arms, shoulders, abdominals, and spine. It provides numerous benefits for the entire core region, from improved flexibility to improved posture. Not only does it strengthen the arms, shoulders, and abdominal muscles, but it also helps activate the solar plexus and sacral chakras. It is a great way to improve balance and stability, and can even be used in conjuncture with twists or arm balances. It is an excellent pose for strengthening the entire core region, increasing overall stability and balance. Read the full article
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